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Understanding the Structure:

Q1: What structure is ISO 45001:2018 based on?

A) PDCA Cycle

B) Annex SL

C) ISO 9001

D) Six Sigma

Clause 4: Context of the Organization:

Q2: What is the first step in identifying the context of the organization?

A) Conducting an internal audit

B) Identifying interested parties

C) Setting OH&S objectives

D) Performing a risk assessment

Clause 5: Leadership and Worker Participation:

Q3: Who is ultimately responsible for the OH&S management system?

A) Safety Officer

B) Top Management

C) Employees

D) External Auditors

Clause 6: Planning:

Q4: What should be considered when planning actions to address risks and opportunities?

A) Employee preferences

B) Financial performance

C) Legal requirements and other requirements

D) Supplier capabilities

Clause 7: Support:
Q5: What is the purpose of ensuring competence within the OH&S management system?

A) To increase production

B) To enhance marketing strategies

C) To prevent workplace injuries and illnesses

D) To comply with ISO 9001

Clause 8: Operation:

Q6: What should be done if new hazards are identified in the workplace?

A) Ignore them until the next audit

B) Implement immediate control measures

C) Report them to top management only

D) Wait for a worker to file a complaint

Clause 9: Performance Evaluation:

Q7: What is the main purpose of internal audits in the context of OH&S?

A) To reduce the number of employees

B) To identify nonconformities and opportunities for improvement

C) To impress external auditors

D) To increase production speed

Clause 10: Improvement:

Q8: What should be done when a nonconformity is identified?

A) Document it and forget about it

B) Immediately implement corrective actions

C) Conduct a financial review

D) Ignore it if it’s minor

Integration with Other Standards:

Q9: Which ISO standard is commonly integrated with ISO 45001 for environmental management?

A) ISO 14001

B) ISO 9001

C) ISO 31000

D) ISO 26000

Documentation Requirements:

Q10: Which of the following is NOT a required documented information under ISO 45001?

A) OH&S policy

B) Company financial reports

C) Internal audit results

D) Emergency preparedness and response plans

Legal and Other Requirements:

Q11: How should an organization ensure compliance with legal requirements?

A) Regularly reviewing applicable laws and regulations

B) Ignoring them if they are costly

C) Delegating all compliance issues to external auditors

D) Asking employees for their opinions

Change Management:

Q12: What should be considered when planning for organizational changes?

A) The potential OH&S risks and opportunities

B) The color of the office walls

C) Employee vacation schedules

D) The company’s logo design

Incident Investigation:

Q13: What is the primary goal of incident investigation in OH&S?

A) To assign blame

B) To prevent recurrence of similar incidents

C) To fulfill legal requirements only

D) To document it for insurance purposes

Training and Awareness:

Q14: Who is responsible for ensuring employees are aware of the OH&S policy?

A) Top management

B) External auditors

C) The public relations team

D) The company’s clients

Performance Indicators:

Q15: Which of the following is an example of a leading performance indicator?

A) Number of accidents in the past year

B) Number of safety training sessions conducted

C) Financial performance

D) Number of customer complaints

Supply Chain Management:

Q16: What should be done to manage OH&S risks in the supply chain?

A) Conduct risk assessments for key suppliers

B) Ignore suppliers’ OH&S performance

C) Only work with the cheapest suppliers

D) Delegate all risk management to suppliers

Scenario-Based Questions:

Q17: A company is expanding its operations and bringing in new machinery. How should the company
assess and control the new risks introduced by the machinery?
A) Wait until an incident occurs

B) Perform a risk assessment before installation

C) Ignore the risks if the machinery is new

D) Rely on the manufacturer’s instructions only

Q18: An employee reports a near-miss incident. Describe the steps you would take to investigate the
incident and prevent future occurrences.

A) Ignore the report as no one was injured

B) Conduct an investigation to identify the root cause and implement corrective actions

C) Blame the employee for carelessness

D) Wait for the next internal audit to address it

Q19: During an internal audit, it was found that some employees are not wearing personal protective
equipment (PPE) consistently. How would you address this nonconformity?

A) Terminate the employees immediately

B) Investigate the reasons for non-compliance and reinforce PPE training and enforcement

C) Ignore it if no injuries have occurred

D) Report it to external auditors

Clause 5: Leadership and Worker Participation:

Q20: What is one of the key responsibilities of top management under ISO 45001?

A) Developing financial reports

B) Ensuring the availability of resources for the OH&S management system

C) Designing marketing campaigns

D) Conducting daily operations

Clause 6: Planning:

Q21: Which of the following is considered a proactive measure in OH&S management?

A) Waiting for incidents to occur

B) Conducting regular safety training

C) Ignoring minor safety issues

D) Focusing only on production targets

Clause 7: Support:

Q22: Why is communication important in the OH&S management system?

A) To ensure compliance with ISO 9001

B) To facilitate worker engagement and ensure everyone is aware of safety procedures

C) To increase sales

D) To maintain public relations

Clause 8: Operation:

Q23: What should an organization do to ensure emergency preparedness?

A) Conduct regular emergency drills and review emergency plans

B) Only prepare for natural disasters

C) Ignore emergencies and focus on production

D) Rely solely on local emergency services

Clause 9: Performance Evaluation:

Q24: What is a key outcome of the management review process in OH&S?

A) Approval of new product lines

B) Determining the effectiveness of the OH&S management system and identifying improvement

C) Increasing marketing budget

D) Setting financial targets

Clause 10: Improvement:

Q25: Which of the following is a continual improvement activity?

A) Ignoring nonconformities

B) Conducting regular risk assessments and updating control measures

C) Waiting for external audits

D) Focusing solely on financial performance

Legal and Other Requirements:

Q26: What should be done if a new regulation affecting OH&S is introduced?

A) Ignore it if it’s inconvenient

B) Review and update the OH&S management system to ensure compliance

C) Delegate the responsibility to employees

D) Only consider it during the next internal audit

Incident Investigation:

Q27: What is the first step in incident investigation?

A) Assigning blame

B) Securing the incident scene and collecting information

C) Informing the media

D) Ignoring minor incidents

Training and Awareness:

Q28: What should be included in OH&S training programs?

A) Detailed financial analysis

B) Specific safety procedures and the importance of OH&S policy

C) Marketing strategies

D) Customer service techniques

Performance Indicators:

Q29: Which of the following is a lagging performance indicator?

A) Number of safety audits conducted

B) Number of work-related injuries

C) Number of training sessions held

D) Frequency of safety meetings

Supply Chain Management:

Q30: What is a critical consideration when selecting suppliers from an OH&S perspective?

A) Price of their products

B) Their OH&S performance and compliance with legal requirements

C) Their marketing strategies

D) Their office location

Scenario-Based Questions:

Q31: A new employee is not aware of the OH&S procedures in place. What should be done to address

A) Ignore the issue until the employee learns on their own

B) Provide comprehensive OH&S training and ensure the employee understands the procedures

C) Blame the employee for not knowing

D) Focus on other priorities

Q32: A significant change in the manufacturing process is planned. What should be done to address
OH&S risks?

A) Implement the change immediately without assessment

B) Conduct a risk assessment and implement appropriate controls before making the change

C) Wait for an incident to occur

D) Inform only the senior management

Q33: An audit reveals that emergency exits are blocked by equipment. What is the appropriate action?

A) Ignore it if no emergencies have occurred

B) Remove the equipment immediately and ensure emergency exits remain clear

C) Wait for the next audit to address it

D) Blame the maintenance team

Clause 5: Leadership and Worker Participation:

Q34: How can top management demonstrate leadership in OH&S?

A) By delegating all safety responsibilities to the safety officer

B) By actively participating in safety meetings and setting an example

C) By focusing solely on financial targets

D) By ignoring worker feedback

Clause 6: Planning:

Q35: What is the purpose of setting OH&S objectives?

A) To comply with legal requirements only

B) To improve OH&S performance and reduce workplace risks

C) To increase production speed

D) To satisfy external auditors

Clause 7: Support:

Q36: What should be included in OH&S communication processes?

A) Marketing strategies

B) Relevant OH&S information and emergency procedures

C) Financial performance reports

D) Customer feedback

Clause 8: Operation:

Q37: How can an organization ensure the effectiveness of its emergency preparedness plan?

A) By conducting regular drills and reviewing the plan periodically

B) By ignoring minor emergencies

C) By relying on external emergency services only

D) By focusing on other operational areas

Clause 9: Performance Evaluation:

Q38: What is a key aspect of effective internal audits?

A) Focusing solely on financial aspects

B) Identifying nonconformities and areas for improvement in OH&S

C) Ignoring minor issues

D) Conducting audits only when external auditors are present

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