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Application of Differential Calculus

1 Introduction
Differentiation has applications in nearly all quantitative disciplines. Derivatives
are frequently used to find the maxima and minima of a function. Geometri-
cally, the derivative at a point is the slope of the tangent line to the graph of
the function at that point, provided that the derivative exists and is defined
at that point.The concept of a derivative in the sense of a tangent line is a
very old one, familiar to ancient Greek mathematicians such as Euclid (c. 300
BC), Archimedes (c. 287–212 BC) and Apollonius of Perga (c. 262–190 BC).
Archimedes also made use of indivisibles, although these were primarily used to
study areas and volumes rather than derivatives and tangents

2 Tangent, Normal, Sub-Tangent and Sub-Normal

Let P (x, y) by any point on the curve y = f (x). Let the tangent and normal at
P (x, y) to the curve meets x − axis and y − axis at T and N respectively. Now
draw perpendicular from P on x − axis So P M = y. If the tangent at P makes
angle ψ with positive direction of x − axis then dx = tan(ψ).
Length of the Sub tangent: TM is defined as sub-tangent in ∆P T M
TM=|y cotψ| = | tanψ | = |y dx
dy |
Hence Length of the sub tangent = |y dx dy |
Length of Sub-normal: MN is defined as sub-normal in ∆P M N
MN=y cot(90◦ − ψ)| = |ytanψ|y dx |
Length of the sub normal = |y dx |
Length of the Tangent: PT is defined qas length of tangent in ∆P M T
P T = |ycosecψ| = |y (1 + cot2 ψ)| = |y {1 + ( dx 2
dy ) }|
Length of the Normal: PN is defined as length of normal. q In ∆P M N
dy 2
◦ 2
P N = |ycosec(90 − ψ)| = |ysecψ| = |y 1 + tan ψ| = |y {1 + ( dx ) }|
dy 2
Length of the normal=|y {1 + ( dx ) }|

y = f (x)

P (x, y)
1 h
T angent N ormal
−2 −1 T 1 2 3 4 5


3 Monotone function
A function is said to be monotonic in an interval if it is either increasing or
decreasing in the interval.

‘1) If f is continuous on [a, b] such that f ′ (c) ≤ 0 for each c ∈ (a, b) then f
is monotonically decreasing function on [a, b].

2)If f is continuous on [a, b] such that f ′ (c) ≥ 0 for each c ∈ (a, b) then f
is monotonically increasing function on [a, b].

3)If f and g are monotonically (or strictly) increasing (or decreasing) on

[a, b] then g ◦f is monotonically (or strictly) increasing(or decreasing) func-
tion in [a, b]

4)If one of the two function f (x) and g(x) is strictly (or monotonically)
increasing and other is strictly (or monotonically) decreasing then g ◦ f is
strictly (monotonically) decreasing on [a, b].

5)If f (x) is strictly increasing on an interval [a, b] such that it is continuous

then f −1 is continuous on [f (a), f (b)]

4 Maxima and Minima
Concept of local maxima and minima: A function f is said to have a local
maxima at a point a if f (a) > f (a − h) and f (a) > f (a + h) where h > 0.
Similarly at a point a the function has local minima if f (a) < f (a + h) and
f (a) < f (a − h) where h > 0.

Test for having a function local maxima or minima at a point a if

the function is differentiable at x = a:
If f (x) is differentiable at a point a and if f ′ (x) changes it’s sign from positive
to negative then the function has local maxima at the point a and similarly if
f ′ (x) changes it’s sign from negative to positive then the function has local min-
imum at a, but if f ′ (x) doesnot changes the sign then f (x) would have neither
maximum nor minimum.

Test for local maximum or minimum at a point a if the function

is not differentiable at x = a
If f is continuous at x = a and f ′ (a − h), f ′ (a + h) exists and are non zero then
if f ′ (a − h) > 0 and f ′ (a + h) < 0 then x = a will be a point of local maximum,
similarly if f ′ (a − h) < 0 and f ′ (a + h) > 0 then x = a will be point of local
When f (x) is continuous and f ′ (a − h) and f ′ (a + h) exists but one of
them is zero then we should find about local maxima or minimum
from basic definition.
If f (x) is not continuous at x = a and f ′ (a − h) (and)(or) are not finite then
compare the values of f (x) at the neighbourhood of a.

Critical Point:A point on the graph y = f (x) at which f is differentiable

and f ′ (x) = 0.

Concepts of Global maximum or Global minimum :

In order to find the global maximum or minimum of f (x) in [a, b]
find out all critical points in (a, b) Let those are c1 , c2 , ..., cn . Then M1 =
max{f (c1 ), f (c2 ), ..., f (cn )} and M2 = min{f (c1 ), f (c2 ), ..., f (cn )}, thus M1 is
called global maxima and M2 is minima.
The case will get quite different when the domain will be (a, b). There
we will have to find the all critical points and then we have to see the values of
M1 and M2 and then if limx→a+ f (x) > M1 or < M2 and limx→b− f (x) > M1
or < M2 then f (x) would not have global maximum or minimum.
This means that if the limiting values of the function at the end points are
greater than M1 or less than M2 then f (x) would not have global maximum or

Some of the shortcuts and important results to remember:

1) Of all rectangles of a given perimeter the squares has the largest area.

2)All rectangles of a given area the square has the least perimeter.

3)If a1 + a2 + ... + an = k (constant) the value a1 a2 is the greatest when

a1 = a2 = ... = an . SO the greatest value of a1 a2 is ( nk ) n .

4)If a1 a2 = k (constant) the value of a1 + a2 + ... + an is least when

a1 = a2 = ... = an . So the least value of a1 + a2 + ... + an is n(k) n .

5)If a1 + a2 + ... + an = k (constant), then according as m does or does not

lie between 0 and 1 the least or the greatest value of am m m
1 + a2 + ... + an occurs
1−m m
when a1 = a2 = ... = an the value in the question being n k .

6)If am m m
1 + a2 + ... + an = k (constant), then according as m does or does
not lie between 0 and 1 the greatest or least value of a1 + a2 + ... + an occurs
1 1
when a1 = a2 = ... = an the value in the question being n1− m k m .

Some useful formula:

1) Volume of a cuboid = lbh

2) Surface area of the cuboid = 2(lb + bh + hl)

3)Volume of the cube = a3

4) Surface area of the cube = 6a2

5)Volume of the cone = 31 πr2 h

6)Curved surface area of the cone = πrl

7)Curved surface area of a cylinder = 2πrh

8)Total surface area of a cylinder = 2πrh + 2πr2

9)Volume of a sphere = 43 πr3

10)Surface area of the sphere = 4πr2

11)Area of a circular sector 12 r2 θ

12)Volume of the prism = Area of the base × Height

13)Lateral surface area of the prism = Perimeter of the base × Height

14)Total surface area of the prism = Lateral surface area + 2 15)Area of
the base

16)Volume of the pyramid = 3 Area of the base × Height

17)Curved surface area of a pyramid = 2 Perimeter of the base × Slant

5 Example
1. Sand is pouring from a pipe at the rate of 12cm3 per second. The
falling sand forms a cone on the ground in such a way that the
height of the cone is always 61 th of the radius of the base. How
fast the height of the sand cone is increasing when the height is
Ans: Let h be the height and r be the radius of the cone. Then
h = r is given
=⇒ r =6h.....(1)

. Volume V = 31 πr2 h = 13 π(6h)2 h = 12πh3 . Hence dV 2 dh

dt = 36πh dt and
dV 2 dh dh 1
here dt = 12 So 12 = 36πh dt = dt = 3πh2 .Now after putting the value
of h = 4 we will get dh 1 1
dt = 3π(42 ) = 48π cm per sec.

a+√a −x 2 2
2. Show that the segment of the tangent to the curve y = a2 ln( a− a2 −x2

2 2
a − x and contained between the y axis and the point of tan-
gency has a constant length.
Ans: Given

a a + a2 − x2 p
y = ln( √ ) − a 2 − x2
2 a − a2 − x2
Let x =asinϕ....(1)
a 1 + cosϕ ϕ
Then y = ln( ) − acosϕ = −aln(tan ) − acosϕ
2 1 − cosϕ 2
After differentiating that we will get
dy dϕ −acosecϕ + asinϕ
= dx = = −cotϕ
dx dϕ acosϕ

Equation of tangent at P (x, y) is Y − y = −cotϕ(X

p − x). Point on y − axis
is Q which is (0, y + xcotϕ). Hence P Q = x + x2 cot2 ϕ = xcosecϕ =

a=constant from 1

3. Let f and g be a increasing and decreasing functions respectively
from [0, ∞) both. Define h(x) = f ◦ g(x)then h(x) − h(1) will be ?
Answer: Let x1 < x2 where x1 , x2 ∈ [0, ∞). Now as g is decreasing then
g(x1 ) > g(x2 ) and as f is also increasing then f ◦ g(x1 ) > f ◦ g(x2 ). Hence
in the interval [0, 1) this function will be strictly decreasing but positive
and in the interval (1, ∞) the function is increasing but negative and at
x = 1 the value of the function is 0.

4. Let f : R → R defined as f (x) = |x| + |x2 − 1|. the total number

of points at which the function attains either a local maxima or
local minima is:
Answer: Here let calculate the derivative of the function and that is
|x2 −1|
: |x|
x + x −1 2x

 2x − 1, x < −1

−(2x + 1), − 1 < x<0
f ′ (x) =
f 1 − 2x,
 0<x<1

2x + 1 x>1

4 2

3 1

−2 −1 1 2
1 −1

−2 −1 1 2
−1 −3

−2 −4
f (x) = |x| + |x − 1| f (x) = |x|
′ |x −1|
x + x2 −1 2x
′ 1 1
So f changes sign in 5 points −1, − 2 , 0, 2 and1. So total number of local
maxima and minima is 5.
6 Exercise
1. If a composite function f1 (f2 (...(fn (x))...) n times is an increasing func-
tion and if r of fi ’s are decreasing function while rest are increasing then
maximum value of r(n − r) is:(More than one option)
a) n 4−1 , where n is an even number
b) n4 , where n is an odd number
c) n 4−1 , where n is an odd number
d) n4 , where n is an even number

2. Let f : R → R be differentiable and strictly increasing function through-

out it’s domain.
Statement 1: If |f (x)| is also strictly increasing function then f (x) = 0
has no real roots.
Statement 2: At ∞ or −∞, f (x) may approach to 0 but cannot be equal
to 0.
a) Statement 1 is true , statement 2 is also true and it is the correct ex-
planation for the statement 1.
b)Statement 1 is true , statement 2 is true and statement 2 is not the
correct explanation of the statement 1.
c)Statement 1 is true and statement 2 is false
d)Statement 2 is true and Statement 1 is false.

3. Locus of the tangents drawn from the origin to the curve y = sin(x)?
a)x2 y 2 = x2 − y 2
b)y 2 = x2 − y 2
c)x2 y 2 = x2
d) None of these.

√ √ √ √
4. Find the greatest value of the function 2 x+3 y+4 z +5 u for possible
values of x, y, z, u which satisfy the given conditions 4x + 9y + 16z + 25u =

a)24√ b)28 5
c)24 5 d)None of these

5. Find the greatest value of the function xyz where the positive values of
the x, y and z, subject to the condition xy + yz + xz = 12

a)10 b)64
c)12 d)None of these
6. Find the angle of intersection of the parabola y 2 = 32x and x2 = 108y at
their point of intersection other than origin:

7. If the line x = λ (λ > 0) and the curve xy 2 = (x + y)2 cut orthogonally

then the value of λ:

8. If lx + my = 1 is normal to the parabola y 2 = 4ax then which of the

following relation is true:

√ √ √
9. The sum of the intercepts of the tangent to the curve x+ y= a

7 Answer
7.1 Exercise:
1)c,d 2)b 3)a 4)c

8 Explanation:
8.1 Exercise
1. (c,d) Here r must be an even integer because two decreasing function is
needed to make it increasing. Let y = r(n − r). When n is odd then
r = n−1 n+1
2 or 2 for maximum values of y and when n is even then r = 2
for maximum values of y. Therefore the maximum (y) = n 4−1 , when n is
odd and n4 , when n is even.

2. (b) Suppose f (x) = 0 has a root at x = a then f (x) < 0 for all x < a . Thus
,|f (x)| becomes strictly decreasing on (−∞, a) which is a contradiction
3. (a) Let (x1 , y1 ) be an arbitrary point on the curve.
y = sin(x)....(1)
y1 = sin( x1 )...(2)
Then differentiating both sides with respect to x it follows that dx =
cos(x) Therefore the equation of the tangent at (x1 , y1 ) is y − y1 =

cos(x1 )(x − x1 ) If it passes through (0, 0) then −y1 = −x1 cos( x1 ) or
cos(x1 ) = xy11 ...(3). Now squaring the equation (2) and (3) and then adding
we get y12 + ( xy11 ) = 1 Hence the required locus is x2 y 2 = x2 − y 2
4. √
The given
√ condition
√ is√4x + 9y +√16z +√25u =√720 = √
k(constant) . Now
4x + 9y + 16z + 25u = 2 x + 3 y + 4 z + 5 u. Here we apply
the rule no 6 given for maxima m = 12 and n = 4 and 0 < m < 1
√ √ √ √ 1 1
Hence the greatest value of the 2 x + 3 y + 4 z + 5 u is 41− 2 720 2 i.e.
1 √ √ √
4 2 720 = 2 × 12 5. Thus the greatest value is 24 5.
5. Here we will apply the rule no 3 given in maxima and minima chapter.
Here n = 3 and k = 12 Hence greatest value of the (yz)(zx)(xy) will
occur when xy = yz = zx. Hence the greatest value of the function will
be 123 i.e. 64. So the greatest value of the function x2 y 2 z 2 will be 64.
So the greatest value of xyz is 8.
6. From the given equation if follows that y 4 = (32x)2 or y 4 = (32)2 × 108y.
So y = 0 or y = 48. Hence x = 0 or 72. So the parabolas intersect each
other at the points (0, 0) or (72, 48). We determine the angle of inter-
h i of the curves at (72, 48) only. For the parabola y h= 32x
section i m1 =
dy 16 1 dy
dx = 48 = 3 For the parabola x2 = 108y , m2 = dx =
(72,48) (72,48)
72 4
54 = 3 . hence the angle between the curves are tan−1 1+
4 1 =
tan−1 133
3 3

7. For the common point it follows from the equation of the curves that
λy 2 = (y + λ)2 . So y = ±√λλ−1 . Now let y = √λ−1
= k. The line x = λ
cuts the curve orthogonally if the line through the common point and
perpendicular to x = λ touches the curve, if the equation xk 2 = (x + k)2
i.e. x2 + 2xk − xk 2 + k 2 = 0 has equal roots. The condition for which is
(2k − k)2 = 4k 2 or 2k − k 2 = ±2k As k ̸= 0 we consider −ve sign only
and obtain k = 4. Hence λ = 4.

8. Let the line lx + my = 1 be the normal to the parabola at (x1 , y1 ). Now

differentiating with respect to x from
h ithe equation of the curve if follows
dy dy 2a dy
that 2y dx = 4a. So dx = y and dx x1 , y1 ) = 2a
y1 . The equation to the
normal at (x1 , y1 ) is
y − y1 = − (x − x1 )
xy1 + 2ay =2ay1 + x1 y1

Now equating the co efficient term we will get yl1 = 2a

m =
2ay1 +x1 y1
1 . Now
taking first two ratios we will get y1 = m and now taking the first and

third first ratio we will get x1 = l − 2a, Now ( 1l − 2a, 2al
m ) lies on the curve
. Hence
4a2 l2 1
=4a( − 2a)
m2 l
al3 + 2alm2 =m2

9. Differentiating both sides the equation of the curves with respect to x√we
dy 1
get : dx = −( xy ) 2 . The intercept of the tangent on x−axis is x− dx
= ax

√ similarly for
√ √ intercept of tangent on y − axis is ay. Required sum
√ √
ax + ay = a( x + y) = a= constant.


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