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Conversation Topics

1. Are you a good artist? What kind of art do you like to make?

2. Have you ever been to an art museum?

3. Do you have a favourite artist?

4. What are some reasons that art is an important subject?

5. Do you think that being a good artist is something that can be learned?

6. If you could become an excellent artist, which type of art would you learn?

7. Do you think that it is easier to make art on a computer or by hand?

8. What kind of art do you think is the easiest to do?

9. Why do you think that artists are often under-valued in society?

10. Do you think it is worthwhile to spend money on pieces of artwork?

11. Do you have any artwork in your home?

12. What is your opinion about art critics? Do you think it is an easy job?

13. Do you think that photography is a type of art?

14. Who is the best artist in your family / friends?

15. Do you think that graffiti is art? Do you think that it should be illegal?

16. Did you enjoy art when you were young?

17. Why do you think that adults make less art than children?

18. What kind of art is your country known for?

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