Modals - English 11-12

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Use will - to describe a future event that is very certain,

 Will + verb
Example: Robot will work in hospital in the future.
-Will you turn that music down?

To show an ongoing or habitual action.

Would -> Past tense. And Will -> Present tense.

When I lived alone, I would fall asleep with music.
I will arrive early to every meeting and leave late.

Use Should or Like to - to describe a future event that is somewhat certain,

 Should + verb.
 Is/Are likely to + verb.
-People should live much longer in the future.
-Space tourism is likely to become popular in the future.

Suggestions or advices:
-You should try the lasagna.

Use May / might or could - to describe a future event that is less certain.

 Permission me and we: May.

 Permission she or he: Might.
-Nanoparticles could deliver vaccines one day.
-In the future, scientist might grow organs in labs.
Example: It could rain tomorrow. -> It’s a future event that is less certain. There a
possibility but not a certain.

-Past Ability:
Example: When I was younger, I could run very fast. -> It’s described past ability.

May and Could. May is considered more formal what Could.
-Students, you may leave early today.
-Could I play too?

-Judging by the clouds, it might rain today

- She may become the youngest pro soccer player ever.

Uses will or going to.

- Instant decision.
- Promisse or offers.
- Ideas based on evidence.
- Future plans and intentions.
- Predictions with evidence.
- Ordenes.

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