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HURO PATH® Standard Staining Protocol

Please refer HURO PATH® Solution staining protocol as below;

Step Reagents Duration Purpose

1 95 % Ethyl alcohol 30 min. Immediate Fixation after smearing
2 80 % Ethyl alcohol 30 sec.
3 70 % Ethyl alcohol 30 sec.
4 50 % Ethyl alcohol 30 sec.
5 Tap water 2 min
6 Hematoxylin 3 min Nucleus Stain in black
7 Tap water 2 min Washing
8 0.25 % HCl in 95 % Ethyl alcohol 2 dips Background Cleaner
9 Tap water 2 min Washing
10 50 % Ethyl alcohol 30 sec
11 70 % Ethyl alcohol 30 sec
12 80 % Ethyl alcohol 30 sec
13 95 % Ethyl alcohol 30 sec
14 OG-6 3 min Cytoplasm stain in Pink
15 95 % Ethyl alcohol 5 dips
16 95 % Ethyl alcohol 5 dips
17 EA-50 3 min Cytoplasm stain in 3 colors
18 95 % Ethyl alcohol 5 dips
19 95 % Ethyl alcohol 5 dips
20 100 % Ethyl alcohol 1 min 30 sec
21 100 % Ethyl alcohol 2 min 30 sec
22 Xylene 2 min 30 sec
23 Xylene 2 min 30 sec
24 Mounting Cover slip

1. Reduce staining time of Hematoxylin for up to 30 sec. if the cell nucleus is excessively stained.
2. Increase staining time of Hematoxylin for up to 30 sec. if the staining intensity of the cell nucleus
fades over time.

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