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INFECTIOUS DISEASE 1. Herpes Zoster 2. Dengue Fever > Clinical Features > DDx > Management > Prevention 3. Define: SIRS, SEPSIS, Bacteremia, Septicemia, Illness and Disease. Salient features of Septic Shock and MODS. Treatment of Septic Shock case admitted in medical ward. 4, What is malaria? 5 causative organisms responsible for various types of malaria. Complications. Treatment of Cerebral Malaria (in RHC because it is referred to tertiary care). 5. Pyrexia of Unknown Origin (PUO)? Causes, investigation and management. 6. Why falciparum malaria is called MALIGNANT MALARIA? Give 4 complications. Treatment of malignant malaria. 7. Clinical features, complications and treatment of Chronic Malaria. 8. Typhoid. Why is it called Typhoid? (Ans. Typhoid means “ typhus” due to similarity in symptoms). Complications of Typhoid. Treatment. 9. What is Enteric Fever? Control > Treatment in a 14 years old boy. 10.HIV/AIDS > Clinical features, investigations, prevention, counseling and management. 11.Types of Leishmaniosis? Investigate and management of Cutaneous Leishmaniosis. 12.Note on Polio. 13.Name the viral hemorrhagic fevers? Clinical features, management, investigation of Congo Viral Hemorrhagic Fever embling Scanned with CamScanner 8. 9. CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE . Hypertension > Risk Factors > Causes > Classification > Complications > Investigations > Investigations in Grade Ill HTN > Management of Sever HTN. . Causes of secondary HTN. Complications and management . Infective Endocarditis > Clinical features > Diagnosis/Investigation > Management. Systemic HTN > Causes > Clinical Features > Investigations > Management of Hypertensive disease . Mitral Stenosis > Clinical Features > Investigations > Management . Cardiac Arrhythmias > Types > Causes > DDx of Atrial fibrillations and its management. Coronary Heart Disease > Risk Factors > Clinical Features > Investigations > Management > Management of Unstable Angina. CCF > DDx of CCF > Investigations Management of acute MI > Contraindications of thrombolytic therapy 10.Complications and management of IHD. 11.Define Cardiomyupathy? Classification > Describe Clinical Features, Diagnosis and Management of Postpartum Cardiomyopathy Scanned with CamScanner RENAL & URINARY TRACT DISEASE 1. Glomerulonephritis. Types. Management of minimal change nephropathy. 2. Pyelonephritis > Investigation and management. Scanned with CamScanner RESPIRATORY DISEASE 1. Acute Severe Asthmatic Attack > Management 2. Respiratory acidosis 3. T.B > Clinical Features > Complications > Treatment > Treatment of MDR T.B.. 4. Predisposing factors and complications of Pulmonary TB > Treatment > Investigations > Prevention 5. Explain the significance of DOTs in TB. 6. Pneumonia. Types > Causes, signs, symptoms and management of Community acquired pneumonia and its clinical features > Radiological and etiological classification 7. Define pleural effusion > Causes > Management > Management in TS Pleural effusion. 8. Pneumothorax > Causes > Types > Treatment > Management of Spontaneous Pneumothorax. 9. COPD (everything) 10.Causes of unilateral pleural effusion. Describe the predisposing factors, -types and stages of Bronchogenic carcinoma > Investigation of Bronchogenic Carcinoma and its treatment Scanned with CamScanner GI & PANCREATIC DISEASE Inflammatory Bowl Disease? Diff b/w Chron’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis. Systemic manifestations of UC. Treatment of case of UC during its flair up. . Clinical features of Ulcerative Colitis, clinical spectrum and management What is peptic ulcer? Causes and management of upper Gl bleeding. Types of Peptic Ulcer, their differences. . Causes and treatment of acute GI bleeding . IBS > Clinical features > Diagnosis > Management . Causes of Hematemesis > How would you assess severity of blood tuss Management of bleeding esophageal bleeding varices. Scanned with CamScanner LIVER & BILIARY TRACT DISEASE awe Ascites > Management > Investigations Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis . Liver Abscess . Liver Cirrhosis > Types > Complications > Clinical Features > Treatment > Management of a pt. with hepatic encephalopathy secondary to liver cirrhosis? . Portal HTN > Features > Management of Upper GI bleeding in porte! HTN. . Chronic Hepatitis C? > Investigation plane > Treatment > Why is interferon therapy contraindicated? 7. Chronic Hepatitis > Types > Treatment of Chronic Hep. B. 8. What are types of Hepatitis? Diff b/w Hep. 8 and Hep. C? . How will you evaluate a patient with Jaundice by Hx, physical examination, lab test and hepatobiliary imaging? Scanned with CamScanner BLOOD DISEASE - Megaloblastic Anemia > Clinical Features > Investigations > Management - Features, investigations and treatment of Iron Deficiency Anemia. - Define and classify anemia. Causes of Microcytic Hypochromic Anemia > investigate > Management of iron deficiency anemia. - Clinical features, investigations and treatment of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia. 5. Multiple Myeloma > Features > Investigations > Treatment. 6. Features of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia? Management and Prognosis. Scanned with CamScanner Dunrw RHEUMATOLOGY & BONE DISEASE . Define SLE. Management. Skin manifestations of SLE? Pathogenesis of SLE. Complications of SLE. How will you treat a case of SLE with multiple skin manifestations? . What is Rheumatoid Arthritis? Define diagnostic criteria. How it differs from SLE? Complications R.A. How will you treat a case of RA with multiple deformities . Rheumatic Fever disease > Criteria > Investigations > Management. . Types of sero-negative arthritis. . How will you confirm a case of SLE? Management. . Sjogren Syndrome > Clinical Feature > Diagnosis > DDx and Treatment Scanned with CamScanner N CON AHEYW ENDOCRINE DISEASE Define and classify Cushing syndrome. Diagnosis, clinical features, complications and management. . Metabolic acidosis Common causes of thyroid eniargement . Investigations for Nodular Goiter. Management of a lady with cold nodules in thyroid gland on scan. Diabetic Ketoacidosis > Clinical Features > Investigations > Management Complications of Diabetes Mellitus. Treatment of diabetic foot. Define Thyrotoxicosis. Clinical features > Complications > Management. Myxedema? Causes, clinical features, complications and manag 10.Addison’s disease Scanned with CamScanner NEUROLOGICAL DISEASE 1. Stroke (CVA), causes, complications and management Q. Give steps of tf management of complete stroke 2. COMA. Types > DDx > Causes > Management > How will you diagnose brain death? . Bell's Palsy . Sub-arachnoid hemorrhage Motor neuron diseases Epilepsy > Clinical presentation > investigations > How will you differentiate from other causes of fits? (Fits Vs Convulsions) > Investigations > Management 7. Counselling of newly diagnosed Epilepsy patient. 8. How will you a patient with sudden loss of consciousness. 9. Types of Paraplegia > DDx of a case of sudden loss of power in bot: any lower limbs 10.Multiple Sclerosis > Clinical Features > How to diagnose and treat? 11.Meningitis 12.Clinical features, complications and management of Pyogenic Menings 13.A 20 yrs old female with recurrent attacks of vertigo? Give causes and management. Scanned with CamScanner DnupAw PSYCHIATRY . Anxiety Neurosis? Investigate predisposing etiology of this condition. Management strategy in a young patient. _ What is Mind? Diff b/w Mind and Psych. Compare conscious and unconscious. Describe behavior cycle of a medical student. O© (Ref. Paper B— 2010 — Annual - 3) . Mood disorders? Compare Mania with Depression. Treatment strategy. . Depression > Complications, Management . Management and counseling in a patient with Exogenous Depression . Define Obsessive Compulsive Disorders (OCD). Frequency in general population. Clinical features and management. A young Lady, who Is known psychiatric Patient for the lst many years, has been ,admittéd brouglit casualty In unconscious stat. She was well controlied on drugs therapy “for the last, many years. Her attendant give history of domestic problems and says that she may have taken more drugs. On general physical examination she is too‘ toxic. What Is the possible diagnoses? Discuss possible causes of her unconsciousness. Which investigations do you think are necessary for proper diagnosis of this patient? Describe proper treatment strategy for this case. Scanned with CamScanner SKIN DISEASE . Diff b/w Pemphigus and Pemphigoid? Investigations and treatment. 2. Causes of Urticaria? Give description. Management. 3. Eczema/Dermatitis. Causes > Clinical Features > Complications and Management. . Pruritus > Causes > Management > Management of Pruritus in the absence of dermatological disease. . Acne Vulgaris? Complications, causes and treatment. Scanned with CamScanner MISCELLANEOUS TOPIC . GENETIC COUNSELING . Features and management of organo-phosphate poisoning. . What is medicine? Diff b/w Curriculum and Syllabus? Preventable causes of death? . An adolescent girl presented in your clinic with emaciation and failure to thrive. > DDx > Investigations Scanned with CamScanner

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