Medicine A 2015 MCQs

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ven’ below, Select the BEST out of 5 possible onswers for each stem give i enin Significant electrolytes imbalance In an elderly patient Is se © Carpulmonale © Renal faitire © Laparotomy @ Hepatitis © Pancreatitis, The recognized assoctation of ulcerative colitis ts wit G@ Aeanthuses nigricans © Erythema nodosum © Weight gain © Silicosis OO Bis ws temipceatujen anne aa Sudden paintess blindness for half an-hour suggests the diagnosis of + > & Cerebral embotism ~ ©) Arsney neurosis PD © itysteria ‘Seriously il young febrile'patient develops convulsions mostly due to 2 OA © Epilepsy ©fever S Hypoalycemia WU © Paralyticileus Flaccid Para paresis Is recognized by © Increased muscle tone in the legs © Loss of valuntery bladder cantrol 3 Decreased lower limb tendon reflexes © Marked postural hypotension © Extensor plantar responses Chotestasis is commonty observed In © Haemochromatasis B Alpha-l antitrrpsia deficiency 0 Uver abc @pydaeid est ini © Contraceptive or therapy Carcinoma of lung is better suspected on 2 The Physica! examination o tery there a history Scanned with CamScanner ae - Cay ermous Respiration ts usually observed In pi ationt havi & Covitating lung disease ©° Consolidation in lung S Fibrosisin tung © tmerstitiat inflammation © Copp } Bilateral Rhonch! may be audible in all of the following: except: © Pulmonary Edema © Bronchiectasis © Pulmonary Embolism (@} Emphysema © Acute Bronchitis A Patients with peptic ulcer diseare usually present 25, (© Vomiting 7 © Diarrhea © Constipation ~_ * 2 © Melena © Haematochesis All of the following are characterist D © Chronic productive cough © Cyanosis (©) Decreased FEV © Normal Vital Capacity © Decreased FOVI/FVC - features af ebstructive pulmonary disease, excep ‘Significant pulmonary function change in untreated case of acute bronchial asthma fs: © Increased peak expiratory flaw © Increased peo? 4 © Increased TLC i @) tncreased FYE © Increased FV ‘Teue about Erythema Marginatum in Acute Rheumatic fevers thats fo ths pruritic : @ Ithas racgededges. . ‘2 it commonly invatves face © Ils most common manifestation of Acute Ahoumatie fever © itis always associated with carditis Dest answer about subcutaneous nodule la Mhcumarle lover is o Hontender Q re J Mestoommeca manifestation 2 Presenton event sulicet Scanned with CamScanner JER ae” ‘AN, QU CHISTAN, NNUAL) 2015. UNIVERSITY OF ONAL (AN ners (BMC) FINAL PROFESS @) Asundice, anemia and enlarge spleen are the common features of co. Obstruction In bile duct © Wepatitis © Typhoid disease © Malaria ©) Mesiobtasticanerta Enlarge and tender liver is usually not seen in © Heart fallure 0 Hepatitls (ODiverabscess © Metastatic Llvar disease een 2. Ascending cholnn “ CVAI not suspected Ina young patient with . © Mitral stenosis © OVTof left leg © Decreased muscle tone @©Nwerension © Extensor plantar respenses Finding compatible with glossopharyngeal nervedes ian is © Deviation of the tongue © Disturbance of taste sensation © Disturbance of pharyngeal reflex @) Disturkanew of faw reftex © Absent laryngeal reflex The characteris tie clinical Feature of myasthenia eravia ls © Anopthalmos . © Lockjaw (© Alopecia © Paralysis © Fatigue 20 Most impartant predictor of coronary artery disease amongst the following la: vine tL, ° : Gro e ° LDLYHDL, Total zerum cholesterol The blood gas parameters:pht 7.58, pCOZZ3 mm Hy pO2 300 mm We and aeygcn saturation 60% are mast cansistent with; © Carbon moncrida poisoning © Ventilator maltunstion © Valamary hyeerwentiation Gy tres aning Scanned with CamScanner & cnvbbing Is commonly seen in © Bronchial asthma © Preumonias © Bronchlectasls © Pulmonary eosinophilia Memoptysis is commonty seen in © Tuberculosis © Chronic bronchitis ©Pharyngeat carcinoma © Preumonias © Pleurisy ‘avitation is commonly seem en chest X-ray chest of an eld patientin Broncho pneumonia © Klebsella © Pneumococcal pneumonia ) © Staphylococcal pneumonia ° Streptocoscal pneumonia . Sudden breathlessness and cyanosis ina young patient suggests 9 Pulmonary infarction © Pulmonary embolism © Pulmonary ecsinophilia © Pulmonary aspergillosis © Pulmonary edema $ ‘Which of the following could be the most: Appropriate diagnosis, when blood gasAnslysis, shows the fotlowing values pHT7.2, pCO280 mm tig, pO28Gmm ig, @© Acute exacerbation of cord ARDS Acute asthma q > Severe pneumonia Fibrosing alveoitis o090 Hepatitis 8 is treated with 0 Carticosteroids © Tenalovie Alpha-1 antitrypsta we ave © Hepatitis 8 varcine ‘9 Embolisation Interferon is the treatment of fo. Liver failure Renal failure TF \asmechromatasls atitis iti Scanned with CamScanner piagnostic criterion fer infective Endocarditis include all, except o Pasitive Echocardiogram o. Positive Blond culture o Ralsed ESR @ Cardtomegaly @ Positive Rheumatoid Factor Infective endocarditis is least likely to occur in o Atrial septal defect, @pSnallventricular septa detect & Mitral valve prolapse © Tetralogy of Fallot's 0 Pulmonary stenosis 9. Small ASD 0 Small VSD > Mild Mitral Begusgitation itral Stenosis ~ e at and mono arthritis ina young boy sukgests the diagnosis of oo Rheumateld ertvitis Psoriatic arthritis Rheurnatic arthritls Osteoarthritis 200: Two of the following associated with high serum cholesteral lever are Glomerulonephritis Coronary heart disease Postural proteinurla ©. Endocarditis @pwephrotic syndrome Opening snap is mostly heard on auscultation of precardium in: CoS An 5s gallop rhythrn “o Aartic insufficiency taltral regurgitation © Tricuspid stenosis © Mitral stenosis The characteristic symptom af coronary Heart dises © Palpitations © dyspnea on exertion CFD g raronramatmacturns! denne OD chert p94 Scanned with CamScanner coe Oo0000 90000 Fourth heart sound is mostly generated by Increased cardiac output — An inflamed endocardium Turbulence in blood flow Heart failure Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Sudden sever pain in both hands and back is most probably due to Arteriosclerosis obliterans Chronic venous insufficiency Rheumatoid disease Disc herniation Osteosrthrosis Scanned with CamScanner

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