Experiment 1

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Preparation of Khoa


1.1 Introduction
1.2 Objectives
1.3 Experiment
1.4 Precautions

Khoa is a partially dehydrated traditional milk product prepared by thermal
evaporation of whole milk or standardized milk to about 65% total solids in an
open pan. It is used as a base material for a variety of Indian sweets, e.g. Burfi,
peda, gulabjamun, carrot halwa, etc. Normally buffalo milk is preferred for khoa
making because it gives most desirable product. According to the prevention of
Food Adulteration Rules, khoa shall contain not less than 30% fat on dry matter

l To learn the method of preparation of khoa.

l To compare the quality and yield of khoa prepared from different kinds of milk.

i. Principle

The principle behind khoa making is continuous heating (boiling) along with stirring
and scraping of milk or condensed milk so that excessive moisture is evaporated,
partial denaturation of proteins takes place and typical heated (slightly cooked)
flavour and slightly graining texture is developed in the final product. It attains a
semisolid mass of milk solids.

ii. Requirements

i) Steam jacketed SS kettle/ ordinary heavy bottom Karahi

ii) Stirrer with one side wooden handle and the other end flattened

iii) Muslin cloth

iv) Weighing balance 5

Practical Manual— v) Lactometer and jar
Dairy Products-II
vi) Fat testing kit for milk and khoa

vii) Acidity testing set

viii) Total solids estimation equipment (Aluminum dishes, oven, desiccator)

ix) Aluminum bowls of one kg capacity / shallow trays

x) Parchment paper

xi) Raw materials, such as milk, fuel supply, etc.

xii) Thermometer 0-100oC.

iii. Procedure

i) Take a representative sample of milk and analyze it for fat, SNF and acidity.
Also evaluate the organoleptic quality of milk, i.e. colour and appearance, smell
and taste.

ii) Standardize buffalo milk to a minimum fat and SNF level of 5.5% and 9%
respectively and cow milk to 4% and 8.5%, respectively.

iii) Filter standardized milk through a clean muslin cloth.

iv) Take this milk in a properly cleaned stainless steel double-jacketed kettle or
Karahi and start heating.

v) While boiling, stir milk continuously with circular motion by the flattened end of
the scraper. During this operation, scrap all parts of the kettle with which milk
comes into contact.

vi) Close attention should be given when foam subsides and product reaches a
pasty consistency. Reduce the steam/ fuel supply at this stage and continue
vigorous stirring till final stage is reached. In case chullah/ coal bhatti (hearth)
is used, remove karahi from the hearth and continue to stir for some more time
and than spread the product on surface of kettle to use most of the residual heat.

vii) The final product is considered to be ready when it shows signs of leaving the
sides of the kettle and stick together in form of a bolus on the bottom of kettle/

viii) Transfer the product into a clean mould (aluminium bowl) or dry tray and keep
in a cool place so as to bring down the temperature to ambient stage.

ix) Wrap the product with vegetable parchment paper or in any other suitable
packaging material.

x) Determine the weight of khoa and record the yield in terms of percentage of

xi) Draw a representative sample for analysis for moisture/ total solids, fat and
other chemical parameters prescribed. Simultaneously conduct sensory evaluation
6 with specific reference to defects.
iv. Observations Preparation of Khoa

a) Particulars of Milk

Type ____________________ Quantity ___________________kg

Fat ____________________% Acidity__________________% lactic

SNF ____________________% Total solids _________________%.

Fat/ SNF ratio ____________________

Organoleptic quality ______________________________________

b) Processing of milk

Type of kettle and fuel used _______________________________

Room Temperature __oC Time heating started ______

Temperature at boiling ___oC Temperature at finish ___oC

Time finished __________ Total time required__________

Highest temperature reached __________oC.

c) Organoleptic Quality of khoa

Flavour ____________________________

Body and Texture ____________________________

Colour & appearance ____________________________

d) Chemical composition of khoa
Moisture ______________% Fat ___________________%
Total solids ____________% Fat (on dry matter basis) _______%
Free fat (of total fat) _________________________%
e) Yield of khoa
Quantity obtained ___________kg.
Out-turn ___________%

v. Results

Write your observations in a tabular form and compare the quality of khoa
prepared from cow, buffalo and mixed milks.

i) Select milk of good quality having minimum fat and SNF ratio of 0.5:1.

ii) Prevent burning of milk solids on hot surface of kettle/ Karahi.

iii) Don’t keep khoa in very hot condition for long time. 7

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