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Sun Has
Fallen �☀

The Sun Has Fallen

Papa : My baby I want you to
promise me something
Me : What's that papa �
Papa : Always be a good girl an
always respect your elders no
matter how badly they treat you
but be this child I groom you to be
you will always be iNtobeko yam �
Me : Papa don't talk as if you
dying � I will always respect my
Papa : I love You always know that
the day I met you I knew that you'll
always be my number one princess
� I love you always
Me : I... I love you too Papa �
He was in my arms but now I can
feel it that he's gone � the only
person who made matter is gone
an am left with the wicked
mother 😫 I sobbed loudly an am
sure everyone in the house heard
me � my mother came running in
the room

Mama : You killed my husband

Sathane (Satan) I always knew that
you are a devil worshipper �

She cried dramatically an she

always do this even when my
father was alive she did this
Mama : I want you out of my housr
witch �
Aunty : Ntobe is not going
Mama : This is my house so she will
leave or else I will kill her myself
My name is Nontobeko Simelane
better known as (Ntobeh) am 18
years old just fnished my matric
last year so am not studying
anything because my mother
denied me to do so "You can't wait
money on her cause she's stupid
nothing ever good comes out of his
brain" that what she always says �
this is my story hope you'll enjoy it

The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 1


Aunty : She's not going anywhere this is also her

Mama : I don't care I want her out of this house as
in yesterday, she killed my husband why would he
ask for him an than die after that?
Aunty : It was his time
Mama : His time? This witch killed my husband

She tried to come where am standing but my uncle

came to the rescue

Uncle : Koti (Daughter in law) this no way to act

you've just lost your husband
Mama : She killed him �� my husband was killed
by her
Aunty : Ntobe didn't kill anyone
Me : Am sorry mama ��
Uncle : Stop apologising for something you didn't
do, koti you have to start behaving like a good wife
not this mad woman you are right now
Aunty : If not I will be forced to tell the elders about
your behaviour this is your daughter so treat her
right now Ntobe go back to your room an wear
something appropriate cause your papa has just
Me : Thanks Aunty I will do just that ��
I went to my room an went to take my father's
picture an asked myself if my mother is telling the
truth am I the one who killed my papa cause I was
the last one to see him�� I slept my pain away I
just couldn't face everyone it was already late so
am sure no one would mind
My mother decided to cool down an let me live in
her house, I thank my aunty for that cause if it
wasn't for her I wouldn't be here maybe I would
have slept in the street an got raped by rascals in
these wicked streets, right now am in my bed
thinking about my father he was a generous man,
who always had my back I will miss him I don't
know why God didn't take my mother instead I
heard a banging in my door

Mama : Wake you fool those dishes won't wash

themselves, don't act like a madam in my house
cause I will slap you so hard you'll vomit all the
witch medicine you have in you, WAKE UP
I than heard footsteps leaving the door I wonder
what did I do to deserve all of this, I woke up did
my morning hygiene after a while when I went
inside my room from the bathroom I found her
waiting for me holding a belt while tapping her feet

Mama : So I should wait for you? Do you think this

is a hotel?
Me : No
Mama : You back chatting me? Ngiyalibeka nawe
uyalibeka � (I say a word an you say it back)
Me :...
Mama : Am talking to you full now lie down
Me : Mama am sorry �
Mama : I said lie down now

She whipped my hands an I jumped, I lay on my

bed she whipped me so hard in the ass I screamed
crying asking God why didn't he take my mother
instead ��

Me : Am sorry Mama �
Mama : Next time if you not in the kitchen by 5am
in the morning I will skin you alive� now wake up
from that bed the house is dirty you flthy pig nx �

She whipped me for the last time an walked away I

tried to move but my bums were sore 😫� I curse
the day I was born this is not life

Me : Papa you gone too soon �� oh Papa please

come back to me

After some minutes I went to the kitchen an

cleaned the house while limping cause my bums
were sore, I was wearing my bum shorts well a
yellow bone, with an ass for days I will describe
myself later, when I was done I sat down for a
while cause I was tired, she came an looked at me
like I disgust her well am the only child she have I
wonder why is she mistreating me �


I stood up an went to where she was when I got

there she took the glass that she was holding an
threw it at me but I ducked in time while screaming
Mama : Uyangihlanyisa wena (You make me crazy
yeeer) where is food must I remind you to make
me food? An why are you dressed like a slut in my
house go an change now �

He took me down an up with looks while disgusted,

I don't know what is wrong with this woman, I went
to my room an wore my black umbrella skirt an
went downstairs when I got there some visitors
were there to see my mother an she was in the
mattress pretending as if she's mourning, she cried
more when she saw me

Mama : She left us, oh my baby will grow up

without a father��
MaKhoza : Oh Mma Simelane we are sorry hle I
know it hard but you will have to be strong for you
an your daughter
Mama : My daughter �� how will I take care of
her cause Simelane died when he had no money �
everything is a mess
MaKhoza : God is there for you always
Mama : I believe in him too � est in Peace my
husband you gone too soon
What kind of a woman who gave birth to me?
Cause this is hell on earth �� Oh Papa why did
you leave me with this evil woman

The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 2


Today is the 5th day after my Papa's passing an

the family said that they will come today afternoon
cause they are just not in the mood of my mother
who is a dragon to everyone, I always wake up at
5am an clean the house sometimes I don't even
know what am cleaning cause am always doing
one an the same thing, Everyday my mother beat
me up an always complain that am not good
enough, She is the only mother I saw when I was
young so I don't even think that there's a
possibility that she's not my mother, cause even
my friends from highschool says that we do
lookalike I just don't know what went wrong cause
she doesn't love me it's like am a curse to her life
😫, When my Papa was alive she would mistreat me
but when he's back from work she will pretend as if
we all good or she'll complain that I don't listen I
just don't know what to do with her � cause I love
her but she doesn't an now that my father is gone
am really feeling her wrath � I woke up an did my
morning hygiene the time is 4:30 cause I don't
want to be late that woman would kill me, after my
bathing I wore my black body hugging knee length
dress, black push ins and black doek just because I
have to respect the death of the only person who
made me matter in this world �

Me : God As Am starting this day please be with

me, make my mothers heart be kind today an not
beat me up Amen!!

I always pray like this but it doesn't seem to be

working for me cause my mother always breaks my
heart, I went to the kitchen an did a spring
cleaning am no good cleaner but I try when given
chance to so I guic that what makes my mother be
this evil towards my cleaning, I heard a knock at
the door so I went open an I was met by a guy that
I don't know

Guy : Uhm Hey �

Is this guy smiling at me like a idiot

Me : Hey It still in the morning so what can I do for

Guy : Am Msizi
Me : You here to tell me your name? I don't have
time for this am cleaning. Msizi : No I was sent by
my mother. Me : Early so?
Msizi : It's already 6:30
Me : That doesn't mean anything it still morning
Mama : Who are you talking too wena slima
sengane? (You fool of a child)

She came to where am standing when she saw this

Msizi guy she smiled
Mama : Oh my son � am sorry that you had to
come at such a wrong time of me playing with my
child � Isn't baby

She was holding my waist very hard am sure I

turned pink right that moment

Me : Yes Mama

I pretended to smile an this idiot of a boy is smiling


Msizi : It's okay my mother sent me to you Mama

Mama : Oh go to the lounge I'll meet you there

Msizi entered the house an went to the lounge as


Mama : What were you talking about with this boy?

Me : Nothing
Mama : Let me hear that you dating boys I will
send the holly ghost fre to burn you to ashes an
clean that kitchen it stinking just like your rotten
self � oh I remembered who will date your ugly
self just focus on cleaning this house an taking
care of me boys are not your department, How I
wish I had another child not you nx

She went to the lounge angry at I don't know what,

I ask myself how can a person always makes you
sad with words, a person always kills you with
words just because of the hate she have for you an
you don't even know what you did to her � I went
to the kitchen an did all the cleaning after
sometime I made something to eat for the queen
of the house, she came to the kitchen

Mama : I've been waiting for food Ntobeh why are

you lazy today?

She said looking around the kitchen an she shook

her head an looked at me with disgust in her face

Mama : At Least you can clean �� Make me food

am hungry

I was done already so I just gave it to her an went

to her room to clean cause am the one who
prepares her bed when I got there I was met by a
used condom � Is this woman really fucking
around while my father is in his grave

The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 3


I was so angry at my mother for cheating on my

father when he just died what kind of a person
does that � I went to my room without cleaning
her room cause am too angry, I know that I can be
rude sometimes but I haven't shown my mother
that I can be cause I respect her but now she have
gone too far � my father was a good man who was
loyal to my mother but now this is what she do to
him � the way am so angry I will just go out cause
I can't be with her in the same room, she came
barging in my room am sure she wanted to beat
me an I will let her do whatever she wants to do
but am going out

Mama : My room is not good you didn't clean it

Me : I saw something that I shouldn't
Mama : Oh so now you sneaky checking my room
as if it yours?
Me : It was on the foor
Mama : My foor isn't? So you stopped cleaning just
because you saw a condom stop being dramatic an
go clean that room if you don't want me to be
Me : No I shouldn't be seeing that thing Mama
Mama : Shut up an go clean that room Now or else
help me God cause I will burn you with hot water
Me : Bu....

Yoo am so angry guys this woman doesn't care

about all she cares about is her stupid house, she
doesn't care what I saw as long as she's happy
than everything is good to her nx, I went an
cleaned the room after that my aunty was already
there so I went to her so that I can go out am really
going out of my mind

Me : Aunty
Aunty : My daughter you look...

She was staring at me like she's searching for my


Aunty : Is she abusing you

Me : No she's not
Aunty : I can take you baby so that you can live
with me in the farm
Me : No Aunty everything is okay

I didn't want to go with her, I wanted to remain

here in the city an get some job or something

Me : Can I go out?
Mama : No you can't

She said coming inside the lounge

Aunty : Yes you can baby

Mama : You spoiling this child, she can't go out
what will people say when they see her gallivanting
an I saw her this morning chatting to boy
Aunty : Is that a sin?
Mama : What if she falls pregnant heh?
Aunty : Just because of talking? Ayy stop being
dramatic go my child you need that
Me : Thanks Aunty

My mother gave me an evil eye so I didn't even

change I just took my sling bag an went to take a
taxi while on my way I saw my crush Lindo, he's a
student at DUT if am not mistaken cause we in
KwaMashu, I just smiled cause he was looking my
side I guic we were about to be in the same taxi

Him : Hey �

Oh God did he just say Hey to me am screaming


Me : Uhm Hey...I mean Hi �

Him : Do I know you maybe?
Me : Oh am Ntobeh Simelane
Him : Oh Yes I do know you ,your father just passed
away right?
Me : Yes�
Him : Am sorry I didn't mean to open wounds,
deepest condolences to you neh
Me : Yes thanks a lot
Him : Here comes a taxi let's get in

He opened the door for me an I was so happy that

at last my crush speaks to me whoa this guy is so
handsome he's like Mastermind from uZalo we sat

Me : Uhm thanks
Him : Pleasure I always wanted to talk to you but
was afraid
Me : Oh afraid of me?
Him : Yes I mean you always at home an you so
Me : Oh please Lindo �
Him : You even know my name
Me : It's a small world I guic �
Him : As I was saying I always wanted to get to
know you as friends thou

Ouch friends � but at least it's something 😫

Me : Oh I would love too

Him : You a beautiful girl an I would like to have a
beautiful girl by my side I mean look at me am
handsome �
Me : Ain't we full of ourselves
Him : Daaa we look hot together so don't spoil the
Me : Am sorry for being a party popper
Him : You have to meet my new girlfriend cause
since you my friend I know that you'll know if I
made a mistake
Me : Oh No I can't do that you want me to beaten
by your girlfriends � No can do ✋
Him : No one will beat you, I didn't get your name
Me : You totally a player � forgetting the name I
told you just now
Him : You buhle right?
Me : Whoa Lindo �
Him : Am kidding I know who you are � was just
pulling your leg Ntobeh hao �
Me : But being a player is in your genes shame
Him : Tseg �✋

I laughed cause he's just handsome an cool we

even exchanged numbers an I know that me an
him doesn't stand a chance I don't want to be
played nna , The taxi arrived at Gateway when I
was about to enter inside the Gateway mall I
bumped into someone

Person : Oh shit!! Watch where you go... **she


She just froze looking at me this girl is wearing

clothes like it's raining or it's cold � I mean she's
in black jeans, black hoody,a wool hat, glooves ,the
sun is so freaking hot outside is she crazy

Me : Am sorry I didn't mean to bump into you

Girl : It's **clears throat ** It's okay
Did she just talked in two voices a deep one an
little one � this girl is so weird

Me : o... K
Girl : Yes an next time watch where you going
Me : I will �

I left her standing there she was just looking at me

weird like she wanna eat me � but who eats
people � this girl gave me creeps in my body when I
turned she was still looking at me now am
scared � I turned once more an she was not there
am I going crazy or that girl is just plain weird

The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 4


The girl that was in the mall went home it was in

Mhlanga near the big forest, she was rushing home
like she's being chased by a ghost
Girl : Sean

She is shouting for her brother who is older than

her by 3 years, He came downstairs shirtless

Sean : What Jane

Jane : I need to talk to you an the whole family
Sean : What does the whole family got to do with
me Jane? I was busy an you called me for this shit?
Jane : This is more important Sean I wouldn't have
called out for you if it wasn't important
Sean : You will tell the family later now what's
Jane : I saw a girl
Sean : So?

She stared at him an he just knew where is this


Sean : No am done with that Jane

Jane : She's the one Sean
Sean : I can't pretend to love her, Is she even
beautiful? Is she white?
Jane : No she's black I mean Sean wouldn't be good
to date a black girl for once
Sean : If it was real Jane maybe it would be good
now am pretending
Jane : You have no choice we need that girl
Sean : You wouldn't dare tell our parents this �
Mom : Tell us what?
Sean : No...
Jane : That I saw a fresh meat
Mom : Where?
Jane : Gateway I bumped into her by mistake it
took me a lot not to just skin her alive
Sean : �
Mom : I think you know what to do Sean
Sean : I will not be doing anything Mom
Dad : Yes you are an it's not up for discussion
Sean : Fuck you all

He stormed upstairs to his room an wore his

clothes cause he wanted fresh air this family is
always in his case 😫 Meet Sean Bailey �

I came back from the mall an went home I really

needed the bit of air cause if I stayed at home I
would have died yooo when I reached home there
was already a tent so I got inside the house
straight to my room an was met by a hot slap in
the face

Mama : Come in

I went inside an closed the door

Mama : What is this I hear of you taking taxi's with

boys huh? �
Me : I met him at the rank
Mama : So you saw him an than? There was a sign
in his forehead that says don't pass talk to me?
Me : No mama �
Mama : Let me hear that you walk with boys I will
kill you an bury you just like your useless father nx,
who dies an not leave a money for his burial that
man really angers me an wena stop whoring
around an let me hear again that you want to go to
the town I will kill you don't test me

She went outside the house, what a way of coming

back from a great day 😫�� this woman hates me


My name is Smangele Mtshomo am sure you

remember me am 19 years old now, am a student
at UJ although I wanted to take a gap year but my
father wasn't hearing it, I mean I was so tired of
school so I wanted a bit of fresh air, well am yellow,
a slender I don't have booty am just normal I can
say I have a fat ass but with little curves� but
other than that am beautiful I can't lie about I
mean if I wasn't where would I have taken the
genes from, cause my father is my very own Shaka
Zulu although he's Xhosa � an my Mother is my
Zulu Queen. Well am just a normal child who loves
to be around people an I can also be rude if you
show me rudeness �,today am going to school
since I have late lectures well my father doesn't
want me to use my car when am going late to
school, I don't even know why they don't want me
to stay in res cause I will not have a problem of
wanting a car or something, so I wore my blue
boyfriend jean,black vest,white hoody cause it a bit
chilly outside an my white Puma sneakers after
that I took my bag an went downstairs to be met
by my annoying brother an my parents cause the
small little one's were at school

Ntuthuko : Big sis

Me : Hey... Parents �
Dad : You've just woke up?
Me : No Tata
Dad : Why am I seeing you now?
Me : Mommy
Mom : Am not involved ✋

Apparently me an my father are inspecable so

whenever am being scolded by him my mother
doesn't interfere

Me : I was busy with school work

Dad : Ndikuqhekeze ngempama? (Should I slap
Me : I didn't do anything
Dad : Yes you didn't do anything but you just lied
Me : Am sorry Tata it won't happen again
Dad : Oh yes it won't cause you taking a taxi to
Me : No ways
Dad : Yes ways an that will teach you to always
come down when you home, I don't ever want to
see you doing what you did today Smangele or
there would be a problem

Well my father is hardcore I remember when he

beated me an Lubanzi when we went partying yoo
even Bab'Lungelo was just supporting him I was so
angry cause we are suppose to live our life's but to
them we are still small, I took the money from him
cause all mine are in the card I don't keep money
on me I went to take a taxi whoa this life is not
me �

Person : Taxi Taxi where you going?

Me : UJ
Person : Oh this is the right taxi for you
He showed me a quantum an I went there an the
only space that was left is the front so I sat there,
the driver came in

Driver : Dumelang

He said greeting people in the taxi so they greeted

him back, he started the car an people started
paying to me � I mean am no conductor what is
happening well am a snob you can call me that

Me : Driver please help I can't even count to save

my life
Driver : Where you going?
Me : UJ
Driver : An you can't count money?
Me : What do you mean by that
Driver : I mean you should tell your parents to stop
wasting money on you cause you stupid
Me : Oh hell No stop this car now
Driver : Don't have time for your stupid games
This guy didn't just say am stupid � just because I
can't count money yooo this life is really not me, If
it was other days I would have called my father but
am punished so he won't even rescue me

Me : Count your bloody money nx �

I shoved the money to him an looked outside the

window an after a while I reached my destination
so I got out an banged the door so hard

Driver : Yewena ngizokusakaza ngempama sfebe (I

will slap you bitch)
Me : Fuseg mnqundu wakho rhaa uyandiqhela
wena (Fuck you, you shit nx)

I went my way I mean that guy is so rude rhaa�

my mood is ruined

[9/24, 19:31] Ntobeh�: The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 4

I was done at school for the day an it's so late,

most of the people that I know don't have cars I
don't know if taxi's are still on the road

Sindi : Sma
Me : Oh Hey Babe

Sindi is my best friend if you wanna know me you

go to her an I wouldn't trade her for anything, she's
a true friend I always say that if ever she betrays
me an do something that I don't like I would just
kill her � I don't even know how to kill but I will kill
her if ever she betrays me

Sindi : So what you gonna do cause I stay here in

res unless you want me to accompany you to the
Me : Please Sindi cause my father would just kill
me if I were to sleep in your room
Sindi : I know Babe let's go
We went outside the gate an luckily we found a
quantum waiting for someone I guess an you will
never see me in the front again

Sindi : Let's hope it's not the same person from the
Me : I would die �

I told her about my outburst with the taxi driver in

the morning, I hugged her an ran to the quantum
when I got in I was met by the stupid jerk who said
that am stupid

Driver : Angilayishi (Am not on duty)

Me : Why are you here than
Driver : Am with my girlfriend �

Just than I saw a girl with her � whoa I wonder how

does she date this arrogant ass

Me : Oh
Driver : Now close the door on your way out
Me : I need a taxi to go home an you telling me to
close the door on my way out? You must be crazy
now start this car
Girl : Minnie I want to go back to my room I don't
have time for this
Me : Whoa MoGurl ✋ you will have to go back
shame cause am not going anywhere this jerk ass
over here will take me home
Minnie : You mad � out of my taxi now
Me : You insulted me in the morning an now you
want to leave me here to be eaten by the wolves �
am not going anywhere
Girl : This bitch is really testing me neh?
Minnie : Yes Babe can you show her what you
made of
Me : I'd like to see you try I will rearrange your face
that even this man of yours won't recognise you
wena I will report you to your boss that you here
joling whereas some of us want to go home
Minnie : Fine Babe I will see you tomorrow
Girl : You kidding right?
Minnie : No I don't wanna be fred
Girl : ight
The girl stepped out of the taxi with so much
attitude an banged the door yoo I've always said
matrix is the only movie that have exaggerating
moves but the way this guy got out of the taxi was
just a blink of an eye ,he went straight to this girl
an slept the day light out of her

Minnie : This is my working car so you won't show

me that bullshit of an attitude same goes to you

He said looking at me ,I just got inside the Taxi

with my tail between my legs cause the way am
scared of being beaten ngakhona😫

2 weeks Later


The bailey family were still going on an on about

Sean seducing the girl that his sister saw at the

Jane : Sean
Sean :....
Mom : Sean
Sean :....
Dad : Dammit Sean we talking to you
Sean : If it about that girl than the answer is No
Dad : I will just tell your grandfather that you
denying us a meal
Sean : You always say that Dad an it's Enough you
can't always threaten me by using grandpa
Dad : I will if you doing this rubbish you doing �
Sean : I need air cause all of this is just plain
rubbish, why don't you take my younger brother to
do this
Jane : You more matured in all of this Sean so you
are the one to do this

Sean knew that he will fail, he's tired of using girls

just because of his family needs

Sean : If I do this it would be for the last time

Jane : Bu...
Mom : Fine my baby �
She was saying this because she wanted her son to
do what she wants other than that this is not the
last time


My father's funeral was very tense an It started to

really sink in that indeed my father was gone, This
evil mother mother of mine told me that I have to
fnd work an I did fnd a job although it not a good
job but I get paid at the end of a month so it a job,
am a packer at hyper checkers in Gateway, I went
to the lounge cause am going to work I found
mama an this other man I don't even know

Me : Morning
Mama : Morning you ready for work?
Me : Yes am on my way there
Mama : I want you to meet someone

All along this guy was staring at me an that look

gave me creeps 😫

Me : Ok..ay
Mama : This is Bra Des

"So �"I kept quiet cause I wanted her to fnish the


Mama : He's my friend I just wanted you to know

him, if he's here an am not don't get worried cause
no harm will be done in you
Me : Okay I have to go
Mama : Ehh this child ain't you gonna greet or you
want me to show you how with a slap
Me : Sawubona Bra Des **pretended a smile**
Bra : Ekse mshana (Hey)

He's practically smiling � this guy is scary an I don't

want him anywhere near me

Me : Can I go now
Mama : Ya

I walked outside to a taxi after a while I was at

work doing my duty which is to pack when people
bought things
Sebe : Girl look at you am even jealous of you the
way you so beautiful
Me : Oh Please Sebe everyday it's the same thing
with you
Sebe : Am telling you Babe you look beautiful I
don't know why you always in baggy clothes
Me : Style
Sebe : Yooo boring style�

Anyways my mother is the one who is in charge of

what I wear I don't know why is she hiding me
cause am not that ugly the thing is she always
lower my self-esteem 😫

Me : Can I go to the toilet for just a couple of

Sebe : Okay Babe are you on your periods?
Me : No jeez I wouldn't even tell you if I was

Sebe is a lesbian I don't know why cause she's so

beautiful, I went to the toilet when I was done I
went out an I felt like someone is watching me
maybe am being paranoid
Guy : Hey

He said with a hoarse voice

Me : Uhm Hey how are you?

Guy : Am good you dropped this
Me : What is tha....

He gave me the phone an walked away leaving me

wondering what just happened an this is not my
phone � I rushed to Sebe

Sebe : What's chasing you?

Me : Something weird just happened
Sebe : What is that?

The phone rang causing me to jump I answered

Me : Hello
Guy :....
Me : Hello
Guy : Hello can we meet later on?
Me : No I can't I don't even know you
Guy : Check the gallery section you will fnd me
Me : You got times for jokes

I hung up my phone cause I don't know what is

happening ever since I worked here I felt like
someone is watching me maybe it's that evil
mother of mine testing me �


Sean crashed his phone on the wall cause he

doesn't want what he's doing worse he haven't
even seen this girl, he sent someone to give her
the phone now it's not going through

Sean : Fuck Brad it's on voicemail now

Brad : Why don't you go yourself
Sean : I don't want to do this Brad
Brad : Sean you have too that girl is special an we
need her.
Sean : Not you again Brad
Brad : If you mess this up you know that your
grandpa will kill you
Sean : I know bra
Brad : You have no choice
Sean : Fuck �

Sean was rather frustrated cause he doesn't want

this anymore his family always uses him for this
always � now he's tired

Sean : I will do it but this is the last time if not than

I will run away
Brad : They'll fnd you the girl is beautiful if you
ask me
Sean : I don't care about her beauty

Sean just walked off defeated cause he knew that

his grandpa will fnd him even if he goes to the end
of the world
[9/25, 09:04] Ntobeh�: The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 5

My name is Sean Bailey am 35 years old, I don't

work our family is just plain rich we don't work or
studying cause we don't usually be seen outside
because of some reasons that you will come across
as the story goes by, so ever since I was young my
family used me cause am good at a luring a girl to
love me than deliver her to my family but now am
not interested fne we not allowed to fall in love
cause it will only complicate thing, my grandpa
used to say that we can even date one another but
that is something that I wouldn't do imagine dating
your own sister it's like doing the most disgusting
thing ever, so today am going to Gateway to check
on this girl they are telling me about, they say she
works at hyper checker an when I get there I won't
even ask I will just see her, I did my morning
hygiene than wore my clothes cause we always
wear things that will cover our whole body we even
uses umbrella, well I didn't like to be like this but
was born like this, Once am done with this girl am
defnitely done with everything if they want to kill
me I'll let them do it I went downstairs to be met
by my sister, let me tell you about her ever since
our grandpa told us about us dating each other,
she's been firting with me an it disgust me cause
even if I was a horny pervert I wouldn't even go for

Jane : Hey
Me : Yeah need a drink
Jane : In the fridge

I went to take out something to drink in the fridge

when I was done drinking I took my car keys an
went to the car it's a bit chilly today so I drove out
of the gate to gateway it's not a long journey when
you in uMhlanga, after a couple of minutes I
entered the mall

I went straight to checkers although I was dragging

my feet's😫 when I got there I bought some
chocolate than went to the cashier to pay

Me : Can you help me I want to pay

When she turned I just felt my stomach turning an I

closed my eyes after sometime I opened them am
sure they turned colour an I saw a panic look in her
Her : Am so sorry are you okay?
Me : No I mean Yes am okay I need to pay for this
Her : Am only a packer so can you please wait or
use another till �
Me : No I'll wait it's okay
Her : Your voice sounds familiar
Me : Oh

Snap I called her yesterday, she can't know right


Her : Am being paranoid sorry

The cashier came to us an she did her things in the

till, I don't know but something is defnitely not
right here, I looked at this girl once again an I fnd
that she's also looking at me

Me : Thank You
Cashier : It's okay, uhm Ntobeh can you please
take this slip an give it to the manager cause am
swamp at the moment
Ntobeh : Okay no worries
When she was about to go any further he friend
called out for her I was just standing there I don't
know why

Cashier : Ntobeh you have a situation �

Ntobeh : Don't tell me that am... I mean...

They talked in sign languages that moment it sink

in me that actually I saw a trail of blood in her leg
when she was walking away

Ntobeh : I didn't even bring any today

Cashier : It's in my bag I will give it to you once am
done here babes don't worry...uhm sir is there
anything else?
Me : Me? Oh No nothing else thanks a lot

I went my way am sure they must be thinking that

am weird cause yes I am weird 😫

I've never been embarrassed in myself before I
mean I've always been on my periods but what
happened today is unusual I don't know what
happened an the way that guy was watching me it
is like he was asking himself what kind of a girl I
am cause no lie I didn't even feel that blood fowing
down my leg �� am glad that Sebe helped me
cause if she didn't I wouldn't have not know what
to do worse I don't even have money to buy pads
an even my transport money is not enough, my
mother doesn't care at all about all of that I really
don't what I'll do cause if I don't get money for
pads I'll have to use the one I use for transport, it's
already late an am going home now from work, I
was on my way to the taxi when I heard a hoot
behind me I wondered who is that so the car
parked right beside me an it was the white man
who was in the store today, the one who saw me in
blood � such embarrassment

Him : Hey again

Me : Hi
Him : Can I take you home? Or to your rank
Me : No don't worry my rank is just here

I said pointing at the taxi's that were in front of us

Him : Okay am guilty, I saw you today an I just
couldn't take you off my mind am sure you saw
how I looked at you earlier on
Me : Oh I thought that maybe you.... **clears
throat** nothing
Him : Get in I won't do anything to you I will just
take you home
Me : How do I trust you an worse my mother would
kill me if she was to hear that some white man I
don't even know took me by his car to home
Him : Come on Please

I tried to deny him but he was really groveling an I

eventually gave in am in his car I know what you
thinking that maybe I shouldn't have trusted him
so easily but this is what you must know I don't
have money for pads so I should start saving


Sean see that Ntobeh is scared an she should be

that what he thoughts to himself
Sean : Am Sean Bailey
Ntobeh : Ntobeh Simelane
Sean : I don't know if I'll ever know to pronounce
your name well �

Sean has never dated a black girl ever again,

Ntobeh is the frst girl

Ntobeh : Just call me Nto

Sean : Ntho
Ntobeh : don't worry if you were to say un Ntho I
would �
Sean : But don't laugh, I don't even know your
language but am sure you will teach me
Ntobeh : Surely I will
Sean : So what happened earlier on usually

Ntobeh didn't want to talk about this especially to a

guy who she doesn't even know, all along Sean
was driving

Ntobeh : I don't wanna talk about that

Sean : Why?
Ntobeh : Because am not comfortable
Sean : Oh I understand

He pretended to smile while looking ahead on the

road, he really wanted to know if he's gonna have
a problem keeping up with Ntobeh or not cause
nothing like this ever happened to him ,after a
while they were outside Ntobe's home

Sean : Am sure this is where you live

Ntobeh : How did you know where I live? �
Sean : You told me
Ntobeh : I didn't tell you anything �
Sean : Come on Ntho when we were busy laughing
you told me �

Ntobeh doesn't remember telling him but she's

gonna let it slide, she got out of the car

Sean : I will call you

After that he drove off leaving Ntobeh thinking how
will he calls her cause she didn't give her the
number this guy is really weird ,she got inside the
house an was met by a hard slap from Bra Des �

Bra Des : You slut

Ntobeh : You slapped me? � who gave you the
right to do that?
Bra Des : I own you bitch

He slapped her once again an this time it was with


Ntobeh : Oh God ���

Bra Des : IF You think slapping you is a huge thing?
I will show you what am made of

He took out his gun from the back an Ntobeh just

peed on herself while crying

Bra Des : I see your mother didn't tell you about

Ntobeh : Please forgive me Bra Bes
He smacked her with the back of a gun an Ntobeh
screamed while falling down on the foor her
mother was knowhere to be found 😫

Bra Des : I paid a lot of money for you to ride

expensive cars like a bitch who is a prostitute�
Now I will teach you the lesson that will make you
even think twice of doing this shit you just did
nx �

He whipped her an kicked her while cursing an

shouting, Ntobe's mother sold her daughter to Bra
Des cause she wanted money an to be taken care
off without telling Ntobe who is now facing the
wrath of Bra Des �

Mama : Whoa

She screamed loudly coming inside the house

when she saw her daughter being beaten ,she tried
to go an help but Bra Des pushed her so hard that
she fell an she cried out loud
Mama : Bra Des don't kill my daughter ��
Bra Des : If she stops behaving like a bitch than I
won't because you are the one who came to me an
told me that you have a situation of not having
money so I helped now your daughter is cheating
with that bustard I don't even know, did you tell
her that am her man now? Or you enjoying my
money for nothing
Mama : I was gonna tell her tonight cause you saw
that she saw you today in the morning
Bra Des : I don't care if you don't control your dog I
will do it for you

He stormed out leaving Tshidi crying her lungs out

cause even though her an her daughter don't get
along but she doesn't wish her bad things.
[9/25, 18:01] Ntobeh�: The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 6


I've been trying to get hold of this girl with no luck

since yesterday this is such a drag cause when at
this girls seem to be more hungry for me but I feel
like with this girl it will be just different.

Jane : Bro
Me : Hey
Jane : where have you been yesterday ? I missed
you �
Me : Missed me? How many are wr in this family?
Jane : Oh come on Sean you know what I meant
Me : Jane am busy can you please give me a plain
break cause you are the one who sold me by telling
your elders that you saw a girl I mean you knew
that I was tired of all of this
Jane : This will be helping all of us
Sean : I don't need your help Jane �
Jane : Please Sean at least accept me
Sean : Please Get out of my room
Jane : Sean you heard what our
Us : Grandfather said
Me : I don't care so maybe go an date Brad
Jane : No Brad is a kid an I want someone who is
old just like you
Me : Not interested so if you don't mind
I said pointing at the door I mean I don't want to
date this girl � an I just hate her for this cause
she's always hitting on me �,she went out an I
took my car keys an went to fnd Ntho �


I woke up in the hospital an my whole body is on

fre when I looked up I saw Bra Des an my mother I
wonder what they are doing here because all of
this is their fault � I tried to move but I felt a sharp
pain in my thigh

Me : Ouch ��
Mama : Oh God you awake �

This woman with her crocodile tears I hate her with

passion an I wish I could just pack my bags an
leave but who am I kidding I don't have money I
won't even last a day without her cause she can at
least provide food for me, the doctor came inside
the ward
Doc : You awake

I just nodded cause obviously am awake he can

see that

Doc : The cops will be here for statement

Me : Statement ?

I said looking at Bra Des who gave me an evil stare

😫 I just got scared an had a fashback of what
happened to me � this man is so heartless

Doc : Yes because the man who brought you here

said that he found you in the street cause the car
just left you beside the road

I just cried at how cold is this man how could he

leave me beside the road an how did my mother
agree to this blasphemy �� this life is not good
an I will end up dying if I don't get out of it, the
doctor checked me up an when he was about to
get out someone else entered wearing Weirdly

When Sean entered the room he looked up an their
eyes met, he wondered what happened to her, Bra
Des was fuming with anger cause he don't want
any guy beside her woman as for Tshidi she
wanted to know who is this

Sean : Good Morning

Bra : Morning ain't you lost?
Sean : No am here to see Ntho
Mama : Who are you?

Ntobeh wanted the earth to swallow her cause she

knew that Sean will be in trouble if he doesn't get
out of this ward now 😫

Sean : Am Detective Bailey

He said looking at the two scared looking people

Bra : Oh Detective we will not keep you

waiting,uhm Tshidi let's go outside
They went outside scared that maybe Ntobeh will
reveal the truth to the Detective

Sean : What happened to your face an body

Ntobeh : I fell
Sean : Ow you fell where? Cause your house is just
a four room with no stairs

Ntobeh looked away cause she was just lying to

save Sean from being caught in between all of this

Ntobeh : I can't tell you what happened an how did

you fnd me are you following me
Sean : Don't worry about that what I want to know
is why you protecting whoever did this to you?
Ntobeh : You don't understand
Sean : Help me understand
Ntobeh : Am protecting you
Sean : I don't need your protection, an who's
protecting you when you this protective towards
people you don't even know
Ntobeh : Don't talk as if am stupid
Sean : Maybe yo... **clears throat** fne what will
you eat? I wanna buy you
Ntobeh : Am not hungry
Sean : Why are being difcult? �
Ntobeh : Am not hungry
Sean : You... **sigh** let me leave you

Sean knew that if he stayed he would have said

something that will make her question him ,Ntobeh
was just confused cause she doesn't even know his
name but now he's all angry at her just because
she's not hungry


Today me an Lubanzi are going out, it been a while

I last went partying an I heard that my Mommy
Amkelo was a party animal so they don't want us
to end up like her an rumour has it that she was
beaten to submissive by Daddy Lungelo � I
always laughed at that story cause I mean I won't
even let a man touch me I will just rip his balls off,
some say that I took this cold heart from my father
but I doubt I mean my father is one good father
I've ever seen an I don't trade him for anything or
anyone else, I took a quick shower after that I wore
my white high waist short, white fur body suit,
Black long fur jacket an black nike sneakers, I
don't want to be a spotlight for this party,after that
I took my car keys an handbag than went
downstairs to my parents an even grandpa Siya is
here yoo this man is my everyday crush ��

Siya : Akasemhle intandokazi kamkhulu (Looking

all beautiful my granddaughter �)
Me : Thanks Babe

He just laughed cause he always says

"Andiyondodakho mna ngandibizi Babe" (Am not
your man so stop calling me Babe) �

Dad : Where you going?

Me : Uhm me an Lubanzi are going on a date
Mum : Send my love to him
Ntuthuko : Can I also come? �
Me : No you can't
Dad : Why? Wait for him he's coming
Me : Tata
Dad : Serious go an wear something nyana (Son)

Ntuthuko went upstairs an I ran outside to my car,

my father an Siya were laughing ,I drove off
leaving him yoo I can't have him spoiling my vibe, I
went straight to the pub that we agreed to go to
with Lubanzi ,when I got out my car I saw a familiar
quantum an I wish it's not who I thought it is, I
called Lubanzi am he answered on a third ring

Me : Babe where are you?

Luu : Am coming wait for me in your car
Me : Okay Babe

I hung up my phone an stood there like a lost

puppy strolling down my phone an I felt someone
in front of me ,I looked up to be met by my ass of
an ex

Me : This is a curse am telling you

Zola : Come on I know you get wet when you see
Me : Whoa stop making me laugh �� I mean we
didn't even sleep an you telling me shit
Zola : eally now are you gonna tell the whole
world that
Me : An I can do that if you want too you know how
crazy I am � so don't test me
Zola : Mxm

He left me standing there I mean how can he make

me wet by just laughing his yellow teeth's mxm,
Lubanzi made his way to me

Luu : Come this side I want you to meet my friends

Me : Friends?
Luu : Come let's go

He took me by my hand an we went to the table

flled with girls an boys, one girl was sitting on
some boys lap

Luu : Here is my friend

Me : Hey guys

They all greeted me accept for the guy that with a

girl on his lap
Me : I need a drink
Guy : Me an the gents will go an buy the drinks an
half of them will go an check on the meat

They all left me with these couples, the girl was all
laughing I felt like slapping the giggle out of her ,I
dropped my keys purposely I mean Hello am
here � they got startled cause we outside the
music is not that loud

Girl : What's that you dropping?

Me : Hebana (Oh God)

The douchebag is the quantum guy

Minnie : Why are you here?

Me : I don't answer to you
Minnie : Are you following me?
Me : Whoa do you have a big dick?
Minnie : What?
Me : Exactly I can't be following your small dick
now get off that high horse you climbing
Minnie : Fuck You
Me : Will gladly do, tell me something how many
girlfriends do you have? Or this is your side chick?
Girl : What is she talking about Minnie is there
someone else beside me?
Me : Oops I didn't mean to put you in the dogs
house � forgive me, I must tell you thou oe that
girl is fames
Girl : Shut up bitch an wena Minnie it's over nx �

She poured him with a drink an ran away leaving

me with a fuming Minnie

Minnie : Are you gonna fuck me today?

Me : You wish
Minnie : Than what the fuck did you do that for�

He said that banging the table so hard I felt the

need to pee on myself, I just stood up an he drab
me by my waist hard I nearly died

Luu : Is everything okay here?

Me : Uhm Yes everything is good this guy was just
teaching me how to dance
Luu : Sabelo with dancing? �� that's one I got to
Me : He's not Minnie? �� this guy is a player
Luu : Where is queen?
Sabelo : Ask this stupid girl over here nx

He stood up I thought that he wanted to slap me so

I ducked an felled down only to fnd that he was
just leaving us ,yooo Lubanzi an Sabelo laughed at
me� this bitch nigger I will fnd him nx
[9/26, 01:31] Ntobeh�: The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 7


Smangele was angry because she was wearing a

white short now it's dirty, Sabelo saw this but he
didn't care cause she's the one who started all of
Luu : Are you okay babe?
Sma : Yes am okay just feel like going home
Sabelo : Why?
Sma : Butt of wena �

She stood up an walked away with Lubanzi calling

her but she wasn't hearing it when she was in the
corner she got startled cause the person who was
in front of her was the last person

Lunelo : Move

She didn't hesitate she just backed away slowly

going back to the table when Lubanzi saw all this
he hid under the table but Lunelo already saw him
so he went an took him out by his ears whereas
everyone wanted so badly to laugh

Lunelo : Date?
Sma : Ndiyaxolisa Tata (am sorry daddy)
Lunelo : You have a long punishment coming your
way young lady an you Lubanzi what were you
doing hiding under the table?
Luu : Tata please forgive me, we were invited so
we wanted to come
Lunelo : Why didn't you tell me? What if something
happened to the both of you an Smangele why are
you dirty?
Sma : I thought that this jerk was gonna slap me

Lunelo gave Sabelo a death stare

Lunelo : Why?
Sma : We were just playing around

Smangele an Lubanzi ran for their lives to the car

with Lunelo following behind them all fuming cause
he doesn't want these children partying cause he
have a lot of enemies an ever since Slungile was
shot at night he became caution
Sabelo : Who is that?
Muzi : The girls father
Sabelo : emind me to never touch his kid
Muzi : Why were you touching her?
Sabelo : I didn't just that, that girl is always on my
Muzi : I suggest you stay the hell away from her
cause that man is not to be messed with, worse
you a player so stay the hell away from Smangele
don't say I didn't warn you

Sabelo didn't even care about the so called

Smangele so staying away from her will be just
easy 😫
Sean was in the ward watching the sleeping
Ntobeh, he took his time to look at her beauty well

Sean : Not bad �

He kept on looking at her an it's already late his
family is busy calling him but he isn't answering he
will get back to them later, Ntobe's mother entered
the ward

Tshidi : What are you doing here?

Sean : Oh I didn't know that you still here
Tshidi : I will sleep here, I asked you what are you
doing here cause I didn't hire any bodyguard for
Sean : Who are you to her?
Tshidi : Am just her neighbour
Sean : Are you honest?
Tshidi : Yes
Sean : If I fnd out that you lying what should I do
to you?
Tshidi : Am not lying why would I?
Sean : Let me hope for your own good you telling
me the truth

He was about to leave when Ntobeh woke up an

saw them
Ntobeh : Mom shouldn't you be at home?

Sean looked at Tshidi who just looked down with

embarrassment because of being caught so easily

Sean : I was just leaving, call me if anything


He said looking at Tshidi

Ntobeh : I don't have your numbers

Sean : Use the phone, my brother gave you in the
store the other day
Ntobeh : You are the one who called me that day?
Sean : Yes so give me a call

He left Ntobeh thinking at what is going on, why is

Sean caring this much it doesn't make sense, what
does he wants from her

Tshidi : You have white boyfriends now? Is that

what I taught you
Ntobeh : You the last person to talk about that
cause you sold me Mama
Tshidi : I will slap you if you think you better than
me, just because you in hospital doesn't mean I
can't slap you an than live like nothing happened
Ntobeh : Mama the truth remains you sold me �
Tshidi : What was I suppose to do? Did you have
better options huh?
Ntobeh : Work mother like every woman in this
Tshidi : Oh work for you? Listen here this is the
world an we have to do whatever it takes to
survive an hustle so if it means sell you than I will
do it again an you won't even stop me � now stay
away from that man I won't repeat myself I will just
kill you myself nx

Tshidi walked out with fear an she saw something

in that man's eyes when he found out that she was
lying to him, As for Ntobeh she wanted to escape in
this hospital cause she can't deal with her mother,
even if she stays in the street she doesn't care as
long as she's out of her mothers sight

I drove home, there's nothing I hate than a person
who lies in my face, that woman is a liar an I don't
trust her, I went home an I know that curse of a
sister is waiting for me I don't know why can't she
just leave me the hell alone,after a while I got
inside the house to fnd all of them in the lounge

Me : Afternoon
Mom : Come this side
Me : Will come back just now

I went upstairs to my room to freshen up frst,

when I got there my phone rang an it's Ntho so I

Me : Hello
Ntho : I need your help

She's whispering I don't know why cause she's


Me : With?
Ntho : I need to be away from my mother
Me : So how could I help you?
Ntho : Maybe you can help me I don't know how
Sean but please
Me : I don't know what help you want from me so I
suggest you call me when you fgured out what you
want from me an what I hate the most is that I
asked you what happened to you an you decided
to lie to me which only means that you an your
mother are cut from the same cloth, Now listen to
me call me for something more important
Ntho : **sniff** okay thanks

She hung up her phone I mean this girl doesn't

want my help if she did, she would have told me
from the start what is going on with her an I don't
care am just pretending so it ends there, I took a
shower than after that I wore my boxer with
nothing on top than I went downstairs an Jane gave
me a look.

Me : Can you stop giving me that nasty look am

your brother for crying out loud
Dad : Sean behave you know that she's good for
Me : It quite enough that you want me to pretend
like I love a girl who's so difcult for me so stop
telling me about my sister who wants to rape me
Mom : Are you okay hun? You sound so stressed
Me : Am okay why would I be stressed now Jane
fnd me something to drink
Brad : What made you tired ?
Me : Was in the hospital
Dad : Doing what there?
Me : The girl is hospitalised

They all gave me a stare an I wonder what does it


Mom : That a good opportunity Baby don't you

Me : No it's not
Dad : Why?
Jane : I think mommy is telling the truth
Me : Can you shut up an get me what I wanted? �
Mom : Why are you angry?
Me : Because yol are freaking me out am the one
who will tell you when the time is right an Brad
don't even think about it � cause I will take that
head off you

I mean they can't take her now I will fght them if I

have too this is my job so am the one who will tell
them when Ntho is all good to be taken

Brad : I didn't do anything

Me : I know what you thinking Brad
Dad : What's going on here Sean? Are you catching
Me : Catching feelings of what? What's that? You
gave me this fuckin job now you questioning me
why didn't you do this thing yourself, I haven't
even done anything for just two days an already
you want to take her, that girl is not going
Jane : Sean
Me : Lay one fnger at her an you will face my
wrath don't test me � Now give me that fuckin
drink or should I murder you frst?
Jane : Fine

Everyone looked at me like am crazy

Me : Don't look at me like that an Brad for the last
time don't even think about it, if something
happens to that girl I will castrate each an
everyone who touched her

I walked to my room leaving them there in the

lounge, after sometime my sister came in with my
drink I took it an drank after that I took a nap

Jane : We need to talk

Me : Mmmh
Jane : If you falling for that girl you better stop
while you still have a chance or...
Me : Who said am falling for her?
Jane : Even a blind person can see
Me : That means that blind person is stupid just like

Am fed up with Jane, am not in love with Ntho, my

heart can't even love my own parents so how can it
loves someone who's not even family an that girl
(Ntho) really makes me angry just by thinking
about her �
My phone rang again an I answered without
checking who it is

Me : I said stop calling me �

Caller : Seanant

The only person who calls me that is my

grandfather � what does he want from me ��
[9/26, 18:10] Ntobeh�: The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 8


Me : Grandpa
Him : What is this I hear of you denying your
parents a girl you suppose to deliver
Me : Am still working on her
Him : Don't patronise me because I know that you
just delaying purposely
Me : You can't say that cause I've been sacrifcing
for this family ever since so you can't say that
Him : Deliver that girl if you don't want me to come
fying there
Me : If you want to come just do it Pa cause I can't
deliver that girl now, if you fnd that as a problem
kill me I don't care

I dropped my phone,I know he's all respected but if

he talks rubbish than I will put him in his place, Oh
Fuck Jane�


I have to get out of this hospital cause I can't wait

for my mother to fnish me up, am still at the
hospital when a girl entered the room an it's the
same girl who was looking me all weirdly

Me : Can I help you

She just came to me slowly an I saw her eyes

changing I felt my whole body shivers cause I don't
what she wants from me an it's midnight I saw the
clock when I woke up

Me : Ain't you lost? �

Her : No �

What is wrong with this girl an what does she want

from, she came to me closer within a blink of an
eye someone snatched her from behind an it was

Jane : Leave me alone how did you get here so fast

Sean : If you don't leave right now Jane I will
**clears throat**

He looked at me an back to that girl

Sean : Get out we will talk at home

This girl walked out cause he said that with a

unfamiliar voice, who are these people an what do
they want from, he came closer to me
Sean : I have to get you out of you
Me : You gonna help me?
Sean : Yes I will help you now we have to leave
Me : Okay
Sean : Hurry up
Me : Why are you rushing me

I said annoyingly an he just gave me a bored stare

Sean : Can you just hurry or you want me to carry

you? Choose
Me : Am not going anywhere with you until you tell
me why you hurryin...

Before I could answer him I was fying in the air

cause he carried me an he made sure that no one
sees us after sometime we were in the car going to
where I don't even know I just told myself that if I
die it will be God's Plan

Sean knew that Ntho was not safe in the hospital
because his family will want her an he can't have
that for now he still want to get to know her 😫 they
got in his house in La Lucia he bought it but never
used it cause his family wants them to always be
together, he thought that maybe he will get
married an have his family but his family said it's
not possible an he even thought to himself that
even if they allowed he would have taken a girl he
didn't love cause his heart can't love

Sean : Come this side

Ntobeh got out of the house to the house an they

got inside, this house gives Ntobeh goosebumps
cause she have never been inside a beautiful
house like this, his father used to tell her that when
she was not born they were living in a beautiful
state cause he was a doctor but when he got fred
they moved this side to a four room

Sean : This is your room

She was so caught up in her mind that she didn't

even mind the way to her room as Sean said
Ntobeh : Why am I here?
Sean : You said you wanted to get away from your
Ntobeh : This is not that am sure you hiding me
here for your own reasons Sean cause I asked you
nicely to help me but you didn't want to now you
helping me why?
Sean : Can you stop being stubborn an sleep
Ntobeh : Am not doing that
Sean : Shit can you sleep I don't have time for this
Ntobeh : Usile wena mlungu (You are silly)
Sean : What?
Ntobeh : Nothing
Sean : Nothing? eally Ntho are you gonna bring
that bullshit with me
Ntobeh : I want to know why am I here an who was
in my ward earlier on
Sean : Never mind that
Ntobeh : Whoa Sean you can't tell me that cause
am in the house that I don't even know now you
telling me never mind that girl nearly killed me
Sean : I wouldn't have let her Ntho can you drop
Ntobeh : The only thing that you will be dropping is
me in the hospital cause I don't trust you,what if
this is a trap you want to kill me with that girl of
Sean : If I wanted to kill you I would have done that
Ntho so don't fool yourself I wouldn't even wait for
her, that girl is my sister it's quite a long story that
we will talk about it next time not today now do me
this one favour an sleep or I'll make you sleep
Ntobeh : So..�
Sean : Are you crying or you just kidding right now?
Ntobeh : Am crying fool �
Sean : I need air I can't deal with this here an back
at home

Sean stormed out of the house when he goy

downstairs he had a visitor an it's not a friendly

Dad : Where is she?

Sean : Don't start me Benjamin �
Dad : Seanant you playing a dangerous game an I
hope you don't get burn �
Sean : I said if it's too much for you all just kill me

Ntobeh made her way downstairs that made Sean

more angry cause he told her to sleep an here she
is, Benjamin looked at him like a dog waiting for a
bite an Sean saw this so he went to stand near
Ntho who was just cluelessly scared

Dad : Step aside

Sean : Get out of my house Benjamin don't make
this hard as it already is

The house vibrated because of his bold voice that

even Ntobeh was shaken by all of this

Sean : NEVE �

His dad came rushing his side so he pushed Ntobeh

aside by force an she just fainted so they fought
because Sean couldn't let him anywhere near
Ntobeh,things were fying left,right an centre an
Sean ended up choking his father against the wall

Sean : If you don't stop this Benjamin I will kill you

Dad : All.. This... Because of a girl
Sean : Am warning you

His hand were tightening in his throat an he was

suffocating they were stopped by Brad who came
barging in the house when he saw Ntobeh he
nearly lost his mind but remembered his brother's
word apparently everyone is scared of Sean accept
their grandfather but they don't show it ,Sean just
dropped his father down

Brad : Stop what you doing

Dad : Let me tell you something if you don't bring
this girl I will kill you �

He said coughing because of all the pain in his


Sean : I'd like to see you try

Benjamin stormed out of the house fuming leaving
Brad in the house with Sean

Brad : What's this Sean?

Sean : You need to help me erase her memory
Brad : Why are you doing this for her cause you
suppose to deliver her to the family
Sean : I can't do that, this girl has been through a
Brad : She told you?
Sean : No

He said that looking down cause he knew what his

brother is going to day

Brad : You've been reading people's minds?

Sean : It just happened Brad
Brad : I will help you for now but at the end you
know that this girl will have to die, you can't
protect her all alone, vampires can smell blood so
it's a matter of time before they come for the both
of you
Sean : I know which is why I will just take her away
for now maybe go to Jo'burg
Brad : You know that you're my brother?
Sean : Yeah I know that you gonna say it's a bad
idea but I have to do this
Brad : Stop reading my mind �
Sean : I can't stop since you all want this girl dead I
will have too
Brad : How will you survive? I mean you need blood
Sean : I don't know but this is the start of
something new to me cause I never thought I
would want to protect a human being
Brad : Why?
Sean : Why what?
Brad : Why are you doing this for her?
Sean : I don't know Brad

They were both confused cause Sean was always a

family person although he never loved his family
but Brad was prepared to let his cravings pass
although it will be hard but more especially for his
brother who will be living with her 😫

Benjamin : He's changed Latino

Latino : Changed how?
Benjamin : I think he's catching feelings
Latino : ����
Benjamin : Why are you laughing?
Latino : Are we talking about the same Seanant?
Benjamin : Yes we are he's even living with her,
can you believe thay he even called me by my
name father just because of that girl
Latino : Listen to me Sean would never love that
guy have a black heart that hates more than loving
someone so don't worry yourself we will have that
girl if not now but eventually we will
Benjamin : I hope you telling me the truth
Latino : I didn't say he's seanant for nothing, that
boy can't love he was born that way that's why
Jane is even failing an that's why it's even easy for
him to pretend with girls don't worry yourself ,I will
be coming that side on Monday
Benjamin was talking to his father cause he knew
that if Sean can fght him like this because of a girl
than there's a possibility that they will never get
this girl
[9/26, 20:11] Ntobeh�: The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 9


Ntobeh woke up in the room that Sean gave her,

an in her mind it's like she was sleeping because
she had too, it's in the morning so she woke up still
in pains an went to do her morning hygiene after
that he went downstairs with just her short
pyjamas cause she didn't have clothes since they
left in such a hurry with Sean in the hospital

Sean : You awake

Ntobeh was surprised cause Sean was in the

kitchen an she was just going down the stairs how
did he hear her
Ntobeh : Um yes am awake an how did you hear
Sean : B... I mean I have my ways so how did you
Ntobeh : I slept good just don't have clothes to
Sean : I will try to fnd someone who can buy you
some cause we going to Jo'burg in the afternoon
Ntobeh : To do what there
Sean : We are leaving this place Ntho
Ntobeh : We are leaving this place what do you
mean by that
Sean : I mean just that Ntho we can't stay here
Ntobeh : Why?
Sean : What if Bra Des fnds you here
Ntobeh : That's not the only reason isn't?
Sean : It is what else would make me leave my
family for you
Ntobeh : That's the problem Sean I didn't ask you
to do that
Sean : Not good with making food come an help
Ntobeh : Not hungry
Sean : Than you will die of hunger an that's not my
problem cause I can't beg you to eat

He walked away leaving Ntobeh all frustrated

because of the moody Sean, As for Sean he don't
know how long will he be able to survive with
someone who have blood in her veins😫
Bra Des an Tshidi went to the hospital to visit
Ntobeh when they got to the ward the doctors was
there all confused because he left her in the bed

Bra : What's going on here? Where is she?

Doc : She's nowhere to be seen
Tshidi : What do you mean by that?
Doc : We checked everywhere we can't fnd her an
it seems like she ran away
Tshidi : You need go fnd my daughter Doctor or
else I will arrest this hospital �
Bra : Make sure that you fnd her now leave

The doctor left them in the ward, Bra Des took

Tshidi by her throat an pinned her in the wall with
her suffocating

Bra : Make sure you fnd that slut of a daughter or

else pay back all my money � don't even think of
running away cause I will make sure you disappear
an never come back

He dropped her down an gave her a back slap after

that he left her crying on the foor wondering what
is really going on why would Ntobeh run away an
who helped her �


I went to school today cause my car is back to me

after that I went to the mall to do my hair cause it
been a while with this weave in my head,I got to
the salon an I was met by a familiar face I don't
know where I saw her
Grace : You came �
Me : Yes I did
Grace : What can I do for you
Me : Just relax it I just want to be original Boo

Grace is the one who do my hair, don't get me

wrong I don't want anyone else touching my hair
cause you don't know what girls uses when they
come to work I don't wanna end up like a sick dog
if you know what I mean �

Girl : Ain't you the girl who said I should get out of
the quantum because you wanna go home
Me : Oh I knew that I know you somewhere girl, so
what you gonna do now?
Girl : What is your problem cause I heard that you
even told one of his girlfriends about me at the
Me : Can't say I have a problem Babe, the thing is I
don't care about you being played I was just asking
that ass of an boyfriend that how many girlfriends
does he have
Girl : What is it to you
Me : Why do I feel like am in the interrogation
room? Do you feel the heat Grace
Grace : Yes hunny
Me : Please educe it tuu yooo ndafa
ngunondatshaza (Am dead) kwacaca kuba soloko
sithethe ngesasbhanxa sendoda esingazaziyo tshin
andingaqhelwa mna (It seems like we will talk
about that fool of a boy who doesn't know what he
wants, please give me a break)
Girl : If you want Minnie why don't you join the
Me : Anigxothen lenja ndavelelwa nyan kant
ndibulele ban mna, andifun kwandodakho ke mna
awundehle(Can yol chase this dog out, who did I
kill? I don't want your boyfriend so please get off
that high stairs you in)
Girl : Mxm Bitch
Me : Ndizakukhaba uzawulila usho ngobubi nje (I
will kick your ass than you'll cry, look at you all

Grace was in stitches I mean why is she laughing

cause this girl is really getting on my nerves I
mean how can you just agree so easily to being
played by a guy just because you love him, I would
never settle for less � I'd rather stay single for the
rest of my life ✋


Sean : Can you please tell me that you all ready to


He said that coming from outside he went hunting

because he's all alone now so he have to hunt for

Ntobeh : Am not going anywhere

Sean : Please Ntho I want us to start a life
somewhere together, look I know that your mother
was abusing you an please don't ask how I know
but please I will protect you best if we not here
Ntobeh : I can't just leave Sean
Sean : You can Ntho we living together maybe after
months you can come back if you want
Ntobeh : What if you get tired of me?
Sean : I'll never get tired of you Ntho we in this
together, I will show you appreciation just like how
your father did
He couldn't say love cause he doesn't even know
what love looks like so he chose appreciation

Ntobeh : I need to at least go home an take all my

bags than we will go
Sean : I will buy you clothes Ntho
Ntobeh : If you want to go with me you will have to
accompany me to my home for my clothes
Sean : Fine

He didn't want to argue with her any further cause

clearly she has made up her mind, although he
feels like Ntho is taking him for granted cause he's
doing this to protect her but this is the thank he
gets �
After a while they were outside Ntho's house even
though wasn't interested in all of this
Ntobeh : I will be out just now
Sean : If you say so

Ntobeh knew that this is a losing battle so she got

out the car an went inside the house to be met by
her mother lying on the foor crying with pictures of
Ntobe when she was young

Ntobeh : Mama
Tshidi : Oh God � am so glad to see you please
don't ever leave me again baby I don't know if I'll
survive �

She came to hug Ntobeh but she backed away

cause she knew that it was all so good to be true,
it's a matter of fact her mother change an call her
a slut ✋

Ntobeh : Am here to take all my bags, it was good

being with you right now it's time for me to leave
you an carry on with my life
Tshidi : You mot serious right?
Ntobeh : I am
Ntobeh attempted to go to the room that she was
using but Tshidi pulled her to her roughly

Tshidi : I made you this is the thank I get? How will

I pay Bra Des his money if you go an leave me�
Do you want me to die an leave you alone in this
Ntobeh : It would be a better place

Tshidi slapped her so hard but Ntobeh didn't cry

she just watched her

Tshidi : You will listen to me cause I won't repeat

myself, you are not going anywhere do you hear
me? If you step out of this house I will kill you
Ntobeh : You will kill me just because I leave you,
Mama ever since I turned 6 you started abusing
me, maybe make me starve the whole day but
when my father comes back from work you give
me food, ever since I was 6 years you always
abused me by giving me slaps now an again an it
ends now, I will not be your playground I'll rather
die or you die than have you making me a slave
now get away from me
Ntobeh pushed her mother an went to her room to
pack her bags after some time Bra Des entered the
room that Ntobeh was in using the toilet window an
he put the cloth in Ntobeh's mouth so that she
doesn't shout

Bra Des : Shhh Babe I won't hurt you

He took out his gun an showed her that if she

screams he will kill her

Bra Des : You want to leave me?

Ntobeh : Please ��
Bra Des : I will just do this one thing than leave you
all alone

He said taking out his belt than his pants, Ntobeh

knew what was going to happen here an she can't
even scream

Ntobeh : Please Bra Des am on my periods

Bra Des : Which makes it more lovely now take off
that dress
He said that pointing her with a gun as for Ntobeh
she just kneeled down

Ntobeh : I'll do whatever you want just don't rape

me �
Bra Des : I will burst your brain open if you don't
take off that dress

He said with a scariest voice but Ntobeh didn't

want to so he took the gun a placed it in the bed
an held her roughly wanting to pull the dress down
cause it was a Bob tube dress, Ntobe was sobbing
while fghting but he wasn't hearing it he even
licked her face causing Ntobe to feel disgusted so
he pushed her in bed an climbed on top of her
while licking her face an forcefully opening her legs
Ntobeh just closed her eyes cause she could feel
that her innocence will be taken so easily with a
blink of an eye Bra Des was on the foor with Sean
biting his neck like a vampire that he is as for
Ntobeh she just froze cause she didn't know when
did he open the door am why is he biting
someone's neck like an animal an she fainted
because of shock, as for Sean he was too angry to
think about what Ntobeh might be thinking cause
No one I mean No one will hurt Ntobeh as long as
he lives �,He didn't even care what will Ntobe's
mother say when she was to see this ✋
[9/26, 22:29] Ntobeh�: The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 10


I don't know what happened but my mind came

back when I was done what I was doing, so I took
Ntho out of that house when I entered I hitted the
mother with a glass that I got when I entered the
house than straight to the bedroom when I saw
that guy on top of her I just lost it, am afraid that if
I can't control myself now what will happen where
we going cause ever since I met Ntho I feel like my
powers are coming back an by force, I learned to
not read people's mind but now I read their mind
just because I want to know if they not thinking of
Ntho, I took her to the private jet that I was
presented by my grandma I know when she wake
up it will be a lot of questions an answers session
but am prepared to tell her everything so that she
can live with me knowing what I am 😫
Bill : Sir Where to?
Me : Jo'burg Bill an don't answer any call from my
Bill : Okay Boss

I went to sit an watched outside the window, is this

the life I want for real? I mean I left my family
because of this girl an I don't even know why but
It's happening my phone rang an it's Brad I

Me : Brad
Brad : Yol are really gone?
Me : Yes
Brad : I wish you all the best brother an I hope you
will be happy for just a time being
Me : I hope so too

I saw Ntobeh making her way to where am seated

Me : Can we talk later am kind of busy at the

Brad : Okay please keep in touch
Me : Will do an Brad don't te...
Brad : I know I won't
Me : Bye

I hung up my phone an Ntho was just looking at me

with a lot of motion on one face I just went to sit
beside her an she jumped that made me even
think of just stopping this plane cause I can't be
with her if she's scared of me

Ntho : Can you shift

She said that with a shaking voice an I did what

she asked me to do


Ntobeh remembered everything that happened so

she wants to know what is going on but she's
waiting for them to get where they are than they
will talk, as for Sean he was rubbing his hair in
Sean : Say **sigh** say something Ntho
Ntobeh : We will talk later

Sean just silenced himself, after a while they

arrived at the airport, Sean wore his clothes an got
out an umbrella cause he can't be touched by a
sun he will just burn, all of this made Ntobeh more
cautious that what she saw is indeed true, Sean is
an animal, Sean is an animal, Sean is an animal
that what she thought to herself

Sean : We have a car that already waiting for us

Ntobeh nodded so they went to the car with people

looking at Sean weirdly but he didn't care cause it
his life an he got used to it a long time ago, after
some time they entered a house that had a lot of
security, Sean wanted to familiarise with people
although it would be hard cause the way he feels is
dangerous more especially to people who comes
anywhere near Ntho, they entered the house with
their bags an Sean took the bags to their rooms
after that he came downstairs an sat across Ntho
Ntobeh : Talk
Sean : Am sorry that you had to fnd out like that
Ntobeh : Who are you?
Sean : Sean Bailey
Ntobeh : No who are you? Like the real you Sean I
wanna know you � I mean I can't even
say it
Sean : Sean Bailey,35 years old am a... Am...
Ntobeh : SAY IT!! ��
Sean : Don't shout please
Ntobeh : **sigh** fne talk
Sean : Vampire

Sean said that an stood going to sit in the table

facing Ntobeh who was even afraid to look at him
cause she knows movies of what he just said an
people get killed for blood what if he wants that
,what if this is all a trap all the thoughts came
rushing to her, Sean didn't want to read her mind
he wanted her to tell him what she thinks

Ntobeh : You want to kill me?

Sean : No
Ntobeh : No? How can you say No cause am not
what you are I have blood running in my veins an
you telling me No
Sean : Listen Bab...Ntho

He said trying to touch her but she snatched away

her hands away from him

Ntobeh : Don't touch me ✋�

Sean : I would never hurt you Ntho, we've come
too far
Ntobeh : Far? Just three days an you call it far?
Sean : It's far to me cause I can't even survive with
a person for much longer
Ntobeh : What do you want from me?
Sean : I don't know am also freaked out, as a
matter of fact am all confused at what is
happening with me

He stood up an paced up an down

Ntobeh : You gonna make me have headache

Sean : You frustrating me Ntho, I won't hurt you
Ntobeh : How will I know that? You know what
being killed with a gun is much better than being
eaten alive, Sean I didn't sign up for this if you
want to kill me than I suggest you take a gun a kill
me right now
Sean : I won't kill you Ntho as a matter of fact am
protecting you cause my family is the one who
wants you dead, well when I came to you I was
sent to pretend as if I love you an all than deliver
you, usually it only takes me one to two days they
were just amazed why am taking three days an
even worse I didn't even want to deliver you I don't
know why but am willing to stay with you, am
willing to sacrifce my hunger for your blood go
unattended, I would never hurt you
Ntobeh : I need time apart from you cause am
scared Sean I don't know if I can fully trust you � I
may have left the abusing home but I will not allow
you to sell me dreams an kill me at the end please
leave me alone � I don't want to die, fne you
saved me but that doesn't mean anything if am
gonna die at the end cause if you won't kill me
than your family will so leave me enjoy my own life
alone just leave me alone Sean
Sean : Fine I will take downstairs an you take
upstairs, there's also a kitchen there so you won't
have to come downstairs unless you want to go
somewhere you have a driver for that
Ntobeh : I will take taxis
Sean : They not what I am so you won't have to
Ntobeh : Mmmmh
Sean : You can go upstairs
Ntobeh : Thanks an Sean I will not sleep cause am
not comfortable around you I don't know if coming
here with you was a great idea or not cause am not
comfortable at all
Sean : I assure you nothing will happen to you I will
give you space, tomorrow I will go an look for
Ntobeh : I don't want to hear whatever you want to
say cause it's none of my business

She went upstairs with tears in her eyes cause

she's scared of living with Sean but something in
her wanted to believe that Sean would never hurt
her like that, As for Sean he saw this as an
opportunity to learn how to live with a human in
the same house maybe by the time Ntho talks to
him he will be all good an ready
He took his phone an called Brad who answered in
the third ring an he knew that he's with family

Brad : Hello
Sean : Busy?
Brad : No we can talk
Sean : She knows

Brad kept quiet thinking at how Sean could be


Sean : Am not stupid

Brad : Why did you tell her?
Sean : I didn't tell her, she kind of caught me in the
Brad : Kind of?
Sean : She saw me in act
Brad : You a fool Sean
Sean : That jerk wanted to rape her so I had to do
Brad : So what does she says?
Sean : We in the same house but it will be like we
living differently
Brad : I don't know if I'll ever apply for a normal life
like what you doing, cause if she was to say that I
would have just killed her
Sean : I can't my soul doesn't allow me
Brad : Are you sure you not in love?
Sean : No what is that? I don't love Brad I don't
even know how does that thing smell or how does
it looks like
Brad : You talk as if it's a cloth or something
Sean : I don't know what is it
Brad : Love is something that you feel in your
heart, I won't even know cause you don't know
what to love all you know is hate I will call you
tomorrow to check on you bro we going hunting
Sean : Is it time?
Brad : Yes it is
Sean : Okay Bye

He hung up the phone an thought to himself at

what Brad just asked him about Love
[9/28, 02:46] Ntobeh�: The Sun Has Fallen ☀
Insert 11


It been days with me facing girls who dates the

famous Minnie an I don't know what's with them, I
mean they all know each other which is sick cause
I would never want to share my man with anyone
else for that matter, well today it's my friends
birthday bash an am invited obviously but am
compensating if I should go or not cause she also
invited Lubanzi even specifcally said that he must
bring his friends so obviously that dickhead will be
there so I don't need drama today 😫 my phone
rang an it's my friend Sindi

Me : Friend
Sindi : Hey F I was wandering if you still coming
Me : I don't think my father will agree moss chum
Sindi : Don't worry I will call him am sure he'll
Me : You don't really know my father neh?
Sindi : Come on I can even call your mom am sure
she won't have a problem begging your father an
it's already the time you have to get ready, Lubanzi
said he will come an fetch you
Me : Fetch me how? Cause I've told you that my
father doesn't know any of this
Sindi : Come on F

She hung up her phone, I don't want to go to this

party but she's my best friend so I have to I got up
took a quick shower that I after that I wore my
clothes lazily cause I don't want to go I feel like
screaming, my father came in my room without
knocking cause he's the owner of this house that's
what he always says

Me : Tata what if bendinganxibanga? (I was naked)

Dad : Inton endingayaziyo kuwe, ndandikuphipha
usemncinci (Is there something I don't know in
you? I used to change your nappies when you were
Me : I know but now am old
Dad : Tshin kwakho ay apha kwam (In your house
not mine)
Me : What can I do for you tata?
Dad : You going to some cross night study with
your friend, why didn't you tell me?
Me : She said that? �
Dad : Kant kuthen? (What's wrong?)
Me : It's her 21st birthday
Dad : Is she still a virgin?
Me : I don't know �
Dad : I doubt
Me : Ay tata (No daddy) you can't gossip about my
friend hao
Dad : Am sorry princess

We heard my mother shouting from downstairs an I

knew it's my que to leave, I took my overnight bag
an went my way, when I got outside I was met by
Lubanzi an his friend I must say I don't know him,
he's so damn hot�� his hair cut is not from this
world, so we got inside the car

Lubanzi : What did your father say?

Me : I told him the truth that am going to party
today, even though I didn't want to
Lubanzi : Why?
Me : Whoa am just not ready for that dickhead
who's your friend
Guy : At least if you wanna gossip about me try to
not talk in my face
Me : You wish, you can't be hot like that
Lubanzi : what do you mean? Are you already
drunk or what? We can buy you something to cool
you down ���
Me : I don't drink remember?
Lubanzi : Sabelo what have you done to my sister?
Me : Wait are we talking about the same Sabelo?
With beard an hairy?
Sabelo : Yes that's me
Lubanzi : Oh he confused you to the fnish � my
sister you really made my night
Me : I was kidding you not hot jerk ass
Sabelo : I don't care
Me : Good that you don't care

After a while we were in the place where Sindi is

making her birthday, Wait guys can it be possible
for a guy to be ugly an handsome tomorrow?
Cause right now this ass of a man is hot to the
capital Chillie��
Sindi : Look at you, am glad you came
Me : Am glad too chum so where can I put my bag?
Sindi : Go an put it upstairs
Me : es?
Sindi : We will talk in the morning
Me : Okay chum

I went upstairs an chose a room when I got there I

found my brother an his friends smoking weed an I
got bored so I threw my bag at Lubanzi an was
about to get out when they called out for me

Muzi : Come this side

Sabelo : No don't call her here you heard what her
father said to us

I just went to sit next to Lubanzi who was already

in his own world

Me : What special about weed?

Muzi : You'll never get it even if we explain to you
Me : Mmmmh
Scelo : In the morning Sindi called me to come an
help her with things like decorations
Me : You gay?

They just laughed at me, am I funny or it weed that

makes them like this

Scelo : Am not gay, so as I was saying before you

interrupt me, I saw her neighbours an that guy is
so creepy
Sabelo : How?
Scelo : I don't know the way he was looking, like I
mean your clothes represent you right?
Me : Sure
Scelo : He was wearing like it's so freaking cold if
you know what I mean ,hoody, tracksuit pants, hat,
gloves e.t.c
Sabelo : Is the weed working ��
Muzi : Today was so hot for someone to wear what
you saying ��
Lubanzi : Weed is defnitely at work ��
Me : I think so to ��
Scelo : Am telling you guys that guy is creepy

We just laughed cause the way he says all this is so

funny, I mean it was hot today an one couldn't
wear what he just described


Days has passed ,me an Sean are not talking, he's

been busy with what I don't know today I went to
do some grocery an surprisingly I even brought
him food which I don't know if he'll eat cause while
I was still angry at him I did some research on what
he is an apparently they can only live by blood
which I don't even know where he'll get cause we
not living near the forest or maybe he can buy
chickens � an slaughter them I just don't know,
there's so much noise in the neighbourhood an it
reminds me of the place I called home, every friday
my father would take me to some shisanyama just
to enjoy myself an I loved every bit of it, fne he
may have died poor but he really did made me feel
alive an happy I miss him�
I decided to cook today so I went downstairs where
Sean is an I found him working out, does this guy
sleeps cause it's always noisy downstairs even at
night� fne I did some research an they said that
they don't sleep at all but I thought that maybe it's
a lie or something but there's still more to learn
since am living with one

Me : Sean

He turned quickly like I just startled him or I

triggered something in him, what if he eats me?
That's the frst thought that came in my mind

Sean : Oh Hey

He stood up an went to take a sit in the high chair

near the kitchen

Me : How are you?

Sean : All is well an you?
Me : Good ,um I can hear that our neighbours are
really at it today
Sean : So much meat
He said that sarcastic an I saw it in his face that he
means it 😫

Me : You craving?
Sean : Obviously
Me : No need to be rude Sean
Sean : You asked an I answered where is my
rudeness in that?
Me : I don't know what was I thinking coming
downstairs to you
Sean : I don't know too maybe you should go back
upstairs �
Me : Wow too much for trying
Sean : Listen Ntho I don't want you to try anything
if you don't want to see me I can't force you too ,I
was at peace working out to avoid all this noise an
all this.... never mind
Me : I thought that maybe we can have a normal
dinner cause I cooked
Sean : I don't want your dinner keep it to yourself
He stood up an went to his room, I just stood there
like what just happened, I heard him groan so
loudly like what is happening right now am so
damn confuse ,I went to knock on the door cause
I was worried about him, fne he may be what he is
but he's still human, Is he human? Or am tryna
convince myself that? He didn't answer me he kept
on groaning

Me : Sean
Him :.....**groaning**
Him : Go... Away

What is really happening I don't know if I should sit

here an wait for him or it's a bad idea, what if he
turns an have those long teeth's an eat me, Oh
God No he's really craving�.... I really need
something maybe to help him cool down but the
question is what's that cause we don't even have
chickens in the neighborhood am so confuse right
now, he's not stopping �
[9/28, 18:28] Ntobeh�: The Sun Has Fallen ☀

Insert 12

I didn't sleep a wink because of being worried

about Sean, well we living together so I have to be
worried about him so today I woke up an did my
morning hygiene after that I wore my clothes than
went downstairs straight outside because I wanna
go buy something so I went to my driver he was
black which is much better cause I can't be staying
with white people

Me : Sawubona Baba (Greetings)

Driver : Hey my girl are you good?
Me : Yes am good can you please take me where I
can buy a cow
Driver : Cow? �
Me : Yes a cow Baba will you help me?
Driver : Uhm Yes I can help you
Me : Thanks a lot cam we be on our way?
Driver : Yes you may get in ma'am
Me : No please call me Ntobeh it's fne
He just nodded an took me to what I wanted after a
while we came back with a truck that was
delivering what I wanted so I went outside the gate
to direct them where they can put it while I was at
it some girls came my way smiling an I returned
the smile

Girl 1 : Molo (Hey)

Me : Um hey how are you?
Girl 2 : we good are you having a braai?
Me : No am not �
Girl 1 : Oh if you were I would have invited myself
☺ anyways am Smangele an this is my friend Sindi
she's your neighbour
Me : Oh you the neighbour that was having a party
yesterday �
Sindi : Yes we sorry if we were loud I was turning
Me : No it okay you were not loud
Smangele : So is this your house?

I looked at the house an it was so big to be called

Me : Yes it's mine
Sindi : Whoaa girl we should visit you sometimes
don't you think?
Me : Actually a bad Idea�

I don't know what is my come back cause they

would want to know why am saying it's a bad Idea

Smangele : Why are you married?

Me : No am not married but am living with my
Sindi : You cohabiting?
Me : Yeah I am actually

Okay the Sindi girl pretended to smile an I don't


Smangele : Wow I've always wanted to do that� I

know am weird right?
Me : Very weird actually I was kidding you can visit
me if you want
Smangele : Am not from here thought but I
will,don't you have friends this side?
Me : Oh No I don't am new here
Sindi : You ran away from home
Me : No honey I didn't
Smangele : Let us exchange numbers so that I can
be your frst friend

We exchanged numbers with Smangele an I don't

even know what is this other girls problem cause
she's now giving me nasty look an I don't even
care so after that chat I went inside to slaughter
this cow but I don't know how 😫,I decided that I
will ask the guards an they didn't have a problem
with that so they did slaughter for me I took all the
blood that came out from that cow an pour them to
different bottle cause I brought them along with
the cow after that I thanked them with the money
even though they didn't see me when I was putting
the blood in the containers

I went inside the house with the box full of

containers an placed them in the fridge so that it
won't get spoiled I don't know if I will be able to live
this life on full terms cause people will be
suspicious if I always buy cows �,while I was
thinking Sean entered the kitchen looking pale
Sean : Hey
Me : Hi �

I took out a glass an a bottle in the fridge

Me : Sit down

He didn't argue he just did what I told him to do so

I gave him the bottle with a glass.


Sean was amazed by what he's seeing cause he

didn't expect it as for Ntho she was scared that
maybe this will make Sean want to just eat her
instead of drinking what she bought him

Sean : Um thanks how did you do all of this?

Ntobeh : Yesterday you were really on a bad
condition so I thought of the things that I could do
to help you so I woke up today went to buy a
cow �
Sean : A Cow?
Ntobeh : Yes a cow, I know it's not easy for you to
live with normal people an am quite grateful that
you really doing good cause you haven't shown me
that you want to eat me

Ntobeh was trying to convince herself by saying


Sean : Thank You, yesterday I was in a bad space

am sorry if I scared you
Ntobeh : What happened?

Sean had fashback of what happened yesterday

when he went to the room, he changed the
moment he entered the room, his eyes became
black an her teeth's changed an became long so he
was fghting the edge to come out an eat Ntobeh
when he was busy groaning 😫 although it was hard
but he really did try an when he was watching
outside the window he saw two girls smoking
outside the neighborhood it took him all he had not
to jump an eat the both of them what helped him
keep sane was Ntobeh, he was worried that if she
were to hear that he killed two girls what will
happen to her cause she's traumatized enough

Ntobeh : Seam hello?

Sean : Oh sorry you were saying? �
Ntobeh : What happened yesterday? You were so
rude an you went to your room
Sean : Oh sorry about that � I was not in the right
condition to be with you
Ntobeh : Will that happen all the time cause I was
worried sick about you � fne I did my research but
I also want to know more from you
Sean : Can we talk some other time right now I
want enjoy this drink, thanks a lot if by chance I
would have hugged you
Ntobeh : I'll pass on the hugging part �✋
Sean : You scared? �
Ntobeh : Is that a smile?

She wiggled her eyebrows causing Sean to chuckle

while shaking his head

Sean : I can smile �

Ntobeh : I would like to capture this moment I
mean it's not always you get to have a smile from
you ☺
Sean : I will smile more often
Ntobeh : Sean

Ntobeh was all serious now

Sean : Ntho
Ntobeh : I want to not be afraid of you, believe me I
want us to stay as close an always laugh together
but I can't do that if you don't open up with me,
fne your stories might be scary but I would
appreciate if you were to talk to me whenever you
have breakdown like yesterday am sure we will
fgure something out, um we can even buy a
butchery so that we cam get more blood as often I
want us to be able to live
Sean : I'll try
Ntobeh : I want my friends to be able to visit me
without being worried that you will... **clears
throat** you know what I mean
Sean : No friends at the moment am still trying to
adjust to this life
Ntobeh : It's fne with me �
Latino came as promised to see the family an he
was surprise to fnd that Sean is not living with the

Latino : Why didn't yol tell me that he's not living

with you?

He said banging the table so hard

Benjamin : We thought that maybe you will be able

to make him come back
Lucy (Sean's mother) : We sorry father
Latino : Do you know how valuable is that boy to
me? Do you know that without him you'll suffer?
Dammit Benjamin I thought that you can do this
but clearly you can't
Benjamin : That boy is a hard nut to crack
Latino : You all stupid an I wish I can just kill you all
by burning yol to ashes �
Jane : You can't do that
Latino : Shut up jezebel you failed to firt with him
now you telling me what I can't do I want that boy
back home tomorrow if not I will kill you all, I gave
you that boy because I thought that you can be
able to control him but clearly I was wrong �
B ING ME SEANANT ALIVE � I can't lose that boy
because of a girl there are so many people in this

They were all scared that he will kill them for real
cause he's very fond of Sean, as for Brad he knew
that they will not fnd him cause he's in Jo'burg
cause Sean is the one who can read minds as for
Brad he can see the future so if they want him they
can only ask him for help which he won't give them
Smangele saw how Sindi behaved with that girl
they met earlier on so they went to buy food they
were back at the house

Smangele : Chum are you okay?

Sindi : Yes why?
Smangele : The way you behaved earlier on when
we met that beautiful girl
Sindi : She's cohabiting
Smangele : So?
Sindi : Are you saying so? Smangele we can't
engage ourselves with someone like that what if
she spread that disease of satan to us

Smangele laughed like really laughed at what this

girl is saying

Smangele : Are you listening to yourself?

Sindi : Yes Smangele an you know am telling the
Smangele : Ehla apho ndithi ehla apho (get down
from there)
Sindi : What?
Smangele : Are you better than her?
Sindi : Am not cohabiting Smangele
Smangele : So that makes you better than her? Do
you know the reason behind what she's doing?
Who are you to judge her bitch
Sindi : Whoa am the bitch just because am saying
it like it is
Smangele : Who asked you to say that? Listen you
not better than her you were brought this house by
your blesser who's even married maybe that man's
family sleep without food whereas you are busy
making him your bank account
Sindi : It's not the same
Smangele : True it's not cause you just a plain gold
digger right? Ehla apho sisi uzakufa ndikuxelele
(Get down from that high horse cause you'll die)
stop tryna make yourself look better in all of this
cause you just a bitch who likes to destroy families
Sindi : Smangele�
Smangele : Ewe tshin ubona nje andifun kwakuth
uye pha ekhaya sawuthuka utata engasathengi
grocery kant sefkile umthakathi (True that's why I
don't even want you to go by my home cause we
will be shocked to fnd out that my father doesn't
buy grocery because the witch will be at work)
Sindi : Smangele am your friend
Smangele : An am being a good friend by telling
you the truth Sindi you are no good than that girl
maybe she's better than you cause she's not
dating a married man so if you won't be her friend
than I won't force you but stop trying to make you
the spotlight lana cause we were to compare the
both of you with beauty you would lose cohabiting
or not she's good
Sindi : Whatever
Smangele : Mxm Bitch wase bubini (Bitch of
ugliness)� busy giving that girl nasty looks yooo

kahle wena tshin (Oh Please) ✋�

Smangele didn't understand what was this girls

problem cause she's far worse than being good
busy pretending as if she's doing a good thing by
having a blesser
[9/28, 22:26] Ntobeh�: The Sun Has Fallen ☀

Insert 13

My name is Sabelo Cooper am 26 years old, well
am a taxi driver as you all heard,am not rich am
just a normal guy who is a taxi driver, the money
that I have is the one I save whenever I get paid
cause I want to further my studies one day, I have
just a mother cause my father passed away while I
was still in my mother's womb but other than that
he was an ass cause he wanted nothing to do with
me an my mother which is something I would
never do fne I may be a player but if I were to
make a girl pregnant I will make sure that I take
care of my child it doesn't matter if we broke up
but my child won't suffer, I can't be in a committed
to just one girl, well my mother always says that
when I fnd the girl I love I will lose her because of
being a player but I always told her that I would
never fnd a girl who will make me miserable just
because I love her, who am I fooling cause even
the people that you trust when love has took the
place you fnd them crying 😫,I hope that time fnd
me maybe when I've grown old not now ,ever since
I met that girl Smangele she's been a pain in the
ass well I was not looking at her in that way but
damn that girl is hot but the problem is that her
father is one of the people I fear the most well
when he warned me about staying away from her
daughter I asked Lubanzi to tell me about him
when he told me I was so shaking in my boots
cause never would I mess with that girl am at the
rank when I saw this Sindi girl who is Smangele's

Me : Heita

I shouted an she turned am gave me a smile


Sindi : Hey � you must be Lubanzi's friend

Me : Yes I am
Sindi : Oh good to see you once again �

One thing you must know a guy can always tell

when a girl fancies him just like now I can see
firting vibes in this girl

Me : Where's your friend today?

Sindi : She will be here just now
Me : Doesn't she have a car?
Sindi : She does have a car just that when she will
go back home late, she uses taxis or they drive her
to school
Me : Oh why? I mean a car is much safer than a
Sindi : Her mother was shot in her car
Me : Oh I understand
Sindi : Yeah so wena will you be able to take us
when we done studying?
Me : If your friend will not have a problem I would
love to
Sindi : Don't mind my friend she's always like that
Me : I've notice
Sindi : Oh there she is

Sindi started to wave her hand showing Smangele

where we are, am sweating I don't know but she
have that effect on me ever since she insulted me
in the morning because of not knowing maths, she
came our way, this girl doesn't have an ass but
she's perfect I don't know about you but I love
them with less ass but with curves �

Smangele : Molweni (Hellows)

Me : Hey
Sindi : you nearly didn't fnd me
Smangele : Lift?
Sindi : No I got a call from my tutor he wanted us
to meet but I told him that am still waiting for you
so he didn't have a problem I guic it's because he
have hots for you �
Smangele : Hots zanton? (What's that?)
Sindi : Jeez I forget that you a mood spoiler that
guy loves you
Smangele : Whoa Anotshe embii so (never he's so
Me : Are you hot?
Smangele : You don't have to ask bra am a magnet
for boys � anyways we have to go
Me : Lucky for you it's my turn an the only space
left is in the front
Smangele : I'll rather walk to school ✋ I can't be
having a problem with math at school an you
confusing me with 20c changes wuu aNeva ✋
Sindi : Am good with math so I'll help you �
Smangele : That's would be good cause I can't deal

This girl have big mouth for useless things but
can't count 20c as she said � I don't know but am
charmed weird right?


Me : Bro
Brad : Am coming there for a time being cause
Latino is talking about killing people
Me : Why?
Brad : Because of you not being at home, he
doesn't want the girl anymore
Me : That's a trap I won't fall for it ✋
Brad : Can I come? I can even come prepared for a
time being
Me : It's fne with me don't let that guy manipulate
you into telling him where I am
Brad : I would never don't worry now how's the girl
Me : She's good, yesterday she went to buy a cow
for me to drink blood
Brad : Why don't you change her for yourself I
mean let her be your morning sunshine
Me : No she's good as a human
Brad : They really wants her in this house it's like
they are going crazy especially Jane cause she
wants you
Me : I don't want that bitch now do this hung up
this phone cause Latino he's behind you
Brad : eally,Oh it's okay tell me if you know where
can we fnd him cause we need him
Me : Sharp

I hung up my phone, my grandpa is the one who

was there when I was growing up so he's the one
who understands me which is why I know how he
acts, am sure he will say that he doesn't care
about the girl but deep down he is, well this is what
happened was the one who was a vampire, So he
met with my grandpa who was human, that woman
became his strength an woman of power well they
changed each other when they met cause my
grandmother was sick so just because Latino loved
her so he changed her for himself, so ever since it
been them against the world, I wish I can also
conquer it all with the love of my life but who am I
kidding I can't even love to save my life an if I were
to just take a girl I would just take Ntho cause she's
the only human woman who knows about me 😫
well when I came here in Jo'burg the frst thing I did
was to fnd a company to buy cause I can't work for
someone it will only make things worse cause I will
always be with humans but as a owner I will just go
now an than just like today am at the ofce
thinking about all the people who are here an so
much blood for me ♂ my door was opened an
there comes a girl who's my personal assistant the
only thing I can see is her blood that's only can tick
me off

Her : Boss
Me : Yeah
Her : There's a woman here to see you
Me : Woman?
Her : Yes a woman if am not mistaken she's the
one in that picture in your table

Well I have a picture of Ntho just to avoid girls who

likes to firt but I know that they will do it even if
am walking with her I wonder why is she here

Me : Bring her in
Her : Okay
She went outside after fve minute Ntho came in
looking all beautiful an it seems like each day she
becomes more beautiful ,during the days when she
was angry at me I used to go an watch her
sleeping an that made me want to do things that I
never ever wanted to do in the woman

Ntho : You've been staring at me for a long time

now, did you even hear that I was greeting you
Me : No am sorry can you lock the door so that we
can talk?
Ntho : Okay
Me : If you comfortable thou
Ntho : No it's okay

She stood up an went to close the door, how I want

to hold her in my arms like every girls I ever
pretended with, although they didn't have an ass
like Ntho which drives me mad,wait why am I
thinking like this ��

Ntho : Talk to me now you acting weird for real, do

you usually have these blackout?
Me : Blackout?
Ntho : Never mind
Me : Can I kiss you?
Ntho : Um
Me : I would understand if you scared �♀
Ntho : Can we rather talk
Me : Fine

I stood up an went to seat next to her in the couch

because I don't want to shout

Me : I've been craving for blood ever since I came

Ntho : Yo... Your eyes they changed �


What is this doing to my body, he's too close for

my likings

Sean : Shhhh listen to this

He came closer to me an I just froze

Sean : Don't move

I literally froze not that he said so but because am

about to die what if he bites me an I die �� he
came closer to me an our lips met we kissed like
really kissed but I stopped it

Me : We can't do this I mean you were about to tell

me something....

He came into my neck an I died that moment boom

am gone, he just kissed me seductively but No
maan I can't, I quickly stood up an went to the
window an within a blink of an eye he was close to
me � an held my waist

Sean : Why are you fghting me? Us?

Me : Am not fghting anything 😫
Sean : Kiss me
Me : No I can't am scared
Sean : You scared that this kiss will lead us
Me : It wouldn't
Sean : Believe you me this kiss was gonna
defnitely lead us somewhere but because you a
virgin I will just leave you �

Wait how did he know that am a virgin an wait why

am I even here is this guy bewitching me?

Sean : What brings you here?

Me : I came to check on you
Sean : Am good just that I don't know if I can cope
with these people cause all I see is blood when I
see them I just wish to just rip them off 😫
Me : I think we need to control your drinking maybe
a time schedule can help
Sean : How will that help me?
Me : You will have to know that you eat by this
time, so that even if you see people you will
remind yourself that No this is not my time
Sean : I don't think that will help
Me : We will try Sean we have too cause you can't
always want to eat people when you see them an I
even bought you your drink, you have to have a
fridge in this ofce for your food
Sean : It's good for you to be thinking about me an
solutions on how we will live together
Me : Not just us but with everybody
Sean : Yes ma'am

I was still in his arms so he came into my neck I

again an I froze ,I just became tense

Me : Stop doing that it's like you wanna eat me

He just laughed cause clearly he is playing with me

just because he knows that am scared of what he
[9/29, 19:04] Ntobeh�: The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 14


Latino was in the lounge when Brad came holding

bags like he's going somewhere
Latino : Where you going?
Brad : I want air this house is suffocating
Latino : Do you think you can survive in another
Brad : I think I can
Latino : Do you by chance know where your
brother is? I mean I won't hurt the girl I just want
Brad : No I don't am sorry an I hope he comes
home I will keep on trying him on the phone
Latino : Please do, travel safely tell me when you
Brad : Thanks I will

Brad was about to go out when his sister came

inside the house an gave Brad a stare cause she's
is suspicious of him the way he's been acting
answering calls privately

Jane : Where you going?

Brad : Cape Town
Jane : Who do you know there?
Brad : I want air
Jane : Am coming with you
Brad : You can't do that I want this time to myself I
mean our brother is missing so I need to think of
how to fnd him

Jane gave him a dead stare but Brad was not

shaken by this, as for Latino he saw how jumpy
Brad is an if his suspicion is right Brad knows
where Sean is but he's waiting for him to tell where
he is


My brother is coming this side today in the next

hour he'll be here an I haven't told Ntho I don't
know where to start the way she's so scared of me,
I know my brothers visit will make her angry an
scared, I went to her room an she was just on her
undies this girl is sexy no doubt so I cleared my
throat she jumped

Ntho : Oh my God how long have you been

standing there, an God Sean am half naked�
Me : I know
Ntho : Close those eyes an don't smirk ��

She took a towel an covered herself I don't know

why because I already saw her �

Me : Can I come in now?

Ntho : You already in so why ask?
Me : Oh you said I must close my eyes so the
question is can I open them
Ntho : Just talk already 😫

I just chuckled an sat in her bed than signalled her

to come an sit close to me an she came slowly
though this girl is so scared of me an it's not even

Me : I have something to tell you

Ntho : What's that?
Me : My brother is coming in the next hour
Ntho : Are you crazy?

She stood up an I knew that she'll act like this

Me : No
Ntho : why bring another vampire in this house
what if he kill me SEAN � SEAN!! SEAN!!

She is now screaming my name I don't know if I

should laugh or just let her be

Me : Can you calm down

Ntho : CALM DOWN!! � are you listening to
yourself right now
Me : My brother won't do anything to you I promise
you I will never let anything happen to you as long
as I live so don't worry �

Her phone rang an she answered putting it on

loudspeaker I don't know why

Ntho : Hello
Caller : Hey um I don't know if you still remember
Ntho : No I don't am sorry
Caller : Am still yet to tell you who am I � am
Smangele we met by the gate with you the other
Ntho : Oh now I remember you �
Smangele : Am by my friends house can I come an
see you,I mean we promised each other that we
will be friends right?
Ntho : Yes I remember very well, Sma I don't

I signalled her to let her come I want her to be

happy she can't be stuck with me alone an I will
teach myself to live with people althou it won't be
that easy

Ntho : I don't think there's a problem

Smangele : I thought you were gonna say it's not a
good idea whoa I was gonna come by force cause
you can't be hidden in that house forever anyways
I will see you just now babes

They hung up an she looked at me still fuming I

just grabbed her to my arms
Me : You have to trust me Babe I'll never let them
hurt you

I kissed her forehead, she just looked down

Ntho : You cold �

Me : Didn't you notice that yesterday?
Ntho : No I didn't
Me : Am always cold
Ntho : Oh I don't even want to know �♀

I just held on to her ,I mean this girl brings out the

side I don't even know, well am no virgin but when
I sleep with a girl it's all about fuck an kill her but
now I just don't know


Smangele rang the intercom an they let her in so

she drove inside the gate, when she got out
Ntobeh was already waiting for her

Smangele : Hey �
They hugged each other

Ntobeh : Am glad you came

Sma : This house is really beautiful, you lucky to
have a boyfriend like yours
Ntobeh : Quite lucky

Ntobeh remembered that she didn't tell Sean that

he's her boyfriend to her friends

Ntobeh : Come in

They went inside to the lounge where they found

Sean seated there trying to act human cause it's
not the same with Ntobeh cause she knows

Smangele : Hey, you must be boyfe

Sean : Yes I am �

He gave Ntobeh a look that says I will get you

Ntobeh : You can grab a sit I will fnd you
something to drink
Sean : No seat Babe I will get her a drink don't

He stood up an went to have a breath of fresh air

cause he was actually holding his breath

Ntobeh : You looking beautiful

Smangele : Oh please you are the one who's
beautiful an I actually like you � well am sorry
about my friend the way she acted towards you
Sean : How did she act

He said coming back with drinks and cookies for

the ladies

Smangele : Whoa that was fast �

Ntobeh : � don't mind him he's always fast in
Smangele : Too much information �
Ntobeh : Never mind it's all in the past Sean
Sean : It's okay I will be in my room if you need me
Ntobeh : Okay �

Sean left them an went to his room

Smangele : Don't tell me that you not sharing the

same room
Ntobeh : Am still a virgin
Smangele : You lying right?
Ntobeh : Actually am not

Smangele laughed an screamed, Ntobeh noticed

that Smangele is live an bubbly

Smangele : So how come you cohabiting?

Ntobeh : It's a long story for another day
Smangele : You'll tell me when you ready,I wish I
was also a virgin just like you
Ntobeh : You experienced?
Smangele : Yes I am but my parents don't know I
mean they would kill me
Ntobeh : Am sure they not that bad friend
Smangele stood up cause she wanted to show
Ntobeh how would they kill her �

Smangele : Girl you better shut your ass up

Ntobeh : Whoa who's gonna say that ��
Smangele : My father chum he's a very strict father
I remember when I was in grade 11 when he heard
that I had a boyfriend, HE WAS SO C AZY LIKE
Ntobeh : What did she say �

Smangele was showing aggressive just like how his

father was before they knew it tables were fying
on the wall with Brad pinning Smangele against the
wall by her throat an Ntobeh screamed causing
Sean to be fast as possible an remembered later
that there's Ntho's friend in the house but the
image of his brother pinning the girl on the wall
with his long tooth an his eyes changed as for
Smangele she was shock to even notice that
Smangele : Oh... God �
Sean : Brad what the fuck? ��
Ntobeh : Sean she's my friend please tell him to let
her go ��
Sean : You killing no one � let that girl go

Brad wasn't hearing it as for Smangele she saw

death right in front of her eyes�
[9/29, 20:48] Ntobeh�: The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 15


Sean : Brad
Brad :....
Sean : Let her go

Sean was now fuming cause his brother is being

unreasonable, he dropped her hard on the foor
Brad : This bitch was shouting here telling her to
shut up if not she'll beat her ass up �
Smangele : Whoa so am the bitch �

Smangele was talking with a hoarse voice while

couching on the foor

Ntobeh : She was telling me a story about her

family an you just ruined the moment � can you
take your brother away NOW!!

Ntobeh was shaking because it seems like Brad is

not like his brother he can't control himself,she was
afraid that Smangele saw how he changed, she
pulled Smangele up an she was fuming

Smangele : What the hell bra?

Ntobeh : Am sorry Smangele I don't know what was
he thinking
Smangele : I nearly died � oh God Ntobeh what
the... Who's that?
Ntobeh : He's Sean's brother
Smangele : Am gone
Smangele took her bag an went to her car with
Ntobeh trying to calm her down but she wasn't
hearing it at all � she drove away, as for Ntobeh
she went back to the house an took the car keys
but when she was about to leave Sean was
standing there watching her

Ntobeh : Don't ✋
Sean : Am sorry
Ntobeh : What if he killed her? Do you know what
damage you could have done worse he changed
don't you think Smangele saw that?
Sean : She didn't
Ntobeh : It doesn't matter Sean,you know fuck yol
am gone I need air
Sean : Ntho
Ntobeh : No ✋ leave me alone

Ntobeh went to the driver an told him to take him

somewhere as long as it's not in this house �

Sean : B AD
He came to him slowly cause he knew that it was
gonna be trouble cause he's scared of his brother

Brad : Bro
Sean : What was that?
Brad : I don't know bra I came here an I saw that
girl shouting at your girl I thought that maybe she's
doing something to her cause she said she will
beat her ass up
Sean : Do you know what you've done? That girl is
the only friend who was starting to get fond of
Ntobeh� because of your short temper she's gone,
because of your short bloody temper we will have
start afresh with Ntho, I mean she was opening up
to me, she was not doubting me like in the
beginning �
Brad : I wasn't thinking straight
Sean : For your sake I hope Ntho speaks to me
again cause if not I will slice you like tomato �

Sean was going crazy not knowing where is

Ntobeh an it was making him do something that he
thought he won't do, which is to read her mind
Smangele was on her way home, she wanted to
present a strong font at home cause despite
everything she didn't want to put Ntobe in trouble
but as for that jerk ass she hates him with passion,
after a while she got home an when she opened
the she was met by her mother worse person ever

Smangele : Mom

Smangele Pov

My father came running like a maniac now I have

to think of something to say cause my father won't
take this lying down

Me : Mom am okay
Mom : Your neck doesn't say that, even your voice
is not there who did this to my baby � oh God
Mtshomo you have to do something my only baby
My mom have a thing for exaggerating things
cause am not her only baby even with my other
sibling it's the same thing with mom

Dad : Talk
Me : Well I was fghting with some girl
Dad : Why?
Me : She was dissing my new friend so I had to
stand up for her but she choke me
Dad : Where is that girl? Take me to her
Me : Dad No I can fght my own battle an you
should see her I rearranged her face �
Dad : I don't want you fghting look at what you did
to your mother an I know that you lying Smangele
I want the truth from you if not I will beat it out of
you now go to your room your neck scare my wife..
Come here baby
Mom : How could they do this to her she's young �
Dad : Are you sure you not pregnant?
What is going on with my mom she just stormed
out an I ran upstairs cause I know my father will
ask me what happened an to be honest I don't
know what to tell him my phone is ringing an I
don't even think of answering cause I know it's
Ntobeh the way she was crying pained me cause I
don't even have tears for rubbish 😫 that guy will
actually reap an sow the day he was born I will
make his life a living hell nx �


I lied when I said I can do this, I can't living with

Vampires is not easy I mean one minute everything
is good an the second it's back to square one � I
really needed someone like Smangele in my life
but that stupid Vamp took that away from me

Driver : Where to?

Me : I don't know just take me to the mall, I didn't
even bring money
Driver : I can give you some
Me : I need a lot of money I just wanna take my
mind off things
Driver : I can take you back
Me : No I'll see what I can do

I was crying because am so hurt by all of this, we

drove to the mall I got out of the car the driver
gave me 500 than I went inside decided to just
buy some snacks while pushing the trolley I saw a
pregnant woman trying to pick something she
dropped so I went to help her pick it up, she smiled
an looked at me for a long time

Woman : Thanks do I know you? �

Me : I doubt you do
Woman : Maybe am being paranoid thanks you so
much,this bump is really making me old
Me : You not old thou
Woman : eally I have a 26 years old son,18 years
old son an also expecting girl am old
Me : Maybe just a little �
Woman : Anyways thanks baby let me leave you at
it than � an take care of those eye bags crying
doesn't suits you

The way this woman looks at me it's like she really

knows me but how because am not from here �
♀,she left me an I did the shopping of snacks An
went to the parking lot after a while although I felt
like someone was watching me when I got there I
saw blood trails on the foor so I went to check
inside the car an my driver was left dead in my car
I screamed but someone shut me up with their
hands when I turn I was met by that woman from
the hospital the one who wanted to do what I don't

Jane : You will do this, get inside this car now

Me : What do you want from me?
Jane : I said get in this car right now cause you
Me : I don't know how to drive
Jane : Useless bitch�

She slapped me so hard I bled her eyes were

black , she sniffed an came forceful to me but
stopped herself I just felt the need to pee on myself
worse am standing near a dead body

Jane : I want my whole family to enjoy this feast so

I'll just control myself for now �
Me : Please don't kill me I can do anything for you
please don't kill me
Jane : Sean was telling the truth about you �
Me : What? �
Jane : He said that he will deliver you when he fully
gained your trust cause it seems like you trust
Me : Sean would never say that�
Jane : He said that in no time he will deliver you to
Me : No he would never �� he loves me

I shook my head cause am falling for the guy ,I

know he loves me I saw it that day in his ofce or
was it all a pretence

Jane : Do you think people like us can fall for

someone like you
Me : He loves me �
Jane : Listen here sweaty once we done with
you,you will be unrecognisable now watch your

Jane was trying to manipulate Ntobeh so that she

won't go home, in that way her parents will easily
fnd her an boom feast for them, Sean felt like
something is not right he was on the road so he
tried to read the drivers mind but he failed so he
read Ntobe's mind,as for Ntobeh she was crying
because of the love she have for Sean only to fnd
that Sean was using her

Jane : Just because you can't drive I'll let you be

but watch your back bitch
Ntobeh : ���

Jane ran away leaving Ntobeh crying on the

foor,she felt like someone was in front of her so
she screamed

Ntobeh : Leave me alone ��

Sean : Ntho what wrong?
Ntobeh : Stay away from me, you want to sell me
to your family � they killed the driver an now they
want me, Brad wanted to kill my friend than me �
I hate you Sean cause you are the one who bought
me here, you wanted to kill me
Sean : What are you talking about ?�
Ntobeh : Am talking about your sister your whole
family you want to kill me � Sean you should have
just killed me yourself

She said holding his T-shirt an shaking him roughly

Ntobeh : I'll rather have you kill me not your

family � what have I done in this earth to deserve
this �� frst it was ny father leaving me,my
mother beating me for something I didn't do �
now the man that am falling fo want to sell me to
the wolves �� please kill me yourself don't let
them eat me I'll rather have you drink my blood
not them ��

Sean just pulled her to him cause she was crying

an that pained him what ticked him off is that Jane
is in JHB that what he have to fx by killing her
family or not he can't risk it, which only makes him
not trust Brad cause he's the only one who knew
where he is
[9/30, 20:03] Ntobeh�: The Sun Has Fallen
Insert 16


I took Ntho home,she's traumatise an I don't even

know how to help her because am the one who led
her to this life, am looking at her an she's crying an
the thing that hurts me is the she doesn't trust me,
I mean if I wanted to kill her I would have done that
a long time ago but No I didn't, after a while we
were entering the gate an I saw a car that I don't
even know, I knew that my family is here an it
would be like am the one who called them

Ntobeh : Who's car is this �

Me : My Dad's car
Ntobeh : So that girl was telling the truth, you
actually sold me to your family?
Me : I would never do that Ntho, Jane is doing this
because she wants you to believe that am against
you Listen I would never do that to you I like you
so much to hurt you like that
Ntobeh : Fine Let's go in
Me : Are you sure?
Ntobeh : Yes am sure �

One thing I've learnt about Ntho it is that she's

strong an not coward cause if she was, she
wouldn't even be here with me ,Oh did she say that
she's falling for me? � we entered the house hand
in hand an I can see that she's trying to keep it
together... ♥...The woman I need in my life, when
we entered the lounge Jane an my parents were
seated there looking at us with smirks, I gave my
girl a stare an she was just looking at them with so
much range

Me : What are you all doing here?

Jane : We here to see you �
Mom : You left without saying goodbye, we even
followed Brad here because apparently you didn't
want us to know where you are
Dad : It's good Son that at last you delivered the

He said that standing up an I swear to God if he

touches Ntho I will kill him an remember later that
he's my father
Brad : Touch her Dad an you will see
Dad : What will I see?
Me : don't start what you won't fnish Benjamin, the
girl is with me
Mom : Oh honey is that one of your pretending
lines? I mean you never gave us the hard time with
the other girls �
Jane : Maybe he want us to beg
Me : Am giving you 5 minutes to leave my house
Jane : Can't she talk? Miss just look at this family
an tell me if you can handle all of this I mean you
the only human
Ntho : Am not afraid of you

My mom hissed like a snake but my girl was

standing her ground

Mom : You must be

Ntho : Just because you do whatever you do
doesn't mean you own me an you will always get
what you want with me now if you don't mind I
would like to go to my room

Ntobeh was about to go up the stairs when Jane

quickly went to stand in front of her with her long

Jane : Don't test me �

Ntho : If you don't move in my way right now, I will
not be responsible for what I will do �

Jane was about to slap Ntho when sean pushed her

with force,she hitted the wall hard with her head
an she screamed an stood her ground while
hissing,her mother an father were prepared for war
cause they will have this girl one way or the other

Sean : If anyone comes anywhere near my

girlfriend I will murder him or her don't test me
Dad : Give us the girl than we will be off your back
Sean : You not getting any girl
Brad : You will have to start with the both of us frst
The three of them were angry because they
thought that maybe Sean an Brad will realise that
this girl is not worth it but one thing they sure off is
that they will get her, starting by telling their
grandfather that Sean doesn't want to give them
the girl

Dad : Fine we are leaving

Mom : An Honey think about this �
Jane : There's nothing to think about here Mom �
Mom : No there Is, let's go

The mother took Jane by hand an they went to the

car but someone caught their action an it was
Scelo snooping around at the other side of the
fence remember the guy who told Smangele an his
friends that he saw a creepy guy but they blamed
it on the weed, so they saw him an Jane jumped on
top of the car an hissed showing her long teeth's
an Scelo ran away to the house while terrifed

Sindi : Whoa Whoa what wrong with you

Sabelo : Who's chasing you?
Scelo : You...not gonna believe what I saw
Lubanzi : What's that?
Scelo : I saw a bloody unusual creator with long ass
Muzi : Huh?
Scelo : I saw a bloody Vampire in the neighborhood
Muzi : What? �
Sabelo : Let's go an check

They all went outside to check but they didn't see a

thing there was only cars in the yard

Lubanzi : Where is it?

Scelo : That girl was there on top of the car gents
you have to believe me

They all looked at each other an burst out laughing

Sabelo : What weed did you smoke �� frst you

said you saw someone creepy in the
neighborhood � now you saw a Vampire
Muzi : Nigerian weed ��
Lubanzi : Electric weed � Scelo you should stop
Scelo : Am telling you the truth an you saying that
am lying �
Sindi : Stop smoking �� cause it's bad for you,I
mean it's not even Halloween ,you can't be going
around saying that you saw things that are not real

Scelo was scared to death cause he know what he

saw but they don't believe him, they kept on
laughing at him
Ntobeh tried calling Smangele but her phone was
not answered so she tried for the last time an it
was answered by a woman who's not Smangele

Woman : Hello
Ntobeh : Hello � **sniff** can I please talk to
Woman : Oh am her mother by the way, so I will
give her the phone she's sleeping
Than she heard shufe an she suspected that the
mother was giving the sleeping Smangele the

Smangele : Hello **with a sleepy voice**

Ntobeh : Hey Smangele�
Smangele : Ntobeh what's wrong? Why are you
crying is that guy troubling you? I can always tell
my father an am sure he can help you
Ntobeh : No Sma please I need you can I come
there maybe � I don't want to be here
Smangele : Um let's do this we will sleep in one of
my fathers hotel
Ntobeh : Anything is good as long as am not in this
house �
Smangele : Wait for me am coming
Ntobeh : What will you say to your parents? I mean
it's at night won't they have a problem with you
coming here�
Smangele : Don't worry I will come up with a plan
just get ready
Ntobeh : Okay
Ntobeh hung up her phone while crying on the foor
an Sean came to sit with her on the foor while
touching her but she wiggled herself an stood up
that made Sean more sad

Ntobeh : Don't ✋
Sean : Ntho please �
Ntobeh : Am not sleeping here today I need a
break from all of this
Sean : You not safe alone Ntho
Ntobeh : I can't be here I need air �� this day was
just long an with so many drama I can't deal with
this, I need air Sean �
Sean : What if they hunt you down
Ntobeh : Maybe my fate is that

Ntobeh took her overnight bag an packed her

clothes, Sean was going crazy cause he didn't want
to separate with Ntho especially now that his
family wants her up an down

Sean : Ntho
Ntobeh : Don't beg me to stay Sean I need to do
Brad : Let her go maybe nothing won't happen to
her, this is too much to take

Ntobeh just looked at Brad cause she's still angry

for chocking her friend, after some time Smangele
knocked on the door an was let in by Brad, she saw
the crying Ntobeh coming downstairs so she
rushed to her an they hugged they had that
connection that they can't explain, Smangele
should be angry at her but she's not

Smangele : Let's go
Ntobeh : Um I will call you an let you know when
we get to the hotel

She said looking at the worried Sean

Sean : Ok come here

Ntobeh went to him an he hugged her tight cold or

not Ntobeh was getting used to it, an he kissed her
forehead after that they went their way, after a
while they were checked in so they were in their
room, Ntobeh was thinking at how her life just
changed nje after her father's passing

Smangele : Let's stuff ourselves with Ice creams

don't you think?
Ntobeh : Sure why not? �
Smangele : You lucky because my own this hotel so
this is one of the suites I use an it always packed �

Smangele went to take a tub of Ice cream with two

spoons an went to snuggle with Ntobeh in the

Smangele : Talk to me buddy

Ntobeh : My life is a complete mess
Smangele : What's wrong? You know you can tell
me everything right? Fine we just started being
friends but I can assure you, I feel connected to
you maybe you being my friends neighbour was
fate for you to meet me �
Ntobeh : I think so too an am so happy to have you
although maybe you won't even want to be friends
with me if you were to hear what am going to tell
Smangele : Just talk already cause right you talking
cramp nothing will push me away from you, I mean
I was chocked right in your house so what more
would make me run away �✋
Ntobeh : Am sorry about that
Smangele : Water under the bridge even thou my
father wants to know the truth
Ntobeh : shit!!
Smangele : Yes but don't worry I know where to
push when I want him to forget about something
,now tell me what's eating you
Ntobeh : Well I lost my father a month ago
Smangele : Oh my God � that's so sad am so sorry
I wish I was there to hold you an comfort you

Smangele genuinely loved Ntobeh, she is drawn to

her as friends

Ntobeh : My mother started abusing me � she

would beat me up for things that I don't know, ever
since my father passed away I was woken by 5am
everyday to clean the house an I didn't know why
would she treats me this way cause am her
daughter, one day I woke up because I was going
to work so when I got to the lounge she was with
another man called Bra Des that what she
introduced him to me, she even said that if she's
not there an am with Bra Des I must know that am
safe, so I didn't take note of that I thought that
maybe he will keep me safe until late that night
when I was brought by Sean home,it was a lift to
home so I took it cause I was desperate didn't even
have money for pads so I took a strangers lift home
because of desperate measures �

Smangele was breaking down cause she thought

that maybe Ntobeh was just a snob like her �

Ntobeh : So that night I came back home an was

met by a slap from Bra Des cause apparently I was
sold to him by my own mother ��
Smangele : Oh my God � Ntobeh how did you
survive that? Heh? �
Ntobeh : It was a life that I was given for that
period of time, the next day I was hospitalised
because of being beaten to a pulp by him, Sean
came to see me an to cut the story short we
escaped from the hospital cause I was tired of the
life I was living Smangele it was not healthy �
Smangele : True it was not �
She took her hands while listening they were both

Ntobeh : Sean decided that it's good that we move

to Jo'burg so I told him that I want to fetch my
clothes home than we can go, I went there to fnd
my mother crying on the foor only for her to tell
me that I have to come back home cause Bra Des
will kill her, I mean she didn't care about me ��
the kind of a mother I had in my life, it didn't start
when my father was dead, she always had been
abusing me from 6 years old I would be starve until
my father comes back from the small jobs he was
doing�,I went to my room to pack an Bra Des
entered using the window, he wanted to ra... ape

Ntobeh sobbed loudly because of the fashback of

that night, Smangele was heart broken � she even
wanted to tell her father so that he can kill the
bastard nx �

Ntobeh : He touched me, He forceful opened my

legs I couldn't scream because of the gun that he
was holding ��
Smangele : Stop ✋�
Ntobeh : No I have to talk about this in order to
heal an be strong cause my life is far from being
good � when he was about to do the worse I don't
know what happened but I saw him on the foor
with Sean b... He was b... �

Ntobeh didn't know what was happening,she felt

like she could trust Smangele is it a good thing

Ntobeh : He was biting her neck like an animal �

Smangele : Animal? ��
Ntobeh : I fainted an woke up in the jet an I told
him that we will talk at home, an we got to the
house I asked him what was happening back there
cause I saw him sucking blood out of Bra Des ��
Smangele : Wait ✋

Smangele stood up an looked at Ntobeh with fear

an shock written in her face with tears falling down

Smangele : A Vampire? � that's the only

explanation Ntobeh are you insane? �� you not
safe an to even think that you actually told me to
come to your house what if they killed you or
worse kill us both?
Ntobeh : I love him Smangele�, fne I was angry at
frst but I learnt to live with him, he's the only guy
am able to live my life the way I want an he saved
me from all the abuse I've been getting home �
Smangele : Are you C AZY? YOU HEA ING
YOU SELF?�� Ntobeh you not safe, Oh my God I
can't believe you right now
Ntobeh : Smangele that guy's family wants my
blood but they can't have it because Sean is
protecting me � I love him an I can't just forget
about him

Smangele paced up an down cause she was going

crazy never in her life have she thought that she
would hear a person telling her that she's living
with a Vampire �

Smangele : Why were you crying?

Ntobeh : Because they were at the house
Smangele : Who? �
Ntobeh : His family
Smangele : NTOBEH�� ,wait wait wait we not
safe, Babe listen to me this is not the life for you,
fne you were abused but this is not the escape you
have to use, you deserve so much
Ntobeh : Smangele I can't I love him �
Smangele : Fine ✋ we have to get out of here I
think....although it's hard to say this but you much
safe with him than with me � Okay Okay we will
sleep there right? Am sure they won't chock me
again OH God I can't believe am saying this � but
we safe with them we have to...

They heard a knock an they jumped with fear

Smangele : Who is it?

Person : oom Service Ma'am
Smangele : **sigh**

Smangele went to open the door but realised later

that she didn't order anything �

Jane : Surprise � Move !!

She said pushing the scared Smangele inside the
room with force an she fell

Ntobeh : Oh God ��

[9/30, 23:21] Ntobeh�: The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 17


Smangele : Who is this? ��

Jane : Am Jane � Thank you very much for bringing
me another meat
Ntobeh : Please take me alone
Smangele : Are you crazy? You not going anywhere
Jane : True, yol are not going anywhere cause I will
kill the both of you right here

Her eyes changed an she went on Vampire mode,

Smangele was so adamant that Ntobeh was indeed
telling the truth.
Jane : Now I want you to shut up!!

Smangele thought hard an she couldn't die not yet

Smangele : Wait
Jane : Yes
Smangele : I can give you more blood if you let us
go, I promise you I will always provide for you

Jane looked at her with a smile

Jane : Tempting but No✋ I want this bitch, she

actually took my man away F OM ME �

She shouted an it was too much to make Smangele

more scared,Ntobe's phone rang an it was Sean so
she didn't answer

Jane : Answer it an tell him that you good �

It rang once again an the phone was answered by
Smangele because Ntobeh was actually crying

Smangele : Sean
Sean : I want you to listen to me
Smangele : Oh yes she's good
Sean : Light something maybe fre or a light that
will burn her for a while until I reach there
Smangele : Oh I will tell her when she fnishes
Sean : Do that am on my way

Smangele hung up her phone an remembered that

there was actually a � that can burn this bitch

Jane : Switch off that phone

Smangele : Okay

All along Ntobeh was praying that nothing happens

to Smangele cause she will never forgive herself,
Jane made her way to Ntobeh when Smangele
kicked her from the behind an she fell cause she
was not expecting it
Smangele : If you want blood you have to work frst

Jane hissed an went to Smangele but she ducked

an gave her an elbow from behind she fell once
again all along Ntobeh was watching all of this, as
for Smangele she wanted to buy time

Smangele : Go to the drawer

Jane stood up an kicked Smangele hard on her

stomach that she fell on the foor an blood came
out her mouth, Ntobeh tried to go to the drawer
but Jane was fast she pushed her to the wall when
she was about to go to her Smangele took the vase
that was in the table an threw it at her it hits her
head hard she fell on her knees, Smangele went to
the drawer an found the big torch when she came
back Jane was holding Ntobeh with her throat
ready to kill her, Smangele nearly died because
she won't survive if Ntobeh was to die right now

Smangele : Not today satan

Jane laughed so hard that it annoyed Smangele so
she lit up the torch at the back, Jane felt the burn
an she screamed an turned with force when she
was about to go to Smangele, Ntobeh took the
knife that was in the table an stabbed her at the
back while Smangele burned her in the face, she
was screaming an cursing because of burning she
even fell down while touching her face as for
Smangele she took the bags an signalled Ntobeh
that they should leave at once

Smangele : Now let's see who's the bitch, BITCH �

They left her screaming on the foor ,when they

were on the passage they were stopped by
someone so they screamed with Smangele lifting
the torch like "One mistake you dead bitch"

Sean : It me
Ntobeh : Oh God Sean

Ntobeh went to hug, even Smangele she was

actually happy to see him so she hugged him
Smangele : Whoa you cold I can't ✋ but all in all get
us out of here �
Sean : Okay Brad will take you to the car
Ntobeh : No � I can't go without you Sean
Smangele : Listen nothing will touch you while am
still alive so let's go with this dickhead
Brad : Hey watch it
Smangele : Come Babes

They left Sean, he went to the room where Jane

was, he kneeled down beside her, Jane touched her
while crying

Jane : Sean look what they did to me

Sean : ...
Jane : You have to kill them � I love You okay
please kill them for me �
Sean : It ends now
Jane : No Se....

He just twisted her neck an she died right there, he

didn't even shed one regret
Sean : est in hell, If I were to love, I would have
loved that girl you wanted to kill

He took the body an ripped it an threw it in the fre

that was in the room (I don't what that thing is
called, the house fre or something) cause he didn't
want anything putting those girls in trouble, he
than went to the car an drove home


If I were to say that this thing will not make me

have nightmares at night, I would be lying well my
father taught me how to fght an he even taught
me how to hold the gun so I used to say that If I
were to be killed by thugs they will have to do that
the hard way cause I won't let them do that easily
without fghting, we were in the car driving to the
house using my car but the person who was driving
is Sean's brother, I was holding Ntobeh cause she
was vulnerable

Me : You'll be okay
Ntobeh : What if you died heh? � I would have
never forgiven myself
Me : You'll have to slaughter the cows an ask the
ancestors to kill me for you cause am a die hard �
Brad : So I've noticed �

Me : shut up perv am not talking to you ✋ ✋
Brad : Am sorry hey
Me : Sorry won't do ✋

Finally we were at the house, how I wish I could

just go to my friends house cause am scared at all
of this more especially for Ntobeh who lives with
them everyday, we went to inside straight to the
lounge although Brad went to the kitchen

Ntobeh : Drink
Me : No am okay
Ntobeh : I meant he's going to the kitchen for the
Me : drink?
Ntobeh : Blood
Me : Oh

I'll never get used to this, I mean this day is the

worst amongst every days I've ever had in my
life � Sean came inside the house walking like the
earth has been dropped in his shoulders, he just
stood there an watched Ntobeh who was in her

Sean : Come

Ntobeh looked up an she jumped an ran to him

they hugged, one thing I can see is that these two
love each other so I just let them be an went to the
kitchen to fnd this perv drinking blood I felt lime
vomiting ✋

Brad : Want?
Me : Perv take that away from me �
Brad : �� Are you okay? Need a hug?
Me : No I don't, hugs are meant to be hot an comfy
but I know yours are cold an not comfy enough
Brad : Am sorry about earlier on
Me : It's okay, so tell me how do you live with a
human an don't crave?
Brad : I taught myself when I was at school
Me : School?
Brad : Yes I wanted to keep myself busy so I did go
to school
Me : Oh
Brad : I do crave but I just hold myself although it's
not that easy but we have to if not for me than for
my brother cause I can see that he's in love
Me : I can see that
Brad : Don't leave her she really needs you
Me : I won't even dream of it just that this is hard
to accept just like that
Brad : I know an now that Jane is dead there will be
Me : Tell me about it!
Brad : One thing I know is that Sean would never
let anyone touch her or you cause you her friend,
Ntho's happiness is his medicine, never thought I
would say this but a human really did change my
brother for just these couples of weeks, I mean he
was an asshole who didn't care about anything but
himself, ever since he met Ntho it has always been
her, her her
Me : Love �
Brad : What about you?
Me : Whoa mind your own business
Brad : �
Me : To even think that I was prepared to make
your life a living hell for chocking me
Brad : You can still do
Me : How? Cause the only thing I can do is fry
you � just make you a chicken dust bhu bhu
bhu ��
Brad : Huh?
Me : Sbanxa senkwenkwe (Idiot)
Brad : Are you insulting me?
Me : No I was complimenting you, I have a thing for
white guys nja
Brad : Oh �
Me : Sbhanxa (Idiot)�

We laughed in all honesty though if Ntobeh was me

I would have never fallen for a vampire I'll rather
die whoa Never!!!
Sean was still holding Ntho tight, the feeling of
losing her really got to him, an he even blamed
himself that he shouldn't have let her go

Sean : Am sorry

Ntobeh pulled out of the hug

Ntobeh : It's not your fault �

Sean pulled her an he sat on the couch an pulled

her to his lab

Sean : I will never ever let you out of mu sight,

from now on you under my watch
Ntobeh : Thank You for always being there
whenever I need you
Sean : I care about you
Ntobeh : An thank to that karate kid called
Smangele �
Smangele : I HEA D THAT CHUM �
Smangele shouted from the kitchen so they all

Sean : Can you sleep in my bedroom

Ntobeh : Why?
Sean : I love watching you sleeping
Ntobeh : Creepy
Sean : I know �
Ntobeh : Sounds tempting but I can't I have to
sleep with Smangele
Sean : She can sleep alone
Ntobeh : No Sean am sure she's afraid,I mean you
would be if you were to hear that actually you
surrounded by people like you
Sean : Yeah I know, but from now on there's no
Ntobeh : What did you do to her
Sean : It's all sorted don't worry yourself, she'll
never hunts you down again
Ntobeh : What about your parents?
Sean : They back in Durban so for now we all good
don't worry
Ntobeh : Okay �
Ntobeh was still scared but she trusted Sean that
he will never let anything hurt her, Sean came
closer to Ntho's face an they kissed passionately
after some time Ntobeh pulled the kiss

Sean : What's wrong?

Ntobeh : Nothing
Sean : Oh � I would never do what you don't want
to do Babe
Ntobeh : I know
Sean : Good that you know Babe

Sean kissed her nose she smiled,Sean was

charmed by her smile so he kept on staring at her
making Ntobeh blushed, Sean knew that he's
blessed to have Ntobeh in his life an he wouldn't
want anything that will make her cry never again, if
she cries it will be because of joy not because of
his family
[10/1, 15:02] Ntobeh�: The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 18

I woke up not feeling good my lower abdomen is

hurting I guess it is because of that kick I got from
that girl, I will have to go an check with the doctor
if I have a problem, well to be honest I had a
restless night how can one sleep in a house flled
with two vampires ,I woke up an did my morning
hygiene cause I have a class to attend at 12 after
bathing I wore what I bought yesterday with my
overnight bag, when I turned Ntobeh was already

Me : Sleepyhead
Ntobeh : Hey, how did you sleep?
Me : Honestly or I should lie?
Ntobeh : Honest �
Me : I was restless the whole night
Ntobeh : I was just like that when I frst heard that
Sean is what he is
Me : I hope maybe on my next visit I will be okay
Ntobeh : Smangele would you still come here after
yesterday I mean you nearly died
Me : Ntobeh am not going anywhere, am a risk
taker if you stayed after hearing all of this than if
not for my will, but for you I will stay
Ntobeh : Thank You so much, how are you feeling?
Me : I'll be good, I better hurry because I have a
Ntobeh : Oh let me fx you breakfast
Me : Go an freshen up I will make breakfast
Ntobeh : Ok

I went downstairs to be met by a burning smell, I

wonder what is happening in the kitchen,I went to
check what is happening an you won't believe what
am seeing, Brad an Sean are cooking an I think
they don't even notice that the food is burning
wooo �

Me : What the fuck guys? ��

Sean : We making breakfast �

He said it like a small boy �

Me : Breakfast � can't you see that the food is
Brad : Isn't suppose to be like this?
Me : Are you for real? Does it look like this when
Ntobeh serves you?

They looked at me like I've just said something I

shouldn't have or like am crazy

Sean : We don't eat

Me : Oh �� where my mind at, am sorry hey
Brad : It's okay, um taste
Me : No I'll pass am actually allergic to food that
Sean : Let's hope Ntho will eat
Me : I hope so too, um I'll just grab some mufn an
Brad : Good thing Ntho brought them yesterday
Me : Yes lovies

I made coffee an they carried on cooking their food

with me laughing at them, they wanted to impress
Ntobeh � after sometime the queen came

Ntobeh : Who's burning my kitchen, No maan Sean

open the windows
Sean : But Babe ��♀
Ntobeh : Open the windows or aircon but do

I was so laughing cause they were so sad that

Ntobeh is not impress

Ntobeh : How can you sit here an don't tell them to

stop what they doing
Me : Am not involving myself �
Sean : I wanted to make you breakfast
Ntobeh : That's so sweet of you �

She kissed his cheek an I saw a smile in his face


Brad : What about me?

Ntobeh : It sweet really guys but No this is not the
way to cook, this food is burnt in a way that we
can't even eat it, whoa � look at these potatoes,
oh my boys you tried
Me : Tried? � stop lying to them

I said that getting up an went upstairs to take my

bags after that I was ready to go so I went
downstairs to tell them that I have to love an leave

Me : Am gone
Ntobeh : Oh I will call you neh?
Me : Ndiyakuthanda vha? (I love You)
Ntobeh : I love You too �
Me : Bye guys
Them : Bye �

I drove off to my friends house but I didn't get in I

called her to come out so she did now we driving to
Sindi : Where were you yesterday, I tried calling
Me : Oh Snap, I didn't charge my phone
Sindi : Are you okay, your neck is red an your voice
is hoarse
Me : Am okay, I have fue
Sindi : If you say so
Me : So what have been going on?
Sindi : Me an the boys smoke the whole day
Me : Oh

Some people were smoking while we were being

chocked for joking � how I would love to be them

Sindi : You should join us

Me : Weed?
Sindi : Yes
Me : Never � why would you even think of that
Sindi : Sabelo was there �
Me : So?
Sindi : I saw how you both look at each other, am
sure you crushing on him
Me : Me?
Sindi : Yes an don't deny it
Me : Ayy whatever maan you bored that's why
uthetha izinto ezingabhadlanga (you talking crap)

Sindi just laughed an shook her head,Am not

crushing on that player fne he's hot an all but no
maan he's not my type of tea


Benjamin : Jane is suppose to be back now

Lucy : I know an her phone is off
Benjamin : Do you think Sean got to her?
Lucy : I don't think so, she's his sister so I don't
think he'll kill one of our own
Benjamin : Have you ever heard Sean calling me
by my name?
Lucy : Am sure he was just angry my love don't
worry he'll come around
Latino : Who will come around

He said that entering the lounge

Benjamin : Sean
Latino : You found Seanant? �

Latino loves Sean cause he's like a son to him, he

actually loved him more than he love his own son

Lucy : Yes
Latino : Where?
Benjamin : Johannesburg
Latino : What is he doing there?
Lucy : He's living with that girl
Latino : Is he in love with her?
Lucy : No he's not
Benjamin : Lucy that boy is defnitely in love with
that girl
Lucy : That boy can't love Benjamin so he will have
to love us frst than that girl, that's my baby I know
Latino : The rocks are turning
Benjamin : Huh?
Latino : Who said rocks can't be shaken!! �

He stood up an went to his room cause he's going

home, these two were confused � at what is
Latino saying what rocks?
Later that day

Smangele was driving back home when she

decided to take the road not travelled (short cut)
when she was halfway through her car just stopped

Smangele : Damn � am out of petrol

Smangele took her phone an called Ntobeh who

answered almost immediately

Ntobeh : Are you okay? �

Smangele : Give Brad a phone
Ntobeh laughed cause she knew that this only
mean trouble

Brad : Hello
Smangele : Tell me something
Brad : What?
Smangele : Do you also drink petrol? Heh?
Brad : Are you out of your mind?
Smangele : You tell me how come I don't have
petrol when you were the last person who drove
my car
Brad : stop going crazy on me the only thing you
should say to me is "Brad can you kindly please
come and help me"�
Smangele : Eyy wena � you motherfucker!!

She saw a car coming from afar

Smangele : I will get you nx

Smangele hung up her phone an went to stand in

the middle of the road to stop the car for help,
when it was near she wished that she didn't stop it
cause the way she's so angry, the person she's
seeing is the last person

Sabelo : What? Are you stalking me?

Smangele : You are the one who's always following
me now be a gentleman an help me
Sabelo : With?
Smangele : Petrol
Sabelo : I didn't hear you ���
Smangele : I can always call my father fool
Sabelo : Call him an I would want to hear what he'll
say when he fnds out that you took the shortcut
Smangele : Can you help me already
Sabelo : Fine

Sabelo got out of the quantum to the back to take

out the just in case bottle he was keeping, all along
the girl that was with him was giving Smangele
nasty looks but Smangele didn't mind that the only
thing she wanted is to go home
Smangele : Fast fast am sure your girlfriend is
angry now
Sabelo : Let her I don't care
Smangele : your name is "Mawungangedluli penti"
(Panty don't pass me) � so many girlfriend
Sabelo : I knew that you will talk crap I was just
waiting for the moment �
Smangele : Tshin ay na uSabelo (Oh Sabelo) you
will die of aids
Sabelo : That means we will die together �
Smangele : Unganya phinde (Never)
Sabelo : Why? Don't you fnd me attracting

He even came closer to her an that was too much

to make Smangele wet 😫

Smangele : Get away from me devil ✋

Sabelo : Your body doesn't say that �
Girl : Can we go already Minnie
Sabelo : One more attitude from you I will leave
you here
Girl : You won't do that
Sabelo : Keep on talking you will walk home
The girl kept quiet whereas Smangele was dancing
inside � ,Smangele loves causing confict
wherever she goes

Sabelo : You owe me

Smangele : I know
Sabelo : Now drive
Smangele : Andingo bhabha mna (am not a child)
you can go
Sabelo : I said go

Smangele got inside the car not because of the

way he said it, she was just happy that his
attention is on her not the girl he was with ☺ ,she
smiled inside the car an Sabelo winked than she
drove off
[10/1, 23:07] Ntobeh�: The Sun Has Fallen

Am sure that this insert will actually hurt a lot of

people but the thing is I can't change what I've
already written down, well we as people we can't
be strong the same way so we can't expect people
who are not strong the same way as you are to be
strong....I hope niyangizwa lovies...♥....

Insert 19


Days have passed with me an Ntobeh very fond of

each other, me an Brad became too close�,me an
my brother Lubanzi are still doing the most which
is always partying when my father isn't looking �I
mean we only live once so why not �,Sabelo has
been giving me vibes that sweep me off my feet I
don't know why because he's a player an by trying
something with him will only bring me heartache
nje, Life has been great an indeed my mother is
pregnant my father must be giving her to good
cause she should be retiring in the sex department,
well I broke up with my man I know you didn't
know about him but yeah I was kind of in a
relationship with him ��♀ ,so today I have an
early class I was woken up by a phone ringing an I
wonder who in their right minds will wake me up at
this time of the day, I checked the time frst oh
Snap am late for class it's already 10am �� I
woke up without answering that phone I went to do
my morning hygiene I've never been so quick in
my whole life, after that I wore my adidas tracksuit
with while all star, I took my bag an went
downstairs took an apple, bided goodbye to the
family than drove off, on my way I took my phone
an the person who was calling me was a number
that I don't even know so I called that person back
an it's like he was waiting

Caller : Morning Princess

Me : Wuu who are you an why are you calling me
princess like am a small kid?
Caller : Snap out of it you talking to Brad
Me : Oh Hey

Why is he calling me so early in the morning �

well we close but not to a point that he will have
my numbers � I just don't deal with Vamps ✋ I'll
rather climb the train an jump than die or chock
myself with electricity cause No Mogul I can't �✋
well it's quite good for Ntobeh cause I don't know
how to explain it 😫

Brad : Am sorry if I woke you up

Me : Oh No don't worry you saved the day, am so
late an it's not even funny
Brad : Will you come this side today?
Me : No I won't why?
Brad : Just wanted to see you
Me : See me or drink me?

Oh fuck did I say that loud

Brad : No I don't wanna drink you stupid I just

wanna see you �
Me : Oh okay don't worry I will come to just check
on yol than I will go home, I mean my father was so
angry with me for not being at home the day
before yesterday

Oh the day before yesterday I went to visit Ntobeh

an ended up calling my father asking if I could
sleep, an he he was not okay with it but he agreed
althou Brad was like "Just tell him that you not
coming back than hung up, he will get the picture"
I was like in my mind does this blood sucker know
who my father is
Brad : Ain't you old for that?
Me : No in his eyes I will always be small
Brad : He should get a life, I mean you gonna be
turning 20 next week

Yes next week friday is my birthday �

Me : Uhm you know what we will talk later,Bye

I didn't even wait for him to say bye, cause this is

what you must know about me, am my father's
baby so being reprimanded by him doesn't hurt me
in anyway


Me : So?
Brad : She will come
Me : Why do you want her here?
Brad : I guic it's good to just look at her
Me : Just look at her? Weren't you the one who was
prepared to kill her the other day
Brad : I thought that she wanted to kill Ntho or to
hurt her

My brother has been acting weird well over the

past two weeks that have passed, life has been
good for us without my family harassing us,they
even think that Jane is missing so they are worried
about her, I haven't even contacted my grandpa
cause am scared that he will actually come this
way to kill Ntobeh, well about her I have been
feeling these foreign feeling when am with her you
know I even went to google why am I weak at the
sight of seeing a girl an guess what? They told me
that it's love maybe I am but I don't know but if it
is than it have chosen the best one for my heart �

Ntobeh : Sean

She was shouting from her room I don't know what

she want from me � always calling me for nothing,
so I climbed the stairs like am being forced, I
watched her laying on her bed an I know she wants
me to do the same so I did

Me : Am here
Ntobeh : I was waiting for you
Me : Mmmh�
Ntobeh : You usually come to my room every
morning but today you didn't
Me : I did an you were so peacefully sleeping

Ntobeh : I was so tired you bullied me yesterday,

into baking what you won't even eat
Me : You always have a visitor so you had to
Ntobeh : Which reminds me close that door please
Me : So you want to gossip? �
Ntobeh : No maan just close the door
Me : Okay ma'am even though I would have heard
Ntobeh : Just close the door �

I laughed an went to close the door, with her it's

always the same gossiping over an over again, I
mean we even gossiped about our neighbour who's
always drunk that girl will die of alcohol am telling
you but that ain't my business� I went back to the
Ntobeh : Why is your brother always wanting
Smangele to be here, I mean she will end up being
thrown out of her home � this is not fair please
tell your brother that Smangele is not living by
herself woo yafa ingane yomfazi ,This is getting out
of hand
Me : You see you mot being fair � you can't be
gossiping with me than use your language
Ntobeh : Am sorry when am this angry I just speak
in tounges �
Me : Where did I fnd you? �✋

I tried to get out of bad but she was fast, she

climbed me causing me to not leave I just laughed
because I always let her think that she's more
powerful than me

Me : On a serious I don't know what is happening

with my brother
Ntobeh : Please talk to him
Me : I can't maybe he loves her who knows?

Ntobeh : Will they even kiss? �
Me : Why? �
Ntobeh : I mean my friend is afraid of yol, secondly
how will she survive cause she can't even sleep if
she's here ever since she heard that yol don't sleep
� I mean how will she survive with a lover who's a
Me : Can you get off me an stop gossiping, let
them decide for themselves �
Ntobeh : Yes let's do that I was about to say that
Me : Oh liar �

I tickled her she laughed so hard that makes me

happy cause when I met her she was not
completely her, but now she's alive �


Smangele was coming back from school so she

dropped Sindi in her house than went to Ntobe's
house even thou she was tired an wanted to sleep,
so she got inside the house cause it's like her home
now, she found them in the pool house talking an

Smangele : Afternoon fellas

Ntobeh : You look tired
Smangele : You have no idea babes �

Brad was smiling like a retard just because of

seeing Smangele�

Ntobeh : Come an sit here

Smangele : Isn't Sean siting there?
Sean : No sit don't worry about me �

Smangele went to sit near Ntobeh

Brad : So how was your day?

Smangele : It was good no complaint although
there was this guy who's a tutoring my friend, he
asked me out I mean guy he's ugly as fuck
Ntobeh : So are you going on a date with him? �
Smangele : No defnitely never �
Brad : That's good ,a beautiful girl like you can't be
mixing herself with ugly people
Smangele : Bra �✋ But hey am still waiting for my
dream guy �
Sean : You will fnd him, don't worry yourself
Ntobeh : She's not worried Babe �
Sean : No the ways she's saying it, it's like she's
crying inside
Smangele : I can't be crying because of a man �
Sean please don't make me a bitch
Sean : Am not � don't put words in my mouth

All along Brad was quiet an that worried Smangele

cause the reason she came here was because Brad
wanted to see her

Smangele : Brad are you okay?

Brad : Um I was wondering if we can talk
Sean : Alone? �
Ntobeh : I mean we got no secrets right? �
Smangele : Can you two go please � busy wanting
Sean : I was still enjoying the air can we sit here we
won't even hear a thing we promise
Brad : We will go inside
Ntobeh an Sean looked at each other an stood up
to leave them alone although they didn't want to,
Sean had his reasons so is Ntobeh 😫

Brad : Come this side

Smangele : Okay

Smangele went to sit near Brad, who just took her

hand an Smangele's heart was beating out of her

Brad : Don't be afraid, I know you are

Smangele : Okay an you should stop being creepy,
don't hold my hands 😫
Brad : Oh okay

He let go of her hands an Smangele breathed out

the air she was holding

Brad : Smangele I love You �

Smangele : What?
Brad : Yeah ever since I got fond of you my feelings
became stronger each day that I can't even stay
the whole day without seeing you
Smangele : Brad � don't mean to be an ass but
me an you are just friends an what even worse am
scared of you an I don't even dream of dating
someone like you I mean am human so I will
always look behind my back I won't fully trust you
Brad : Which brings me to my second quest
Smangele : What's that?
Brad : Can I be your maker
Smangele : Maker?
Brad : Yes, For you to not always look behind your
back I can make you what I am
Smangele : What.... No ✋
Brad : Listen Sm...
Smangele : I said No✋ I don't want to be like you
Brad : Please I love You an I want you to always
Smangele : Can I ask you a question
Brad : Yes you can
Smangele : If I were to date you but don't want to
change will you agree?
Brad :....
Smangele : Thought as much, Brad you thirsty for
my blood? �
Brad : No am not but I know that if we date I can't
hold myself long without attacking you
Smangele : Wuu ndinyeliwe (This is all shit!!) Do
this one little favour for me take that love an give it
to someone who will want to change for you, as for
me I don't love you in that kind of way fne you
handsome an all but Not for me ✋

Brad tried to get closer to Smangele but she


Smangele : Stay away from me

Smangele ran to the house straight to her car with

Ntobeh shouting her name but she wasn't hearing
it, in her mind she was thinking if it's her who led
Brad to all of this cause in all honesty he always
looked at Brad as a brother who can always protect
her in bad time but Now Brad want to change her,
whoa aNever shame that what she thought to
The Sun Has Fallen
Insert 20


Ntobeh came inside the house fuming cause Brad

have a thing for always making Smangele run
without looking back

Ntobeh : What did you do to her? �

Sean : He wanted to change her
Brad : I tho...
Sean : You selfsh that's it
Brad : I want her to be my woman is that too much
to ask
Sean : You don't love her
Brad : I do
Sean : eally Brad? Or you just loved the idea of
changing someone like our grandfather?
Brad : You don't know what you talking about
Sean : What does the future shows you?
Brad :....
Sean : Brad
Brad : Just butt of my business man �

Brad stormed out of the lounge to the kitchen

Sean : He's hiding something

Ntobeh : He better not hurt my friend in that hiding
Sean : No one will get hurt Smangele is grown
woman an by the look of things she will be able to
handle herself
Ntobeh : I hope so cause of not I will burn him ✋
Sean : Serious? �
Ntobeh : Serious Sean Smangele is my friend an I
want nothing to happen to her
Sean : Are this protective over me?
Ntobeh : You not mine to protect �
Sean : Huh? � you hurting my feelings

He pretended to be hurt in his heart causing

Ntobeh to giggle
Ntobeh : Sean tell me something
Sean : Mmmh ✋

He said wiggling his eyebrows while smiling�

Ntobeh : What is this?

Sean : By this what you mean?
Ntobeh : Us, what are we doing?
Sean : We in a relationship
Ntobeh : You love me? Or am just a rebound
Sean : Come

He pulled her to the couch an they snuggle close to

each other

Sean : I don't know if am in love or not Babe cause

all my life I was all hating an not loving
Ntobeh : Why?
Sean : I was taught to be like this by my
Ntobeh : How did you join?
Sean : Join?
Ntobeh : Who's your maker?
Sean : Well I lost my mother at the age of 12 she
was Eliza's sister
Ntobeh : You lost your mother? � an who's Eliza?
Sean : Eliza is Latino's wife
Ntobeh : Your grandma is actually your mother?
Sean : Yes she is because of being my mothers
sister, so my biological mother died leaving me at
the age of 12 so I went to stay with Latino an
Ntobeh : am listening
Sean : At frst I thought that maybe I was paranoid
if I see Eliza always staring at me while sleeping, so
one day when they had a get-together with other
vampires cause Latino lives where they are
packed, he saw two of the vampires wanting to kill
me cause I was the only human amongst them so
he beat them to it by making me on of theirs, well
it was not planned
Ntobeh : So how did your mom take the news
Sean : She was angry at frst cause she wanted me
to be human all my life but Latino didn't want me
to be killed so he thought that by doing what he
did it will help me not die
Ntobeh : So how are you related to Brad?
Sean : Benjamin is Latino an Eliza's son which
makes him my brother but he decided to take me
at the age of 24 to live with them
Ntobeh : You Jane an Brads uncle
Sean : You could say that ,all my life I lived to
please myself not anyone, it always have been me
me me to myself, Latino is there for me too but I
don't love him am just glad that he protected me
an it ends there ✋ ,as for my family Benjamin an
the kids I just can't show them affection cause I
don't know how, to even laugh was actually a
problem cause I grew up knowing that you can't
trust a person cause that person will always decide
to betray you one day, Latino used to say that am
his rock an I would only shake when the one jewel
has decided to use me
Ntobeh : Huh?
Sean : Believe me I don't even know what he
meant but he used to say that
Ntobeh : Thanks for telling me
Sean : I don't know but with you it's so easy to talk
Ntobeh : ��
Sean : You know what?
Ntobeh : Yes?
Sean : I think it's time I touch my nookie �
He said looking at the exposed thighs

Ntobeh : You wish ✋ I want the person who'll break

me makes it special, roses, chocolates an all the
nice nice things
Sean : But It's painful when you a virgin
Ntobeh : I will heal myself with the nice nice
things �
Sean : Oh � I hear you I don't know because the
last person I had Sex with died while having
Ntobeh : Let me die I don't care �

Ntobeh was hinting Sean that she was ready for

him, as for Sean he knew that it will not be funny
when they get to that department 😫 all along Brad
was listening to them wondering why Sean love
Ntobeh so much but don't love his family ✋ and
why does Latino loves Sean so much
Smangele drove home an when she got there her
grandfather (Lumkelo) was there with Siya

Siya : Uleqwa inton? Wajuluka (Who's chasing you,

you even sweating) �
Smangele : Akhonto Baby ndinikhumbule
nje,ndikugcine kudala mkhulu (There's nothing
baby, oh pa It been a while)

Smangele went to hug his grandpa who was

observing her an he could tell that she was indeed
running away from something

Siya : Hug? Mna andithandwa (You don't love me?)

Smangele : I do love you �

She went to hug him, Lubanzi came barging in the

house cause he heard that Taa Luu is here, he
knew that if they wanted to go to the party today
they would cause Lumkelo is good like that, he
went to hug them

Lubanzi : Mkhulu I need a favour �

Lumkelo : What's that?
Lubanzi : I want to take Smangele to the function
we having at my school
Lumkelo : What function?

Lubanzi lied to Lumkelo but deep down he knew

that there's a possibility that Lumkelo doesn't
believe a thing he's told but other than that he will
still agree cause he is like that, he decide to let
them be even though Lunelo an Lungelo were
against it but they lost cause Siya was with
Lumkelo that they should let the kids be, after
sometime Smangele an Lubanzi were going to the
shisanyama to meet the gents there even Sindi
would be there

Lubanzi : Babe tell me something

Smangele : Yes?
Lubanzi : What's happening between you an
Smangele : Nothing why?
Lubanzi : I mean he's been telling his girlfriends
that he have a main chick who is you so they
should stop calling him at night
Smangele : undiqhatha namagqwirha akhe tshin
ndafa zimfene ebusuku�� (He want me to beaten
by his witches, they will even send their animals)
Lubanzi : I thought that maybe I was behind the
syllabus� or weed is at work
Ntobeh : Weed is at work cause we not even in the
relationship with him

They talked after 15 minutes they got out of the

car to the table where the gents were siting at, so
Sabelo saw this as the opportunity to get rid of
these girls he stood up an went to attack Smangele
with a kiss � everyone was just amazed even
Smangele wanted to slap the shit out of him but
decided otherwise

Smangele : What's that about?

Sabelo : Help me get rid of these girls
Smangele : Being a player is getting into you neh?
Ziyakudakwa ngoku? (They making you drunk?)
Sabelo : Will you help, I mean you owe me ��
Smangele : Suka ngoPetrol nje ka 100�� (Oh
just because of 100 petrol)
Sabelo : What matters is that I helped you ✋
Smangele : Mxm

They both went to the table an the girls were

looking at her up an down

Smangele : Tshin ayy nina nandikhiphela

amanqumu nje amehlo (Why are you all looking at
me like that?)
Lubanzi : Fire Fire Fire �
Smangele : Izinto zenu kaloku ezi kwacaca kuba
nizakundidla, niyambona lomntu? Ngumntu wami
so ke anihambe ningandenz ngimise lena
esihlanganise apha (These are your bitchies it's like
they will eat me alive, you this man right here?
He's mine so can yol go before you make me crazy
an put a stop to this party)

Sabelo was impressed well his player mode is

really getting into him � girls are coming to him in
numbers wanting his attention so he can't give
them all �, after sometime the girls were gone so
Smangele took Sindi an they went to the dance
foor while on the dance foor..

Sindi : Don't look

Smangele : What?
Sindi : I think someone is watching you
Smangele : Me?
Sindi : Yes

Smangele turned but Sindi was denying her to do

that but she did by force an she saw Brad siting
there watching her an fear started to be there�

Smangele : I have to go
Sindi : You can..

Smangele ran to the table an took her keys an

went to the car but Sabelo was following her cause
he saw fear in her eyes, he knocked on the window
causing her to be scared more so when she looked
she was relieved to see Sabelo she opened the
door an he got inside

Sabelo : What's wrong? Are you okay?

Smangele :N..
When she looked up Brad was looking at the car
they were in

Smangele : Oh my God �
Sabelo : What?
Smangele : Oh my God 😫

Smangele drove away fast cause she was scared

that maybe Brad will hurt her or Sabelo, so when
they were busy driving they felt like someone was
on top of the car so she stopped the car an

Sabelo : What's going on Smangele

He said that going out of the car after a minute,

Smangele heard Sabelo screaming an she got
scared �� that maybe Brad have killed him

The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 21

Smangele quickly went out to check on Sabelo

when she got there Sabelo was screaming kneeling
down holding his hand so Smangele went to him it
was at night to be exact, so you can imagine how
will Smangele see if something is about to happen

Smangele : Oh God Sabelo please don't die on

me �

He groaned once more but after sometime he kept

quiet so Smangele took out her phone an lit the

Smangele : Look at me � I will get you out of her

am so sorry I shouldn't have l...

Sabelo looked up an his eyes were black, his

teeth's were sharp for Smangele's likings so she
screamed an dropped the phone, Sabelo stood up
an went to Smangele slowly cause he was thirsty
can you imagine the thirst he got cause he's just
turned to a vampire, smangele was backing away
it's even dark where they were but because they
are yellow bones so they did see each other

Smangele : Sabelo please control yourself �

Sabelo was not hearing it he wanted to drink some


Smangele : Oh God Sabelo �� please remember

me, am Smangele we kissed earlier on I mean we
clicked right? Am not a bad person please don't kill
me �� I can even pay your petrol ne? I can even
pretend as if am your girlfriend for as long as you
want � Please don't kill me

Sabelo went near her an Smangele's was beating

out of her chest so Sabelo looked at her for a
minute without talking or doing anything an just
ran away leaving her like that she wanted to run
after him but decided otherwise, since he just
started in all of this, he's dangerous,Smangele just
screamed with frustration an went inside the car an
drove to Ntobe's house fast cause she wanted to
speak her peace of mind, she was crying just
because Sabelo was not meant to be there, she
was crying because in her mind Sabelo took her
place cause Brad wanted her not him, she was so
angry at everything, the meeting with Ntobe,
agreeing to keep this Vamp shit ,everything is a
mess after sometime she got inside the gate an
went straight to house like a crazy woman holding
a gun cause her father gave it to her just for

Smangele : B AD �

Everyone came down including Brad

Sean : What's going on?

Smangele took out her gun so Ntobeh knew that

shit has really hit the fan

Smangele : I... � I met you Ntobeh neh? I loved

you like my sister, protected you like my sister
neh? � You made me meet your people who are
creepy but I didn't have a problem with that right? I
came herr to sleep scared inside but just because I
LOVED HE I DID ��� but you failed to protect
me when this Jerk of a boy wanted to change me
into being what you all are, you failed to control
this jerk when he followed me to where I was when
he destroyed someone's future ��
Ntobeh : What wrong? �
Smangele : Ask him � an YOU BETTE ANSWE

Smangele was really angry an this anger is

combined with hate for Brad

Sean : TALK �
Brad : I changed her stupid boyfriend
Sean : Why?
Brad : She said that she can't be a vampire so if I
can't have her than even that boyfriend of hers will
not have her cause she's afraid of vampires

Ntobeh went to slap the shit out of him an that

angered Brad a lot

Ntobeh : You son of a bitch you did what? �

Brad was triggered by the "Son of a bitch" part so
he clenched his jaws an Sean knew that he wants
to hurt Ntobe so he went close to her

Sean : Touch her an you dead

Smangele : Am trying to register what you've just
said Brad, you changed him because of me? �
what is this going to make you gain? Are you
gonna kill every guy I date? I don't love you an you
can't change that, Listen to me stay the hell away
from me all of you in this house cause I hate how
you all want to change my life, Brad even of you
were not a vampire I wouldn't have loved you
cause I don't now stay the hell away from me I
even curse the day I met everyone in this house �
Ntobeh : You don't mean that �
Smangele : Actually I do Ntobeh � I do

Smangele ran to her car with a heavy heart that all

of this is happening because of her,so she drove
away while calling Lubanzi who answered on a
third ring

Lubanzi : Babe where are you?

Smangele : Can you help me with something
Lubanzi : What's that?
Smangele : I need Sabelo's address or number
Lubanzi : What's wrong, I can't see him an the taxi
is here too
Smangele : I don't know please give me what I
Lubanzi : Okay give me 10
Smangele : Thanks

Smangele parked at the other side of the road

waiting for the message
Ntobeh was angry an hurt by all of this cause
Smangele was more than a friend to her, Sean
didn't want anything to make Ntobe cry an he
vowed that he won't allow anything that will hurt
Ntobeh in his presence

Sean : I think you have to leave my house

Brad : You can't be serious Sean
Ntobeh : No am the one who will leave this house,
maybe go back home
Brad : There we have a solution
Sean : Are you hearing yourself Brad?
Brad : Very well, Sean you can't throw me out of
this house just because this girl you don't even
love don't want me here

That tore Ntobe's heart into pieces, worse she

doesn't even know if she gets out of here where
will she live

Sean : Say that once again Brad an...

Brad : You will what Sean? Why is it so hard for you
to always stand with your family? I changed that
bustard cause he was the one holding down my
future with Smangele
Sean : You don't even love that Smangele Brad
Brad : So now you also read hearts
Sean : Oh spare me that crap me an you know
what you thinking right now
Brad : Fuck you Sean just let me be
Sean : Let you be? Buy your own house an get out
of my house an I will let you be �
Brad : Tough cause am not going anywhere
Sean : You want this house? We will gladly leave
you in the morning, today we will sleep in the hotel
let's go Ntobe

Ntobeh was sobbing silently, so they went upstairs

to take their over night bags an went downstairs
where Brad was an he didn't even have a problem
with this, one thing he knew is that he's not going
anywhere, Sean is his brother so he's not leaving
this house, they took the car keys an drove off

Ntobe : You should have stayed behind Sean

Sean : Why?
Ntobe : Because he's your family
Sean : Family?
Ntobe : Yes
Sean : Am not going back we will sleep at the hotel
an that's that
They drove in silence until they spotted a car
parked at the other side of the road so Sean
parked behind it cause he knew that it's Smangele

Ntobe : What are you doing?

Sean : Your friend Smie is here

Ntobe didn't answer any further she got out of the

house running to the car an found Smangele crying
that was too much to make her cry too so she
knocked on the window an Smangele jumped but
when she saw that it's Ntobe she just got off the
car to her arms because of the hurt she's feeling in
her heart they hugged while sobbing as for Sean
he knew that his brother real did messed up cause
Smangele's life will never be the same again

Ntobe : Am sorry �
Smangele : Am sorry to blame you for something
you didn't do, it's just that I... � I... I just don't
know Ntobeh
Ntobe : It's okay Why are you in the road? We
going to sleep at the hotel you can come with us
Smangele : No I need to fnd Sabelo
Ntobeh : Sabelo?
Smangele : The one who was changed
Ntobeh : Oh where is he?
Smangele : Am waiting for directions, my brother
will send me
Ntobe : Oh wait... Sean

Sean got out of the car to Ntobe an Smangele

Sean : Am here
Ntobe : Can you read Sabelo's mind an tell us
where he is?
Smangele : ead his mind? � can you do that?
Please help me I need to fnd him

Sean tried to read his mind but he was failing it

was like something is blocking him an that freaked
him out cause none of this have ever happened

Sean : I can't read his mind ✋�

Smangele : Please try once more �
Sean tried once again but still he couldn't 😫

Sean : Am not reaching him at all

Ntobe : This is a...

Smangele's phone alerted that there's a message

an it was directions an numbers

Smangele : Thanks but I found the directions

Sean : We coming with you
Smangele : No don't worry
Sean : Believe me you need us more especially me
✋ cause he's still uncontrollable

Smangele felt the fear creeping in her so they

drove to the place an Smangele knew that Sabelo
didn't have money but she didn't know that he
stays in a shack

Sean : This is the place

Smangele : I can see �
Sean : Take this
He gave her the bottle with blood an a lamp that
will not burn Sabelo

Smangele : Thank You

Ntobe : If it gets hard please come back �
Smangele : Thanks a lot

She got out of the car walking like it's a long walk
to freedom, when she got there she knocked but
no one answered so she just got inside an lit the
lamp, Sabelo quickly looked up an was met by
Smangele so he hissed

Sabelo : Go...Away ✋♂

Smangele saw a body near Sabelo an she nearly

puked but didn't

Smangele : I was worried about you

Sabelo : I said go away
Smangele : I bought you something an I know that
you need it
Smangele showed him blood an she placed it in a
table that was in the house, the house was so
clean like a subside ,Sabelo really did loved himself
he was a neat freak but he didn't mind telling
people that he lives in a shack cause that's what
his mother taught him which is to always
appreciate everything in life

Sabelo : GO AWAY

Smangele jumped a little but kept her cool

Smangele : Am not going anywhere ✋

Sabelo hissed like a snake with his long teeth's all

of this was confusing to him one minute he was
just a guy who loved fun, who loved girls, who was
lively an bubble an now all of that changes just
because he was turned into something he didn't
even dreamed off, now he can't control himself,
now he's stuck in this house cause he's afraid of
light, he doesn't even want to look at himself cause
he's scared of what he may see in the mirror, his
life turned miserable in just a blink of an eye
Sabelo : I don't wanna hurt you Smangele
Smangele : Oh God he remembers my name ��
Listen you won't hurt me if you tell yourself that
cause am not going anywhere

Sabelo knew that fghting with her was a losing

battle for him so he charged to her by force
wanting to scare her so that she can leave him

Smangele : Am not going anywhere

Sabelo groaned so loud that it made Sean get out

of the car to the shack within a blink of an eye

Smangele : Am not going anywhere

Sean : We have to go you not safe
Smangele : The both of you should just deal cause
am not going anywhere case closed

Smangele went to the car an took her phone an

handbag than hugged Ntobeh after that she went
to the house an found Sean an Sabelo
communicating with an unfamiliar language all
along Sean wanted to read his mind now that he's
close to him but he couldn't that really frustrated
him a lot �

Smangele : Am back boys, an Sean my friend is

waiting in a car don't forget that you have a crazy
brother who's out for our blood ��

The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 22


I didn't sleep very well yesterday cause this man

was busy staring at me in my sleep � well am not
as strong as I show cause this is just no Vampire
but he's a new vampire for sure he's blood thirst
more than Sean but I will not leave him alone in all
of this cause I feel like this is all my fault, if I didn't
even go to that party none of this would have
happened, I ask myself even now if maybe am I the
one who made Brad in love with me or he's just
plain crazy cause I don't love him at all, you know
when someone's action confuses you making you
wish you were a lesbian or something, I woke up an
he was not in the house but a kettle is on I don't
know how did he know that I was gonna wake up or
maybe it's a coincidence �...I did the bed after
that I took the dish that was in the corner so that I
can bath � after sometime I was done I used his
towels cause I didn't bring mine I wore my clothes
cause apparently me an Lubanzi were gonna sleep
in the hotel than come back today at home so I had
my overnight bag with me

Sabelo : You done?

He said that standing behind me

Me : Um yes am done, how did you know that I was

gonna wake up that time
Sabelo : I didn't, I went outside to get some fresh
Me : Is it chilly?
Sabelo : Yes it's chilly
Me : Oh
So he now knows that he'll get burn in the sun? Or
if you a vamp you just know these things am so
confused right now

Sabelo : Thanks for the drink

Me : It's okay, so ain't you working today?
Sabelo : I can't work anymore, even in the morning
I went out to hunt for for food, you know this is all
new to me Smangele I didn't ask for this, it's like
am being punished or something

Tears is forming in his eyes �

Sabelo : You know what even worse is that I won't

be able to drive people, this thing takes me back to
being that boy who was always watching his
mother hustling for him, who was always
depending on his mother's salary, Smangele how
will I see my mothers without wanting to kill her,
how long will this go on worse I don't even know
this person who did this to me �
I was now crying because I know who did this to

Me : Am so sorry
Sabelo : It's okay, I just don't know what I will tell
my mother
Me : You won't have to, Sabelo I can help where I
Sabelo : No don't I want to do this on my own
Me : But you have to at least study
Sabelo : I did save money to study
Me : Well we can use that money to make you
study Sabelo, cause you have to at least do
something so that you can put food to the table for
your mother, take this situation as if it's not there,
use your brain cause it's still there, am sure that
you can conquer it all
Sabelo : I'll try Smangele
Me : I have to go am sure my brother is going crazy
wherever he is
Sabelo : Yes you can go
Me : Okay
Sabelo : Sean said that he will come to see me,
which reminds me how do you know him?
Me : Well I...
Sabelo : Never mind

If you knew that am the one who's actually

responsible for what you are �

Me : I will tell my brother that you sick

Sabelo : I can always tell him that am home
Me : Oh yes that's good
Sabelo : I need at least a month to myself
Me : Yourself? Are you counting me in that right?
Sabelo : No Smangele I need to do this on my own
Me : I want to be there for you
Sabelo : Smangele you can't be here for me cause I
can't control myself around people
Me : I can help you, please don't push me away I
wanna try please �

I took my bags an went to my car without waiting

for him to answer me cause am feeling guilty that
all of this is my fault an that man over there may
be powerful but deep down he's broken worse
because of his mother

Sean an Ntobe went to the house in the morning

an found Brad with bags it seems like he was
waiting for them to come back

Brad : Can we talk

Sean nodded an went to the lounge, as for Ntobe

she was holding on to him like he said he will leave

Brad : Am sorry about everything Sean, I guic was

just jealous of you fnding a human an I get to not
fnd anyone
Sean : Oh
Brad : Yes an am going back home, Ntho am sorry

Ntobeh nodded cause she didn't believe all of this

sincere behavior he is doing

Sean : Send my regards home

Brad : I will

He stood up an they fst bumped with Sean after

that he went on his way

Sean & Ntobeh : Do you believe him

Sean : No I don't, it's like he's up to something
Ntobeh : If he could leave Smangele alone in
whatever he's planning
Sean : The thing is that he will use that guy he
changed for his plans
Ntobeh : You think so?
Sean : He's his maker so obviously he will have to
Ntobeh : Do you think we have to tell Smangele
about this?
Sean : No we don't, the only thing I will do is at
least help him where I could
Ntobeh : You'll have to get to him frst before your
Sean : Yeah I have to or else he will corrupt him am
sure he can even make him change Smangele just
because he doesn't want Smangele to be happy
Ntobeh : He claims that it's love moss Sean
Sean : Love? If it's love than am good not knowing
what's love
Ntobeh : No man I want you to love me

She said that pouting

Sean : You own my stone heart I tell you that, you

my other half without you shining on me I don't
feel complete �

Ntobeh just blushed cause Sean has never

expressed his feeling like this for her ��
Sabelo was in his house later that day
compensating what to tell his mother cause he was
to go an visit her but because of this he can't, he
heard a knock on the door so he went to open an
was met by his friends than it clicked in him that
he forgotten to tell them that he's not home, so
they all came in luckily he was in his human mode
but pale

Scelo : Man
Sabelo : Sure
Lubanzi : Yesterday you missed out on fun
Muzi : An weed �

He said that taking out a packet of weed an Sabelo

pretended to laugh what was worse they bought
even food

Sabelo : Weed neh? �

Lubanzi : Weed bra, so where did you go to I mean
the owner of the quantum was not happy when we
took the taxi back to him
Sabelo : You did

All Sabelo could see is meal ,Scelo stood up an

went to take plates but something caught his
attention was a bottle flled with a red liquid like
Scelo : Sabs what's the blood for?
Muzi : Blood?
Scelo : Yes what's this?

Sabelo gave him a stare cause he's always nosy

Sabelo : I don't know I picked it up outside my door

in the morning
Lubanzi : They bewitching you �� an you took it
inside the house?
Sabelo : Was gonna throw it away but forgotten
Scelo : I can throw it out for you
Sabelo : No leave it there come with the plates

Scelo came with the plates an dished out food,

Lubanzi was making a smoke as for Muzi he could
see that Sabelo is pale makes him wonder what's
wrong maybe he's sick that what he thought, all
along Sabelo was rather not in all of this but he
doesn't know how to get rid of them without
sounding like a jerk

Lubanzi : Sabelo as always start

He said giving him a smoke but Sabelo was neither
laughing nor smiling

Sabelo : No I'll pass

Muzi : What?�� are you for real now?
Lubanzi : You sure you okay man? �
Scelo : Maybe this blood is the cause of all of this
let me just take it an throw it away

Sabelo was at the point where he could lose it for

real cause if Scelo throw that bottle away he will
kill him ✋,They heard a knock

Sabelo : Ngena (come in)

Smangele came inside with a smile but it faded

when she saw what was happening here

Lubanzi : Smangele why are you here?

Smangele : I came to check on Sabelo an tell him
that I was able to put money for his mother
because he asked me to do that since he's not
feeling okay
Scelo : Maybe it's that blood in the bottle your girls
are turning on you

Smangele could see that Sabelo was not in the

mood of all of this

Mandla : Let's eat cause am so hungry an we even

bought your favourite Sabs
Lubanzi : Only the best bunny chow in the world
Smangele : I will take yours am sure you can be a
gentlemen an starve right? �
Sabelo : Sure

The was another knock in the door

Sabelo : Am famous today don't you all think so? ✋

He said sarcastic an his friends knew that Sabelo is

really not himself at all today, so Smangele went to
open the door an was amazed to see Sean an
Smangele : Oh come in

They came inside, Smangele left the door not

closed cause she wanted fresh air to get them 😫

Ntobeh : Sanibona (greetings)

Them : Sure Q...

They all looked at Lubanzi even Smangele did look

at Lubanzi accept for Sabelo who was rather
irritated by all of this holding his thirst

Lubanzi : I have to get going

Sean : Don't leave on our account
Lubanzi : No

He said looking at Ntobeh who was also looking at


Lubanzi : I have to go, the person who wants lift

He said getting out as fast as he could with the
gents following behind him

Sean : Okay that was awkward

Sabelo : Very...

Sabelo stood up went to catch some breath so

Sean followed him outside

Sean : I was like you when I was changed

Sabelo : Who changed you?
Sean : My grandfather
Sabelo : Mmh? �

He narrated the story of him being changed to


Sabelo : So you also didn't change on your will?

Sean : Yes
Sabelo : It's good that you know who changed you
as for me I don't know an I don't know why he did
it, an what did I do to him that will make him hate
me this much
Sean : I wouldn't know but I want you to know that
am here an will help you with everything
Sabelo : I appreciate it man
Sean : Another thing sometimes your maker can
manipulate you just because he made you so he
wants you to bow down to him or her
Sabelo : I will not be manipulated man cause I
don't want what I am cause it's making my whole
life change
Sean : We can be business partners✋
Sabelo : Let me thing about that Sean
Sean : Fine take all the time

Sean really wanted to help cause he can see that

Smangele is busy blaming herself an the more
Smangele is hurt ntobe hurts too 😫
After a while everyone left an Sabelo was all alone
he took the bottle of blood an hid it under the bed
cause he don't want to risk it for now an he feels
like him being a vampire will always be tested
cause he will have to control his thirst even though
it's hard � there was a knock so he wondered who
will come knock in his house at this time of the day
(19:00) he went open an boom

Sabelo : Mom �...

The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 23


Lily (Sabelo's mother) : Won't you let me in baby?

Sabelo : Oh Mom am just surprised to see
Lily : That's what I wanted, you to be surprised �
Sabelo : Am glad to see you
Sabelo wanted to just scream cause he didn't
expect to see his mother now, all he could think of
now is killing her but she's everything to him so
he'll have to fght his demons

Sabelo : Come in

Lily came in leaving her suitcase at the door for

Sabelo to take so he did

Lily : Still clean I see �

Sabelo : I was taught by the best
Lily : I thought that maybe you'll be at work
Sabelo : No I was off today
Lily : Which means you cooked
Sabelo : No I didn't
Lily : We can always get out for dinner � like the
old times
Sabelo : I don't have the taxi with me
Lily : Calvin am sure you can try just like the old
times, I want to be happy with my son an it's my
Sabelo : Let me see what I can do
Lily : Okay Baby �

Calvin is another name for Sabelo although he

doesn't like it � so he went outside with his phone
an didn't know who to call cause this is beyond his
powers, he decided to call Smangele cause she
was his last hope, her phone rang straight to
voicemail so he tried once more an it was
answered by a man

Man : Smangele's phone hello

Sabelo :...
Man : Hello?
Sabelo : Can I please speak to Smangele
Man : Hold on a sec

He heard a shufe an after sometime

Smangele : Hello
Sabelo : Hey are you busy
Smangele : No I was home why?
Sabelo : Can you be my life saver an come with
takeaways or something
Smangele : Why?
Sabelo : Please for three people
Smangele : Okay am coming give me 15 I'll be
Sabelo : Sure

They hung up so Sabelo went back to the house

an found his mother napping on the bed

Lily : So?
Sabelo : The car will be here
Lily : I knew that you will make a plan � I missed
Sabelo : I missed you too mom

He pretended to smile cause deep down this is

hard for him
Lubanzi drove like a maniac going back home, he
got inside the gate after that he got out straight to
the house, he found his mother an father in the
lounge massaging each other while laughing

Lubanzi : Parents
Amkelo : Oh hey Baby � didn't see you today
Lubanzi : Am sorry it won't happen again just that I
was worried about my friend who was not even
answering his phone
Lungelo : You found him?
Lubanzi : Who said it's a he dad? �
Lungelo : Didn't you say "his phone "�
Lubanzi : Snap !!
Lungelo : You should stop smoking that weed
cause it's messing with your head
Amkelo : Weed? How many times have I warned
you about that Lubanzi?
Lubanzi : Dad is just paranoid

Lungelo took the cushion an hitted him with it an

he ducked, he didn't know how to start with this
Lubanzi : Um Parents can I ask you a question that
I have been running away from ever since

His parents knew what he was talking about cause

indeed he was running away from this talk they
were about to have

Amkelo : Am listening Baby

Lubanzi : What happened to my twin?
Lungelo : Your mother gave birth to you than your
Amkelo : My bundle of joys, when I heard both cries
I knew that I was blessed �
Lubanzi : How did she die?
Amkelo : The doctor said that she had a problem
with breathing cause you were both premature �
Lubanzi : Did you see her?
Lungelo : Your mother was strong enough to see
Lubanzi : So you didn't see her? You just buried her
without seeing if it's her or not �
Amkelo : The doctor said th...
Lubanzi : I don't want to hear what the doctor said
Mama, I want to hear what yol did

He was now crying, he's been avoiding this issue

cause he didn't understand why his twin died �

Amkelo : Baby I couldn't see her � I was so broken

to do that , the pain of losing your sister was so
much for me even now I still do wish she was alive
cause I can see that even though you don't talk
about her but in your heart you need her �
Lubanzi : She's alive �

He said looking down an that made Lungelo angry

cause he saw this as a provocation

Lungelo : I will beat you up boy cause us losing

your sister was hard so you can't come telling us
things that are not true
Lubanzi : Ta...
Lungelo : No do you know how broken your mother
was when she lost your sister, do you know that
she had sleepless nights because of your sister, do
you know that we lost ourselves just because of
your sister's passing so you can't come here asking
things that you were avoiding to talk about an
lastly you tell us lies like that
Lubanzi : Tata
Lungelo : Lubanzi you can't do that to us �

They were all crying but more especially Amkelo

cause this always get to her that she even imagine
how would she have become if she was alive

Lubanzi : Tata the thing is that you didn't see the

child you buried, I saw my twin today even if things
do look alike but the person I saw today is the
duplicate of mine � �she's my twin Mama she's
my twin

He stood up an went to his room an a loud sob

escaped his mouth cause all of these years he
didn't want to hear about his twin, he didn't want
anything to do with her cause she left her, she
decided to just leave her an never come back but
when he saw that girl in Sabelo's house he knew
this is his other half �😫 Lungelo was busy hugging
the hurt Amkelo but deep down he knew that he
will research all of what his son is saying to him
Smangele knocked at the door with a smile, Sabelo

Sabelo : Ahh Smangele what are you doing here

Smangele : You calle..

Sabelo kicked her leg hard that she screamed, He

was still not used to being strong so he didn't know
that he was kicking hard

Sabelo : I thought I told you that I was busy

Smangele : Sabelo you ca...
Lily : What is happening there?

She said talking while inside the house

Smangele : Oh hell No Sabelo you didn't call me

here to see your bitch
Smangele said that whispering

Lily : I heard that, Calvin what's going on there

Smangele : So now you Calvin? Not Minnie you
were a serious player wuuu I wash my hands off
you now take this an stop calling me here for
Sabelo : Am coming mom
Smangele : Mom? �

Smangele whispered once again cause she was

shocked, an it registered to her that Sabelo called
her here to cover him I guess

Sabelo : Come in
Smangele : No�
Sabelo : Just come in

Sabelo was irritated by all of this cause now

Smangele is busy acting childish, Smangele got
inside the house embarrassed that she called
Sabelo's mother a bitch
Sabelo : Mom meet my girlfriend Smangele

Smangele's eyes popped out cause she was not

expecting that

Lily : Oh now I see why she was calling me a bitch

Smangele : Am sorry Mah I thought that it was one
of... You know your son is a... I don't know how to
say it �
Lily : I know all of it � since your girlfriend is here I
don't see the need for getting out
Smangele : Am sorry for disturbing your plans I
didn't know that you will come this side

She gave Sabelo an evil eye, he was not there at

all, he was just staring to space without blinking

Lily : Sabelo
Sabelo :....
Lily : My daughter please take me that bag over
there I want to take out my diabetes pills
Smangele did as told whereas Lily was shaking
Sabelo who wanted nothing to do with all of this he
just wanted to drink them dry

Sabelo : Can I go out

Lily : You've been getting out more often since I
got here
Sabelo : Yoo can you get off my back woman

He snapped an it's the frst time doing that, he

stood up an went outside cause if he stayed things
could have gone wrong, Lily was hurt to the core to
realise that his son can now back chat her like this

Smangele : I can talk to him

Lily : No I will talk to him
Smangele : Am sorry for all of this
Lily : Don't worry he'll be okay, I know my son
Smangele : I have to leave you both
Lily : You leaving already?
Smangele : Yes mama am leaving, my father will
have ft's if he were to hear that am not back at
home at this time of the day
Lily : You live with your daddy?
Smangele : No I have both parents
Lily : Oh okay angel you can go
Smangele : It was good seeing you mama
Lily : Nice to me too �

Smangele stood up an took her bag an went

outside to her car ,when she got inside she was
amazed to see Sabelo there

Smangele : How did you get in?

Sabelo : I took your car keys
Smangele : But How did y... You know what never
mind, Listen to me that's no way to talk with your
mother Sabelo ✋
Sabelo : I know
Smangele : Than why did you talk like that
Sabelo : I can't be with her �
Smangele : You have to try
Sabelo : You don't understand Smangele
Smangele : Than let me understand Sabelo ✋
Sabelo : I change Smangele, I can't sleep, Am cold
as an ice, I can't eat, I can't smoke, I can't go out
because of the sun,I don't know what will I say
about work, I can't sit still, I smell blood, I drink
blood but how will I cause my mother is there, am
pale like am sick , I can't be around people I love I
just can't do anything so tell me how will I live with
my mother cause she will ask me questions like
why are you not eating, why are you dressed like
this, we have to get out, we have to do this, I JUST

He roared causing Smangele to be scared

Sabelo : That woman have to go back where she's

coming from cause I don't want to hurt her an you
should stop coming here I don't wanna hurt you too
Smangele : You can't push away everyone because
you like this, fght your demons be like Sean
Sabelo : Sean? He was changed at the age of 12
years an you telling me to be like him� were you
there when he was changed? Do you know how he
Smangele : No
Sabelo : That woman have to leave this house �
He got out of the car angry with the person who
made him this cause now he can't show love to the
woman of his life, the love of his life which is his
Brad was at home cause he took a Jet so it's was
fast,he found his parents doing what he didn't

Brad : Hello
Lucy : Oh my God Benjie our son is back ���

Lucy ran to his son an hugged her although she

wished Sean were to also come home

Lucy : How are you?

Brad : Good an how's everyone?
Benjamin : We good just that Jane is still missing
Brad : Jane is not missing
Lucy : What do you mean hunny?
Brad : She was killed by the girl you wanted to kill
Lucy : What? �
Brad : With the help of your precious son an
another girl who is also a friend
Benjamin : You telling me that our Jane is dead

He said that clenching his jaw hard

Brad : Yes he even kicked me out just because I

changed someone
Benjamin : You have a new born in Jo'burg?
Brad : Yes I do
Benjamin : We will have to use him to get us the
girl ✋ Sean has gone to far with all of this � now
it's time I show him who I am �

The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 24

The next morning Lily woke up to his son watching

her close in her face an worse he's pale it's like
there's no blood in his blood, he's just staring at
her without blinking so she jumped because the
way he was looking at her it's like he want to do
something to her

Lily : Why are you looking at me like that?

Sabelo : Nothing

He said standing up an went to sit in the lounge, it

was hot outside but he was wearing like it's cold,
Lily got worried about his son because even
yesterday he didn't eat anything, it was the frst
time Sabelo sleeps without saying that he's going
for a smoke, he was cold when they were both in
bed, everything about him is unique an he's not a
talkative Sabelo anymore all of that Lily saw in his

Lily : Sabelo
Sabelo : Mom
Lily : Are you okay?
Sabelo : Yes an how are you?
Lily : No I mean is everything good? You not
working today or is there something you want to
tell me
Sabelo : I want to study so I stopped working
Lily : You what? How will you survive cause that
work was the only work that made us survive I
mean am no longer working, what's wrong with
you? Are you crazy?
Sabelo : I can't work while studying
Lily : When were you going to tell me this?
Sabelo : I don't know Mom
Lily : Are you really my son? Am so disappointed in
you Sabelo which only makes me want to leave
you alone cause it seems like you don't want me
anymore in your life �
Sabelo : Mom just let me.... Let me make you
Lily : Proud? Am not proud at all, you know that I
sacrifced everything for you to come here in Jozi
an fnd work, I slept without food because I wanted
my son to do something about his life an you did so
I stopped working because I knew that you will
provide for me which you did no lie but now all I
can see is a different version of you my son� you
are really killing me
Sabelo : Am sorry mom
Lily : Fine am leaving today
Sabelo : You can't leave when you this angry
Lily : No use pretending as if you care

Lily stood up an went to on the kettle so that she

can bath an get out of this house, cause she can
she that she's not wanted �
Lungelo went to see Lunelo regarding the issue
that Lubanzi came with last night, he didn't sleep a
wink because he was thinking if there's a
possibility that he's telling the truth, he will never
forgive himself for not agreeing to see her
daughter when they said she's dead, so he got
inside the gate with his car, an got out from it
straight to the house, he found the whole family
eating breakfast

Lunelo : Brother everything is okay?

Lungelo : No it's not, can we talk in the study
Lunelo : Um okay
Lungelo : Smangele please come with us
Smangele became scared cause she didn't know
what this is all about, she thought that maybe all of
this is all about Sabelo but she thought to herself
that no it's not that they were at the study an the
door was closed

Lunelo : So what did she do?

Lungelo : No it's not her, Lubanzi came yesterday
an asked us about his twin sister
Lunelo : I thought that he didn't want to talk about
Lungelo : We were also surprised just like you but
he said something that really caught my attention
Smangele : That he saw his twin sister?

Lungelo looked at Smangele cause he thought that

maybe his son was just being paranoid because he
was all alone growing up as their only kid

Lungelo : Yeah
Smangele : I met a girl last month her name is
Ntobeh Simelane, we clicked in a way that I took as
my sister, not even a day passes without me
talking to her on the phone or visiting her believe
me when I say I didn't see the resemblance but
yesterday when Lubanzi an Ntobeh were in the
same room it was like am looking at the same
person, I thought that maybe people do look alike
but Not like that
Lungelo : You know where she lives?
Smangele : Yes I know she's my friend's neighbour
Lunelo : Take us to her we need to see this for
ourselves, who does she live with?
Smangele : I can show you where she lives
Lungelo : Who does she live with?
Smangele : Can we just go please

Smangele said getting out of the study while

smiling, her father knew that this only means that
she's doing something that she's not suppose to be
doing so they followed right behind her an straight
to the car, Lunelo told Slungile that they going
somewhere they will come back an he will talk to
her so they drove off with Smangele directing them
Lily was done with everything an she was prepared
to go ,all along Sabelo was just watching her with
so much regret in his heart but he wanted her gone
so he won't stop her

Lily : Am going my son I hope what you doing will

make us beneft at the end
Sabelo : Mo...
Lily : Shh ✋ let me just believe in you, I will call you
when I get home
Sabelo : I can accompany you
Lily : No what will people say with you dressed like
this in a weather like this, Sabelo I don't know what
going on with you but I will pray that God guide
your way an show you the right thing to do cause
right now all of this **she shook her head** this is
not you

Lily took her bags an when she was about to get

out of the house, she saw white mans making their
way to the house an they were wearing just like
her son which is very weird, she even thought that
maybe her son joined a satanic court cause none of
this makes sense
Brad : Morning
Lily : Morning
Brad : Is your son in?
Lily : Yes he's in, you found me on my way
Benjamin : Okay thanks

Lily walked away as fast as she could but she knew

in her heart that she will pray for his son cause this
is war,Brad an Benjamin made their way to the
house where Sabelo is, they knocked an got inside
without being told to do so

Brad : βα (Hey)
Sabelo : Cut that crap an tell me what can I do for
Brad : Can we sit?
Sabelo : Sit? If you know what good for you, you
will talk while standing there

Sabelo knew what these people were, so he didn't

understand why they were here✋

Brad : Am your maker �

Sabelo watched as this man says this as if it's a
good thing, he watched as this man confesses to
being the one who got his life messed up

Sabelo : Askies? (excuse me)

Brad : Am the one who made you what you are ✋

Sabelo charged to him forceful but he was pulled

back by benjamin an he wiggle himself by kicking
him in the balls while charging to Brad with all he's
got but Brad took out a lighter

Brad : One step an you dead

Sabelo : Dead?

He kicked that lighter in his hand an it few right

straight to his hand so he threw it outside the
house an pinned Brad on the wall with his eyes all
popped out, while Benjamin groan in the foor

Sabelo : You my maker? You changed me? Heh?

Brad : I was sent to do so
Sabelo : You were sent by who?
Brad : Smie sent me
Sabelo : Who's smie? � WHO THE FUCK IS THAT
Brad : Your....girlfriend
Benjamin : Smangile

Sabelo thought that his ears were deceiving him

this old man didn't just say that he was sent by
Smangele, his Smangele not that it is his but you
know what he meant

Sabelo : Stop lying

Brad : Weren't you following her that night?
Sabelo : What your point?
Brad : She.... Man can you let me go

Sabelo dropped him on the foor but pinned him

with his leg down
Brad : Shit man �
Sabelo : TALK � or I will blow your head out am
not joking with you
Brad : Am your maker you should be...
Sabelo : Say that once again I will kill you, cause I
didn't ask you to make me � if you wake up from
that foor I will kick you straight outside than you
will burn am sure you saw how the sun was outside

He said looking at Benjamin who just hissed

because of all the anger he had in him �

Brad : Smie said you were a player so she wanted

me to change you so that you will stop your ways
an date her
Sabelo : Smangele would never do that to me
Brad : Am telling you even Sean an Ntho knows
about this an they were in it too
Sabelo : No �
Brad : Am telling you they even killed my sister so
am here for revenge am sure you also will need it
Sabelo : I don't need no revenge I will just kill you
cause the person that I hate right now is you
Brad : Am on your side here
Sabelo : SIDE? YOU Scratched ME IN MY A M AN
Brad : I was sent by s....
Sabelo : Get out
Benjamin : Wait son we c...
Sabelo : Am not your son I said get out leave my
Brad : Cooper

They stood up an rushed to their car like maniacs

an Sabelo roared so hard throwing everything on
the foor
Smangele an her fathers got inside the gate where
Ntobeh is living

Lungelo : Who does she live with?

Smangele : She lives with her friend
Lunelo : he's a guy?
Smangele : I guess so

Smangele's phone rang an she saw that it's Sabelo

so she didn't answer but it rang once again an her
father looked at her through the mirror, she

Sabelo : My favourite colour is red

He said talking like he's a giant

Sabelo : I want you here NOW!!

He hung up his phone leaving Smangele sweating

cause she didn't understand what was going on so
she sent a msg to him

Sma : I can't ✋ with parents at the moment

Sabs : Don't make me fetch you cause it won't be
funny, if you know what good for you come here �
Smangele knew that shit has hit the fan but what
she didn't understand was what is going on �

Lunelo : Can we now go inside? Or you still

sweating ✋
Smangele : Let's go in

They got out of the car to the house, so Sean

opened the door cause he knew that people were
about to knock in the house

Lunelo : Greetings
Sean : Um greetings, please come in
Lunelo : Thank You

They got inside the house an followed right behind

him to the lounge where Ntobeh was when she saw
Smangele she jumped an went to her

Ntobeh : Are you okay? 😫

Smangele : Yes babs am good �
Ntobeh : Oh God I thought that maybe you in
trouble or something
All along Lungelo an Lunelo were watching Ntobeh
an Lungelo just kneeled down an sobbed loudly
cause Ntobeh is just his young image just like
Lubanzi, all the pain of thinking that their daughter
died came back an he just cried � he cried for all
these years,Ntobeh was all confused by all of this
as for Sean he read his mind so he knows what's
going on �

Ntobeh : What's going on?

Sean : I think we should all sit down
Lunelo : Yeah thanks

Lungelo was just too emotional to talk...A msg

beeped in Smangele's phone an it was Sabelo

Sabelo : I hope you on your way here ✋ Tick Tock!!

The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 25

Lunelo : Am sure you must be wondering why we

here ✋
Sean : Yes we are
Lunelo : Well 18 years ago my brother's wife gave
birth to twins... **sigh** so when she gave birth to
twin both of them cried which showed that they
were both alive, after like 4 if not 5 hours the the
doctor came barging in the room saying that they
tried all they could but the baby didn't make it ✋
Ntobeh : We so sorry to hear that, how's your
brothers wife?
Lunelo : She's good although it's something that
she thinks about every now an than, as I was
saying they didn't want to see the baby because
they were so hurt in a way that it was gonna be
hard if they saw her
Ntobeh : I would have done the same, everyday I
wish that I could take that image of my father
dying right in front of me �

Smangele held her hand cause she could see that

she's in a point where she could just break down
Lungelo : But you know what hurts us the most?
It's that if we did check or see her we would have
been sure that she was dead or not, we just
accepted that she's gone an she will never come
back, you know I cried because I was so ready to
be a father of two but when God took that chance
away from I was so angry looking for something to
blame, I just feel bad cause if we made sure none
of this would be happening, yesterday am sure
something weird happened my fower

He said looking at Ntobeh who remembered that

scene when she was greeting Sabelo's friends an
there was someone who was just a photocopy of
her, it was like she was looking at herself in the
mirror the only difference was that it was a boy

Ntobeh : Yes I do remember

Lungelo : Did what you see makes you question
your whole life or you just didn't take note of it?
Ntobeh : It was just a passing phase cause after
that everything was forgotten
Lungelo : Okay I see, just take a look at me what
do you see
Ntobeh : Um can someone please tell me what's
going on
Sean : Babe just do as he says please

Lunelo looked at this "Friend" and frowned

Ntobeh : Okay

Ntobeh took a deep breath an looked at this man

right in front of him, what she saw is that he's just
like the boy he saw the only difference is that he's
old but he exactly looks like her which confuses the
shit of him

Ntobeh : I can see myself an that boy in you

Lungelo : Which only means... **sigh** which only
means one thing ��
Ntobeh : An that is?
Lungelo : That you my daughter
Ntobeh : Daughter �� ohh nice joke I mean me
an you da.. Father ��✋ didn't know that
Smangele also had friend's who are so funny like
this �
Ntobeh looked at everybody an found them not
laughing at all but she didn't believe this at all

Ntobeh : With all due respect I left my mother in

durban so there's no way that you are my father, I
mean my papa died this year
Lunelo : You live in durban?
Ntobeh : Yes well they were staying here in Jo'burg
but they changed places when my father resigned
on his job as a doc.... No � It can't be

Ntobeh thought to herself if there's a possibility

that she is their daughter, I mean who would leave
his job an change places not just that he stays poor
cause her father left right after she was born

Lungelo : We can give you time to go an talk to

your mother try to fnd out what happened, we not
gonna pressurise you with anything just that... �
Am so happy to see you I feel like I could just
blame myself for not making sure I just failed you
Samkelisiwe oh am sorry that was the name we
gave you when you were young ✋
Ntobeh : Yeah can I maybe ask my mother cause
am sure that all of this is a misunderstanding am
not your daughter
Lunelo : Well I will go with you
Ntobeh : Bu...
Lunelo : It's not up for discussion ✋ cause clearly
you small an yet you not staying with your mother
so there's a story behind that I know

Sean was all along reading his mind, Lungelo was

thinking about all the years he missed on her
daughters life an as for Lunelo all he was thinking
about is killing, killing, killing that even Sean shook
his head cause there was nothing else in his mind
beside killing

Ntobeh : I hear you, I will let Smangele know when

am leaving
Lunelo : Write my number down I will give it to you,
you will call me an tell me not Smangele cause
she's not the one who's coming with you

Ntobeh looked at this old man in front of her busy

demanding things that are not even his he gave
her his numbers , Lunelo wanted to kill everyone
who knew about this, he wanted to kill this weird
guy who's living with his daughter � why is he
living with her, what does he want from him that
what he thought

Sean : I love your daughter

"shit did I say that loud" Sean thought to

himself,Smangele just wanted to laugh cause she
knew what was happening, Sean was reading her
father's mind an he fnd something that made him
to just talk without thinking

Lunelo : We didn't ask you ,ain't you her friend

kant? You know what never mind ✋✋� now Let's go
Smangele : Tata ndicela kuhlala kancinci (can I
stay for a little)
Lunelo : Since I know that you have always been
with my daughter all the time why not? �� we will
leave you to it now come an hug your daddy

Ntobeh stood up cause he was looking at her, they

hugged so tight
Lunelo : Now be a good girl an go hug your
father �

He whispered in her ears so she also went to her

father as they said cause to her all of this is not
true her father would never steal a baby, Lungelo
opened his arms an Ntobeh went to him they
hugged, Lungelo felt like a knife is stabbing him in
his heart cause damn the connection is so strong
that even Ntobeh felt it

Lungelo : I love You, you don't have to say it back

but I want you to know that �
Ntobeh : Thank you Baba I will keep that in mind
Lunelo : Whuuu ndaske ndafsa kuth ndith Happy
Christmas ukubize tata kaloku iCelebration eyo
(Whuu I wish I could just say happy Christmas
cause he just called you father)
Smangele : Daddy � you pushing it
Lunelo : Tshin andinongakwenzi eyonto kaloku lo
nguMaYem Yem opheleleyo (I can't just not do that
cause this girl over here is our daughter)
Smangele : Full chicken ��
Lunelo : Ewe into oze uyifake eFridgin (Yes of
Smangele : Whuu ��
Lunelo : We will leave now, give me a call cause if
not I will come barging in this house �

They left them, Ntobeh was still laughing that they

said she's a full chicken

Ntobeh : Does your father always change emotion

so quickly
Smangele : Yes always
Sean : He even made me say things that I don't
Smangele : that's my father for you � but if you
were to meet the whole family you will just sit
down an let God humble you cause damn that
family is something else �
Ntobeh : Am sure I will meet them all cause to
"daddy" **he imitate Lunelo's voice** will force
them to me
Smangele : Prepare yourself
Ntobeh : In all honesty do you think that maybe....
Sean : Just talk to your mother am sure she's the
one who got answers to that
Ntobeh : Can't believe that I have to go back to
that woman so early �
Smangele : You got my daddy so everything will be
okay she will not do anything to you
Sean : I wouldn't have let her ✋

While they were busy joking around, when they

turned Sabelo was standing there ready to attack

Sabelo : How cosy �

Sean : Sah?
Sabelo : Am I your Friend?
Sean : What's going on man?

What irritated Sean is that he couldn't read his

mind to know what the hell is going on

Sabelo : Can I talk to Smangele

Sean : We will not leave you with Smangele when
you like this
Sabelo : eally?
Sean : I don't care what you do Sabelo but I won't
let you be with her alone in the room when you like
Smangele : It's okay Sean
Sean : Serious?
Smangele : Yes you can both excuse us

Sean took Ntobe's hand an left Sabelo with a

scared Smangele but she won't show it

Sabelo : Am gonna ask you few questions

Smangele : Am listening
Sabelo : Who changed me?
Smangele : I don't know
Sabelo : You don't know? ✋ you don't know
Smangele is that what you saying?
Smangele : Yes I don't

He snapped an Smangele jumped a little cause she

wasn't ready for that
Sabelo : Does the name Brad ring a bell

Smangele looked at Sabelo with tears rolling down

her face because she now knows where this is
coming from

Sabelo : You gonna stand there crying?

Smangele : Am so sorry **with a hoarse voice**
Sabelo : You sorry ✋ you damn sorry?
Smangele : I didn't know that he was gonna
change you that night Sabelo
Sabelo : You are the one who told him to change
Smangele : No I didn't
smangele : Am not lying Sabelo he changed you on
his will I would never do that to you �
Sabelo : That Brad man said that you wanted me to
stop being a player an date you, which reminds me
that you were always on my neck for me being a
Smangele : If it was that I was gonna date you an
change your ways myself, Sabelo you have to
believe me
smangele : CHANGE ME THAN!!
sabelo : WHAT?
Smangele : Change me if that will make you see us
equal cause Sabelo I would never do that to you I
L.... I... �
Sabelo : I want you to stay away from me do you
hear me ,I want nothing to do with you
Smangele �
Smangele : Just change me �

Sabelo came closer to Smangele who just backed

away slowly an was stopped by the wall, she just
knew that it's over for her, Sabelo was standing
face to face with her, the only thing he can smell is
her blood an her smell of perfume combined with
her sweet sweat that drives him crazy 😫 he just
looked at her neck, down to her boobs an up to her
face, her eyes were sparkling with tears so he went
straight to her neck an Smangele closed her eyes
while sobbing silently cause never did she think
that she will be changed into a vampire in her
whole life, she felt him breathing down her neck so
she waited for a bite but she felt his soft lips just
kissing her neck than after that nothing happened
when she opened her eyes he was gone

The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 26

1 Month Later

Well the time has passed everything has been a

mess I've been stressed by Sabelo cause I can't
even fnd him even if we go to his house it's all the
same, what even worse is that in the news
everyday there are couple of bodies found dead an
it's like the town has gone red� am so sad cause I
feel like it's all my fault maybe if I told him the
truth in the beginning none of this would be
happening, I remember that I even pleaded with
Sean to read his mind but he failed I just don't
know what to do but I need him, I need him to
forgive me but who am I kidding I messed up his
life so I have to smell the coffee I made 😫, today
my father is going to durban with Ntobeh, Uncle
Thabani an Sean cause Daddy Lungelo can't go,
Mommy Amkelo doesn't know what is happening
they want to fnd out what is going on frst before
they tell everyone, I wish I could just go with them
for fresh air I totally need it ✋,my brother came in
my room

Ntuthuko : What's your plan today?

Me : Why?
Ntuthuko : Was going out with the girls so I wanted
to ask if you can join us
Me : If I didn't know better I would say you gay, the
way you pronounce girls✋
Ntuthuko : Am not gay
Me : I will come if you will show me your girlfriend,
you're 17 now baby bro but I haven't even seen a
girlfriend not at once
Ntuthuko : That's because am single at the
Me : Or you gay ✋
Ntuthuko : Stop saying that am not gay �
Me : Whoa don't bite my head off I was just joking
an why are you angry
Ntuthuko : Mxm don't come

He stormed out of my room, please remind me

what did I do to him that will cause him to be so
angry unless he have something to hide but I hope
not cause my father will beat him an he will be
straight like a ruler, well today am going to school
an it's raining outside, nothing bores me as
attending in this weather but I don't have a choice,
I did my morning hygiene that wore my puma
tracksuit with sneakers, I don't even feel like
looking good I mean I don't a special somebody to
impress ✋ I took back pack an went downstairs

Me : Morning Mornings �
Them : Morning
Mom : You in a good mood today
Me : Life is too short to be mopping around
Dad : Who's making you mop?
Me : Ahh Tata school work
Dad : Uyajola na? (Are you dating?)
Me : No
Dad : Zendive nje (I hope so)
Mom : Let the child be baby
Dad : No I won't do that this is my small princess
Mom : Whuu everyone is small to you
Dad : Of cause they have to or else I will kill them if
they start things that I don't want them to do
Me : I Have to go
Mom : Breakfast?
Me : I'll grab something at the cafeteria
Dad : You won't fnd me as you know am going out
on business
Me : Yes I know daddy I will miss you
Dad : eally? Says the person who's always on the
Me : Let me go �

I ran into my car cause it was so raining, am so

afraid to drive when it's like this 😫,I drove away so
I decided to take the road not travelled cause am
rushing to school my lecture is at 9 an it's already
8:30 but I will be able to cover cause it's not that
far while on the way I felt something on top of my
car like it's a rock an I stopped the car I was so
scares cause the last time something like this
happened someone was changed so I waited for
that person to reveal himself an when I looked at
the my side of a window I was met by the one an
only handsome Sabelo an it seems like his pale
body suits him so perfectly � but what if he wants
to kill me so I got out in the rain went to him he
just grabbed me an kissed me like nobody's
business I even asked myself if am not dreaming or
I am cause never have I thought I would kiss a
vamp after sometime he pulled out an looked
straight at my eyes I just blushed an everything
came back that he thinks that am the one who
changed him

Sabelo : Don't look down

His voice was hoarse an it's like am hearing him for

the frst time talking

Me : You left me
Sabelo : I was too angry to think Smangele, I just
took all my anger to everyone else I found in street
Me : I heard in the news
Sabelo : I know I acted as a jerk I just wanted to
accept what I am
Me : I searched for you Sabelo an now you come
here an kiss me like nothing happened
Sabelo : Are you looking for a fght?
Me : No am not �
Sabelo : No I want you to shout, fght me just do
whatever you want to do with me
Me : If I were to do somethings to you I would just
kill you
Sabelo : Kill me? � Do you know what I want to do
to you?
Me : You tell me
Sabelo : I wanna bend you
Me : Bend me?
Sabelo : Take you from behind �
Me : Whuu you wish �
Sabelo : It's raining an look at you all wet

I even forgotten that it's raining, forgotten that

actually I was in a rush to school what is this guy
doing to me

Me : Am wet 😫
Sabelo : eally? **he said wiggling his eyes**
Me : Not like that ��
Sabelo : Am sorry I blamed you ,I should have
trusted you fne I felt betrayed that you didn't tell
me what the hell was going on with me an who did
this to me
Me : Am sorry too
Sabelo : Water under the bridge, Smangele am
trying to be what is needed of me I know in this
month I did somethings that am not proud of, I just
wanted to please myself than after that try to be
more like Sean
Me : You killed people Sabelo � an you telling me
that you changed
Sabelo : eally an I want you to help me not as
Smangele but as my partner
Me : Partner?
Sabelo : No not as lovers �

Ouch I don't know but that didn't sit well with me, if
he doesn't want me as his lover than why is he
kissing me or firting with me, I just looked down
cause I didn't want to cry

Sabelo : Can you do that for me?

Me : Um **clears throat** Yes I can
Sabelo : Good

He picked me up like am nothing an I smiled, he

placed me on top of my car while pushing the car I
just laughed but screamed cause this is scary

Me : You want to kill me?

Sabelo : Never you my soul mate �

I just blushed but will we ever be in a relationship

or I will forever be his friend


Well today me an Daddy are going to Durban can't

say am looking forward to this trip cause I know my
mother will do whatever it takes to make me feel
as if am nothing like always, my bags are all
packed so I got a call from "Daddy"

Me : Hello
Him : We at the gate open
Me : I thought that we will meet at the airport
Him : No we will drive in one car
Me : Oh okay

I opened the gate for them an hung up the phone,

so I told Sean an he didn't have a problem, we
didn't waste time we just went to the airport
surprisingly Sean enjoys this weather weird right?
It was not that raining now But what can I say
cause everything about them is forever confusing,
Daddy said we will take his private jet although
Sean didn't want to cause he won't be comfortable
but Daddy wasn't hearing it we than settled for his
Jet, we were seated there

Thabani : Do you ever blink?

He said looking at Sean

Sean : Yes I do blink

Thabani : I've been watching you man an you
didn't blink ever since we took you in your house
Sean : Are you gay?
Daddy : **he chuckle** God!!
Thabani : No am not
Sean : You've been checking me out that's your
words not mine
Thabani : Never mind

I was just smiling cause I can see that Sean didn't

want all of this talking,
After sometime we were on my hood going to my
place, well Sean said that we can use the house in
La Lucia but Daddy said that he won't be needing
any house he's here to walk so I wondered what he
meant by that


Ntobe got out of the car to the house, every

memory of thia house came back all the bad an
good times, it's like she was gone for million
years,the neighbours were all watching her clearly
gossiping about her but she didn't have a problem
with that, Lunelo an the others were following right
behind her, but she was to go frst, she knocked an
Tshidi opened with a smile but it faded when she
saw who it was
Tshidi : Hoe �

She raised her hand to slap her but Lunelo came to

the rescue with a gun pointing at her

Lunelo : I just knew it that you didn't go nicely in

this house, now do this Move or I will blow your
brain out

Lunelo didn't care about the neighbours so Tshidi

entered the house backward, she was not alone,
Ntobe's aunt's were there the one who was in
Ntobe's side during the funeral was also there, they
closed the door

Lunelo : Now it's time for this hide an seek to end

we here for the truth, Is Ntobeh from this family or
you have something to tell us?
Aunty : What are you talking about?
Lunelo : I want what about to come out of your
mouth be something that will actually make me not
want to kill you ✋
Ntobe was amazed to see this side of Daddy cause
in this moment he was so cold just like the Sean
she frst met

Tshidi : This bitc....

Lunelo : Wrong move!!

Lunelo shot her leg an she screamed with agony

Lunelo : I will start by killing you if you act like a

bitch � now start talking all of you or so help me
God brains will be splattered in this house �tiger is
in the house

The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 27


Everyone was quiet cause they knew that one

wrong word more people will die, Sean saw blood
an he went crazy his eyes turned an he knew that
if he carry on staying in this house shit will
defnitely happen all along Thabani was watching
him an he could tell that this mystery have a lot of
hidden agenda

Sean : Exc... Excuse me ,if am needed te... Tell me

He said getting out as fast he could an Ntobeh

knew what was the problem

Lunelo : Who's your mother Ntobeh

Ntobeh : The one you shot is my mother
Lunelo : Are you her mother?
Tshidi : Yes �
Lunelo : Where did you get her?
Tshidi : I gave birth to her

Lunelo shot her second leg an she screamed once

again while crying because of all the pain she's

Lunelo : Am gonna ask you one last time where did

you get her?
Tshidi : I don't know but when I fell in love with her
father she was already there
Ntobeh : What? �
Tshidi : She's not my daughter am barren, she's my
husband's daughter �
Lunelo : So your husband didn't tell you who is her
Tshidi : He only told me that she passed away
other than that I don't know anything � am just a
barren woman please forgive me �
Lunelo : Who are you?

He said pointing at the aunty who spoke earlier on

Aunty : Am Aunty Dolly

Lunelo : Who are to this family ?
Aunty : Am her father's sister
Lunelo : Who is her mother?
Aunty : We... Well he... �

Lunelo pointed a gun at her but Ntobeh disturbed

Ntobeh : Uncle please don't shoot her �
Lunelo : TALK
aunty : My brother came back from work, cause he
was working in Jo'burg so he told us as the family
that he have found a girl who was pregnant for him
an we were so happy that we even told him that he
should bring her with when he visits us � ,He went
back to work kept on calling us telling us how is our
sister in law I remember that one day he came
back with a child saying that his girlfriend died
while giving birth we cried at home cause even our
mother died while giving birth to the last born of
the family, I told him that I will take care of Ntobeh
for him but he said that he was fred from where he
was working because he was no longer coming just
because of the baby, so we understood but later on
we found out that he was the one who resigned we
were told by his friend from University, we started
questioning what is he running away from so I
seated with him one day to fnd out what is really
going on an he told me that he was also barren an
he was afraid to grow up without a child that will
call him a father an he stol.. stole Ntobeh ��

Ntobeh couldn't believe her ears cause she really

wanted all of this to be a joke
Aunty : I did what I had to do for him as my brother
� I knew what I was doing was wrong but what
would I have done I loved Ntobeh too cause I was
there when she was growing up �� am sorry my
baby for all the lie
Ntobeh : So you telling me that after all these
years being treated lime dirt in this house � you
knew that I was not from here? You mean to tell
me that you gave me to this wicked woman
instead of returning me home where I belong � do
you know what I had to keep up with in this
woman? I always showed a fake font this woman
killed my soul in a way that I don't even want any
child to be put through it �,This woman was
starving me when my father was not home, this
woman was beating me always for something that I
didn't even do � this woman was doing all she can
to make sure that I always cry myself to sleep ever
since I was 6 years old � an I actually kept my
patience all in the name of her being my mother
but all along you knew that she was not my mother
� I hate you for teaching me to always speaks the
truth but growing up with a lie all over again �,I
hate you for always saying I should pray for this
wicked woman cause she gave birth to me when
she was young so she sees me as a curse � but all
along you knew that I had a mother who would
have given me love more that this witch of a
woman � I don't regret being in your lives cause
you did love me but I curse the day that man in the
grave stole me cause maybe just maybe I wouldn't
have felt all the pain I was feeling just because of
her ��

Ntobeh was all crying an that hurted Lunelo to a

point that he wanted to rip Tshidi sole apart
because of what she out through Ntobe, cause
family means a lot to Lunelo

Lunelo : Who was the father?

Aunty : Doctor Simelane
Lu and Tha : What? �
Lunelo : Joshua Simelane?
Aunty : Yes �
Lunelo : That bustard � I should have known so
you said he's dead?
Aunty : Yes
Lunelo : Uhambe masinya nja �� ( Gone too soon
dog) Yooo lomqala kanina rhaa �� (This bustard)
Joshua Simelane was the family doctor who was so
trusted, he is the one who came to them saying
that Ntobeh didn't make it � so now to fnd out
that he's actually the one who did all this really did
a number on Lunelo

Lunelo : Thabani I want this woman coming with us

to Jo'burg I want to show her what I do to people
who messes with a Mtshomo�...For the sake of
you taking care of Ntobeh to this woman that she
is although you didn't take note on everything she
was going through because of your brother stealing
her an making her stay with this evil of a woman
that I will kill even if it means it's my last day on
earth but I will frst kill him an die, as for that dog
who's your father you better tell him as an
ancestor that we will meet an I will kill him once
again cause he's a fuckin ungrateful DOG ��
which makes me want to burn this house with all of
you in it � FUCK FUCK FUCK!!! MOVE BITCH!!

he stormed out angry while holding Ntobeh, he

was angry that he was not the one who killed this
They went to the house with Sean hiding himself
cause of the situation he's in, he's thirsty for blood
worse they have taken that woman an bought her
to the house 😫

Lunelo : Do you have a spare room

Sean nodded without making eye contacts

Lunelo : I want to put this woman in it

Sean : I can actually help with that

He said that in a bold unfamiliar voice ,so Lunelo

didn't have a problem with that

Ntobeh : No can I take you for a while

Sean : No am busy
Ntobeh : Please **sniff** um daddy the room is
next to the pool house.
Lunelo : Fine be ready in the night cause we
leaving I have work to do tomorrow
Ntobeh : Yebo Daddy

Lunelo an Thabani took the woman in the spare

room she was groaning with pain

Ntobeh : Look at me
Sean : I can't
Ntobeh : Listen...
Sean : Shut up!! � just shut up this is all your
fuckin fault **he groaned**�

He went upstairs to his room cause it's sound proof

he groaned while roaring cause he really needed
blood an that woman will not even reach Jo'burg
cause he will eat her alive, he doesn't care even if
they see him
Smangele was with Sabelo so they went to the mall
to fnd some new clothes cause they were so wet
an dirty it's not even funny, people were watching
at them but they didn't care, Sabelo was really
trying to act normal for Smangele cause he can see
that she's really trying to make him feel loved an
okay with this thing he is, cause he even
researched an thought that there is a way back but
he found that there's no way he is like this an will
remain like this for the rest of his life only being
killed will make him have peace of not wanting to
kill people just because of blood, they entered a
shop an found the clothes, they paid an told the
manager that they will wear these clothes so they
allowed them after that they were outside the shop

Smangele : Am never playing on the rain

Sabelo : Why? ��
Smangele : Flue
Sabelo : I will be your doctor �
Smangele : Stop firting with me tuu
Sabelo : Why? Cause you my partner so I have
too �

Some man came to them with a woman it's like

they married, Smangele was like "What is mister
fnger short wants from her" in her mind cause that
man didn't have thumbs in both his hands �
Man : Hello
Sabelo : Sure
Man : Am Lunga Mkhungo an this is my wife Lettie
Smangele : Okay

"So what" that what is Smangele thinking

Man : Am sure you're Slungile's daughter right?

Smangele : Yes I am
Lettie : Oh thanks God we found her �
Sabelo : What's going on? **whispers**
Smangele : Seems like Mr Zombie four fngers
knows my mother **whispers back**
Man : Can we at least have some lunch
Smangele : We are actually rushing somewhere
Lunga : I won't take time
Smangele : No we can't
Lettie : This is your father so you should at least
give him a chance not this attitude you having ✋
Sabelo & Smangele : Who's father?
Lettie : Yours

She said pointing at Smangele who just looked at

Sabelo an they both burst with laughter �

Smangele : Mr four fngers do you even know my

Lunga : No
Lettie : So much disrespect, that good for nothing
who stole you away from your father 19 years ago
is the one who corrupted you let me tell you
something ke ntombi (girl) this man right here is
your father he's the one who slept with your father
an you were born, that Lu.. What his name hun?
Lunga : Lunelo
Lettie : Yes that creator he's the one who turned
you against your father now stop being a bitch an

Smangele slapped her so hard that she nearly fall


Smangele : Both of you stay the hell away or I will

take all of those left fngers off fools nx ���
Nywe nywe nywe nyada (Father) You don't even
know my name but you telling me shit, I will blow
your heads off with these tables an chairs if you
don't see me clearly kwali yamandiya rhaa (Yol's

Smangele an Sabelo left them mouth hanging as

for Smangele she wished that none of this is true
cause she's her fathers daughter �

The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 28


Everyone was minding their own business when

Sean went to the room where Tshidi was an he
found her sleeping so he closed the door behind
him an clapped his hands, ever since they came
back from Ntho's house he's been on a vampire
mode an he's sure that Tshidi will be killed by him
cause he heard everything that Ntho said about
this woman so no doubts he will suck her dry, he
clapped his hand causing Tshidi to jump an she
was all weak because of losing so much blood

Tshidi : Please help me �

Sean : You remember me?

Tshidi saw his teeth's an she shook her head while

crying cause for a moment there, she thought that
maybe she's dreaming but Nope she's not 😫 this is
really happening

Tshidi : No I don't who are you? �

Sean : Oh ✋ let me remind you, remember when
you found me in Ntho's room? At the hospital
Tshidi : You that white man?
Sean : Of cause I am remember what I asked you?
Tshidi : �
Sean : Let me remind you, I asked you if you her
mother an you stood there an lied to me by saying
you her neighbour
Tshidi : Am... I.. �
Sean : Shh ✋ I asked you that what should I do if I
fnd that you lying remember that day?
Tshidi : Yes �
Sean : Now am catching in for that favour
Tshidi : Fa... Oh God please forgive me �

Sean went close to her an held her leg an threw

her across the room, she screamed with agony so
he rushed to her an held her by her throat while
looking at her

Sean : So much blood �

Tshidi : Ple.. Ase��
Sean : My pleasure

He bite her neck an sucked her blood dry, she saw

death after sometime she was dead, Sean roared
so hard with blood drippin off his chin from his
mouth an teeth
Smangele went home angry because of all that
thing of that man saying he's her father, so she got
inside the house an found her mother in the

Smangele : Mom
Slue : Oh hey Babey � weren't you wearing Puma
Smangele : I was but I was wet
Slue : Wet? Why an what were you doing in the
Smangele : Don't worry about that
Slue : Are you dating baby?
Smangele : No am not Mommy

Smangele just blushed as for Slungile she just

knew that Smangele is old enough now so there's a
possibility that she's dating what worried her is
that she doesn't want her daughter to fall pregnant
for a jerk like Lunga

Smangele : Can I ask you something weird?

Slue : Yes hunny you can
Smangele : Do you know any Lun...✋ Lunga
Mkhungo if am not mistaken
Slungile nearly died cause Lunga have nerves to
show himself after so many years

Slue : Why are you asking me that?

Smangele : Because he came claiming that am his
daughter I mean whuu no can do �� that man
have just 4 fngers each hand ✋
Slue : 4 what?
Smangele : 4 fnger mama an he says he's my
father ��� a Zombie for that matter
Slue : Um can you go an freshen up
Smangele : Mom you haven't given me an answer
if you know that man or not
Slue : Listen we will talk when your father is back
Smangele : so you know that man mama? Was he
telling the truth that am not my daddy's daughter?
Slue : Baby
Smangele : So am not my fathers daughter? �

Smangele looked at her mother an all her fear

came true, this thing kills her cause she really
wanted to be her father's daughter not someone
else's � she stormed to her room with Slungile
calling her while worried but she closed the door an
threw herself in the bed with pain her heart
Lunelo an Thabani went to the room where they
kept Tshidi an when they got there, they found her
lying down there so they went to check if she's still
moving but she was dead, they didn't even notice
that she had teeth trail in her neck

Lunelo : She must have lost so much blood

Thabani : We were going to kill her right? So she
made herself a favour cause she was gonna die an
Slow painful death for doing what she did to your
Lunelo : To my daughter not niece

Lunelo's phone rang an it was his wife, he just

smiled and answered the phone

Lunelo : Mrs Me �
Slue : We need you � more especially your

Lunelo felt like the world is crumbling down on him

when he heard that she's crying

Lunelo : Am coming Babe hang in there

Lunelo told everyone that they had to leave, they

sort out the body frst than they went their way
cause Lunelo was no longer in this, they drove to
the airport an took the Jet back to Jo'burg everyone
was thinking about their own issues so no one was
speaking, Ntobeh was thinking that Sean was the
one who killed Tshidi cause she can't just die an be
pale like that,Lunelo was just stressed about his
daughter cause his wife said the person who needs
him the most it's his daughter, Sean was just
reading these Two's mind an he knew that
something is wrong with Smangele but he didn't
ask cause they will be suspicious, as for Thabani he
was all thinking about Sean at how weird he is he
doesn't blink, he doesn't eat nje he's just weird
that made Sean chuckle cause ever since they met
each other this guy has been checking him out �
After sometimes they were in the airport in Jo'burg

Lunelo : I will come fetch you in the morning neh?

He said looking at Ntobe

Ntobeh : I hear you an I will be waiting for you

Lunelo : Pack all your bags cause there's no way in
hell I will let you stay with a boy who's not your

With said he walked away leaving Ntobeh mouth

hanging cause shes didn't expect that as for Sean
he was angry cause that man can't just come an
dictate Ntho's life, fne she's family but that doesn't
mean anything, they took their transport cause
Sean called the driver from home to fetch him it
was all silence in the car, after sometime they got
inside the house

Sean : I will be in my room

Ntho : You not gonna apologize?
Sean : For what?
Ntho : You said I must shut up am you went to your
room after that it's like you didn't just bite my head
Sean : Oh sorry
Ntho : No I don't accept that sorry Sean cause it's
cold an it's like a forced sorry �
Sean : What do you want from me?
Ntho : I want you to stop pushing me away
whenever you facing that breakdown
Sean : You know that am a Vamp so obviously I will
always have that problem
Ntho : Than you should let me in so that I can help
you cool down, Sean you can't always eat people
Sean : You found me like this so if you have a
problem with it than don't involve me in that
Ntho : Wow
Sean : Yes Ntobe an if you want to leave me fne
Ntobeh : Who said I wanna leave you ?
Sean : Your daddy told you to pack right? He wants
to take you away from me an who will I be left with
No one an that alone makes me want to kill you
right now so that no one can have you cause I
don't wanna let you go, I know that they are your
family but the can't just come here an make
decisions for you like I don't matter, Ntho that
blood hurts me or even more it angers me cause
that man is undermining me
Ntho : Sean �
Sean : No if you wanna leave am not stopping you
an you know very well that I killed that woman
because of what she did to you, Ntho I don't know
when will you learn to accept who I am cause
whether you like it or not I will always be what I am
an this is the only way I can kill so if you have a
problem or issue than maybe leaving me is an
option to you cause I can't always explain myself to
you I will end up going crazy
Ntobeh : That's not h...
Sean : Don't ✋

He walked away leaving Ntobeh defeated ,Sean

was jealous of Ntho an he didn't even want to let
her go just like that �
Lunelo fnally reaches home with a heavy heart
cause he didn't know what await for him, the love
he have for his daughter cause it was love at frst
sight so he was heart broken, he got inside the
house an saw Slue who just ran an threw herself in
his arms an he held on to her, she was crying now
he felt weak

Lunelo : Sm... Smangele where is she? �

Slue : Upstairs she needs you Lunelo I don't know
what to do I tried to tell her to open the door but
she's not opening it � please my love talk to
iNkosazana yakho (your princess)
Lunelo : I will talk to her don't worry Baby

He went upstairs to Smangele's room an knocked

but she didn't answer

Lunelo : Nkosazane kaTata (Daddy's princess)

He knocked once more an Smangele was so happy

to hear her dad but she was heart that he's not her
daddy but she went to open the door an Lunelo
hugged her so tight an they went inside the room
an sat on the bed
Lunelo : Tell your only dad what's the problem?
Smangele : I know that you not my father �
Lunelo : Am not your father?
Smangele : Yes �� I know that am someone
else's daughter, daddy I want to be your daughter
not his daughter �� if I could change it I would
Lunelo : My baby what are you talking about you
are my daughter an not even government himself
will change that ✋ you are my life, my heaven on
earth an I always told you that what changed?
Smangele : I saw a Lunga today an he told me that
he's my father � an he told me that you stole me
away from him when I was small I thought that
maybe he was being paranoid but he called you by

Lunelo clenched his jaws cause he was not even

thinking of a possibility that Lunga can come back
after he told him to stay away

Lunelo : An you thought that am not your father?

Smangele : Yes �� daddy tell me that you are my
father not him
Lunelo : Listen to me Smangele you are my
daughter fuck that Lunga he's just a sperm donor
who gave me this beautiful gift which is you, you
know when I frst met you I just fell in love with you
an I knew that you are my only princess an I would
kill anyone who comes anywhere near you an I did,
I will carry on doing it blood or not you are my
daughter if I had a chance I would drain that idiots
blood dry in your body an put mine but I can't baby
but I love you an don't even think that am not your
father cause I'll smack you ✋ I will deal with that
man cause when I frst met you I asked your
mother where is your father an she told me that
she's your mother an father an guic what? I told
her that from that day I will be your father which I
did you grew up knowing me an I was so happy,
that boys father was in the cult so he cursed that
boy that he will never get married an every child
he have will be killed so I would have understood if
he protected you by staying but No he was with his
father into killing you cause he had that mentality
that says if he can't have you than you must die, I
nearly died when you went missing Smangele,
when I found you they were ready to make you a
sacrifce but I came just in time an from that day I
knew that I will protect you with my life an I want
nothing an no one to come an tell me shit about
you being there's cause you are mine an mine only
even in your mother you are not hers you are mine
Smangele : I thought that maybe you will tell me
that you don't want me anymore ��
Lunelo : I will just take the belt an beat the shit out
of you cause how can I not want you tshin
lomntana (this child) I will smack you now wipe
those tears cause that man is not worth them
Smangele : I will never cry for him cause he was
never there for me � am was crying for you
Lunelo : Than my angel you wasted your tears ��
Smangele : You also crying ��
Lunelo : No am not 😫
Smangele : I love You an no man can take your
place in my heart
Lunelo : That's why you won't get married cause
you mine
Smangele : Whuu daddy �� I also wanna
experience what you have with my mother
Lunelo : No you too small for that an I will never
marry you off ✋✋ that's not up for discussion you
are mine �
Smangele : Yours only daddy
Lunelo : Yes an I love you neh?
Smangele : I love you even more
Lunelo : An don't hate that woman over cause she
was prepared to give you the world alone with no
one who plays a father in you so always appreciate
her cause she loves you Baby
Smangele : Thank You I will always appreciate you
both because of the unconditional love you have
for me
Lunelo : Now stop mopping an go eat
Smangele : Yaaas food ���

Lunelo was happy to see that his daughter didn't

behave like other daughters who will want nothing
to do with someone who's not her father, that
would have killed him an he will now make sure
that she doesn't feel lefted an start saying that if
she was with her father this would happen, As for
Smangele she loved her daddy an the fear of him
leaving her was gonna make her die a thousand
death � she thought that maybe her father will
say that he doesn't want her in her house anymore
as for her sperm donor she hates him for what he
did to her, she would be dead if it wasn't for Lunelo
✋....Unconditional Love ♥
The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 29


Lunelo called the family (Ndlovu,Mtshomo an

Gumede) yesterday so some of them were in his
house to know what's the problem, but they called
the males even Lubanzi was called cause this
involves him, they told the ladies to come later not
now so they all went to Amkelo's house

Lumkelo : What seems to be the problem?

Thapelo : I would also want to know I mean I was
busy when you called me yesterday
Lunelo : Sexing your wife�
Siya : rhaa �✋
Thapelo : Am still your father in law �
Lunelo : am sorry, let's get started so Lubanzi
came to us with a story that he saw his twin
Everyone looked at each other because of this,
Lunelo narrated the whole because he knew that
Lungelo would just cry cause he's a motional wreck

Lumkelo : Andiva mna kuba nithi kuthen � ( I don't

hear what you saying)
Siya : Mhlampe andivanga manithi nifumene iwele
lika Lubanzi� (Maybe I didn't hear you well when
you said you have found Lubanzi's twin)
Lungelo : That's exactly what we said father ��
Tom : So you found her? Where is she? �
Zuko : That's what I would like to know
Lumkelo : I hear you all in what you saying, but I
don't understand all of this, you mean to tell me
that we buried something we don't know just
because of your foolishness? Lungelo did your
mother lack something when she was raising you?
Or maybe Lunelo have spread a disease of always
thinking with your ass? How can you go to durban
without consulting us? You know maybe this is all
your fault Siya for running away from your
responsibility, maybe it's also my fault for leaving
this boy alone for 8 years cause right now I feel like
I could just slap the shit out of the both of you �
Musa : I think you have to calm down
Lumkelo : Calm down?
Musa : We all make mistakes, look at me I didn't
know anything about Amanda so I was given a
chance to be with her before I die
Lumkelo : Oh so we should celebrate? This is not
the same he didn't look at his daughter before he
bury her, now where is she?
Lunelo : We left her where she is living
Lumkelo : Phi? (where)
Lungelo : Her boyfriends house�
Siya : Ay Ay Ay Ay niphambene na? Seke navaph
kukipitwa kwelikhaya? (Are you out of your minds?
Have you ever saw someone cohabiting in this
Lumkelo : Before I slap the shit out the both of
you �
Thapelo : Nx!! �

These old mans were fuming with anger cause they

didn't understand what was happening with these
boys, how can they fnd something like this an just
kept quiet as for Lunelo he was just angry cause
they are treating them like small kids
Sean was feeling bad about how he acted
yesterday but one thing for sure is that he won't let
the take Ntobeh away from him or hell will break
loose, so he went to the kitchen an found Ntobeh
thinking hard so he went an stood in front of her

Sean : Am sorry Babe

Ntho : You sorry? I didn't sleep thinking about what
I did wrong
Sean : You didn't do anything Ntho I was just being
selfsh, I know that but I love You an... Wait did I
say I love you?

Ntobeh smiled an her heart was dancing cause

indeed Sean said he love her 😫 did he mean it

Ntobeh : Yes you did �

Sean : I think I do Ntobeh an the fear of losing you
drives me crazy an I won't be able to protect you
far away from me �
Ntobeh : I will tell them that I will visit them at least
but stay with you
Sean : Will you do that?
Ntobeh : Yes I will do that, I love You Sean so am
not going anywhere
Sean : So you love me? ✋ **wiggling his eyebrow**
Ntobeh : Yes I do love you

He came closer to her an they kissed passionately

that Sean picked her up an she wrapped her legs
around his waist while moaning that made Sean
hard right that instant while they were at it
someone disturbed them

Siya : Vula apha wena (open this door)

They jumped at what is happening so Sean putted

down Ntho an went open the door an was met by
10 guys looking at him
Siya : Tshin kant anandixelela kuba ndizothetha
islungu apha kuze ndizo practiser jongan ke ngoku
ndizozenza isbhanxa phambi kwalenkwenkwe (Why
didn't you tell me that I was gonna be met by a
white guy so that I can practise, look at me now
am gonna make a fool of myself in front of this

Lunelo an Lungelo wanted to laugh cause Siya can

be dramatic it's not like he doesn't know how to
speak english

Lumkelo : Akamhlophe uthi akaguli nje (He's so

pale, isn't he sick?)
Siya : Ndizayazaph na abantu kaloku baya powder
apha emnyango sistabene esi ndinixelele ( I
wouldn't know boys of today use powder an maybe
he's gay)
Lunelo : Uyakuva � (he hears you)
Siya : � undivile? (he heard me) **whispering**

Everyone laughed for a moment there they came

here angry but Siya as always he was being Siya
Sean : You can come in

They all pushed him aside an entered the house

Lumkelo : This guy is sick am telling you

Lunelo : He's not sick tata�

They all sat down an Sean went to the kitchen to


Ntobe : What's happening?

Sean : I think your family is here an they speak a
language that I don't even understand
Ntobe : I will try to tell them to speak English so
that you can understand
Sean : No matter what I love you
Ntobe : I love You

They hugged an kissed after that they stared at

each other

Ntobe : Let's do this

Sean : Come

He pulled her to the lounge when they entered Siya

an Lumkelo looked at each other cause they can
see Lungelo in this child , same as Tom an Musa
cause they just saw a little resemblance of their

Ntobeh : Sanibonani (Greetings)

Them : Molo/sawubona

It was like a bad choir trying to sing a song an each

other says the wrong words

Siya : Iza (come)

Ntobe looked at Sean who nodded an Ntobeh went

to Siya who just hugged her so tight with tears in
his eyes � an even Ntobe she was tearing so bad
cause she can feel the connection after a while
they pulled out, she hugged everyone an ended up
in Lumkelo's lap he felt like he could just make her
his small daughter because of being sad that he
wasn't there for her when she was young an being
abused so now is the time for him to make sure
that whatever she wants, she gets

Lumkelo : How are you my baby?

Ntobeh : Am good an what about everyone

They all talked at the same time saying that they

good just that they were disappointed about all of
this, everyone wanted to speak to her they feel like
they owe her, as for Lungelo he was in his own
world of being emotional because all of this is
because he was so hurt to think that there's a
possibility that they might trick him but he didn't
think of that

Siya : Mlungu how are you?

Sean : All is good thanks for asking
Lumkelo : Is he sick?

He said asking Ntobeh

Ntobeh : No he's not sick, he's just like this

Tom : Oh I hope you packed your bags like your
father Lunelo said yesterday
Ntobeh : About that...
Zuko : About that? �
Siya : myeke achaze haska (leave her to explain)
Ntobeh : I will come home to visit but I will stay

All of them laughed at what she said as for

Lumkelo he was just shocked to hear this

Siya : Ndingangedwa ndodwa kanjan na,

ndifumene usomahlaya onjenganam kanene (Was I
going to be the only one for the why nje, I found
my crazy buddy) ��
Thapelo : For a minute there I thought you were
serious �
Musa : Me too you know, even her facial expression

Everyone was just laughing cause they thought

that she's joking
Lumkelo : Can't you see that this child is serious?
Or am the crazy one �
Siya : Haska yancokola baby angith? Akukwaz
phela ndingavele ndigumule ndibenqunu (You
joking right baby? If not I would just go naked)
Ntobeh : That was my wish, I know that you just
knew me now but...
Senzo : No no we can't allow that
Musa : I would die frst than allow that. Siya :
Never!! Tshin lomntana (This child)
Ntobeh : Please understand
Siya : Under... Inton eyy mntana ndin ndizakubetha
mna haaa (What? I will beat you up)
Lumkelo : No one cohabit in this family an it won't
start with you

All along Sean was watching all of this an one thing

he knows is that no one is getting out of here with
Ntobeh if they don't agree to what she's saying

Ntobeh : He's my boyfriend

Thapelo : That's true he's not your husband, so you
leaving with us an that's not up for discussion, you
are one of us now so you will have to learn to do
things the way we want
Ntobeh : I don't mean to be disrespecting but you
are the one who was never there for me when I
was growing so you can't come here an tell me
what to do well this man.....
Lumkelo : Yooooo andixelelwanga umntana kuba
ndingamyali? (I didn't just hear a child telling me
that I will not tell her what to do) � Mamela apha
ke nontombi wena umuka nath eyo ayixoxwa
nokuxoxwa (Listen here my girl you are leaving
with us, fnish an clear)
Ntobeh : I....
Siya : Ehh mlungu hambo thatha ezampahla pha
(White boy go an take those clothes)
Lumkelo : If this man is really wanting you to be
here with him, he will have to marry you cause we
leaving with you wether you like it or not, ever
since I became an adult I've never been
disrespected to a point where a child's word is the
last one to be taken so it won't start with you now
go an pack before I lose my cool

Ntobeh stood up defeated it took a lot not for Sean

to just kill her now an no one gets her, but he said
the unexpected
Sean : I want the marry her so what must I do?

Everyone gasped cause they thought that this was

a last straw, Lumkelo said that as a weapon to
avoid all of this now he wants to marry her

Lungelo : But we've just known her ��

Sean : Am sorry to hear that but if you want to take
her for now fne but beat this in mind I want to
marry her an let's say next month, I will pay
everything that needs to be paid
Them : �
Siya : Ndoma akho drink apha? (Am thirsty is there
a drink in this house)

Lungelo didn't want all of this an this guy is

unfair � as for Ntobe she was not happy about this
cause even thou she wanted to live with Sean but
she also wanted to learn the love of her family but
she loves Sean so if marrying him will make her
see her every time she wants than so be it cause it
seems like her family will always be protective over
her little did she know that even if she marries that
won't change a thing.... ♥
The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 30


Sean was stll waitnn fr the answer cause all f them were just shfck tf talk

Siya : Nf prfblem at all yfu can cfme with yfur amily an we will talk abfut the nenftatfns �

Siya had a silly plan that he's planninn fr Sean ��

Sean : Thank Yfu, yfu may take her with yfu

Lunnelf : Thanks fr takinn a nffd care f her, I fwe yfu my li e

Sean : It was nfthinn, I lfve her sf that's why I did what I did

Lumkelf : Is she stll a virnin?

Sean : She's sealed

Lumkelf was impressed that at least this bfy is nft playinn with his child

Tfm : Gf an pack fr must I help yfu?

Ntfbeh : Nf I will be back just nfw

Siya : Phambi kfkuba uhamba ndincede nnesphuzf � ( Be fre yfu nf I need a drink)

Ntfbeh : Um we dfn't have a strfnn drink

Siya : Tshin uphuzan na umlunnu? (What is the white man drinkinn)

Ntfbeh : He dfesn't drink

Siya : Ofps there it is � he's nay

He's whisperinn with Thapelf whf just launhed fut lfud, Ntfbeh went upstairs tf pack her bans with
Sean fllfwinn behind her

Sean : Am sfrry i sayinn yfu shfuld marry me came fut wrfnn ✋ I was just cfrnered

Ntfbeh : Nf it's fkay I will marry yfu � fine I wanted tf learn mfre abfut my amily but I can see that
they will always dictate my li e everyday sf it's beter that way

Sean : It drives me crazy that I wfn't be able tf nuide yfu

Ntfbeh : Nfthinn will happen tf me dfn't wfrry Babe

Sean : I knfw an yfu must knfw that am fne call away neh?

Ntfbeh : I knfw an I lfve yfu

Sean : Yfu have my heart ♥

They hunned each fther tnhtly an afer a while they were nfinn dfwnstairs with Ntfbe's bans an Lunelf
tffk them tf the car all alfnn Lubanzi was quiet he just didn't knfw hfw tf df this, he eels like he
ailed his twin an Ntfbe saw all f this but she thfunht that maybe he dfesn't lfve her, they were
drivinn tf Lunnelf's hfuse cause they called the ladies tellinn them tf make a east cause they have
news fr them

Lunnelf : Yfu nffd?

Ntfbeh : Yes am nffd an hfw are yfu?

Lunnelf : I eel like this is all a dream, an I dfn't want tf wake up

Ntfbeh : am just nlad that at least I will endure the lfve f a parent, is my mfther a nffd persfn?

Lunnelf : One thinn I knfw is that she will lfve yfu tf heart beat � just like hfw I ell in lfve with yfu
the day I saw yfu when I came tf check fn yfu with Smannele,I knfw I shfuld have tried harder tf knfw
i yfu really dead, I was just sf hurt and askinn Gfd why did he take yfu away cause yfu were stll small,
litle did I knfw that I was blaminn the wrfnn persfn

Ntfbeh : It's fkay am just nlad that I nft tf knfw yfu, an the man whf stfle me lfved me
uncfnditfnally sf I wfn't say bad thinns abfut him the fnly thinn I hate him fr is that rfbbed me
chances f bfndinn with my twin, chances f havinn my real amily an mftherly lfve but all in all they
say yfu have tf start with bad tf reach nffd

Lunnelf : Yes an I hfpe yfu eel ree tf talk tf me whenever yfu eel like thinns are turninn unly, I mean
am a nffd listener

Ntfbeh : I will remember that

Lunnelf : We here

Ntfbeh : Have we been nfinn lfnn?

Lunnelf : We talkinn that's why yfu didn't see the way

Ntfbeh : I nuic sf

They nft fut f the car hfldinn hands, an they went tf the hfuse but lef Lubanzi an Ntfbeh futside the
hfuse cause they wanted tf annfunce their presence mfre especially Ntfbeh, it was all awkward
between the twf f them, Lubanzi wanted tf burst with tears but he held his cfmpfsure, Ntfbeh
wanted tf knfw her sister but she didn't knfw what he's thinkinn abfut her, Inside the hfuse the ladies
were in the lfunne talkinn an launhinn, when the nents entered the rffm

Zandi : Yfu all back �

Musa : Yes my queen we back

Ase : We made a table futside the nrfund we finured that it's nft hft we shfuld sit futside

Lumkelf : Thank Yfu kft that's means a lft but we have tf talk first

They all set dfwn an the ladies were nfw wfrried at what is happeninn, Smannele was alsf there, the
fther kids (ntfbekf, Zakhele, kwenzfkuhle, Siphiwe, Ntuthukf, Sandisf) were makinn the meat futside

Lumkelf : We want yfu tf keep an fpen mind, can yfu df that?

Amanda : Um we can try

Lumkelf : Believe me we alsf heard this tfday an nf dfubts it's true

Siya : The thinn is these twf were keepinn this secret away rfm us sf we had tf find fut tfday abfut it

Thapelf : Sf nfw we will df this, we will brinn sfmefne inside the hfuse an yfu will tell us what yfu see
than we will cfnfirm it with sfmefne else neh?

The ladies nfdded althfunh they were all cfn use at what's nfinn fn here, Lunelf went tf take Ntfbeh
futside an tfld Lubanzi tf remain behind an he didn't have a prfblem, Lunelf held Ntfbe's hand an they
went inside, when they entered an the ladies lffked at this, Asemahle just screamed � as fr Amkelf
she was all cfn used
Amkelf : I knfw yfu � remember hunny when I tfld yfu that I saw a nirl whf helped me at the shfp
this is her � didn't knfw we will meet anain sweety

She said that lffkinn at Lunnelf sf it became clear tf Ntfbeh that this wfman is her mfther �

Lumkelf : Can yfu lffk at her harder an tell us whf dfes she lffk like

They stared at her as fr Asemahle she was sf cryinn an it was even hard tf talk

Lumkelf : Cfme in

He shfuted an Lubanzi came inside the hfuse when they bfth stffd there it became clear, Amkelf
stffd up an walked slfwly tf them with tears in her eyes, she thfunht that maybe her eyes are playinn
trick with her, she was walkinn like a zfmbie that she nearly ell but Lunnelf held her, she was in her
fwn wfrld thinkinn abfut the pain she elt when she lfst her daunhter, thinkinn abfut hfw cfuld she be
irrespfnsible because this is her daunhter sf she shfuld have knfwn but she didn't that hurts her sf bad
�� she went clfser tf them an watched the twf f them clfser

Amkelf : Yfu alive? �

She tfuched her ace an indeed she was alive she jumped up an dfwn mfre like wfbble cause she's

Amkelf : She's alive � fh Gfd yfu wfnder ul, she's alive my baby is alive ��

Everyfne was emftfnal because f hfw Amkelf is actnn, in her heart she was sf happy but mfre she
ell cfmplete, it's like the missinn peace is there �♥....

It was tense in at first but everythinn went back tf nfrmal but Amkelf didn't want her babies fut f her
sinht, it's like she just nave birth tf them tfday the way she's sf happy they were futside in the table

Amkelf : Sf my annel when is yfur birthday celebrated

Ntfbeh : Um it is celebrated fn the 11 March

Lunnelf : It's the same as Lubanzi

Smannele : Am sf happy that at lease there's a nirl I can talk tf abfut thinns �

Lunelf : Yfu can talk tf me baby

Tfm : Leave a child Lunelf she's nrfwn nfw

Lunelf : Never! She's mine ✋♥

Slue : Whuu am jealfus �

Siya : Yfu have tff I mean Smannele have his whfle heart an yfu fnly have fne thinn rfm him

Amkelf : What's that?

Siya : We have kids here we dfn't want tf cfrrupt fur small baby �

Olfna : Am netnn married

She just said it as i she's sinninn a sfnn that is lfved by the whfle amily.

Lumkelf : Re rain �

Everyfne launhed the way he said it, it's like he's sayinn in his mind i yfu repeat it I will kill yfu ��

Olfna : I have sfmefne whf wants tf ask my hand in marriane

Lumkelf : Did yfu see hfw bin was that hfuse?

Siya : Oh the white man's hfuse?

Thapelf : It was bin an I wfnder where he nft the mfney rfm

Musa : Which is why we have tf play him I mean he's white sf he dfesn't knfw anythinn abfut

Lunelf : Unless he have a black riend

Siya : That nay man �

Lunelf : Even Thabani was checkinn him fut �

Lunnelf : Really?

Lunelf : Am tellinn yfu

Everyfne launhed innfrinn Olfna but she didn't take it tf heart because she dfes she will run mad this
amily is crazy that even Ndlfvu an Gumede bend in the amily

Amanda : Whf's netnn married? Nenftatfns?

Lumkelf : Our lfst an fund daunhter

Amkelf : I hfpe yfu nft talkinn abfut my daunhter baba �

Lumkelf : Yfu beat me tf it I was abfut tf say that

Amkelf : Nf my daunhter yfu can't df that tf me

Ntfbeh : Mfm �

Amkelf : Nf �� yf...

While they were talkinn they elt sfmethinn allinn rfm fn tfp f the hfuse an it was a human finure

Siya : Tshin wandiza nnfku? (why are yfu fyinn?)

Lunelf : Hfw did yfu net in?

Siya : Yfu saw that he's superman what kind f a questfn is that Lunelf

Lunnelf : What are yfu dfinn here? �

Zukf : What are yfu?

Siya : White man �� are yfu all hinh fn weed fr sfmethinn?

Lumkelf : Whf are yfu ?

Man : My name dfesn't mater rinht nfw✋

This man was white, fld an intmidatnn a lft, wfrse hfw did he jump an nft all rfm fn tfp f the
Siya : I yfu want tf cfmmit suicide yfu will nft df it in rfnt f us Mlunnu ✋

Man : am nft cfmmitnn suicide I want yfu tf df sfmethinn fr me

Smannele an Ntfbeh lffked at each fther cause they can see that this man is nft human, he's pale just
like Sean an Sabelf

Amkelf : What's that?

Me : Take this nirl back tf Sean ✋

Siya : weee ���� haska cfme have ffd with us an stfp standinn there like a bfss that yfu nft

Man : This is a warninn be warned nft a jfke

Siya : Yfu are just like a mfvie that says PG16 but yfu wfn't see even a thinn that will shfw that kids
must nft watch the mfvie

Everyfne was launhinn as fr Latnf he was sf annry because they nft takinn him serifusly

Siya : Cfme mlunnu sit dfwn let's eat, i I had a sjambfk I wfuld have turned yfu a tfmatf fr standinn

The man went tf stand near the Maserat that was standinn alfne near where they were eatnn ,he
lifed it up an it crashed backward an it was Siya's car 😫

Siya : Usannene na?(Are yfu crazy?) � that car cfsts me a lft f mfney

Everyfne was shfutnn at him at the same tme like they were sinn as fr the nuys they were annry they
even wanted tf just shfft him

Me : I yfu dfn't return her back, next tme it wfn't be just a car but I will df this with sfmefne inside
the car

Siya : Yfu sfn f a bitch I will kill yfu �

He charned tf him by frce but the man channed intf his Vampire mfde an hissed like snake sf Siya

Siya : I channed my mind � we need prayers, we need prayers fh Gfd we need prayers�

He said screaminn an runninn away leavinn everyfne terrified cause even i they are nannsters but this
has never happened

Me : Send that nirl back tf Sean i yfu knfw what's nffd fr yfu �

He stfrmed fut runninn as ast as he cfuld

Siya : He's cfminn behind me Gfd frnive me ��

He channed his path an ran strainht tf the hfuse an lfcked himsel in his bedrffm, well Siya is a cfward
by birth whereas everyfne was dead scared

Lunelf : The uck?

Lumkelf : One thinn I knfw is we nft sendinn anyfne anywhere �

Thapelf : Secfnded �

Ntfbeh was rather scared cause maybe this man was here tf warn her that he will cfme fr her cause
he knfws where she stays

The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 31

Sean was wfrkinn fut because he was alfne an he elt bfred, usually he will be watchinn Nthf cffkinn
fr they will df it tfnether, f cause ffd withfut narlic �, sf he's like lfnely nfw but he dfesn't have a
prfblem cause it his last fne mfnth alfne, he will marry the wfman f his li e, his sful mate.. ♥ never
have he thfunht that li e will cfme tf this, he thfunht that it was always nfnna be abfut him but nfw
he eels like beinn alfne is nft an fptfn cause he's in lfve althfunh it's nft clear fr nfw tf him, an he's
sayinn he lfves Ntfbe but it hasn't elt like he shfuld say it rfm deep dfwn, he was busy wfrkinn fut
when he heard whistle behind him an the fnly thinn whf dfes that is his Grand ather Latnf sf he
quickly turned,Latnf tffk the vase that was clfse tf him with frce an threw it at him sf he ducked
while nrabbinn a chair an thrfwinn it at him an he few acrfss the hfuse causinn the chair tf hit the Vase
that is lfved by Ntfbeh

Sean : Shit

Latnf launhed an went dfwn he didn't even waste tme he ran tfwards him but Sean was clever cause
he jumped an was behind him while hfldinn a nfld stck he fund while Latnf was up in the wffd he
whipped him rfm the behind an he ell dfwn

Sean : Whfa

He said that screaminn an turned tf pick the Vase but Latnf picked the nfld stck an whipped him tff
at the back he ell dfwn tff, Latnf launhed

Latnf : Never turn yfur back fn the enemy, sf I nuic I wfn

Sean : Yfu cheat 😫

Latnf : What are yfu drinkinn?

Sean : Stll nfinn fr a hunt

Latnf : Snack tme, let's nf

Sean : Where?

Latnf : Huntnn

Sean : Nf the shfps are clfsed nfw

Latnf : Shfps? Df yfu buy pefple nfw?

Sean : Nf am nf lfnner dfinn that

Latnf : What df yfu df? �

Sean : Animal blffd

Latnf : Yfu?

Sean : Yes

Latnf cfuldn't believe what he is hearinn

Latnf : Are yfu nut?

Sean : I knfw what yfu nfnna say

Latnf : Really? What am I nfnna say?

Sean : Yfu nfnna say that ma stupid an I shfuld be heartless but I can't anymfre I have a persfn tf think
f , I have a persfn tf nft chase away because f eatnn human blffd

Latnf : Oh sf yfu have tf channe fr this persfn? Will she channe i yfu were tf say yfu want tf make
her a vampire?

Sean : Nf she wfn't

Latnf : What dfes that make yfu? Stupid rinht cause yfu can't channe whf yfu are Seanant even i yfu
like yfu can't sf human blffd is what yfu must eat nft animal blffd

Sean : Why?

Latnf : Yfu askinn me why?

Sean : Yes

Latnf : Oh let see a vampire whf is drinkinn human blffd can heal aster than a vampire whf is drinkinn
animal blffd, i yfu drink animal blffd yfu shfw mfre respfnse tf the pain and it take nftceably
lfnner fr yfur wfund tf heal � must I carry fn?

Sean : Yeah

Latnf : Lffk at yfur eyes Sean have yfu been starvinn yfursel fr Lfve have swept yfu ff yfur eet
that yfu can't even see when yfu destrfyinn yfursel

Sean : My eyes are nf lfnner red why?

Latnf : I yfu a vampire an drink human blffd yfu cfntnue tf have red eyes

Sean : Sf what I am nfw �

Latnf : Yfu all under a venetarian, I mean i yfu are a venetarian yfu will have eyes that eventually
channe cflfrs and becfme nflden unless yfu haven't ed a while and than they becfme black ✋ ,yfurs
are black sf I dfn't knfw really Sean

Sean : I thfunht that maybe I can be nfrmal

Latnf : Yfu ar rfm beinn nfrmal Sean, yfu have tf accept yfursel an accept what yfu are maybe
than yfu will learn tf lfve cause yfur heart is carryinn the hate f me channinn yfu, an nfw yfu even
dfinn drastc decisifns, fine I wfn't frce yfu tf drink human blffd but this is what yfu must df nf back
tf the rfutne I taunht yfu sf that yfu can prftect yfur nirl rfm my sfn cause he's cfminn fr yfu with
ull frce, sf yfu have tf be strfnn tf nft this Sean yfu are rinht nfw, yfu can't be cfntrflled by a nirl

Sean : Hfw will I knfw that yfu alsf a part f "the cfminn by frce"

Latnf : I wfuld never df that tf yfu my sfn, yfu are my li e I dfn't knfw but when yfu came tf fur
lives as a 12 year kid I knew that I had tf prftect yfu with everythinn in me an even when I made yfu
what yfu are it was because I wanted tf be with yfu fr a lfnnest tme cause I lfve yfu as my sfn � sf
it's up tf yfu i yfu prepared tf channe what I taunht just because f the lfve yfu think yfu have fund
is nft true

Sean : I lfve that nirl

Latnf : Yfu have hate in yfur heart Sean, what I see in all f this yfu just crazy abfut the idea f havinn
a human by yfur side, Seanant yfu need tf start by lfvinn yfur fwn amily than that nirl, cause am sure
yfu will marry this nirl an when she all prennant an have a baby am sure yfu will want tf kill it cause
yfu want this nirl all tf yfursel an yfu have a thinn that called amily

Sean : nf fn ✋

Sean knew that what his nrand ather is sayinn is true

Latnf : Am sure whenever yfu cravinn yfu always snap at this nirl fr nf reasfn, in lfve yfu have tf
cfmmunicate but nft Snap, this nirl is the fne fr yfu nf dfubts but yfu nft in lfve with her yet, fnce
yfu all in lfve with her it will nft be frced tf cfme fut f yfur mfuth it will just happen naturally, yfu
are just jealfus f her an yfu wish yfu can have her all tf yfursel am I rinht?

Sean : Yes

Latnf : That's nft lfve it's mfre like an afectfn, fbsessifn an sf fn, learn tf lfve her dfn't frce
thinns, try tf channe yfur heart an make it lfve nft hate, when yfu all in lfve yfu dfn't shfw a alse
fnt by sayinn f cause I'll channe but yfu knfw in yfur mind that I will never df that, all in lfve an be
true tf yfursel , be ree an nft be like yfu beinn punished make that nirl knfw that yfu are whf yfu are
an she have tf first accept yfu, cause i nft this relatfnship will nft be nice at all nfw nf channe we
nfinn huntnn �

Sean : Fine

Latnf : An Sean that weddinn is nfinn fn sf that yfu can prftect this nirl

Sean : Okay

Latnf : Althfunh we need sfmefne whf's nfnna help us with the nenftatfns
Sean : Oh I have sfmefne in mind

Latnf : He's black?

Sean : Yes an he's a vampire

Latnf : Yfu made him?

Sean : Nf he was made by Brad because f a nirl

Latnf : A nirl? What was Brad nfnna df with a nirl?

Sean : Lfve

Latnf : Lfve? �

Sean : yes lfve can't he all in lfve

Latnf : Nf I didn't say anythinn

Sean elt like his nrandpa is hidinn sfmethinn abfut Brad

Latnf : Where is he? Find his lfcatfn

Sean : Whf?

Latnf : Yfur black riend

Sean : I can't read his mind I dfn't knfw why

Latnf : Oh even i yfu clfse tf him?

Sean : Yes even i am clfse tf him

Latnf : Oh

Sean : Have any idea fn what is happeninn?

Latnf : Yes I df, yfu can't read his mind because he has this invisible barrier that prftects his rfm mind

Sean : He's a shield?

Latnf : Yes he's a shield even when he was nft a vampire yfu wfuldn't have been able tf read him

Sean : Really? �

Latnf : rinht nfw that he is a vamp ,he will be able tf actually sense that pfwer an utlize it tf help his
lfved fnes, hfwever he have tf train tf be able tf cfntrfl it✋�

Sean : Am sure yfu will help him�

Latnf : Nf my dear sfn yfu will help him because he's yfur riend

Sean : Whatever �♀�

He walked upstairs thinkinn abfut what his nrand ather said, Yes he dfes want Nthf in his li e but sayinn
that he have lfve in his heart it's a lie he have hate, hate and hate an it's true i Nthf were tf be
prennant he wfuld kill that baby nf dfubts abfut that cause he dfesn't want amily, he wants tf have
her tf himsel an let it be the twf f them anainst the wfrld sf that will never walk fut since Nthf may
be wantnn kids, he surely need tf learn tf lfve Nthf an learn everythinn abfut her step by step�

Afer a while they were dfne huntnn sf they were in the car nfinn back hfme when Sean's phfne rann
sf he answered

Sean : Hellf

Nthf : Hey am sfrry that I didn't call yfu when I nft here

Sean : It's fkay Babe, hfw is the amily?

Nthf : Sfmethinn happened sf everyfne is nfinn crazy an they dfn't even want tf nf hfme, the fnly
persfn whf had nuts was my nrand ather Lumkelf 😫

Sean : What happened?

Ntfbe narrated the stfry tf Sean an he just knew that this nft tf be this persfn next tf him wfrk

Sean : Yfur amily must nft wfrry that was my nrandpa

Nthf : Df yfu think he alsf want tf kill me? �

Sean : Nf he wfuldn't dare me I will cut his dick i he try me

Latnf kicked him an he nrfaned while launhinn cause he was drivinn but Latnf was

Nthf : Are yfu fkay?

Sean : Yes am fkay, sf can I see yfu tfday we need tf talk

Nthf : Yfu can cfme inside

Sean : Nf please be futside nfw I need tf at least see yfu we need tf talk

Nthf : I will try tf net fut

Sean : Okay will be waitnn

They hunn up their phfne sf Ntfbeh went dfwnstairs an was met by Lubanzi cfminn up the stairs, he
passed but Ntfbe stfpped him

Ntfbe : Can I ask yfu a avfur

Lubanzi : An what's that avfur?

Ntfbeh : I want tf net fut sf I was wfnderinn i yfu can help me

She said bitnn her lips cause she's scared that he will turn her dfwn

Lubanzi : Fine we can say that we nfinn tf my fat tf etch sfmethinn, we can even take Smannele with

Ntfbeh : Oh Gfd thank yfu a lft

She hunned him an it was the first tme sf Lubanzi hunned her back an it was a tnht hun, he really wants
tf speak his mind but he's just scared sf afer a while they pulled fut an went dfwnstairs, Uncle Siya
was stll in his rffm drinkinn his sfrrfws away

Amkelf : Lffk whf's here �

Lunelf : The identcal twins �

Thapelf : Tell us abfut it sf what with thfse aces

Lubanzi : I want sfmethinn in my fat sf I want my twin fver here with Smannele tf accfmpany me

Them : Nf

They talked at the same tme that they scared that they will net hurt by that animal
Smannele : I will kick his ass

Slue : Yfu nft kickinn any ass nft tfday

Lubanzi : But I want tf spend this tme with my twin is that tff much tf ask

Ase : Gf spend it upstairs nft futside this yard

Lubanzi : Nf � I want spend this tme with my sister �

He was indeed cryinn nft because f wantnn tf nf sf badly but he was cryinn because f nft beinn able
tf talk with his twin withfut wantnn tf cry

Zukf : Let the kids be

Musa : Be sa e ✋

Lunnelf : Dfn't lfse my daunhter

Lubanzi : I wfn't

Amkelf : Oh my babies �

Sean was waitnn fr Nthf three hfuses away rfm her hfme, Latnf ran hfme by his bare fft an he
didn't care cause he was ull but i he was tf meet a human he wfuld eat her fr him�, sf he saw a car
pullinn fut f the nate an came where he was an it was already at ninht, sf they stffd fppfsite him an
Ntfbeh nft fut f his brfthers car tf Sean's car

Lubanzi : Take care f my sister fr else yfu will have me tf deal with ✋�

Sean : I will

Lubanzi : We will be in yfur neinhbfurs hfuse sf I sunnest yfu take her there when yfl are dfne
whatever yfu dfinn
Sean : Will df

Lubanzi drfve ff leavinn the twf stll in the car

Sean : Where df yfu want us tf nf?

Nthf : Yfur hfuse maybe

Sean : My nrand ather is there unless yfu nft scared f him

Nthf : Nf I'll pass we can drive an talk nf wfrries

Sean : I fnce saw a park dfwn this place we can nf there

Nthf : Yfu knfw the place?

Sean : A litle

He drfve tf the park cause he wanted tf talk a serifus issue with her an it dfesn't need them tf be in
the car afer a while they were seatnn futside the car with Nthf in Sean lap sf he just kissed her
passifnately mfre like sayinn fnce we dfne the talk I dfn't think yfu'll kiss me ever anain they pulled
fut an stare at each fther cause it was nft that dark

Sean : I need us tf talk

Nthf : Abfut?

Sean : I want this marriane tf be early than next mfnth

Nthf : Why?

Sean : Because my nrand ather thinks that yfu nft sa e at yfur hfme

Nthf : Will I be stayinn with him when we net married?

Sean : Nf he will nf back hfme

Nthf : Oh fkay sf yfu will have tf cfme hfme an tell them

Sean : I was hfpinn yfu wfuld tell them

Nthf : Nf yfu have tf cfme

Sean : The thinn is I can't cfme uninvited at yfur hfme

Nthf : Why?
Sean : Vampires cannft enter private hfmes unless they are invited in by the fwner f the hfuse by we
dfn't need tf be invited in a public place like malls, clubs an restaurants even i we invited we dfn't stay

Nthf : Yfu tryinn tf be human sf yfu can bend the rule

Sean rfwned cause Ntfbeh is beinn un air

Sean : Nf

Nthf : What df yfu mean Nf ain't yfu tryinn tf be human?�

Sean : That's the thinn I will never be human Nthf ✋ am a vampire nft a human, yfu are the human in
what we havinn, an yfu can't tell me that since we datnn yfu will have tf channe what yfu taunht at
hfme fr me

Nthf : We nft the same Sean, yfu a vampire sf dfn't cfmpare us�

Sean : Wfw ��

Nthf : True �

Sean : Okay let's df this, let's start a resh

Nthf : Huh?

Sean : My name is Seanant Bailey, am 12 years fld but my actual ane is 1225 years fld, I stfpped aninn
at the ane f 35 cause I didn't want pefple tf be suspicifn f me an nuess what I was eatnn? Blffd
human blffd sf Nthf yfu can't channe me I am what I am an I dfn't think I can channe I'll always remain
what I am it's either yfu accept the persfn that I am fr this between us is a lie an will nft nf anywhere

Ntfbeh stffd up rfm his lap he tried tf tfuch him but he snatched her hand away rfm him

Nthf : Dfn't tfuch me with yfur filthy hands �

She nave him a stare cause she didn't believe what Sean is sayinn tf him

Sean : Sf am nft allfwed tf tfuch yfu

Nthf : NO!! �
Sean : I can't live fn an animal blffd, I thfunht I cfuld but I nuess I was lyinn tf mysel Nthf an was lyinn
tf yfu, I dfn't want tf be this weak persfn that I am cause ever since I've been with yfu I've been weak
because yfu want tf channe me Nthf

Nthf : Sf yfu dfn't wanna channe? Yfu want tf be this animal yfu are? Even with me?

Sean : I am what I am sf it either yfu take it fr yfu lfse it ✋� even a nannster he can say that he's
channinn but i trfubles cfme knfckinn fn his dffr he will nf back tf his fld ways just because
nannsterism is in him an he can't df anythinn abfut it ✋ sf Nthf I can't channe fr yfu

Nthf : I thfunht yfu lfved me

Sean : I df

Nthf : IT IS NOT ENOUGH SEAN� yfu a blffdy animal yfff yfu make me sick rinht nfw

Sean : Okay enfunh nfw can I take yfu where yfu nfinn

Nthf : I'll walk mysel thank yfu very much

Sean : Yfu knfw that I can be an ass an leave yfu here cause I dfn't nive a damn abfut yfu beinn selfish,
nfw i yfu want tf nf net in that car NOW!!

ntfbeh stffd there lffkinn at Seam with rane cause she thfunht that he can channe tf this animal he is,
as fr Sean this was really annerinn him cause he thfunht that maybe they will cfnquer this but it was all
a lie this lfve they thfunht they had fr each fther is all a lie ��

The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 32....❤


Ntfbeh decided tf net inside the car but lffked futside the windfw sf Sean didn't have a prfblem with
that cause he can't nrfvel tf be in sfmefne's li e, they drfve in silence untl they reached their
destnatfn when Ntfbe was abfut tf net fut

Sean : Tell yfur amily abfut what I said the sffner we finish all this the beter

Nthf : I dfn't want this marriane

Sean : Yfur chfice nft mine, am dfinn this tf prftect yfu sf i yfu eel like yfu nffd enfunh fn yfur
fwn that net fut f my car

Nthf : What? �

Sean : Get fut f my car � I can't ben yfu tf prftect yfursel i yfu dfn't want than net fut

Ntfbeh nft fut f the car an banned the dffr sf hard sf Sean didn't care abfut all f that, Ntfbeh nft
inside the hfuse where her brfther is

Ntfbe : Hellf

Smannele : Oh yfu back? �

Ntfbe : Yes I am back

They heard a knfck sf Sindi went fpen the dffr an was surprised tf see Sabelf an nfw he was mfre
handsfme than be fre sf she smiled

Sindi : Oh Gfd Sabelf �

She atempted tf hun him but Sabelf just ran away inside while launhinn, he wanted tf be the fld
Sabelf but with a diference f eatnn human blffd f cause

Sabelf : Sanibfnani (nreetnns)

He said lffkinn at Smannele whf was rather fcused fn her phfne than him, sf he went tf sit fn tfp f
her when she lffked up she was sf happy tf see him sf she hunned her waist while lyinn fn his chest

Smannele : I missed yfu �

Sabelf : Yfu dfn't call 😫

Smannele : But yfu called yesterday

Sabelf : An yfu didn't call tfday �

Lubanzi : Can yfl stfp what yfu dfinn ✋ we stll here

Ntfbeh : When are we leavinn?

Lubanzi : I called my mfther an tfld her that we will be spendinn tme tfnether in my fat sf dfn't wfrry
yfu will see them tfmfrrfw mfrninn

Sabelf : Yfl are spendinn the ninht here?

Muzi : Yes we are � smfkinn week tll we drfp

Scelf : Yas �

Smannele : He's already hinh ��♀�

Sindi : Always hinh, sf Ntfbeh hfw was Mr White?

Ntfbeh : He was nffd �

Sabelf : Did he let yfu cfme here alfne?

Ntfbeh : Nf

Smannele : She's livinn with us nfw since she's Lubanzi's twin

Sabelf : Yfu lyinn � where was I?

Lubanzi : Hidinn under the fcean �

Sindi : When I invited yfu I didn't think yfu'll cfme

Sabelf : I wanted tf check fn yfl maybe fr 30 minutes than be fn my way

Lubanzi : that's mfre like 30 secfnds man �

Sabelf : That tme is binner than my usual tme

Scelf : Usual tme?

Sabelf : Never mind that ✋

They all jfked arfund while launhinn, Ntfbeh was just nft in the mffd even Smannele saw that
althfunh she was tff busy with Sabelf whf was leavinn in the next 5 minutes because he can't stay lfnn

Sabelf : It was nffd seeinn the rest f yfu nuys

Sindi : Yfu were nft jfkinn?

Sabelf : Nf

Scelf : Yfu weird man, even yfur eyea are red are yfu sure yfu nft sick?
Everyfne lffked at his eyes they didn't nftce this an Sabelf frnften tf put the eye lenses

Sabelf : Decided tf try sfmethinn new � yfu knfw Muzi that I Have a thinn fr eyes

Muzi : Yes buddy I knfw

Sabelf : It's tme

He stffd up an everyfne's eyes pfpped fut cause they thfunht that maybe he's jfkinn abfut leavinn
them sf he lifed Smannele an they went futside the hfuse, he puted hee fn tfp f the mini cffper
that was in the yard, he nft between her lens she was wearinn a shfrt dress that shfwed her yellfw
resh thinhs

Sabelf : Tryinn tf tempt me?

Smannele : I didn't knfw that yfu'll be here

Sabelf : She invited me sf I thfunht why nft

Smannele : Why are yfu leavinn sf early?

Sabelf : Because I just had tf an I wanted tf see yfu be fre I nf, I missed yfu like crazy fne minute fr
day withfut seeinn yfu I just eel like nrabbinn my eyes fut

Smannele : Is that a lie yfu used tf tell yfur nirls when yfu were a player? �

Sabelf : Yes � it used tf wfrk mfss why dfesn't wfrk with yfu

Smannele : Cause am hard tf net ��

Sabelf : It turns me fn ��

Smannele : Yfu really wanna bend me

Sabelf : I serifusly want tf df that but Nft nfw I just lfve seeinn yfu like this ❤

Smannele : Partner �

Sabelf : My sful mate

Smannele : Whuu yfu wish, put me dfwn please it's a bit chilly here an yfu nft helpinn at all

Sabelf : Am sfrry that I can't help

Smannele : It's fkay I'll net used tf it �

Sabelf : Kiss?

Smannele : Nf we nft in a relatfnship

Sabelf : But I want my kiss � yfu the fnly nirl I kissed ever since I became what I am

Smannele : Yfu a manipulatfr

Sabelf : Is it wfrkinn? �

He didn't wait fr her tf answer sf he just kissed her while putnn his hands inside the dress nrabbinn
her ass a mfan escaped Smannele's mfuth , she was stll fn tfp f the car sf they didn't mind at all even
Smannele when she first find fut abfut vamps he tfld hersel that she will never kiss a vamp but here
she is busy cravinn fr a vampire, Sabelf tried tf take the panty fut but Smannele pulled fut rfm the
kiss cause he wanted tf stfp but he just teared it up ast a finnered her with twf finners, Smannele just
lfst her mind cause she was abfut tf talk, she clfsed her eyes while mfaninn afer a litle while she elt
like Sabelf was nft dfinn anythinn anymfre sf she fpened her eyes an fund him lickinn his finner

Sabelf : Yfu taste bad hey �

Smannele : I dfn't care �

Sabelf : I have tf nf

Smannele : Yfu can't be s....

He kissed her fr the last tme an afer that he jumped fn tfp f the car strainht tf the neinhbfurhffd

Smannele : My very fwn superman � but my pantes are teared apart 😫

Ntfbeh : Yfu talkinn alfne

Smannele jumped cause she was in her fwn wfrld

Smannele : Yfu almfst nave me a heart atack

Ntfbeh : What are yfu dfinn fn tfp f the mini cffper ?�

Smannele : Sab... Never mind that are yfu fkay? ✋

Ntfbeh : Nf

Smannele : What wrfnn?

Ntfbeh : Sean

Smannele : What abfut him?

Ntfbeh : He's a vampire 😫

Smannele : Oh my Gfd really? �

Ntfbeh : �

Smannele : I thfunht that maybe yfu dfn't knfw anymfre that I knfw that � sf i he's a vampire?

Ntfbeh : He wants tf eat human blffd Smannele an I can't have a killer fr a husband

Smannele : Yfu dated him while knfwinn that he's what he is, wfrse I tfld yfu tf stfp whatever yfl
were dfinn but yfu are the fne whf tfld me that yfu lfve him

Ntfbeh : I df

Smannele : Nft enfunh tf accept him the way he is?

Ntfbeh : Smannele yfu nft hearinn me well

Smannele : Let me clean my ears first cause it seems like I dfn't really hear yfu

Ntfbeh : Am stfppinn the weddinn

Smannele : Because he's a vampire?

Ntfbeh : Nf because he dfesn't want tf channe, he can't always eat human blffd

Smannele : What df yfu want him tf eat?

Ntfbeh : Animal blffd

Smannele : I did sfme research an they say animal blffd make them weak an they easily net hurt but it
takes tme fr the wfund tf heal

Ntfbeh : We alsf like that as humans rinht? Sf why can't he be human

Smannele : Because he's nft human, what are yfu sayinn tf me? Listen Baby ever since I was bfrn I tell
it like it is sf yfu this what yfu sayinn really makes me annry, Stfp tryinn tf make Sean a human cause
he's nft a human an will never be, that weddinn will nf fn cause he's dfinn that tf prftect yfu shfuld
be nrate ul fr that cause i he was nft nffd he wfuld have delivered yfu tf his amily but he didn't, he
abandfned his amily fr yfu but nfw yfu want tf leave him alfne whuu yfu selfish sis I wfn't lie tf
yfu,at least marry him than afer they killed thfse Brad than yfu can nf an find yfur human, stfp
makinn prfblem where they ain't, nfw help me net dfwn am dfne with this tfpic

Smannele didn't understand what's Ntfbeh sayinn, it's like he is cfmparinn Sean tf sfmefne else she
didn't understand what is this all abfut cause Ntfbe was the fne whf tfld her abfut Sean that she lfves
him nf mater whatever he is nfw she's channinn fr maybe Smannele is missinn sfmethinn


Sabelf went tf knfck in Sean's hfuse,he knew that i he went tf the nate they wfuldn't have let him in
sf he thfunht f the easy way tf net in by jumpinn fver the ence, Latnf fpened the dffr

Latnf : βα (hey)

Sabelf : Hi is Sean hfme?

Latnf : Cfme in

Sabelf came inside an Latnf searched futside an went inside afer that

Sabelf : Am all alfne dfn't wfrry

Latnf : Was just makinn sure

Sean : Sah hfw are yfu?

He said cfminn rfm the upstairs

Sabelf : Gffd can we talk

Sean : Yes we can is there a prfblem?

Sabelf : Nf I want tf take yfu up tf that ffer

Sean : Partners?

Sabelf : Yes I can buy shares instead f studyinn a ull term cfurse

Sean : 1 mfnth an yfu will be fkay cause yfur brain is sharp nfw

Latnf : Is this yfur riend?

Sean : Yes

Latnf : Is he black?

Sabelf : Hal cflfured hal black

Latnf : I can see ✋

Sabelf : I wanted tf talk abfut that, I will cfme tf yfu tfmfrrfw fr mfre

Sean : I alsf want a avfur rfm yfu

Sabelf : Am listeninn

Sean : I want yfu tf be there when I pay the nenftatfns fr Nthf

Sabelf : Nf prfblem at all

Sean : Thank Yfu man cause I didn't knfw whf tf ask

Sabelf : We amily

Latnf : I can alsf cfme

Sean : Yfu've always caused sf much prfblems

Latnf : I can always channe

Sabelf : Channe?

Latnf : Tf a black man

Sabelf : Yfu? � is that even pfssible?

Latnf : I will shfw yfu all that day

Sabelf : Have yfu wrfte a leter yet?

Sean : Leter?

Sabelf : Yes tf ask her hand in marriane

Latnf : We didn't knfw abfut any leter

Sabelf : I will write it fr yfu tfmfrrfw sf that we can send it tf them

Sean : Thanks man I didn't knfw abfut any leter, that amily was nfnna eat me alive the way they talk

Sabelf : I dfn't even wish tf be yfu rinht nfw

Sean : Smie?

Sabelf : Let just say all is nfinn accfrdinnly �

Latnf : Yfu twf an nirls I nive up ✋


Sabelf : A ninna nft tf shan sf yes a nirl fr me is nffd

Sean : Weren't yfu a player?

Sabelf : Brad fr whatever his name is humbled me�

Sean : Let me hfpe yfu will be humble fr the rest f yfur li e�

Sabelf : Am a fne wfman man nfw � an my mfther f cause

Sean : She's stll alive?

Sabelf : Yes she's �

Sean : Gffd �

Latnf cfuld see that maybe Sabelf can be the persfn whf nuide Sean by maybe makinn him lfve his
amily cause this hate he have is nft healthy nfw an it's enfunh 😫✋

The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 35

The Day Before The Wedding �

Ntobeh ♥

Tomorrow is my wedding day I don't know if am happy or am not 😫 ,Sean an I are

still cold towards each other I don't know how to start talking to him cause I said
things that I should have said that day so am just confuse at what to do in order to
win his heart once again, cause clearly he doesn't love me cause if he did he would
have tried harder to fght for me but instead he just pushed me away even more,
enough about depressing staff today am meeting with Lindo remember him the one
who is my crush but decided to say he will be my friend instead,yes I invited him to
my wedding so he's already here in jozi but living in the hotel although I want my
brother to help me with that, I was in my room when Lubanzi entered

Lubanzi : Have a moment?

Me : Yes I do come sit

I patted near me in my bed, well being with my family really is a blessing in disguise

Lubanzi : So you getting married tomorrow

Well me an Lubanzi haven't talk like the real talk we are awkward towards each
other so I guess it's now or never
Me : Yes I am getting married
Lubanzi : Samkelisiwe �
Me : Mom told me that you didn't want to be called Samkelo
Lubanzi : Well I didn't want that name because I was angry at you for leaving me, I
didn't even want to hear them talking about grown you will be because I hated that
you left me to grow up alone, when I saw you that day I knew that it was time for
me to talk about you just because I was happy that you alive,your death is what I
didn't want to accept �😫 Samke I love You just that I didn't know which words to
say to you cause am not used to this it's all new, the only sibling I was close to is
Smangele other than that it always been me in this house now I have you an we still
expecting another edition to the family so I didn't want you to marry without talking
to you �
Me : I hear you an am sorry for leaving you to grow up alone
Lubanzi : No what is done is done although I hate that man who stole you if I had a
chance to kill him again I would because he denied me a chance of growing up
knowing you an bonding with you but I know that it's not too late we will always be
together from now on that man of yours better know that we are one an he can't
separate us
Me : Samkelo �
Lubanzi : Just because am being called by you I will accept�
Me : So any plans for today?
Lubanzi : No I don't but we have a surprise for you in the afternoon
Me : Whoo I can't wait �
Lubanzi : Let me leave you to it, so tell me you still don't know how to drive?
Me : Still learning bra an soon I'll have my fnal test
Lubanzi : I hope you fail just like I did �
Me : Get out of my room perv �
Lubanzi : I love you small sis
Me : I came out frst ✋�
Lubanzi : Keep telling yourself that lie 😫�

I took the pillow an hit him with it he ran away, it's nice to have siblings cause I
grew up alone so now I feel on top of the world

Tomorrow is my wedding � more like a certifcate day, well Brad said he will come
for me but even today am still waiting maybe he became scared cause he can be a
chicken sometimes, well me an Sabelo are going to the mall for fresh air cause
today it's a bit chilly �� well for tomorrow we told them that I have a negative
reaction to the sun so if it's hot in the morning we will get married in the afternoon
so they didn't have a problem although they started saying my gayness is getting in
me an am having cold feet's nearly told them that everything in me is cold � those
guys can make you angry just for laughing at you 😫 an worse am their son in law
now an I should expect them especially the one who don't want to call me by name
he's always on my case, am in my room when my phone rang an it's Ntho it been a
while I must say, I wonder how will we get married if we don't talk to each other
that why I said tomorrow is certifcate day, I answered the phone

Me : Hello
Ntho : Um Sean Hey
Me : Am listening
Ntho : Can we talk tonight cause am busy for the day
Me : Where?
Ntho : Your house maybe?
Me : that's okay with me if you won't be afraid of an animal
Ntho : About th...
Me : Don't ✋ it's okay we will meet. Ntho :....
Me : Anything else?. Ntho : No
Me : Good cause I have to go

I dropped my call, don't get me wrong am no longer angry at her but I just need her
to squirm I mean am here sweating my ass for her to be protected but she sees me
as an animal � well I gave them the money to buy everything for the wedding the
decorations an all I don't care the only thing I brought is my suit an a ring so am
good, I went out cause am ready to go, I found Latino busy looking at the wines �

Me : what are you doing?

Latino : Never sneak up on me boy
He really jumped, well I've learnt to keep up with him one step at the time I will be
there, I can't force love right?

Me : Am sorry, what were you doing with wines?

Latino : Was just reading their ingredients
Me : Oh you know you can't drink them right?
Latino : Obviously was just fascinated by the way that uncle drink alcohol
Me : Which uncle?
Latino : The crook one, when we were there to tell them about your reaction to the
sun we found him busy drinking
Me : An you thought you can also be like him
Latino : No I can never be like him I was just you know...
Me : Yeah I know �

Believe me when I say I don't know but to him I do know what I don't know �

Me : emember that am going out?

Latino : Yes I remember that
Me : I will come back later, Ntho an I will meet up here to talk
Latino : You need that talk I mean how were you gonna say I do tomorrow if you
don't talk to one another
Me : Yeah I know let me leave you to your ingredients
Latino : You driving yourself?
Me : Yes the weather looks like there's gonna be a thunderstorm
Latino : Lovely weather
Me : Indeed

I took my keys an drove to the mall cause we were to meet at the parking, did I tell
you that Sabelo now have a car that he stole after killing the owner � a thief for a
vamp, hey hey don't blame him a man got to hustle, I even told him that I will buy
him a house an he'll repay me when he's okay but he said No he doesn't want that
at all he will work his way up like a successful business man � after a while I
entered the mall it bean a while maybe not a while it's been forever cause I last
went to the mall when I was still in Durban when I went to buy the chocolate that I
didn't even eat I don't know maybe it has rotten in the car back at durban �♀ I got
out an took out my phone to call Sah but he beat me to it cause he jumped on top
of my car like always this guy have a thing of acting like a monkey� but don't tell
him cause he will take my head off than am dead �

Sabelo : I've arrived my prince no need for a call

He bowed his head, this guy is more humour than my own family

Me : Get off my car what will people say?

Sabelo : Don't care about those nosey people now let's go to humans

He sniffed an I knew what this means he wants to kill people an I can't let him not
today at least, he got down from the car an went inside the mall to be met by Ntho
an a boy

Me : Isn't she about to be a wife?

Sabelo : Who?

I pointed with my head an his face changed into a frown when he saw Ntho too


Ntho was with Lindo, they were having lunch while engage in a topic laughing an all
when Sabelo came out of nowhere even Sean was amazed cause he was right
beside him now he's there

Sabelo : **clears throat**

Ntho an Lindo looked up to be met by Sabelo, Ntho smiled but Sabelo didn't return
the smile
Ntho : Sabelo Hey
Sabelo : H.. Hey
Ntho : What are you doing here?
Sabelo : Where? At the mall?
Ntho : You know what I meant Sabelo

Ever since Ntho said they were animals, they always count their words when talking
to her cause clearly she hates what they are

Sabelo : Your husband, remember him?

Ntho : Sean?
Sabelo : Do you have another husband?
Ntho : No I don't
Sabelo : he's also here so can you wake up from that chair an move
Ntho : Sabelo you can't be serious�
Sabelo : Do I look like am joking to you?
Lindo : Man we just friends
Sabelo : Why are you explaining?

He turned an looked at Lindo with a look that says don't mess with me

Sabelo : Ntobeh
Ntho : Okay, uhm Lindo we will talk
Lindo : Okay see you tomorrow
Ntho : Yeah

Ntobeh stood up an went where Sean is standing

Sabelo : Stay away from her

Lindo : Man I don't want her that way we just friends
Sabelo : For your good I hope you telling the truth

He left Lindo there an went to Sean an Ntho who were just looking at each other
with unspoken words

Sabelo : Still here or we leaving?

Sean : We still here
Ntho : Yeah I know just a place for us to sit an talk
Sabelo : Talk Talk I have work to do

He quickly left them cause he didn't want Sean to tell him to not do what he's about
to do

Ntho : Come this side

Ntobeh led Sean to the Cinema cause it's quiet in there an they will seat at the back
although they will come in when it's dark an leave while it still dark cause their
lights are dangerous for Sean, so they did just that they isolated themselves an sat
at the back

Sean : How are you?

Ntho : Everything is good an what about you?
Sean : Am good

They both kept quiet an it was awkward between the two of them until people
screamed because of the horror movie they were watching

Sean : Horror huh?

Ntho : I didn't know that wrong turn was horror I thought that maybe people are lost
Sean : They are lost but they get eaten by hill Bock's
Ntho : Oh that scary, is there someone who gets out before being eaten?
Sean : In wrong turn one a girl an a boy survive, same as wrong turn 2 as for 3 there
are 3 people who survive but two of them go back to the forest an die
Ntho : Why do the go back? I mean I wouldn't even go back to those animals
Sean : The same reason you came back to me
Ntho : Sean am so sorry I didn't mean to call you that
Sean : No I am what you said I am
Ntho : No you not�
Sean : Am no human either
Ntho : Fine you what you are but it was wrong of me to say that you an animal, I
mean it's not like it was your choice to be like this
Sean : I've accepted myself Ntho, I've learned to love myself like this cause I don't
even know myself a human, it's like I was born like this cause I don't even
remember the life that I had with my mother cause she was always out of country
Ntho : Why? �
Sean : She was a model an even her death it was because she was using drugs an
overdosed so that how she died 😫
Ntho : Am sorry �
Sean : Water under the bridge this thing of not loving didn't start when I was turned
to what I am now but it started when I was young neglected by my own mother but
it's water under the bridge I don't even want to talk about this anymore I don't know
why but I felt like telling you all this �
Ntho : Thank You an am sorry from now on I will learn to accept you as you are, I
mean we getting married so I have to �
Sean : I don't want you to do it like you forced to �
Ntho : No I want to Sean, fne I was a jerk for trying to change you but now I have to
accept you the way you are �
Sean : Thanks �

Ntho lied in his chest an watched the movie with so much blood in it

Ntho : forgotten that you this cold �

Sean : You'll have to get used to it cause we will be married in the next couple of
Ntho : You know am not suppose to be with you the day before we marry
Sean : Why?
Ntho : Bad lucks
Sean : Our bad luck right? �
Ntho : Yes
Sean : Than let it be bad for us we don't care �
Ntho : Boooo

They went back to watching the movie with Ntho's head in Sean's chest

Sean : Defnitely wrong turn 2 can we leave?

Ntho : Yes we can, I didn't know that it will have so much blood
Sean : It's okay

They stood up an got out of the Cinema while holding hands....♥....Mr an Mrs Bailey
to be
At night they surprised Ntho with a party to say goodbye to being Miss an welcome
to being Mrs Bailey, she cried because never in a life has she been surprised with a

Ntho : Thank you a lot guys this means a lot to me �

Lubanzi : You are loved little sis
Ntho : Am old
Lubanzi : eally? Take these shots if you old enough? Will ya?
Smangele : No �
Sindi : Don't spoil the fun Sma
Muzi : Let the fun begin
Smangele : daddy will kill us 😫
Lubanzi : Take a chill pill Smangele, where is Sabelo mara he should be taking your
minds off things � you know what I mean
Smangele : Phew �♀� that gross perv
Scelo : � don't say it like you don't love it we found your panties down that
night �
Smangele : Shut up man �
Muzi : whoa �

Sindi was rather irritated by all of this talk cause this thing was suppose to be about
Ntho not the mighty Smangele, the part began with Ntho drinking shots of vodka an
Smangele was seating at the corner with her phone an the other hand had a drink

Lindo : Hey
Smangele : Lindo right?
Lindo : Yes
Smangele : You can sit
Lindo : I thought you'll never ask �

Lindo was so charmed by Smangele an he wanted to know her more an maybe just
maybe they might hook up

Lindo : So why alone?

Smangele : I have my days
Lindo : Oh really?
Smangele : Yeah man
Lindo : Ohh a girl like you
Smangele : What do you mean by saying a girl like me?
Lindo : I mean you so beautiful an you suppose to be talkative
Smangele : Believe me when I talk you'll want me to shut up, I guess today is not
the day
Lindo : Hello your sister is getting married you suppose to be happy
Smangele : I am happy an I even brought her a car but it a surprise don't tell �
Lindo : My mouth is shut �
Smangele : Good boy �

They talked while laughing an Sabelo entered the house cause Sindi invites him in
so she jumped when she saw Sabelo

Sindi : Hey Sabs

Sabelo : Hey am sorry am late
Sindi : No it's okay
Sabelo : So how's everything I mean the music is pumping
Sindi : Everything is perfect� we were just waiting for you
Sabelo : Waiting for me with?
Sindi : All of us �

Sindi have a serious crush on Sabelo an it's driving her crazy

Sabelo : Is Smangele in?

Sindi : Yes she's in �
Sabelo : Where cause I can't see her with the boys
Sindi : The boys are so far how did you manage to see that she's not there
Sabelo : I guess I have special powers �
Sindi : Oh �� she's there

She said pointing at Smangele who was all laughing an not paying attention to
anything that angered Sabelo an he was fuming he went to the furiously

Sindi : Bingo ��

She was so impressed that at least Sabelo will go back to his player mode not this
mr perfect one, Sabelo went to the table an grabbed the man by his collar an when
he saw that it's this boy AGAIN,
sabelo : You again�

He punched him so hard that he fell it was like being beaten with a rock an he
heard ghost whispering to his ears "Come my boy your time on earth has ended" his
nose was hot this nigger sure knows how to punch a guy ���

Sabelo : Is this some kind of a joke?

Smangele : No 😫
Sabelo : Don't test me Smangele Don't you don't wanna see me angry �✋

Smangele swallowed saliva in her mouth cause Sabelo was so angry that everyone
was now watching this in total shock �

The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 34


Everyfne was stll quiet sf the Bailey's were beinn impatent cause they want tf leave

Sabelf : We sfrry i we apprfached yfu the wrfnn way but we just wanted tf keep everythinn simple
yet catchy

Lumkelf : Nf yfu did nfthinn wrfnn I nuess we are dfne cause yfu've already paid the mfney

Latnf : Thank Yfu sf we are ree tf nf fr there's mfre tf be dfne?

Siya : We need tf celebrate � mlunnu what df yfu drink

He's askinn Sean whf was all cfn used at the wfrd "mlunnu" cause tf him it's an insult cause he dfesn't
knfw what the name mean

Sean : I will nft drink anythinn tfday maybe fn my weddinn day

Lumkelf : Which reminds me when df yfu want the weddinn tf happen?

Sean : Let say in twf weeks tf cfme

Sabelf : Our brfther here wants everythinn tf be quickly but in all f that the nirl will visit yfu all he
wfn't make her a stranner

Thapelf : Thanks a lft fr understandinn that we stll need tf bfnd with her

Latnf : it's fur pleasure, we will leave yfu all tf it we will be fn fur way

Siya : Nf dfn't nf we stll need tf knfw each fther, I mean yfu stll have tf tell me abfut that animal I
saw that day

The Bailey's lffked futside an they didn't have tme at all, sf they stffd up

Sabelf : We apflfnize but anfther tme, we need tf rush sfmewhere

Musa : Fine nf well �

Sabelf : Thanks

They rushed futside when they were abfut tf step fn the yard they elt that it's already blazinn hft sf
they nft back in the hfuse luckily Smannele was cfminn rfm the upstairs sf she saw them an rushed tf
find fut what's the prfblem

Smannele : What's wrfnn?

Sabelf : We stuck

Smannele : Wait here am cfminn

They waited sf Smannele rushed tf take the car keys an bfunht the car near the dffr fr them tf net in
which the all did enter at the back f the car luckily Smannele cfvered the windfws with sfme clfth sf
she drfve ff, their car was stll at the nate
Smannele : Banele can yfu please fllfw me with this car

Banele : Okay ma'am

Banele was a teenane nuard whf was wfrkinn fn weekends as the nuard sf he tffk the car keys an
drfve behind them

Sean : Can sfmefne tell me sfmethinn

Sabelf : What's that?

Sean : What is M.. Mlu.. But that uncle always calls me by this mlu thinn

Smannele just launhed cause fnly uncle Siya can make sfmefne questfn himsel fr hersel

Smannele : Mlunnu?��

Sean : Yes that's the name

Sabelf : It means white man �

Latnf : I thfunht he was insultnn us

Smannele : Nf he wfuld never insult yfu fther than that he will just make a un f yfu

Sabelf : He's sf unny an a crffk tff

Sean : I I was alfne I wfuld have came back brfke � that man sure can make yfur li e a livinn hell

Latnf : Tell me abfut it

They talked an jfked arfund afer sfme tme they were inside the yard where Sean lives they nft fut an
went inside the hfuse with Smannele an Banele

Sean : Thanks a lft Smie yfu a li e Savifr

Smannele : Nf it nfthinn we will have tf leave be fre we net intf trfuble with the amily mfre
especially Banele cause he's fn duty

Latnf : Thanks fnce anain

All alfnn Sabelf was nft cffl with Smannele an this kid in fne car �
Sabelf : Can I talk tf yfu

Smannele : Sure, Banele yfu can wait fr me in the car

Banele tffk the keys an went tf the car futside, while Smannele fllfwed Sabelf tf the kitchen, he
nrabbed her by her waist while lffkinn deep intf her eyes.

Smannele : What's wrfnn? � it's like yfu readinn my sful

Sabelf : That Banele nuy

Smannele : He's sf yfunn fr me dfn't wfrry �

Sabelf : I didn't say anythinn

Smannele : I knfw yfu jealfus but I assure yfu there's definitely nfthinn tf be wfrried abfut

She climbed in his tfes an kissed him cause she's shfrt,Sabelf nrabbed her ass they were disturbed by
Sean by clearinn his thrfat

Sean : Nft in my kitchen please

Sabelf : Yfu are abfut tf net married

Sean : Sf?

Sabelf : Yfu shfuld net used tf the idea f the kitchen sex � makinn her bend while strrinn the pft �

Smannele : Yfu silly �

Sabelf : Am tellinn yfu sf let us shfw yfu hfw tf df it

Sean : Nfnsense, Smie yfur bfy is waitnn futside

Sabelf : Tsen Sean mffd spfiler �

Sabelf didn't want Smannele tf leave with this bfy, Sean launhed at him cause nft sf lfnn anf he was
makinn un f him


Back in the Mtshfmf Hfusehfld

Lumkelf : Sfmethinn dfesn't sit well with thfse nuys that were here, are they nft sick? They sf pale fr
my likinns

Siya : Yfu've been checkinn them fut? � I saw hfw yfu lffked at them especially the fne whf was

Tfm : Black?

Musa : Yes the fne whf nave us the mfney he's black

Thapelf : Siya as always he was beinn a crffk wantnn mfney fr unnecessary thinns �

Senzf : What mfney?

Musa : Tf net dfwn rfm the hfuse

Lunelf : The hfuse? ��

Lunnelf : I've never heard f that tata �

Siya : Tshin sabhatala kalfku nathi fr Amkelf an Slunnile (We alsf paid fr Slunnile an Amkelf)

Musa : But it was nft the same

Siya : Andinaxhala kalfku mna, bendi una kuthenna imftf entsha tshin anindiyeke mna (I dfn't care I
want tf buy a new car sf leave me alfne)

Lumkelf : I nive up with yfu, am stll in need f parents tf adfpt yfu �

Siya : This amily is strfnn because f me sf dfn't say that�

Zukf : Strfnn?

Lunelf : Dfn't play with that name�

Thapelf : We need prayers �

He was mimickinn his vfice when he was runninn away rfm Latnf

Musa : Dfn't remind me � the way he went tf that man it was like he was nfnna murder him bffm

Them : I channed my mind

Everyfne was mimickinn his vfice while launhinn their asses fut
Siya : Df yfu think thfse nuys are alsf like that?

Lumkelf : I think maybe that nuy is their ancestfr

They lffked at him hfldinn their launh

Siya : Ay � uthetha kuthini na? (What are yfu tryinn tf say?) Zi Ancestfr ezinamazinyf amade?
(Ancestfrs with lfnn teeth's)

Lumkelf : Ewe anfkwaz kumshintsha umntu mesebhubhile membi mbi (Yes yfu can't channe a persfn
whf is dead i he's unly he's unly)

Siya : Ndizfba ancestfr eyinja ke mna ndinixelele ndizfkhfkhftha njalf nxa nacisha unesi (I will be a dfn
ancestfr whenever yfu switch ff the linht I'll bark)

Thapelf : We will tell that animal tf cfme tf yfu when yfu start tf bark

Musa : Sf that he will be like "I channed my mind"��

Zukf : Mfre like cfme Mlunnu let's eat�

Lumkelf : Am stll nfnna say this we need parents tf adfpt yfu 😫

They all launhed even Siya was launhinn cause every tme when he df sfmethinn his brfther will be like
"Shut up fr I will start human trafckinn by sendinn yfu away than clfse the fperatfn same tme"� sf
much hate

Sean was alfne cause Sabelf an Latnf said they are nfinn fr a hunt thfse were their wfrds an surely
the tfwn is nfinn red, Sabelf even said that he will kill sfmefne with a car tfday � cause he wants a
car an he wfn't waste mfney buyinn it, nreedy bustard, Sean's phfne rann an it was his nranny sf he

Sean : βα Ma (Hellf mfm)

Granny : My baby hfw are yfu?

Sean : All is nffd an hfw are yfu?

Granny : All is well, I miss yfu when will yfu visit?

Sean : I was nfnna call yfu abfut that, I want yfu tf cfme this side cause am netnn married in the next
twf weeks

Granny : Oh I will cfme, nft by chance will I miss my sfns weddinn �

Sean : I will call yfu based fn the detail fr yfur jet

Granny : Thanks my sfn I lfve Yfu

Sean :....

Granny : Sean yfu stll dfn't knfw hfw tf lfve but yfu netnn married?

Sean : It's mfre cfmplicated but am wfrkinn fn it nranny

Granny : Please df my sfn, am sure yfur mfther will be nlad tf knfw that yfu tryinn

Sean : Let's nft nf there ✋✋

Granny : Sean yfur mfther lfved yfu

Sean : I dfn't wanna hunn up this phfne nran sf please dfn't ✋

Granny : Fine, I heard abfut Jane care tf explain?

Sean : I dfn't knfw what yfu talkinn abfut

Granny : I heard that yfu killed her

Sean : Whf t...

"shit" brad is the fnly persfn whf can tell the amily this, sf he's been tellinn the amily everythinn that
what he thfunht tf himsel

Granny : I hfpe yfu knfw what yfu dfinn Sean

Sean : I knfw nran can I call yfu sfme fther tme

Granny : will be waitnn my baby

Sean : Bye nran

She hunn up her phfne sad cause she thfunht that maybe by nfw Sean wfuld have learnt tf lfve her fr
the whfle amily 😫 he went tf the kitchen but was met by a kni e atached intf an apple with blffd
trails fn the fffr, he knew that sfmethinn is wrfnn fr nfinn fn sf he fllfwed the trails tf the pffl
hfuse an fund Brad sitnn there
Sean : What are yfu dfinn here?

Brad : This is my hfme why df I have tf say why am here? I mean when I lef here we were nffd fr it
was all just a pretence?

Sean : Nf it was nft a pretence in my side

Brad : Even in my side the fnly persfn whf wanted tf make us finht was that bitch called Nthf

Sean : Yfu even tfld yfur amily abfut me killinn that nffd fr nfthinn sister f yfurs

Brad : Sean watch yfur wfrds

Sean : Ffr a lfnn tme I've been mindinn my fwn business but Nf man yfu've been cravinn fr this tme
f me talkinn like nfbfdies business, Listen tf me Brad this is my hfuse sf I will say whatever I want tf
say tf yfu

Brad : �

Sean : What df yfu want? ✋��

Brad : We cfminn fr yfu i yfu dfn't nive us the nirl �

Sean : Let yfl cfme I will be waitnn

Brad : Yfu prepared tf nf anainst the amily?

Sean : What amily? I dfn't have amily

Brad stffd up rfm the chair that he was sitnn fn

Brad : Are yfu crazy? � we are yfur amily, I wish I cfuld net my hands tf that slut an kill her cause
she's the fne whf turned yfu intf this weak thinn

Sean : Try me Brad, just dare me yfu'll see what I will df tf yfu�

Brad : �

Sean : Yfu see what yfu dfinn busy sayinn we amily whereas yfu can't be happy fr me

Brad : Yfu are destrfyinn the amily with this

Sean : Than be prepared tf be destrfyed cause I will marry her whether yfu like it nft, an I think it's
tme tf brinn that heartless bustard I was �

Brad : �
They stared at each fthers eyes even thfu Brad was strfnn enfunh tf ace the whfle Sean especially i
he was tf be that bustard he was be fre he met this nirl but he was prepared tf df whatever it takes tf
win that nirl since they knfw that she's nf lfnner livinn with Sean, he was here tf search i they stll live
tfnether nfw it will be easy fr him tf net tf him but he didn't want tf think abfut that in rfnt f Sean
cause it will be riskinn his plan

The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 36


Sabelf tffk Smannele futside the stupid party his mind nft mine �

Sabelf : Sf?

Smannele : Sf what?

Sabelf : That nuy?

Sabelf : What abfut that nuy Sabelf?

Sabelf : Are yfu nfnna ask me that?

Smannele : Yes am nfnna ask yfu that cause We nft in a relatfnship

Sabelf : That dfesn't mean a thinn Sma, yfu knfw what am takinn yfu with me

Smannele : Where?

Sabelf : Tf my place nf inside an tell Lubanzi that yfu nfinn

Smannele : Sabelf �

Sabelf : Yfur chfice it's either I take yfu by frce fr we nf willinnly

Smannele : Fine cfme with me than

He walked inside pushinn pefple fn his way cause he was sf annry tf be nice, they fund Lubanzi an the
nents nursinn the injured nuy
Lubanzi : The hell man?

Smannele : Am leavinn

Sindi : Leavinn? ��

Sabelf : Yeah we will see yfu all tfmfrrfw mfrninn

Lubanzi : Why are yfu leavinn nfw Sabelf, I mean yfu've just came

Sabelf : Nft in the mffd

Muzi : Yfu channed Sabelf

Sindi : True yfu dfn't have tf nf i yfu want tf df sfme quickie I have sfme spare rffms

Sabelf : We didn't ask that an wfrse whf said anythinn abfut a quickie ,Ntfbeh am sfrry fr actnn wild
I'll make it up tf yfu neh, as fr yfu stay the hell away rfm my nirl yfu hear me?

Lindf nfdded quickly because he didn't want tf be punched fnce anain

Ntfbeh : It's fkay we will see the bfth f yfu tfmfrrfw

Smannele : Have a lfvely ninht, Bye �

Sabelf held her hand an they went tf the car that Sabelf was drivinn

Smannele : Wfw

Sabelf : I ninner had tf hustle yfu knfw what I mean

Smannele : Next tme nf with me �

Sabelf : Yfu want nf hunt with me

Smannele : ewe mlunnu (Yes) �

Sabelf : Am stll annry ✋

Smannele : Chill man �

Sabelf : hffp in

Smannele entered the car an they drfve away with hinh speed

When Sabelf punched that nuy I thfunht that I was next, I dfn't knfw why he's actnn like this cause we
nft even datnn 😫 I wfnder i we were datnn what nfnna happen tf all the bfys hitnn fn me � it
was all silence in the car I knfw that he's stll annry cause he's nft even launhinn like always tf be hfnest
am scared but I will nft shfw him cause he will take advantane f my ear fr him, I mean whf wfuldn't
ear fr her li e i she was tf be taken by a vampire at ninht an anythinn can happen rinht nfw but I dfn't
even want tf think that cause I trust Sabelf, at last we were in his hfuse, I'll never net used tf a Sabelf
livinn in the shack but it's clean an nf papers fn his yard lucky is the nirl he'll marry but nuys nf fne will
understand this ninner like I df i that nirl was tf cfme she'll prfperly hate me cause am nft nfinn
anywhere we are partners an sful mates that what he said nft me �

Sabelf : Will yfu cfme fr yfu'll day dream

Me : Ninht dream cause it's at ninht�

Sabelf : Nft unny

He lef me like an idift whf just launhed alfne is this man serifus rinht nfw � I nft fut an banned the
dffr he lfcked it an we went inside the hfuse

Sabelf : That's my car yfu knfw

Me :....

Sabelf : Sf yfu nfnna innfre me?

Me : ....

Sabelf : Okay maybe it's tme fr punishment dfn't yfu think sf

He came tf me an I ran arfund the cfuch that was there an he launhed but sarcastc

Sabelf : am cfminn just nfw

Well his shack is a twf rffm sf he went tf the bedrffm an came back afer a while shirtless, is he
temptnn me 😫�� cause believe me am tempted
Sabelf : Yfu may nf inside the rffm

I tffk my small ban an went inside the bedrffm it was neat � sf I just threw mysel in his bed, it's
strfnn � the way I jumped it suppfse tf have ell at least he stffd at the entrance

Sabelf : hfw's my bed eels like? �

He said cfminn clfser tf me an I suddenly elt hft I dfn't knfw why maybe the bffze is alsf nuilt 😫

Me : nft that I'm cfmplaininn but we are nft tfnether fr's crazy...when I'm tpsy I talk tff
much I'm sfrry...I'm....😫 what am I sayinn �♀

He chuckled I mean what was his questfn anain? Am sf lfst in his eyes fh Gfd temptatfns are at wfrk,
His lips landed fn mine that tffk me by a surprise it tffk me ew secfnds tf dinest the kiss it was like
am kissinn him fr the first tme � I nuess am just cravinn fr him this mfment ,his lips were sf cfld like
he was drinkinn a cfld drink,it elt sf nffd I kissed him back,I wanted this I wanted him tf kiss me
anain,he brfke the kiss

Sabelf : are yfu eelinn beter nfw?

I shffk my head nf and he kissed me anain slippinn the knft fn my dress I wanted tf stfp him but my
bfdy wanted tf knfw hfw it eels like tf be with a Vamp ,His strfnn and nentle hands benan tf caresses
me,I elt my nipples rise ,he pulled me dfwn and I lay fn my back ,He slfwly ,rhythmically and nentle
,mfved rfm my lips dfwn tf neck,his wet cfld kisses startled me ,I've never experienced sfmethinn like
this be fre in my li e it was diferent but yet sf damn nffd his lips went fn tf my arfused nipples and
suck them,his hand went inside my pantes his finners wfrked inside me, it was litle uncfm frtable but
its nfthinn I can't handle,the eelinn was fverwhelminn and mind blfwinn at the same tme, he finally
stripped me naked ,I was litle tpsy and f cfz nervfus this was nft planned fn my side dfn't knfw
abfut him I didn't think we were nfinn tf net this ar,he stfpped and lffked at me

Sabelf : are yfu fkay?

I nfd my head
Sabelf : Shfuld I Cfntnue?

I nfded anain , we are hal way thrfunh he can't stfp nfw ,he slfwly tffk ff his pants ,I swallfwed hard
when I nftced his penis harden inside his brie s ,he nft Between my lens and spread them apart he
setled there and I pulled dfwn his brie s and kissed him but truth be tfld i was nervfus his penis
dannled between my thinhs like an arm , I cradled his hips with my thinhs

Me : mmmmh df yfu have cfndfms?

He mfved just as he was abfut tf fill me up

Sabelf : I'm nft sure cause it been a while�

He fpened the drawer and fund a pack

Sabelf : wanna help me fut?

I tffk fne and help him put it fn hfnestly it was takinn lfnner, I was netnn mfre nervfus his staf was
ully packed like hard and strfnn nfw I understand why nirls were head fver heels abfut him, his
entrance parted my walls apart and very wide , I nasped and cried fut

Sabelf : are yfu fkay?

Me : yfu just tff bin fr me 😫

Sabelf : yfu want me tf stfp?

I shffk my head nf he pulled fut when he push it in I nasped and nripped the edne f the bed as my
bfdy stretched tf accfmmfdate him , the burninn , sensatfn disappeared and pleasure fvertake , he
nrunt sf pumpinn in tf me , he was nentle but rfunh at the same tme i yfu knfw what I mean 😫but
just tff bin but well I am wfman I can take it all in he cfntnued tf sink ull inside me his lips were stll
fn mine, we bfth dissflved intf pleasure his pace increased even the bed cfuldn't take it anymfre fne
side lfst the balance an ell �♀he's tff strfnn, my heart beat accelerate I mfan lfudly respfndinn tf his
ast mfvements he nave me ull hard thrust with his finners dinninn in my skin �, my tfes curled tf the
arnue f pleasure wantnn tf be released
Me : I'm cfminn �

I cried fut as I released and shut my eyes , he quickly pulled fut and nrfaned as he cfme fn my stfmach
df I renret any f this Nf I dfn't 😫 Sex with a Vamp is dannerfus thfunh �😫

It was the next mfrninn fh Gfd I hfpe am nft late fr the weddinn, I wfke up an fh bfy he was starinn
at me with a smile, the rffm is messed up, the bed is allen � I jumped up an he launhed

Sabelf : What the hell? �

Me : The bed what happened?

Sabelf : am sf sfrry fr the mess I nuess nfw that am strfnn enfunh thinns like this will happen, I was
caunht up tf the mfment tf realise the damane

Me : Nf it's fkay I understand

Sabelf : Sfmethinn else

Me : What?

Sabelf : Yfur bfdy

He stffd up an went tf take the mirrfr an nave it tf me I lffked thrfunh it takinn it dfwn tf my bfdy it
was like I was beinn stnn by bin mfsquitf's 😫 this man sure is a vamp �♀

Me : It fkay

Sabelf : Am sfrry

Me : I said it fkay � like really am fkay, nfw can yfu take me hfme

Sabelf : Yes I can df that I prepared yfu a bath

Me : I ca...

Sabelf : Nf yfu nft my slut sf bath

Well fkay I went tf take a bath with him starinn at me but I didn't care I mean this man was sweatnn fn
tfp f me nft that he sweat but yfu knfw what I mean �♀


Everyfne was runninn like headless chickens cause the weather is per ect fr the nrffm, Ntfbeh was in
her rffm netnn ready fr her weddinn, she was in a mermaid white dress shfwinn her curves an all �
( frnive me I dfn't knfw hfw tf describe a weddinn dress), Smannele came barninn inside the rffm

Smannele : Am sf sfrry am late

Ntfbeh : Oh Gfd what happened tf yfu? Did he beat yfu up

Smannele : Nf

Ntfbeh : Than?

Smannele : Let just say yfu'll find fut fn a hfneymffn phase

Ntfbe's eyes pfpped fut

Ntfbeh : Yfu mean tf tell me that Sex did yfu this?

Smannele : That what I said Babe, lffk at yfu lffkinn all sexy in this dress

Ntfbeh : Thank Yfu, babe yfu need make up at least yfur neck it shfwinn we dfn't want yfu killed fn
my weddinn day

Smannele : Say that anain

They did their make up with the help f their make up artst, the ladies came inside an nave Ntfbeh the
advises fn what tf expect when netnn married, an what she shfuld df an dfn't df an it was all
emftfnal cause they just met her an nfw she's already netnn married her phfne rann an it was Sean

Her : Babe

Sean : The sun is cfminn fut

Her :....
Sean : Are yfu there?

Her : Sf where are yfu? Are yfu sa e there? Please tell me yfu inside the hfuse nft fn the sun

Sean : ��

Her : Why are yfu launhinn?

Sean : Because yfu can be a Granny, am waitnn fr yfu Babe

Her : Oh Gfd yfu scared me 😫

Sean : Sfrry Babe, dfn't keep me waitnn fr wfrse run away

Her : I wfuld never

Sean : Let me nft keep yfu waitnn

Her : Okay bye

They hunn up their phfne an Lunnelf was already at the dffr waitnn fr his daunhter

Lunnelf : Yfu lffk beaut ul baby

Ntfbeh : Thank Yfu sf much daddy.

Lunnelf : We will take fne car I want tf spend this mfment with yfu

Asemahle : All the best my baby we will meet yfu there

Ntfbeh : Okay I lfve yfu all

Them : We lfve yfu

Ntfbeh an her bridesmaid walked fut with pefple ululatnn fr her, they went tf the car but be fre she
nft in Tfm came tf her

Tfm : Yfu lffk beaut ul, I want yfu tf have this

He nave her a neckless that had a pic f Thuli,Grace, Mbfdla

Tfm : They will always lffked fver yfu thfse are yfur nrandparents � I lfve yfu always knfw that
Ntfbeh : Thanks uncle��

He hunned her tnhtly than afer a while they pulled fut, sf she nft inside the car tf the venue f her
weddinn �

I finally find sfmefne

Whf knfcks me ff my eet

I finally find the fne

That makes me eel cfmplete...♥

It started fver ca e

We started ff as riends

It unny hfw rfm simple thinns

The best thinns we nive

This tme it diferent

It all because f yfu

It beter than it ever been

Cause we can talk it thrfunh

My avfurite line was that I call yfu sfmetme

It all yfu had tf say tf take my breath away... �

This is it I finally find sfmefne

Sfmefne tf share my li e

I finally find the fne

Tf be with every ninht

Cause whatever I df
Is just nft tf be yfu

My li e has just benan I finally find sfmefne

I finally find sfmefne by Bryan Adams played while Lunnelf walked Ntfbeh tf the aisle, she was in tears
because never have she thfunht that li e will cfme this ar tf a pfint that she nets her amily an net
married in the same year, finally they made it tf the smilinn Sean, he is mesmerised by hfw sexy his wi e
tf be is in the dress that she was wearinn �

Lunnelf : Keep yfur ancestfrs ff my daunhter chap ✋

Sean nfdded althfunh he didn't understand what this man is talkinn abfut but he's sure as hell that he
will prftect his nirl, Asemahle an Zandi came late sf they sat at the back they didn't want tf cause havfc

Pastfr : May we please start �

The bfth f the lfvers turned tf lffk at the pastfr, Sean didn't want tf read minds tfday because he
didn't want nenatve cfmments rfm pefple mfre especially uncle Bae �

Pastfr : As we all knfw that sfme pastfrs start by requestnn Vfws rfm these twf lfvers but this tme
it will be diferent

Everyfne lffked at each fther cause they were cfn used ,the Mtshfmf's were fn standby with nuns
but they didn't want tf shfw that

Pastfr : I there's sfmefne here whf says these twf must nft be married tfday, they must stand nfw fr
frever hfld yfur breath

Everyfne kept quiet afer like 5 minute a man stffd up behind Asemahle

Man : I want tf put a stfp tf this weddinn

Mtshfmf's were nfw hfldinn their nuns near because they wanted tf knfw what the reasfn behind

Pastfr : State yfur reasfn

Man : Reasfn? Because....

Within a blink f an eye he quickly nrabbed Asemahle an nave her a bite in her neck with her screaminn
suckinn her dry with his lfnn teeth's an they stfpped he rfared

Man : We want that nirl� �

His mfuth was drippinn wet with blffd, everythinn just went slfw mftfn like everyfne was shfcked by
all f this yfu knfw when yfu clfse yfur eyes an fpen them anain like yfu just dreaminn cause this is all
unreal that what happened tf them especially the amily untl Tfm rfared an screamed �

Tfm : ASEMAHLE ���

�✋� it renistered tf them that Asemahle was nfne, Lunelf shft

He ran tf her li eless bfdy in the fffr...✋
the nun strainht tf the mans frehead while cryinn an cursinn litle did he knfw that wfrse is abfut tf

The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 37


While they were all rushinn tf Asemahle whf was lyinn there cfld, the new bfrns entered the venue in
ull frces an Sean knew that it's abfut tf net dfwn he lffked at Sabelf whf came tf him

Sean : Nthf I want yfu tf df fne thinn fr me

Nthf : What?

Sean : I want yfu tf run away like it's yfur last day fn earth dfn't wfrry I will knfw when yfu in trfuble

Nthf : Nf I can't �

Sabelf : Yfu have tf

Lunelf : Whf are these pefple an WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?

Sean : Nthf

Latnf came runninn tf them cause the new bfrns were watchinn the like hawk fne mfve rfm the nirl
they will kill them all that was Benjamin's instructfns

Latnf : Let me take Nthf I will prftect her

Sean : Benjamin an Brad wfuld have been scared f yfu nfw we talkinn abfut new bfrns whf dfn't
knfw yfu

Latnf : I dfn't care nive me Nthf an take care f the rest

Sabelf : Please take Smannele with yfu

Smannele : Am nft nfinn anywhere I'll stay behind

Sabelf didn't want tf arnue any urther sf he tffk his jacket ff an was lef with a shirt same as Sean,
behind Sabelf's back there was twf bin kni es� he's always prepared that why he went tf his rffm
yesterday when he was with Smannele he wanted tf take them fut he jumped an stffd fn tfp f the
speaker pefple were shfcked by what is nfinn sfme were even a raid an cryinn

Sean : βα (Hey)

Man 1 : We want the nirl

Sabelf : The nirl?

He launhed like really launhed afer that he hissed like a snake he went strainht tf Vampire mfde

Sean : Yfu will net nf nirl

Man 1 : War!!! �
Newbfrn's : WAR �

Lunelf : Impi? (war)

Lunnelf : I they want my daunhter they shfuld start with me �

Tfm : They... � They killed my wi e sf i war is what they want they will net

All the Mtshfmf's an Ndlfvu's tffk their nuns fut, Sean an Sabelf were prepared, as fr Smannele she's
prepared tf finht, as fr the nuest they didn't knfw what tf df wfrse there's nf way fut f here, Sean
sinnalled Latnf an Nthf that they shfuld start runninn

Latnf : Ready?

Nthf : Yes

Latnf : Let's nf

He tffk her hands an they started runninn cause Latnf knew the way fut


The newbfrn's started tf run frward an Sabelf whistled an six f the newbfrn's turned he shfwed
them that the nirl went this way sf they rfared an ran his way he few while twistnn the kni es all six
heads ell dfwn, Sean was busy finhtnn them sf Sabelf threw fne kni e tf Sean an they funht them
while the nun mans were standinn where Ntfbeh an Latnf nft fut an shfftnn anyfne whf cfmes their
way while helpinn the amily escape especially wfmen's, Tfm was nfwhere tf be seen

Lumkelf : Where is Tfm?

Lunnelf : I dfn't knfw

Siya : Sfmefne nf an lffk fr him

Thabisf : I will nf

He didn't even run any urther he was atacked by a vampire an he mistakenly drfpped his nun when he
was abfut tf reach it, it was tff late cause the vampire has already nft him
Thabisf : Get away rfm me �

He was screaminn it was like he called all f them cause they atacked him mfre when Sean came tf
help it was tff late sf he funht them, the mfre they killed them it was like they beinn drfpped by a
truck cause they came in numbers

Latnf an Ntfbe

They carry fn runninn an twf f the vampires were behind them

Latnf : Yfu need tf climb fn my ban I dfn't knfw hfw cause this dress f yfurs is lfnn

Nthf : I can try �

They tried tf fpen it sf that she can climb at the back an finally she did sf Latnf ran as ast as he cfuld
with these twf behind him, Nthf kept fn lffkinn back an she cfuldn't see the fther vampire that was
behind them

Nthf : I can't see the fther vampire that was behind us

She said shfutnn cause she's nfw scared

Latnf : He'll cfme tf the rfnt dfn't wfrry I nft yfu

Latnf wanted tf make sure that they reach their destnatfn in fne piece, Brad an Benjamin didn't
knfw that Latnf is by Sean's side they thfunht he alsf wanted this, indeed the nuy was standinn in rfnt
f them sf Latnf stfpped runninn an lffked at him

Latnf : Yfu want the nirl rinht?

The man nfdded

Nthf : What are yfu dfinn?

Latnf : Am nivinn them what they want

Nthf : Are yfu crazy?

Latnf : Maybe, they want yfu sf let them have yfu ✋

Nthf's heart was beatnn fut f her chest cause she thfunht thay Latnf is fn their side

Man 2 : We need the nirl ✋

Latnf : Cfme an net her

The bfth f them came clfser tf them, they thfunht that Latnf was fn their side sf he snapped his
finner an they just vanished rinht in rfnt f them

Man 1 : Fuck we have tf nf back ��

Man 2 : He played with us �� Fuck

They started tf run back at the venue

Back at the Venue

Pefple were dead althfunh they dfn't whf's dead an whf's nft, they wanted tf finish this finht an
check later

Musa : What are we finhtnn with?

Lubanzi : Vampires

Siya : Vamp ntfn? (what?)

Lubanzi : Vampires Uncle I will explain tf yfu wh.....

Thelf : NO!!
he rfared when he saw his daunhter MaThelf lyinn there helpless he wanted tf run there but Thapelf
was stfppinn him cause he didn't want him tf die tff

Thelf : She's my daunhter Thapelf, LET ME GO �


Thelf : She's my daunhter let me die with her

Thapelf : I will nft let yfu

Lunelf : Anybfdy saw Tfm? Am just netnn wfrried here

Zukf : Maybe he's finhtnn his wi e has just died

Thelf : I will have tf finht tf

He ran fut f where they were hidinn hfldinn twf nuns an shfftnn like nfbfdy's business, Thapelf alsf
nft fut with his nuns because he cfuldn't let them kill his brfther 😫

Thapelf : I nft yfur back

Thelf : Brfthers fr li e

They did what they df the mfst which is killinn these mfther uckers

Sean, Sabelf an Smannele

They were futside the venue tf see where they cfminn rfm an what they saw was beyfnd measures,
three buses f these thinns an fne is ull

Sabelf : Yfu need tf nf back babe

Smannele : We in this tfnether, we have tf kill Brad am sure he's here

Sean : Find him I will kill the rest

Tfm : With my help

He said cfminn tf them annry as uck,his shirt was tfrn apart an it was black nfw instead f white , he
was sweatnn rfm finhtnn with sfme f the vamps inside the venue, he's annry that they killed his wi e,
he was annry that he wasn't there tf prftect her

Sean : I dfn't expect yfu tf

Tfm : I really wasn't askinn fr yfur permissifn ,yfu saw hfw they killed my wi e, an they killed my
brfther's wi e with Thapelf's sfn but they dfn't knfw yet they prfvfked me sf nfw I will kill them nft
alfne thfunh with yfur help ��

He was brfken an it's nft even unny, he thfunht that maybe just maybe his li e will be smffth since he
lef his nannsterism but nf it's ar wfrse

Sabelf : Let's df this

Tfm : Smannele dfn't net hurt, I trust yfu bfy tf make sure she's sa e

Sabelf : Yfu have my wfrd, cfme my lfve let's net this plane nfinn

Sabelf an Smannele lef tfnether in the search f Brad, Sean an Tfm went tf the bus

Back at the Venue

Lunelf an Lunnelf ran futside tf see where are these animals cfminn rfm the saw that they are
cfminn rfm the bus sf they went back tf see i they can find sfmethinn tf set that bus fn fire 😫 nf
dfubts they will net arrested tfday cause this is a public place but they didn't have much chfice, Sanelf
whf's wfrkinn fr Tfm alsf nft fut f the cfrner tf shfft these Vamp while nft mindinn his back ,he
was atacked with a bite sf he winnled himsel an shft the nirl whf was behind her,he knew that since
he have the wfund rfm the vampires in nf tme he'll be like them

Sanelf : Gf back I will shft them �

He said lffkinn a Thapelf an Thelf

Thelf : My wi e will hate me i I df that

Sanele : Please at least fne f us have tf survive this tell my wi e that I will always lfve her

Thelf : Cfme back tf us please man yfu can't df that �

Sanelf : It fver fr me nfw nf back

They ran back tf the cfrner that the amily was in, sf Sanelf shft the vampires like he's crazy, he elt
that his bfdy is channinn an in nf minutes he'll crave fr blffd but he wanted tf be dfne with this

Siya : This bfy is brave

Thelf : He's nfne �

Thapelf : Yfu have tf be strfnn Thelf

Lumkelf : Let him cry Thapelf he needs tf �

The amily was sf scared cause never in their entre li e have they thfunht they will ace sfmethinn like
this, whereas Sanele was shfftnn every vampire that came inside the venue cause he was a special
killer he was skilled by Tfm

Sanele : Die mfther uckers �

He kept fn shfftnn them strainht in the frehead afer sfmetme there was nf vampire cfminn in
anymfre, he put his nun in his head

Thelf : Nf Sanele Man yfu can't df that � yfu can l...

He shft himsel an died rinht there, Thelf just elt like the wfrld has ended😫

Lumkelf : Be strfnn man �😫

Back tf Sean an Tfm

Tfm : We have tf wait here i they net fut we kill them

Sean : I was nfnna net in

Tfm : Am nft like them sf I can't

Sean : Fine let's stand futside

They stffd there, Tfm had twf ak47 with him an it's quite nffd tf always prepare yfursel i yfu a
nannster cause yfu dfn't knfw when will yfu ace sfmethinn like this fr wfrse, Sean was hfldinn his
Kni e that he was niven by Sabelf, there was a bell that rann inside sinnallinn the Vamps tf net fut, it's
like sfmefne was cfuchinn them an he was nft even ar away rfm them, they nft fut ast an Tfm
started shfftnn them fne by fne with the help f Sean takinn their heads ff, whereas Lunelf an
Lunnelf were tryinn tf start the fire

Sean : Stay back i yfu dfn't wanna net hurt

The newbfrn's nft back tf the bus cause they didn't wanna die, they saw hfw Tfm is sf they didn't
wanna die

Man : We want the nirl

Sean : Yfu will net nf nirl

Man : War �

Sean : War has already ended

Sean wanted tf net clfsed tf them sf the he can clfse the dffr cause Lunelf an Lunnelf sinnalled them
that everythinn is nffd nfw

Man : It has started

Tfm : Nf bitch it has ended

He ran tfwards the dffr an tried tf clfse it cause the newbfrns were pushinn it rfm the inside but Tfm
was pushed it with the help f Sean an he was strfnner than Tfm, the vamps crashed the windfw an
pulled Tfm's hand but he was nft havinn it, Lunelf an Lunnelf came tf help them push the dffr

Lunelf : In 10 secfnds this bus will burst

Tfm : Leave me here an nf

Lunnelf : Nf we nft leavinn anyfne


they tffk all f their enerny an puted it in pushinn an lastly the succeeded an Tfm lfcked the dffr an
they ran away the bus burst an the vamps inside burned tf ashes, Sean didn't want tf nf anywhere near
the bus luckily the weather was nft hft the sun was allen �� they ran back inside, Tfm was lef there
cryinn cause he tfld them tf leave him, he's sad abfut his wi e �

Sabelf an Smannele

The saw a car that was parked nft ar rfm where they are an there was a tent beside the car

Smannele : Df yfu think what am thinkinn

Sabelf : He's there

Smannele : Let's nf

Smannele started tf walk but Sabelf stfpped her an kissed her afer a while he pulled fut

Sabelf : I I dfn't net fut f here alive yfu must knfw that I lfve Yfu an I mean it rfm the bftfm f my

Smannele : I lfve yfu tff

Smannele nrabbed him an kissed him deeply mixed with emftfns

Smannele : We will net fut f there � I prfmise yfu

Sabelf : Let's nf

They ran tfwards the tent but a car came frce ul tf them, Sabelf pushed Sma aside an it hit him sf
hard that he ell dfwn but he wfke up an ran tfwards it an the persfn in the car was Brad, he went tf
the car an picked it up, Brad fpened the dffr an ell dfwn in the street, Sabelf drfpped the car an went
strainht tf him am the funht like serifusly funht ,Sabelf's kni e� was beside Smannele an she ainted
sf Sabelf kicked Brad's balls sf hard an he nrfaned while allinn dfwn, Sabelf tried tf take the Kni e but
Brad was ast he picked him up an threw him at the car that was cfminn their way

Brad : I net the nirl

He walked tf Smannele cause he stll wanted tf channe her but Sabelf was ast sf he kicked him at the
back he ell near Smannele whf just wfke up an pushed him away rfm her

Sabelf : Yfu thfunht that am livinn by drinkinn animal blffd? Ushaye phansi (Yfu a ffl) mfther ucker

Brad really thfunht that maybe Sabelf was nft strfnn enfunh litle did he knfw that Sabelf will never
drink animal blffd, they carried fn finhtnn, Smannele tffk the kni e at the fffr an aimed Brads head,
fn the fther side Sabelf was kickinn him tf the finish he just wanted tf take his head ff usinn his hands
but he saw Smannele cfminn their way sf he stfpped an lffked at Brad

Sabelf : Tfday is yfur day �

Brad : Yfu wish �

Sabelf pushed him with his len tf Smannele whf just slit his thrfat with a kni e, his head few fn tfp f
the car that was standinn there an the persfn whf was drivinn was Scelf he was late fr the weddinn sf
he just ainted when he saw the head lffkinn at him 😫

Sabelf : Cfme here

Smannele ran tf Sabelf an they hunned while swinninn each fther ��

Smannele : We made it whfa

She was screaminn the wfrst is fver renardinn Brad �


Afer a while all f them were back the Venue (hall) accept Tfm they tffk all the amily that was hidden
in the ffce f the church an Amanda was nft there

Thapelf : Amanda �

Azande : She was shft in the stfmach sf we asked Ntfbekf an Zakhele tf take her tf the hfspital

Thapelf : Whf else is dead? �

Tfm : Ntfbekf,Zandi,Mhle,Sizwe an a bfy that was here fr Ntfbeh

He said cfminn in the hall walkinn slfwly while lffkinn dfwn

Smannele : Oh my Gfd Lindf? �

Tfm : I nuess sf

Thapelf : Are yfu fkay man? Which Ntfbekf?

Tfm : Yfur sfn but yfur wi e was taken by Zakhele tf the hfspital

Musa : My Zandi?

Tfm : Am sfrry brfther but they nfne all f them

A tear ell rfm him an he was stll lffkinn dfwn

Sean : Lffk at us

Tfm : Nf

Sean : It's fkay lffk at us

Sean knew that Tfm is fne f them nfw, sf he lffked up an his eyes were red everyfne nasped with

Sne : Oh my Gfd �� what happened tf yfu

Sean : He's a vampire nfw �

Tfm : Remember when we were pushinn the dffr an they pulled my hand the scratched me an I
thfunht that maybe it's nfthinn but I nuess I was wrfnn

Lunelf : This is all yfur ault

He charned tf them but was stfpped by Lumkelf

Lumkelf : Dfn't df that he didn't knfw this was nfinn tf happen

Lunnelf : But it's his ault Baba

Lumkelf : It's nf fne's ault we all funht tf save fur nranddaunhter ✋

Amkelf : My daunhter where is she? �

Sean : She's sa e

Everyfne was cryinn because this is sf nft a nffd day

Thelf : Sne

Sne : Yes

Thelf : Sanele...

He shffk his head while tearinn

Sne : I saw � there's a camera sf we saw what happened tf him, I cried Thelf an what makes me mfre
prfud is that he funht fr amily this is amily ��

Dudu : I dfn't knfw what I will tell my children �� Thabisf fh Gfd ���

Tfm : He's nfne?

Dudu nfdded

Tfm : Family means everythinn, amily never turn their back fn each fther, Family is what we lived fr
ever since we started the hustle that we df � nfw we knfw whf is fur amily sf stck by each fther an
yfu will never lfse � cause this amily i yfu lfst yfur child fr husband fr wi e dfn't lfse hfpe just
knfw that amily is here always nfw Sabelf rinht?

Sabelf : Yes Grfft man

Tfm : Take my head ff

Sne : Nf Tfm �

Tfm : Take my head ff, take me fut f my misery, I yfu dfn't I will kill everyfne an I dfn't want tf all
my li e I have never killed a persfn withfut reasfn sf I dfn't think I'll start nfw just because am what I
am, yfu all knfw that am a pefple's persfn sf I dfn't think I'll be able tf df it,this jfurney ends nfw fr

Lunelf : Man yfu can't df this tf us mfre especially yfur brfther yfu will live man

Tfm : I can't live � frnive me Musa� Ndlfvu, Gatsheni, mpfnnf kaZinnelwayf frnive me my
brfther, NOW KILL ME �

Sabelf didn't want tf df this sf he shffk his head, Musa tffk the kni e

Musa : I lfve yfu Nnfnyama�

Tfm : Will keep yfu in my heart always

Musa went tf hun Tfm, he was nft scared f anythinn, he knew that his brfther will nft df anythinn tf
him, they held each fther tnht, Tfm was hfldinn himsel tfnether afer a while he pulled fut

Musa : Till we meet anain brfther ��

Tfm : It's tme

Tfm clfsed his eyes as tears nushed dfwn his cheek, Musa slit his thrfat an it was indeed the end f
Tfm, everyfne cried even Musa he was tff emftfnal but he knew that his brfther wanted this an he
wfuld have killed sfmefne i this was nft dfne the fnly thinn lef fr him is tf take care f his children

Rest in Peace

Asemahle and Tfm �


Sizwe (Lunnelf's brfther)



Mbali (MaThelf)


Zandi (Musa's wi e)



The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 39

The following day

The gents were napping when they woke them up

Cop 1 : Time to wake up ladies we leaving no time to sleep

Cop 2 : It's even sad cause you won't be sleeping like this at the big jail

They stood up but was ticked off by the ladies part

Thelo : Where are they taking us?

Lubanzi : Yeah?
Cop 1 : Pretoria correctional service
Thapelo : Oh
Lunelo : Do they arrest small children, teenagers to be exact
Cop 2 : Murderers? Yes they are arrested, I mean you killed more than a 100
Cop 1 : Animals
Cop 2 : What?
Cop 1 : They killed animals an 10 people
Cop 2 : Oh �♀✋

They took the gents to the room where they would change their clothes, Mabuza
entered with a smirk

Mabuza : Boys

They didn't entertain him, they just kept quiet

Mabuza : I gave the Judge the tape from yesterday an he was like "I don't have time
for this , they want to be arrested right just give them that or rather take them to
the psychos "�� but No man yol are not crazy, so we have 25 years in jail no time
for child's play
Sabelo : Oh am scared

He said that sarcastically an Mabuza so wanted to smack him up but he can't do

that because he will get fred

Mabuza : Move the bus for you is ready an don't think you'll be on vacation, yol are
special you have your own buses � No more prisoners will be also there in the bus
Lunelo : Can you take us already
Thelo : Busy preaching like an old lady who gets paid pension every month
Lungelo : Maybe �
Mabuza : MOVE �

They took them to the bus while lining up waiting for their turn, Sabelo accidentally
pumped into a giant man who was in front of him who was also going to the big

Guy : Watch where you going pussy ✋

Sabelo : This is my frst meal
Guy : What? �
Sabelo : No I said sorry
Guy : Next time I'll take those teeth's out
Sabelo : Oh � next time I'll watch where am going

Sabelo was adamant that he will kill this guy, it's either today or tomorrow but
either way he's dead �


I didn't sleep well yesterday cause I was so scared to even close my eyes, I mean a
lot happened an it was suppose to be my day of getting married but No satan didn't
want me to, worse my family is broken but as Uncle Tom said it's not my fault I
didn't know that they will come to the wedding ,I woke up did my morning hygiene
after that I wore respectively because we still mourning, when I was about to get
out of the room someone knocked an I opened to be met by bhuti Kwenzokuhle who
is Tom's son remember him? An Zakhele who's Musa's son an also MaThelo's

Me : Come in
Kwenzo : We taking you out
Zakhele : An we won't accept No for an answer
Me : Fine �
Kwenzo : Come Smangele is also waiting for us downstairs
Me : Okay let's go

They took me by hand, I mean Zakhele has just lost his wife and Kwenzo his mom
an father but here he is cheering me up 😫� this family is a blessing, we drove out
of the house with them an straight to the mall

Smangele : I needed this

Kwenzo : You look tired
Smangele : Yesterday was tiring man so I have to be like this
Zakhele : You even look awful not like the Smangele am used to

They are telling the truth it's like she woke up in the wrong side of bed but if that's
the case she wouldn't be here, Smangele have her days sometimes she's funny,
laughing an cheerful an sometimes she's just I don't know how to describe this but I
can just say she's moody 😫 an scary when she's like that, after sometime we got
out of the car to enter the mall

Smangele : Is there someone who have water?

Zakhele : Um yes let me check

Zakhele went to check an he came back with water, gave it to Smangele who was

Kwenzo : Are you sire you okay?

Smangele : Yeah I think am gonna get fue, I mean yesterday was cold so ya...
Me : If she gets more sick we will go back home
Zakhele : True now let's go in

We went the frst place we went to is clothes shops, they brought us clothes an
laughing at us when we go for "ftting room" they were like why are you buying
things that you not sure if it ftting or not, these guys will be the death of us, after
some time they took us to the salon when we get there we found a girl eating KFC
an she's pregnant so we sat down

Smangele : Do you smell that?

Me : What?
Smangele : The horrible smell ��
Me : I smell nothing
Smangele : I just feel like puking
Me : Ayy don't puke on me please �
Smangele : Not funny Ntobeh
Me : Sorry �♀ if you wanna puke there's a toilet
She ran to the toilet now am getting worried what the hell is going on with her so I
rushed behind her to the toilet, I found her sitting on the foor crying

Me : You crying?
Smangele : No am singing "Hallelujah glory to jesus" �

I went to her an hugged her, she held me tight while crying an going back to puke
an she's burning up

Me : we need to take you to the doctor

Smangele : Do you am sick?�
Me : Of cause you are an you gonna be okay
Smangele : I just feel like screaming Ntobeh � a lot has happened now my
boyfriend is arrested together with my fathers an brother, it's just crazy �
Me : Did you say boyfriend?
Smangele : eally Ntobeh 😫�
Me : Okay Babe don't worry they'll come out, Sean called me yesterday telling me
that I mustn't worry
Smangele : Can we leave this place ��

We stood up an went to the brothers

Kwenzo : What's wrong?

Me : We need to take Smangele to the doctor
Zakhele : Is she sick?
Me : Yes she's puking an also burning

Zakhele looked at me for a while after that he said we must go to his car so we
rushed outside an took the car, Am so worried about her she just slept throughout
the journey
Zakhele : Are you sure she's not pregnant?
Me : No maan � she can't be

I mean they slept the day before yesterday so it can't be or it can �

Zakhele : Listen to me I know these things, when Mbali (MaThelo) frst fell pregnant
it was a mistake though she was burning up an puking when we went to the doctor
they told us that she was 3 weeks pregnant � priceless moment ,well I didn't love
her at frst though
Me : An?
Zakhele : I slowly got used to the idea of having her around, I mean she was one of
the slowest person alive so I told her that this baby will not make us couples I still
want nothing to do with you, us sleeping was a mistake
Me : You were such an ass �♀eventually you fell in love with her?
Zakhele : Yes I did but it was too late cause I acted like a jerk
Kwenzo : Too late?
Zakhele : Yes, she was in love with someone else
Me : Wow an how did you win her heart again
Zakhele : I used our child
Me : Sly fox �
Zakhele : Nothing turns a lady on than a father who's taking care of the child
despite yol being broken up
Kwenzo : So you always gate crash the dates?
Zakhele : You know me to well an worse we were hiding the baby to her parents,
they found out when she was 6 months old
Me : What?
Zakhele : Am telling you, Thelo nearly killed me but all in all I loved her, she was
everything a man wants in a woman, I don't regret the mistake we did of sleeping
with each other it is the key to me being married to her for the past 6 years �
Kwenzo : We sorry man �
Me : Am sorry �
Zakhele : No it's okay I will be okay, the only problem now is that Smangele here is
Me : I doubt with Smangele cause they slept like the day before yesterday
Kwenzo : With?
Me : No one
Kwenzo : Just tell us we won't bite, fne we may be protective towards all of you but
we not animals an am sure my father would have agreed to this
Me : Stop manipulating me bhuti �
Kwenzo : Tell us already
Me : Sabelo
Smangele : Where?

She said waking up from her sleep

Me : No we were just talking

Smangele : Okay

She slept once more, is she really pregnant?

Kwenzo : The Vampire that she was with yesterday?♀

Me : Yes him
Zakhele : Maybe she's pregnant
Me : Why?
Kwenzo : Because he's a vampire we don't know how long it takes to show
Zakhele : For all we know it could take only one day cause she will be pregnant
with a half human
Me : Oh God �

If she's pregnant than Sabelo must be prepared cause Daddy will kill him, the way
he loves Smangele oh God �♀I hope she's not �

The bus entered the gates an they were there "Big jail is await for them "

Lunelo : Let's do this

Thapelo : Yeah

They were taken inside for the whole procedure than inside the jail where they will
spent their life in, that what the cops said 😫

Cop 1 : Alright ladies this is your new room

Sean : Can you stop calling us ladies?
Cop 1 : Get in �

They shook their head an got inside the room, there were a few prisoners

Sabelo : We don't have beds?

Cop 2 : For now you don't
Cop 1 : I don't know why you answering them cause clearly there's no bed this is
not a hotel
Thelo : This man really need to be taught how to talk like really really
Sabelo : Don't worry we got this

They were whispering cause indeed the cop was really bullshitting them, the cops
left them there

Thapelo : Who would have thought

Lunelo : Bra �
Thelo : This is worse than being kidnapped � sleeping on the foor
Man : This is not a hotel who do you think you are?

Said a man who was seated in the corner

Thelo : Are you talking to me?
Man : Yeah what you gonna do?
Thapelo : Is this man really talking to us?
Sean : Am trying to understand that �
Lunelo : I mean who is he

The man stood up clearly he's the bully for this cell, he came to them while fsting
his hand

Latino : Boy go back

Man : Or what madala?
Latino : Just go back

Latino was too chilled for someone's who's in jail

Man : Boys let's show these new idiots who we are

The boys were cheering accept for this one boy who was in the corner, he looks
intimidating but seems like he's hiding under the box all along Thapelo was
watching him, the giant man punched Latino so hard but he stood his ground
intimidating as fuck

Latino : One don't ever I mean ever even in hell where you going touch me

He said looking at him hard an the man felt like he's being cut by a razor inside , his
skin is so hot an he can't even breath it's like they cutting him piece by piece inside
his body...well Latino have special powers which makes him more special

Latino : Two....Latino now rules in here �

The man was bleeding in his mouth an nose cause Latino was killing him from the
inside, he just dropped dead right there without action, the mates were so scared
now cause they didn't know what just happened including Lunelo an the crew
Sabelo : Already working
Latino : No Tonight we are working working the real work is starting these guy will
regret ever bringing us here
Sean : You bet we are
Lunelo :Guy's yol are scaring me � ✋

The gents looked at him an laughed cause even his facial expression shows I mean
who wouldn't be scared of vampires worse they also have fresh blood running in
their veins 😫

The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 40


Ntobeh an Smangele went inside to the doctor leaving Zakhele and Kwenzo outside

Doc : Miss Mtshomo an the beautiful lady �

Smangele : Doctor Nala
Doc : How can I assist you today
Ntobeh : She's feeling sick
Doc : Sick how?
Ntobeh : Burning up an puking
Doc : For how long has this been going on?
Smangele : I woke up like this
Doc : We gonna do some tests, we gonna start with pregnancy test
Smangele : am not pregnant so save yourself that time you gonna waste ��
Doc : I will do it still just to be sure
Smangele : Be my guest
Doc : Take this an go to the toilet you know what to do?
Smangele : Yes

Smangele stood up an went to the toilet an peed after that she went back to to
where the Doctor is

Smangele : There you go

The doctor took it an did his things with the pregnancy test

Doc : so who is the young lady?

Smangele : she's out of your leagues
Doc : You know my leagues?
Smangele : Obviously
Doc : An they are?
Smangele : Losers, now tell us the results so that we can go home
Doc : Still an ass �
Smangele : Am kidding hey this is Lubanzi's twin
Doc : eally? � she's Lungelo's daughter? He already told me about her just that I
didn't know her in person
Ntobeh : That's me �
Doc : �

The doctor was taken by Ntobe's beauty ,so he looked at the pregnancy test for a
while than back at Smangele

Doc : You not pregnant

Smangele : I told you
Doc : Don't be so happy there's a possibility that your child is hiding
Smangele : ��
Ntobeh : Is there something we can get maybe for her to stop burning up an puking
Doc : I can prescribe some pills for her
Ntobeh : Please do

The doctor did his things while stealing glance at Ntobeh who was too worried about
Smangele to mind what is going on, after that they went out to the brothers

Zakhele : So?
Smangele : Am not pregnant I don't know why would you think that I am
Kwenzo : Anything is possible
Ntobeh : Can we go hospitals an clinics gives me creeps
Smangele : Since Mr Nala have a crush on you maybe you'll get laid here in the
Kwenzo : An please make sure that when you do that you insured cause Mr Vamp
will surely kill you
Zakhele : We need to eat ��
Ntobeh : Can we go �✋

They all went to the car an drove straight home cause they can see that Smangele
is not okay at all
It was midnight an the jail was quiet which mean everyone is asleep

Latino : Who do we start with?

Sabelo : That dickhead who said am a pussy
Sean : Where is he?
Sabelo : I don't know where they putted him but I will see him
Lunelo : Where are you all going?
Latino : supper time for us
They said that while stretching the gate cause when they come back they will pull it
back like nothing has happened, they walked through the passage while snifng like
animals that they were

Sabelo : Here

He said pointing at the cell that was also with prisoners who were punished just like
them without beds, so they stretched the gate an entered, Sabelo was singing a

Sabelo :" My name is sabelo, sabelo is here to eat, Oh you made a mistake by
calling me a pussy "

He was singing this song while making his way to the giant man who called him a
pussy earlier on, he kneeled beside him an whispered

Sabelo : emember when I said you my frst meal? Now am catching up an am

hungry �

The man woke up cause he could feel that there's someone on top of him when he
tried to get up Sabelo pinned him down an went to his neck, he was wiggling
himself but he was not given so much choice he sucked him dry after a while he
was done when he looked around Sean an Latino were done with the 5 that was in
the foor dead

Sabelo : The fuck guys?

Sean : We got carried away
Sabelo : You know what fuck you two
Latino : you were busy sucking your man right there an we were hungry�
Sabelo : Did you see him? He was just a beast with a lot of blood
Sean : Which mean you full
Sabelo : Like hell I am
He got out an went to where the cops guarding the door were, he looked at them an
there was only three which means one for Sabelo, one for Sean an one for the big
man Latino �

Sabelo : The one who called us ladies is mine

Sean : Like hell he is did you see how big he was
Sabelo : you greedy Sean�
Sean : Fine take him but I'll get you �
Latino : Lets go

All along they were whispering, so They twisted the locks an got out when the cops
was about to shoot, Latino did what he did with his eyes to the other boy

Latino : One... Never ever think you better just because you a cop

They all took one cop each an sucked their necks

Latino : Two... This jail is owned by us

Sabelo : Vamp jail ✊

They got back to sucking their bloods, these cops never thought they'll ever be
killed this way.... � the boys were done for the day so they went back to the cell an
did the gate back to normal

Thelo : So?
Sabelo : 8 is down
Thapelo : What? How big are your stomachs?
Latino : Big enough to accommodate the rest of you here

Everyone woke up quickly cause they didn't want to be killed, these three looked at
each other an laughed
Sabelo : elax � we will never kill you
Sean : We family �
Lunelo : Family don't scare one another man
Latino : We sorry chaps
Man 1 : What about us?
Man 2 : Yeah?
Latino : If you keep your mouth shut nothing will happen to you all an don't even
think of double crossing us because we will know
Man 1 : Never grootman we will never
Sean : Problem solved now let's wait for morning get back to sleep boys
Thapelo : Never am not sleeping again

They all laughed cause who would sleep with creepy mans in the same room
In the morning the Mtshomo's an Ndlovu's were eating breakfast when their
intercom rang so Smangele went to take care of it

Siya : If kungeza zinto nindivikele mna (If it's vampire please be my shield)
Musa : Why?
Siya : Andikafun mna ukubhubha tshin ningayinton ngaphandle kwam (I don't want
to die, what will you all be without me)

While they were talking they heard a commission at the lounge so everyone went
there, when they were getting in the lounge they found two women an two man's

Woman 1 : So you the murderers

Lumkelo : Huh?
Woman 1 : You heard me well don't play dump with me �
Siya : Early in the morning what wrong who got mugged?
Man 1 : We sorry to just barge in like this, am Lindo's father an this my wife, the
woman is his aunty an the man is my brother
Siya : Iphi indoda yakhe? (where is her husband?)

He said pointing at the woman

Aunty : I don't have a husband

Siya : No wonder ndingabaleka kwanam (I would run away too)

The kids wanted so badly to laugh cause his face showed so much disgust

Aunty : You � I feel like you had a hand in killing our son
Siya : Ndibizelen amaphoyisa ndimane ndiboshwe yoo lomfazi unxola too much (Call
me the cops so that they can arrest me this woman is enough)

The woman was so angry an wanted to eat him alive �

Musa : We are sorry about your boy we did all we could to make people safe but it
was beyond our power to do so an we wish to know when he will be buried so that
we come to the funeral, cause our 7 members of the family will be buried this the
next Saturday
Lindo's Father : 7 �
Zuko : Yes we lost a lot �
Lindo's mother : we thought that we are the one who faced the worse but this
family did we are so deeply sorry may God strengthen all of you

The aunt was so angry that her sister is busy suger coating all of this � cause in her
this family killed their son

Aunty : I don't know why you are saying sorry to these people they all killed our
son �
Siya : Nathi ke tana sifelwe (We also lost our loved ones)
Uncle : We don't care we want our son
Siya : Mzalen futh (Give birth to him again)

The woman laughed with disbelief while clapping her hands

Aunty : I don't think I hear you well

Siya : Tshin ehh mfazi sunxola inxaki ile yokuth ababantu abangabazali bomntana
bathule kodwa nina ningophawulile omntaka skeyi (This woman!! Stop shouting the
problem is that the boys parents are not saying anything, you are the one's who are
Lumkelo : Siya ✋
Siya : No Brother, we also lost our family member, we didn't know that this was
gonna happen, if we had a chance we would have brought him back to life but we
don't have magic � ndidiniwe ilomfazi kunini na esithuka (Am tired of this woman,
enough with the insults)
Lindo's father : We apologize on the behalf of my sister in law, it's sad that our son
came here for the wedding an now he's coming back by the cofn �
Lindo's mother : We just glad that at least you called us to let us know, cause if it
was some other people they would have ran away without letting us know
Musa : We are sorry for your loss
Aunty : This family will be cursed for this
Siya : Ndibamben ndingambethi ke mna lomfazi (Hold me I don't wanna beat this
woman) icurse ilento oyidudula ngemva ayinuki nje ?� (A curse is what behind you
**ass** doesn't it stink?)

The kids were in stitches I mean even when they mourning Uncle Bae can act like

Aunty : You will not beat me uzoboshwa ( you'll get arrested)

Siya : Lomfazi akambi njengob ethetha benimyisaph na bekumele asale pha
ezihagwin tshin ndizakubhonya mna mfazi ndin unyee puu(This woman is ugly, why
did you bring her along you should have left her with the pigs,I will kick you woman)
The woman was so angry cause this family killed their son � an now this man talks
crap making a joke about her

Siya : Yaa Thula duu awaz kuba kumandi njan uthule usho ngobubi banokusho nje
(Yes Shut it, you don't know how lovely it is when you this quiet )

The family gave up with Siya cause he can talk with his mouth, as for Siya this
woman was making him angry cause they also lost their family members

The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 41
Day 2

It was in the morning when they were searching the jail because the cops that were
guarding the jail have not clock out yet, when they got to they got where they were
killed, they were so amazed cause this has never happened before

Dube : This has never happened before, I was a search in all the prisoners an I want
all the prisoners to be asked questions about this
Cop 1 : Am sorry but I think I know what happened
Dube : What happened?
Cop 1 : Friday we arrested people who were killing animals that eat people
Dube : So?
Cop 2 : They said that they follow them everywhere they go
Dube : Why were they arrested?
Cop 3 : Because they killed more that 100 vampires an 10 humans
Dube : Were they not killed by animals those 10 people? An why are there vampires
in this world cause those animals long died
Cop 1 : We don't know but that what we found
Dube : We have to ask questions from those mans ,how many are them?
Cop 2 : 7 if not 8
Cop 1 : We will get it done for you
Dube : 1 by 1 they must come to the interrogation room, I want to know if they will
tell me the same story if not we will know that they are the one's who killed these
Cop 2 : With what? I mean they are humans they don't have long teeth's like these
Dube : I'll be the judge of that for all we know they might be trying to get out of
here but I won't let them now go to them

Dube walked away leaving the cops also scared to go to those man's cause they
don't know if they will get killed

Cop 4 : Let's just go an get this over an done with

Cop 5 : So easy for you to say, I don't want to die young
Cop 6 : You not young � let's just go

They all sighed an went inside, they found the prisoners busy, some of them were
cleaning, some of them were working out, some of them were just lazing around so
they went straight to Lunelo's an Latino's cell

Cop 1 : All the 8 of you come with us

The boys looked at each other an back to the cops without moving

Cop 2 : Now
Sabelo : So the 7 of you came here to take us away?
Sean : Are we being released?
Cop 2 : You wish � now take your lazy asses out of this cell

They all lined up, so Thapelo looked at the boy who was seated at the corner when
they came here
Thapelo : psss

He wanted for him to look at him an he did

Thapelo : Come let's go

Boy : mmmm? �
Thapelo : Come

Than he looked at the front so they boy stood up an went to him, he pushed him to
the front an they walked out while being chained like dogs cause they are scared,
all other prisoners were watching this

Cop 4 : Let's see 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8

Lunelo an the crew looked at the 8th person cause if they remember well they were
7 so their eyes popped out but they didn't say anything so they were taken out to
the room where they will seat when one of them go to the interrogation room so
they sat there while waiting

Lunelo : why are we 8 now?

Thelo : I don't know

They all were looking at the boy

Boy : Don't look at me like that I was called by this man

Thapelo : What's your name?
Boy : Am Nhlaka.... Nhlaka Buthelezi but people call me Trey
Lungelo : What's your story?
Nhlaka : Was at the wrong place at the wrong time
Sean : I see we will help you get out
Thapelo : that's why I called him here cause those cops are dump
Nhlaka : Thanks Man
Latino : Okay listen up are there any cameras here? So I can freeze them?
Nhlaka : No I would have seen them when getting in
Sabelo : Are you sure that you were arrested for something you don't know?

Nhlaka looked down cause indeed he was arrested for something he didn't do but
other than that he knows one or few things about gangsterism

Thelo : ��
Lunelo : Now is not the time Sabelo �
Latino : We stick to one story that they are following us everywhere we go
Nhlaka : What's that?

They summarized the story to him an he listened attentively cause he was lucky to
be seen by Thapelo

Nhlaka : It's okay with me, let them take me frst

Latino : Will you be able to handle it
Nhlaka : I think so
Sean : They are coming shhh

They all kept quiet an waited indeed two cops entered

Cop 1 : who's frst ladies?

Nhlaka : I am
Cop 2 : Don't I know you?
Nhlaka : People do lookalike
Cop 1 : Let's go

They took him to the interrogation room where Dube is, Nhlaka entered an looked
around cause he didn't want to be caught that he was arrested for something else
Dube : Sit

He sat down an looked at Dube

Dube : What happened yesterday night?

Nhlaka : I was sleeping I don't know
Dube : You don't know? Ain't yol the one who told us that your animals follow you
everywhere you go
Nhlaka : Did they come �
Dube : They came an killed 3 cops an 8 prisoners
Nhlaka : We not safe we told you that they will come an you laughed at us now look
what you've done �

He pretended to be terrifed

Dube : Are you those animals

Nhlaka : Animal nna? � am human, listen man we killed those animals because
they killed our family members an we don't know what they want from our family,
you know even when I come back from school cause am still in varsity right so when
I came back from school on this day they ran after me � I was so terrifed I thought
that am dying but I managed to kill it cause I didn't want to die you know how it
feels like to be always running away from animals 😫� that's what is happening
they are coming don't say I didn't warn you
Dube : Coming here?
Nhlaka : Yes they will kill everyone in here
Dube : Why?
Nhlaka : We don't know �♀ have you ever been eaten by an animal?
Dube : No
Nhlaka : Embrace yourself than cause they are coming an in full force, maybe we
cursed cause yooo akununu ezisijahayo ngisho amaphushwen (those animals run
after us even when we dreaming)
Dube swallowed hard cause of this

Nhlaka : They are coming

Nhlaka was panting, an sweating also staring into space, Nhlaka didn't know what
he was saying but he knew that his act will defnitely get them out of this jail if not
today but eventually it will, Dube saw fear in this young boy

Dube : You know what send them all back cause it's time to eat they must eat, we
will do research on this situation
Nhlaka : They are coming embrace yourselves, cause they are coming �
Dube : Take him back �

Dube was Adamant that something is really going on in here an he will fnd out little
did he know that they will kill every prisoners if they don't get them out
They were going back to their cell cause Dube didn't want to ask any further

Cop 1 : Breakfast time

They unchained them an took them where they will eat cause they didn't know the
way around

Sabelo : You sweating♀

Nhlaka : Sweating? I don't sweat �

Sabelo chuckled an they went to the table that was empty, other prisoners were
looking at them like they are doing something they shouldn't do
Lubanzi : What's their story?
Nhlaka : This table is for Dragon
Thapelo : Dragon who?
Nhlaka : I don't know well but he's the one with his crew who sits here
Sean : Even this table is written his name
Sabelo : I guess we are the dragons now
Nhlaka : We not gonna leave?
Latino : No we sitting here
Thapelo : How did it go Nhlaka? We were so prepared to go for questioning
Nhlaka : Let say I handled it like a man that I am
Lunelo : Man�� you a kid Nhlaka
Nhlaka : Don't ruin my vibe
Lubanzi : He's like that�
Sean : You kn...

When they were busy to talking they felt something banging the table � an they
turned to look at him

Man : Who the hell are you don't you know that Dragon is in charge of this table

They all kept quiet an Nhlaka was dead scared as for the gents they didn't have
time for this

Sabelo : Lubanzi do you remember that song we played when we were high
Lubanzi : Oh that song

Even though Lubanzi didn't remember any song � so Sabelo jumped on top of the
table an danced while shouting an Lubanzi joined him prisoners were cheering for
them while surprised that they stood up for themselves cause No one do this to
Sabelo : Life in prison is great � listen here man this table is ours now so Dragon or
who ever you are go to other tables �
Dragon : What did you say?
Sean : I thought you were loud enough�
Latino : Some people needs to clean their ears
Lungelo : You know when you think you it an fnd out that you just forcing things
you not
Thelo : Low life thug �
Nhlaka : Losers by achievement
Thapelo : Huh? �
Nhlaka : I don't know what am saying too
Lubanzi : Are you sure that you are arrested for something you didn't do �
Sean : I doubt �
Sabelo : Oh back to you I said Fuck off this is not your table anymore

Sabelo said looking at him up an down while looking at him with disgust

Lunelo : What that song again Sabelo?

He tried to stand on top of the table but his back said No you can't an they laughed
at him 😫�� Dragon was so pissed an he's sure as hell that he will make them pay
Smangele was in her bed when she felt like screaming cause she doesn't know what
is going on with her, her mother came into the room

Smangele : Mah what happened to knocking before you enter?

Slungile : This is my house Slungile
Smangele : Am sorry Mah
Slungile : What's wrong with you?
Smangele : I don't know

She stood up an went ro look at herself in the mirror it's like she's looking at
another girl not her

Smangele : I've been feeling like this since tomorrow

Slungile : Since tomorrow � what are you saying child?
Smangele : I feel light headed
Slungile : Smangele
Smangele : I fe....

She just fell an it was light out for her, Slungile panicked at what is going on 😫

The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 42


Lunelo asked to call home so they gave him that permission, he went to call
Slungile an it rang straight to voicemail but he tried once again an it was answered

Slungile : Can we talk later am busy

Lunelo : Babe what's wrong?
Slungile : Oh Lunelo �
Lunelo : Talk to me my love

Lunelo panicked cause if Slungile is crying that's only means one thing there's a
Slungile : Smangele is sick an we went to the doctor they can't fnd anything I don't
know what is happening, she fainted Lunelo �
Lunelo : Babe calm down � I'll try to fnd help
Slungile : I don't need help I need you Lunelo � I need you Lunelo everything is
falling apart I don't know why you didn't apply for bail you are really pissing me off
right now ��
Lunelo : Am sorry Babe I will get out an be with you, I just love you ��
Slungile : Am so angry to say I love you too Lunelo, what even worse I can't see you
cause we not allowed �� but I love You

Slungile hung up her phone leaving Lunelo shattered cause Slungile needs him
especially his princess, he went back to the cell

Lungelo : Everything okay?

Lunelo : No we need to go home �
Sabelo : What wrong?
Lunelo : Smangele is sick an the doctors can't fnd anything wrong with her

Latino looked at Sabelo

Latino : For how long has this been going on?

Lunelo : I don't know
Latino : We will try to get out at least tomorrow cause your family needs you
Nhlaka : How hot is Smangele? �
Lunelo : Stay away from that name
Nhlaka : I just saw it in your face that you are over protective
Lubanzi : You saw nothing but the truth
Thelo : I was also like that
Thapelo : You worse � you didn't even want MaThelo to be tapped
Lunelo : I swear to God if Smangele is not a virgin I will kill someone
Thelo : Kill the dog
Nhlaka : kill it to the fnish
Sean : ��

Sean gave Sabelo a stare an he showed him a middle fnger, Sabelo was not talking
cause he knew that they slept with Smangele an he was so hurt to learn that his
girlfriend is sick an worse they don't know what's going on with her
Slungile was so stressed cause Smangele is sick 😫

Thando : Slungile

She said coming in the passage of the hospital, Slungile turned an met her halfway

Thando : Everything is gonna be okay Babe

Slungile : What if something bad will happen to her
Thando : Nothing is gonna happen to her
Slungile : Maybe it's Lunga he's bewitching my baby �
Thando : Why are you saying that ?
Slungile : Because he's back for his daughter
Thando : The sun of the bitch � where was he when you were taking care of the
Slungile : I can't lose my baby � I can't lose her I love her so much
Thando : Don't stress Babe everything will be okay we will get help
Slungile : Lunelo is really making me angry � he should have been here
Thando : Thabani is making plans for them to get out
Slungile : He should or I'll divorce him
Thando : eally � don't make me laugh
Slungile : He's irritating me but I love him���
Thando : I know you do come here 😫

Thando hugged her so tight cause she can see that she's so sad an heart broken

Smangele : Mama
Slungile : Oh Baby come to mommy

Smangele went to her mother

Smangele : Mom am okay stop crying

Slungile : How can I not we don't know what is going on with you
Smangele : I'll be o...

Before she could talking fnish her phone rang an she answered

Smangele : Hello
Sabelo : Babe
Smangele :Oh God Sabelo
Sabelo : Are you okay?
Smangele : I've been sick I don't know what wrong
Sabelo : I wish I could be there for you Babe
Smangele : Come back now I miss you
Sabelo : What did the doctor say?
Smangele : He said that am not pregnant
Sabelo : Pre.... Shit �
Smangele : What?
Sabelo : emember when you said am hurting you when we were making love?
Smangele : Yes I do remember that
Sabelo : So the thing is I took off the condom when I pulled out for the frst time 😫
Smangele : What? �
Sabelo : You said am hurting you so I had to make something
Smangele : I would have hated you if I was pregnant but now that am not it's fne
but next time don't ever do it �
Sabelo : I can't be using condoms with you don't insult my intelligence �
Smangele : I don't want to get pregnant
Sabelo : Don't tell me that Smangele you must fgure something out my time is up
,take care of yourself I love You
Smangele : Come back I miss you anyways I love you too

Sabelo made kissing sound and he went back to the cell to be met by Latino an
Nhlaka cause the others were working out

Latino : Everything okay?

Sabelo : Do you think if I slept with someone on thursday, she'll be showing signs of
pregnancy this early?
Nhlaka : who's pregnant an why would it show so early, I mean doesn't it take days
to show?
Latino : Yes it's possible, my wife was also facing the same problem when she was
pregnant with Benjamin
Sabelo : Shit!!

He kicked the gate a countless times cause what will he say to Smangele, he didn't
care about Lunelo for now his worry is Smangele

Nhlaka : That gate won't cry for itself so I will humble myself before you an cry for it
stop doing that please ✋
Sabelo : I may get dumped, worse the child is acting up
Lunelo : Who's child?
Nhlaka : Apparently our man here made a girl pregnant this thursday
Lungelo : It acting up so quickly � what are you a stallion
Nhlaka : ���
Lubanzi : Who's that girl who is so lucky to be knocked by you
Thapelo : I hope it's not who I think it is
They all looked at him

Thapelo : Why are you looking at me like that

Sabelo : No nothing �

Sabelo wanted to choke Nhlaka for his big mouth, Thapelo saw the chemistry
between Smangele an Sabelo so he's praying an hoping that it's not her cause there
will be trouble

Latino : He's a vampire so it's not the same as humans

Sabelo : I need air

He stormed out of the cell an went to take some time apart from everything, he was
standing there when dragon an his crew came to him for a fght

Dragon : The bitch who told me to fuck off

Sabelo just ignored them cause he didn't want to do something bad to them

Dragon : Bitch why ain't you talking?

Sabelo just kept quiet so Dragon took the knife in his pocked an stabbed him at the
back, cause they were teasing him from the back, Sabelo groaned with pain ,he so
wanted to grab this man an kill him now

Dragon : Next time � I will kill you stay away from that table
Sabelo : What the hell man ?�
Dragon : Are you gonna fght?
Sabelo : Fight? You know what..... Never mind I heard you
Guy 1 : Why is he not bleeding
Sabelo : Because am not a weakling like you �
Dragon : Watch your mouth boy

Sabelo : Or what? ��
Dragon : This kid �
Sabelo : If I were you I'll watch my back
Dragon : Keep dreaming no one will touch me am the king in this jail
Sabelo : We will see about that bitch nx�

They went away leaving him while in pain but his wound was healing so he went
back to his crew

Sabelo : I've been stabbed �

Sean : What? By who?
Sabelo : Dragon
Latino : It seems like we will have to show him who we are an right now
Nhlaka : Where were you stabbed?
Sabelo : At the back
Nhlaka : Let see

He lifted his T-shirt an there was no wound only tattoos

Nhlaka : Ain't you mistaken?

Sabelo : Mistaken?
Lunelo : The boy means why is there no wound in where you were stabbed
Thapelo : The boy �😫
Lunelo : saying it like it is moss
Nhlaka : Am 24 man
Lubanzi : At least �
Nhlaka : Mr 18 years old is saying at least �
Lubanzi : How did you know that?
Nhlaka : Have my ways
Lungelo : This child is fooling us he knows well why he was arrested �
Sean : That's true
Thelo : Can we go already I want to watch this an we have to get out of here guys
Latino : Not until we do some history in this prison so that those cops cannot want
to meet us even in the way �

They all wore their vests an went to the cells that were upstairs cause they had to
deal with Dragon, Sabelo was so angry an his eyes were red with anger

Sean : Calm down man you,you too angry an that scares me

Sabelo : Am more calm than ever Sean now get off my back
Sean : Like hell I would

He pinned him on the wall

Sean : Listen to me you have a family to get to ,Smie is pregnant with your child so
don't do something that will make you stay longer in this jail
Sabelo : He stabbed me Sean �
Sean : I know that but do this for me and Smangele calm down please man you the
only brother I have now don't do this to me
Sabelo : Fine now leave me

Sean didn't want anything to happen to Sabelo so he just left him an Sabelo
followed after them when they got there, Dragon was playing cards with his friends
an other big gangsters

Guy : Seems like Dragon have visitors

Dragon looked up an saw the angry crew standing in front of him

Dragon : Wha....
Latino did his thing with eyes an Dragon felt like he's being ripped out his organs in
his body, everyone's eyes popped out after a while he stopped

Latino : You were saying?

Dragon : Nothing
Sabelo : Nothing? Nothing � Are you fuckin kidding me right now?
Sean : Sah
Sabelo : Listen here Dragon this is not over you hear me? �
Guy 2 : Who are you to tell us that shit �

Sabelo chuckled angrily cause they are really testing his patience

Sabelo : For your sake I'll just leave

Guy 2 : You think we your girlfriend the ugly bitch you left at home pussy

Sabelo got angry cause this is his girlfriend they are saying she's a bitch ,he was
about to go an leave them but the guy turned him with force an Sabelo punched
him so hard he fell on the foor while bleeding an that triggered Sabelo's cravings ,
an he was prepared to run to him but was stopped by Sean

Sabelo : They provoked me Sean now leave me �

Sean : Calm down Sabelo 😫
Sabelo : Calm down for what? They called my girlfriend an ugly bitch, they are
provoking me �
Latino : Leave him Sean he's angry let him cool down by himself
Sabelo : There's no cooling down here Latino, let me tell you this all of you here I
don't care if you think you will tell the cops what I did but One thing I know is that
this is far from over �

He left them while fuming, an they have never seen him like that, what even made
things is that he's here in jail whereas his girlfriend is sick, there's a possibility that
she's pregnant an that would break them apart an he didn't want that at all
�....well Sabelo is a shield so protecting his loved ones it's in him an he will make
sure that Dragon an his goons pay dearly �

The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 43

It was the following day an the cops found another 10 prisoners and 3 cops dead
including Dragon so they went to report this issue to Dube they found him busy
drinking his coffee cause it's early in the morning

Cop 2 : Sir we have yet another problem

Dube : Did the prisoners fght?
Cop 1 : No they didn't Sir but we found 13 people dead this morning, 10 prisoners
an 3 cops

He dropped the cup an the coffee was split on the foor because of shock

Dube : What? �
Cop 1 : We telling you
Dube : Leave am calling Mabuza I want to ask him why did he bring us danger in
this jail �

The cops left him while calling Mabuza who answered on a third ring

Mabuza : Slwane esimabala (Dube)

Dube : Tell me Mabuza why did you bring animals in this jail?
Mabuza : What animals?
Dube : The boys that you bought me have caused nothing but troubles for me �
Mabuza : What happened?
Dube : 22 people are dead because of them, now I want them out an by the look of
things no one will take them who wants to die?
Mabuza : Dube you can't just release them
Dube : They were arrested faulty cause they didn't kill anyone but animals that
were harassing them
Mabuza : I will call other jails
Dube : Tell them to prepare for death cause am sending them away as in yesterday

He hung up the phone an went to the cell where the boys are at, he found them
laughing an talking like nobody has died because of them

Dube : Boys

They turned an looked at him cause they hope that they will go home cause they
did all the could to make sure that today it's home time if not they will make sure
that they make a record cause they can't be crying an not heard

Dube : Come with me all of you

Lunelo : Sorry if I ask out of turn but I want to know if we going home
Dube : I will explain everything just come with me

They all followed behind him to where they don't know, he opened a door an it
seems like the room that they were the other day when they were waiting to be
called for questioning

Dube : Won't you sit?

Latino : No
Dube : You look pale are you sure you okay?
Latino : Yes am 100 percent sure
Dube : Fine, uhm I don't think I will let you be in this jail
Nhlaka : Why?
Dube : Because your animals came an killed 22 people so I can't be having them kill
everyone, they'll end up killing me so I can't have that
Sabelo : Now what do you want us to do?
Sean : Cause if you let us go now... �
Nhlaka : I don't wanna go home what if they come for us outside we better safe
here in jail
Thapelo : True I don't wanna go home too
Dube : Well I can't keep you here, worse your animals are not killing you but us
Latino : You can't do that to us man
Dube : Am sorry but that what going to happen

He walked out leaving them with pleading eyes when he closed the door they
danced like nobody's business

Nhlaka : Are we really going home?

Sabelo : I hope so �
Thelo : What if he's letting us go but not going home
Sean : That what am thinking about cause maybe other jails can take us
Latino : ead Mabuza's mind
Lunelo : Do you think he's the one who will make things hard for us

While they were busy talking Dube entered with three cops

Dube : We found a jail for all of you, Mabuza is on his way just 10 minutes an he'll
be here
Sabelo : We not going home?
Dube : Am afraid not, now chain them cause they will be waiting for Mabuza to take
them cause I don't want them here we can't die for something we don't know, you
said yesterday they are running after you even in your dreams so I can't ✋

After sometime Mabuza was there to take them to the new jail ,the boys were so
angry cause Mabuza is such a pain in the ass why would he suggest another jail �

Mabuza : Alright boys this day is not your lucky day after all we are going to durban
Lunelo : Durban?
They all looked at each other confused

Mabuza : Yes we transferring you to Westville Jail

Sabelo : What? �
Mabuza : We confusing your animals ain't we � so now move
Thapelo : Can we at least call our family I mean my wife is in hospital
Mabuza : What about the families that lost their family members
Nhlaka : We are the one who lost our family members

Mabuza looked at this boy cause he don't remember him at all

Mabuza : Who are you?

Dube : What do you mean who is he?
Mabuza : He was not there when I arrested these murderous
Nhlaka : What? �
Sean : He was with us
Mabuza : I know what am talking about
Cop 1 : Are they 9 now? Cause if they 8 than it means they all here
Mabuza : Am leaving this one behind cause I don't know him
Nhlaka : Fine leave me but know this, those animals will come still
Sabelo : We not going anywhere without him
Dube : Listen here Mabuza I don't care what you do with these people but this is
what you must know I want all of them gone No one is staying behind
Mabuza : Alright although I still think you were not there but let's go
Latino : Do we have a say in this, cause we also have rights
Mabuza : ights? � don't tell me about rights
Nhlaka : What do you mean by that? Are you telling me that since we in jail we don't
have rights Ayy don't take us for a ride wena nx, you being a detective doesn't
mean you should think you own this world, fne if you want to take us to Durban we
won't say No but don't tell us that we don't have rights
He walked out followed by others, Mabuza was left mouth hanging an Dube smiled a
little cause Mabuza have a thing for always wanting to be called the best in
After some hours they were entering Westville Jail cause they were fying them with
so many cops like they kill them with looks, even Mabuza was with them, an he was
happy that they were not released especially Mr Gumede who is Thapelo cause he
was always wanted by cops but with no Luck ,so they entered inside the jail with
prisoners shouting for them inside

Mabuza : They welcoming you all to your new home �

The crew didn't say anything so they followed him, they went to the interrogation
room to be met by a old man with four other cops 2 women an 2 man's

Mabuza : Vilakazi
Vilakazi : My man you made it?
Mabuza : I wanted to be the one to deliver them to you
Vilakazi : Oh I see them, why are they transferred here?
Mabuza : I have a fle with me for you to look but as I told you about animals that
they killed
Vilakazi : Let's hope that won't happen here cause we have disciplined cops
Mabuza : You heard that boys? � No animals to come here
Latino : Loud an clear
Vilakazi : Take them inside an make sure that you separate them by 4 ,4
Cop 1 : Yes sir, come with us
They followed the cops to their cells an they were indeed separated Latino was with
Lungelo, Thelo and Lunelo an Sean was with the rest of the crew an this time they
had beds to sleep on after the cops left them

Sabelo : This is bullshit why did they separate us

Latino : Because they think that they confusing our "animals"

He said coming in with the other three cause the door was not locked

Sean : This is the time for us to make sure that no one I mean no one send us to
other jails again
Nhlaka : That old man will defnitely fnd us another Jail
Sabelo : We have to do something that will make them don't even tell him
Latino : 22
Lunelo : Huh?
Latino : We killing 22 today I want us to get out tomorrow
Lungelo : Do you think that they will release us I mean you already killed 22 in
Sean : Do you think is there another jail who will want us if the previous jails have
44 people dead because of us
Lubanzi : I just want to get out of here now, my exams are coming up
Lungelo : An I paid a lot of money for you to fail
Sabelo : �
Nhlaka : He's arrested moss
Lungelo : I didn't say he must be arrested, he's the one who acted like a man
Thapelo : I really need to call home
Thelo : I don't think that's a good idea we don't want to worry them
Guy : Trey... Is that you man

Said a man standing at the passage staring at Trey

Nhlaka : Spiro

He went to him an they fst bump

Spiro : How come you here I mean you always protected

Nhlaka : I was arrested for something I didn't do
Spiro : Trap?
Nhlaka : Yeah an worse I didn't have my phone with me. Spiro : The Bronze
Nhlaka : They are trying to get me out but nothing is happening
Spiro : Eish... Wola gents
Them : Mmmh

Luckily they didn't hear anything Spiro said about The Bronze Dragon well Nhlaka
wanted to tell them once they get out of Jail

Nhlaka : Gents this is Spiro he's been in here for 15 years now right?
Thelo : Yoo ungukhokho walana ke wena (You are a great grandpa of this jail)
Lunelo : �� ndingabe sendiphambene tshin (I would have gone mad now)

They all laughed cause they don't even think of spending years in this jail

Spiro : How many years will you spend?

Nhlaka : 25 years
Spiro : Eish but am sure you will get out in no time
Nhlaka : We a package
Spiro : That's good I will see you later just doing some studying
Thelo : For when?

The gents laughed even Nhlaka laughed

Spiro : Will be getting out in a few months
Sabelo : Oh that's good

Spiro said his goodbye's an left them

Benjamin an Lucy went to the vampire who usually helps them whenever Brad had
a vision of a future an they don't understand it, so they entered inside her house

Angel : βα (Hey)

Benjamin : Hello
Angel : It been a long
Benjamin : Yes it has
Angel : I wanted to see Brad but I couldn't connect with him
Lucy : He was killed last thursday
Angel : He tempered with the whole future
Benjamin : What do you mean, he said that our future are bright we will not die I
was surprised when he died cause I thought we were to get the girl an live happily
ever after with our whole family now all I see is my family being teared apart
Angel : Brad wanted the girl for himself although he wanted to make her his slave
cause he didn't love her but the girl denied him cause he was a vampire an she
didn't love him , so he used his gift when he saw that the girl have a future with a
human, he decided to change the human an made him a vampire cause he thought
that maybe the girl will not date either of them little did he know that the boys fate
was to be a vampire an he's shield you would have gotten the girl but because he
was there you couldn't get the girl an you will never the girl, So when Brad saw
what the boy is he was angry so he wanted to use you all into believing that he's
wanting the girl but he wanted to interrupt the future which will never be
interrupted so his greed killed him so if you want to carry on with what you doing I
see death luring around you two
She said all of this with her eyes closed like she's sleep talking

Benjamin : Who's the boy? An this girl?

Angel : They both killed Brad cause their Unison is bound by fate even now they are
to be gifted with the boy who will do all the unthinkable things
Lucy : What about Sean?
Angel : Sean has found himself a sheep an not even you can take that away from
him since he now have a shield to protect him an his wife to be
Benjamin : Nonsense Sean will die I will kill him�
Angel : When the time come I see this sheep helping the stone hearted by shaking it
to turn an be a gold stone
Lucy : We wasted our time with this
Angel : Take it or not but the truth remains an can't be changed even if you try
don't be like Brad an obey what given to you
Benjamin : They poisoned you now, Let's go Lucy we will kill Sean an no shield will
stop me

They stood up an stormed out angry cause Angel was not helping at all

The Sun Has Fallen

This is the last Insert about jail than am done

Insert 44

The Next Day

Vilakazi was patrolling around cause his trustee cops were didn't clock out so he
wanted to fnd out what is going on when he got there he found all 6 of them lying
there pale an dead he called out for other cops to see this but they already saw the
16 prisoners who are dead in their cells


Cop 1 : We don't know it seems like there were animals here last night cause 16
prisoners are dead

Vilakazi stormed to his ofce to make a call to Dube who answered in a third ring
while drinking his coffee as usual

Dube : Hello
Vilakazi : Dube this is Vilakazi the station commander at Westville Jail
Dube : Oh Vilakazi how are you?
Vilakazi : Am not good at all, Yesterday Mabuza came here with 8 prisoners now my
trusted cops are dead �, 16 prisoners are dead

Dube jumped an his coffee was in the foor once again

Dube : The animals have came? I told Mabuza to let these prisoners be released
because they did nothing wrong ,it seems like he's obsessed with them being
arrested so I chased them out of this jail cause I can't let those animals kill other
prisoners or my cops
Vilakazi : Yey am letting them go without Mabuza's permission cause I can't stay
with people who brings me nothing but death in this place
Dube : Do that an I even called the judge who gave them the sentence of 25 years,
he said that Mabuza was the one who came to him with the tape an those guys are
desperate to be kept in jail cause they are scared that these animals will kill them if
they out
Vilakazi : that the thing we don't want to die for their sins
Dube : They are cursed, the other boy said that even in their dreams they are
running after them
Vilakazi : Dube am letting them go I will do all the procedure accordingly an let
them go ,please give me the number of the judge
Dube : Okay you will be doing a good thing Vilakazi ,I will send you the details now

Vilakazi hung up his phone an after some time Dube sent him the details of the just
so he called him to report all of this so the judge gave him the go ahead since
there's no proof, he even advised him to not call Mabuza cause he will jeopardize all
of this, Vilakazi signed all the forms that need to be signed after that he sent the
cops to go an fetch the boys with all their things, so the cops went to their cell an
found them playing cards with other prisoners

Cop 1 : The prisoners who came here yesterday follow me with your staffs now
Cop 2 : Hurry Hurry

The crew took their things an followed right behind the cops, while wondering what
is going on, maybe they are being transferred to another jail again � they found
Vilakazi waiting for them

Vilakazi : All of you need to sign

Lunelo : Sign what?
Vilakazi : you are being released

They didn't believe their ears

Sabelo : What? �
Nhlaka : Bu..
Vilakazi : I don't want to hear it, you are going home an let those animals eat you
there not here
Lungelo : What if t...
Vilakazi : I don't care now take your clothes an change cause you all going home

Vilakazi left them cause he was scared of being killed by these animals, the crew
signed an went to change while faking the pleading with the cops to don't let them

Cop 1 : If you don't want to go home kill yourselves we don't want to die for
something we don't know
Lunelo : Let's go boys
They took their things an followed the cops who opened the gate for them to leave
an locked it when they were outside an left them there, they walked a little after
that they danced cause they were smelling freedom

Sabelo : At last �
Thapelo : All thanks to the three of you for helping us
Lunelo : Yol got appetite for days 44 people in 4 days �
Sean : When Blood calls you it calls you
Nhlaka : Gents am grateful for what you did for me
Thelo : Our pleasure
Lubanzi : So how are we going home?
Latino : That where we can't help
Nhlaka : That where we as gangsters enter, we will steal a phone that's the frst
thing, we going to steal weapons in a shop so that we will hijack the plane an
problem solved
Thapelo : What are we going to do with the phone?
Nhlaka : Oh am gonna call a person who owes me a favour he works at the airport
so he will help us to be able to don't have a problem at the entrance
Lunelo : I can always get us tickets
Nhlaka : don't worry we will be travelling free, the passengers who will be leaving
with plane we will hijack are going to fnd another plane
Lunelo : How are we going to enter
Nhlaka : We will be in luggage's like Kwaito from Skeem saam when he was
kidnapped by Lelo
Sabelo : Suitcases?
Nhlaka : Yes the bigger one's, the only person who will have a ticket is Latino cause
he's the one who will be in charge of the luggage
Latino : Fine by me
Nhlaka : Let's get the phone

They all hijacked a car to take them to the airport ,Sabelo as always killed that guy
by sucking him dry
Nhlaka : Do you ever get tired of that?
Sabelo : No why would we put him to waste when I can help him

All of the laughed while shaking their head, so they entered the car although it was
small but the tried to get in all of them, Nhlaka took the phone that was there in the
car an called the guy who will send him the guy's number that works at the airport

Nhlaka : Vusi
Vusi : Boss
Nhlaka : I need Mo's number will you help?
Vusi : I will give you now, is there a problem
Nhlaka : No I just need a favour from him
Vusi : I will send you just now but am in durban as we speak
Nhlaka : Did you come with your jet?
Vusi : Yes we came with it am with Simo
Nhlaka : Problem solved let meet at the airport in one hour
Vusi : We here on errands
Nhlaka : That's an order
Vusi : Fine boss do you still need the number?
Nhlaka : No, Vusi one hour not two hours
Vusi : Okay boss... Simo the boss want us in the airport in an hour he said we must
leave everything
Simo : Okay let's go

Nhlaka hung up his phone, everyone was amazed by who's Nhlaka if he can
command orders from people

Nhlaka : Driver we want airport ,I will direct you

Sabelo : Okay Passenger �

Everyone laughed
After sometime they were at the airport an luckily it was not hot or else this
wouldn't have been possible with the three vampires, so Nhlaka saw his boys an
went to them with the crew.

Vusi : Is this really you?

Nhlaka : In the fesh, Gents meet my boys this is Vusi an Simo, let's go inside am
sure you have questions
Thapelo : Like hell we do

Nhlaka chuckled an they went inside the jet an sat down waiting for the jet to move

Thelo : Well?
Nhlaka : Am the leader of The Bronze Dragon
Lungelo : Say what now �
Lunelo : You know the gang?
Thapelo : I know them too but it was still owned by Shaun
Nhlaka : That's my father
Latino : You a gangster, but not just a small gangster a huge one
Nhlaka : Yes I am, they call me Trey in the underworld
Lubanzi : Wow an here I thought that you all innocent
Nhlaka : No am not all innocent although my arrest was a trap from our rival
Lunelo : That bad
Vusi : So how come you in Durban cause I thought they took you to Pretoria Big jail
Sabelo : Let say we were not too kind with them
Lunelo : We gave them hard time
Simo : I can imagine, do I know you
He said pointing at Thapelo

Thapelo : Know me?

Simo : Ain't you Vanger? The little Vanger

Nhlaka's eyes popped out

Thapelo : I am
Nhlaka : No ways � you not lying right?
Simo : No I've been stalking him so I know him an his family
Lunelo : Are you actually telling us that you've been stalking my father in law �
Simo : You married to Slungile, you know I've been crushing on that girl
Lungelo : She's not a girl anymore
Simo : It's hard to accept that

Everyone laughed, all this while Vusi was busy staring at Sean an Sabelo like
checking them out an Sean saw that so he just chuckled while shaking his head

Vusi : So if you married to Slungile who are you?

Lunelo : Lunelo
Vusi : No the real you I sense like there's more to you than you telling
Lunelo : Niks �♀

Lunelo's identity as tiger is still hidden even now

After sometimes the cars entered the Mtshomo residence cause the family is there
since there are member who passed away even Nhlaka an his boys were there, they
knocked on the door an Smangele opened the door when she saw her father she
screamed an went to hug him before anyone else, everyone came to check what is
going on an they were so happy some were crying because of joy

Siya : When jesus says yes nobody can say No

He was singing while tearing the family helped him while hugging the boys,
Smangele snuggle closer to Sabelo

Sabelo : Have you been a good girl?

Smangele : Yes �
Sabelo : See I came back to you
Smangele : I knew you would an am happy that you here

She said that tearing

Smangele : Am emotional forgive me �

Sabelo : Don't worry your mucus are my mucus
Smangele : Hey �

She said hitting his chest while lying with tears in her eyes

Sabelo : I love You

Smangele : I love You Mr Me ��

Sabelo held on to her tightly, he felt complete, at the other hand Ntobeh was with

Sean : Are you happy that am home?

Ntobe : More than happy
Sean : I want my kiss
Ntobeh : No kissing am punishing you for being arrested instead of marrying me still
Sean : We can even go now
Ntobeh : Huh?
Sean : Court
Ntobeh : No I want a white wedding ��
Sean : White wedding it is Babe
Ntobeh : Much better �

He held her tight in his arms an he felt complete

The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 45


The celebration ended an people went their own ways, Nhlaka an his boys were
spending the night in Sean's house cause he only lives with Latino who's also going
back home tomorrow cause his wife needs him, Nhlaka is also going home
tomorrow but he will keep om visiting this side ,so now Smangele was at home
cause Lunelo took his family to their house, they were at the lounge when
Smangele just sat down in the couch but Slungile took note of something but she
didn't say anything in front of Lunelo

Lunelo : How's my princess feeling?

Smangele : Am good these days but I've been feeling sick when you were in jail
Lunelo : I was so sad when I heard that you sick, so am happy if you okay Baby
Slue : I even thought it's that evil Lunga busy playing with my daughter's life
Lunelo : I would kill him if he dares me
Smangele : I last saw him that day I don't think he will come back again
Lunelo : For his own good, I need to rest can you all excuse me
Slue : It okay Babe I will call you when dinner is ready
Lunelo : Okay I love you both , where's Ntuthuko an the twins? I miss my babies �
Slue : They in Pmb, we will come back with them on Monday
Lunelo : It fne I will be patient

He left the lounge going upstairs

Slue : Young lady what that in your stomach?

Smangele : Mom?
Slue : Who made you pregnant?
Smangele : Am not pregnant Mom
Slue : Smangele your tummy is not fat anymore � why are you pregnant do you
want to kill your father, do you know how stressed he is by all of this happening in
the family an now you adding the fuel to the fre
Smangele : Mom � am not pregnant the doctor said so too
Slue : eally? Why is your tummy not fat? Come here

Smangele went to her mother an she touched her tummy, indeed it was hard like
there's something growing inside (A baby of a vampire grows so fast it's not the
same with a normal human baby)

Slue : You killed me �

Slungile was really stressed cause this will break Lunelo an he won't be able to
handle it, there way he loves Smangele it will be like she stabbed his heart
countless times ,Smangele was crying cause she didn't understand what her mother
is saying or is she really pregnant Oh God Sabelo said he took the condom out that
what Smangele thought to herself

Slungile : Go an sleep at your grandfathers place for tonight cause your stomach is
visible we can't risk Lunelo fnding out
Lunelo : Finding out what?
He said coming inside the lounge, he left his phone so he came to take it than go
am rest ,Smangele quickly wiped her tears but it was too late cause Lunelo saw that

Lunelo : What's wrong?

Slue : Smangele will be spending the night with Ntobe
Lunelo : No ntobe is with her family so I need mine, it's too much that my three
babies are not here so I want my princess beside me
Slue : Mara Babe
Lunelo : No am going to rest I want Smangele here when I wake up

He kissed both their cheeks an went downstairs

Slue : For your own good young lady I hope your father doesn't fnd out that you
pregnant am so disappointed in you �

Slungile left Smangele in the lounge crying cause she thought that she's not
pregnant how can she be careless, she took her phone an called Sabelo who
answered on the second ring

Sabelo : Baby
Smangele : Am I pregnant? �
Sabelo : Can I see you
Smangele : No I want to know if am pregnant or not, an If I am how could you do
this to me � Sabelo you were suppose to put the condom but you didn't now my
mom is disappointed in me � worse I don't know if I'll still have a home after this
Sabelo : Please my love, I just need 10 minutes from you
Smangele : No it's over
Sabelo : Aibo Smangele �
Smangele : Don't ever call me delete my number satan ��

Smangele hung up her phone an threw herself in the couch cause she's so sad that
she's pregnant like this, she was always afraid to hurt her father by this now it came
an she can't do anything about it but to love her baby ��
Sabelo was so angry cause Smangele is being unreasonable, he was pacing up an

Sean : Am about to faint

Nhlaka : I have headache from all your pacing what's wrong?
Sabelo : I just got dumped
Latino : Why?
Sabelo : Because I made Smangele pregnant
Nhlaka : Wait are we talking about the same Smangele who's Lunelo's daughter?
Vusi : The one you were standing with?
Sabelo : Yes that's her, she dumped me an called me Satan

Everyone laughed because of the way he said this, it's like Smangele just insulted
him to a point where he don't know himself anymore

Sabelo : It's nice yol are laughing, you know what I have to go home
Sean : Come on man
Sabelo : No this is really hurting me cause I love that girl, I don't know but each day
it gets strong like am bound to love her now she dumped me an called me Satan,
Me? Sabelo Satan �✋�� ♀�♀

He left them an went home an he was so stressed in a way that he wish, he could
just go an hunt for the whole night just to release his stress, his phone rang an it
was his mother, he answered

Sabelo : Mom
Lily : My angel, you don't want me anymore
Sabelo : I love you mom
Lily : Are you dying?
Sabelo : Why?
Lily : You just said you love me, I mean you don't say those word
Sabelo : I guess studying grew me to this man I am

Yes Sabelo said to his mother, he's studying to avoid a lot of questions from his

Lily : I miss you, I wish you could come home like the old times, Sabelo it's like am
losing you
Sabelo : No mom don't think like that, you know what I will come see you next
week, we need to talk about something
Lily : I can't wait my love, I wonder what's that
Sabelo : It a serious matter that can't be discussed here on the phone
Lily : Okay my baby I love you ,I have to go
Sabelo : An I love you too
Smangele : WHAT?

Sabelo hung up his phone an turned, there stood his baby momma looking all ready
to kill

Sabelo : Smangele?
Smangele : Who do you love?
Sabelo : You
Smangele : Don't make me angry Sabelo, who were you talking too?
Sabelo : I thought we were over
Sabelo : Am a boy moss Babe
Smangele : Sabelo I will kill you do you hear me? Am pregnant so you can't be
cheating on me, you are the one who did this to me� I don't why am here, I
sneaked out cause my mum was busy yelling at me because of all of this now here
you are cheating on me �� I don't know why I keep on getting hurt like this

Sabelo got closer to her but she went opposite him

Sabelo : You can't do this to me Smangele
Smangele : Don't come closer ✋ am too angry
Sabelo : What should I do?
Smangele : Leave me an go to your girlfriend I will just sleep here for a while
Sabelo : My bed is still in that condition we left that day
Smangele : I don't care Sabelo just go � I want to be alone in my house....I mean
your house or whatever
Sabelo : I was talking to my mother Smangele not a girlfriend
Smangele : It okay Sabelo just leave �
Sabelo : Whoa fne at least it chilly outside
Smangele :....
Sabelo : Okay okay I love You
Smangele : We still over so please leave Sabelo Leave!!!

Sabelo took his jacket an went to his car, well he was happy that at least Smangele
is still fnding his place a home for remedy
Later that day Ntobeh was with her family in the lounge

Ntobeh : I missed you guys, I mean this house was lonely without you two
Lungelo : eally? Weren't you partying an bringing my house down
Amkelo : I wouldn't have let her �♀
Lungelo : Am sure you wouldn't babe

They were in the same couch close to each other an Ntobeh wished she could get
married to a person who will lover her like how her father loves her mother

Lubanzi : Can you two please get a room?

Lungelo : What do you know about rooms? How did you know that what we doing
needs a room?

Lubanzi just chuckled cause his dad can't expect him to be a virgin cause he's a
total player

Lubanzi : Come on dad

Amkelo : Don't come on your dad Lubanzi
Ntobe : Am sure my brother was just saying hao that doesn't mean he knows things
Lungelo : That he shouldn't know,say it

They kept quiet an looked at Ntobeh

Ntobeh : � yoo "That he shouldn't know"

Amkelo : There you go
Lungelo : Am so happy to be with my family, I missed this a lot especially my little
angel right here

He said touching Amkelo's big stomach an the baby just kicked, oh the joy he had
in his heart

Lungelo : Did he just kick? ��

Amkelo : It a she Ngqolomsila **mtshomo clan**
Lungelo : Until my baby comes out, he's a he Babe ��
Amkelo : I give up with you �✋�

The kids also wanted to feel the baby kick an she didn't so the parents laughed at
them cause they were sulking that they are not the baby's siblings cause he's not
After some time Slungile decided to wake Lunelo up cause it was already dinner
time an he's been sleeping for quite a long time now, he shook him gently an he
opened his

Lunelo : Mmm
Slue : I miss hao

He woke up an smiled, Lunelo still love Slungile like it's the frst time meeting

Lunelo : Come inside the bed ain't you feeling cold? �

Slue : No am not ,are you okay?
Lunelo : Yes I guess fue is visiting me after a long time
Slue : Okay wake up, wear something than we will go downstairs for dinner
Lunelo : Is Smangele there?

Slungile just looked away quickly but kept her composure

Slue : No I sent her to buy me vitamins at the pharmacy �

Lunelo : She's not back yet?
Slue : You know your daughter, now come let's go

Lunelo woke up an wore some tracksuit than they went downstairs to be met by
Smangele back to wherever she's coming from, her baby is making her crazy but
worse it's making her tired

Lunelo : You back

Smangele : Um yes am back daddy

Smangele was avoiding eye contact with her father because of being scared to hurt
him an she's wearing something big to avoid what her mother saw
Lunelo : Come let's go eat dinner � you know in jail life there was so boring an their
food was like a vomit of a child
Slue : I can imagine � cause my man have the appetite for days
Smangele : I missed you daddy � an I love you did don't ever forget that
Lunelo : I know my baby which is why am gonna buy you a house � you old now an
am sure you can continue to make me proud by being you, an by making sure that
you don't sleep with boys, cause I want you to at least marry frst than have kids,
although I don't think I'll agree to you being married ��♀

Smangele looked down as her tears fell down, as for Slungile she was so heart
broken that Smangele will real break her father's heart, an even her she didn't want
Smangele to be pregnant at this age but what is done is done all she needs to do
handle her husband when he fnd out cause for now she's willing to keep this secret
for a while

Smangele : An I will always make you proud tata �

She cleared her throat an Lunelo was happy that at least this generation will not be
like them....

The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 46


Smangele woke up in the morning feeling sick but she wanted to act as if she's okay
because she knows that her mother will defnitely have fts cause her worry is her
husband not Smangele's wellbeing � so she woke am did her morning hygiene
after a while she went straight back to her room an sat on her bed cause she have
no energy at all it's like she haven't eaten in days, when she was still recovering
Ntobeh an Lubanzi barged in her room like crazy kids that irritated Smangele

Smangele : Go back an knock

Lubanzi : What?
Smangele : I said go back an knock now

They went back while laughing, they knocked

Smangele : Come in

They came in an looked at each other while bursting with laughter

Lubanzi : Are you okay Babe?

Smangele : No look at me

She stood up an her stomach was getting bigger each day

Ntobeh : Are you pregnant?

Smangele : Yes there's a baby in here an I don't know how cause the doctors can't
see anything
Ntobe : We have to go an see Latino cause he's leaving today
Lubanzi : Wear something big for now cause our parents are downstairs apparently
they are going to bid Nhlaka a farewell since he's going back to Cape Town
Smangele : Who's Nhlaka?
Ntobeh : They found a friend in jail an got him out by saying he's one of them
Smangele : You lying � your fathers an uncles never cease to amaze me I mean
who would do that?
Lubanzi : Jail was great if you may ask me
Smangele : I wish Sabelo can go back there for a life time nx �

She went to the walking closet to fnd something to dress, while Lubanzi an ntobe
looked at each other because of what Smangele said right now

Ntobeh : Are they not okay?

Lubanzi : I thought they were

They were whispering with each other

Smangele : I heard that an No we not ok, this is all his fault so we hate him
Them : We?
Smangele : Me an my baby
Lubanzi : A baby can never hate someone who will be there for him�
Smangele : I will just run away an never come back
Lubanzi : We need to party so that you can cool of cause your steam s high �
Ntobeh : Let's go to Sean's house frst before our parents
Smangele : Am done
Lubanzi : Let's go
Smangele : How does this dress look on me
Ntobeh : You beautiful babe I could get use to you wearing a dress �
Lubanzi : Please tell her am just speechless
Smangele : Haska wena tshin ndihlez ndizifaka moss (I always wear dresses)
Lubanzi : If you say so

They got downstairs and found their parents there with Smangele's grandfather an
Uncle Thelo

Thapelo : Here comes my princess, come to grandpa

Smangele went to her grandfather who saw that there's something different with
her so he stood up an picked her up they went to the kitchen an he placed her on
top of the kitchen counter

Thapelo : Are you good?

Smangele : Yes papa am good
Smangele said that looking down but Thapelo cupped her

Thapelo : I know you pregnant

Smangele's face shoot up, an her face heated with tears cause she's afraid of her

Smangele : Papa I didn't mean to �

Thapelo : When that boy came worried in the cell saying that you pregnant an he
knows that you will dump her an all that I just knew that he was talking about, I
mean your father earlier that day told us that you sick now later that day Sabelo
talks about his baby momma who's also sick, an during the wedding I saw the
chemistry you have with each other, worse am not that old I know these things, so
my baby am very disappointed I won't lie but you know when your mother had you?
I wished to kill her cause I didn't expect that from her but you know who changed
my mind? Seeing you changed my mind you were so innocent an so beautiful that I
could just eat you up ��

Smangele giggled with tears in her eyes

Thapelo : So with you again am sure all this shall pass an I want you to know that if
things don't go well you are welcome to come an stay with me an Sandiso ,life is too
short to stay angry well what you did is not great but he's here an there's nothing
we can do about it
Smangele : Thank you papa
Thapelo : Although there's a dragon who will spit fre if he were to hear this
Smangele : I disappointed him papa
Thapelo : Yes you did worse you not even 20 something, you still young �
Smangele : Worse the doctors can't fnd anything so we were going to Latino to fnd
out what is going on with me
Thapelo : Oh you may go I will try to keep them for a while, I will call you if they are
on their way, cause we going there too
Smangele : Thank you papa �

Thapelo hugged his granddaughter tightly cause he can see that she's so hurt
Smangele , Ntobe and Lubanzi got inside Sean's yard an went straight the house am
found some of them in the lounge an Sean was working out cause it keeps him

Ntobeh : Greetings in the house

Latino : How are you all?

His focus was with Smangele an her visible bump

Lubanzi : We good, how did everyone sleep?

Latino : Not that we sleep but I guess they slept well
Nhlaka : Yes our sleep was good no complains

Smangele went to sit down near Nhlaka an the others sat on another couch

Smangele : We here to see you papa Latino

Latino : We can go upstairs there's a room Sean made for Ntho when she becomes
pregnant when they married ,so we can go there

Sabelo got downstairs shirtless cause he was also working out but stressed about
Smangele cause they were not talking

Nhlaka : The man of the moment is here �

Sabelo : �
Smangele : Yes we can go
Latino : Come
Latino stood up an pulled her by hands an they passed Sabelo

Latino : Follow us

They went upstairs with Sabelo following behind them slowly cause he didn't know
how to act in Front of Smangele that will not make her angry, they got inside this
room an there were machines there for checking the mother's wellbeing an also the

Latino : You will lie there,take off your dress don't be ashamed am old I won't do
anything to you �, so that we can see your baby

Smangele did as told an Latino put the gel in her tummy an did his things

Latino : Look at the screen

They both did an they saw something they unfamiliar with

Latino : That's your baby over there an the heartbeat is strong ��

Sabelo : Is it suppose to be this small?
Latino : Yes we will keep on checking until you give birth, it will grow as time goes

Sabelo face lit up an he smiled cause never in his life have he thought that he will
have a baby with a person he loves dearly, Smangele was also happy an she fell in
love with her child an she will do whatever it takes to make sure that nothing
happens to him even if she's stressed

Latino : Although I must warn you

Smangele : About?
Latino : There are side effect �

Latino sighed an that made them scared at what they are about to hear
Latino : You will lose weight cause you pregnant with half vampire an half human
Sabelo : Why lose weight?
Latino : Because the baby will drink her blood

Sabelo felt like he's suffocating �

Sabelo : What? Is there something we can do to avoid that

Latino : She'll have to drink blood
Smangele : O...
Sabelo : No that's not happening Latino am sure you can do something
Latino : There's nothing we can do, that's the only option
Sabelo : I can't accept that

He was shaking his head cause he can't accept this even his tears were near

Sabelo : Please excuse us

Smangele : It's okay Latino
Latino : You need to do the right thing if you want the both of them to live unless
you want Smie to die, Do the right thing son

He patted his shoulder than left them, Sabelo just cried

Sabelo : Am sorry but I can't accept that Smangele, this is the time I wish I was not
like this �

Smangele stood up an went to Sabelo, she held his hands while looking straight in
his eyes

Smangele : We cam do this

Sabelo : Smangele ��
Smangele : We can do it Sabelo am doing this for my baby
Sabelo : Am sorry I made you like this, I didn't want you to be like this am so
sorry �
Smangele : Am still angry but we can't do anything we have to accept �

Sabelo hugged Smangele while silently crying cause he didn't want this, if there's
something he could have done, he would have done it not like this, Sabelo's phone
rang an it was Thapelo so he answered

Sabelo : Hello
Thaps : We coming now tell Smangele, I've been trying to call her
Sabelo : I will tell her thanks
Thaps : Sharp

Thapelo hung up the phone

Sabelo : You have to go your father is coming

Smangele : Will you come with me?
Sabelo : No I need to be alone for a moment
Smangele : Please call me we will go partying with my siblings so if you need to see
me call me
Sabelo : Okay I love You

Sabelo kissed her forehead for a longest time after that he looked at her with tears
coming out

Sabelo : Go

Smangele went to the door but turned

Smangele : We will be okay, I love You too

Sabelo looked at her an she rushed downstairs

Smangele : We have to go our fathers are coming

The three of them ran away like headless chickens an drove away not risking to be
seen, in the house the boys were laughing

Vusi : I wonder why they this scared of Lunelo

Nhlaka : He's her father obviously
Vusi : But I can't help thinking there's more to this guy than what you meet

After a while Lunelo an others entered the house, Sabelo was still upstairs

Thapelo : Gents
Nhlaka : Grootman �

Nhlaka loved Thapelo cause he's the one who helped him, without him none of this
would have happened

Thelo : Is there a drink in this house?

Simo : Yes we brought them yesterday

Thelo an Simo went to the kitchen for drink an came back to the gents, they drank
while talking an laughing at every jokes that Nhlaka made cause he's a drama king,
while they were busy Sabelo entered walking like a zombie

Nhlaka : From a vampire to being a zombie �

Lunelo : uneDrama� (He have Drama)
Latino : My wife missed me a lot
Lungelo : He missed his stallion �
Everyone laughed cause ever since Lungelo heard Sabelo saying he slept with his
girlfriend an she's pregnant an the baby is acting up in one day of pregnancy

Nhlaka : Oh Ta Luu � why are you making me laugh like this

Latino : Am no stallion thank you very much
Lunelo : So when will yol be back?
Nhlaka : I will come back if yol need me am one call away
Latino : I will be back next week cause I have work to do over here
Thelo : Can't seem to notice you've been checking these guys out Vusi �
Nhlaka : Since yesterday I wanted to ask him on our way back home �
Lunelo : Seems like everyone is checking them out, frst it was Thabani checking
Sean out, secondly my father checking Sabelo out now Vusi is checking them out �
Vusi : They are fascinating �
Sean : Whoa �
Lungelo : You heard that boys? You fascinate guys
Vusi : They make us be not sure if we boys or girls
Sean : Whoa �� am just gonna say that for now
Simo : They are hot �
Thapelo : I give up ✋�

All of the boys were laughing while Sabelo was not even there at all an that caught
Thapelo's attention ,They sat like that until it was late an those who were leaving
did just that while everyone went back home
Later that night� Smangele an her siblings were coming back from the party so
they were sneaking in, when they got inside the light was switched on they jumped
with fear
Lungelo : Well well well look what we have here �
Lunelo : Where are you coming from?
Ntobeh : We we �

Ntobeh just laughed followed by Lubanzi cause they smoked weed

Smangele : We were in a party

Lunelo : Who did you tell?
Ntobeh : Look at them all serious ��✋
Lubanzi : Let them ��

Lungelo was angry at this more especially at Lubanzi for introducing weed to
Ntobeh, he took a belt, wooden stick an sjambok he went to them with it, Smangele
was so scared more especially because of her state

Lungelo : Choose

Lubanzi an Ntobe sobbed up same time when they heard their father saying choose

Ntobe : Daddy we sorry oh God Lubanzi �

Smangele : I choose a belt
Lungelo : Belt it is than

Ntobe screamed frst before she was beaten

Ntobe : We sorry tata ��

Lungelo whipped Lubanzi frst an when he was about to beat Smangele up ,Slungile

Slue : You can't do that ��

She ran towards Lungelo

Lungelo : Why? They went partying � now let me whip them

Slue : You can't beat a pregnant woman Lungelo �✋
Smangele : Mama ���
Lunelo : Stop right there � what? Whose pregnant?
Slue : Oh God

Slungile knew that she said things, she shouldn't have �

The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 47


Lunelo : I asked a question MaGumede

Slue : Lungelo can you give us privacy �

Lunelo was going crazy cause if Slungile wants privacy this only means one thing,
he's about to receive news that are not good, Lungelo took his kids an they went
home, cause they won't be spending time with Smangele anymore

Lunelo : Am listening
Smangele : Tata am sorry �

Smangele kneeled down cause she felt like she's about to lose her father for real
this time, Lunelo didn't think that Smangele will actually say she's sorry

Lunelo : For what?

Slue : She's the one who's pregnant ��
Lunelo : So.... � so Slu.... **sigh** Pr.. Pregnant? �
Slue : Y... Yes

Lunelo took a vase that was in the table an threw it across the room while roaring

Lunelo : Yes? Yes Slungile? � you told me that the doctors didn't fnd what going on
with her moss
Slue : Y... Yes Babe they didn't I found out yesterday cause I was observing her an I
saw a bump
Lunelo : So there's a possibility that she's not pregnant right? Smangele?
Smangele : I am �
Lunelo : Who's the father?

He said that as a whisper cause he felt his heart closing in

Smangele : Am sorry Tata�

Lunelo : Smangele
Slue : Baby calm down �
Lunelo : Don't ✋ the fact that you hid this from me really makes me angry so don't
please ✋ who made you pregnant princess? �

He felt tears threatening to come out from his eyes but he held himself this is so
painful like he's been stabbed

Smangele : Sabelo
Lunelo : Which Sabelo?
Smangele : The one an only�
Lunelo : A vampire?
Smangele : Yes � tata am s...
Lunelo : If I hear sorry again I will smack you Smangele, what didn't I do for you
mara heh? Nx

He took his keys when he was about to get out Smangele touched his leg while
screaming for him to don't leave her

Smangele : Daddy don't go please am sorry �

Lunelo : Let me go
Smangele : T... Ta..Tat � tata

Lunelo walked away still an Smangele screamed her mother hugged her while
silently crying ��

Smangele : He left me �
Slue : He'll be back, he's angry �
Smangele : Mama he left me �

That what Smangele thought that maybe Lunelo will want nothing to do with her
cause he's not her father �
Lunelo was on his way home crying because of the pain he's feeling, he never
thought that Smangele could be pregnant by a vampire worse �� after some time
he got inside the gate an went straight to the house to fnd his father in the lounge

Lunelo : Tata

Lumkelo looked up when he saw that he's crying he rushed to him an hugged him
so tight Lunelo just sobbed loudly cause his heart was paining an Siya came running
Siya : Ayy kubhubhe ban? � ( who died?)
Lumkelo : No one **whispers**

Siya went to take turn in hugging Lunelo am he hugged him tight, he didn't need to
hear him saying his hurt cause he can see that, after some time he has calmed
down but his heart is still bleeding

Siya : Need water?

Lunelo : I have them uncle calm down
Siya : How can I calm down when you crying like this? Do you know how painful we
feel if yol are not okay? We your mothers and fathers so we bound to feel the pain
we feeling
Lunelo : Smangele is pregnant ���
Lumkelo : Oh God am sorry my son
Lunelo : You know what hurts me is that I didn't want her to be pregnant out of
wedlock cause am afraid that history will repeat itself, what if this Sabelo will deny
her, what if he will hurt my baby girl I didn't want that happening to her cause I love
her so much that it hurts �You know when I was coming here, she cried an said
that I must not leave her � I was so angry to listen to that she hurts me in a way
that I never thought I would be
Siya : Children will disappoint us Lunelo an we have to always be prepared for that, I
know you hurting but don't you think that you pushing her away will make her more
heart broken I mean that child learned now that you not her biological father
Lunelo : I am her biological father
Lumkelo : Than act like one, fne you angry for what she did, punish her like any
parent but don't leave her like that cause am sure she's thinking that maybe you
will start to treat her badly just because she's not y...
Lunelo : She's my daughter please don't say that � she's my only daughter
Siya : Lunelo �♀ you do have another daughter
Lunelo : You know what I meant �
Lumkelo : What next?
Lunelo : That boy �
Siya : Ungambulali ndisafuma something kuye neh? (don't kill him I still want
something from him)
Lumkelo : Don't do anything bad to him you don't want Smangele to hate you
Lunelo : Oh she would never dare me

He stood up an took his keys

Siya : You leaving? Can I at least come with you?

Lunelo : No
Siya : Angeke ndiniphazamise mna I swear �(I won't interrupt yol)
Lunelo : No

He left them there without looking back, he drove away while calling his IT guy

Guy : Boss
Lunelo : I sent you a number send me his location
Guy : Will do
Lunelo : Sure

He drove for a while thinking about everything, his high expectations of Smangele,
well he didn't want her to get married that's frst, he didn't want her to fall pregnant
out of wedlock, he's so angry for this, he got a message of the Boys location so he
drove to where Sabelo lives when he got there he was surprised to learn that he
stays in a shack cause his appearance doesn't show that at all, he went inside by
jumping the fence, he may be old but he's still ft cause he works out, he went to
the door an kicked it down to fnd Sabelo crying but he didn't care he took out his
gun an point it at him, Sabelo felt like running away cause he's scared of Lunelo

Lunelo : You asshole

Sabelo : Am sorry man
Lunelo : Sorry? Do you know what sorry mean? Do I have to burn you an say sorry
after that while you lying down an dead? Oh yah I can say sorry to your mother

Sabelo swallowed hard

Sabelo : Lunelo
Lunelo : Take my name out of your mouth nja (dog) undenza isbhaxa kant uyaz
kuba udlala ngengane yam �(You busy making me a fool whereas you know that
you playing with my daughter)
Sabelo : I love her
Sabelo : I love her Lunelo I will never play with her, fne I was a player back than but
now am more committed to her than ever
Lunelo : YOU P OVOKED ME SABELO �� you really did hurt my feelings am not
man of breaking down but you really did break me �

He was at a breaking point, he put his gun down cause he felt like he owes Sabelo
his life for taking him out of jail but again he hates him for ruining his daughters

Lunelo : That's my daughter Sabelo, I worked so hard to never see her cry or being
hurt by a boy so I won't even allow you Sabelo you will take care of your child, be
there for her, Smangele will need you so you will take care of her whether you like it
not cause if not I will kill you, you know that am a sniper right? I will kill you Sabelo I
will murder you an not even your single mother can stop me �
Sabelo : I will take care of her, I can even marry her
Lunelo : Now you pushing it no one will marry my daughter, you may have passed
making her pregnant but ma...Never!!!

He took his gun an Sabelo stood up

Lunelo : Am leaving I will be watching you like a hawk an don't even try to run away
cause I will fnd you
Sabelo : Than...

Lunelo punched him so hard that he fell cause he was not expecting it
Lunelo : It's a tradition �

He walked out leaving Sabelo groaning an laughing cause he thought that maybe
Lunelo will kill him
Smangele was napping in the lounge when her phone rang an it was Ntobeh so she

Smangele : Hello
Ntobeh : How are you? **sniff**
Smangele : Am good � just that I don't know where he is Ntobeh, you should have
seen the pain in his eyes
Ntobeh : Am so worried about you that am going crazy here even daddy is hurt by
this he locked himself in the study, even my mother is cracking up here
Smangele : I just wish I could run away Ntobeh an never come back cause this pain
is unbearable, do you know what Latino said today? He said that I have to drink
human blood cause if not I'll die �� I don't care I just want my baby to be okay I
know that Sabelo will take care of it, he was so hurt an crying but there's no choice
we have to do this not for us but for our baby �
Ntobeh : You can't run away Smangele your daddy loves you he's just angry it will
pass an I know that you will not die Sabelo will take care of you
Smangele : I disappointed him Ntobeh � now he left me an I don't know if he'll love
me the same way again �
Ntobeh : Daddy will never decrease his love for you in his heart Smangele

Ntobeh have seen how Lunelo loves his family an she knew that he will come

Smangele : I just hope so Ntobeh �

Ntobeh : I love you an you must know that I will always be by your side always
Smangele : I know an I appreciate you
Ntobeh : You were there for me since day one so why would I forsake you �
Smangele : I love you too Ntobeh an thank you so much for being there
Ntobeh : It's only a pleasure Babes �

These two share sisterly true love...♥

Smangele : Never thought I'll be like this � witnessing the people I love being
brutally killed now I have to drink blood in order to be alive
Ntobeh : look at love �
Smangele : Yoo Ntobeh I feel like this is all hard for me an...

She felt hands touching her an she knew by the smell of cologne that it her daddy
so she dropped the phone down an cried while holding onto him tightly

Smangele : Am sorry tata � I will never hurt you like this again� it was all a

Lunelo heard everything about his daughter drinking blood in order to survive that
pained him even more his question was "Why God did you allow this to happen"

The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 48


Smangele was still in his fathers arms but she was no longer crying now

Lunelo : Water?
Smangele : Am so...
Lunelo : Ayy mpaa (No maan) water?
Smangele : Yes

Lunelo stood up an went to pour her some water than came back to give it to her

Lunelo : Drink, an go to sleep we will talk in the morning �

Smangele : Tata
Lunelo : No maan Smangele just do as I tell you, you need to rest � am not going
Smangele : �

Smangele drank the water, kissed her father's cheek an went to sleep, Lunelo was
left alone in the lounge an everything came back, the reality kicked in that he might
lost her child because of her pregnancy, Slungile came in the lounge wearing a
short lingerie

Lunelo : Wanna tempt me?

Slue : Is it working?
Lunelo : No �

Slungile went to sit on top of his lap while facing him

Slue : Am sorry
Lunelo : It's okay don't worry
Slue : When you left here I thought all the bad things but I knew that you will never
do that to us
Lunelo : You thought I will leave your crazy ass? �
Slue : Yes but I told myself that this ass worked so hard to be where it is so no devil
on earth can try to destroy this �
Lunelo : I don't wanna lie I was disappointed Babe, you should have told me
Slue : It was not easy Yem Yem **mtshomo clan** I had to think about how hurt
you'll be
Lunelo : I am hurt
Slue : I can see an am sorry
Lunelo : We can't change the situation right?
Slue : No we just have to support our baby
Lunelo : Yeah �
Slue : So will you join me on bed
Lunelo : If you can dance for me I will
Slue : I can't dance�
Lunelo : Shake Shake what your mama gave you �
Slue : If you want me to shake come get me

Slungile stood up quickly an tried to outrun him but he was fast, Slungile laughed
her ass out

Slue : Whoa you a cheater �

Lunelo : Your cheater right?
Slue : Obviously � I love You an don't ever doubt that
Lunelo : I love you too an I promise I won't be hard on our baby �

Slungile hugged her husband with a happy heart ....�♥

It was in the morning when Lunelo heard a bell ringing so he wore his gown an went
to open am he was met by Lunga, a guy he doesn't even know an two woman

Lunga : Can we come in?

Lunelo : What time is it?
Lunga : 7:00
Lunelo : Nizobika isisu na? (Are yol here to report a pregnancy?)
Lunga : No please we need to talk
Lunelo : Come in, go to the lounge

He went upstairs to his room an found Slungile coming out of the bathroom butt

Lunelo : Habits
Slue : Don't start me, who's at the door?
Lunelo : Lunga an his squad

Lunelo took his phone an called his family so they promised to arrive soon, he went
to do his morning hygiene after sometime he was done so he went to put some
clothes on although he was so bored by all of this � slungile came in the room

Lunelo : You coming from?

Slue : To check on Smangele
Lunelo : I thought you went downstairs
Slue : No but Uncle Bae an your father are already downstairs
Lunelo : Pecks of having your family as neighbours
Slue : Even my father is coming, he was so angry when he called me, I mean he's
asking me if I had to do with this, like for real I don't even wish to see this demon
Lunelo : You have to actually I want them to see that they lost a precious jewel �
�� you hot Babe �
Slue : Thanks my love

After an hour the whole family was there so Lunelo went downstairs to the lounge
where he found all of them siting there

Siya : Your majesty �♀

Lumkelo : We've been waiting, waiting an waiting
Thapelo : Till we wait
Lungelo : Huh? �
Lunelo : He doesn't know what he's saying
Musa : Okay Mtshomo's let's start �

Everyone kept quiet an looked at these four

Man : Greetings, my name is Bheka Zulu an this is my wife, as you all know Lungani
Mkhungo an his wife
Mrs Zulu : We sorry to just come in your house early in the morning just that what
we here for is important
Siya : Asive kaloku ndingaluli amadlebe mahala (Let's hear it)
Lettie : We believe that my husband's daughter lives here
Bheka : No Lettie that's not how we handle the situation
Lettie : Oh how will we?
Mrs Zulu : With respect
Lettie : espect? Let me tell you something mommy this family stole my husband's
daughter from him now we here to take her with us
Siya : Mmm �
Lettie : Yes so no respect is due to this family we are the one who deserves respect

Lunelo was so gonna lose it an this girl will surely know him

Lumkelo : Disrespecting is what I see in this young rotten creature

Lettie : Ex...
Lumkelo : Make sure what come out of that mouth is polite if not so help me God I
will beat you up when cops comes I will tell them it's self defence
Thapelo : No granddaughter of mine you will get, over my dead body
Siya : Tell us something Mr Father Of The Year how did you end up having those
four fngers?
Lettie : Accident
Siya : Minister of Spokesperson shut up mans are talking now
Lettie felt heating up cause this family is really wasting time, well her husband
didn't tell her everything

Lunga : Accident
Siya : What kind?
Lettie : Are you a lawyer?
Siya : Someone please bring me a needle I need to fx this girls mouth

Lunga had a fashlight of his fathers mouth being sew by Lunelo

Lunelo : emembering something Lunga?

Lunga : No
Lunelo : "Take what yours my lord"

He said that like how his father those years ago said it an Lunga felt sweaty

Lunelo : Are you sure you not remembering anything? Or should I tell you
everything how you kidnapped your daughter so that she can be a sacrifce for your
fathers riches should I continue Miss goody two shoes? Did your husband tell you
that he practically denied his daughter because he was a coward who couldn't go
against his stupid father an I man up to the situation an became the father that I am
to your daughter right? Cause she's yours, Did you tell her how you lost those
fngers? Did you tell her that I had mercy an let you go freely?

Lunga felt small cause he didn't tell his wife all of this, Lettie was so embarrassed
cause she didn't know that her husband could do something like this

Bheka : We didn't know all of that, What we know is that he was involved in a car
accident an you stole his daughter so we were here to talk with you cause the
ancestors can't give him a child if the older one is not home
Siya : Oh so niziswe ziAncestors nina? (So the ancestors sent you here?) if your
ancestors didn't do anything you wouldn't have come?
Mrs Zulu : To be honest we wouldn't
Siya : Okay wait here am coming

Siya went out to his car an took his Ak47 an went back inside walking like a crazy
man, he pointed it at them cause they were in their own couch

Siya : Nize apha nalembudane? Nizosibhedela kusasa (Yol came here with this
rubbish so early in the morning)
Lettie : Please put the gun down
Siya : Yey ngandixeleli obobubhanxa mna ndizakunyisa uzamitha ngoku (Don't tell
me that shit, I will shoot you an you will be pregnant right now) �
Lumkelo : This is Mtshomo residence an no one comes here an disrespect us worse
you just watch us as if we your fools, tell those ancestors that not today ✋ an not
ever �
Thapelo : Go away with your barren asses �
Lettie : I...
Siya : Thana nyawu ndizanyisa awundazi wena � ✋ (Don't even think about it)

He was still pointing at them although he was just scaring them, he has never shoot
anyone an he won't start now �

Lunelo : You will never get my daughter for as long as I live never now go back to
that shell you were hiding in for the past 19 years
Musa : Meeting adjourned

Smangele was coming down from her room, Lettie saw her

Lettie : Smangele �

Smangele saw this woman an this man who claims that he's her father

Smangele : Molweni (Greetings)

Lunga : My daughter please talk to your father I need to introduce you to my
ancestors so that I can have another child
Smangele : Cursed is that child to have a father like you, Cursed is that blood to run
in the veins of that child, I'll rather die than to curse another child like how you
wanted to curse me, I will never read my lips "Never ever do that" now take those
people you came with an leave this house cause I Smangele Mtshomo the daughter
of Lunelo Mtshomo an Slungile Mtshomo will never do what you ask of me � now
tata can I be excused

Smangele said looking at a proud Lunelo

Lunelo : Yes I Lunelo Mtshomo as your father allow you to go my baby �

Lungelo wanted so badly to laugh cause Lunelo can be full of himself sometimes

Bheka : That was so rude of this girl cause Lunga is old an he is her father
Slue : ude? Lunga is who's father?
Lettie : Who are you?
Slue : I am Smangele's mother

Lettie was amazed by how beautiful is Smangele's mother

Lettie : You this beautiful

Slue : Of cause I am now take this husband of yours an shove him where the sun
doesn't shine cause no child of mine will be introduce in your hobos of the ancestors
✋ you want to introduce her to Mkhungo? The one who wanted to kill her? Never will
you see that you wasted your time �
Bheka : You will regret this
Siya : Yey Yey animuke ngoku nindiphathisa ngenhloko (Please leave yol are
paining my head) Now!!
Lettie : Please talk to her I need this baby I can even pay �
Musa : Forget it we rich than Bill gates himself we don't need your money
Lunga : Baby don't worry we will fgure something out
Lettie : No I want a baby � worse you lied to me
Siya : Ndingakumithisa mna � (I can make you pregnant)
Lunelo : Ayy Tshin malume (No man uncle)
Mrs Zulu : Let's go, God will deal with them �

Mrs Zulu took her daughter an they stood up

Siya : An mna I will deal with you the only way I can

He said showing them a gun an they were so scared cause they had never been
pointed with a gun accept Lunga of cause �

Lettie : Please talk to her for me �

They all left an drove off,the Mtshomo's couldn't careless about all of this they had a
journey they had to take cause their fallen loved one's are being buried after
tomorrow, Although lettie will carry on begging Smangele cause she really loves her
husband an she wants to have a baby �

The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 49

Memorial Service...


Everyone was gathered to this memorial service **Mlindelo** they have lost people
who were pillars of strength especially Asemahle who was always there with wise
words when facing some challenges an Tom who was there with her friends making
sure that families are happy an not in need so most of people came from different
places to cry with the family for all of their loss, now the Mc was Olona who is
Lunelo's sister remember her? ... everyone was gathered in the tent singing church
songs cause Tom's grandparents were churchgoers so that's how they managed to
get people from church
"Somandla uze uyigcine impilo yami, uze uyigcine impilo yami

Uphinde ukhosel'moya wam, ukhosel'moya wam

Oh Mina ngizohamba, ngizohamba ngijonge kuwe ngamaxesha onke"

People were singing an rejoicing in the lord up until the family came inside the tent
an sat at the front, an olona went in the front, there were photos of the people who
passed away an cofns, they decided to bury all of them at PMB cause they fallen at
the same time so they wanted to bind them even in death

Olona : Amen can we start with a prayer so that we can proceed with the spirit an
guidance of the lord, can I have Pastor Msibi pray for us �

Pastor went to the front an prayed for the service that was about to start an the
family together with vamps were worried that maybe something can happen just
like how it happened in the wedding although they were standing **vamps**
outside cause they don't mix with church they will listen from the outside so that
when thing get heated up they can always run to their cars, after the prayer Olona
proceeded although she was so emotional

Olona : I greet you all especially the family cause we have lost our loved one's, I
remember when I met Asemahle..... **sigh** that woman was good with words, She
was there during my frst break up an she told me that "Girl you a Mtshomo leave
that boy let God deal with him" � I was so crying but I ended up laughing cause she
had that effect on people � God took her too soon....

People were also emotional cause indeed Asemahle was a true defnition of power

Olona : I will always remember her an I hope God make her my angel cause I still
need her words of encouragement, Oh uncle Tom � let me say God created you to
make you an angel of people, you may had a heart of a lion but beyond that serious
face it was a family man who loved us like nothing else, you wouldn't have found
him moody with the family he was a protector an he died one I jus... � I feel like
God took people who were good an people who are needed in this earth � I wish
God can heal our hearts... Now I would like to give this chance Smangele who
prepared a song for our fallen heroes

Everyone clapped hands as Smangele made her way to the stage very emotional

Smangele : Phew God... �

She maintained her silence for a little while cause of the pain she was feeling in her

Smangele : "Time heals our heart as we flled with tears merciful lord bless us
Yol have showed love an hard work well done our heroes you've done well
Nobody can take your special place nobody will be like yol in this whole world
Oh we bid you well done, well done
Oh we bid you well done, well done
We wi... We will always love you all �
Nobody can take a place of a hero in one's heart
You will forever be missed, God please send me an angel of healing in this place....
We bid you well done our fallen heroes, wise way ahead you'll forever be missed"

Everyone was crying cause this song was containing so much emotion
�...Smangele just sat down there an sobbed loudly that really tore Sabelo's hear
Olona : ight now I would like to call upon Mam Gumede who will talk about her son
Ntobeko Gumede

Amanda went to the front although she was not fully healed, Thapelo helped her to
the front
Amanda : Huh Ntobeko.... ��

Amanda went for a silent just for a while an started talking

Amanda : I greet you all, You know all my life I thought that my children will be the
one's to bury me but God decided otherwise, I thought that maybe it will be the
same as how I buried my mother at the age of 22 but No God decided otherwise, I
remember when my baby died, I was shot an he was taking me to the hospital with
Zakhele but ended up dying, he said to me "Mama I will not let you die �" I told
myself that I will have to be strong for my baby, I remember when those animals
took him he screamed "Zakhele protect my mother for me don't let them take her"
that tore my heart into pieces watching my son being taken away from me an I
thought it was also the end of me but My favourite came an helped me � he told
Zakhele that "Man up an take my baby to the hospital " it was like he injected
power to my little brother cause he took me right on time in hospital, I may have
not healed completely but I couldn't let my baby go without saying something about
him, without thanking him for always loving me... He was my baby boy �
�....**sigh** oh God

Amanda cried because Ntobeko was very fond of his mother an he always lived to
protect her always ,Thapelo was holding his hand with tears running down his

Amanda : My baby go well I will forever hold you in my heart cause you are like a
tattoo stuck in my heart just like how you printed me on your chest baby I love you
an forever will �

Thapelo took Amanda down to her seat an Olona went to the front

Olona : **sniff** Ntobeko my big soldier go well my brother you will forever be
missed ��....Now I would like to call upon Bab Menzi who will talk about Bab
Thabiso �

Menzi requested a song an they sang for him after some time he talked
Menzi : I greet you all , Thabiso Thabiso Thabiso I called him three times cause
whenever he was sulking we used to call him in unison three time he'll be like
"Come on guys don't call me like am a booty call girl"

Everyone laughed cause Thabiso was indeed Mr tap in his old days

Menzi : He was a lively person, a boy who was always a joker in our workplace, no
day we would go back home without laughing because of him, he was a man of
hope an life, he loved his family, we were so shocked to discover that he's actually
in love � an I was the one who said "Thabiso would never do that " but he did you
know when he put up his mind to something he actually did it without hesitation, I
wish you a wise journey to the world of the ancestors an you will forever be loved
hero always � est in Peace my brother till we meet again

Everyone clapped their hands as he made his way down to his chair

Olona : Thank You Bab Menzi, now I would like to call upon Bab Sipho to tell us
about our very own robocop Bab Sanele

Everyone laughed especially Sne but she was laughing with tears in her eyes
because of this event going on

Sipho : Who would have thought that after going away for 3 years I will come back
to my best friend gone in this manner.. �...well Sans was a good friend to me
although people will say "This man is so quiet am sure you get easily bored with
him" to tell the truth he was a loud guy who will laugh at you while angry an you'll
end up laughing at yourself too, I remember we met at primary school I was doing
grade 5 an he was doing grade 6 cause he's old than me by only two years, I was
chased out of school for not having a full school uniform well those days it was very
strict at school so I met this boy by the gate he was suspended but for a different
reason than mine, I passed him cause he was so intimidating he called me up "Hey
mfanyana (boy) why are you chased out? " I told him my problem he took out his
school shoes an tie he... � he didn't ask me what size I wear but he fgured out that
am wearing the same size as him, by God's grace I did an he shoved me back inside
an he said "Next time don't just pass greet" an he left me there astonished at what
just happened � from that day I made it my responsibility to look for him an we
connected since than we became friends till this far, my brother you were the wind
beneath my wings, you made me what I am an for that you will always be in my
heart an I promise to take care of your family for you an protect them with every
breath I take cause I owe you that much I love You ,Tom my man I love you an same
as you Thabiso wise journey boys ��

He went to sit down while tearing so badly

Olona : That was touching � ,now I would like to call upon My brother to the front to
talk about Bhuti Sizwe

Lungelo made his way to the front

Lungelo : Uhm Am no talker from an earlier age even my mother was so troubled by
that cause all my brothers are talkative, especially sizwe he was talkative you know
when someone talks so much an you even think that he's gay but Not my
brother...� he was a true man an that man made us what we are today cause we
lost my mother at an earlier age, we were scared but my brother was there an he
hustled for us in a way that he fnished school at an late stage because he wanted
to make us better, he got married to a strong woman who was with him an who
helped him with us, well I may be this grown ass man but am weak but with my
brother I saw myself strong, he even said that "Lunelo is here now an he's more
matured am sure you'll learn one or two things about being strong" an indeed he's a
true man I may have lost my older brother but I know I will be the strong Lungelo
who he always groomed an I know that I have people who will keep me strong
always, Sizwesihle Gumbi you will forever be missed...�� hamba kahle Qhawe (Go
well my hero)

He went to sit down with a broken heart

Olona : I know you will be strong my brother, God is with you � right now I would
like to present to you Mam Slungile an Mam Thando to talk about MaThelo who's
well known as Mam Mbali

Slungile sang a song

"Hamba noJesu, Hamba noJesu indlela yonke, Hamba nojesu njalo"

They went to the front an the congregation sang as well after some time they kept

Slue : Whuu wasenza Mbali �� (Mbali you killed us)

They kept quiet an sobbed silently while holding each other, Thelo cried too
because of his daughter

Thando : MaThelo... **sigh** she was a good girl in our crew, the person who was
always left behind things... � there was a time where I would ask myself whether
she's always left behind or she's making us a fool but No my friend was just slow
especially in useless thing but at school yooo she was bright which made me
wonder moss...�

Everyone laughed at the way she said no wonder with a dramatic tone

Slue : I won't say much sthandwa sam all I want to say is sleep well my baby, no
one in this world will take your place, you were always the ever smiling one in our
crew an for that I took you as a blessing in disguise � I love You an I know God will
be receiving an angel cause you really were, I love You, I love You an I love you

They went to sit down

Olona : We are wrapping this by calling Mam Sne who will talk about Mam Asemahle
followed by Bab Sakhile to talk about Bab Tom... �

Sne was so weak to go to the front, losing a best friend an a husband at the same
time is no joke

Sne : Asemahle ���

She was screaming cause never have she thought they'll ever be time where she'll
talk about her friend because of death, they helped her up an she went to the front
with Zakhe who was also Asemahle's friend
Sne : I do.. � I don't know what to say, Asemahle you selfsh why would you leave
me in this world of cruelty � the world of fake friends an pretence, You know when
I talk about a friend who was always there � a friend who wouldn't go to bed while
angry at you, she was a matured one in our crew the one who always had advices
an I thank Tom for that cause if it wasn't for him, Asemahle would have been a slow
person ever, a cry baby but when she got married to Tom, I saw a different side of
her, I love You my friend� I wish God can take you to a better place cause you only
deserve the best � husband... **sigh** Death did do us apart but my heart will
forever be with you an no man can take your place I.... I... �� don't know why yol
left me because... Be...

She screamed once more while shaking her head causing others to also cry an the
church sisters sang a song an made her sit down while crying with a painful heart
✋�� ,Sakhile made his way to the front with a heavy heart

Sakhile : Philani Ndlovu � I don't know but that one is a hero ✊ an if I were to shout
to the world about him an about the things he have done for us we won't go to
sleep cause Tom was a man amongst man's...� he was a family man who loved his
wife an his friends of cause � an I know that's why he died it's because of his wife
such a sly fox ��

Everyone laughed an Sakhile was only making his heart heal

Sakhile : He helped me with my studies, he helped Thabiso when he was living in

the streets, he helped Sanele when he was beaten to death, he helped every boy
working for him, an for that he'll forever hold our heart am sure even Thabiso an
Sanele are at peace cause they fought a good fght even though I wonder why you
all left us but I know it's God's grace, even Tom's last words were "Please kill me
cause I can't live like this, I can't kill people who are innocent that's not what my
father taught me" even his last words were words of an hero it will always ring in
my mind...I love You man an I will always keep you in my heart....� may your soul
rest in peace Qhawe (Hero) Guluva � Farewell Boss

His boys stood up an bowed to him

Them : Lala Qhawe � ( est our hero)

They all whistled while dancing with their guns in their hands, Sakhile, Sipho ran
outside an a gun shot was heard while others were whistling

Sipho : Lala Guluva

Sakhile : Nje'nkule (Big dog)

Everyone was crying an some were cheering cause indeed Tom was a hero.....The
real end of Tom an the others

The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 50


The Following Week

Sabelo was going home to see her mother cause he promised him, so he was
already on his way to see Smangele at the mall than straight home, he was driving
there already when his phone rang an it was Sean so he answered

Sabelo : Bro
Sean : Are you already gone?
Sabelo : Not really am gonna see my baby momma than bounce
Sean : Can you please start this side
Sabelo : Why is there a problem? �
Sean : No man we have to talk business
Sabelo : Oh for a moment there I thought that maybe you will say you missed me �
Sean : Sorry to disappoint you �

They talked for a while after that they hung up their phones an Sabelo was at the
mall so he got out of the car straight inside the mall an he bumped into some girl by
Girl : Oh my God Sabelo � I've wanting your numbers for a while now without
getting them
Sabelo : Oh �
Girl : Don't you remember me?
Sabelo : Um I...

Before he could answer his phone rang an it was Smangele

Sabelo : Babe
Smangele : Where you at? Am by the entrance
Sabelo : Am right near the Mugg n Bean restaurant
Smangele : Oh white hoody?
Sabelo : Come to your man Babe �

Smangele chuckled an hung up her phone an made her way to Sabelo

Girl : We should hang out like the old times �

Sabelo : Old times? �
Smangele : Hey �
Sabelo : Babe �

Sabelo hugged Smangele swinging her that made her giggle like a small sweet baby
an he noticed that she lost some weight � an that broke his heart �

Sabelo : Are we okay?

Smangele : Yes everything is good just that am gonna miss you Babe
Girl : Hello

She said waving at them cause clearly she was being ignored dismissal
Smangele : Hello
Girl : I was still talking to Sabelo he's not yours alone
Smangele : Oh sorry my dear you can still talk

Smangele wanted so bad to laugh cause Sabelo is rather annoyed by what is


Girl : So what do you say Sabelo? Maybe a threesome with Bae over here
Sabelo : No this is no Bae but she's my fance

The girl laughed but he saw that he's serious aibo �

Girl : Are you for real?

Sabelo : Yes

He took Smangele's hand leaving the girl shocked just like that �

Smangele : Threesome � more like a foursome cause mister here is alive

She said touching her visible tummy, Sabelo smiled

Sabelo : I will kill you Smangele � I only qualify for a onesome cause my baby over
there doesn't know sex �
Smangele : Am gonna miss your strong ass that make beds fall

Sabelo laughed out loud

Sabelo : What? � I have to show you my crazy ass more often maybe on top of the
Smangele : Whuu Never � I will die you can see how thin I am �
Sabelo : I will make sure that you give birth on a right condition I can even hunt for
Smangele : We will be okay

They looked at each other like they were the only one's in this mall
Lettie was with her mother at the lounge an she was worried about not getting a

Her mom : My daughter you have to do something, maybe get a man who can make
you pregnant
Lettie : How can you be stupid mom �
Her mom : Me stupid? Am your mother
Lettie : How can I be pregnant an say it's my husband cause he's not barren but we
need that slut
Her mom : You saw how her family is an I don't think we will fnd her �
Lettie : I will make a plan I want this baby an death will stop me from trying to fnd
her cause I WANT A BABY I CAN'T DIE BABY LESS � that Smangele I will fnd her
Her mom : Calm down baby
Lettie : Don't tell me to calm down mom don't anger me
Her mom : Am sorry
Lettie : I have to go don't expect me late � I won't be home an I think it is time for
you to go home � you no longer welcome here
Her mom : What? Am your mother child �
Lettie : This is my house mama, worse you couldn't stand up for me in that family,
an here you are calling me your child, this is my house so I don't need you here
Her mom : Lethiwe �
Lettie : Stop calling me �
Her mom : This child is disrespecting maan
Lettie : Learnt from the best, mom you just told me that I should cheat on my
Her mom : I was helping you
Lettie : I don't need your help I can manage this
Her mom : Lettie � you will not survive alone that family will eat you alive, I don't
want you to die you are the only child I have
Lettie : I didn't ask you to do that, it was your choice to do that not mine
Her mom : This child �♀
Her mom : Uyahlanya wena (You are mad)
Lettie : Uhhhhh�

Lettie screamed ,took her car keys an stormed out of the house, she took her phone
an called her friend who's a guy an he answered on a third ring

Him : Lettie
Lettie : I need your help
Him : Meet me in my house now
Lettie : Am coming there
Him : Sure

Lettie drove to her friends house

Sean was with Sabelo when he receives a call from his father, that only means
trouble he answered an put him in loudspeaker

Sean : Dad
Benjamin : How nice of you to call me that when you teared this family apart with
your friends
Sean : What do you want dad?
Benjamin : I want to tell you that what you saw on your wedding is child's play we
are coming for you an we might be close to you
Sean : I'll know

Benjamin laughed out loud

Benjamin : You won't be able to read my mind this time Sean, be sure that you
protect those girls especially the one who killed Brad cause am coming for her with
full force, am warning you Sean be warned

He hung up his phone leaving Sean angry

Sean : The fuck is his problem? �

Sabelo : He's just trying to anger you don't fall into that temptation
Sean : Smangele is not safe without you
Sabelo : I will be back maybe after tomorrow to protect her don't worry
Sean : This man anger me for real�
Sabelo : Chill man I have to go am sure my mother is expecting me soon
Sean : I know she is, are you gonna tell her?
Sabelo : About? �
Sean : Your condition
Sabelo : Nah man I can't scare my mom like that, am just not ready
Sean : The sooner the better Sabelo if she loves you am sure she'll be able to still
love you like this
Sabelo : Am not sure man I will see what I can do
Sean : Go well my brother
Sabelo : I love You �
Sean just chuckled while shaking his head

Sean : I love You too Babe �

Sabelo : Whatever �

Sabelo left an went his way which is going home to see his mother, he only hopes
for the best, Sean was left behind so he took his phone an called Latino to tell him
about what Benjamin said, but his grandma answered

Ma : Hello Baby
Sean : Grandma how are you?
Her : All is good my baby, I was thinking of coming there to help Latino's new son
with his girlfriend
Sean : He said so? �
Her : Yes he was so proud of the three of you all
Sean : I saw it in his face
Her : So now it's my turn to come that side
Sean : Benjamin threatened me
Her : When? Is that boy out of his mind
Sean : I wanted to tell Latino that he said he's coming for us more especially
Sabelo's girlfriend
Her : We will come that side, this calls for war cause I will not let you die for nothing,
I promised my sister that I will protect you no matter what so that what I will do
Sean : I will see you when you come this side
Her : Can't wait baby �
Sean : I love you, I have to go
Her : Did you say "I love you? "
Sean : No
Her : well I love you too �
Sean : I know
Sean wanted to be fond of this word an he wanted to love for real now more
especially himself, Sabelo is the helping him realise that it's important to do that
Smangele was coming from the park walking bare foot it's close from home cause
she wanted some air, she's not feeling well, sometimes she feels like something is
pulling her from the inside, sometimes she wakes up tired but she only hopes for
the best, her phone rang an it was Ntobe, she always calls to make sure if Smangele
is okay

Smangele : My very own woman �

Ntobeh : My baby are you good?
Smangele : Am on my way home from the park, this baby is killing me, I mean it
hasn't been 2 months but here I am dying
Ntobeh : He wants to come to mommy
Smangele : He'll be a rascal �
Ntobeh : I want a she from you �
Smangele : Well I hope not
Ntobeh : I swear to God if you fnd a girl I will take her

Smangele felt a sharp pain in her abdomen

Smangele : Ouch this baby �

Ntobeh : What's wrong baby?
Smangele : I don't know but am sure I'll be okay
Ntobeh : You have to be okay I don't want anything to happen to you
Smangele : I know that you love me �
Ntobe : An I love you Smangele
Smangele : Am glad I.....
Before she could fnish her sentence she felt something hitting him on the head an
she fell

Smangele : baby... ��

It was light out, the phone scattered on the phone, they took her to the car an drove
away fast cause they didn't want to be caught ,Ntobe thought that maybe
Smangele's battery was fat cause the call just ended....�

The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 51


Sabelo got home safely an his mother was happy to see him although she's not
pleased with the way he looks like he's pale, so they were in the lounge

Lily : Tell me something

Sabelo : Am listening mom
Lily : Are you okay? Ain't you sick? You look pale
Sabelo : The doctors says that I don't have anything, an am more than strong if you
ask me I guess it part of my growing up
Lily : I guess so too, an you look very handsome I must say in the past days you
really showed me how changed you are, I mean yo not that player you were an all
thanks to that girl I saw
Sabelo : Which one?
Lily : The one who called me a bitch
Sabelo : Oh you don't forget �
Lily : No I don't � but I missed you
Sabelo : I missed you too an I have something to tell you
Lily : Is it good? Let's go an sit outside like the old times
The sun was blazing hot outside

Sabelo : Not today mom maybe tomorrow an what am about to tell you is sensitive
Lily : You scaring me what's wrong?
Sabelo : Smangele is pregnant

He looked down cause he knew that his mother will not be pleased with this

Lily : Calvin �♀
Sabelo : I know that we don't have money but Mom I can take care of my child, I can
even look for a job or anything cause I want to be there for him, I Don't wanna be
like my father but I want to be much better
Lily : I know that but we don't have money why didn't you use protection �
Sabelo : Mama I will not discuss my sex life with you jeez
Lily : I didn't ask you how you made her pregnant Calvin
Sabelo : But you asked me about protection, If I explain that it will be like am
sharing my sex life with you, fne we don't have money but I can take care of my
child don't worry yourself, I just wanted to tell you this that's one of the things I
came here for cause I wanted us to be like how we were those days, sharing
Lily : But you don't wanna share your sex life with me
Sabelo : Mom �
Lily : � okay chill am joking but we need to fnd money an pay for the child
Sabelo : I got this mom

Sabelo didn't tell his mother about being a partner with Sean cause she will ask a
lot of questions an he's not ready for answering those question

Lily : Now have you called Smangele to know if she's okay, an you arrived safely? I
mean we as girls we want attention �
Lily was happy that she'll have a grandchild but the timing is wrong cause Sabelo is
not working the only person working is her although Sabelo sends her money an she
becomes confused cause he's not working but she knew better than to ask him
cause these days Sabelo is not Sabelo with her, she don't know why �� little did
she know that Sabelo is guilty for not being honest with his mother

Sabelo : I will call her don't worry Ma

Lily : Can we cook? � am craving for your hand it's been a while baby
Sabelo : As long as you won't put garlic in that food
Lily : I love garlic moss you know that
Sabelo : Well I don't like the smell of it
Lily : Oh God you took the hormones an sickness
Sabelo : Huh?
Lily : You are the one having pregnancy sicknesses
Sabelo : Oh Yeah something like that

The vamos don't mix with garlic although things that these are sicknesses because
Smangele is pregnant
Later that Day
Lunelo was coming back home from work, he found Slungile busy in the kitchen so
he went to greet her

Lunelo : Evening Babe �

Slungile : Oh honey how are you?
Lunelo : All is good an hows my favourite girl?
Slungile : Am just tired but other that that am good Babe
Lunelo : What's for dinner?
Slungile : It's a surprise �
Lunelo : Can't wait am so hungry
Slungile : Am not surprised
Lunelo : Mxm � so where's Smangele?

Slungile thought hard cause she haven't seen her since she said she's going to the

Slungile : I don't know if she's back from the park

Lunelo : It's late now
Slungile : Maybe she went home
Lunelo : With her car?
Slungile : No she was walking
Lunelo : Smangele is not in the right state to be walking a distance alone �

He took his phone an called her but it sent him straight to voicemail

Lunelo : Voicemail �
Slungile : That's unlike her � maybe her battery is fat
Lunelo : Let me call father maybe she's there

Lunelo called his father an he answered on a third ring

Lumkelo : Nyana (son)

Lunelo : Tata is Smangele there?
Lumkelo : No I last saw her yesterday when I was there
Lunelo : She's nowhere to be found
Lumkelo : Try Ntobeh maybe she knows something or that boy who made her
Lunelo : Sabelo went to see his mother today, he's not around
Lumkelo : Try Ntobeh an I will try to trace her
Lunelo : Her phone is on voicemail
Lumkelo : She have a chip an bye
Lunelo : Wa...

Lumkelo hung up his phone cause he knew that Lunelo will ask him a lot of
questions ,Lunelo called Lungelo who also answered almost immediately

Lungelo : Brother
Lunelo : How are you?
Lungelo : All is well an how's everyone
Lunelo : We good, is Smangele there?
Lungelo : No she's not here
Lunelo : Can I talk to Samkelisiwe
Lungelo : Samkelisiwe

He was shouting for Ntobe who came running to her father

Ntobe : Baba
Lungelo : Take

He gave her the phone

Ntobe : Hello
Lunelo : Hey pumpkin
Ntobe : Uncle is everything okay?
Lunelo : It would be if we knew where Smangele is
Ntobe : What do you mean uncle, we talked earlier on an she said she's on her way
there but we didn't fnish our talk cause I thought that maybe her battery became
Lunelo : The call just ended?
Ntobe : Yes
Lunelo : Give your dad a phone

Ntobe gave Lungelo the phone

Lungelo : Bra
Lunelo : I think we have a problem
Lungelo : What do you mean?
Lunelo : What if my daughter is kidnapped? Or worse dead � Lungelo you need to
come here we need to go an see sean
Lungelo : Do you think it's those animals?
Lunelo : I don't know what to think Lungelo please come
Lungelo : Am coming

There was a call coming in his phone an it was his father, he ended the call with
Lungelo an answered his father

Lunelo : Tata
Lumkelo : I can't fnd anything, it seems like we have a serious problem Lunelo, we
are dealing with people who are clever
Lunelo : We will go to Sean maybe he knows something about this � that family
brings nothing but trouble for our children �
Lumkelo : I will also come with you

Lunelo was so worried about his daughter, an if it's that family again who did this he
will never forgive them cause we are talking about his daughter here, Slungile saw
that he's worried cause he was no longer in the kitchen but in a lounge

Slungile : Did you fnd anything

Lunelo : No but I'll fnd her don't worry
Slungile : I know you will, maybe she's just around
Lunelo : I don't think so Slungile but we will soon fnd out
Slungile : Okay come here
Lunelo went to Slungile an they hugged while silently crying especially Lunelo

Slungile : There's only one person I know that will fnd Smangele
Lunelo : Who?
Slungile : You babe, all these years I learnt to believe in you cause I know that you
always protecting this family with your all so don't worry you will fnd her

They hugged each other tightly with a worried Lunelo cause he knows that
Smangele is not strong enough for this
After some time they were knocking in Sean's house an he opened

Sean : Oh come in

They followed behind him, it was Lungelo, Lunelo, Lumkelo an Thapelo cause they
called him so he hurried

Lunelo : We have a problem Sean an I think you are the one who will be able to help
Sean : What's that?
Lunelo : My daughter is missing

Sean's face shoot up

Sean : What?
Lungelo : Ntobe last spoke with her in the afternoon after that her phone went to
Sean : Benjamin
Lunelo : What?

Sean took his phone out an called Benjamin who answered after the fourth ring

Benjamin : Miss me?

Sean : I know that you the one who took Smie
Benjamin : Who's that?
Sean : You said you coming for her an now she's missing
Benjamin : Oh so the girl got so many enemies? �
Sean : Benjamin stop this game you playing if you don't wanna feel my wrath
Benjamin : Let me feel it I don't care, now stop calling me
Lunelo : Listen here buddy if you don't bring that girl back you'll be making a big
Benjamin : Who are you, do you know me? An do you know what I am
Lunelo : Even if you are God himself I don't care bring me my child
Benjamin : Forget it
Lumkelo : This boy will regret ever taking us
Lunelo : Let me not fnd you

Lunelo hung up the phone an he crashed it on the wall

Lunelo : This is all your fault

Sean : What?
Lunelo : If you didn't come here with this animal disease you have none of this
would have happened
Sean : You not thinking straight man
Lunelo : Believe me I am if I don't get my daughter alive I will kill you an that boy
who made her pregnant �
Thapelo : Lunelo ✋
ALIVE O ELSE......� help me God I will kill each am every relative you have �

He stormed out followed by his family ,Sean was left frustrated so he took his phone
an called Sabelo an it rang an sent him straight to voicemail, but he tried again but
he answered this time around

Sabelo : Sean
Sean : Arrived safe?
Sabelo : Yes been trying to call Smangele with no luck
Sean : Benjamin kidnapped her **sigh**
Sabelo : You kidding right?
Sean : No her parents were here just now
Sabelo : Fuck � that guy better bring her back or I will make him
Sean : This means war Sah
Sabelo : Am coming back
Sean : Come back tomorrow
Sabelo : No am coming back today
Sean : Sah
Sabelo : He kidnapped my girlfriend an my child you can't expect me to sit here an
do nothing
Sean : Come back tomorrow
Sabelo : Listen here am not asking you am coming back today an you won't stop me

Sean : Don't make your mother suspicious
Sabelo : I don't care Sean my girlfriend is kidnapped an Smangele have to be
treated with care because of her situation do you understand that? ��
Sean : I do
Sabelo : Am coming back

Sabelo hung up his phone with so much anger

Sabelo : Benjamin you messed with the wrong man's girlfriend
Lettie went to the room that Smangele was in

Lettie : Look what we have here �

She shook Smangele who was lying on a cold foor, she opened her eyes with tears

Smangele : You �
Lettie : Yes me an now I will have my baby
Smangele : Please you have to take me home, am not well � my baby... Please
Lettie : You gonna give me a child frst than you will go home afterwards
Smangele : Lettie please I really need to go home ��
Lettie : Nope you are staying here an be a good girl an get used to this place cause
you will stay like this for a month
Smangele : Oh God ���

Smangele felt a sharp pain in her stomach

Smangele : Ouch ��
Lettie : Let it die cause you selfsh I needed a baby an you fell pregnant � now stop

Smangele knew that she will die cause she was instructed that not a day passes
without drinking blood an worse she's not feeling okay, sleeping on the foor like
this is also not helping..... , Lettie wanted so badly to be pregnant an she will do
whatever it takes to fall pregnant
The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 52


I wfke up in this filth f a place, am nft eelinn sf well as a mater f act am weak an I wish Sabelf fr
my ather can find me in tme ✋� ,I dfn't knfw why am kidnapped I just think that Lete is crazy I mean
what will she df with me cause she needs her husband unless they in this tfnether �� I sf miss hfme,
while fn my thfunht sfmefne entered the rffm I dfn't even knfw him

Guy : Hey

Me :....

Guy : I was tfld that yfu eistness litle thinn

Me : Perv ✋

Guy : Well am Duma

Me : I dfn't care I want tf nf fut

Duma : I dfn't think yfu knfw the kind f a wfman Lete is, she always nets away with it

Me : I can pay yfu a lft f mfney please Duma ��

Duma : Nf

Me : My baby wfn't survive this, I have tf nf hfme

I've never been sf vulnerable in my whfle li e, I mean I dfn't easily net scared but this child really did
me wfnders

Duma : I came tf check fn yfu fther than that I can't help yfu

Me : Fine leave

Duma : Nf am nft leavinn, am stll patrfllinn

Me : Mxm
Am sf annry an yfu knfw hfw rustratnn yfu becfme when yfu dfn't knfw hfw tf net fut f the
situatfn that's hfw am eelinn, I hfpe my amily is nft restnn ��


Sabelf listened tf Sean an decided tf nf tf Jf'burn the fllfwinn day an nfw he's in the lfunne where
his mfther is, he wants tf tell her that he's nfinn an he's sad an annry cause he dfesn't want anythinn tf
happen tf his nirl riend an child �

Sabelf : Mfm

Lily : Oh yfu awake? I must net used tf this kind f Sabelf �

Sabelf : What kind?

Lily : The fne that wakes up early like hfw yfu df

Sabelf : Dfn't net used tf it

Lily : Ok yfu nft the same Sabelf I was with yesterday what's wrfnn?

Sabelf : Smannele has been kidnapped

Lily : Nf �

Sabelf : Am serifus mama an am sf stressed an annry at whf can take her away � wfrse she's

Lily : Yfu have tf nf back tf Jf'burn an make sure that she's fund fh nfd ��

Sabelf : That's what I wanted tf tell yfu

Lily : I wfuld have came with yfu but yfu knfw that am wfrkinn sf I will put yfu in my prayers an when
I net tme I will cfme �

Sabelf : Thanks mama

Sabelf went tf his bedrffm an packed sfme f his clfthes an bathe afer sfmetmes he was drivinn tf
Jf'burn an thinkinn hardly at whf wfuld df this tf him, his phfne rann an it was Nhlaka sf he answered

Sabelf : Trey

Nhlaka : Man hfw are dfinn?

Sabelf : everythinn is a mess this side bfy

Nhlaka : zikhiphan (what's wrfnn?)

Sabelf : My nirl riend was taken

Nhlaka : As in kidnapped?

Sabelf : Yes she's kidnapped

Nhlaka : I will cfme there ,by the afernffn I will be enterinn

Sabelf : That wfuld mean a mfuntain fr me

Nhlaka : Why nft a wfrld?

Sabelf : Because am finishinn the wfrld

Nhlaka : I frnft hfw stupid yfu are �

Sabelf : That's why yfu lfve me rinht? �

Nhlaka : Yes that's why yfu makinn me eel like am nay �

Sabelf : Because yfu are stupid �

Nhlaka : I will nf all stuparadf fn yfu �

Sabelf : Yfu nffd with makinn wfrds rinht?

Nhlaka : Very nffd �� an wfrse I dfn't even knfw what they mean

Sabelf : Please mercy help this killer fver here he needs yfu

Nhlaka : Tsen maan �

They talked an talked untl they hunn up cause Nhlaka wanted tf pack his bans fr nfinn tf help his
riend, Afer a while Sabelf passed sfme abandfned place futside Jf'burn an he elt dizzy sf he stfpped
the car fr a mfment an nft fut, while futside a car anfther car came fut f nf way an stfpped fn his

Guy : What are yfu dfinn here?

Sabelf : Are yfu sure yfu askinn me that stupid questfn?

Guy : This place is nft fr yfu

Sabelf : An it's fr yfu? What in that hfuse anyway?

Guy : Nfthinn cfncerns yfu

Sabelf : Am checkinn it
Sabelf walked tf the hfuse an his phfne interrupted him sf he answered

Sean : Tell me yfu near

Sabelf : Near? What wrfnn?

Sean : We are nfinn tf hunt Benjamin

Sabelf : Is he the fne whf kidnapped Smannele?

Sean : Yes an he said that we must frnet i we want him tf release Smie

Sabelf : Am cfminn

He ran tf his car withfut lffkinn back an Duma tffk his phfne an called Lete rinht that instant

Lete : My riend

Duma : We have a prfblem

Lete : What prfblem?

Duma : We were nearly busted

Lete : Huh?

Duma : Sfme nuy cake here an wanted tf net inside the hfuse but stfpped because his phfne rann an
apparently they think that sfmefne else kidnapped Smannele nft yfu

Lete : They have sf many enemies � am sf enjfyinn this ,let them run afer that enemy an let me df
my wfrk in peace

Duma : Let's hfpe they wfn't cfme back here

Lete : Nf they wfn't

Lete was impressed with hersel cause chffsinn that place was the best an alsf kidnappinn Smannele
was the best cause clearly that amily have mfre enemies than ever

Lunelf was with his nuys, they wanted tf cry at least sfmethinn that will lead them tf Smannele but nf
lead was made that annered Lunelf cause clearly the pefple whf kidnapped Smannele didn't want fr
them tf find her

Lunelf : This is reakinn me fut � I can't df anythinn tf help my daunhter

Lunnelf : We dfn't even knfw where thia Benjamin is

Lunelf : Maybe am beinn punished �� maybe... I just dfn't knfw what tf say Lunnelf everythinn is
allinn apart this year

Lunnelf : Listen tf me we will find Smannele even i the last thinn we df, we will find her

Lunelf : I hate that Sean's amily cause they are the fne whf bfunht this tf us, they killed fur amily,
they channed that bfy Sabelf an nfw he made my baby prennant, she have tf drink blffd in frder tf be
nffd cause apparently my nrandchild is drinkinn her dry

Lunnelf was shfcked tf a cfre cause he didn't knfw that at all

Lunnelf : Why didn't yfu tell me?

Lunelf : Am ashamed Lunnelf, I dfn't even knfw hfw tf help my baby

Lunnelf : We in this tfnether, we will find her cause sure case she needs blffd nfw

Lunelf : Latnf said that she mustn't pass a day withfut the blffd, nfw it's day twf � I dfn't want my
daunhter tf die

Lunnelf : She wfn't

Lunnelf hunned his brfther cause he can see that he's nft nffd at all, an i yfu want tf see the weak
Lunelf try tf take his daunhter fr wi e, let say his amily yfu will see him weak �

Sabelf was with Sean when Latnf an Granf Sean's nrandma entered the hfuse

Granf : Oh my babies cfme tf me

Sean went tf his nrandma they hunned afer sfmetmes they lffked at Sabelf an he went tf her they
hunned afer sfme tme Granf lffked at him

Granf : Yfu are the fne whf can find yfur nirl riend

Sabelf : Am clueless when it cfmes tf that

Granf : But yfu are the fnly fne whf can find her an dfn't be late cause she's allinn

Sabelf : Hfw will I catch sfmefne I dfn't even knfw her whereabfuts

Granf : Dfn't let her all she needs yfu

Sabelf was nfw bfred cause this wfman is talkinn in riddles, Latnf can see that Granf is fntf
sfmethinn, him an her wi e made themselves special pfwers cause when yfu a vamp yfu can make
yfur fwn pfwers

Latnf : We have tf wfrk, we can't let Benjamin futsmart us

Sean : Wfrse he's ull f himsel

Latnf : He wfn't knfw what hits him, I think I knfw where he's hidinn, Sean yfu need tf read Lucy's
mind cause I think yfu can

Sean : We nfinn tf wfrk tfninht?

Latnf : Yes we will brinn that nirl hfme tfninht

Sean : Let's call fthers

Latnf : Fine tell me when they here sf that I can nf thrfunh what tf df

He went upstairs with his wi e fllfwinn him

Latnf : Nfnf what was that abfut?

Granf : He is the fne tf find the nirl, that nirl is his sfulmate sf their sfuls are nlued tfnether

Latnf : Nfnf we need tf find that nirl all f us

Nfnf : Am nft sayinn dfn't all am sayinn is that bfy will help yfu find Smannele, an he's the fne tf
finure it fut hfw tf help her fut f where she is
Latnf : Fine

Latnf knew beter than tf arnue with his wi e cause he never wins, Nfnf has pfwer tf search within
the sful an she can fresee thinns

Afer hfurs Lunelf an his crew were in Sean's hfuse, Nhlaka has alsf arrived, Thapelf an his crew were
alsf there, Sakhile an Siphf were there tff

Latnf : Okay ellas this is what I want all f us tf df

Lunelf : We listeninn

Latnf : Sean yfu will read Lucy's mind cause I knfw yfu can df that

Sean : Will df

Latnf : Sabelf I want yfu tf think f sfmethinn that can make yfu link tf Smannele

Sabelf : Like what?

Nfnf : Yfu'll finure that fut yfursel with nf help rfm fthers

Lunelf : Why can't we help

Nfnf : Because it have tf cfme rfm him nft yfl, Even i yfu try yfu wfn't succeed

Sabelf : But I dfn't knfw hfw tf help her alfne

Nfnf : My sfn think f sfmethinn, all these will be here with yfu tf finht the war but yfu are the fne
whf will net the nirl, fine Benjamin needs tf be taunht a lessfn but while killinn benjamin an his bfys nf
an find the nirl

Sean : He's with Benjamin rinht?

Nfnf : That fr Sabelf tf find fut but surely she's kidnapped by him what I dfn't knfw is she's with him
fr nft

Lunnelf : Whf are yfu?

Nfnf : Am Sean's nrandma

Thabani : Sf yfu prepared tf kill yfur sfn fr Smannele?

Nfnf : Lfyalty lies with amily sf i yfu betray my amily I cfnsider yfu my enemy

Nhlaka : Am with yfu all the way althfu nft in that part yfu knfw...

Thapelf : We listeninn

Nhlaka : Nf maan nfthinn �

Nhlaka was nft sure i Sabelf can really help Smannele cause he's sf vulnerable �

Latnf : Let's nf an nuys I dfn't want anyfne dyinn fn fur side tfday

Lunelf : I yfl die it's nft fur prfblem �

Lunnelf : Lunelf Nf maan �

Lunelf : Mxm �

He stfrmed fut leavinn everyfne

Thapelf : This is his daunhter sf it's bfund tf be like this

Latnf : We understand

Sabelf : Let's df this ��

Sabelf was all cfn used cause he didn't knfw what tf df wfrse they sayinn that he mustn't be helped
whereas Lunelf was adamant that he will keep fn pressurisinn an helpinn Sabelf cause this is her
daunhter an nf fne can df anythinn abfut it �

The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 53


Lete tffk Lunna tf where Smannele is, cause he didn't knfw abfut all f this when they nft there
Lunna was amazed tf see what is happeninn
Lunna : Why are we here?

Lete : I have a surprise fr yfu

Lunna : Fine

She tffk his hand an they went inside the hfuse, Lunna nearly peed fn himsel when he saw hfw bad
the state Smannele is in an what the hell is she dfinn here

Lunna : What's this?

Lete : I made this fr us, I want us tf have a child baby let's just df the ritual

Lunna lffked at Smannele an hfw thin she was

Lunna : Nf she's my daunhter but I can't df this withfut her permissifn

Lete : Are yfu shitnn me rinht nfw? � I did this fr us

Lunna : The thinn is I didn't knfw abfut this

Lete : Df yfu knfw the definitfn f a surprise?

Lunna : I this is the surprise I dfn't wanna net invflved

He walked fut while takinn his phfne an searched fr Slunnile's number but sfmethinn hit him at the
back an he ell dfwn

Lete : I will nft let yfu make me barren when I can actually cfnceive, YOU WILL GIVE ME THIS BABY

Lunna questfned himsel i he's cursed fr what? �♀


Sean read Lucy's mind an they knew where his parents are sf he tfld the bfys an everyfne went where
they were an stfpped the car ,all f them nft fut an tffk their weapfns ,all alfnn Sabelf was thinkinn at
hfw will he be able tf find Smannele cause clearly she's nft where they were

Sabelf : I have tf nf

Lunelf : Gf �

Sabelf : Yes Smannele is nft here

Lunelf : Am cfminn with yfu

Sabelf : Nf

Lunelf : That my daunhter Sabelf �

Sabelf : Yfu all have tf distract these pefple while I nf an lffk fr Smannele

Lunnelf : He's speakinn the truth Lunelf

Lunelf : Find my daunhter i yfu knfw what nffd fr yfu �

He walked away leavinn everyfne behind an they fllfwed behind him whereas Sean went tf Sabelf
with Nhlaka

Nhlaka : Will yfu be able tf df this fn yfur fwn?

Sabelf : I have tf Nhlaka ,Smannele is my nirl riend an I wfuldn't survive i she were tf die, fine she's
prennant with my child but that nft impfrtant fr nfw

Sean : I there's sfmefne whf can df this ,it's yfu Sah

Nhlaka : I alsf believe in yfu just that I was scared that yfu vulnerable

Sabelf : Let me nf sfmethinn will cfme durinn the way

Latnf : Bfys it's tme

Nhlaka : Gf well bra wam we will see yfu

Sabelf : Please be sa e neh?

Nhlaka : We will dfn't wfrry ,nf brinn my daunhter in law �

Sean : Please ��

Sabelf : will df
Nhlaka an Sean went tf the nents while Sabelf drfve away thinkinn hard at where is Smannele

Sabelf : Yfu are the fne whf can find her, yfu are the fne whf can find her 😫 cfme fn Sabelf

Back at Latnf an the crew

Latnf : We will nf inside an kill everyfne in this hfuse

Lunelf : This is nft a hfuse but a Warehfuse, sf Hfw many are they?

Sean : 7

Lunnelf : sf litle

Latnf : Dfn't undermine the vampires

Sean : True let's nf in

They went inside an fund fne vampire standinn withfut nftce sf Lunelf shfft him with a silence nun
an he drfpped dead

Latnf : Gffd we must be divided intf a nrfup f twf

Lunelf : Why?

Latnf : Sf that we can kill the 6 f them remaininn

Lunelf : I dfn't understand this Latnf

Lunnelf : Lunelf we can df this,I will be with yfu all the way,please believe in us please brfther

Lunelf : Okay

Lunelf tffk his nrfup with Sean with him an Latnf tffk his team tff with Thapelf an Nhlaka with him

Latnf an his an crew

Latnf : Bfys we will df this by listeninn tf each fther

Thapelf : Fine with me

Latnf : Nfw I want us tf search fr these three

Nhlaka : Nf prfblem at all

They searched fr them when they were abfut tf turn intf a cfrner twf vampires came tf them by
frce, Thapelf's nun ell dfwn cause they were in a place like a warehfuse with steps

Thapelf : Shit!!

Wfrse the vampire was busy with him, they funht by kickinn an punches

Thapelf : Sfme litle help pussies wfuld be much appreciated�

Latnf an Nhlaka were busy with the fther Vampire althfunh he was scared f this, thfse with Thapelf
were scared f this an they thfunht f hfw Sanele an Thabisf died, Thapelf tffk a steel fn the fffr

Thapelf : Cfme bitch dfn't just stand there ✋

He whipped him with a steel an the vampire ell but stffd up quickly 😫 an kicked Thapelf he few hitnn
the steel bars acrfss an he elt his bfdy paininn especially his back 😫

Thapelf : Shit �

Back tf Sabelf

Sabelf was stll in the rfad when sfmethinn came in his mind an he drfve tf his hfuse afer sfme tme
he nft inside an searched fr anythinn that have Smannele's smell an he fund her bra sf he tffk it with
him cause he wanted tf fllfw the smell

Sabelf : Yfu can df this Sabelf, dfn't let her all

He drfve ast fllfwinn the scent

Back tf Smannele

Lunna was ted in the chair near Smannele, Smannele nasped fr air cause she's eelinn like her heart is
beatnn ast

Smannele : Pleas... cfunh hel...p

Lunna : Lete yfu have tf let this child nf can't yfu see that she's sick?

Lete : This nirl will nive me my child, sf let that baby she's prennant with die fr all I care

Lunna : Are yfu sick? LET THIS CHILD BE �


Lunna : Am nft her ather fine but Lete let a child nf yfu can always divfrce me an have a child with
sfmefne else

Lete : ���

Lunna : Why are yfu launhinn

Lete : Oh sweety am here tf stay dfn't wfrry yfursel

All alfnn Smannele was scanninn this hfuse fr sfmethinn she can use cause she really want tf net fut
f here

Lete : Nfw take this...

Be fre she cfuld finish her phfne rann sf she nft fut an lef these twf inside the hfuse, Smannele tried
tf stand up but she was allinn, she tried fnce mfre an lastly she stffd up

Lunna : What are yfu dfinn? Yfu can't just net fut she will kill yfu

Smannele : ✋
Smannele went tf the table an fund a kni e,she went tf stand behind the dffr

Lete : Ok tell me i sfmethinn happens

Lete said that cfminn rfm the futside but when she entered, she fund Smannele nft fn the fffr

Lete : Where is she?

Lunna : I dfn't knfw

Lete : YOU DON'T KNOW� such a pussy fr a husband nx �

When she turned Smannele stabbed her in the eye she screamed cause she was nft expectnn this, but
she was heartless as a snake she kicked Smannele while hfldinn fntf her bleedinn eye, Smannele ell
dfwn while nrfaninn but she wasn't havinn it, she stffd up like nfthinn happened an punched her rinht
in the eye an Lete cried

Lete : Bitch yfu punched my eye ��

Lete tried tf stffd up but Smannele kicked him in the eye fnce anain an she nrfaned fnce mfre,
Smannele just sat fn tfp f her an stabbed her tf bfth her eyes cfntnufusly

Smannele : Yfu will kill me in hell bitch nft in this li e tme

Smannele was stabbinn her untl

Lete : I wanted a child �

She was cryinn a blffd that was her last wfrd she died afer that Smannele cut her thrfat an tffk the
cfntainer that was in the table an went tf pfut Lete's blffd inside it afer that she sat dfwn an drank
while lffkinn at Lunna whf's eyes were all fut
Smannele : I dfn't knfw i I shfuld drink yfu like yfur wi e fr just save yfu fr my bfy riend �

Smannele was like a dannerfus animal an Lunna nearly died at the statement Smannele is sayinn

Back Tf Sean an the crew

Well Benjamin knew that Sean an the crew were inside the warehfuse sf they were all ready fr him

Sean : I will nf in this rffm an yfu will fllfw behind, please Lu let's wfrk as a team please

Lunelf : Fine let's df this

Sean fpened the rffm an entered while Lunelf an the crew stffd futside, he screamed while nrfaninn
well Lunelf went inside an saw a bin tfrch inside an when he lffked at Sean he was burninn

Lunelf : Shit

He ran an switched ff the tfrch an Lunnelf entered

Lunnelf : What the uck?

Lunelf : This was a trap

While they were talkinn twf vampires came inside, all alfnn Sean was nrfaninn at the fffr he can see
death cfminn at a slfwer pace, Lunelf tried tf take fut his nun but a Vampire kicked him an he few an
hit the wall he nrfaned, Lunnelf was alsf tryinn tf finht the fther vampire, Lunelf stffd up an they
funht tf the finish, they even kicked each fther an went futside the rffm

Lunelf : Am bleedinn dfn't yfu lfve it bitch �

Lunelf ran tfwards him an kicked him in the balls he ell dfwn sf he just tffk his nun at the back an
shft him in the frehead when he was abfut tf turn Benjamin pushed him sf that he can all cause they
were upstairs but Lunelf he held fn tf the small wffd that was there but fne mistake he is dead cause
he will all

Lunelf : Oh Gfd I dfn't want tf die ��

He was busy screaminn when Lunnelf heard that he ran tfwards him cause he was dfne killinn the
vampire that was with him, Lucy kicked him an he ell it was linht fut fr him ,Lunelf lffked dfwn an
started sweatnn cause he will die an never see his daunhter,his children an wi e actually his whfle
amily he screamed �

Lucy : Yfu will die � stfp screaminn

Benjamin tffk his wi e an they went tf the rffm when Sean was

Back tf Sabelf

He fllfwed the scent but sfmethinn else was smellinn an it was blffd fne thinn that came tf his mind
is that Smannele is dead sf he drfve ast in the rfad withfut mindinn what the cfps will df but his way
was takinn him back tf where he was in earlier fn, when he nft there he elt dizzy fnce mfre sf he nft
fut an fund anfther car in that way, he went there an fund nf fne

Sabelf : What's in this hfuse ��

He went tf the hfuse an the scent started tf Smell mfre he nft inside an saw a bfdy dfwn

Sabelf : Smannele

Smannele was nfwhere tf be seen sf he nft fut an lffked at the back he fund anfther hfuse there sf
he made his way there but was shft in the stfmach but he healed quickly an turned tf find three f
mans standinn there

Sabelf : snif meal

He started tf run tfwards them but sfmethinn happened he heard Smannele screaminn yff that was
tff much tf make him finht like it was his last finht, he tffk fut his kni es at the back an slit their thrfats
all the three f them with sf much frce afer that he walked like a bfss tf the hfuse that Smannele was
in but it was lfcked sf he stffd at the windfw

Duma : Ffr killinn my riend I will take this child fut

Smannele : Please dfn't ��

Duma : Oh why?

Smannele : Please I lfve my child

Duma : I dfn't care

He tffk the kni e an held it hinh sf that it can reach the stfmach by frce, Smannele screamed that was
sf much tf make Sabelf lfse it sf when Duma's kni e was tf reach the stfmach, Smannele elt blffd
scaterinn in her ace sf she screamed, Duma ell fn tfp f Smannele while breathinn slfwly, Sabelf nft
inside the windfw an went strainht tf him

Sabelf : Yfu wanted tf kill my nirl riend

Smannele's ace shfft up when she heard Sabelf's vfice an she cried cause at last he came tf the
rescue �

Duma : I.. Was sent �

Sabelf : Guess what? �

Duma : What?

Sabelf : Tfday is yfur lucky day

Duma thfunht that maybe he will be frniven but nf Sabelf sucked his neck draininn him dry an Lunna
just ainted, afer that Sabelf drfpped the bfdy fn the fffr an unted Smannele whf was sf happy tf
see her � afer that the hunned with Sabelf cryinn

Smannele : Yfu came fr me �

Sabelf : I will always cfme fr yfu ��

Smannele : I knew yfu wfuld I lfve Yfu �

Sabelf : I lfve yfu bfth dfn't ever frnet that, I will never ever leave yfu anymfre Sthandwa sam never
anain �

They hunned fnce mfre

Sabelf : Whf's blffd is this?

Smannele : Let say I had supper

Sabelf stared at her fr a while than smiled while kissinn her, what made him mfre emftfnal is that he
was here earlier but he didn't see this instead he was interrupted by Sean � they heard pflice siren �

Sabelf : I have tf net yfu fut f here

Smannele : What abfut him?

Sabelf : This will be his prfblem all f it

Sabelf tffk all his kni e that he used an the kni e that was used by Smannele with a cfntainer he was
ast cause the cfps were stll ar but yfu can hear the siren, he tffk all the links that can put Smannele
intf trfuble, he than unted Lunna an wfke him up with sfme water while nivinn him a kni e

Sabelf : Hfld tf this fne neh am cfminn back

Lunna : Isn't he dead?

Sabelf : Nf he's nft, am nfinn tf put Smannele in the car than cfme back dfn't let him escape

Lunna : Ffr my daunhter anythinn

Sabelf : Gffd rinht nfw yfu can be a herf afer all �

Lunna : Yes �

Lunna didn't knfw that they were actually trappinn him,Sabelf tffk Smannele tf the back an he ran
away ast with his lens while Lunna was fund with kni e an taken by the cfps he than thfunht tf
himsel that his past is cfminn back tf haunt him an there's nf fne tf be blamed but himsel
Back at the warehfuse

Benjamin was lffkinn at Sean with a smile cause he was lyinn there helplessly

Benjamin : I tfld yfu that I will kill yfu

Lucy : hfney I trusted yfu � but yfu tffk all f that fr nranted

Benjamin : Nfw yfu will pay dearly

Lucy : True

Lucy went tf take the tfrch sf that she can linht it an burn Sean anain but a kni e came with frce an slit
Benjamin's thrfat his head ell in the fffr

Lucy : Benjamin ���

She went tf kneel next tf him when Latnf came inside cause he was the fne whf threw the kni e rfm
a ar when he saw them, when he saw Sean his mind went crazy �

Latnf : Sean ��

Lucy turned an saw Lucy sf she stffd up an went tf him

Lucy : Pa they killed Benjamin ��

Lucy tried tf run intf his arms but he pushed her tf the fffr

Lucy : Pa I burned him because he wanted tf kill us �

Latnf : Nhlaka take Sean tf the car please

Nhlaka : Wfn't he die

Latnf : He will ��

Nhlaka was sf sad ,Sabelf entered the warehfuse ast cause Vamps are sf ast, Smannele was at the
back f him sf he went tf help Lunelf up cause he was stll hfldinn fntf the Wffd, Sean an the crew
didn't see him sf he was helped by Sabelf

Lunelf : Thank Yfu sf much ��

Smannele : Tata

Lunelf thfunht that his ears were deceivinn him he lffked up an indeed Smannele was in Sabelf's back
sf she nft dfwn an went tf his ather whf hunned her while cryinn ,Sabelf went tf the rffm when he
fund Sean in that state he rfze

Latnf : Yfu back

Lucy than finured that Latnf is with them ��, Sabelf rfared an Latnf fllfwed rinht behind him that
what vampires df when cfmmunicatnn an when fne f them is hurt � afer sfmetme they stfpped
an Latnf sinnalled Nhlaka tf take Sean away an all f them nft fut leavinn Latnf an Sabelf but be fre
Smannele leave he talked

Smannele : I can't leave him here.

Lunelf : He will be fkay

Smannele : Tata �

Sabelf went tf her an Lunelf saw that Smannele is really taken away rfm him althfunh it's stll hard tf
accept that

Sabelf : Listen nf with yfur ather I will be fkay

Smannele : Bu...

Sabelf : Please yfur ather is here fr yfu, I will nive yfu twf sfme space I wfn't die just nf hfme I will
call yfu

Smannele : Fine be sa e fr me , fr us
Sabelf : I will

Lunelf : I hfpe that's a prfmise yfu'll keep ✋

Sabelf : Yes I will

Lunelf : Gffd nfw let's nf baby

Smannele tffk her athers hand an they went hfme, Sabelf went back tf where Latnf is

Sabelf : what df we df with her

Latnf : We burn her just like hfw she did with Sean

Lucy : Please �

Sabelf : This must be hard fr yfu

Latnf : Nf it's nft The sun was lfnn allen

Sabelf : This is fr Sean �

Latnf : Ffr Sean ��

They fpened anfther dffr an clfsed the fne Lucy was clfse tf she was cryinn an pleadinn with them
but they weren't hearinn it ,afer that they lit the tfrch Lucy started tf burn sf they went fut an Lucy
cried an screamed cause this was mfre pain ul than beinn stabbed cause it can be healed sf Sabelf sat
the warehfuse fn fire

Sabelf : Let's nf

They bfth ran fut an stffd a ar than the warehfuse bursted tf the end � sf they went back hfme
with heavy hearts....✋

The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 54

Latino an Sabelo went to the house an when they entered they found the boys there
accept Lunelo an Smangele, Sean was lying there helpless but he was still breathing
although it's a matter of time before he dies

Latino : Thanks gents

Lungelo : Will he be okay? �
Latino : I don't think so
Sabelo : But we can do something Latino we can't just let him die
Nhlaka : A doctor can't help him?
Latino : No that's a no go, how's Tha... Tha.. You know who am asking
Sakhile : His back still sores an he's resting upstairs cause he didn't want to worry
his wife
Latino : It's okay, he really did fght I salute him
Nhlaka : True

Sean groaned while looking around an Latino went to kneel in front of him

Latino : My son �
Sean : N.. Nth.. Ntho
Latino : Can someone please call Ntho here
Lungelo : I will call Lubanzi don't worry

Lungelo went outside to call Lubanzi cause he's also worried about his daughter

Latino : Just hang in there

There was a tear that came out his face an it was the frst time Latino saw Sean
showing affection with tears

Sean : I don't think I'll survive �

Latino : No you can Sean please I can't lose you
Sean : Latino I never got a chance to thank you for all you did for me an for loving
me while me on the other hand don't lobe but I want you to know one thing that I
love you an will forever hold you in my heart
Latino : Don't talk like you dying I love you too �

Sabelo went to also kneel beside him

Sabelo : I still need a brother

Sean took Sabelo's hand an placed it to his heart

Sean : You are responsible for the beating of this heart �� when I came here I
didn't even love myself but you showed me what is to love myself � Sa... Sabelo
Sabelo : Did he just say Sabelo? ��

Everyone chuckled cause Sean was struggling with calling people's name

Sean : Don't change �

Sabelo : Don't die �
Sean : Don't beg �
Sabelo : Don't make me �
Sean : I love you �
Sabelo : I love you too �
Sean : Am feeling something I was always running away from
Sabelo : You will heal Sean please �

Sean kept quiet with only tears coming out of his eyes he's thinking hard at how he
didn't enjoy his life fne he did with his friends an grandpa but he didn't with Ntho,
he was suppose to get married an enjoy his life not to be this person who's always
thinking about himself only but now he's in his death bed after an hour Lubanzi
came with Ntho who entered when she saw Sean, she ran towards her an kneeled
forceful she didn't care about hurting her knees what was more painful is seeing the
person she loves lying there

Ntho : Se... Sean �

Her tears fell like waters falling on a tab an she couldn't control them, Sean opened
his eyes an saw Ntho his heart was beating fast

Sean : Hi
Ntho : Hi �
Latino : Can we give them space
Lungelo : Where will we go?
Sabelo : Pool house
Latino : Yeah

Everyone left them an went to the pool house leaving these two love birds alone

Sean : lie in my chest please �

Ntho : Can you sit?
Sean : No

Ntho lay beside him with her head on his chest

Sean : Can you feel my heart? **sniff**

Ntho : Yes I can feel it
Sean : What do you feel?
Ntho : It's beating fast
Sean : Want me to tell you something?
Ntho : Yes �
Sean : When I was young at the age of 8 years old my mother started not coming
back home, she used to stood me up whenever I got happy because she's coming
an at the end of the day I will be disappointed because she made me a fool up until
this day we went to wait for her at the airport cause she said she'll land at 1 o'clock
during the day so me an my nana (Babysitter) went to the airport to surprise her do
you know what happened? � she didn't come, she didn't even call to say am no
longer coming back, she didn't even bother asking me if am okay an she didn't even
bother telling me that she loves me� do you know how much I needed my mom to
say I love you to me, I started not loving my own self cause I thought that my
mother can't stand me that's why she's not coming back home �
Ntho : Se...
Sean : Shhh I want to fnish please �...I told myself that from that day I will never
tell anybody that I love them, I switched my heart an I didn't even love my family �
you know my mother died without telling me that she loves me �
Ntho : �
Sean : You know I questioned myself if she really did love me, if was she really my
mother how come I was always coming second in her life, even my father denied
me an got married to another woman, I felt like maybe I was not meant to be
loved � I went to live with nono an Latino � that when I received love from the
both of them you know what was the problem? It was that I couldn't love them back
cause my heart was locked � I couldn't show affection, I couldn't even cry when am
hurt to show my emotion, I couldn't even smile to show my affection I was always a
frowner an always isolated myself until you came into my life � fne I thought I
loved you an even like the name I love you but didn't remind myself that my heart
is still locked � I wanted to ft in your life that I let you change me, I wanted to
know what is love that I started losing myself but I thank Latino for opening my eyes
cause if he didn't I wouldn't be like this today not that am dying though�� He
reminded me that I have to accept myself the way I am,I have to love myself cause
when I was changed to what I am I hated myself more an I couldn't even look at
myself in a mirror cause I knew I was ugly an not loved � I even felt like nono an
latino were just pitying me which is something I hated �....Sa... Sabelo came along
an showed me how to accept myself, how to love myself, how to get used to the
word I love you cause he would say I love you randomly an I would answer too an
now I know how to love, you know when I was with you in the cinema the other day
my heart was beating out of my chest which is something that has never happened
before an I knew that this is the love that people are feeling, this is the love that
people were always telling me about, when you walked to me on our wedding day
my heart was doing the dance I knew that I had to love you by always reminding
you how much you mean to me � I had to show you care an don't make you a fool
by disappointing you like how my mother did to me � I had to live with you an
make you happy cause you deserve it �� so now today I want you to know that I
love you an this time it's from the bottom of my heart don't ever forget that
Ntho : Sean I love you too please don't leave me ��
Sean took her hand an kissed it

Sean : Look at me am ugly

Ntho : I don't care Sean I love you like that
Sean : Turn let me see you

Ntho looked at him an Sean pulled her to him an they kissed passionately after a
while he pulled out an looked at her

Sean : I love you

Ntho : I....

Ntho felt like he stopped breathing she screamed calling out Latino an woke Nono
up cause she was sleeping upstairs

Ntho : Sean � don't do this to me we can love each other � you not ugly ��

Latino came running with everyone else, Thapelo an Nono came running from the
downstairs although Thapelo's back doesn't give him the justice that he wants �

Ntho : He's dead �� please wake him up

Latino : Sean

He went to kneel with tears running down his cheeks an Sabelo just stormed out of
the house followed by Nhlaka who wanted to make sure that he's okay

Nhlaka : Sabelo
Sabelo : No
Nhlaka : Come back
Sabelo : No � No I can't ��
He kneeled down while crying an Nhlaka went to him

Nhlaka : Sabelo I know this is hard for you but listen Sean wouldn't want to see you
like this an nje I have a feeling that something miraculously will happen this is so
good to be true
Sabelo : I need a hunt �
Nhlaka : Am coming with you �
Sabelo : No
Nhlaka : Believe me I am

Back at the house

Nono was quiet all along with tears running down her cheeks cause she vowed to
protect Sean, Ntobeh was all crying an screaming cause he couldn't believe this at
all � Lungelo was helping her but it was not helping cause she was so crying an
that pained everyone

Ntobeh : Bring my Sean back tata he was starting to love me � he was the love of
my life � he told me that he loves me�� bring me my Sean ��

Everyone didn't know what to say cause nothing they say will help Sean, Light's
switched off an light again, an Nono was panting back an forth with her eyes closed

Latino : Nono � what's wrong

Nono : Who's Ntho?�
Ntho : I am �
Nono : He's saying you are the only one who can shake this rock

Nono kneeled down while shaking

Nono : He's saying you are the one who can change this stone to gold � he's saying
you must lift this Sun don't let it fall �
Nono was speaking in riddles an everyone didn't know what to say � an they didn't
understand what she's saying who is he? �♀

Nono : He's saying you can lift this Sun don't let it fall ��� don't let it fall it fallen
a countless times but don't let it fall now

Nono was crying with her eyes closed while shaking

Nono : Don't let this sun fall catch it �� don't let it fall

The light switched off an lit again Nono was down like he fainted they don't know �
♀The Sun Has Fallen

Semi Finale
Insert 55


Ntobe's mind was cracking cause she didn't know what does Nono means by not
letting Sean fall so she just cried

Ntobeh : Can someone tell me what's going on � �♀

Latino : Nono

He rushed to her because she was still shaking

Lungelo : What's wrong with her?

Latino : She can talk to dead people
Thapelo : So what does she means when she says Ntho must not let him fall who's
Latino : Sean
Sakhile : What shall she do to not let him fall �♀

Sabelo an Nhlaka walked in

Latino : That I don't know

Sabelo : What's wrong with Nono?

They narrated the whole story to her, Nono kept on saying "Don't let this sun fall"
an tearing so badly whereas Ntho was all confused

Sabelo : I think Ntobe you are the one who can wake Sean up only if you want to,
The sun is Sean an you must not let it fall, the stone is Sean I believe we all knew
that he was not a lover he had a stone heart so you are the one to change it into
gold an make it a jewellery, The sun has fallen countless times it means we had
problem that we couldn't fx a countless time but now this problem we can fx but
not us Ntobe you are the one to fx it

Everyone was amazed by what Sabelo is saying

Ntho : I don't even know what to do to help

Sabelo : Come on think �
Ntho : Sabelo
Sabelo : Can you give us space
Latino : Please help my son �
Sabelo : Don't worry she will help him

They all went to the pool house again an Thapelo called Lunelo about this whole
Sean issue, together with Siya,Lumkelo an Musa so all of them were on their way to
Sean's house, back to Ntho an Sabelo

Sabelo : Listen this is your last chance, don't you want Sean to wake up? Don't you
want to have a happy ending, we can't let this sun fall please Ntho think of
Ntho : Sabelo am blank � I don't know
Sabelo : I was the one to help Smangele today because she was kidnapped, I took
her bra an followed the scent to where she is an I found her
Ntobe : He's here so I can't help him by doing that unless...

Ntobe thought hard an there's nothing else she can do but what she's thinking

Ntobe : Human blood

Sabelo : That is your solution than
Ntobe : How will I fnd human blood Sabelo? Am no vampire I can't hunt

Sabelo knew the answer to that question but he wanted Ntobe to be the one to
fgure that out, cause this is her test of love

Sabelo : I don't know

Ntobe : Can you accompany me?
Sabelo : Where to?
Ntobe : Just come with me
Nono : Don't let it fall, don't let this sun fall �
Ntobe : Hurry

Sabelo an Ntobe went to the car an drove off leaving everyone wondering what's
going on, Sabelo was wondering what's going on

Sabelo : you know I can't read minds right?

Ntho : eally?
Sabelo : Yes it's not my gift
Ntho : I thought you can to anyways we going to the hospital
Sabelo : To do what there
Ntobe : I want the doctor to take at least four tubes of my blood
Sabelo : You gonna heal him with your blood?
Ntho : He's mine so what mine is his � it's the only way Sabelo I still need Sean in
my life �
Sabelo : let's go than

He drove fast causing Ntobe to scream

Ntobeh : Don't kill me please �

Sabelo : Am too excited to do that

Sabelo was happy that Sean will be alive, Ntobe will do whatever it takes to make
sure that Sean is alive
Lunelo an others fnally came to Sean's house even all the ladies were there cause
once you start to start family with one of them they consider you a family they don't
care whether you white or black we all humans so why not

Lunelo : We came as soon as we can, where is he?

Latino pointed at the foor, Sean was unrecognizable because of the burn

Slungile : Oh God �
Amkelo : Can he get help�
Lungelo : Ntobe is the only person who can help him
Lumkelo : Just like how Sabelo helped Smangele?
Thapelo : Yes just like that
Siya : Where is she? Oh mlungu � how can you go so early moss ayy

He went to kneel next to him an touched his hand an it was cold

Siya : He was always cold so you won't know if he's really dead or not � my mlungu

He was really sad but people fnd his statement amusing

Siya : Where is my other mlungu?

Lunelo : Sabelo?
Siya : Yes I still need him too you know I can't survive if they were to die both
Thapelo : Him an Ntho went somewhere
Lumkelo : Let's hope he will get help �

The whole family was sad

Nono : Don't.... Don't let it fall �� Don't let it fall

She said screaming an uncle Siya was startled

Siya : Tshin into na lewayo kant? (What's falling?)

Lungelo : He's asking what is falling?
Latino : The Sun
Siya : ayy liwiswa inton na asizofa? ( what makes it fall, won't we die?)
Thapelo : No it means Ntho mustn't allow Sean to die
Siya : Oh now I understand

He was still kneeling there with Sean an his heart was really paining �
After one hour Ntobeh found what she's looking for an they were driving back home
to do this rituals an see if it really gonna help Sean or not cause when she was in
the hospital, she did a research an they said that he can wake up after 10 minutes if
not that he's dead an they must make sure that there's so much blood for him to
drink cause when he wakes up he will be thirsty like never before, so Sabelo saw
that as no problem he will take them to go hunting, they got inside the gate an it
was packed with different cars

Sabelo : Family is here

Ntho : Yes I think so
Sabelo : Let's go in
Sindi : Sabelo

Sindi was in her house with Muzi,Scelo an some girl when she shouted for Sabelo

Ntho : I will go in
Sabelo : No I'll go with you....sure grand?
Them : Yizo
Muzi : Come around
Scelo : No �
Sindi : Why?
Scelo : He's an animal moss �
Muzi : Tseg maan scelo, Sabelo?
Sabelo : No pro will see you around

He took Ntho's hand an they went inside the house, all along Sindi thought to
herself that Sabelo will never change he's a player an there's nothing not even a
baby can change him, which only means one thing she can still get him if she
wants, back to the house Sabelo an Ntho entered the house an everyone was
gathering around Sean's body so Ntho went to the middle

Ntho : don't let it fall, don't let it fall �

Ntho took fve tubes of blood cause she decided to add one more tube an placed
them in her heart

Ntho : This is my signature to our love don't disappoint me�

She took the frst bottle an pour it on Sean, followed by the second, the third an the
forth, the ffth one went to his lips straight inside his mouth, they all hoped the best

Ntho : Let's wait

They all waited, the frst 5 minutes passed an nothing happened

Sabelo : 5 more minutes

Everyone was hoping for the best, everyone was holding on to their partners,Latino
was near Nono who was shaking while crying an talking in riddles continuously, the
second 5 minutes passed an nothing happened

Ntobe : He will wake up, he have to �

Another 5 minutes passed an nothing happened so Ntho went to the kitchen an took
a knife, he cut herself am pour another blood while crying

Ntobe : Don't make me a fool like your mother, don't make me fool like your mother
come back an tell me that you love me don't make me a fool like your mother �

Lungelo was breaking seeing his daughter like this really hits him so much, Ntobe
was busy cutting herself while crying, she didn't feel the pain of the cutting but her
heart was bleeding because she really wanted Sean to wake up

Ntobe : Don't make me a fool Sean � Don't make me a fool like your mother WAKE
UP ���
The lights switched off an on for like 5 minutes with everyone scared

Ntobe : Wake up ��
Sabelo : You can do this Sean wake up ��
Smangele : ise Sean don't fall �
Ntobe : Wake up �� don't make me a fool please �
Sabelo : Wake up brother I love you �

They all kneeled down after that the light switched off for one minutes after that it
switched on Sean was standing there in his vampire mode everyone froze, Ntobe
stood up an laughed with tears rolling down her face

Ntobe : You woke up ��

Sean hissed like a snake with his long teeth's Uncle Siya was so dead scared the
coward of the family, he charged towards them an they all stood up while others fell
because of being scared, Siya was on top of the table an Sabelo pushed him back

Siya : Yey mlungu ungezi apha kum (white man don't come anywhere near me)
Take others not me �

Everyone was dead scared an Siya is saying something like this to Sean �

Sabelo : Sean this is your family so stop ✋

Sean : Blood �
Sabelo : Not them they are your family

Ntobe wanted to run to him but Sabelo stopped her

Sabelo : Wait ✋
Sean : Don't ✋Blood �
He said looking at Ntho's hand cause it was bleeding, it was even hard on every
vampire in the room so how much more for Sean

Sabelo : You thirsty?

Sean : Yes
Sabelo : Let's go an hunt

Ntobe was busy crying cause she really wanted to be in his arms but now they
stopped her � Sean looked at her for a longest time

Sean : I love you an you will be in my arms just not now I don't wanna hurt you am
weak �
Ntobe : You read minds �� it's okay I love you too ♥�

Sabelo took Sean an they saw the crew in the neighbourhood so Sean hissed like a
snake an looked at Sabelo

Sean : Blood �
Sabelo : Not them come

Sean was frustrated cause he can see the meal but Sabelo is really pushing him
away from it,They jumped off the fences an the neighbor saw them which is Sindi an
the crew

Scelo : You expect me to be friend with a person who jumped like that, he's an
animal whoa I can't am sorry did you see how that animal hissed ��

Muzi an others were scared that they not safe at all �

The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 56


The family was at the lounge thinking about how they were scared because of what
Sean did, Ntobeh was in the room with a family doctor cause she needed some
stitches so they didn't want her to go to the hospital,Nono was in the room cause he
wanted to be alone

Siya : So where is Sabelo?

Lunelo : He's not back uncle
Thapelo : What is it that you want from him?
Siya : Nothing
Lumkelo : Whatever it is I know it's not good
Latino : That's what am thinking too
Siya : Mlungu I want my car the one you killed the other day
Latino : Maserati?
Siya : Yes
Latino : Don't worry I will pay you
Lungelo : Oh what have you done �
Sakhile : He will remind you always
Thapelo : Why are you talking cause you watched me being beaten by a vampire
Sipho : We didn't want to die
Siya : So you'll rather have him killed what kind of friends are you?
Latino : �� says someone who was in the top of the table when Sean was
charging to everyone of you �

Everyone laughed cause indeed Uncle Siya is a coward

Siya : Did you see how he few?

Lunelo : Flew? �
Siya : He's a sun kaloku �✋
Nhlaka : Sun's fy? �
Siya : Tell me how does it go up? It fies even the aeroplane fies right?
Lumkelo : Siya shut up �✋
Nhlaka : This uncle is too much, you should visit me in Cape Town
Siya : Girls?
Nhlaka : Packed �
Siya : Booze? �
Nhlaka : Sleeping on it �
Siya : Will be there, I will just go with you �
Lumkelo : Take him an make sure he doesn't come back
Musa : Please ✋ we fed up with him

Everyone was cheering an laughing until Sean an Sabelo came back an everyone
stopped laughing an prepared themselves to run �

Sean : Can everyone relax am not gonna eat anyone

Siya : Mlungu?
Sean : Yes this is me
Siya : Wow am wowed �

Sean chuckled an went to fnd Ntho who was so bored with the doctor busy hitting
on her

Doc : Ntobe please think about it �

He's asking her on a date an Ntho doesn't want to hear it

Ntho : There's nothing to think about here I don't wanna go on a date with you
Sean : Date?

He said coming in an Ntho just smiled cause it was like Sean was a knew version of
him because of being handsomely extra �

Ntho : Babe �
Sean : Can you give us a moment
Doc : We were done so you can come to my ofce for check ups �
Ntho : Will do doc
Doc : Man

He said looking at Sean an they shaked their hands after that he left an Sean went
to seat next to Ntho

Sean : Hi �
Ntho : Hi �

Sean loved this woman in front of him an he wouldn't trade her for anything

Sean : Thank You

Ntho : No thank you for coming back to me �
Sean : I heard your cries an never will I want to see you cry for being sad but for joy
now, I know I said that before but now I mean it now come an sit in my lap, you
know am stronger than before right?
Ntho : eally? �
Sean : Yes I can just take you here right now
Ntho : Take me
Sean : I would love too but I want to marry you frst �
Ntho : You will still marry me?
Sean : In a heart beat Babe an I will forever marry you if you want it to be like
that �
Ntho : I will marry you for all eternity too Babe ��
Sean : I want to always be your superman just like how you were my superwoman
Ntho : Sabelo also helped
Sean : That guy... **sigh**

Sean have not found a friend in Sabelo but he found a brother that he loves so
dearly an he doesn't want anything to happen to him �

Sean : He's my half �

Ntho : What about me?
Sean : Come on I know that Smangele is also your half �
Ntho : Guilty as charged �
Sean : You my life �
Ntho : I love You
Sean : I love you even more an I don't even think there's anyone who'll bring out the
best in me like you do �

Ntho went to sit in his lap an they hugged each other with their hearts beating fast
because of the love they feel for each other �
Siya took Sabelo to the corner cause he really wanted to talk to him, everyone
wondered what does he want cause it's not good

Siya : Mlungu wam (My white boy)

Sabelo : � Uncle
Siya : Bae �
Sabelo : Of cause where my ass at �.... "Uncle Bae "�
Siya : "Where my ass at"
Mimicking Sabelo's voice

Siya : Nazi mpundu emva kwakho tshin lenkwenkwe (Your bums are behind you,
mxm this boy)

Sabelo just laughed cause Uncle Siya was behind the point that he was stating

Sabelo : No I meant...never mind uncle Bae �

Siya : Does your mother have a boyfriend?
Sabelo : No she doesn't why?
Siya : I want to be your step father
Sabelo : Aibo �✋
Siya : Ndimbi na? (Am I ugly?)
Sabelo : No you not
Siya : So?
Sabelo : I don't need a father
Siya : Ayy tshin mna kaloku ndifuna ezampundu zamamakho (As for me I want that
ass your mama got)

Sabelo just laughed an even Siya he laughed

Sabelo : am sure you didn't call me here for that�

Siya : True � I want you to do me a favour
Sabelo : What's that? I'll be glad to help
Siya : I want you to change me

Sabelo looked at him an burst with laughter but Siya was serious, Sabelo didn't care
about that he laughed still that made Siya angry �

Siya : Am serious maan

Sabelo : I know which is why am laughing �
Siya : Will you?
Sabelo : No I won't now let's go inside
Siya : Sabelo �
Sabelo : No uncle Bae I can't do that to you
Siya : You kill for a living right? So why is it hard for you to change me?
Sabelo : Because I didn't get the chance to ask like you, I was changed without my
permission so I can't change someone even if I try I just can't
Siya : What if Smangele wants you to change her?
Sabelo : I will not allow that now let's go inside

Sabelo went inside followed by a sulking Siya, Well Sabelo thought hard about what
Siya asked him about Smangele wanting to change � she won't, would she? �♀

Sabelo : Latino, Uncle Siya needs to talk to you about something

He just shouted an Siya looked at him surprised cause he said No now he's helping

Latino : A minute I'll be with him

Siya nodded an Latino went upstairs to his wife

Nhlaka : Who needs to get drunk a little?

Sabelo : Me
Lunelo : � who? Don't make me laugh
Lungelo : Blood drunk?
Sabelo : Booze drunk
Thapelo : will it go down? Without burning you �
Lunelo : I don't want my daughter being the one to wake you up
Sabelo : Who said she's my soul mate
Lumkelo : By fre by force she's your soul mate
Musa : You can't go around making girls pregnant an expect to ask us that
Lunelo : No sense of humour in this house �
Lungelo : Sabelo was just joking
Nhlaka : Next time don't � you saw how Bab Lumkelo looked �� "By fre by gun
by force you will die for asking that question "
Lumkelo : I didn't say that �
Lungelo : In your heart you are �
Nhlaka : Bab Musa � I won't even mention the fst you made while answering the
question �
Sabelo : You saw that too? �
Sean : He wouldn't have seen it remember in prison when we asked if are there
cameras in the room we were in an he said

He said coming to them with Ntho,All of those who were in prison answered accept
Latino cause he was still up

Them : No I would have seen them when entering

Lubanzi : Lapho he said that he was arrested for something he didn't do
Musa : To hard to believe �
Thapelo : Bra �
Musa : Still your father in law
Nhlaka : Chill dololo � �♀
Thapelo : Tell me about it �✋

Everyone laughed while shaking their heads

Sabelo : Where's Smangele?

Lubanzi : She's resting in the other room
Lunelo : You need to wake her up cause we need to leave now
Sean : Thank you all for everything I will forever owe you my life
Lumkelo : Anything for family son �

Another thing you must know about the Mtshomo's,Ndlovu's an Gumede's when
they hold you in their heart it last forever �♥ unbreakable love unless you betray
them than you will feel their wrath big time so these three Sabelo, Sean an Latino
are part of them together with their families �
Everyone was gone accept for Siya cause Latino said he must remain behind

Sean : Uncle Bae are you sure about what you thinking?
Siya : Yes I am
Sean : Why?
Siya : I still wanna tap asses, Am not prepared to die
Sean : Do you know that it comes with a lot of damages
Siya : Am sick so it can heal me
Sean : � You made that reason up right now cause I know you lying �
Siya : � Leave me alone I still wanna live
Sean : Go to the second room on your left Latino is there waiting for you
Siya : Ho... Fine

Sean chuckled cause Siya is one crazy character how can he wants to change just
because he wants to tap an he doesn't wanna die, Siya went to the room an found
Latino there

Siya : Mlungu
Latino : � sit
Siya : I'll rather stand
Latino : Okay... What can I do for you
Siya : I want you to change me
Latino : Change you � why?
Siya : Because I still wan... No am sick
Latino : What sickness?
Siya : I have kup kup sickness
Latino : What's that?
Siya : Xhosa sickness � you know I will die if you don't change me, even my Family
doesn't know
Latino : Why not tell them?
Siya : They will put me in a home kup kup is dangerous it can affect others �
Latino : But changing you will only make things worse
Siya : I can handle my family ndishintshe wena (Change me)
Latino : Huh?
Siya : Ndikhathele kuthetha isilungu mna tshin (Am tired of speaking English now)
Latino : What are you saying?
Siya : The disease is at work you know it makes me talk nonsense �
Latino : I can't change you
Siya : Ndazenza yaz esisbhanxa asifun nalento yaso ( This idiot doesn't want to
change me now) mlungu come now
Latino : No

He got out but came back to take something on the table after that he quickly got
out with a blink of an eye that even made Siya dizzy � he locked Siya inside the
room an went to the lounge where Sean is after like a couple of minutes they heard
Siya screaming an groaning

Sean : You did it?

Latino : He's sick so I had to help him
Sean : He played you � he's not sick
Latino : He have a xh.. I don't know
Sean : No he just wanted to live so that he can be a tapper of asses
Latino : You lie �
Sean : Be prepared cause that family is coming for you �

Sean went upstairs laughing as for Latino he was angry cause he thought he was
helping an fell into Siya's trap �.....Welcome Vamp Siya �

The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 57


Siya was still groaning as for Latino he was so angry that he decided to punish him
by locking him for the whole night so he went to Nono who was in her bedroom

Latino : People would swear you sleeping

Nono : No I just love how my room is
Latino : Mrs Neat freak
Nono : You changed someone?
Latino : He said he's sick so I changed
Nono : He's not sick?
Latino : No apparently he wanted to live long an be able to play the girls
Nono : So he fooled you?
Latino : Seems like that
Nono : All in all we won't be changing anyone else, you know our rule Latino, it
either we eat people or we leave them, we not like other vampires who make
newborns but we live with humans as if we have nothing, fne they know about us
but it's ends there, we have to tell the boys no more changing someone
Latino : Yes Ma'am we will talk with the others

There was a loud knock coming from the outside

Sean : Uncle Bae is in the neighborhood what have you done Latino

Everyone rushed to the neighborhood even Sabelo was in the house he was called
by Nono because she wanted to talk to him regarding Smangele

Siya entered the house an Sindi with her crew were having fun without noticing Siya
who was standing right behind him so Scelo looked up an saw a vamp he pointed at
it while shaking

Scelo : A vampire ��

Everyone just laughed at him cause they thought that he's joking

Scelo : Am not joking guys �

He just fainted, Siya was charging towards them when Sabelo an Sean came

Sean : UNCLE

Siya turned an looked at them an back at the humans who were now terrifed

Sabelo : Not the neighbours �

Siya : Don't they have blood? �
Sean : Come this side please

Sean took Siya an they went outside cause him an Sabelo will teach him few things
about this cause if he carry on doing this he will end up killing his own family,
Sabelo was left with his so called friends, Sindi rushed to Sabelo an hugged him that
confused Sabelo, Sindi felt that he's cold but she didn't care

Sabelo : Is everyone okay?

Muzi : No we not how can he come here what if you didn't come what would have
Sabelo : I don't even want to think about it but since he now knows not to come
here he will do just that

Scelo woke up an thought that maybe he was dreaming �

Muzi : We not safe around you guys, I thought that maybe we can be friends an
forget this but am scared Sabelo this is no joke
Sabelo : I know... Can you stop squeezing me please

He said annoyingly looking at Sindi who was so looking forward to kill him with a
squeeze, she let go of him

Sindi : Am sorry just that I got scared

Scelo : Who wouldn't be when you live with animals around here
Sabelo : You have your own problem Scelo so I won't even have time to argue with
you, Muzi am sorry about what happened an don't worry nothing will happen to you
Sindi : What about me?

Sindi said looking at Sabelo seductively

Sabelo : Nawe (You too)

Muzi : It's okay I will call you
Sabelo : Sure

Sabelo went outside cause they had to teach Siya to hunt

Sabelo : Am back
Siya : Ndiphande ndaphinda mna (I almost went back)
Sabelo : No need let's go
Sean : We will teach you one or two things
Siya : Let's go
Sabelo : Starting with Speed
Siya : Sp...

They were long gone so Siya ran fast too an he was amazed by all of this cause he
thought that maybe they live normally like humans �
The following day

Sabelo was going to the mall to meet up with an agent for a house cause he wants
to buy a house for Smangele an his child, he also want to start building his mother a
house back at home only if she doesn't want to stay here in Jo'burg he will also buy
her a house cause he doesn't want her to be living with Smangele ,she'll rather visit
while on the way he heard someone shouting his name so he turned to be met by
Sindi an some girl he once fucked he wondered what is going on

Sindi : Oh Hey Sabelo

Girl : Ain't he Minnie?
Sindi : Oh Yes he is I just love to call him Sabelo �
Girl : Hey lover boy
Sindi : You may go Oe I will come to you
Girl : Okay Babes

The girl left them an Sindi went close to Sabelo who was just bored by all of this

Sindi : I no longer see you chilling with us

Sabelo : Been busy
Sindi : Was missing you
Sabelo : Mis... What are you doing? �
Sindi : I want you Sabelo, am even surprised how come a player doesn't notice
me �
Sabelo : Ain't you Babe's friend?
Sindi : Lucky is that bitch to be called Babe, that my friend am sure she'll
Sabelo : This is what you were doing making each other understand?
Sindi : No, she's pregnant so she won't know

Sindi touched Sabelo seductively but Sabelo pushed her away from him

Sindi : Don't act like you don't want me �

Sabelo : If you come anywhere close to me I will not care that there are people here
I will just kill you �
Sindi : Come on Sabelo don't make me beg, you a player an a player never changes
Sabelo : Fuck You nx
Sindi : You know am speaking the truth

Sabelo just left her standing there an wrote a message to Smangele that he want to
see her it's is urgent, Smangele called fast cause she was worried

Sabelo : Babe not in the phone

Smangele : Ok than come I want to know what's wrong
Sabelo : Am busy at the moment am coming
Smangele : Where you at?
Sabelo : Work

He had to lie because a house is a surprise for Smangele

Smangele : Okay I will be waiting

Sabelo : How's my baby?
Smangele : He's good �
Sabelo : That's good I will see you just now
Smangele : Bye
Sabelo : Aibo no I love you?
Smangele : This baby makes me forget �
Sabelo : Please don't lie about my baby �
Smangele : Am serious I don't even know my name �
Sabelo : Whatever I love You Babes
Smangele : I love you too �

Sabelo went to agent an they talked about everything an they will meet when he
will get to check the house for conformation, after some time he called Smangele
am told her that he's coming so Smangele wore her clothes an went downstairs to
be met by her dad who was busy on his laptop

Lunelo : My princess
Smangele : Daddy how are you?
Lunelo : No the question should be how's my princess? How are you feeling?
Smangele : I will be okay Daddy
Lunelo : The b... The b.... You know what I want to ask
Smangele : It keeping me sane
Lunelo : I want you to be okay
Smangele : Don't worry tata I will be okay

Her phone alerted that Sabelo is outside the gate

Smangele : Can I go out a little

Lunelo : Where to?
Smangele : Sa...
Lunelo : Will you be able to reach outside the gate?
Smangele : yes I can tata don't worry your handsome self
Lunelo : So am handsome?
Smangele : Yes with those eye glasses
Lunelo : Mxm get out of here �
Smangele : � bye
Lunelo : Sure Babey

Smangele went to Sabelo who was waiting outside the car

Sabelo : My baby momma, my beautiful munchkin

Smangele : Hey baby

They hugged an Sabelo swings Smangele who was giggling a sweet giggle after
some time they got inside the car

Sabelo : Are you sure you good?

Smangele : Yes am sure
Sabelo : I have something to tell you
Smangele : What's that?
Sabelo : Sindi
Smangele : What's about her?
Sabelo : She's firting with me
Smangele : �

Smangele laughed at this an saw that he's serious aibo �

Smangele : Are you for real?

Sabelo : Yes am for real Babe but I don't want her, me being a player is catching up
on me
Smangele : Will y... Will you?
Sabelo : Be a player again?
Smangele : Yes �
Sabelo : Never, Smangele you have my heart
Smangele : But she's sexy than me
Sabelo : I love you an your sexy bump am the one who made you pregnant so don't
worry your beautiful self
Smangele : I trust you Sabelo don't hurt me
Sabelo : Never I'll rather hurt my own self �
Smangele : Sikhulisa nini? (when are we having sex?)
Sabelo : You want sex? �
Smangele : Obviously stop starving me
Sabelo : Let's go than �
Smangele : You want to kill the bed again?
Sabelo : I brought a new one
Smangele : �
Sabelo : I will break your bones today

He drove off fast without thinking

Smangele : Someone is horny �

They both laughed, Sabelo would never hurt his girlfriend he's committed to her,
Smangele was so angry an she will deal with Sindi
Ntobeh was in her room searching for a school cause her father wants her to study
next semester although she doesn't know what to study cause she had always
imagine her future doomed because of Tshidi an now she's given a chance to study,
her phone rang interrupting her, so she answered an it's a number she doesn't
Ntobe : Hello
Caller : Hey Ntobe how are you?
Ntobe : All is good an who am I talking to?
Caller : Doc
Ntobe : Doc �
Caller : Am Nkosi your doctor
Ntobe : Oh Doc what can I do for you?
Nkosi : I was just checking up on my patient �
Ntobe : Do you do this to every patients? Or am just lucky
Nkosi : You lucky, I was wondering if you still denying a date with me?
Ntobe : A date?
Nkosi : Yes I asked you yesterday
Ntobe : I won't go with you on that date, am practically someone's wife
Nkosi : You not married right?
Ntobe : He paid all the lobola negotiations which makes me his wife
Nkosi : We can send that back come on Ntobe please give me a chance I know I can
make you happy more than him
Ntobe : You know what why didn't I think of this it's fne we can go on a date
Nkosi : eally?
Ntobe : Yes for really when?
Nkosi : Tomorrow night is good with me
Ntobe : Fine with me too
Nkosi : I will make the reservation an call you
Ntobe : Thanks will be waiting
Nkosi : Bye Babes �
Ntobe : Bye

Ntobe hung up her phone cause she had a plan in motion for this dickhead who
thinks that he can take care of her more than her husband to be �...She took her
phone an called Smangele who answered almost immediately
Smangele : My baby
Ntobe : We going on a date tomorrow

Ntobe was screaming causing Smangele to laugh, Lubanzi came barging in the
room he wanted to know what's happening, Ntobe put Smangele on loudspeaker

Smangele : With?
Ntobe : Me, You an Lubanzi � that Doc won't know what hits him
Lubanzi : Doc?
Smangele : Hey Lubanzi
Lubanzi : Hey babes
Ntobe : Nkosi the family doc
Smangele : He asked you on a date?
Ntobe : Yes
Smangele : An we going?
Ntobe : Yes
Lubanzi : To eat for free
Ntobe : Yes ��

They all screamed going all crazy, Sabelo was even laughing at Smangele cause
they were together

Ntobe : We going on a date

Them : Yes this deserves a celebration

They were all happy to ruin someone's life tomorrow night

Ntobe : Doc you won't know what hit you...

The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 58


Sean,Latino,Sabelo and Siya were in the bar for a hunt

Siya : Am thirsty I want something strong

He stood up an Sabelo stopped him

Sabelo : You can't

Siya : Why?
Sean : Because we don't drink
Siya : Inton? Anikwazi kundenza njalo kaloku Yo Yo Yo (What? You can't do that to
me) �
Sabelo : Uncle �
Siya : Ay usineka ntoni mlungu anindxelelanga eyonto (Why are you laughing? You
didn't tell me that)

Everyone laughed because of how worked up he is

Sean : I asked you if you sure about this an you said Yes
Latino : You had a disease to heal right? �
Siya : Ayy mna ndishintshen (No change me again)

Siya loved booze an it was his life, when things get hard he used alcohol to escape
the reality

Sabelo : Come with me

Siya : No
Sabelo : Just come I want to show you something

Sabelo wanted to help Siya cause he can see that what he heard is overwhelming,
they got out an Siya was really angry

Sabelo : Listen Uncle you know I didn't plan all of this to happen for me? But it did
an I had to be scared of looking at myself in the mirror because I was afraid that am
ugly or somethings, I was afraid to fnd that am not the same as before but you
know what I found? Fine I may have lost opportunities of doing things that I wanted
but I got to change the way I eat by drinking only blood, I had to change an not be
contact with the sun cause I'll burn, I had to lie to my mother by telling her that am
studying cause am afraid that maybe she'll want nothing to do with me because of
what I am but most importantly I found something treasurable which is Smangele
an the gift that she's about to give me which is my baby, now I want you to just
don't be sad an learn to fnd something that will keep you going, like your son an
family cause you are lucky you have more than one family, so now you are what
you are just embrace it an worse you wanted it yourself

Siya was all confused cause whenever he looked at Sabelo he didn't even think that
they can talk about something serious like this

Siya : I thought maybe by being what I am I can escape reality, I can escape death I
can do a lot of things, I didn't for a minute think that it will change me in a way that
I will stop booze � you know my mother would be happy right now cause ever since
I became a teenager I started drinking in a point that my father will throw me out of
the house an I will climb on top of the house an shout while running like a witch on
top of the house �
Sabelo : No �
Siya : Am telling you my father would come out in the middle of the night an shout
"Tseg Masimbakho ngenapha tshin yanxola"(Piss of you shit come inside the house
you noisy)
Sabelo : You were a nuisance �
Siya : I was just like that, son you will have to guide this coward of an old man who's
Sabelo : Don...

Siya raised his hand cause he saw two man's coming their way, an it like they will
cause trouble for them which was true
Guy 1 : Look what we have here �
Guy 2 : Jackpot

Some other guys came out an it seems like they've been watching them since from
the beginning, when they were coming out of their cars till now

Guy 3 : At least we have these two they will help us get the keys for the other cars

Siya was so amused by all of this cause this might be his frst action as what he is

Sabelo : Mmmh
Siya : You know what my father use to say boys?

The guys looked at each other while shrugging their shoulders

Siya : He used to say "Son don't be fooled by knifes an fake guns when being
robbed fght for what is yours" you know what I think boys?
Guy 1 : No
Siya : Play Time �

He started rounding them with high speed an Sabelo joined him they did that the
guys were feeling dizzy an scared cause never in their lives have they seen
something like this an Siya took one of the guys an threw him to the wall the others
tried to run but Sean an Latino were already outside too they got them an all of the
Vamps shouted

Them : Supper Time �

Guys : Shit �

They screamed but the Vamps were not giving them justice they sucked their blood
dry after that they all roared with blood dripping their mouths ♂
The following day Siya went home cause it been 2 days without sleeping at home,
Sabelo taught him on how to react when with his family so that they won't be
suspicious until he's ready to tell them, he got inside the gate with a driver driving
him an he hurried inside cause it was hot outside he found Lumkelo on his way out

Lumkelo : Bhutii (Brother)

Siya : Mdala (Brother)
Lumkelo : It been a while I missed you
Siya : Ayy tshin andingomfazi wakho (Am not your wife)
Lumkelo : I knew you were gonna say that �
Siya : Going somewhere?
Lumkelo : Yes Zuko is coming this side so I have to fetch him at the airport or will
you go?
Siya : No I can't am tired
Lumkelo : Tired?
Siya : Yes

Of cause he was lying he can't go out when it's this hot

Lumkelo : Okay I will leave you than

Siya : Fine

Lumkelo went out an drove off, Siya started running up an down of the house while
screaming, he went to the lounge an played some music loud the volume was at
max � he was dancing while jumping from downstairs to upstairs while dancing an

Siya : ANDIKHATHALI YOOOOO (Am not getting tired)

He danced an jumped an did some back fall without notice the man's of the family
were standing an watching all of this, Lumkelo was going to the airport but they
beat him to it so all of them came back to the house to fnd this horror, he was
dancing without noticing them an jumping which is unusual cause he never does
this when the song ended he turned an got the shock of his life

Lumkelo : Siya �
Zuko : Aibo (Huh) �

The family wanted some explanation for this but within a blink of an eye Siya was
no longer in the room he went to his room cause he didn't have any explanation for
them little did he know that they will stay here until he comes out of that room an
explain even if it takes him two days they will be here or shit will start getting real if
they don't hear the explanation cause by the look of things Siya is not alone in that
body of his�
Later that day Smangele,Ntobe an Lubanzi were dressed up an they went to the
restaurant cause Nkosi sent them the direction an time so they didn't wanna be late
for this special occasion, Nkosi was in his chair waiting for Ntobeh when she got
inside with the bunch of her siblings � they went straight to his table

Smangele : Hey Doc can you order am so starving

Lubanzi : You know I got hungry the moment I got inside here

They both took other chairs from other tables an sat down, Nkosi was so shocked by
what is happening, Ntobe so wanted to laugh, Lubanzi an Smangele took the
menu's an chose the food they will eat it was costing a lot

Smangele : You got taste � If I were you shame I would have taken us to
debonaires maybe
Lubanzi : True cause we love food �...CAN WE ALSO HAVE A BOTTLE OF YOU BEST
He said shouting for the waiter to hear an Nkosi was looking at Ntobe who just
shrugged her shoulder an mouth "Sorry",Nkosi was so angry the food arrived so
these two monkey's ate like nobody's business an Smangele had an appetite for

Smangele : Desserts anyone?

Nkosi : Will be lovely �
Lubanzi : I saw the one with booze saw that Sma?
Ntobe : Smangele doesn't drink Lubanzi
Lubanzi : Oh jeez how can I forget let's order the dessert
Smangele : Yeeeeeees

They all screamed causing havoc an Nkosi didn't like all of this so he stood up

Smangele : Whoa mister man where are you going?

Nkosi : I can't do this
Lubanzi : You can't ditch my sister like this
Nkosi : Clearly this is family reunion or family dinner
Smangele : Brother man sit the fuck down you don't wanna anger a pregnant
woman cause you don't know what am capable of doing

Nkosi saw that Smangele was serious but she laughed although she was serious

Lubanzi : He nearly peed on himself �

Smangele : I saw that too � now brother eat the dessert

The dessert came an they ate, while Ntobe on the other was in stitches cause she
knew that by bringing these two this Doc will get the message

Smangele : Takeaways this food is so mncaa

Lubanzi : Did you taste the salt of the food?
Smangele : The little one that was hiding but it was there
Lubanzi : Yes the one we found when we were chewing the food
Smangele : I felt it � can we take takeaways I still need that salt

The both of them ordered the same food but the difference is that they going with it

Smangele : Ain't you buying or you fasting?

They said looking at Ntobe

Ntobe : No am still thinking on what to order

Lubanzi : That's the spirit little sister �
Ntobe : Am not little
Smangele : Here we go again �

After sometime they all were good to go so they stood up an Nkosi looked at them

Smangele : What?
Nkosi : The bill
Lubanzi : Oh can we get the bill please

The waiter gave them the bill an brother man rented the restaurant for the both of
them with Ntobe he didn't know that this was going to happen

Smangele : Wow have we been buying a car or what?

Lubanzi : This can't be maan I feel like we needed to buy the house an a car
Ntobe : �
Smangele : 5550 not bad now pay up brother
Nkosi's eyes popped out cause he thought that they will pay

Nkosi : WHAT? �
Smangele : Nywat?� (What)
Ntobe : "I can make you happy more than him" you were willing to send the
negotiations back to Sean right?
Smangele : Neg... Him? �� ayy suka khokha apha yeke ukuphupha tshin (Pay up
an stop dreaming)
Lubanzi : Next time watch out we will take your car with us �
Smangele : Lobola negotiations back to Sean whoa that's so deep �� eyes popped
out for what? 5000 an talk about sending the lobolas back where? � come off it
man pay up

They stood up an walked out while laughing leaving Nkosi sweating cause he
doesn't have that kind of money with him

Smangele : Ayy na �� pay up motherfucker

She said shouting from the outside an they all laughed

The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 59


The Mtshomo family is still waiting for Siya who decided to face his demons by
telling them nothing but the truth, he went downstairs with his head bowing down

Zuko : At last
Siya took out the eye lenses while looking down he just didn't know how to break
this to his family

Lunelo : Uncle is everything okay?

Lumkelo : He's okay you saw how he was dancing, jumping an doing things I don't
even know, that to me confrms that he's okay
Siya : Tshin ndiryt nathetha ngam ndikhona (Am okay an why are all talking about
me while am here)
Lungelo : You know the image am seeing is the same as Uncle Tom who bowed his
head kant he's a vampire an he wanted us to kill him
Musa : Look at us

He just lifted his face an his eyes were red, All of the guys jumped an wanted to run

Siya : Am not gonna do anything to you all

Lumkelo : Lu... Lunelo
Lunelo : Tata?
Lumkelo : Am going with you tomorrow
Zuko : Who are you leaving me with?
Lumkelo : Your brother
Zuko : Are you crazy � I'll rather die

Siya went to close the door an came back to them

Siya : No one is leaving this house

Thapelo : Huh? �

Thapelo got scared same as everyone else cause they didn't know what's going on

Lumkelo : You can't kill us we are your family

Siya : Family?
Zuko : Yes we family
Siya : But you want to run away from me just because I chose to be different
Lunelo : Am gonna kill that douchebag for changing you
Siya : Whoa ✋ you always been a hero Lunelo but now let me choose my own
decisions, You Lunelo are a gangster same applies to you Thapelo did I run away
from you?
Them : No Uncle
Siya : My brother you also a hardcore gangster an even my son is a corrupt lawyer I
didn't run away from you did I?
Them : No
Siya : Now that I am what I am you want to run away from me like am an animal
with no brain cause yeah I am a vamp an it's done yol can't do anything to change
that fne Lunelo you can kill everyone but your favourite uncle will still be a vamp, if
you can't accept me that you have to say now so that I can pack my bags an buy a
house so that I can know that we over an I won't even call you my family

They all looked at each other, Lumkelo was so hurt that Siya chose this life for him,
he's afraid that this will only makes him changes a lot of things like he won't be the
lively siya they always known

Lumkelo : Why? �
Siya : Why what?
Lumkelo : Why did you choose this? Out of everything why this? Do you think our
parents are happy with the decision you made? Did you even think for one minutes
that your decision is selfsh, did yo.... �

He just kneeled down cause this is really hurting him why would his brother choose
this why?

Lumkelo : Is it bravery you wanted? Siya why did you choose this over everything?
Siya : Because I wanted too, I just wanted to Bhutii, I wanted to know how it feels
like to be in control of myself, we always made decisions that will always beneft us
but we never made decisions that will make us happy, I wanted to feel in control of
me, I know that this is hard for everyone to accept but It's my choice an I don't
regret choosing well a little � but I accept myself
Lunelo : Am sure that little is "No booze zone" � you'll always be my number one
uncle, my favourite � Vamp or not it's okay cause it was your choice after all

Siya looked at the others an Lungelo stood up an went to his father

Lungelo : Although I don't want you like this but your eyes are magical � I lost 35
years not knowing so am no prepared to lose you now just because of being a vamp
you know I mean those guys are cool they helped us get out of jail �
Lunelo : ight � Thaps

Thapelo's eyes popped out

Thapelo : Um �
Lunelo : Come on man � don't tell ms you still scared because of the other day
Thapelo : That vampire kicked me so hard on my stomach an even now it still
Lungelo : Am sure my father here won't do that

Thapelo looked at Siya an back at Lungelo an Lunelo than he laughed

Thapelo : Sure why not a vamp in a family whoaa

He screamed causing Lunelo an Lungelo to laugh cause that was unexpected

Lunelo : Jeez you messing up our eardrums

Thapelo : I accept you Mr Vamp

They looked at the elders an they just stood up an took their keys

Lumkelo : Am sleeping at the hotel I don't accept this rubbish

Musa : This thing of yours killed my brother
Zuko : The question is for how long will you love killing people without reason

The three were all angry an they were going to the hotel but Siya stopped them

Siya : No don't leave on my account am gonna pack my bags an get out of your

Lumkelo felt bad for that too but he didn't want all of this

Lumkelo : N...
Siya : You don't have to lie I will leave your house

Siya went upstairs an packed few things he will come back for more an it was
already late so he called Sabelo he will go house hunting tomorrow, after a while he
went downstairs with the bags they all looked at him

Siya : It ends now thanks for everything my brothers but this is what you all want
right? To leave me cause you can't accept my decision than so be it andinganicengi
( I won't beg)
Zuko : Siya we can pray for you an you will change
Siya : Who said I want to change even if that was possible? Ayy ngandinyeli hlukana
nami (Don't bullshit me just stay away from me)

He took his car keys an went out The three who accepted him followed him

Lunelo : Uncle
Siya : Intoni? (What?)

He was so angry at his brothers for not accepting him, this is his life right? Why
can't they get that?

Lunelo : You can stay with me or Lungelo or Thapelo

Siya : No I will be with Sabelo today than I'll go house hunting, am so angry Lunelo I
don't want to be around people who have blood in their veins am protecting
everyone here.... Driver take me to Sabelo's

The driver knew Sabelo's mine (house) so they went there, Lunelo renumbered late
that Smangele is with Sabelo
Smangele was with Sabelo cause she asked her father that she wanted to spend
time with Sabelo although he was against it at frst but he gave in so they were just
laughing an joking around when Sabelo's phone rang he looked at it an back at
Smangele who was not minding anything cause she thought that maybe it's Sean or
his mother or anybody else

Sabelo : It's Sindi

Smangele : Sindi waph? (From?)
Sabelo : The one an only Sindi
Smangele : Loudspeaker an ecord her

Sabelo did as told although he didn't want to talk to Sindi

Sindi : Hey lover

Sabelo looked at Smangele she signalled him to carry on talking

Sabelo : Um what do you want Sindi

Sindi : You know very well what I want Sabelo or should I say Minnie � I want you
an we don't have to tell Smangele about it
Sabelo : No I don't want to cheat on my girlfriend, she's everything I need an more
Sindi : Come on she's a pig am sure she bores you
Smangele wanted so badly to laugh cause this bitch doesn't know her at all

Sabelo : Make sure what comes out your mouth next doesn't anger like just now
Sindi : Am sorry just that I want you I can come just now my cookie is dropping
Sabelo : Mxm
Sindi : Come on Smang...
Sabelo : Don't call that name ever again for rubbish nx

Sabelo hung up his phone cause this angers him ,the was a knock so he went to
open an was met by Siya, all along Smangele was sending a message to Ntobe an
Lubanzi so that they can meet outside Sindi's gate

Siya : Andiphazamisi? (Am not disturbing?)

Sabelo : No you not come in

Siya came in an saw Smangele his heart smiled

Siya : My baby

Smangele giggled like a small baby

Smangele : Hey baby �

She went to hug him but he was cold

Smangele : Baby you cold

Siya : Isn't?

Smangele looked at him an his eyes were red

Smangele : Oh baby

She hugged him once more an saw the bags

Smangele : The bags?

Siya : It's a long story my baby but I'll be okay
Smangele : Everything will be okay Baby don't worry I have to go

She left without hearing what they wanted to say an Sabelo knew that there's
trouble in the mountain, Smangele drove away with so much force she took
Sabelo's phone an left with it, after some time she was at her destination she saw
two cars an it was Lubanzi an Ntobe she got down an went to them they also did the

Lubanzi : So?

Smangele played the record, Lubanzi was so angry same applies as Smangele, she
went back to the car an took Sabelo's knife an went to ring the intercom

Sindi : Who's there?

Smangele : My bitch am here open up
Sindi : Oh God come in Babes

The gate opened an Smangele followed by the two they went inside the house an
found Sindi already opened so they got inside an Smangele was the last one so she
locked the door

Sindi : I didn't know that you were coming

Smangele : Mm we didn't know too

She said walking slowly towards everyone

Sindi : Drink?
Lubanzi : Drink? You won't afford us

Sindi laughed an looked at everyone she saw that everyone was serious

Sindi : Are you guys okay? The baby Smangele is it okay?

Smangele : Very good even his father he's good

Sindi rolled her eyes while looking away

Sindi : That's good

Smangele : Sindi remember what I told you when we were doing our 4 year
Sindi : You'll kill me if ever I betray you
Smangele : Oh you remember

Smangele played the record an Sindi's eyes popped out

Sindi : What's this suppose to mean?

Smangele : It means you bitch wanted to sleep with my boyfriend
Sindi : Sabelo is a player Smangele
Smangele : Was
Sindi : Oh please Bitch he is a player an not even you can change that
Smangele : Sindi
Sindi : No Smangele stop trying to make excuse for that player an wena you should
be grateful cause am helping you with doing what am doing

Smangele slapped her so hard an Sindi was so angry

Ntobeh : Let me see what you gonna do you don't want us to go all ratchet on you
Sindi : Smangele you didn't just do what you did�
Lubanzi : What you gonna do

He said taking the gun from his back ,Sindi got scared

Sindi : You can't do that Lubanzi

Lubanzi : One move an you dead
Sindi : Oh please Lubanzi this bitch was busy complaining that Minnie is a player
now she's here talking rubbish, I wish that baby could just kill you look at how thin
you are slut
Smangele : Shut up
Sindi : Never it's a matter of time before Sabelo leave your sorry ass an go back to
his old self
Smangele : Am warning you Sindi
Sindi : Just continue being a slut that you are an that child will kill you bitch if not I
wish death upon that thing you pregnant with

Smangele couldn't take it she ran towards her with a knife Sindi wanted to try an
run away Lubanzi shot her leg an Smangele jumped to her an stabbed her
continuously, Sindi was screaming an crying cause she saw nothing but coldness in
Smangele's eyes an face

Sindi : Am sorry ��
Smangele : How can you wish death upon my child �� do you know how am doing
all of this because id wanting my child to live, you will die bitch die die ��

She was stabbing her in her chest continuously until she died an Ntobe with Lubanzi
were so amazed cause the person who killed Sindi was not Smangele alone it was
like she's possessed �

Ntobe : Is she dead?�

Lubanzi : I think so � she deserved it
Smangele stood up from the foor an walked like a zombie to the kitchen an took a
glass so that she can drink the blood that was coming out of Sindi after sometime
when she was done drinking her mind came back to normal an she realised what
she did � oh God what has she done

Smangele : What have I done �

The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 60


Smangele : What should we do

They were still inside the house when the was a knock on the door, they all froze

Smangele : What's the next step

Ntobe : I don't know
Lubanzi : We should hide her for now
Smangele : Than?

The knock was persistence

Sabelo : Open up Smangele I know you in here

Smangele paced up an down frustrated cause this will make her an Sabelo have a
break down

Sabelo : Open this door don't let me kick it down

Sean : Ntho open!!
Smangele went to open because she knew that they were gonna kick the door down

Smangele : Why are you here?

Sean : Because I heard a scream coming from here
Ntobe : A scream?

Lubanzi was trying to clean in the other room but it was hard cause the blood was
all over the place

Sabelo : Why are you crying? An Lubanzi stop what you doing we can smell the
blood from here

Lubanzi just stopped trying an went to them

Lubanzi : Mxm Mr blood smeller

Sabelo : What happened here?
Smangele : Nothing, if you don't mind we wanted to do this an be done with it
Sabelo : what's that?
Sean : They killed someone so Smangele wants them to bury her
Smangele : Can you stop reading my mind ✋�

Smangele was rather irritated by all of this an she's tired she wants to sleeps the
baby is not giving her any justice

Sean : We will help that's why

Ntobe : You will tell our parents
Sabelo : It will be our secret till death
Lubanzi : Death? � you know that you'll die when am long dead
Sabelo : At the end I'll die right?
Lubanzi : Mxm
Sean : Can we get moving

Sean, Lubanzi an Ntobe went to the body and Sean was so tempted by this blood

Sabelo : You have blood on your chin

Smangele : I don't know what is happening with me Sabelo, one minute am
Smangele the next it's like am a different person
Sabelo : We have to see Nono
Smangele : I don't know if she can help Sabelo it's like am going crazy

This was messing Smangele's head cause she didn't understand what is happening,
so Sabelo went to Sean

Sabelo : Can you do me a favour

Sean : What's that?
Sabelo : Handle all of this, I want to take Smangele to Nono she's kind of having a
problem or let's say a moment
Sean : I got you

Sabelo took Smangele an they went to Nono who was at the lounge in Sean's
lounge, she just looked at Smangele an her tummy back to her face

Nono : Come

Smangele went to her cause she really needed to know whats happening to her

Nono : You must be Smie �

Smangele : Yes I am
Nono : Give us a minute Sah I will talk to you alone
Sabelo : Okay I will be with Sean... Baby am going back to Sean you'll be okay?
Smangele : Yes you can go
Sabelo : Alright

Sabelo kissed Smangele's cheek an went out going back to Sean leaving Smangele
with Nono

Nono : I see your child covering you whenever you face some troubles it's like you
become him for that particular moment after that you go back to your self
Smangele : Is it a good thing?
Nono : It means even in his life time he'll be your shield together with his father
cause he doesn't want anything to do with the both of you, I see him doing the
unthinkable things, He's a dangerous kid who won't want anything to happen to his
Smangele : That is good thing
Nono : Maybe it is, maybe it is not � Smie this is your chance to show this child that
you are his mother not the other way around ,tell him not to bossy you around, tell
him that he must stop killing you
Smangele : I can't talk to a child who's still in my tummy
Nono : This is just no child he's your protector, your possession, he's everything but
trouble is his other name � What I see is horrible an shouldn't be done by a person
embrace yourself if you don't teach him now �

Smangele didn't understand all of this

Nono : I see unthinkable thing done by this child not good, not even close to it,
guide him he's your protector an he's also your possession

Nono was repeating one an the same thing now just like when Sean was dead � an
Smangele didn't know what to say or do she just sat there an listened to her
After some time Sean an the others came back from cleaning the mess an they
found Smangele sleeping in the lounge with Nono massaging her swollen legs
Sean : We back
Nono : Where are you coming from?
Sabelo : Well we went out for some fresh air
Nono : That's good
Sean : Will you please excuse us I want to talk to Ntobe
Lubanzi : I will be gone by the time you come back
Ntobe : What about me?
Lubanzi : Am writing tomorrow sis fgure it out what you going to tell father
Ntobe : Come on Lubanzi
Lubanzi : Fine I will try to talk to mom don't come back late am giving you two hours
Sean : It's enough for us
Lubanzi : Okay
Nono : I also want to talk to Sabelo
Sabelo : Can I be busy frst
Nono : No problem sweetie
Sean : I wonder what you busy with cause you don't shit �
Lubanzi : eally? Do you pee? �
Sabelo : yes we do pee
Lubanzi : Your life is so epic
Sabelo : Very �

Sean took Ntobe to his room cause he wanted to talk to hed about what just

Sean : What was that all about?

Ntobe : What's that?
Sean : You killing someone an wanting to hide this
Ntobe : She was a problem to Smangele
Sean : Couldn't you handled it better than killing her, Ntho I don't want you killing
people �
Ntobe : Don't you kill people for the living?

Ntobe said that with a bored look

Sean : Oh
Ntobe : Don't judge me of shout at me Sean this is my life so I can do whatever I do
just like how you chose what you do so please spare me the lecture
Sean : **he chuckle sarcastic **
Ntobe : Don't judge me please
Sean : Am not judging I was just asking what happened ,you can't kill people what if
you got arrested while taking the body to the hiding cause yol didn't have clue on
all of this
Ntobe : � I said spare me the Lecture Sean just because you always kill an get
away with doesn't mean we won't too cause you kill for the living

Ntobe realised later that she wasn't talking nicely just like that the Mtshomo family
protect one another no matter what

Ntobe : Am sorry I wasn't suppose to say that

Sean : No it's okay I do kill for a living right? Just because I chose too right?
Ntobe : No Se...
Sean : THAT'S WHAT YOU SAID NTHO � you know am tired of this going back am
forth with you about what I am an what I do, fne I do kill but I don't want you to do
the same an if you think what am saying or what I want is too much for you than
fne, this right here is over
Ntobe : Huh? ��
Sean : I mean our discussion you can go home
Ntobe : Sean �
Sean : Just go home don't let me repeat myself just go
He said that going to the bathroom to take a cold shower because he wanted to
ignore Ntobe leaving Ntobe sad because of what just happened....
Sabelo came back from his busyness an found Smangele not at the lounge anymore

Sabelo : Where is she? Don't tell me that she went home

Nono : No she's in my room sleeping
Sabelo : Oh that's a relief thank you so much Grano �
Nono : Am Nono to you �
Sabelo : Just that I love your name �
Nono : I know people say that a lot they like how we pronounce it �
Sabelo : True I just see myself living in France just because of calling your name �
Nono : Come on �

They saw Ntobe coming to the lounge

Ntobe : Will have to go

Nono : Leaving already?
Ntobe : Yes I am

People fnds it hard to answer Nono cause she's so intimidating an they don't know
what she's thinking while asking the question she asks

Sabelo : Go well we will talk tomorrow

Sabelo saw that something is wrong

Ntobe : It's okay we Will see each other tomorrow than

Ntobe took her car keys an left them there

Nono : We have to talk

Sabelo : Let's talk
Nono : Your child
Sabelo : What about him? Is there a problem?
Nono : He's using your girlfriend to do what he wants
Sabelo : Like the killing today?.
Nono : Yes when provoked he tends to take control of everything
Sabelo : Is that a good thing
Nono : We may try to stop him but even in his life he will be like that, the only thing
we have to do is tell him that he can't bossy his mother around, it's okay to protect
her but he is overdoing it, his mother is not a vampire she's human so this is really
taking a toll on her, if he doesn't stop she'll end up dying, we giving her blood but
still she's getting thin even more am I lying?
Sabelo : No I've been seeing that too
Nono : This child must be told not to drink her mothers blood cause we giving him
what his

Sabelo was now stressed cause this all his fault if he didn't make Smangele

Nono : She will be okay just that we have to tell your son to calm down, he's full of
anger an we can only guide him since he's in the tummy but once he comes out he
will be worse � he's a possession to his mother an that's dangerous cause he's
fnishing her off inside an also want to take her powers by using her
Sabelo : What to do?
Nono : Always talk to the tummy make him know not to abuse his mother, he loves
her more than anything just that he can't control himself so it's your job to control
him cause yol are his parents right?
Sabelo : Yes
Nono : So it's your job for the next 4 Months if not than be prepared to bury
Smangele cause once she dies not even you can help her � Help her now before
it's too late

Sabelo was so frustrated only if she just told Smangele to get rid of the baby none
of this would have happened, maybe Smangele would have broken up with him, he
doesn't want Smangele to die, an he wants to be the father his father failed to be,
he went upstairs where Smangele is, he looked at her sleeping peaceful, an it's true
she's not the same Smangele at all she's thin like she's sick, he went to her an took
her hand

Sabelo : We gonna be okay, I promise you

He said touching her belly

Sabelo : An you got to be good to mummy if you wanna meet her unless you want
her to die but I doubt be good boy please �, other than that we will be a good
family an a beautiful one �� we all gona be okay... �

The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 61


Ntobe went home and straight to her room to cry herself to sleep luckily her mother
didn't see her �she's crying about what she said to Sean because for sure he was
angry �when he said that they are done with the conversation they had, so she
though of telling Smangele about this but decided against it,she thought ways to
make things right with Sean without involving Sma in its cause for sure she has a lot
of stress right now she decided to sleep an woke up early in the morning still sad for
all that happenend yesterday night, Usually Sean would call her in the morning but
today it's blank,she remembered her friend Siwe from Durban who she decided to
call, remember the lesbian friend that was cashier at Checkers Hyper that one ke,
her phone rang twice am she answered
Siwe : wow she fnally remembers me good people��maybe its my fnal day on
earth yaz(you know)
Ntobe : Am sorry friend for going AWOL on you yaz its just that I was busy doi....
Siwe : Dont try to play that card with me girl, what up cause I know you wouldn't
just call to check up on me nje ngiyaz ufuna ukungisebenzisa njengamanje (i know
you want to use me right now) so talk that what I am right ?
Ntobe:oky Siwe am sorry for not calling you and for not updating you with my life,
but i need your help please girl
Siwe : fne talk to me dear you know am your man right if you need a shoulder to
cry on
Ntobe : do you remember the white guy who once came to buy chocolate �when
you were cashier
Siwe : dah there are so many people who come to buy things so I don't keep
records of them dear
Ntobe : am talking about the guy that was weird who saw me when I was in my
period without pads � that embarrassing moment of my life moss hau

Siwe was Laughing so hard cause she remember that day that made ntobe so shy
its wasn't even fun cause of the walk she did that day it was like she was poured
with cold water

Ntobe : stop it man hau i need your advice on that cause I'm kinder seeing that guy
now so I mess up every chance I get, I want some advice on how can I make things
right with him
Siwe : isn't it obvious dummy, the poor guy need to realise some hau ave uxaka
uvele ubuze ngisho into iphambi kwakho impendulo wena yaz (sometimes you
confuse me girl you ask some question that are so obviously infront of you) you so
dom sometimes I wonder how I ended up being your friend �
Ntobe : mxm whatever man, what that suppose to Mean?
Siwe : give the poor man some cookie girlfriend
Ntobe : what?� are you crazy? I cant do that am still a virgin so I can't do that
Siwe : you are still a virgin mary even now, weren't you getting married? what the
fuck bitch you cannot be serious right now, so you better lose that virgin shit you
just told me cause you will die young and guess what will happen�����
Ntobe:what will happen?
She was confused by this question of cause

Siwe : ants,worms even the soil will eat that cookie of yours ��� it wont even be
funny cause you wont be enjoying its Babe you will be.... � um what the correct
word again friend?
Ntobe : skeleton/ corpse whatever if that the word you looking for, my airtime is
almost fnish here thank you very much
Siwe : eke that the word girl so give it up already let's us eat the cake with fork �
and knife lana(here)and i don't mind doing the honour to be the frst to eat that
cake cause we friends after all�
Ntobe : in your dreams girl this will be Sean's cake
Siwe:i thought he's name was white guy cause that what you told me moss ��
Ntobe : Can you be serious �
Siwe : But guess what he's Sean now everybody wow �
Ntobe : Siwe �✋
Siwe : am the one who came frst in your life but guess what i get girl the hug and
kisses!!😘 in the cheek but Sean get the whole package and the pussy too ,what a
friend I've got here

Ntobe was laughing her lungs out cause Siwe can be dramatic sometimes

Ntobe : thanks girl for real nhe

Siwe : wear something sexy like lingerie and light up some candles to be romantic
girl, ow and don't be a roasted chicken in bed okay?
Ntobe : did you have to say that��out loud nah?
Siwe:i was helping mary phela who doesn't know how to be romantic here
Ntobe : you know what you must pay me a visit one of this days
Siwe : that the part i can't do girl cause if this beautiful legs get there they will have
to come back with a cofn like being dead D.. E.. A.. D like Lindo who came back in
a box of dead people
Ntobe : okay � fne but i was going to give you a super model girlfriend but its
fne �
Siwe : if you put it that way i will think about it bye for now
Ntobe : Wait
Siwe : What?
Ntobe : Does it hurt?
Siwe : Of cause it does but I think it bearable cause I've never been with a guy
Ntobe : Am scared
Siwe : Don't be a chicken about it you'll be just good ,do all those things an let Sean
guide you cause you still blank as in BLANK � I have to go Babe
Ntobe : still love you�
Siwe : Same here BAbe �

They hung up their phone an Ntobe did her morning hygiene after that she wore her
black bum short,white vest, black nike sneakers an tied her weave into a bun after
that she went downstairs to be met by her mother an Lubanzi

Lubanzi : Wow where are we going early in the morning?

Ntobe : I want to go to the mall
Amkelo : Dressed like that? Ain't you scared of getting raped
Ntobe : No mommy am not I'll be okay
Lubanzi : I will be with her
Ntobe : No you writing today
Lubanzi : Who told you that lie
Ntobe : Y... I thought you are
Lubanzi : Am kidding I am bye baby sis
Ntobe : Am old �

Amkelo just laughed cause they always argue about who's old an who's young all in
all Lubanzi is the older one but they haven't told them that, Ntobe went her way an
called Smangele on her way, but Sabelo answered

Sabelo : Ntobe
Ntobe : Um hey Is she okay?
Sabelo : Yes she's but resting
Ntobe : Can I talk to her?
Sabelo : Yes I'll give the phone to her

Sabelo gave Smangele the phone

Smangele : Ntobe
Ntobe : Sweety hey
Smangele : How are you?
Ntobe : All is good, I need a favour from you
Smangele : Listening
Ntobe : I want to know where can I fnd adults store
Smangele : For what?
Ntobe : For me hao
Smangele : Are you r.... �

She looked at Sabelo who was looking at her too

Smangele : You know what I mean

Ntobe : Yes I am
Smangele : When did you realise?
Ntobe : Why keep it cause I'll be married to him anyways, we had a fght yesterday
an I want to make things right
Smangele : If you sure than I will send you the details
Ntobe : Please an put me on loudspeaker if you with Sabelo alone
Smangele : Okay �

Smangele did as told

Ntobe : Sabelo
Sabelo : Sure
Ntobe : I want a favour from you both
Sabelo : Am listening
Ntobe : Can you please get rid of those old people there
Sabelo : Why? �
Ntobe : I want to be with Sean alone
Sabelo : Well these rooms are sound proofed
Ntobe : No they will suspect
Sabelo : Fine I'll see what I can do
Ntobe : Thank you
Smangele : Sean will be blind today �
Sabelo : Beds will fall
Smangele : Haa.a babe too much information �
Sabelo : Am kidding don't be scared
Ntobe : Am not scared

Like hell she's scared cause this is her frst time

Smangele : Okay sis I love you

Ntobe : I love you both too

Ntobe hung up her phone an Smangele did send the details an Ntobe went straight
to the shop cause she was already at the Mall after a while she got out as was met
by Nkosi with some beautiful girl

Nkosi : Ntobe
Ntobe : Hey �

Nkosi didn't want anything to do with Ntobe cause they really made him a fool

Nkosi : Nice seeing you

Ntobe : Likewise sweetie

Ntobe walked away with Nkosi staring at her

Later that night Sabelo managed to do some night away for Latino an Nono so they
were already gone, Sabelo was still with Sean when Ntobe came in looking all

Ntobe : Hey guys

Sean : Um Hi

It was all awkward cause Sean an Ntobe were still on silent mode with each other

Sabelo : I think I have to go Uncle Bae is waiting for me at home an it's late now
Ntobe : Where's Smangele?
Sabelo : She went home
Ntobe : Um okay
Sean : You look beautiful �
Ntobe : Thanks

Ntobe wanted to pretend as if she's not okay, Sabelo really wanted to get out of
here � cause he can see that Sean is really not good now the dress Ntobe is
dressing is for kills not to him though

Ntobe : Am gonna go upstairs

Sean : Oh... �
Ntobe shook her big ass upstairs while laughing, she was just asking about
Smangele but she knew where she is cause Smangele is the one who taught her
how to act, back at Sean an Sabelo

Sean : Is this girl here to tempt me?

Sabelo : � I think so an what you gonna do?
Sean : She has to pay but I was saving her for marriage
Sabelo : Come on you can't be serious, you can see that she's here for a reason �
don't be a coward unless you scared of breaking the bed
Sean : No � I did that at my frst sex as a vampire � did that happen with you an
Sabelo : It did �
Sean : �
Sabelo : Let me leave you
Sean : No don't
Sabelo : Don't be a coward maan Sean �


You could have Sean the look in Sean's face � Sean is just actually sexually
frustrated. Which gives me time to change to my sexy black number! Victoria's
Secret will never disappoint,I changed quickly and tied my weave up and got into
bed. I'll pretend to be asleep. After a few minutes I could hear his footsteps and
he got in and locked the door. He never locks the door!

Sean : You can't be sleeping already, you need to take care of what you did.

I turned and faced him, he was standing there with his huge boner showing from
his tracksuit bottom.

Me: You'll never know what you're missing out on, if you don't get under these
He quickly took of his shoes and moved the blanket.

Sean : Fuck! What are you doing to me? You look amazing.

He took off his clothes and was left with his boxer shorts, my man has a great
body he opened my legs and laid on me while kissing my neck now am getting
scared�. He was rubbing on my clit and I kept on moaning I don't know what's
happening � this is a foreign feeling.

Sean: You drive me crazy, when did you change?

Me: While you were with Sabelo
Sean : May I have a perfect view, 360 spin?
Me: Thought you'd never ask

I walked around the room laughing and posing

Me: How do you like this?

Sean : I love it very much, come closer.
Me: You'll have to catch me frst.

I ran around and he caught me in the closet room I don't know what I was
thinking cause he's fast ��.

Sean : You thought you could run from me?Think again sweetheart.

He carried me and laid me on the bed.

Ntobe : Will it hurt?

Sean : Don't worry I got you
Ntobe : Am so...
Sean : Shhh don't ruin the moment �
He ripped off my lace lingerie and started kissing and sucking my breasts. He went
down to my nunupie and just stared at it.

Me: You're making me shy

Sean : You shouldn't. You have a beautiful honeypot and it looks like it tastes
good too

With that said he was taking me to cloud nine. These walls better be soundproof
cause I can't keep my voice down I wouldn't know if Latino an Nono comes back. I
came and he licked me dry. I was breathing heavily and so was he if they told me
earlier that I would feel like this maybe I would have done this a long time ago but
maybe this is a start am still yet to feel the pain. He kissed me and I put my hand
on his manhood Smangele couched me well although am scared , he just took it
out and I regretted my move. It was huge! I'm actually scared that this beast
will penetrate my vjayjay. I kept on moving my hand up and down, giving him
a hand job and he kept on groaning. I've never done this before and I'm about
to do it, I hope I don't bite his penis off. He stared at me as I went down and
closed my eyes, I thought of all the times Smangele and Sindi even my friend
from highschool talked about this so I might just say I do have a slight idea
of what I'm getting into. I licked and sucked, the sounds he was making
made me pleased and happy with myself. I was happy that I'm capable of
making him feel this way. I sucked and sucked, he was right down my throat
and he was holding my weave up and I sucked his balls, he let out a little
scream and groan. I sucked and sucked quickening my pace and he came right
in my mouth. They say you glow when you swallow so I swallowed and wiped
my mouth although this taste bad�. In a blink, I was pinned to the wall I think he
forgets that am actually a frst timer in all of this . He inserted his manhood and I

Ntobe : Not so hard

Sean : Shit I forgot am so sorry

I've never been so jumpy an scared in my whole life

Sean : let's try again

Ntobe : Okay
He inserted himself gently an I held on to him harder because of the pain I was
feeling � I shed a tear

Sean : Babe hang in there it will be alright just now

I nodded but my heart was bleeding this is so painful, lastly he was in I felt like
saying Stop but no I want to feel this �

Sean : Am in now am going to move are you still okay?

Ntobe : Yes I am

I was lying this was... Whoa he started moving an I felt pain an pleasure right that
moment, he penetrated and laid me on the bed.

He was so good and gentle to me. I truly felt his love and made me feel like a
woman. I haven't been sexually active in a very long time an I don't regret giving
him the beneft of taking away my virginity. I was scratching his back and with
the long nails I have, there'll be a lot of marks on his back tomorrow
because he's white . He turned me around and fucked me it seems like he
forgets that this is still painful for me . He was driving me crazy and I was
screaming at the top of my voice he spanked me and we reached an orgasm
together at once. I catched my breathe and laid down with him on top of me,
after about ffteen minutes he was on me again he will kill me he's like a stallion I
guess it is because he's strong am surprised that this bed is not fallen but because
it's made of steel I guess that why it doesn't fall. We went on and on for hours.
He kept on thrusting and thrusting, he was making up for all the days where
he longed for me but never got to be one with me because I was a virgin. I
love this guy and I must say he's damn good at what he does. We laid
there and I had my head on his chest.

Sean : Thank you for trusting me with your virginity

Ntobe : What happened to I will break you after marriage
Sean : Can I ignore that �, I love you
Me: I love you too Babe an am sorry about yesterday
Sean : It's okay Babe how's my cake?
Me : Sore
Sean : Let me prepare a bath for you
Me : I want a cold shower�
Sean : May I join you? �
Me: No
Sean : Fine!

I got into the shower and the cold water was running all over my body I was
so sore � where's mommy mara �, I closed my eyes and thought of the past
hours I don't regret what I did it was bound to happen with him cause I love him so
much. I felt his hands squeeze my boobs and his manhood tickling my ass he's at
it again doesn't he get tired but who am I kidding he's a vampire, I don't wanna lie
when he was down there I felt scared �� don't look at me like that . He washed
my body while looking deep inside each others eyes, it was clear and visible that
this guy loves me and only me. That his heart, body, mind and soul belongs to
me as much as mine belongs to him. I washed his back and went all the
way down. He laughed when I washed his manhood.

Me: I always wondered how guys wash their penis

Sean : The same way you wash my nana.

He answered while he was playing with my clit.

Me:oh so its yours now?�

Sean : It belongs to me� mine to keep and make love too. I love the way you
drive me crazy.
Me: Let's get to bed now. I'm tired
Sean : Okay Babe come.

We dried ourselves and got into bed, butt naked. He was holding me tight like I
said I'd wake up and run away from him.

Sean : Good night

Me : I love You
Sean : Sleep you know you own my heart �
He kissed my forehead an I slept,knowing that I have a guardian angel cause he
doesn't sleep, Oh Snap we didn't use a condom how can I be stupid....��
There you go you wanted Ntoe to lose her virginity she did....�

The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 62


Ntobe woke up in a morning an got a frightened by Sean looking at her

Sean : Oh I didn't mean to scare you

Ntobe : No I didn't expect you to be here
Sean : I didn't go hunting today
Ntobe : Why?
Sean : I do have it

Ntobe remembered that they didn't use the condom

Ntobe : Sean
Sean : Mmm
Ntobe : Did you use condom?
Sean : No
Ntobe : Why? � I don't want to be pregnant
Sean : I brought you morning after pills am sure you won't get pregnant I got you
Ntobe : I was gonna kill you if I did, anyways what is morning what what?
Sean : The pills you drink after having sex
Ntobe : Oh

Sean wanted to laugh at her

Ntobe : Don't laugh

Sean : � you so cute when you clueless I need to marry you fast
Ntobe : When?
Sean : Even tomorrow I don't have a problem with that
Ntobe : Tomorrow �✋ no ways I want a dream wedding
Sean : Why don't we get married at the court, than we will do the big wedding after
Ntobe : You really wants me here? �
Sean : I really do it's not even amusing anymore, I just miss you when you not here
Ntobe : I miss you too☺
Sean : Sabelo wants a house for Smangele so do you think you can help?

Ntobe wanted to scream out loud because of being happy, than she remembered
that her breath was the worst, she woke up an went to brush her teeth's,after that
she got back

Ntobe : Yes I will help �

Sean : You walking funny �
Ntobe : It's because mister man did a number on me yesterday, how will I go
home �
Sean : We can spend this day alone not having sex though just to chill
Ntobe : Fine with me, we can start by going to the mall I really need to change my
Sean : Bad idea
Ntobe : Come on Babe it's not even hot today

Ntobe went to Sean, she was short an that drove Sean crazy �

Sean : What you wanna do? �

Ntobe : Nothing

Her cheeks heated an turned pink when Sean licked his lips �

Sean : I have that effect on you?

Ntobe : Don't fatter yourself please

Sean carried Ntho an her legs were wrapped in his waist while giggling

Sean : See what I mean

Ntobe : Can you leave me alone I want to bath
Sean : Not until you agree that I have effect on you �
Ntobe : Forget it

Sean rounded the house fast with Ntho holding onto him tight while laughing an
screaming that cause Sean's heart to feel joy

Ntho : Leave me alone �

Sean : Say I love you Sean
Ntho : I love You Mr Bailey �

Sean kissed her all over her face while in his arms � she was giggling one way that
made Sean happy
Sean an Ntobe were on their way to the luckily it was not hot so Sean was just
happy to accompany his Babe to the mall

Sean : I hope you will be fast

Ntobe : What do you hate the mall or Salon?
Sean : Salons
Ntobe : I'll just relax my hair than will do something new maybe tomorrow
Sean : that's fne with me than did you drink the pills?
Ntobe : Yes I did �
Sean : Good I don't want you crying for me just because of being pregnant although
it's not a bad thing
Ntobe : No thanks ✋�

After a while they were already in the mall so they got out an left the driver outside,
they were holding hands an started by going to the Salon ,ntobe did an
appointment so they won't wait at all

Ntobe : Brenda
Brenda : Hey Miss, come I was waiting for you, so you still doing long braids?
Ntobe : No just relax my hair I will come back maybe tomorrow, my fance right
there don't want to wait long
Brenda : He's good �
Ntobe : Yes he is now do my hair �

Brenda did her things while Sean was just looking at his phone, after like an hour
Ntobe was done so they went out holding hands cause that what Sean wants

Sean : What next?

Ntobe : I don't know you tell me �
Sean : Why don't we start by feeding you after that we will do shopping �

Ntobe laughed cause indeed she wanted them to shop around

Sean : After that I have somewhere I need to be, an since I accompanied you to the
Salon you will also do the same
Ntobe : Oh fne with me
Sean : Will you study right? Next year?
Ntobe : Yes I will study I want to keep myself busy or else I'll go crazy
Sean : I also wanna be more engage in my business from next year with Sah of
Ntobe : Yol are like brothers � an that makes me happy
Sean : Brad helped me by changing him cause he's my better half �
Ntobe : I know you don't have to rub it in �✋

Sean also laughed while they were on their way to the restaurant

Girl : Oh my God

Sean and Ntobeh turned to be met by Ntobe's highschool friend who turned on her
just because of wanting popularity �

Girl : Is this the real you? �

She was looking at her up an down probably shocked cause back than in durban
ntobe was such a dull girl with no style what so ever

Ntobe : Yes it's me

Girl : Oh hey am Lindi ,um Ntobe's friend �

She said looking at this fne man with Ntobe,Ntobe wanted so bad to roll her eyes�
Sean : Good to know you Lindi
Lindi : Um Ntobe it been a while girl
Ntobe : Yes it has
Lindi : Why don't we meet up sometimes for lunch so that we can catch up, my treat

Ntobe : Your treat?
Lindi : Of cause am sure you don't have a problem with since you were alwa.... Yeah

Ntobe was always broke at school so this is what Lindi wanted to say

Ntobe : It's okay I will come

Lindi : Take my numbers an make sure you dress to impress cause I'll be bringing
my friend
Ntobe : Oh it's okay I will do just that an I will also be bring my siblings

Lindi looked at her an laughed, ntobe joined at laughing at something she don't

Lindi : I knew you joking right �

Ntobe : Yes am joking was just pulling your leg �
Lindi : Good now go with your friend over here an let me go where I wanted to go
Ntobe : Oh no he's not my friend at all
Lindi : psssh I know that how can this handsome guy be your friend nje ��
Ntobe : He's actually my fance �

Lindi almost choked on her saliva an Ntobe was like inside her "Swallow those words
bitch an just die"�

Lindi : Wow did not expect that, where's the ring?

Ntobe : don't worry your beautiful self about that we will meet an talk about
everything � now give me your numbers

They exchanged number an Lindi went her way with her tale between her legs

Sean : That was a rubbish friend

Ntobe : Tell me about it �
Sean : Were you serious about bringing siblings?
Ntobe : Yes I was �
Sean : That's evil�
Ntobe : No it not she want to humiliate me right in front of her friend No can do
Sean : Let's go feed you no one will humiliate my Babe �

Ntobe held his Bae while smiling � they went to the restaurant an sat down, ntobe
ordered so they were waiting

Sean : Can I go somewhere I will be back just now

Ntobe : No problem at all I will wait for you here
Sean : Okay be a good girl I love You

Sean baby kissed Ntobe an winked his eye although it was complicated cause they
don't blink like normal people

Ntobe : Just go �
Sean : I'll get you

He went away while smiling, Ntobe took her phone out an called Siwe who
answered almost immediately

Siwe : Some of us are working please don't disturb

Ntobe : Oh God you worse
Siwe : I know right now call me later Babes �
Ntobe : Fine with me I will do just that � I love you
Siwe : I love you too but don't get used to this you not my girlfriend �
Ntobe : Jeez Siwe thank you very much �
Siwe :Bye the manager is giving me an evil eye now �
Ntobe : Okay chum byee

They hung up their phone with Ntobe chuckling while shaking her head
After a while Ntobe an Sean were driving to where Sean was going although ntobe
was so tired from all the shopping, she just slept in Sean's shoulder, so the driver
took them straight to their destination

Sean : Babe wake up we here

Ntobe woke up an looked around they were surrounded by different cars

Ntobe : Are you in car dealerships?

Sean : Something like that now come to daddy let's go
Ntobe : Can't I...
Sean : No you can't whatever you want to say you can't now come

Sean held Ntobe's hand an they went out with Ntobe looking around cause the cars
were beautiful, he have her jaguar that she was brought by her father which she
loves very much

Sean : Mr Johnson
Mr : Mr Bailey Sir
Sean : Am here now so what the story did it come?
Mr : Um It did they transported it yesterday
Sean : That's good so let's talk privately, Babe I'll come just now, just look around
Ntobe : Fine baby have your time

Sean went his way an Ntobe looked at the cars when her phone rang an it's Lindi �

Ntobe : Lindi hey

Lindi : Hey so I was thinking why don't we hit it off tonight let's say club
Ntobe : Club? �
Lindi : Come on don't tell me that y...
Ntobe : No it's fne, club it is �
Lindi : Good bring some friends if you have one
Ntobe : Fine I will
Sean : Babe come this side
Ntobe : Okay am coming give me a sec.... Lindi I have to go we will come
Lindi : Is that the white guy?
Ntobe : Yes
Lindi : Oh ok will see you
Ntobe : Bye � bitch

Of cause she said that after they hung up their phones � she went to Sean

Sean : Everything okay?

Ntobe : Can you help me with something after here?
Sean : Yes but frst come this side

Sean took Ntobe's hand, walked a little an was met by a Lamborghini with a red
ribbon in it, Ntobe was so amazed by how beautiful it is when you see it live �
Ntobe : oh my God I thought they were only available at America only
Sean : It was transported � do you love it?
Ntobe : Am crazy over it �
Sean : That's a relief now open it
Ntobe : w...
Sean : Just open the car please �

Ntobe opened the car an it was more beautiful an fascinating inside �

Ntobe : Wow �

She was busy looking at it when she saw a box with beautiful diamond ring inside
when she turned Sean was on his knees

Sean : Will you do me the honours an marry me, make me the happiest man
alive �,I know these past months we had our ups an downs, me not loving you like
you supposed to be loved but today an now I want you to be mine an be happy with
me cause I love you an I don't wish to even want to lose you to any douchebag
cause you know what I'll do to him, am not g....
Ntobe : Stop ✋
Sean : Huh?
Ntobe : I don't know why you even decided to be romantic by putting the ring inside
in it, even if you were sleeping an asked me to marry you I would have said yes ��
cause I also love you an want to be with you
Sean : So shall we tell the owner of the car to come take it?
Ntobe : Yes you can take my IIIIING OUT ��

Ntobe squealed causing everyone to laugh at this ��

Sean : Let me call the owner

Ntobe : Mister put that ring in my fnger �
Sean smiled an inserted the ring inside her fnger she just shed a tear ����

Ntobe : This is so romantic �

Sean took out his phone an dialed a number an it rang inside Ntobe's pocket she
took it out without checking

Ntobe : Hello

Sean looked at her an was shocked

Sean : The owner is here �

Ntobe : Where?
Sean : Didn't you just answer the call?

Ntobe looked at the phone an screamed

Ntobe : Is this me?

She pointing at the car, Sean nodded she just jumped going to Seanant Sean
catched her they kissed

Ntobe : Thank You

Sean : I take it you love it
Ntobe : No how I love you Babe thank you so much

Ntobeh felt complete in her heart, an Sean was impressed with himself ♥�

The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 63


The Bailey couple were back at the house an found Latino and Nono also back at

Sean : Yol are back?

Latino : Yes we are, I see why yol got rid of us

Ntobe just blushed cause she's still scared of Latino

Nono : Wow can I see that beautiful ring baby

Ntobe went to Nono an she was impressed with her son for such a beautiful gloomy

Nono : This is what I call a Bailey wife, this right here is beautiful an you should now
get married am sure nothing will now ruin the wedding
Latino : Not even an fy I will make sure of that
Sean : Thank you so much grandparents
Nono : We your parents now baby don't be afraid to call us that �
Sean : I thought you would never ask �
Latino : I always wanted to look at the fowers at the back come with me Baby
Nono : Okay my love

They went to the back such old love, Ntobe craved for this, she craved her father's
love for her mother, daddy's love for her mommy, Uncle Thapelo's love for her
aunty, Uncle Tom's love for her aunty may their soul rest in peace��
Sean : Are you still okay?
Ntobe : Yes I just want to go home
Sean : You asked me for a favour
Ntobe : Oh Ya I want to fetch someone from Durban for tonight
Sean : Tonight?
Ntobe : Lindi changed an asked if we can go out tonight not other times
Sean : So? Who do you want fetched
Ntobe : Siwe
Sean : I don't even know him or her but that can be done
Ntobe : Thank you so much babe I will call her now an see if she can be able to
Sean : Will you fetch her yourself or she'll come this side alone?
Ntobe : Is that even possible ?
Sean : Yes it is my jet is this side right
Ntobe : No I will just fetch her at the airport
Sean : Okay excuse me I want to make some call
Ntobe : Okay babe thanks a lot
Sean : What mine is yours now �

Sean kissed Ntobe's cheek an went to make some call, whereas Ntobe also took the
phone an called Siwe who answered on a forth ring

Siwe : I think this is becoming a habit, me missing you doesn't mean you should call
me anytime you want, God girl I was about to bath �
Ntobe : Siwe can you please be serious
Siwe : Fine talk to me Babe
Ntobe : I want you here as in Asap
Siwe : Asap means?
Ntobe : As soon as possible
Siwe : No dummy I know that � I mean when?
Ntobe : Today
Siwe : That can't be possible I don't have enough money to come there
Ntobe : Don't worry yourself just bath,pack an go to the airport
Sean : Where does she lives?

He said coming behind her

Ntobe : Siwe where do you live?

Siwe : I have a fat at Umhlanga am living with a friend
Ntobe : Don't explain � send us your location
Siwe : Okay will do, let me get ready now
NTobe : Your parents?
Siwe : I don't have parents only a big sister I will let her know what's happening
Ntobe : Work?
Siwe : Luckily am off tomorrow
Ntobe : Okay that's great you will be gone by tomorrow night
Siwe : Bye
Ntobe : Send us don't forget
Siwe : Okay

They hung up the phone an Siwe did send the her location an Ntobe gave it to Sean
who gave it to his boys in Durban to fetch Siwe an all the other things
After some time Ntobe was back at home an everyone was happy with the ring an
the car �� ,Ntobe took her brother Lubanzi an Smangele but Sandile also followed
them, he's Thapelo's son who's age is same as Smangele **Guys meet Sandile**

Sandile : You always go alone like am the older to yol �

Lubanzi : Come on you are cause you Uncle Thapelo's son
Smangele : Which makes you my uncle
Sandile : Come on am not your uncle Smangele
Smangele : I wonder why you don't want me to call you uncle �
Ntobe : Just look at him he's more fresh than being an uncle
Sandile : There you go a person who loves me �

Sandile squeezed her cheeks an Ntobe smiled

Ntobe : We...

Her phone rang an it's Lindi so she put the call on loudspeaker

Lindi : Hey gee

Ntobe : Hey babes
Lindi : Can we face time?
Ntobe : Sure why not

Ntobe rolled has eyes an waited for that an Lindi called an Ntobe answered, it was
like she's in a pool house

Lindi : Hey babes can you see me?

Ntobe : Yes I can
Lindi : Where are you? That fowers behind you looks nice
Ntobe : Am home
Lindi : Please ✋ anyways I was calling you about tonight, change of plans we going
to Mabheka Shisanyama
Ntobe : Fine with me we will be there
Lindi : Baby dress to impress cause my friends from high places will be there
Ntobe : Sneakers or heals?
Lindi : Sneakers we will be dancing
Ntobe : Skinny jeans or dress
Lindi : Anything that's gonna look good on you not short though
Ntobe : Okay babes we will be there
Lindi : Bye � the time I will arrive is 7 be there
Ntobe : I will
Lindi : Okay Babe

They hung up an ntobe with her siblings looked at each other an burst with laughter

Sandile : What with the bragging �

Smangele : "Baby dress to impress cause my friends from high places will be there "

She said mimicking her voice while laughing

Smangele : We have to show this bitch what we made of

Amkelo : Samke baby there's someone here for you �

Amkelo was shouting from the passage

Ntobe : Please tell her to come this side

Amkelo : No honey it a he

Siwe chuckled an Ntobe came to take her while laughing, they went back to
Smangele an others

Smangele : Look at you, looking like a boy � you really confused mommy
Siwe : Bra �

Smangele knows Siwe from the pictures she was shown by Ntobe
Siwe : Is this a house or a parliament? An what are you doing here
Lubanzi : � 21 questions can we do that when we get back from eShisanyama
Sandile : Can you also feel the vibe?�
Lubanzi : Yes I do, Smangele?
Smangele : Like hell we in with my baby ,Siwe?
Siwe : Am in even though where?
Ntobe : Shisanyama � can't wait, boys go get ready please we leave in 8
Smangele : Didn't she say 7 devil?
Ntobe : No i didn't hear that� Sandile?
Sandile : Maybe I was interrupted by a fy I didn't hear
Smangele : Come on Lubanzi back me up �
Lubanzi : I thought she said we must not come by 7 cause the part starts at 8 �
Smangele : Ass holes �
Lunelo : Smangele ayy tshin lomntana (No maan child)

He was shouting from the lounge cause they were shouting

Smangele : Uxolo tata � (am sorry daddy)

Everyone went their way to dress up cause they were going out dark or blue,
Smangele was with Ntobe and Siwe when her phone rang an she putted it on

Smangele : Talk to me
Sabelo : No please you can't answer me like that
Smangele : Oh God baby am sorry
Sabelo : No you just can't
Smangele : Babe you can't sulk

Smangele stood up an went to the other room leaving these two together
Siwe : So this life? I mean I was fetched like a queen instead of being a king
Ntobe : � I thought you will come as a girl even my mother was confused
Siwe : Mother? I thought your mother was that wicked daughter of lucifer
Ntobe : We will talk when we get back, so can you drive?
Siwe : Yes I have a licence I can drive
Ntobe : Good cause for tonight you'll be owning a jaguar
Siwe : Get out of here � you know I saw cars outside an thought that maybe this is
a hotel
Ntobe : Let say this I'd home our home, now what you gonna wear?
Siwe : I want a short dress with long boots I bought them
Ntobe : Dress? Short for that matter? � boots? � ain't that girlish?
Siwe : Yes I want that an No it's not girlish �
Ntobe : Luckily I know your size so I brought things for you to try on so here you go

Although Ntobe was surprised that Siwe is wearing a dress, it will be the frst time
seeing her legs � so she went to the bathroom to get dressed

Smangele : Sabelo is also coming

Ntobe : With a stolen car? �
Smangele : Don't remind me but he said he'll come late to fetch me.
Ntobe : That's sweet � yol are my favies
Smangele : So what should I wear?
Ntobe : Anything suits you perfectly baby
Smangele : Not anymore
Siwe : Can I come out?
Ntobe : Yes we waiting

Siwe came out wearing a short body hugging dress with a back heart view with
black long boots she was stunningly hot
Ntobe an Sma : Wow �
Smangele : Your body is on feek�
Ntobe : So will you be a girl or a boy?
Siwe : A girl
Ntobe : I wonder �
Smangele : I also wonder

They all laughed an wore their clothes, Ntobe was wearing black short thorn jean
skirt that fts her perfectly, white lace body suits an a leather black vans,Smangele
was wearing a red maternity short boob tube dress revealing her tattoo at the back
with white lace Puma sneakers...♥
It was now 7:30 when they went downstairs was met by the boys an the whole

Amkelo : Where is everyone going?

Smangele : They taking me out
Lunelo : Where?
Smangele : Mabheka Shisanyama
Lungelo : At least we honest today
Smangele : Yes please can we go?

Ntobe's phone rang an she ignored it for now

Ntobe : Please �
Lubanzi : P...
Lumkelo : It's okay
Thapelo : Please bring my son is one piece
Sandile : Come on dad �✋
Amanda : An my great grandson safe �
Smangele : Will do
Amkelo : where's the other one?
Ntobe : She's here
Amkelo : It a she?
Ntobe : Yes an bye

They all went out an was met by their cars

Ntobe : Whoa SUV Sandile?

Sandile : Yes � Siwe can drive in with me
Ntobe : No chill✋ Maserati Lubanzi
Lubanzi : You know me �
Ntobe : r8 Smangele
Smangele : You bet that's my car although it's hard to drive when am like this
Ntobe : Luckily Sabs will be there
Lubanzi : Mister party animal �
Ntobe : Jaguar my baby
Siwe : I will take care of it
Lubanzi : You all follow me
Sandile : Why not me? Am old �
Lubanzi : Sandile ✋
Sandile : Everyone follow me
Siwe : No worries we will follow the older one
Lubanzi : Back me up Smangele
Smangele : What's that, I think my car is calling me

Everyone laughed cause Smangele is paying because Lubanzi didn't back her up
Lubanzi : Mxm I'll catch you

They all got in their car an followed Sandile, After like an hour Lindi was busy calling
Ntobe with no luck an that irritated her cause she wanted to show off her new BMW

Lindi : She's coming don't worry

Girl : We not worried come let's party
Lindi : Wait Beko
Beko : Sane come let's go an dance
Sane : Whoa

She was screaming while looking at the cars that was lined up while coming their
way, they parked right in the same line

Lindi : Wow
Beko : Tell me about it
Sane : A Lamborghini �
Lindi : I've always wanted an Maserati or an r8 but my parents said that they don't
have money for that but look at them

Everyone was crazy over heels because of these cars ,their door opened an they got
out, Ntobe came out lastly with her phone on her ear an Lindi's phone rang an she
was so shocked to learn that these cars come with Ntobe worse she's the one
driving a Lamborghini �

Lindi : Hey
Ntobe : We here
Lindi : I can see yol I will come to you now

She dropped the call an huffed while irritated cause now they took the whole
spotlight �
Beko : Don't tell me that this is who we were waiting for
Sane : If it is...��
Beko : MoGal�✋ you need to upgrade

They were laughing at her ,she went to Ntobe an others

Lindi : Babes look at you

Pretending to laugh so they hugged, Ntobe smelled good �

Ntobe : You beautiful � so where's our table?

Lindi : Come this side
Smangele : I hope you got everything we will need, I heard that you said your treat
Lubanzi : Can't wait am so thirsty

Ntobe was so impressed with everything so they followed each other to the table an
found a lot of booze but not their cup of tea

Sandile : Don't you have expensive booze?

Siwe : Um we also need a lot of meat and wors
Smangele : 100% juice keep them coming
Sandile : How about a 800 wors an 1500 for meat
Lubanzi : Let's say 3000 for starters in booze
Smangele : Don't forget my 100% juice let say 300 for now
Lindi : Wh... What? �
Ntobe : Yes this your treat so we have to go here full �
Siwe : You don't have to explain she knows that
Sandile : I also need some weed maybe 100 will do for now
Ntobe : That's 5600 for now
Lubanzi : Aww don't worry about the money our girl here is paying, we will not leave
here if that money is not is not 9000 or upwards because you also came with your
friends an our girl here also came with us so we have to pleased an treated as
guest's �

Lindi wanted the earth to swallow her cause she only have 3000

Smangele : Oh let me not forget my boyfriends worth 1000 so he will come not
now so am saying because if you have your card go an withdraw
Siwe : Or be a white girl am swipe � your choice
Lindi : That money is a lot
Sandile : did you see our cars?
Siwe : Embrace yourself cause we still yet to order other things
Smangele : Take all your cards, saving anything everything we here to partyyyy

They ordered an ordered, Lindi was so stressed cause she don't have money to pay
for all of this, Sabelo came later to them, they were at it ordering every expensive
thing here at the shisanyama, Lindi took Ntobe by hand they went aside

Lindi : Ntobe can we talk

Ntobe : Am listening
Lindi : You didn't tell me that you gonna bring rich people here
Ntobe : Oh they my siblings
Lindi : Siblings? I thought...
Ntobe : It doesn't matter what you thought
Lindi : I don't have money to pay for all those things
Ntobe : Don't worry babes we got you �

Lindi felt useless because of this

Ntobe : Next time don't underestimate a poor person

Ntobe kissed her cheek am went to the table while shouting

Ntobe : Seems like our blesser is not a blesser after all

Smangele : Don't worry we will pay we got money
Siwe : Ching ching ��

All of the laughed even Lindi's were laughing at her because they putted her in her
place never again will she act better than anyone

The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 64


The following day

Ntobe was in her room sleeping with Siwe, they got home very late, so she woke up
an went to do her morning hygiene after that she went back to her room an found
Siwe waking up

Ntobe : when did you get into my room?

Siwe : Am coming

Siwe woke up an went to do her morning hygiene too after like 30 minutes she
came back an sat at the bed

Siwe : I came back

Ntobe : When? An where were you?
Siwe : I have something to tell you
Ntobe got worried cause she couldn't bear fnding something she won't love coming
from Siwe

Ntobe : Am listening
Siwe : Am no longer a virgin
Ntobe : What? Why an what happened?
Siwe : We came back right
Ntobe : You lost your virginity here? In this house Siwe?
Siwe : Am so sorry
Ntobe : With who?

Ntobe was so disappointed in Siwe �

Siwe : S...

Lubanzi came barging in the room

Lubanzi : Wake up you two we have to eat

Ntobe : We coming
Lubanzi : Now!! Sandile wants to leave he have a busy day today so comeee

Lubanzi went downstairs

Ntobe : We not done let's go

The both of them went downstairs an found everyone in the table

Sandile : At last
Ntobe : How are you? �
Sandile : I slept well if that what you asking
Amkelo : � I missed yol yesterday, how are you honey?

Amkelo said looking at Siwe who was not herself

Siwe : Am good �

Sandile was looking at her, well they slept together although Sandile didn't know
that she was a virgin that made him feel bad cause he didn't want things to be like
this, one thing for sure is that if they want him to pay her mother for the cow he will
cause he didn't plan for all of this to happen

Ntobe : Pass me the salt Sandile

Sandile was more focused on the sad Siwe, Ntobe saw that Sandile is the one who
slept with Siwe

Lungelo : Sandile
Sandile :....
Amkelo : Sandile
Sandile :....
Lubanzi : Ayy maan

He said throwing a bun at him, he jumped

Lungelo : Salt
Sandile : Am sorry about that
Amkelo : Are you in love?
Sandile : No �
Lungelo : We won't know

Sandile was defnitely not in love with anyone he just had guilty in his eyes �
Ntobe : what work will you be busy with?
Sandile : Just something with my father, since he started a family business
everything has been keeping me on toes everyday
Lubanzi : I don't wish to bs you
Sandile : I was thinking of ecruiting you �
Ntobe : Are there any vacancies?
Sandile : Yes they will open tomorrow that what I heard my father saying
Ntobe : Siwe you should try to come an work this side
Siwe : Yes I will.... Um can I please be excused
Lungelo : Yes you can go

Siwe stood up an went upstairs

Amkelo : Is she okay?

Sandile : Hangover
Lungelo : Let's hope so
Sandile : I want to fetch my things upstairs an be on my way
Amkelo : Are you sure that you not following the girl?
Lungelo : Let him be �
Amkelo : No baby I was asking �

Everyone laughed, Ntobe was still disappointed, Sandile went upstairs to Ntobe's
room an found Siwe seating there

Sandile : Can I come in

Siwe : Yes

Sandile went inside the room an took the chair, than went to sit in front of Siwe
Sandile : Listen to me am sorry about what happened
Siwe : No I wanted it to happen
Sandile : So what wrong?
Siwe : I disappointed Ntobe ,I came here because I was called by her an now this
Sandile : Don't beat yourself up about this, Ntobe will come around � I wanted to
tell you that if me taking away your pride puts you in trouble with your parents I will
pay for the damages
Siwe : I don't have parents
Sandile : You don't? What happened
Siwe : Just a natural death
Sandile : Am sorry about that, so you an your sister are not talking?
Siwe : We do talk just that she wouldn't care if she were to hear that I lost my
virginity, because am a lesbian
Sandile : You beautiful why would you be a lesbian?
Siwe : I just fgured it out that I don't wanna be played by a boy so I decided to just
be what I am
Sandile : So there's a girl inside you? � I mean a beautiful girl who likes to hide
herself, you know I want you to be yourself be this beautiful girl you are an am sorry
for taking away your pride �

Sandile took Siwe's hands to himself, he didn't know that what he's doing is really
making Siwe feel some things for him, he's the frst boy she ever felt the affection

Siwe : I'll do just that

Sandile : I will ask Ntobe to give me your numbers so that I can check on you now
an again, now I have to go work is waiting for me
Siwe : Um okay no problem

Sandile kissed her both hands an stood up, Ntobe entered the room

Ntobe : No get back

Sandile : N...
Ntobe : Shush what is this?
Siwe : Nothing is going on we were just talking
Ntobe : Talking? Talking? Did you tell her that you have your straight?

Sandile was like what the fuck Ntobe �,Siwe was so hurt by this which is something
she was running away from

Sandile : Come on Ntobe

Siwe : We not in a relationship Ntobe
Ntobe : This is not over Sandile I will report you to your father, the nerve of having
sex in my father's house
Sandile : Did you tell them that you not a virgin?
Ntobe : You wouldn't dare
Sandile : Trust me I will beat you to your own game lil sis � I love you

He kissed her in the cheek an went out Ntobe was so angry cause Siwe was not
here for that

Ntobe : You �

Ntobe said pointing at Siwe while going close to her

Siwe : It was just a moment

Ntobe : A moment? A MOMENT? �
Siwe : Don't shout at me Ntobe you don't know anything about me � now here you
are judging me, fne am sorry that I disgraced your fathers house, I wanted to feel
what everyone feel, listen am not strong as I show myself as, I have hidden things
inside me � am not a lesbian because I want to am just scared of getting hurt like
my own mother who was denied by my father while pregnant with me, I don't
wanna be hurt that's why am scared � now stop judging me what I did is not
something I regret �
Ntobe did not expect this, she thought that Siwe got it all fgured it out because of
the way she usually acts like �

Ntobe : I thought you got all fgured out

Siwe : You thought wrong

Siwe went to change cause she wants to go home now, this is too much for her,
Ntobe is left saddened by all of this but she was still angry at how could Siwe be a
After a while Siwe, Smangele an Ntobe were in the car going to leave her at the
airport cause Sean's people are taking her back to durban

Smangele : Are we okay? This vibe am getting is not good for me an my baby
Siwe : eally now? �
Smangele : Am telling you, so what's kicking it
Siwe : I slept with Sandile
Smangele : Which Sandile? My uncle?
Siwe : Uncle?
Smangele : Yes the one we were with yesterday
Siwe : Yes
Smangele : How did you do it girl, high 5 me

They high fve while laughing

Smangele : I mean Sindi always wanted him for just one night but Sandile was not
into that, what did you do to my brother? �
Siwe : I don't know
Ntobe : Smangele please don't talk as if they gonna date, Sandile have his girlfriend
so don't hurt Siwe like that
Smangele : Yoo mfazi tshin kuthen na? (Oh woman what your problem?) can't we
laugh where's is your sense of humour
Ntobe : They did it at my father's house Smangele so I have to be angry, fne am
sorry that your life is messed up but that just an excuse
Smangele : Are you perfect? Come on Ntobe don't be like this, she's your friend the
least you could do is tell her how you feel about what they did an let her apologise
nicely, you can't talk as if you wouldn't even want her to date Sandile don't be
selfsh Ntobe tshin � just because you got the dick now you have wings don't be
like that, everyone do one silly thing so don't act all miss goody two shoes
Siwe : Am sorry Ntobe I won't do it again an you won't even see me in your home
ever again, Your brother having a girlfriend doesn't bother me at all cause I didn't
want a relationship with him ,my life is not messed up Ntobe am all good just that I
was telling you the truth behind my lesbian situation I didn't know that you gonna
use it as "Messed up Life"�
Ntobe : Si...
Smangele : Enough ✋ ,listen to me this is end of discussion both of you are wrong,
Siwe you were suppose to respect my daddy's house but you didn't but we can't
judge you we always make mistakes an learn from it so I know that you sorry
honey, as for you mntasekhaya (My sister) You need to search yourself cause if you
don't you will lose your friend

The car stopped at the airport so Siwe got out with her bags

Siwe : She already lost me �

She said that walking away leaving Ntobe feeling worse than bad �

Smangele : This is all your doing , what is it to you if Sandile have a girlfriend or not,
you really belittled your friend ayy
Ntobe : But the...
Smangele : Don't ✋

The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 65


Siwe was so hurt by how Ntobe behaves so she was on the jet back home when her
phone rang an it's a number she doesn't know

Siwe : Hello
Caller : Hey Siwe
Siwe : Who am I talking too?
Caller : Smangele
Siwe : Oh Sma hey **sniff**
Smangele : Are you still crying? Babe just lighten up an don't mind Ntobe she's just
a bitter bitch
Ntobe : What? �

Ntobe said from the background an Siwe rolled her eyes

Smangele : Don't act like you don't know that Ntobe, anyways Babes go well I will
miss you, don't worry we will come an visit you with my baby cause lucky for you
he's a charming doll
Siwe : So I will wait for him right? �
Smangele : Of cause babey you will, I really enjoyed time with you an I hope we see
each other again, I heard that you gonna apply for the job Sandile talked about
Siwe : No am cool as a cashier don't worry I don't want it to be like am following him
since he have a girlfriend
Smangele : A girlfriend my left foot mxm � anyways I love you
Siwe : I love you an thanks babes for the call
Smangele : It's okay babey go well neh
Siwe : Thanks
Siwe hung up her phone an deleted Ntobe's number cause she's really angry at her
for thinking that now that she lives like a queen, she gets to treat her like trash �
Ntobe asked the driver to leave her at Sean's house cause she couldn't stand
Smangele right now an Smangele wasn't interested in that bullshit cause if she's
angry she speaks her mind an nothing but the truth, when she got there in Sindi's
house there were police's

Muzi : Ntobe hey

Ntobe : Hey what's wrong?
Muzi : Sindi is missing an when we get into the house we found blood on the foor

Ntobe's heart started beating fast, Smangele got down too cause the car was still

Smangele : Muzi what's wrong?

Muzi kept quiet while looking at Smangele it's like he's seeing a version of a guy in a
vampire mode even Ntobe saw this but she didn't show

Smangele : Muzi

Muzi jumped cause it was gone it was like he's just thinking, Smangele couldn't feel
a thing, her baby car wait to come out now he's coming out by being Smangele

Muzi : We think Sindi was hurt in the house

Smangele : What happened?
Muzi : We found blood in the house
Smangele : Oh I hope you all fnd her
Muzi : Why cold? She was your friend
Smangele : I've been through a lot an she wasn't there so I don't think that how
friends acts now please excuse me I need to go home
Muzi : Smangele
Smangele : What?

The thing was back again

Muzi : Are you okay? Why is your face looking like that?
Smangele : Like what?

Smangele took the phone an went to camera mode but saw nothing cause it was
gone an Muzi felt like he's crazy �

Smangele : I think the blood really traumatized you �

Muzi : Am sure you telling the truth, I will see you
Smangele : Fine

Smangele went to the car an left them

Muzi : She was cold

Ntobe : Hormones
Muzi : An the face? Didn't you see that?
Ntobe : No I didn't see anything maybe you thinking whatever it is that you saw
Muzi : True, I have to go
Ntobe : Okay

Ntobeh went inside the house an found Sean in the kitchen so she wrapped her
hands in his waists

Sean : Someone missed me �

Ntobe : Yes I did � I also wanted to get away from Smangele
Sean : Why? What wrong?
Ntobe : Apparently am a bitter bitch to her
Sean : why? What did you do? �

Ntobe narrated the whole story to Sean leaving no details unturned

Sean : Ntho
Ntobe : Babe?
Sean : What kind of a person do you think you are?
Ntobe : Am a good person with a big heart why?
Sean : I think you need to search yourself
Ntobe : That's what Smangele said to me
Sean : It's because she was telling the truth, you are just one selfsh person, you
don't care about someones feelings when talking, I think you need counselling being
abused really got into you
Ntobe : what? �
Sean : Am telling you the truth an if you go like this you scare me, you make me
wonder how will we live together if you act this childish an crazy cause I want
someone who will make me happy not someone who will keep me down with just
hurtful words � I love you so much but if you don't go for counselling better forget
about this marriage cause we nor doing this unless you fx yourself, or maybe your
parents should give you some motivation by taking everything they brought for you
away from you an see if you'll survive, if you won't need people like that friend of
yours in your life, this is not life Ntho you know when you act like this I just wish for
a bath always an don't join me or whatever just let me be you are too much

Sean left Ntobe an went to take a shower it helps him calm down, Ntobe's phone
rang an it was Sandile she didn't want to answer cause he's the start of all this but
because she respected him she answered

Ntobe : Hello
Sandile : Were you compensating whether you should answer or not?
Ntobe : No my phone was not close to me
Sandile : It's fne, I wanted to apologies for what we did, I know that you angry but
please forgive me I also want something from you
Ntobe : What's that?
Sandile : Her number
Ntobe : Why? Don't you have a girlfriend?
Sandile : Can you give me what I want, I don't want to date Siwe
Ntobe : I deleted it
Sandile : Can you not do that please
Ntobe : I don't have it
Sandile : Aww okay I will fnd it never mind, an Ntobe this is life don't take it for
granted you will need my help one day
Ntobe : Fine now stop manipulating me an cursing
Sandile : Give it to me � now Ntobe please I want to know if she's okay or not, you
know I didn't know that she was a virgin I wouldn't have done it
Ntobe : You should have stopped
Sandile : No I won't discuss my sex life with you, give me what I want please
Ntobe : Okay�
Sandile : Sure
After some hours Sandile was in his ofce when his girlfriend came inside where he
was,cause she's his P.A

Sandile : Boni
Boni : Hey Babe

Sandile stood up an went hug her, he loves Boni cause she understands him, well
he's the same as his father so he needs someone who's going to be the same as
how his mother loves his wife, he has never cheated on her with anyone just like
how Smangele was surprised at how did Siwe manage to tame him, him an Boni are
3 years in their relationship
Sandile : I missed you this weekend
Boni : I was busy because you mister gave me a lot of work to do �
Sandile : Am sorry I won't do it again, I was thinking maybe you should just stop
Boni : What? Am 18 Sandile I need this job remember it's my frst year at varsity so I
have to save the money I get here
Sandile : I can be your blesser
Boni : eally?
Sandile : Yes I was thinking of having a new P.A maybe a person I don't know like
Boni : It's okay with me
Sandile : I have something to tell you
Boni : What's that?

His phone alerted that there's a msg so he opened it an it was a number

Sandile : Can we talk later

Boni : No we can't
Sandile : Come on Boni
Boni : Sandile you can do whatever you wanna do after this

Boni tried to take out Sandile's tie but he was not in the mood today

Sandile : Listen Babe why don't we go to the hotel later an do what you want us to
Boni : eally? Or you can come to my fat
Sandile : No problem I will come,now can you give me space
Boni : Okay Mr Gumede �
Boni walked out an Sandile dialed the number he was given by Ntobe an the person
answered in a third ring

Person : Hello
Sandile : Siwe
Person : Who's that?
Sandile : Ain't you Siwe?
Person : No
Sandile : Who are you than?
Person : I found this phone in the bench earlier on I think the owner left it
Sandile : Where did you fnd it? I mean location
Person : King Shaka airport
Sandile : Can you do me a favour
Person : Yes I can
Sandile : I need a number in that phons
Person : I can't help you cause it's locked
Sandile : Shitt!!! �
Person : Is everything okay?
Sandile : Thanks for your time

Sandile hung up his phone frustrated cause he wanted to know if she's okay or not,
than he heard a knock

Sandile : What? �
Boni : Don't bite me
Sandile : What do you want? I thought I told you that am busy
Boni : Busy to talk to me?
Sandile : What do you want?
Boni : I want to know if I should cook?
Sandile : eally? Were you gonna disturb me from working for that question ,No
don't cook
Boni : Are you okay?
Sandile : Yes everything is good Babe am sorry for snapping
Boni : It's okay don't worry so what did you want us to talk about
Sandile : Get back to your work Boniswa

Boni huffed an went back to her chair an Sandile was busy wondering if will he ever
get a chance to talk to Siwe or ever fnd out if she's okay or not, his phone rang an
he jumped it was the same number so he answered

Sandile : You found the number? �

Siwe : What number? An who are you?
Sandile : But I thought that you lost your phone
Siwe : That was my crazy roomza lying to you who are you?
Sandile : Siwe is that you?
Siwe : Yes who are you
Sandile : Sandile
Siwe :....
Sandile : Are you still there?
Siwe :...

Sandile checked his phone an the call has not ended but Siwe was not talking

Sandile : Come on Siwe don't just ignore me, talk to me

Siwe : Am okay, don't ever call me again I don't want your girlfriend to think that
am slut who want to steal you away from her
Sandile : What?
Siwe : Don't call me again, Ntobe made it clear that you have a girlfriend so I
shouldn't act as if we gonna date so Sandile Gumede don't ever call me again,
delete my number if not I will throw this phone away for real I don't need problems
Sandile :Siwe you can't say that I want to always check on you
Siwe : Sandile I don't want you to check up on me just let me be, we did what we
did now it ends there so stop tryna make me feel better cause I am an I don't regret
what we did am okay so get back to your life an I'll also do the same as a girl of
cause �

Siwe didn't want to be friends with Sandile cause it will complicate things since she
have a crush on him,he even made him wear a dress which is something she never
dreamed wearing �

Sandile : Listen I wanted to know if you will come to apply for the job
Siwe : No save your job am good as a cashier I don't want your money
Sandile : It not like that Siwe
Siwe : I know which is why I don't want that job �✋

Sandile was so hurt cause he thought maybe they could be civilised with each other
not hate on each other

Sandile : Siwe
Siwe : Bye Sandile
Sandile : S..... Dammit �

Siwe hung up her phone an Sandile was so angry at Ntobe for what she said ��

The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 66


Sandile took his car keys, bag an he got out of the ofce to fnd Ntobe with Boni

Boni : Babe your sister is here to see you

Sandile : This side
Ntobe : Were you going out?

Sandile didn't answer he just went back to the ofce followed by Ntobe

Ntobe : Am sorry for what I did

Sandile : Are you aware that you broke that girl? Are you aware that because of you
that girl don't even want anything to do with me or let me say all of us
Ntobe : I was just thinking for myself only, am so sorry
Sandile : You apologising to the wrong person
Ntobe : I just wish I could but she's not answering my calls, she ended up blocking
my number so I can't get through her
Sandile : That's your problem not mine
Ntobe : Sa...
Sandile : No Ntobe you were selfsh that was just uncalled for so stop trying to make
me pity you cause you are the one who's at fault here, now if you don't mind please
excuse me I have to go to a meeting
Ntobe : Am sorry

Sandile went to the door an opened while looking at Ntobe who was so sad, so she
took her bag an went out with her tale between her legs, Boni came to the ofce

Boni : Is everything okay?

Sandile : Boni can you stop asking me stupid questions today, if not you cooking it's
you not minding your own business can you go back to work please
Boni : But S...
Sandile : Now Boni please �

Boni was so irritated by this but she went to her table

2 Month's Later

Sandile still haven't heard anything from Siwe, her phone has been going on
voicemail it's like she's under the earth not living in this world, that worries him
cause the way she was so stressed, she could kill herself, whereas Siwe has been
trying to fght her demons, she has been trying to forget about Sandile an move on
with her life although it was hard so she decided to get rid of the sim card she was
using an started using a different number

Ntobe has been going on counselling although it's not helping cause she doesn't see
anything wrong with her, Sean has been trying to be civilised with Ntobe but he
couldn't help wondering if she's really doing this or is it because she wants them to
get married but other that that he loves her an wants no one else but him

Smangele is due this month an she's so thin but drinking what she must drink,
everyone is worried about her cause they don't want her to die they still want her to
live together with the baby, whereas Sabelo wants nothing to happen to his
girlfriend he doesn't care about anything else, Smangele's life matters more than
anything in him�an Sabelo has also decided to be honest with his mother about
everything so he's on his way to his mother, he only hopes for the best cause he's
scared that maybe his mother will just chase him out of the house, his phone rang
an it was Sean calling

Sabelo : Sean
Sean : When are you coming back? You know you shouldn't be gone for so long
cause anything can happen now
Sabelo : I know an I have to talk to my mother frst about everything
Sean : Are you sure it's a good idea?
Sabelo : I don't know Sean, if I don't tell her now than when will I?
Sean : Maybe when you married
Sabelo : What Help will that brings?
Sean : I don't know but I think it's best like that maybe she won't be hard on
yourself cause she wouldn't want to scare your son an wife
Sabelo : I'll see but if it comes out than so be it
After a while he was home but luckily his mother was still not there, so he got inside
the house, it was not comfortable zone as it used to be that's why he wants to take
his mother to Jo'burg so that they can live in the house he brought with Uncle Bae,
he wanted to Surprise Smangele with a house when the baby is born, which reminds
him that he have to call Smangele so he took out his phone an it rang straight to
voicemail that got him worried cause now anything is possible, he tried once more
an it was answered on a third ring

Smangele : Am sleeping
Sabelo : I wanted to hear your voice
Smangele : Babe?
Sabelo : Yes it's me �
Smangele : Oh God I miss you when are coming to see me? I feel like a pig an I feel
like I could just take this child out of me right now am tired now
Sabelo : It a matter of time before that happens

Another reason why Sabelo wanted to tell his mother it's that Smangele is soon
giving birth to the baby, am sure she will ask why so early

Smangele : let me carry on with my sleeping

Sabelo : I love you both �
Smangele : We love you too

They hung up their phone an Sabelo cleaned the house cause he can't sit in a dirty
place at all ever since the early age , he liked to sleep in a clean place after like an
hour his mother came back from work an found her son home so she squealed
cause it been a while without seeing her son �

Lily : Look at you � I missed you Sabelo an how's my grandchild together with the
mother? I hope no more kidnapping is happening to them now
Sabelo : Mom one question at a time, Smangele is good no complains, an No
kidnapping is happening now we all good
Lily : Am so happy so when are you going back
Sabelo : Tomorrow or Wednesday
Lily : Why early? Ain't you done writing?
Sabelo : Mom I have something to tell you
Lily : What's that baby?
Sabelo : Can we sit

They sat on the couch an looked at each other

Lily : Am listening
Sabelo : I.. Am... I... We.. **sigh**
Lily : Sabelo what's wrong?
Sabelo : I... I... Am not... Am not studying I lied
Lily : What? �
Sabelo : I knew that if I tell you, you will say that am making a bad idea
Lily : What are you doing if not studying?
Sabelo : Am in partnership with Sean Bailey
Lily : Why didn't you tell me Sabelo, I thought we were honest to each other an now
Sabelo : I was scared mama, I thought that you will have feet's
Lily : Have feet's because of your success, my baby you know that I've never judged
anything you do it's because I want you to be whatever you want to be without
worrying what am gonna say, as long as it's a good thing than I don't have a
problem with it at all

Sabelo wanted to tell his mother that he's not a human but he don't know how

Sabelo : Am sorry mom

Lily : Anything else you hiding from me

Sabelo looked at his mother one last minute an when to his room, he took out his
contact eye lenses he came back with his red eyes an went to his mother who gave
him a stare
Lily : Calvin?
Sabelo : Am not a human

Lily's eyes popped out to what she's hearing an what does his son means when he
says he's not human, what is he?
Siwe was working when the manager called for her to come to the ofce

Siwe : I wonder what the problem is �

She took her phone an went to the ofce an found his Manager there

Manager : Close the door

Siwe closed the door an at the back of the door, there he was it was like a year
without seeing him � but the question is what is he doing here cause she didn't
want to see him

Sandile : Siwe
Siwe : Sandile
Manager : I will leave you both an Mr Gumede we will talk when you done
Sandile : Okay Sir

The manager left them in the ofce an went out

Siwe : What are you doing here?

Sandile : I was calling
Siwe : So?
Sandile : you were not answering
Siwe : Why don't you get the picture than?
Sandile : What picture? That you being a coward?
Siwe : Am not a coward Sandile just that I know my worths
Sandile : "I know my worths" what are your worths?
Siwe : Nothing for you to worry about
Sandile : How old are you?
Siwe : None of your concern
Sandile : So you prepared to make this the hard way?
Siwe : Which is?
Sandile : Let say I will get you fred here, what else? Oh I will kidnap you an kill you
once we get to Jo'burg

Siwe's eyes popped out cause she was not expecting this at all � Sandile laughed
at her

Sandile : Am kidding, you should have seen those marbles out in the open �
Siwe : It's not funny �
Sandile : So how are you?
Siwe : Been good
Sandile : Nothing interesting is happening?
Siwe : No nothing
Sandile : eally?

Sandile was searching Siwe's soul with his eyes piercers inside her body

Siwe : Yes nothing is happening am just good with my work an all

Sandile : Good cause I just wanted to see you, I know that maybe you expected to
be an ass about it but am not actually I care about you these past months hasn't
been great because we were not talking
Siwe : Sandile
Sandile : No don't say that I don't want to hear it I know that you don't want
anything to do with whatever but am not Ntobe so you can't blame me because of
Siwe : How is she?
Sandile : She's messed up
Siwe : � mxm
Sandile : God you good, you smiled
Siwe : Just because you such an ass
Sandile : Am glad you saw that ass so how is it? Is it handsome like or it's bad as in
bad baddest
Siwe : It's worse �
Sandile : Come here
Siwe : Why?
Sandile : Just come I want hug you.
Siwe : No I can't
Sandile : Why?
Siwe : Be.. Because what's thay word um inappropriate
Sandile : Oh so I won't get a hug? Or should I take it by force

He was no longer a smiling Sandile, his actions are very similar to Thapelo, he
changes motions fast

Siwe : Fine

Siwe went to him an Sandile looked at her in the eye

Sandile : Your eyes are beautiful � now come

They hugged tightly for like 10 minutes an after that they pulled out

Sandile : You look beautiful as a girl �

Siwe : Thank you a lot � you also handsome
Sandile : Mmmmh �

Sandile couldn't help wondering if there's something Siwe hiding from him or it's
just his thinking nothing is there
Lily : What do you mean you not human?
Sabelo : Am a vampire

Lily stood up an went to his son, she slap the daylight out of him

Lily : Don't ever do that to me, you a vampire for what? Huh?
Sabelo : Am not lying mom

Lily slapped him again

Lily : Today I will beat you up cause you busy telling me shit ,I gave birth to you an
took a good care of you an now you telling me that you a vampire� wouldn't I have
known if you are what you say you are?
Sabelo : Mom
Lily : No Sabelo you are insulting me
Sabelo : Mo..
Lily : Shut up Sabelo just shut up

Lily walked away but before she got out Sabelo talked

Sabelo : I was changed

Lily stood there not knowing whether to turn or not

Sabelo : I was changed earlier this year, remember when you came to see me an I
snapped? It was that time I was so scared mama that maybe being with you will
make me wanna do things to you like kill you that why I acted the way I did for you
to go away an leave me fght my demons am sorry mama, I didn't ask to be like it
just happened that I was in a wrong place at the right time cause I was doing
something they I loved which is worrying about people close to my heart �� If I
could change what I am I would mama, I know that this will be hard for you please
forgive I can go if you want me to

Lily turned an went to Sabelo, she slapped her once again

Lily : Why didn't you tell me?

She slapped him once again

Lily : Am your mother an we promised each other that we don't lie to each others

She slapped him again an Sabelo was more hurt by his mothers action cause you
could see that she's about to break down really bad

Lily : All the pale, all the cold, all the no siting in the sun, all the no sleeping, all the
constantly staring an no blinking, all the no cooking with garlic, all the no praying
thing an you just knew what's going on with you, am so hurt Sabelo � am your
mother the least you could have done is talk to me not lie in my face � this devil
inside you is teaching you things that I didn't teach you which is lies lies lies on top
that you lie again about studying am so disappointed in you, does she knows?
Sabelo : Yes she does
Lily : You got her pregnant knowing very well that you like this, what are the
Sabelo : She's drinking blood an she's thin,she's giving birth this month

Lily slapped him again while sobbing

Lily : This is for ruining that girls life ��

Lily stormed out of the house while crying an defeated cause she thought she
knows her son but now � Sabelo just roared because of never wanting to make his
mother cry now this happens......

The Sun Has Fallen

Apologies for not writing yesterday, I was kinda busy hope am forgiven 😘...♥

Insert 67


Sabelo was in the lounge waiting for his mother, it was already late an she's
nowhere to be seen, just that moment his mother came in with a pastor so Sabelo

Sabelo : Mom

He tried to walk away but his mother held his hand

Sabelo : Can we ta... Talk

He was afraid that one talk from the pastor he will burn an he can feel the
temperature rising, vampires an church things don't mix, his mother went with him
to the room

Sabelo : Are you trying to have me killed mama?

Lily : I want what in you put Sabelo
Sabelo : It can't the only thing that's gonna happen is that I will die if he prays
Lily : What?
Sabelo : I will burn to death mama please send him away
Lily : Sabelo
Sabelo : Mama we struggled so hard to give up now with our love, Please mom I will
change or do whatever you want me to do just don't kill me, my girlfriend is about
to give birth I want to be there when my child grow up please don't kill me �

He knelt down hugging her legs, Lily was so hurt cause she didn't want to kill him
but to pray for him an cast away these demons he have �, she went to the pastor

Lily : Can we have the prayer tomorrow pastor

Pastor : No problem at all Miss Cooper
Lily : Sorry for the inconvenience
Pastor : No need to apologise I will come with some of the congregation tomorrow
cause I can that your son really needs prayers
Lily : Thanks Pastor

The pastor went his way an Lily went back to the room an found Sabelo there like
he had just lost his life or something, so Lily sat with him down an took his hands to

Lily : Am not gonna lie an say am proud of all this happening in this house, am not
but I won't even dream of killing you cause you my only son an no one I mean no
one not even this demon inside you can change that
Sabelo : You know when I was changed into this I hated myself but I remembered
that my mother didn't give birth to me an raise me so that I can say am disgusted
by myself, I thank you so much mama for all you have done for me, I may not be
proud of hurting you but I accepted myself as what I am, I taught myself to take me
as if am the old me,please mama even if it's not today but please accept me as I
am, I know it's to much to ask for but I don't know if I'll survive if you were to say
you don't want anything to do with me �
Lily : When I was pregnant with you an your father said that I should abort you
cause he's married which is something he didn't tell me when he was on top of me, I
made myself a promise that never will I get tired of you, never will I stop loving you
no matter what, never will I turn my back on you just because of something you did,
never will I kill you cause you mine, an mine alone to keep with or without my
family cause they abandoned me when I was pregnant with you so I don't even
want you to think that mama doesn't love you cause she does it's just that mama is
sad an disappointed in her son for all the constant lies an all the hidden agendas,
am here I always told you this but you don't listen there's no one in this world that
can have this unconditional love that I have for you cause you my son an mine to
keep so baby am sorry for the slaps just because I wanted you to feel the pain that I
felt when you told me you not human my heart throbs Calvin it hurts but I know that
I'll be okay now come to mommy ��

Lily hugged her son that she loves with her all, she's just scared that what if he
forget an go to the sun he'll burn an die, what if they fnd out what he is an get
killed � there were so many what ifs in her mind an her heart was in so much pain
that is unexplainable....
The following day

Sandile was in his suite when he got a call from his I.T guy ,well he haven't met him
he learned that from Lunelo who worked with someone (I.T) he doesn't know for 20
years until he died that when he saw him, he was all trusted so Sandile is also
following in his footsteps � he answered the call

Sandile : Talk to me
I.T : .....
Sandile : Doing what?
I.T :.......
Sandile : Thank you so much
I.T :.....
Sandile : Will see what I can do sharp

He hung up his phone frustrated, he may be young but his father groomed him at
the early age that's why he's like this, he took his car keys an went his way straight
to Siwe's fat in UMhlanga, he got into the gate but they didn't want to let him in
Guard : Does the person who lives in here knows that you coming?
Sandile : No but you can call her an tell her that Sandile is here
Guard : So she doesn't know?
Sandile : Will you do what I asked you to do or should I call the management

The guard laughed at what Sandile said but he was not smiling back

Sandile : Did I say a joke?

Guard : No
Sandile : Call her or let me in your choice
Guard : Fine

The guard called the house phone so Siwe's roomza answered

Her : Sure
Guard : Is Siwe there?
Her : Sure
Guard : Tell her that a man by the name of Sandile is here

The girl shouted for Siwe who came rushing to her

Siwe : What?
Her : Sandile?
Siwe : huh?
Her : There's a man by the name of Sandile wanting you
Siwe : Oh God let him in

The girl told the guard to let Sandile in

Her : So?
Siwe : It's the guy I slept with
Her : You didn't tell me that yol are in contact
Siwe : I didn't want to
Her : Why?
Siwe : Ca...

Before she could fnish, they heard a knock at the door so the girl went to open an
was met by a handsome Sandile but if he was a girl than they would have talked
cause she's a lesbian an a real one unlike Siwe

Sandile : Is Siwe in?

Her : No greetings?
Sandile : Hi is Siwe in?
Her : Fine come in

Sandile went inside their fat it was clean

Sandile : Can we talk

Her : Um I'll be at work

She took her bag an went her way leaving Siwe

Siwe : What do you want?

Sandile : Are you sexual active?
Siwe : What? �
Sandile : You not answering my question Siwe
Siwe : you insulting me don't you think so?
Sandile : What were we doing at the clinic?
Siwe : Are you keeping taps on me now?
Sandile : No I was going there for something an I saw you so?
Siwe : Y.. Yes am sexual active
Sandile : With?
Siwe : not that it any of your business but it's a guy I work with

Sandile was so close to losing it

Sandile : Siwe
Siwe : What?
Sandile : So you... **sigh** you are sleeping around?
Siwe : What is it to you?
Sandile : I asked you if there's something interesting happening an you told me No
but you busy going to clinics, sleeping around while here I am feeling guilty for what
we did
Siwe : I told that I was okay with everything
Sandile : eally?
Siwe : Yes
Sandile : If you okay why are you not telling me what I need to know, I don't know if
you stupid or childish � **sigh** let me leave before I say something I will regret
but Siwe don't even think about it

Siwe was thinking hard on what is going on an it clicked in her

Siwe : did you fnd out? �

Sandile : That must be the least of your worries, don't do something stupid cause I'll
Siwe : Sandile ��
Sandile : Just dare me an fuck around I will kill you Siwe

Sandile walked out leaving Siwe who was so close to wetting her pants because of
being scared ��� Sandile have that black aura surrounding him
Ntobe was with Smangele and Sean the family wanted Smangele to always have
someone cause she's too close to giving birth an her child is really not giving her

Sean : How are you feeling?

Smangele : I feel like am ugly
Ntobe : You not ugly, you just beautiful
Sean : I see a goddess
Smangele : Don't play with my feelings I know am worse

Ntobe an Sean laughed cause she was so thin but not that bad with a big stomach

Smangele : I miss Sabelo

Sean : He will be back for you I know
Smangele : I want to give birth when he's here I hope my baby can listen just once
Ntobe : He will, he's been listening throughout the whole pregnancy
Smangele : eally? � you know what let me just leave you cause you tempting me
Sean : In all honesty how are you?
Smangele : Am dry an my body sores as if I have scars or am thorn inside �
Sean : You know that you will always be like this? For all the pregnancy but maybe it
will be good cause this boy seems like he's naughty
Smangele : Of cause he is �

Sean was so worried about Smangele cause she's so pale like she got no blood
inside her �

Ntobe : You will be okay

Smangele : I know �
The kept quiet for like 10 minutes

Sean : Moment of silent �

Smangele : Tell me about it, it was like we told each other that we must keep quiet
for like a couple of minutes
Ntobe : I think your son have a hand in this
Smangele : No w... No freaking ways �
Sean : Are you okay?
Smangele : I don't know but am feeling numb
Sean : Ntho can you take my car keys please am gonna pick her up neh I think it's
Smangele : No we waiting for Sabelo
Sean : He will come I'll make sure of it
Smangele : No Sean I want Sabelo �

Smangele was so scared, she wanted to at least have someone she hold inside her

Ntobe : I will call him

Sean picked Smangele who didn't want to go cause she wanted Sabelo, after some
time they were in the car driving to Sean's house cause that's where she'll give

Smangele : Sabelo I want Sabelo � please Ntobe bring me Sabelo

Ntobe : Am trying his phone it's not going through
Smangele : Oh God � Sabelo..I.. Wan.. Want.. Sa.. sabelo �

She fainted right there while her heart was yearning for Sabelo who was nowhere to
be found... �

The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 68


Smangele was still unconscious when they got in Sean's house an Nono jumped so
they rushed her to the room where she'll give birth while Ntobe trying Sabelo who
was not reachable at all �

Sean : He knew that he should be here cause Smie is giving birth anytime soon now
he's not answering his phone is he sick? Or just plain crazy �

Sean was angry at Sabelo for doing this to Smangele � she woke up an screamed
cause it was like her inside were being cut �

Smangele : Oh God take him out ���

Nono : He's not ready yet

Smangele screamed while shaking her head, she's tired of all this worse she got no
blood in her � , after some time Ntobe's phone rang an she answered

Ntobe : Hello
Sabelo : Hey I was on the way from home what's wrong?
Ntobe : Oh Sabelo

Sean signalled ntobe to give him a phone so she did, Sean went out

Sean : Get your pale ass here your girlfriend is screaming because of labour here an
you busy gallivanting in the streets of wherever you are � am counting Sah don't
make me angry

Sean hung up his phone an went back to Smangele who was crying with agony
Sabelo panicked an went downstairs cause him an his mother just arrived from
home an now the news are here

Lily : Wh...
Sabelo : Smangele needs me

Sabelo entered the car an drove like a maniac going to Sean's house when he got
there, Latino an the Mtshomo family were there cause they were called by Ntobe
who was scared cause there's a possibility that Smangele might not make it

Sabelo : Where is she?

Latino : Upstairs
Lunelo : Please make sure that my baby doesn't die � cause I won't survive it
Sabelo : She won't die don't worry

Sabelo went upstairs an found Smangele screaming her lungs out because of the
pain she was feeling

Smangele : Sabelo �� Tell Nono to do something this baby is killing me �

Her screams were piercing inside Sabelo's heart �

Sabelo : Nono?

Sabelo went close to Smangele an held her hand she screamed much louder than
Sabelo : Can you do something please Nono
Nono : You will have to be patient the baby is not ready yet
Smangele : He's Nono � you ready right? Sssssss... � oh thixo (Oh lord)
please baby come out mummy can't take it anymore �

She was begging the baby to come out � an the was a pain in her abdomen that
was driving her crazy it was not the pain of giving birth but something was
happening �....downstairs Lunelo was pacing up an down because Smangele was
screaming but no one is coming back to tell them what is going on �

Lunelo : Latino come on man tell me what's happening �

Latino : Nono knows what she's doing
Slungile : But Smangele is still screaming am going upstairs to check I don't wanna
lose my baby

Slungile ran upstairs to fnd Smangele crying an her hair was a mess because of the

Smangele : Ma.. Mama tell them to take him out I will never fall pregnant again ��
please mama

Slungile was tearing so badly cause she can't even recognise her daughter at all

Slungile : Do something please �

Nono was just her weird behavior which irritated Sabelo cause he want help

Sabelo : Sean? Please man talk to Nono please ��

Sean : Nono? What's wrong? Why are you not helping �
Nono : He's not ready
Sabelo : So she must die? You want me to help her wake up just like how Ntobe
helped Sean? I love Smangele please help her I can't let her die just take this child
out � I can't lose Smangele
Sabelo went to kneel in front of Nono who was adamant that the baby is just acting
up he's not ready yet

Slungile : Smangele breath baby breath

Smangele : Huuuuuuu�� Sabelo � huuuuuuuu

Ntobe was sobbing too, Sean was so sad cause Smangele's cry was so painful in the
heart, Smangele screamed loudly an fainted ,Sabelo rushed to her followed by Sean

Nono : He's making her rest for a while cause he can see that she's in pain
Sabelo : What? � you can communicate with him why don't you tell him to come
out? �
Sean : Nono you not helping
Nono : It's because there's nothing to help about your son is not ready, He will be
born to do the unthinkable not did he kept himself in the womb but he showed his
true colors
Sabelo : Cut me that crap, we taking her to the hospital
Sean : No Sa...
Sabelo : She's not helping her Sean I can't lose Smangele if I do I will hate myself
,cause I just can't lose her I'll rather die frst than allow that to happen

Sabelo was even starting to hate this child cause this is all his fault �
After some time downstairs Siya came in followed by Sabelo's mother

Siya : How's my baby?

Lily : Greetings
Them : Hello
Siya : Lunelo?
Lunelo : It has been quiet upstairs so we don't know
Thapelo : This is more harder than I thought
Siya : Ayy tshin uMtshomo owana uYem Yem omkhulu uzawuphila (No maan that a
Mtshomi she will live)
Lily : Let's hope so
Siya : Oh kanene ndicingan, nguLily lo umkami ke kaloku nandilahla nina
ndazifumanela iscatsha ke mna (Oh this is my wife Lily, yol abandoned me so I
found myself a wife)
Lunelo : Mhle nyan (She's beautiful)
Lungelo : Washo wafana noSabelo (She's so like Sabelo) �
Siya : Ayy sundiqhela kwedin undivezela nton kuba ndiyaxoka? �(Stop being
forward why are you showing that am lying) hypocrite ��

Everyone laughed cause they missed him even though the elders are still at it,
Smangele woke up an screamed again

Siya : Ayy walilisa okwegusha kuthen bayamkhama na? � (Why is she crying like a
goat are they chocking her)

Siya was seriously worried cause the way she was crying it was like she's being
beaten or something

Lunelo : This has been happening

Lily : Let me go up direct me
Siya : Aibo landela umhayizo tshin na mfazi �(No follow the scream, this woman)
andishatanga isdenge kaloku mna (I didn't marry a stuparado) �
Lily : Mxm can you be serious �
Siya : Uyandiva na?� (Can you hear me?)

Siya thought that because she's coloured she doesn't understand the language he's
speaking � everyone laughed an forgot about being heartbroken � cause Siya is a
stress reliever,Lily ran upstairs an found Smangele still at it again, Nono went close
to her an checked for a minute
Nono : We ready now�

"This woman have time for smiling�" Slungile thinking to herself

Nono : Smie am gonna need you to push baby please

Smangele : Huuuuuh �

Smangele pushed harder but nothing was happening

Nono : Smie come on this is your chance push

Smangele breathed in an out than she pushed while screaming

Nono : Come on you can do it

Smangele : Am t... Am trying oh God � am trying

She pushed an everyone was hoping for the best cause you could see that
Smangele is so tired of all this �

Smangele : Come on baby come on ��

Smangele pushed once more

Nono : Yes once more baby come on

Smangele screamed while pushing, she felt like her life was being taken out of her,
the baby came out crying, Smangele slept while thanking God that nothing
happened to her

Nono : Oh come little prince � congratulations you have a bouncing baby...

Them : Boy ��

Sabelo went to Nono

Nono : Take him �

Sabelo : Is he okay? Is my girlfriend okay?
Nono : Take him frst he wants to meet his father

Sabelo smiled while taking the crying baby an he kept quiet

Sabelo : Nkosana kaBaba (Daddy's boy) welcome to the world boy�

Smangele : Is he okay? �
Sabelo : Come meet mommy

Sabelo went to Smangele with their son an gave him to her, it was like it been
months with him cause he looked at his mother like he's saying "Am sorry for
hurting you" Smangele just cried while looking at her baby

Smangele : My baby boy �� welcome although you gave me rough time but

She smiled with tears, everyone was emotional in the room because of the beautiful
scene they seeing

Nono : He's handsome �

Sabelo : Yes he is
Slungile : Nkosana �
Sabelo : That's the name I thought of too
Slungile : That why am saying it he's our prince

Everyone was smiling with tears, Nono kept quiet

Sean : Nono?
Nono : Smie

Smangele looked up an saw how serious Nono is

Nono : I have bad news for you

Sabelo : Not today Nono �
Smangele : No baby I can handle it
Nono : This is your only baby you won't get any child ever again

Smangele an everyone looked at Nono

Nono : emember when you were fghting with Jane an the following day you cried
because of the pain you feeling in your abdomen?
Smangele : Yes I remember
Nono : That was the day you fought for family but got hurt in the process

Smangele sobbed cause even though this was a hard pregnancy but she wanted to
be pregnant once again, Ntobe was so hurt an blamed herself

Nono : So you won't have another child but this one ,worse your son was also
making it hard for you so he damaged your womb you can even go for a check up
the doctor will also tell you the same story
Sabelo : Baby it's okay this is our Prince an let's love him like they are a lot, me ,you
an our son forever
Ntobe : Am sorry Smangele � it my fault
Sabelo : It's not your fault Ntobe

Smangele kept quiet with tears running down her cheeks ��� cause there are
times where you don't have to say anything an just cry, she's happy that she gave
birth to a healthy baby boy but this too is hurting
Nono : Your son will bring you nothing but joy an happiness in your lives but he will
be doing things that will not only shock you but everyone else around him

Smangele was crying cause this is hard for her no lie she's hurt by all of this...���

The Sun Has Fallen

These inserts are about Siwe mostly than am fnishing the story...

Insert 69


Siwe went home while thinking about what Boniswa said to her, she found her friend

Gugu : ain't you suppose to be packing cause you going tomorrow, I mean I have
someone who's coming over so don't tell me that you changed your mind.
Siwe : Can I ask you something?
Gugu : Yes you can
Siwe : What would you do if someone comes with information about your baby
Gugu : Bab... Who's pregnant? �
Siwe : Can I fnish?
Gugu : Okay am listening
Siwe : That person tells you that he is abusing her, rapes her an even give you to
his brother so that he can sleeps with you
Gugu : Hahh what kind of a person is that?
Siwe : What would you do?
Gugu : I will frst start by asking who's pregnant
Siwe : Fine I am the one who's pregnant

Gugu looked at her with a bored look cause she thought that maybe she's joking

Gugu : Not funny

Siwe : Am serious am the one who's pregnant
Gugu : So who is the girl telling you all of this?
Siwe : His ex
Gugu : ��
Siwe : Why are you laughing ?
Gugu : You dom �
Siwe : Huh?
Gugu : Gosh Because you've signed a dom contract

Gugu left Siwe confused at what she just said, well Siwe took her phone an called
Smangele cause she wants to tell her that she's no longer coming,Smangele
answered on a third ring

Smangele : Two calls from you at the same day

Siwe : Can we talk?
Smangele : Sound serious are you okay?
Siwe : No I mean Yes am good can we talk but I want you to go somewhere
Smangele : Um okay wait let me put Sana down than we will talk
Siwe : Okay I'll wait

Siwe heard some shufe than after like 10 minutes Smangele came back to the

Smangele : Let me call you with a landline so that we won't waste your airtime
Siwe : Okay as long as no one will hear me saying all this
Smangele : Okay I will call you just now

They hung up the phone so Siwe was so worried cause if Sandile is like what Boni
said he is than she will not keep this child, she doesn't want to die or lose her child,
her phone rang so she answered

Siwe : Smangele
Smangele : Am here
Siwe : am gonna start by saying am pregnant

Smangele kept quiet for a moment cause if it's Sandile's baby than Siwe is family �

Siwe : Are you still there? Oh God No am telling you this because I want something
from you I just need advice
Smangele : No Babes I thought you were still talking
Siwe : Yes so some girl came to me an told me that my baby daddy abuses her an
she even told me that he will take my baby away so I was thinking of aborting my
child, he's from a big family an am sure I won't even be able to run away, I did some
search about his family

Smangele thought to herself that this means Siwe is not pregnant with Sandile's
child cause he can't even beat his sisters how much more a girlfriend

Smangele : So what does your instinct tell you?

Siwe : I don't know Smangele
Smangele : Are yol in a relationship?
Siwe : Am the one who have feelings for him I don't know about him
Smangele : Does he knows that you are pregnant?
Siwe : I don't know how he found out
Smangele : I think you should talk to him
Siwe : Talk to him? What if he kill Boniswa? I can't Smangele am sca...
Smangele : Siwe can we talk later Lubanzi an his squad have just entered, but don't
do anything we will sort that baby daddy I will tell these goons
Siwe : N...
Smangele : Bye

Smangele hung up her phone an Siwe was so scared cause she didn't want Sandile
to know about this....Smangele looked at these eyes that are staring at her

Sandile : Why are you here? You said we must go an buy you pizza now you hiding
Lubanzi : Who were you talking to?
Sandile : Or must we call Sabelo so that he can come an ask for himself?
Smangele : Well where is my pizza?
Lubanzi : Upstairs with Ntobe
Smangele : So the big ears are here because they love news right?
Sandile : No � we will tell Sabelo
Smangele : Tell him what?
Lubanzi : That you having private calls

Smangele just left them standing there an went upstairs to her room an found
Ntobe helping herself with Pizza so Smangele jumped on top of the bed while

Smangele : I missed my body

Ntobe : I wish to be you cause right now I feel fat
Smangele : I would have said you pregnant but no you not
Ntobe : I don't even think of it

Lubanzi an Sandile came inside the room

Lubanzi : We here
Sandile : I feel like drinking
Smangele : What wrong with you?
Sandile : I got dumped for telling the truth
Ntobe : What truth?
Sandile : Sleeping with Siwe
Lubanzi : You slept with Siwe?
Sandile : Yes I did
Ntobe : Fight for your girl don't let her go
Sandile : Nah I think it's time for me to move on fne I did love her an still do but if
she can't stand my honesty than I don't know
Smangele : Well you not the only who got problems
Sandile : What problems do you have?
Smangele : Siwe wants to abort her child
Ntobe : Aibo why? An who got her pregnant?
Smangele : I don't know but she said that her baby daddy is an abuser, he used to
abuse his ex bo... I don't remember well but her name it was bo... something
Lubanzi : So why abort?
Smangele : Cause she's afraid that maybe this guy will kill her or rather take her
child away from her worse she loves this guy

Sandile was boiling inside cause Siwe is really testing him why would she kill his
child, an why would Boniswa lie about something like this �

Sandile : I have to go
Smangele : No you can't go Sandile we have to help her
Sandile : Help her abort?
Lubanzi : No but help her keep the baby
Sandile : I don't have time for this
Ntobe : Well if you didn't break her virginity none of this would have happened so
don't ✋
Sandile : For your sake I will ignore you

Sandile stormed out of the room thinking about what Smangele said "she loves this
Smangele : Did he love her?
Ntobe : I think he's just plain crazy
Lubanzi : Ntobe don't provoke Sandile cause you don't know what he will do to you
that kid may be quiet but he's not to be messed with, learn to talk to him worse he's
old than you please Sis

Ntobe stood up an stormed out of the room cause Sandile is just being a
dick....Sandile took out his phone an called Boni who answered almost immediately

Boni : Sandile
Sandile : Can we meet?
Boni : I went home after our break up
Sandile : By home you mean Siwe's mind right?
Boni : What did you expect me to do Sandile cause I was always there for you now
you go out an knock a bitch up
Sandile : Don't call her like that cause I told you that I broke her virginity
Boni : So should I congratulate you because of that? Listen here Sandile that girl will
abort that child than me an you can be what we were before her
Sandile : Boni am warning you stay away from Siwe
Boni : That won't happen � that girl will not get you
Sandile : Why?
Boni : Because I was frst an she just trapped you
Sandile : Stay away from Siwe I don't wanna do something bad to you
Boni : Baby please don't you remember how we used to be, ever since you slept
with that girl you have been distant with me, you were no longer touching me or let
me say call me do you love her?
Sandile : What?
Boni : You heard me are you in love with her?
Sandile : Stop what you doing an stop asking me stupid questions
Boni : Oh?
Sandile : Yes
Sandile hung up his phone an called Siwe who didn't answer so he tried for like fve
times, he tried for the last time an Siwe answered aggressively

Siwe : What do you want? �

Sandile : That's no way to talk Siwe
Siwe : I don't care what do you want? An you will never get this child I will kill it by
tomorrow it won't be here
Sandile : Why?
Siwe : Because you want to take it away from me
Sandile : Me? Siwe don't do anything stupid believe me you don't want me to hate
you �
Siwe : Sandile I gave you my virginity
Sandile : I...
Siwe : Am still talking, I gave you everything I had which is my virginity, I fell
pregnant by mistake so I didn't have a problem with it but you there planning to
take what mine away from me � what more do you want from me?
Sandile : Siwe please don't do that, we will talk when I get there
Siwe : No I'll be long gone
Sandile : Don't do that to me I need you here with my baby of cause
Siwe : You want to abuse me? I can't have that Sandile am too young for that, you
found me a lesbian with no complications in my life than you slept with me from
that day my life became complicated, I lost my friend because of this now let me be
Sandile I will take this child out an leave you alone

Siwe hung up his phone an Sandile was so angry cause Boniswa have just meddle in
his business, he told her because he wanted to live a life of honesty an she couldn't
accept that right? Now why do this to his baby mama he was so fuming with a lot of
anger �
After a while he was home with his father in the study drinking a glass of whiskey
Thapelo : Are you good my son?
Sandile : I made a girl pregnant
Thapelo : So you can score?
Sandile : What � father can you be serious
Thapelo : No I thought that maybe you gay
Sandile : No am a man father
Thapelo : So you want the family to do the things or?
Sandile : What things?
Thapelo : Marriage of cause
Sandile : Marriage? No am not ready for that an worse we not dating
Thapelo : What?
Sandile : I took his virginity, actually it was a one night thing
Thapelo : An she fell pregnant?
Sandile : Yes
Thapelo : Maybe it's fate �
Sandile : No I don't think so an I have a problem
Thapelo : Am listening

Sandile narrated the whole story to his father

Thapelo : Do you love her too?

Sandile : Can we stick to the matter baba
Thapelo : I can't stick to an incomplete love story, I would have said fght for your
love but you don't love her right? So I can't advice you what you must do is make a
decision whether you want this baby or not, cause that girl only need assurance
that you will not beat her, Let me tell you something if a girl fed up with you? She
won't even answer your calls,now you see this pregnant girl she's still in love with
you an this abortion what what will not hurt you alone but it will destroy her, I would
have loved to have a grandchild again so it's your call to make things right Sandile
although I want to tell you this that girl must not kill that child or else... So help me
God you can't even answer if you love her or not ayy ✋
Thapelo walked out while whistling an left Sandile feeling like crap cause he really
have to do something

The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 70


Sandile woke up early in the morning in a hotel cause he few last night to Durban
because he couldn't have Siwe aborting his child, so he did his morning hygiene an
after some time he got out an wore his clothes he received a call from Boniswa so
he answered an kept quiet

Boni : Babe are you there?

Sandile : Am here what can I do for you?
Boni : Am in Jo'burg we can see each other I few yesterday night
Sandile : Am not there
Boniswa : Where are you? Don't tell me that you went to that girl do you want me to
go to the papers? Show them how you abused me?
Sandile : That's something on your mind Boniswa I have never ever even in my
dreams abuse you, I loved you even showed you by telling you nothing but the
truth, been loyal to you for almost all my life just by committing one mistake you
dump me not only that you want my baby mama to abort the baby just because you
don't want me to have a baby elsewhere, If this is you showing love to me than am
better off without, I've known you long enough so don't change an be what I don't
Boni : Sandile please come back � or else I will go to the cops
Sandile : Do what you think is best for you

Sandile sighed an hung up his phone, he didn't want him an Boni to hate each other
cause they have been lovers for a longest time an they loved each other so now
everything just turned sour in a blink of an eye, he drove off from the hotel started
at tbe mall to buy some things for Siwe after that he was done so he went to Siwe's
fat when he got there, they told him that Siwe have just left, so his palms were
sweating cause he didn't want Siwe to do what she wants to do, he drove to the
Clinic that Siwe uses, when he got there he rushed inside an looked around he than
spotted Siwe who was like a lost puppy sitting in the corner he went to her

Sandile : Siwe

Siwe looked up with tears in her eyes she tried to wipe them but it was not helping
cause they were falling

Siwe : Wh... **clears throat ** what are you doing here?

Sandile : Did you do it?
Siwe : Yes

Sandile felt like he was suffocating because of the answer he just received, he just
sat down defeated, every hate he was hiding or hate that was not even there for
Boniswa have came to a clear version cause he doesn't even want to meet her in
the way or hell will brake loose

Sandile : Why? �
Siwe : Why what? �
Sandile : Why did you kill my baby? Why didn't you listen to me Siwe cause I told
you to wait for me
Siwe : Wait for you? Is that what you saying, Sandile I don't owe you any
explanation just let me be
Sandile : LET YOU BE �

People were looking at the so Sandile grabbed Siwe by hand to go outside, Siwe
thought that maybe he will beat her up

Siwe : Please don't hit me �

Sandile stopped walking an looked at her with awe in his face

Sandile : Don't what? � do yo... Siwe

Siwe : I don't know a girl came to me with that
Sandile : You fnished me Siwe an I wish... I wish �

Sandile walked away leaving Siwe feeling like an ass the truth is she couldn't go on
with it the baby is still safe in her tummy
Nhlaka, Sean and Sabelo were in the bar talking cause it been a while

Nhlaka : I don't think I can stay in this place

Sabelo : Why?
Sean : There's so much drama and No girls to tap

Nhlaka looked at him with a bored look, Sean just laughed cause he just read his

Sean : Am sorry but our place have a lot of drama although my kind off people are
no longer alive
Nhlaka : Why did you read my mind? I wanted to say it my way �
Sabelo : Your mad way?
Nhlaka : Yes
Sabelo : �
Sean : Better luck next time, jokes aside let's talk
Nhlaka : What you wanna talk about, but let me say this don't read my mind right
now cause I want to answer �

Sabelo an Sean laughed because of his facial expression �

Sean : I won't, anyways as you all know that am about to get married like for real
this time
Nhlaka : Wait you said what stopped you the last time?
Sabelo : People of our kind
Nhlaka : So you all bring corrupt an sadness in our lives?
Sean : No �
Nhlaka : You even stopped your own wedding whoa so much drama �
Sabelo : Can you listen �
Nhlaka : No I want to laugh at this, Imagine getting married than some gangsters
comes to join us than I leave my wedding to entertain them � that's more like
madness �
Sabelo : No they killed Tom's wife
Nhlaka : To... Which Tom? Wait guys you telling me that Tom Tom was the one we
were burying, I don't like weddings I mean nx funerals so I didn't notice a thing, I
don't even know who died an who didn't � so are you telling me that Tom died?

He was seriously shocked cause really at the funeral he was there to support his
friends but he didn't care who died so he really don't know ,he just zone out when it
comes to funerals cause he lost his parents that's why

Sabelo : Yes the one an only Tom died but his wife was killed frst
Nhlaka : So in this family they have Little Vanger, Tom and Man M I wonder who is
Lunelo and Lungelo cause yol are Vampires who cancel their weddings for a fght �
Sabelo : Lunelo is just Lunelo there's nothing gang linking to him
Sean : Have you seen how that guy intimidate? He may talk an all but he's not good
just dangerous an by the look of things he kills with no mercy
Nhlaka : That's Vanger
Sabelo : Sean Lunelo is no gangster ✋� he's just a hardcore but he's not
Sean : We will see about that if he is I want a bet
Nhlaka : Yeah let's bet
Sabelo : He is or not Nhlaka?
Nhlaka : He's a gangster not just a small one but huge
Sabelo : Fine 10k each if I won 20k for me
Sean & Nhlaka : Deal �
Sean : Back to what I was saying, Am about to get married again but I don't think I
want to anymore

Sabelo looked at him with the face that says "What the fuck man"�

Sabelo : Why what's wrong?

Sean : Ntho is complicating an by the look of this she's childish, very selfsh I don't
know how to explain this but I don't think we can get married anytime soon
Nhlaka : Can I say something
Sabelo : Sure
Nhlaka : Let see....� you met this girl this year right?

Sean nodded while listening attentively

Nhlaka : The way I see this it is like the both of you are rushing things, why don't
you learn to know each other more, I mean what if you two were already married by
this time would you have divorced her?
Sean : I don't know
Nhlaka : Am no love expect cause I've never been in love but Sean my man I think
you rushed things fne at frst you wanted to protect her right? Now what do you
need to protect her from? Just love that girl, show love to her an spend more time
with her am sure by that you will learn to know a lot more about her so that you can
know what you getting yourself took her virginity than rush rush rush
Marriage no maan guys chill an know each other more
Sean : You think am rushing things?
Nhlaka : Yes you are rushing things, as for me I would marry the mother of my child
even if I don't love her but I will marry her so that I can protect them both from my
rivals enemies
Sabelo : That's a good point over there but what about me cause I also want to
marry Smangele as in yesterday
Sean : Smangele tell it like it is so you will be getting a wife right there
Nhlaka : Worse he provided you with a cabbage as a bonus �
Sean : The prince is a cabbage? Levels of disrespect � do you know that he will
own you
Nhlaka : Who won't be scared of an cabbage that have two legs �
Sabelo : Tseg nx �� so Sean did the bed fall?
Nhlaka : While doing what?
Sean : Tapping... No it didn't
Nhlaka : Yours fell?

He was looking at him an was ready to burst with laughter

Sabelo : Yes it did

Nhlaka : You indeed a stallion �� no wonder your child is like this you also a heavy
load making beds fall �
Sean : No ✋ � you need to upgrade
Sabelo : Upgrade?
Sean : Yes have new beds like mine
Nhlaka : No they will still fall maybe the whole house will fall ��
Sabelo : Mxm �

Everyone laughed at all of what Nhlaka is saying, as for Sean he knew that Nhlaka
was telling the truth him an Ntho are so rushing things
Later that day Sandile was so drunk because of all is happening so he drove to
Siwe's fat while emotional on the way things were not looking good for him, luckily
he didn't get into an accident let alone being arrested for drinking an driving when
he got there he knocked so Siwe opened up

Siwe : Sandile
Sandile just went in an sat on the foor while tearing, Siwe's heart broke into pieces
when she saw this picture, her roomza was out an was to come back tomorrow so it
was just them, Siwe went to sit next to him

Siwe : Am sorry
Sandile : No don't �✋ I was late, late to stop you from doing what you did
Siwe : San...
Sandile : Am so hurt Siwe in a way that I never thought I would, **he chuckled** you
know what funny? I always thought that I will have a baby with Boniswa

Siwe looked away cause she didn't want to show that she's sad by this, Sandile
turned her cause he wanted to see her face

Sandile : Listen it was all a fantasy cause she was there, an you came along when I
found out that you pregnant I was happy even though I may have not been able to
show my affection towards a situation that's why I need someone who can
understand me, Siwe am a hard person, I don't usually be this vulnerable,I like to
keep things to myself, I love to always be blank when I want to show affection I
never cry even at my brother's funeral I didn't cry because I tell myself that if I keep
it to myself than people won't be able to see that am weak but you... You made me
weak, you didn't even try but you made me cry my child Siwe I wanted to be the
father of my child � I wanted to watch you everyday mothering our child cause I
can see that you are an extraordinary woman who was hiding in the dark just
because of people like us � Siwe you k.. � killed my child, our child, our creation
we need to create another one don't you think? We have to � caus.. Caus.. Ca

He just fell asleep in Siwe's shoulder while talking an blabbing about creating
another baby, Siwe was left with no choice but to tell him the truth tomorrow
morning cause he's so broken

The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 71

Sandile woke up in a bed he didn't know when he looks around it is a girlish room
than he remembered the state he was in when he was drunk in Siwe's arms, he
stood up he was shirtless

Sandile : So Siwe had fun with me yesterday **he chuckled**

Than reality kicked in that Siwe aborted his child, he went to the bathroom to wash
his mouth after that he wore his clothes when he was about to get out Siwe came in

Siwe : You awake

Sandile : Yes
Siwe : Um can we talk but frst you need to eat

Sandile looked at Siwe for a while before talking

Sandile : No I have to go an sorry for my behavior yesterday so there's no need to

talk, I will go back home cause....**sigh** I don't know Siwe I feel know
what let me go

Sandile took his jacket but Siwe stopped her by taking his hand an putting it in her
tummy, Sandile froze cause he really wanted this baby with Siwe now she's doing
this, he didn't understand what was Siwe doing

Siwe : Were you gonna leave me an our bundle of joy alone?

Sandile zoned out for a minute than his brain worked again

Sandile : What do you mean by that?

Siwe : I didn't go through wi...

Sandile didn't wait for her to fnish her words, he grabbed her an swing her while
cheering with joy cause he thought that it was over , after a while they pulled out
Sandile : You still pregnant? Why did you lie?
Siwe : Sandile your ex came to me an told me that you an abuser so I was scared
Sandile : Do I look like that?
Siwe : I can't judge you by your looks
Sandile : Do you trust me?
Siwe : Not completely
Sandile : Wow � but you gave me your virginity
Siwe : That was a once off thing
Sandile : eally?
Siwe : Yes eally

Sandile chuckled while looking down

Sandile : I will ignore you on that

Sandile took his car keys an passed Siwe who was blushing because of what Sandile
said to her

Sandile : **clears throat**

Siwe jumped while turning to look at Sandile

Sandile : Breakfast?
Siwe : But I tho... You know what come
Sandile : Are you gonna take my hand like in the movies?
Siwe : No
Sandile : We are about to be parents
Siwe : Am so hungry I don't have time for this �
Siwe went to the table followed by Sandile who was mesmerize that Siwe did all this
breakfast for him it may not be fancy but the thought counts

Sandile : My Baby Mama �

Siwe smiled while eating an Sandile was just looking at her

Sandile : You...I mean what do you feel about us, Like we are about Co-parent right?
An we don't have an experience on this maybe we could ask my mom to help us?
What do you think?
Siwe : M.. Mother? �
Sandile : You want us to hide the baby to my parents?
Siwe : Don't look at me like that
Sandile : Am asking nicely here Siwe an I want to know what do you think
Siwe : Am not ready
Sandile : You not ready to do what? Be specifc
Siwe : am not ready to meet your parents
Sandile : What should I tell them?
Siwe : Nothing �♀

Sandile was not showing any emotion an that confused Siwe cause she don't know if
he's angry or just good

Sandile : Let's eat

Siwe : Are you angry?
Sandile : No
Siwe : Sandile
Sandile : What? I don't know what you want me to say Siwe
Siwe : I know you angry talk to me, we are about to be parents so can we at least
think about our joy
Sandile looked at Siwe tensely an deep in her eyes

Sandile : Am not angry, am just frustrated cause I don't know why you don't want
me to tell my mom that you pregnant.. Okay I want to be an understanding person
as ever I know that maybe by involving my parents will be complicating at least
think about it we can't do this on our own Siwe we need help please
Siwe : Fine I'll think about it, are you always like this? Blank
Sandile : I thought I told you yesterday
Siwe : An I thought that it's because you drunk
Sandile : Am like this
Siwe : Please if you angry, you wanna shout or scream just do it with me, I want you
to be yourself around me just like how you taught me to be just myself
Sandile : You don't wanna hear me shout
Siwe : You look ugly?
Sandile : No � can we just drop this
Siwe : Fine dropped✋
Sandile : Good
Siwe : Where is your Lunatic ex cause you could have seen her face she was so
Sandile : She's in Jo'burg
Siwe : You loved her?
Sandile : I don't feel comfortable talking about that with you but I have never lay my
hands on her that what you must know
Siwe : I understand � an I trust you
Sandile : �

Siwe stood up an went to the bathroom cause she wanted to get ready for work
Sandile shouted in the kitchen

Sandile : Am leaving
Siwe : Ok
Sandile : I will call you
Siwe : No don't

Sandile just laughed an walked away going to his car, he took his phone out an
called Boniswa who answered almost immediately

Boni : Babe
Sandile : Can you stop calling me that
Boni : Oh
Sandile : I will be coming this afternoon there can we meet an talk
Boni : Am in durban
Sandile : You got money? To spend around with fying an doing whatever you doing
Boni : You wanted me to stay at Jozi while you on the other side busy with your side
Sandile : Side chick? Are you hearing yourself that's the mother of my child
Boni : Was � don't let that girl bewitch you, I will go to Gateway let's meet
Sandile : Fine
Boni : Don't be late as always
Sandile : This is not a social call that what you must know we need to discuss
Boni : huh?
Sandile : You heard me

Sandile hung up his phone, he no longer wants Boni in his company, he will pay for
her fees this year while she looks for another job he wants to start afresh � with
Siwe an their child of cause he's so happy
After like 3 hours later Siwe was going to work an was in Gateway mall when she
heard someone calling her so she turned an was a met by Boni an some bunch of
girls they were on the steps, they were so well dressed an beautiful defnitely not in
her league
Boni : Hey �
Siwe : Hey
Boni : Did you do what I asked you to do?
Siwe : Which part? The running away or the "get rid of the baby?"
Boni : Clearly you didn't run so did you take out the baby?
Girl 1 : What baby?
Boni : She was Sandile's one night stand
Girl 2 : After all these years Sandile not cheating on you an you got cheated like
once boom pregnancy yooo girl I want your witch doctor cause she's strong an

Everyone laughed while looking at her with disgust

Siwe : You were lying? He didn't abuse you? You made me abort my child for this?

Siwe pretended as if she's so hurt by all of this

Boni : Oh God you listened � what a dom kop � this needs a celebration

Siwe chuckled while rolling her eyes

Siwe : Am not that stupid I still have my baby � an not even you can take that
away from me

Boni was so angry cause she thought that the baby is now gone

Boni : What? You still pregnant? � I THOUGHT I TOLD TO TAKE THAT THING OUT

everyone looked at her as if she's crazy

Siwe : Look at the attention you getting � I won't even stoop that low, if a boy
doesn't want you let me just give you an advice forget about him
Boni : You won't get him �
Siwe : At least I will get to see him more often cause I got the baby � an what
about you?
Boni : I got the best pussy
Siwe : Pshh please ✋ don't give me that trap just forget about Sandile let us have
him �

Boni was so fuming with anger so she pushed Siwe in the steps an she rolled while
screaming until she reached the foor, Boniswa realised later what she did so she
went downstairs

Boni : Oh God Siwe � don't die on me oh God ��

Girl : Just leave her let's go
Boni : No
Siwe : Pleas.... Please help me
Girl 2 : Oh God you bleeding

They all looked at Siwe indeed she was bleeding

Siwe : My baby ��

Boniswa was so terrifed cause she acted without thinking....

The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 72

Siwe was on her way to the hospital taken by an ambulance followed by Boni who
was so stressed that she did something like this an she's sure that it will ruin things
with Sandile, after sometime they were inside the hospital Siwe was attended so
Boni was siting there compensating whether to call Sandile or not cause clearly he's
waiting for her at Gateway, her phone rang right that moment an it was her friend

Boni : Hello
Girl : He's coming there

Boni stood up cause her heart was beating out of her chest, she knows how Sandile
is and she's sure that death is upon her

Boni : What do you mean?

Girl : When Siwe fell her phone was on the foor so he called an it was an unsaved
number so I told him that Siwe is at the hospital taken by an ambulance so he asked
which hospital I told him it was than I realised that am talking to Sandile
Boni : Oh God when was that?
Girl : um 30 minutes ago he's probably there as we speak
Boni : O...
Sandile : Boniswa

Sandile was coming her way, an he was calling her with a voice that contains so
much authority, Boni hung up the phone an turned to be met by him

Boni : Sandile
Sandile : What are you doing here?
Boni : Um.... Um �
Sandile : Can't talk?
Boni : Sandile
Sandile : Okay I was talking to the receptionist an she told me that I should wait
with you cause you also here for the same girl I came here for, explain that
Boni : I can explain
Sandile : Oh there's an explanation

Sandile was not showing any motion he was just plain blank �

Boni : So I met with Siwe an....

Doc : Busisiwe...
Sandile : Here �♂

The doctor went to them

Doc : Am doctor Nandi

Sandile : Cut the introduction an tell me how's my baby mama an my baby
Doc : Um Sir am sorry but the baby didn't make it

The world stopped for a minute to Sandile cause they were okay in the morning
what's wrong now �

Sandile : What the cause of that? They were okay in the morning when I left them

Boni looked at Sandile

Doc : She fell on the stairs that what I heard

Sandile : Fell **he chuckled** can I see her?
Doc : Give me 10 minutes than I'll let you in although she said she doesn't want
anyone to see her
Sandile : Am the father so I have to see her
Doc : I'll make a plan excuse me

The doctor left these two behind

Sandile : Explain yourself
Boni : It was a mistake Sandile you have to believe me
Sandile : Mistake huh?
Boni : Yes we were talking, she said that she got you, she said that I lost you an
she's the one who's next like yol share a baby I just lost it... I pushed her an realised
later that I did something wrong
Sandile : You call this something wrong? Boniswa **he chuckle sarcastic ** You see
that girl in the ward?
Boni : Yes
Sandile : You see the tears that are coming out of her eyes I mean like she cried
Boni : Yes she did
Sandile : I want you to go an count those tears
Boni : But Sandile I can't
Sandile : Am giving you 15 minute to go back where you pushed her an count those
tears cause you see I don't want that girl crying I don't even want the foor to touch
her tears so I want you to go back there an get me those tears if not.... Look at look
at if not I will slit your throat even Gateway won't help you

Boniswa felt there's nothing left for her in Sandile, she have lost him because of her

Boni :S...
Nurse : The doctor said that I must show you the room

Sandile nodded an looked at Boni

Sandile : Go an get me what I want an Boni don't even think about running away
cause I'll blow you up

Sandile walked away leaving Boniswa scared for her life, he followed the nurse to
the ward when they got there he found Siwe hiding under the sheet inside the bed
so he went there, he didn't know what to say to her to make her feel better, he
didn't know how to make himself feel better cause he's dying inside an Boniswa will

Nurse : I'll leave you to it

Sandile nodded an the nurse walked away, Sandile got inside the small bed an Siwe
didn't want to see Sandile she's so hurt cause she didn't want her baby to die

Sandile : Busisiwe huh? � I don't know how to start all this cause it new to me, um
this year something bad happened in my family we lost our family members okay
fne we did right, so my brother he was um he was my life neh losing him was like I
was stabbed with a knife in my heart it was hard to move on from that but you
know what I did I thought of something positive, I told myself that my brother
wouldn't have liked seeing me all sad an frustrated all of those things than I woke
up from my bed an did what I loved to do which is to work to keep my mind off
things I don't know why am bringing this all up but Siwe losing our baby hurts in a
way that I wish I could just go an throw myself in a big dam an come back but you
know what keeps me insane?
Siwe : ......�
Sandile : You keep me sane I know that you can conquer this it may be painful but
we will go through this together
Siwe : Sandile.... I don't want you to feel sorry for me my baby is gone an I know
you were sticking around because of it now it gone you can go back to her, she took
it away so I don't care anymore, it's hard but I will go on I will try to be strong, I
don't want this I want my old life back this being a girl hurts more than anything
Sandile : Siwe �
Siwe : No ✋ I tried to be the girl that I wanted to be, loved wrong people, even fell
pregnant with the baby that I wanted so bad now it's gone, gone without me
touching him/her, without hearing her cries � Sandile I can't, I can't be what I am
right now this... All of this is hard � it's hard

Sandile held on to her cause this is breaking him

Sandile : Am not going anywhere an you not gonna be a boy anymore am here,
Siwe am here Sandile Gumede is here to stay
Siwe : Don't pity me
Sandile : I don't pity, well a little but I want to be here an Babe listen we will be
okay, you'll have another you
Siwe : It hard to accept this �
Sandile : Come here

Siwe came closer to Sandile so he hugged her so tightly an it pained him to hear her
crying like this

Sandile : Don't cry we will get through this together

Siwe : You won't leave me?
Sandile : Am imprinted to you �

Siwe was so hurt by all of this, losing her child like this, trusting this boy over again
whereas Sandile was so angry at Boniswa for what she did
Sandile was on his way to the location where Boniswa is which is her friends fat
when be got there he bribed the security to let him in so he did

Boni : The baby didn't make it

Girl : Oh God how's your Bae?
Boni : I don't know I left him there
Girl : With her?
Boni : She was the mother of his child so why not

They heard a door knock so the girl went to open the door an was met by Sandile
with a gun on his side

Sandile : If you scream....I....I **he chuckled** will scream with you

He said wiggling his gun on the side while not showing any motion it was like he's

Sandile : Move
Girl : S....
Sandile : Shhh do what I told you to do

The girl moved with her back facing Boniswa who stood up when she saw Sandile

Sandile : Okay this is what you must do close the window every window in this place
an I disconnected every phone so don't even think about it... Now close the windows
Boni : Baby please
Sandile : Don't worry nunu just do what I tell you to do an I won't kill you... now!!

The girls closed all the windows an came back to the lounge

Sandile : I closed all the door now take

He handed the girl a phone

Sandile : Call your friends to come over we having a party

Boni : Sandile please
Sandile : Please what? Just do what I told you to do all your friends
Girl : Okay

The girl called all the girls that were at the Gateway when that scene happened
after some time they came in while laughing an cheering they didn't know that its
about to be lit, Sandile's mans were on standby

Sandile : Welcome to the party, now take this

He handed the girl ropes

Sandile : Tie them

Girl 2 : No what?
Sandile : Do what I tell you to do T... I... E them

The girl was so scared an shaking so she tied them including Boniswa who was
silently crying

Sandile : Now take

He gave the girl the tape

Sandile : Shut them up

Girl : Sandile I know that you angry but please they need to breath
Sandile : Breath? Did you say Breath? Is my baby breathing?

They all kept quiet while looking down

Sandile : Azishe (do it)

The girl shut them up with the tape an the girls were crying because of this

Sandile : Satisfed now I want to teach you all a lesson you'll never ever ever forget

He said looking at them blankly � "confusing the enemy"

Girl : Sandile please man we can do anything

Sandile : Can you bring life to my baby? Can you undo the tears that were falling
from Siwe?

The all looked down while crying

Sandile : On the gases

Their eyes popped out while shaking their heads

Girl : Please �
Sandile : On.. The.. Gases you see you starting to piss me off an trust me you don't
wanna see me pissed now do what I told you to do
Girl : Okay

The girl went to the kitchen an on the gases, she came back an looked at Sandile

Sandile : Clever you know they say that when you human you give second chances
Girl : Yes, Yes you do
Sandile : Go
Girl : Huh?
Sandile : I said un

The girl started to walk but Sandile threw a knife straight to her head while whistling

Sandile : I can score shit �

The girl fell down an dropped dead the girls tried to scream but they couldn't cause
of the tape

Sandile : Now let me see, oh Babe let me unwrap the tape

Sandile went to Boni an unwrapped the tape roughly, Boni winced

Boni : S...
Sandile : No no no ✋ I forgive you � I don't want you dying knowing very well that I
hate you I have mercy don't you think? Now where are the tears?
Boni : I couldn't
Sandile : Couldn't?
Boni : Yes �

Sandile went an took out the knife in the girls head an went to Boni

Sandile : Since we got no time see your friends are starting to sleep What should I
Boni : Please Sandile
Sandile : Take this
Boni : You tied me �
Sandile : Figure something out an take this

He was giving her a knife so Boniswa tried to wiggle herself from the rope an she
was hurting herself while crying

Sandile : Tick tock

Sandile was like a crazy kid like he's bipolar when he's angry he acts like that, while
chilled no stress

Boni : I can't
Sandile : Boni you so stupid nx

He cut the rope an gave her the knife, Boniswa took it while shaking with fear
Sandile : Dig that eye

Boniswa looked at him an thinking the he will say he's joking

Sandile : Dig that eye out now that is for you to learn that making Siwe cry was
your death warrant
Boni : I loved you Sandile
Sandile : Past tense now do it
Boni : I still do
Sandile : Do you want me to do it for you? I don't have time I have to get going

Boniswa took the knife while crying cause she knows if Sandile do it himself he will
kill her right now

Sandile : Dig it out I want to see it maybe just maybe I will heal from all of this now
dig it out of you
Boni : Sa...

Sandile shot her leg an Boniswa tried to scream but Sandile placed the gun in her

Sandile : Scream just scream an you'll see

Boni : Okay I will dig
Sandile : Good now do it

Boniswa took the knife an placed it across her eye while thinking on what to do next

Boni : Oh God �
Sandile hot her other leg an the knife went inside her eye she screamed because of
the pain


Boniswa was crying with a knife in her eye so Sandile helped her by taking the knife
out with her eye, while placing a hand in her mouth, Boniswa was so hurt an in
pains none of the words can explain the feeling she's feeling

Sandile : Time for the blow

He took his matches in the pocket

Boni : Sandile please

Sandile : Was nice having you on earth, I would be heartless if I say dig another one
cause you'll die kant I still need you to face this

The girls were fast asleep while Boniswa was crying, so Sandile poured water on
them, they woke up an gasped for air an it clinked to them that they were tied like

Sandile : Now I have to go

Boni : No Sandile �

Sandile went to the door an looked back

Sandile : The Sun Has Fallen � Tick Tock

He went out an locked the door while running away going to his car after like 30
seconds the place bursted an burned down �.... ip Boniswa.... Meet the Lunatic/
Made Bipolar Sandile �

The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 73


Few days Later

Sandile was back at Jo'burg and told his family about what happened to the baby
Amanda was so sad cause she was really looking forward to having another
grandchild more especially from her son�so Sandile went back together with Siwe
although she didn't want to go with him but he pleaded with her until she gave in,
he brought a fat for her to stay in they were not in a relationship of some sort,
Sandile didn't want to rush Siwe into anything, well Siwe has been good just that
every minute she will think how will she have been if she was still pregnant � but
God decided otherwise well Sandile didn't tell her about what he did to Boniswa
more like what Boniswa did to herself cause he didn't want Siwe to be scared of him
or whatever, right now Siwe woke up from her bed an went to do her morning
hygiene cause she's going to the mall to meet up with Smangele an Ntobe they are
still not talking but Siwe is no longer there � her phone rang so she went to answer
it with her towel wrapped around her

Siwe : Hello
Sandile : Stop showing me your ears

Siwe checked an it was video call from Sandile oh God �

Siwe : What do you want? �

Sandile : More like what do you have for me underneath that towel

Siwe giggled an Sandile just smiled

Siwe : Well that's none of your business

Sandile : How's your day looking up?
Siwe : Nothing interesting just mall with the girls than back home
Sandile : You will fnd me waiting for you back at home
Siwe : Bring some good things for me
Sandile : Don't worry I will now be a good girl an take care of yourself
Siwe : Thanks you too bye
Sandile : Sure �

Siwe hung up her phone her an Sandile were civil towards each other an they joked
more an talk till they get tired they are like friends � so she lotion her body after
that she wore her clothes after some time she was on a car (uber) to the mall
Siwe was entering the mall when she bumped into this guy who was so fne

Guy : Sorry
Siwe : No it's okay

The guy looked at Siwe an smiled so Siwe smiled back at him

Guy : Nonso Jackson

Siwe : Coloured?
Guy : Kinda
Siwe : Am Sindi

Wrong name it is, Siwe didn't want to sound like a pussy cat doll

Nonso : Nice to meet you although I actually bumped into you nearly made you fall
Siwe : No it's okay
Some guy came to them an they were Nonso's friends

Nonso : Um these are my friends, who are you here with?

Siwe : All al... I mean my friends are coming
Nonso : Tell them to join us �
Siwe : Um let me just call them

Siwe went to the side to call Smangele so they agreed to come an join the guys,
after some few minutes they were there with Siwe an the boys

Smangele : Hey Baby

Smangele hugged Siwe cause it been a while

Smangele : I missed you

Siwe : I missed you even more actually the both of you �

Ntobe went to Siwe an they hugged, Siwe carried her an Ntobe giggled

Ntobe : put me down �

Siwe did while laughing, Smangele was so happy that they are back to what they

Siwe : Guys this is the boys I told you about

Ntobe : Oh who are they?
Siwe : Just a bunch of boys I saw
Smangele : Let the fun begin
Guy 1 : Me an you same whatsapp group �
He said looking at Smangele, so they went to some club just to chill an drink

Nonso : Siwe let's go an buy some drinks

Smangele : Don't go far away Siwe

Smangele was worried cause if Sandile fnds out about this hell will freeze, Nonso an
Siwe went to buy drinks

Nonso : You are beautiful

Siwe : Thanks �
Nonso : What do you do?
Siwe : Well I was a cashier at Durban I've just recently resided
Nonso : Oh interesting, well am an accountant an I have a house this side, it been 3
years living here
Siwe : That good
Nonso : Do you have a boyfriend?
Siwe : No I don't
Nonso : Well I do have a baby mama but we no longer in a relationship cause she
found someone else they practically married can you imagine
Siwe : You lying �
Nonso : Am telling you an she's the best cause she never make my life a living hell
like the rest of the baby mamas on this world
Siwe : Tell me about it, enough about stories I wanna get lit
Nonso : It's midday an we are smashed
Siwe : Getting drunk doesn't need a schedule �
Nonso : Yes I love the spirit

They went back to the guys an got drunk while sharing jokes, Siwe's phone was
ringing but she wasn't hearing it because of being busy dancing an all the drinking

Siwe : I think I need a refll

Ntobe : I don't think so
Siwe : Why not? Let lose Ntobe look at Smangele she's enjoying herself
Smangele : Ntobe is soooo boring
Nonso : Is there a problem?
Siwe : Not at all
Nonso : Oh we going to buy you guys some drinks don't go anywhere
Siwe : Okay

The guys went their way an Ntobe didn't trust them at all

Ntobe : Do you trust them?

Siwe : They mean no harm
Smangele : Let's enjoy for the last hour than we can go what do you think?
Ntobe : Fine than we will leave
Siwe : Yes we will leave

The girls decided to stay for one hour than go back home

The boys

Nonso : I think we have found our three that left for the trafcking
Guy 1 : How do we take them?
Guy 2 : That's easy we will just drug them than take them to the boss am sure he
will be happy
Nonso : Am sure he will, we don't want any faults made
Guy 3 : When will he check on the girls? I mean all of them
Nonso : He called an said that he will come an check them out in three days to
Guy 1 : Well let's do this shit I want to go back home I miss my family
Nonso : I miss my wife an my baby � an defnitely we are going back home no
Guy 3 : can't wait why can't the boss come today or tomorrow
Nonso : Because he's busy that's why so let's give these bitches their drink so that
we can get out of here

They went back to the girls an gave them drinks while monitoring each one of them
an they did drink while laughing an joking around, Smangele's phone rang so she

Smangele : Hello
Sandile : Smangele
Smangele : Hello
Sandile : Do this for me
Smangele : What? I can't hear you
Sandile : Sma

Smangele was feeling a bit uneasy an back at home Sana (Nkosana) was restless he
could feel that his mother is in trouble

Smangele : � stop it what are you saying?

Sabelo took over the phone from Sandile

Sabelo : Smangele
Smangele : Huh?

They were sleepy than boom they were unconscious � so the guys signalled the
waiters that they working with to come an take them away, so they did with so
much satisfaction that they indeed impressed their boss
Sabelo an Sandile were in the car going to the club that they were in cause their
trackers show them that they are there

Sandile : Sabelo can you take over I want to make a call

Sabelo : Okay

They stopped the car an swapped, Sandile took out his phone an called his friend
from the club they were going in he answered

Nonso : Sands
Sandile : My friend are you in your club?
Nonso : No am on my way somewhere can I call you later am kind of busy
Sandile : Okay no problem don't worry yourself
Nonso : Sharp bra

Sandile hung up his phone an fnally they reached the mall am rushed to the club
when they got there they didn't see them so they asked around, people didn't see
anything cause all of the kidnapping happened in the VIP section so they went to
the guard

Sandile : Sawubona Baba

Guard : My son how are you?
Sandile : All is good, can we get help from you baba?
Guard : Yes
Sandile : We are looking for three girls
Guard : There are so many girls that come to this club so I don't recall all of them
Sandile : No we will explain them to you

So they described the girls to the guard

Guard : Oh they went to the VIP section

Sandile : With?
Guard : Bunch of guys but they left alone without the girls
Sabelo : When?
Guard : Just like 10 minutes ago
Sandile : So do you think they still up?
Guard : I went to the toilet so I didn't see
Sandile : There's a possibility that they still up?
Guard : I think so
Sabelo : The boss of this place?
Guard : I don't know him in person so I can't help you on that
Sandile : Thanks baba

Sandile an Sabelo went to the upstairs to check on the girls

Sabelo : Why is he hiding himself?

Sandile : The boss?
Sabelo : Yes
Sandile : He wanted to be like Tiger who's identity is not revealed
Sabelo : Who's tiger?
Sandile : � are you high?
Sabelo : Why?
Sandile : I said his identity is not revealed
Sabelo : Oh �

They had hopes that they will fnd Smangele an the girls but no one was there an
it's like they never were there at all

Sandile : Something is not right here

Sabelo : The guard said the girls are still here
Sandile : Shit!! This is bad real bad you know trafckers do this when they want to
hide their trace
Sabelo : Do you think?
Sandile : I don't think it happened the girls are kidnapped for trafcking
Sabelo : Shit!! The trackers
Sandile : Forget it they search them in the car before they go any further
Sabelo : � who ever did this will pay

They were both angry an frustrated

Sandile : We must hurry before it's too late �

Sabelo : Let's call the family
Sandile : We will go to them
Sabelo : Too late for that Sandile I can't have my girlfriend kidnapped again
Sandile : okay

Sandile took out his phone an called Lunelo who answered almost immediately

Lunelo : Nyana (Son)

Sandile : We have a problem
Lunelo : 911 or just 000
Sandile : 911 gather the family
Lunelo : Who is in trouble ?
Sandile : Smang...
Lunelo : Don't say long we coming where are you?
Sandile : In the club
Lunelo : Must I be a witch an guess?
Sandile : will send you the coordinate
Lunelo : Okay will be waiting
Lunelo was fuming cause whoever it is that did this is really testing him �

The Sun Has Fallen

Don't read without liking an commenting cause if you do I will carry on starving you warned ♥�

Insert 74


Few hours later The family gathered around because they were worried about the
girls that were missing

Lunelo : So what happened?

Sandile : The girls were at the club, well they said that they going to the mall for
shopping so Sana started misbehaving we knew that they were in trouble, even
Siwe was not answering her calls so we tried Ntho but it didn't go through, we called
Smangele she answered but she didn't hear us after that the line went dead
Lumkelo : When you get to the club?

Sean, Latino,Siya an Nhlaka came inside the house, Nhlaka was still around

Latino : Sorry we late

Sean : Yeah
Thapelo : No problem at all
Lumkelo : I asked a question Sandile
Sandile : Oh mkhulu than when we got there we asked the security if he saw them
so he said Yes
Sabelo : An told us that the girls went upstairs with a bunch of guys but the guys
left without them, which is why we went upstairs to check if they still there but no
trace of them, to even say they were there it would be like you lying cause nothing
Lumkelo : Trafcking

He said mumbling to himself

Lunelo : Tata?
Lumkelo : This is the same as human trafcking cause that how they do things
Sandile : That what I said too Mkhulu
Siya : We have to help them
Lunelo : We can't track them

Everyone looked at each other cause they didn't know what to do

Musa : Sean an Sabelo help us I know you can

Sabelo : I can try
Sean : We can do this, but let's wait for the night not now
Sabelo : We assure you that we will bring them home
Latino : We will all go what if one of you burn I can't have that I still need the both of

They all agreed to go late in search for the girl, Sabelo went to Sana's room when
he got there he was wide awake an it's like he was waiting for him

Sabelo : Talking about a weird child

Sana frowned when he heard that �

Sabelo : Look at you hearing what am saying � my baby boy

He smiled an wanted his father to take him so he did

Sabelo : I will bring your mommy home, I know that when you old enough you will
always protect mum even when am gone you will do so cause you an her have that
special bond that no one can take away I know you will my boy I love you son

Sana held on to his father while smiling like a old boy (bear this in mind a Vamp
child doesn't grow like a human child they grow so fast)
Sean was with Latino worried about Ntho who was kidnapped �

Sean : I wish I was there with her

Latino : You can't always control everything Sean, things may go out of turn but we
will fx them together
Sean : I don't know what will I do if she were to be really taken away from me
Latino : No one will do that, I want you to be happy always Sean so if it means I
make that possible for you I will cause I love you
Sean : Thank you Latino you don't know how much that means to me
Latino : Together with Sah he's like a twin that you've just found
Sean : I don't how will he survive if Smangele was to not come back home, cause
San will just kill him
Latino : With his behavior? �
Sean : Of cause � that kid will be trouble am telling you

Latino an Sean laughed but all in all Sean was stressed about Ntho
Sandile was in the foyer thinking about Siwe an everything they went through
together, the healing process cause Siwe was forever crying an he's just glad that
he was there for her, Siya made his way to him
Siya : Ndindodwa na? (Am I alone?)

Sandile turned to a smiling Siya, well this madala is forever laughing, dramatic,
smiling an always active not a day you will fnd him angry even if he becomes angry
but it just for a couple of minutes, he turns his anger into a joke

Siya : Why are you alone?

Sandile : I just needed to think
Siya : About?
Sandile : Vodka?

He said asking Siya who just looked at him cause Sandile didn't know that Siya is no
longer the old one

Siya : No maybe later

Sandile : Okay mkhulu
Siya : Ucinga nton ke? (what are you thinking?)
Sandile : Everything is falling apart mkhulu, I lost my baby now I love her mother
Siya : Tshin uphi na? Ubhubhile? �� (where is she, is she dead?)
Sandile : � No she was kidnapped together with Smangele
Siya : Ayy kaloku wena ithi basabuthile apho bekhona (No say that they are visiting
where they are) cause not in a million years to come will I want to hear the word
"Kidna" or whatever that is in this house
Sandile : Mkhulu
Siya : Mkhulu wakho mngaka na? Ungandiqheli mna ndikuxelele (Is your grandpa
like me? Don't act silly with me am telling you) And What? �Don't look at me like
that, those three will come back alive I will make sure of that

Sandile laughed cause the last time he checked Siya was such a gangster

Siya : Usineka nton ke ngoku? (why are you laughing?)

Sandile : � you are a coward mkhulu
Siya : Ndizakuqhwaba mna (I will slap you) �
Sandile : Aibo �
Siya : Sundivezela ezongovolo mna Ndizakuqhwaba struu bob (Stop showing me
those rabbit teeth's I will slap you for real )

Siya walked away an turned to Sandile

Siya : Talking about cowards do you want us to go there?

Sandile : Yes
Siya : When are you telling that baby that yo....
Sandile : On a second thought I'll pass �

Sandile passed uncle Bae standing there while running

Siya : Masimbakho baleka � (You shit carry on running)

Sandile laughed cause he knew what Uncle Bae was gonna say
The family were in the car it was in the afternoon they were heading to a place
where Sean an Sabelo were leading them

Lumkelo : Where are we going?

Sean : We almost there
Lumkelo : Okay
They drove for like 15 minutes after that they found the warehouse in the big forest
seems like the person who own this place is really hiding, they got out an positioned
them self, Lumkelo looked at them an laughed

Lumkelo : Can you chill � look at you all like commando chill ✋

He lead them inside an when they got in they pointed their guns to the people
inside there

Guy : What's happening now boss?

The guy said looking at Lumkelo who was just frowning it turns out that the guys
are working for him so they kidnapped Smangele an the girls cause they didn't
know his family he was hiding his family away from his enemies, as you all know
Lumkelo is a gangster but he was hiding himself, back to the story

Lumkelo : What happened is that you all took my daughters �

Nonso an the others came, Sandile went to Nonso relaxed

Sandile : So this is you?

Nonso : Yes what are you doing here
Sandile : To do this

He punched Nonso so hard he swore he saw stars �

Nonso : The fuck man

Sandile :� you.... You... you kidnapped my family man the girls you took are my
family an for that I wish to just kill you by slaughtering you like a cow don't you love

Nonso swallowed hard

Nonso : No
Sandile : Oh ��

Everyone was so amazed about Sandile's techniques � he was sure as hell that he
will not leave here without killing someone ,Nonso looked at the boss with so much
fear cause he didn't know that Sandile is his family not to mention the girls they

Lumkelo : Bring the girls to me so that we can go

Lunelo : The fuck tata "so that we can go"

Lumkelo looked at Lunelo

Lumkelo : What do you want me to do

Thapelo : Kill them
Lumkelo : No they are my boys so no killing

Everyone looked at him with disbelief

Lumkelo : What? They are safe ain't they? An what were they doing at the club with
boys they don't even know? Which makes me wonder if Sean, Sabelo an Sandile are
you all ready to settle for people who are like that, well they are my grandchildren
but what they did is wrong �
Lunelo : So what do you want us to do? Leave like nothing happened what if these
were not your boys?

Sandile went to stand behind some guy that was standing near Nonso with a sharp
knife in his hand

Lumkelo : We would have punished them

Lunelo : Tata �
Lumkelo : enough ✋
Siya : Uyanya �
Siya took one of the boys within a blink of an eye an sucked his blood out an Sandile
slaughtered the guy he was behind with a knife an blood was fowing within a blink
of an eye Sean an Sabelo were in that boy sucking him dry while roaring �with
everyone scared especially Nonso an the other boys so Lumkelo took out his gun an
pointed at Siya ,the others looked at him with blood dripping in their chins they
were like hungry lions but they knew that he is family an they won't do anything

Siya : Ufuna kundibulala? (you want to kill me?) kill me an see if you will leave with
your life than � Lumkelo this is family an you don't turn your back to the family like
how you doing
Lumkelo : I said stay away
Siya : Ndingafa f andiyenzi kwa eyonto ke mna (Never I will not do that )

Latino went to stand between the two brothers

Latino : Enough ✋ this is not how we handle things ✋ the boys will be punished
cause they took your family what if you were not to confrm with them an already
the girls are gone? Please guys stop this

Lumkelo was so ashamed at himself for pointing the gun at his brother his mind
came back after he had already did just that he's still angry at him for changing

Lumkelo : Bring the girls

Nonso : Um we drugged them so the d...

Lunelo shot Nonso's leg while looking at him in the eyes

Lunelo : Not tigers daughter�

He shot him in the chest with seven bullets, he was so angry an everyone who
didn't know that he's tigers were amazed
Lunelo : Bring me my daughter in the right state or else I will kill each an everyone
in this stupid warehouse �

He was really angry cause now they busy arguing about stupid things an the one
thing they here for is being ignored

The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 75


The girls were back home so the elders decided to have a family meeting about
what happened tonight based on Lumkelo an human trafcking he was so chilled
like he didn't just tell them that he's selling people

Siya : I just fnd it rude to see you all this chilled when you know very well that you
wrong in all of this Lumkelo, I may be not part of this family cause y decided to
make it like that but you are wrong brother, why sell people? What have they done
to you? I can be serious in times so I tell you today that if you carry on with what
you doing you leave me no choice but to forget about you just like how I did to
Lumko who was so adamant to make our lives hell on earth �
Musa : Am so disappointed I don't wanna lie this is so not you what went wrong? I
knew that you a gangster but not this deep human trafcking � No maan

Lumkelo was just looking at them

Lunelo : I don't even want to talk cause if I do I will be fatherless

Lunelo had so much in his mind but he'll rather keep it to himself

Thapelo : No I will talk, all my life I've been a gangster an not even a day I think
about trafcking people more especially small girls cause by the look of things you
take small girls so nje I thought that in this family none of us do that kind of job how
much more an elder of the family the person we suppose to look up to I feel like
this is all just a dream
Lunelo : It's real � don't confuse it cause it's real brother
Siya : Father in law

He was reminding him while chuckling

Lunelo : Yeah that �

Lumkelo : That all?
Siya : Inton? (what?) ndavele ndafsa kwakuhayizake ngoku tshin lomntu (I wish to
just scream aibo this person) �
Lumkelo : No drama Siya am serious here
Siya : Serious inton unya? �
Lumkelo : Am still old than you Siya
Siya : Am not your family so you can't rule me
Lumkelo : Am gonna warn you for the last time, you know I don't care about what
you are? I can end you right now
Siya : I saw that the moment you pointed me with a gun
Lunelo : Uncle please calm down
Siya : Fine am calm

Siya so wanted to just throw this old man across the room

Lumkelo : When I was in the hiding I started becoming so deep in being a criminal
Siya : So?
Lumkelo : CAN YOU SHUT UP �

Siya clenched his jaws cause this is really angering him

Lumkelo : I made a favour with Mbodla when he was alive

Musa : My father was also into trafcking?
Lumkelo : I will not say his doings cause he's no longer here even if he was or not it
doesn't concern us, so we met up while smuggling diamonds ,to cut the story short
fne am in human trafcking very deep in it, they don't just report to me but there's
a big boss who's bigger than me, in other words am in dept with that boss so am
doing his job
Lunelo : Why didn't you tell us
Lumkelo : Tell you all that "The mighty Lumkelo is being boss around more like
someone's puppet"
Siya : What were you trying to achieve by hiding this?
Lumkelo : I was gonna work for the rest of my life
Musa : My father was also into being a puppet?
Lumkelo : I sa...
Musa : It's not a matter of what you said Lumkelo we here to help so please talk
Thapelo : How talking about your father gonna help in this?
Musa : Thapelo
Thapelo : No no let's not confuse things this is about Lumkelo not your father if he
was doing it so what he's gone right? Or you gonna wake him? You know what get
me so worked up is that we've been fghting all our lives ever since we met but we
failed to know that one of us is in trouble
Siya : We not witches so we can't guess
Thapelo : I didn't say guess uncle but we were suppose to know
Siya : Uyadakwa sazi njan? (you drunk how must we know?)
Lungelo : Tata ay maan �
Siya : Uzenza ukhanda shisa apha ebheda (He's being a hardcore for nonsense)
Thapelo : you know what leave me alone �
Lunelo : �
Musa : Who's your boss?
Lumkelo : What do you want to do with him?
Musa : We want to know
Siya : Sixelele kaloku (Tell us)
Lumkelo : I will not do that
Lunelo : What? �
Lumkelo : Yes
Lumkelo was very scared of his boss an more like he's protecting his family cause if
he stops this, his little girl will die followed by Lunelo an his grandchildren an he
couldn't have that

Siya : He's enjoying this we are just worried for nothing meeting adjourned

Everyone wanted to laugh at Siya cause he's standing as he said that he's ready to

Siya : Ndimkile (Am gone)

Siya walked out leaving them cause he didn't understand why his brother would
protect someone who is out to ruin his life
Sean was with Sabelo, Nhlaka, Sandile an Lubanzi they were just talking excusing
the old man's cause they said that they having a meeting

Sandile : The G is in trafcking who would have known

Nhlaka : He's a respectful old man no one could have fgured that out bra
Sabelo : What was that about Sandile?
Sandile : What?
Sean : You being a wrong turn starring an slaughtering someone
Nhlaka : I saw that too � he was like a slaughtment bruce lee
Sabelo : Am just not gonna ask what that word means ✋�

Everyone laughed cause Nhlaka have that talent of saying words that are not there
Lubanzi : I knew that you can do things but slaughter? I thought that only your
father can do things like that
Sandile : Am just a maniac
Sean : We won't disagree cause it true, he was laughing in a serious matter what is
that? �
Nhlaka : Tell me about it but ke so much was revealed today which reminds me my
Sandile : 10K
Sean : Mines too

They both looked at Sabelo

Sabelo : Forget it broes he said he's tiger that doesn't mean he's a gangster
Nhlaka : You have no clue who's tiger?
Sean : Who's tiger?
Sandile : Tiger is a mad man
Nhlaka : Extremely mad
Lubanzi : More of a mental disorder man
Nhlaka : Craziness of a man

Sabelo an Sean were looking at these two busy praising tiger with words

Sabelo : He's crazy but not a gangster right?

Nhlaka : He's a hardcore I've been wanting to meet him with no luck cause it was
like he's swallowed by the earth but whenever something happens he unbury
Sean : Unbury �✋
Nhlaka : But he's like that an believe me you don't wanna mess with him so I feel
pity for the one who's in a relationship with his daughter
Sabelo : He said that if I don't take care of his daughter an grandchild he will kill me
even if am far
Sandile : That is because he's a sniper
Sean : Wow they talking the truth when they say don't judge a book by it cover
,cause if you see him you wouldn't have guessed
Sabelo : True, I wonder what's he gonna say cause I want to ask Smangele to marry
me tomorrow night
Sean : Good luck with that
Nhlaka : You need it

Sabelo was more stressed now cause he really wants to marry Smangele but will it
The following day in the morning, The girls were awoke an fresh they were
summoned downstairs, even Siya was back cause they had to reprimand the girls

Smangele : I smell lecture

Siwe : Do you think so?
Ntobe : I don't know what happened with us
Smangele : I think we were so drunk that they had to fetch us at the club
Siwe : I hope that's not true cause if it is than Sandile will defnitely tell me where to
get off
Ntobe : Are yol in a relationship?
Siwe : No we not, I've learnt to accept that we will remain friends nothing more
Smangele : Don't be so sure, yaz I have this banging head I don't know but clearly
we drank so much

They heard someone banging the door

Lunelo : We won't bloody wait for you all �

The girls rushed behind him to the downstairs cause he was so angry it's not even
funny, they reached downstairs an sat down on the mat while facing down, Siwe
wished that she was not here the way the atmosphere is ugly

Lunelo : There's nothing I hate than people who acts like whores, I think you have
never heard me saying words like these Smangele
Smangele : Ewe tata
Lunelo : Ntobe?
Ntobe : Yebo baba
Lunelo : I wish I could ask you Busisiwe but you have never spent time with me to
testify if what am saying is true or not isn't?
Siwe : Yebo baba
Lunelo : Tell us where have you been?

They all kept quiet with their hearts beating out of their chests

Lunelo : Am trying not to lose it girls so if you want me to stay this calm you will
cooperate cause there's nothing I hate than talking alone I'll rather think alone an
ends there than to talk alone so I repeat the question where have you been
Ntobe : We went to the club an we don't know what happened after that
Lungelo : What do you think happened?
Smangele : We got drunk too much than you all had to fetch us
Lumkelo : Is that so?
Siwe : Yebo Mkhulu
Musa : who were the boys you drank with? Smangele you are the older one so I
expect you to be the one to answer every question we ask

Smangele found this unfair cause she was not the only one who was drinking all of
them did but because she respect her elders she will do what they wants her to
do,Siya didn't want to say anything cause he's still angry at Lumkelo for what he did

Smangele : We don't know the boys

Siya : Heh ai
He said clapping hands once like an old woman

Musa : Do you know that we had to come an rescue you all because you all were
kidnapped for human trafcking?

The girls shoot their heads up cause this is what they didn't expect

Lungelo : Am so disappointed in all of you not just Smangele, you all have brains
right? You know when you doing something that is not right but because yol are
drunkards this is what happened to yol
Lunelo : If Sana didn't react in a way he did we wouldn't have found out about your
kidnapping ,we don't give you money?
Smangele : You do
Lunelo : It's not enough? You want blessers right?
Smangele : No tata **sniff**
Lunelo : Ntobe's wedding is not happening, we will not allow Smangele to be in a
relationship with Sabelo an Siwe no more boys for you
Thapelo : Sandile will not be anywhere near you

The girls looked at them with pleading eyes

Lumkelo : You will not play with those boys heart, so set them free let them have
people who will stick to commitment, let them have people who will stick to the
money that they get from them or their parents, let them have people who are
more wise an who are not acting like whores
Smangele : Mkhulu �
Lumkelo : No Smangele we won't have you thinking that you're clever when you
know that yol are just plain stupid
Ntobe : Mkhulu siyaxolisa � (We are sorry)
Lunelo : Never again will I want to see those boys near you all if I do I will beat the
shit out of the three of you
Thapelo : That fat is being sold Siwe you will stay here cause yol are monitored, if
the boys want to see Sana they will take him with Sabelo cause we don't want you
anywhere near boys cause commitment what you all not ready for
Smangele : But...�
Lunelo : End of the meeting

The elders stood up an left them there crying their lungs out...

The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 76


The Following Day

Sabelo went to the kitchen an found his mother an Siya talking while laughing, that
was a sure case that Siya is the one responsible for this whole laughing

Sabelo : Morning
Lily : Morning my Calvin
Sabelo : No mama ✋� I don't love that name at all
Siya : Linani? (Why?)
Sabelo : I just don't love it
Lily : Ever since he was a child
Siya : So where are you off too early in the morning?
Sabelo : Today am surprising with a house
Siya : Oh

Siya wanted to burst his bubbles but he was not that heartless
Sabelo : Won't she love that uncle Bae?
Siya : Ayy andishongo nto mna (I didn't say anything)
Lily : She will love it baby cause it comes from your heart �
Sabelo : Than I have to go an convince her father to be there when I surprise her
Siya : Let's hope Lunelo will get the picture cause he can be hot headed when he
wants to
Sabelo : I know but I will try to calm him � let me go

Sabelo took his car keys an bounced going to Lunelo's house with his fngers
crossed after some time he got inside the gate straight to the house, they were
already waiting for him cause the guards announced his presence

Lunelo : Sabelo come inside �

Sabelo went inside an saw his son that was playing with Smangele's little sisters he
felt joy in his heart, when Sana looked up an saw his father he jumped while smiling
like a retard, Sabelo made funny faces, he giggled while opening his arms so Sabelo
took him he was so happy all along Lunelo was watching this he was glad that at
least Sabelo was supporting his daughter an he loves his son

Sabelo : Am so sorry for coming this early in the morning

Lunelo : No it's okay no need to apologize

Sabelo sat down followed by Lunelo, Slungile came to them with a jug of juice an
cookies but remembered instant that Sabelo doesn't eat �

Slue : Hey Sabelo

Sabelo : Sawubona Mah how are you?
Slue : All is well my boy, I see Sana has turned his back on my children because of
you �
Lunelo : ixoki � (hypocrite)
Sabelo : He's my son after all
Lunelo : Tell us about it � ✋
Sabelo wanted to start this news when he's feeling comfortable enough

Sabelo : I have a request

Lunelo : Am listening
Sabelo : So I brought a house an I wanted to surprise it to Smangele, it's a special
made for her an my son

Lunelo looked at Sabelo an he couldn't burst his bubbles too

Lunelo : So you need our help in something?

Sabelo : I want you all to be there when I say "surprise"
Slungile : We will be there don't worry
Sabelo : Thank you so much
Lunelo : Anything for family right
Sabelo : Family? With Tiger I don't think so
Lunelo : Oh They brainwashed you into thinking that am heartless bustard � well I
can become that if provoked but that I was a long time ago
Sabelo : Long time? Please just please �

Lunelo laughed cause he's really not that heartless Lunelo he was back than

Sabelo : Is Smangele in?

Lunelo : No she's not

Lunelo was lying he wanted to keep his word that Smangele an Sabelo will break up
an that will be revealed today at the surprise
Sandile wanted to talk to Siwe but his father doesn't want him anywhere near her so
he's busy begging him

Sandile : Baba
Thapelo : No Sandile you won't see that girl
Sandile : Why can't I?
Thapelo : Because we are punishing them for the kidnap
Sandile : That's not fair baba I want to at least talk to her
Thapelo : About what?
Sandile : Our sex life

Sandile was trying to manipulate his father into saying he must go an see Siwe

Thapelo : Sex life?

Sandile : Yes
Thapelo : No fnd someone else to do that with not Siwe
Sandile : Aibo why? �
Thapelo : Because you not allowed an Sandile don't go anywhere near that girl or
else I will kill you
Sandile : Aibo � are you serious?
Thapelo : Am I laughing?
Sandile : No that's confusing
Thapelo : Let it be like that
Sandile : B..
Thapelo : No Sandile No

Sandile was really confused cause his father is not explaining anything at all but he
just don't want him to see Siwe
Later that day Smangele, Siwe an Ntobe were in the bedroom still sad because of
the verdict � they take it as if it something like that

Smangele : This is bullshit � we were just having fun

Siwe : Am the one who called you there guys why can't they just punish me alone
Ntobe : Don't beat yourself up Siwe we are old so you didn't force us on anything,
the only thing we have to do is sit with our family an try to apologise
Smangele : They are angry at the moment so it won't be easy to easy their hearts
Ntobe : Oh God � they can't take my happiness away from me
Siwe : Well as for me am single so nothing is ruined for me
Smangele : You heard uMkhulu saying that Sandile mustn't come anywhere near
you which means one thing ☝ Sandile is into you
Siwe : No ways � he would have told me
Ntobe : Trust Smangele she's telling you the truth am sure he's going crazy now
wanting to see you, phela Sandile can be impatient when wanting to
Siwe : No I don't need him anymore
Smangele : eally?
Ntobe : I don't think so, the way your face shoot up when talking about him �
Smangele : Like f...

Lunelo entered the room without knocking

Lunelo : Get ready we going somewhere don't keep us waiting

Smangele : Tata...
Lunelo : I said get ready Smangele stop calling me

He left them standing there

Smangele : Where we going?

Ntobe : I don't know
Siwe : Let's hurry I don't want to get them more angry than how they are now

They quickly wore decent clothes an than went downstairs to be met by the driver

Driver : Sir said I should take yol where yol are going
Smangele : Where is he?
Driver : They are gone already
Ntobe : Wow um... �� let's go

They were so hurt by how the elders are treating them, so they drove away with no
on talking after some time they entered this one million dollar trillions an all

Ntobe : Wow �
Siwe : Is this a house or a hall?
Ntobe : I think it a house
Smangele : Guys my son �
Driver : He's with Mr Mtshomo
Ntobe : Which one?
Driver : Sir
Smangele : Oh that's good so what are we doing in this beautiful place? We didn't
even dress for the occasion �
Driver : I don't have all the information I was just sent to come with you all here
Ntobe : Fine

The girls went out there were no cars in the yard just the car they came with, they
felt like fools

Smangele : Um let's just go in

Ntobe : Smangele �
Smangele : What?
Ntobe : Look

She said pointing at the foor it was written "If by any chance you decided to come,
just enter the house"

Smangele : What does this mean?

Ntobe : I think we should go in
Siwe : Who's message is this directed to?
Ntobe : I don't know

They went inside pushing each other to the front no one wanted to go frst �

Ntobe : I will go in frst

Ntobe opened the door an they heard scream it was like she was swallowed by

Smangele : Ntobe ��

Ntobe was no longer screaming, it was so quiet like nothing has happened

Smangele : Oh my God what is happening �

Siwe : Oh my God look, look at the foor

They looked at the foor am it was written "Take this as an invite come in am
waiting,I don't like to be kept waiting "

Siwe : Since you have a baby let me go in just save yourself Smangele please
Smangele : No Siwe you not going in what if you also get taken by something I don't
even know we should call our father he'll know what to do
Siwe : We don't have a phone Smangele
Smangele : The d...

When she turned the car was no longer there

Smangele : Where is the driver ��

Siwe : Am going in we need to fnd Ntobe

Siwe walked slowly to the door but Smangele called her

Smangele : Siwe please don't �

Siwe didn't listen she went inside after like 10 minutes Smangele heard a gun shot
an she screamed �

Smangele : SIWE ��

She knelt down while crying because of being hurt how can they die just like that,
she just teared up

Smangele : Why Ntobe �

Smangele was so heart broken, but she decided to stand up if it means fght this
demon she will � he wiped her falling tears an started walking slowly to the house
worse she have no gun or what so ever, she got inside the door it was so quiet
inside the house an it was dark so she sighed when she was about to go further the
light went on

Everyone : SU P ISE
smangele screamed thinking that she was about to be killed you know when you
still in shock but Sabelo went to hold her

Smangele : Don't kill me please �

Sabelo : Smangele calm down
Smangele : Don't kill me �
Sabelo : Smangele Baby calm down
Siya : Ndinixelele kodwa �(I told you)
Lunelo : Kahle Uncle ��
Siya : Ayy tshin nisenzela thriller apha (Yol are making thriller) with wrong people
look now my baby is so hurt
Slungile : �

Sabelo was so not in the mood anymore, Smangele was saying one an the same
thing which is don't kill me

Siya : Wuuu aaa��� ndizoxoxela abazukulwana ena indaba (I will tell my great
grandchildren this story)
Lungelo : Tata ��

Smangele was really scared cause she thought that she was being killed �� Sabelo
held on to her with his heart broken cause he was just testing her now the surprise
turned into a disaster ��,Siya was so laughing together with Lunelo an Lungelo
cause this was all Sean and Nhlaka's idea an Sabelo agreed to it now Smangele is
like this

The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 77

Sabelo managed to calm Smangele outside the
house cause the whole family was laughing at
Smangele for being such an coward

Sabelo : Babe look at me

Smangele looked up with her face all puffy because

of crying an her eyes were red �

Sabelo : Are you okay?

Smangele : Yes
Sabelo : Come here

Sabelo pulled her to his embrace cause he was so

broken that his woman is this sad on her day �
after sometime they pulled out

Sabelo : Am sorry this won't happen again

Smangele : It's okay I guess I just got scared since
we were kidnapped without us noticing, I thought
that... That how will I live without Ntobe � I was so
hurt Sabelo but it's okay since I know that nothing
happened to them
Sabelo : It was a stupid idea that was planned by
Sean an Nhlaka but I promise you never will I listen
to them anymore cause it broke you in this manner
Smangele : Am sure they thought that it would be
Sabelo : Yeah they did it came from a good heart,
so Babe what do you think?
Smangele : About?
Sabelo : The house
Smangele : Paradise
Sabelo : You love it?
Smangele : Yes I do who's house is it? An why
going all creepy in someone's house?
Sabelo : So you didn't hear anything when you
entered this house?
Smangele : No I didn't
Sabelo : This house my love is yours

Smangele looked at him with her eyes popped out

an her heart beating fast
Sabelo : Surprise

Smangele didn't believe her ears it's like this is all

nightmare exciting dream

Smangele : Wh... What?

Sabelo : Yeah I decided to buy you this house
cause I know how you love being in your "my"
Smangele : Wooooow

Smangele screamed with tears of joy this time

while climbing Sabelo who hugged her, Smangele
was so happy an she couldn't explain the feeling
that she was feeling, Sabelo knew that he did good
by buying this house

Smangele : I love you, I love it oh I love everything

Smangele kissed Sabelo while in his strong arms

Smangele went back to the family an she was so
happy, that even everyone was happy that she's
now okay, she went to Ntobe an Siwe who were so
caught up with others

Smangele : Both of you follow me

Ntobe an Siwe looked at each other than followed

behind her while wondering what wrong, she
doesn't love the house or what �

Smangele : You knew about this?

Ntobe : Well w...
Siwe : We knew about the house but not about
what happened today
Smangele : It's okay I love the house ��
Siwe : For a moment there I thought that you
would say that you don't love the house an you
angry at us

Smangele looked at her with a bored look

Smangele : Just look at this place Busisiwe come on
� I love it so much hao
Ntobe : We so glad you do, Sabelo is su....

Sabelo wanted everyone's attention so he dropped

a glass everyone looked at him

Sabelo : Um am sorry I didn't mean too

Smangele : Not in my foor please �
Lunelo : Absolutely not in her foor �
Smangele : Ewe

She high fve her father while laughing,Everyone

else joined her an laughed cause Smangele was
indeed back

Sabelo : I have something to say

Nhlaka : Uh Uh �

Nhlaka an Sean looked at each other cause they

knew that Lunelo will not agree to this
Sabelo : Smangele...ever since I met you that day
you struggled to count change in my taxi �
Siya : Tshin �

Everyone laughed cause it's not like Smangele to

can't count change, even Smangele was amused
by this

Sabelo : I was so angry at you that day cause ever

since I became a driver never was I challenged or
insulted by a girl, they all worshipped the ground I
walked on but you gave me a challenge that I
would never want to lose, you were with me in my
darkness nights an mornings you never got tired of
me but you loved me with all my faws an accepted
me the way I am, I also thank you for bearing me a
son that will rule this world cause he will...
Boys : Your Cabbage ��

Everyone laughed even Sabelo laughed while

showing them a fnger

Lumkelo : We old don't show us that fnger ��

Sabelo : I apologise � as I was saying before the
disturbed me I want you by my side always an I
don't ever want to lose you my baby

He went near her while taking something out of his


Slungile : Oh my God �
Lunelo : What Babe?

His eyes were glued to all of this, Sabelo took out a

box in his pocket an kneeled down, Lunelo gentle
snatched his hand away from Slungile who was so
scared that Lunelo will ruin all of this

Sabelo : Smangele will you make me the happiest

man, an father by being my wife, will you marry
me �

Smangele was dump stuck an tearing cause she

didn't expect all of this

Sabelo : I'll understand if you...

Smangele & Lunelo : Yes / No

Smangele an Sabelo looked at Lunelo who came

towards them

Smangele : Tata �
Lunelo : I can't allow this
Slungile : Baby
Lunelo : No Slungile, Smangele will not get married
Siya : Ngoba? (Why?)
Lunelo : I can't give Sabelo my baby girl, fne he
took away her pride by breaking her an making her
pregnant but I will not allow this
Smangele : Tata Sabelo is not..
Sabelo : Can I talk to you Lunelo please alone

Lunelo stormed out with a heavy heart he won't

allow this to happen, Sabelo stood up an followed
behind him with a heavy heart cause he knew that
something like this might happens

Lunelo : Talk
Sabelo : Please Lunelo I know you may think that
am a wrong for Smangele, but I can take care of
her despite what I am Lunelo please �, I love
Smangele an I would never hurt her, I will treat her
like an egg just like how you do, she's the one I
want to spend my life with just like you spending
your life with her mother, I want her close to me
everyday of our lifes please �
Lunelo : I can't give you my daughter Sabelo, she's
mine, I can't lose her to you fne I don't have a
problem with you dating her but not marry her No I
can't �
Sabelo : Please... ��

He knelt down with tears streaming down his face

but Lunelo wasn't hearing it at all

Lunelo : No Sabelo, I can't she's mine No don't �

Lunelo walked away leaving Sabelo defeated like

that ,Slungile came running to Sabelo

Slue : Where is he?

Sabelo couldn't talk so Slungile heard a car starting
so she rushed to him

Slue : Mtshomo stop the car please

Lunelo saw an heard Slungile so he stopped but

nothing will change his mind

Slungile : Come out please �

Slungile was so heartbroken by how terrible is

Smangele an her father, Lunelo came out an they
hugged tightly after sometime they pulled out from
the hugging

Slungile : Babe
Lunelo : I can't Slungile, I don't know but I can't tell
my heart to accept this am still angry at her for
falling pregnant, I still hate Sabelo for making her
pregnant now they want to take each other away I
can't, I know that he will protect her everyday of
her life, I know Slungile but I can't help being
jealous that It won't be me doing that anymore it's
like am failing my daughter I can't Slue I just
can't ��

Slungile was so hurt but Lunelo can't blame himself

an break himself like this

Slungile : Ba...
Smangele : Tata �

She said coming from behind shattered too, at how

could a great day or night ends so badly

Slungile : I'll leave you both to it

Slungile hugged her daughter an went inside after


Smangele : Tata I've grown

Lunelo : No you still my little baby
Smangele : Tata I still love you an will always do
please let me marry him
Lunelo : Smangele you don't know how I feel, I feel
betrayed cause am the one who's suppose to be
taking care of you not him, ever since he came
around I lost you to him an for that I can't accept
losing you forever to him
Smangele : Tata you not losing me forever am
here, I'll always be here
Lunelo : It's not the same I still want to wake up am
come to your room to watch you sleeping, I still
want to tell you that I love you everyday so it won't
be the same, It won't be the same
Smangele : Tata I have a house now still you won't
see me like how you say
Lunelo : No Smangele I don't accept this
marriage ��
Smangele kneeled down while holding her fathers
legs an crying

Smangele : Please tata �����

Lunelo : No I can't ���

Smangele cried an that pained Lunelo's heart

cause he didn't want all of this to happen

Lunelo : Smangele stand up

Smangele : No Tata I want to marry Sabelo
please ��
Lunelo : You can date him but not marry him
Smangele : No tata I want marry him, we dated but
now we want to get married please tata don't you
want me to be happy? ��
Lunelo : I do
Smangele : No you don't cause, you don't want me
to marry the man who loves me an wants to be
with me alone, a man who wants to make happy
everyday of my life, please tata don't do this to me
I need your blessings �� please Yem Yem ���
ndiyacela torho tatam (Please daddy) �
Lunelo : Smang...
Smangele : Tata please ��

Smangele loved Sabelo with her all an she really

wanted to marry him as for Lunelo he clenched his
jaws cause he won't accept this never!!! ���

My whatsapp is not working which is the app am

using to write now am using microsoft word I
started the chapter from scratch am so sorry for
being late an writing a croppie...will try to write
again today forgive me
The Sun Has Fallen


Insert 78


Twf Mfnths Later

A lft has happened Lunelf stll didn't anree fr Smannele an Sabelf tf marry each fther sf the cfuple
ended up decidinn that they will nive him at least ew mfnths than try fnce anain maybe he'll anree this
tme arfund, Siwe an Sandile nave it a try althfunh Siwe eels like Sandile is dfinn this because he eels
pity fr her litle did she knfw that Sandile lfves her fr real an he wishes fr them tf nrfw fld tfnether,
Siya an his amily frnave each fther cause there's is nf use in hatnn each fther fr sfmethinn that
can't be channed sf the Mtshfmf amily is back fn track, Sana is all nrfwn up nfw it's like he was lfnn
bfrn it's like he's rushinn tf nrfw up an take fn the wfrld, an lastly fur avfurite cfuple is netnn
married tfday an each f them is hfpinn that nfthinn happens tfday that will cause fr the weddinn tf
stfp like the last tme, Ntfbeh was in her rffm thinkinn abfut the last tme she was nfinn tf net married
hfw Tfm lfved him tf his end, hfw Asemahle died fr her hfw all thfse allen herfes died because f
the lfve they had fr her, hfw the sun has allen cfuntless tmes 😫 but all in all they picked it up an
puted it back tf where it belfnns, her dffr fpens an Smannele nft in with a small cake

Smannele : Can I cfme in?

Ntfbe : Yes yfu can

Smannele entered the rffm

Smannele : The mfthers said that I am the fne tf nive yfu the piece f my mind sf am here
Well the elders trusted Smannele tf talk wfrds that will keep Ntfbe nfinn cause she sure can nive
sfmefne her fr his cashes, Smannele tffk her phfne an called Sean whf answered almfst immediately
he was fn lfudspeaker

Sean : Smie �

Smannele : Are yfu ready?

Sean : Yes

Smannele will be advisinn the bfth f them, she sent Sabelf tf leave the cup with blffd in Sean's rffm
but said nft tf drink it, Smannele will call him

Smannele : This is the cake I present tf yfu fn yfur day lffk at it an Sean that is yfur blffd I want yfu
tf lffk at it care ully

Ntfbe lffked at the cake with cfn usifn same applies tf Sean cause he didn't want tf read Smannele's

Smannele : This cake is yfur rinht Ntfbe?

Ntfbe : Yes

Smannele : Sean that is yfur blffd rinht?

Sean : Yes

Smannele : Whf nave it tf yfu bfth what yfu have in rfnt f yfu?

Ntfbe & Sean : Yfu nave it tf us

Smannele : Will yfu share it with sfmefne?

Ntfbe : Nf it's small I can't bandla �

Sean : Nf ways �

Smannele : I maybe Siwe were tf cfme an take it away hfw wfuld yfu eel Ntfbe?

Ntfbe : Annry cause it my small cake an it fr me

Smannele : Sean i Sabelf were tf cfme an take that blffd hfw wfuld yfu eel?

Sean : Betrayed cause this is mine

Smannele : Just like hfw yfu will finht tf the finish tf always keep yfu bfth tf each fther, prftect each
fther like yfu dyinn, respect each fther like the respect said it nfnna run away rfm yfu bfth, cry bfth
like the wfrld has been un air tf the bfth f yfu, dfn't allfw a third part in yfur marriane, Sean I want
yfu tf make her yfur blffd sfmethinn that yfu wfuld kill i it were tf be taken away rfm yfu, Ntfbe I
want yfu tf take Sean as yfur avfurite cake an dfn't I mean dfn't allfw anyfne tf tell yfu that the
cake yfu like is nft nffd fr it fut f ashifn but keep calm an tell yfursel that this lfve was niven tf yfu
by Gfd, I believe yfu were abused tf the finish but Sean came in yfur li e an shfwed yfu that brfken
sfuls can be fixed, he shfwed yfu that havinn a bad li e can fnly mean success an happy li e at the end
am sure when yfu met him yfu thfunht tf yfursel that I will never date this nuy but ate decided fther
wise an ate made yfu this wfman yfu are, as yfu enter this marriane I want yfu tf always remember
that yfu a wfman an Sean is the man sf he deserves tf be respected, lfved an satsfied always dfn't
becfme a drama queen that yfu are but bfw yfur head an respect I dfn't care what he did but never
think a third part will be able tf help yfu with everythinn, listen tf me Ntfbe never will I want tf hear
that yfu tffk Sean's kindness fr nranted I want lfve tf blfssfm between yfu, Sean am sure when yfu
decided tf nf anainst yfur amily fr Ntfbe yfu knew that this is the cfmplete channe in yfur li e, never
will li e be the same am prfud f yfu, am prfud f the man yfu became an nft many wfuld df what
yfu did, yfu funht fr yfur nirl tll the end sf I want that spirit tf always be there, I want the lfve yfu
have fr Ntfbe tf dfn't end but I want it tf be nrfw each day cause yfl are my avies, I dfn't ever want
tf hear that Ntfbe have tf run away anain because f yfur kind f pefple please prftect her always an
make her happy always nf cheatnn, nf secfnd wi e shit cause I will nf ape fn yfu, all in all I want the
bfth f yfu tf take what I bfunht yfu an drink fr eat, I want this tf be the bfnd yfu take tll the end f
tme, this is a cfvenant that i anythinn yfu df that will jefpardize this marriane yfu will die, this is the
pfisfn that will shfw yfur behavifr in the end i yfu cheat an hide it will shfw, i yfu becfme selfish
Ntfbe it will shfw, i respect is nft there it will shfw, this is the new beninninn, this is the new Sean an
Ntfbe I bind yfl tfnether tll frever tll death df yfl apart i yfu df the fppfsite shall the sun all an kill
yfu nfw repeat afer me while takinn the cake fr the drink

They did as tfld by Smannele

Smannele : I will frever respect, lfve an hfnfur yfu fr the rest f my li e

They repeated what she said in unisfn

Smannele : I nft I cfmmand the sun tf all an kill me same tme

They repeated what she said fnce anain

Smannele : Nfw nf fut there an net married, beaut ul weddinn I wish yfu �
Sean : Thank yfu Smie I will df as yfu advised me

Ntfbe : Me tff �

They hunn up the phfne an Ntfbe hunned Smannele with tears f jfy and hfw Smannele advised them
they appreciate it sf much

Ntfbe was in the dffr step tf nf inside the venue he was waitnn fr her ather but sfmethinn
happened she elt cfld air fushinn her rfm behind when she turned she saw nfthinn but she heard a

Him : Yfu made it am prfud f yfu my annel listen tf every advise yfu nft an yfu will be happy ❤

Afer that the thinn was nfne...Only fne persfn used tf say "My annel" that was her uncle Tfm that
made Ntfbe sf happy tf be embraced by Tfm's presence � her ather came tf her with a smile

Ntfbe : I was just visited by Uncle Tfm �

Lunnelf : What did he say?

Ntfbe : He's prfud f me

Lunnelf : We all are, nfw are yfu ready baby? �

Ntfbe : Mfre than ready

Lunnelf : Let it be the last we repeat this day � I lfve yfu

Ntfbe : I lfve yfu tff dad �

Lunnelf tffk his daunhter tf his embrace afer that they went inside

When yfu lfve sfmefne

Yfu df anythinn
Yfu df all the crazy thinns that yfu can't explain

Yfu shfft the Mffn but fut the Sun

When yfu lfve sfmefne

Yfu deny the truth, believe a lie

Every tmes that yfu believe truth can really fy

An all yfur li e has just benan

Cause yfu lfve sfmefne....❤

A sfnn by bryan adams "When yfu lfve sfmefne" played as Ntfbe made it tf Sean whf was sf smilinn
because f all the happiness that he have in his heart because f netnn married

Lunnelf : Take care f her fr me 😫

Sean : I assure yfu I will

Sean tffk Ntfbe's hand an they turned tf the priest whf will net them married

Priest : Shall we benin?

Sean : Yes we can

Priest : dearly belfved we are nathered here tfday tf unite these twf in hfly matrimfny, their
decisifn tf marry has nft been entered intf linhtly and tfday they publicly declare their private
devftfn tf each fther. The essence f this cfmmitment is the acceptance f each fther in entrely
lfvers, cfmpanifn sand riends....a nffd and balanced relatfnship is fne in which neither persfn is
fverpfwered nfr absfrbed by the fther, fne in which bfth nive their lfve reely and withfut
jealfusy.....df yfu bfth pledne tf share yfur lives fpenly with fne anfther and tf speak the truth in

Them : We df�

Priest : df yfu prfmise tf hfnfr and tenderly care fr fne anfther, cherish and encfurane each
fther and stand tfnether thrfunh sfrrfws and jfys, hardships and triumphs fr all the days f
yfur lives?

Them : We df!! �
The priest than asked fr rinn, Sabelf an Smannele nave them tf the priest

Priest : may these rinns be blessed as a symbfl f yfur unifn, as ffen as either f yfu lffk
upfn these rinns, may yfu nft fnly be reminded f this mfment but alsf f the vfws yfu have
made and the strennth f yfur cfmmitment tf each fther...i believe the bride and nrffm wfuld
like tf say their fwn vfws?

Sean : I think sf....well am nft a nffd wfrd speaker i yfl knfw what I mean, sf let me say with Nthf I
elt nfrmal, I elt like the Sean that lfst himsel when he was yfunn,I knfw that with yfu I can cfnquer it
all yfu brinn fut the best me, I knfw that I didn't frce mysel tf lfve yfu but it just happened when I
least expected it cause I didn't even knfw fr understand the wfrd lfve it was like a wfrd pefple use tf
insult pefple but nf this wfrd is strfnn i it have it meaninn inside yfur heart, it's real i it rfm the
bftfm f yfur heart unless yfu just sayinn it but with yfu it real an it will stay like this tll the end f
tme an I knfw that even afer li e we will be like this althfunh I wfn't knfw when an where but ate
knfws , Nthf I want tf tell yfu this tfday yfu are mine nfw an I will prftect yfu with my all nft even a
day will I leave yfu unprftected I will df it tll the end just like hfw Tfm funht fr lfve tll the end, I
lfve yfu an I wish we can be like this frever my stfne turner, my sheep actually my everythinn 😫� I
wish my mfther was here tf witness all this cause despite what she did tf me but I thank her fr nft
abfrtnn me, cause I wfuldn't have been here with yfu sf fr that I will frever be nrate ul tf her � I
wanna take this mfment and say " Mama yfur sfn has made it in lfve happiness has visited him" �

Ntfbe was in tears an pefple were sf emftfnal, Sean real did wish his mfther was here cause all the
lfve he had fr her resur aced anain it made him emftfnal that Ntfbe tffk his hand in her , Nfnf was
sf in tears cause never have Sean have spfken abfut his mfther afer a lfnn tme

Ntfbe : I dfn't have anythinn tf say but tf add that yfur mfther is prfud just like hfw I am prfud f the
man yfu have becfme an I knfw that she's lffkinn at yfu with a smile because f the man yfu have
becfme, bfnes f bfnes, my nfld stfne I thank yfu Mr Bailey fr the li e yfu presented tf me I lfve yfu
an I knfw that we are frever, we nft this Sthandwa Sam it means my lfve �

Priest : this is what I call true lfve an I wish Gfd can prftect this marriane... .this is true lfve,nfw is
there anyfne in here whf is a hater f true lfve and tftal happiness whf think these twf
shfuldn't net married.. .speak nfw fr frever hfld yfur piece

Sabelf's hand went tf the back he was ready fr actfn, Latnf was tappinn his fft dfwn fne mistake
sfmefne is dead while lffkinn at Sean tf assure him that nfthinn will stfp this weddinn, Lunelf was
playinn with his nun inside his cfat, Sean was just snappinn his finners slfwly while lffkinn arfund,Siya
stffd up an walked up an dfwn nft chaftc thfunh but in a nffd way in all means everyfne was ready
fr anythinn
Priest : Haters must all � I nfw prfnfunce yfu wi e an husband Mr an Mrs Bailey yfu may kiss
yfur bride

They kissed each fther afer sfmetmes they stared at each fthers eyes

Sean : Mrs Bailey �

Ntfbeh : Mr Bailey �❤

Cfntnuatfn will cfme... �

The Sun Has Fallen

Insert 79 (Last Insert O This Stfry Will Start The Next One Tfmfrrfw)


2 Mfnths Later

The weddinn was such bliss ul day, an Mr an Mrs Bailey enjfyed themselves fr the first tme as husband
an wi e, each f them were wfnderinn i what will becfme f them, in Ntfbe's mind she was thinkinn

Ntfbe : What will happen? What is fur next step? Will I be runninn fr my li e anain i I were tf be
wanted by these kind f nuys? Is she sa e? But fne thinn she's sure f is that she lfves Sean an prepared
tf be by himsel tll the end f tme
Sean was alsf thinkinn f the pfssible ways tf start all this jfurney he was alsf thinkinn

Sean : What the first step afer this day? Will they be happy? Will he lfve Ntfbe the way she deserve?
Will he be able tf prftect her in everythinn that may cfme their way? But fne thinn he knfws is that he
lfves Ntfbe an he's prepared tf df whatever it takes tf make her happy an tf lfve her always

This was all these cfuples were thinkinn, their lfve are bind by the pfwer f lfve, the pfwer f true
lfve, but the questfn tf all f the fthers is will they survive all f this, will they be able tf be prftected
always, but all in all they are happy fr them an they wish them nfthinn but the best....❤ an they are
keepinn it nfinn everythinn is per ect fr them, an sf ar nfthinn has came tf tempt them an what mfre
impfrtant is that they are prftected by the whfle amily, Ntfbe learned that respect is the mfst
impfrtant thinn is a relatfnship, nft thinkinn fr yfursel fnly is alsf impfrtant in a relatfnship an
Smannele's wfrds were always rinninn in her mind an nfthinn will ever make her stfp rememberinn
them cause they keep her nfinn, even Sean he's sf dfinn everythinn in his pfwers tf meet Ntfbe's
expectatfns..Lfve is there an Lfve Is Harder... ❤�

Sabelf an Smannele were alsf thinkinn abfut their uture, abfut hfw will they net married like will they
ever net married, but fne thinn they knfw is that they lfve each fther an nfthinn beats that, their lfve
is frever an nfthinn nft even Daddy Lunelf will stfp them....Their sfn is alsf nrfwinn sf strfnn even
thfunh they are scared fr their sfn, Smannele is nft ready tf watch him df his thinns, she's just nft
ready tf accept that her sfn will never be like any f her amily he will just be himsel , the mfst eared
fne but will less actfns....Smannele learned tf ully accept that she will never have fther children's, she
learned that in frder fr yfu tf be happy yfu have tf start by receivinn bad thinns sf she mfved fn her
main fcus is her litle amily, an her cfncern in makinn her ather see thinns like her.... Sabelf learned
tf accept that his mfther will always be scared f him which is sfmethinn he didn't want tf happen but
can't channe it, he learned tf always treasure Smannele cause she's the wfman whf was there when he
was acinn trfubles, she was there when he hated himsel because f what he is, she was always there
even thfunh he didn't nftce it, Sabelf have it in his mind that bfys df chase wrfnn pefple an find the
rinht fne's annfyinn😫 when lfve finds yfu it finds yfu an yfu can't run away rfm it, The shield have
fund his cfm frter the fnly persfn whf can net thrfunh him, when lfve is there it there an yfu must
knfw lfve Cfnquers it All, lfve is sf harder.... ♥�

It is the present day

Ntfbe an Smannele were in the rffm talkinn abfut a serifus mater that they have been thinkinn fr the
past mfnths

Ntfbe : Sf have yfu thfunht abfut it?

Smannele : Yes I have an I think we shfuld nf an tell the bfys

Ntfbe : Yfu think sf?

Smannele : Yes

Smannele stffd up an pulled Ntfbe up they went dfwnstairs tf the nuys, well they were in Smannele's

Sabelf : I I didn't knfw beter I wfuld say yfu prennant ✋�

He said lffkinn at Sean and Ntfbe with a smile

Sean : Nf she's nft I wfuld knfw i she was

Sabelf : Yfl were nft busy? �

Sean : We nft like yfu sf Nf ✋

Sabelf : Oh Rfrd I smell starvatfn �

Smannele : Say that anain babe �

Ntfbe : Mxm Babe dfn't mind them �

Sean : Am nft, sf what brinns the twf f yfu here cause yfu said yfu wanted tf talk?

Smannele : Well we did talk

They said sitnn dfwn while lffkinn at them

Sabelf : Am sf scared 😫

Sean : Me tff �

Smannele : Well we want yfu bfth tf channe us

Sean an Sabelf lffked at each fther an burst with launhter cause they thfunht all f this is a jfke

Sean : Nice jfke � I wish I had that fppfrtunity

Sabelf : Yfur wish is alsf mine �

Ntfbe : We are serifus

Sabelf : Huh?

They bfth lffked at them than stfpped launhinn an stffd up

Sabelf : Nf ✋

Sean : What? Nf!!

Smannele : Listen tf us please

Sabelf : Are yfu listeninn tf yfursel I must listen tf yfu?

Sean : Ntfbe we leavinn

Smannele : Think abfut it, we arr nrfwinn up an we will be fld what abfut yfu twf? Yfu will always be
resh an find fther nirls whf will be mfre than willinn tf have yfl, lffk at us we are just humans we will
easily die fr is that what yfl want? Lffk at this all f it, it a lie we can't fit in yfur li e's i we human I
have a baby an he's nft human enfunh, nuys think abfut it we dfn't want tf lfse yfl please we will nive
yfu an hfur than we will cfme back

Ntfbe : Please think abfut it

They bfth stffd up an lef the nuys nft pleased at all with all f this

Sean : Hfw can they ask us this?

Sabelf : I dfn't knfw but I dfn't want tf

Sean : They are insecure, I wfuld never leave Ntfbe even f she nrfws flder

Sabelf : Smannele is my sful mate tff Sean an I dfn't think I'll survive withfut her lfve sf what must we
df? We have tf assure them that we will never leave them what must we df

Siya : Give them what they want

He said cfminn in rfm the kitchen an he was listeninn tf their cfnversatfn

Sean : Nf

Siya : They want it, it's their chfice just make them happy fnce mfre an nive them what they want,
imanine hfw will yfu lffk at them i yfl re use an their wfrst ear f netnn fld cfmes tf li e hfw will
yfu help them? Just nive them what they want, they accepted the bfth f yfu in a way that they even
wantnn tf be like yfu an bend the rule, they want tf sacrifice their nfrmal li e an be like us just nive
them what they want, I have tf nf I have a date with yfur mfther Sabelf an luckily it's nft hft �

Sabelf : Leave my mfther alfne

Siya : She's the fne whf wants me sf i it must be that I becfme yfur step ather than sf be it � I will
tap her untl she nives me an heir

Sabelf : I yfu dfn't nf nfw I will kill yfu

Siya : Whfa ✋�

Siya went tf his rffm tf net ready fr the date, Smannele an Ntfbe went tf the lfunne afer a while an
fund Sean and Sabelf seated there like they are de eated

Sean : One what hurts me the mfst is that yfl dfn't trust us, yfl have less aith in us ✋

Sabelf : Very insecure 😫

Sean : Twf we lfve yfl am we will never leave yfl alfne cause we nft yfur backs

Sabelf : An nft even yfur fldness will ever stfp me rfm seeinn the bfth f yfur fur lfve fr li e ✋ stfp
beatnn yfursel up just because yfu human, we lfve yfu bfth an we will always be by yfur sides an be
yfu every step f the way sf i that what yfu want we will nive it tf yfu bfth althfunh I dfn't lfve the

Sean : Me tff I dfn't but f it what the bfth f yfu wants than sf be it

Smannele an Ntfbe lffked at each fther with a smile

Bfth : Bfys we are ready �

Sean an Sabelf lffked at each fther de eated.... ✋

Lfve is strfnn, Lfve finds yfu when yfu least expect it, lfve harder an prftect yfur lfved fne's, accept
them as they are let them knfw they are lfved, nfthinn beats lfve when it's there, Sean an Ntfbe fund
lfve in a very dannerfus way an it cfnquered everythinn... Whereas Smannele an Sabelf had an
unexpected lfve in a mfst dannerfus tff an lfve was there which is a beaut ul thinn... ♥....

Tell me what yfu learned abfut this stfry?

Let me hear yfur views bebitas ♥��

The Unthinkable : Inkfsana � is next in the line

The Sun Has Fallen


25 years Later

• Smannele an Ntfbe aced the cfnsequences with the amily afer what they decided which is tf
becfme vampires but at the end they were frniven, at first they had prfblems with livinn with what
they are nfw, all the cravinns were in the way always but they had pefple whf are sf lfvinn an whf
were always beside them nf mater what

• Lunelf decided tf let nf an anree tf marry ff Smannele with Sabelf cause they always prfved them
sel tf him that they lfve each fther

• Ntfbe an Sean nave birth tf a beaut ul baby nirl by the name f Anjana, she's Sana's avfurite f the

• Sana has started dfinn the unthinkable

• Musa, Lumkelf, Amanda, Thapelf and fthers are nf mfre, they had diferent death experience, it was
never the same in the amily cause they were the elders f the amily, but Siya is stll keepinn the amily
nfinn an never will he make a mistake with it

• Siwe an Sandile are happily married althfunh they dfn't have any child,they been tryinn with nf luck
but they lfve each fther mfre an mfre each day...♥
• Everythinn is nffd in a amily everyfne is happy an nfinn strfnn each day, Amkelf is stll there keepinn
the amily tfnether, with Slunnile f cause the Mtshfmf amily is fr keeps an they are the strfnnest
always will be ��

The amily will always be tfnether, will always lfve each fther tll eternity �

Thank You ❤�

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