Plyometric Page ASU

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Plyometric Page 1

Ankle Hop 3x30s – Stand in place, Extend ankle in a jumping motion. Do not bend the
knees, flex the ankles

Squat Jump 3x5 – Assume squat position, hands behind head. Explode in an upward
motion achieving maximum height.

Split Jumps 3x5 – Start in lunging position. Explode upward, and land in lunge position.

Cycled Split Jumps 3x5 – Similar to split jumps, only the athlete switches leg position in
mid air and lands with the opposite leg forward and immediately repeats the exercise.

Pike Jumps 3x5 – The athlete jumps into the air as high as possible in a vertical direction,
and while in the air extends the toes and touches them in a pike maneuver. The athlete
then rapidly rebounds and lands.

Standing Long Jump 2x50 yards – Assume a squat position. Explode up and outward
achieving maximum distance. Pause to set feet, and then jump again.

Lateral Long Jump 2x25 yards – Same as standing long jump, but performed laterally. 2
sets each direction.
Plyometric Page 2
Quick Side to Sides over Line 3x 30s – Hop side to side over a yard line as rapidly as
possible. Make sure to completely cross the line before hopping back over. Stay low and
move fast.

Explosive Side to Sides over Line 3x30s – Hop side to side over a yard line while
exploding upward as high as possible on each lateral hop. Make sure to minimize the
time spent in contact with the ground.

Barrier Jumps 5x5 – Stand in front of a barrier no higher than 48 inches. Explode upward
as rapidly as possible over the barrier. Gather yourself quickly and jump again over the
next barrier.

Knee Tucks 3x30s – Jump as high in the air as possible. While at the apex of the jump,
tuck your knees in your chest, grabbing them for a moment before landing. Recover as
quickly as possible and re-jump.

Double Leg Bounds 2x 50 Yards – Assume a ¾ squat position. Explode out in a

continuous bounding motion. Similar to standing long jump only with no pause.

Alternating Leg Bounds 2x 50 Yards – Same as double leg bounds only explode from
one leg onto the other.

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