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Key Points:
v Tournaments- Knock-out, League or Round Robin and Combination
v Intramural and Extramural-Meaning, Objectives and its importance
v Specific Sports Programme (Sports Day, Health Run, Run for Fun, Run for specific cause and
Run for Unity)
1.3 Tournaments:
It is a series of contests with several rounds in which many contestants compete, individually or as a
team to decide the winner.
Importance of tournament
· The sportsman learns the discipline by playing tournaments.
· The sportsman meets other sportsman at a single platform.
· He learns ethical values such as honesty, fair play, and respect for others.
· Tournament provides recreation to all, i.e. organizers, spectators, students.
Type of tournament:
1. Knock out: In this type of tournament, the team once defeated gets eliminated from the
tournament. Only the winning teams contest in the next rounds. Opportunities are given to the
winning players/teams.
2. League: In single league tournament all participating teams compete once, with each other,
where as in double league, each team play with every other team twice, without any
consideration of victory or defeat.
3. Combination Tournaments: Combination tournaments are organized in group or zonal
There are mainly four types of combination tournaments:
I. Knock out cum Knock out.
II. League cum league.
III. Knock out cum league.
IV. League cum Knock out.
4. Challenge Tournament: This type of tournament comes when there are one to one contests
or there are two players on each side. One player challenges the other and the other player

accepts the challenge. Games in which such tournaments are held include – Boxing, Tennis,
Table Tennis, Badminton etc.
Fixtures in such tournaments are decided according to:
I. Ladder Method
II. Physical Method
III. Cobweb Method
Knock out tournaments:
In knock out tournaments the teams which defeat once gets automatically eliminated from the

League Tournament:-
In this type of tournament each team plays with every other team once if it is a single league

tournament and each team plays with every other team twice if it is a double league tournament.

Method to draw the fixture in league tournament:-

1.5 An Intramural and Extramural Meaning, Objectives and Its Significance

Meaning of Intramural
Intramural is derived from the Latin word’ Intra” and “muralist’.”Intra” means “within” and
“Muralist” means ‘Wall .So we can say that the activities, which are performed within the walls or
within the campus of an institution, are called ‘Intramural”.
The rules of the games/ sports are modified accordingly, if needed.
Objectives of Intramural:-

Ø To provide opportunity to every student to participate in Games and Sports

Ø To develop Leadership Qualities among students
Ø To develop Feeling of Co-operation
Ø To provide Recreation
Ø To develop the Feeling of Sportsmanship
Ø To provide opportunity to learn a variety of games and Skills
Ø To provide opportunity to get Experience of Organization of Competitions
Ø To find out talented Sport persons

Extramural - Extramural is derived from the Latin words “Extra” and “Wall”. So, we can say that
the activities which are performed outside the walls of an institution or school are known as
These tournaments will be organized on a zonal, regional, state or national CBSE
tournament, SGFI tournament etc.
Objectives of Extramural
Ø To provide Experience to Students
Ø To improve the Standard of Sports
Ø To broaden the Base of Sports
Ø To develop Sportsmanship and Fraternity
Ø To provide knowledge of New Rules and Advanced Techniques
Significance of Intramural and Extramural
Ø Helps in providing the ways and means for the development self esteem, citizenship,
responsibility, sportsmanship, and skills in co-operative behaviour.
Ø Helps in providing to take part in activities that encourages active participation, enjoyment,
and fun without external pressure or reward.
Ø Helps in providing to reinforce the concept that winning is less important than preparing to
win. Losing should not be the same as failure, nor success the same as winning.
Ø Helps in providing to determine participation by interest rather than skill, not limiting
activities to the gifted or early maturing athlete.
Ø Helps in providing opportunities for students and expose them to a wide variety of sports,
skills and activities so that they may refine interest and make choices to suit their personal
abilities and needs.
Ø Helps in providing opportunities for students, faculty, and staff to actively engage in activities
involving sports, recreation, and play while providing structure for an experimental education.


The programs motivate and create the feeling to take part in these sports programs. People
become health-conscious and try to remain fit and stay healthy for as long as possible. These specific
sports programs are usually organized by the federations, state government, NGO etc. to create health
consciousness among the people and take part in health-related sports programs. These programmes
have various objectives such as creating awareness among peoples regarding unity, health & diseases

The various important specific programs:-

1. Sports Day– We celebrate National Sports day on 29th of August every year on the memory and

Birth anniversary of Major Dhyanchand known as “Hockey Wizard”. School - Annual Sports Day.

2. Health Run: These are organized by health departments to ameliorate the standard of health in a

country along with raising funds for charity.

3. Run for Fun: It is also organized to spread the message among masses to remain healthy and fit. It

may be organized to motivate the people to remain fit.

4. Run for Unity: It is organized to show unity and peace among the people of different religions. Its

purpose may be national and international integration and brotherhood.

5. Run for Specific Cause: This is the run related to specific or noble cause. Most of the social non-

profit organizations organizes these runs for creating awareness about AIDS, Educating the girl child,

Cancer, etc. Mumbai and Chennai Marathons are organized for such noble purpose.

Important Questions

Objective Type Question/ MCQ (1Markeach)

Q.1 What is planning?
A. To Decide in well in Advance B. To Organize
C. Make Decision D. To Judge
Q.2 Find out the Specific Sports Programmed?
A. Run for Fun B. Basketball
C. Kabaddi D. Kho-Kho
Q.3 What is Intramural?
A. Outside of the School Campus B. Inside of the School Campus
C. Within the City D. Outside of the City
Q.4 What is Extramural?
A. Outside of the School Campus B. Inside of the School Campus
C. Within the City D. Outside of the City
Q.5 What is ‘Bye’?
A. Seeding B. Disadvantage
C. Round Match D. Advantage
Q.6 What is league tournament?
A. All teams play with each other B. Selective teams play with each other
C. Eliminated after one loose D. None the above
Q.7 Formula for total no’s of matches in league tournament?
A. N-1 B. N (N-1)
C. N (N-1)/2 D. (N-1)/2
Q.8 How to Decide No of Byes?
A. Next Power of 3 B. Next power of four
C. Power of 3 D. Next power of 2
Q.9 What is Special Seeding?
A. Directly Inter in First Round B. Played from first Match
C. Get byes D. Directly Play From Quarter/Semi
Q.10 What is Knock out Tournament?
A. Round Robin Tournament B. Stair case Tournament
C. Elimination Tournament D. Ladder Tournament
Short Answer Type Question (30 to 50 Words) (3 Marks each)
1. Write the advantages & disadvantages of knock-out tournaments.
2. Define league. Explain its types. Write its advantage & disadvantage of league tournament?
3. Write the procedure of fixtures in league tournaments?
4. What are the objectives of Extramural?
5. Define Tournament? Write the types of tournaments?
6. Explains any two specific sports program.
7. Define ‘Fixtures’ and classify several types of tournaments.

8. Enlist various committees for organizing an event and explain function of any three.
Long Answer Type Question (75 to 100 Words) (5 Marks each)
1. Describe the various committees for the organizing of sports events.
2. Draw a knock out fixture of 21 teams mentioning all the steps involved.
3. Define Intramurals. Write its objectives of and principles.
4. Define Extramural. Write its objectives and principles.
5. Explain the meaning of specific sports programme? Write its contribution for society.
6. Prepare the fixture of 18 teams where last year position holder team will directly play in semi-final.
7. Prepare the fixture of 23 teams according to Knock-out cum League basis/League cum Knock-out
basis tournament.
8. Prepare the fixture of 7 and 8 teams on league basis tournament.

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