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GIBS Spirit of Youth 2024

Group Action Learning Project

Introduction: Your Home Group has been tasked with originating an idea for a grassroots
community project connected to one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) that was
shared with you during the Orientation session. This project should showcase your group’s
planned actions to address the challenges of this Goal within a community that is close to
one (or more) of you. Your project could rely on your efforts or it could be an initiative to
mobilise and engage the community helping you to achieve your goals. You don’t need to
start the project, your group’s job is to come up with the idea and be ready to present this at
the end of the course.

As has been said before - Think Globally and Act Locally!

Deliverable: Once your group has decided on the SDG and your project, you need to prepare
a poster (materials will be provided) and a 5 minute presentation that you will give at the
final graduation session.

The poster will communicate the following:

● Your idea
● How it is linked to the SDGs
● Which community you are going to work in/with, and why.
● How the project will operate.
● The expected impact from the project.
● How much money you need and how you will use the money.

The presentation will communicate the following:

● Your idea
● How it is linked to the SDGs
● How the project will operate.
● The expected impact from the project.

Note: Only 2 - 3 students need to present on behalf of the group.

Judging: Your poster and presentation will be judged by a panel of judges based on the
rubric below. We will be awarding a prize of R5000 to the winning team for you to start your
project! Along with the money comes mentorship to help you get the project off the ground.
The rubric below will be used for each of the criteria for the poster and the presentation.
Criteria Exceptional (5) Proficient (4) Basic (3) Needs Improvement (2)
The project The project attempts to
demonstrates The project shows be creative but lacks The project lacks
exceptional creativity in creativity in addressing originality or effective creativity and relies on
Idea and addressing the problem the problem that has use of innovative conventional methods
Creativity that has been identified. been identified. . approaches. without any innovation.
The project is strongly The project is linked to The project has some The project has little or
linked to the UN SDGs. the UN SDGs. The link to the UN SDGs. The no link to the UN SDGs.
The selected SDG is selected SDG is mostly selected SDG is The selected SDG is not
relevant to South Africa relevant to South Africa somewhat relevant to relevant to South Africa
and to the community in and to the community in South Africa and to the or to the community in
Link to the which the project will which the project will community in which the which the project will
SDGs run. run. project will run. run.
There is some reference
There is a clearly to an identified There is limited
identified community in There is an identified community in which the reference or link to an
which the project will community in which the project will operate. identified community in
operate. The needs of project will operate. The needs of this which the project will
this community are The needs of this community are operate. The needs of
clearly linked to the community are linked to somewhat linked to the this community are not
Community project. the project. project. linked to the project.
The project is
exceptionally well- The project design is The project design is
designed with clear well-thought-out with somewhat clear but
objectives, strategies, clear objectives and lacks detail in The project design lacks
and timelines. It strategies to address objectives, strategies, or clarity, objectives,
effectively addresses an engaging the timelines. It strategies, or timelines.
SDG and the project is community or action in addresses engaging the It does not effectively
achievable and linked to one of the SDGs. It community in a project engage the community
an identified community includes timelines for but could be better or show action toward
Project Design need. implementation. linked to an SDG. addressing an SDG.
The project shows it will
have a significantly The project shows it The project does not
positive impact in should have a positive The project looks to look to achieve more
addressing one of the impact in addressing have a limited impact than a minimal impact
SDGs at a local level. one of the SDGs. There on addressing one of in addressing an SDG.
There is evidence of is evidence of some the SDGs. Measurable Measurable outcomes
measurable outcomes measurable outcomes outcomes are unclear, are absent, and
and long-term and potential for and sustainability is sustainability is not
Impact sustainability. sustainability. questionable. considered.
There is a realistic and There is a realistic
achievable budget for budget for the project There is budget for the
the project that has that shows some project that could do There is no realistic or
been well thought evidence of thought and with some revision and achievable budget for
Budget through. planning. refinement. the project.
The presentation of the
project is somewhat The presentation of the
The presentation of the The presentation of the clear but lacks project is unclear,
project is exceptionally project is clear, organisation or disorganised, or
clear, organised, and organised, and engagement. Some unengaging. It fails to
engaging. It effectively engaging. It effectively aspects of the project, effectively
communicates the communicates most of such as objectives, communicate the
project's objectives, the project's objectives, strategies, or outcomes, project's objectives,
strategies, and strategies, and are not effectively strategies, and
Presentation outcomes. outcomes. communicated. outcomes.

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