Position Paper Usa

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Committee: United Nations Human Rights

Agenda: Advancing LGBTQ rights, the
imperative of universal recognition of same
sex marriage and community rights around
the world.
Country: United States of America.
Delegate Name: Reet Miglani

The United States of America is a firm believer in the fundamental human

rights of every person, irrespective of their gender identity or sexual orientation.
Ensuring equality, dignity, and respect for all people worldwide requires the
imperative to advance LGBTQ rights and achieve universal recognition of
same-sex marriage and community rights.

Admitting same-sex couples into marriage is a basic human rights concern. As

stated in international human rights treaties like the International Covenant on
Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights (UDHR), it guarantees equality, non-discrimination, and the right to
family life. USA has demonstrated that granting community rights and allowing
same-sex marriages promote social stability, economic development, and
societal well-being. Talent is attracted, creativity is encouraged, and workers are
more productive when inclusive policies are in place. The act of people
supporting LGBTQ in USA depend on the recognition and defence of their
rights. Its people report reduced rates of despair, anxiety, and suicide in nations
that have enacted inclusive policies.

In conclusion, The United States reaffirms its commitment to promoting and

protecting the rights of LGBTQ individuals globally. Domestically, the
landmark Supreme Court ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges (2015) legalized same-
sex marriage nationwide, setting a precedent for equality and non-
discrimination. Encouraging other countries to accept same-sex marriage and
decriminalise same-sex relationships through diplomatic channels. supplying
funds and other forms of support to human rights organisations and LGBTQ
advocacy groups across the globe. Making a concerted effort to address human
rights violations and advance LGBTQ rights in international forums like the
United Nations.

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