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I went to the airlines to get my flight booked home but when I got the airlines I

was told that there is a increase in the flight fares so as a frequent flyer I was
told to pay down the money on me and pay the rest before the departure date, I am
short of $680 and I don't know where I am going to get it from, Can you be of help
to me ? I am going to pay you back when I get to the states I promise

Name: James Thomas

City: Waycross

State: Georgia

Zipcode : 31501


I am who I am. Nothing more, nothing less. What you see is what you get. I�m a very
down to earth person who likes to be treated the way I treat others. In a
respectful, open, honest way....mmmm I love to kiss and cuddle and touch. I give
outstanding massages I love to cook and spoil my man

I like a man who is honest, sincere, and who pays a real interest in his
conversation partner. I HATE insincerity and most of all I HATE a partner who�s
only interest is in himself,You have to give some attention to get some
attention...I would love to meet and want the man that i'm with to not be ashamed
of me kissing him in public, holding his hand, hugging him

I am a caring person and would expect my man to be the same..When I find someone
special, I am extremely passionate, open and honest. I'm a very touchy, feely kind
of woman......

I want a trusting loving relationship where I can express my affection openly and
very freely...I want the man I'm with to feel how special he is to me every day,I'm
looking for a relationship based on interest, respect, complicity and love of
course,want a caring relationship, loving, understanding and surprise

I'm like a kid at heart...I like to smile a lot mostly......I want someone who
can't keep their mind off of me when they are away, and can't keep their hands off
of me when they are near

I'm very honest about my feelings and therefore open to being taken advantage of.
Hence, I don't waste kisses, nor kiss a lot of frogs in my search for the
"prince"...I am Loving, peaceful, sharing, gentle, passionate, and romantic

My intentions have always been to meet someone who is kind, caring and considerate.
Someone who is not selfish and when he says he wants to be with me ...he means it.
I want someone to have fun with but also someone who can actually hold a

My intensions is to find the right man....I am the same today and tomorrow,easy-
going, sincere, extremely affectionate and when I am in love,I treat my man like I
want him to treat me. Backrubs, bathing together, foot massages, dancing slow and
doing things together

What are my intentions? I've truly hope to find someone that will be my partner
for the rest of our lives. Someone who loves to love, and is not afraid to show
it. Someone who will pamper me a little, I suppose, maybe even spoil me a bit. I
enjoy life and what it has to offer. I want to travel while I'm able, and want
someone to share not only the special moments with, but also the 'not so special'
moments. Someone who'll be there for me without question, as I would be for him,

The woman as to be strong, i need to find her beautiful and be attracted to her.
she as to have her life togheter, be generous of herself. i want her to be able to
communicate her feeling clearly, who is not afraid of intensity who can take me in
her arm and calm me, makes me surrender to her love, her passion

Looking for someone to share the tender monents, to share thel oving moments, to
share the cruel hours in life, to share the whole life, to give everything to the
other, to be true and faithful, honest and strong enough to hold the other when he
seems to fall, just to give ones life for the other.

I would like to sigh on with somebody who want to play and explore life and depth
of commitment. But it as to stay alive, real and juicy. I am not wanting to die
alive with anyone. Where I am now in my life I would love to buy a piece of land
with someone and build ourself a home, doesn't have to be big but has to feel very
homy. Somewhere where we can alwayss come back and feel home

my intentions are to find a partner who will treat me special. do things with me,
be it dinner, dancing, cocktails, a trip to the museum, aquarium, a movie.. I don't
want a bump on the log. I like to be kept busy doing things. But I also like
snuggling on the couch with a good movie and a glass of wine or icetea and popcorn
with my woman.

I am looking for my life partner. I am always envious of people who've been

together for long and still can see love in their eyes... I want a friend, a
support , a companion to explore life together

I want a man who is warm, good hearted, who can make me laugh, who can give me
comfort when I'm sad, showing exactely how he feels, trustworthy, who will love me


Free style talk


When I love someone, even if it's not a spouse, it could be a very close friend . .
. but there is nothing that I wouldn't do for that person. But if it does happen to
be a spouse or a lover, I will go to the ends of the earth for them. I like to
make sure that my lover/spouse knows that he is loved . . . and yes, I agree that
we think alike when it comes to that subject.

Beautifully said...I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve which usually gets me in

trouble but when I love someone...I put my whole heart and soul into it. That's
just who I am. I love to love someone. but then if I am with someone they better
be ready to be loved all through the night and its been a very long time for me so
it will take all night

I would love to be very close with my partner, be able to talk to each other very
honestly and be a support and inspiration for one an other. I have much love and
affection to give and I would like to experience mutualite. That we get out of our
way to surprise and care for each other

I know that feeling, want to grow old and gray together, have someone to hold, when
you need to be held, to give to space when you need space, to pick you up when you
fall and to make you a drink when you're had a hard day at work. and of course to
scrub your back when you are in the bath

When you are not complete, life is just in black and white, but when you are in
love with the right person, life is in color, vibrant colors.

you try to live by the saying that we should treat each person we encounter with
kindness and sincerity as we may never cross their paths again, and if we can bring
a little smile or joy or peace to anothers life then that is good, I am a peaceful
soul, and I love peaceful places and life, I dont like arguing or fighting or a lot
of loud noise

sounds great to me. I know what you mean about the games...silly really. I mean,
when you like someone, why play games, it only messes with peoples minds. I'm very
straight forward, some people don't like it but I speak my mind. I don't see any
reason not to. if someone doesn't like that then too bad for them...sounds like we
think alike

How you
want to be treated.
First of all I want love. To be loved, be respected. I need a relationship with a
lot of love and deep feelings. I give a lot of myself, my feelings. I want a man to
take me in his arms saying he loves me, will take care of me. I want to hold
hands,beeing romantic, make surprises of different kind.

I love lots of kisses and cuddles, and am a very affectionate, touchy feely person,
i like to touch my man each time I pass him or walk up and have a cuddle for no
reason, and go to bed in the middle of the day if the urge takes us, or sleep in
cuddle if we want, and not be ashamed to show affection to each other in front of
other people, and I love holding hands

I like going out for a drink, for dinner, go to the movies. Love walks on the
beach, in the wood all year long. I like cook,try new tings - just staying home,
watching a good movie. I like a good conversation about everything.I'm very open
minded and are able to talk about almost everything. I used to be very shy, but not
anymore. Maybe I just grew up

Sexual talk
She's sexy, not too shy and she's willing to take the lead when it comes to
romance..Together we i'll walk the beach, enjoy great dinners and stir it up in the

For your information, I 've always wanted a woman who loves kissing as much as I
do, soft passionate sensual to deep tongue kissing.. can drive me wild... I have a
very high libido too so she would have to be able to please me and not be impatient
about it... take your time and savor it... want a partner who likes it soft and
sensual and then can turn it up and be outrageous, agressive.. wild

I am a very passionate, sexual man, I like it ALL ways, rough, soft and everything
in between.. I like to experiment and do different things. oh and I thoroughly get
off on giving oral! was that too much information..

I would love to meet and want the man that I'm with to not be ashamed of me pawing
over him and kissing him in public, holding his hand, hugging him... He has to be
giving... not yet givin

I am a caring person and would expect my woman to be the same.


Fun/spare time

I love to be outside and doing things, just a walk down the road or beach would be
fun or sitting and watching the sunset or sunrise or just talking with someone
special. I will warn you now that I love to hold hands and touch the man I am with.
I love to watch Nascar, football, etc, My favorite football team is the Denver
Broncos, Rockies and my favorite college football team is Air Force Academy

I like to read, watch movies, go shopping of course, lol....go to sports events,

some concerts not loud hard rock and roll, I really like country music
and slow music.

what else would you

like to know mmmm I love to kiss and cuddle and touch. I give outstanding massages
I love to cook and spoil my woman

I love a sense of adventure, traveling, fishing, I like to take part in interests

of my partner. But of course I want her to give me a sense of space--I mean I
don't think we should be (sorry the crudeness) but up each others behinds....

I like to Laugh, Love to dance and prefer to do it with a man at my side. Life is
definitely for laughing and sharing, somehow it seems to brighten the world.

I haven't ever talked to anyone online like I have with you before. You make me
feel special like never before. So far, the things that you are say shows me that
you are such a caring person. who would love me forever till the end of time. I
just want to be loved and have someone to love back the way I've always wanted. I
want to find my best friend, my soul mate, my lover and my Prince Charming. I feel
as if you may just be the one I am looking for and have been searching for all my
life. These are the feelings I am having for you as of this moment but I guess I
wouldnt know this not till you are finally in front of me.

A commitment in a relationship to me simply means a promise made between two people
to be together Forever and be devoted To Loving each Other. To be Loyal to each
other. A commitment to Love No other person, being totally devoted to each other. A
promise to be Loyal and Truth full to each other in the relationship, a commitment,
a devotion a dedication to something strong that becomes a part of someones Life, a
part of someones soul, body ...And mind.Full of never ending passion and desire for
the one you love, To give every inch of your body and soul for the pleasure of your
lover.A promise to never let the sun set on your anger but to make love instead.To
make love for hours and often with a commitment to never let that passion of new
ever die but to only get better with time.A commitment Is Two souls joined in
heaven above, Two hearts bound by love. To see the stars in your eyes, and my fire
in the dark of night,


&a mp;n bsp; Ayacge

i got back from the custom office at 8 pm today For my goods Concerning for the
shipment of my goods Cause right now..I really need a shoulder to lean on right
now...I am so confused and frustrated now...which I could find some help..cant
afford to loose my goods in the hands of the Nigerian customs.... financial
help......that why I am confused..though I tried to get in touch with a client of
mine who own me some money maybe he could be of help but unfortunately I cant get
through with him for now.........I have been given a deadline to come pay the
customs fee if not my goods will be seized and will cost me a lot more than I
expect,...... Do you think you could help me pls?.....I really would appreciate it
a lot if you could and I promise to pay you back your money when I am back. do you
think you could loan me ? right now am really having some problem with the
custom....They ask me to come up with some amount of money with i cant afford right
now...Cos i have spent so much on this trip..I would really be glad if you could
loan me some funds to pay the customs so I can be able to get my goods out of here
and be back in France as soon as possible.

Well I should have paid up the fees already and left Africa, its only because of
this problems I am having with the customs that's why I am still in Africa and once
I can get the fees paid then I can return back to Europe and also get my goods
shipped....If only I could get the goods shipped and get them on sales it would
have been very easy for me. they are my goods it is after I get them shipped that's
only when I sell it to my other clients....

Well I really don't know if maybe you could help me with the fees, I had really
appreciate that and it sure wont be a problem for me to pay you back once I am back
in Europe...I am just tired of been in Africa all alone and just cant wait to be
back...I really invested a lot of money on this trip...I wasn't planning to travel
for a very long time that was why I collected as many antiques goods as I could on
this trip


What do you do for fun? (Optional)......I enjoy slow or fast dancing, walking in
the woods holding, hands, candlelite dinners, travel, shopping and watching movies,
and playing romantic piano for that special person. I love snuggling and sharing
passionate kisses with that special person.

Favorite local hot spots or travel destinations? (Optional)...I love any restaurant
that serve good healthy foods and where a very good band is playing. I love
resturants with romantic settings where we can look into each others eyes and feel
that special connection. I also love candlelite romantic dinners.

Favorite things? (Optional).......I like healthy foods such as a good seafood salad
I love the color black. I like to snuggle when it rains or read a good book,
shopping at a large mall, reading any of the self-help books, listening to romantic
music or 60's music, and exercising.

What's the last thing you read? (Optional)......I am currently reading a dozen or
so self help books on success, motivation, relationships, financial security and
positive thinking.

What is your own definition of true love?...... True love to me is the kind of love
God gives....UNCONDITIONAL love. It's a love that is undescribable with words yet
is felt deep within the heart. It's when you can't stop thinking of the other
person & you are excited to get home to them after a long days work or you desire
to just say hello through a text or phone call just because they are on your mind.
It's a precious thing that way too many people take advantage of & something
everyone should have at least once in their lives.

What kind of woman are you looking for?

I am looking for a man who can laugh, be playful and light hearted, one who is
motivated and ambitious, intelligent, and self confident. I enjoy meaningful
conversation in addition to plain old good fun. I'm basically a very positive
person who also loves humor and laughter and would like someone with an adventurous
spirit who can see the funny side of life,someone who is open and willing to learn
new things. I like to share things I learn and am open to learning new things as
well. I have a passion for music and a curiosity for life. To find a man who loves
to dance would be a miracle, but not impossible I believe, even if rare, but
definitely a bonus, but not a requirement! lol I also love a man who knows how to
treat a woman like a baby and a baby like a woman. Romance and passion are
important as well. Like everyone I talk to I want the who enchalata, including
chemistry. I have learned though that chemistry is not everything and not the only
component for building a strong relationship. A picture is worth a thousand words
yet can still tell you nothing. Lastly beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I
would say I have more on the inside thanthe outside. LOL No one is perfect
including myself but I suppose if you don't put it out there and risk, you'll never
know. However I am realistic and I am by far not perfect.

Do you sing or play a musical instrument?

I sing and I play several instruments,I play guitar, French horn, trumpet, oboe,
and a little piano would love to learn

Where will you love to spend your honeymoon incase you find the right
woman?.......I've always dreamed of going to a tropic island for a couple of weeks.
We would stay in a romantic bungalo. Windows open, there would be lace curtains
blowing in a light breeze along with warmth coming from the sunshine shining thru
the lace. Although this would be heaven on earth, I'd be in heaven just being with
the man God intended me to go thru life's journey with.
How will you treat your Woman?

Although every relationship has it's ups & downs, I will treat my man with lots of
love & respect. I like to hold his hand while walking side by side, I enjoy the
little kisses stolen throughout the day, & the little smiles he gives me from
across the room.I believe a man & woman are to walk side by side in life & so
communication & honesty are VERY important.I in turn will be completely faithful to
him & will support him during our lives together. I do expect him to do the same
for me. We don't always have to be together but we'll feel each others presence
even when we're apart. We will be each others rock to lean on & we will share
dreams & goals for ourselves

Can you take my kids as yours if we are meant to be together?

I love kids & I treat all kids as if they are my own... I favor none but give my
love & support to them & try to be the godly man I am supposed to be.

Can you tell me more about yourself when you were a little boy?

As far back as I can remember I've always cared forpeople & had a big heart. I
cared for people even after they hurt me.

What do you like to do?

I love being in the great outdoors seeing the natural beauty God has given to us
that others take advantage of. I love snuggling with the one I love while watching
a movie. I enjoy meeting others & making a difference in the lives of those around
me. I recently found out that some special people in my life really look up to me &
the feeling of that is AMAZING!

What is your favorite movies?

I have a few favorite movies. My all time favorite is "City of Angels" it's a movie
where a man sacrificed his life as an angel to experience what it was like to love
the woman he was drawn to. I also love Notebook, Sweet November, Sleepless in
Seattle,Grease, Never been kissed, anything with Reese Witherspoon. I like romantic
comedies, action movies, Romantic, & ones based on a true story like Titanic, &
Pearl Harbor. There are really sooo many that I like, I can't really name them all.

What is in your opinion the most romantic movie you've seen to date?.

Sleepless in Seattle

What is your favorite book?

I like James Patterson Sail! Love his novels! but My favorite book is the Bible!!!
It's got the greatest stories ever told as well as words from our heavenly father..

Are you a romantic type?

I'm a helpless romantic... I love being with my man & doing little things for him
to put a smile on his face.I enjoy surprising him & doing my part to making his
dreams come true.

What makes you smile?

That's easy!!! What makes me smile is seeing those I love smiling & knowing I put
that smile on their faces. :-)

Do you cry alot and what make you cry?

I do have a tendency to cry easily but not always are my tears sad ones.... I cry
also when I'm happy & surprised. I don't like to cry in front of others so am
embarrassed when I do.

What is your favorite music?

I love music... the songs I listen to will usually tell you what kind of mood I'm
in or tell you what's in my heart when words can't begin to describe who I am. When
I'm happy, you'll usually find me singing (assuming I know the song). I think music
is a gift many people take for granted. They'll listen just to hear the beat yet
won't stop to feel the power of it's words. Music can be soothing to the soul & can
calm the restless spirit. The wrong kind of music can also damage ones inner being.
A person's mind will unconsciously listen to the lyrics which will either bring
death/depression upon them or will bring joy to their soul so they might be able to
enjoy life. As a person's mood changes so does the type of music they listen to.

What is your idea of a romantic getaway?

Romance can be found anywhere there's a romantic guy.. *smiles*

What is your idea of a perfect first date?

A walk along the waterfront or beach... great time to talk & get to know each

What is your ideal date?

Oh wow.... there are sooo many scenarios I could mention here & each depends on
where the friendship/relationship was as to the idealness of it. I like romance
either way so anything where we would have a little privacy to talk & stare into
each others eyes. ;-)

Are you a God fearing man?.

VERY much so!!! I love God with all my heart & trust in HIM to comfort me & guide
me. Only he knows what he has in store for us. How often do you go to church?
Haven't gone much in the last few years as I've had major health issues to deal
with. In this case,God has come to where I am spoken to my heart about different
situations. I totally believe in going to church & fellowshiping however, I don't
believe that a person NEEDS to goto church to be a christian as going into a
chicken house doesn't make you a chicken. *wink*

What do you like and dislike?

I don't like cheaters, liars,thiefs, or shallow people. Other than that, I'm a
person that likes pretty much everything.... I'm VERY easy going.

What make you very happy?

When my loved one is happy & when I have a man who treats me like a princess. hehe

What kind of sport do you like best?

I like Football!!! I also like shooting baskets, playing volleyball, & a few
others... I've been to a St. Louis Cardinals baseball game also... it was fun!
Do you love to express your feelings or you love to hide your feelings?

I'm a person who would rather express my feelings as I know it's not good to keep
them locked up. It's important to express to others that you care for them & are
there to support & encourage. I LOVE sharing sweet moments with the man I love...
it makes my heart happy!

When is your birthday? Mine is January 11th 1955

What's the top thing on your Christmas list? GO TO VACATION WITH A PATHNER

What is your favorite season of the year? SPRING WHEN FLOWERS GROW

Do you have any hobbies? I like Writing, I Like the Beach but havent Gotten Chance
to Visit anyone here since I am always working

Are you really over your Past relationship? YES

Are you trully ready to move forward in your life? YES

Have you forgiven all the past relationship and those that have offended you or

Where is one place you did like to vist that you haven't gotten the oppourtunity to

Tell me the most memorable moment of you life and tell me the saddest times of your
life to (if you would love to share). WHEN I FIRST GOT MARRIED AND WHEN I LOST MY

What will be the your ideal first date with the man of your dream? HANGING OUT

What's would you like to do when its raining outside with that special woman for
Do you like to watch the sunset... YES ALOT

Do you ever get "crazy"? Just go and do something without thinking? (a fun thing)

Are any good at holding hands, or hugging?? I AM ... TOO BAD HAVEN'T HAD ANYONE TO

How do you spend your holidays? Free time? LIKE TO GO OUT FOR VACATION,I DEVOTE MY

Do you frequently have unfinished task and don't get back to them? I DON'T THINK


What is you ideal income?$75,000 ANUALLY

Are you financially stressed, just fine, comfortable or blessed?I AM COMFORTABLE

What education did you complete?SOME COLLEGE

Where have you lived? Omaha,Nebraska,BERLIN,Germany AND AFRICA NOW FOR WORK that
is where i am right now and willing to relocate for the right person MAYBE IT'S YOU

Where did you get your education? Germany


Do you assume responsibility?YES I DO

What do you truly hate?LIES AND DISHONESTY

What can really get you upset?LIES

Do you prefer to read a book at home alone or go to a party?I LIKE TO BE AROUND

Do you trust you feelings rather than reason?YES FEELINGS IS WHAT I GO WITH

Do you ofter plan your day ahead?YES ,I TIME MYSELF FOR EVERYTHING

Do you cry often?NO ..BEEN A LONG TIME

What makes you cry? WHEN I AM HURT


What would your family say about you?I AM A GOOD LADY

Do you hurry to complete a job? NO... TAKE THE RIGHT AND NORMAL PROCEDURE

What do you consider more important, Justice or Mercy? JUSTICE

Are you a Christian? YES,CATHOLIC

How old were you when you first fell in love?21YRS

Do you find it difficult to speak loudly? NO

Do you get bored easily? NO TAKES ALOT

Do you watch the tea pot or sometimes forget it's one the burner? HAHHAHAA DON'T

If you don't like someone do you tell other why?YES I WILL,I AM FREE WITH MYSELF

If you run into a person whom has hurt your feeling or harmed you, do you act like
you didn't see them or confront them head on? I FORGIVE AND FORGET EASILY... I AM


Do you avoid obligations? NO I DON'T

Be your best friend Get caught with you in the rain..Dance with you in the
rain....Stargaze on a clear night..Watch the sunset together....Spend all day with
you doing nothing...Moonlit walks on the beach....Be more proud of you than I
already am at this very moment....Go on a carriage ride through the park...Do a
crossword together....Go to brunch....Have a disagreement (it could/will only make
us stronger).....Go for a twilight horseback ride...Watch a bad movie
together...Spend the rest of my life with you...Have our picture taken
together....Eat ice cream with you....Make love to you passionately.
Go to a museum together...Talk to each other using only body language...Give you
space when you need it....Accept you totally and completely - flaws and all (I
already do)....Discuss current events in a heated debate.....Have you see the error
of your ways from aforementioned heated debate and make mad, torrid love to you, in
the midst of all that passion...Carve our names into a tree/table...Go for a walk
at dusk together....Be one with you....Send you a singing telegram....Spend all
night thinking of 101 sweet things to do for you...Hold you and gaze into your eyes
and realize how much I care for you...and tell you...Gently run my hand across your
cheek and look into your eyes....Blindfold you and take you somewhere
romantic....Spend my life making you happy...Spend my life making our family
happy....Feel your heartbeat...See our unborn child/children in your eyes...Go
roller/ice skating together...Give you a backrub just because....ALWAYS being
with each other....Go hiking/camping together...Have our first fight, make up and
feel a stronger bond because we very successfully weathered the storm -
together....Marry you...Laugh at someone together...Share a plate of
spaghetti....Give you a stuffed animal just because....Go on a fun family vacation
and bring back the kind of memories movies are made of....Treat you like my
Lancelot....Go on a road trip across America....Count thunder together during a
thunderstorm..Envelop you in my soul...Cook your favorite meal/meals.....Know you
better than you know yourself....Go to a Renaissance Fair....Plant a tree in our
yard together...Look over at you during an office/military/family party and have
you know without me saying a word - that I love you....Be able to say, "I love you"
in 89 different ways - in 89 different countries...Hold you when you're at your
saddest and comfort you when you need it the most.....Be the one you come to for
that comfort and
holding.....Wipe away the days' stresses and issues, with just one hug/kiss....Grow
old with you.


Hi Dear,

Thanks for responding back to my e-mail, I am so happy to hear from you

, you sound like a very interesting person and we seem to share much in common... I
just want to be loved and have someone to love back the way I've always wanted.. I
want to find my best friend, my soul mate, my lover and my Prince Charming and
according to the dating service, you just seem like my perfect match, although no
one is perfect but we try our best to be. My intentions have always been to meet
someone who is kind, caring and considerate. Someone who is not selfish and when he
says he wants to be with me, he means it but that seem to be hard to find. I want
to travel for pleasure while I'm able, but want someone to share not only the
special moments with, but also the 'not so special' moments. Someone who'll be
there for me without question, as I would be for him, always.

I'm Originally from Miami FL But I'm presently in Africa doing Antiques and
Textiles shopping, Because I am into sales, Buying and selling of Antiques, and
also i do collection of Gem Stone and Raw Gold, I will be back home in A Week or
2weeks time...I love a sense of adventure, traveling, hunting, fishing, I like to
take part in interests of my partner.I love to be outside and doing things, just a
walk down the road or beach would be fun or sitting and watching the sunset or
sunrise or just talking with someone special. I love to watch football, music etc,
I like to listen to Classic,Country and Blues Music. I love kids, they are my heart
and I don't mind having more kids for the right Man, Well That's how much I can say
for now and will be looking forward to hear back from you soon and hopefully I'll
tell you more.....I learn from my parents that communication matters a lot in a
relationship and helps get to know each other more better.... I would
like you to Get a Yahoo Messenger Download on your computer so we can talk better
and have a nice Conversation and see where it leads to, If you don't have a yahoo
messenger, you can visit the Website and get one
Downloaded. I will be looking for you online Do have a nice day P.S Here are More
Pictures of me, hope i didn't scare you away...
Sincerely Yours.

Hi Dear
Thanks for writing back, and I am happy that you like my pictures and that i did
not scare you away.. I appreciate your Conversation with me and i really would be
happy to get more of that and get to know each other better, Communication matters
a lot in a relationship and i would like to have more of that with you, You are
charming with the way you use your words and I like that...I am new to the dating
scene and you happen to be the first person i happen to meet, the words in your
profile was captivating that was why I emailed you and i am happy you got interest
in me, I am on here to search for the love of my life,I've been hurt in the past
and don't want that to happen to me in a relationship again, I so much would want
the things you want in my life i am tired of been alone and need a companion, A man
that would be by me during the good and bad times as i would be with him too, A man
I can trust with my heart and he would do the same, Someone that
i can always believe as much as I will want that, I believe with this things a
relationship will stand and nothing would be able to come in between, I really
don't have much to say would be looking forward to hear more from you and Dear i
would like you to Download a Yahoo Messenger so we can have a Nice and Sound
Conversation and see where it leads us to... I am happy that i could finally find
someone that i can exchange words with and I would be looking forward to more.
Your new friend

Hi- Dear
Thanks for the e-mail, i am always happy hearing from you, you seem like a very
wonderful man and would love to meet you someday,....I work as much as i would but
i get too lonely and come back home to find no one say "how was your day", I am
ready to meet someone to share life with.. I enjoy walking out, fishing, golf,
traveling, reading poems and enjoy spending time withmy partner. I love meeting new
people and trying new things, I enjoy cuddling up on the couch to a fire and a
romantic movie. I consider myself a very honest and open Woman and enjoy giving and
receiving affection, I have been Single for over 3 years now. I lost My Father some
years back in a car accident which my siblings were involved and My Mother died
four years after my Father was dead, It really hurt me so much but i am glad i
overcome it all and ready to face the Future and see what it holds with the right

I am an easy going person and easy to get along with, I am a gentlewoman at

all times and I respect the person I am with. I am an attractive minded woman that
like music and sports very much, I guess the best way to describe myself is that
I'm a very nice and fun woman who is considerate and respectful of other people's
feelings. I am compassionate, a great listener, and not afraid to show my emotions.
I believed not only in what a man look like but his heart play the most important
role to me in a relationship. I can describe myself again as a family Woman, who
thinks it's more important to come home and spend quality time with the family
instead of hanging out at the bar or out there doing some others stuffs. I enjoy
traveling, you know its always nice seeing new places and meeting new people from
the world.
Bedroom aerobics are great and I consider that an important part of a serious
relationship ( hope you understand what i mean by that ), Being able to come home
after work and hold a nice conversation is something that has been missing in my
life for a long time and i hope i find someone i can do that with, in no time... I
love to touch!!! Holding hands and showing affection is very important to me. i
believed in friendship so much because to me it is the key role to a long lasting
relationship. I am a simple person and I try to never ask anything of anyone, I
will just try to do it myself.I have had to take care of myself for a very long
time now, I do the best i can with what I have and just keep trying harder to do
better. I try to never give up no matter how bad a problem may be. I'm a hard
working woman but will always have time for that special Man in my life.

What am I looking for, well that's kind of hard for me to say. First and for most I
am looking for someone that is honest, truthful, faithful,with a good heart and
enjoys doing some of the things I do. Someone that is man enough to stick out good
times , bad times, hard times, he is always there no mater what may happen. That
will let me be me and if that means letting use their shoulder to cry on once in a
while. Someone that is not controlling, abusive, or always having to be in charge.
Someone that is willing to meet you half way and wants to join their live with
mine. Someone who is romantic,passionate, caring and will surprise you sometimes
for no reason but to say he was thinking and missing you.... I want Someone that
wants to share their life with mine and mine with theirs And in return this person
will get the same and more from me. I really would be happy if i find that special
man in no time, I am willing to relocate anywhere to be with the
right one for me the man I will trust with my heart and he would do the same....I
guess It's Time to stop Searching and would be happy to see where this takes us I
am willing to Love not only forever but a Lifetime together.Well I think I have
talked your head off now, or ran you off,,HAHAHAHA. Forgive me I am always cutting
up all the time joking around. I hope to hear from you soon. I feel like the
Luckiest one having to get your Attention but I believe God knows best I hope i
didn't scare you off with my story book. Until then be safe
Sincerely Yours.

Good-morning Dear,

A little more about me, I love the outdoors and Indoors

activities, I love to ice skate, ski, sleigh ride, hike, and bike ride and that is
just in the winter months, in the summer time I love to swim and so much more. I
guess what I'm trying to say is that I love the outdoors, indoors and everything
that God has put around us, I also like to just lay down in a nice patch of soft
grass and stare up into the sky and day dream. My indoor activities include
reading, cooking, watching movies, going to the theater, I also like to spend cozy
evenings together with a special someone just cuddling, Kissing and drinking one
another in. And guess what Dear? you sound like someone that i would love to do
just that with and I hope you don't think of me too forward in my comments but I
just want to be honest and Open mind with you. I like to read biographies,
humorous, and my staple would have to be a good mystery, I have also tried my hand
writing some poetry but it never seems to come out the way it feels in my heart.

Bedroom aerobics are great and I consider that an important part of a serious
relationship ( hope you understand what i mean by that ), Being able to come home
after work and hold a nice conversation is something that has been missing in my
life for a long time and i hope i find someone i can do that with, in no time... I
love to touch!!! Holding hands and showing affection is very important to me. i
believed in friendship so much because to me it is the key role to a long lasting
relationship. I am a simple person and I try to never ask anything of anyone, I
will just try to do it myself. I have had to take care of myself for a very long
time now, I do the best i can with what I have and just keep trying harder to do
better. I try to never give up no matter how bad a problem may be. I'm a hard
working woman but will always have time for that special Man in my life.

As for relationship my standards are very high. I think friendship carries a lot of
responsibilities and to be a true friend is like being family. I don't call just
anyone my friend. Friends are somebody you can turn to in bad times as well as the
good, some one who will let you cry on their shoulder and lift you up and not
condemn you, some one who doesn't ask why should I help but rather how can i help.
I want to have friends such as these that we will enjoy each other company, that we
will do all sorts of things together my interests are theirs and theirs are mine.
Oh yeah I left something out as concerning my family , My both parents and siblings
played a pivotal role in my up-bringing and formed the woman that I am today before
they died. It really hurt me so much that I lost them and I missed them a lot,
Concerning my eating habits, I like healthy food, Sushi, Sea food, Italian and
Mexican food, Barbecue, Meat and I prefer a good home cooked meal
in the company of someone special but i wont count out a romantic dinner in a fine
restaurant with that special man. I love sweets especially fine chocolates and
confection, though i think I have to work a little hard to keep in shape. In
conclusion , what can I say i think you are a very Handsome man and I would love
to sit across a table from you and hold your hand and gaze into your beautiful
eyes. I believe the eyes are the portal to a persons heart and I would love to have
a special place in your heart because i think there's a good chance that you will
have a special place in mine....Believe it or not I feel like the Luckiest one
having to get your Attention,But I believe God Knows best. I am sorry if i have
offended you with any of my word Just have to be Upfront and Honest with you.

Take Care Dear and Can't stop thinking about you here

Yours Mary

Good-morning Darling,
How are you doing babe and how was your night? It was really nice chatting with
you and learning more about you ...I very much like what you said and what you say
you are looking for and willing to give to the right person, I'm sure who ever it
is will be a lucky woman. I am a very trusting person, I want to trust, I want to
believe the best in people but I don't want to be taken advantage of any more not
that you would...... You definitely have my attention, definitely caught my eye,
definitely are the kind of man that turns me on and definitely the kind of man I
want to be you have all those things in your favor.......I'd think
that you would want to know more about me before professing your willingness to
concentrate on me and us although, it is very flattering. I want to be in a
committed relationship with my soul mate. Anyway Dear.....I think your are
incredibly attractive, very good looking, very exciting and I'd love to see where
this goes.... Honest and sincere about everything i promise. I think we are at a
place where we need Love, to give it and to receive it and certainly i think we
deserve it.....There's no doubt I could fall in love with you if you are everything
you say you are, with that I hope its Okay to just take one day at a time and let
things happen the way they should happen...I want you to ask whatever you want to
know about me because i think it will help me get a feel for who you are and what's
important to you and I'd like to be able to ask any questions of fear of rejection or being laughed at about the questions or why
I want to know....just open minded and honest, I hope you understand. If you can
ask it, I can answer it.. I look forward to hear from you soon. Gotta run for now
Yours sincerely

Hi Sweetie,
Thanks so much for the email and for expressing how you feel about me and i think
the feelings are mutual, I just seem to have grate feelings about the both of us...
I'm talking about fate here - when feelings are so powerful it's as if some force
beyond your control is guiding you to someone who can make you happy beyond your
wildest dreams.. I think Love is not about finding the Perfect person, but
creating a right relationship, It's not about how much love you have in the
beginning but how much love you build till the end. And If it is meant to be, our
hearts will find each other when we meet and if our hearts melt together so will
our bodies and souls, then every word and every touch will fuel our passion flame.
I will be yours, you will be mine, and we will be one. I also The best way to love
is to love like you have never been hurt, love needs no map, for it can find it's
way blindfolded and you need trust to love, but first you need to love in
order to trust... The first time my heart was broken I thought I was through; I
swore I'd never love again and believe me this was true, but when you walked into
my life the second your eyes met mine, I knew you were worth loving, just like
before, just like the first time .... You know when you're truly fallen in love,
when all you can do is just be speechless and stare at nothing 'cause you're just
amazed that you just found this incredible person.. I'll surrender my world to you
if that is the only way I could become a part of yours... The beating of my heart
is a drum, and it's lost, and it's looking for a rhythm like you.. I don't need
anyone to take advantage of my weaknesses or my strengths, I need someone who will
appreciate me for everything that I am... Sweetie I hope you understand how i truly
feel about you, believe it or not, You are always in my thoughts and i was thinking
about you i hope you are doing the same, My heart longs for you
Darling and can't wait to meet you and spend sometime together...Hope to hear from
you soon.
Love Ya


Hi Sweetie
It's the Beginning of the day and I was thinking about you, as
usual. I want you to know how much I sincerely love the times we've spent Chatting
and It means so much to me. It truly seems like I've known you forever and I
honestly can't imagine life with out you now. There will be no looking back, no
second thoughts and no regrets. I want you and need only you ... and that love will
only grow stronger. Do not be scared my love. Sometimes life hits you with
unexpected things that take you totally by surprise. All I can say is you're the
best surprise life has given me and your capacity for love,caring, and
understanding never ceases to amaze me. I've truly been blessed by finding you and
I'll never let you go, Honey I believe that good things come to those who wait, but
my wonder is ... why does it take so long for those good things to arrive, and why
does the wait have to come with all these obstacles of hard and testing times?Dear
feel I love you so much that neither words nor actions could express my feelings
for you. I could spend the rest of my life describing how much I love you and it
still would not come close to the way I really feel. I could die for you and it
still could not possibly show my love and feelings for you in proportion to which I
feel them. Baby Now I know why we are here. I know why we live. It's because once
you find someone you love and care for so dearly,where you would give up anything
and everything for them, you found purpose in your life that makes it worth living.
You are my purpose and I do not know what to do without you. How a few hours could
change a life! I continue to cry, and I will continue for a long time, and when my
eyes cease to produce more tears, my heart will continue to cry for you every day,
forever, because I will think of you every day, every hour, every second within a
minute. I do not think I would prevent that if I wanted to. I
can not stop my heart from crying crimson tears of blood. And it does bleed. It
bleeds because of the pain I feel from losing you. I know that I will never really
lose you because you will always be in my heart, but that does not stop me from
missing you. And feeling desperate with the need to hug and kiss you and be in your
arms. That is where I wish I could stay forever, in your arms. My heart beats for
you now and forever, it beat happily, hopefully, but now it beats longingly.
Longing to have you with me, and that longing cannot be easily or quickly
smothered, and I do not want to smother it. You will always shave a permanent place
in my heart. I will never forget you, How could I? I need you more than anything.
All I have right now are my dreams of you, so I will close now to dream of us, and
wait for that precious tomorrow when I can wake up to my dream come true -- YOU!!
Stay strong, Baby, and I will always love you,Because my love for you won't
change in a year - or - twenty, not even a life time. It is you and me, Baby,
forever. Thank you for loving me; I have never truly lived until the day I received
your love. I just can't wait until I get the chance to live again, I can barely
breathe knowing that I can't hold you,hug you, and kiss you. The fact that you are
not within a distance to me that I can easily reach hurts... Hope to hear from you
soon Sweetheart You Darling

Good Morning - My-love,

How are you doing This Morning? I missed
talking to you sweetie, Things could not be any better than having you in my are my new parents, my love, my world , You are my inspiration and my
shoulder to cry on, i want you to stand by me through always babe, you make me feel
loved. There is no one that completes me the way that you do. You mean everything
to me. There is nothing that I would not do for you and there is no one else I
would want to share my life with except you. You are the reason I get up each
morning and have a wonderful day, you make me look at life with a new perspective.
I have never met anyone as wonderful as you. I really love you . There are so many
things that I am grateful for I can't even count. i will be with you through thick
and thin times and I thank you for giving me that opportunity to get to know you
and for always being there for me. You mean so much to me, it's so unbelievable
that I have someone such as you. i will always be there for you even when you are
down. i want you to know that Things have been so hectic that I could not have
wanted anyone to be there for me but you. You are stability in my life and this is
just a note to let you know that I love you so much more than you can ever imagine
honey. Baby, you are my sun, my moon, my whole universe. I love you for who you are
and what you make of me when I am with you. With the exceptions of my late parents
and you my future husband , there has never been anyone in my life whom I could
have depended on through the tough times in my life, i really wished i met you
earlier babe but later is better than never babe. you make me feel special and you
are also special to me and also important and I know now that I am important to
you. There has never been a love that I could call love in the relationships I've
had. There are so many things that I can thank you for but that
will be impossible for me to do because they are so many .... Baby, I really think
that this time it is for real. No one can replace you and if anything happens to
you, I don't know what I'd do without you, i will definitely die without you babe,
You are the one person that I love dearly. You are my life and everything revolves
around you. You seem to hold my whole life in your hands. You always make the whole
room light up when you enter it, and you just know how to be my star, but you're
not only my star ... you are my prince. Babe, there's nothing in this
world that I would not do for you!.. Hope to talk with you soon I love you! Yours
and only yours forever.

Hello My-Love,
Good Morning and How are you doing? You have been on my
Mind sweetie,I dream about the both of us together,It was so interesting and i
would love to see it happen reality really soon.....I also want to tell you that
the love I have for you is an undying Love. It is a love that is strong and
enduring and will stand the test of time. I truly feel blessed that you have become
a part of my life and I cannot wait for the day that we can join our lives
together. I want to lie next to you at night and fall asleep in your arms, only to
wake to your beautiful smile. I want to share in your joys and sorrows. I want to
be you're everything. You are everything to me.We are separated for the time been,
but I believe and have faith that what we feel for each other will overcome and
outlast the distance. My heart is yours,my soul in your keeping. Please treasure
it.You are everything I do. You see and bring out the best in me. You are the
one I want to share everything with - my thoughts, hopes and dreams. Thinking of
you makes my heart feel full. You are such a source of inspiration for me. I will
forever be indebted to you for all you have brought to my life. So, to repay you, I
promise you my heart and all the love in it for the rest of my life....Love always,

Your Angel Mary

Hello My Husband,
Don't be surprise i called you that but surely i want you to be my
Husband and Me your Wife..Look, I don't know where to start. I love you. I have
loved you since as long as I can remember.I guess the first time I told was when I
realized how much you meant to me. We have known each other for about a Week and I
feel i have know you forever,Once we got together, I couldn't believe how good
things were going.It was perfect in the beginning. I loved you, and you loved me. I
felt like that's the way it should still be.You are like a dream I never thought
would ever come true for me..My eyes shine with glee when I know you are thinking
of me.You are so special to me; I believe that we are meant to be with one another.
I haven't ever talked to anyone so like you before. You make me feel special like
never before. So far, the things that you are doing shows me that you are such a
caring person who would love me forever till the end of time. I
just want to be loved and have someone to love back the way I've always wanted. You
are my best friend, my soul mate, my lover and my Prince Charming. I know you are
just the one I am looking for and have been searching for all my life. These are
the feelings I am having for you as of this moment....I Love you very much sweetie
You are the only one who can make me happy with your love and affection. Since I
have met you, I have noticed that life is worth living. I live mine for you.You
have stolen me from me. Alone I can be lost. So, do not let the distance between us
become larger..A heart truly in love never loses hope but always believes in the
promise of love, no matter how long the time and how far the distance. There are so
many ways I want to tell you that I really love you, my sweetheart. My feelings for
you are true and pure ... like a virgin. I have tried lots of times to confess but
i just can't find the Word that will say exactly the way I
love you. Remember one thing ... I love you and I will always love you. Loving you
is something I love to do.I feel very lucky to have had the chance to experience
the love I have for you.It's something I will forever cherish. Please don't forget
it.I just ask for one thing; Please be happy, and know that I'm happy. I will
always Love you,Think of you and you will be on My Mind..
Yours Mary

Hello My-Love,
You've made me your queen,I cannot wait for the day to be
in your arms forever!.I love you with my whole existence, my whole life and nothing
in the world can take that away! You've created a secret mental palace, a fantasy
that only WE can reach within our dreams. You are my paradise, my safe-haven, the
security and stability that I have longed for. I love you, my sweet prince!
Love always, Mary

Hello My-Love
How are you doing?, I just wanted to do something simple
to say I love you and to put that smile I love you so much back on your face. I
want everyone to know how much you mean to me. Ever since you have entered my life,
I've been flying on Cloud 9 and I have not come down yet.I tell you this everyday,
but you are the most Handsome and Loving person I know, inside and out and I see
that more clearly with each passing day. I love everything about you, about us. You
do something to me that no other has, you have made me so happy, the happiest I've
ever been. You give me the most amazing feelings inside, the feeling of being in
love with you.I still don't know what I did to be so lucky to have you in my life,
my dream come true... I am so thankful though. In this short time that we've-been
together, we have grown so much and I can't wait to see what the future holds for
us. I love you, Sweetie, with all my heart and soul, always
and forever!Love always,Your Angel


Hello My-Love,
I want you to know How Much You Mean to me,Sweetie There
are no words to express how I feel about you. I constantly search for the words,
and they all seem less than I truly feel. You are my life, my heart, and my soul.
You are my best friend. You are my one true love. I still remember the day we first
me online. I knew that you were the one I was meant to be with forever. I thought
of you every day, and dreamed of you each night. I need to show you, that you were
the best. So I made the decision to tell you how I feel. When you said you felt the
same, I felt it was a you will make me your wife. I am on a cloud, living
in a dream, and a few days from now, it will really feel real. I wrote this letter
for you to keep, and when you need a reminder of how I feel.I've said it before and
I'll say it again, words cannot express how you make me feel. I make this promise
to you my dear,to love you the way that you love me. I
now look to the future and forget the past, your life is mine and we will make it
last. I love you more today than I did yesterday, and I'll love you more tomorrow
than I do today. With all my heart I am forever yours...Love Always and
Forever,Your Angel


My dearest love, today I sat and thought, with every breath I
took, of only you. Today, you are so far away and I'm not being able to hold you,
kiss you, or even able to tell you I love you every day,I miss you and can't wait
till I come home so you can be able to wrap your arms around me and hold me so
close to your heart. Days go by and nights get longer. It makes me stronger and
stronger. I just want you to know that I will be here as long as it will take;one
thing I want you to know is I love you and you will forever be in my heart...I love
you so much. You have no idea how much you mean to me. You have always stuck up for
me and been there when no one else was.You are the sweetest guy I know. I never
thought I could love anyone this much or be as close to someone as I am to you. You
are my heart, my soul, my world, and finally, I found my other half. I always
walked around feeling so empty with a hole in my heart that I thought
never would get filled. But guess what? You filled that hole. You were the other
half my heart was looking for all these years.You have changed me so much. You made
me realize that I don't need Anneliese's approval for anything in life and that as
long as you are happy,that's all that matters. You almost taught me to live life to
the fullest. I don't know what I would do if I lost you. I want to be with you
forever. I never want to lose you.I know our love is real because otherwise, we
wouldn't have made it this far. I love you with all my heart and soul, baby,and
nothing will ever change that. Don't you ever forget that either!I really don't
know how to put into words exactly what you mean to me, but I have many times seen
the love you have for me. I don't think that any other man could be as loving as
you.I know now that it doesn't matter to you what situation we are in, you will
still be there.I know now that we can do anything together and I know
that you will be there to save me and to help usfly. I've never experienced the
kind of love that we both share and I never thought that I could find someone who
can put up with my family. I truly believe that God Him self brought you down from
the glorious heavens above to be forever my Husband. There is nothing in this world
that I wouldn't do for you. And,I will love you and only you as long as God will
let me.Love, always and forever.Your Angel


Hello Sweetie.
How are You this Morning and How was Your Last night,Did You
dream about the Both of Us?? I just Want to tell You That no Matter What,I will
Always Love you and Be there For you,Let me start by saying that I thank God every
night since I found you. You came into my life when everything seemed so dark but
you provided the light to find my way. I've never been so certain of anything in my
life like I am of us.I never thought that someone could love me like you do, but
guess what? I love you that much too. I feel as if I'm walking over clouds just
thinking about you. You make my life complete. I know People Might Say we could do
foolish things while in love, but you know what? With you I wouldn't mind being a
fool for the rest of my life. I love you so much and I know you love me too. I know
that others looking into our relationship might think that we're saying too many
foolish things too soon but they just don't know how we feel
about each other. There's nothing foolish about the things I've told you, I meant
every word I said.I love you and for you. I would do anything, I love you both so
much. Today I promise you that I would do anything in my power to make you a great
person,outstanding father and loving husband. I LOVE YOU!!.Love Always


Hello My Dear,
How are You doing??? Sweetie I just want to let you know that
I would never let you down, Everything is ready for you. I need you here my love to
be by my side....I can't wait to be with you I shall never let you go. It will be
as two in love should be,I want to hold you in the soft light of candles. To caress
you gently and kiss your lovely lips,Will will have our time together as one.I want
to be with you for the rest of my life. To say it all, I want you.I need to touch
you and be touched by you. To feel your body softly next to mine. I share in the
pure joy of you,you inspire me in ways that I have never felt,I can't wait to share
evening walks in the summer and nights cuddling in winter,I believe in romance. I
believe in letting you know just how dear and special you are to me. I believe in
loving you for all time my love.I will show you the stars at night, tell you how to
spot them. I will point out to you my favorite but you
won't have to look far to see it because that beautiful star I now wish upon will
be standing by my side,can't wait to have this wonderful times with you......We
shall have it as soon as I arrive and forever after.I only want to be able to look
into your eyes as I say how much I love you my Husband. I have waited so long to
see them. I will be lost in you,It is difficult to find the one that you can truly
love. I know because I have spent so many years looking. I actually had pretty much
given up hope that the Man I could love and would love me in return even existed.
You are truly sent form God to me. I am so glad you saw me on the computer.Please
believe me my-love. I love you more than I feel I can ever show. I feel the same
about you. What have I done to be blessed to have you enter my life? To have you
for my Husband? It almost seems unreal but I will live the dream if you will,I
believe this is not a dream and believe my fate and believe
everything is real,Only a dream has been this wonderful before. But I know my eyes
are open.It will be even better than a dream when you finally come to me,This makes
me full of joy my Darling. I am glad you believe in me. I will never let you down.I
want you and no other even compares,for all time my love. In you I know I have
found the man that makes me whole and complete. Our love will grow eternally,We had
to wait some time to find each other but that is now over. Life will be as neither
of us ever imagined, it will be as God meant it to be.I know you will be tired when
you finally get but I do have a wonderful night planned. Are you ready my Man, I
love you sweetheart. i can never say that enough to you. You have made me the
happiest woman to ever live,All words are inadequate to express my true feelings
also. I have no doubt that when you look into my eyes you will know how i feel
because only my soul is capable of revealing the full depths of my
love for you,I AM SPEECHLESS NOW,You have this effect on me. It is of no
consequence.We do not need words to express our love. A simple touch or a look will
show each other how we feel more than words will ever be able to.After all, how
willI able to tell you the words I feel when my lips will be busy kissing you?I
have this desire for you my Darling, I want to know you in the most intimate of
ways.I want to be caressed by every inch of your being. I want to give you
pleasures you have never known for it will come from a man that truly loves you for
what you are my Darling.We will be with each other every day and share each other
every night,I have missed all this in my life,I hope i shall never miss it again
with you in my Life My-Love,you have my solemn pledge as the man that loves you as
no other can. I will make you feel more special than any other is capable of.Just
put all that hurt from the past behind you now, The future isours sweetie,I am
always here for you now My shoulder will always be there for you to rest your head
upon and yours for me to rest my own head too,I Love You,I am complete in you,thank
you so very much for having me sweetheart..I LOVE YOU SWEETHEART Take Care, Lots of



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