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Outline: Group Discussion

Group 4 - Title: How Cyberbullying Affects People Nowadays


Type Of discussion:
Talk Show

Cyberbully victim

Duration: 25 - 30 minutes

Key terms / ideas that all should understand in the discussion
1. What is cyberbullying
2. Factors
3. Effects
4. Overcoming steps
5. Experiences

● Introducing all guest
● share definition of cyberbullying and ask opinion about cyberbullying to the guest
● Asking question casually to the guess and make some highlight about their answers
● Make inference from all guest answers for better understanding
● Ask certain kinds of questions to guests and to audiences


● Give some opinions about cyberbullying.

● Share about some experiences in handling cyberbullying victims.
● Reveal and expose to the public how cyberbullying can affect the victims.
● Share on how the victim can contact the counsellor for some help. There are some
strategies and methods that will be suggested to the victims to handle the effects after
being bullied.


● Give an explanation and some opinions about cyberbullying to the audience.

● Share the experience of how cyberbullying started in the community and my life.
● Give some view how cyberbullying affects my daily life.
● Provide advice on how to avoid cyberbullying.


● Express concern regarding cyberbullying. Cyberbullying has been a very critical issue
nowadays especially when the use of social media has increased. As an influencer,
this issue is more concerning since a job as an influencer revolves around social
media where we are exposed to more cyberbullying cases than the others.
● Share stories from experience as an influencer. (Malicious comments from anti fans,
threat messages; murder, kidnap, stalking, etc, hate spreading within groups.)
● How to handle stress from being bullied. (talk to someone, find a new hobby, self
● Types of cyberbullying (False report; reporting someone else as cyberbully, trolling,
identity theft)

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