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Bisa sa MCQ FORMAT SUBJECTIVE FORMAT D xz Bisa a MCQ FORMAT SUBJECTIVE FORMAT Dr. J. RANDHAWA D % < Faye Ravinder Singh & Sons All Rights Reserved This Guide Book has been published and printed for the benefit of students for improvement in their grade, studies and research work. However this book as been written very carefully but if any error or omission, mistake has remained then your suggestion is welcome. We will try to improve in the new edition. No damage or compensation shall be paid by the publisher in any consumer forum or any court. Subject to Jalandhar Jurisdiction. L J Administrative Office Regd. Office 410, Model Town Market, Jalandhar City - 144003 (Pb.) (Off) 0181-2461681 (Mob.) 92160-20075 ISBN: 978-93-88396-06-6 Price: %160/- (One Hundred Sixty Only) Published by Ravinder Singh & Sons Production Team Publishing Manager : Sunil Kumar Inner Designer Rajni Project Head Lakhvir Page Layouting : Gunveen Kaur Cover Designer Malika Proof Readers: Chetan Sandhu For Further information about the book from Arundeep’s Log on to or Email to arundhi99@hotm. Semester-| (Opvective Type Questions) Comprehension Passages (1 to 15) 154 Grammar (Practice Papers 1 to 15) ICSE Semester I Examination Specimen Question Paper 119 — 126 ES aa ls ae ae} ‘Composition, Letters, Notice and E-mail 127— 235 (Test Papers 1 to 15) per the Reduced Syllabus for ICS! SEMESTER 1 Qarks: 40) LANG! PORTION TO BE COVERED PIG OM Sea LUCY - Class X Year 2022 Examination) LXer o SEMESTER 2 PORTION TO BE COVERED Comprehension Composition Grammar 2 Latter 2 Notice 4 Email SEMESTER - I OBJECTIVE Questions & ANSWERS (COMPREHENSION PASSAGES) Comprehension Passage Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. Juggins, never took a degree; so he made no practical use of his education. But it didn’t matter He was very well offand was able to go straight into business with a capital of about a hundred thousand dollars. He put itat first into a gas plant, but found that he lost money at that because of the high price of the coal needed to make gas. So he sold it out for ninety thousand dollars tnd went into coal mining, This was unsuccessful because of the awful cost of mining machinery. So Juggins sold his share in the mine for eighty thousand dollars and went in for manufacturing mining machinery, Juggin’s domestic life was very quite. Of course he never married, He did fell in love several times, but each time it ended without result. I remember well his first love story for T was very intimate with him at that time, He had fallen in love with the gil at first sight. As soon as he had met her, he wanted to ask her to be his wife, But then he said, “I want first to fit myself to be worthy of her.” So Juggins stayed away. It was nearly two years before he was fit to propose. By the time he was fit, the girl had already got married. Perhaps it was just as well that Juggins never married. It would have made things very difficult because, of course, he got poorer all the time, After he sold out his last share in his last business he bought with it a diminishing life annuity, so planned that he always got rather less next year than this year, and still less the year after. Thus, if he lived long enough, he would starve to death. ‘Meaning he has become a quaint-looking elderly man. And his talk now has grown to be always reminiscent. He is perpetually telling long stories of amusing times that he has had with different people that he names. I notice that his reminiscences are going further and further back. He used to base his stories on his recollections as a young man, ‘The other day he told me a story about himself and two people that he called the Harper brothers ~ Ned and Joe. Ned, he said was a tremendously powerful fellow. I asked how old ‘Ned was and Juggins said that he was three. He added that there was another brother not so old, buta very clever fellow about-here Juggins paused and calculated ~ about eighteen months. carrying him to, He has passed back So then I realised where Juggins retroactive existence through childhood into infaney, and presently, just as his annuity runs to a point and vanishes, he will back up clear through the Curtain of Existence and die, ~or be born, I don’t know which to call it. Meantime he remains to me as one of the most illuminating allegories I have met. (A) For each word given below choose the correct meaning (as used in the passage) from the options provided: (i) reminiscences (a) suggestions (>) memories (©) recall Ans, (b)_ memories iramDeeps ICSE English Paper F 1 Tmt (ii) retroactive (a) forgotten past () active assumptions (c) _ thinking about the past Ans. (c)_ thinking about the past (iii) illuminating (a) inspiring (b) intelligent (© rememberable Ans. (a) inspiring (B) Why did Juggins change his business concerns so rapidly? (a) Because he was not having any educational degree (b) Because of the failure in the previous businesses. (©) Because Juggins had one hundred thousand dollary to invest in new ventures. Ans. (b) Because of the failure in the previous businesses. (©) Explain why Juggins did not get married. (a) Because Juggins was getting poorer day by day (b) Because Juggin fell in love many times and ended everytime bad note. (©) Because of Juggin’s laid-back attitude of making himself worthy of girl Ans. (c) Because of Juggin’s laid-back attitude of making himself worthy of git (D) Juggins never married. What could have happened if he were married? (a) People willingly become environmental refugees when (a) If Juggins had married, he would not be leading, a peaceful domesti was leading. He would find it difficult to maintain himself and his wife. (b) If Juggins had married, he would not have lost his money in different businesses. (©) I Juggins had married, he would have lived Iong enough with his wife. Ans. (a) If Juggins iad married, he would not be leading, a peaceful domestic life which he was leading. He would find it difficult to maintain himself and his wife. (©) Bring out the humour in the story of Harper Brothers. (a) According to Juggins, Harper brothers Ned and Joe were powerful and leaver fellows and when the narrator asked their age then Juggins replied with 3 years and 18 months. (b) Juggins stories were based on his recollections as a young man, (©) Juggins paused while talking about his friend Ned to calculate his age who was eighteen months old. Ans. (a) According to Juggins, Harper brothers Ned and Joe were powerful and leaver fellows and when the narrator asked their age then Juggins replied with 3 years and 18 months. (F) In what way was the life of Juggins the most illuminating example for the narrator? (a) Because narrator admired the way Juggin’s retroactive existence was carrying him to the infancy past of his adolscent age. () Juggin’s positive attitude towards his failure in past was the reason for narrator to take Juggin’s life as an inspirational story. iramDeeps ICSE English Paper F 2 Term (©) Because he had seen Juggins’ life from a young man to old age. Finally, he saw how in his old age, Juggins was always reminiscing of his past and how his mind and memory were regressing to childhood and infancy. Ans. (c) Because narrator had seen Juggins’ life from a young man to old age. He had seen that how in his old age, Juggins was always reminiscing of his past and how his mind and ‘memory were regressing to childhood and infancy. (G) State how the fortunes of Juggins went on declining day by day. 18] (a) Juggins was not having any educational degree because of which he was not having the knowledge to run a business. This lead him to face loss in every venture he started therefore his fortunes declined eve (b) Juggins was a knowledgeable man, But he always tended to attempt tasks backwards. He changed his business ventures from a gas plant to coal mining to manufacturing mining machinery. In the course of doing so, he lost money with every new venture and so his fortunes declined day by day. (©) Juggins was not in a habit of calculating the expendicutre cost before investing into the business this lack of planning before investing lead him to face losses and hence his fortunes declined day by day. year, Ans. (b) _Juggins was a knowledgeable man, But he always tended to attempt tasks backwards. He (H) Why the changed his business ventures from a gas plant to coal mining to manufacturing mining machinery. In the course of doing so, he lost money with every new venture and so his fortunes declined day by day. irl to whom Juggins loved had got married to someone else ? (a) Because he was taking two long to make himself worth her. (b) Because Juggins fortunes was declining day by day. (©) Because Juggins was quaint-looking elderly man. Ans. (a) Because he was taking two long to make himself worth her. iramDeeps ICSE English Paper F 3 Tmt Comprehension Passage Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: Vasili was a dishonest country merchant, He had a servant, named Nikita, who was valued everywhere for his dexterity and pleasant temper. But Nikita never settled down anywhere for long because he was # drunkard. But Vasiti took him for his honesty. He never paid Nikita the promised sum of eighty roubles a year, but only about forty, which he gave him in small sums, mostly in goods from his own shop and at higher prices. ‘Vasili wanted to acquire a grove of oak trees in the nearby village of Gorachkin. From this deal, he hoped to realise a tidy profit. It was winter and the ground was covered with snow. Vasili ordered his horse and sledge made ready for the trip. His motto in business was, “Lose an hour and you can’t catch it up in a year.” His wife was apprehensive about his leaving, especially alone, and got him to take Nikita with him. The two men set off together. The going was fairly easy at first, despite the snow covered roads. However, soon the wind became much stronger than either had anticipated, and the blowing snow diminished visibility. After they had been riding for about ten minutes, it became obvious that the sledge had strayed off the road. After a prolonged search, the horse managed to stumble back on a road, that led to another village. However, no sooner was the sledge headed towards gorachkin than they got lost again. It was getting dark, and the wind was blowing in their faces. They let the horse try to find the way. Some time passed, but the animal did manage to come onto a roadway again. This led them to Grishkino, the same village that they had recently left, They had been travelling in circles. ‘Vasili decided to try to escape on the horse, leaving Nikita to his fate. He reasoned that for his servant, “It all the same to him whether he lives or dies. What's his life worth?” Vasili rode through the snow in the direction of what he believed was a worth?” Vasili rode through the snow in the direction of what he believed was village. He continued to ride but soon discovered that he was again travelling in circles. The horse finally led him back to Nikita The half-frozen servant had crawied into the sledge to keep himself warm. Nikita told him that he felt that he was dying, Vasili stood silent and motionless for half a minute. His terror had now quite left him. Then suddenly he began to brush the snow off Nikita and push it out of the sledge. He then opened his fur coat and lay down on top of Nikita, covering Nikita’s body with the warmth of his own, ‘And he remembered his money, his shop, his house and the buying and selling. It was hard for him to understand why he had troubled himself with all those things with which he had been troubled. “Well, it was because he did not know what the real thing was,” he thought. His whole being was filled with joyful emotion, He felt himself free and that nothing could hold him back any longer. AranDeeps ICSE Englsh-Poper F 4 Tmt He laid down that way, protecting Nikita for the rest of the night. When Nikita awoke before daybreak, he found his dead master lying on top of him, Both the master and the horse were frozen stiff, but Nikita survived. (A) For each word given below choose the correct meaning (as used in the passage) from the options provided: () anticipated (a) worried sad (©) _ to expect/predieted Ans, (c) to expectipredicted (ii) diminished (a) faded (b) virtualised (©) cleared Ans. (a) faded (iii) crawled (a) dragged () run (©) move slow! Ans. (a) dragged (B) Why was Vasili planning to go to Gorachkin? (a) Because Vasili wanted to acquire a grove of oak trees as he has hoped to earn profit from this. (b) Vasili planned to go to Gorachkin to acquire a grove of oak trees. There his wite was apprehensive about his leaving alone, so Vasili took his servant with him. (©) Because Vaisili wanted to see the ground of Gorackkin which was astonishingly covered with snow. ‘Ans, (b) Vasili planned to go to Gorachkin to acquire a grove of oak trees. There his wife was apprehensive about his leaving alone, so Vasili took his servant with him (C) What made him take his servant with him to the Gorachkin? (a) Because Vaisili wanted help in acquiring the grove of oak trees. (b) Because Vaisili’s wife was apprehensive about his leaving alone. (c) Because Vaisili’s servant was honest with his work. ‘Ans, (b) Because Vaisili’s wifle was apprehensive about his leaving alone. (D) Give two examples to show that the weather was bad during the journey. (a) (i Road was covered with extreme snow (i) Wind beeame much stronger () @ Snow diminished the visibility (i Wind was blowing in their faces. (©) @ The wind became much stronger than either had anticipated Gi The blowing snow diminished visibility. ‘Ans. (c) (i) The wind became much stronger than either had anticipated (ii) The blowing snow diminished visibility. iramDeeps ICSE English Paper F 5 Term (E) Give an example to show that Vasili and his servant had been moving in circles. (a) House led ige they had recently left and his Servant to Grishkino, the same () Vasili and his servant were reaching again and again at the oak trees area, (©) Vasili and his servant were reaching at the same road again and agin which was covered with snow. Ans. (a) House led Vasili and his Servant to Grishkino, the same village they had recently left, (F) What did Vasili realise about his wealth and worldly possessions at the end? (a) Vaisili remembered is money, his shop, his house and the buying and selling throughout the end. (b) Vaisili realised that wealth and possessions only trouble a man. The only true happiness is found by living for others (©) He realised that having enough money makes a man free from all the troubles and can have joyful emotions. ‘Ans, (c) Vasil realised that wealth and possessions only trouble a man. The only true happiness is found by living for others. (G) What emotions did Vasili have before his death? (a) Vasili was filled with joyful emotions. He felt himself free and that nothing could hold him back any longer. (b) He remembered his wealth before his death. (©) He did not want to trouble himself with any complications. ‘Ans, (a) Vasili was filled with joyful emotions. He felt himself free and that nothing could hold him back any longer. (H) State the difference in Vasili’s attitude towards his servant in the beginning and at the end of the passage, Which of the following combination of sentences best summarises the answer, (a) In the beginning, Vasili was dishonest, cunning, cruel and money-minded person, He underwent complete transformation by the end. In the end, he became an honest, generous, helpful and sensible man. (b) _ Vasili was sharpminded and intelligent person in the beginning. Later on he because self centrered and mean as he left his servant along in the village. (©) Vasili remained same throughout the journe Ans. (a) In the beginning, Vasili was dishonest, cunning, cruel and money-minded person. He underwent complete transformation by the end. In the end, he became an honest, generous, helpful and sensible man. iramDeeps ICSE English Paper F 6 Term Comprehension Passage Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: A village was wrapped in the darkness of night. Two lawyers, called Kozy and Laev, come out of the wood and turn towards the cottages. “Well, thank God, we have arrived,” says Kozy. “Tramping four miles from the station in our condition is a feat. 1am fearfully done up “1 feel like dying if I'm not in bed in five minutes,” replies Laev. ‘The friends go up to one of the cottages, and stand still under the nearest window. Kozy says, “There's no light in the windows. Verotchka must have gone to bed, then; she must have got tired of sitting up.” (He pushes the window with his stick, and it opens.) ““Verotchka get up, darling! We've trudged all the way from the station! Don’t you hear?” (He makes an effort to climb up to the window and falls down.) Kozy climbs in at the window and vanishes into the darkness within, There is a rustling sound, a flapping of wings, and the desperate cackling of a fowl. “Verotchka, where on earth did these chickens come from? There’s a basket with a turkey in it... It pecks, the nasty creature.” Two hens fly out of the window, and cackling at the top of their voices, flutter down the village street “Laev, we've made a mistake!” says Kory. “There are a lot of hens here... I must have mistaken the house.” “I was a crazy idiot to get into this place. The cottages are exactly alike; the devil himself couldn’t tell them apart in the dark, “says Kozy. “Make haste and get out or they'll think we are stealing the chickens.” “can’t understand a man’s not knowing his own cottage,” says Laev indignantly, Then Kozy hear someone climb over his head into the window, then a knocking and a shouting. A woman in a red apron stands beside him with a lantern in her hand and asks him something, “You've no right to say so.” he hears Kozy’s voice. “Iam a lawyer, a bachelor of law and here’s my visiting card, “What do I want with your card?” says someone. “You have distu smashed the eggs! What's the use of your giving me your card, sir?” ed all my fowls, you've “My name is Kozy! I have a cottage here. Everyone knows me. Call the elder. He knows me, “says Kozy, The woman says, “Don’t get excited, the constable will be here direct “P've had this cottage in Rottendale for five years.” Kozy replies. “Do you take this for the Rottendale? This is Sicklystead, but Rottendale is farther to the right, beyond the match factory,” says the woman. iramDeeps ICSE English Paper F 7 Term (A) For each word given below choose the correct meaning (as used in the passage) from the options provided: (@, Tramping (a) to walk rigorously (b)__to walk slowly (©) to run for long distance Ans. (a) to walk rigorously (ii) cackling (a) harsh voice in the form of laugh or ery. (b) producing a raucous clucking sound (©) ow piteh sound (b) producing a raucous chucking sound flutter (a) to move with quick wavering (b) to move slowly (©) does not move at all Ans. (b) © move with quick wav (B) How can you conclude that both the lawyers were tired and exhausted! (a) Both the lawyers felt like dying and wanted to take rest as soon as possible. (b) Both of them thanked God for arriving at the cottages. (©) The lawyers had travelled in train and walked rigorously about four miles from the station, which made them highly exhausted and they wanted to have a rest. Ans. (c) The lawyers had travelled in train and walked rigorously about four miles from the which made them highly exhausted and they wanted to have a rest. (C) What efforts did Kozy make to enter the cottage? (a) Kozy pushed the window with his stick, and it opened. Further he made an effort to climb up to the window and vanished into the darkness within. (b) He called verotehka from the window to get up. (©) He broke the window with his stick further he jumped inside the cottage in one go. ‘Ans, (a) Kozy pushed the window with his stick, and it opened. Further he made an effort to climb up to the window and vanished into the darkness within tion, (D) State what happened when Kozy entered the cottage. (a) When Kozy jumped inside the cottage from a window, he got stuck in a basket with a turkey in i () He had fallen down inside the cottage from the window. Further he went on to find Virotchka. (©) A rustling sound was produced with a flapping of wings, and the desperate cackling sound of a fowl. Then two hens flew out of the window, and cackled at the top of their voices, further hens fluttered down the village street. ‘Ans, (a) A rustling sound wes produced with a flapping of wings, and the desperate cackling sound of a fowl. Then two hens flew out of the window, and cackled at the top of their voic further hens fluttered down the village street. iramDeeps ICSE English Paper F 8 Term (E) Why did they decide to leave the cottage? (a) When they encountered a women in red apron, they realised that they entered the wrong cottage, so at that moment they decided to leave the cottage. (b) The moment they realised that they entered the wrong cottage and they would be called thieves who came to steal hens. So, they immediately decided to leave the cottage. (©) They were seared of the darkness insi Ieave immediately. ‘Ans, (b) ‘The moment they realised that they entered the wrong cottage and they would be called thieves who came to steal hens. So, they immediately decided to leave the cottage. (E) What were the consequences of Kozy’s attempt of entering the wrong cottage? (a) Kozy’s entry disturbed all the fowls and have smashed the eggs. The woman warned them to call constable for causing all the choas. Je the cottage, therefore they wanted to (b) He scared the women who was already residing in the cottage and thought them as thieves. (©) Kozy broke the window because of which women warned them to call constable for that. Ans, (a) Kozy’s entry disturbed all the fowls and have smashed the eges. The woman warned them to call constable for causing all the choas. (G) What was the reaction of the woman when Koziy showed his visiting eard to her ? (a) _ She ignored his eard and was more worried about her fowls. (b) She recognised (©) She wanted Kozy to go straight towards his own cottage in Rottendale. Ans, (a) She ignored his card and was more worried about her fowls (H) State the humorous situations in the passage which make it an enjoyable reading. (a) Firstly, Kozy climbing the wall and falling down is funny in its own way. Secondly, the way in which hens flew and eggs were smashed in the cottage brings laughter. Thirdly, conversation between Kozy and the woman justifying his identity is full of humour. (b) Firstly, the way in which hens flew and eggs were smashed in the cottage brings laughter Secondly, Kozy climbing the wall and falling down is funny in its own way. ‘Thirdly, conversation between Kozy and the woman justifying his identity is full of humour. (©) Firstly, conversation between Kozy and the woman justifying his identity is full of humour. Secondly, the way in which hens flew and eggs were smashed in the cottage brings laughter. Thirdly, Kozy climbing the wall and falling down is funny in its own way. Ansa) Firstly, Kozy climbing the wall and falling down is funny in its own way. Secondly, the way in which hens flew and eggs were smashed in the cottage brings laughter. Thirdly, tion between Kozy and the woman justifying his identity is full of humour, iramDeeps ICSE English Paper F 9 Term Comprehension Passage Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: Captain Parrol Hartroy stood at the advanced post of his picket-guard, talking in low tones with the sentinel. A man approached them from the direction of the camp, carelessly whistling, and ‘was promptly halted by the soldier. He was evidently a civilian, While the sentinel had been examining the civilian’s pass the captain had eyed the latter narrowly “Surrender”, said the captain as calmly as a slight breathlessness from exertion would permit, “or you die.” “The pass is forgery,” the offi Brune. cr said, interrupting, “Iam Captain Hartroy-and you are Dramer “Yes, am Dramer Brune, a spy, and your prisoner. T have on my person, as you will soon discover, a plan of your fort and its armament, a statement of the distribution of your men and their number, a map of the approaches, showing the positions of all your outposts.” The next day carly in the morning the two men, captor and captive, s “Mr. Brune,” said Captain Hartroy, “you probably do not understand why I recognised you in your disguise, nor how I was aware of your name, He continued “My knowledge of you goes back to the autumn of 1861, At that time you were a soldier in an Ohio regiment~ a brave and trusted soldier. To the surprise and grief of your officers and comrades you deserted and went over to the enemy. Soon afterward you were captured in a skirmish, recognised, tried by court-martial and sentenced to be shot”, “One dark and stormy night I had just returned from a long, fatiguing march and was put on guard over you. You sat in @ corner and my orders were to kill you if you attempted (0 rise. As the long silent hours wore away [had yielded to the demands of nature by falling asleep. I myself would have incurred the death penalty by sleeping at the post of duty.” The captain patiently said, “Mr. Brune, whatever your conscience may permit you to be, you saved my life, You pitied my fatigue. You let me sieep, watched over me, and as the time drew near for the relief-guard to come and detect me in my crime, you genily woke me up.” in the tent of the former. “Tought to have confessed my fault in order to relate the story of your magnanimity; it might have procured you a pardon. A hundred times I resolved to do so, but shame prevented me from doing that, Well, Heaven forgive me!” Captain Hartroy tured to the army officer and said: “This gentleman is a deserter and a spy; he is to be shot dead in the presence of the troops.” Halfan hour latera starting sound of a volley of musketry was heard. A little later, a single pistol shot was heard nearby. It was the shot with which Captain Hartroy renounced his life whici in conscience he could no longer keep. In compliance with the note that he left for the officer who succeeded him, he was buried, like the deserter and spy, without military honour; and in the solemn shadow of the mountain the two slept well in long-forgotten graves. arunbeeps ICSE Enalish-Paper 1 10 Term (A) For each word given below choose the correct meaning (as used in the passage) from the options provided: (sentinel (a) a police officer () a cust (6) a soldier or guard whose job is to stand and keep watch Ans. (©) a soldier or guard whose job is to stand and keep watch (ii) deserted (a) going out of the ay in order to support enemy or culprit n or a keeper (©) leave (a person, place, ete.) without intending to return, especially in violation of a duty, promise, job without any rules and regulations to leave (a person, place, ete.) without intending to return, especially in violation of a duty, promise, ‘mish an episode of irregular or unpremeditated fighting, especially between small or outlying parts of armies or fleets (b) unnecessary conflicts among police officers. (©) an episode of illegal activities Ans, (a) an episode of imegular or unpremeditated fighting, especially between small or outlying, parts of armies or fleets (B) Who was the man who evidently looked like a civilian? Why did the Captain ask surrender? (a) ‘The name of the Civilian was Dramer Brune. He was carelessly whistling and was haulted by the soldier, so the captain asked him to surrender. (b) The name of the civilian was Dramer Brune. He has stolen aci recognised him as a spy therefore he asked him to surrender. (©) The civilian was aetually Dramer Brune, a spy. The captain asked him to surrender because he had recognised him as a spy. And was sure that the civilian pass he was carrying was a forgery. Ans. (c) The civilian was actually Dramer Brune, spy. The captain asked him to surrender because he had recognised him as a spy. And was sure that the eivilian pass he was carrying was a forgery. (©) How did Captain Hartroy know Dramer Brune ? (a) Because Captain Hartroy and Dramer Brune were working together in the same regiment in late 1860"s () Captain Hartroy knew Dramer Brune because years back he was ordered to guard over Dramer Brune; who had deserted to the enemy and had been captured in a skirmish, tried by court-martial and was sentenced to be shot. to jan pass and captain (©) Captain Hartroy was very much impressed from the soldier Dramer Brune as he was brave and trusted, iramDeeps ICSE English Paper F 1 Term Ans.(b) Captain Hartroy knew Dramer Brune because years back he was ordered to guard over Dramer Brune; who had deserted to the enemy and had been captured in a skirmish, tried by court-martial and was sentenced to be shot, (D) How did Captain Hartroy incur the death penal (a) Captain Hartroy incurred the death penalty on himself by falling asleep at the post of du (©) Captain (©) Captain Hartroy was tired as he just came from the long march. So, he was not able to do his upioming task leading him to incur the death penal Ans, (a) Captain Hartroy incurred the death penalty on himself by falling asleep at the post of duty. (E) How did Dramer Brune save Captain Hartroy’s life? (a) Dramer Brune helped Captain Hartroy to remain awake all the time. () Dramer Brune helped Captain Hartroy while he had fallen asleep as he did not let the officers to see him while sleeping. (©) Dramer Brune saved Captain Hartroy’s life when the latter had fallen asleep by not letting him sleep, watching over him but also waking him up before the relief guard could sce him sleeping on duty. toy has confessed his fault in order Ans, (c) Dramer Brune saved Captain Hartroy’s life when the latter had fallen asleep by not letting him sleep, watching over him but also waking him up before the relief guard could see himsleeping on duty. (F) How could have Captain Hartroy procured a pardon for Dramer Brune? Why could not he do so? (a) Captain Hartroy could have procured a pardon for Dramer Brune by confessing his fault of having slept on duty and telling how Dramer Brune kept a watch on him and saved him from being detected while sleeping. Captain Hartroy could not do so for the fear of being shamed because of the irresponsible act of neglecting his duty. () Captain Hartory’s job was to kill the Dramer Brune ; however Dramer Brune had protected him as he had fallen asleep at the time of duty. He could have confessed his neglegenee but he couldn't as he was seored from his officers. (©) Captain could have procured a pardon or Dramer Brune by talking to his officials as he was brave and trust worthy soldier. Ans. (a) Captain Hartroy could have procured a pardon for Dramer Brune by confessing his fault of having slept on duty and telling how Dramer Brune kept a watch on him and saved him from being detected while sleeping, Captain Hartroy could not do so for the fear of being shamed because of the irresponsible act of neglecting his duty, (G) State why Captain Hartroy was guilty in his conscience. Why could he not free himself from the guilt? Which of the best combination of sentences best summarises the answer. (a) Captain Hartroy had a guilt of not doing his duty properly, the burden of showing neglegence during the duty was not allowing him to live peacefully,! so at the end he took his life and unburdened himself. iramDeeps ICSE English Paper F 12 Term (b) Brune, a spy saved Captain Hartroy’s life by neither escaping nor reporting on him, while the latter slept on duty. But the burden of not being able to reciprocate Brune’s by allowing him to be executed weighed too much on his conscience. He took his life and unburdened himself. () As Captain Hartroy had slept during the duty, so he was not in good terms with his seniors. The conflicts were not letting him live peacefully. He was not able to free himself from the guilt because he knew that he was wrong and was ashamed of the act of irresponsibility during his duty. Ans. (b) Brune, a spy saved Captain Hartroy’s life by neither escaping nor reporting on him, while the latter slept on duty. But the burden of not being able to reciprocate Brune’s magnanimity by allowing him to be executed weighed too much on his conscience. He took his life and unburdened himself, (H) Describe the character of Dramer Brune during the year 1861. (a) Dramer Brune was brave and trusted soldier. (©) Dramer Brune was arrogant and was Captured in various violent activities and that is why he was sentenced to be shot by his senior officials. (©) Dramer Brune was not in good terms with his senior officials as he protected Captain Hartroy while he was sleeping during his job. Ans. (a) Dramer Brune was brave and trusted soldier. iramDeeps ICSE English Paper F 3 Term Arundeep’s MCQs Series is Now Available at Amazon & Click on the Icons to Buy Printed Books ae ililey, D Aya qateley, “poyow® E-Books are also Available. Click on the Icons to Buy E-Book amazonkindle —7 Bairn E-Learning is Offering Subscription of All MCQs Books in Just Rs. 999/- per academic year Following Subjects are Available are) CI MCQs Question Bank’ MCQs Chaprerwie Question Bank less 10 ‘Applications Para 0 G5 10, Renton eases: CTR OCT Tt SSI] BSC sta et %40/-

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