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C1725 (Pages : 3) Name. Reg. No. SIXTH SEMESTER B.Com. DEGREE EXAMINATION, MARCH/APRIL 2016 (uG—ccss) Core Course BC 6B 15—COMPUTERISED ACCOUNTING WITH TALLY Time : Three Hours Maximum : 30 Weightage Part A This part contains three bunches of questions carrying equal weightage. Each bunch has four questions. ‘Answer all twelve questions. = (A) Fill in the blanks : 1 The key F4 in Tally denotes 2 Purchase of an asset on credit is generally recorded in 3 Pure accounting vouchers are similar to ————. 4 Tally is ————— currency enabled. (B) Multiple choice questions : 5 The Gateway of Tally is divided in to: (a) Three sections. (b) Four sections Na! (c) Twosections. (@)_ Five sections. 6 Predefined voucher formats offered by Tally is : v (a) 23. () 13. © 28. @ 16. 7 Capital account is a: (a) Personal account. (b) Real account. (©) Nominal account. (d)_None of these. 8 The inventory voucher used to record goods delivered to a customer is (a) Delivery note voucher. (b) . Receipt note voucher. (c) Rejections note voucher. (d) Sales voucher. Turn over C17 (C) Answer in one word : 9 Real accounts are the accounts of : 10 The figures used to compare with actual figures and to display variances is : 11. Depreciation is recorded through : 12 In manual accounting, insurance unexpired account is a : (12 x % = 3 weightage Part B Answer all nine questions in one or two sentences each. Each question carries a Weightage of 1. What is meant by Predefined groups ? 14 Define Ledger. 13 15 What do you mean by Tally vault password ? 16 What is Debit note ? 17 What is an unconventional voucher ? 18 How will you record purchase and sale of fixed assets in Tally ? 19 Explain about Double entry system. 20 What is Tally audit ? 21 How do we quit from Tally ? (9x 1=9 weightage) _<¢ Part C Answer any five questions. | Each question carries a Weightage of 2- 22 Explain the features of Computerised accounting. 23 ‘What is a stock group ? State the procedure of creating stock summary. 24 State the different types of reports available in Tally. 25 What is Profit and Loss account ? How can you produce Income and Expenditure account using Tally ? 3 C1725 26 Explain the procedure of VAT computation report. 27 What is a Voucher ? How will you alter and delete vouchers in Tally ? 28 Explain the components of Tally screen. (6 x 2 = 10 weightage) Part D Answer any two questions. Each question carries a weightage of 4. 29 Explain the different branches of accounting. 30 Describe the merits and demerits of Tally. 31 What is a Budget ? How will you create, alter and delete budgets in Tally ? (2x 4= 8 weightage

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