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14/05/2024, 00:15 TutFlix.

ORG - Drive Share

When you authenticate first time, auth URL will remain your browser URL box, so after auth successfully remove the browser tab, then again get into the
Instructions ×
download url to get data; Bad Data Error? It's wrong url check again or manually input key then load. if you get redirect_uri error clear cache of your browser
then try login again, If you face any other issue, open a thread on Forum

Simple Ads, IfConsider

you get "Rate Limit Exceeded"
whitelist errorto
and support wait a minuteserver
maintain and try expenses,
again. Thank you
This error could means the file has hit quota limits, in that case try
copying after 24 hours.

1. Log in.
Click on the Select account button. If you logged in before you can select
your account from the list. If youSelect
to add a new account click on the Sign
in with Google button, follow the steps on screen, and then press

After logging in you will see your name, email and free space on your drive
listed in the first box. Click on the Switch button to switch to another

2. Select destination folder and manage your files.

The second box lets you manage files on your drive. Click on the Select
button to choose the destination folder for copied files. Click on the Reload
button to load list of your files in this folder again.

Only files copied using this tool are displayed there!

Select some files and press Share to copy their public links - this is useful if
you're using JDownloader for downloading files. Click on the Delete or
Trash buttons to remove files completely or move them to the trash.

3. Copy files
Paste encrypted folder ID or a normal folder link to the input field in the
third box and press Load.

Please check this website URL, if this ends with that means
you're in good hands. TUTFLIX doesn't looks into your data and this
site is completely secure to use.

Click on the .MD5 button to download MD5 hashsums for all listed files.
Select some files and press Copy to copy them to your drive.

Tip: if your destination folder is already made public all files copied to
it are public too, that saves you some time.

Important: This website is client side, i.e. we do not have access to

your data and we cannot see what you do on this site, everything
stays in your browser, you will need to clear data of this website to log
out all accounts.

Made by Anadius, Powered by TutFlix Forum ❤️

Version: 5.0 1/1

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