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SKIP (Chat Gpt needs the initial concentration of malonic acid)

2. A. 4.7g
Given data :

Volume of water ( V ) = 250 mL = 0.25 L

pH of solution = 4.85

Kb = 1.8 * 10⁻⁵

Kw = 10⁻¹⁴

Given that the dissolution of NH₄Cl gives NH₄⁺⁺ and Cl⁻ ions the equation is written as :

NH₄CI + H₂O ⇄ NH₃ + H₃O⁺

where conc of H₃O⁺

[ H₃O⁺ ] = and Ka = Kw / Kb

∴ Ka = 5.56 * 10⁻¹⁰

Next step : Determine the concentration of H₃O⁺ in the solution

pH = - log [ H₃O⁺ ] = 4.85

∴ [ H₃O⁺ ] in the solution = 1.14125 * 10⁻⁵

Next step : Determine the concentration of NH₄CI in the solution

C = [ H₃O⁺ ]² / Ka

= ( 1.14125 * 10⁻⁵ )² / 5.56 * 10⁻¹⁰

= 0.359 mol / L

Determine the number of moles of NH₄CI in the solution


= 0.359 mol / L * 0.25 L = 0.08979 mole

Final step : determine the mass of ammonium chloride that must be added to 250 mL

mass = n * molar mass

= 0.08979 * 53.5 g/mol

= 4.80 g ≈ 4.7 grams

Therefore we can conclude that the mass of ammonium chloride that must be added is 4.7 g

3. Letter E, KCl
To determine the solution with the lowest pH, we need to consider the nature of
the ions in each solution and their effect on the pH.
-KF (Potassium Fluoride): KF will dissociate into K⁺ and F⁻ ions. F⁻ ions are the
conjugate base of HF, a weak acid. The presence of F⁻ ions can result in a
slightly basic solution, but it won't be highly effective at accepting protons.
-K₂O (Potassium Oxide): K₂O will dissociate into K⁺ and O²⁻ ions. O²⁻ ions are
the conjugate base of water. The solution will be basic due to the presence of the
oxide ion.
-K₃N (Potassium Nitride): K₃N will dissociate into K⁺ and N³⁻ ions. N³⁻ ions are
the conjugate base of NH₃ (ammonia), a weak base. The presence of N³⁻ ions
can result in a basic solution, but it won't be highly effective at accepting protons.
-KOH (Potassium Hydroxide): KOH will dissociate into K⁺ and OH⁻ ions. OH⁻
ions are strong bases, leading to a highly basic solution.
-KCl (Potassium Chloride): KCl will dissociate into K⁺ and Cl⁻ ions. Cl⁻ ions are
the conjugate base of HCl, a strong acid. The solution will be neutral since Cl ⁻
ions won't significantly affect the pH.
Therefore, the solution with the lowest pH among the given options is KCl
(Potassium Chloride), as it will result in a neutral solution.
4. N/A

5. Same as No. 3 in the 2017 quiz, Letter C: Volumetric Pipette and

Volumetric flask.
6. Same as No. 6 in the 2017 quiz, Letter D: 58.1g/mol. Use
7. Letter B, sp2
8. Letter D, 1.0 m of sodium laurate
9. Letter B, IBr with a bond enthalpy of 175kJ/mol

10. N/A
12. Above 60 C

13. A, Occurs by substitution rather than addition.

14. A, 140 kJ/mol

15. Same as No.52 in the 2017 quiz, Letter B, 3 Peaks

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