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INSTRUCTIONS: Read the article about J.K.

Rowling and answer the questions below


J.K. Rowling – The woman who wrote the “Harry Potter” stories
What is the secret of her success?

STEP I: Do something that you enjoy

Rowling says she wrote “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” because she wanted a challenge.
She wanted to achieve something special. She likes writing. In fact, she wrote her first book (called “RABBIT”)
when she was 6 years old. Perhaps this is the first reason for her success – she chose to do something that
she enjoyed.

STEP 2: Follow your dream.

But how did she become such a great success? Well, in 1992, Rowling left her job in England and
went to Portugal. She moved to Portugal to have more time to do what she loved most – write. She worked as
an English Teacher. She used her free time in the mornings to write “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone”

STEP 3: Never give up

She married, but later divorced. She returned home to the U.K. with her baby daughter Jessica. She
lived in Edinburgh in Scotland. She lived in a very small, cold department. Life as a single mother was hard,
but she was determined to finish writing “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.” She wrote mostly in cafés
and while her daughter was asleep. She had no money for a computer or typewriter – she used a pen and
paper. When things became difficult, she didn’t forget her goal, and she didn’t stop working.

The road to success was hard for Rowling, but eventually she succeeded. Her advice to people who
want success is simple: try your best. If you really want to succeed, then you will.

1. Why did Rowling write “Harry Potter and the Philopher’s Stone”?

2. What was the Title of the first book she wrote?


3. Where did she live before returned to the U.K.?


4. What is the name of her daughter?


5. What are the three steps to her success?


INSTRUCTIONS: Put the events in J.K Rowling’s life in order

a. _____ She lived in Edinburgh

b. _____ She got married
c. _____ She got divorced
d. _____ She worked in Portugal
e. _____ She left her job in England

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