A2 Listening Test4

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A2 Listening Test

Listen to three people describe their experiences at different parties. For

questions 1 to 6, choose the correct answer.

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1Who met and got on well with someone new?

• a. Carolinecorrect
• b. Tom
• c. Mike

This question was not answered

CAROLINE: The last party I went to was at someone's house. I went
with my friend Denise. She knew lots of people there, but I only knew
Denise. She'd invited me there, and I accepted simply because I didn't
have anything better to do. The party was in the garden, and it was a
lovely warm evening. They had a big table with more food than you
can imagine, and it was all delicious. People helped themselves to
food and ate it while sitting down on the grass on cushions and
blankets. After that, everyone sat and chatted while classical music
was playing in the background. I normally hate that kind of music, but
it was just right for this occasion. I felt a bit left out at the start of the
party because Denise started chatting to her old friends while I just
stood there. But then I started chatting to a guy called Richard, who I
got on really well with, and after that, the hours flew by. Before I
knew it, nearly everyone had gone, and Richard, Denise and I were
among the last people there.
2Who didn't have enough to eat at the party?

• a. Caroline
• b. Tomcorrect
• c. Mike

This question was not answered

TOM: I went to a party at my friend's house. He has a huge open space
that combines the kitchen and living room, with doors leading to the
yard outside. Even so, the place was packed with people, and you
could hardly move. But that was partly because there was a band in
one corner, which took up quite a lot of space. Everyone was saying
how amazing the band was, and true, they played some popular
songs, but they were all depressing, and the singer was out of tune, so
I didn't think much of them myself. I went to the party with some
friends, and there seemed to be quite a few interesting people there.
The problem was that when I tried to talk to someone, my friends
came along and wanted to talk to me, so I didn't really meet anyone
new. There were a few snacks on the table, but you can imagine
they didn't last long with that crowd. I was really hungry, so I
ordered a pizza delivery, but when it arrived, everyone ate it really
fast, so that didn't help.

3Who thought the music was OK?

• a. Carolinecorrect
• b. Tom
• c. Mike

This question was not answered

CAROLINE: The last party I went to was at someone's house. I went
with my friend Denise. She knew lots of people there, but I only knew
Denise. She'd invited me there, and I accepted simply because I didn't
have anything better to do. The party was in the garden, and it was a
lovely warm evening. They had a big table with more food than you
can imagine, and it was all delicious. People helped themselves to
food and ate it while sitting down on the grass on cushions and
blankets. After that, everyone sat and chatted while classical music
was playing in the background. I normally hate that kind of music,
but it was just right for this occasion. I felt a bit left out at the start of
the party because Denise started chatting to her old friends while I just
stood there. But then I started chatting to a guy called Richard, who I
got on really well with, and after that, the hours flew by. Before I knew
it, nearly everyone had gone, and Richard, Denise and I were among
the last people there.

4Who left the party as early as possible?

• a. Caroline
• b. Tom
• c. Mikecorrect

This question was not answered

MIKE: I met a new guy called Sam at work and we got on quite well.
Last week, he said he was having a party on Saturday and invited me
to come and meet his friends. I said sure. And so he told me to arrive at
about five o'clock, which I thought was a bit early, but I thought
nothing of it. And so I got there and… well, it turned out it was a
birthday party for his four-year-old kid! So all these children were
running around and shouting over the awful children's party music.
There were a few parents who looked really tired. I was the only
person without a child, so I felt very uncomfortable. And I didn't talk to
any adults because they were all so busy and anyway, they all knew
each other. But there was far more pizza, cake and lemonade than the
children could eat, so that was good. Later, I started playing games
with the kids, which was quite fun. When they all finally went
home, Sam invited me to stay for a beer, but his wife wanted him to
help tidy up, and his kid was crying, so I went home as soon as I

5Who knew some of the people at the party?

• a. Caroline
• b. Tomcorrect
• c. Mike
This question was not answered

TOM: I went to a party at my friend's house. He has a huge open space
that combines the kitchen and living room, with doors leading to the
yard outside. Even so, the place was packed with people, and you
could hardly move. But that was partly because there was a band in
one corner, which took up quite a lot of space. Everyone was saying
how amazing the band was, and true, they played some popular
songs, but they were all depressing, and the singer was out of tune, so
I didn't think much of them myself. I went to the party with some
friends, and there seemed to be quite a few interesting people there.
The problem was that when I tried to talk to someone, my friends
came along and wanted to talk to me, so I didn't really meet anyone
new. There were a few snacks on the table, but you can imagine they
didn't last long with that crowd. I was really hungry, so I ordered a
pizza delivery, but when it arrived, everyone ate it really fast, so that
didn't help.

6Who expected the party to be very different?

• a. Caroline
• b. Tom
• c. Mikecorrect

This question was not answered

MIKE: I met a new guy called Sam at work and we got on quite well.
Last week, he said he was having a party on Saturday and invited me
to come and meet his friends. I said sure. And so he told me to arrive at
about five o'clock, which I thought was a bit early, but I thought
nothing of it. And so I got there and… well, it turned out it was a
birthday party for his four-year-old kid! So all these children were
running around and shouting over the awful children's party music.
There were a few parents who looked really tired. I was the only
person without a child, so I felt very uncomfortable. And I didn't talk to
any adults because they were all so busy and anyway, they all knew
each other. But there was far more pizza, cake and lemonade than the
children could eat, so that was good. Later, I started playing games
with the kids, which was quite fun. When they all finally went home,
Sam invited me to stay for a beer, but his wife wanted him to help tidy
up, and his kid was crying, so I went home as soon as I could

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