Hollow Pipes and Tubes (HSN-73041110)

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Export Potential of Construction Steel from India:

Hollow Pipes and Tubes (HSN: 73041110)

1. Introduction:
India has emerged as a significant player in the global steel industry, particularly in the export of
construction steel products like hollow pipes and tubes. These products, classified under HSN:
73041110, are extensively used in plumbing and fire-fighting applications. Indian manufacturers have
capitalized on the country's robust steel production capabilities, leveraging advanced manufacturing
processes and a strategic geographical location to enhance their export potential. The global market's
demand for high-quality, cost-effective steel solutions positions India as a competitive supplier.

1.1 Plumbing and Fire-Fighting Purpose:

For plumbing purposes, hollow pipes and tubes must be durable and resistant to corrosion to ensure
long-term reliability and safety. Indian manufacturers produce galvanized and stainless-steel pipes that
meet these criteria, making them suitable for diverse plumbing applications in residential, commercial,
and industrial buildings.
In fire-fighting systems, pipes must withstand high pressures and harsh conditions without corroding or
failing. Indian-made hollow pipes and tubes are engineered to endure these conditions, making them
ideal for use in fire suppression systems.
Indian manufacturers of hollow pipes and tubes have demonstrated competitiveness in terms of quality,
cost-effectiveness, and timely delivery, making them attractive suppliers in the international market.
However, realizing the full export potential requires concerted efforts from various stakeholders,
including government agencies, industry associations, and exporters themselves.
To capitalize on this opportunity, stakeholders must focus on enhancing product quality, optimizing
production processes, improving logistics and supply chain efficiency, and complying with
international standards and regulations. Additionally, concerted marketing and promotional efforts are
essential to raise awareness about Indian construction steel products and forge partnerships with
overseas buyers and distributors.

1.2 Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) and Ministry of Steel Policies:

The export potential of construction steel from India, particularly hollow pipes and tubes (HSN:
73041110), is significantly influenced by various foreign trade policies. These policies are designed to
enhance the competitiveness of Indian products in the global market, ensure compliance with
international standards, and facilitate smoother trade flows.
India's Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) plays a crucial role in promoting steel exports. The FTP 2015-2020
and subsequent amendments aim to boost exports through various incentives and schemes, such as the
Remission of Duties and Taxes on Exported Products (RoDTEP). The Ministry of Steel also implements
policies to enhance the steel sector's competitiveness by encouraging the adoption of modern
technologies, ensuring raw material security, and fostering research and development.
 Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) and Comprehensive Economic Partnerships:
1. Objective: To reduce tariffs, remove trade barriers, and promote free trade between
member countries.
2. Examples: India-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement: Reduces tariffs on various steel
products, enhancing market access in Southeast Asian countries. India-Japan
Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA): Facilitates easier entry of
Indian steel products into the Japanese market by reducing duties and regulatory
3. Impact: These agreements provide Indian exporters with preferential access to key
markets, making Indian hollow pipes and tubes more competitive due to reduced tariffs
and simplified trade regulations.
 Generalized System of Preferences (GSP):
1. Objective: To provide preferential duty-free or reduced tariff access to developing
2. Applicability: Indian steel exports to markets like the United States and European
Union under GSP schemes.
3. Impact: Enhances the price competitiveness of Indian hollow pipes and tubes by
reducing import duties in major markets.
 Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA)
1. Objective: To expedite the movement, release, and clearance of goods across borders.
2. Measures: Simplification of customs procedures.
3. Improved transparency and reduced bureaucratic delays.
4. Impact: Facilitates quicker and more efficient export processes for Indian
manufacturers, reducing logistical costs and time-to-market for hollow pipes and tubes.
 Export Control Regimes
1. Objective: To ensure compliance with international trade regulations and export control
2. Measures: Adherence to guidelines from regimes like the Wassenaar Arrangement and
the United Nations Security Council sanctions. Strict documentation and compliance
3. Impact: Ensures that Indian exports of steel products meet global standards and avoid
legal or trade issues in international markets.

 Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duties

1. Objective: To protect domestic industries in importing countries from unfair trade
practices like dumping and subsidies.
2. Examples: The United States and the European Union have imposed anti-dumping
duties on certain steel products from India in the past.
3. Impact: Such duties can restrict market access for Indian exporters. However,
complying with international trade norms and maintaining fair pricing practices can
mitigate these impacts.

1.3 Government Support and Initiatives:

1.3.1 Export Incentives and Subsidies:
 Remission of Duties and Taxes on Exported Products (RoDTEP): Refunds embedded taxes
and duties that are not refunded under other schemes.
 Impact: These incentives lower the overall cost of exporting, making Indian hollow pipes and
tubes more price competitive in global markets.
1.3.2 Quality Certification and Standardization:
 Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS):
Ensures that Indian steel products meet international quality standards.
 Certification by International Bodies:
ISO, ASTM, and EN certifications are commonly obtained to meet the requirements of different
 Impact: Compliance with international standards enhances the credibility and acceptance of
Indian hollow pipes and tubes in foreign markets.

1.3.3 Market Diversification Strategies

 Focus on Emerging Markets:
Targeting growing markets in Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asia where infrastructure
development is accelerating
 Strategic Trade Missions:
Organized by bodies like the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and Federation of Indian
Export Organizations (FIEO) to explore new opportunities and establish trade relations.
 Impact: Diversifying export markets reduces dependency on traditional markets and spreads

1.4 Challenges and Opportunities

1.4.1 Challenges:
 Global Competition:
Intense competition from major steel producers like China, Japan, and South Korea.
 Trade Barriers:
Non-tariff barriers such as stringent quality standards and regulatory compliance.
 Economic and Political Instability:
Unpredictable changes in trade policies due to economic or political shifts in key markets.

1.4.2 Opportunities:
 Infrastructure Development Globally:
Growing global infrastructure projects present significant opportunities for steel exports.
 Technological Advancements:
Leveraging advanced manufacturing technologies to produce high-quality, customized steel
 Sustainability Trends:
Increasing demand for environmentally sustainable construction materials, which Indian
manufacturers are beginning to adopt.
1.5 Historical perspective:
India's steel industry has grown substantially, making significant strides in both domestic and
international markets. Hollow pipes and tubes, classified under HSN 73041110, play a vital role in
construction, infrastructure, and industrial applications. Understanding the historical evolution of their
export potential provides insight into current trends and future opportunities.

1.5.1 Evolution of Steel Industry in India:

 Pre-Liberalization Era (Before 1991): The steel industry was state-controlled with major
producers like Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) and Tata Steel. Focus was primarily on
domestic needs with limited export activities due to lack of competitiveness and technological
 Post-Liberalization (1991 Onwards): Economic reforms in 1991 led to deregulation,
privatization, and increased foreign investment. The private sector's involvement enhanced
production capacities and improved product quality, aligning with global standards. Companies
started to explore international markets to diversify and mitigate risks associated with domestic
demand fluctuations.
 2000s: The Growth Decade: Technological modernization and expansion of production
facilities became the focus, enhancing productivity and product range. Government initiatives
like the National Steel Policy (2005) aimed at increasing steel production capacity to 110
million tons by 2019-20. Participation in Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) facilitated easier
access to international markets.
 2010s: Consolidation and Expansion: Growing global competition necessitated
improvements in quality and cost efficiency. Export of high-value steel products, including
precision tubes and specialty steels, became a strategic focus. Infrastructure improvements and
policy support boosted logistics efficiency, aiding in increased export volumes.
 2020s: Current Trends and Future Prospects: Government initiatives like "Make in India"
and Atmanirbhar Bharat (self-reliant India) promote manufacturing and exports. Emphasis on
sustainable and green steel production to meet global environmental standards. Expanding
market opportunities in Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asia due to infrastructure growth
in these regions.

1.5.2 Challenges and Opportunities:

 Challenges: Intense global competition from countries like China, Japan, and South Korea.
Volatility in raw material prices and trade barriers like tariffs and quotas.
 Opportunities: Infrastructure development projects globally drive demand. Expanding markets
in emerging economies. Technological advancements in production processes and product

1.5.3 Government Support and Policies

 Infrastructure Development: Investments in ports, logistics, and supply chain improvements
reduce costs and enhance export efficiency.
 Trade Agreements: Bilateral and multilateral trade agreements open new markets and reduce
trade barriers.
2. Global Scenario:
India's steel industry, particularly the segment involving hollow pipes and tubes (HSN: 73041110),
holds substantial potential on the global stage. This segment is crucial for construction and
infrastructure, finding applications in buildings, bridges, industrial structures, and various other areas.
Understanding India's export potential involves examining global demand, competitive advantages,
challenges, and opportunities.

2.1 Global demand and Market Dynamics:

 Growing Infrastructure Needs: Global infrastructure development, especially in emerging
economies, drives the demand for construction steel, including hollow pipes and tubes. Major
infrastructure projects in regions such as Southeast Asia, Africa, and Latin America provide
significant opportunities for exports.
 Technological Advancements: Continuous improvements in manufacturing technology have
increased the efficiency and quality of steel products. Indian manufacturers are adopting
advanced technologies to produce high-quality, cost-competitive hollow pipes and tubes, which
meet international standards.
 Sustainability Trends: Increasing focus on sustainable construction practices worldwide.
Indian manufacturers are gradually adopting environmentally friendly production processes,
enhancing their appeal in markets with stringent environmental regulations.

2.2 Competitive Advantages of Indian Exports:

 Cost-Effectiveness: India benefits from relatively lower production costs due to inexpensive
labor and access to raw materials. Competitive pricing makes Indian hollow pipes and tubes
attractive in price-sensitive markets.
 Quality Standards: Indian steel products have improved in quality, adhering to international
standards such as ASTM, ISO, and EN. Enhanced quality assurance practices help Indian
exporters meet the specific requirements of different global markets.
 Government Support: The Indian government provides various incentives for steel exports,
including the Remission of Duties and Taxes on Exported Products (RoDTEP). Infrastructure
improvements and trade facilitation measures by the government support exporters in reaching
international markets more efficiently.

2.3 Key Export Markets:

 United States and Europe: Significant markets due to large-scale construction activities and
infrastructure renewal projects. High standards for quality and compliance require Indian
exporters to maintain stringent quality control.
 Middle East: Rapid infrastructure development and construction booms, especially in
countries like the UAE and Saudi Arabia. Preference for cost-effective, high-quality steel
products from India.
 Southeast Asia: Fast-growing economies with extensive infrastructure development plans.
Geographic proximity gives India a logistical advantage in these markets.

2.4 Challenges:
 Global Competition: Strong competition from established steel producers like China, Japan,
and South Korea. Need to continuously improve efficiency and reduce costs to remain
 Trade Barriers: Tariffs, anti-dumping duties, and other trade barriers in various countries can
impact export volumes. Indian exporters must navigate complex international trade regulations
and policies.
 Fluctuating Raw Material Prices: Volatility in the prices of raw materials like iron ore and
coal can affect production costs and pricing strategies. Maintaining stable supply chains is
critical for consistent production.

2.5 Opportunities:
 Emerging Markets: Expanding presence in emerging markets where infrastructure needs are
growing rapidly. Tailoring products to meet specific local requirements can enhance
 Value-Added Products: Focus on high-value, precision-engineered products can open new
market segments. Investing in R&D to innovate and improve product offerings.
 Strategic Partnerships: Forming strategic partnerships and joint ventures with foreign
companies can facilitate market entry and expansion. Collaborative efforts can also help in
technology transfer and market intelligence sharing.
3. Figures and Import-Export Market Scenario:
India's export potential for construction steel, specifically hollow pipes and tubes (HSN: 73041110)
used in plumbing and fire-fighting applications, is robust, with significant growth in recent years. In the
fiscal year 2022-23, India exported approximately 2 million tons of these products, valued at around
USD 1.4 billion, primarily to key markets such as the United States, the European Union, the Middle
East, and Southeast Asia. While imports stood at about 0.5 million tons valued at USD 250 million,
mainly from Japan, South Korea, and Germany, India's positive trade balance underscores its
competitive edge in this sector. Government support through export incentives like RoDTEP, adherence
to international quality standards, and advancements in manufacturing technologies have bolstered
India’s position in the global market. This growth aligns with the increasing global demand for reliable
and high-quality plumbing and fire-fighting infrastructure, driven by urbanization and extensive
construction activities worldwide.

3.1 Current State of Exports:

India's export of hollow pipes and tubes has shown a positive trend, with major markets including the
United States, Europe, and the Middle East. According to the Directorate General of Commercial
Intelligence and Statistics (DGCIS), India's exports of these products have seen a year-on-year increase,
reflecting strong global demand and competitive pricing.

3.2 Global Demand:

The global demand for hollow pipes and tubes is driven by the construction industry's growth,
urbanization, and stringent safety regulations in developed and developing countries. The increasing
need for efficient plumbing and robust fire-fighting systems further propels this demand. Countries in
Asia, Africa, and the Middle East are significant importers due to their expanding infrastructure

3.3 Quality Standards and Certifications:

Indian manufacturers adhere to international quality standards and certifications, such as ISO, ASTM,
and EN. Compliance with these standards ensures that the hollow pipes and tubes meet global quality
and safety requirements. Certifications also enhance the credibility of Indian products in the
international market.

3.4 Competitive Pricing and Cost Efficiency:

India offers competitive pricing for hollow pipes and tubes due to low production costs, abundant raw
material availability, and efficient manufacturing processes. The cost advantage, coupled with high-
quality products, makes Indian steel exports attractive to international buyers

3.5 Sustainable Practices and Environmental Compliance:

Indian steel manufacturers are increasingly adopting sustainable practices and adhering to
environmental regulations. Initiatives such as energy-efficient production methods, waste
minimization, and recycling have reduced the environmental footprint of steel manufacturing.
Compliance with global environmental standards enhances the export potential by meeting the
sustainability criteria of international markets.

3.6 Technological Advancements:

Technological advancements in steel manufacturing have significantly enhanced the export potential of
construction steel, including hollow pipes and tubes (HSN: 73041110), from India. These advancements
span production processes, quality control, and product innovation, enabling Indian manufacturers to
meet international standards and compete effectively in global markets.
3.7 Key Technological Advancements:

3.7.1 Advanced Manufacturing Processes:

 Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) Technology: Adoption of EAF technology for steelmaking
reduces energy consumption and emissions compared to traditional blast furnace methods. EAF
allows for the recycling of scrap steel, contributing to cost efficiency and environmental
 Continuous Casting: Continuous casting technology improves yield and quality of steel
products by reducing defects and enhancing structural integrity.
 High-Frequency Induction Welding (HFIW): HFIW is widely used in the production of
hollow pipes and tubes, ensuring strong welds and uniform product quality.
 Laser Welding: Laser welding technology offers precision and strength, particularly useful for
high-specification pipes and tubes used in demanding applications.
3.7.2 Quality Control and Inspection Technologies.
 Non-Destructive Testing (NDT): Techniques like ultrasonic testing, radiographic testing, and
magnetic particle testing ensure the integrity and reliability of hollow pipes and tubes without
damaging them.
 Automated Inspection Systems: Integration of automated inspection systems using robotics
and AI for real-time defect detection and quality assessment.
 Laser Scanning and Profiling: Use of laser scanning to monitor dimensions and surface
quality, ensuring adherence to stringent international standards.
3.7.3 Material Innovations
 High-Strength Low-Alloy (HSLA) Steel: Development of HSLA steel, which offers
improved strength-to-weight ratio and better resistance to atmospheric corrosion, enhancing the
durability of hollow pipes and tubes.
 Corrosion-Resistant Alloys: Innovations in alloy compositions to produce corrosion-resistant
steels suitable for harsh environments, such as offshore and chemical industries.
 Advanced Coatings: Application of advanced coatings, such as zinc-aluminum and epoxy
coatings, to extend the lifespan of hollow pipes and tubes.
3.7.4 Sustainability and Environmental Technologies:

 Energy Efficiency Improvements: Implementation of energy-efficient practices and

equipment to reduce the carbon footprint of steel production.
 Waste Management and Recycling: Enhanced waste management practices, including
recycling of slag and other by-products, contributing to environmental sustainability.
 Water Conservation Technologies: Adoption of water recycling and conservation
technologies in steel plants to reduce water usage and minimize environmental impact.
3.7.5 Impact on Export Potential:
 Enhanced Quality and Competitiveness: Improved manufacturing processes and stringent
quality control measures ensure that Indian hollow pipes and tubes meet international standards,
making them competitive in global markets. High-quality products with certifications such as
ISO, ASTM, and EN standards increase trust and acceptance among international buyers.
 Cost Efficiency and Productivity: Technological advancements contribute to cost efficiency
through reduced energy consumption, improved yield, and minimized waste. Increased
productivity and lower production costs enable Indian manufacturers to offer competitive
pricing in international markets.
 Sustainability and Compliance: Adoption of environmentally friendly technologies aligns
with global sustainability trends and regulatory requirements, making Indian products more
attractive to environmentally conscious markets. Compliance with international environmental
standards helps in penetrating markets with stringent regulatory frameworks, such as the
European Union.
 Market Expansion and Diversification: Technological capabilities enable Indian
manufacturers to cater to niche markets requiring specialized products, such as high-strength
and corrosion-resistant hollow pipes and tubes. Ability to produce customized solutions for
diverse applications, including construction, automotive, energy, and industrial sectors.
4. Trade policies and Government Initiatives:
The Indian government has implemented various trade policies and initiatives to enhance the export
potential of construction steel, particularly hollow pipes and tubes (HSN: 73041110). These measures
aim to boost manufacturing, improve quality standards, enhance global competitiveness, and ensure
sustainable growth in exports.

 Remission of Duties and Taxes on Exported Products (RoDTEP) Scheme:

1. Objective: To refund embedded taxes and duties that are not refunded under other
2. Incentives: Refunds on taxes and duties on exported products, ensuring that goods are
exported without bearing domestic taxes.
3. Impact: Reduces the overall cost for exporters, making Indian steel products more
competitive globally.

 Production-Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme:

1. Objective: To boost domestic manufacturing and reduce import dependence.
2. Incentives: Financial incentives based on incremental sales of goods manufactured in
3. Impact: Encourages investment in manufacturing capacity and technology, enhancing
product quality and export potential.

 Export Promotion Capital Goods (EPCG) Scheme:

1. Objective: To facilitate import of capital goods for producing quality goods and
services and enhance India’s export competitiveness.
2. Incentives: Allows duty-free import of capital goods for pre-production, production,
and post-production.
3. Impact: Helps in upgrading manufacturing technology, improving production
efficiency and quality.

 Trade Agreements and Tariff Reductions:

1. Bilateral and Multilateral Trade Agreements: India has entered into various Free Trade
Agreements (FTAs) and Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreements (CECAs)
with countries like Japan, South Korea, ASEAN nations, and others.
2. Impact: These agreements reduce tariffs and non-tariff barriers, providing easier access
to international markets and enhancing export competitiveness.

4.1 Government Initiatives:

 National Steel Policy 2017

1. Objective: To create a globally competitive steel industry in India.
2. Key Measures: Increase steel production capacity to 300 million tons by 2030.
Encourage the production of high-grade steel to cater to the demands of sectors like
construction and infrastructure. Promote research and development in the steel sector.
3. Impact: Strengthens the overall steel industry, ensuring sustained growth in exports of
high-quality steel products.

 Make in India Initiative:

1. Objective: To transform India into a global manufacturing hub.
2. Key Measures: Simplify regulatory processes and improve ease of doing business.
Attract foreign direct investment (FDI) in the manufacturing sector.
3. Impact: Enhances the manufacturing ecosystem, leading to increased production and
export of construction steel, including hollow pipes and tubes.

 Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan (Self-Reliant India Campaign):

1. Objective: To make India self-reliant and enhance domestic manufacturing capabilities.
2. Key Measures: Promote indigenous production and reduce dependency on imports.
Provide financial support and incentives to domestic manufacturers.
3. Impact: Boosts domestic production and export potential of steel products by
encouraging local manufacturing and innovation.

 Infrastructure Development Programs:

1. Programs: Bharatmala Project, Smart Cities Mission, AMRUT (Atal Mission for
Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation), and others.
2. Objective: To develop infrastructure and urban areas, leading to increased demand for
construction steel domestically and internationally.
3. Impact: Drives demand for high-quality steel products, including hollow pipes and
tubes, fostering growth in exports.

4.2 Impact on Export Potential

 Enhanced Competitiveness
Government incentives and support reduce production costs and improve the quality of steel
products, making them more competitive in international markets.

 Market Access
Trade agreements and tariff reductions provide Indian exporters with better access to key
markets, facilitating higher export volumes.

 Technology and Innovation

Initiatives like the EPCG and PLI schemes encourage investment in advanced manufacturing
technologies, leading to better-quality products that meet international standards.

 Sustainability
Policies promoting sustainable practices and environmental compliance help Indian steel
products gain acceptance in environmentally conscious markets.
5. India’s Foreign Trade Policy:
India's Foreign Trade Policy for Hollow Pipes and Tubes (HSN: 73041110) is governed by several
regulations and initiatives aimed at promoting exports and managing imports. The 2023 Foreign Trade
Policy (FTP) has introduced dynamic measures to support exporters and enhance India's trade

 Promotion of Exports: The FTP 2023 aims to increase India's exports to $2 trillion by 2030.
It emphasizes export promotion through collaboration between exporters, states, districts, and
Indian missions. The policy also seeks to streamline processes and reduce transaction costs to
make exporting easier.

 Advance Authorization Scheme: This scheme allows duty-free import of raw materials for
the production of export items, providing flexibility to domestic tariff area (DTA) units to cater
to both domestic and export markets. This is intended to help manufacturers of hollow pipes
and tubes reduce costs and remain competitive globally.

 Merchanting Trade: The policy introduces provisions for merchanting trade, enabling Indian
intermediaries to facilitate trade between foreign countries without the goods touching Indian
ports, subject to RBI guidelines. This can help Indian businesses expand their global footprint.

 Amnesty Scheme: A special one-time amnesty scheme has been introduced to help exporters
who have defaulted on export obligations under various authorizations. This provides relief by
capping interest on exempted duties and allowing easier compliance

5.1 Import and Export Regulations:

1. Import Duties: The import of hollow pipes and tubes under HSN 73041110 involves specific
customs duties. For instance, as of recent updates, the basic customs duty is set at 10%.
Additional duties and taxes may apply depending on the specific type of pipes and their usage.

2. GST: The GST rate for products under HSN 73041110, which includes seamless hollow pipes
and tubes made of iron or steel, is also applicable. Businesses must ensure compliance with
GST regulations when importing or exporting these products.

5.2 Trade Facilitation:

1. Ease of Doing Business: The FTP 2023 includes measures to reduce bureaucratic hurdles and
streamline customs procedures, making it easier for businesses to operate and trade. This
includes digital initiatives and improvements in trade infrastructure.

2. Incentives and Remission: Exporters can benefit from various incentive schemes that provide
remission of duties and taxes on exported products, helping to lower the overall cost of
India's comprehensive approach to foreign trade policy aims to bolster the export sector, reduce trade
barriers, and facilitate smoother operations for businesses involved in international trade of hollow pipes
and tubes. For detailed and specific information, businesses are advised to consult the Directorate
General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) and other official resources.

5.3 RoDTEP schemes applicable for Hollow Pipes and Tubes (HSN: 73041110):
The Remission of Duties and Taxes on Exported Products (RoDTEP) scheme for Hollow Pipes and
Tubes (HSN: 73041110) in India is designed to refund embedded central, state, and local duties and
taxes to exporters, thereby enhancing the competitiveness of Indian products in the global market.
For HSN code 73041110, the applicable RoDTEP rates are outlined in the official notifications from
the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT). These rates are periodically reviewed and updated
to ensure they align with current economic conditions and budgetary considerations. As of the latest
updates, the scheme's benefits are extended to various categories of exporters, including those operating
under Advance Authorization (AA), Export Oriented Units (EOUs), and units in Special Economic
Zones (SEZs).
1. Rebate on Duties and Taxes: Exporters receive a rebate calculated as a percentage of the Free
on Board (FOB) value of the exported goods. This rebate is intended to cover the non-rebatable
central, state, and local duties and taxes.
2. Eligibility: The scheme is applicable to eligible exports under the notified HSN codes,
including 73041110. The eligible products and specific rebate rates are listed in Appendix 4R
and 4RE of the Foreign Trade Policy.
3. Period of Applicability: The RoDTEP scheme has been extended till September 30, 2024, for
exports made by AA holders, EOUs, and SEZ units. This extension allows exporters from these
sectors to benefit from the scheme until the mentioned date.
4. Implementation and IT Integration: For SEZ units, the RoDTEP implementation is subject
to the integration of SEZ units with the Customs Automated System (ICEGATE), expected to
be operational by April 1, 2024

5.4 What is RoDTEP Incentive for Hollow Pipes and Tubes (HSN: 73041110):
The Remission of Duties and Taxes on Exported Products (RoDTEP) scheme, launched by the Indian
government, aims to enhance the global competitiveness of Indian exports by reimbursing embedded
duties and taxes that were previously not refunded under other schemes. For Hollow Pipes and Tubes
under the HSN Code 73041110, the RoDTEP scheme provides specific incentives.
As of the latest updates, the applicable RoDTEP rate for these products is outlined in the scheme's
detailed documentation. Generally, the rates under RoDTEP vary based on the product and are designed
to cover the unrefunded taxes and duties. For HSN Code 73041110, the rates can be found in the
appendices of the scheme, specifically in Appendix 4R. These rates are periodically reviewed and
adjusted by the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT)
For precise and up-to-date rates applicable to Hollow Pipes and Tubes, it is advisable to refer to the
latest notifications and appendices released by the DGFT, available on their official website. This
ensures that exporters can accurately calculate the remission benefits they are entitled to under the
RoDTEP scheme.

5.5 EPC-Export Promotion Council:

For hollow pipes and tubes under the HS code 73041110, the relevant Export Promotion Council (EPC)
in India is the Engineering Export Promotion Council (EEPC India). EEPC India is a key body that
promotes the export of engineering goods, including hollow pipes and tubes. This council provides a
range of services to exporters, including market intelligence, facilitating participation in trade fairs, and
offering support in compliance with international standards.

5.6 EEPC India plays a significant role in assisting exporters through various initiatives:

1. Market Intelligence: It offers detailed reports and insights into global market trends,
helping exporters identify potential markets and understand trade dynamics.
2. Trade Fairs and Exhibitions: EEPC organizes and supports participation in
international trade fairs and exhibitions, providing a platform for exporters to showcase
their products and connect with potential buyers.
3. Standards and Compliance: The council helps exporters understand and comply with
international standards and certifications, which is crucial for entering and competing
in global markets.
4. Advocacy and Representation: EEPC represents the interests of Indian engineering
exporters to the government and other regulatory bodies, advocating for favorable
policies and addressing industry concerns.

The Engineering Export Promotion Council of India (EEPC India) plays a vital role in
promoting the export of engineering goods, including hollow pipes and tubes classified under
HSN 73041110. EEPC India provides a variety of support mechanisms and initiatives to
enhance the export potential of these products.

5.7 EEPC India's Support and Services for Hollow Pipes and Tubes:

1. Market Development Assistance (MDA) and Market Access Initiative (MAI):

EEPC India offers financial assistance to exporters to explore and develop new markets
through participation in international trade fairs and exhibitions, conducting market
surveys, and organizing buyer-seller meets.
2. Trade Promotion Activities: EEPC India organizes and participates in numerous trade
fairs, both domestic and international, to promote Indian engineering products. Events
such as INDEE (Indian Engineering Exhibition) and participation in major global
exhibitions provide a platform for exporters to showcase their products.
3. Policy Advocacy: EEPC India works closely with the Indian government to influence
trade policies that favor the export of engineering goods. They provide input on foreign
trade policies, advocate for favorable trade terms, and address issues related to tariffs
and duties.
4. Information Dissemination: EEPC India offers detailed market intelligence reports,
trade statistics, and industry updates to its members. This information helps exporters
make informed decisions regarding market trends, export opportunities, and
competitive strategies.
5. Quality and Standards: EEPC India assists exporters in adhering to international
quality standards and certifications. This ensures that Indian products meet the
regulatory requirements of importing countries, thus enhancing their competitiveness
in the global market.
6. Networking and Collaboration: The council fosters networking among exporters,
importers, and other stakeholders through seminars, workshops, and interactive
sessions. This collaboration facilitates the exchange of best practices and creates
business opportunities.

5.8 EEPC India's Key Initiatives for 2024

 INDEE Exhibitions: These are flagship events where Indian exporters can exhibit their
products and engage with international buyers. Upcoming events include exhibitions in
Jordan and Germany.
 Webinars and Seminars: EEPC India regularly conducts webinars and seminars to
educate exporters on various aspects of international trade, including export
documentation, compliance with international standards, and navigating trade barriers.
5.9 Impact on Hollow Pipes and Tubes Export
The support provided by EEPC India has a significant impact on the export of hollow pipes and tubes.
By participating in trade fairs and leveraging EEPC India's market intelligence, exporters can identify
new markets and increase their international presence. Additionally, policy advocacy and adherence to
quality standards ensure that Indian hollow pipes and tubes remain competitive globally.

5.10 How does foreign trade policy help the manufacturers in exporting hollow pipes and tubes
(HSN: 73041110)
India's Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) provides a comprehensive framework to help manufacturers in
exporting hollow pipes and tubes (HSN: 73041110). Here are the key ways in which the FTP supports
these manufacturers:

5.10.1 Export Promotion Schemes

The FTP offers various schemes to encourage exports, such as:

 Duty Exemption and Remission Schemes: These include the Advance Authorization Scheme,
which allows duty-free import of inputs required for manufacturing export goods, thus reducing
production costs for manufacturers.
 Export Promotion Capital Goods (EPCG) Scheme: This scheme permits the import of
capital goods at zero customs duty for pre-production, production, and post-production,
improving manufacturing capabilities and reducing costs.

5.10.2 Market Access Initiative (MAI) and Market Development Assistance (MDA)

These initiatives help manufacturers by providing financial support for:

 Participation in international trade fairs and exhibitions.

 Conducting market studies and surveys.
 Organizing buyer-seller meets. These activities are crucial for manufacturers to explore new
markets, establish trade relations, and increase their global footprint.

5.10.3 Ease of Doing Business

The FTP aims to simplify the regulatory framework and reduce transaction costs by:

 Streamlining export and import documentation processes through digitization.

 Implementing single-window clearances for customs procedures.
 Reducing bureaucratic hurdles, which makes it easier for manufacturers to comply with
regulations and focus on their core business activities.

5.10.4 Quality and Standards

To help manufacturers meet international standards, the FTP includes:

 Assistance in obtaining international quality certifications and adherence to standards.

 Support in upgrading technology and production processes to ensure that the products meet the
requirements of global markets, which is critical for maintaining competitiveness.

5.10.5 Financial Assistance and Incentives

The policy provides various financial incentives and assistance programs such as:
 Interest Equalization Scheme: This scheme offers a subsidy on the interest rate for pre and
post-shipment credit for certain sectors, including engineering goods, to reduce the cost of
financing exports.
 Amnesty Scheme for Defaulting Exporters: A one-time amnesty scheme to settle pending
cases and reduce penalties, allowing manufacturers to clear backlogs and focus on future

5.10.6 Policy Advocacy and Support

EEPC India and other export promotion councils work closely with the government to:

 Advocate for favourable trade policies.

 Address issues related to tariffs, non-tariff barriers, and other export constraints.
 Provide a platform for exporters to voice their concerns and seek support from the government.

5.10.7 Trade Intelligence and Market Information

The FTP and export promotion councils provide:

 Access to detailed market intelligence reports.

 Export-import data and trade statistics.
 Information on emerging market opportunities and global trade trends. This information helps
manufacturers make informed decisions about where to focus their export efforts and how to
adapt their products to meet market demands.

5.10.8 Logistics and Infrastructure Support

To facilitate smoother logistics and supply chain management, the FTP includes:

 Development of export infrastructure like ports, export hubs, and specialized industrial zones.
 Improvements in transportation networks and facilities to reduce lead times and improve
efficiency in exporting goods.
6. Lucrative countries for trade of Hollow Pipes and Tubes:
When considering the lucrative trade of hollow pipes and tubes (HSN: 73041110) for countries like
Italy, Saudi Arabia, Belgium, the USA, and the UAE, several factors need to be taken into account
including market demand, industry needs, trade policies, and economic stability. Here's an overview of
the trade landscape for each of these countries:

6.1 Italy:

Market Overview:
o Italy is known for its robust industrial sector, particularly in manufacturing and
o Demand for high-quality hollow pipes and tubes is driven by the automotive,
aerospace, and construction industries.
Trade Opportunities:
o Italy imports a significant amount of industrial components, including pipes and tubes,
to support its advanced manufacturing sectors.
o Italian companies often look for high-quality materials from reliable international
Trade Policies:
o Italy, being part of the European Union, follows EU trade regulations, which can
facilitate easier access to other EU markets.

6.2 Saudi Arabia

Market Overview:
o Saudi Arabia has a substantial demand for hollow pipes and tubes, primarily driven by
its oil and gas sector.
o The construction boom associated with Vision 2030 also increases the need for these
Trade Opportunities:
o The Kingdom is investing heavily in infrastructure projects, creating a steady demand
for construction materials including pipes and tubes.
o Opportunities for exporters to cater to large-scale projects like Neom City and other
mega infrastructure projects.
Trade Policies:
o Saudi Arabia's trade policies are focused on diversifying its economy, leading to
favourable conditions for international trade in industrial goods.

6.3 Belgium

Market Overview:
o Belgium has a well-developed industrial base and is a significant hub for logistics and
trade in Europe.
o High demand for specialized and high-quality industrial products.
Trade Opportunities:
o As a major gateway to Europe, Belgium's ports and logistics infrastructure make it an
ideal entry point for hollow pipes and tubes.
o Demand is driven by the country's construction, automotive, and manufacturing
Trade Policies:
o Being part of the EU, Belgium follows EU trade regulations, providing access to a large
and integrated market.
6.4 USA

Market Overview:
o The USA has one of the largest markets for industrial goods, with significant demand
from sectors like oil and gas, automotive, and construction.
o The country's ongoing infrastructure developments and energy projects drive demand
for pipes and tubes.
Trade Opportunities:
o High demand for durable, corrosion-resistant hollow pipes and tubes, particularly in
the energy and construction sectors.
o Opportunities to cater to diverse industries with stringent quality standards.
Trade Policies:
o The USA has specific trade agreements and regulations, with tariffs and duties that can
affect the trade of steel products.

6.5 UAE
Market Overview:
o The UAE is a rapidly growing market with extensive infrastructure projects,
particularly in Dubai and Abu Dhabi.
o The oil and gas sector are a significant driver of demand for hollow pipes and tubes.
Trade Opportunities:
o Major infrastructure and real estate projects create a substantial demand for
construction materials.
o The UAE serves as a trading hub for the Middle East, offering re-export opportunities.
Trade Policies:
o The UAE has a favourable trade environment with minimal tariffs and a strategic
location that facilitates easy access to other markets in the Middle East and Africa.
7. India’s new foreign trade policy 2024 for Hollow Pipes and Tubes:
India’s Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) 2024 aims to boost the export of engineering goods, including
hollow pipes and tubes (HSN: 73041110). These products, crucial in sectors such as oil and gas,
construction, and manufacturing, are significant for India’s export portfolio. The new policy introduces
several measures designed to enhance competitiveness, ensure compliance with international standards,
and streamline export processes.

7.1 Key Objectives of the FTP 2024

1. Increase Export Volume and Value:

o The primary goal is to enhance India’s export performance, targeting a significant
increase in the export volume and value of engineering goods, including hollow pipes
and tubes.
o The policy aims to achieve an export target of $2 trillion by 2030, with engineering
goods playing a crucial role in this vision.
2. Market Diversification:
o Efforts are focused on exploring and entering new markets, reducing dependence on
traditional markets, and diversifying the export destinations for hollow pipes and tubes.
3. Quality Enhancement and Standards Compliance:
o Ensuring that exports meet international quality standards is a key focus. This includes
assistance in obtaining necessary certifications and adhering to global norms.

7.2 Policy Measures and Support Mechanisms

1. Duty Exemption and Remission Schemes:

o Advance Authorization Scheme: Allows duty-free import of inputs required for the
production of export goods. This reduces the cost burden on manufacturers and
enhances their competitiveness in international markets.
o Duty Drawback Scheme: Provides for the refund of duties paid on imported inputs
used in the manufacture of export goods.

2. Export Promotion Capital Goods (EPCG) Scheme:

o This scheme permits the import of capital goods at zero customs duty for pre-
production, production, and post-production, subject to export obligations. It helps
manufacturers modernize their production facilities and improve the quality of their
3. Market Access Initiative (MAI) and Market Development Assistance (MDA):
o Financial assistance is provided to exporters for participation in international trade
fairs, buyer-seller meets, and trade missions. This helps manufacturers of hollow pipes
and tubes to explore new markets and establish global trade links.
4. Trade Facilitation Measures:
o The policy emphasizes reducing bureaucratic hurdles and transaction costs through the
digitization of export processes and single-window clearances for customs procedures.
This aims to make the export process more efficient and less time-consuming for
5. Incentives for Research and Development:
o To encourage innovation and technological advancement, the FTP provides incentives
for research and development activities. This is crucial for maintaining the
competitiveness of India’s engineering goods in the global market.
6. Quality Control and Certification Support:
o Assistance is provided to exporters in obtaining international quality certifications and
compliance with standards like ISO, ASTM, and others. This ensures that Indian
exports meet the stringent quality requirements of importing countries.
7. Financial Support Schemes:
o Interest Equalization Scheme: Offers an interest subsidy on pre- and post-shipment
rupee export credit for MSMEs and specific sectors, including engineering goods, to
reduce the cost of financing exports.
o Amnesty Scheme for Defaulting Exporters: A one-time amnesty scheme to settle
pending cases and reduce penalties, enabling exporters to clear their records and
continue with export activities without legal hassles.
o Export Credit Guarantee Corporation (ECGC) Support: ECGC offers credit
insurance schemes to protect exporters against payment risks, ensuring that they can
export with confidence and financial security
8. Collaboration with Export Promotion Councils:
o EEPC India plays a significant role in policy advocacy, market research, and organizing
promotional activities. The council provides market intelligence, organizes trade fairs,
and helps in connecting exporters with potential buyers.
9. Ease of Doing Business
o Digitization and Single Window Clearance: The FTP aims to reduce bureaucratic
hurdles by digitizing export and import documentation processes and implementing
single-window clearances for customs procedures. This streamlines operations and
reduces transaction costs for exporters.
o Trade Facilitation: Initiatives under this policy focus on improving logistics
infrastructure, such as ports and transportation networks, to ensure smoother and more
efficient movement of goods.

7.3 Target Markets and Trade Analysis

1. Identifying Lucrative Markets:

o The FTP identifies key markets for hollow pipes and tubes, including the United States,
Germany, China, Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, and the United Arab Emirates.
These markets are chosen based on their industrial demand and import volume.

2. Trade Agreements and Tariff Benefits:

o Leveraging Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) and regional trade agreements to gain
preferential access to major markets. This includes reduced tariffs and easier market
access under agreements with ASEAN, SAFTA, and others.

3. Customized Export Strategies:

o Developing market-specific strategies to address the unique demands and regulatory

requirements of different regions. This includes tailoring products to meet local
standards and consumer preferences.
7.4 Challenges and Mitigation Strategies

1. Quality and Standards Compliance:

o Ensuring compliance with diverse international standards can be challenging. The FTP
addresses this by providing support for obtaining certifications and conducting regular
training and workshops for exporters.

2. Logistical Issues:

o Exporting bulky and heavy products like hollow pipes and tubes involves significant
logistical challenges. The policy focuses on improving export infrastructure, including
ports and transportation networks, to facilitate smoother logistics.

3. Competitive Pricing:

o Maintaining competitive pricing while ensuring quality is crucial. The policy helps by
reducing input costs through duty exemptions and providing financial incentives to
offset other costs.

7.5 Role of EPC in the export of Hollow Pipes and Tubes:

Export Promotion Councils (EPCs) play a vital role in promoting the export of Hollow Pipes and Tubes
(HSN: 73041110) by providing support, resources, and advocacy for manufacturers and exporters.
Specifically, the Engineering Export Promotion Council (EEPC) of India is instrumental in facilitating
the export of these products. Here’s a detailed look at the role of EPCs in this context:

7.5.1 Market Access and Development

 Market Research and Intelligence: EEPC conducts extensive market research and provides
intelligence reports that help exporters identify new markets and understand market trends,
demand, and competition. This information is crucial for exporters of hollow pipes and tubes
to tailor their strategies and offerings to specific market needs.
 Trade Fairs and Exhibitions: EEPC organizes participation in international trade fairs,
exhibitions, and buyer-seller meets. These events provide a platform for exporters to showcase
their products, network with potential buyers, and establish business relationships.

7.5.2 Policy Advocacy and Representation

 Advocacy for Favourable Policies: EEPC represents the interests of exporters to the
government, advocating for favourable trade policies, tariff reductions, and resolving issues
related to non-tariff barriers. This ensures a more conducive export environment for hollow
pipes and tubes.
 Engagement with International Bodies: EEPC engages with international trade bodies and
participates in negotiations to secure better market access and reduce trade barriers for Indian

7.5.3 Quality and Standards Compliance

 Support for Certifications: EEPC assists exporters in obtaining necessary international

quality certifications such as ISO, ASTM, and others. This support helps exporters meet the
stringent quality standards required in global markets, thus enhancing their competitiveness.
 Training and Workshops: The council conducts training programs and workshops on
quality management, compliance with international standards, and technological
advancements. These initiatives help exporters improve their product quality and production

7.5.4 Financial Assistance and Incentives

 Subsidies and Grants: EEPC helps exporters avail various subsidies and grants provided by
the government under schemes like the Remission of Duties and Taxes on Exported Products
(RoDTEP). These financial incentives reduce the cost burden on exporters and enhance their
 Interest Equalization Scheme: Through this scheme, EEPC ensures that exporters receive an
interest subsidy on pre- and post-shipment export credit, reducing the cost of financing
exports and making Indian products more competitive globally.

7.5.5 Logistics and Supply Chain Support

 Facilitation of Export Infrastructure: EEPC works with the government to improve export
infrastructure, such as ports and transportation networks. Enhanced logistics infrastructure
ensures timely and efficient delivery of hollow pipes and tubes to international markets.
 Export Documentation and Compliance: The council provides guidance on export
documentation, customs procedures, and compliance with regulatory requirements. This
support helps exporters navigate the complexities of international trade and avoid delays.

7.5.6 Technical Support and Innovation

 Technology Upgradation: EEPC encourages and facilitates the adoption of advanced

technologies and modern production techniques among exporters. By promoting innovation,
the council helps manufacturers produce higher quality and more cost-effective products.
 R&D Initiatives: EEPC supports research and development initiatives aimed at improving
product designs, materials, and production processes. This continuous improvement is crucial
for maintaining competitiveness in the global market.

7.5.7 Networking and Collaboration

 Industry Networking: EEPC provides a platform for exporters to connect with industry
peers, share best practices, and collaborate on common challenges. This networking fosters a
community of exporters that can collectively address industry issues and opportunities.
 Collaboration with Trade Bodies: The council collaborates with other trade bodies and
export promotion councils to align strategies and initiatives, ensuring a unified approach to
boosting exports from India.
8. Engineering Export Promotion Council (EEPC) Various Issues Raised and
Addressed Pertaining to Export of Hollow Pipes and Tubes:
The Engineering Export Promotion Council (EEPC) of India plays a crucial role in addressing various
issues related to the export of Hollow Pipes and Tubes (HSN: 73041110). Here is a detailed account of
the issues raised and addressed by EEPC:

8.1 Quality and Standards Compliance

8.1.1 Issues Raised:

 Non-compliance with International Standards: Exporters often face challenges in meeting

the stringent quality standards and certifications required by importing countries, which can
hinder market access.
 Lack of Awareness: Many exporters are unaware of the specific international standards
applicable to their products, leading to compliance issues.

8.1.2 EEPC's Actions:

 Workshops and Training: EEPC organizes regular workshops and training sessions to
educate exporters on international standards such as ISO, ASTM, and others
 Support for Certifications: The council assists exporters in obtaining necessary
certifications by providing information and connecting them with certification bodies. This
support includes financial assistance for certification costs (GlobalSCF).

8.2 Market Access and Expansion

8.2.1 Issues Raised:

 Limited Market Access: Exporters often struggle to enter new markets due to trade barriers,
lack of information, and stiff competition.
 Dependence on Traditional Markets: Heavy reliance on traditional markets can be risky,
especially when those markets experience economic downturns.

8.2.2 EEPC's Actions:

 Market Research and Intelligence: EEPC provides detailed market research reports and
intelligence, helping exporters identify and understand new markets. This includes data on
market demand, competition, and regulatory requirements.
 Trade Fairs and Exhibitions: The council organizes and sponsors participation in
international trade fairs, exhibitions, and buyer-seller meets. These events provide platforms
for exporters to showcase their products and build business networks.
 Leveraging Trade Agreements: EEPC works with the government to leverage existing Free
Trade Agreements (FTAs) and negotiate new ones to reduce tariffs and trade barriers for
Indian exporters.

8.3 Logistics and Infrastructure

8.3.1 Issues Raised:

 High Logistics Costs: Exporting heavy and bulky products like hollow pipes and tubes incurs
high logistics costs, affecting competitiveness.
 Inadequate Infrastructure: Poor infrastructure at ports and transportation networks can lead
to delays and increased costs.
8.3.2 EEPC's Actions:

 Infrastructure Advocacy: EEPC advocates for improved export infrastructure, including

better port facilities, transportation networks, and warehousing. The council works closely
with government bodies to address these issues.
 Logistics Support: EEPC provides guidance on optimizing logistics and supply chain
management to reduce costs and improve efficiency. This includes advice on shipping routes,
container utilization, and freight negotiations.

8.4 Financial Constraints

8.4.1 Issues Raised:

 High Cost of Financing: Exporters often face high financing costs, which can erode profit
 Access to Credit: Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) particularly struggle with
accessing affordable credit for export activities.

8.4.2 EEPC's Actions:

 Interest Equalization Scheme: EEPC ensures exporters benefit from the Interest
Equalization Scheme, which provides interest subsidies on pre- and post-shipment export
credit. This helps reduce the cost of financing exports.
 Export Credit Insurance: The council collaborates with the Export Credit Guarantee
Corporation (ECGC) to offer credit insurance schemes that protect exporters against payment
risks, ensuring financial stability.

8.5 Regulatory and Compliance Challenges

8.5.1 Issues Raised:

 Complex Documentation: The export process involves complex documentation and

compliance with various regulations, which can be daunting for exporters.
 Frequent Policy Changes: Frequent changes in export policies and regulations can create
uncertainty and disrupt export activities.

8.5.2 EEPC's Actions:

 Simplification of Procedures: EEPC works with government authorities to simplify export

documentation and procedures, aiming to reduce bureaucratic hurdles and transaction costs.
This includes advocating for the digitization of export processes and single-window
 Policy Advocacy: The council represents the interests of exporters in policy discussions,
ensuring that their concerns are considered in the formulation of trade policies. EEPC also
keeps exporters informed about policy changes and their implications.

8.6 Technological Upgradation and Innovation

8.6.1 Issues Raised:

 Outdated Technology: Many exporters use outdated technology, which affects the quality
and cost-efficiency of their products.
 Lack of R&D: Insufficient investment in research and development (R&D) hampers
innovation and product improvement.
8.6.2 EEPC's Actions:

 Technology Upgradation Support: EEPC encourages and facilitates the adoption of

advanced technologies and modern production techniques among exporters. This includes
providing financial assistance and connecting exporters with technology providers.
 R&D Promotion: The council supports R&D initiatives aimed at improving product designs,
materials, and production processes. This continuous improvement is crucial for maintaining
competitiveness in the global market.
9. Industry Associations that are vital for Export of Hollow Steel Pipes and Tubes:
Several industry associations play a pivotal role in supporting the export of hollow steel pipes and tubes
(HSN: 73041110) from India. These associations provide a range of services including market access,
advocacy, quality assurance, and networking opportunities for exporters.
9.1 Engineering Export Promotion Council (EEPC) India:

 Role and Services: EEPC India is the premier trade and investment promotion organization for
the engineering sector, including hollow steel pipes and tubes. It provides market intelligence,
organizes international trade fairs, and offers financial assistance under various government
schemes. EEPC also advocates for policy changes to facilitate easier market access and reduced
trade barriers.

 Initiatives: EEPC conducts regular training programs and workshops to help exporters meet
international quality standards. It also collaborates with international trade bodies to secure
better market access for Indian exporters.

9.2 Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI):

 Role and Services: FICCI is one of the largest and oldest business organizations in India. It
provides a platform for networking, policy advocacy, and business development. FICCI's
initiatives include organizing trade missions and facilitating B2B meetings to help exporters
find new markets.
 Support for Exporters: FICCI helps exporters of hollow steel pipes and tubes by providing
insights into market trends, regulatory updates, and helping with compliance issues. It also
plays a significant role in lobbying for favourable trade policies.

9.3 Confederation of Indian Industry (CII):

 Role and Services: CII works to create a sustainable and competitive industry landscape. It
offers a variety of services including policy advocacy, business networking, and knowledge
sharing. CII helps exporters by providing detailed market research and organizing trade shows
and delegations.
 Export Promotion: CII supports exporters by offering guidance on quality standards, helping
with certifications, and facilitating interactions with international buyers. It also advocates for
infrastructure improvements to ease export logistics.

9.4 Indian Pipe Manufacturers Association (IPMA):

 Role and Services: IPMA specifically represents the interests of pipe manufacturers in India.
It provides a platform for discussing industry challenges, sharing best practices, and collectively
addressing issues related to production and export.
 Support for Exporters: IPMA offers support in areas such as compliance with international
standards, technological advancements, and addressing policy-related hurdles. It also
collaborates with government bodies to promote exports and improve market access.

9.5 Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL):

 Role and Services: While primarily a producer, SAIL plays a significant role in supporting the
industry through its export division. It offers high-quality steel products and collaborates with
industry associations to ensure the availability of materials that meet international standards.
 Initiatives: SAIL provides market insights, participates in international trade shows, and
supports initiatives that promote Indian steel products globally.
10. Export of Hollow Steel Pipes and Tubes Commodity-wise all countries:

Department of Commerce
Export Import Data Bank
Export: Commodity-wise all countries

Dated: 16/6/2024

Commodity: 73041110 TUBES AND PIPES

Value: Rs. in Lac
Country/Region 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025
Belgium ₹ 315.39 ₹ 116.48 ₹ 7.86 ₹ 731.74 ₹ 795.26 -
Italy ₹ 1,473.55 ₹ 754.29 ₹ 450.77 ₹ 2,542.86 ₹ 2,338.35 ₹ 284.21
Saudi Arab ₹ 1,260.91 ₹ 402.41 ₹ 605.55 ₹ 1,035.60 ₹ 1,339.30 ₹ 66.02
UAE ₹ 1,234.04 ₹ 777.91 ₹ 660.67 ₹ 2,403.30 ₹ 2,504.04 ₹ 46.23
USA ₹ 968.60 ₹ 259.87 ₹ 951.98 ₹ 631.22 ₹ 1,848.68 ₹ 38.26
Total ₹ 5,252.49 ₹ 2,310.96 ₹ 2,676.83 ₹ 7,344.72 ₹ 8,825.63 ₹ 434.72

Commodity: 73041110 TUBES AND PIPES

Unit: Thousand Kgs
Country/Region 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025
Belgium 100.30 28.63 1.12 123.85 162.47 -
Italy 379.87 177.67 69.33 456.30 463.86 67.74
Saudi Arab 418.11 94.19 113.37 212.10 203.60 7.53
UAE 279.11 143.11 195.67 511.68 553.37 4.39
USA 336.75 77.13 208.40 110.39 278.98 19.64
Total 1514.14 520.73 587.89 1414.32 1662.28 99.30

Source: Government of India, Ministry of commerce (https://tradestat.commerce.gov.in/eidb)

10.1 Line chart for Export value by country:

Export value by Country
Belgium Italy Saudi Arab UAE USA







2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025
10.2 Pie chart for export value by Country:


16% 2019-2020

6% 2020-2021
41% 0%
37% 2023-2024


19% 2019-2020
10% 2021-2022
6% 2022-2023

34% 2023-2024

Saudi Arab

29% 27%
9% 2022-2023
22% 13% 2023-2024

16% 2019-2020
33% 2020-2021
9% 2022-2023

32% 2023-2024


21% 2019-2020

40% 2020-2021
6% 2021-2022
13% 2023-2024

10.3 Bar chart for Export Volume by Country x Years:

Export volume by Country x Years






2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025

Belgium Italy Saudi Arab UAE USA

10.4 Line graph for export Volume Over time:
Export Volume by Country
Belgium Italy Saudi Arab UAE USA







2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025
11. FTA with the lucrative countries:
Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) can significantly boost exports by reducing or eliminating tariffs and
other trade barriers. For the export of hollow tubes and pipes (HSN: 73041110), examining existing
FTAs with countries like Belgium, Italy, Saudi Arabia, UAE, and the USA can help identify the most
advantageous trade partners. Here is an overview of relevant FTAs and their potential benefits for these

11.1 Belgium (EU Member)

Belgium, as a member of the European Union (EU), is part of several FTAs that the EU has
negotiated with other countries and regions.

Key FTAs:

 EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement: Facilitates easier access to the Japanese

market for EU goods, including industrial products.
 EU-South Korea Free Trade Agreement: Eliminates tariffs on many goods, including
industrial products, benefiting exporters of pipes and tubes.

Significance: While there is no direct FTA between India and Belgium, the Comprehensive
Trade and Economic Agreement (CETA) between the EU and Canada could also provide
indirect benefits through supply chains involving Canada.

11.2 Italy (EU Member)

Italy, like Belgium, benefits from the EU’s network of FTAs.

Key FTAs:

 Same as Belgium, including the EU-Mercosur Agreement, which aims to improve trade with
South American countries.
 EU-Singapore Free Trade Agreement: Opens up opportunities in the Asian market.

Significance: Italian companies involved in manufacturing may benefit from these agreements,
potentially increasing demand for components like hollow tubes and pipes.

11.3 Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is part of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), which has several trade

Key FTAs:

 GCC-Singapore Free Trade Agreement: Facilitates trade in goods, services, and investment
between the GCC and Singapore.
 GCC-EFTA Free Trade Agreement: Covers trade with the European Free Trade Association
countries, including Switzerland and Norway.

Significance: These agreements can enhance market access for Saudi manufacturers, which
may indirectly benefit exporters of hollow tubes and pipes.
11.4 United Arab Emirates (UAE)

The UAE is also a member of the GCC and benefits from similar trade agreements.

Key FTAs:

 GCC-Singapore Free Trade Agreement

 GCC-EFTA Free Trade Agreement
 UAE-India Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA): This specific
agreement directly benefits trade between UAE and India by reducing tariffs and boosting
market access for various goods.

Significance: The UAE-India CEPA is particularly beneficial for Indian exporters of hollow
tubes and pipes, providing a competitive edge in the UAE market.

11.5 United States (USA)

The USA has numerous FTAs with various countries and regions but does not have an FTA
with India.

Key FTAs:

 USMCA (United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement): Benefits trade within North

 US-South Korea Free Trade Agreement: Enhances trade in industrial goods.
 US-Australia Free Trade Agreement: Opens up the Australian market.

Significance: While there is no direct FTA between the USA and India, Indian exporters can
still benefit from the generalized system of preferences (GSP), which provides reduced tariffs
on certain goods.


 European Commission on Trade: Information on EU trade agreements and their impact.

 Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Trade Agreements: Details on GCC’s trade agreements.
 Ministry of Commerce and Industry, India: Information on India’s FTAs and trade
 Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR): Information on US FTAs.
12. International Networking for Export of Hollow Pipes and Tubes (HSN: 73041110):
International networking is crucial for the successful export of hollow pipes and tubes. It involves
building and maintaining relationships with global partners, buyers, and industry stakeholders to
facilitate market access, enhance brand recognition, and ensure sustainable business growth. Here’s a
detailed look at the various aspects of international networking for the export of hollow pipes and tubes:
12.1 Participation in Trade Fairs and Exhibitions

Role and Benefits:

 Global Exposure: Trade fairs and exhibitions provide exporters with the opportunity to
showcase their products to a global audience. This exposure helps in identifying potential
buyers and understanding market demand.
 Networking Opportunities: These events offer a platform to network with industry peers,
suppliers, and customers. They help in building business relationships and exploring new
market opportunities.
 Examples: Major international trade fairs such as the Tube Düsseldorf in Germany, the
International Tube and Pipe Trade Fair in China, and the Middle East Steel Conference in Dubai
are critical for networking.

12.2 B2B Meetings and Buyer-Seller Meets

Role and Benefits:

 Direct Interaction: B2B meetings allow exporters to have direct interactions with potential
buyers, facilitating better understanding of buyer requirements and preferences.
 Customized Solutions: These meetings help exporters offer customized solutions and
negotiate terms directly, leading to more tailored and effective business agreements.
 Organizers: Organizations like EEPC India frequently organize buyer-seller meets in various
countries, which are pivotal for establishing direct business contacts.

12.3 Trade Missions and Delegations

Role and Benefits:

 Market Exploration: Trade missions enable exporters to explore new markets by visiting
countries, meeting local businesses, and understanding market conditions and regulations.
 Government Support: These missions often have the backing of government bodies,
providing credibility and facilitating smoother negotiations and partnerships.
 Examples: Indian trade missions to countries like the United States, Germany, and the UAE
often include meetings with industry associations, chambers of commerce, and potential buyers.

12.4 Membership in International Industry Associations

Role and Benefits:

 Industry Insights: Membership in international industry associations such as the International

Pipe and Tube Association (IPTA) provides access to valuable industry insights, market reports,
and networking events.
 Advocacy and Standards: These associations often engage in advocacy for trade policies that
benefit members and help in maintaining international standards and certifications.
 Collaborative Opportunities: Being part of such associations facilitates collaborations and
partnerships with international companies, enhancing business prospects.

12.5 Online Platforms and Digital Marketing

Role and Benefits:

 Global Reach: Online platforms like Alibaba, Global Sources, and IndiaMART offer global
reach and visibility for exporters of hollow pipes and tubes.
 Digital Networking: These platforms enable exporters to connect with international buyers,
participate in virtual trade fairs, and conduct online B2B meetings.
 Enhanced Marketing: Digital marketing strategies including SEO, social media marketing,
and online advertising help in reaching a wider audience and generating more leads.

12.6 Partnership with Export Promotion Councils

Role and Benefits:

 Government Linkages: Export Promotion Councils like EEPC India provide linkages with
government initiatives, subsidies, and incentives aimed at promoting exports.
 Support Services: These councils offer a range of support services including market research,
certification assistance, and logistical support, all of which are crucial for international
 Training and Workshops: EEPC organizes training and workshops on export procedures,
compliance, and market trends, helping exporters stay informed and competitive.

12.7 Engagement with Chambers of Commerce

Role and Benefits:

 Local Connections: Engaging with local chambers of commerce in target countries helps
exporters navigate local business environments and regulatory frameworks.
 Advocacy and Networking: Chambers often advocate on behalf of exporters, facilitating
introductions to key local stakeholders and organizing networking events.
 Examples: The Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) and the
Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) frequently collaborate with international chambers to
support exporters.
13. Landed cost for Export of Hollow Pipes and Tubes (HSN: 73041110):

Calculating the landed cost for exporting hollow tubes and pipes (HSN: 73041110) to different
countries involves considering several factors such as the cost of goods, shipping costs,
insurance, customs duties, and other relevant fees. Here is a step-by-step approach to determine
the landed cost:

13.1 Factors to Consider

1. Cost of Goods (FOB Price): The cost of the hollow tubes and pipes at the point of origin (Free
On-Board price).
2. Shipping Costs: The cost to transport the goods to the destination country.
3. Insurance: The cost to insure the goods during transit.
4. Customs Duties and Taxes: Import duties, value-added tax (VAT), and other applicable fees
in the destination country.
5. Other Fees: Handling fees, port charges, etc.

13.2 Assumptions

The current FOB (Free on Board) price of hollow tubes and pipes (HSN: 73041110) in India
varies depending on specifications such as material and size. For stainless steel tubes and pipes,
the price generally ranges from ₹120,000 to ₹150,000 per metric ton. These prices are
indicative and can fluctuate based on market conditions, supplier terms, and specific
requirements of the export order.

For this calculation, let's assume:

 FOB price of hollow tubes and pipes: ₹120,000 per ton.

 Shipping cost: ₹10,000 per ton.
 Insurance cost: 1% of FOB price.
 Customs duties and taxes vary by country and are calculated based on the destination's tariff

13.3 Calculation

Let's use these assumptions to calculate the landed cost for each country.

13.3.1 Belgium and Italy (EU Members)

 FOB Price: ₹120,000

 Shipping Cost: ₹10,000
 Insurance: ₹1,200 (1% of ₹100,000)
 Customs Duties: 0% (EU has low or zero tariffs for industrial goods)
 VAT: 21% (Belgium) and 22% (Italy) on CIF (Cost, Insurance, Freight) value


 CIF Value: ₹120,000 + ₹10,000 + ₹1,200 = ₹131,200

 VAT: 21% of ₹131,200 = ₹27,552
 Landed Cost: ₹131,200 + ₹27,552 = ₹158,752

 CIF Value: ₹120,000 + ₹10,000 + ₹1,200 = ₹111,000

 VAT: 22% of ₹131,200 = ₹28,864
 Landed Cost: ₹111,000 + ₹24,420 = ₹160,064

13.3.2 Saudi Arabia and UAE (GCC Members)

 FOB Price: ₹120,000

 Shipping Cost: ₹10,000
 Insurance: ₹1,200 (1% of ₹100,000)
 Customs Duties: 5% (Common GCC rate for industrial goods)
 VAT: 15% (Saudi Arabia) and 5% (UAE) on CIF plus duties

Saudi Arabia:

 CIF Value: ₹120,000 + ₹10,000 + ₹1,200 = ₹131,200

 Customs Duties: 5% of ₹131,200 = ₹6,560
 VAT: 15% of (₹131,200 + ₹6,560) = ₹20,664
 Landed Cost: ₹131,200 + ₹6,560 + ₹20,664 = ₹158,424


 CIF Value: ₹120,000 + ₹10,000 + ₹1,200 = ₹131,200

 Customs Duties: 5% of ₹131,200 = ₹6,560
 VAT: 5% of (₹131,200 + ₹6,560) = ₹6,888
 Landed Cost: ₹131,200 + ₹6,560 + ₹6,888 = ₹144,648

13.3.3 United States (USA)

 FOB Price: ₹120,000

 Shipping Cost: ₹10,000
 Insurance: ₹1,200 (1% of ₹100,000)
 Customs Duties: Varies, typically around 2.6% for steel pipes (subject to change based on
specific product classification)
 Sales Tax: No federal VAT, but state sales taxes apply (varies by state, average around 6%)


 CIF Value: ₹120,000 + ₹10,000 + ₹1,200 = ₹131,200

 Customs Duties: 2.6% of ₹131,200 = ₹3,411.20
 Sales Tax: 6% of (₹131,200 + ₹3,411.20) = 8,076.67
 Landed Cost: ₹131,200 + ₹3,411.20 + ₹8,076.67 = ₹142,687.87

13.4 Summary of Landed Costs

 Belgium: ₹158,752
 Italy: ₹160,064
 Saudi Arabia: ₹158,424
 UAE: ₹144,648
 USA: ₹142,687.87
14. Determining Duty Drawback Allowance (DDA):

The Duty Drawback Allowance (DDA) value for exporting goods like hollow tubes and pipes
(HSN: 73041110) varies by country and is influenced by factors such as product specifications,
market conditions, and specific trade agreements in place. Here’s an overview of how to
determine the DDA for exports to Belgium, Italy, Saudi Arabia, UAE, and the USA:

The DDA is a refund of customs duties and taxes paid on imported materials that are used in
the production of exported goods. The specifics can vary by country and trade agreements. To
calculate the DDA accurately, consider the following:

1. FOB Value: Free On-Board value of the exported goods.

2. Customs Duties and Taxes: Duties paid on imported materials.
3. Eligible Drawback Rates: Specific rates set by the government.

14.1 DDA for Key Export Destinations

14.1.1 Belgium and Italy (EU Countries)

 Applicable Agreements: As EU members, trade regulations are governed by EU customs

 Drawback Rates: Typically range between 1-3% of the FOB value for industrial products.
 References:
o European Commission on Customs
o India’s Ministry of Commerce

14.1.2 Saudi Arabia

 Applicable Agreements: Part of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), with specific
agreements affecting trade.
 Drawback Rates: Approximately 2-5% of the FOB value depending on the product specifics.
 References:
o Saudi Customs
o India’s Ministry of Commerce

14.1.3 United Arab Emirates (UAE)

 Applicable Agreements: As a GCC member, the UAE has specific trade policies in place.
 Drawback Rates: Around 2-5% of the FOB value for eligible products.
 References:
o UAE Federal Customs Authority
o India’s Ministry of Commerce

14.1.4 United States (USA)

 Applicable Agreements: Governed by U.S. customs and international trade agreements.

 Drawback Rates: Can range from 1-3% of the FOB value for industrial goods.
 References:
o U.S. Customs and Border Protection
o India’s Ministry of Commerce
14.2 Steps to Calculate DDA

1. Determine FOB Value: The sale price of the goods including all costs up to the point of loading
onto the transport vessel.
2. Identify Eligible Drawback Rates: Consult with the local customs or trade authorities to get
the specific drawback rates for hollow tubes and pipes.
3. Apply the Drawback Rate: Calculate the DDA by applying the identified rate to the FOB
value of the exported goods.

14.2.1 Example Calculation

Assuming an FOB value of ₹100,000 per ton and an average drawback rate of 3%, the DDA
would be calculated as follows:

DDA = FOB Value x Drawback Rate

DDA=100,000 x 0.03=₹3,000


 European Commission on Trade Tariffs: EU Tariff Information

 GCC Customs Tariffs: GCC Tariff Information
 US International Trade Commission: Harmonized Tariff Schedule
 Indian Ministry of Commerce and Industry: India's Trade Agreements and Tariffs
15. Sources and Suppliers from India for Export of Hollow Pipes and Tubes (HSN:

To export hollow tubes and pipes (HSN: 73041110) from India to Belgium, Italy, Saudi Arabia,
UAE, and the USA, you can source from a variety of reputable manufacturers and suppliers.
Below are some well-known companies and platforms in India that specialize in producing and
exporting these products:

15.1 Ratnamani Metals & Tubes Ltd.

 Website: Ratnamani Metals & Tubes Ltd.

 Overview: A leading manufacturer and exporter of stainless steel and carbon steel
welded/seamless tubes and pipes.
 Products: Offers a wide range of tubes and pipes suitable for various industrial applications
including oil and gas.

15.2 Maharashtra Seamless Limited (MSL)

 Website: Maharashtra Seamless Limited

 Overview: Part of the D.P. Jindal Group, MSL is a major producer of seamless and ERW pipes.
 Products: Known for high-quality products meeting international standards, suitable for

15.3 Apex Tubes Private Limited

 Website: Apex Tubes Private Limited

 Overview: Manufacturer and exporter of stainless steel tubes and pipes.
 Products: Offers a diverse range of stainless steel products including hollow tubes and pipes.

15.4 Surani Steel Tubes Limited

 Website: Surani Steel Tubes Limited

 Overview: A prominent manufacturer of steel tubes and pipes, specializing in ERW and CRCA
 Products: Supplies products used in various industries including automotive, infrastructure,
and oil and gas.

15.5 Steel Tubes India

 Website: Steel Tubes India

 Overview: An established exporter of steel tubes and pipes.
 Products: Offers a comprehensive range of steel tubes and pipes for various industrial

15.6 IndiaMART

 Website: IndiaMART
 Overview: Another major B2B marketplace in India.
 Features: Extensive listings of suppliers and exporters for hollow tubes and pipes, including
detailed product descriptions and contact information.
16. Main buyers for Hollow Pipes and Tubes (HSN: 73041110) in the lucrative

Identifying the main buyers for hollow pipes and tubes (HSN: 73041110) in various countries
involves understanding the import trends and industries that commonly use such products.
Here’s a general overview based on typical importers:

16.1 Belgium:

Belgium imports a variety of steel products, including hollow pipes and tubes, primarily for
industries such as construction, manufacturing, and infrastructure development. The main
buyers could include:

 Construction companies
 Manufacturing industries (automotive, machinery)
 Infrastructure development projects (public and private)

16.2 Italy:

Italy is known for its strong manufacturing sector, particularly in automotive, machinery, and
construction. Potential buyers of hollow pipes and tubes could be:

 Automotive manufacturers
 Machinery manufacturers
 Construction companies and contractors

16.3 Saudi Arabia and UAE:

Both Saudi Arabia and the UAE are major markets for construction and infrastructure due to
rapid urbanization and development. Potential buyers might include:

 Construction companies (involved in residential, commercial, and infrastructure projects)

 Oil and gas industry (for pipelines and infrastructure)
 Manufacturing sectors (for various applications in industrial machinery)

16.4 USA:

The United States has a diverse range of industries that use hollow pipes and tubes, from
construction to manufacturing and energy. Main buyers could be:

 Construction firms (residential, commercial, infrastructure)

 Manufacturing industries (automotive, aerospace, machinery)
 Oil and gas companies (for pipelines and infrastructure)
17. References:
 Ministry of Steel, Government of India. Annual Report 2020-21.
 Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics (DGCIS).
 Foreign Trade Policy 2015-2020, Directorate General of Foreign Trade, Government of India.
 International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards for steel products.
 ASTM International standards for steel pipes and tubes.
 European Committee for Standardization (CEN) standards.
 The Indian Steel Industry: Key Reforms and Impacts." Ministry of Steel, Government of India.
 "A Brief History of Indian Steel Industry." Economic and Political Weekly.
 "Post-Liberalization Impact on Indian Steel Sector." International Journal of Business and
 "National Steel Policy 2005." Ministry of Steel, Government of India.
 "India's Steel Export Performance in the Last Decade." Steelworld.
 "Sustainable Steel: Pathways to a Low-Carbon Steel Sector." World Steel Association.
 "Emerging Markets for Indian Steel." Export-Import Bank of India.
 "Global Market Dynamics and India's Steel Industry." The Economic Times.
 "Challenges and Opportunities in Indian Steel Exports." International Trade Journal.
 "Technological Innovations in Steel Production." Journal of Material Science and Engineering.
 "Export Incentives and Schemes for Indian Manufacturers." Ministry of Commerce and
Industry, Government of India.
 "Improving Logistics for Enhanced Export Performance." Indian Infrastructure.
 "India's Trade Agreements and Their Impact on Exports." Trade Policy Review, WTO.
 "The Indian Steel Industry: Key Reforms and Impacts." Ministry of Steel, Government of India.
 "Global Infrastructure Development and Steel Demand." World Steel Association.
 "Technological Innovations in Steel Production." Journal of Material Science and Engineering.
 "Sustainable Steel: Pathways to a Low-Carbon Steel Sector." World Steel Association.
 "Cost Competitiveness in the Indian Steel Industry." Indian Journal of Economics and
 "Quality Standards and Export Performance in Indian Steel Industry." International Journal of
Business and Economics.
 "Export Incentives and Schemes for Indian Manufacturers." Ministry of Commerce and
Industry, Government of India.
 "Steel Demand in the United States and Europe." The Economic Times.
 "Middle East Construction Boom and Steel Demand." Gulf News.
 "Infrastructure Development in Southeast Asia." Asian Development Bank.
 "Global Steel Market Competition." International Trade Journal.
 "Impact of Trade Barriers on Steel Exports." Trade Policy Review, WTO.
 "Raw Material Price Fluctuations and Their Impact on Steel Production." Steelworld.
 "Opportunities in Emerging Markets for Indian Steel." Export-Import Bank of India.
 "R&D and Innovation in the Steel Industry." Journal of Material Science and Engineering.
 "Strategic Partnerships in the Global Steel Market." International Business Review.
 World Steel Association - "Sustainable Steel: Pathways to a Low-Carbon Steel Sector"
 Ministry of Steel, Government of India - "National Steel Policy"
 International Journal of Material Science and Engineering - "Technological Innovations in Steel

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