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Dr D.Y. Patl Unitech Society's,

Dr. DY Patil haw College Pimpri,

Namei- Choudhoxi Mohini Sartosh

lass- B-A.LL.B- 37 Year

Family kaw-T
Fawty Namei- Prof. Anjun Ajnmesi Mo'am.
Student signaku ahoudlhon
Pate Of_Submissioni os]o4|2024

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Q. 1. Wite n eX P) anat0TY note on Hindu tmale dying

intes tate Csuccession ).

Lntyoduction -
Succ eusion implies he
t.of Succee a
ding Polloc ing , as of ierents; objedi Places in
semies. Ln the
the eðes
ees of
of law however,t holds a
differ ent and Particularmeáning
System of Jqw Provision has to be moade fo a
eadjustment of thìngs or good on the death of
the human beings coho o wned and enjoyed them.
They meprresent the riw of society
Socieky at
large as to uhat Ought to be the noal Cousse
Of Succession io the meadjustment of prope y
afte +he death ciHzen

8uccesslon Of A Hindu Male Dyiog Totestate

Unde The Hinds SuccesSon Act i
Secti ons8toi3 'of
SucceSSTon Act 956 lay down the general Tles
as to he0rde of Succesion cuhen q Hinds male
dies /otestate These mWes qre to be read along
with he Schedue Coell as other Sections
pertaining to he somei Cseetiorns 9 to 13 )

&ecfon 8 lays doco follows -
a) FirstIy, upon the poeferentfal heirs being the
slativeg specitie d o class df the-Schedle,
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Iage No

b) Second It, there no preferental heir

of class T Hhen Pon the preferenja beirs
being the relatives Spe cified fo claus I| tof the
sched ude,
Nocw, term prropesty' in cludes a| those
prropertfes, of the leceas ed io+es tate that is
heritable cunder he Act. T+ also focludes the
prroperty that hemigbt bare inbemited
from his gTandfatheor fathe after the act
Cume' Toto Force..

The class I heirs ioclude the Follocoing -

Wido) ioF.the dece ased.

The Son C) 'and dauabt.ers Cs) of +he deceased.

The motber of he dece aI ed

The beirs of +hes Prede ce as ed Son,OT daug

bter thie deceased

The widow the Prede ceoLs ed Son of the

the erent thati there is 0re than
One heir, ther ghare the propert
equ ally.

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+here qre no I

beiss, the Propenty Passes +0 A9nt es

Agnat es are +he relatives of the dece ased
through male
- The Succession mong agnates
fs FolloDs
Son's 8on's
Son's Son's daugbt er
8on's daught er's son
son's daught eg's daughterr
Broth er
Daigh ter
fathes's : Boother.
Fathe's Broth4rs 's n
tacthe 's Bother 's daugh ter
Fther 's S)st em
Father'S siste's
Fathes sÉste's daughter.

these agntes the prOPerty

Passes on to Coghates Cognat e are the relatíres
+he deceas ed thoough female. lineage.

the order of cession among cong nt

is as fo||ows i
1. mothers mothe
dies iotestat e
a Hindu
Qhildsn leaving
hen Hindu male dies 10testote,
leaving bebind coidoo children. and other
he propenty ís distjbut ed equa ly among
them. Each of +tbem Ps enti+led to
share of +he prropers ty equal
clas s II Heirs
Heirs oF Hindu Mle -i
+hrse Qse no beirs
the Clas I beirsi take Gonship the
Properr ty.
The class I beirs include the fol}otwing
Fathe of the eceale

The Son (s) nddo'ughter

an (s) of +he Pre -
de ceased daugh+er of the deceased.

The brother Cs) and sís ter Cs) Of +he deceaed.

The newphew c8) and. niece.Cs) oF the decea sed
The poPerrtyY dísti bted mon9
the heirs is he metio ned
above. herse moe
sS J th ey Share the propen ty e9ualy.
Agnates or Heiss OF Hiods Male;
2 DMother's F tber
Mothen 's brother
Mothers giste
Father's other
6. Father's Father's mother
7. Father's Fathe's Father's mother
9. Fathe's Father's sister
9. Fatther

The 200S Amendment to Hinds su ccessíon

addition. he bindu succession

Act mended 200 S to gire
to daught ers io nce st ay
Prroperty. Before the amend oent daughters
id not have any rright to + e ancestra)

propeS y Gnly share

he Self property

Conclus ion 4he Híndu successon

Act 956 govens He Su ccesTon to a HÉndy
male's Propers y pon bÉs death iotestate.
the qct divides the heirs ioto four
the prropety is
distribut ed amonq the
bsrs based On teis proximity ts
the deceaSed. Tt is advisable to make


ensre & moo t h t r à n s fer of
proper ty
to +he desred: person "and +o qvoid y
Con Ficts th at may
betwen the
1e9 beirs.
Q.2. Trace the develoPmnt Of property ríght ot
a Hindu female ?

The Tight of Hiod u wOmen
In berit has been 'restrict ed
Fron beginning. The deni l of PrroPer ty
rsights Cas be +ra Ced back to
seligious prractices, Coni
dered I-n Com petent to +ase Sac|
eicial rituals ond 'were prro hibited from
offeing Cakes for the: SP isitual
Q a a t i oO of he' Coñnmon ance stor.

Woman's Prropes ty Right under mita kshara

and Dayabhaga gehools.
The Mitakshara schoo) folloed thoug h
heig 2Xcep+ for he Part
Coberes Dayabhagq Schools
Polloca ed thooughout he Estesn Odig
especial ly +he Parts Benga and
To itaksharg Schoo) Properrty ights of
+he Cwere Testricted gret
exteNt Cwese belieed to nererr
be able be come Copqrcenes.
The cIdoo of de ce ased
Dot get bis ghare and no+


Prtitoe.of his
enforce q partiton husband s
shame aguns+ his brothers.
Dayabhago school +he other hand twas
SO mewhat lenient, it JiFfess io the matt ers
ioheritane by cwomen and women
from Mitksharg Schoo).
Section Of Hindu Su Qcession Act 19s6 -
Sec+ioo 4 - Propes ty of fermale Hind y
to be ber
absolte. propeoty
Any propesty Posses sed by a femaje Hindu
wheth er, acqui ged before o aft erthe
Comence mnt Of held by
ber as there
imited OOn ers

(2) Not+bing
Contaned o sb 8e
Shal app to ProPety acqse by
t09ift o wder any other
instrument unde a de cIee Orde of
tro civil Co ust awamd- cwbere
e +erS the giFt, will othe in stru
ment the deee Prescoibe
resticted estate o Such propeoty
Hindu Adopio and Maintenan ce Act 1956 -
Section 19 of the Hind u Adoptjon andi aJn
tenance Ac+ (9s6 (HAMA) o provides
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fo daugbt es
ea io law's Claum mainainnre
From her fatbes- io- la w, fshe is cunable
to maintao bersel f From hen own eings
Prioper ty oun d cwbeKe she does no+ bave
able to btaçn
any Propea ty 9 Cnd she is
maintennCe ber husband , Paren1

Anyobligtion sab secHon
nder. Sab C)of Section
section e)
men+ione d above be 2N Force -
fatb er j o - law has not he
able +he
from any Coparcenamy prrop
his Posses sion of cuhich the dau
9ht e Iolaw bas not obtauned ay shaTe)
sha the
Such iOblgat ion
andi anyy Such Cease

+he daugbtes- in- Jaw

rmarage of

Share Paropersty.=

ACCording to section 6 (3) of HsA a dece asd

CO Pqmcen es's Stake assests of
endiyided Family Pass through +est -
umen tay &ucceS 6)o0. The derolti
must rmanner tHat.

The daughterr has the share that OF

Proe- eceas ed COparceness Shase

9oes ber Sumviving Cbildsco simîlars t,
io the giren bes.

For Ecucational Uee C

Conclu)on -
To modesn 4imes, a count rYt
Pro9ess Cont ingent on engring that
QU0me e not left behind Womer
show d enjoyed eq0a ights and
and Oppor tunities
mn Dot Only when' natioo fruY
tephol ds 9ender equality in bo+h principles
Practice Can t trwUY embao k On:a Pth
Now that the daught er s have been Te cogruztd
coPamcenes their otesest
io the nces -
t apropesty. is prr otect ed since the
daughter's now also have igh+ by bitth in
the ancestra pmoperty as SO She Cau
not be denied her hare in the poperty
by test eumentay vdisposition by the tather.

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Short Note
1) octrine of Election
Of ElecEion
Unde Cy Istnert
principles of eqUty
two are Conferred persOn
Such manne +hct One
othe beS bound to elect ony
lieu of 4be
of +hem A prSon (annot choose to

Select the Pas t Of nstom ent

+hat bene ficia to him ond Choose to yec
+he Otbe Past
The Doct ne election a brch
esto Ppl 4esm Cwhese of
o sue
perSOn ma be Proecwded by his actions
Conduct si lence caohen bis dlty
right cOch be
Speak assest)ng
o+hes w)Se cwowdhave had.

He Qccepts benefit
Adop+ he Ca) bo e that

2 prorisions
RenoSCe ights that ar


A Prropsy
professes to t a n s fe
hus, Torfei4s pa

Application -
" Hindu Law
The Tnciple (nde Iying this sectron
hay dwoys been app)ied +he
Rsgamma v. Atchamma, the Porivy cocncil
meferred +he owe +hat Pasty shu not
4he Saume 4ime affinm and disafFirm the
Same +ynsac ion - affi mit as
fos hi's benefit nd
to his prejuodice

Muslimn law i
he Case Of Sadik Huss ajn V.
Hashim Ai the Priv y Couni! pplied this doc
4rine t0 muclims also.

Indian Law
Q: Wbere the t F e n 's gratitauy
+he transferor dies beomes inCapable
of mak in9 fresh trnsfen and,
b. Where fransfer is non 9ratu tous,
Cuhether he is alive Or dead Hme of elecHion.
This entitled to get reoLs -
Onable Compengaion from trcn s feror oF his
Proper ty Com pengation must be equal to vaNue
pr operty Profcssed to be tranyfeed
For Educational Uso Only
Page tic.

Engish haw; benefit Once

Under Engísh law the bock
rererr t
qo es not
Teyected by the wporn 4he
This iability is
to t et n s f ero.
conferred Cep on bim.

Conclusion - of selecting between

Elec+ion is p process
the ece Ver
two oPtions
rights +hat clash. 4he
+wo diffeS rightS
mut Pick betwee to excer cise both.
ap plicant not the ewigh+
?odicates that
This basicaJly (wel. thistheoTY
recipY t Conficts.
Sevral co
been erfiecive in re solving
rage No

2) Rights and duties of Mtawa i -

+endent the Wagf the muta -
Such nomioee
exchnge oY mortgage +he uaqf Property
withot +be Prlo pesmis &ioo +he COUTt,
nlesS &pecipicauly empoered to do So by thc
. Under Mha mmadn law, +he (noment
@Tet ed, aU Propitry ights
he and Qre vested
the ntune pooperSty ones Yested
be changed. The Statement io Mwla's
Moho medan LQw" that mare
Seperintendet mnager, b t prac+ <aJy
Speak ing the iocorne ct. CBibi Saddqa
V. SaUy ed Mobd. Mabmood Hasn, AIR
19 8 Scl362|.

PowrS Cnd Dtie

Of Mtqwai n Charge
thewsu ru ct +he Propety, c the waqr's
manager,the dutie powesS of the muta wai
are given below;
The superiotendent of waqf is typicaJly the
reponible For mnagent.
He is express I aJloUed to wienae the
Propes tY but iE i+ 's otIined io the Waqf
Adverse Posses sion by the mutq wai OVer the
P's ProhibÉt ed
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The propes ty Can be alienatcd by the

Mtawai, uith t he (Ort's approva

toitiaing lawsait i's avau lb le opion

fo Sc¯e 9 uarding the iotere ts of the wg9f.
Additiondly mta woJis ability to itigate
has been estiCted.

Remoal Of mt Qwali -
Even the Se lor has stcrt
ed otherwise the' (owrt etuns +he Pow
e Ove the "mtaLwai as necessarY to
Protect the inteests Of the waqf. TO accom
pish this lawswt in +he igtict cost
may be ioitiated.

Conclusion -
The mutawli Cwaqf
Poro pe y honestly nd Carefuly For the Comm
unity's need. As the trutee of these asestS
the muta wai CUOr k hard t6 manage thern
right. They make Sure the property is io
9ood Condition earn on ey and 9ives feunds
to Cestain bene ficiaries.

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