Antenna Basic Concepts JJM

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Antenna & Propagation

Prof. Jagruti J. Makwana

• Higher Engineering Mathematics, Fundamental knowledge of
• Electromagnetics (Maxwell’s equations, three basic coordinate
systems and polarization).
• Fundamental knowledge of communication system.

2 Prof. Jagruti Makwana 3/5/2024

Sr. No. Content
Basic antenna concepts:
Definition and functions of an antenna, comparison between an antenna &
transmission line, radio communication link with transmitting antenna and a
receiving antenna, radiation patterns of antennas-field and power patterns, all
antenna types.
Radiation of Electric dipole:
Potential functions and the electromagnetic field, Oscillating electric dipole-
derivations for E and H field components in spherical coordinate systems,
Power Radiated by a current element, Application to antennas, Radiation from
quarter wave monopole and half wave dipoles, Derivation for radiation
resistance, application of reciprocity theorem to antennas, equality of
directional patterns and effective lengths of transmitting and receiving antennas,
directional properties of dipole antennas, antenna feeding methods.

3 Prof. Jagruti Makwana 3/5/2024

Sr. No. Content
3 Antenna parameters and definitions:
beam area, beam width- Half-Power Beam width (HPBW)and First Null Beam
width(FNBW) ,Polarisation, Radiation Intensity ,Beam Efficiency, Directivity
and directive gain, radiation resistance, radiation efficiency, resolution, Antenna
aperture-physical and effective apertures, effective height, transmission formula,
antenna field zones, Transmission loss as a function of frequency. Antenna
temperature and signal to noise ratio.

4 Arrays of point sources :

Expression for electric fields from two, three and N element arrays- linear
arrays: Broad-side array and End-Fire array- Method of pattern multiplication-
Binomial array-Horizontal and Vertical Antennas above the ground plane, Effect
of ground on ungrounded antenna, Schelkunoff theorems for linear arrays,
Dolph-Tchebysheff distribution for linear arrays.

4 Prof. Jagruti Makwana 3/5/2024

Sr. No. Content
5 Loop Antenna:
Small loop short magnetic dipole, comparison of far field of small loop and short
dipole loop antennas, field pattern of circular loop antenna & radiation resistance
of loop antenna, directivity of circular loop antennas with uniform current.

6 Helical antenna:
Helical geometry, transmission radiation modes, practical design considerations,
wide band characteristics of helical antenna.

7 Arrays of dipoles & apertures:

3 element dipole Array with parasitic elements, Yagi-Uda array-function and its
design, Phased arrays, frequency scanning arrays, smart antennas, long wire
antennas, location methods of feeding antennas, folded dipole antennas, matching

5 Prof. Jagruti Makwana 3/5/2024

Sr. No. Content
8 Reflector antennas:
Parabolic reflector, paraboloidal reflector, aperture Pattern of large circular
apertures with uniform illumination, off axis operation of paraboloidal reflectors,
Cassegrain feed system.

9 Slot patch & Horn antennas:

Slot antenna, its pattern, Babinet’s principle and complementary antennas,
impedance of slot antennas, and horn antenna-function and types.

10 Microstrip ( patch) antennas :

Rectangular and circular types-function, features analysis ,design considerations
and applications

11 Lens antennas:
Non-metallic Dielectric lens and artificial dielectric lens antennas, reflector lens

6 Prof. Jagruti Makwana 3/5/2024

Sr. Content
12 Broadband & Freq. Independent antennas:
Broadband antenna, Frequency independent antenna, log periodic antennas.

13 Antennas for special applications:

Antennas design consideration for satellite communication, antenna for terrestrial
mobile communication systems, GPR, Embedded antennas, UWB, Plasma antenna.

14 Antennas measurements:
Experimental set ups for measurement of radiation patterns, gain, phase polarization,
terminal impedance.

15 Radio wave propagation :

Modes of propagation, Ground Wave Propagation, Structure of troposphere and
ionosphere, Characteristic of Ionospheric layers, Sky wave propagation, Definitions for
Virtual height, MUF and Skip distance, OWF, Fading, ionospheric absorptions, Multi-
hop propagation, Space wave propagation and Super refraction.
7 Prof. Jagruti Makwana 3/5/2024
Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. CO statement Marks %

CO-1 Understand the radiation phenomenon and 20

identify different types of antennas
CO-2 Create strong foundation of basic antenna 25
CO-3 Design and analyze different antennas, antenna 25
arrays and matching / feeding networks for
CO-4 Demonstrate the antenna measurement techniques. 10
CO-5 Understand the fundamentals of radio-wave 20

8 Prof. Jagruti Makwana 3/5/2024

Reference Books:

 1. “Antennas for all applications”, J.D. Krauss 3RD Edition

 2. “Electromagnetic wave & radiating systems”, Jordan &
Balmain PHI Publication
 3. “Antenna & Wave Propagation”, K.D. Prasad Satyaprakash
 4. “Antenna Theory: Analysis and design”, C. Balanis Wiley India

9 Prof. Jagruti Makwana 3/5/2024

Reference Books:

 5. “Antennas and Wave

Propagation” by G. S. N. Raju

10 Prof. Jagruti Makwana 3/5/2024

Reference Books:

 6 “Antenna Theory: Analysis

and Design” C. Balanis Wiley

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Basic antenna concepts

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 In communication system

 In wireless communication system

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15 Prof. Jagruti Makwana 3/5/2024
 An antenna is a device which will transmits electro-
magnetic waves.

 An antenna is a device which will receives electro-

magnetic waves.

16 Prof. Jagruti Makwana 3/5/2024

Different definitions of Antenna

 It is a source or radiator of EM waves.

 It is a sensor of EM waves

 It may be a piece of conducting material in the form of wire,

rod or any other shape with excitation.

17 Prof. Jagruti Makwana 3/5/2024

Different definitions of Antenna
 It is a transducer which converts RF electrical current into an
EM wave of same frequency.

 It is an impedance matching device.

 It is a coupler between generator/ transmission line and

space or vice-versa.

 It is metallic device for radiating or receiving radio waves.

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Different definitions of Antenna
 It is the transitional structure between free-space and guiding

 It is a device which interfaces a circuit and space.

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20 Prof. Jagruti Makwana 3/5/2024
 As Transmitting Antenna: From the circuit point of view the
antennas appear to the transmission lines as a resistance Rr ,
called Radiation resistance.

 As Receiving Antenna: Active radiation by other Antenna or

Passive radiation from distant objects raises the apparent
temperature of Rr . Rr may be thought of as virtual resistance
that does not exist physically but is a quantity coupling the
antenna to distant regions of space via a virtual transmission

 Thus, an antenna is a transition device, or transducer, between a

guided wave and a free space wave or vice versa. The antenna
is a device which interfaces a circuit and space. It is also
impedance transformer .
21 Prof. Jagruti Makwana 3/5/2024
Radiation patterns of antennas-field and
power patterns

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 Types of Radiation pattern:

 An Isotropic Radiator:
It is hypothetical lossless antenna in which power radiates
equally in all the directions (entire sphere). No such type of
antenna is exists after so many research quasi isotropic

 Omni directional antenna:

such as dipole , monopole , slot , normal mode helical
antenna. An antenna that radiates and receives energy
equally well in all orthogonal planes. Best suited for
applications requiring good all round coverage.
Prof. Jagruti Makwana 3/5/2024
 Directional antenna also has the ability to focus energy
in a particular direction. Dish antenna used with
satellite TV, and space-communications installations.

 E plane:
Plane containing the electric field vector and the
direction of maximum radiation.

 H plane:
Plane containing the magnetic field vector and the
direction of maximum radiation

24 Prof. Jagruti Makwana 3/5/2024

 A radiation pattern defines the variation of the power radiated
by an antenna as a function of the direction away from the
antenna has its effect in the near and far field regions.

 It is a mathematical function or a graphical representation of

antenna as a function of spherical co-ordinates ɵ and ø.

 It represents the distribution of radiated energy into space, as a

function of direction.
 E goes through antenna ends & spreads
out in increasing loops
• H is a series of concentric circles
centered at midpoint gap
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28 Prof. Jagruti Makwana 3/5/2024
 Power radiated in terms of lobes. The major part of the
radiated field , which covers a larger area, is the main
lobe or major lobe. This is the portion where maximum
radiated energy exists. The direction of this lobe indicates
the directivity of the antenna .
 Minor lobe are classified in two . Back lobe and side lobes.
 The other parts of the pattern where the radiation is
distributed side wards are known as side lobes. These are
the areas where the power is wasted.
 At 180 degree space from major lobe ,there is other lobe,
which is exactly opposite to the direction of main lobe. It is
known as back lobe, which is also a minor lobe.
 HPBW – antenna field (E-field) is reduced by 50% (0.707)
 FNBW – beam width between first null
 In certain direction , radiation drops to zero . Null direction.
(Adjacent direction)
Prof. Jagruti Makwana 3/5/2024
Graphically, radiation can be plotted as a function of angular
position and radial distance from the antenna (r, θ, Φ)
This is a mathematical function of radiation properties of the
antenna represented as a function of spherical co-ordinates,
E (θ, Ø) and H (θ, Ø).
E-field (E) & H-field (H) used to determine radiation pattern

30 Prof. Jagruti Makwana 3/5/2024

The radiation patterns can be field patterns or power patterns.
 The field patterns is a plot of magnitude of electrical or
magnetic fields are radiated by antenna with respect to space
coordinates .
 The power patterns is a plot of square of the magnitude of
electric or magnetic fields are radiated by antenna with respect
to space coordinates. They are plotted on logarithmic (dB)
 Maximum radiation in vertical direction . In field pattern , max
radiation is in this direction as HPBW.
 Angular distance between the points of 0.707 % of max
 In power pattern , HPBW is angular distance between the points
of 0.5% of max radiation.
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32 Prof. Jagruti Makwana 3/5/2024
 Polarization – A 20db in signal loss if the receiver and
transmitter antenna are not using the same polarization.

 Linear – Horizontal or vertical.

 Polarization defines in terms of electric field.
 Antenna has defines by both electric and magnetic field in
 In horizontal , electric field is horizontally polarized when
their electric field parallel to the Earth’s surface.
 In vertical , electric field is vertically polarized means when
its electric field is perpendicular to the Earth’s surface.
 A linear polarized antenna radiates wholly in one plane
containing the direction of propagation.

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 Circular - Where a circular polarized antenna, the plane of
polarization rotates in a circle making one complete
revolution during one period of the wave. Left hand circular
polarization and right hand circular polarization.

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 The difference between the maximum and the minimum
peaks as the antenna is rotated through all angles, is called
the axial ratio in decibels (dB).
 If the axial ratio is near 0 dB, the antenna is said to be
circular polarised, when using a Helix Antenna.
 If the axial ratio is greater than 1-2 dB, the polarisation is
often referred to as elliptical, when using a crossed Yagi.

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Antenna Types
Antennas may be divided into various types depending upon

•The physical structure of the antenna.

•The frequency ranges of operation.
•The mode of applications .

Standing Wave (Resonant) Antenna: SWR pattern of and is

formed by the reflection from open end of the wire.

Travelling Wave (Non-Resonant) Antenna: The proper termination

of the antenna so that is minimized. It has uniform pattern.

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• In medium wave radio , lets take 1 MHz frequency , wavelength
(λ) is C/F approximately 300 meter . So λ/4 monopole antenna
would required 75 meter height and building height would 25
meter at Tx. Side. At Rx side , it would use loop antenna.

• In cell phone, various bands are used for different technology.

In GSM900 , λ=33 cm , in monopole height is 9cm. But in normal
mode helical height is 2 cm. now in mobile phone , we have used
quad band , tri band and penta band antenna.

•In cell tower , we have used monopole , dipole etc . In India

approximately 5 lakh cell tower would used. If we use monopole ,
as per coverage depends sactorial (90 degree , 100 degree)
antenna is used.

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Types of Antennas
 Log Periodic Antennas - Bow Tie Antennas & Log-Periodic
Dipole Array
 Wire Antennas - Short Dipole Antenna, Dipole Antenna,
Monopole Antenna , Loop Antenna
 Travelling Wave Antennas - Helical Antennas,Yagi-Uda
 Microwave Antennas - Rectangular Micro strip Antennas ,
Planar Inverted-F Antennas
 Reflector Antennas- Corner Reflector, Parabolic Reflector

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Log – Periodic Antennas
 Log Periodic Antenna - It is a multi-element, directional
narrow beam antenna that works on a wide range of
 This antenna is made of a series of dipoles placed along the
antenna axis at different space intervals of time followed by a
logarithmic function of frequency.
 Log-periodic antenna is used in a wide range of applications
where variable bandwidth is required along with antenna gain
and directivity.

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Log-Periodic Dipole Array
 It comprises a number of dipole elements.
 The element at the back end of the array is large in size with
the half wavelength operating in a low-frequency range.
 The spacing of the element gets reduced towards the front end
of the array wherein the smallest arrays are placed.

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Bow-Tie Antennas
 Biconical antenna is an omnidirectional wide-band antenna.
 According to the size of this antenna, it has low- frequency
response, and acts as a high-pass filter.
 As the frequency goes to higher limits, away from the design
frequency, the radiation pattern of the antenna gets distorted
and spreads.

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Wire Antennas
 Wire antennas are also known as linear or curved antennas.
 These antennas are very simple, cheap and are used in a wide
range of applications

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Dipole Antenna
 The dipole antenna consists of two metallic rods through
which current and frequency flow.
 The length of the rods – λ/4 at operational frequencies.
 This current and voltage flow makes an electromagnetic wave
and the radio signals get radiated. The antenna consists of a
radiating element that splits the
rods and make current flow
through the center by using a
feeder at the transmitter out
that takes from the receiver.

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Short-Dipole Antenna:
 The short dipole antenna is made up of two co-linear
conductors that are placed end to end, with a small gap
between conductors by a feeder.
 A Dipole is considered as short if the length of the radiating
element is less than a tenth of the wavelength.
 L<λ/10

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Monopole Antenna:
 A monopole antenna is half of a simple dipole antenna
located over a grounded plane
 The radiation pattern above the
grounded plane will be same as the
half wave dipole antenna,
 The total power radiated is half that of
a dipole and the field gets radiated only
in the upper hemisphere region.
 The directivity of these antennas
become double compared to the dipole antennas.
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Loop Antenna
 Loop antennas are available in different shapes like circular,
elliptical, rectangular. The circumference of the loop antenna
determines the efficiency of the antenna.
 They are widely used in communication
links with the frequency of around
3 GHz.
 Applications, like AM radio receivers

 Electrically small loop antenn -- Circumference≤λ⁄10

 Electrically
large loop antenna -- Circumference≈λ
Prof. Jagruti Makwana 3/5/2024
Travelling Wave Antennas – Helical Antenna
 Helical antennas have two predominate radiation modes: the
normal mode and the axial mode.
 The axial mode is used in a wide range of applications.
 In the normal mode, the dimensions of the helix are small
compared to its wavelength.

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Yagi-Uda Antenna
 This type of antenna is inexpensive and effective.
 It can be constructed with one or more reflector elements
and one or more director elements.
 Yagi antennas can be made by using an antenna with one
reflector, a driven folded-dipole active element, and
directors, mounted for horizontal polarization in the forward

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Microwave Antennas - Micro strip Antenna
 For spacecraft or aircraft applications – based on the
specifications such as size, weight, cost, performance, ease of
installation, etc. – low profile antennas are preferred.
 They only require space for the feed line which is normally
placed behind the ground plane. The major disadvantage of
using these antennas is their inefficient and very narrow

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Corner Reflector Antennas
 The antenna that comprises one or more dipole elements
placed in front of a corner reflector, is known as corner-
reflector antenna.
 The directivity of any antenna can be increased by using
reflectors. A conducting sheet is used behind the antenna for
directing the radiation in the forward direction.

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Parabolic Reflector Antennas
 The radiating surface of a parabolic antenna has very large
dimensions compared to its wavelength.
 One of the useful properties of this antenna is the conversion
of a diverging spherical wavefront into parallel wave front
that produces a narrow beam of the antenna.
 The various types of feeds that use this parabolic reflector
include horn feeds, Cartesian feeds and dipole feed.

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Comparison between an antenna &
transmission line

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 Guiding device or transmission line may take the form of a co-axial
line or a hollow pipe(waveguide), and it is used to transport
electromagnetic energy from the transmitting source to the
antenna, or from antenna to receiver.

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Condition for radiation

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Sources of radiation

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Sources of radiation

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For radiation

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For radiation

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Detachment of field lines

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of field lines

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Detachment of field lines

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 In open circuit transmission line , sources is sinusoidal and
I = 0 at the end. At every lemda/2 distance , current is 0.
 Reflection coefficient is 1 as load impedance is maximum.
So maximum reflection is here and minimum radiation in
this case.

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 In fig. slightly flare the end of the Tx line , primary
constant will change and also characteristic impedance will
change. Flaring increases , reflection will decrease . Incidant
and reflected signal will not cancel completed , so radiation
is here in this case.

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 In fig. again slightly flare the end of the Tx line and
distance is lemda or more than lemda characteristic
impedance will change and it is equal to 377 R. Now
impedance of free space is 377 R. Now both impedance are
match and whole power will be transferred.
 So electro magnetic radiation will happen in free space.
And minimum reflection is here in this case.

Prof. Jagruti Makwana 3/5/2024

 In transmission, a radio transmitter applies an oscillating
radio frequency electric current to the antenna's terminals,
and the antenna radiates the energy from the current as
electromagnetic waves (radio waves).

 In reception, an antenna intercepts some of the power of an

electromagnetic wave in order to produce a tiny voltage at
its terminals, that is applied to a receiver to be amplified. An
antenna can be used for both transmitting and receiving.

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In Fig 1. Consider , simple dipole antenna current flows in one
direction to other direction across plane and generates RF energy
that is electro- magnetic energy generated from current flow

In Fig 2, Consider , simple dipole antenna with + charge and –

charge, current flows and electro magnetic energy generated from
current flows. High current (low voltage) point is at – side , low
current (high voltage) point is at + side. Antenna (dipole) is radiates
energy to the free space as well as in both side.
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 Below is the basic equation of strength of the radiation of
antenna . Time varying current is creating the situation of
charge with varying velocity . That situation will give you
antenna radiation.

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Prof. Jagruti Makwana 3/5/2024
 Gain increases in desired direction , beam becomes
stronger and narrower.
 Gain in decibels, each time signal strength doubles ,
gain increases by 3 dB.

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Prof. Jagruti Makwana 3/5/2024
 Antennas do not generate EM waves uniformly in all
 Every antenna preference for certain directions and no
preference for other directions.
 Antenna design therefore focuses on two issues
(1) How to get highest possible radiation efficiency
from an antenna
(2) How to design antenna structure to achieve desired
spatial distribution of the EM waves

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 It is the current distributions on the antennas that
produce the radiation. Usually these current
distributions are excited by transmission lines or

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 Principle of Antenna - An antenna is a device which will
transmits electro magnetic waves.
 What will generates electro magnetic waves. So radiation is
generated by accelerating and deaccelerating charges.
 In fig. charge and field line is here. If charge is move very
fast , what will happen that field line is like wave function
and creates radiation .
 So time varying current source is responsible for creating
accelerating and deaccelerating charges.

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88 Prof. Jagruti Makwana 3/5/2024
 Antenna is related to circuit parameter and antenna is also
gives space behavior of space.
 Transition and physical parameter is also gives behavior of
structure and transition between antenna and free space.
 Physical parameter – antenna behavior changes as
temperature changes , wind pressure, dimension ,
supporting structure , size , weather protecting coating . Ex.
Cell phone covered with dielectric material in antenna.
Radiation pattern is changed as per parameter of antenna.
(Radiation pattern , beam width , impedance , intensity )
 Circuit parameter – input impedance, bandwidth , radiation
resistance, gain , self impedance and mutual impedance .

Prof. Jagruti Makwana 3/5/2024

 Transition parameter - different losses , mismatch losses ,
attenuation , absorption losses , conduction losses , radiation
losses , heat losses .
 Space parameter – shape of radiation pattern (single lobe ,
side lobe , back lobe ) Max radiation in main lobe , less
amount of energy in side lobe , polarization , beam width ,
directivity , lobes , radiation intensity .
 In polar plot , in main lobe we can find beam width at 3 dB.
So this is angular separation between two points. So wider
beam width antenna and shorter beam width (pencil)
antenna are available.

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 Reciprocity-An antenna exhibits identical impedance during
Transmission or Reception, same directional patterns during
Transmission or Reception, same effective height while
transmitting or receiving .
 Transmission and reception antennas can be used
interchangeably. Medium must be linear, passive and isotropic.
Antennas are usually optimized for reception or transmission.

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STATEMENT: If an emf is applied to the terminals of an antenna
no. 1 and the current measured at the terminals of another
antenna no.2 ,then an equal current both in amplitude and
phase will be obtained at the terminals of antenna no.1 if the
same emf is applied to the terminals of antenna no.2

If a current I1 at the terminals of antenna no. 1 induces emf E21 at

the open terminals of antenna no. 2 and a current I2 at the
terminals of antenna no. 2 induces emf E12 at the open
terminals of antenna no. 1 then E21=E12 PROVIDED I1=I2.

1)emfs are of same frequency
2)Medium between two antennas are linear passive and isotropic
3)Generator producing emf and ammeter for producing current
have zero impedance or if not both the generator and ammeter
92 impedances are equal
Prof. Jagruti Makwana 3/5/2024
Transfer Impedance=Z12=E12/I2
Z21 =E21 /I1
From Reciprocity it follows

E12 E21
Z m  Z12  Z 21  
I2 I1

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Proof: To prove the reciprocity theorem the space between
antenna 1 and antenna 2 is replaced by a network of linear
,passive and bilateral impedances.
Z11,Z22=>Self Impedance of antenna 1 and 2 respectively
Zm=>Mutual Impedance between two antennas

I1 I1
1 2 1 Z11
Z11 Z22 Z22
E12 Zm I2 I1 1 Zm 2 E21
1 2

2 2
1 1

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Applying kirchoff’s mesh law to loop 2
( Z 22  Z m ) I 2  Z m I1  0
I 2  I1 Eq1
Z 22  Z m
Applying kirchoff’s mesh law to loop 1
( Z11  Z m ) I1  Z m I 2  E12
( Z11  Z m ) I1  I1  E12
( Z 22  Z m )
( Z  Z m )( Z 22  Z m )  Z m
I1 11  E12
( Z 22  Z m )
Z Z  Z11Z m  Z 22 Z m  Z m  Z m
2 2
I1 11 22  E12
( Z 22  Z m )
95 Prof. Jagruti Makwana 3/5/2024
Z11Z 22  Z11Z m  Z 22 Z m  Z m  Z m
2 2
I1  E12
( Z 22  Z m )
E12 ( Z 22  Z m )
I1 
Z11Z 22  Z11Z m  Z 22 Z m
E12 ( Z 22  Z m )
I1  Eq2
Z11Z 22  Z m ( Z11  Z 22 )

Putting value of I1 from eq 2 in eq 1

E12 ( Z 22  Z m ).Z m
I2 
[ Z11Z 22  Z m ( Z11  Z 22 )]( Z 22  Z m )
E12 Z m
I2  Eq 3
[ Z11Z 22  Z m ( Z11  Z 22 )]

96 Prof. Jagruti Makwana 3/5/2024

Similarly the current I1 can be obtained by symmetry Suffix 2
may be replaced by 1 And vice versa

E21Z m Eq 4
I1 
[ Z11Z 22  Z m ( Z11  Z 22 )]

From Eq 3 and Eq 4 it is clear that if E21 and E12 are

same then I1=I2

97 Prof. Jagruti Makwana 3/5/2024

98 Prof. Jagruti Makwana 3/5/2024
Antenna Field zone
 So when signal is released
to free space , this energy
is distributed in different
regions. electro magnetic
radiation will be transmit
in free space.
 Surround of the antenna
does not get signal
uniformly. Antenna regions
are classified into two (1)
near field region- Reactive
near field and Radiating
near field (2) Rediating far
field region
99 Prof. Jagruti Makwana 3/5/2024
 Reactive near-field region : In this region, the reactive field
dominates. The reactive energy oscillates towards and away
from the antenna, thus appearing as reactance. In this
region, energy is only stored and no energy is dissipated.
The outermost boundary for this region is at a distance R1 =
0.62[D3 / λ] 1/2 where, R1 is the distance from the antenna
surface, D is the largest dimension of the antenna and λ is
the wavelength.

Prof. Jagruti Makwana 3/5/2024

 Radiating near-field region (Fresnel region): This is the
region which lies between the reactive near-field region
and the far field region.

 Reactive fields are smaller in this field as compared to

the reactive near-field region and the radiation fields

 In this region, the angular field distribution is a

function of the distance from the antenna.

 The outermost boundary for this region is at a distance

R2 = 2D2 /λ where, R2 is the distance from the antenna
Prof. Jagruti Makwana 3/5/2024
 Far-field region (Fraunhofer region): The region
beyond R2 = 2D2 /λ is the far field region.

 In this region, the reactive fields are absent and

only the radiation fields exist.

 The angular field distribution is not dependent on

the distance from the antenna in this region and the
power density varies as the inverse square of the
radial distance in this region.

Prof. Jagruti Makwana 3/5/2024

 Example –

 If the antennas used in radar systems produce side lobes,

target tracing becomes very difficult.
 This is because, false targets are indicated by these side
 It is messy to trace out the real ones and to identify the fake
ones. Hence, elimination of these side lobes is must, in
order to improve the performance and save the energy.

Prof. Jagruti Makwana 3/5/2024


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