3 - Periodic Properties (Engg) Sol - Final

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Periodic Properties 3.

Chapter 3 Periodic Properties

1. Li, Na, K were found to be triads. 6. Li, Na, K were triads suggested by Dobereines not
2. 2 and 3 periods were called short periods. 1
nd rd st

period is very short period and not short period. 7. 3rd Period of group IV(A) ⇒ Si.
3. Previously valency of Be was thought to be 3 but 8. Mendeleev did not give any reason for the periodicity
Mendeleev corrected the valency as 2 and atomic in properties. So, both statements are true but they
weight was corrected from 13.5 to 9. are independent.
4. Eka-Silicon ⇒ Germanium and Eka-Aluminum ⇒ 9. Refer Periodic Table.
10. Refer Periodic Table.
5. Factual. Mendeleev corrected the atomic weights of
Be and In.
1. Chemical properties are similar due to similar 6. Only Lanthanoids are referred to as Rare Earth
valence shell configuration. Elements.
2. Modern P.T. has 7 periods and 18 groups. 7. He has 1s2 configuration. Others have ns2 np6
3. By definition
8. All non-metals are present in the p-block. Also all
4. Representative elements constitute groups 1, 2 and
the matalloids are in the p-block.
13 to 17. They may gain, lose or share electrons to
attain noble gas configuration. 9. By definition.
5. Transition elements are d-block elements except 10. Fe : [Ar] 4s2 3d6 ⇒ [Fe3+] : [Ar] 3d5
group 12 (Zn, Cd, Hg).
Mn : [Ar] 4s2 3d5 ⇒ [Mn2+] : [Ar] 3d5
1. More the number of bonds, stronger the bonds and 4. Ionic Radii order N3- > O2- >F . (Isoelectronic)
hence shorter the bond length.
5. Fe3+ should be smaller than Fe2+.
We know that
Vand. Radius > Met. Radius > Cov. Radius. 6. Order : S2- > O2- > Cl > Na+
Greater the positive charge on the ion, smaller is the 7. Covalent radius should be smaller than metallic
ion and greater the negative charge on the ion, larger radius.
is the ion.
8. Lanthanoid contraction causes similarity in
2. By definition, Vanderwaal’s radius is estimated in properties of La and Hf.
the solid state.
9. Anion is larger than neutral atom and cation is
3. Covalent Radius should be much smaller than smaller.
Vanderwaal’s Radius.
10. Lanthanoid Contraction causes reduction in size.
3.2 Chemistry
1. Since K is below Na in the same group of the period 7. N has 2s2 2p3 configuration and is extra stable due to
table therefore I.P. of K < I.P. of Na. half filled p orbitals.
2. For a sudden jumb between 2nd and 3rd I.P., the element 8. Iron is the largest of the given atoms having high
should be attaining a noble gas configuration after 2 electropositive character. Thus, Fe has the lowest
electrons. Thus, outermost configuration should be I.E.
ns2. 9. O+ : 1s2 2s2 2p3
3. I.E. increases from Group 1 to Group 2 in the same F+ : 1s2 2s2 2p4.
period. Thus I.E.2 of O will be higher than IE2 of F, as O+
4. By the same logic of Q.2 above, this element should attains half filled configuration.
have ns2np1 configuration in the valence shell. Note: I.E.2 of O is greater than I.E.2 of N although
5. I.E. increases from Group 1 to Group 2 in the same I.E.1 of N > I.E. 1 of O.
period. 10. Z = 9 ⇒ 1s2 2s2 2p5 ⇒ F (A)
6. Ca, Al and Si belong to the same period and their Z = 10 ⇒ 1s2 2s2 2p6 ⇒ Ne (B)
I.E. order is Al < Ca < Si. Now Mg belongs to the 2nd
Z = 11 ⇒ 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1 ⇒ Na (C)
period and hence will have higher I.E. value than Ca.
The order of I.E. is Al < Ca < Mg < Si: Remember Z = 12 ⇒ 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 ⇒ Mg (D)
\ I.E.1 order is B > A > D > C.
1. 1 and 3 processes are exothermic while the other
st rd
6. Adding first electron to a neutral atom is generally
two processes are endothermic. an exothermic process while adding subsequent
Since (EA)S > (EA) O, Therefore maximum energy electrons or removing electron from neutral atom is
- -
released for S + e → S . endothermic.
2. | I.E. (F ) | = EA of F | 7. EA is general decreases down the group except from
2nd period to 3rd period.
3. Adding the 1st electron is endothermic for noble
gases alkaline earth metals and nitrogen. 8. By definition of electron affinity.

4. The EA of group 16 follows the order S > Se > Te > O. 9. EA by definition is at absolute zero temperature and
hence cannot be measured directly.
5. | IP (X) | = | EA of (X ) |
10. EA has units of energy per mole.
1. According to Pauling 6. The relation given in Q.3 above is approximated as
l M = 2.8 l P
D l = 0.208 ! AB - ! AA . ! BB
7. Mullikan’s scale only accounts for the first I.E. and
2. More the D l greater the polarity bonds. E.G.E. or E.A.
3. l P = 1.35 l M - 1.37 I+E
8. l M = 2 when I and E are taken in eV. If these
or, 1.35 l M = l P + 1.37 I+E
are taken in kJ/mol then l M = 544
or, l M = b
l P + 1.37 l2 9. As we more across a period EN increases.
4. F and H are the two elements used as reference to 10. Highly electronegative elements (eg F, Cl, O etc)
calculate EN values in Pauling Scale. easily get reduced and form anions. Hence, they are
good oxidants.
5. By definition of Mullikan’s Scale Electronegativity.
Periodic Properties 3.3
1. The oxide is CO2 and the elements is C. 1
9. Moles of Mg = 24 = 0.04166
2. Acidic character of oxides increases from left to
Mg —→ Mg+ + e- 740 kJ/mol.
right across a period.
3. Oxide of Al is amphoteric while N2O5 on dissolving \ Energy required for this step = 24 # 740 kJ
in water forms HNO3.
= 30.833 kJ.
4. Basic character decreases across a period and
Amount of energy left = 50 - 30.83 = 19.16 kJ
increasess down a group.
5. Only 2nd period elements of first 3 groups show M g+ $ Mg 2+ + e - 1540 kJ/mol .
diagonal relationship with 3rd period elements of \ Number of moles of Mg+ that can be ionized by
subsequent groups. 19.16
the remaining energy = 1540 = 0.0124.
6. Li and Mg are diagonally related, hence Li+ and
Mg2+ have similar polarizing powers. \ Moles of Mg2+ formed = 0.0124
7. N has half filled configuration. Thus I.P.1 of N is \ % of Mg 2+ = 0.04166 # 100 = 29.76%
greater than that of oxygen. \ % of Mg+ = 70 %
8. X = K, Y = Rb, Z = Cs, IE1 decreases as we move 10. Factual.
down group 1.

1. Ce-58 is an f-block element (lanthanide). 11. The atomic number of the element with electronic
configuration 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p3 is 15. It belongs to
2. Modern Periodic Table contains 7 Horizontal and 18
the 3rd period. Therefore, the atomic number of the
vertical series.
element which lies just below it in the 4th period is
3. It does not help to predict the stable valency states of 15+ 18 = 33
the elements.
12. If the configuration of a transition element X is [Ar]
4. Elements (a), (b) and (d) belong to the same group d4 in its +3 oxidation state, then the configuration
since each one of them has two electrons in the valence of the neutral metal X is [Ar] 3d5 4s2 and hence its
shell. In contrast, element (c) has seven electrons in atomic number must be 18 + 5 + 2 = 25.
the valence shell and hence does not lie in the same
13. [Ar]4s23d4 ⇒ Element with Z = 24, i.e. Chromium.
group in which elements (a) (b) and (d) lie.
Its correct electronic configuration is [Ar]4s13d5.
5. Germanium is a metalloid.
14. In accordance with aufbau principle, gadolinium
6. The element with Z = 43 lies in the 5th period. with Z = 64 must have configuration (c).
Therefore, the atomic number of the element which
15. Both As and Bi belongs to group 15 of the periodic
lies just above it in the 4th period should be 43 – 18
table and therefore, posses five electrons in the
= 25. As such, its electronic configuration is (a).
outermost orbit.
7. For transition elements, d-sub shells are not filled
16. Anion is larger than parent atom and that of cation is
with electrons monotonically (one at a time ) because
smaller than parent atom.
of extra stability of d5 and d10 configurations. Besides
these, there are many other exceptions, e.g. Nb, Mo, 17. Atomic radius of neon being Vanderwaal’s radius
Ru, Rh, Pd etc. is much higher than that of fluorine which is its
covalent radius.
8. Element with Z= 33 lies in VA or 15th group.
18. Atomic size decreases along a period, but noble
9. Within a period from left to right, atomic volume gases have much larger size than other elements of
first decreases and then increases for noble gases. the same period.
10. Cerium is the most common lanthanide. 19. Amongst isoelectronic ions, cations are smaller than
3.4 Chemistry
- -
20. Na+ and F ions are isoelectronic, therefore, F has belong to the same (2nd) period. Therefore, their
the largest and Na+ has the lowest size. Further, Al Vanderwaal’s radii will increase in the order: Ne,
with higher nuclear charge has lower size than Mg. F, O, N, Further, since Cl lies in third period, its
Thus the overall order is : Na+ < Al < Mg < F-. Vanderwaal’s radius would be largest. Thus the
21. Na- > Na > Na+. Refer Q.16 above. overall increasing sequence is: Ne, F, O, N, Cl.
22. Amongst isoelectronic ions, the size of the cation 33. Rb (2.11Å) is much larger than O(0.73Å). since the
decreases as the magnitude of the charge increases. size of cation is smaller while that of the anion is
23. The atomic radii of C, O, F which lie in the second larger than the parent atom, therefore, the sizes of
period increase in the order: F, O, C. Further, the Rb+(1.48Å) and O2- (1.45Å) coincidently match
atomic radii of F, Cl, Br which lie in the same group each other.
(group17) increase in the order : F, Cl, Br. Thus, the The sizes of Li+ (0.68Å) and Mg2+ (0.65Å) being
overall increasing order is F, O, C, Cl, Br. diagonally related are nearly the same. The sizes
of Fe (1.17Å) and Co (1.16Å) are nearly the same
24. Since atomic radii increase down a group, therefore,
because the contractive effect of the increased
the atomic radii of Na, K and Rb follow the sequence
nuclear charge is counter balanced by increase in
Na < K < Rb.
size due to increased shielding effect of the inner
Further, the atomic radii decrease along a period. electrons.
Since the atomic number of Mg is 12 and that of Na
is 11, therefore, the atomic radius of Mg is lower 34. Amongst halogens the outermost electron of I is
than that of Na because of increased nuclear charge. most loosely bound and hence can be lost most
Thus, the over all sequence is : Mg < Na < K < Rb. readily.
25. K+, Ca2+ and Ti4+ have all argon gas configuration i.e. 35. Extra stability of the exactly half-filled p-orbitals.
they have three shells. On the other hand, Al3+ has 36. Just sufficient to cause an electron to escape from
neon gas configuration, i.e. it has only two shells. isolated gaseous atom.
Since the increase in size due to the addition of an
extra shell is not compensated by the contractive 37. With increase in atomic number, the atomic size
effect of an additional positive charge, therefore, the increases both in 1st (group 1) and VII group (group
ionic radius of Al3+ (0.51Ǻ) is smaller than that of 17).
Ti4+ (0.68Å). 38. IE1 of N is higher than that of O.
26. C1 and S are isoelectronic with Ar while Na and
2- +
39. IE1 of Mg is higher than that of Na because of
F- are isoelectronic with Ne. Therefore, S2- has the increased nuclear charge and also that of Al because
largest size. in Mg a 3s-electron has to be removed while in
27. Na+, Mg2+, F are isoelectronic ions. Amongst Al it is the 3p-electron. The IE1 of Si is, however,
isoelectronic ions,the ion with the highest positive higher than those of Mg and Al because of increased
charge has the smallest size, i.e. Mg2+. nuclear charge, Thus, the overall order is Na < Mg >
Al < Si.
28. H belongs to first period while Li belongs to second
period. Therefore, size of Li+ > H+. Both Li+ and H
- 40. Metallic character decreases in a period and
are isoelectronic. Thus the sequence of decreasing increases in a group.
order of the size is H > Li+ > H+. 41. H (g)
H + (g) + e - . H+ nothing but a proton.
29. P5+ has more effective nuclear charge than P3+ and is 42. IE of element with electronic configuration (d)
smaller in size than P3+. is lowest because of its biggest size. Among the
30. Atomic radius decreases on going from left to right remaining three elements of the same period (3rd),
in a period. IE of element with electronic configuration (b) is the
Thus, size of O > F. As O2- and F are isoelectronic, highest due to greater stability of the exactly half-
therefore, size of O2- > F . filled 3p- subshell.

31. Among the isoelectronic species, the size increases 43. Bigger the size of the atom smaller will be its IE.
as the negative charge increases. 44. Within a group, IE decreases from top to bottom.
32. Like covalent radii, Vanderwaal’s radii also 45. IE3 > IE2 > IE1.
decreases along a period from left to right due to
increasing nuclear charge. Now N, O, F and Ne
Periodic Properties 3.5
46. IE2 of K is much higher than those of Ca and Ba +
54. O(g) -
$ O(g)
because in case of K, the second electron has to be
Z=8 Z=8
removed from noble gas (argon) core while this is
- -
not so in case of Ca and Ba. Out of Ca and Ba the IE2 e =7 e =9
of Ca is higher than that of Ba due to smaller size. 55. Elements (a) and (b) are alkali metals whereas (c)
The overall sequence is K > Ca > Ba. and (d) are alkaline earth metals. Amongst alkali and
47. The four elements (Li, Be, B and C) belong to the alkaline earth metals, alkali metal with the biggest
2nd period. As we go form Li → Be, IE1 increases size is the most electropositive element.
due to smaller size and increased nuclear charge. 56. ns2 np5 i.e. halogens are most electronegative in
The IE1 of B is, however, lower than that of Be respective periods.
because in B a 2p-electron is to be removed while
in Be a 2s-electron is to be removed. The IE1 of C 57. Pauling Scale is based on bond energies and
is however, higher than those of B and Be due to Mullikan Scale is based on Ionization Potential and
increased nuclear charge. Thus, the overall order is : electron Affinity.
C > Be > B > Li. 58. 9 = EC - H - E H - H × EC - C
48. Argon has the highest ionization potential as it is a 1
= 98.8 - (104.2) ×83.1) 2
noble gas.
= 5.75 k cal.
49. After the removal of an electron from C, N, O and F, 1
their electronic configurations are: X C - X H = 0.18 9 = 0.18 (5.75) 2 = 0.43.
C + (1s 2 2s 2 2p1), N + (1s 2 2s 2 2p1x 2p1y) \ X C = 0.43 + X H = 0.43 + 2.1 = 2.53
O (1s 2s 2p 2p 2p ) and
2 2 1
z 59. Ionization energy decreases, all others increase.
+ 2 2 2 1 1
F (1s 2s 2p 2p p ) x y z 60. Ionic radius increases.
Since O gives a stable electronic configuration with
61. Same number of electrons in the outermost shell of
exactly half- filled 2p-subshell, therefore, IE2 of O their atoms.
is higher than that of F. The IE2 of C because of the
larger size is lower than that of N. Thus, the overall 62. Transition elements generally show atleast 2
order is O >F > N > C. valencies.

50. Argon (3s2 3p6 ) is most stable and has least tendency 63. Ionic radius of Fe3+ (0.64Å) is < that of Mn3+ (0.66Å).
to add on electron. Other properties vary as indicated.
51. Molecules F2, Cl2 and anion F (due to inert gas Ne 64. On descending a group, valence electrons remain
configuration) have almost zero electron affinity. the same.

52. Cl has the highest E.A. value among halogens. EA 65. Size of an anion is larger than the corresponding
is general decreases down the group except for 2nd to atom and the ionization energy generally increases
3rd periods in the p-Block. as the size decreases with increasing atomic number
in a period. EN is tendency to attract a shared pair of
53. Amongst O, S and Te the EA of O is the smallest due electrons.
to inter-electronic repulsions present in its relatively
compact 2p-subshell. EA of Te is,however, smaller 66. IE1 of Li < Be > B < C or IE1 of Li < B < Be < C.
than S due to its greater size. Thus, the overall
sequence is S > Te > O.
1. The highest principal quantum number of an element 4. 4f orbitals are filled for Lanthanoids and 5f for
is its period number. actinoids.
2. The d-block has 10 columns, because a maximum 5. Due to stability of the [Rn] core, the filling of 5f
of 10 electrons can occupy all the orbitals (5) in a orbitals does not begin until there are two electrons
d-subshell. in the 6d-orbital and similarly, due to stability of the
[Xe] core, the filling of 4f-orbitals does not occur
3. Three complete subshells ( 1s2 2s2 2p6).
until there is one electron in the 5 d-orbital. As such,
the only true d-block element is (d).
3.6 Chemistry
6. Yes, hydrogen can be placed in 1st group on the basis 24. Atomic radius increases on moving top to bottom in
of its valency +1 (H+). a group due to increasing number of shells. However,
it decreasing on moving left to right in a period due to
7. The exceptional outer electronic configuration of Pd
increasing Zeff and addition of electrons to the same
suggests that, in principle its configuration should
shell. Nb (4d) ≈ Ta (5d) (Lanthanoid Contraction).
have been 4d8 5s2. As such it lies in 5th period and
group 10. For isoelectronic species, ionic radius
8. Silver belongs to Vth period. So the atomic number \ nuclear charge
of elements placed above and below will be 47 – 18 So correct order is Y3+ < Sr2+ < Rb+.
= 29 and 47 + 32 = 79 respectively.
25. Orbitals bearing lower value of n will be more closer
9. Une stands for unnilennium which is the IUPAC to the nucleus and thus electrons will experience
name for 109. greater attraction from nucleus and so its removal
10. Z = 118 [Rn]86 5f14 6d10 7s2 7p6 ; as last electron will be difficult, not easier.
enters in p-subshell, it belongs to p-block. Thus its 7
group number will be 10 + 2 + 6 = 18. Hence the 26. No. of moles of Li = 1000×7 = 10-3
element is a noble gas. 23
No. of moles of Na = 1000×23 = 10-3
11. More compact an orbital greater is its screening \ The amounts of energies required for 10-3 mole each Li
effect. and Na are 520 kJ × 10-3 or 520 J and 495 J respectively.
12. For isoelectronic species, as Z increases, Zeff 27. Due to stable half filled electronic configuration of
increases (and vice versa). outer most shell of N, it has higher ionization energy
13. The atomic sizes of Li Na, Ca, S and Xe are 1.34Å, than O.
1.54Å, 1.74Å, 1.02Å and 2.09Å respectively Thus, 28. IE2 of Mg is lower than that of Na because in case
the atomic size of S (1.02Å) is approx. half than that of Mg3+ 3s-electron has to be removed while in
of Xe (2.09Å). (Factual) case of Na+, an electron from the stable inert gas
14. Sn4+ > In+ > Sn > In. Higher cationic charge ⇒ more configuration (Neon) has to be removed.
Zeff. 29. Across the period (i.e. 3rd period) the size of atom
15. For isoelectronic species, as Z increases, Zeff decreases and nuclear charge increases. So generally
increases (and vice versa). the ionization energy increases. However the
ionization energy of Mg is greater than Al because of
16. For a given element rcovalent < rmetallic < rvanderwaal more penetration power of 2s sub-shell electrons of
17. The size of K will be higher than that of K+ while Mg as compared to that of the 2p sub-shell electron
size of F will be lower than that of F . of Al. Also, Mg has fully filled configuration.
18. On moving left to right in a period, atomic radii 30. Mg(g) + IE1 → Mg+(g) + e ; IE1 = 750 kJ mol-1 ....(i)
decreases due to increase in Zeff and addition of Mg+(g) + IE2 → Mg2+(g) + e ; IE2 1450 kJ mol-1 ..(ii)
electrons to the same outermost shell. First of all, all Mg (g) atoms will get converted
V >S Cl -3 > W
19. Br - 2-
N 3- into Mg+ (g) and then some of these will finally get
4th period 3rd period 2nd period converted into Mg2+(g).
Amount of energy supplied = 1779.5 kJ mol-1
20. Vanderwaal’s radius is considered in case of neon,
which normally has a large value. So, atomic radii Amount of energy needed for the conversion of 1
of neon is greater than that of fluorine. mole of Mg (g) atoms into Mg+(g) =750 mol-1
Amount of energy left for the conversion of
21. Ionic radii in aqueous solution is equal to size of
hydrated ion. Mg+(g) → Mg2+(g) =1779.5 - 450 = 1029.5 kJ.
Hydration is highest in smaller ion if charge is same. From Eq. (ii), 1450 kJ energy converts Mg+(g) to
Mg2+(g) = 1mole
22. Isoelectronic species how the same valence principal \ 1029.5 kJ energy will converty Mg+(g) to Mg2+(g)
quantum number. for such species more the Z,
smaller the size. = 1450 x1029.5 = 0.71 moles
- - -
23. I > Se2- > Br > O2- > F . I is in 5th period and Se is Thus, Mg2+ (g) = 0.71 moles and Mg+(g) = 1.0 – 0.71
in 4th period. = 0.29 moles.
Periodic Properties 3.7
31. Removal of Ist electron is easier because of bigger 40. Electronegativity of elements generally increases
size but 2nd electron is to be removed from ns2 np6 across the period (less increase) and decreases down
configuration i.e. stable noble gas configuration. So the group (more decrease).
IE2 > IE1. Si = 1.8, P = 2.1, C = 2.5, N = 3.0. So, the correct
increasing order is Si < P < C < N.
32. Second ionization energy of potassium is greater
than that of Ca. In case of potassium ion (i.e. K+) 41. Electronegativity of elements generally increases
the electron removal from the stable inert gas across the period (less increase) and decreases down
configuration (1s2 2s2 2p63s23p6) requires much the group (more decrease).
higher energy.
42. Non metals are more electronegative than metals.
33. EA of 2nd period elements is less than 3rd period
43. Z = 32 & Ge . It can show +2 and +4 oxidation
34. In chlorine, the addition of additional electron
44. Group 16 has -2 as the most common O.S.
to larger 3p-subshell experiences less electron-
electron repulsion than smaller 2p-subshell of 45. Gold is a noble metal.
fluorine. Phosphorus has very low electron affinity 46. I can show -1, +3, +5 and +7 oxidation sates.
because there is high electron repulsion when the
incoming electron enters an orbital that is already 47. Maximum O.S. = Group No. and min, O.S. = Group
half filled. No. 8.
35. O has exceptionally smaller value of electron affinity 48. Transition metals can show variable oxidation states
(minimum in family) due to greater electron- 49. Inert pair effect is seen post the f-block elements.
electron repulsion in larger 3p-subshell).
50. Tl+ and Tl3+ are possible of which Tl+ is more stable
36. i: Ne, ii: O, iii: Na; iv:F. so EA order is i < iii < ii < i
51. Due to inert pair effect.
37. All are facts. -
52. BiI5 does not exists because of I being very strong
38. The addition of extra electron is difficult to the atom reducing agent. So it reduces Bi5+ to Bi3+ and forms
having stable configuration and so electron gain BiI3.
enthalpy will be positive. Similarly the removal of
electron is quite difficult from stable configuration 53. Be has fully filled 2s-subshell (2s2) and therefore,
and so ionisation enthalpy is higher. However EN shows least tendency to accept an electron. Thus,
remains unaffected because it neither involves gain Be- is least stable.
nor loss of electron. 54. None. Review the definitions of ionization enthalpy,
39. As size of atom decreases across the period, the electron gain enthalpy and electronegativity.
attraction between the nucleus and shared pair of 55. In the isoelectronic series all isoelectronic anions
electrons increases. So electronegativity increases belongs to the same period and cations to the next
across the period. period.
1. H, C, N, O, F Eq. (3) = (2) – (1)
2. Chlorine has maximum electron affinity. – E.G.E + 1200 = 1100

3. A + e

→ A + 3 eV
– – E.G.E = –100 kJ/mol
Number of moles of A = 10/30. P = 1.
As 1 mole of A releases = 3 × 23 kcal. 5. Since large jump from IE2 to IE3, therefore element
\ Energy released for conversion of 10/30 mole belongs to 2nd group.
– 3×23
gaseous A into A ions 30 ×10 = 23 kCal. 6. a is Na, b is Mg, c is Al, d is Si, e is P, f is S, g is Cl,
– –
4. A (g) + e → A (g) DH = + E.G.E ...(1) h is Ar,

A (g) → A (g) + 2e DH = 1200 KJ/mol
...(2) x = 3, y = 3
– –
A (g) → A2+ (g) + 3e DH = 1100 KJ/mol ...(3) x–y=0
7. Be, N
3.8 Chemistry
8. Size decreases from Ni to Cu and then increases 14. N, O, F, P, C, S, Cl
from Cu to Zn.
15. x = 4 Period
9. rA + rA = 10Å ...(i) y = 11 Group
rB + rB = 6Å ...(ii) 8 + 11 = 19.
(i) + (ii)
16. m = 5.92 = 35 ⇒ 5 unpaired electrons ⇒ Fe3+
2(rA + rB) = 16Å
\ Z = 26.
rA + rB = 8Å
17. In c, d, f and j processes energy will be released. The
10. +6, +7 remaining processes are endothermic.
6 + 7 = 13. 18. In HNO3 and N2O5, nitrogen exhibits maximum

11. The 4f e in the antepenultimate shell are very oxidation sate 5.
effectively shielded from their chemical environment 19. In 1000 kJ of energy 600 kJ is consumed to convert

outside the atom by 5s and 5pe . Consequently the one mole of M to M+. The remaining 400 kJ can

4f e do not take part in bonding. convert only 0.25 mole of M+ to M2+.
12. BiF5, TlI3, PbO2, SnCl2, Tl2O3, As2O3 20. Form the electronic config. the atomic number of
13. Of the many O.S. of Chromium, +3 O.S. is most element is 90 and it is Th. It belongs to f-block.
1. For transition elements, the 3d-orbitals are filled with increase in the number of atomic shells (effective
electrons after 4s-orbitals and before 4p-orbitals. nuclear charge remains nearly same).
2. Electron configuration is [Ar]18 3d10 4s2 4p3. As last O2– = 140 pm, Se2– = 198 pm, F = 133 pm,
- -
electron enters in p-subshell it is p-block element Br = 196 pm, I = 220 pm.
and thus its group number is equal to 10 + 5 = 15. As So, the correct decreasing order of ionic
principal quantum number of valence shell is 4, so it radii.
is 4th period element. - - -
I > Se2– > Br > O2– > F .
3. Atomic No. of Group 1 Elements : 3, 11, 19, 37, 55 11. Mn is in +2 oxidation state in MnO while in other
Atomic No. of Group 2 Elements : 2, 4, 12, 20, 38, compounds, it is in higher oxidation state. As number
56. of electrons per proton decreases, the size decreases.
4. He+, 1s1 ; Li2+, 1s1 ; Be3+, 1s1. All these ions have only 12. (1) Be has completely filled stable valence shell
one electron. So they do not have any inner orbital configuration i.e. 2s2 while in Be+ because of
and thus do not experience any screening effect. positive charge, the removal of electron requires
5. O is larger than F and has lesser no. of protons. F- is much higher energy. So, ionisation energy of
negatively changed and hence has lower Zeff. Cl is Be+ is greater than Be.
below F and its Zeff is not higher than F. (3) Across the period, atomic size decreases and
6. Fe exhibits +1 oxidation state only in rare cases like nuclear charge increases and thus valence shell
brown ring complex. electron(s) is/are tightly held by nucleus. So,
ionisation energy of C is greater than Be.
7. Maximum possible oxidation state is group number
which for Mn is VII. 13. Metallic character increases down a group (Al > B)
- and decreases across a period. (K > Mg > Al)
8. TlI3 exists as Tl+ and I3 while PbF4 exists because of
F- being very weak reducing agent. 14. There is more interelectronic repulsion in
2p-subshell of fluorine than chlorine (3p). So extra
9. Inert pair effects seen in the p-block elements of 6th
electron will be added easily in 3p-subshell of
chlorine as compared to 2p-subshell of fluorine.
10. Across the period ionic size decreases as nuclear
15. Correct order of electron gain enthalpy is O < S <
charge increases for successive addition of an
F < Cl Since F and O have more electron electron
electron but down the group increases due to
density with respect to Cl and S.
Periodic Properties 3.9
16. The tendency to attract bonded pair of electron in 32. Increase in effective charge increase the acidic
case of hybrid orbitals increases with increase in % character and decreases the basic character of the
s-character and so the order : sp > sp2 > sp3 elements.
The electron affinity values for 2p-series elements
33. Due to inrt pair effet Tl3+ and Pb4+ are unstable and
is less than that for 3p-series elements on account
act as oxidizing agents. Ga+ is less stable so it can
of small size and high inter electronic repulsions.
act as a reducing agent.
Statements (b) and (c) are facts. Every cation
releases more energy than neutral atom upon gain of 34. All the factors influence the bond length and thus
an electron. covalent radius of the an atom.
17. X is non-metal since its hydroxy compound is 5 5
35. 9H eg =- A e - 2 RT and 9H ie = E o + 2 RT
acidic. Y is metalloid as its hydroxy compound react
with both acid and base. Z is metal. 36. Due to the absence of d-subshell in valence shell,
second period element do not exhibit maximum
18. Metal when react with water gives H2 and the covalence beyond 4. 2nd period elements form
solution becomes alkaline. strong pp-pp bonds not pp-dp bonds. Anomalous
19. From Bohr’s model size is inversly proportional to behaviour is due to small size, high electronegativity.
the neuclear charge. Diagonal relationship is exist only up to IVth group.
20. First gas is CO2, second one is H2O and third one 37. With increase in oxidation state electronegativity
must be SO2. (attraction towards electrons) increases. As
the s-character of hybrid orbital increases,
21. Z must be divalent alkaline earth metal and W must
electonegativity increases. EN of Cu is greater than
be halogen.
Zn. The EN of Al is less than Ga.
22. Q is SCl2, R in RCl2 is divalent metal.
38. 6th period contain mercury (liquid), Xenon (gas) and
23. The effective nuclear charge in Ar is less due to other solid elements
shielding by more number of inner electrons and the
VII A group contain gases (F2 and Cl2) liquid (Br2)
atomic size of Ar is greater than Ne.
and solids (I2 and At)
24. O2-, Mg2+ and Na+ are isoelectronic.
4th period contains liquid (Br2), Kr (gas) and solid
25. If X0 - XB is greater than X0 - XH, B - O bond ionizes (other elements).
more easily than O - H bond.
39. As the number of positive charges on an ion increases
26. In isoelectronic species ionic radii decrease with the radius decreases. Other statements are correct.
increase in nuclear charge. -
40. Group no. e in outermost shell
27. IE values are increasing gradually and suddenly 13th 3
decreased in the E5 value indicating a change from
11th 1
noble gas to alkali metal.
9th 2 or 1
28. In the formation of ionic bond the cation forming 18th 2 or 8
element should have lesser IE and EA values than
the anion forming element. 41. Z = 19 is Potassium which is an s-block element.

29. Formation of ion means cation or anion. So, it may 42. Higher cationic charge in general results in greater
be endothermic or exothermic. More the charge on Zeff.
ion lesser is the stability. Electron gain enthalpy may 43. 1st group elements show 1+ oxidation state and 2nd
be positive or negative. group elements show 2+ oxidation state.
30. IE = 10x ; EA = 3x 44. Fact. Se shows only +3 oxidation state and the most
10x + 3x 2.8×544 common O.S. of Al is +3.
2.8 = 544 `x= 13 = 117 kJ
EA = 3x = 117 × 3 = 351 45. Cuprous chloride exists as a dimer KO2 is speroxide
of potassium.
31. Increase in s character increases electronegativity.
More the number of bonds also increases the 46. Zn have only 2+ or zero oxidation state.
attractive power of atom M bonded electrons
increases due to decreases in bond length. Higher
the oxidation state, more is the electronegativity.
3.10 Chemistry
47. O16, O18 : –2, –1, +1, +2 59. Element just above Z = 43 will be Z = 43 – 18
Na, K : +1 = 25 and will have electronic configuration
C : +4 to –4 Be :+2 1s22s22p63s23p63d54s2.
Zn : +2 Rb : +1
60. All these elements have outermost configuration ns2
48. -2 O.S. of oxygen is most stable due to it high np5. So they belong to Group (12 + 5 = 17) means
electonegativity and the lower O.S. of Tl, Pb, Bi are halogen family.
more stable due to inert pair effect.
61. For same element, rVander > rMet. > rCov
49. Atomic radii decreases from Group 1 to Group 17 1
across a period for representative elements. 62. Ionic size \ nuclear charge for isoelectronic
50. Sc 2 Ti 2 V 2 Cr 2 Mn . Fe . Cq
. Ni . Cu 1 Zn 63. Both N3– and Al3+ are isoelectronic species, but Al3+ has
greater nuclear charge. So, it will have smaller size
51. (b) Isoelectronic series of ions; all have the xenon
Zr (4d) ≈ Hf(5d), because of Lanthanide contraction.
electron configuration.
1 Zn > Cu, their occur greater inter electronic repulsions
Ionic radius \ nuclear charge in completely filled electronic configuration of 12th
Atomic number : Te = 52; I = 53; group elements.
Cs = 55; Ba = 56. 64. The metallic character of the elements is highest
at the extremely left (low ionization energies) and
(d) Due to poor shielding of nuclear charge by 4f
then decreases across the period from left to right
(ionization energies increases across the period).
52. Ionic radii depends on all the given factors.
65. The non-metallic character of the elements is
53. (a) As removal of second electron takes place from highest at the extreme right and then decreases from
half filled valence shell electron configuration of right to left across the period. Also it decreases more
O+ i.e. 2s2 2p3. on moving top to bottom.
(b) I.E (III) of 13Al is 2744 kJ mol–1 where as that of 66. (a) Ionization enthalpies of elements generally
P is 2910 kJ mol–1. This is because of higher decrease along a group and increase along a
nuclear charge in phosphorus. period in Modern periodic table.
(c) I.E (I) of Al is 577 kJ mol–1 and that of Ga is 579 (b) In the 3rd period of Modern periodic table, the
kJ mol–1. This may be because of their similar two most reactive elements are sodium and
sizes i.e. 1.25Å in both. chlorine.
(d) 5B+ = 1s2 2s2 ; 6C+ = 1s2 2s2 2p1 ; As s-sub shell (c) Iodine has the least negative electron gain
electron has high penetration power than p-sub enthalpy among all halogens.
shell electron. In addition B+ has completely (d) Ionization enthalpy of Pb is greater than that of
filled 2s sub shell. So I.E (II) of B is 2427 and Sn, because of poor shielding of nuclear charge
that of C is 2354 kJ mol–1. by 4f-electrons.
54. Alkali metals and alkaline earth metals import 67. Z = 57 & La ; Z = 17 & Cl ; Z = 19 & K ;
characteristic colour to Bunsen flame.
Z = 29 & Cu
55. (C) : EA order P < Si (D) : N < C
68. a, b are electron gain enthalpies in which b is
56. Z = 57 is La, It is a d-block element. endothermic and hence positive c and d are not
electron gain enthalpy.
57. 6th period, p-block, last element should have 6s 2 6p6
valence shows configuration. 69. IE1: Be > B; B < C; C < N; N > O
58. Current periodic table can accommodate 118 Be2+ : 1s2 Be2+ : 1s22s1 C2+ : 1s22s2
elements. N2+ : 1s22s22p1 O2+ : 1s22s22p2
\ IE3 : Be > B; B < C; C > N; N < O
Periodic Properties 3.11

1. Na → [Ne] 3s1 IE1 is very low but IE2 is very high 8. Ions O-2 F Na+ Mg+2
due to stable noble gas configuration of Na+. Atomic number = 8 9 11 12
Mg → [Ne] 3s2 IE1 & IE2 → Low No. of e- = 10 10 10 10
Therefore O2-, F , Na+, Mg+2 are isoelectronic
IE3 is very high.
9. These are isoelectronic species.
2. correct order of electron gain enthalpy is :- As negative charge increases, ionic radius increases.
O < S > Se > Te -
10. Na Na+ + e → Ist I.E. = 5.1 eV
⇒ S > Se > Te > O -
Na+ + e → Na Electron gain enthalpy of Na+
(Oxygen shows least electron gain enthalpy due to Because reaction is reverse, so DegH = – 5.1 eV.
small size of atom)
11. Order of increasing 9H IE Ba < Ca < Se < S < Ar

3. B → 1s2, 2s2, 2p1 Ba < Ca ; Se < S : On moving top to bottom in

Be → 1s2, 2s2 a group, size increases. So ionization enthalpy
In Boron 4e- of 1s2 & 2s2 shield nuclear charge
Ar : Maximum value of ionization enthalpy, since it
In Berillium 2e of 1s 2
shield nuclear charge is an inert gas.
C N O F 12. Order of ionic radii Ca2+ < K+ < Cl– < S2–
4. Size decreases
In isoelectronic species, as Z increases, size
Cl decreases.

Br 13. As we move in a group from top to bottom, electron

gain enthalpy becomes less negative because the
Size increases size of the atom increases and the added electron
5. In general in the periodic table, it can be said that: would be at larger distance from the nucleus.
Electronegativity decreases down a group and Negative electron gain enthalpy of F is less than Cl.
Atomic radius increases down a group. This is due to the fact that when an electron is added
6. Second electron gain enthalpy of oxygen is +850 kJ to F, the added electron goes to the smaller n = 2
mol–1. energy level and experiences significant repulsion
from the other electrons present in this level. In Cl,
7. Both Beryllium and Aluminum have similar the electron goes to the larger n = 3 energy level
electronegativity thus they show diagonal and consequently occupies a larger region of space
relationship. leading to much less electron-electron repulsion. So
the correct order is Cl > F > Br > I.
3.12 Chemistry

1. Be has 1s22s2 configuration. Adding another electron By observing the values of I1, I2 & I3 for atomic
implies filling a completely vacant subshell. Hence number (n+2), it is observed that I2 >>I1.
it is least stable. This indicates that number of valence shell electrons
2. I.E. order: Be > Mg > Ca as I.E. decreases on moving is 1 and atomic number (n+2) should be an alkali
down Group 2. metal.

3. All are isoelectronic species having 10 electrons in Also for atomic number (n+3), I3 >> I2.
each species but different nuclear charge and thus This indicates that it will be an alkaline earth metal
ionic radius \ nuclear charge . which suggests that atomic number (n+1) should be
a noble gas & atomic number (n) should belong to
So correct order is 9F < 8O2– < 7N3–. Halogen family. Since n < 10; hence n = 9 (F atom)
4. Note : n = 1 (H atom) cannot be the answer because
Atomic Ionization Enthalpy (kJ/mol) it does not have I2 & I3 values.
Number I1 I2 I3 5. F and Na can show only -1 and +1 O.S. respectively
n 1681 3374 6050 in their compounds. All others can show multiple
n+1 2081 3952 6122
n+2 496 4562 6910
n+3 738 1451 7733

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