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Chemical Bonding 4.

Chapter 4 Chemical Bonding

1. Non-metals readily form diatomic molecules by 6. NH4Cl has covalent as well as ionic bonds.
sharing of electrons. Element M(1s22s22p5) has RS V+
SS H WWW The bond between NH4+ and
seven electrons in its valence shell and thus needs SS W
| W Cl- is an ionic bond. The
one more electron to complete its octet. Therefore, SS +WW -
SS H - N " H WW Cl bonds between N atom and H
two atoms share one electron each to form a diatomic SS WW
| atoms in the ammonium ion is
molecule (M2) SS WW
S H W covalent bond.
M + M M M
7. Molecule X is nitrogen because nitrogen molecule
has triple bond. It’s configuration will be 1s2, 2s22p3.
2. In a covalent bond between similar atoms the elecron
pair is equally shared. This is called a covalent bond. 8. PCl5 does not follow octet rule, it has 10 electrons in
3. An ionic bond can never be formed between two its valence shell. It is said to have a super octet.
atoms of the same element. 9. Each nitrogen share 3 electrons to form triple bond.
4. BCl3 is electron deficient compound because B has So, total number of shared electrons is 6.
only 6 electrons after forming 3 covalent bonds. 10. HCl has ionic character although it is a covalent
5. Electropositive tendency increases down the group. compound because electronegativity of chlorine is
Thus, Be has the least tendency to form cations greater than that of hydrogen. E.N. of Cl = 3 and that
among the given options and hence has the highest of H = 2.1
tendency to form covalent bonds.

1. Number of bonds do not change in resonating 7. In resonance structure there should be the same
structures. Also, Carbon cannot have 5 bonds. number of electron pairs. Only the location of these
electron pairs vary between the different atoms.
2. In NH3 nitrogen has one lone pair of electron.
8. There are three resonance structure of CO32- ion.
3. During resonance the electrons of the second or third
bond between two atoms (called p bonds) change
their position i.e. get delocalized. C C C

4. During resonance electrons in p bonds get

delocalized. Position of atoms and functional groups
remain unchanged.
5. In CN- ion formal negative charge is on nitrogen 9.
atom due to lone pair of electrons.

\ B.O. = 2 10. All bonds of CO32- are of equal length due to
4.2 Chemistry
1. In fluorine molecule formation p-orbitals take part
in bond formation. There is p-p s bond.
8. S 2s, 2p bond and one lone pair.
2. p-bond is formed by lateral overlapping of
unhybridised p or d orbitals. O O
3. In a double bond connecting two atom sharing of 4
electrons take place as in H 2 C = CH 2 , 2 for s and 2 9. S O
NO3-, PO43- and CO32- have one p bond
for p bonds. O

4. C≡≡C is a multiple bond so it is strongest.

! "

5. Greater the extent of overlap, stronger are the bonds 10. N N.

6. Each Phosphorus is attached to 4 Oxygen atoms. First bond between any two atoms is s bond, all

Remember coordinate bonds are also s bonds. subsequent bonds are p bonds.

7. H C C -H Number of s bonds = 12
Number of p bonds = 3
H C H \ Ratio = 4 : 1

1. H2O is not linear because oxygen is sp3 hybridised in 3 2 1

H2O. 7. In compound CH 2 = C = CH 2 the second carbon

2. In sp3–hybridisation each sp3 hybridised orbital has
1/4 s-character and 3/4 p-chracter. 8. T.V.E. = 8 + 4 × 7 = 36.
Now 36/8 = 4, remainder = 4
3. sp3d hybrid orbitals have bond angles 120o, 90o.
\ n = 4+ 2 = 6 \ Hybridization sp3d2
4. In BeF3-, Be is not sp3–hybridised it is sp2-hybridised.
9. As p-character increases the bond angle decreases.
5. T.V.E. = 20. Now 20/8 gives quotient = 2 and
remainder = 4 1
In sp-p-character 2 , bond angle -180o
\ n = 2+ 2 = 4 2
In sp2-p-character 3 , bond angle -120o
6. Hybridization of C in C2H2, C2H4 and C2H4Br2 is 3
sp, sp2 and sp3 respectively. As the % p character of In sp3-p-character 4 , bond angle -109o
the hybrid orbital of C increases the hybrid orbital 10. Structure of N2O is similar to CO2 both have linear
becomes more elongated. Thus the C-H bond structure and also 22 e- each.
length is maximum for C2H4Br2 which has C in sp3
1. sp3d2 hybridization corresponds to octahedral Hybridization of ICl3 is sp3d with two L.P. Thus,
geometry. its geometry is trigonal bipyramidal and shape is
2. IF7 is shows sp3d3 hybridization. Hence the bond
angles are is about 72o and 90o. Thus, among the 4. PF5 has sp3d hybridization with zero L.P. of electrons.
given options IF7 has the smallest bond angle. Hence it has trigonal bipyramidal structure.
3. BCl3 is sp2 hybrid, geometry and shape both are 5. In SO3 sulphur is sp2 hybridized so its shape will be
trigonal planar. PCl3 is sp3 hybrid with one L.P. Thus trigonal planar.
its geometry is tetrahedral and shape is pyramidal.
6. Benzene has all carbons sp2 hybridised and planar in
Chemical Bonding 4.3
7. CO2 has sp-hybridization and is linear. 9. Structure of sp3d hybridized compound is Trigonal
8. Boron is sp2 hybridized in BF3 with 3 bond
pairs and 0 lone pair of electrons. Thus, it 10. XeF4 molecule has ‘Xe’ sp3d2 hybridised and its
has trigonal planar geometry. shape is square planar as it has 2 lone pairs.
1. H2S show bond angle nearly 90 as there is no
7. Since it is a 2nd period central atom, thus it cannot
hybridization due to Drago’s rule have d orbitals involved in hybridization.
2. Bond angle decreases from H2O to H2Te. Note that sp hybrid central atom will always have angle of
there is no hybridization in H2S, H2Se or H2Te. Hence 180o sp2 hybrid central atom with 0 L.P. = 120o
the bond angle keeps decreasing marginally due to 1 L.P. ≈ 115o
the increase in the bond length with increasing size sp3 hybrid central atom with 0 L.P. = 109.5o,
of central atom and decreasing E.N. of central atom. 1 L.P. ≈ 107o and 2 L.P. = 105o.
3. BCl3, BBr3 and BF3 all of these have same structure 8. BF3 contain 6 electron so it is lewis acid. Species
i.e. trigonal planar (sp2 hybridization). Hence bond that can accept a lone pair of electrons are called
angle is same for all of them (i.e. equal to 120o) Lewis Acid.
4. There are 2 lone pair of electrons on O in H2O and 9. s-character increases with increase in bond angle.
only 1 lone pair on N in NH3 and both are sp3 hybrid.
Thus, bond angle of NH3 is greater than H2O. Hybridization s% Angle
sp 50 1800
In case of PH3, AsH3 bond angle is nearly 90o as there
is no hybridization due to Drago’s Rule. Therefore, sp2 33.33 1200
NH3 has the largest bond angle. sp3 25 109.280
sp3d 20 900 and 1200
5. In NH3, sp3 hybridization is present but bond angle
is 107o because Nitrogen has lone pair of electrons. 10. s-orbitals are short and bulky. As % s character
According to VSEPR theory due to bp-lp repulsion decreases, the hybrid orbital becomes more
bond angle decreases from 109o45` to 107o. elongated and hence bond length increases.
6. The bond angle in PH3 would be expected to be
close to 90o due to Drago’s Rule.
1. CO2 is symmetrical molecule so its net dipole H2 all other molecule have the different atom so they
moment is zero. will have the polarity while H2 will be non polar.
2. Chloroform has 3 chlorine atoms and one hydrogen
atom attached to the carbon so it is polarised and it 8. :dipole moments cancel off.
will show a net dipole moment.
3. Net dipole moment is a vector addition of all the cis isomer shows dipole moment while that of trans
dipoles in a molecule is zero or very low value.
\ | n net | = n12 + n 22 + 2n1 n 2 cosi : mnet = 0 as dipoles cancel off.
Greater the value of q, lesser is the | mnet|
9. Given ionic charge = 4.8 × 10-10 e.s.u. and ionic
4. CCl4 has no net dipole moment because of its regular
tetrahedral structure, as all the dipoles cancel out. distance = 1Å = 10-8 cm we know that dipole
moment = ionic charge × ionic distance
5. CH4 has regular tetrahedral structure so its dipole
moment is zero, same reason as above. = 4.8 × 10-10 × 10-8 = 4.8 × 10-18 esu cm.
6. HF has largest dipole moment because \ m = 4.8 D.
electronegativity difference between H and F is 10. % of ionic character
highest so it is highly polar.
Experiment al value of diple moment
7. Polarity is created due to the difference in = Expected value of dipole moment
electronegativity of both atom in a molecule. Except 1.03
= 6.12 ×100 = 16.83% . 17%
4.4 Chemistry
1. s1s s *
s2s s *
p2px p2py p2pz n b - na 8 - 3 5
6. B.O. of O2+ = = 2 = 2 = 2.5 .
1s2 2
2s2 2 2 2

nb = 10 and na = 4
7. p2py has two nodal planes.
10 - 4
` B.O. = 2 =3 8. Correct Sequence of bond order is
2. H has the bond order = 2 , it has only one electron
2 O +2 > O 2 > O -2
v1s 1
B.O. - 2.5 2 1.5
3. Helium molecule does not exist as bond order of 9. In the conversion of O 2 into O -2 bond order
He2 = 0. decreases, from 2 to 1.5.
n b - na 8 - 4 10. O 22-: v1s v1s
v 2s v*2s v 2p r 2px r 2py r*2px r*2py & 4 pairs
4. B.O. of C2 = 2 = 2 = 2. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

of anti-bonding electrons.
n -n 10 - 4
5. B.O. = b 2 a = 2 = 3 .
1. Valencies of L, Q, P and R is - 2, - 1, + 1 and + 2 6. Cations with high charge and small size have high
respectively so they will from P2L, RL, PQ and RQ2 polarizing power. Anions with larger magnitude of
charge and larger size show greater polarizibility.
2. All ionic compounds are good conductors of
electricity only in the molten or aqueous states, as 7. Smaller cation with higher charge causes maximum
the ions can move freely in these states and act as polarization. Larger anions are more polarizable.
carriers of charge.
8. Smaller cation with high charge and large anion
3. Since high charge on ions, smaller size of cation an favours most covalent compound
arge size of anion all favour covalent character as
9. Larger the anion, greater is the polarisibility.
per Fajan’s Rules.
10. I—Cl bond is polar due to difference in E.N. between
4. Ionic bond is the strongest bond so bond between
I and Cl. Since Cl is more E.N., thus negative end is
Na - Cl is the strongest bond.
on Cl.
5. Water is a polar solvent so it decreases the interionic
attraction in the crystal lattice due to salvation.
1. Hydrogen bond strength will be maximum in F—H 7. Water is denser than ice because of hydrogen
bond due to greater electronegativity difference. bonding interaction and structure of ice, which has
air trapped inside cage like structures.
2. HF has highest boiling point because it has
intermolecular hydrogen bonding. 8. Ethanol: CH3—CH2—OH
3. Intermolecular hydrogen bonding increases the Dimethyl ether: CH3—O—CH3 Ethanol has
boiling point of compounds like water, HF etc. hydrogen bonding so its boiling point is higher than
its isomer dimethyl ether.
4. o-Nitrophenol has intramolecular hydrogen bonding
but p-Nitrophenol has intermolecular hydrogen 9. The H atom covalently bonded to a higher E.N. atom
bonding so boiling point of p-Nitrophenol is more will have more acidic character (partial positive
than o-Nitrophenol. charge) and hence will form stronger H-bonds.
5. H2O can form hydrogen bonds rest CH4 and CHCl3 Also, a higher E.N. atom is able to form stronger
do not have any acidic hydrogen. NaCl does not have H-bonds.
any H atom, so there is no question of H-bonding. 10. C2H5OH will dissolve in water because it forms
6. Due to highest E.N. difference between H and F, the hydrogen bond with water molecule.
strength of intermolecular H bonds is maximum in
Chemical Bonding 4.5
1. Since Mercury is a liquid at room temperature, it 6. In NaOH covalent bond is present in O - H bond
must have very weak interatomic forces. while ionic bond is formed between OH - and Na + .
2. The melting and boiling points of argon is low 7. Bond formation is an exothermic reaction so there is
hence, in solid argon, atoms are held together by decrease in energy of product.
weak Vanderwaal’s forces. Also, as Argon is a noble 8. The bond formation take place when forces of
gas, it can only have Vanderwaal’s forces between attraction and repulsion balance off each other.
particles. RS VW+
3. Diamond is one of the hardest substances. Its melting SS | WW
point would be high, as it is difficult to break its 9. SH - N " HWW Cl -
structure. SS | WW
4. Generally zero group elements are linked together SS H WW
by Vanderwaal’s forces. Hence, these show weakest
ionic bond = 1, Covalent bond = 3
intermolecular forces.
Co-ordinate bond = 1.
5. Glycerol has a three OH group hence it is viscous in
10. Fact.
nature, as there are 3-H bonds between 2 glycerol


1. Covalent substances have lower MP, BP and are also

generally insoluble in water.
2. The monothiocarbonate is CSO 2- 2 and has a 8. H O C O H O C=O
structure similar to carbonate ion. There is Resonance between the bonds y and z.
Cl Cl Thus, they both have partial double bond character.
3. BCl3:- B
. There are only 6 electrons in the The bond x is purely single bond.

\ x>y=z
valence shell of Boron and hence it is an electron 1
9. Bond length \ Bond order
deficient species.
Bond order of CO = 3 (as isoelectronic with N2)
4. In BCl3 and PCl5, B and P contain 6 and 10 electrons No. of bonds in all possible sides
respectively in their valence shell. Therefore they Bond order = No. of resonating structures
violate octet rule.
Bond order of CO 2 = 2 = 2
5. N3-, (CNO) - and (NCN) 2- all have same number
of electrons i.e., 22; so all are isoelectronic with CO2 4
which also has 22 electrons. Bond order of CO32- = 3 = 1.33

6. (a) BrF5:Br contains 10 electrons in place of eight. So, order of bond length of C-O is CO < CO2 < CO32-

(b) SF6:S contains 12 electrons in place of eight. 10.

(c) IF7:I contains 14 electrons in place of eight.
\ Bond order = 1.5 as 3 double bonds are
distributed among 6 possible locations.
11. Bond orders:
7. I -5 charge is distributed on 6O
(a) CO2 = 2 (b) CH3COO- = 1.5
O O atoms. So, average charge =
-5/6 (c) CO = 3 (d) CO32- = 1.33
1 Lesser the bond order, weaker the bond.
Average B.O.=1 + 6 = 1.167
4.6 Chemistry

12. (a)

22. (i) (ii) [N # N # N]2!

(b) (iii) PCl5 (s) exists as [PCl 4] + and [PCl6] - ,


(iv) I 2 Cl6 (,) ? [ICl 2] + + [ICl 4] - self ionisation

23. sp3d : see - saw shape

(d) zero overlap

sp3d : see - saw shape

24. (A) BF3 (sp 2) + F - $ BF 4- (sp3)

13. (a) and (b) have negative overlap while (c) has
positive overlap. Thus (c) will show effective (B) NH3 (sp3) + H + $ NH +4 (sp3)
overlapping. (C) 2SO 2 (sp 2) + O 2 $ 2SO3 (sp 2)
14. p-orbital can have both axial and side ways over lapping (D) H 2 O (sp3) + H + $ H3 O + (sp3)
- -
2 2
15. Structure of C34- is (C = C = C)
16. Sigma bond is stronger than pi bond as in case of pi 25. (A)
bonds there is straining of orbitals.
17. C having 4 single bonds is sp3
(B) Number of bond pairs around
C having 2 single, 1 double bond is sp2
C having 1 single, 1 triple bond is sp
I = 2. Number of lone pairs around I = 3.
C having 2 double bonds is also sp
6 5
18. N36:[N = N = N -]; NOCl:O = N - Cl and
- +
N 2 O:N = N = 0


20. XeF 7+ sp3 d3 (D)

+ 3
PCl 4 sp
SF6 sp3 d 2
PF 4+ sp3
Chemical Bonding 4.7
26. (A) XeO3 is trigonal pyramid. Decrease in B–F bond length is due to delocalized
pp-pp bonding between filled p-orbital of F atom
(B) IOF 4+ is trigonal bipyramidal
and vacant p-orbital of B atom.
(C) PCl5 is pyramidal.
39. In SOCl2, sulphur atom is sp3 hybridized. Due to the
presence of one lone pair of electrons on ‘S’ atom,
(D) and square pyramidal. the molecule has distorted tetrahedral shape. i.e.,
trigonal pyramidal shape. This shape contains two
chlorine and one oxygen atom in a triangle. The S –
O – p bond is pp-dp back bond.
27. (B) Bond angle is 180o because of sp
40. Back bonding is more effective when size of donor
hybridisation of nitrogen. In all others N is sp2 and acceptor orbitals are similar. Also, greater the
hybrid. extent of back bonding, lesser is the Lewis Acid
28. Central atom is sp hybridized and it is linear character.
molecule. 41. BF3 has pp-pp back bonds
29. As the electronegativity of central atom increases O
the bond angle increases due to repulsion between S
bond pair and bond pair as bond pairs are more close O O
to the central atom. Also there is no hybridization in 42. O O
case of H2S, H2Se and H2Te as per Drago’s Rule S S
30. Due to absence of lone pair on N in
NH +4 , lp - lp or lp - bp repulsion is not there.
31. As per Drago’s rule 43. Dipole moment \ bond angle

32. 44. n ! 0; SiF4, BF3 and PF5

(H2O) (H2O)
33. Cu SO 24- - H 2 O are symmetrical molecules thus m = 0
(H2O) (H2O)

Ionic bond between Cu2+ and SO42- coordinate bonds 45. The values of C = O bond dipoles are
between H2O and Cu2+ covalent bonds within H2O same but acting in opposite directions, so cancel out.
and SO42-. Thus diple moment of CO2 is zero.
34. B2H6 is electron deficient and hence has banana 46. Symmetrical molecules have zero dipole moment.
plannar, q = 120o, m = 0
35. B is sp3 hybrid.
4s and 2 bridging bonds.
36. O2 and N2O4 contain even number of electrons but
O2 is paramagnetic.
37. B has 2s22p1 configuration. Since it is forming 2v
and 2 banana bonds therefore it must be in excited
47. S Bond angle ≈ 90o. mnet ! 0
48. Dipole moment depends on the electronegativity of
the elements as it is the product of charge on one
of the ions and the distance between them. Dipole
moment of CH3Cl is greater than CH3F due to more
charge separation. (fact)
4.8 Chemistry
Cl 62. Be2+ has highest polarizing power and Rb+ has least
polarizing power.
49. !net = 0 63. The stability of the ionic bond depends upon the
lattice energy which is expected to be more between
Cl Mg and F due to +2 charge on Mg atom.

50. The electron density is zero in the nodal plane during 64. The solubility order is:
the formation of a molecular orbital from atomic BeF2 > MgF 2 > CaF2 > SrF2 So, SrF2 is least soluble.
orbitals of the same atom by definition 65. NaF has maximum melting point. Melting point
51. Pi molecular orbitals are formed by orebitals that are decreases of sodium halides with incease in size of
perpendicular to the bonding axis. halide as their lattice energy get lower.
52. Bond order for species which can exist must be 66. Electrovalent bond is formed by losing electrons
positive but may be integral or fractional. from one atom and gaining electron by other atom
i.e. redox reaction.
53. (a) Bond order of N2+ = 2.5 The bond order of O2+
1/2(10-5) = 2.5 67. CaCl has ionic bonding.
(b) Bond order of F2 = 1; The bond order of Ne2 = 0 68. As charge on cations increases, their polarising
(c) Bond order of O2 = 2; The bond order B2 = 1 power increases and thus covalent character
(d) Bond order of C2 = 2; The bond order of N2 = 3 + 2+ 3+ 4+

54. Homodiatomic species with total number of LiCl < BeCl 2 < BCl3 < CCl 4
electrons < 14 in the neutral specie can show s-p 69. Increase in oxidation state (Ni 4+) increases the
mixing. polarizing power of cation.
55. N 22-: v1s v1s
v 2s v*2s r 2p r 2p v 2p r 2p r*2p
2 2 2 2 2
y 70. Because of high charge density on Sn 4+ it has
10 - 6 high polarizing power and thus leads to greater
B.O. N 22- = 2 = 2; polarization of anion i.e., greater distortion of
10 - 6 electron clouds of the Cl - ions. So SnCl4 is most
B.O. O 2 = 2 = 2
10 - 6
NO - isoelectronic with O 2 so B.O. = 2 = 2 71. All molecules have London dispersion force
All have same number of electrons (i.e. 16) so because of number of polarizable electrons. Non
isoelectronic. polar molecules have only London dispersion force
56. B2 bond order =1; C2 bond order = 2, F2 bond order = because of polarisable electron. Benzene is non
1 polar molecule. Polar molecules have dipole-dipole
1; O -2 bond order = 1.5 bond length # bond order
attraction in addition to London dispersion force.
57. NO– is derivative of O2 and isoelectronic with O2.
So v1s v1s
v 2s v*2s v 2p r p r p r p r p and 2 unpaired
2 2 2 2
x and so on
Molecules with, O–H, N–H, or F – H bond have
O22– : v1s v1s
v 2s v*2s v 2p r 2p r 2p r*2p r*2p and no unpaired
2 2 2 2
hydrogen bonding in addition to London dispersion
electrons.. force.
58. O2 O2- O22- O2+ Molecule ICl is polar, so in addition to London
Bond order 2 1.5 1 2.5 dispersion force it also has dipole-dipole attraction.
59. O and NO both have odd number of electrons and
2 72. All statements are true.
must be paramagnetic
73. London forces are extremely short range in action
60. From MOT and bond order values. In case of N +2 and the weakest of all attractive forces.
and N -2 both same B.O. So, the one with less
The order of strength of bonds/ forces is :
number of antibonding electrons has stronger bond.
Ionic Bond > Covalent Bond > Hydrogen Bond >
61. F 2- HOMO: v*2pz . Due to the additional electron

London Dispersion Force.

B.O. of O -2 = 1.5 and that of O +2 = 2.5 . Hence, S1,
S2 are false.
Chemical Bonding 4.9
76. As molecular weight increases, magnitude of
Vanderwaal’s force of attraction increases.
74. (a) Hydroxy benzaldehyde : can form 6 Therefore, boiling point increases. Though NH3
has strong H-bonding but boiling point of SbH3 is
membered ring by intramolecular H-bonding. highest due to highest molecular weight. Boiling
point NH3 = 238.5 K and SbH3 = 254.6 K.
(b) o-nitrophenol forms 6 membered ring by
intramolecular H-bonding. 77. (i) H2O has highest boiling point because of
(c) Chloral hydrate can form 5 (ii) Boiling point also depends on the magnitude
of Vanderwaal’s force of attraction, which
in turns depends on molecular weight of
membered ring by intramolecular H-bonding. the compounds. Thus the correct order is
(d) B(OH)3 cannot show intramolecular H-bonding H 2 O 2 H 2 Te 2 H 2 Se 2 H 2 S .
75. Nitrogen is less electronegative than oxygen so 78. The presence of two OH groups in H2SO4 lead to
electron pair is easily available for bonding, thus P significant H-bonding.
has stronger H-bonding than Q. As oxygen is more 79. The strength of metallic bonds depends upon the
electronegative so H-bond strength of Q is greater number of mobile electron(s) per atom. Sodium has
than S. The same explanation is given for R and S as only one mobile electron per atom where as iron has
that of P and Q. 8 mobile electrons per atom.
80. Electron sea model of metallic bonding.
O O-
1. Number of bond pairs on N = 4 9. CaC 2 exists as Ca 2+ and C 2-
Number of lone pairs on N = 0 10. : N / C - C / N:

2. IF7 is sp3d3 with 7 B.P. and 0 L.P. 11. Both PO34- & SO32- have hybridization sp3

3. There are only 4 electrons in the valence shell of Be 12. (a) Electronic configuration of boron in ground
in Be Cl2 (g) state is 1s 2 2s 2 2p1 .

4. BF3 : Sub-octet. 6e - on B
XeF6 : Super octet. 14e - on Xe
ClO3 : Super octet. 13e - on Cl
SiH4 follows octet rule (b) Electronic configuration of nitrogen in ground
O state is 1s2 2s2 2p3
5. has no formal charge on any atom and
hence is the most stable. NH3 :

6. ; there is positive charge on two (c) Electronic configuration of phosphorus in

adjacent nitrogen atoms. This ground state is 1s 2 2s 2 2p6 3s 2 3p3
leads to repulsion and thus
increases the energy of the molecule.
PCl3 :
7. ClO -4 Bond order = 4 = 1.75
ClO3- Bond order = 3 = 1.66 (d) Electronic configuration of beryllium in ground
ClO -2 Bond order = 2 = 1.5 state is 1s 2 2s 2
ClO - Bond order = 1 = 1 BeF2 :
8. Since p bond is weaker than s bond, energy of s
bond should be more than that of p bond
4.10 Chemistry
13. sp3 with 2 lone pairs has a bent shape and sp2 with a participate in sp2 hybridization.
lone pair is also bent shape.
14. The 3 equatorial bonds are taken to be formed by
sp2 and the two axial bonds in sp3d are formed by pd
hybrid orbitals.

15. C C H

Since for the cationic C, steric No. = 2
27. ; Hybridisation of Cl is sp3 and
\ Hybridization sp.
molecule is polar.
16. The axial bonds will be formed by orbitals
perpendicular to the equatorial plane (XY in the 28. Polarity depend on net diple moment. If dipole
case) moment m = 0 it is nonpolar.
17. T shape geometry is possible in sp3d hybridization In XeF4 m = 0 non polar; SO3 m = 0 non polar
which indicates presence of two lone pairs in MX3. XeF4 m ! 0 polar; ICl -4 n = 0 non polar

18. 29. ; Dipole moment of

NH3 is greater than NF3
as in case of NH3 the m
due to B.P. and L.P. are additive but not in NF3.

19. a) b) c) 30. (a) (b)

≈ 104o 90o 90o

20. H2S - No hybridisation bond angle ≈ 90o
NH3 - Pyramidal bond angle = 104.5o
CH4 - Tetrahedral bond angle = 109o28` (c) (d)
BF3 - Triangular planar bond angle = 120o
21. In sp3 d hybridisation (trigonal bipyramidal) the
axial and equatorial bonds are of different lengths. 31. MX3 has 3 B.P. and m = 0 which is possible in case of
5 sp2 only. In sp3 with 1 L.P. m ! 0. For sp3d with 2 L.P.
22. O = N = O Bond order = 2 m ! 0 as L.P. are in equatorial positions. Similarly
O - N = O Bond order = 1.5 (due to Resonance) for sp3d2 etc.
23. Due to small size of nitrogen, the LP-LP repulsion 32. (a) Fact
of the unbonded electrons in N is more than that in P. (b) Fact
(c) Symmetrical molecule so dipole moment = 0
(d) Fact
25. Partial double bond character is developed in B–F 33. v1s v1s
v 2s v*2s r 2p r 2p v 2p
2 2 2 2 2 2 2

bond of BF3 (due to formation of dative p bond)

x y z

number of anti bonding electrons in N2 is 4.

In other case B is sp3 hybridized (tetrahedral * represents antibonding molecular orbitals.
molecule or ion) and the possibility for p
10 - 4 6
bonding no longer exists. 34. B.O. = 2 = 2 = 3
26. There is pr - dr delocalization of lone pair of 35. He2+ = v1s v1*s 2 1

electron on nitrogen atom and empty d-orbital

2-1 1
of silicon but not pr - pr , one of the 2s-orbital B.O. = 2 = 2
electrons jumps to the last p orbital and does not
Chemical Bonding 4.11
36. B 2: v1s v v v r 2p r 2p
* * *
1s 2 2s 2 2s 2 1
42. N 2 O 4
5-4 1 O O
B.O. = 2 = 2 >0 N N
Rest all have zero B.O. O O
37. (a) O : B.O. = 1
2 (b) O2 : B.O. = 2 O -2 NO 2 and ClO 2 are odd electron species.
(c) O +2 : B.O. = 2 1 2 (d) O 22-: B.O. = 1 43. This X element is second group element so its
Bond length \ bond length chloride will be XCl2.
44. When electronegativity difference is more than 1.7
38. O2 O3 O 2-
2 the bond formed is ionic bond.
B.O.: 2 1.5 1 45. Generally MgCl 2 , SrCl 2 , BaCl 2 are ionic
39. -
NO > NO > NO (bond length) + compounds so they conduct electricity in fused state.
Bond order 2.0 2.5 3 BeCl2 has significant covalent character due to high
H2 > H2+ > He2+ (bond energy) polarizing power to Be2+.

Bond order 1 0.5 0.5 46. Ionic bond between Na+ and NO3- and covalent
bonds between N and O in nitrate ion.
NO- > NO > NO+ (bond angle)
47. As size of cations increase, their polarizing power
Bond angle 180o 133o 115o
decrease and thus ionic character increase.
O22- < O2+ < O2
48. Sn4+ has highest polarizing power amongst Na+,
(paramagnetic moment) Pb2+, Sn4+ and Al3+ because of smaller size and
Unpaired e- 0 1 2 higher charge. So SnCl4 is most covalent and thus
40. He +2 bond order =
2-1 1 has least melting point.
2 = 2;
10 - 7 49. As DEN (difference in electronegativities between
O -2 bond order = 2 = 1.5 element and oxygen) decreases, the acidic character
8-4 increases.
C2 bond order = 2 2 ;
10 - 5 Acidic character of oxides increases on moving left
NO bond order = 2 = 2.5 to right and decreases on moving top to bottom.
Bond order ∝ bond dissociation energy So, order : SiO 2 < CO 2 < N 2 O5 < SO3 .
41. N2: s1s2 s *
s2s2 s *
p2p2 p2p2 s2p2 50. Polarisation of the I - by the Cu2+ results in the
x y z

The bond order of N2 is 1/2(10 – 4) = 3. transference of an electron towards Cu2+ makes it as

N2+ : s1s2 s*1s2 s2s2 s*2s2 p2p2 p2p2 s2p1 oxidising agent and I - as a reducing agent, reduces
x y z
Cu2+ to Cu+ and is itself oxidised to I2.
The bond order of N2+ is 1/2(9 – 4) = 2.5.
51. Metallic bond results from the electrical attractions
O2 : s1s2 s*1s2 s2s2 s*2s2 s2p2 p2p2 p2p2 p*2p1p*2p1
z x y x y among positively charged metal ions and mobile,
The bond order of O2 1/2(10 – 6) = 2. delocalised electrons belonging to the crystal as a
O2– : s1s2 s*1s2 s2s2 s*2s2 s2p2 p2p2 p2p2 p*2p2 p*2p1 whole. These bonds are non-directional
z x y x y

The bond order of O2 1/2(10 – 7) = 1.5. 52. H-bonding shown by -COOH group is stonger than
that shown by -OH group.
NO+ derivative of O2 and isoelectronic with O22+ ; so
s1s2 s*1s2 s2s2 s*2s2 s2p2 p2p2 p2p2
z x y 53. It has intramolecular H-bonding
The bond order of NO+ 1/2(10 – 4) = 3.
Hence, it cannot show
NO derivative of O2 and isoelectronic with O2+ ; intermolecular H-bonding.
s1s2 s*1s2 s2s2 s*2s2 s2p2 p2p2 p2p2 p*2p1
z x y x

The bond order of NO is 1/2(10 – 5) = 2.5.

Bond length \ Bond order
Bond dissociation energy ∝ Bond order
4.12 Chemistry
54. S1:Due to intermolecular H-bonding in HF it boils
at higher temperature than HCl 60.
S2: Mol. wt. of HBr < Mol. wt. of HI
S3: Bond order of N2 is more than N2+
S4: Molecular mass of F2 is less than that of Cl2
55. HCl is the most covalent species.

56. (I)

As a result of H-bonding, number of sulphuric

acid molecules are associated to form cluster.
Hence it has high boiling point and viscosity.
(II) All S—O bond lengths are equal due to
resonance. [B4O5(OH)4]2- is the anion of borax and does not
contain any peroxide in it.
61. All are nonconductors.



63. Hybridisation is sp3.

57. HF is least volatile (i.e. highest boiling point) due to

strong intermolcular hydrogen bonding. 64. Hybridization of 2px and 2py does not take place
58. Boiling point SbH3 is greater than NH3. The higher without s-orbital as 2px and 2py are degenerate
boiling point of SbH3 is due to higher Vanderwaal’s orbitals.
forces because of its higher molecular weight despite 65. Oxidation no. of N in N2O5 is + 5
the presence of H-bonding in NH3. Anhydride of HOCl is Cl2O.
59. Diamond (1.54Å). In graphite, perpendicular to the Bond angle : CH4 > NH3 > H2O all sp3 with same
sheets there is no covalent bonding terminal atoms and increasing E.N. of central atom.
C60 (1.54Å and 1.38Å) The bond length decreases with increase in difference
Benzene (1.36Å). of electronegativity as ionic character increases.

1. ClO2 = 11 e- 2. HClO2, H2O, NH2–1, XeF2, XeF4, I3–1, ClF3, ICl4–,

NO3- = 8 e- ICl2+, XeF5–1.
O3 = 8e- 3. s bond formation : (i)
PCl5 = 10e- p bond formation : (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi)
SO3 = 12 e- No bond formation : (vii)
SO42 = 12 e- d bond formation : (viii)

CO2 = 8e-
N3- = 8e-
I3- = 10e-
Chemical Bonding 4.13
4. Only pp– pp Only pp– dp The 4 double bonded P-O bonds are shorter than the
other single bonded P-O bonds.
CO3–2, NO2–, NO3–2 SO3–2
There are no pp-dp back bonds possible in NO3-.
ClO3– Hence, Ans = 5.
SO3 : (pp – dp & pp-pp )
14. PF3Cl2, SF4, BF2Cl, are polar
SO2 : (pp-pp & pp– pp)
15. C3O2, BF3, XeF4 are all non polar and entirely lie on
5. (BF3, BCl3, CO32–, SO3, XeF4) one plane.
6. H2S, NH3, PH3, PF3, H2O, NH -2 16. Only NH3, H2O, HF, HCOOH, B(OH)3, CH3COOH,
7. No. of p bond HCO3– ion. CH4 and HI cannot show H-bonding as
the H atoms are not acidic enough because they are
XeOF2 1 not bonded to highly E.N. atoms.
XeO2F4 2
17. Statement is incorrect as it depends an number of
XeO3 3 valence electrons
XeO4 4
18. Mn2O7, SO2, NO2, CrO3, SiO2 are acidic oxides.
XeO3F2 3
19. (i), (ii), (vi) are correct.
XeOF4 1
20. H3PO4, H3PO3, H3PO2, HClO4, HClO3, HClO2,
XeO2F2 2
H2SO3, H2SO4, H2SO5, H2S2O8, SO3, SO2, P4O10
All Xe-O bonds contain 1s and 1p bond.

8. 21. 1. ⇒ x=1

LP of N can be delocalised back bonding (pp–dp)

Total 9 bonds and hence 18 bonding electrons. 2. ⇒ y=4
9. N , N , O , C have fractional bond order.
2 2

10. Bond length \ Bond order
3. ⇒ z=1
11. (ii, iv, vii)
Bond order decreases in (ii) and (iv), hence bond
length increases.
In (vii) there is partial double bond character in BF3 4. ⇒w=0
but not so in BF4-, hence bond length is more. Also,
hybridization charges from sp2 to sp3 hence bond
length increases with the increase in the p-character
of the hybrid orbital.

22. and will have non-zero

dipole moment.
12. P4 O10
4.14 Chemistry
23. m cal = q × d = 1.6 × 10-29 C × 150 × 10-12m
= 2.4 × 10-29 Cm
mobs = 1.8 × 10-29 Cm 24. Non polar: BF3, CO2, PCl5, CH4, ; ⇒x=5
n obs
% ionic character = nCaL ×100
= 2.4 ×100
= 75 % Planar BF3, CO2, SO2, ClF3, ⇒y=5

\ (x × y) = 25

25. (1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8) are correct.


1. Bond energy ∝ Bond order

Species Bond order (b) pyramidal
CO 3
CO2 2
(c) pyramidal
CO 3
2. Across a period, effective nuclear charge increases.
As a result the size of atom, and therefore, the size of
d-orbital deceases leading to progressively stronger 6. (a) (b)
pp-dp bonds. Stronger the bond, shorter it is.
3. (D) Position of atoms are different.
(E) Has unpaired electrons and this is not possible
since the molecule is diamagnetic. Also, N and
O have only 4 orbitals and hence cannot have
double bond (2 orbitals), one lone pair (1 orbital)
and 2 unpaired electrons (2 orbitals) (c) (d)

+ + +

4. (a) x (b) + x

– – – 7. Steric No = 4
pz pz pz Hybridization = sp3
! bond zero overlap
8. (a) Both are sp3d
(b) Both are sp3d
(c) [ClF2O]+ is sp3 but [ClF4O]- is sp3d2
(c) – + + x (d)
s (d) Both are sp3d2
! bond
9. AsF4- has sp3d hybridization with 1L.P. and a see-
Overlap is not sufficient saw shape. Since in sp3d hybridization the axial
so, such s bond orbitals are longer than the equitorial orbitals hence
do not exist. all the bond lengths in AsF4- are not identical.
10. PH3- No Hybridisation

sp NH3 and H2O bond angle is less than 109o28` due to
5. Se pyramidal
F O F LP-BP repulsion.
CH4 bond angle is 109o28`
(a) trigonal planar
Chemical Bonding 4.15
11. (i) Negative charge is more stable on ‘S’ than on N
(size factor is dominant over EN factor). (c) N2O5 Dinitrogen pentoxide
(ii) Less formal charge provides more stability.
12. px-px over lap will result in s bond. Also, s-s s
overlap is weaker than p-p s overlap as the extent
of overlap is greater in case of p-p overlap due to (d) N2O4 Dinitrogen tetroxide
the longitudinal nature of p-orbitals.

22. (a) Stability O 2+ > O 2 > O 2-

13. Bond order 2.5 2 1.5
(b) Bond order of He2 is 0
(c) In all these molecules all electrons are paired in
14. I and III are sp3 hybridised while II and IV are sp2 molecular orbitals
hybridised. In II due to double bond and in IV due to
(d) There is no s - p mixing for species containing
coordinate bond from N to O.
> 14 electrons.
23. (I) O2+ : s1s2 s*1s2 s2s2 s*2s2 s2p2 p2p2 = p2p2 p*2p1 = p*2p0
z x y x y
15. Bond order = 1/2(10 – 5) = 2.5.
(II) NO is derivative of O2 and isoelectronic with
16. P4 bond angle = 60 o O2+:
PH3 bond angle ≈ 90o (Drago’s rule) so s1s2 s*1s2 s2s2 s*2s2 s2p2 (p2p2 = p2p2) (p*2p1 = p*2p0)
z x y x y

H2O bond angle = 104.5o Bond order = 1/2(10 – 5) = 2.5.

(III)N2+ : s1s2 s*1s2 s2s2 s*2s2 p2p2 = p2p2 s2p1
x y z
Bond order = 1/2(9 – 4) = 2.5.
17. O2+ , NO and N2+ have same bond order i.e. 2.5 and
have same magnetic property having one unpaired
24. SO2: O ! S = O HNO2: H – O – N = O
18. (a) According to Bent’s rule the increase in
p-character of the O - F bond is greater in case H2SO3: HNO3:
of O2F2.
(b) In O2F2 each O atom is in +1 while each F atom 25. S1: as it does not have d-orbitals.
is in -1 O.S.
(c) By Bent’s rule as the O - F bond length increases
S2: ClF3 2 Lone pairs, present at
due to high E.N. of F, it results in the decrease in
equitorial positions
O - O bond length in O2F2.
19. Banana bond is present when bridging atom does
not have any lone pair of electrons. S3: In B2 mixing of the sg(2s) orbital with the sg(2p)
20. By definition orbital lowers the energy of the sg(2s) orbital
and increases the energy of the sg(2p) orbital to
a higher level than the p orbitals. As a result, the
21. (a) N2O2 Dinitrogen trioxide last two electrons are unpaired in the degenerate
(having the same energy) porbitals, and the
molecule is paramagnetic.
In N2 the sg(2s) and sg(2p) levels of N2 interact
(mix) less than the B2 and C2 levels, and the sg(2p)
(b) N2O22- Hyponitrite ion and pu(2p) are very close in energy.
4.16 Chemistry
26. Bond order of N2 = 3 bond order of N2+ = 2.5 33. B2H6 has 12 bonding electrons, 3 form each B atom
B.O. of O2 = 2. and 1 form each H atom.
B.O. of O2+ = 2.5
B3N3H6 is inorganic benzene. NH NH

27. MO for C2= s1s2 < s*1s2 < s2s2 < s*2s2 < r 2p = r 2p < v 2p
1444442444443 V It is not electron deficient.
2 2
y z x
It is important to note that double bond in C2 consists
of both p bonds because of the presence of four 34.
electrons in two p molecular orbitals C 2-

28. (a) H2O2 = 1.48 Å due to repulsions between non-

bonded pairs of electron on O-atoms and O2F2
= 1.217 Å. 35. Hypophosphoric Acid : H4P2O6
(b) In O very slightly increases due to charge

(-ve) on two O atoms. The oxidation states of both P

(c) O2+ : B.O. = 1.5, 1 unpaired electron atoms is +4.
O2- : B.O. = 2.5, 1 unpaired electron
36. Dipole moment of compound if it would have been
29. OF is derivative of O2 and isoelectronic with O2–. completely ionic
So s1s2 s*1s2 s2s2 s2p2 = p2p2 = p2p2 p*2p2 = p*2p1 = (4.8 × 10-10 esu) (2.67 × 10-8cm) = 12.8 D
]10 - 7g
z x y x y
The bond order of OF = = 1.5. So % ionic character = 12.8 × 100% = 31.25 %
30. ClO2 has odd number of electrons add hence must 37. Graphite has layered structure. Layers are held by
contain unpaired electron. Vanderwaal’s forces and distance between two
layers is 340 pm. Each layer is composed of planar
31. (a) NO : B.O. = 3, triple bond. hexagonal rings of carbon atoms. C – C bond length
O = N – Cl there is a double bond between N within the layer is 141.5 pm Each carbon atom in
and ‘O’ atom, hence its B.O. = 2. Thus, bond hexagonal ring undergoes sp2 hybridization and
length of NOCl is greagter. make three sigma bonds with three neighbouring
(b) CaC 2 / Ca 2+ + C 22- (- C / C -) B.O. = 3 carbon atoms. Fourth electron forms a dangling
bond. The electrons are delocalised over the whole
C2 H4 / B.O. = 2 sheet.

(c) KO 2 / O -2 B.O. = 1.5

Na 2 / O 2 B.O. = 1


32. (i) [PCl 4] + " sp3

(ii) has < 109.5o bond angle due to lp-lp


(iii) all have sp3 hybridisation and one lone pair.

Chemical Bonding 4.17
38. (a) A fact 43. NaCl is most ionic compound as polarizing power of
(b) In the solid state and in liquid HF, the HF2– ion is Na+ is the least among the given options.
held together by hydrogen bonding. In aqueous 44. The element present in short period will be of 13th
solutions there is hydrogen bonding but each HF group (group no = 10 + 3 = 13) i.e. aluminium
molecule forms hydrogen bonds with the much and its oxide will be Al2O3 which is amphoteric in
more prevalent H2O present, instead of with nature; as react with acids as well as bases froming
other HF molecules and H3O+ and F – are much salts and water.
more likely to be formed.
45. As Pb2+ has low polarising power. So, PbCl2 is ionic.
(c) H3BO3 (solid) has inter molecular hydrogen CCl4 is covalent due to low E.N. difference while
bonding. PbCl4 and SnCl4 are covalent due to high polarizing
H power of cations.
46. Solubility BaCO3 and MgCO3 can be explained on
H B H H the basis of their hydration and lattice energies.
47. AgI is less soluble than AgF due to covalent nature.
H B H H B BaCl2 has higher melting point due to more ionic
character compared to BeCl2 which has significant
covalent character due to high polarizing power of
H H H H Be2+.
Higher the charge density, larger will be the hydrated
H B H H B H radii.
48. Strength of metallic bond ∝ number of valence
B electrons. And if number of valence electrons are
H H 1
H same, then strength of metallic bond ∝ size
49. (i) Alkali metal, potassium forms K+ (number of
electrons = 18) which is isoelectronic with P3–
39. D is less electronegative than H-atom so the results (number of electrons = 18) → Q.
40. N2 is a non-polar molecule with zero dipole moment. (ii) Transition element, chromium show maximum
oxidation state of +6 in Cr2 O 72- and CrO 2-
4 and
41. (a) As d+ charge on central atom increases, the
attraction between d+ and d- increases and thus they are coloured → S.
Xe–F bond length decreases. The correct order (iii) Noble gas, Kr has largest atomic radius because
is XeF2 > XeF4 > XeF6 radius is expressed as Vanderwaal’s radius
(b) PH5 cannot exist as according to Drago’s rule and there is interelectronic repulsions due to
the electronegativity of terminal atoms should completely filled outer most shell. Inert gas has
be more than 2.5 to cause hybridization of highest first ionisation energy in the respective
central atom belonging to 3rd or higher period. period because of stable valence shell electron
(c) Dipole moment of CH3Cl is greater than CH3F configuration → T.
due to greater charge sepration on carbon and (iv) Element (Z = 13), aluminium has intermediate
chlorine atoms in CH3Cl. value of electronegativity and therefore its oxide
(d) It is a correct order. is amphoteric in nature → R.
The strength of hydrogen bond depends upon : 50. Greater the charge on the cation, more is the extent
(i) size (ii) electronegativity and (iii) ease of donation of hydrolysis. CCl4 is a non-polar molecule.
of electron pair by electronegative element. O

Higher the value of electronegativity and smaller 51. S B.O. = 1.5, all bonds are identical due to
the size of the covalently bonded atom to H atom O - resonance.
stronger is the hydrogen bonding. O-
It is a superoctet as S has 12 valence
42. Fact based. electrons according to the structure.
4.18 Chemistry
52. Bond order =
Total no. of bonds between twoatoms in all the structure 59. The species in which the central atom has expanded
Total no. of resonating structure
octet, are called hypervalent compounds.
! !

has 4 bond pairs and 1 lone pair.

CO32- C C C
Hence there are 10e- on S.
O !
O O !
60. If x axis is inter nuclear axis, then:
NO3- (i) 2py + 2py ⇒ p
(ii) 2pz + 2pz ⇒ p not s
BO = = 1.33
3 (iii) 2px + 2px ⇒ s not p
53. H 2 C = CH - C / CH (iv) 1s + 2p ⇒ non bonding
sp 2 sp 2 sp sp (v) 2py + 2pz ⇒ non bonding
(vi) 1s + 2s ⇒ s
54. b and c ⇒ Drago’s rule
Thus, (i) and (vi) are correct rest all are incorrect in
the given question.
ICl3 61. PCl6- : sp3d2 hybrid but Phosphorus has d orbitals as
vacant in ground state.
BF4- : sp3 hybrid but B has 2 vacant p orbitals which
55. (b) B2H6 is electron deficient compound as boron have participated in hybridization. Similarly, BF3
has only six electron in its valence shell. is sp2 hybrid, so 1 vacant orbital has participated in
(c) AlCl3 is a electron deficient compound as hybridization.
aluminium has only six electron in its valence
62. Bigger atoms, LP and double bond occupy equatorial
positions in trigonal bipyramidal structure.
56. In FO+ total no. of electrons = 16, so bond order will O
be 2. O¯

In FO- total number of electrons = 18, so bond order Xe
will be 1. 63. (a) Xe

57. Fullerene are cage like molecules. C60 molecule O¯ F
has a shape like soccer ball and called Buckminster O
Perxenate ion [XeO]6 4-

It contains twenty ‘six-membered rings’ and twelve F
‘five membered rings’. A six membered ring is fused O Xe
with six or five membered rings but a five membered (c) Xe
ring can only fuse with six membered rings. All F F O
the carbon atoms are equal and they undergo sp2 XeOF4(one l.p.) XeOF(one
22 l.p.)
hybridisation. Each carbon atom forms three sigma
bonds with other three carbon atoms. The remaining 64. (a) Due to the presence of lone pair bond angle
electron at each carbon atom is delocalised in decreases.
molecular orbitals, which in turn give aromatic |
character to molecule. This ball shaped molecule (b) B
has 60 verticles and each one is occupied by one H3C CH3
carbon atom and it also contains both single and sp2hyb.
double bonds with C–C distance of 143.5 pm and (c) NH4Cl is an ionic compound and ‘N’ is in sp3
138.3 pm respectively. hybridisation.
58. Cl 2 O > F2 O and F2 O < H 2 O (d) S8 molecule has 16
111 o
102 o
102 o
104 o electron pairs left behind
+ - after the bonding.
NO > NO2 2

sp sp 2
AsI3 > AsBr3 > AsCl3 (due to size of halogen)
Chemical Bonding 4.19


Valence shell electron configuration of Cl, 3s23p5

70. P4 O10

To obtain effective pp-dp overlap the size of the d

orbital must be similar to size of the p orbital. Hence
in chlorine, pp-dp bonding is so strong that no The P–O bond lengths shows that the bridging
polymerization of oxoanions occurs. bonds on the edges are 1.60Å but the P=O bonds
66. There must be vacant orbitals with acceptor atom on the corners are 1.43Å and this P=O is formed by
and the donor atom should have a lone pair of pp-dp back bonding. A full p-orbital on the oxygen
electron. Also the size of orbitals play a role. atom overlaps sideway with an empty d-orbital on
.. the phosphorus atom. The bond angle POP is 127º
67. (CH3 )2 O : can act as lewis base but (SiH 3) 2 O & and there is no P–P bonds.
(SiH 3) 3 N can not, as lone pairs on O & N are F

delocalised in to empty orbitals of Si. 71. (a) N N Both sp2, planar.

68. (a) Nitrogen is more electronegative than F F
(b) F2 :- v1s < v1s
< v 2s < v*2s < v 2pz < r 2px = r 2py

(c) H2O2 :- O 22- & B.O. = 2

O2F2 :- O 2 & B.O. = 3
(d) F2 is diamagnetic
So, dipole moment of trimethylamine is greater +2 0 +2
than trimethy phosphine. 72. C3 O 2 O=C=C=C=0

Br3 O8
In trisilyl ether the lone pair of electron on
oxygen atom is less easily available for donation
because of pp-dp delocalisation due to presence
of the vacant d-orbital with Si. This however is S 4 O62-
not possible with carbon in CH3-O-CH3 due to
the absence of d-orbital making it more basic.
(c) Bond order of C2 and O2 are same i.e., 2. In C2 P2 O 74-
molecules both bonds are p-bonds whereas,
there is one s and one p-bond in O2 molecule
73. o-hydroxy benzaldehyde is a liquid at room
C 2 = 131 pm ; O 2 = 121 pm temperature but it is not due to intramolecular
H-bonding. It is liquid due to other reasons. It is
when intermolecular H-bonding is strong that
(d) boiling point becomes abnormally high.
74. All the given specices contain H-bonded to O, and
so are capable of intermolecular H-bonding as none
of them can form intramolecular H-bonds.
4.20 Chemistry
75. Borazine is B3N3H6. It is a non polar molecule with Cl Cl Cl
polar bonds. Thus, it can have dipole-dipole type 82. Al Al has its octet complete
interactions but benzene cannot. Cl Cl Cl
The charge on O2 in O2[AsF4] is O +2 , B.O. = 2.5 and
in KO2 it is O -2 , B.O. = 1.5. 83.

As halogen becomes bulkier, bond

angle increases. Hybridization of all atoms remain same
X X 84. I2Cl6 is still electron deficient. Hence, octet
76. The critical temperature depends on the magnitude completion is not the driving force.
(of strength) of intermolecular force of attraction BeCl2 (solid) is a polymer in which Be has its octet
between the molecules. If a molecule has dipole complete.
moment it means there is dipole dipole attraction 85. C2H6 doesn’t have any banana bonding.
between the molecules and thus it will affect the
critical temperature. 86. A = Ne
77. According to Fajan’s rule, larger the anion and 87. B 4 = P4
greater the charge density on cation more is the 88. BC3 = PCl3
covalent character. BC5 = PCl5
78. Group1 elements have lesser strength of metallic 89. B and C are both non-metals. Hence the bond
bonding than corresponding group 2 elements between them will be covalent.
due to only one electron per atom participating in 90. Small gap between V.B. and C.B. is necessary for
metallic bonding in group 1. In group 2 elements, conducting behaviour and V.B. should be occupied.
two electrons per metal atom participate in metallic
91. Fact.
92. AlH -4 , BH -4 , AlCl -4 are not iso electronic
79. (a) due to decreasing strength of metallic bond with
increasing size of atoms.
(b) Fact
(c) Elements having half-filled stable configurations
have lesser strength of metallic bonding.
(d) Electron delocalisation is the main reason for
electricity conduction in both.
80. (a) It results from the electrical attractions among
positively charged metal ions and mobile,
delocalised electrons belonging to the crystal as 94. Refer diagram above. All terminal B-H bonds are
a whole. 2c-2e bonds. Hence total 6. All B-H-Al bonds are
(b) In general, greater the number of (n–1)d and ns 3c-2e bonds. Hence 6.
electrons, stronger is the resultant bonding.
(c) Strength of metallic bond depends on the 95.
number of hybrid orbitals participating in
Same logic as Q.94 above.
metallic bonding.
(d) As the size of atom increases the attraction
between the positive part of the atom and 96. (a)
delocalised electrons decreases and thus the
strength of the metallic bond decreases.

81. B 2 H6 =

Be 2 H 4 =
Chemical Bonding 4.21

sp3d, polar; EF-S-F ! 180o due to repulsions
from the lone pair; one lone pair.
99. Steric no. of I3– = 5, sp3d; (2B.P., 3L.P.)
(d) Steric no. of XeO3 = 4, sp3; (3B.P., 1L.P.)
Steric no. of ClOF3 = 4 + 1 = 5, sp3d;(4B.P., 1L.P.)
Steric no. of XeF5+ = 5 + 1 = 6, sp3d2 (5B.P., 1L.P.)
97. BF3 has pp-pp back bond.
(SiH3)3N has pp-dp back bond. 100. (a) non-polar, both pp-pp and pp-dp
B2H6 is sp hybrid and has banana (3c-2e) bonding.
3 bonds present. All S-O bonds are
SiO2 is sp3 hybrid and has pp-dp back bond.
No lone pair.

98. (a) sp3 d; +F - I - F = 180 o; n = 0

(b) polar, pp-dp bonds present.
No lone pair.

(c) " polar
" pp-pp bonds present.
sp3d, polar; EF-Cl-F ! 180o due to repulsions " Due to resonance identical
from the lone pair. S-O bond length

(c) (d) " polar

" pp-dp bonds present.
sp3d, non-polar; EF-Xe-F = 180o " lone pair present.

1. AX is a covalent diatomic molecule. 4.

The molecule is NO. O 2 = v1s 2 v* 1s 2 v2s 2 v* 2s 2 v2p z2 r2p x2 = r2p y2 r* 2p x1
= r* 2p y1
Total no. of electrons is 15.
I O -2 = v1s 2 v* 1s 2 v2s 2 v* 2s 2 v2p z2 r2p x2 = r2p y2 r* 2p x2
= r* 2p y1
O +2 = v1s 2 v* 1s 2 v2s 2 v* 2s 2 v2p z2 r2p x2 = r2p y2 r* 2p x1
I = r* 2p y0
Shape : Linear, I–I–I Bond angle ⇒ 180°
both O2- & O2+ have 1 unpaired e-
3. Ethyl acetate (CH3COOC2H5) is polar molecule so
dipole-dipole interaction will be present in it. 5. Li2+ : v1s v1s
*2 v1s ⇒ B.O. = 0.5 ⇒ Stable
2 1

Li2- : v1s v1s

v 2s v*2s ⇒ B.O. = 0.5 ⇒ Stable
2 2 1

O2 → O2+ O2 → O22–
Bond order 2 2.5 2 1
Magnetic nature Paramagnetic Paramagnetic Paramagnetic Diamagnetic
N2 → N2+ NO → NO+
Bond order 3 2.5 2.5 3
Magnetic nature Diamagnetic Paramagnetic Paramagnetic Diamagnetic
4.22 Chemistry
7. Bond order of N2+ is 2.5, which signifies, two pi and 13. NO -2 = sp 2
half sigma bonds.
NO3- = sp 2
8. H = 2 (V +M −C + a) NO 2 = sp 2
where, H = Hybridisation NO +2 = sp
a = Anionic charge 14. There is extensive intermolecular hydrogen bonding
V = No. of valence electrons in the condensed phase not intramolecular.
M = No. of monovalent atoms 15. London dispersion forces increase from He to Xe
C = Cationic charge because molecular mass increases. So boiling point
1 will also increase from He to Xe.
\H = 2 (8 + 4) = 6
16. Fact
i.e., sp3d2
17. Fact
From structure, it is clear that
it has five bond pairs and one 18. Decreasing order of strength of oxoacids:
lone pair. HClO 4 > HClO3 > HClO 2 > HOCl
9. KCl is ionic compound. Consider the structures of conjugate bases
While PH3, O2, B2H6 & H2SO4 are covalent
10. ⇒ total 9 lone pairs of electrons.

11. H 2- -
2 total e = 4 Negative charge is more delocalized on ClO -4 due
2-2 to resonance, hence ClO -4 is more stable (& less
σ1s σ1s
* 2
B.O. = 2 =0 basic).
2 total e = 2
He 2+
2-0 19. Silicon exists as covalent crystal in solid state.
σ1s B.O. = 2 = 1
(Network like structure, like diamond).
He +2 total e - = 3 20. H 2+
2 : Bond order = 0
σ1s σ1s
B.O. = 2 = 0.5 2-2
He 2 : Bond order = 2 = 0
H -2 total e - = 3 So, both H 2+
2 & He 2 do not exist.
σ1s σ1s
B.O. = 2 = 0.5
21. Li 2 v1s 2 v* 1s 2 v2s 2 Bond order = 1
12. NO ⇒ One unpaired electron is present in p *
Li +2 v1s2 v* 1s 2 v2s1 Bond order = 0.5
molecular orbital.
CO ⇒ No unpaired electron is present. Hence, Li -2 v1s2 v* 1s 2 v2s 2 v* 2s1 Bond order = 0.5
Stability order Li 2 > Li2+ > Li -2
O2 ⇒ Two unpaired electrons are present in p*
molecular orbitals. 22. As electronegativity of central atom decreases, bond
B2 ⇒ Two unpaired electrons are presents in p angle decreases. (Hybridisation and number of lone
bonding molecular orbitals. pair on central atom are same in all options)
Chemical Bonding 4.23

1. XeO2F2 has trigonal bipyramidal geometry. Due 6. AlCl3 does not have 3c-2e bonds in its dimer because
to presence of lone pair on equatorial position, the the bridging atom (Cl) has lone pair of electrons and
shape is see-saw. can form coordinate bond.
Cl Cl Cl
F 7. O OH O O

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

2. → It is d–d axial overlap in same
Number of lone pairs on Cl in (ii) & (iii) together is 3
phase, so d–d s bonding.
Hybridisation of Cl in (iv) is sp3
→ It is p & d lateral overlap in Strongest acid is HClO4 (iv)
same phase, so it is p–d p bonding.
8. Here polar molecules in the liquid form will be
→ It is p and d lateral overlap in attracted/deflected near charged comb.
opposite phase, so it is p–d p
Polar molecules : HF, H2O, NH3, H2O2, CHCl3,
C6H5Cl (6-polar molecules)
→ It is d–d axial overlap in
Nonpolar molecules : O2, CCl4, C6H6
opposite phase, so it is d–d s
antibonding. O O O
- +
3. If 2s-2p mixing is not operative, the increasing 9. N = N = O, N N , S S OH , HO S O O S
order of Molecular orbitals will be : OH O O
, v 2s , v*2s , v 2P > H
r 2p
y O O O
v1s , v1s
2 2 2 2 2
r 2p
z S S S
Considering this Be2 & B2 become diamagnetic, OH
so does N2. Only C2 would be paramagnatic with
electronic configuration as above 10. He2+, B2 and O2- are paramagnetic. The rest are
11. [TeBr6]2- :- 1 L.P.
4. [BrF2]+ :- 2 L.P.
[SNF3] :- 0 L.P.
[XeF3]- :- 3 L.P. Total 6 L.P.
12. N2O3


All above molecules have permanent dipole

moments - + -
13. Cl - Be - Cl N=N=N N/N$O
5. Colour is imparted to the compounds when the sp sp sp
amount of energy liberated by the de-excitation of O=N=O
electrons from the excited state to the ground state sp
releases quanta having wavelength in the visible
region of the spectrum.
4.24 Chemistry

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