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University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Upward Bound — Advanced Spanish (III)

A days (Monday/Thursday) Block 3

Summer 2024

Instructor: Udell Calzadillas Chávez, M.Ed

Classroom location: TBA
Office: Via Zoom
Office hours: schedule by email

Course Description:
This course is designed to help students to grow further in the Spanish language through
vocabulary, grammar, and conversational skills, reading, writing and cultural activities.
Students will continue to learn the advanced elements of verb conjugation, grammar, and
how to develop more complex conversations in the target language and build on their
current knowledge of the language. This course will follow the lessons outlined in the
textbook that will be provided, as well as lessons taught by the instructor. Students are in
a safe environment and are encouraged to participate, make mistakes, and just have fun!

Course Objectives:
- Understand and apply basic verb conjugation
- Formulate a complete sentence in writing and orally
- Conduct a complex conversation in Spanish
- Develop comfortability in speaking, listening, and reading advanced Spanish
- Enjoy our time together and have fun this summer session!

Required Textbooks:
Vista Higher Learning: Galería
- Ebook & Supersite online
Access is included with the course

Course Requirements:

Quizzes: Study material from the week

Assignments: complete the assignments required
Final evaluation: review past quizzes and assignments
Final project: present a google slides or poster on a Spanish topic.

Quizzes (20 percent x 2 quizzes) 40%
Assignments ( 3 percent x 5 assignments) 15%
Final Evaluation ( 20 x 1 exam) 20%
Final project/presentation 25%

Total 100%

Grading Scale:

90% + A
80-89% B
70-79% C
60-69% D
59% and under F

Course Schedule:


Syllabus Disclaimer:
The instructor has the right to adjust the syllabus when needed.

Missed Exams/Assignments/Absences:

- Missed exams will be excused with proof of emergency. The student will have the
opportunity to make up the exam by the next class or it will count as a zero.
- No late assignments will be accepted.
- No absences will be excused unless there is proof of emergency provided.

Classroom behaviour:
Respect is reciprocated. Students are expected to speak, act, and think positively towards
themselves, the instructor and fellow classmates. Disrespectful behaviour toward anyone
will not be tolerated.

- Students must arrive to class on time.

- Electronic devices are not to be used unless directed by the instructor, and for
specific academic tasks
- Students must speak one at a time and when prompted by the instructor. Students
will need to manage themselves when speaking in group and partner activities.
- Students should always try their best in every activity.
- Students must always be respectful.

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