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Vol LXXX No 242 19 June 2024 - Sene 12 , 2016 Wednesday Price Birr 10.


Eyasu Elias (Prof.)

Green Legacy boosts
agri’l production: MoA

Office foresees media’s unique role

Legacy Initiative that has been
implemented in the last five years
enabled Ethiopia to increase

to Abbay Dam execution

agricultural productivity in addition
to preserving natural resources, the
Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)

• Iconic project reaches 96 percent completion The ministry also stated that
Ethiopia’s leading position in
Africa’s fruit export is also
BY ASHENAFI ANIMUT Office of the National Council for the Speaking at the occasion, Office Director- attributed to the initiative that has
Coordination of Public Participation on General Aregawi Berhe (PhD) stated that the been undertaken under the slogan
ADDIS ABABA - Media should keep on the Construction of Abbay Dam held a national flagship project is the new chapter “Let’s Adorn Ethiopia.”
playing its irreplaceable role in mobilizing consultative meeting with media professionals for the emergence of fresh, free and resilient
MoA State Minister Eyasu Elias
the public’s participation in the Abbay Dam’s on ways to join efforts to the execution of economic development.
(Prof.) told The Ethiopian Herald
critical completion tasks, the coordinating the mega dam under the theme “We made it
office said. possible in unison.” See Office foresees ... page 3 See Ethiopia’s ... page 3

COMESA promotes gender equality in

aviation industry

EU awards
ADDIS ABABA-The Common Market
for Eastern and Southern Africa
(COMESA) made a call to regional

Erasmus+ Masters aviation actors to mainstream gender

equality in their tasks.

scholarship for 48 COMESA conducted a workshop on

gender equality and available career
Ethiopian students opportunities for women in the aviation
sector yesterday.
Approached by Ethiopian Press Agency,
COMESA Gender and Social Affairs
ADDIS ABABA- The European Union (EU) Director General Hamusonde Beatrice
announced that it has awarded full Masters represented well in higher positions. in all sectors and aviation is also one of the
Simwapenga said that women are areas that COMESA needs to see gender
Scholarship to 48 Ethiopian students for the predominantly engaged in the aviation Despite some progress, women are not equality, the director general emphasized.
academic year of 2024-2025 through its industry as hostesses and in other mid well represented in higher positions in the
See EU awards ... page 3 and junior-level careers, but are not aviation sector. Gender is a serious agenda See COMESA promotes ... page 3

Institute underscores green
economy significance

ADDIS ABABA-The Federal Training

and Vocation Institute revealed that
encouraging environmentally friendly
approach in conjugation with green skills
would help realize sustainable future and

Photo: from Hadsush

ensure resilience green economy.
The Institute organized a half day discussion
forum yesterday under the theme “ Green
Skills for Green Jobs” in collaboration
Gemechu Gurmesa with GIZ, and forum aims at equipping the
Ethiopian workforce with the green skills

Kellem needed for a sustainable future.

Speaking at the outset of the forum, Institute
Biruk Kider (PhD) Michael Aserat

Wollega turns
skilled human power has been hindering He also noted that the country has signed
Director General Biruk Kider (PhD) said
the effort to realize country’s ambition. international policies such as Paris
that applying the concept of green skills
declaration being part of solution in tackling
face to dev’t
in the technical and vocational sector will “Ethiopia needs to draw important
climate change. The nation has also strived
help build a responsible society and a green lessons from German, Finland, China,
to ensure sustainable development goals

economy. and Singapore with regard to producing
(SDGs) 2030. It is also the pathway to bring
According to the Director General, Ethiopia proficient human power in green aspect. In a strategy called climate resilience green
has attached due emphasis to green economy a similar manner, stakeholders’ integration economy.
for protecting environment. That is why the would bridge skilled human power,” he
BY STAFF REPORTER advised. “We have been working hard to realize
reformist government gives due attention to
the ten years prosperity development plan
environmental protection even to the extent Presenting an initial discussion paper under in various sectors that would bring green
ADDIS ABABA - After settling of substituting the fuel consumption vehicle the theme “Green analysis Policy Economic economy, create jobs, and reduce wastage.
down security problems that have to electric power consumption. sub sectors and occupational standards” For instance, cutting emission by 89 million
been witnessed in the past nine As to him, expanding the tourism attraction GIZ Green Skills Advisor Michael Aserat tone, creating 3.6 million tourism jobs, and
years, Kellem Wollega is undertaking sites attests how the country gives due on his part said that Ethiopia is working boost power from 4,478Megawatt to 19,900
agricultural, infrastructural and emphasis to green economy, but lack of hard in realizing green development. megawatt are listed out,” he noted.
investment activities, Zone’s Chief

MoH seeks CSOS’ active role to end cervical cancer by 2030

Administrator said.
Kellem Wollega Zone Chief
Administrator Gemechu Gurmesa BY BETELHEM BEDLU
stated that his office is striving to
achieve economic progress that had
ADDIS ABABA- Civil Society Organizations
been paused for the past nine years
(CSOS) like Mathiwos Wondu-Ye Ethiopia
for security reasons.
Cancer Society (MWECS) has immense
He said that the zone administration contribution to support the global goal of putting
is conducting urban and rural an end to cervical cancer by 2030, the Ministry
development works to increase of Health (MoH) said.
productivity and extra efforts will The MWECS celebrated the 20 years founding
be exerted to utilize the abundant anniversary through various activities yesterday.
water and land resources to achieve MoH Disease Prevention and Control
economic progress. Directorate Lead Executive Officer Hiwot
According to him, the zone has Solomon (MD) stated on the occasion that the
more than 467 thousand of hectare ministry in partnership with MWECS, have
land coffee plant and 367 thousand been undertaking several activities in fighting
hectares of additional farmland is against non-communicable disease particularly
being prepared this year.
Apart from providing financial and psychosocial while avoiding unhealthy foods. disease for the past 20 years. The society has
Gemechu recalled that 197 million support, MWECS has implemented over nine The ongoing activities regarding alcohol, intake been providing cancer patients with different
coffee trees were planted in 2023/24 projects in concert with the MoH, Black Lion of salt and sugar are worth mentioning and the supports such as covering the full expense of
fiscal year to increase production and Hospital and other centers. MWECS has immense contribution and has bed, food, transport and counseling of Pongasile
additional 378 million coffee saplings remained one of the concerned bodies in this Patients Centers that accommodate more than
Hiwot(MD) further noted that the Non
are being planted in the zone. Communicable Disease (NDC) has been recent regard, as to her. 30 patients.

He further stated that over 150,000 agenda in the country while the negative impact The officer pointed out that Chemotherapy Moreover, it has been covering the transportation
quintals of fertilizer was distributed it has put on the socioeconomic aspects of treatment which has been offered in Black Lion fee of patients residing in states, purchasing
low and middle income countries becoming Hospital, is being delivered in four centers in the expensive medicines, as well as covering
to 50 percent of famers reside in
devastating. country, and activities are underway to increase laboratories expense and offering monthly
the zone, and over 4,000 quintals of
the centers to seven. pocket money for student patients and inpatients.
selected seed has also been supplied. To this end, she stressed that MWECS needs
to be recognized in paving the way in the Despite the inaccessibility of the treatment The Founder further highlighted activities
In addition, the zone is also that the society has been carrying out with the
implementation of policies and strategies that centers in the nation, the vaccination that is
endeavoring to achieve progress MoH formulates on NDC. being given to high school girls would play a MoH. Of which, National Cancer Control Plan,
in livestock, dairy and poultry major role in meeting the goal of ending cervical Tobacco control plan, Inclusive health coverage
“For the past eight years, the Ministry, besides
production, he added. cancer by 2030. and non-communicable diseases reports are
formulating policies and strategies, has also
among others.
According to Gemechu, Kellem put effort in ensuring the expansion of cancer “Nonetheless, the efforts of government and
Wollega has experienced security treatment centers, making the service accessible health centers by itself are inadequate. Thus, For its outstanding performance, the society has
and development challenges since in different hospitals as well as enhancing health societies including the MWECS have huge role been awarded five international and two national
2015 until peace restored by the joint extension to reach more societies at all levels. “ to play in filling the gap, “Hiwot (MD) stressed. prizes, Wondu indicated.
efforts of the federal and the regional She also highlighted activities that have been Founder and CEO of the MWECS, Wondu During the event, the MWECS recognized
government security bodies. carried out in informing the society regarding Bekele on his part stated that they have been various institutions and individuals that have
implementing healthy and modern life style working on cancer as well as non-communicable contributed to the cancer cause.

Multi-sectoral economic approach key to overcome dependency: Officials
ADDIS ABABA (ENA)- Ethiopia’s multi- Gebremeskel revealed that the multi-sectorial carried out for citizens to properly respond
sectorial economic approach is supporting the economic approach has enabled the country to their livelihood and provide for others in a
nation’s ambition to overcome dependency, to register productive achievements, mainly sustainable manner.
high-level government officials noted. in agriculture, mining, tourism, industry, and
For the state minister, the opening up of
Trade and Regional Integration Minister wholesale and retail export-import trades
Gebremeskel Chala (PhD) and Finance The per capital income of citizens has doubled for competition will have a huge role in
State Minister Eyob Tekalign (PhD) had an from the previous 800 USD before the reform, stimulating competitiveness in the market and
exclusive interview with the Ethiopian News the trade and regional integration minister the country's overall economic growth.
Agency. stated, adding that the economic growth of
According to him, the government also realizes
Ethiopia has therefore been internationally
According to the Trade and Regional the essential role of startups in the effort to
Integration Minister Gebremeskel Chala, move from aid-dependency to productivity by
successful measures have been taken to Finance State Minister Eyob Tekalign said the providing special support to youth creativity
improve the economy by introducing the national reform has fundamentally changed and skill development.
Homegrown Economic Reform. Ethiopia's economy. Gebremeskel Chala (PhD) The two high-level government officials
He noted that Ethiopia has witnessed concrete The economic growth registered under the minister pointed out that activities are furthermore emphasized the significant role of
achievements in recent years mainly due to the ongoing reform has in particular helped to underway to ensure national development by citizens to end aid-dependency.
multi-sectorial economic approach. align the country’s development potential with creating better living conditions at the family Finally, the officials stressed the need
citizens’ demand, he added. level.
Changing the previous narrowly framed for Ethiopians to support the successful
economic approach played crucial role for the Citing the country’s vision to see Ethiopians Eyob further stressed the need to tackle aid- developmental leadership role of the
achievement, the minister added. becoming examples of change, the state dependency, adding that activities have been government to overcome dependency.

Office foresees media’s... EU awards Erasmus+...

Citing most of vicious circles of poverty, It is also significant to document and tourist attraction, ensure food security, flagship education initiative, Erasmus+ European
conflicts and extremism arising from transcend the entire process of the project, biodiversity, fishery, local and international Scholarship Program.
unfair resource distribution, Aregawi which encounters many internal and tourism destination.” In a press statement sent to The Ethiopian Herald,
(PhD) elucidated that it is critical to insist external diplomatic pressures to the next the EU noted that the students will spend two years
generation,” he emphasized In the same vein, Alebachew stated that it
on promoting self-development endeavors full time in prestigious European Universities
would also enhance power diversification
to get out of the shackle of economic It was learnt that Ethiopia contributes about and will be studying at various higher institutions
and sale, reduce carbon emission, improve
dependency. 86.5 and 14.5 percent of water to the upper in 12 European countries. The Master’s degrees
job creation, ensure green economy, are offered by university consortia, including
During the event, it was also mentioned that and lower riparian countries in which they infrastructure development and promote universities from at least two EU Member States.
the project’s surrounding development, the are cultivating for agriculture, industrial sound diplomatic gains.
functionality of 13 turbines, reaching out expansion and electric export. The Erasmus+ program aims to enhance quality
During the panel, issues related to the in higher education through scholarships and
remote communities and environmental Abbay Dam Project Senior Expert project's holistic socioeconomic virtues, its academic co-operation between the EU and the rest
conservations and tackling sedimentations Alebachew Sisay on his part stated that the historical backgrounds, Ethiopia's immense of the world. Ethiopia is one of the top beneficiary
are the core remaining focus areas. grand project is a testament of unity and countries of the Erasmus program.
role for fair, equitable and mutual benefit to
common assets.
According to the director-general, the total riparian countries and the media's immense According to the press statement, since 2004,
project stage reaches 96% and the remaining Thus far, the Diaspora community and role were extensively deliberated. Ethiopia is one of the top 10 performing countries
critical stage requires about 45 billion Birr. diplomats have been mobilizing resources, in the world, and amongst the top five in Africa both
Praising the profound contributions of media
and they have been engaged in advocacy, in terms of student selection and application in the
“Abbay Dam, as it was described as ‘The in the public diplomacy engagements since
bond sale and other fundraising activities Erasmus Scholarship program. Since 2010, the EU
second Adwa Victory,’ is a turning point by streamlining holistic initiatives. the foundation of the Dam, the participants has awarded the Erasmus scholarship to more than
to leverage own resources, expedite called on the general public to extend their 600 Ethiopian students.
economyand get rid of external socio “Apart from building national image, unwavering support till the completion of
economic dependency.” it would be of significant virtues for the iconic project. EU Ambassador to Ethiopia, Roland Kobia said:
“The Erasmus+ European scholarships highly
contribute to the country’s human development

COMESA promotes gender...

effort in higher education. The program offers a
lifetime opportunity for young Ethiopian students
to pursue their studies at the highest level, to learn
“We need to promote women to have equal COMESA has initiatives to promote gender actors. more about European cultures, languages, academic
share in the aviation industry. Of course, equality and women’s empowerment and systems and, not least, people at some of the best
The call to action underscores the necessity Universities in Europe.
we are seeing developments and women it has a platform to discuss the agenda
of creating more opportunity for women
are being pilots and co-pilots. For example, with high-level governmental entities and Apart from improving the student's expertise, the
aviation sector stakeholders. across all areas of the industry, from piloting
the Ethiopian Airlines has female pilots scholarships are also meant to enrich their life
and engineering to leadership and decision-
which are exemplary to other carriers.” experiences, help create mutual understanding and
The Ministry of Women and Social Affairs making roles. Women empowerment in the openness between people and cultures. We hope that
“The aviation sector has various career Women’s Empowerment Chief Executive aviation sector is not just a matter of equity; these scholarships will help these students to excel
opportunities. So, women can aspire to be Officer Ashenafi Feyissa also stressed it is also about harnessing the full potential and that they will return to Ethiopia with enhanced
pilots, engineers,” she added. that gender parity in the aviation industry of human resources to drive innovation skills and knowledge useful for the country and
requires consolidated efforts of penitent and excellence, Ashenafi remarked. themselves, as well as with fond memories of
Europe,” Ambassador Kobia remarked.

Ethiopia’s Green...
speed. Similarly, the initiative has also enabled Ethiopia Prof. Eyasu further highlighted that over 6.5 billion
that poor utilization of land, water, and human
to become the second-largest avocado exporter in saplings have been prepared in 123,000 nurseries to
resources had been hampering the country from Prof. Eyasu believed that these activities have paid Africa next only to Kenya.” turn Ethiopia green through the nationwide rollout
ensuring its food security. “This poor agricultural off the nation by boosting agricultural productivity of the Green Legacy Initiative program.
performance has made Ethiopia and other and increasing its share in the macroeconomy. According to the state minister, 35 percent of
developing countries vulnerable to frequent Ethiopia’s seedlings had been planted to prevent As a result, those who farm during the autumn have
droughts in the past 10 to 15 years.” More importantly, the Ethiopian Green Legacy floods, land degradation, soil erosion among begun planting saplings, while others have finished
Initiative is critical for enabling the country to others. This will support the country’s agriculture preparation for the program during watershed
The state minister, noted, however that Ethiopia’s
plant 32.5 billion saplings in the last five years, he sector to yield the expected result and withstanding development activities in January and February.
political reform that began in the middle of 2018
said, adding that 60 percent of the seedlings are climate change.
has helped it to take drastic measures in natural Combining natural protection and preservation
agroforestry plants cultivated in farmers’ backyards.
resource development including covering stripped On the other hand, five percent of the saplings activities with watershed management is critical to
and degraded lands. The political reform also paved “Farmers who planted seedlings in their backyards planted in cities over the past five years were supporting the agriculture sector in a sustainable
the way for extensive afforestation, and soil and have begun producing and exporting fruits which selected for their ornamental purposes, as well as manner across the country, the state minister
environmental protection work, with quality and makes Ethiopia the leading exporter in Africa. preventing climate change. emphasized.

Rising costs of living
BY GETACHEW MINAS however, would thank these aid givers that
come with evil missions. They design the
means to keep the people dependent on their
The effects of wars in different parts food aid, leaving them poorer and unable
of the world have contributed to rising to grow food grain and feed themselves.
costs of living. This has created adversity

The Ethiopia poor have to become
and sufferings for the wretched people psychologically dependent on aid and do
of the developing countries, with ocial conflicts have not have the means to farm their land and
Ethiopians suffering immensely. They are produce for their own consumption and for
unfortunately exposed to severe crises resulted in the most the market. This allows external investors
due to the civil war that create havoc to horrible results for to come into the country with the goal of
the people living the war areas. They have keeping it underdeveloped.
suffered from shortages of basic necessities those with the low incomes
As aid addicts, some of the poor Ethiopian
due to continued skirmishes in their places and for the unemployed. The peasants tend not to work on their parcel of
of residence, both urban and rural. The
scarcity of goods has led to high costs
recurrence of social conflicts land. This practice leads to low production
of food, health, housing and education. and civil wars resulted in and low supply to the market, causing
high prices of grain that induce high cost
These social amenities have been caused high cost of living that made of living. Because of this situation the
to migration of people from their place
of origin. Sometimes, such movement of Ethiopians war exhausted poor urban consumers find it difficult to
pay for the high market price of grain.
people has been obstructed by unexpected
The urban workers are also facing the
civil wars or disturbances. These people
hidden hunger caused by the high cost of
have also been affected by lack of transport
living. These are symptoms of failure to
services due to shortage of fuel. Even if face the economic challenges of imposed
these services are available, their costs by alien forces. These forces are ready to
have not been affordable, accelerating the provide Ethiopian with food aid thereby
susceptibility and helplessness of the rural discouraging domestic production of grain.
people. These situations have contributed This is a strategy to make the country suffer
to the reduced welfare of the poor. from food shortage that indicates strong
if they are not compensated for inflation. on transport vehicles for their survival.
It is necessary and crucial to explore the However, all transport operators are able to failure. This opens the avenue for aliens
Collective agreements between employers
various risks that people are exposed to. transfer their expenses on to users of their who design the outdated ethnic politics in
and trade unions may not necessarily
It is also important to figure out how the services. These users of transport facilities the country. This becomes a strategy for
generate enough benefits to employees to
people will be facing the resultant cost-of- come from all parts of the society, including entry into the country to deliver food aid to
cover the rising costs of living.
living crisis. Researchers have focused on the rural ones. those parts of the country seriously affected
the effects of the crisis on different parts of The rising cost of living increases the burden by ethnic conflicts. Petty and normal local
the country. Social conflicts have resulted for disadvantaged workers when compared The rising cost of living may result from skirmishes are over magnified by the media
in the most horrible results for those with to the high income groups. This disparity insecure and unstable economic conditions of the donor countries.
becomes obvious after the emergence of that imply the redesigning of economic
the low incomes and for the unemployed. These developments seriously aggravate
social conflicts, which inevitably creates a policies. Policies related to tax and debt
The recurrence of social conflicts and civil rather than resolve problems. Food aid is
shift in labor relations or disputes. In the may need to be redesigned and applied for
wars resulted in high cost of living that supplied to some regions of the country
labor market, skilled workers earn more controlling the rising cost of living. Tax
made Ethiopians war exhausted. where it is not needed. In this endeavor,
pay, while unskilled workers suffer from revenues of the government may be used to
Yet, it is still steadily rising as a foreign investors are welcome to operate
inflation. Workers employed in the private address it. These revenues may be used to
consequence of domestic and external in parts of the country where peace, law
enterprises earned insecure pay, and faced address demand for and supply of goods and
factors. Raw materials, inputs, finished and order have reigned. These investors
difficulty of supporting their families. This services in the economy. Of course, peace
goods and services that are imported carry tend to produce goods and services for
situation indicates that many workers will is crucial for enhancing labor productivity
inflation. This is shown in the cost of goods both the domestic and external markets.
be forced to achieve high skills for escaping that raises supply to meets the economic
To maximize their profits, they raise
and services produced domestically by low pay. Low-skilled, underpaid workers demands of all Ethiopians. Without it, there
prices to an inflated level. They also raise
using “imported” inputs. Studies reveal that would be helpless unless their employers is no market stability to address the demands
wages of Ethiopian workers, both skilled
imported materials and services are also invest in skills training. However, if the of the citizens of the country. It is believed
and unskilled, to boost their productivity.
carriers of world inflation into Ethiopia. total costs of production are higher than that a share in the “Peace Dividend” is the
These developments have indirect impacts
Inflated local prices prohibit the low revenues of enterprises, there will indeed be major objective of any society involved
on some low salaried civil servants. A few
income workers from markets where they a cause for grave concern at country level. in social disturbances, civil wars, and
of these state employees may be forced
purchase basic goods and services. Those In Ethiopia, where costs of production infantile ethnic clashes. Social problems
to accept bribes in the face inflation. One
people of the society that are most affected rise, they lead to inflation making workers may contribute to low level of production
may safely postulate that there is a vicious
by inflation are the poor families with large dissatisfied with their low earnings. and productivity. These may result in
circle of inflation and corruption. Experts
number of unemployed dependents residing closing of enterprises, unemployment and
The weight and burden on households think that annual increments of wages and
with them. poverty. These situations ultimately lead
facing high food and energy costs would salaries may not cover the fast rising cost
to hunger which result in dependency on
Social security system that provides increase sharply and abruptly. Low-income of living. Consumers are scared of the
food aid. Hunger in Ethiopia is caused by
unemployment benefits is absent in workers with incomes below poverty line situation in which prices of basic goods
social disturbances and conflicts that forces
Ethiopia. Thus, the impact of rising cost may not endure long with insufficient food. increase on a quarterly basis, if not monthly.
Ethiopians dependent on food aid. It is, therefore, advisable to organize
of living is intense on these families. They, These workers and their families may be
however, devise ways and means of with unable to pay rent, water and electricity The rising cost of living is an excellent efficient and effective consumer societies.
which they feed in rotation. In other words, bills. Those employees who reside in public opportunity to the so-called donors to These ensure supply of basic goods and
each family member may be forced to miss houses may have to worry about paying penetrate into the peaceful society of services that tame the rising cost of living
one meal a day. Moreover, the meal is found rents that are very low. These employees Ethiopia. In so doing, they create chaos in Ethiopia.
to be not nutritious and causes all kinds of face heavy risks in the urban centers. Other and destruction of social relations making
exposure to diseases. There is, therefore, a individuals facing vulnerabilities are those normal agricultural activities in the country Editor's Note: The views
need to help families to be relieved from the employed in the transport sector, mostly a difficult task. This interference comes into
entertained in this article do not
burden of the cost of living due to inflation. truck and taxi drivers. They are forced to the country in different forms and masks.
take full responsibility for the costs of One strategy is to look sympathetic to the necessarily reflect the stance of
In most parts of Ethiopia, the costs of basic
foods are on the rise. Simultaneously, wages vehicles and maintenance. Added to these hunger stricken people. They supply wheat The Ethiopian Herald
are “not” rising proportionally to cover the are insurance and fuel costs. Included in grain that is not fit for seedling except for
cost of living. Real wages of workers fall this sector are those workers who rely temporary feeding. Hunger stricken people,

Editorial Opinion
Inexorable stance to maintain TVET a tool for training skilled
manpower for the manufacturing
peace, stability!
Ethiopia has an unwavering desire and firm stance to sustain peace, tranquility and
sector in Ethiopia
security within the Horn of Africa and across the globe. BY SOLOMON DIBABA Africa from coast to coast through
The country has also a long history of taking part in the United Nations (UN) integration in the aviation sector,
peacekeeping operations dating back to as early as the 1950s when it sent troops to Technical and Vocational Education and producing highly competent and skilled
Training (TVET) plays a crucial role aircraft technicians and engineers
Korea during the Korean War. Since that time to the present day, Ethiopia has been
in providing skilled manpower for the becomes more evident and urgent. The
and is still playing an important role in global peacekeeping efforts.
manufacturing industries in Ethiopia. The nation needs skilled railway captains
Mainly, engaging under the blue helmet of the UN and the AU peacekeeping missions manufacturing sector is expected to play a and engineers who can man the technical
such as in the UNAMID, UNMISS, UNISFA and AMISOM as staff, police forces greater role in the economic development aspect s of the sector. Ethiopia is working
and military personnel, as well as initiating for peace negotiations, Ethiopia has paid of the country and is therefore important to towards accessing a number of sea ports
the ultimate price in the service of peace and essentially shown its position in global provide quality TVET education to ensure that requires training qualified sailors
peacekeeping efforts. integrated development of the sector how which can be trained by TEVT colleges
is this accomplished over time? and maritime institutions in the country.
Accordingly, by joining hands with global peace actors, it strained every effort to
stave off conflicts, forge amicable relations between conflicting parties and promote TVET programs in Ethiopia are Ethiopia has already started to implement
peace which in turn positions Ethiopia at the frontline in global endeavors for peace increasingly designed to meet the specific the AfCFTA program which again vividly
and stability. needs of the manufacturing sector. This indicates the need for highly qualified
alignment ensures that graduates possess professional that could be deployed in the
The peacekeeping operations that Ethiopia has taken part in at different times in the skills and competencies required by manufacturing sector which is expected
different countries such as Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, Liberia, Sudan, South Sudan employers. The adoption of Competency- to produce quality and exportable
and Somalia among others, can be mentioned in this regard. Based Training (CBT) methods helps in commodities.
Ethiopia’s commitment to peace is not limited in merely deploying a large number of tailoring the curriculum to match industry The Ethiopian government has made
troops and engaging its peace forces in peacekeeping operations. Equally important, standards and demands. The trainings are significant investments in expanding
by drawing warring parties to negotiation tables and making them resolve their expected to be of high quality and market access to TVET. This expansion
based. This is of critical importance includes building new training centers
differences through peaceful dialogue, it has contributed meaningfully to build peace
because much of Ethiopia’s economic and upgrading existing ones, ensuring
and security in war torn countries. The peace meditation processes that Ethiopia
development will gradually be based on the that more students have the opportunity
participated in, for instance, Sudan, Congo and Rwanda are the other instances that
manufacturing sector. The development to acquire technical skills. Increased
can demonstrate Ethiopia’s perseverance and commitment for peace and security.
of agro-industries in the country will help access helps to create a larger pool of
Most importantly, Ethiopia’s presence in the effort exerted to curtail the prolonged to link up the predominately agriculture skilled workers, which is essential for
conflict, help reinstate order, peace and tranquility in Somalia by warding off the based economy of the country to gradually the growth of the manufacturing industry.
Al-Shabaab insurgents has been irreplaceably huge. The former’s contribution has shift to the manufacturing sector. Besides government based international
been huge in terms of helping the latter, which has been a breeding ground for the Al- Local and international investors may use cooperation agencies like KOICA, JICA,
Shabaab militant group, reestablish a functioning state and stand on its own two feet. trained foreign nationals in their industries DFID, Irish AID, and GIZ have helped to
but they may not be able to meet the open and facilitate vocational trainings
The Ethiopian military forces under the African Union Mission to Somalia
overhead cost required to employ foreign centers that are currently operating across
(AMISOM) have played a crucial role in fending off Al-Shabaab in Somalia since
nationals. Therefore producing well the country.
2007. Accordingly, Ethiopia’s role towards the restoration of peace and stability in
trained and innovative TEVT graduates Public-private partnerships are integral
Somalia also received recognition and appreciation from various global actors; and
is very important to man the management to the success of TVET in Ethiopia.
the ENDF soldiers received the African Union medals.
and running of these industries Collaborations between TVET
Obviously, the Horn of Africa is one of the regions that are described as the most institutions and manufacturing companies
Through TVET, Ethiopia aims to enhance
conflicted and unstable areas in the world for various reasons. It is also a strategic ensure that training programs are relevant
the quality of its workforce. Training
area where terrorist groups, which pose security threats for global people, are bred. centers provide practical and theoretical and up-to-date with the latest industry
For this and other similar reasons, strengthening cooperation and collaboration and knowledge that prepares individuals practices. These partnerships also provide
engaging in constructive works is of critical importance to maintain regional and for immediate employment in various opportunities for apprenticeships and on-
international peace and security. manufacturing roles. This improvement the-job training, giving students hands-on
In this regard, Ethiopia will further strengthen and reaffirm its commitment to join in workforce quality directly contributes experience. Although some efforts have
to increased productivity and efficiency been made in promoting public private
hands and work with continental and global forces to sustain peace, tranquility,
within the manufacturing sector. partnership in the form of cooperation
stability and order within countries of the Horn region and beyond for the common
However, improving the quality of between technical colleges and
good of all.
the work force for the manufacturing universities across the country, these level
industries requires a concerted of cooperation are going on either in slow

The Ethiopian Herald cooperation and collaboration between

the training centers and manufacturing
motion or have never been adequately
Established in 1943 industries that can confidently employ TVET is a key component of Ethiopia’s
Published daily except Mondays well trained and skilled manpower. The industrialization strategy. By producing
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Business & Economy

Towards augmenting summer crop production
BY MENGESHA AMARE maximize the policy effectiveness through a
proper combination of policy instruments in
various relevant sectors, a green innovation
Nature in the summer season is sleeping
system should be established where policy-
because of low temperature, frost in the
makers, researchers, relevant organizations,
air and snowing weather condition. Areas
farmers and other relevant bodies can have
are seen green and most of plants and
proper understanding of green growth and
animals are thus having their hibernation
share their roles.”
period as the summer is not full of bright
colors. Farmers grow crops, use the As to him, from the tranquil beaches of
required agricultural inputs and sow some the south such as Hawassa and Ziway
others, weed again others with a view to lakes to the snow-capped mountains of the
harvesting a good yield at the end of the north Simien Mountains, Ethiopia offers a
day, particularly at the time of harvest variety of travel opportunities that can be
season. experienced during the summer, though
muddy weather baffles all. Summer is
Taking all the fact regarding the activities
when most plants and trees are evergreen.
carried out during summer season,
The summer season is also associated with
particularly among the farming community,
the risk of vector-borne diseases such as
The Ethiopian Herald had a stay with
Farmers in Ethiopia sow crops to harvest yield in return malaria as high temperature and humidity
Amanuel Hatiya, an agro-economist
levels create a favorable environment for
graduated from Hawassa University and
rain if there is a short shower during the breeding and growth of mosquitoes and
working for a certain public enterprise as
the summertime. Rain barrels and water other disease-carrying insects.
post- harvest and crop consultant.
tanks can capture and easily store any
Overall, the difficulties of the summer
He said, “The summer season is also a peak precipitation. Healthy soil will always
season can make it a challenging time for
season for tourism, as many people take the retain water more effectively than one
many people. However, by taking necessary
opportunity of school holidays and travel without any organic matter. Add compost
precautions and adopting appropriate
to different parts of the country to explore to pursuit farmland to keep the soil healthy
coping strategies, people can mitigate the

its natural and cultural treasures. From the and consider constructing water harvesting
negative effects of the season and enjoy its
tranquil beaches of the south to the snow- iming is one wells to ensure water gets into the soil.”
capped mountains of the north, Ethiopia
offers a variety of travel opportunities that
of the most Maximizing water during the summer
We present a new seasonal forecasting
season is very important, and this approach
can be experienced during the summer, but important can help keep the soil nourished while
model for the June–September rains in
this is not that much common among the Ethiopia. It has previously been found
Ethiopian community.”
factors in farming preventing water from quickly evaporating
that the total June–September rainfall over
in the hot sun. Some hobby farmers will
According to Amanuel, summer, the
and can result in also constrict irrigation systems, like drip
the whole country is difficult to predict
using statistical methods. Scrupulous
coldest season of the year in Ethiopia, farmers making lines, to water in a targeted manner during
investigation has portrayed that the rainfall
comes between autumn and spring. It is huge profits or the summer. Drip lines can help save water
seasonality varies greatly from one region
associated with plunging temperatures and by cutting down on over-spray, he added.
suffering heavy to another, which would explain why the
icy weather. It is also a time or season is
According to Amanuel, aerating the subsoil total June–September rainfall over all
the perfect time to be at home, drink hot tea losses. Everything in spring will increase the resilience of nation is a difficult property to forecast. The
or coffee, spend time with family, friends,
watch movies and just enjoy every day! in agriculture pasture of the farming community to a spatial variability in rainfall by grouping the
summer time. Aeration increases dry matter rain gauge stations into four geographical
As to him, it is all high time to look for should be done at and also roots depth, which allows pasture clusters based on seasonality and cross-
a means through sowing and providing the appropriate time to cope better with a dry spell. correlation of rainfall anomalies.
the plots of land with seeds and required
This season falls between the previous two; He further added that summer (Kiremt)
fertilizers that can help the farming
crops are grown from February to May, rainfall is expected to be the main source of
community increase their production,
which not only meets the nutritional needs water for even dams like the Grand Abbay
productivity and profit while improving
of the soil but also provides an additional Dam. There are three main rain seasons in
soil productivity, boosting select seed
source of income for farmers who would the Upper Blue Nile River basin-the dry
utilization and keeping appropriate tilling
otherwise migrate in search of work. season from October to February (Mehir),
fertilization, pest and disease prevention, Timing is one of the most important factors the small rainy season from March to May
“In an era of rapidly advancing technology proper seed selection as well as timing in farming and can result in farmers making (Belg) and the main rainy season usually
and shifting consumer preferences, and seasonality. Yes, farmers need to well huge profits or suffering heavy losses. from June to September (Kiremt).
the agricultural sector has to receive prepare for the seasons as summer is here Everything in agriculture should be done at
The real summer rainfall, which peaks
modern way of bolstering production and to have tips that can help them give the the appropriate time.
in July and August and concludes in
productivity via overcoming unprecedented prepared soil apt seeds and apply what has
He further elucidated that a farmer may September and October, is extremely
challenges and smartly making use of to be done during rainy season via proper
lose some crops per hectare for every day important to the farming community as
opportunities available.” land management and seed dispersion.
delayed in planting. For farmers who rely the have experienced substantial inter
The farming community in Ethiopia has to Relatively speaking, in other parts of the on drought animal power, early preparations annual climate variability, which can have
embark on intensive summer programs with world, summer means lots of sunshine and will enable them to prepare land and have positive as well as negative impacts on
a view to improving the entire food supply a rainy season in Ethiopia and it is a special time to rest the animals while maintaining local agriculture and major implications for
chain, from agricultural production to the one for farmers who can look forward to them in good shape. Climate change refers national and thus for regional food security
final plate as the basis for better production having good harvest in the near future, in the to changes beyond the average atmospheric for trans-boundary hydro-economics are
is laid at this time. The focus will be on season of spring and the subsequent time. condition that are caused both by natural well experienced in this regard.
emerging technologies and trends that are It is important to take advantage of these factors such as the orbit of earth’s revolution,
Amanuel has exhorted his idea saying
shaping the future of food, with special natural sources in conjunction with summer volcanic activities and crustal movements
‘the ‘peak rainy season’ July and August,
emphasis on animal-based agricultural water supplies. Solely relying on summer and by artificial factors such as the increase
in particular, have helped the farming
sectors such as livestock, aquaculture, and or rainy season water can lead to high costs in the concentration of greenhouse gases
community capture precipitation at the
insects,” he opined. and eventually result in water restrictions if and aerosol.
end of the rainy season to pave conditions
there are drought conditions in some areas
He said, true, summer crop production could He said “Above all, agricultural policy and for the crop harvest season coming next.
of the country which constitute dry and
be promoted through applying soil testing low-carbon environmental policy should Though July and August are typically the
semi-dry spatial allotment in particular, he
and analysis, weed control and irrigation be properly integrated so that the concept major rainy months that are constituted in
planning, entertaining crop rotation of green growth in the overall agricultural summer (Kiremt) in Ethiopia, fluctuated
and diversity, nutrient management and He said, “If possible, try to capture any sector in the country takes root. In order to weather situations have been recorded, too.

Art & Culture

Indulging in more African culture to know the people, continent better
BY MULUGETA GUDETA why many Africans do not read books
written by Africans, see films made by

Africans, or listen to music invented by
n the first place, why should we read Africans is not a mystery. In brief, why
more African books, see more African Africans do not know how their African
movies, and listen to more African compatriots live and think is the dilemma
music? The answer to this question is not a behind their self-alienation and cultural
difficult one. Simply put, the answer is that suicide which is reflected in politics as a
we are Africans, and we need to know our lack of genuine African unity, integration,
people and continent better than we know and economic and social development.
other places and other communities or
Most educated Africans were brainwashed
societies. This answer begs the following
into thinking that Western literature, arts,
question: why should we know our people
movies, and music are the best in the world
and continent better? Here too, the answer
and that there was no point in trying to
is simple. As the popular adage goes,
rediscover the lost souls of African culture
knowledge is power, and more knowledge
because we have the best alternative for
of Africa by Africans gives them power
sale in the market. This is the way Western
in all its forms: economic, political, and
capitalism has produced and reproduced
the culturally submissive generations of
However simple and obvious the above Africans who lack the boldness if not
questions and answers may look, the the confidence to try to resurrect the lost
journey to knowing Africa and its people souls of African cultures that have already
better than we do now has its challenges, demonstrated their potential for growth
often formidable due to the complex as part and parcel of the global cultural
historical and contemporary context heritage or patrimony. That is also why
within which these issues are dealt with. the notions of “Africa rising” or African
To begin with, Africans have never been renaissance” have lost much of their
encouraged to know themselves, their appeal. Africa cannot rise on the soil of
cultures, traditions, philosophies, and Western achievements. Neither can it
thoughts simply because colonialism, that abundant raw materials. To be successful the educational system because Africans bring about its renaissance on the crumbs
old foe, has prevented them from knowing in this endeavor, European colonialism were considered illiterate when it came to of the European renaissance that reflected
themselves and forced them to know the devised many tactics. Following its culture and literature. European visions. Africa should therefore
colonial way of life, or a caricature of it, as colonial conquests, Europe imposed on build its vision to achieve a genuine rise
The fact that in the 7th century Axum
their only alternative vision or knowledge. the continent European cultural practices from darkness and a genuine renaissance
in Ethiopia, people had the means of
and provided education to them that based on Africa’s true soul or spirit.
Colonialism did not come to Africa expressing themselves in their language
was specifically tailored to cement or
only to occupy and control our natural derived from what was known as Ge’ez This is not a call on Africans to abandon
consolidate its pernicious strategies of
resources although that was its ultimate while Europeans still lived in caves. The reading non-African books, stop watching
occupation and control.
objective. Colonialism first controlled the civilizations that rose and fell in Egypt, Western movies, or listen to Western
African mind and prepared it for accepting African education was thus tailored to and the African-Arab world in general had music. It is rather a call for African-
willingly, if not by force, colonial rule and reflect European educational systems their own sets of written languages that educated elites to be more critical and
colonial occupation. Occupation of the that subtly promoted the idea that since expressed and reflected African traditions, more discerning in their approach to
mind preceded territorial occupation. It Africans could not educate themselves cultures, and philosophies. In West and foreign cultures and arts. How many
sent missionaries from Europe to preach or develop their educational programs; Southern Africa, too, little-known and Africans know and appreciate our writers,
to them the doctrine of submission as they needed to be tutored by educated original civilizations had appeared and filmmakers, and musicians? How many
if Africans had never had their belief Europeans whose educational systems disappeared while Europe secured its Africans are fans of Western movies and
systems and religions for thousands of were the only ones feasible for Africans. dominance and continuity by subjugating music?.
years before the advent of foreign rule. the people of Africa to its cultural and
Education was thus used as a formidable How many of Africans know that Mulatu
philosophical views that were anchored
The missionaries, most of whom were tool for undermining African identities Astatke is the father of Ethio-Jazz while
on the notion of African inferiority and
disguised colonialists, came with the under a heap of European prejudices and most of us know that Michael Jackson
European superiority.
Bible to secure the submission and Eurocentric biases. After independence in was one of the richest pop singers in
acceptance of European civilization by the 1960s, African leaders simply copied The same paradigm was kept alive in Africa American history or that Jay Z is his
Africans who were deemed uncivilized, the European educational systems to after independence and came to be known contemporary equivalent? How many
godless, and even savages. This dilemma govern their people the way the Europeans as neocolonial rule or colonialism by other Africans know that Haile Gerima is one
was captured by Chinua Achebe, one of did by feeding them the same diets of means, mostly peaceful and deceptive. The of the best African filmmakers who has
the luminaries of African literature, who cultural prejudices and superiority that entire cultural establishments in newly consistently championed African freedom
exposed the prejudices of missionary were carefully cultivated under direct independent African countries continued and the African culture he expressed or
conquest in Nigeria as it came into direct colonial rule. Africa was subsequently to be dominated and controlled by the reflected in almost all his productions?
collision with local African traditions and divided into Francophone and Anglophone European models of education. Books
The new generations of educated Africans
belief systems. His novel “Things Fall Africa and African culture was reshaped written in Europe found ready markets in
turn to Western culture because we seldom
Apart” thus became a universal literary accordingly. Africa as the educated elites popularized
celebrate our uniqueness and defend it in
sensation for its artistic exposure to this them and took them as models of artistic
The first generations of educated Africans the face of the irresistible Western cultural
dilemma. The book was also popular in or literary excellence. Both in so-called,
were thus well-versed in British culture, domination through the marketplace. This
Europe because it exposed the prejudices Francophone and Anglophone Africa, the
literature and philosophy as they were is the time to look horizontally to us and
inherent in the so-called civilizing mission newly emerging cultural elites adopted the
educated in London and were shaped relate to one another on the lofty ideals
of colonialism in Africa. respective traditions as their guiding lights
under the exclusive influence of British of African unity, and African cultural
in arts and literature.
Without first occupying the African mind, history, culture, and literature. Many of liberation while taking anything positive
colonialism could not have the subjective them were well-versed in Shakespearean It may not come as a surprise because and constructive from the wealth of
condition ready for its objective drama and wrote their plays that were the post-independence, as well as global arts and culture. Through time,
occupation of the continent. It was aware almost carbon copies of the British bard. contemporary African elites, continue to what is authentically African can emerge
of the stiff resistance of Africans to foreign Of course, Shakespeare’s literary influence be obsessed with European and Western and promote our vision of a rising Africa
rule and more so to foreign occupation. was universal. Elsewhere in the world, his arts and culture to the detriment of whose renaissance would be based on its
Thus, it had to occupy the African mind works were critically accepted while in genuinely African traditions in literature cultural resources and the hard work of its
before it occupied African resources and Africa they were indirectly imposed on and the arts in general. The question of talented sons and daughters.

Global Affairs
Africa doesn’t have a choice between economic growth,
protecting the environment: How they can go hand in hand
Heathrow Airport in the UK currently many developing countries energy needs
uses more energy than the entire West can be as localised and immediate as
African country of Sierra Leone. Despite someone heading into the forest to collect
Africa accounting for less than 4% of wood so they can cook their evening
all global greenhouse gas emissions, meal. Mega projects take time that those
many of its countries face significant who need energy now just don’t have.
threats from climate change, including
Then there is the question of raising the
increased droughts, floods, heat waves
external investment for these projects.
and potential crop failures.
The Nairobi Declaration, which was
Climate change costs the continent signed at the Africa Climate Summit in
US$5 billion to US$7 billion yearly, a September 2023, called for an almost
figure projected to reach US$50 billion six-fold increase in renewable energy
by 2030. Estimates suggest its impact capacity across the continent. Yet,
could push 50 million Africans below according to a 2022 report by the Climate
the poverty line, while 100 million are at Policy Initiative, Africa has received
risk of being displaced. At the same time only 12% of the finance it needs to cope
around 600 million people in Africa still with climate impacts. This is due in part
lack access to energy, fundamental for to concerns over the risk of investing in
economic development. the continent.
Tackling the twin imperatives of Engaging the right stakeholders, the
sustainable development – meeting the right way
needs of the present without a negative
It is also important that “green”
impact on the future – and economic economic development model employed individual countries and even individual
development benefits as many local
growth in Africa is paramount. It was a by the current developed countries. That people. Put simply, the launch of a green
stakeholders as possible. While there
central theme at the first Africa Climate means exploiting the large and relatively revolution is expensive and context-
is obviously an expectation that
Summit, held in Nairobi last September. untapped natural resources that lie within specific.
governments lead this conversation,
However, these challenges are typically their borders.
Green technology has typically been companies must share this responsibility.
seen as being diametrically opposed. As former Nigerian president Olusegun designed, tested and implemented in
Often, they are discussed in isolation. I’ve previously written about how
Obasanjo put it at the Africa Energy developed nations.
This conversation needs to change. companies can communicate better
Week 2023,
We must acknowledge that sustainable Solar energy works if your country has with different stakeholders. It’s also
development and economic growth Where the justice is when you used what a reliable and extensive energy grid that vital that they properly understand their
are interdependent – one cannot occur (fossil fuels) was available to you, but can store and then effectively distribute different needs and the contexts in which
without the other. we (Africans) can’t use it? You want the energy generated. It is not so practical stakeholders live.
to keep us in the habitual position of when applied to a nation that has just
Based on my research into the role of The differences in how people get food,
underdevelopment. We reject that! emerged from a period of civil war and
multinational firms in the development of shelter and energy, can be vast even in
has a limited, damaged or non-existent
emerging markets, over the last decade, The reality in many African countries one country. One plan won’t necessarily
energy network.
what’s missing in the debates are answers is that using the natural materials found work for everyone.
to the question facing many commodity- within their borders is crucial if they are Take the installation of solar streetlights
Too often companies are misguided
rich African countries: do they use to continue their economic development. in Nigeria. The idea seems great and uses
in their assumptions about what
their natural resources for development technology that works elsewhere. Yet it
Many have claimed that Africa can stakeholders want and need to make their
and damn the environment, or seek an has been ineffective in practice. It’s not
become a green industrial hub to exploit lives better.
alternative which acknowledges that an isolated case.
its renewable energy resources and lead
sustainable development and economic Very few people in developing countries
the charge towards decarbonisation. A 2017 research paper revealed some
growth are interdependent? are going to buy an eco-friendly
But to achieve this technological of the common causes of failure for
cooking stove because it is better for
Africa is highly dependent on extraction transformation and to construct the renewable energy initiatives in sub-
the environment. But they will buy it
of natural resources for its economy, necessary batteries, solar panels and Saharan Africa. The study analysed
if it makes their life easier. The only
including oil and gas and minerals such electrical vehicles requires raw materials. 29 publicly funded projects across ten
way to understand people’s needs is to
as copper, cobalt, gold and diamonds. countries, ranging from electrification of
Companies need to find better ways to bring them into the process from the
public institutions and solar street lighting
In fact, 45 African economies are extract resources while causing minimal start. Firms need to design products and
to micro-grid rural electrification.
already reliant on commodity exports, damage to the environment. develop solutions that are sustainable.
including fossil fuels. Yet they are facing The paper found that common factors But they also must be practical and meet
The good news is that this is already
increasing pressure to turn their backs on contributing to failure included political specific needs.
happening. Mining firms like the Bill
this potentially lucrative revenue stream. agendas, flaws in the project awarding
Gates-backed KoBold Metals are now Creating new paths for sustainability
process, insufficient stakeholder
Rather than the simplistic arguments using artificial intelligence to predict
cooperation, and issues in project As countries around the world look to
that all extractive engagement is bad, the the location of deposits, minimizing the
planning and implementation, lack of continue their economic development
question that really needs to be asked is negative environmental effects of test
effective maintenance and challenges they also need to deal with the growing
how to extract resources while causing drilling.
related to public acceptance and impact of climate change.
minimal damage to the environment. Firms are also exploring the potential inclusion. The last two points underline
Having just one model for sustainable
Bypassing simplistic answers of keyhole mining technology to reduce the importance of local context in green
economic development is not an option.
the need for open mines, which have a projects.
Not unfairly, people across Africa demand It’s important to consider regional and
serious environmental impact.
the same kind of economic opportunities Time and money local challenges, listen to the voices and
already enjoyed by those in the global The challenge of context needs of local stakeholders and accept
Grand sustainable solutions like wind
north. But here lies the problem. To A green revolution needs money, that sustainable development means
farms, public transport networks or
achieve this, the most obvious solution innovation and technology to succeed. It different things for different people.
geothermal plants also fall down when
for many African countries is to adopt the also needs to address the unique needs of viewed through a more local lens. In SOURCE: THE CONVERSATION

Law & Politics

Making the breadbasket
of the world self-reliant

According to the Foresight Africa 2022

report, African covers 20 % of the earth’s
surface and is home to 1.3 billion of its
people, a number likely to reach 2.53 billion
by 2050, But the continent’s economic
transformation, at both the structural and
sectorial levels, is undermined because
of the lack of investment in science and
technology. In the absence of the economic
and scientific infrastructure necessary for
innovation, the continent has continued to
rely on the colonial development model
of resource extraction, a process which is
unsustainable and largely responsible for
continued poverty and dependence on aid.
Africa despite being naturally wealthy
continent continues to be impoverished.
And despite minimal progress, the paradox
still exists today. Dubbed as breadbasket
continent, Africa is still unable to feed
its expanding population. Additionally,
millions of Africans rely on the generosity
and support of foreign benefactors. Despite
all of the positive developments on the
continent, millions of Africans already Temesgen Tiruneh disclosed that concerted recognized the importance of ending
depend on daily humanitarian assistance efforts have been underway to end aid dependency and food insecurity, now it is
due to threats from both the natural and dependency in Ethiopia by developing time for all to move from words to actions.
man-made worlds. Droughts and famines potential natural resources.
Although not to the extent and ill-
are the outcome of severe climate change The performance evaluation focused on the intended old stereotyping against Africa,
effects that have become more frequent performance of the macro-economy and the continent fails to feed its burgeoning
and intense throughout Africa. the major sectors, local media reported. population. And millions of Africans
In contrast to the grim reality, the continent High yield was obtained from summer depend on the goodwill and assistance of
ticks all the boxes to feed the entire world. irrigation, he said, adding that rice international donors. As much as the good
Having 65 percent of uncultivated land, cultivation and crop cultivation in general things happening in the continent, natural
and over 70 percent young population, While the gave abundant harvests. In addition to and man-made menaces are already leaving

Africa indeed with the right policies implementing initiatives, numerous forums millions of Africans in need of daily aid
and strategies, Africa has the potential have been held with the public in regions to support. The severe ramification of climate
to substitute dependency with self- government ensure food sovereignty, Temesgen pointed change which has increased in frequency
and intensity in Africa has resulted in
sufficiency. out.
And the sharp growth in the number of
has recognized Here, we are reminded that government
droughts and famines.
global population and the ever-increasing the importance officials conducted consultations with It would also be necessary to exploit
impact of climate change and war and communities in various parts of the various existing technologies to improve
conflicts are expected to demand for food. of ending country over the last two weeks to realize yields per hectare. Other experts say that

dependency and
Despite the long way to walk the talks, a transformative shift in the agricultural local investment and knowledge transfer,
there is now increased ambition and push sector. The forums were imperative to for instance, on drip irrigation and the use
from the African side to encourage trade food insecurity, shape the collective psyche towards self- of fertilizers, are also needed.
and discourage aid. Nations have begun reliance.
investing aggressively in transforming the now it is time for “The government is ready to work day
The continent meets all the requirements to
feed everyone on the planet, in contrast to
all to move from
agriculture sector through innovation and the bleak reality. With more than 70% of its
and night with the hardworking people
technology. population under the age of thirty and 65%
of Ethiopia to increase productivity by
Despite the same challenges facing the words to actions utilizing the fertile soil and water and end of its land still uncultivated, Africa does, in
country over the years, Ethiopia has been the country’s history of aid dependency.” fact, have the ability to replace dependency
doing its level best to secure self-sufficiency with self-sufficiency with the appropriate
In this regard, the people who participated policies and techniques.
in food and curtail aid dependency. From
in the forums have affirmed their
the ‘‘Bounty of the Basket’’ (Yelemat Additionally, the need for food is predicted
determination to stop aid dependence, he
Tirufat) initiative to the summer irrigated to rise due to the world’s population
said, explaining that this was one of the
wheat project, Ethiopia has been taking expansion, the growing effects of climate
directions set by the 100-day performance
a wide range of activities to scale up the change, war, and conflict. Even though
evaluation meeting.
performance of its agriculture sector. the discussions still have a long way to
Encouraging results have been made and The country’s ambition relies on the go, the African side is now pushing harder
the country plans to further zoom in on the ability to accelerate adoption and scale up to promote trade and resist aid. Countries
projects. promising projects like the aforementioned have started making significant investments
ones. to use technology and innovation to
Lately, speaking after the 100-day
evaluation meeting, Deputy Prime Minister While the Ethiopian government has modernize the agriculture sector.

Senegal Joins Oil-Producing Nations With Launch
of First Offshore Field
Senegal has joined the ranks of oil- deepwater project with the remainder held
producing nations with Australian company by Senegal’s state-owned energy company
Woodside Energy on Tuesday announcing Petrosen.
the start of production in the West African
country’s first offshore project. The discovery of oil and gas fields in
2014 raised great hopes for the economy
After several years of delay, Woodside said of Senegal, among the 25 least developed
it had begun extracting oil from the offshore countries in the world.
Sangomar field, about 100 kilometres south
of the capital Dakar. Exploitation of Sangomar, however, has
faced many delays. Initially set for 2021, it
The floating facility has a storage capacity was postponed due to strategic changes and
of 1.3 million barrels. At a depth of 780 further delayed by the financial troubles of
metres, it contains both oil and gas and is the Australian company FAR, whose shares
expected to produce between 100,000 and were eventually bought by Woodside.
125,000 barrels per day.
“The start of extraction at the Sangomar
High hopes field marks the beginning of a new era,
produce more than 200,000 barrels per not only for our country’s industry and
While Senegal’s fossil fuel output is not “It is the realisation of a project that began
day - approaching the production levels of economy but especially for our people,”
expected to be as high as that of bigger many years ago and should help reduce the
countries like the DRC and Gabon. said Petrosen managing director Thierno
producers such as Nigeria, there are hopes country’s energy bill, which posed many
the oil and gas industry will bring billions budgetary problems.” The first development phase of the oil field, Ly.
of dollars in revenue to the country and still ongoing with new exploratory drilling “We have never been so well positioned
The extracted oil, meeting European and
contribute to transforming its economy. planned, is expected to cost between $4.9 for opportunities for growth, innovation
Asian market standards, is intended for
and $5.2 billion. and success in the economic and social
“The start of oil production is very good export and the national market.
news,” Charles Thiemele, Africa director of Joint ownership development of our nation.”
Thiemele, an oil sector specialist, said
trading company BNG, told RFI. Senegal should eventually be able to Source: Radio France Internationale (RFI) website.
Woodside has an 82 percent stake in the

Uganda: One Million Households to Get Free Electricity Connection,

Says Minister Nankabirwa
The Minister of Energy and Mineral
Development Ruth Nankabirwa Ssentamu
has revealed that government has received a
loan from World Bank summing to USD638
millions under the Electricity Access Scale-
Up Project to expand electricity connectivity
in different parts of the country including
refugee host communities.
Nankabirwa revealed this at Kande Village
in Katikamu Sub County in Luwero district
in an engagement with locals from the area
following reports of extortion by private
power companies with promises to connect
She said that, the ministry's target is to
increase consumption of power to meet the
costs of it's production and this particular
project is supposed to run for 3 years and over
one million households will be connected at
a free cost.
"We have started implementation of this
project, put in place committees and we are
now contracting out. We shall target those
who have poles within their vicinity and NRM Rose Namayanja to help them report this service is supposed to be free and this is charging people for electricity connection,
we will connect them freely provided ,that the matter to the concerned authorities. why I decided to invite my colleague Hon. I was concerned because it's not right,
houses are connected by certified people," "We have tried to get electricity in our area Nankabirwa such that she can directly get it transportation of electricity is expensive
Nankabirwa stated. but in vain. Some company asked us to pay from the horse's mouth," Namayanja said. so people should be calm and patient
Shs 700,000 for poles and connection but we government is trying so hard to ensure
In the meeting, Livingstone Luzinda a "I am glad that she promised to send a
couldn't afford so we decided to run to Hon. that power is evenly distributed," said
resident of Kande Village reported that technical team to come and carryout the
Namayanja and we are pleased that she has Nankabirwa.
there's a private company that asked locals designs to ensure that this town that is
from over 40 house holds in the area to heard our cry by bringing Hon Nankabirwa." near Kampala Gulu Highway gets power" However, Energy Minister urged those that
collect Shs 22 millions, each paying Shs Namayanja who acted swiftly said that she Namayanja added. can afford gas to slowly start using it to
700,000 for electricity poles and connection was shocked to hear that companies are protect the environment.
Nankabirwa warned private companies to
expenses. charging people that illegal big sum of money desist against charging people for power lines "The government is looking for money
Luzinda told the minister that they had started yet power is the engine of development. and connection because it is the responsibility to move people from using firewood and
collecting money but it was really a heavy " Requiring people to pay money to bring of government to connect people to power. charcoal to gas or electricity to save the
burden for them and they decided to report power lines, to me was extortion and it environment."
"Government is obliged to connect people
the issue to the Deputy Secretary General of paints a very bad image for NRM because freely, so when I heard that there companies Source: Nile Post.

Planet Earth
Transforming mineral wealth into sustainable development
BY FIKADU BELAY avoiding the "resource curse," calls for more Ethiopia's relatively recent entry into the mineral in six different Ethiopian locations, expressing
countries to ratify its founding statutes. extraction sector presents a unique opportunity, optimism that further exploration could uncover
Africa aims to utilize its natural resources to as its minerals were less exploited during the more reserves.
Reports from the AMDC indicate that only 4 out
drive economic growth and social advancement. colonial era compared to other African nations.
of the 15 required country ratifications have been The Minister stated that efforts are being made
Through appropriate policies, investments, and This positions Ethiopia well to develop its mineral
achieved thus far. Ethiopia, a significant mineral to bring the newly discovered natural gas into
technological advancements, Africa can unlock resources and thrive in the industry in the future, production by next year. While some exploration
producer, has yet to ratify the AMDC statutes.
its mining potential, generating employment, noted the Minister of State. projects can take years, they are confident in
attracting foreign direct investment, and fostering According to Million Mathwos, the Minister
He emphasized the importance of Ethiopia's achieving success in a shorter timeframe.
industrialization that benefits local communities of State for Mines, many African countries are
mineral resource development in transitioning The government is providing various forms
and the global economy alike. collaborating closely with the center, and Ethiopia
away from carbon-emitting economic activities. of support and monitoring to ensure the
is also interested in joining the AMDC. He
Africa is home to around 30% of the world's By focusing on mineral extraction for clean effectiveness of ongoing exploration and
mentioned that various concerns raised by the
mineral reserves, which are now in high demand energy technologies, Ethiopia can enter the green development efforts. Given the mining sector's
center are being addressed in collaboration. Efforts
due to the global shift towards de-carbonization. industrial sector and establish a more sustainable importance in Ethiopia's economic development,
are underway to approve the center's initiatives to
The energy transition necessitates increased economic future. the government is dedicated to maximizing
safeguard the interests of participating countries,
exploration and exploitation of critical minerals Ethiopia's natural resources' potential.
although only a few nations have fully committed Africa, as a continent, is significantly contributing
found in Africa, such as cobalt, lithium, gold,
thus far. to global carbon emissions reduction by supplying Apart from the natural gas discovery, Ethiopia
potash, and tantalum. Nations like the Democratic
essential mineral resources like copper, nickel, is focusing on developing its geothermal energy
Republic of the Congo, Zimbabwe, and Ethiopia The AMDC has developed frameworks like the
cobalt, and lithium crucial for renewable energy sector. The government, in collaboration with
possess abundant "green minerals" crucial for African Mining Vision and the African Green
and electric vehicle technologies. Africa, through states and the private sector, is working on major
technologies like solar panels, battery storage, and Minerals Strategy to assist countries in formulating
wind turbines. its mineral wealth, is poised to play a leading role geothermal projects to enhance the country's
appropriate policies, regulations, and negotiation
in the global de-carbonization effort. energy supply and create job opportunities.
Ethiopia boasts a rich history of mining dating skills when dealing with multinational mining
back thousands of years. With a diverse geology companies. Importantly, the AMDC is working The private sector is actively engaged in The recent natural gas discovery in the Ogaden
offering a variety of minerals like gold, platinum, to enhance local technical and technological supporting this green transformation, with top region underscores Ethiopia's rich natural
tantalum, potash, iron ore, copper, and gemstones, capabilities so African nations can move beyond investors worldwide participating. Factories have resources and the government's commitment to
coupled with a burgeoning economy and raw material exports and up the value chain. been established in various Ethiopian regions leveraging them for economic growth and energy
educated populace, Ethiopia's mining sector is like Benshangul, Tigray, Gambella, and Oromia security.
While the demand for critical minerals is soaring
poised to play a pivotal role in Africa's industrial to leverage the country's mineral resources,
globally, the AMDC recognizes that many African Ethiopia's mining sector has the potential to
development. including gold and potash deposits linked to
countries are not yet fully prepared. The center's drive economic growth and support the country's
geothermal energy.
Despite Africa's mineral wealth, it has often role is to provide the necessary guidance and transition to a greener economy. By responsibly
failed to translate into tangible benefits for its support to ensure Africa is equipped to meet A survey conducted in the Ogaden region developing its mining resources, creating jobs,
people. The African Mines Development Center the growing demand responsibly and equitably, confirmed the presence of 21 billion, 336 million attracting foreign direct investment, and fueling
(AMDC), established to assist African nations transforming mineral wealth into sustainable cubic meters of natural gas, revealed the Minister. industrialization, Ethiopia can position itself as a
in better leveraging their mineral resources and development for its people. He also mentioned oil and natural gas deposits key player in Africa's green industrial revolution.

TVET a tool for training skilled...

force is adept at using new technologies, which The author of this article would like to suggest to provide internships, apprenticeships, and be interested in establishing their medium and
can lead to improved production processes and some ideas which may help to upscale and job placements for students is very useful to small scale manufacturing industries.
the creation of higher-quality products. improve the role TVET institutions in improving promote quality TVET education. Industry
Increasing government investment in TVET
the quality of education in the TVET framework advisory boards can also help guide curriculum
Some examples of higher institutions of learning institutions to improve infrastructure, resources,
to expand and develop the manufacturing sector development.
engaged in producing skilled technical work and training quality is a useful strategy to prepare
in the country. Partnering with private companies for the well trained professionals for the manufacturing
force include;
The educational curriculum that is currently provision of modern equipment, tools, and sector.
Adama Science and Technology University
in operation in the country need to create facilities necessary for practical training needs
(ASTU): ASTU offers various TVET programs Moreover, encouraging private sector
the necessary balance between practical and to be considered.
that include practical training in engineering investment through incentives and partnerships
vocational training and theoretical trainings It is also important to Invest in state-of-the-art to support TVET programs can also be
and technology, directly feeding into the
provided at junior and secondary school levels. training facilities and ensures they are equipped considered to improve the quality of the training
manufacturing sector.
This obviously requires equipping such schools with the latest technology and equipment. programs.
Ethio-Japan Technical Training Center: with the necessary training materials and
This center focuses on providing advanced machinery that may be secured in cooperation Moreover, incorporating digital learning Conducting regular assessments and evaluations
technical training, with a particular emphasis with partner agencies and government tools, e-learning platforms, and virtual reality of TVET programs to measure effectiveness and
on automotive and machinery manufacturing procurement agency. simulations to enhance learning experiences identify areas for improvement is very important
skills. Addis Ababa Science and technology is very important for quality TVET education. to make improvements in training.
Improving the quality of TVET (Technical Developing and implementing national standards
University, Jimma University, Bahir Dar and Establishing feedback mechanisms to gather
and Vocational Education and Training) in for TVET programs to ensure consistency and
Mekele universities which are also engaged in input from students, employers, and other
Ethiopia requires a comprehensive approach high quality across institutions is a good strategy
technical and vocational training activities can stakeholders will help to improve the quality of
that addresses various aspects of the educational to ensure quality TVET education.
be mentioned. the TVET training in the country.
system in Ethiopia.
Despite the progress, TVET in Ethiopia faces Establish a robust accreditation system to
Updating the TVET curriculum to match current Learning from international best practices and
challenges such as limited resources, the need regularly evaluate and certify TVET institutions
innovations in TVET through collaborations
industry needs and technological advancements based on their performance and outcomes.
for continuous curriculum updates, and ensuring with international organizations and countries
willensure that graduates have the skills that
that all regions have equitable access to training. Expand TVET institutions in rural and will help to upgrade the quality of TVET
employers require.
Future efforts will need to focus on addressing underserved regions to ensure equitable access training.
these challenges to fully harness the potential It is also important to implement a competency- to technical education.
Facilitating exchange programs for students and
of TVET in driving the manufacturing sector based approach that focuses on practical skills
Promotinggender equality in TVET programs instructors to gain exposure to global standards
forward. and hands-on experience rather than theoretical
by addressing barriers that prevent women from and practices will further help the promotion of
knowledge alone.
TVET plays a pivotal role in providing skilled participating needs to be carefully considered quality TVET education in Ethiopia.
manpower for Ethiopia’s manufacturing Providing regular training and professional for quality training.
As stated earlier much of the economic
industries. By aligning training programs with development opportunities for TVET instructors
In addition, integrating soft skills training such development programs of the country hinges on
industry needs, improving workforce quality, to keep them updated with the latest industry
as communication, teamwork, and problem- the manufacturing sector over time.
expanding access, fostering public-private trends and teaching methodologies solving into the curriculum will help to increase
partnerships, and supporting industrialization, By implementing these strategies, Ethiopia can
Encouraging and facilitating industry the quality of training
TVET is essential for the economic development improve the quality of its TVET programs,
placements for instructors so they can gain Including courses on entrepreneurship to thereby producing a skilled workforce that meets
and technological advancement of the country.
practical experience and bring that knowledge encourage self-employment and innovation the demands of the labor market and supports the
Continued investment and strategic development
back to the classroom. among graduates is also of critical importance. country’s economic development in all sectors
of TVET programs will further enhance their
impact on Ethiopia’s manufacturing sector. Strengthening partnerships with industries This is particularly true for graduates who will including the manufacturing industries.

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