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Vol LXXX No 212 15 May 2024 - Ginbot 7 , 2016 Wednesday Price Birr 10.


Alemu Sime (PhD)

Continental approaches
Photo: Hadush Abreha

reliable for aviation

excellence: MoTL
• Ethiopia holds12th Aviation
Stakeholders Convention

Heritage preservation, dev’t augur


ADDIS ABABA- Strengthening

for economic growth

continental collaborative approach
and enhancing aviation facilities are
crucial to ensuring standardized,
safe and secured aviation industry,
the Ministry of Transport and
• Annual heritage research conference kicks off Logistics (MoTL) said.
The 12th African Aviation
BY TSEGAYE TILAHUN Speaking at the first Ethiopian Annual order to bring economic growth thereby Stakeholder’s Convention, hosted
Heritage Research Conference that was kicked benefit the general public. by the Ethiopian Airlines is being
ADDIS ABABA – Ethiopia has given proper off yesterday, Tourism Minister Ambassador held under the theme ‘Beyond
Although Ethiopia holds immense tourism
emphasis on heritage preservation and Nasise Chali stated that following the national connecting African aviation.’
potential to drive several local and foreign
development to drive economic growth, the reform, the country has been focusing on
Ministry of Tourism (MoT) said. heritage preservation and development in See Heritage preservation, ... page 3 See Continental ... page 3

Political commitment imperative to mitigate

climate change impact

In Africa, where early warning systems

of climate and weather are undeveloped,
with 60 % of the population not covered
by any early warning systems, the World
Metrological Organization (WMO) is asking
for political commitment of each countries
Temesgen Tiruneh
to enhance infrastructural development.

Made in Ethiopia
The regional agent of the World Metrological
Organization, WMO Association I - Africa
improves import substitution, is also playing supportive roles in shaping
Africa’s metrological data administration,
market linkages: Deputy PM influencing sectors ranging from agriculture
to infrastructure development and
disaster management, the President of the
Association told to The Ethiopian Herald.
the continent is still facing significant Ethiopian Meteorological Institute, Fetene
ADDIS ABABA- Made in Ethiopia The Association, during its recent nineteenth challenges in both accessing and ensuring Teshome said that African countries need
movement has been improving import session, discussed critical metrological and the reliability of meteorological data, to promote collective decisions to mitigate
substitution and creating market linkages climatic issues including infrastructural extreme weather events such as floods, the impact of climate change, particularly
among businesses, the Deputy Prime development, financial support, and droughts, heat waves, tropical cyclones and focusing on the El-Niño phenomenon.
Minister said. equitable data distribution among major severe storms, heavy rains, and forest fires
The significance of member countries’
points of the session as climate-driven are causing huge damages.
The Made in Ethiopia Expo closing collaboration in tackling major climate
problems surge across the continent.
The Regional Association I - Africa
See Made in Ethiopia ... page 3 According to the WMO latest report, President who is also Director of the See Political commitment ... page 3

Bahir Dar University
unveils undertakings MinT to host ‘STRIDE Ethiopia 2024’ expo
to improve health tourism BY BETELHEM BEDLU

ADDIS ABABA- Ministry of Innovation

• Builds academic, research
and Technology (MinT) has finalized
center of health preparations to host Science, Technology,
Research, Innovation, Digitalization and

Photo: Gebabo Gebrie

Entrepreneurship (‘STRIDE) Ethiopia 2024’
annual expo at the National Science Museum.
ADDIS ABABA – Bahir Dar University
announced the move towards achieving The expo is slated to be held from May 18-
medical tourism through providing advanced 26, 2024.
treatment at home. Briefing Media, MinT State Minister Yisherun
Bahir Dar University College of Medicine Alemayehu mentioned that the national expo been undertaken in science, technology, Mentioning that the Ministry has been
and Health Science –Tibebe Ghion which will be held under the theme “Science research, innovation, digitalization and recognizing and rewarding innovators,
Specialized Hospital is working with the Unlocks, Technology Connects, Innovation entrepreneurship (STRIDE) and would be experts and researchers, he stated that
Drives’’, would be officially launched on open for public from May 18-26 at national recognition would be given to those actors
federal government to provide full health
May 17, 2024 at ICT park in the presence of science museum, he noted. who have made immense contribution in the
related tourism services by treating diseases
senior government officials. science, technology and innovation sector at
including cancer, kidney, and heart treatment Over 30 public institutions would introduce
the expo.
here to reduce the number of patients who He said that science, technology and e–services and technology based services, 40
travel abroad to receive medical care with a innovation have remained at the heart of banks and e-commerce companies, 50 ICT MinT Senior Advisor Abiyot Bayu (PhD)
high cost. many developed countries economic growth. companies from the private sector and over on his part noted that the nation is executing
Cognizant to this fact, Ethiopia has also given 30 actors on innovation are expected to take several activities with regard to enhancing
The College Chief Executive Director Prof. due emphasis to the sector and undertaken part. science, technology and innovation sector.
Yeshigeta Gelaw told The Ethiopian Herald several steps towards that.
that his college is moving in compliance with He further indicated that ongoing innovative Thus, the expo would showcase what has been
the mission of the Ministries of Education and One of such efforts is organizing such events works in IT, health, education, agriculture, achieved so far while introducing various
Health to accomplish health related activities. which are instrumental not only to showcase industry and tourism would be exhibited; startups, innovation works and technologies
the activities that have been done but also to while institutions newly installed technologies at one place.
Yeshigeta who is also Chief Executive create awareness and conducive environment and IT works will be introduced.
He mentioned that panel discussion,
Director of Tibebe Ghion Specialized for the future, as to him. Moreover, youth and children Hackathon experience sharing, and presentations on
Hospital said that the hospital that opened
The State Minister said that the expo contest, panel discussion and experience digital economy, among others, are part of
five years back is teaching and recruiting
would showcase the activities that have sharing are said to be part of the programs. the program.
physicians to mitigate lack of medical care in
the country.
“Beyond this, we have planned to open
mother and children medical treatment
Ethiopian pledges proper management
center, and rehabilitation treatment as well
as implemented blue economy program
in health sector, which is launched by the
of delegated lodges, resorts
government recently,” he said.
Yeshigeta is also professor of Ophthalmology ADDIS ABABA- Ethiopian Airlines Group
and he said Tibebe Ghion Specialized will properly manage the delegated Halala
Hospital is providing 90 % medical treatment Kela Resort and Chebera Elephant Paw Lodge
by specialist doctors for patients at this time and enable the facilities to provide quality
for local and catchment areas. services, the CEO said.

Bahir Dar University College of Medicine It is to be recalled that the management of

and Health Science have been operating for lodges and resorts that were built under the
15 years now, he mentioned. Dine for Nation initiative were transferred to
the Ethiopian Airlines and various states. Per
Prof. Yeshigeta further noted that university the agreement, the airliner will manage the
has built great academic and research center lodges and resorts under the auspices of its
which serve as input or policy for health flagship Ethiopian Skylight Hotel. the country’s tourist attractions and its The CEO further affirmed the group’s
sector named Tana Research and Diagnostic transformation to the management of lodges commitment to repeat the success and
Yesterday, Ethiopian Airlines Group CEO
Center which will commence services shortly. Mesefin Tasew and Southwest Ethiopian and resorts will give great impetus to the reputation it has enjoyed for long in the
He said the research center is one of the major People’s State Chief Administrator Negash airliner’s formidable contribution in the aviation industry, in the hospitality sector and
role players in health research in the nation. Wagesho (PhD-Eng.) signed a contract to tourism industry, supplement the flow of tourists.
manage the Elephant Paw Lodge and Halala The fact that Ethiopian is allowed to manage Negash (PhD) for his part said that the
“Medical equipment is almost full in the Kela Resort in Chebera Churchura.
hospital. Community based health education lodges and resorts built in the Dine for Nation Ethiopian Skylight Hotel’s experience and
is being practiced by students to solve the Speaking at the occasion, Mesfin stated that initiative under Skylight Hotel has created a expertise in the field reassuring the airliner’s
local community’s problems.” the airlines will do everything in its capacity favorable environment to the expansion of capability to manage resorts and lodges
to enable the facilities to provide world-class hotels across tourist attraction sites, he added.   efficiently.
About 2300 students including undergraduate services to become a major source of attraction “It is a great opportunity to sign a contract to Beyond providing standard hotel services to
and post graduate are undertaking to both domestic and international tourists. manage the Elephant Paw Lodge and Halala visitors in the area, the contract is of great
development training program and also
Since its establishment, Ethiopian has Kela Resort under the Ethiopian Skylight significance to grow Ethiopia’s tourism sector,
a university has been opened aimed at
been playing a leading role in promoting Hotel at the expected quality level.” the state chief remarked.
management training for leaders in the

State inaugurates car assembly plant in Jigjiga

university to improve their life skills in health
and education sectors, he noted.
“We are changing trouble into opportunity ADDIS ABABA (FBC) – The Chief During the inauguration ceremony, Mustafe the past six years.
and the level of creativity that helps to reach Administrator of the Somali State, Mustafe highlighted the importance of such investment Affirming the government’s commitment to
at this stage and providing medical services M. Omer, inaugurated a groundbreaking projects in not only reducing the demand for supporting the private sector, the regional
free of charge to the community. As a new car assembly plant in Jigjiga city yesterday, foreign currency but also in creating jobs for administrator expressed optimism about the
teaching hospital, we are also preparing a marking a significant milestone in the region’s local citizens. future prospects of the plant.
roadmap to do further towards improving industrial development.
He commended the private investors for their It was learnt that the plant has already created
medical treatment,” Yeshigeta expressed.
The plant, constructed at a cost of 250 million contributions to the state’s economic growth, jobs for 100 workers, with plans underway for
He believed that utilizing Tana Research and Birr, is the first of its kind in the Somali state stating that nearly 300 industries, ranging further expansions that are expected to lead to
Diagnostic Center helps to develop many and has the capacity to assemble 10 cars per from small to large enterprises, have been the creation of more employment opportunities
inventions in the health sector. day. instrumental in generating employment over in the state.

Heritage preservation, dev’t augur ...
tourists, it has not been generating the development. Director General Abebaw Ayalew said
expected revenue from the sector for poor that the authority has been working to
Moreover, the efforts require facilitating
heritage development and other challenges, support heritage preservation and protection
heritage research centers with skilled
she said. activities through research.
manpower, she added.
Photo: Gebabo Gebrie

To overcome these challenges, the Therefore, he noted that the first Ethiopian
As to the Minister, tourism sector has a huge
government restructured the tourism Annual Heritage Research Conference that
potential to catalyze job creation, economic
industry as one of five economic pillars to was launched last Tuesday is part of this
growth as well as addressing key challenges
play key role for economic development, task.
in the sector.
she expressed.
Papers conducted on various issues
The current generation has a responsibility
Accordingly, the Minister mentioned that especially regarding the 80 years of research
Prof. Berhanu Nega to protect, conserve and develop heritages to
the ongoing heritage sites development and conservation journey of the Authority
transfer them for the next generation.
MoE, institutions
and renovation showcases government’s will be presented on the two-day long
commitment for heritage preservation and For his part, Ethiopian Heritage Authority conference, it was learnt.
to address industry
challenges Made in Ethiopia improves import substitution, ...
• Establish Nat’l linkage council ceremony was held yesterday in the attendance increase the culture of using local products.” Expos have been contributing to stimulating
of senior officials, exhibitors, buyers and the manufacturing sector, creating market
BY MESERET BEHAILU According to Temesegen, the movement
others. linkages, enabling competitiveness in the
requires a boost in local production and
global market and bringing other benefits.
ADDIS ABABA – Ministry of Education Speaking at the occasion, Deputy Premier productivity and the ease of the manufacturing
Among this and other interventions, local
(MoE), Technical and Vocational Education Temesgen Tiruneh noted that the aim of the sector’s challenges.
production has been significantly improving
Training (TVET), Research Institutions, and expo is to transform the manufacturing sector
For his part, Industry Minister Melaku in kind and amount, Melaku elaborated.
Industry agreed to address various challenges to support the national economy. The Made
whilst established National Linkage Council. in Ethiopia movement has also been greatly Albel highlighted the Expo’s contribution to In the closing ceremony, recognition medal
contributing to boost local production and create 5,188 market linkages while the trade and certificate awards bestowed to companies
The agreement held yesterday to improve the exchange hit over three billion Birr in its five-
import substitution capacity. that achieved success in import substitution
industry sector, increase import substitution day operation. and other initiatives.
products, bridge skilled human power gap, The government institutions have the
showcase practical operation, and advance responsibility to purchase locally made The expo has been visited by over 100,000 It is to be recalled that Prime Minister Abiy
the industry sector and human power. The products to enforce the directives and to local and foreign visitors and companies Ahmed (PhD) inaugurated the 2024 “Made
establishment of the National Linkage encourage manufacturers and to expand drawn from 57 countries partook in the five- in Ethiopia” expo that showcased locally
Council will help to solve national problems. import substitution diversity. “It is important day event. Also, some seven countries agreed produced goods and fosters sustainable market
to minimize dependency on imports and to buy Ethiopia’s locally made products. connections.
Education Minister Prof. Berhanu Nega
said that developing the understanding

Political commitment ...

of entrepreneurship, conducting problem
solving research, building capacity, advancing
externship (industry to academia and academia
to industry ties), transferring technology, and challenges, with a specific emphasis on revolve around enhancing early warning facilitator rather than an interventionist entity.
consulting service are the main focus areas of addressing disasters based on data needs to systems for meteorological emergencies
The center of WMO’s agenda is the
the tripartite sectors agreement. be enhanced. El-Niño-related crises, water and fostering stronger partnerships with
reinforcement of countries’ observation
shortage and some other climatic issues organizations working in climate-related
He further stated that all stakeholders should networks to address challenges associated
require higher officials’ decision. Ministers initiatives. “Addressing the unequal access to
work responsibly so as get the industry grow with data distribution. Efforts are underway
representing environmental issues are meteorological data across different regions
as required. He also stated that it is necessary to ensure that each country has equitable
convening to deliberate on political strategies emerges as a priority, prompting initiatives
to build a competitive industrial sector by access to technology for generating reliable
essential for effective meteorological service to bolster data distribution mechanisms,” he
implementing the key works of cooperation forecasts, thereby promoting uniformity in
delivery, so, the WMO is expecting more stated.
in a better and coordinated way. meteorological services across the continent,
political support in this endeavor, according to
Director of the WMO Regional Office for she described.
Perversely, there are number of challenges the President.
Africa, Agnes Kijazi on her part stressed the
such as the limitation of commitment, Africa, classified under WMO’s Association
Ethiopian government, for example, is imperative of improving the accessibility
denying the issue as counted as a second I, stands as a critical region in the global
expanding infrastructural development; of meteorological data, affirming WMO’s
task, weak supervision measure, and the likes meteorological landscape. Despite the virtual
four satellite data receiving centers are on commitment to supporting member countries
were serious problems which are hindering to nature of the current session, discussions
construction. The WMO would support based on collective decisions. The focus
bring significant impact among the sectors. are expected to yield actionable strategies
countries with such commitment to make remains on empowering countries to
However, this agreement will solve such to enhance meteorological capabilities and
metrological data accessible, he highlighted. independently generate and disseminate
challenges through combined and research resilience across the continent.
meteorological data, with WMO serving as a
based approaches. Amidst the challenge, key decisions

Continental approaches reliable ...

Speaking at the occasion, MoTL Minister development, traffic rights restrictions, security, and sustainability in air travel. Accordingly, Ethiopian Airlines has order
Alemu Sime (PhD) stated that the shortage of training facilities and human some 126 brand new aircrafts to help realize
The Ethiopian Airlines Group CEO Mesfin
Ethiopian government has been showing resource development in its entire journey, its growth plan and achieve a fleet size of
Tasew on his part said that the airlinerhas
ardent dedication to work with African Alemu (PhD) affirmed the commitment to 275 by 2035.
made substantial progress in expanding
counterparts to create a favorable working promote the aviation operation efficiency via
domestic operations by constructing six To address the pressing shortage of qualified
environment for airlines and address cutting-edge digital technologies.
terminals and enhancing two airfields aviation professionals, Ethiopian Aviation
pressing issues in the aviation industry.
In his remark, the Minister also revealed thereby promoting air travel efficiency. “In University has made remarkable progress as
Recognizing the complexity of these issues the government’s position on the ongoing line with our commitment to upgrading well as over double the number of aircraft
and the need for a collaborative approach, consideration of the UN Model Bilateral Tax aviation infrastructure, the Airlines is maintenance technicians, Mesfin remarked.
the government has also exerted concerted Agreement that allows source taxation on currently constructing a general maintenance
The 12th Aviation Stakeholders Convention
efforts to facilitate policy changes, promote international airline operations and how it hangar, a modern aircraft part warehouse,
is graced by the presence of prominent
infrastructure development, enhance training would affect the growth of Africa’s aviation and a component maintenance complex.”
delegates drawn from all corners of the globe,
capacities, and support human resource sector.
The CEO reiterated that Africa requires aviation industry experts and professionals.
development, he elaborated.
He urged stakeholders in the aviation policy changes and a comprehensive The participants are exchanging views on
Emphasizing the ministry’s encountering industry to collaborate wholeheartedly transformation to elevate its aviation ways of promoting the African aviation
of challenges related to infrastructure to ensure the highest standards of safety, industry and expedite the overall economy. industry’s thriving future.

Transatlantic influences on Africa, Ethiopia
BY GETACHEW MINAS diplomatic relations. These relationships debt relief programs. They would push for may vary depending on the nature of the aid

pave the way for trade partnerships, and debt restructuring initiatives which may and the priorities of the donor. The specific
frica had been subjected to development cooperation with the Western lighten the debt burden of Ethiopia. These circumstances of the recipient country
multifaceted transatlantic countries. These developments had impacts measures release resources for investment are also taken into account. Some of
influences. It had been persuaded on the Ethiopian economy, paving the in social and economic services and these conditions are policy reforms, good
or manipulated by colonialists and way for trade and investment. They also infrastructure development. governance, economic conditions, human
neocolonialists that had shaped various contributed to the shaping of foreign policy rights and democracy and gender equality
Donors may also provide technical
aspects of its history, culture, and socio- and socio-cultural developments. and security and stability.
assistance and capacity building programs
political landscape. In this regard, there
Generally, transatlantic influences on Africa, and projects in the country. The provision Donors may require policy reforms in
were several issues to consider. One
including Ethiopia, have been complex of technical expertise and capacity-building the recipient countries for receiving aid.
historic event had been slave trade, which
and multifaceted. They encompassed assistance in areas including governance These reforms could relate to governance,
had been managed and manipulated by the
historical, cultural, economic, and political and public administration is very critical. economic policies, human rights, or other
transatlantic slave traders.
factors and dimensions. Grasping these As mentioned earlier, financing of social areas. Donors require good governance as a
Slave trade had profound effects on developments and influences has been sectors such as education and health condition for aid. This includes transparency,
Africa, including Ethiopia. While Ethiopia essential for understanding the wider and may strengthen institutions for human accountability, anti-corruption measures,
was not a major source of slaves for the broader elements that have been shaping development and poverty alleviation in the and adherence to the rule of law. The
transatlantic trade compared to West the socioeconomic history of the region and country. economic conditions relate to assistance
Africa, it was still affected indirectly. The that of Ethiopia. that may be contingent upon countries
Implementing social safety net programs adopting specific economic policies. These
slave trade disrupted societies, contributed
Like many developing countries, Ethiopia have helped alleviate poverty and food countries may undertake structural reforms
to the depopulation of certain regions, and
may benefit from a variety of economic insecurity In Ethiopia. This has been to improve their economic performance,
led to the loss of valuable human resources.
support strategies to enhance growth and done through providing vulnerable including privatization, fiscal discipline,
Ethiopia had been able to strongly resist development. There are some strategies populations with access to basic services or trade liberalization. The donors may
European colonization. It had resisted that are often devised for supporting the and resources. These groups of people also require recipient countries to respect
the scramble for colonial domination economic advancement of the country. benefit from infrastructure development human rights, and democratic principles,
conducted elsewhere in the continent. Yet, One strategy is designing relevant and projects such as roads, ports, energy, and including respect for freedom of speech,
Ethiopia had been indirectly affected by appropriate foreign aid. This aid flows telecommunications. They may also benefit assembly, and the rule of law.
the colonial adventure. The presence of from donor governments, international from connectivity through facilitating trade
colonial powers in African countries and organizations, and NGOs. These entities and attracting investment. Particularly, Some donors may require recipients of
their attempts to assert control over the may provide crucial financial assistance investing in education and skills training aid to adhere to environmental standards.
continent had implications. Its influence for various socio-economic development programs may empower the Ethiopian They also promote sustainability in their
in strategic regions of the continent had projects. These cover important sectors labor force by enhancing its productivity development policies, programs and
repercussions for the political and territorial including infrastructure, healthcare, and income. projects. The transatlantic donors require
integrity of Ethiopia. education, and agriculture. anti-corruption measures to ensure that aid
Labor productivity may rise through money is used effectively and efficiently.
The transatlantic slave trade contributed Infrastructure development is a critical innovations and competitiveness in the These donors also require that recipient
to the spread of Christianity and Islam in factor for constructing roads, bridges, global economy. In this regard, Ethiopia countries promote gender equality and
Africa. In Ethiopia, Christianity dated back railways, ports, which are critical inputs for may benefit in acquiring foreign exchange empowerment of women as part of their
to the fourth century AD, but its contact sector development. The agricultural sector through exporting its agricultural and development efforts. In conflict-affected
and relations with colonial powers led to needs internal communication links for its manufactured goods and services. Using regions, donors may tie aid to the promotion
its exposure to different Christian sects and inputs, outputs, farm machineries, stores export earnings, the country may also of security and stability. These measures
denominations. Moreover, Ethiopia used for marketable surplus and other productive import technologies that are used in include disarmament, demobilization,
to have historical contacts with Islamic factors. Similarly, the social sector that improving productivity and income in and reintegration programs and projects.
countries. These exposures have influenced comprises health and education facilities different sectors of the economy. Underlying these requirements is capacity
its religious background and settings. presupposed the existence of efficient building in the recipient country, including
Supporting sustainable development
infrastructure for the delivery of services Ethiopia.
Studies reveal that the slave trade had also programs and projects may help address
to both the rural and urban families and
facilitated cultural exchanges between environmental challenges. These The transatlantic donors may require
students. These social and economic sectors
Africa, Europe, and the Americas. African challenges arise in the process of promoting recipient countries to invest in capacity
need investment for further expansion with
cultural settings, such as music, cuisine, economic development and growth. These building to strengthen their institutions,
the goal of reaching all members of the
spirituality and dance have swayed and include investments in renewable energy, systems, and human resources. These
Ethiopian society.
influenced numerous cultures in the conservation, and climate resilience. The donors often demand rigorous and serious
Americas, particularly on those with Encouraging foreign direct investment responsibility for such investments lies with monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of aid
African origin. Likewise, Ethiopian (FDI) in these sectors can bring in capital, the government and NGOs in all regions. programs to ensure accountability and
culture had factors that were reflected in technology, and expertise. These factors are effectiveness of aid donated to developing
Conservation of natural resources is vital
the Diaspora communities. These groups crucial for stimulating economic growth and countries. These requirements are designed
for future development of the country. In
of people had been identified with music development. Ethiopia has been actively to ensure that aid is used efficiently
this endeavor, it is crucial to encourage
and religious practices that originated from seeking foreign investment in other sectors and effectively for the desired goals of
partnerships between the public and private
their countries of birth. such as manufacturing for the production development in Ethiopia. The priorities and
sectors to mobilize resources. It is also
of goods and services for domestic and values of the transatlantic donors promote
necessary to apply expertise for service
The Ethiopian Diaspora communities have external markets. Production for exports sustainable development and positive
delivery. This helps to balance and leverage
played decisive and influential roles in is a major source of foreign exchange for outcomes in recipient countries, including
the strengths of both the private and public
shaping relations with those in the US and Ethiopia with which it would import basic Ethiopia. This is believed to be done in line
Europe. They have been crucial factors in necessities and inputs for production. with the national development program of
determining transatlantic influences with Generally, a combination of these recipient countries for the alleviation of
respect to Ethiopian culture and history. Facilitating external trade agreements and
approaches which are tailored to the specific poverty.
They have also contributed to cultural partnerships can help Ethiopia access global
needs of Ethiopia and its circumstances may
exchange, economic ties, and political markets for its exports. These mechanisms
contribute to its economic development
activism. promote economic diversification and
and poverty reduction endeavors. However,
revenue generation in the major sectors Editor's Note: The views
these efforts have to be supported by
In so doing, they have influenced positive of the economy. External assistance is a entertained in this article do not
the transatlantic and external donor and
developments in both Ethiopia and their necessary mechanism for building trading
international financial institutions in line necessarily reflect the stance of
adopted countries. They also laid the efficiency, capacity and infrastructure that
with their conditions. The Ethiopian Herald
ground for modern diplomatic relations. may strengthen the competitiveness of
They shaped the contemporary transatlantic the country. In this process, donors and Transatlantic donors often attach conditions
influences on Ethiopia which included lenders would be in a position to design to their aid or support. These conditions

Editorial Opinion
Coordinated actions to harvest The global significance of Ethiopia’s
Green Legacy Initiative
from industrialization BY SOLOMON DIBABA civilization and survival.

Ethiopia has been actively engaged in various
So far Ethiopia has managed to plant 32.5 billion
practical initiatives to mitigate and adapt to
thiopia is exercising a multi-sectoral growth approach to build a more seedlings exceeding the targets set for the year. This
the effects of climate change. Some of its key
year, the government is already coordinating the
stable path for growth, promote inclusive and sustainable development and contributions include:
planting of more than 6 billion seedlings.
support the economy by unlocking the untapped potential of various sectors,
Ethiopia has launched ambitious tree planting
diversifying sources of economic growth and enhancing cross functional Ethiopia’s National Green Legacy Initiative holds
campaigns, such as the Green Legacy Initiative,
cooperation across different sectors. significant global importance for several reasons:
aiming to plant billions of trees across the country.
To this end, the country has established well-thought-out plans and policy reforms The initiative aims to combat climate change by To date, 32.5 billion trees have been planted.
restoring degraded landscapes, increasing forest These efforts contribute to carbon sequestration,
across the different sectors to set an environment vital to drive it forward - to improve
cover, and sequestering carbon dioxide from the soil conservation, and biodiversity conservation,
productivity and competitiveness, to grow and thrive thereby ensure sustainable and
atmosphere. This contributes to global efforts to helping to mitigate climate change and enhance
broad-based economic growth. mitigate climate change and achieve targets set ecosystem resilience.
As ways to attain the goals, in the nation’s 10-year economic plan, (2021-2030), under international agreements such as the Paris
Agreement. The country promotes sustainable agricultural
special attention has been given to some areas; that are the agriculture, manufacturing, practices, including agro-forestry, conservation
mineral, tourism and the ICT sectors; as the result they are crucial to drive economic Moreover, Restoring and expanding forest agriculture, and organic farming, to increase
transformation and sustained prosperity. ecosystems through tree planting efforts enhance food security while minimizing environmental
biodiversity conservation by providing habitats degradation. These practices enhance soil health,
Currently, the manufacturing sector is exhibiting promising results and driving growth for wildlife, protecting endangered species, water conservation, and carbon sequestration,
by generating jobs, enhancing production capacity, fostering innovation, diversifying and preserving ecosystems services crucial for contributing to climate change mitigation and
export-oriented products, promoting import substitutes and generating foreign currency. ecological balance and human well-being. This adaptation.
As it was stated by the Ministry of Industry recently, the manufacturing sector has aligns with global conservation goals set by
created employment opportunities for about 256,000 citizens. organizations like the Convention on Biological Ethiopia has invested in renewable energy sources,
Diversity. particularly hydroelectric power, to reduce reliance
The 2024 “Made in Ethiopia” Expo, which was organized recently and met up with a on fossil fuels and mitigate greenhouse gas
total of 210 manufacturing industries, was a remarkable platform showcasing Ethiopia’s The National Green Legacy Initiative promotes emissions. Large-scale hydropower projects, such
prowess in various areas, such as agro-industry, leather and leather products, textile and sustainable development by addressing as the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD),
environmental degradation, enhancing ecosystem aim to harness the country’s abundant water
garment, food and drinks, woods and wood products automobile, machinery, electronics,
resilience, and fostering socio-economic benefits resources for clean energy generation.
in this regard. for local communities. These efforts support the
United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals Ethiopia incorporates climate resilience
The event has demonstrated Ethiopia’s potential in the manufacturing sector. Ethiopians’
(SDGs), particularly those related to environmental considerations into infrastructure planning and
entrepreneurial spirit and the promising progress registered in increasing production and
sustainability (SDG 13-15) and poverty alleviation development, including roads, bridges, and
productivity have been promoting import substitution and contributing to encouraging irrigation systems. Climate-proofing infrastructure
(SDG 1).
export, besides being a platform in promoting locally produced goods and energizing the helps minimize the vulnerability of communities
manufacturing sector for the foreign market. In addition, trees play a crucial role in regulating to climate-related hazards such as floods, droughts,
water cycles, reducing soil erosion, and and extreme weather events.
At the Expo, ran for five consecutive days, it was made possible to carry out 8,188 types replenishing groundwater reserves. By planting
of transactions and more than three billion birr transactions were done. trees and restoring watersheds, the initiative helps The country implements integrated water resource
improve water resource management, ensuring management strategies to enhance water security,
Unarguably, Ethiopia is a country blessed with abundant natural resources ranging from improve water quality, and mitigate the impacts
water availability for agriculture, drinking water
water to mineral resources including gold, tantalum, phosphorus, iron, potash, as well as of climate variability on water availability. This
supply, and ecosystem health, which is essential for
various industrial and construction materials. It is also a nation endowed with untapped achieving SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation). includes watershed management, groundwater
fertile soil and favorable climatic conditions that is suitable to produce varied crops. recharge, and water harvesting initiatives to support
The Abbay Hydroelectric Dam, which is nearing completion, has additional potential to Ethiopia’s ambitious tree planting campaign has sustainable water use and ecosystem health.
ward off challenges related to energy and accelerate the nation’s path to development. garnered international attention and inspired similar
initiatives in other countries. By demonstrating the Ethiopia invests in climate information services
These blessings, coupled with its energetic youth population, can drive sustainable feasibility and impact of large-scale reforestation and early warning systems to provide timely and
growth, accelerate industrialization and place Ethiopia at the center in Africa’s efforts, the initiative serves as a model for global accurate weather forecasts, climate projections, and
industrialization agenda.    action on climate change adaptation and mitigation. disaster alerts to communities and decision-makers.
Access to climate information helps communities
However, to attain this, all the bottlenecks that the sector may face need to be addressed The Green Legacy Initiative involves widespread prepare for and respond to climate-related risks and
expressively. In this regard, undertaking consistent and persistent actions is critical participation from close to 30 million community, emergencies.
students, government agencies, and civil society
to advance Ethiopia’s move to industrialization. Designing work-friendly strategies, Moreover, the nation adopts community-based
organizations, fostering a sense of ownership,
improving policies and laws, providing the desired resources for industries such as land, pride, and environmental stewardship among approaches to climate change adaptation,
finance, human capital and energy, will not only be necessary but also compulsory to citizens. This grassroots engagement model can be empowering local communities to identify,
attain Ethiopia’s ambition to industrialization. Accomplishing all these with diligence replicated in other countries to mobilize collective prioritize, and implement adaptation measures
surely makes the country a beacon of prosperity in the years to come. action for environmental conservation and tailored to their specific needs and vulnerabilities.
sustainable development. This includes measures such as soil and water
conservation, drought-resistant crop cultivation,
Overall, Ethiopia’s National Green Legacy
The Ethiopian Herald Initiative exemplifies the country’s commitment
to environmental sustainability, climate resilience,
and livelihood diversification.
Ethiopia actively participates in international
Established in 1943 and inclusive development, making a significant climate change negotiations, agreements, and
Published daily except Mondays contribution to global efforts to address climate partnerships to advocate for the interests of
By The Ethiopian Press Agency change, conserve biodiversity, and achieve developing countries and mobilize support for
sustainable development goals. climate action. Ethiopia’s contributions to global
Managing Editor: Wakuman Kudama climate initiatives demonstrate its commitment to
Office of the CEO Although Ethiopia is conducting the National
addressing the shared challenge of climate change
Tel. 011-126-42-22 Email: Green Legacy in Ethiopia, the contribution that the
on the global stage.
Fax. 251-011-156-98-62 programs provide has global dimensions. Why is
Deputy Editors-in-Chief: this so? These practical contributions demonstrate
Alem Hailu Ethiopia’s proactive stance in tackling climate
The issue of climate change is not only global but
Advertisement and Dist. Elizabeth Mengistu change and its commitment to building climate-
also requires urgent action by all nations across
Department Zekarias Woldemariam resilient and sustainable development pathways for
the world. This has nothing to do with politics or
the future producing a positive global impact.
email: Desta Geberehiwot political differences and ideologies among the
Tel. 011-156-98-73/011-811-13-15 Daniel Beyene nations of the world. Although the most developed Ethiopia’s National Green Legacy Initiative is also
Telegram :- 0976084707 - press countries contribute to global warming and other contributing to global health improvement against
Editor-in-Chief: Worku Belachew disasters related to excessive use of coal and fossil health hazards across the world. What are these
Website: fuels, they are not doing enough to roll back this climate changes induced global health hazards that
email- email: urgent situation that has become a threat to human Ethiopia helps to curtail through NGLI?
Address- Nifas Silk Lafto Sub-city Fb/ /Ethiopian Press Agency/
Woreda - 05, House No---- The Ethiopian Herald Editor's Note: The views entertained in this article do not necessarily reflect the
Tel- +251 111 26 41 98 stance of The Ethiopian Herald

Business & Economy

Water resources for economic development

Ethiopia’s economic prosperity has been

heavily driven by rainfall and water
availability. Recent periods of GDP growth
and poverty reduction also coincided
with periods of more reliable rainfall and
greater public investment in agriculture.
Here the role of water resources, whether
they are directed to plots of lands using
system of irrigation and another means
so as to produce a range of crops, have
been contributing a lot to the economic
development. resources across the nation. With changes The country’s determination to see water introduces greater unpredictability in water
in precipitation and increasing extreme efficiency reforms could reduce water availability, evidenced by an increase in
Cognizant of the fact that water resources weather events, major rivers in Ethiopia wastages, increase the quantity of water both droughts and floods.
peculiarly rivers have been immensely have gradually receded over the last few and eventually ease the tension between
contributing to the economic growth of the decades, he added. demand and supply. Yes, water rights Water resources, central to sustainable
country, The Ethiopian Herald interviewed allow the equitable distribution and good socioeconomic development, support a
Taddesse Teshome, a hydrologist working Industrial and domestic water consumption management of limited water resources. wide range of economic activities and are
for a private consultancy, to have has increased progressively, with the highest vital for human survival. The availability
professional information about water levels of use in both sectors being recorded “In order to promote the sustainable and management of these resources often
resources’ role in boosting economic high. This has largely been contingent on the development of water resources in dictate a nation’s prosperity and societal
advancement. explosion in the number of urban dwellers, Ethiopia, the government has developed a wellbeing, he added.
increased affluence and disposable income, new system to encourage the management
He said, “The escalating pace, intensity and Agriculture, which constitutes about 85%
as well as water-intensive urban lifestyles, and conservation of the country’s major
scale of Ethiopia’s economic growth and of the Ethiopian population, epitomizes
he underscored. water supplies. The government has thus
urbanization have burdened the country’s the economic dependence on water. It also
extended this coordination to include
natural resources, including water. Such “Ethiopia has been the African continent’s forms the economic mainstay of Ethiopia,
major lakes and other water bodies through
inequalities in geographical distribution powerhouse of development, but the where a significant proportion of the
coordination system to establish the river
of water resources have been subjected many decades of rapid development and population relies on farming. Here the use
and lake projects,” he underlined.
to slow growth and abject poverty unless economic growth have not taken place of resources like water has not yet been
apt measures are taken to heighten the without a toll on the country’s natural Water resource conservation has also well utilized, he said.
development of the economy.” resources, especially water. The concern been shown to have tremendous impacts
now is that the reliance on water for growth on the production and consumption of He said, “Conversely, effective water
As to him, moving forward, the remarkable management can enhance agricultural
far outweighs the resilience of the resource, Ethiopia’s water resources. Besides, the
economic development that has made output, improve food security, and stimulate
and this pattern of over-exploitation, if country’s rapid socio-economic growth has
the country a model for wheat export, for economic growth. Beyond agriculture, water
continued, could lead to a severe water put tremendous pressure on the country
instance, has risen indeed! The country’s is integral to various industrial processes,
crisis that threatens the entire development in ensuring a reliable supply of water for
economic growth has relied on water and emphasizing the economic consequences of
of the country and the continent, too,” he household, industrial and agricultural use,
the resource has been consumed with little- water resource management.”
said. as to him.
to-no regard for potential demand.
It could be argued that, Ethiopia’s In order to ensure a more sustainable As to him, it is well recognized that
He said, “Over the years, wastewater and water resources significantly contribute to
unrestrained development and rapid and efficient consumption of scarce
sewage from industrial, domestic and societal wellbeing by supporting a range
population growth have contributed to water resources he said the country has
agricultural discharges have gradually of essential services. One of the most
undermining the integrity of its water better taken many lucrative measures.
increased, causing many rivers and lakes
systems and the pollution of its major Typically, strategic measures such as vital is sanitation, where water is used to
to have water quality that is unsuitable for
rivers. The need for the country to augment water conservancy, water drawing permits, maintain cleanliness and prevent disease
any use. Despite efforts by the Ethiopian
its water supplies now threatens the among others, are of paramount importance spread. Access to clean water and sanitation
government to improve water quality
ecological sustainability of the network in bolstering water resource utilization. facilities is a fundamental human right and
standards in recent years, pollution on some
of river systems linked to Egypt and a crucial indicator of societal progress, no
of the major rivers and lakes has continued,
Sudan, given that, the country has an “Despite all these significant efforts aimed doubt.
and the quality of these water resources is
enormous need for water and energy, as to at improving the sustainable development
still at stake.” “Water resources also enhance recreational
Taddesse. of water resources, the complex set of issues
pertaining to water adequacy and quality activities and mental health, offering spaces
According to Taddesse, geographically,
With agriculture accounting for over still persist. On this basis, the government, for relaxation, exercise, and connection
Ethiopia does have many river basins.
half of Ethiopia’s water usage, the sector policymakers and all related stakeholders with nature. They play a pivotal role in
The varied landscape design and general
becomes the most vulnerable to threats of in the water sector must carefully establish maintaining environmental sustainability,
topography of the nation also brings about
water scarcity. Given that climate change reforms and policies that incorporate the supporting biodiversity and regulating
the country’s climate and uneven water
will bring variations in weather patterns, social, economic, environmental, technical climate,” he stated.
dynamics. Precipitation and climatic
precipitation and drought events, there will and scientific dimensions of sustainable
differences are thus seen to spread across Unequivocally, human activities on water
be significant changes across river basins development and water resource use in the
the country’s warm tropical and cold resources; water management strategies;
and productive agricultural areas. country,” he opined.
temperate parts of the nation. and technological applications for water
He further stated that the adoption of This could ensure sustainability in socio- resource management have a great role
Although Ethiopia as a whole has significant
efficient ways to use water resources in the economic development while ensuring to play. The government of Ethiopia,
amount of water resources, the issue of
country has resulted in a gradual reduction sound and efficient management and use of scientists, water-related researchers and
uneven distribution, both temporally and
in Ethiopia’s water consumption patterns, the country’s water resources. Water, often the farming community delve into the
spatially, mystifies national averages that
particularly in the agricultural sector. described as the human race and planet’s application of various technological
indicate relative water abundance. Water
Hence, it needs a great care to handle lifeblood, once perceived as limitless, this solutions for managing water resources.
availability varies significantly across the
water resources. Essentially, these gradual invaluable resource is now understood to be Plus to that, strategizing water management,
country due to differences in climate and
reductions have been achieved through finite and increasingly scarce, he added. and utilizing technology in water resource
topography, he opined.
wastewater recycling, championing water- management have to be focused on with a
Climate change is partly responsible for the saving technologies and increasing the As to Taddessse, the challenges are further view to helping the nation benefit much out
changing and uneven distribution of water efficiency of water use. compounded by climate change, which of the resource.

Art & Culture

The thug (chapter 1)

his happened in a Country far, far
away from the Kundla continent
called Dundla, some long time ago,
when phones and social platforms were
released at a pilot level, only for some rich
and gangster people.

His name was Dumas. He was born in

a small countryside town, Drundlu of … It may be a matter of time
Dundla, from a very poor family and raised
in a very dire situation. He went to school but the only thing you could get
barefooted, like most of the kids in town. from loyalty and trust in a gang
He got used to the once-in-a-day meal,
that his mother reserved for him from the
group is a stab in the back. We
leftover food, which the rich people, she may be poor but we all don’t
worked for, gave her for lunch. He knew
his mother didn’t eat much because she had
have to choose the path of the
to spare more than half of the food for him, gangs to be rich. We need to
even though her job at the rich people’s build our morals. ...”
house was exhaustive and she was diabetic.

“Why are wealthy people so greedy and

ungrateful?” he would ask himself as he
knew all the rich people in town. “They
are sucking the blood and energy out of my
mother, and they still look down on her like
she is a burden to their luxurious life.” The
life of rich people in, leave alone Drundlu, right thing. At least he transferred some
but the whole Dundla is affording a 52 iron six months salary of his and covered his
sheet roof house with, one bedroom for mother’s medications. A soldier’s payment
mom and dad, another one for all the ten in Dundla is cigarette money. It never lasts
children, and one kitchen where the house a day of an extravagant vacation. That’s
servants sleep—oh, and one grass roof why the soldiers get a half-night vacation
shade for the cattle. in a nearby town to enjoy the tarts, after a
bloody campaign. Even though he fought
Bad thoughts about rich people had been in three bloody battles, he never dared
revolving in his brain and blasted when to have a half night vacation. He sent
his mother died helplessly diabetic and his entire payment home to support his he told officials not to worry about grabbing come this crinkle-faced Dumas got to the
hungry. “…and they say diabetes is a rich mother’s medical cost. His mother would land by force to build the factory. They leadership of Shkulu Mululu in such a
men’s disease in this town. Rich men my buy the medicines by the money her son don’t have to worry about bank robbery short time? Simple, he stabbed every one
elbow! What about my mother? Was she sent. But she wouldn’t have something to either. He said “I will just build it!” of the old leaders of the gang in the back.
a rich woman? Nope, no no… she was eat. Whenever he thought of the passing Every time something wrong went between
just diabetic and poor. She was so ill and of his mother, he would say to himself, What does that mean anyway? Is he gang groups, it was from too much trust
hungry that her service wouldn’t satisfy “Army my elbow. I should have been going to build a factory on the moon or or too much mistrust. They just vow on a
the rich people a little bit like the old days. Shkulu Mululu.” else? This was everybody’s question in very strong law of trust and one day some
So they did not just dismiss her from her town. Such kinds of announcements were greedy gangster would break it and then
exploitive job but they also stopped giving Well, his sorrow wouldn’t bring his mother always whistle-blown. Society was always no one would trust his own shadow. There
her their leftover food! And then, we both back. But luck brought the Shkulu Mululu puzzled! The result would be chaos or should never be such thing as being a blood
went hungry. to him when he was almost drinking and silence most of the times. This time there spilling gangster bound with the laws of
smoking his life away in a local liquor was no chaos or silence, only confusion.
Yet, she tried to hide her illness and tricked trust and loyalty.
store. His good reputation in the army,
me in to continuing my education. I never which he left following his mother’s Some people who were already affiliated to “Some foolish young men only believe
knew how she managed to get some leftover death, was overheard and made him a the gang activities said the building of the the gang’s fairy tales about a strict code of
food and tried to fill my stomach until I was perfect candidate for the gang. His gang machinegun factory would bring difference trust and loyalty between themselves”, said
seventeen. That was ten years of struggle membership didn’t last long. He just to the town’s history. They said the killing a wise Towner called Dobe Kumsi ones.
with diabetes and a gluttonous stomach of became the leader. And what shocked the will transform. “It makes gang groups “They would tell you that you could be
a teenager kid. My stomach was never full small town? All of a sudden he claimed transform from axes and daggers to machine a millionaire in one night if you smuggle
though; like I have had a hyena tied inside that he was going to build a machine gun guns! Whoa, they will wipe-out each other one kilogram of cocaine by stashing it in
it. My mother had that monster called factory in Drundlu. real quick! And the administration would your stomach. A fool who believed them
diabetes in her but she never complained have its relief!” they uttered such things to died his intestine shredded like a toilet
about hunger…And I should have known How is that going to happen? Nobody one another. paper! It may be a matter of time but the
better. Instead of the army, I should have knows. People were so confused about the
One could describe his expertise as “But only thing you could get from loyalty and
joined the Shkulu Mululu, after quitting shortest way he came to power. They even
in terms of money machineguns could be trust in a gang group is a stab in the back.
high school. I would have had prolonged questioned whether the gang lost its genius
costly! You know the fool in power won’t We may be poor but we all don’t have to
my mother’s life. ” brains; most of the time by killing one
sell anything with cheap price! Daggers choose the path of the gangs to be rich. We
another, or this Dumas really is a genius
He spoke such thing during his inaugural are the best in this case! You just stick it in need to build our morals. If our morals are
with a capability of building a sophisticated
ceremony when he became head of the your enemy’s neck and pull it out, brush the dominated by vengeance and grief, there
machinegun factory?
Shkulu Mululu! Shkulu Mululu is the blood on his coat, and walk away. Cheap is no doubt all the forests in this country
Nation’s most feared and ruthlessly In a public announcement, which was as that.” will be full of gang groups”, he would say
usually made by loyal whistle-blowers of these words when the Shkulu Mululu was
organized gang in town.
the gang, for whistle-blowing is the only The confusion on the other walks of life out of town fighting with some rival gang
In his brain, joining the army had been the medium of mass communication in town, is not even about the factory but how somewhere.

Global Affairs
Biodiversity masterplan:
Negotiations on crucial science, technology for implementation underway
The triple planetary crises of climate of reporting at the global level, hence the
change, biodiversity loss, pollution, and need for parties to continuously consult,”
waste are escalating. At the current pace, the she said.
world is on track to lose one quarter of all
plant and animal species by 2030, with one The gathering recognizes these concerns,
species already dying out every 10 minutes. as there are at least 80 representatives of
One million species face extinction. Human Indigenous Peoples and local communities,
activity has already altered three-quarters as well as observer organizations,
of the land on Earth and two-thirds of the participating in the meeting. Indigenous
ocean. people’s voices are key, as they suffer
disproportionately from loss of biodiversity
Against this backdrop, the 26th session of and environmental degradation. Their lives,
the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical survival, development chances, knowledge,
and Technological Advice (SBSTTA) of the environment, and health conditions depend
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) on the successful implantation of the plan.
opened today in Nairobi, Kenya.
Cyri Wafula Nyongesa from the
Hector Alan Valdes Suarez from the Global International University Network on
Youth Biodiversity Network told IPS that Cultural and Biological Diversity agrees,
SBSTTA “seeks to build momentum to telling IPS that even as scientists hash out
achieve global and national ambitious goals hard science, technical, and technological
to halt and reverse the ongoing monumental knowledge to support the implementation
biodiversity crises.” of the Biodiversity Plan, there is a need to
look at existing gaps in its implementation
Multidisciplinary and open to participation
framework. These gaps include the need for
by all parties to the convention, SBSTTA Hector Alan Valdes Suarez from the Global Youth Biodiversity Network speaks about the youth perspective capacity building and reporting frameworks
comprises government representatives being an invaluable asset in the implementation of the Biodiversity Plan. Credit: Joyce Chimbi/IPS
that are simple and also draw connections
competent in the relevant field of expertise
between global and national plans.
to ensure that policies are informed by the from the use of biodiversity.”
best available science at the time. SBSTTA As agreed in a landmark decision of CBD
has met 25 times to date. The ongoing 26th The six-day meeting seeks to forge
COP 15 in December 2022, the UN-driven
meeting will acknowledge contributions agreement among delegates from 196
strategy is the world’s masterplan to halt
to the implementation of the Kunming- parties to the CBD on issues pertaining
and reverse biodiversity loss by 2030, and
Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework— to the implementation of the Kunming-
sets out a pathway to reach the global vision
also known as the Biodiversity Plan— Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework,
of a world living in harmony with nature by
hashed out at meetings in Kunming, China, also known as The Biodiversity Plan. Hard
2050 using four goals and 23 targets. The
and Montreal, Canada, in 2022. science and a multi-disciplinary approach
goals are to protect and restore nature, to
are high on the SBSTTA 26 agenda as
prosper with nature, to share benefits fairly,
As an open-ended intergovernmental pertains to the implementation of the plan,
and to invest in and collaborate for nature’s
scientific advisory body set up to provide specifically how the scientific and technical
the Conference of the Parties (COP) needs of all parties, including the Least
and, as appropriate, its other subsidiary Developed Countries (LDCs), among other “One year and a half after the Biodiversity
bodies, with timely advice relating to the developing countries, will be met. Plan was historically adopted, parties to
implementation of the CBD, SBSTTA the CBD must now fine-tune the important
“provides a platform for actors outside the Suarez said as parties to the CBD resume
details that will take the world from
Convention, such as youths, women, non- negotiations on crucial science and
agreement to action,” said David Cooper,
government organizations, and Indigenous …. Increased technology, “It is to develop and agree on
Acting Executive Secretary of the CBD.
Peoples and Local Communities (IPLCs), a monitoring framework to track progress
accountability and and implementation of the Biodiversity
“The subsidiary body is leveraging science
to observe negotiations on crucial science and technology to help the parties to the
and also assess how they are or could transparency are key Plan. There are four goals and 23 targets so
CBD delivers on their commitment to
the indicators are globally uniform to track
contribute to, the Convention on Biological even as we gather to whether these targets are being achieved and
people and nature.”
Diversity. The Convention is unique as
actors outside the CBD can lobby for their agree on how to measure they should be flexible and adaptable to the Ongoing discussions are firmly framed
national context. In my view, many of these
views to be included through a Party to the success towards within the CBD overall agenda to address
Convention,” he says. indicators are addressing actors outside the all threats to biodiversity and ecosystem
reaching set goals and convention, such as youths, women, and services, including threats from climate
The Convention, which entered into force consistency of reporting Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities change, through scientific assessments,
in December 1993, is the first global (IPLCs), and their representation at the the development of tools, incentives, and
agreement to cover all aspects of biological at the global level, hence meeting to hear what the parties are saying processes, the transfer of technologies
diversity. Senka Barudanovic of Bosnia the need for parties to is critical.” and good practices, and the full and active
and Herzegovina, Chair of the SBSTTA involvement of relevant stakeholders.
Bureau, said the 26th meeting of SBSTTA continuously consult,” “These actors are contributing to the goal
is “especially important as we are at a of the Biodiversity Plan at local levels, and Delegates have resolutely set the
critical moment in time to ensure that our their contributions ought to be recognized ball rolling towards reporting on the
actions are guided by a robust foundation too, so they matter, and the decisions taken monitoring framework, the national status
of scientific and technical knowledge, tools, by the parties affect these actors the most, of implementation, and the mobilization
and guidelines.” especially women and young people. The of financial resources for the Biodiversity
process is much more than agreeing on the Plan. The ultimate goal is to fast-track the
“The good news is that there is a wealth of right science and technical skills to reverse implementation of sustainable solutions to
knowledge and experience for us to use and biodiversity loss. Increased accountability biodiversity loss, restore ecosystems, and
build on as we walk this journey together and transparency are key even as we protect indigenous rights.
for effective conservation, sustainable use, gather to agree on how to measure success
and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits towards reaching set goals and consistency (Source: Inter press service)

Law & Politics

National dialogue:
An ultimate path to national reconciliation

National dialogue and reconciliation by far

is the sacred idea that Ethiopia is trying to
realize in order to achieve lasting peace and
mend past rifts on major national issues.
With all the grievances and ill-formed
narratives, the country has been suffering
from those age-old hurdles and could not
find a way to bring every part of the society
to the table and find lasting solutions.
The incumbent has been facing a number
of challenges since assuming power. In
addition to the backlogs of divisive issues,
recent international and local flaws made the
road to stability bumpy for all Ethiopians.
Both longtime and recent predicaments
all have contributed to Ethiopia’s current
economic, political and social loopholes.
On top of that, the nation is trying to promote
the essence of nationalism and patriotism in calls from various sectors of the society not against the process,” he said.
to the hearts of the people through putting the including political parties, intellectuals,
and renowned personalities to establish a According to him, the belief in armed
seeds of togetherness and common values struggle has been tried several times in
as a nation. However, those marvelous ideas national dialogue because of the crisis that
the country has been passing through. Ethiopian modern history and what we have
could be hard to practice due to the extensive reaped as Ethiopians from that is conflict,
acts of wrong narratives and old grievances Addressing the dedication to establish war, displacement of people, destruction of
that propagated among the people. such platforms of inclusive dialogue, as to economies, and disruption of livelihoods.
To end such division and dissemination the commission, the current government “Enough is enough. This is a time for us
in the country and among the people, the has brought the idea and established the It is the best talking to sit and to face the realities of Ethiopia,
best idea is designing a platform that can Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission through dialogue,” he underlined.
which is an independent body and not platform happened in
incorporate all the parties to talk about “I hope that this dialogue will succeed with
their issues and find a common and national affiliated to any political party. Ethiopia so far, having the help of the entire population of Ethiopia,
consensus. To this point the government, by The commission is working to make
law, has established the National Dialogue
a gateway to national the political parties, the intellectuals,
inclusive dialogue a reality in Ethiopia, he opinion makers, and the entire system of the
Commission. From the onset of its said, adding that the task is a very daunting dialogue and conciliation government as well as the regional states.”
establishment of the commission, the people and recalled the many opportunities which
and political parties including the incumbent
towards a better This is the only solution that we have, he
have been squandered in Ethiopian modern
have put their trust in the institution to meet history. tomorrow said, stressing it is a process that should not
the sought after objectives for bringing the be squandered as many opportunities of the
“We call upon all Ethiopians to seize this past.
country together.
opportunity and only through dialogue
The National Dialogue commission, during solve the problems that we are facing By the same token, Blen Gebremedhin, one
the past few months, has been achieving currently and not to pass them to the future of the 11 commissioners of the National
some tangible and prominent actions people of Ethiopia given there is the conflict, Dialogue Commission, told the local media
generations,” he said.
towards its national goals. The commission disruption of livelihoods, a displacement of that the upcoming national dialogue is
The country has enormous diversity, huge people here and there as well as frustrations a huge hope for all Ethiopians to ensure
has also shown its desire to work with
resources, but there are political issues that as well, he added. sustainable peace which is a prerequisite to
all the entities that show their interest in
hinder the country from moving forward. successfully prosperity.
getting involved in the process. Besides, “We have seen the huge expectation of our
The attempt of solving political issues by
the commission has also called upon all people which emanates from their desire Since its establishment, Blen indicated, the
some quarters through armed struggle will
the armed groups in the country to put their for peace, stability and not to pass the commission has made a lot of works that
not lead us to a solution, Mohamoud said.
ideas on the table rather than seeking power current turbulence and differences to next are vital for the successful conduct of the
through guns and bloodshed. “What we are saying is this method or generations.” dialogue, it has so far carried out extensive
this style of going to fight against this activities on how the dialogue should be
Establishing an inclusive and transparent Hence, “the Commission believes and I
government or any future government conducted through series of consultation
platform is believed to be the best way to solve should say that the only way up for Ethiopia
would not lead us to a solution. It would with relevant stakeholders, she added.
problems and is also a way to developing is the national dialogue. Let us sit together,
lead to more bloodshed, displacement of
common believes. This is also the goals of solve our problems through dialogue, which According to Blen, identifying of
people, poverty and disruption of lives of
the National Dialogue Commission. It is the will enable us to solve our problems,” he participants has been conducted in 10
people,” he underlined.
best talking platform happened in Ethiopia stressed. regional states and two city administrations
so far, having a gateway to national dialogue Therefore, the commissioner underscored, and districts. Actions have been made to
By the same token, as the national dialogue
and conciliation towards a better tomorrow. “The only solution that we have in Ethiopia ensure the inclusivity of the dialogue by
is meant to be inclusive and all parties
is to sit down sanely and solve our problems
Ambassador Mohamoud Dirir, should be represented, Commissioner meticulously identifying participants with
through dialogue.”
Commissioner of National Dialogue, Mohamoud has also called upon the armed a view to bring national consensus on the
has recently stayed with a local media The Ethiopian National Dialogue is not an groups to participate sanely in the national most fundamental national issues among the
for an exclusive interview discussing elite bargain; rather, it is a dialogue that dialogue. people of Ethiopia.
on the importance of the commission to is very inclusive and includes the entire
“There will be a safeguard process through The commissioner further elaborated,
solve national problems as it is the best spectrum of the society to participate in the
which the armed groups, pending upon their “We have been working communication
opportunity to solve our problems and not dialogue process. This has to be an inclusive
will to participate in the process. We, as a activities not only through the mainstream
to pass it to the next generations. and transparent process and accepted by all,
commission, call upon all the armed groups media but also the digital media to reach
as it is legitimate and democratic process.
Regarding the inclusiveness of the process, to accept the peaceful dialogue that is taking the large population with respect to national
the commissioner noted there have been There is a very high expectation of the place in Ethiopia and be part of the process, dialogue.”

Planet Earth
endeavor to harness its
wetland resources

Wetlands are areas where land meets water,

typically six meters or less according to the
Ramsar Convention on Wetlands. These
areas play a vital role in water storage,
regulation, and purification, often referred
to as the “kidneys of the earth.”
Despite their importance, wetlands are often
misunderstood and undervalued, leading to
their degradation and destruction.
In East Africa, wetlands play a crucial
role in mitigating the impacts of recurrent
droughts and floods. By storing and slowly
releasing water, wetlands serve as lifelines
for pastoralists and other communities,
helping to reduce the severity of droughts
and floods. However, the increasing
frequency and intensity of climate change-
related events pose a significant threat to
wetlands and the communities that depend
on them.
Wetlands International, a global NGO
based in the Netherlands, is focusing
on the conservation and restoration of
wetlands. With years of experience in
participation, governments can better In response to flooding and water Researchers in the sector have been revealing
the field, it has been actively engaged in
prepare for and mitigate the impacts of management challenges, East African the growing concerns about the impact of
Ethiopia for the past five years, working
floods and water-related disasters. countries must adopt proactive measures, farming, grazing, and other activities on
on various programs ranging from policy
such as early warning systems, integrated the country’s wetlands. Wetlands, including
issues, education, community involvement, The Ethiopian government’s tree planting
water resource management approaches, and lakes, rivers, and springs play a crucial
wetland restoration, livelihood support, and initiatives have the potential to contribute
stakeholder engagement. By incorporating role in regulating water resources and
facilitating consensus among stakeholders to wetland conservation by enhancing soil
scientific knowledge, policy frameworks, maintaining the ecological balance of the
on critical wetland issues. stability, reducing erosion, and providing
and community participation, governments environment.
habitat for biodiversity. However, the
The Convention on Wetlands is the can better prepare for and mitigate the
success of these efforts depends on careful Experts in the field have repeatedly called
intergovernmental treaty that provides the impacts of floods and water-related disasters.
species selection, community involvement for a robust legal framework to safeguard
framework for the conservation and wise
and long-term monitoring to ensure the The Ethiopian government’s tree planting wetlands from threats and implement
use of wetlands and their resources. The
survival and growth of planted trees. initiatives have the potential to contribute sustainable management practices.
Convention was adopted in the Iranian city
of Ramsar in 1971 and came into force in Raising awareness, fostering collaboration, to wetland conservation by enhancing soil Zerihun Mengesha is currently working as
1975. and adopting sustainable practices are stability, reducing erosion, and providing Water Bodies and Wetlands Management,
essential for safeguarding wetlands in East habitat for biodiversity. However, the Monitoring, and Control Desk Head at
Its mission covers the wise use of wetlands success of these efforts depends on careful
Africa. By recognizing the value of wetlands, EEPA. He noted the importance of wetlands
for their ecosystems and also their water species selection, community involvement
integrating climate change considerations, as guarantor of water resource development
resources. The Convention therefore works and long-term monitoring to ensure the
and engaging diverse stakeholders, we and sustainability. Wetlands not only protect
particularly closely with the six other survival and growth of planted trees.
can work together to protect these vital domestic water supplies but also play a vital
biodiversity-related Conventions, and with
ecosystems for future generations. Raising awareness, fostering collaboration, role in the flow of trans-boundary rivers.
those concerned with water governance.
These initiatives have led to tangible and adopting sustainable practices are The EEPA is currently drafting a policy
The Convention has devoted a great deal essential for safeguarding wetlands in East
improvements in wetland conservation and and decree to address the management
of effort to developing synergies with these Africa. By recognizing the value of wetlands,
restoration efforts, showcasing the positive and regulation of wetlands. The legal
other environment-related instrument. integrating climate change considerations,
impact of integrated approaches to wetland frameworks are expected to help prevent
There are several countries who are party and engaging diverse stakeholders, we
management. pollution and degradation of water bodies
to this convention, including most countries can work together to protect these vital caused by depletion and damage of wetlands
in Eastern Africa, though Ethiopia is yet to Challenges in expanding our programs ecosystems for future generations. and the broader ecosystem.
become party to the Ramzar Convention. in East Africa include establishing
Indeed, they are still working on it. partnerships, navigating diverse regulatory East African countries should give due Ethiopia’s efforts in environmental
environments, and ensuring effective attention for wetlands conservation and protection and development, including the
“Through our work in East African countries,
community engagement. Building trust, deliberate on the matter so as to mitigating Green Legacy initiative, will play significant
we have witnessed several best practices
capacity, and awareness among stakeholders impacts of recurrent droughts and floods, role in safeguarding wetlands and ensuring
in wetland protection and management.
is essential for the successful implementation Wetlands International Eastern Africa CEO the sustainable flow of trans-boundary
Countries like Uganda have implemented
of wetland conservation initiatives. Julie Mulonga said. Considering wetlands Rivers.
robust wetland policies and management
significance for mitigating the impacts of
plans, emphasizing the importance of Climate change poses a significant threat to Furthermore, regional cooperation and
recurrent droughts and floods, east African
community engagement, livelihood support, wetlands, affecting water levels, biodiversity, support will be crucial for sustainable
countries, which are exposed to recurrent
and capacity building,” In response to and ecosystem functions. As temperatures development of watersheds and the
drought and flooding, should deliberate on
flooding and water management challenges, rise and rainfall patterns shift, wetlands face protection of water resources as Ethiopia is
ways of conserving wetlands, she suggested.
East African countries must adopt proactive increased pressure from floods, droughts, a source of water for neighboring countries.
measures, such as early warning systems, and habitat degradation. Addressing these The Ethiopian Environmental Protection Following the rules and regulations which
integrated water resource management challenges requires a holistic approach Authority (EEPA) announced that it is will be enacted soon, all the concerned
approaches, and stakeholder engagement. that integrates climate change adaptation developing a policy and proclamation that bodies are expected to indulge invest on
By incorporating scientific knowledge, strategies into wetland conservation and ensure proper protection and utilization of wetland conservation so as to conserve
policy frameworks, and community management efforts. wetlands in Ethiopia. wetlands.

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