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arXiv:1508.02932v4 [math.GM] 8 Dec 2015


1. Introduction 1
1.1. Notions 2
1.2. Overview 5
2. The Truth of Riemann nachlass 5
2.1. Approximate formula of ζ(s) 6
2.2. Approximate formula for the number of zeros of ζ(1/2 + it) 6
2.3. Precise formula of ζ(s) 8
2.4. Precise formula for the number of zeros of ζ(1/2 + it) 10
3. Supplementary of Riemann nachlass 11
3.1. N(T ) formula 11
3.2. The role of the new equation 11
3.3. Acknowledgements 13
References 14

Abstract. This paper unveils the role of the four formulas in Riemann’s nachlass and the
relationship between them. Meanwhile, a new formula for calculating the number of zeros
s s
of ζ(1/2 + it) is derived from the π − 2 Γ( 2s )ζ(s) = ℜ[2π − 2 Γ( 2s )f (s)](ℜ(s) = 1/2), one of the
mentioned formulas. Moreover, in terms of Riemann’s nachlass and the new formula, the
omitted part in the nachlass would be well unveiled.

1. Introduction

In [1] Riemann alleges that all non-trivial zeros of the zeta function1 lie on the critical
line ℜ(s) = 1/2, which is the famous Riemann hypothesis. So far, it still remains an open
It is agreed in the academia that the contents to proof the problem have not been found
in Riemann published papers and his nachlass. From this inference, it is possible, therefore,
Date: December 9, 2015.
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 11M06, 11M26, 11H05, 30D10, 26B12.
Key words and phrases. Riemann’s Nachlass, zeta function, triangle property, Non-trivial zeros.
Here specifically refers to Riemann the zeta function
that Riemann might not do so. In this regard, we have different views. There is evidence
that some formulas and conclusions are included in the inherent law of the zeta function ,
which can be used to prove Riemann hypothesis, and all of which can be founded in the
Riemann nachlass[2]. It can be well revealed in perspective of complex analysis that the
problem which is called ”Riemann hypothesis” is proved strictly by Riemann himself using
the method of complex analysis.
There have been various causes for the neglect of the role of the Riemann nachlass. On
the one hand, there is no text description for the nachlass, but C.L.Siegel failed to unveil
the geometric thoughts in it in perspective of analytic number theory. On the other hand,
Riemann did not make a further deduction for some conclusions,and accordingly, it is difficult
to see their purposes, the most typical, of which, for instance , is the last conclusion in his
s s s s
π − 2 Γ( )ζ(s) = ℜ(2π − 2 Γ( )f (s)) (ℜ(s) = 1/2).
2 2
Over the past 80 years, there has been almost no literature that pointed out its role.
In the two place, Riemann referred to the zero of the zeta function. One is in his paper,
and the other is in a letter to Weierstress. He mentioned that he had found a way to
prove it, and needs simplification. In order to fully understand Riemann’s work, all the
formulas about the zeta function in Riemann’s article[1] and his nachlass[2] are shown in
the following chart. According to this chart clearly see his work is divided into three stages,
namely, putting forward the problem, the approximate proof and the accurate proof. In
this paper, Riemann’s nachlass is reinterpreted in terms of the inherent law of zeta function
by using complex analysis, aiming to reframe its truth. In the process of our research, the
omitted part in the nachlass would be well unveiled.

1.1. Notions. Let ζ(s) denotes Riemann the zeta function, and Γ(s) denotes the Gamma
function, where s = σ + it, σ and t are real number. Let D(T) and L(T) denote the domain
in s-plane,that as
D(T ) = {σ, t ∈ R : 0 ≤ σ ≤ 1, 0 ≤ t ≤ T },
L(T ) = {σ, t ∈ R : σ = 1/2, 0 ≤ t ≤ T }.
Let N0 (T ) be the number of zeros of ζ(1/2 + it) on L(T ), and let N(T ) be the number of
zeros of ζ(s) in D(T ). θ(t) is the argument function of π −s/2 Γ( 2s ), where
t t t π
θ(t) = ln − − + O(t−1 ).
2 2π 2 8

Riemann's research ideas and results

Problem: Symbol description:

(1) Ƹ
Stage 1 Derivation process

The formula Y is derived
from the formula X.

Stage 2
Riemann divided his work into
three stages:
The stage 1 is start from the
formula (1). The stage 2 is start
from the formula (2). The stage 3 is
start from the formula (9).


Put ʇ(s) and s=1/2+it into (3) can gain (4)

To research the
Prime problem


Put s=1/2+it into (6),
Let can obtain (7)
Let s=1/2+it, by (6) and (9),
The following formula can
be obtained for calculating
zero of the zeta function.

(8) (9)


Stage 3Ƹ

Let With f(s) to replace the integral, getting (12)


Put s=1/2+it into (12), by the conjugation,

Let can be obtained (13)


Riemann's conclusion
In his nachlass!

By the nature of and

Riemann proved his hypothesis cleverly.


1.2. Overview. In 1932, C.L.Siegel [2] compiled the following four formulas and their
derivation from Riemann’s nachlass.
X 1
(1.1) e ζ(1/2 + it) = 2 √ cos(θ(t) − t ln n) + O(t−1 ),

− 2s s − 2s s X 1 s−1 1−s X 1
(1.2) π Γ( )ζ(s) = π Γ( ) + π 2 Γ( ) + O(|s|−1),
2 2 n=1 ns 2 n=1

s s s s s−1 1−s
(1.3) π − 2 Γ( )ζ(s) = π − 2 Γ( )f (s) + π 2 Γ( )f (1 − s),
2 2 2
s s s s
(1.4) π − 2 Γ( )ζ(s) = ℜ[2π − 2 Γ( )f (s)].
2 2
x−s eπix
f (s) = dx.
0ւ1 eπix − e−πix
It is well-known that the (1.1) is the Riemann − Siegel Z-function which is used by many
scholars to study the distribution of zeros of ζ(s)(Gram,Backlund,Turing,Lehmer and so
on[4, 10]). Riemann in a letter addressed to Weierstress in 1859 ,he pointed out the role of
(1.2) and emphasized its significance that almost all non-trivial zeros of ζ(s) lie on critical
line, which could be come by from a new expression of the zeta function. Unfortunately,
Even though nobody knows how Riemann got the conclusion from (1.2). C.L.Siegel[2] and
H.M.Edwards[4] saw (1.3) as the third way to prove the functional equation. G.H.Hardy[3]
made comment on (1.3) that ”. R obtains the beautiful formula”. As for (1.4), Few literature
pay attention to it. In [2] C.L.Siegel is only a conjecture, which is the key to study the zero
of the zeta function. These four formulas have what effect? C.L.Siegel guess correct? In this
paper, we give affirmative answer.
This paper is organized as follows: In section 2, according to the inherent law of the zeta
function, we interpret every formula in Riemann’s nachlass, give the relationship between
them and the Riemann hypothesis. In Section 3, we use the method of complex analysis,
to derive the formula for calculating the number of zeros of the zeta function on the critical
line, and to unveil the truth of Riemann’s nachlass.

2. The Truth of Riemann nachlass

In this section we begin to interpret it in terms of the inherent law of ζ(s), on this basis,
the role of each formula and the relationship between them will be given. It should be
emphasized that the detailed derivation steps in the original text is omitted.
2.1. Approximate formula of ζ(s). Let s = σ + it(σ > 1),m is a natural number[2], then
m Z ∞ s−1 −mx
−s 1 x e
ζ(s) = n + dx,
Γ(s) 0 ex − 1
m πis
(2π)s e 2 xs−1 e−2πimx
(2.1) ζ(s) = n + dx.
Γ(s)(e2πis − 1) C1 e2πix − 1

Riemann started from (2.1)(see [2][P.278-285]), through complex derivation, finally got
m m s+1
−s (2π)s πs X
s−1 m−1 (2π)
2 s−1 πis it iπ
(2.2) ζ(s) = n + sin Γ(1 − s) n + (−1) t 2 e 2 − 2 − 8 S,
π 2 n=1
X 2−k ir−k k! 3n n
S= ak F k−2r (δ) + O(( ) 6 )
r!(k − 2r)! t

√ 1 √ cos(u2 + 3π
−8 t )
n ≤ 2 · 10 t, m=[ ], δ= t − (m + ) 2π, F (u) = √ 8 .
2π 2 cos( 2πu)
πs Γ( 1−s )π −(1−s)/2
Γ(1 − s)(2π)s−1 2 sin = 2
2 Γ( 2s )π −s/2
Γ( 1−s )π −(1−s)/2
put 2
Γ( 2s )π −s/2
into (2.2), multiplying each side of the equation by 12 s(s − 1)Γ( 2s )π −s/2 , in
which the remainder with O(s−1) to indicate. We obtain
m m
s(s − 1) s s(s − 1) s − s X −s s(s − 1) 1 − s s−1 X −(1−s)
Γ( )ζ(s) = Γ( )π 2 n + Γ( )π 2 n + O(s−1).
2 2 2 2 n=1
2 2 n=1

2.2. Approximate formula for the number of zeros of ζ(1/2 + it). This (2.3) hides
a lot of information about ζ(s), to this end, we use the method of complex analysis to dig
them out and get the following three conclusions.
(I) Approximate formula to calculate the zeros of ζ(1/2 + it),
(II) The geometric properties of ζ(1/2 + it) is an isosceles triangle,
(III) Approximate formula for calculating the number of zeros of ζ(s) on the critical line.

Here we give a detailed derivation. Let(see [4][Section 6.5])

s(s − 1) s − s
f (s) = Γ( )π 2 ,
2 2

1 s
ξ(s) = s(s − 1)Γ( )π −s/2 ζ(s)
2 2
Let s = 1/2 + it, then
−t2 − 14 − 1 ℜlog Γ((1/2+it)/2) ℑlog Γ((1/2+it)/2) − it
(2.4) f (1/2 + it) = π 4e e π 2
2 1
1 ℜlog Γ(( 12 +it)/2) − 41 −t − 4 1 it 1
(2.5) ξ( + it) = [e π ][eiℑlog Γ(( 2 +it)/2) π − 2 ζ( + it)].
2 2 2
Now by definition Z(t) satisfies ξ( 21 + it) = r(t)Z(t), where
1 −t2 − 1/4
r(t) = eℜlog Γ(( 2 +it)/2) π −1/4 .
By (2.4) and above, we get
f (1/2 + it) = r(t)eiθ(t) .
Put s = 1/2 + it,ξ(1/2 + it) and f (1/2 + it) into (2.3)
m m
1 1
r(t)Z(t) = r(t)eiθ(t) n− 2 −it + r(−t)e−iθ(t) n− 2 +it + O(t−1 ).
n=1 n=1

Due to r(t) = r(−t), so the factor r(t) can be canceled from the above, we obtain
m m
1 1
(2.6) Z(t) = eiθ(t) n− 2 −it + e−iθ(t) n− 2 +it + O(t−1),
n=1 n=1

m m
1 1
Z(t) ≈ eiθ(t) n− 2 −it + e−iθ(t) n− 2 +it .
n=1 n=1

The obvious the two terms in the right side of the above are a pair of conjugate. Therefore,
understanding the above by using the complex analysis, the three which located at the both
ends of the above may constitute an isosceles triangle.
Simplification of (2.6), we obtain
X 1
(2.7) Z(t) = 2 √ cos[θ(t) − t ln n] + O(t−1 ).
In a letter addressed to Weierstress in 1859, Riemann asserted that there are about

log 2π − 2π real zeros of ζ(s) on L(T ). In fact, the result can be obtained from (2.6).
Proof as follows:

Proof. Let
G(1/2 + it) = n−1/2−it .
By (2.6), we obtain
1 1
Z(t) = 2|G( + it)| cos[θ(t) + arg G( + it)] + O(t−1),
2 2
put Z(t) = eiθ(t) ζ( 21 + it) into the above
1 1 1
(2.8) eiθ(t) ζ( + it) = 2|G( + it)| cos[θ(t) + arg G( + it)] + O(t−1 ).
2 2 2
That is
1 1 1
eiθ(t) ζ( + it) ≈ 2|G( + it)| cos[θ(t) + arg G( + it)].
2 2 2
The zero of ζ(1/2 + it) is determined by cos[θ(t) + arg G( 12 + it)]. When 0 < t < T , the
number of zeros of cos[θ(t) + arg G( 12 + it)] is
θ(T ) + arg G( 21 + iT ) 1
N0 (T ) = + .
π 2
Where N0 (T ) is the number of zeros of cos[θ(t) + arg G( 21 + it)]. According to the geometric
relationship between G( 21 + it) and ζ(1/2 + it), when ζ(1/2 + it) = 0,we set
1 1 π
arg ζ( + it) = arg G( + it) − .
2 2 2
In [10, 11],it has been proven that
arg ζ( 12 + it)
≪ log t,
therefore, the number of zeros of ζ(1/2 + it) on L(T ),
θ(T ) + arg G( 21 + iT ) 1 T T T
N0 (T ) = + ≈ log − .
π 2 2π 2π 2π
So far, we confirmed the Riemann’s assertion is correct. 

2.3. Precise formula of ζ(s). In 2.2, this approximate formula for calculating N0 (T ) is
derived from (2.3), in other words, it is proved that almost all non-trivial of ζ(s) on the
critical line. clearly, this says that to get the exact formula N0 (T ) we must eliminate the
remainder in (2.3). According to Riemann’s nachlass we see clearly that he was not only
aware of the existence of this problem, but there is unique solution which is to start from
the following formula to find a new expression for ζ(s).
2 2
e−πix +2πiux 1 eπiu
(2.9) πix − e−πix
dx = − .
0տ1 e 1 − e−2πiu eπiu − e−πiu
Let ℜ(s) < 0, multiplying each side of the formula (2.9) by u−s du, which integrate along
the ray from u = 0 to e 4 ∞. u−s is defined on the slit plane(excluding 0 and −∞)[2, 4]. Let
e4 =ε
Z ε∞ Z ε∞ ∞ ∞ Z ε∞
u−s −s
du = u e du = − u−s e2πinu du
0 1−e 0 n=1 n=1 0

X −πi
= −Γ(1 − s) (2πne 2 )s−1
= −(2π)s−1 e 2
Γ(1 − s)ζ(1 − s)

ε∞ 2 2 ε∞
e−πix +2πiux e−πix
u ( dx)du = ( u−s e2πiux du)dx
0 0տ1 eπix − e−πix 0տ1 eπix − e−πix 0
e−πix xs−1
s−1 (s−1)
= (2π) e 2 Γ(1 − s) πix − e−πix
0տ1 e

Therefore, by (2.9)
e−πix xs−1
s−1 (s−1)
(2π) e 2 Γ(1 − s){ζ(1 − s) + dx}
0տ1 eπix − e−πix
ε∞ 2
u−s eπiu
(2.10) + du = 0.
0 eπiu − e−πiu
Second integral terms can be transformed to
1 e−s eπiu
eπis − 1 0ւ1 eπiu − e−πiu
The symbol 0 ց 1 means that the path of integration is a line of slope -1 crossing the real
axis between 0 and 1 directed from upper left to lower right, which and the symbols 0 ւ 1
are symmetric about the real axis. Multiply both sides of the formula (2.10) by
1−s πi Γ( 1−s )
21−s π 2 e 2 (s−1) 2
Γ(1 − s)
By the relation
2−s π 2 Γ( 1−s ) s s

= π − 2 Γ( ),
sin( 2 )Γ(1 − s) 2
we have
2 2
1−s s x−s eπix 1−s e−πix xs−1
− 1−s s 1−s
π 2 Γ( )ζ(1 − s) = π − 2 Γ( ) πix −πix
dx + π − 2 Γ( ) πix − e−πix
2 2 0ւ1 e −e 2 0ց1 e

The (2.11) is analytic function on the entire complex plane. Definition
x−s eπix
h(s) = πix − e−πix
0ւ1 e

By the above and the functional equation

s s 1−s 1−s
π − 2 Γ( )ζ(s) = π − 2 Γ( )ζ(1 − s),
2 2
we have
s s s s 1−s 1−s
(2.12) π − 2 Γ( )ζ(s) = π − 2 Γ( )h(s) + π − 2 Γ( )h(1 − s).
2 2 2
Obviously, the (2.12) is a new the functional equation of ζ(s), which does not contain the
remainder and has precisely triangle features.
Recalling the contents of this section, it is not difficult to understand that Riemann is in
terms of geometry with method of complex analysis to study the zero of the zeta function.
Therefore, we believe that C.L.Siegel with ”Riemann’s Nachlass relating to analytic number
theory2” as the title of his article is not accurate enough, ignoring the significance of nachlasss
in other disciplines.

2.4. Precise formula for the number of zeros of ζ(1/2+it). In [2], C.L.Siegel mentioned
Riemann specifically discussed the natural of ζ(1/2 + it) after obtained the integral formula.
When s = 1/2+it the right-hand side in (2.12) is the sum of two conjugate complex numbers.
s s
(2.13) ϕ(s) = 2π − 2 Γ( )h(s),
by the functional equation and (2.12),and the result
s s
(2.14) π − 2 Γ( )ζ(s) = ℜ[ϕ(s)] (σ = 1/2).
The (2.14) is the last of his nachlass, in his opinion, this is the final conclusion. C.L.siegel
guess that the key to study the zero of the zeta function is the real part of ϕ(s). In fact,
with the method of complex analysis to study ϕ(s), we can see its effects. By (2.14),we have
s s 1
π − 2 Γ( )ζ(s) = |ϕ(s)| cos{θ(t) + arg[h( + it)]}.
2 2
Obviously, the problem about the zero of the zeta function is converted to calculate the zero
of the real function |ϕ(s)| cos{θ(t) + arg[h( 12 + it)]}.

2The original title is that über Riemanns Nachlass zur analytischen Zahlentheorie
3. Supplementary of Riemann nachlass

In this section, our main task is to deduce N0 (T ) from the (2.13), and to prove that
N0 (T ) = N(T ).
3.1. N(T ) formula. Multiply both sides of the formula (2.12) by 2
, we get
s(s − 1) − s s s(s − 1) − 1−s 1 − s
(3.1) ξ(s) = π 2 Γ( )h(s) + π 2 Γ( )h(1 − s),
2 2 2 2
s(s − 1) − s s
ξ(s) = π 2 Γ( )ζ(s).
2 2
ξ(s) is an entire function and satisfies the simple functional equation

ξ(s) = ξ(1 − s).

In view of the equation of ξ(s), the non-trivial zeros of ζ(s) are precisely the zeros of ξ(s).By
the argument principle, the number of zeros of ξ(s) is equal to N(T ) in D(T ), here
T T T arg ζ(1/2 + iT) 7
N(T) = ln − + + + O(T−1 ).
2π 2π 2π π 8
Detailed proof of the above reference [8, 4, 10]. According to θ(t) expression, N(T ) can be
θ(T ) + arg ζ( 21 + iT )
N(T ) = + 1.
3.2. The role of the new equation.

Theorem 1. The number of zeros of ζ(s) on L(T )

θ(T ) + arg ζ( 21 + iT )
N0 (T ) = + 1.
Proof. put (2.4) and (2.5) into (3.1), and let s = 2
+ it, we have

r(t)eiθ(t) ζ(1/2 + it) = r(t)eiθ(t) h(1/2 + it) + r(−t)e−iθ(t) h(1/2 + it).

For r(t) = r(−t),the r(t) can be canceled from above, we get

(3.2) eiθ(t) ζ(1/2 + it) = eiθ(t) h(1/2 + it) + e−iθ(t) h(1/2 + it).

By (3.2), we obtain
(3.3) eiθ(t) ζ( + it) = 2|h(1/2 + it)| cos[θ(t) + arg h(1/2 + it)].
Let P (T ) be the number of zeros of |h(1/2 + it)| and let k(T ) be the number of zeros of
cos[θ(t) + arg h(1/2 + it)] in the interval (0, T ). By the (3.3), we have

N0 (T ) = k(T ) + P (T ).
1.The number of zeros of cos[θ(t) + arg h(1/2 + it)]
t t t π
−π < arg h(1/2 + it) < π, θ(t) = ln − − + O(t−1 ).
2 2π 2 8
When t = 2π, we got
θ(2π) = −π − + O(t−1)
θ(2π) + arg h(1/2 + i2π) < 0.
When t = 8π,we obtain
8π 8π 8π π
θ(8π) = ln − − = 4.46 > π
2 2π 2 8
θ(8π) + arg h(1/2 + i8π) > 0.
By mean value theorem, In the interval (2π, 8π), at least one Tz makes

θ(Tz ) + arg h(1/2 + iTz ) = 0.

Notice that if there are more than one Tz to meet the conditions, the one that is close to 8π
is Tz . In this way, (0, T ) can be expressed as (0, T ) = (0, Tz ) ∪ [Tz , T ).
By θ (t) = 21 ln 2πt , θ(t) has the minimum value at t = 2π. This shows that θ(t) both has

increasing and decreasing in the interval (0, Tz ). Therefore, It is difficult to calculate the
number of zeros of cos[θ(t) + arg h(1/2 + it)] in this interval, we might as well assume that
there are Zm (Zm ≥ 0) zeros.
In the interval [Tz , T ), θ(t) + arg h(1/2 + it) range is [0, θ(T ) + arg h(1/2 + iT )), and
π π π
π − , 2π − , · · · ,kπ −
2 2 2
are the zeros of the function cos, where kπ − π2 ≤ θ(T ) + arg h(1/2 + iT ) and k be a pos-
itive integer. Thus, in the interval [Tz , T ), the number of zeros of the function cos[θ(t) +
arg h(1/2 + it)] is equal to
θ(T ) + arg h(1/2 + iT ) + π2
In summary, in the interval (0, T ), the number of zeros of cos[θ(t) + arg h(1/2 + it)]
θ(T ) + arg h(1/2 + iT ) + π2
(3.4) k(T ) = Zm + .
In view of (3.2), zeros of the right side will occur where[12]
(3.5) arg[eiθ(t) h( + it)] = π/2( mod π)

Since eiθ(t) is never zero, thus where (3.5) holds there occur the zeros of ζ( 21 + it). When
ζ(1/2 + it) = 0, we define the argument of ζ( 21 + it)
1 1 π
arg[ζ( + it)] = arg[h( + it)] − ,
2 2 2
1 1 π
arg[h( + it)] = arg[ζ( + it)] + .
2 2 2
Put the above into (3.4),we have
θ(T ) + arg ζ( 21 + iT )
k(T ) = Zm + + 1.
2.The number of zeros of |h(1/2 + it)|
Assume exist t = t1 , t2 , · · · tp (0 < t1 , t2 , · · · tp < T, p ≥ 0) such that

|h(1/2 + it)| = 0

cos[θ(t) + arg h(1/2 + it)] 6= 0,
P (T ) = p
combined case 1 and case 2, we have
θ(T ) + arg ζ( 21 + iT )
N0 (T ) = k(T ) + P (T ) = Zm + p + + 1.
Due to
N0 (T ) ≤ N(T )
Put the expressions of N0 (T ) and N(T ) into the above inequality, we have
θ(T ) + arg ζ( 21 + iT ) θ(T ) + arg ζ( 21 + iT )
Zm + p + +1≤ + 1.
π π
From the above inequalities we can deduce Zm +p ≤ 0. Because Zm ≥ 0, p ≥ 0, so Zm +p = 0.
N0 (T ) = N(T )
we complete the proof of Theorem 1. 

Based on the above proof, we conclude that, in D(T ), all non-trivial zeros of ζ(s) lie
on the critical line ℜ(s) = 1/2, namely N0 (T ) = N(T ).

3.3. Acknowledgements. I would like to express acknowledgement here to the Delaware

State University Mr. Yi Ling for his help. Thanks to all those friends and colleagues who
concern and support us.
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[6] Hardy,Zentralblatt fur mathematik und ihre grenzgebiete Band 4,105-106
[7] Patterson, S.J. (1988), An introduction to the theory of the Riemann zeta-function, Cambridge Studies
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[8] E. C. Titchmarsh, The Theory of the Riemann Zeta-Function, Second Ed., Oxford 1986.
[9] J. B. Conrey, More than two fifths of the zeros of the Riemann zeta function are on the critical line,
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