Diagnostic Test Design

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Diagnosis test designed

September 18, 2023

Reading comprehension activity, each question will have a value of 0.5

Read the following text to answer the question

Friends group plans

Will you visit the new museum exhibition next week?" Sarah asked Tim, as she loves art, so the idea excited him and he
agreed to join. However, he remembered Emily. "Will Emily call you after her meeting tomorrow?" he asked Sarah to
invite her as well. As the days passed, Tom, another friend, was focused on his studies. "Will I graduate from college next
year?" he wondered, determined to work hard and achieve his goals.

One afternoon, the friends decided to meet at Tim's house. "I'll have dinner later," Tom informed the group, as he had
to finish an assignment. When they gathered, Sarah said to Emily, "You'll go to the museum with us," suggesting a fun
outing. But Emily said, "It will rain this weekend, but it won't snow." However, Sarah insisted, "She will visit her friend
next week." On the other hand, Emily said that Tom wouldn't go as he would have an exhibition that day. Meanwhile,
Tim was focused on his studies. "You'll finish your assignment tonight," encouraged his mom, knowing that Tim was
capable of completing his tasks on time. "They will play soccer on Saturday," Tom asserted, optimistic that the rain
would clear for their game. Excited about her vacation, Emily also said, "We will travel to the beach next month." Then
Tim mentioned, "They won't buy a new car," knowing they were saving for other important things.

During dinner, Tom said, "I won't eat spicy food," as he is allergic. Later that night, they planned some entertainment.
"You won't watch the movie tonight," Tim told Sarah, aware that they needed to start early the next day. Anticipating
communication, Tom reminded Emily: "Sarah won't call you tomorrow, so make sure to reach out to her." And amid all
the planning and activities, they said, "We won't forget our trips." Finally, the friends managed to accomplish all the
plans they set out to do.

Multiple choice questions, selecciona una de las respuestas:

1. Who will go to the Museum? 2. They planned to go to:

a) Emily, Sarah, Tom a) Rio, shopping center

b) Tom, Tim, Sarah b) Beach, museum
c) Tim, Sarah, Emily c) Museum, tennis match.

Matching question

3. Match the correct plans with the friends:

a. Sarah's plan ____ Play soccer on Saturday

b. Tim's plan ____ Travel to the beach next month

d. Emily's plan ____ Visit the museum next week

4. Match the correct response with the statement:

a. Emily's response ____ "She will visit her friend next week."

b. Sarah's response ____ "I'll have dinner later"

c. Tom's response ____ "I won't eat spicy food."

Fill in the blanks in the sentence

5. According to Emily, it will not _______________________________ this weekend.

6. Tom won't eat __________________________________________ because he's allergic.

True or false question. Mark (T) if true or mark (F) if false

7. Tim's mom encouraged him, believing he will finish his assignment tonight. ( )

8. The group of friends mentioned that they will forget the trips. ( )

Answer the following question in your own words

9. How bad weather could affect the plans of the group of friends.




10. Mention activities that you will do on the weekend with your friends.




Analysis of the results

7 -1 Grade

In grade 7-1, 43 students were registered.

16 students got grades below 3.

15 students got grades between 3 and 3.9.

11 students did not participate in the activity.

It is evident that the majority of students do not understand the topic related to the future in
English. They have difficulties with reading comprehension in English. They have difficulties with
written production in English. During the review of the tests, it was observed that the majority of
students did not respond to the questions related to written production correctly.
7 -2 Grade

In grade 7-2, 42 students were registered.

25 got grades below 3.0.

14 got grades between 3.0 and 3.7.

1 student got a grade of 4.2.

3 students did not participate in the activity.

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