On The Loss, and The Recovery of Persons As Perichoretic Operators Theophanies As Operated Divine Potencies Grace As O

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On the Loss, and the Recovery of Persons

as Perichoretic Operators; Theophanies as
Operated Divine Potencies; Grace as
Operating Synergies; and Essence as
Operative Theonomic Participations
Concretely Graced as always before, so now and evermore!

JUN 28, 2024

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Concretely Graced as always before, so now and evermore!

Below is a Damascene Cipher to Relate Scotist, Palamite & Thomist Concepts while
avoiding the hypostatization of energies, reification of essences, misplaced concreteness
of nonentities and artificial extrinsicism of a natura pura vis a vis divine effects.

The Damascene Cipher – Bare Rubrics

Entitative operators finally reduce the operated effects of divine potencies by acts which
are always & integrally both efficiently & synergistically operating as well as formally &
essentially operative.

The Damascene Cipher with Explications

Entitative operators (persons, nonformal positivities, perichoretic, both constitutively

social individuals & agents as well as individual societies per organic models
w/collective agency)
finally reduce the operated effects (theophanic & beatific finalities) of divine potencies
by acts which are always & integrally both

efficiently & synergistically operating (grace, energeia are formally – not really – distinct)
as well as

formally & essentially operative (theonomic & participatory).

The Damascene Cipher with Associated Fallacies

Entitative operators (persons, nonformal positivities, perichoretic, both constitutively

social individuals & agents as well as individual societies per organic models
w/collective agency, ***so will avoid misplaced concreteness***)

finally reduce the operated effects (theophanic & beatific finalities, real external unitive
relations ***so will avoid reification***) of divine potencies by acts which are always &
integrally both

efficiently & synergistically operating (grace, energeia are formally – not really – distinct,
neither an entity nor substance, ***so mustn’t hypostatize***) as well as

formally & essentially (internal relations, ***so mustn’t reify***) operative (theonomic
& participatory).

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