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ECF Saint Too Canaan College

2022-2023 English Language

S2 Unit 3 Uniform Dictation
Teacher’s version
Name: _______________ Class: _______ ( ) Date: ___________________

Part A Vocabulary
1. puzzled 2. arguments

3. victims of trolls 4. cyberbullying

5. physical bullying 6. personality clashes

7. cultural misunderstanding 8. insecure

9. private account 10. disagreements between friends

Part B Seen Paragraphs [Text 1] (~ 120 words)

Maybe you’ve already guessed what I’m talking about – online trolls. I had no idea
how many people enjoy posting nasty comments about complete strangers. When it
started happening to me, it came as quite a shock.
According to one comment, my eyebrows look like sea cucumbers. Ouch! That
comment’s almost funny, really, but many were far worse – really hateful. I tried to
defend myself, but then the abuse increased and other people joined in. I had no idea
who they were – trolls are always anonymous. After a while, I couldn’t bear it any
longer and deactivated my account.
I felt so miserable that I went to see the school counsellor. She explained that trolls
post provocative things to get attention.

Part C Unseen paragraph (~ 60 words)

Social networking service is a big part of many young people’s social and creative
lives. Children and teenagers use social media to have fun, make and maintain
friendships, share interests, explore identities and develop relationships. For older
teenagers especially, it’s often a key part of how they interact with friends. However,
there are many trolls who spread hate on different platforms.

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