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Mushroom Cultivation

Oyster mushrooms are one of the most commonly available varieties

of mushrooms. Depending on the variety, it ranges from white to gray
to dark brown. They get their name from their oyster-shaped cap and
very short (or completely absent) stems. They grow at a moderate
temperature of 20-30°C.

Method for mushroom cultivation

● Materials Required are - An old plastic bottle, cardboard,

mushroom seed.

● Take some cardboard and break it into tiny pieces.

● In a pan, boil water and add the tiny pieces of cardboard to the

● After the cardboard has absorbed water, take it outside and let it
cool. Squeeze out the water but still retain moisture. Then shred.

● Now, take the plastic bottle and cut its bottom part. Make a few
holes in the bottle.
● Add one layer of the cardboard and one layer of the mushroom
seed. Repeat.

● Now, fill the bottom half with cardboard and attach it to the
upper part of the bottle with tape.

● Keep the mushrooms in a shady place, away from sunlight and


● After seven days, the tips of the mushroom should be visible.

● Spray them twice a day.

● After twenty days, the mushrooms should be ready to harvest.

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