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APA college dictionary of psychology. — 1st ed.

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The citation for this publication is APA coUege dictionary ofpsychology. (2009).
Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Preface vii
Editorial Staff ix
Quick Guide to Format xi
APA College Dictionary of Psychology 1

Significant Historical Figures in 465

This dictionary is the third in a family of reference works published by

the American Psychological Association (APA). The parent reference, the
APA Dictionary of Psychology—the culmination of some ten years of
research and lexicographic activity—was released in 2006, and has since
won wide critical endorsement and recognition from both the publishing
and reference library communities.
An abridgment of this parent work, the APA Concise Dictionary of
Psychology, was released two years later. Whereas the original dictionary
offered a deeply layered approach to the lexicon of the field in its
approximately 25,000 entries, the Concise, through an editorial process
of reduction and synthesis, offered an equally informative exploration
of the fundamental vocabulary, but with broader general appeal, in
approximately 10,000 entries. The lexicographical journey undertaken
to create both of these works is described in detail for the interested
user in their prefaces.
The latest offspring in this reference family, the APA College Dictionary
ofPsychology, naturally carries the same genetic material as its predecessors
and bears witness to an ongoing evolutionary process. APA offers it as
an even more highly concentrated, easily portable, and economical
altemative for the student of psychology—whether he or she is at the
advanced placement level in high school, a college undergraduate
enrolled in Intro Psych, or an undergraduate considering or making
psychology his or her major field of study.
How did we further focus and refine the lexicon so that it answers the
needs of this specific population? A brief review of our editorial method
and process may be useful here:
In order to delimit an appropriately representative universe of terms
for inclusion in a college dictionary, APA reference staff researched
psychology texts in use at some three dozen institutions of higher
learning in the United States. These schools fell into three broad
categories: major public and private universities, small liberal arts
colleges, and community colleges. It was important not only to look
across these general categories, but also to include predominantly
institutions with psychology departments of high repute and with strong
programs in the arts and sciences generally. From this spectrum, we
sought to pinpoint primary introductory undergraduate texts in general,
social, developmental, abnormal, and cognitive psychology, as well as
neuroscience and basic methodology and statistics.
Glossaries and indexes from the most popular texts (i.e., those used at
several institutions) were then assessed against the corpus of 25,000
entries in the parent dictionary and the 10,000 entries in Concise, in
order to ascertain overlap (and gaps). Reference staff decided to include
the 5,000 most common terms (i.e., those appearing in multiple
sources), bearing in mind (a) the abbreviated physical format, (b) our
desire to bring out an affordable college dictionary expediently, and (c)
coverage at this level easily surpasses that of any similarly focused
resource currently available (in a couple instances by almost 3,000
entries). Staff also made use of the APA 2.7-million-records PsycINFO
database of citations to the scholarly literature in order to review
which of the entries that appeared in only a single source should be
considered for inclusion.
As with the method used to create the APA Concise Dictionary, our
staff of lexicographers then reviewed the text of each selected entry
(typically working from the version used in Concise), in some cases
retaining it and in some cases further cutting or rewording text. Each
consideration of a definition has brought opportunities for updating
and general textual improvement, and this enhancement is reflected in
numerous entries throughout the APA College Dictionary. Three
excellent examples are placebo control group, social age, and two-factor
theory ofwork motivation.
Another important gain achieved through vetting our corpus of
headwords (i.e., entry terms) with the actual language used in the
primary college texts was an accretion of some 200 terms that have not
previously appeared in our parent or abridged dictionaries. They range
from the relatively broad (e.g., absolutism, diversity, normal) to the highly
specific (e.g., acetaldehyde, perseverance effect, skewness), and their
definitions were developed through a careful process of research and
successive review by multiple individuals. In addition to appearing in
this college context, most of these newly developed entries will be
subsumed into second editions of the full and concise versions of the
dictionary as well.
We hope that the editorial undertaking described above has resulted
in a useful tool for students navigating the sometimes murky waters of
the psychology lexicon. Beyond this, we recognize once more the
participation of the full editorial board of the APA Dictionary of
Psychology, whose earlier efforts we gratefully acknowledge as the
foundation upon which this college dictionary rests.
We invite the student users of the APA College Dictionary of Psychology
to participate in the ongoing task of defining the field. Reference staff
will appreciate hearing from you with regard to this resource as an
entirety or with regard to a particular entry or family of entries. How
does the text match your study needs? In what ways can it be
improved? Please contact us by post in care of APA Books, 750 First
Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002, Attention: Reference; or by e-mail
at apadictionary@apa.org.

Gary R. VandenBos, PhD

APA Publisher
Editorial Staff

Editor i n Chief
Gary R. VandenBos, PhD
Senior Editors (American Psychological Association)
Theodore J. Baroody
Julia Frank-McNeil
Patricia D. Knowles
Marion Osmun
Senior Editors (Market House Books, Ltd.)
Alan Isaacs
Jonathan Law
Elizabeth Martin
Assistant Editor (American Psychological Association)
Marian E. Haggard
Editorial Board
Mark Appelbaum, PhD
Elizabeth D. Capaldi, PhD
Debra L. Dunivin, PhD
Alan E. Kazdin, PhD
Joseph D. Matarazzo, PhD
Susan H. McDaniel, PhD
Susan K. Nolen-Hoeksema, PhD
Suparna Rajaram, PhD

Editorial C o n t r i b u t o r s
John G. Albinson, PhD C. Alan Boneau, PhD
Mark Appelbaum, PhD Marc N. Branch, PhD
Bernard J. Baars, PhD Laura S. Brown, PhD
Andrew S. Baum, PhD Joseph J. Campos, PhD
Roy F. Baumeister, PhD Daniel Cervone, PhD
Daniel S. Beasley, PhD Stanley H. Cohen, PhD
Leonard Berkowitz, PhD Deborah J. Coon, PhD
David F. Bjorklund, PhD James C. Coyne, PhD
Editorial Contributors (continued)
Robert L. Dipboye, PhD Barbara G. Melamed, PhD
Maria L. Dittrich, PhD Theodore Millon, PhD, DSc
Gail Donaldson, PhD Bryan P. Myers, PhD
Deborah K. Elliott-DeSorbo, Peter E. Nathan, PhD
PhD Raymond S. Nickerson, PhD
David G. Elmes, PhD Andrea Farkas Patenaude,
Gary W. Evans, PhD PhD
Leandre R. Fabrigar, PhD Christopher Peterson, PhD
Erica L. Fener, PhD Robert W. Proctor, PhD
Donelson R. Forsyth, PhD Stacey M. Rosenfeld, PhD
Robert G. Frank, PhD Robert Rosenthal, PhD
Donald K. Freedheim, PhD Mark R. Rosenzweig, PhD
Charles J. Golden, PhD Preeti Saigal, PhD
Maria A. Gomez, DVM, PhD Morgan T. Sammons, PhD
Kenji Hakuta, PhD Julie H. Sandell, PhD
Dennis C Harper, PhD Thomas R. Scott, PhD
Curtis P. Haugtvedt, PhD Anderson D. Smith, PhD
Morton A. Heller, PhD Tonya L. Smith-Jackson, PhD
John W. Jacobson, PhD Charles T. Snowdon, PhD
Robert J. Kastenbaum, PhD Michael A. Stadler, PhD
John F. Kihlstrom, PhD Robert J. Sternberg, PhD
Bruce E. Kline, PsyD Cheryl V. Tan, PhD
Debra L. Kosch, PhD W. Scott Terry, PhD
Michael J. Lambert, PhD J. Kevin Thompson, PhD
Joseph LoPiccolo, PhD Mieke H. Verfaellie, PhD
George F. Luger, PhD Neal F. Viemeister, PhD
Raelynn Maloney, PhD Kathleen D. Vohs, PhD
A. David Mangelsdorff, PhD Kim-Phuong L. Vu, PhD
Colin Martindale, PhD Leighton C. Whitaker, PhD
Kenneth I. Maton, PhD Richard N. Williams, PhD
Randi E. McCabe, PhD, Abraham W. Wolf, PhD
CPsych Charles E. Wright, PhD
Katharine McGovern, PhD Josef Zihl, PhD

Editorial Consultants
Robert F. Bornstein, PhD
Claude Conyers
George J. Demakis, PhD
Douglas E. McNeil
Ingrid R. Olson, PhD
Thomas F. Shipley, PhD
Margaret Sullivan
Quick Guide to Format

Headword jcausationlHthe empirical relation Part-of-speech label

between two events, states, or vari-
ables such that one (the cause) is
held or known to bring about the
other (the effect). See also CAUSAL-
I T Y . ! ^ Derived word
c a u t i o n s shift a CHOICE SHIFT
in which an individual making a
decision as part of a group adopts
a more cautious approach than
the same individual would have
adopted had he or she made the
decision alone. Studies suggest that
such shifts are rarer than the op-
Hidden entry posite|riskyshlft.|See also GROUP

c h r o n o l o g i c a l ageKCAJlthe Abbreviation
amount of time elapsed since an in-
dividual's birth, typically expressed
in terms of months and years.
client n. a person receiving treat-
ment or services, especially in the
context of counseling or social
work.|See PATIENT-CLIENT ISSUE.) Cross-reference
Plural form crisis n. (p;.|crises)[ria situation Sense niunber
(e.g., a traumatic change) that pro-
duces significant cognitive or
emotional stress in those involved
Sense number in it. [23 a tuming point for better or
worse in the course of an iUness.
C r o n b a c h ' s a l p h a an index of
Cross-reference [INTERNAL CONSISTENCY) reliability,
that is, the degree to which a set
of items that comprise a measure-
ment instrument tap a single,
unidimensional construct. Also
Altemative name calledlalpha coefficient.HfLee J,
Cronbach (1916-2001), U.S. psy-
chologist] | Etymology
A-B design the simplest SINGLE- of achievement or performance ob-
CASE DESIGN, in which the DE- tained, reporting the absolute or
PENDENT VARIABLE is measured relative ability of the individual
throughout the pretreatment or being evaluated, is called an ability
baseline period (the A phase) and level.
then again following the treatment
period (the B phase). Numerous vari- a b l a t i o n n. the removal or destruc-
ations of this basic design exist, such tion of part of a biological tissue or
as the A-B-A design, A-B-A-B design, structure by a surgical procedure or
A-B-B-A design, and A-B-BC-B de- a toxic substance, usually for treat-
sign. The latter involves two ment or to study its function. When
treatment periods (the B phase the entire tissue or structure is
and the C phase) and is intended to excised, the process is called extir-
assess the effect of B both in combi- pation.
nation with C and apart from C. a b n o r m a l adj. relating to any devi-
ation from what is considered
abducens nerve the sixth CRANIAL typical, usual, or healthy, particu-
NERVE, carrying motor fibers for larly if the deviation is considered
control of the lateral rectus muscle
of the eye, which rotates the eyeball harmful or maladaptive. In statistics,
outward. Also called a b d u c e n t for example, abnormal scores are
nerve. those that are outside the usual or
expected range. The term, however,
a b e r r a t i o n n. 1. any deviation, is most often applied to behavior
particularly a significant or undesir- that differs from a culturally ac-
able one, from the normal or cepted norm, especially when
typical. See also MENTAL ABERRA- indicative of a mental disorder.
TION. 2. in vision, the failure of —abnormality n. -—abnormally
light rays to converge at the same adv.
point, due either to distortion by a
lens (spherical aberration) or to the a b n o r m a l psychology the branch
formation of colored fringes by a of psychology devoted to the study,
lens (chromatic aberration). prevention, assessment, and treat-
ment of maladaptive behavior. See
ability n. existing competence or also PSYCHOPATHOLOGY.
skill to perform a specific physical or
mental act. Although ability may be a b o r t i o n n. the expulsion from the
either innate or developed through uterus of an embryo or fetus before
experience, it is distinct from capac- it is able to survive independently.
ity to acquire competence (see An abortion may be either sponta-
neous, in which case it occurs
naturally and is also called a miscar-
ability test any norm-referenced riage, or induced, in which case it is
standardized test designed to mea- produced deliberately by artificial
sure existing competence to perform means such as drugs or surgery and
a physical or mental act. The index done for therapeutic reasons or as
above-average effect

an elective decision. The practice is and accurately on 50% of trials. Al-

controversial and may involve abor- though the name suggests a fixed
tion counseling, the provision of level at which stimuli effectively
guidance, advice, information, and elicit sensations, the absolute
support on issues concerning termi- threshold fluctuates according to
nation of pregnancy and the alterations in receptors and envi-
alternatives of adoption or raising ronmental conditions. Also called
the child. absolute limen (AL).
above-average effect the ten- absolute value the numerical
dency of a person to hold overly value of a figure disregarding its al-
favorable views of his or her intellec- gebraic sign. For example, the
tual and social abilities. The above- absolute value of -1 is 1.
average effect appears to be com-
mon and consistent across a variety absolutism n. the philosophical
of judgment domains and occurs be- position that there are absolute ethi-
cause people fail to take into cal, aesthetic, or epistemological
account other peoples' abilities and values. Phenomena are believed to
instead rely on their own abilities have a fixed reality; thus, what is re-
when they evaluate themselves rela- garded as true in one circumstance
tive to others. Compare BELOW- will be regarded as true in all others
AVERAGE EFFECT. as well. For example, a particular ac-
tion will always be deemed immoral
a b r e a c t i o n n. the therapeutic pro- regardless of its outcome or any
cess of bringing forgotten or other individual or subjective con-
inhibited material (i.e., experiences, sideration. Such a position involves
memories) from the unconscious a rejection (in whole or in part) of
into consciousness, with concurrent RELATIVISM.
emotional release and discharge of
tension and anxiety. See also CA- abstinence n. the act of refraining
THARSIS. from the use of something, particu-
larly alcohol or drugs, or from
abscissa n. the horizontal coordi- participation in sexual oi other ac-
nate in a graph or data plot; that is, tivity. In most instances, abstinence
the A;-axis. See also ORDINATE. from drugs or alcohol is the primary
absence seizure a type of GENER- goal of substance abuse treatment.
petit rnal seizure, in which the indi- —abstinent adj.
vidual abruptly ceases activity and a b s t r a c t i o n n. 1. the formation of
cannot afterward remember the general ideas or concepts by extract-
event. The absences usually last ing similarities from particular
from 5 to 15 s, during which the in- instances. The precise cognitive pro-
dividual is unresponsive and cesses by which this occurs remain a
motionless, staring blankly. Seizures subject of investigation. 2. such a
of this type typically begin between concept, especially a wholly intangi-
ages 4 and 12 and rarely persist into ble one, such as "goodness" or
adulthood. "truth." —abstract vb.
absolute refractory period see abuse n. 1. interactions in which
one person behaves in a cruel, vio-
absolute t h r e s h o l d the lowest or lent, demeaning, or invasive manner
weakest level of stimulation (e.g., toward another person or an animal.
the slightest, most indistinct sound) The term most commonly implies
that can be detected consistently physical mistreatment but also en-

compasses sexual and psychological memory or other cognitive pro-

(emotional) mistreatment. 2. see cesses, as in ATTITUDE ACCESSIBILITY
SUBSTANCE ABUSE. —abuser n. for example, —accessibility n.
acalculia n. loss of the ability to accessory nerve the 11th CRANIAL
perform simple arithmetic opera- NERVE, sometimes so named because
tions that results from brain injury one of its functions is that of serving
or disease, usually to the PARIETAL as an accessory to the 10th cranial
LOBE. It is an acquired condition, nerve (the VAGUS NERVE). It
whereas DYSCALCULIA is develop- innervates the stemomastoid and
mental. trapezius muscles in the neck.
acceleration n. 1. an increase in a c c o m m o d a t i o n n. 1. adjustment
speed of movement or rate of or modification. For example, re-
change. In psychology, the focus is garding individuals with disabilities
on the range of forces sustained by it refers to REASONABLE ACCOMMO-
the human body when it is in a DATIONS made to meet their needs,
moving vehicle, such as an auto- whereas in PIAGETIAN THEORY it re-
mobile or aircraft, and the resultant fers to the adjustment of mental
physical, physiological, and psy- SCHEMAS according to information
chological consequences (e.g., acquired through experience. 2. the
disturbances of heart rhythm and process by which the focus of the
blood pressure, disorientation and eye is changed to allow near or dis-
confusion, and loss of conscious- tant objects to form sharp images on
ness). Compare DECELERATION. the retina. Accommodation is
2. in mathematics and statistics, achieved mainly by contraction or
the rate of change in the SLOPE of relaxation of the CILIARY MUSCLES
a function. but also involves adjustments in the
CONVERGENCE of the eyes and the
accent n. phonetic features of an size of the pupils, —accommodate
individual's speech that are associ- vb.
ated with geographical region or
social class. The standard version of a c c u l t u r a t i o n n. the processes by
a language is usually considered by which groups or individuals inte-
native speakers to be unaccented. grate the social and cultural values,
Compare DIALECT. ideas, beliefs, and behavioral pat-
terns of their culture of origin with
acceptance region in SIGNIFI- those of a different culture. Psy-
CANCE TESTING, the range of values chological acculturation is an
for a test statistic that leads to accep- individual's attitudinal and behav-
tance of the null hypothesis over ioral adjustment to another culture,
the alternative hypothesis. Compare which typically varies with regard
CRITICAL REGION. to degree and type. Compare DE-
accessible adj. 1. in social psychol- —acculturate vb.
ogy and psychotherapy, receptive or
responsive to personal interaction acetaldehyde n. a toxic and vola-
and other extemal stimuli. A client tile initial product of alcohol
in psychotherapy is thought to be (ethanol) metabolism that is respon-
accessible if he or she responds to sible for the variety of unpleasant
the therapist in a way that facilitates effects associated with a hangover,
the development of rapport and, ul- including nausea, vomiting, and
timately, fosters the examination of headache. It is produced when
cognitive, emotional, and behav- alcohol is broken down by a
ioral issues. 2. retrievable through liver enzyme called alcohol de-

hydrogenase and is itself further current level of skill or knowledge in

broken down by another liver en- a given subject. Often the distinc-
zyme (acetaldehyde dehydrogenase) tion is made that achievement tests
into acetate and, ultimately, into emphasize ability acquired through
carbon dioxide and water. Acet- formal learning or training, whereas
aldehyde is widely studied to APTITUDE TESTS (usually in the form
determine its relationship to and of intelligence tests) emphasize in-
influence upon the development nate potential.
and progression of alcoholism. See
also DISULFIRAM. a c h r o m a t i c adj. without hue; col-
orless. Achromatic stimuli are black,
acetylcholine (ACh) n. a major, white, or shades of gray.
predominantly excitatory but also
inhibitory, neurotransmitter in the a c h r o m a t i s m n. total color blind-
central nervous system, where it ness marked by the inability to
plays an important role in memory perceive any color whatsoever: Ev-
formation and learning; and in the erything is seen in different shades
peripheral nervous system, where it of gray. It is a congenital condition
mediates skeletal, cardiac, and stemming from a lack of RETINAL
smooth muscle contraction. CONES. See also DICHROMATISM;
acetylcholine receptor (AChR) TISM.
any of certain protein molecules
in cell membranes in the central acoustic adj. associated with
and peripheral nervous systems that sound. The word is usually used to
are stimulated by acetylcholine or modify technical terms (e.g., ACOUS-
acetylcholine-like substances. There TIC REFLEX). Acoustical is used as a
are two main types: MUSCARINIC RE- modifier in all other contexts (e.g.,
CEPTORS and NICOTINIC RECEPTORS. Acoustical Society of America).
acetylcholinesterase (AChE) n. acoustic reflex contraction of the
see CHOLINESTERASE. middle ear muscles (the tensor
tympani and stapedius muscle) elic-
achievement n. 1. the attainment ited by intense sounds. This reflex
of some goal, or the goal attained. restricts movement of the OSSICLES,
See also NEED FOR ACHIEVEMENT. thus reducing the sound energy
2. acquired knowledge (especially transmitted to the inner ear and par-
in a particular subject area such as tially protecting it from damage.
biology), proficiency, or skill. The
term is most often used in this sense acoustic store a component of
to mean academic achievement. short-term memory that retains au-
ditory information based on how
achievement m o t i v a t i o n 1. the items sound. Forgetting occurs
desire to perform well and be suc- when words or letters in acoustic
cessful. In this sense, the term often store sound alike. Compare
is used synonymously with NEED ARTICULATORY STORE.
FOR ACHIEVEMENT. 2. the desire to
overcome obstacles and master diffi- acquiescent response set the ten-
cult challenges. High scorers in dency of a respondent to agree with
achievement motivation are likely statements of opinion regardless of
to set higher standards and work their content. This often reduces the
with greater perseverance. validity of interviews, question-
naires, and other self-reports.
achievement test any norm-
referenced standardized test in- a c q u i r e d i m m u n e deficiency
tended to measure an individual's s y n d r o m e see AIDS.
activation-synthesis hypothesis

acquisition n. the attainment by along a cell during the transmission

an individual of new behavior, in- of a nerve impulse or the contrac-
formation, or skills or the process by tion of a muscle. It is marked by a
which this occurs. Although often rapid, transient DEPOLARIZATION of
used interchangeably with LEARN- the cell's plasma membrane, from a
ING, acquisition tends to be defined RESTING POTENTIAL of about -70 mV
somewhat more concretely as the (inside negative) to about +30 mV
period during which progressive, (inside positive), and back again,
measurable increases in response after a slight HYPERPOLARIZATION,
strength are seen, —acquire vb. to the resting potential.
ACTH abbreviation for adreno- action research socially useful
corticotropic hormone. See and theoretically meaningful re-
CORTICOTROPIN. search developed and carried out in
a c t i n n. see MUSCLE FIBER.
response to a social issue or prob-
lem, results of which are used to
a c t i n g o u t 1. the uncontrolled and improve the situation.
inappropriate behavioral expression
of denied emotions that serves to re- action-specific energy in classical
lieve tension associated with these ethology, a hypothetical supply of
emotions or to communicate them motivational energy within an or-
in a disguised, or indirect, way to ganism that is associated with
others. Such behaviors may include specific unlearned behavioral re-
arguing, fighting, stealing, threaten- sponses known as FIXED ACTION
ing, or throwing tantrums. 2. in PATTERNS. Each response has its
psychoanalytic theory, reenactment own energy supply, which builds up
of past events as an expression of until the organism encounters the
unconscious emotional conflicts, appropriate RELEASER.
feelings, or desires—often sexual or activation n. 1. in many theories
aggressive—with no attempt to un- of memory, an attribute of the rep-
derstand the origin or meaning of resentational units (such as NODES
these behaviors. or LOGOGENS) that varies from
a c t i o n n. 1. a self-initiated se- weaker to stronger, with more
quence of movements, usually with strongly activated representations
respect to some goal. It may consist competing to control processing.
of an integrated set of component 2. the process of alerting an organ
behaviors as opposed to a single re- or body system for action, particu-
sponse. 2. the occurrence or larly arousal of one organ or system
performance of a process or function by another, —activate vb. —acti-
(e.g., the action of an enzyme). v a t i o n a l adj.
action disorganization syn- activational effect a transient
d r o m e a cognitive deficit resulting hormonal effect that typically causes
from damage to the FRONTAL LOBES a short-term change in behavior or
of the brain and causing individuals physiological activity in adult ani-
to make errors on multistepped but mals. For example, increased
familiar or routine tasks. Types of er- testosterone in male songbirds in
rors include omissions or additions spring leads to increased aggression
of steps, disordered sequencing of in territory defense and increased
steps, and object substitutions or courtship behavior. Compare ORGA-
a c t i o n p o t e n t i a l the change in activation-synthesis hypothesis
electric potential that propagates a hypothesis that explains dreams as
active e u t h a n a s i a

a product of cortical interpretation proposing that old age is a lively,

of random activation rising from the creative experience characterized by
lower brain structures, including the maintaining existing social roles,
PONS. activities, and relationships or re-
active e u t h a n a s i a direct action placing any lost ones with new
performed to terminate the life of a ones. Compare DISENGAGEMENT
person (or animal) who is suffering
greatly and is considered to have no actor-observer effect in ATTRIBU-
chance for recovery. Administering a TION THEORY, the tendency for
lethal injection is the most common individuals acting in a situation to
method of active euthanasia today. attribute the causes of their behavior
This practice is distinguished from to external or situational factors,
PASSIVE EUTHANASIA, in which treat- such as social pressure, but for ob-
ments are withheld but no direct servers to attribute the same
action to terminate the life is taken. behavior to intemal or dispositional
See also ASSISTED DEATH. factors, such as personality.
active listening a psychothera- a c t u a l i z a t i o n n. the process of
peutic technique in which the mobilizing one's potentialities and
therapist listens to a client closely realizing them in concrete form. Ac-
and attentively, asking questions as cording to U.S. psychologist Carl
needed, in order to fully understand Rogers (1902-1987), all humans
the content of the message and the have an innate actualizing tendency
depth of the client's emotion. The to grow and actualize the self fully.
therapist typically restates what has See also SELF-ACTUALIZATION, —ac-
been said to ensure accurate under- tualize vb.
a c t u a r i a l adj. statistical, as op-
activities of daily living (ADLs) posed to clinical. The use of data
activities essential to an individual's about prior instances, in order to es-
personal care, such as getting into timate the likelihood or risk of a
and out of bed and chairs, dressing, particular outcome, is sometimes
eating, toileting and bathing, and cited as an alternative to clinical di-
grooming. A person's ability to per- agnoses, which are open to human
form ADLs is often used as a error.
measure of functional capabilities
during the course of a disease or a c u i t y n. sharpness of perception.
following an injury. See also INSTRU- Whereas visual acuity is sharpness of
MENTAL ACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVING. vision and auditory acuity sharpness
of hearing, sensory acuity is the pre-
activity t h e o r y 1. a school of cision with which any sensory
thought, developed primarily by So- stimulation is perceived.
viet psychologists, that focuses on
activity in general—rather than the a c u p u n c t u r e n. a form of COMPLE-
distinct concepts of behavior or MENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE
mental states—as the primary unit MEDICINE in which fine needles are
of analysis. The theory emphasizes a inserted into the body at specific
hierarchical structure of activity, ob- points to relieve pain, induce anes-
ject-orientedness, internalization thesia (acupuncture anesthesia), or
and externalization, mediation (by treat disease. It is based on the con-
tools, language, and other cultural cept in traditional Chinese medicine
artifacts or instruments), and con- that "meridians," or pathways, con-
tinuous development. Also called duct life-force energy known as chi
activity psychology. 2. a theory between places on the skin and the
additive t a s k

body's organ systems, —acupunc- a standard against which new stim-

t u r i s t n. uli are evaluated. For example, a
person who first lifts a 40 lb weight
a c u t e adj. 1. denoting conditions or would then likely judge a 20 lb
symptoms of sudden onset, short weight as light, whereas if that per-
duration, and often great intensity. son first lifted a 4 lb weight he or
Compare CHRONIC. 2. sharp, keen, she would then likely judge the 20
or very sensitive (e.g., acute hear- lb weight as heavy. Although it orig-
ing). inated in studies of sensory
a c u t e stress disorder a disorder perception, adaptation-level theory
representing the immediate psycho- has since been applied in other
logical aftermath of exposure to a fields, such as aesthetics and atti-
traumatic stressor. Symptoms are tude change.
the same as those of POST-
ADC abbreviation for AIDS DEMEN-
not last longer than 4 weeks. This
disorder also includes elements of a d d i c t i o n n. a state of psychologi-
dissociation, such as DEPERSONAL- cal or physical dependence (or both)
IZATION and DEREALIZATION. on the use of alcohol or other drugs.
The equivalent term SUBSTANCE DE-
a d a p t a t i o n n. 1. adjustment of a PENDENCE is preferred to describe
sense organ to the intensity or qual- this state because it refers more ex-
ity of stimulation, resulting in a plicitly to the criteria by which it is
temporary change in sensory or per- diagnosed, which include tolerance,
ceptual experience, as in visual withdrawal, loss of control, and
adaptation when the pupil of the compulsive use of the substance.
eye adjusts to dim or bright light. Chemical substances with signifi-
2. reduced responsiveness in a sen- cant potential for producing
sory receptor or sensory system dependence are called addictive
caused by prolonged or repeated drugs. They include alcohol, am-
stimulation. The adaptation may be phetamines and other central
specific, for example, to the orienta- nervous system (CNS) stimulants,
tion of a particular stimulus. Also CNS depressants, cocaine and crack,
called sensory a d a p t a t i o n . hallucinogens, inhalants, and
3. modification to suit different or opioids, —addictive adj.
changing circumstances. In this
sense, the term often refers to be- additive effect the joint effect of
havior that enables an individual to two or more independent variables
adjust to the environment effec- on a dependent variable equal to the
tively and function optimally in sum of their individual effects: The
various domains, such as coping value of either independent variable
with daily stressors. Compare is unconditional upon the value of
MALADAPTATION. 4. adjustments to the other one. Compare INTERAC-
the demands, restrictions, and TION EFFECT.
mores of society, including the
ability to live and work harmoni- additive t a s k a task or project that
ously with others and to engage in a group can complete by aggregating
satisfying social interactions and re- individual members' efforts or con-
lationships. Also called social tributions (e.g., a five-person group
a d a p t a t i o n , —adapt vb. —adap- pulling together on a rope to move a
t a t i o n a l adj. —adaptive adj. heavy object). Groups usually out-
perform individuals on such tasks,
a d a p t a t i o n level the theoretical but overall group productivity rarely
baseline or zero point, which forms reaches its maximum potential

owing to SOCIAL LOAFING. Compare emotional or behavioral symptoms

COMPENSATORY TASK; CONJUNCTIVE occurring within three months after
TASK; DISJUNCTIVE TASK. an individual experiences a specific
identifiable stressful event, such as a
adenosine n. a compound in living divorce, business crisis, or family
cells that functions as a neuro- discord. The event is not as stressful
modulator: By binding to special as a traumatic stressor, which can
adenosine receptors, it influences lead to POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS DIS-
the release of several neurotrans- ORDER. Symptoms may include
mitters in the central nervous anxiety, depression, and conduct
system. Combined with three phos- disturbances and tend to remit fol-
phate units, adenosine becomes ATP lowing elimination of the stressor.
(adenosine triphosphate), which
functions as an energy source in ADLs abbreviation for ACTIVITIES
metabolic activities. OF DAILY LIVING.
adenosine t r i p h o s p h a t e see ATP. adolescence n. the period of
ADH abbreviation for antidiuretic human development that starts with
hormone (see VASOPRESSIN).
puberty (10-12 years of age) and
ends with physiological maturity
ADHD abbreviation for ATTENTION- (approximately 19 years of age), al-
DEFICIT/HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER. though the exact age span varies
across individuals. During this pe-
adipose tissue connective tissue riod major changes occur at varying
consisting largely of fat cells
rates in physical characteristics, sex-
(adipocytes), which is found be- ual characteristics, and sexual
neath the skin and around major interest, resulting in significant ef-
organs. It provides protection and
insulation and functions as an en- fects on body image, self-concept,
ergy reserve. and self-esteem. Major cognitive and
social developments take place as
a d j u s t m e n t n. 1. a change in atti- well: Most young people acquire en-
tude, behavior, or both by an hanced abilities to think abstractly,
individual on the basis of some rec- evaluate reality hypothetically, re-
ognized need or desire to change, consider prior experiences from
particularly to account for the cur- altered points of view, assess data
rent environment or changing, from multiple dimensions, reflect
atypical, or unexpected conditions. inwardly, create complex models of
It may be assessed via a type of sur- understanding, and project compli-
vey called an adjustment inventory, cated future scenarios. Adolescents
which compares a person's emo- also increase their peer focus and in-
tional and social adjustment with a volvement in peer-related activities,
representative sample of other indi- place greater emphasis on social
viduals. A well-adjusted person is acceptance, and seek more inde-
one who satisfies his or her needs in pendence and autonomy from
a healthy, beneficial manner and parents. —adolescent adj., n.
demonstrates appropriate social and
psychological responses to situations a d o p t i o n study a research design
and demands. 2. modification to that investigates the relationships
match a standard. See METHOD OF among genetic and environmental
ADJUSTMENT, —adjust vb. factors in the development of per-
sonality, behavior, or disorder by
a d j u s t m e n t disorder impairment comparing the similarities of biolog-
in social or occupational function- ical parent-child pairs with those of
ing and unexpectedly severe adoptive parent-child pairs.

a d r e n a l g l a n d an endocrine gland health care decisions on that per-

adjacent to the kidney. Its outer son's behalf, or a living will, a legal
layer, the adrenal cortex, secretes a document clarifying a person's
number of hormones, including AN- wishes regarding future medical or,
DROGENS, GLUCOCORTICOIDS, and increasingly, mental health treat-
core, the adrenal medulla, secretes advocacy n. speaking or acting on
the hormones EPINEPHRINE and behalf of an individual or group to
NOREPINEPHRINE, both of which are uphold their rights or explain their
CATECHOLAMINES and also serve as point of view. For example, health
neurotransmitters. care advocates represent consumers
a d r e n a l i n e «. see EPINEPHRINE. to protect their rights to effective
treatment, while therapists may act
adrenergic adj. responding to, re- as advocates for clients in court
leasing, or otherwise involving hearings or other situations involv-
EPINEPHRINE (adrenaline). For ex- ing decisions based on the clients'
ample, an adrenergic neuron is one mental health or related issues.
that employs EPINEPHRINE as a
neurotransmitter. The term often AEP abbreviation for AVERAGE
is used more broadly to include EVOKED POTENTIAL.
NOREPINEPHRINE as well. aerobic exercise physical activity,
adrenocorticotropic h o r m o n e typically prolonged and of moderate
(ACTH) see CORTICOTROPIN. intensity (e.g., jogging or cycling),
that involves the use of oxygen in
a d u l t h o o d n. the period of human the muscles to provide the needed
development in which full physical energy. Aerobic exercise strengthens
growth and maturity have been the cardiovascular and respiratory
achieved and certain biological, cog- systems and is associated with a va-
nitive, social, personality, and other riety of health benefits including
changes associated with the aging increased endurance, reduction of
process occur. Beginning after ado- body fat, and decreased depression
lescence, adulthood is sometimes and anxiety. Compare ANAEROBIC
divided into young adulthood EXERCISE.
(roughly 20 to 35 years of age); mid-
dle adulthood (about 36 to 64 aesthesiometry n. see
years); and later adulthood (age 65 ESTHESIOMETRY.
and beyond). The last is sometimes aesthetics n. the philosophical
subdivided into young-old (65 to study of beauty and art, concemed
74), old-old (75 to 84), and oldest particularly with the articulation of
old (85 and beyond). The oldest old taste and questions regarding the
group is the fastest growing segment value of aesthetic experience and
of the population in many devel- the making of aesthetic judgments.
oped countries. —aesthetic adj.
advance directive a legal mecha- affect«. any feeling or emotion,
nism for individuals to specify their which may be irreflexive or reflex-
wishes and instructions about pro- ive. Irreflexive affect is the direct
spective health care in the event experience in consciousness of a
they later become unable to make particular emotional state (as in a
such decisions. This can be achieved person's feeling of elation upon re-
by means of a durable power of at- ceiving good news). Reflexive affect
torney, a legal document occurs when a person makes his or
designating someone to make her feelings objects of scrutiny (as
affective aggression

when a person wonders why he or seeking of cooperative, friendly asso-

she does not feel particularly elated ciation with others who resemble or
upon receiving good news). A dis- like one or whom one likes is a fun-
tinction may also be made between damental human desire, referring to
NEGATIVE AFFECT and POSITIVE AF- it variously as the affiliative drive or
FECT. Along with cognition and affiliative need, —affiliative adj.
conation, affect is one of the three
traditionally identified components affinity n. 1. an inherent attrac-
of mind. tion to or liking for a particular
person, place, or thing, often based
affective aggression see AGGRES- on some commonality. 2. relation-
SION. ship by marriage or adoption rather
than blood. This contrasts with con-
affective d i s o r d e r see MOOD DIS-
sanguinity, a biological relationship
between individuals who are de-
affective forecasting predicting scended from a common ancestor.
one's own future emotional states,
especially in connection with some affordance n. in the theory of
event or outcome that one faces.
People often "forecast" more ex- erty of the physical environment
treme and lasting emotional that is relevant to motor behavior
reactions to events than they actu- and thus offers or affords an organ-
ally experience. ism the opportunity for a particular
action. An example is the orienta-
affective neuroscience a disci- tion of an object's handle. When
pline that addresses the brain the handle is closest to the left hand
mechanisms underlying emotions. it affords a left-hand reach and grasp
In seeking to understand the partic- movement. This affordance is pro-
ular roles of major subcortical and vided by an intrinsic property, the
cortical structures in the elicitation, physical dimensions necessary for
experience, and regulation of emo- grasping it, as well as an extrinsic
tion, affective neuroscience provides property, the distance to the nearest
an important framework for under- hand.
standing the neural processes that
underlie psychopathology, particu- aftercare n. a program of outpa-
larly the mood and substance- tient treatment and support services
related disorders. provided for individuals discharged
from an institution, such as a hospi-
afferent adj. conducting or con- tal or mental health facility, to help
veying from the periphery toward a maintain improvement, prevent re-
central point. For example, afferent lapse, and aid adjustment of the
nerve fibers conduct impulses to- individual to the community.
ward the brain or spinal cord.
Compare EFFERENT. afterimage n. the image that re-
mains after a stimulus ends or is
affiliation n. a social relationship removed. A positive afterimage oc-
with one or more other individuals, curs rarely, lasts a few seconds, and
usually based on liking or a personal is caused by a continuation of recep-
attachment rather than on per- tor and neural processes following
ceived material benefits. Affiliation cessation of the stimulus; it has ap-
appears to be a basic source of emo- proximately the color and
tional security, given the anxiety, brightness of the original stimulus.
frustration, and loneliness stemming A negative afterimage is more com-
from the absence of such relation- mon, often more intense, and lasts
ships. Some propose that the longer. It is usually complementary


to the original stimulus in color and are less deliberately damaging and
brightness; for example, if the stim- may be instrumentally motivated
ulus was bright yellow, the negative (proactive) or affectively motivated
afterimage will be dark blue. (reactive). Instrumental aggression
involves an action carried out prin-
age effect in research, any out- cipally to achieve another goal, such
come associated with being a certain as acquiring a desired resource. Af-
age. Such effects may be difficult to fective aggression involves an
separate from COHORT EFFECTS and emotional response to an aversive
PERIOD EFFECTS. state of affairs, which tends to be
ageism n. the tendency to be preju- targeted toward the perceived source
diced against older adults and to of the distress but may be displaced
negatively stereotype them (for onto other people or objects if the
example, as unhealthy, helpless, disturbing agent cannot be attacked
or incompetent) and the resulting (displaced aggression). In the classi-
discrimination, especially in em- cal psychoanalytic theory of
ployment and in health care. Austrian psychiatrist Sigmund Freud
—ageist adj. (1856-1939), the aggressive impulse
is innate and derived from the
a g e n t i c s t a t e a psychological state DEATH INSTINCT, but most
that occurs when individuals, as nonpsychoanalytically oriented psy-
subordinates to a higher authority chologists view it as socially learned
in an organized status hierarchy, feel or as a reaction to frustration (see
compelled to obey the orders issued FRUSTRATION-AGGRESSION HYPOTH-
by that authority. See BEHAVIORAL ESIS), —aggressive adj.
a g i n g n. the biological and psycho-
age regression a hypnotic tech- logical changes associated with
nique in which the therapist helps chronological age. A distinction is
the client recall a crucial experience often made between changes that
by inducing amnesia for the present, are due to normal biological pro-
then suggesting that he or she re- cesses (see PRIMARY AGING) and
turn, year by year, to the earlier date changes that are caused by age-
when a particular experience took related pathologies (see SECONDARY
place. This technique is also used in AGING).
forensic contexts to help eyewit-
nesses and victims recall their a g i t a t i o n n. a state of increased but
experiences. The use of age regres- typically purposeless and repetitious
activity, as in PSYCHOMOTOR AGITA-
sion in either context is contro-
versial, given the potential for FALSE TION.
MEMORIES and the debatable legiti- agnosia n. loss or impairment of
macy Of RECOVERED MEMORIES. the ability to recognize or appreciate
the nature of sensory stimuli due to
aggression n. behavior that harms brain damage or disorder. Recogni-
others physically or psychologically tion impairment is profound and
or destroys property. It can be dis- specific to a particular sensory mo-
tinguished from anger in that anger dality, AUDITORY AGNOSIA, TACTILE
is oriented at overcoming the target AGNOSIA, and VISUAL AGNOSIA are
but not necessarily through harm or the most common types, and each
destruction. When such behavior is has a variety of subtypes.
purposively performed with the pri-
mary goal of intentional injury or agonist n. 1. a drug or other chemi-
destruction it is termed hostile ag- cal agent that binds to a particular
gression. Other types of aggression receptor and produces a physiologi-


cal effect, typically one similar to rological damage or disorder. The

that of the body's own neurotrans- specific forms of writing difficulties
mitter at that receptor. There are vary considerably, but may include
partial agonists, which stimulate the problems with such things as spell-
receptor only somewhat to produce ing irregular or ambiguous words,
the same physiological effect as the writing numbers or particular letters,
natural neurotransmitter but to a or performing the motor move-
lesser degree, and inverse agonists, ments needed for handwriting. Also
which act at the receptor to produce called dysgraphia. —agraphic
a physiological effect opposite to adj.
that produced by another agonist
at that same receptor. 2. a contract- a h a experience the emotional re-
ing muscle whose action generates action that typically occurs at a
force in the intended direction. moment of sudden insight into a
Compare ANTAGONIST. —agonism problem or other puzzling issue. For
n. —agonistic adj. example, in psychotherapy it is a cli-
ent's sudden insight into his or her
a g o r a p h o b i a n. an excessive, irra- motives for cognitions, affects, or
tional fear of being in open or behaviors. Also called a h a reac-
unfamiliar places, resulting in the tion.
avoidance of public situations from
which escape may be difficult, such AI abbreviation for ARTIFICIAL IN-
as standing in line or being in a TELLIGENCE.
crowd. Agoraphobia may accom-
pany PANIC DISORDER, in which an AIDS acquired immune deficiency
individual experiences unexpected syndrome: a clinical condition in
panic attacks, or it may occur in the which the immune system is so se-
absence of panic disorder, when an verely damaged from infection with
individual experiences paniclike human immunodeficiency virus (see
symptoms or limited symptom at- Hiv) as to result in certain serious
tacks, —agoraphobic adj. opportunistic infections and dis-
a g r a m m a t i s m «. a manifestation
of APHASIA characterized by loss or AIDS d e m e n t i a complex (ADC)
impairment of the ability to use neuropsychological dysfunction di-
speech that conforms to grammati- rectly attributable to HIV infection,
cal rules, such as those governing found most commonly in those who
have developed AIDS. It is marked
word order, verb tense, and subject- by impairments such as memory
verb agreement. loss and inability to concentrate and
agranulocytosis n. a decline in by disturbances in behavior, motor
the number of certain white blood coordination, and mood. Also called
cells (neutrophils), typically as a re- HIV dementia.
sult of an immune reaction to a
drug or other chemical or the toxic a k a t h i s i a (acathisia) n. extreme
effect of this substance on the bone restlessness characterized by an in-
marrow, causing production of ability to sit or stand still for at least
white blood cells to fall. The condi- several minutes and by fidgety
tion results in suppression of the movements or jitteriness, as well as
immune response, rendering indi- a subjective report of inner restless-
viduals vulnerable to opportunistic ness.
akinesia n. loss or reduction of vol-
a g r a p h i a n. loss or impairment of untary movement. Also called
the ability to write as a result of neu- akinesis. —akinetic adj.

alien l i m b syndrome

a k i n e t o p s i a n. inability to see ob- called pure alexia (or alexia without

jects in motion as a result of damage agraphia) and characterized by read-
to the visual cortex. Individuals with ing impairment with preserved
akinetopsia perceive moving stimuli language production and auditory
as a series of stationary strobelike comprehension. See also DYSLEXIA.
images and see visual trails behind
a l e x i t h y m i a n. an inability to ex-
moving objects. —akinetopsic adj.
press, describe, or distinguish
AL abbreviation for absolute limen between one's emotions. It may
(see ABSOLUTE THRESHOLD). occur in a variety of disorders (e.g.,
a l a r m reaction see GENERAL AD- depression), especially psychoso-
matic and some substance use
disorders, or following repeated ex-
alcohol n. short for ethyl alcohol posure to a traumatic stressor.
(see ETHANOL).
a l g o r i t h m n. a precisely defined
alcohol dependence a pattern of procedure for solving a particular
repeated or compulsive use of al- problem or for conducting a series
cohol despite significant behavioral, of computations that guarantees a
physiological, and psychosocial correct outcome. Algorithms are es-
problems, plus indications of sential to computer programming
physical and psychological depend- and information processing. Com-
ence—tolerance and characteristic pare HEURISTIC, —algorithmic adj.
withdrawal symptoms if use is sus-
pended—resulting in impaired alias n. see CONFOUND.
control. It is differentiated from al-
cohol abuse by the preoccupation alienation n. 1. estrangement from
with obtaining alcohol or recovering others, resulting in the absence of
from its effects, and the overwhelm- close or friendly relationships with
ing desire for experiencing alcohol's people in one's social group (e.g.,
intoxicating result (i.e., craving). family, workplace, community).
Alcohol dependence is known popu- 2. estrangement from oneself. An
larly as alcoholism. individual experiences life as a
search for his or her true personal
aldosterone n. the principle identity, which has been hidden
MINERALOCORTICOID hormone se- through socialization and nurturing,
creted by the adrenal cortex, the and a continuous failure to reach an
outer layer of the ADRENAL GLAND. ideal but unattainable level of per-
It helps to regulate mineral and sonal fulfillment. This creates a
water metabolism by promoting po- deep-seated sense of dissatisfaction
tassium excretion and sodium with one's personal existence and
retention in the kidneys. Excess se- lack of tmst in one's social or physi-
cretion of aldosterone results in a cal environment or in oneself. 3. the
pathological condition called experience of being separated from
aldosteronism, marked by head- reality or isolated from one's
aches, muscle weakness, fatigue, thoughts or feelings, as in DE-
hypertension, and numbness. REALIZATION and DEPERSONALIZA-
TION, —alienated adj.
alexia n. loss or impairment of the
ability to comprehend written or alien l i m b syndrome a motor dis-
printed words as a result of lesions, order characterized by involuntary
stroke, or other forms of neurologi- hand, arm, or leg movements in
cal damage or disorder. It is place of or in addition to intended
generally seen in APHASIA but may movements (e.g., grabbing objects
occur in isolation, in which case it is or throwing things) and the person's


feeling that he or she has no control independent of the magnitude of

over the limb or that it is "foreign," the stimulus. Thus, all stimuli above
sometimes to the extent that the the neuron's threshold trigger action
person does not recognize the limb potentials of identical magnitude.
as his or her own in the absence of Also called all-or-none principle.
visual clues. The syndrome most
often affects the left hand (hence its all-or-none l e a r n i n g the theory
alternative name alien hand syn- that, in any given learning trial,
drome). learning occurs either completely
and fully or not at all. This contrasts
allele n. an alternate form of a gene with a hypothesis of trial-by-trial in-
that occupies a given position on cremental learning.
each of a pair of HOMOLOGOUS
chromosomes. Each person typically allostasis n. stability through
has two alleles of each gene: One is change. Allostasis refers particularly
inherited from the mother and the to the idea that parameters of most
other from the father. Alleles may be physiological regulatory systems
alike (homozygous) or different change to accommodate environ-
(heterozygous), and are responsible mental demands. Although
for variation in inherited character- allostatic processes are critical for
istics, such as hair color or blood adaptive functioning, chronic or re-
type. See also DOMINANT ALLELE; RE- peated activation of physiological
CESSIVE ALLELE, —allelic adj. systems in response to life's chal-
lenges are hypothesized to exact a
allocentric adj. denoting toll on such systems.
externality to the self, particularly
alogia n. inability to speak because
an orientation toward or focus on of dysfunction in the central ner-
groups and connections to others. vous system. In a less severe form, it
Compare IDIOCENTRIC. See also
is sometimes referred to as dyslogia.
SOCIOCENTRISM. —allocentrism n.
a l p h a (symbol: a) n. the probability
allocortex n. those regions of the of a TYPE I ERROR.
cerebral cortex that are phylogeneti-
cally older and have fewer than six a l p h a coefficient see CRONBACH'S
main layers of cells. The allocortex is ALPHA.
involved primarily in olfactory func-
tions and limbic functions related to a l p h a level see SIGNIFICANCE
memory and emotion, and com-
prises the three-layered archicortex a l p h a m a l e the top-ranked or
(or archipallium), found mostly in dominant male within a group, with
the hippocampus, and the four- or primary access to resources, includ-
five-layered paleocortex (or ing food and mates. In many species
paleopallium), found mostly in the the alpha male prevents other males
pyriform area and parahippocampal from mating or from mating during
gyrus. Compare NEOCORTEX. the peak time of female fertility.
There are alpha females as well, with
a l l o m o n e n. a chemical signal that primary access to resources within
is released outside the body by their social groups and who in some
members of one species and affects species inhibit reproduction among
the behavior of members of another other females.
species. Compare PHEROMONE.
a l p h a m o t o r n e u r o n see MOTOR
all-or-none l a w the principle that NEURON.
the amplitude of the ACTION POTEN-
TIAL in a given neuron is a l p h a wave in electroencephalog-


raphy, a type of low-amplitude types: comparable forms have items

BRAIN WAVE (frequency 8-12 Hz) of similar content and difficulty;
that typically occurs when the eyes equivalent forms have items of simi-
are unfocused and no active mental lar content and difficulty but
processes are taking place, indicat- demonstrate differences in certain
ing a wakeful but relaxed state. The statistical characteristics (e.g., stan-
occurrence of alpha waves may be dard deviations); and parallel forms
increased, for example, through have items of similar content and
meditation or alpha-wave training, difficulty and are similar in all statis-
which involves providing a feedback tical characteristics (e.g., means,
stimulus (typically an auditory tone) standard deviations, correlations
when alpha waves appear on the with other measures).
electroencephalogram (EEG). Also
called a l p h a r h y t h m . a l t e r n a t i n g t r e a t m e n t s design a
altered state of consciousness a which the researcher changes the
state of psychological functioning experimental conditions or inter-
that is significantly different from ventions (treatments) applied to the
ordinary states of CONSCIOUSNESS, participant from session to session
being characterized by altered levels or within sessions. For example, a
of self-awareness, affect, reality test- researcher comparing two methods
ing, orientation to time and place, for eliminating the disruptive class-
wakefulness, responsiveness to ex- room behavior of a student might
ternal stimuli, or memorability or by have the teacher use one method
a sense of ecstasy, boundlessness, or throughout the morning and the
unity with the universe. Although other method throughout the after-
in some instances altered states of noon and then evaluate the
consciousness are symptomatic of student's behavior with each tech-
mental disorder, in other contexts, nique. An alternating treatments
such as in certain Eastern philoso- design is particularly useful when
phies and TRANSPERSONAL control of irrelevant variables is es-
PSYCHOLOGY, they are regarded as pecially important.
higher states of consciousness and,
often, as indicative of a more pro- a l t e r n a t i v e hypothesis (symbol:
found level of personal and spiritual HJ a statement of the position
evolution. opposite to that of the NULL HY-
POTHESIS. It usually outlines the
a l t e r ego 1. a second identity or predicted relationship between vari-
aspect of a person that exists meta- ables that a researcher is seeking to
phorically as his or her substitute demonstrate empirically as true. In
or representative, with different HYPOTHESIS TESTING, the alternative
characteristics. 2. an intimate, sup- hypothesis may be considered plau-
portive friend with whom an sible only when the null hypothesis
individual can share all types of is rejected at a predetermined SIG-
problems and experiences, as if he NIFICANCE LEVEL.
or she were "another self."
a l t r u i s m rt. an apparently unselfish
alternate-forms reliability an concern for others or behavior that
estimate of the extent to which a provides benefit to others at some
test yields consistent reproducible cost to the individual. In humans,
results that is obtained from the cor- it covers a wide range of behaviors,
relation of scores on different including volunteerism and martyr-
versions of that test. These alternate dom, but the degree to which such
forms of the test may be of three behaviors are legitimately without

Alzheimer's disease

egotistic motivation is subject to to which one is able to accept, and

much debate. In animal behavior it to function without distress or dis-
is difficult to understand how altru- orientation in, situations having
ism could evolve since NATURAL conflicting or multiple interpreta-
SELECTION operates on individuals. tions or outcomes.
However, organisms displaying al-
truism can benefit if they help their a m b i g u o u s figure a visual stimu-
relatives (see KIN SELECTION) or if lus that can be interpreted in more
an altruistic act is subsequently re- than one way, such as an EMBEDDED
ciprocated (reciprocal altruism). FIGURE or a REVERSIBLE FIGURE. A
—-altruistic adj. —altruist n. well-known example is the young
girl-old woman image, in which the
Alzheimer's disease a progressive black-and-white drawing sometimes
neurodegenerative disease character- appears to be of a young girl and
ized by cortical atrophy, neuronal sometimes of an old lady. This phe-
death, synapse loss, and accumula- nomenon is not restricted to the
tion of SENILE PLAQUES and visual: an ambiguous stimulus is one
NEUROFIBRILLARY TANGLES, causing of any sensory modality that can
DEMENTIA and a significant decline have multiple interpretations.
in functioning. Early features in-
clude deficits in memory (e.g., rapid ambivalence n. the simultaneous
forgetting of new information, im- existence of contradictory feelings
paired recall and recognition), and attitudes, such as friendliness
executive dysfunction, and subtle and hostility, toward the same per-
personality changes such as de- son, object, event, or situation.
creased energy, social withdrawal, Swiss psychiatrist Eugen Bleuler
indifference, and impulsivity. As the (1857-1939), who was the first to
disease progresses, there is global de- use this term in a psychological
terioration of cognitive capacities sense, regarded extreme ambiva-
with intellectual decline, APHASIA, lence as a major symptom of
AGNOSIA, and APRAXIA as well as be- schizophrenia. —ambivalent
havioral features including apathy, adj.
emotional blunting, mood- a m b i v a l e n t a t t a c h m e n t see IN-
dependent delusions, decreased SECURE ATTACHMENT.
sleep and appetite, and increased
motor activity (e.g., restlessness and a m b l y o p i a n. poor vision caused
wandering), [first described in 1907 by abnormal visual experience in
by Alois Alzheimer (1864-1915), early life and not any physical
German neurologist] defect of the eye. Common pre-
disposing conditions include
a m a c r i n e cell any of a diverse misalignment of the eyes (strabis-
class of neurons in the retina that mus) and differing refractive powers
connect RETINAL BIPOLAR CELLS and of the eyes (anisometropia). Also
RETINAL GANGLION CELLS. Amacrine called (colloquially) lazy eye.
cells have no axons and do not con- —amblyopic adj.
tribute directly to the output of the
retina. a m e n o r r h e a n. the absence of
menstruation. When menstruation
a m b i g u i t y n. the property of a be- fails to begin after puberty, the con-
havior, behavior pattern, situation, dition is called primary amenorrhea.
or other stimulus that might lead to If menstrual periods stop, in the ab-
interpretation in more than one sence of pregnancy or menopause,
way. —ambiguous adj. after starting, the condition is
a m b i g u i t y tolerance the degree known as secondary amenorrhea.


American Psychiatric Associa- a m i n o acid an organic compound

t i o n (APA) a national medical and that contains an amino group
professional organization whose (-NH2) and a carboxyl group
physician members specialize in the (-COOH), 20 of which are consti-
diagnosis, treatment, and preven- tuents of proteins; 9 of these are
tion of mental disorders. Founded in essential amino acids, that is, they
1844, its objectives include the im- cannot be synthesized by the body
provement of care for people with and must be obtained from foods.
mental illnesses, the promotion of Other amino acids are neuro-
research and professional education transmitters or precursors to
in psychiatry, and the dissemination neurotransmitters.
of psychological knowledge through
nationwide public information, edu- amnesia n. partial or complete loss
cation, and awareness programs and of memory. Either temporary or
materials. Its extensive publications permanent, it may be due to physio-
include the Diagnostic and Statistical logical factors such as injury,
Manual of Mental Disorders (see DSM- disease, or substance use, or to
IV-TR), the most widely used psychi- psychological factors such as a trau-
atric reference in the world. matic experience. A disturbance in
memory marked by inability to
learn new information is called
American Psychological Associ- anterograde amnesia and one
a t i o n (APA) a scientific and marked by inability to recall previ-
professional organization founded ously learned information or past
in 1892 that represents psychology events is called retrograde amnesia.
in the United States and is the larg- When severe enough to interfere
est association of psychologists markedly with social or occupa-
worldwide. Its mission is to advance tional functioning or to represent a
psychology as a science, as a profes- significant decline from a previous
sion, and as a means of promoting level of functioning, the memory
health and human welfare. Among loss is known as amnestic disorder.
its specific goals are the promotion —amnesiac adj., n. —amnesic or
of psychological research and im- amnestic adj.
provement of research methods and
conditions; the establishment and amniocentesis n. a method of ex-
maintenance of high standards of amining fetal chromosomes for any
professional ethics and conduct of abnormality or for determination of
its members; and the increase and sex. A hollow needle is inserted
diffusion of psychological knowl- through the mother's abdominal
edge through a variety of means, wall into the utems, enabling the
including scholarly journals, the collection of amniotic fluid, which
APA Publication Manual, books, vid- contains fetal cells.
eotapes, and electronic databases.
a m o k (amuck) n. a CULTURE-
Ames r o o m an irregularly shaped BOUND SYNDROME observed among
but apparently rectangular room in males in Malaysia, the Philippines,
which cues for DEPTH PERCEPTION and other parts of southeast Asia.
are used experimentally to distort The individual experiences a period
the viewer's perception of the rela- of social withdrawal and apathy, fol-
tive size of objects within the room. lowed by a violent, unprovoked
Also called Ames distorted room. attack on nearby individuals. If not
[Adelbert Ames, Jr. (1880-1955), overpowered or killed, the affected
U.S. psychologist, inventor, and art- male eventually collapses from ex-
ist] haustion and afterward has no

AMPA receptor

memory of the event. See also MAL pathological conditions. For exam-
DE PELEA. ple, beta-amyloid has received
considerable attention for its detri-
AMPA receptor see GLUTAMATE mental influence upon memory and
a m p h e t a m i n e s pl. n. a group of —amyloidal adj.
drugs that stimulate the RETICULAR amyloid p l a q u e see SENILE
FORMATION and cause a release of PLAQUE.
stored dopamine and norepineph-
rine. The effect is a prolonged state a n a b o l i s m n. see METABOLISM.
of arousal and relief from feelings of —anabolic adj.
fatigue. Introduced in 1932, am-
phetamines are prone to abuse and anaclitic depression dependent
dependence, and tolerance develops depression: intense sadness and
progressively with continued use. DYSPHORIA stemming from early
Although widely used in the past disruptions in caring relationships,
for weight loss, relief of depression, such as deprivation, inconsistency,
and other indications, modern use or overindulgence, that lead to an
of amphetamines is more circum- indefinite fear of loss of love, aban-
scribed because of their adverse donment, and impoverishment. The
effects. They are now used mainly individual expresses a child-like de-
to manage symptoms of attention- pendency; has little capacity for
deficit/hyperactivity disorder and to frustration; and desires to be
treat certain cases of severe depres- soothed directly and immediately.
sion or narcolepsy. Compare INTROJECTIVE DEPRESSION.

a n a e r o b i c exercise strength-based
a m p l i t u d e n. magnitude or extent physical activity, such as weight
(e.g., of a stimulus) or peak value training and sprinting, that occurs
(e.g., of a sinusoid wave). in short, intense bursts with limited
a m y g d a l a n. an almond-shaped oxygen intake. The anaerobic
stmcture in the TEMPORAL LOBE that threshold is the point at which en-
is a component of the LIMBIC SYS- ergy use by the body is so great as
TEM and considered part of the to require the muscles to begin
BASAL GANGLIA. It comprises two producing energy in the absence
main groups of nuclei—the cortico- of adequate oxygen. Compare AERO-
medial group and the basolateral BIC EXERCISE.
group—and through widespread
connections with other brain areas a n a e s t h e s i a n. see ANESTHESIA.
has numerous viscerosensory and analgesia n. absence of or reduc-
autonomic functions as well as an tion in the sensation of pain. Drugs
important role in memory, emotion, and other substances that alleviate
perception of threat, and fear learn- pain are called analgesics. The
ing. Also called amygdaloid body; former usually are classed as opioid
amygdaloid complex; amyg- (narcotic) or nonopioid (non-
daloid nuclei, —amygdaloid narcotic), depending on their
adj. chemical composition and potential
for physical dependence, —analge-
amyloid n. a chemically diverse sic adj.
protein that accumulates abnor-
mally between neural and other analogies test a test of the partici-
bodily cells, negatively affecting pant's ability to comprehend the
their functioning. There are various relationship between two items and
types, each associated with different then extend that relationship to a


different situation: For example, that both data-driven processes

paintbrush is to paint as pen is to _ . and conceptually driven processes
interact in the recognition and in-
a n a l o g u e study a research design terpretation of sensory input.
in which the procedures or partici- According to such theories, which
pants used are similar but not are associated particularly with
identical to the situation of interest. speech perception and language
For example, if researchers are inter- processing, the person analyzes the
ested in the effects of therapist original physical stimulus input,
gender on client perceptions of ther- hypothesizes what it is based on ex-
apist trustworthiness, they may use perience or learning, determines
undergraduate students who are not what the input would be like if the
clients and provide simulated coun- hypothesis were correct, and then
seling dialogues that are typed and assesses whether the input is actu-
identified as offered by a male or fe- ally like that.
male therapist. The results of such
studies are assumed to offer a high analysis of covariance
degree of experimental control and (ANCOVA) an extension of the
to generalize to actual clinical prac- ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE that adjusts
tice. Also called a n a l o g u e model. the dependent variable for the influ-
analogy n. 1. in biology, a similar- ence of a correlated variable
ity of function in bodily stmctures (COVARIATE) that is not being inves-
with different evolutionary origins. tigated but may influence the study
For example, the hand of a human results. An analysis of covariance is
and the trunk of an elephant are appropriate in two types of cases: (a)
analogous in that both are used for when experimental groups are sus-
manipulating objects. 2. a method pected to differ on a background-
of argument that relies on an infer- correlated variable in addition to the
ence that a similarity between two differences attributed to the experi-
or more entities in some attributes mental treatment and (b) where
justifies a probable assumption that adjustment on a covariate can
they will be similar in other attrib- increase the precision of the experi-
utes, —analogical adj. —analo- ment.
gous adj. analysis of variance (ANOVA)
a n a l stage in psychoanalytic any of several statistical procedures
theory, the second stage of PSYCHO- that isolate the joint and separate ef-
SEXUAL DEVELOPMENT, typically fects of independent variables upon
occurring during the 2nd year of a dependent variable and test them
life, in which the child's interest and for statistical significance (i.e., to de-
sexual pleasure are focused on the termine whether they are greater
expulsion and retention of feces than they would be if obtained by
and the sadistic instinct is linked to chance alone). See also GENERAL LIN-
the desire to both possess and de- EAR MODEL.
stroy the OBJECT. Also called a n a l
phase. analyst n. generally, one who prac-
tices psychoanalysis. This is usually
analysand n. in psychoanalysis, a a PSYCHOANALYST in the tradition of
patient who is undergoing analysis. Austrian psychiatrist Sigmund Freud
(1856-1939); however, the term is
analysis n. see PSYCHOANALYSIS. also applied to therapists adhering
—analytic or analytical adj. to the methods of Swiss psychiatrist
analysis by synthesis any theory Carl Jung (1875-1961) (see ANA-
of information processing stating LYTIC PSYCHOLOGY) or Austrian

analytical intelligence

psychiatrist Alfred Adler (1870- quantitative judgments of some en-

1936) (see INDIVIDUAL PSYCHOL- tity under conditions of uncertainty,
OGY). to give excessive weight to the ini-
analytical intelligence in the tial starting value (or ANCHOR),
based on the first received informa-
GENCE, the skills measured by con- tion or one's initial judgment, and
ventional tests of intelligence, such not to modify this anchor suffi-
as analysis, comparison, evaluation, ciently in light of later information.
critique, and judgment. Compare For example, estimates of the prod-
uct of 9 x 8 x 7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1
tend to be higher than estimates of
the product o f l x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 x
a n a l y t i c psychology the system 7 x 8 x 9 . Also called a n c h o r i n g ef-
of psychoanalysis proposed by Swiss fect.
psychiatrist Carl Jung (1875-1961),
in which the psyche is interpreted ANCOVA acronym for ANALYSIS OF
primarily in terms of philosophical COVARIANCE.
values, primordial images and sym- a n d r o g e n n. any of a class of ste-
bols, and a drive for self-fulfillment. roid hormones that act as the
Jung's basic concepts are (a) the principal male SEX HORMONES, the
EGO, which maintains a balance be- major one being TESTOSTERONE. An-
tween conscious and unconscious drogens are produced mainly by the
activities and gradually develops a testes and influence the develop-
unique self through INDIVIDUATION; ment of masculine primary and
made up of memories, thoughts, They are also secreted in small quan-
and feelings based on personal tities by the cortex of the adrenal
experience; (c) the COLLECTIVE UN- gland and can be produced syntheti-
CONSCIOUS, made up of ancestral cally, —androgenic adj.
images, or ARCHETYPES, that consti-
tute the inherited foundation of an androgen-insensitivity syn-
individual's intellectual life and d r o m e an inherited condition
personality; and (d) dynamic polari- affecting the development of repro-
ties, or tension systems, which ductive and genital organs, caused
derive their psychic energy from the by varying degrees of insensitivity to
LIBIDO and influence the develop- androgens. There are two forms:
ment and expression of the ego. complete, in which the insensitivity
is total, resulting in external genita-
a n c h o r n. a reference point used lia that are female; and partial, in
when making a series of subjective which some sensitivity to the hor-
judgments. For example, in an ex- mones allows for external genitalia
periment in which participants that may be structurally ambiguous.
gauge distances between objects, the In both forms, however, the internal
experimenter introduces an anchor organs are male (i.e., testes). Also
by informing the participants that called testicular feminization
the distance between two of the syndrome.
stimulus objects is a given value.
That value then functions as a refer- a n d r o g y n y n. 1. the presence of
ence for participants in their male and female characteristics in
subsequent judgments. Also called one individual. 2. the state of being
a n c h o r point. neither distinguishably masculine or
feminine in appearance, as in dress.
a n c h o r i n g bias the tendency, in —androgyne n. —androgynous
forming perceptions or making adj.

a n i m a l model

anecdotal m e t h o d an investiga- someone or something. Despite

tional technique in which informal their mutually influential relation-
verbal reports of incidents casually ship, anger is neither necessary nor
observed (e.g., a particular feat of a sufficient for aggression to occur.
particular animal) are accepted as a n g i o m a n. a tumor of the vascular
useful information. The anecdotal system: an abnormal mass of blood
method is scientifically inadequate vessels or lymph vessels.
but can offer clues as to areas of in-
vestigation that warrant more angiotensin n. one of a family of
systematic, controlled research. peptides, including angiotensins I,
II, and III, that are produced by the
a n e n c e p h a l y n. congenital absence enzymatic action of renin on a pre-
of the cranial vault (the bones form- cursor protein (angiotensinogen) in
ing the rear of the skull), with the bloodstream. Their effects in-
cerebral hemispheres completely clude narrowing of blood vessels
missing or reduced to small masses. (VASOCONSTRICTION), increased
Infants born with anencephaly are blood pressure, thirst, and stimula-
usually blind, deaf, unconscious, tion of ALDOSTERONE release from
and unable to feel pain. —anen- the adrenal glands.
cephalic adj.
a n g s t n. in EXISTENTIALISM, a state
anesthesia (anaesthesia) n. the of anguish or despair in which a per-
loss of sensitivity to stimuli, either son recognizes the fundamental
in a particular area (local) or uncertainty of existence and under-
throughout the body and accom- stands the significance of conscious
panied by loss of consciousness choice and personal responsibility.
(general). It may be produced in-
tentionally, for example via the a n g u l a r gyrus a ridge along the
administration of drugs (called anes- lower surface of the PARIETAL LOBE
thetics) or the use of techniques of the brain, formed by a junction of
such as ACUPUNCTURE or hypnotic the superior and middle temporal
suggestion, or it may occur sponta- gyri. This region has been proposed
neously as a result of injury or as the key area of reading and writ-
disease, —anesthetic adj. ing function. Lesions are associated
with ALEXIA and AGRAPHIA, and
a n e u r y s m (aneurism) n. an en-
structural abnormalities with DYS-
largement (widening) at some point LEXIA.
in an artery caused by the pressure
of blood on weakened tissues, often a n h e d o n i a n. the inability to enjoy
at junctions where arteries split off experiences or activities that nor-
from one another. —aneurysmal mally would be pleasurable. It is one
adj. of two defining symptoms of a
a n g e r n. an emotion characterized
by tension and hostility arising from other being a persistent depressed
frustration, real or imagined injury mood), but is also seen in other dis-
by another, or perceived injustice. It orders, including schizophrenia.
can manifest itself in behaviors de- —anhedonic adj.
signed to remove the object of the a n i m a l model characteristics or
anger (e.g., determined action) or conditions of an animal that are
behaviors designed merely to ex- similar to those of humans, thus
press the emotion (e.g., swearing). making the animal suitable for
Anger is distinct from, but a signifi- studying human behavior, pro-
cant activator of, AGGRESSION, cesses, disorders or diseases, and so
which is behavior intended to harm forth.


a n i m i s m n. the belief that natural ability to smell all odorants on both

phenomena or inanimate objects are sides of the nose, whereas partial
alive or possess lifelike characteris- anosmia implies an inability to
tics, such as intentions, desires, and smell certain odorants. —anosmic
feelings. Animism was considered by adj.
Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget
anosognosia n. a neurologically
(1896-1980) to be characteristic of
based failure to recognize the exis-
the thought of children in the
tence of a deficit or disorder, such as
out and being replaced by the strong hearing loss, poor vision, or paraly-
belief in the universal nature of
physical causality, —animistic adj. ANOVA acronym for ANALYSIS OF
a n o m a l y n. anything that is irregu-
lar or deviates from the norm, often a n o x i a n. total lack of oxygen in
referring to a congenital or develop- the body tissues, including the
mental defect. —anomalous adj. brain. Consequences depend on the
severity of the anoxia and the spe-
a n o m i a n. loss or impairment of cific areas of the brain that are
the ability to name objects. All indi- affected, but can include generalized
viduals with APHASIA exhibit cognitive deficits or more focal defi-
anomia, and the extent of naming cits in memory, perception, or
difficulty is a good general measure EXECUTIVE FUNCTION. Anoxia some-
of aphasia severity. —anomic adj. times is used as a synonym of
a n o m i e n. a sense of alienation and HYPOXIA, —anoxic adj.
hopelessness in a society or group ANS abbreviation for AUTONOMIC
that is often a response to social up- NERVOUS SYSTEM.
heaval. It may also be accompanied
by changes in personal and social Antabuse n. a trade name for
values. —anomic adj. DISULFIRAM.
a n o r e x i a n. absence or loss of ap- a n t a g o n i s t n. 1. a dmg or other
petite for food or, less commonly, chemical agent that inhibits the ac-
for other desires (e.g., sex), espe- tion of another substance. For
cially when chronic. It may be example, an antagonist may com-
primarily a psychological disorder, bine with the substance to alter and
as in ANOREXIA NERVOSA, or it may thus inactivate it (chemical antago-
have physiological causes, such as nism); an antagonist may reduce the
hypopituitarism, —anorectic or effects of the substance by binding
anorexic adj., n. to the same receptor without stimu-
lating it, which decreases the
a n o r e x i a nervosa an eating disor- number of available receptors (phar-
der, occurring most frequently in macological antagonism); or an
adolescent girls, that involves persis- antagonist may bind to a different
tent refusal of food, excessive fear of receptor and produce a physiologi-
weight gain, refusal to maintain cal effect opposite to that of the
minimally normal body weight, dis- substance (physiological antago-
turbed perception of body image, nism). 2. a contracting muscle
and amenorrhea (absence of at least whose action generates force oppos-
three menstrual periods). ing the intended direction of
a n o s m i a n. absence or loss of the movement. This force may serve to
ability to smell, which may be gen- slow the movement rapidly as it ap-
eral or limited to certain odors. proaches the target or it may help to
General or total anosmia implies in- define the movement end point.


Compare AGONIST, —antagonism in which it is spoken (see LINGUIS-

n. —antagonistic adj. TIC DETERMINISM; LINGUISTIC
a n t e c e d e n t n. an event, circum-
stance, or stimulus that precedes a n t h r o p o l o g y «. the study of
some other event and often elicits, human beings. This typically in-
signals, or sets the occasion for a volves the description and
particular behavior or response. See explanation of similarities and dif-
also CONTINGENCY. ferences among human groups in
their languages, aesthetic expres-
a n t e r i o r adj. in front of or toward sions, belief systems, and social
the front. In reference to two-legged structures over the range of human
upright animals, this term is some- geography and chronology. —an-
times used interchangeably with thropological adj. —anthropol-
VENTRAL to mean toward the front ogist n.
surface of the body. Compare POSTE-
RIOR. —anteriorly adv. a n t h r o p o m e t r y n. 1. the scientific
study of how the size and propor-
a n t e r i o r commissure see tions of the human body are
affected by such variables as age,
a n t e r o g r a d e amnesia see sex, and ethnic and cultural groups.
AMNESIA. 2. the taking of measurements of
the human body for purposes of
a n t e r o g r a d e m e m o r y the ability comparison and study, —anthro-
to retain events, experiences, and pometric adj. —anthropometrist
other information following a par- n.
ticular point in time. When this
ability is impaired (i.e., by injury or a n t h r o p o m o r p h i s m n. 1. the at-
disease), it becomes very difficult or tribution of human characteristics
even impossible to recall what hap- to nonhuman entities such as dei-
pened from that moment forward, a ties, spirits, animals, plants, or
condition known as anterograde inanimate objects. 2. in COMPARA-
AMNESIA. For example, an individual TIVE PSYCHOLOGY, the tendency to
with deficits of anterograde memory interpret the behavior and mental
resulting from a stroke might not re- processes of nonhuman animals in
member the name of a new person terms of human abilities. A variation
introduced to him or her but would is anthropocentrism, which uses
remember the name of a close child- human behavior as the standard by
hood friend. Compare RETROGRADE which the behavior of nonhuman
MEMORY. animals, for example, intelligence, is
evaluated. Compare ZOOMORPHISM.
a n t h r o p o c e n t r i s m n. the explicit — a n t h r o p o m o r p h i c adj.
or implicit assumption that human
experience is the central reality and, a n t i a n x i e t y medication see
by extension, the idea that all phe- ANXIOLYTIC.
nomena can be evaluated in the
light of their relationship to hu- a n t i b o d y n. a modified protein
mans. —anthropocentric adj. molecule, produced by B LYMPHO-
CYTES, that interacts with an
a n t h r o p o l o g i c a l linguistics the ANTIGEN and renders it harmless.
branch of linguistics that draws Each type of antibody is designed to
connections between the character- interact with a specific antigen and
istics of a particular language and can be mass-produced following pre-
the cultural practices, social struc- vious exposure to an identical
tures, and worldview of the society antigen. See IMMUNE SYSTEM.


anticholinesterase n. see The antigen may be a vims, a bacte-

CHOLINESTERASE. rium, a toxin (e.g., bee venom), or
a n t i c o n v u l s a n t n. any drug used tissue (e.g., blood) of another indi-
to reduce the frequency or severity vidual with different genetic
characteristics, —antigenic adj.
of epileptic seizures or to terminate
a seizure already underway. Until a n t i m a n i c see MOOD STABILIZER.
the advent of the hydantoins in the
1930s, which were developed specif- antipsychotic n. any pharmaco-
ically to control epileptic seizures, logical agent used to control the
anticonvulsants consisted mainly symptoms of schizophrenia and
of bromides (largely supplanted other disorders characterized by im-
due to their toxicity and frequency paired reality testing, as evidenced
of adverse side effects) and BAR- by severely disorganized thought,
BITURATES. Also effective as speech, and behavior. Formerly
antiseizure medications are the called major tranquilizers and later
BENZODIAZEPINES. Also called neuroleptics, antipsychotics are
antiepileptic. commonly divided into two major
classes: conventional (first-
a n t i d e p r e s s a n t n. any dmg ad- generation) antipsychotics, and the
ministered in the treatment of newer atypical (second-generation)
depression. Most antidepressants antipsychotics. The latter class has
work by increasing the availability fewer adverse side effects than the
of monoamine neurotransmitters former, particularly the neurologi-
such as norepinephrine, serotonin, cally based EXTRAPYRAMIDAL
or dopamine, although they do so SYMPTOMS but also the less serious
by different routes. The MONOAMINE yet unpleasant autonomic effects,
OXIDASE INHIBITORS (MAOIs) work such as dry mouth and blurred vi-
by inhibiting monoamine oxidase, sion.
one of the principal enzymes that
metabolize these neurotransmitters. antisocial adj. denoting or exhibit-
Most of the other antidepressants, ing behavior that sharply deviates
includmg the TRICYCLIC ANTIDE- from social norms and also violates
PRESSANTS (TCAs) and the selective other people's rights. Arson and
serotonin reuptake inhibitors (see vandalism are examples of antisocial
SSRI), inhibit the reuptake of seroto- behavior. Compare PROSOCIAL.
nin or norepinephrine (and to a
much lesser degree dopamine) into antisocial personality disorder
the presynaptic neuron. Either the presence of a chronic and perva-
process leaves more of the neuro- sive disposition to disregard and
transmitter free to bind with violate the rights of others. Manifes-
postsynaptic receptors, initiating a tations include repeated violations
series of events in the postsynaptic of the law, exploitation of others,
neuron that is thought to produce deceitfulness, impulsivity, aggres-
the actual therapeutic effect. siveness, reckless disregard for the
safety of self and others, and irre-
a n t i d i u r e t i c h o r m o n e (ADH) see sponsibility, accompanied by lack of
VASOPRESSIN. guilt, remorse, and empathy. The
a n t i g e n n. any substance that is disorder has been known by various
treated by the immune system as names, notably psychopathic per-
foreign and is therefore capable of sonality and sociopathic personality.
inducing an immune response, It is the most heavily researched of
particularly the production of the personality disorders and the
ANTIBODIES that render it harmless. most difficult to treat.

Apgar score

antithesis n. 1. a THESIS, idea, or sensation as simply unpleasant. Re-

proposition that is opposite to or search indicates that high anxiety
contradicts another. 2. in philoso- sensitivity is a personality risk factor
phy, the second stage of a dialectical for the development of PANIC AT-
process based on proposition, con- TACKS and PANIC DISORDER.
tradiction, and the reconciliation of anxiolytic n. any of a class of dmgs
these (thesis, antithesis, and SYN- used in the control of anxiety, mild
THESIS). — a n t i t h e t i c a l adj. behavioral agitation, and insomnia.
a n x i e t y n. an emotion character- Formerly called minor tranquilizers,
ized by apprehension and somatic they can also be used as adjunctive
symptoms of tension in which an agents in the treatment of depres-
individual anticipates impending sion and panic disorder. The most
danger, catastrophe, or misfortune. widely used anxiolytics are the
The body often mobilizes itself to BENZODIAZEPINES.
meet the perceived threat: Muscles anxious-ambivalent attach-
become tense, breathing is faster, m e n t style an interpersonal style
and the heart beats more rapidly. characterized by worry that a part-
Anxiety may be distinguished from ner will break off a relationship or
FEAR both conceptually and physio- by hesitancy in forming deeply
logically, although the two terms are committed relationships despite a
often used interchangeably. The for-
desire to do so.
mer is considered a disproportionate
response to a vague, unidentifiable APA 1. abbreviation for AMERICAN
threat whereas the latter is an ap- PSYCHIATRIC ASSOCIATION. 2. abbre-
propriate response to a clearly viation for AMERICAN PSYCHO-
identifiable and specific threat. LOGICAL ASSOCIATION.
—anxious adj.
APA style guidelines and standards
anxiety disorder any of a group for writing (e.g., grammar) and
of disorders that have as their cen- formatting (e.g., data display,
tral organizing theme the emotional headings) for students, instmctors,
state of fear, worry, or anxious ap- researchers, and clinicians in the
prehension. This category includes social and behavioral sciences, as
and GENERALIZED ANXIETY DISOR- a p a t h y n. indifference and lack of
DER. Anxiety disorders have a response, —apathetic adj.
chronic course, albeit waxing and
waning in intensity, and are among Apgar score an evaluation of new-
the most common mental health born infants on five factors: skin
problems in the United States. color, heart rate, respiratory effort,
reflexes, and muscle tone. The eval-
anxiety sensitivity fear of sensa- uation is typically performed at 1
tions associated with anxiety min and again at 5 min after birth
because of the belief that they will to assess the physical condition of
have harmful consequences. For ex- the infant and to determine quickly
ample, an individual with high if he or she needs immediate medi-
anxiety sensitivity is likely to regard cal care. Each factor is scored 0, 1, or
feeling lightheaded as a sign of im- 2, with a maximum total of 10
pending illness or fainting, whereas points, [developed in 1952 by Vir-
an individual with low anxiety sen- ginia Apgar (1909-1974), U.S.
sitivity would tend to regard this anesthesiologist]


a p h a g i a n. inability to swallow a statistical test planned after re-

or eat. Compare HYPERPHAGIA. search data have been examined
—aphagic adj. because certain patterns in the data
a p h a s i a n. an acquired language warrant further study. Compare A
impairment that results from neuro- PRIORI. [Latin, "from the latter"]
logical damage to the language areas a p p a r a t u s n. 1. any instmment or
of the brain, which are typically lo- equipment used during an experi-
cated in the left hemisphere. ment. 2. in biology, a group of
Traditionally, a distinction has been structures that perform a particular
made between expressive and recep- function.
tive forms of aphasia, whereby
individuals with the former primar- a p p a r e n t m o v e m e n t an illusion
ily have difficulty producing spoken of motion or change in size of a vi-
and written language and those with sual stimulus. Several types have
the latter primarily have difficulty been identified and labeled with
comprehending spoken and written Greek letters, among them the fa-
language. A more contemporary dis- miliar beta movement, in which
tinction, however, is commonly successive presentations of station-
made between fluent aphasias, char- ary stimuli across the visual field
acterized by plentiful verbal output produce the perception of a single
consisting of well-articulated, easily smoothly moving stimulus, and
produced utterances of relatively gamma movement, the seeming ex-
normal length and prosody (rhythm pansion of an object when it is
and intonation), and nonfluent suddenly presented and contraction
aphasias, characterized by sparse, when withdrawn. Also called ap-
effortful utterances of short phrase parent motion.
length and disrupted prosody. Flu-
ent aphasias are associated with a p p e a r a n c e - r e a l i t y distinction
posterior lesions that spare cortical the knowledge that the appearance
regions critical for motor control of of an object does not necessarily
speech, whereas nonfluent aphasias correspond to its reality. For exam-
are associated with anterior lesions ple, a sponge shaped like a rock may
that compromise motor and look like a rock but it is really a
premotor cortical regions involved sponge. Children younger than
in speech production. Numerous 3 may have difficulty making
types of aphasia exist, for example appearance-reality distinctions.
BROCA'S APHASIA and WERNICKE'S apperception n. 1. the mental pro-
APHASIA. —aphasic adj. cess by which a perception or an
idea is assimilated into an individ-
a p n e a (apnoea) n. temporary sus- ual's existing knowledge, thoughts,
pension of respiration. Apnea can and emotions (his or her apper-
occur during sleep (see SLEEP APNEA) ceptive mass). 2. the act or process
and is also found in many disorders. of perceiving something con-
—apneic adj. sciously. —apperceive vb.
apoptosis n. see PROGRAMMED —apperceptive adj.
CELL DEATH. — a p o p t o t i c adj.
applied psychology the applica-
a posteriori denoting conclusions tion of the theories, principles, and
derived from observations or other techniques of psychology to practi-
manifest occurrences: reasoning cal concerns, such as problems
causes from facts. When applied to of living or coping, education,
HYPOTHESIS TESTING, this concept vocational guidance, industry,
means an a posteriori test, which is ergonomics, consumer affairs, ad-

a priori

vertising, political campaigns, and from a group of words). Compare

environmental issues. It may be con- COMPREHENSION, — a p p r e h e n d vb.
trasted with theoretical psychology —apprehensible adj. —appre-
or academic psychology, in which hensive adj.
the emphasis is on understanding
a p p r o a c h - a p p r o a c h conflict a
for its own sake rather than the util-
ity of the knowledge. situation involving a choice be-
tween two equally desirable but
applied research research con- incompatible alternatives. See also
ducted for the practical purpose of APPROACH-AVOIDANCE CONFLICT;
solving a real-world problem rather AVOIDANCE-AVOIDANCE CONFLICT.
than developing a theory or obtain- approach-avoidance conflict a
ing knowledge for its own sake. situation involving a single goal or
option that has both desirable and
applied tension a technique in BE- undesirable aspects or consequences.
HAVIOR THERAPY that focuses on The closer an individual comes to
changing physiological responses the goal, the greater the anxiety, but
(e.g., low blood pressure leading to withdrawal from the goal then in-
fainting) by having the client prac- creases the desire. See also
tice muscle tensing and releasing APPROACH-APPROACH CONFLICT;
during exposure to increasingly anx- AVOIDANCE-AVOIDANCE CONFLICT.
iety-evoking stimuli associated with a p r a x i a n. loss or impairment of
a feared situation. The technique the ability to perform purposeful,
was developed and is still primarily skilled movements despite intact
used for blood, injury, and injection motor function and comprehension.
phobias. The condition may be developmen-
tal or induced by neurological
appraisal n. the cognitive evalua-
tion of the nature and significance dysfunction and is believed to repre-
of a phenomenon or event. In ap- sent an impairment of the ability to
praisal theories of emotion, such plan, select, and sequence the motor
evaluations are seen as determin- execution of movements. There are
ants of emotional experience. See several major types of apraxia,
including ideational apraxia, in-
volving difficulty carrying out in
—appraise vb. the proper order a series of acts
appraisal m o t i v e the desire to that comprise a complex task;
gain accurate information about the ideomotor apraxia, involving diffi-
self. It leads people to seek highly culty imitating actions or gesturing
relevant, explicit feedback and to re- to command; and speech apraxia,
ject flattery or other bias. Compare involving difficulty coordinating the
CONSISTENCY MOTIVE; SELF- movements necessary for speaking.
a p p r e h e n s i o n n. 1. uneasiness or a p r i o r i denoting conclusions de-
dread about an upcoming event or rived from premises or principles:
the future generally. Also called ap- deducing effects from prior assump-
prehensiveness. 2. the act or tions. When applied to HYPOTHESIS
capability of grasping something TESTING, this concept means an a
mentally. For example, the appre- priori test, which is a statistical test
hension span is the maximum explicitly planned before research
number of distinct objects that can data have been examined and trends
be reported from one glance at an observed. Compare A POSTERIORI.
array of items (e.g., specific letters [Latin, "prior to"]


a p t i t u d e n. the capacity to acquire a r c u a t e fasciculus a bundle of

competence or skill through train- nerve fibers linking the parts of the
ing. Specific aptitude is potential in brain involved in the interpretation
a particular area (e.g., artistic or and control of speech (WERNICKE'S
mathematical aptitude); general ap- AREA and BROCA'S AREA, respec-
titude is potential in several fields. tively). Lesions of this tract produce
Both are distinct from ABILITY, CONDUCTION APHASIA.
which is an existing competence.
a r c u a t e nucleus 1. an arc-shaped
a p t i t u d e test any assessment in- collection of neurons in the hypo-
stmment designed to measure thalamus that produce hormones.
potential for acquiring knowledge or 2. any of various small groups of
skill. Aptitude tests are thought of as gray matter on the bulge of the me-
providing a basis for making predic- dulla oblongata. They are extensions
tions for an individual about future of neurons in the basal PONS and
success, particularly in either an ed- project to the cerebellum.
ucational or occupational situation.
In contrast, ACHIEVEMENT TESTS are a r g u m e n t n. a parameter on which
considered to reflect the amount of the value of a mathematical FUNC-
learning already obtained. TION depends.

aqueous h u m o r see EYE. a r i t h m e t i c m e a n see MEAN.

a r a c h n o i d m a t e r see MENINGES. arousal n. 1. a state of physio-

logical activation or cortical respon-
a r a c h n o p h o b i a n. a persistent and siveness, associated with sensory
irrational fear of spiders. stimulation and activation of fibers
a r c h e t y p e n. in ANALYTIC PSY-
SYSTEM. 2. a state of excitement or
CHOLOGY, a stmctural component energy expenditure linked to an
of the mind that derives from the emotion. Usually, arousal is closely
accumulated experience of human- related to a person's appraisal of the
kind. These inherited components significance of an event or to the
are stored in the COLLECTIVE UN-
physical intensity of a stimulus.
CONSCIOUS and serve as a frame of —arouse vb.
reference with which individuals
view the world and as one of the arousal t h e o r y the theory that the
major foundations on which the physical environment can affect
stmcture of the personality is built. arousal levels by stimulation and by
—archetypal adj. stress created when psychological or
physical needs are not met. Arousal
a r c h i c o r t e x n. see ALLOCORTEX. increases when personal space is di-
archival research the use of minished or when people are
books, journals, historical docu- subjected to noise or traffic conges-
ments, and other existing records or tion.
data available in storage in scientific a r r a y n. any ordered arrangement
research. Archival methods provide of data, particularly a two-
unobtrusive observation of human dimensional grouping of data into
activity in natural settings and per- rows and columns (i.e., a matrix).
mit the study of phenomena that The concept may be extended to
otherwise cannot easily be investi- more than two dimensions.
gated. A persistent drawback,
however, is that causal inferences a r r h y t h m i a n. any variation
are always more tentative than those from the normal rhythm of the
provided by laboratory experiments. heartbeat. Kinds of arrhythmia in-

Asch s i t u a t i o n

elude (among others) tachycardia, more than once for pregnancy to

any rate above 100 beats per min- occur; to maximize success it is usu-
ute; and bradycardia, a rate of less ally scheduled to coincide with the
than 60 beats per minute, —ar- days of ovulation.
r h y t h m i c adj.
artificial intelligence (AI) a
arteriosclerosis n. a group of dis- subdiscipline of computer science
eases characterized by hardening that aims to produce programs that
and loss of elasticity of the walls of simulate human intelligence. There
the arteries. A common type is ATH- are many branches of AI, including
EROSCLEROSIS, —arteriosclerotic robotics, computer vision, machine
adj. learning, game playing, and expert
a r t h r i t i s «. inflammation of a systems. AI has also supported re-
joint, causing pain, swelling, and search in other related areas,
stiffness. The most severe and dis- including COGNITIVE SCIENCE and
abling form is rheumatoid arthritis, computational linguistics.
associated with the body attacking artificial selection human inter-
its own cells as foreign (see
AUTOIMMUNITY), — a r t h r i t i c adj.
vention in animal or plant
reproduction to improve the value
a r t i c u l a t i o n n. 1. the shaping and or utility of succeeding generations.
production of the sounds required Compare NATURAL SELECTION.
for intelligible speech. It is a com-
plex process involving not only a r t t h e r a p y the use of artistic ac-
accurate movements of the vocal tivities, such as painting and clay
tract (e.g., lips, tongue, soft palate) modeling, in psychotherapy and re-
but also neural integration of nu- habilitation. The process of making
merous other activities. 2. a joint art is seen as a means of symbolic
between bones, which may be fixed communication and a vehicle for
or movable, —articulate vb. developing new insights, resolving
conflicts, solving problems, and for-
a r t i c u l a t o r y loop see WORKING mulating new perceptions.
asceticism n. a character trait or
a r t i c u l a t o r y store a component lifestyle characterized by simplicity,
of short-term memory that retains renunciation of physical pleasures
auditory information based on the and worldly goods, social with-
motor systems involved in pro- drawal, and extreme self-discipline.
nouncing items, rather than how —ascetic adj.
they sound. Compare ACOUSTIC
STORE. Asch s i t u a t i o n an experimental
artifact n. an experimental finding paradigm used to study conformity
that is not a reflection of the tme to group opinion. Participants make
state of nature but rather the conse- perceptual judgments as part of a
quent of flawed design or analytic group of confederates who make
error. errors deliberately on certain trials.
The extent to which participants
artificial i n s e m i n a t i o n the use publicly agree with the erroneous
of medical techniques to achieve group judgment or resist the
conception by introducing sperm pressure to do so and remain inde-
into the female reproductive system pendent provides a measure of
through the cervical opening and di- conformity. [Solomon Asch (1907-
rectly into the uterus. Artificial 1996), Polish-born U.S. psycholo-
insemination may need to be done gist]



SPECTRUM DISORDER. EUTHANASIA. Assisted death is some-
times called physician-assisted
Asperger's disorder a pervasive suicide, which assumes a firm deter-
developmental disorder associated mination of the cause of death.
with varying degrees of deficits in
social and conversational skills, dif- assisted living a form of congre-
ficulties with transitions from one gate housing for older adults
task to another or with changes in requiring long-term care services
situations or environments, and that include meals, personal care,
preference for sameness and predict- and scheduled nursing care.
ability of events. Obsessive routines Typically comprising private rooms
and preoccupation with particular or apartments, it encourages a de-
subjects of interest may be present, gree of autonomy and independence
as may difficulty reading body lan- in residents that is not provided for
guage and maintaining proper social in nursing homes.
distance. In contrast to AUTISTIC
DISORDER, language skills develop, assisted suicide suicide in which
and there is no clinically significant the person ending his or her own
delay in cognitive or adaptive func- life is provided the means to do so
tioning other than in social (e.g., a prescription) by another. See
interactions. Also called Asperger's ASSISTED DEATH.
syndrome, [described in 1944 by
Hans Asperger (1906-1980), Aus- association n. 1. a connection or
trian psychiatrist] relationship between items, particu-
larly ideas, events, or feelings.
Associations are established by expe-
assertiveness t r a i n i n g a method rience and are fundamental to
of teaching individuals to change
verbal and nonverbal signals and be- LEARNING THEORY and BEHAVIOR-
havioral patterns and to enhance ISM. 2. the degree of statistical
interpersonal communication gener- dependence between two or more
ally through techniques designed to phenomena. —associative adj.
help them express emotions, opin- —associational adj.
ions, and preferences—positive and association cortex any of various
negative—clearly, directly, and in an areas of the CEREBRAL CORTEX that
appropriate manner, ROLE PLAY or are not involved principally in sen-
behavior rehearsal is often used to sory or motor representations but
prepare clients to be appropriately may be involved in integrative func-
assertive in real-life situations. tions. Also called association
assessment n. see PSYCHOLOGICAL
ASSESSMENT. associative l e a r n i n g the process
of acquiring new and enduring in-
assimilation n. the process of ab-
formation via the formation of
sorbing, incorporating, or making
bonds between elements. In differ-
similar. For example, social assimila-
ent types of associationistic learning
tion is the process by which an theories, these associated elements
immigrant to a new culture adopts may be stimulus and response, men-
the culture's beliefs and practices.
tal representations of events, or
—assimilate vb.
elements in neural networks. His-
assisted d e a t h an action taken by torically, the associationistic
one person to end the life of an- theories of U.S. psychologists Clark
other, at the request of the latter. L. Hull (1884-1952) and Kenneth
This action can take the form of ei- W. Spence (1907-1967) are con-

a t risk

trasted with the nonassociative and late receptive surfaces. Also called
cognitive theory of U.S. psychologist astroglia.
Edward C. Tolman (1886-1959). asylum n. originally, a refuge for
assortative m a t i n g behavior in criminals (from Greek asylon, "sanc-
which mates are chosen on the basis tuary"). From the 19th century, the
of a particular trait or group of traits terms "asylum" or "insane asylum"
(e.g., attractiveness, similarity of were applied to mental institutions.
These names are now obsolete, dis-
body size). Compare RANDOM MAT- carded because of their emphasis on
refuge rather than treatment.
a s s u m p t i o n n. one or more condi- a t a x i a «. inability to perform coor-
tions that need to be met in order dinated voluntary movements.
for a statistical procedure to be fully Ataxia may be seen as a symptom of
justified from a theoretical perspec- various disorders, such as multiple
tive. For example, ANALYSIS OF sclerosis or cerebral palsy, or it can
VARIANCE assumes HOMOGENEITY occur in isolation. It can be heritable
OF VARIANCE and independence of or acquired from injury or infection
observations, among other criteria. affecting the nervous system. When
If the assumptions were to be vio- due to damage to the CEREBELLUM it
lated to an extreme extent, the is called cerebellar ataxia and when
results would be invalid. See RO- due to loss of sensory feedback from
BUSTNESS. the muscles and joints it is called
sensory ataxia. —ataxic adj.
a s t h m a n. a chronic disorder in
which intermittent inflammation atherosclerosis n. a common form
and narrowing of the bronchial pas- of ARTERIOSCLEROSIS resulting from
sages produces wheezing, gasping, accumulations of lipids such as cho-
coughing, and chest tightness. lesterol on the inner walls of arteries
Though the precipitating cause is and their hardening into athero-
usually an allergen, such as dust or sclerotic (or atheromatous) plaques.
pollen, environmental irritants, re- —atherosclerotic adj.
spiratory infection, anxiety, stress,
and other agents may produce or ag- a t o n i a n. lack of normal muscle
gravate symptoms. —asthmatic tone, —atonic adj.
adj. ATP adenosine triphosphate: a nu-
cleotide in living cells that is the
a s t i g m a t i s m n. a visual disorder in source of chemical energy for bio-
which the light rays of a visual stim- logical processes. A bond between
ulus do not all focus at a single two of its three component phos-
point on the retina due to uneven phate groups is easily split by a
curvature of the cornea or lens. particular enzyme, ATPase
The effect is an aberration or distor- (adenosine triphosphatase), yielding
tion of the visual image that makes energy when a cell requires it.
it difficult to see fine detail, —astig-
m a t i c adj. a t risk vulnerable to a disorder or
disease. Risk status for an individual
astrocyte n. a star-shaped is defined by genetic, physical, and
nonneuronal central nervous system behavioral factors or conditions. For
cell (GLIA) with numerous exten- example, children of people with
sions that mn in all directions. They schizophrenia may be considered at
provide stmctural support for the risk for schizophrenia, and heavy
brain, are responsible for many cigarette smokers are at risk for em-
homeostatic controls, and may iso- physema and lung cancer.


a t r o p h y «. a wasting away of the and the central nervous system is in

body or a body part, as from lack a state of readiness to respond to
of nourishment, inactivity, degener- stimuli. Because human beings do
ative disease, or normal aging. not have an infinite capacity to at-
—atrophic adj. tend to everything—focusing on
certain items at the expense of oth-
a t t a c h m e n t n. the close emotional
ers—much of the research in this
bond between a human infant or a
field is devoted to discerning which
young nonhuman animal and its
factors influence attention and to
parent figure or caregiver, developed understanding the neural mecha-
as a step in establishing a feeling of nisms involved in the selective
security and demonstrated by calm-
processing of information. See also
ness while in their presence.
Attachment also denotes the ten-
dency to form such strong bonds
with certain other individuals in in- attention-deficit/hyperactivity
fancy as well as the tendency in disorder (ADHD) a behavioral
adulthood to seek emotionally sup- syndrome characterized by the per-
portive relationships. sistent presence of six or more
symptoms involving (a) inattention
a t t a c h m e n t style the characteris- (e.g., failure to complete tasks or
tic way people relate to others in the listen carefully, difficulty in con-
context of intimate relationships, centrating, distractibility) or (b)
which is heavily influenced by SELF- impulsivity or hyperactivity (e.g.,
restlessness, fidgeting, difficulty
Theoretically, an adult's degree of taking turns or staying seated, exces-
attachment security is related di- sive talking, mnning about). The
rectly to how well they bonded to symptoms, which impair social, aca-
others as children. There are four demic, or occupational functioning,
distinct categories of adult attach- appear before the age of 7 and are
ment that have been identified: observed in more than one setting.
ADHD has been given a variety of
names over the years, including the
still commonly used attention-
deficit disorder (ADD).
a t t a c h m e n t t h e o r y a theory that
(a) postulates an evolutionarily ad- a t t e n u a t i o n n. in statistics, a re-
vantageous need, especially in duction in the estimated size of an
primates, to form close emotional effect because of errors of measure-
bonds with significant others: spe- ment.
cifically, a need for the young to a t t e n u a t i o n t h e o r y a version of
maintain close proximity to and the FILTER THEORY of attention pro-
form bonds with their caregivers; posing that unattended messages are
and (b) characterizes the different attenuated (i.e., processed weakly)
types of relationships between but not entirely blocked from fur-
human infants and caregivers. These ther processing. According to the
relationships have been shown to af- theory, items in unattended chan-
fect the individual's later emotional nels of information have different
development and emotional stabil- thresholds of recognition depending
ity. See also STRANGE SITUATION. on their significance to the individ-
ual. See also COCKTAIL-PARTY
a t t e n t i o n n. a state of awareness in
which the senses are focused selec-
tively on aspects of the environment a t t i t u d e n. a relatively enduring

a u d i t o r y agnosia

and general evaluation of an object, such causes: the internal-external

person, group, issue, or concept on a dimension (whether they tend to at-
scale ranging from negative to posi- tribute events to the self or to other
tive. Attitudes provide summary factors), the stable-unstable dimen-
evaluations of target objects and are sion (whether they tend to attribute
often assumed to be derived from events to enduring or transient
specific beliefs, emotions, and past causes), and the global-specific di-
behaviors associated with those ob- mension (whether they tend to
jects, —attitudinal adj. attribute events to causes that affect
many events or just a single event).
a t t i t u d e accessibility the likeli-
hood that an attitude will be a t t r i b u t i o n t h e o r y the study of
automatically activated from mem- the processes by which people as-
ory on encountering the attitude cribe motives to their own and
object. Accessibility is assumed to others' behavior. The motives as-
depend on the strength of the asso- cribed may be either internal and
ciative link in memory between the personal (DISPOSITIONAL ATTRIBU-
representation of the object and the TION) or external and circumstantial
evaluation of the object: The stron- (SITUATIONAL ATTRIBUTION).
ger the memory link between the
object and its evaluation, the more a t t r i t i o n «. in experimentation
quickly will the attitude come to and other research, dropout or loss
mind. of participants.
a t t i t u d e s t r e n g t h the extent to atypical antipsychotic see
which an attitude persists over time, ANTIPSYCHOTIC.
resists change, influences informa- audience effect the influence on
tion processing, and guides behavior. behavior of the presence of bystand-
Strong attitudes possess all four of ers. In humans, performance is often
these defining features, whereas improved when the action is simple
weak attitudes lack these features. and well learned (see SOCIAL FACILI-
a t t r a c t i o n n. 1. in social psychol- TATION) but may be inhibited when
ogy, the feeling of being drawn to it is complicated, difficult to per-
one or more other individuals and form, or when the person believes
desiring their company, usually but the behavior might incur the audi-
not necessarily because of a personal ence's disapproval (see SOCIAL
liking for them. See also INTERPER- INHIBITION).
SONAL ATTRACTION. 2. in environ-
a u d i t n. an evaluation or review of
mental psychology, a quality affect- the health care services proposed or
ing proximity relationships between rendered by a provider.
individuals, usually reflecting such
factors as their liking for each other. a u d i t i o n n. hearing: the perception
Environmental influences, such as of sound.
noise, heat, and humidity, decrease
attraction between pairs of individu- a u d i t o r y agnosia loss or impair-
als. See PROXEMICS. —attractive ment of the ability to recognize and
adj. understand the nature of verbal or
nonverbal sounds. Subtypes are dis-
a t t r i b u t i o n n. an inference regard- tinguished on the basis of the type
ing the cause of a person's behavior of auditory stimulus the person has
or an interpersonal event. Three di- difficulty recognizing, for example,
mensions are often used to evaluate environmental sounds such as a dog
people's attributional styles, or char- barking or keys jingling (environ-
acteristic tendencies when inferring mental sounds agnosia).

a u d i t o r y canal

a u d i t o r y canal see EXTERNAL AU- Auditory stmctures of the brain, in-

a u d i t o r y cortex the sensory area constitute the central auditory sys-
for hearing, located on the upper tem.
side of the TEMPORAL LOBE of the a u r a l adj. pertaining to or per-
cerebral cortex. It receives and pro- ceived by the ear.
cesses input from the MEDIAL
GENICULATE NUCLEUS in the a u t h o r i t a r i a n p a r e n t i n g see
thalamus. PARENTING.

a u d i t o r y h a l l u c i n a t i o n the per- a u t h o r i t a r i a n personality a per-

ception of sound in the absence of sonality pattern characterized by
an auditory stimulus. Hallucinations strict adherence to highly simplified
may, for example, be of accusatory conventional values, an attitude of
or laudatory voices or of strange great deference to authority figures
noises and other nonverbal sounds. while demanding subservience from
Auditory hallucinations occur fre- those regarded as lower in status,
quently in schizophrenia and other and hostility toward people who de-
psychotic disorders but may be asso- viate from conventional moral
ciated with other conditions as well prescriptions.
(e.g., delirium, dementia). a u t h o r i t a t i v e p a r e n t i n g see
a u d i t o r y localization the ability
to identify the position and changes autistic disorder a severe neuro-
in position of sound sources based logically based pervasive develop-
on acoustic information. Also called mental disorder characterized by
sound localization. markedly impaired social interac-
tions and verbal and nonverbal
a u d i t o r y m a s k i n g a reduction in communication; narrow interests;
the ability to detect, discriminate, or and repetitive behavior. Manifesta-
recognize one sound (the signal or tions and features of the disorder
target) due to the presence of an- appear before age 3 but vary greatly
other sound (the masker), measured across children according to devel-
as an increase in the detection opmental level, language skills, and
threshold caused by the masker. The chronological age. They may in-
ability of one sound to mask an- clude a lack of awareness of the
other has been used extensively to feelings of others, impaired ability
to imitate, absence of social play, ab-
of the auditory system. normal speech, abnormal nonverbal
a u d i t o r y nerve the portion of the communication, and a preference
vestibulocochlear nerve concerned for maintaining environmental
with the sense of hearing. It origi- sameness.
nates in the cochlea, from which
nerve fibers pass through several lay- autistic s p e c t r u m disorder
ers of nuclei in the brainstem to (ASD) any one of a group of disor-
terminate predominantly in the AU- ders with an onset typically
occurring during the preschool years
and characterized by varying but
a u d i t o r y system the biological often marked difficulties in commu-
stmctures and processes responsible nication and social interaction. The
for hearing. The peripheral auditory group includes the prototype AUTIS-
system, or auditory periphery, in- TIC DISORDER as well as RETT
cludes the external, middle, and SYNDROME, ASPERGER'S DISORDER,

a u t o n o m y versus s h a m e a n d d o u b t

DISORDER. This term is synonymous in which the unconditioned stimu-

With PERVASIVE DEVELOPMENTAL lus is a mildly aversive stimulus such
DISORDER but is now more com- as an electric shock or a loud noise,
monly used, given its reflection of and the conditioned response mea-
symptom overlap among the disor- sured is an index of physiological
ders. Also called a u t i s m s p e c t r u m arousal, usually an electrodermal
disorder. measure such as SKIN CONDUCTANCE
responses. The conditioned stimulus
a u t o b i o g r a p h i c a l m e m o r y vivid is usually a simple visual or auditory
personal memories recalling the stimulus presented for 5-10 seconds.
time and place of events and factual
knowledge about oneself. a u t o n o m i c nervous system
(ANS) the portion of the nervous
a u t o h y p n o s i s n. see SELF- system innervating smooth muscle
HYPNOSIS. — a u t o h y p n o t i c adj. and glands, including the circula-
a u t o i m m u n i t y n. a condition in tory, digestive, respiratory, and
which the body's immune system reproductive organs. It is divided
fails to recognize its own tissues as into the SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYS-
"self" and attempts to reject its own TEM and PARASYMPATHETIC
cells. It is a primary factor in the de- NERVOUS SYSTEM. Autonomic re-
velopment of such diseases as sponses typically involve changes in
rheumatoid arthritis and systemic involuntary bodily functions, such
lupus erythematosus (called autoim- as heart rate, salivation, digestion,
mune disorders). — a u t o i m m u n e perspiration, pupil size, hormone se-
adj. cretion, bladder contraction, and
engorgement of the penis and clito-
autokinesis n. an illusory percep- ris.
tion of movement—often
experienced by pilots flying at a u t o n o m o u s stage in the theory
night—that occurs when fixating on of moral development proposed by
a dim, stationary light source in the Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget
dark. Also called a u t o k i n e t i c ef- (1896-1980), the stage during which
fect; a u t o k i n e t i c illusion. the child, typically 10 years of age or
older, eventually understands that
a u t o m a t i c i t y n. the quality of a
rules and laws are not permanent,
mental process that can be carried fixed properties of the world but
out rapidly and without effort or in- rather are flexible, modifiable enti-
tention (an automatic process).
ties created by people. The child
a u t o m a t i c t h o u g h t s instanta- gradually relies less on parental au-
neous, habitual, but unconscious thority and more on individual and
thoughts that affect a person's mood independent morality and learns
and actions. Helping clients become that intentions, not consequences or
aware of the presence and impact of the likelihood of punishment, are
negative automatic thoughts and important in determining the mo-
then test their validity is a central rality of an act. Also called
task of cognitive therapy. a u t o n o m o u s morality. See
a u t o m a t i z a t i o n n. the develop- HETERONOMOUS STAGE; PREMORAL
ment of a skill or habit to a point at STAGE.
which it becomes routine and re-
quires little if any conscious effort or a u t o n o m y n. a state of independ-
direction. ence and self-determination.
a u t o n o m i c c o n d i t i o n i n g in PAV- a u t o n o m y versus s h a m e a n d
LOVIAN CONDITIONING, a procedure d o u b t the second of ERIKSON'S


EIGHT STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT, be- The more information there is, the
tween the ages of VA and 3 years. more likely the event is judged to
During this stage, children acquire a be. Compare REPRESENTATIVENESS
degree of self-reliance and self- HEURISTIC.
confidence if allowed to develop at
their own pace but may begin to average n. see MEAN.
doubt their ability to control them- average evoked p o t e n t i a l (AEP)
selves and their world if parents are the summated electrical responses of
overcritical, overprotective, or in- the brain (see EVOKED POTENTIAL) to
consistent. repeated presentations of the same
stimulus. Since any individual po-
a u t o r e c e p t o r n. a molecule in the tential typically shows considerable
membrane of a presynaptic neuron random fluctuations, this technique
that regulates the synthesis and re- is used to better distinguish the ac-
lease of a neurotransmitter by that tual response from background
neuron by monitoring how much "noise." Also called average
transmitter has been released and evoked response (AER).
"telling" the neuron.
aversion n. a physiological or emo-
a u t o s h a p i n g n. a method of estab-
tional response indicating dislike for
lishing OPERANT performance that
a stimulus. It is usually accompanied
rewards only elicited responses. It is
by withdrawal from or avoidance of
most commonly used with pigeons. the objectionable stimulus (an aver-
Signals are presented, independently sion reaction). —aversive adj.
of behavior, on a response device (in
the case of pigeons, a pecking disk), aversive c o n d i t i o n i n g the pro-
which records the response and then cess by which a noxious or
immediately presents reinforcement. unpleasant stimulus is paired with
a u t o s o m e n. any chromosome that an undesired behavior. This tech-
nique may be used therapeutically,
for example, in the treatment of
human normally has a total of 44 substance abuse, in which case it is
autosomes (arranged in 22 HOMOLO- called aversion (or aversive) therapy.
GOUS pairs) in the nucleus of each
Also called aversion condition-
body cell —autosomal adj.
autosuggestion n. the process of aversive racism a form of racial
making positive suggestions to one- PREJUDICE felt by individuals who
self for such purposes as improving outwardly endorse egalitarian atti-
morale, inducing relaxation, or pro- tudes and values but nonetheless
moting recovery from illness. experience negative emotions in the
a u t o t o p a g n o s i a n. a type of presence of members of certain ra-
AGNOSIA involving loss or impair- cial groups. See also MODERN
ment of the ability to recognize (i.e., RACISM.
point to) parts of one's own or an-
other person's body. Also called avoidance n. the practice or an in-
autopagnosia. stance of keeping away from
particular situations, environments,
availability heuristic a common individuals, or things because of ei-
strategy for making judgments ther (a) the anticipated negative
about likelihood of occurrence in consequences of such an encounter
which the individual bases such or (b) anxious or painful feelings
judgments on the amount of infor- associated with those things or
mation held in his or her memory events. Psychology brings several
about the particular type of event: theoretical perspectives to the study

axon terminal

of avoidance: its use as a means of assessment. They are clinical disor-

coping; its use as a response to fear ders (Axis I), personality disorders
or shame; and its existence as a and mental retardation (Axis II),
component in ANXIETY DISORDERS. general medical conditions (Axis
III), psychosocial and environmental
avoidance-avoidance conflict a problems (Axis IV), and global as-
situation involving a choice be- sessment of functioning (Axis V).
tween two equally objectionable 2. an imaginary line that bisects the
alternatives. See also APPROACH- body or an organ in a particular
APPROACH CONFLICT; APPROACH- plane. For example, the long or
AVOIDANCE CONFLICT. (cephalocaudal) axis mns in the me-
avoidance c o n d i t i o n i n g the es- dian plane, dividing the body into
tablishment of behavior that right and left halves. 3. a system
prevents or postpones aversive stim- made up of interrelated parts, as in
ulation. In a typical conditioning
experiment a buzzer is sounded,
then a shock is applied to the sub- 4. a fixed reference line in a coordi-
ject (e.g., a dog) until it performs a nate system. See also ABSCISSA;
particular act (e.g., jumping over a ORDINATE.
fence). After several trials, the dog
jumps as soon as the buzzer sounds, a x o n «. the long, thin, hollow, cy-
avoiding the shock. Also called lindrical extension of a NEURON that
avoidance learning; avoidance normally carries a nerve impulse
t r a i n i n g . See also ESCAPE CONDI- away from the CELL BODY. An axon
TIONING. often branches extensively and may
be surrounded by a protective MY-
a v o i d a n t a t t a c h m e n t see INSE- ELIN SHEATH. Each branch of an
CURE ATTACHMENT. axon ends in a terminal button from
a v o i d a n t a t t a c h m e n t style an which an impulse is transmitted,
adult interpersonal style character- through discharge of a NEURO-
ized by a discomfort in being close TRANSMITTER, across a SYNAPSE to a
to others. neighboring neuron. —axonal adj.
a v o i d a n t personality disorder a a x o n a l t r a n s p o r t the transporta-
personality disorder characterized by tion of materials along the AXON of
(a) hypersensitivity to rejection and a neuron via the flow of the jellylike
criticism, (b) a desire for uncritical fluid (axoplasm) it contains. Trans-
acceptance, (c) social withdrawal in port may be directed away from the
spite of a desire for affection and ac- CELL BODY (anterograde) or back to-
ceptance, and (d) low self-esteem. ward the cell body (retrograde). Also
This pattern is long-standing and se- called axoplasmic t r a n s p o r t .
vere enough to cause objective
distress and seriously impair the a x o n hillock a cone-shaped part of
ability to work and maintain rela- the CELL BODY of a neuron from
tionships. which the AXON originates. Depolar-
awareness n. conscious realization, ization must reach a critical
perception, or knowledge. See also threshold at the axon hillock for the
SELF-AWARENESS. axon to propagate a nerve impulse.
axis n. (pl. axes) 1. in DSM-IV-TR, a x o n t e r m i n a l the bulbous end of
any of the five dimensions that are an axon or a branch of an axon,
helpful for describing individual be- which forms a SYNAPSE on a neuron
havior and thus facilitate clinical or other target.

b a b b l i n g n. prespeech sounds, reached. Also called b a c k w a r d
such as dadada, made by infants stepwise regression.
from around 6 months of age. Also
called babble. b a l a n c e d design an experimental
design in which the number of ob-
Babinski reflex the reflex occur- servations or measurements
ring in a healthy infant in which the obtained in each experimental con-
toes are extended upward when the dition is equal.
sole of the foot is gently stimulated. b a l a n c e d scale a scale in which,
In adults, this response is an indica- for each alternative, there is another
tion of neurological disorder and alternative that means the opposite.
called Babinski's sign. [Joseph F. An example is a rating scale with the
Babinski (1857-1932), French neu- four alternatives very poor, poor,
rologist] good, and very good.
b a b y t a l k the type of speech used b a l a n c e t h e o r y a theory specify-
by adults and older children when ing that people prefer elements
talking to infants or very young within a cognitive system to be in-
children. ternally consistent with one another
(i.e., balanced). Balanced systems
b a c k - t r a n s l a t i o n n. see TRANSLA- are assumed to be more stable and
psychologically pleasant than
b a c k w a r d c o n d i t i o n i n g a proce- imbalanced ones. These systems are
dure in which an UNCONDITIONED sometimes referred to as P-O-X tri-
STIMULUS is consistently presented ads, in which P = person (i.e., self),
before a NEUTRAL STIMULUS. Gen- O = other person, and X = some
erally, this arrangement is not stimulus or event.
thought to produce a change in the Balint's syndrome a spatial and
effect of a neutral stimulus. Occa- attentional disorder resulting from
sionally, however, the neutral lesions in the parieto-occipital re-
stimulus may take on inhibitory gion of the brain. It consists of
functions, presumably because it inability to visually guide the hand
consistently predicts the absence of to an object, inability to change vi-
the unconditioned stimulus. Also sual gaze, and inability to recognize
called b a c k w a r d pairing. Com- multiple stimuli in a scene and un-
pare FORWARD CONDITIONING. derstand their nature as a whole,
[first described in 1909 by Rudolf
b a c k w a r d e l i m i n a t i o n a tech- Balint (1874-1929), Hungarian phy-
nique used in creating MULTIPLE sician]
REGRESSION models in which the
least important independent (pre- ballismus n. involuntary throwing
dictor) variables are systematically or flinging movements of the limbs,
removed from the REGRESSION caused by severe muscle contrac-
EQUATION until a preset criterion is tions due to neurological damage. It

basal metabolism

may involve both sides of the body while the heights of the bars would
or, in the case of hemiballismus, one represent numbers of people. Com-
side only. Also called ballism. pare HISTOGRAM. Also called b a r
ballistic adj. describing a move-
ment (or part of a movement) in B a r n u m effect the tendency of in-
which the motion, once initiated, is dividuals to believe that vague
not altered by feedback-based cor- predictions or general personality
rections. Ballistic is sometimes also descriptions, such as those offered
used, incorrectly, to describe any by astrology, have specific applica-
rapid movement. tions to themselves.
b a n d w a g o n effect the tendency basal age the highest chronologi-
for people in social and sometimes cal age at which all items on a given
political situations to align them- standardized test are consistently
selves with the majority opinion answered correctly. This concept is
and do or believe things because less widely used than in the past be-
many other people do or believe the cause it assumes the use of MENTAL
same. AGES, which are declining in popu-
b a n d w i d t h n. 1. a range of fre-
quencies, usually expressed in hertz basal forebrain a region of the
(cycles per second). In INFORMATION ventral FOREBRAIN near the corpus
THEORY, it is a measure of the callosum containing CHOLINERGIC
amount of information that a com- neurons that project widely to the
munication channel can transmit cerebral cortex and HIPPOCAMPUS
per unit of time. 2. the range of in- and are thought to be important in
formation available from measuring aspects of memory, learning, and
instruments. Greater bandwidth is attention. A particular collection of
generally associated with lower ac- neurons, the basal nucleus of
curacy (fidelity). Meynert (or basal magnocellular
nucleus), is implicated in Alzhei-
b a r b i t u r a t e n. any of a family of mer's disease.
dmgs derived from barbituric acid
that depress activity of the central basal ganglia a group of nuclei
nervous system. They typically in- (neuron cell bodies) deep within the
duce profound tolerance and cerebral hemispheres of the brain
withdrawal symptoms and depress that includes the CAUDATE NU-
respiration. Use of barbiturates be- CLEUS, PUTAMEN, GLOBUS PALLIDUS,
came common in the 1930s, but SUBSTANTIA NIGRA, and SUBTHALA-
they were rapidly supplanted in the MIC NUCLEUS. The putamen and
1970s by the BENZODIAZEPINES, globus pallidus are together known
which lack the lethality associated as the lenticular (or lentiform) nu-
with overdose of the barbiturates. cleus, the lenticular nucleus and
The prototype of the group, barbi- caudate nucleus are together known
tal, was introduced into medical as the corpus striatum, and the
practice in 1903. caudate nucleus and putamen are
together called the striatum. The
b a r g r a p h a way of graphically dis- basal ganglia are involved in the
playing discrete (nonnumerical) generation of goal-directed volun-
data using bars of varying height tary movement. Also called basal
with spaces between them. For ex- nuclei.
ample, to show the political party
affiliation of Americans, bars would basal metabolism the minimum
represent parties along the *-axis, energy expenditure required to

base r a t e

maintain the vital functions of the stract than the superordinate

body while awake but at rest and category into which it can be sub-
not expending energy for thermo- sumed (e.g., "animals," "furniture").
regulation. Basal metabolic rate is Also called basic category; n a t u -
measured in kilojoules (or calories) r a l category.
expended per kilogram of body
weight or per square meter of body basic need see PHYSIOLOGICAL
surface per hour. NEED.

base r a t e the naturally occurring basic research research conducted

frequency of a phenomenon in a in order to obtain knowledge or to
population. This rate is often con- develop or advance a theory. Com-
trasted with the rate of the phe- pare APPLIED RESEARCH.
nomenon under the influence of
some changed condition in order to basic t r u s t versus m i s t r u s t the
determine the degree to which the first of ERIKSON'S EIGHT STAGES OF
change influences the phenomenon. DEVELOPMENT, between birth and
18 months of age. During this stage,
base-rate fallacy a decision- the infant either comes to view
making error in which information other people and himself or herself
about rate of occurrence of some as tmstworthy or comes to develop a
trait in a population (the base-rate fundamental distrust of his or her
information) is ignored or not given environment. The growth of basic
appropriate weight. For example, tmst, considered essential for the
people might categorize a man as an later development of self-esteem
engineer, rather than a lawyer, if and positive interpersonal relation-
they heard that he enjoyed physics ships, is attributed to a primary
at school, even if they knew that he caregiver who is responsively at-
was drawn from a population con- tuned to the baby's individual needs
sisting of 90% lawyers and 10% while conveying the quality of trust-
engineers. See REPRESENTATIVENESS worthiness, while the growth of
HEURISTIC. basic distrust is attributed to neglect,
basic a n x i e t y in EGO PSYCHOL- lack of love, or inconsistent treat-
OGY, a feeling of being helpless, ment.
abandoned, and endangered in a
hostile world. According to German- basilar m e m b r a n e a fibrous
born U.S. psychoanalyst Karen D. membrane within the COCHLEA
Homey (1885-1952), it arises from that supports the ORGAN OF CORTI.
the infant's helplessness and de- In response to sound the basilar
pendence on his or her parents or membrane vibrates; this leads to
from parental indifference. Defenses stimulation of the HAIR CELLS—the
against basic anxiety and hostility auditory receptors within the organ
of Corti.
may produce NEUROTIC NEEDS.
basic-level category a category battered-child s y n d r o m e the ef-
formed at the level that people find fects on a child of intentional and
most natural and appropriate in repeated physical abuse by parents
their normal, everyday experience of or other caregivers. In addition to
the things so categorized. A basic- sustaining physical injuries, the
level category (e.g., "bird," "table") child is at increased risk of experi-
will be broader than the more spe- encing longer-term problems, such
cific subordinate categories into as depression, POSTTRAUMATIC
which it can be divided (e.g., STRESS DISORDER, substance abuse,
"hawk," "dining table") but less ab- decreased self-esteem, and sexual

behavioral c o n t r a c t

and other behavioral difficulties. See mental design in which one or more
also CHILD ABUSE. groups of participants are measured
both prior to and following adminis-
b a t t e r e d - w o m a n syndrome the tration of the treatment or
psychological effects of being physi- manipulation.
cally abused by a spouse or domestic
partner. The syndrome includes behavior n. 1. an organism's ac-
LEARNED HELPLESSNESS in relation tivities in response to external or
to the abusive spouse, as well as internal stimuli, including objec-
symptoms of posttraumatic stress. tively observable activities, intro-
spectively observable activities, and
Bayes' t h e o r e m a formula derived unconscious processes. 2. more re-
from probability theory that relates strictively, any action or function
two conditional probabilities: the that can be objectively observed or
probability of event A, given that measured in response to controlled
event B has occurred, p(A\B), and the stimuli. Historically, objective
probability of event JB, given that behavior was contrasted by behav-
event A has occurred, p(BIA). It is ex- iorists with mental activities, which
pressed asp(A\PS)p(V) =p(BM)p(A) were considered subjective and thus
[Thomas Bayes (1702-1761), British unsuitable for scientific study. See
mathematician and theologian] BEHAVIORISM, —behavioral adj.
Bayley Scales of I n f a n t a n d behavioral a p p r o a c h system a
Toddler Development scales for brain system theorized to underlie
assessing the developmental status incentive motivation by activating
of infants and young children aged approach behaviors in response to
1 month to 42 months. Test stimuli, stimuli related to positive reinforce-
such as form boards, blocks, shapes, ment. It has been suggested that the
household objects (e.g., utensils), system is associated as well with the
and other common items, are used generation of positive affective re-
to engage the child in specific tasks sponses, and that a strong or
of increasing difficulty and elicit chronically active behavioral ap-
particular responses. The Bayley proach system tends to result in
scales were originally published in extraversion. Also called behav-
1969 and subsequently revised in ioral activation system.
1993; the most recent version is the Compare BEHAVIORAL INHIBITION
Bayley-lll, published in 2005. [devel- SYSTEM.
oped by U.S. psychologist Nancy
Bayley (1899-1994)] behavioral assessment the sys-
tematic study and evaluation of an
B cell see LYMPHOCYTE.
individual's behavior using a wide
Bedlam n. the popular name for variety of techniques, including di-
the Hospital of Saint Mary of Bethle- rect observation, interviews, and
hem in London, founded as a self-monitoring. When used to iden-
monastery in 1247 and converted tify patterns indicative of disorder,
into a mental institution in 1547. the procedure is called behavioral
Many of the patients were in a state diagnosis and is essential in decid-
of frenzy, and as they were shackled, ing upon the use of specific
starved, beaten, and exhibited to the behavioral or cognitive-behavioral
public for a penny a look, general interventions.
turmoil prevailed. The word "bed-
lam" thus became synonymous with behavioral c o n t r a c t an agree-
wild confusion or frenzy. ment between therapist and client
in which the client agrees to carry
before-after design an experi- out certain behaviors, usually be-

behavioral couples t h e r a p y

tween sessions but sometimes behavioral theories and methods to

during the session as well. the prevention and treatment of
behavioral couples t h e r a p y a medical and psychological dis-
COUPLES THERAPY that focuses on orders. Areas of application include
intermpting negative interaction chronic illness, lifestyle issues (e.g.,
patterns through instmction, mod- tobacco, dmgs, alcohol, obesity),
eling, rehearsal, feedback, positive
behavior exchange, and stmctured like.
problem solving. When practiced b e h a v i o r a l m o d e l a conceptual-
with legally married partners, it is ization of psychological disorders in
called behavioral marital therapy. terms of overt behavior patterns
See also INTEGRATIVE BEHAVIORAL produced by learning and the in-
behavioral endocrinology the CONTINGENCIES. Treatment tech-
study of the relationships between niques, including SYSTEMATIC
behavior and the functioning of the
endocrine glands and neuro- focus on modifying ineffective or
endocrine cells. For example, maladaptive patterns.
gonadal secretion of sex hormones behavioral neuroscience a
affects sexual behavior, and secre- branch of NEUROSCIENCE and BIO-
tion of corticosteroids by the LOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY that seeks
adrenal glands affects physiological to understand and characterize
and behavioral responses to stress. the specific neural circuitry and
behavioral genetics the study of mechanisms underlying behavioral
familial or hereditary behavior pat- propensities or capacities.
tems and of the genetic mechanisms behavioral p s y c h o t h e r a p y see
of behavior traits. Also called be- BEHAVIOR THERAPY.
havior genetics.
behavioral science any of a num-
behavioral i n h i b i t i o n a tempera- ber of disciplines, including
mental predisposition characterized psychology, psychiatry, sociology,
by restraint in engaging with the and anthropology, that study the
world combined with a tendency to behavior of humans and nonhuman
scmtinize the environment for po- animals from a scientific and re-
tential threats and to avoid or search perspective.
withdraw from unfamiliar situations
or people. behavioral study of obedience
the experimental analysis, especially
behavioral i n h i b i t i o n system a as carried out by U.S. social psychol-
brain system theorized to underlie ogist Stanley Milgram (1933-1984)
behavioral inhibition by activating in the 1960s, of individuals' willing-
avoidance behaviors in response to ness to obey the orders of an
perceived threats. It has been sug- authority. In Milgram's experiment,
gested that the system is associated each participant played the role of a
as well with the generation of nega- teacher who was instmcted to de-
tive affective responses, and that a liver painful electric shocks to
strong or chronically active system another "participant" for each fail-
tends to result in introversion. ure to answer a question correctly.
The latter were in fact CONFEDER-
SYSTEM. ATES who did not actually receive
behavioral medicine a multi- shocks for their many deliberate
disciplinary field that applies errors. Milgram found that a sub-

behavior t h e r a p y

stantial number of participants TION, or other learning techniques

(65%) were completely obedient, as a means of changing human be-
delivering what they believed were havior. For example, behavioral
shocks of increasing intensity de- modification is used in clinical con-
spite the protestations and apparent texts to improve adaptation and
suffering of the victim. See also alleviate symptoms and in industrial
AGENTIC STATE. and organizational contexts to en-
courage employees to adopt safe
behavior analysis the decomposi- work practices. The term is often
tion of behavior into its component used synonymously with BEHAVIOR
parts or processes. This approach to THERAPY.
psychology emphasizes interactions
between behavior and the environ- behavior observation a record-
ment. ing or evaluation (or both) of the
behavior disorder any persistent ongoing behavior of one or more re-
and repetitive pattern of behavior search participants by one or more
that violates societal norms or rules observers. Observations may be
or that seriously impairs a person's made—using charts, checklists,
functioning. The term is used in a rating scales, etc.—either directly as
very general sense to cover a wide the behavior occurs or from such
range of disorders or other syn- media as film, videotape, or audio-
dromes. tape.
behaviorism n. an approach to behavior s h a p i n g see SHAPING.
psychology, formulated in 1913 by
U.S. psychologist John B. Watson behavior t h e o r y the assumption
(1878-1958), based on the study of that behavior, including its acquisi-
objective, observable facts rather tion, development, and mainten-
than subjective, qualitative pro- ance, can be adequately explained
cesses, such as feelings, motives, and by principles of learning. Behavior
consciousness. To make psychology theory attempts to describe environ-
a naturalistic science, Watson pro- mental influences on behavior,
posed to limit it to quantitative often using controlled studies of ani-
events, such as stimulus-response mals.
relationships, effects of condition-
ing, physiological processes, and a behavior t h e r a p y a form of psy-
study of human and animal behav- chotherapy that applies the
principles of learning, OPERANT
ior, all of which can best be
investigated through laboratory ex- CONDITIONING, and PAVLOVIAN
periments that yield objective CONDITIONING to eliminate symp-
measures under controlled condi- toms and modify ineffective or
tions. Historically, behaviorists maladaptive patterns of behavior.
held that mind was not a proper The focus of this therapy is upon
topic for scientific study since men- the behavior itself and the CON-
tal events are subjective and not TINGENCIES and environmental fac-
independently verifiable. See ME- tors that reinforce it, rather than
THODOLOGICAL BEHAVIORISM; exploration of the underlying psy-
chological causes of the behavior.
A wide variety of techniques are
used in behavior therapy, such as
behavior modification the use of BIOFEEDBACK, MODELING, and SYS-
BACK, MODELING, AVERSIVE called behavioral psychother-


«• i - i S ' ' * W ^ * W * K * « S i « * s f c ' ^ '-"I


belief n. 1. acceptance of the truth, bell curve the characteristic curve

reality, or validity of something obtained by plotting a graph of a
(e.g., a phenomenon, a person's ve- NORMAL DISTRIBUTION. With a large
racity), particularly in the absence of rounded peak tapering off on either
substantiation. 2. an association of side, it resembles a cross-sectional
some characteristic or attribute, usu- representation of a bell. Also called
ally evaluative in nature, with an bell-shaped curve.
attitude object (e.g., this car is reli-
able). Bell-Magendie l a w the principle
that the VENTRAL ROOTS of the spi-
belief bias the tendency to be in- nal cord are motor in function and
fluenced by one's knowledge about DORSAL ROOTS are sensory. [Charles
the world in evaluating conclusions Bell (1774-1842), British surgeon
and to accept them as tme because and anatomist; Francois Magendie
they are believable rather than be- (1783-1855), French physiologist]
cause they are logically valid. Belief
bias is most often assessed with syl- below-average effect the ten-
logistic reasoning tasks in which the dency of a person to underestimate
believability of the conclusion con- his or her intellectual and social
flicts with logical validity. For abilities relative to others. The be-
example, given the syllogisms All low-average effect is common when
flowers have petals; roses have petals; the skill in question is relatively
therefore, roses are flowers and All fish hard (e.g., sculpting human figures
can swim; tuna are fish; therefore, tuna from clay), whereas the opposite
can swim an individual is more likely ABOVE-AVERAGE EFFECT generally
to rely upon prior knowledge and occurs when the skill in question is
personal beliefs and to accept both relatively easy (e.g., operating a
conclusions as valid when in fact computer mouse).
only the second is actually logically
valid. Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt
Test a visuoconstmctive test used to
belief i n a just w o r l d the idea assess visual-motor functioning and
that people get what they deserve, perceptual ability as well as to diag-
and that the world is orderly and nose neurological impairment. The
fair. In other words, bad things hap- participant copies line drawings of
pen to bad people, and good things geometric figures onto blank pieces
happen to good people. There is a of paper, and these reproductions
large body of evidence that belief in are scored on a 5-point scale, rang-
a just world affects people's behav- ing from 0 (no resemblance) to 4
iors and attitudes, often through (nearly perfect). Originally devel-
secondary victimization of innocent oped in 1938, the test (often
victims or the promotion of helping shortened to Bender-Cestalt) is now
behavior. in its second edition (published in
2003). [Lauretta Bender (1897-
belief perseverance the tendency 1987), U.S. psychiatrist]
to maintain a belief even after the
information that originally gave rise b e n i g n adj. 1. in mental health, de-
to it has been refuted or otherwise noting a disorder or illness that is
shown to be inaccurate. not serious and has a favorable prog-
nosis. 2. denoting a condition that
belief system a set of two or more is relatively mild, transient, or not
beliefs, attitudes, or both that are as- associated with serious pathology.
sociated with one another in See also NEOPLASM. Compare MA-
memory. LIGNANT.


benzodiazepine n. any of a family is attributable only to membership

of drugs that depress central nervous in different groups and exposure to
system activity and also produce se- different experimental conditions. It
dation and relaxation of skeletal is reflected in the ANALYSIS OF VARI-
muscles. Benzodiazepines are com- ANCE by the degree to which the
monly used in the treatment of several group means differ from one
generalized anxiety and insomnia another and is compared with
and are useful in the management WITHIN-GROUP VARIANCE to obtain
of acute withdrawal from alcohol an F RATIO.
and in seizure disorders. Clinically between-subjects design any of a
introduced in the 1960s, they rap- large number of experimental de-
idly supplanted the barbiturates, signs in which each participant
largely due to their significantly experiences only one experimental
lower toxicity in overdose. Pro- condition (treatment). Also called
longed use can lead to tolerance and between-groups design; inde-
psychological and physical depend- pendent-groups design.
bereavement n. a feeling of loss, bias n. 1. partiality: an inclination
especially over the death of a friend or predisposition for or against
or loved one. The bereaved person something. See also PREJUDICE. 2. a
may experience emotional pain and tendency or preference, such as a
distress (see GRIEF) and may or may RESPONSE BIAS. 3. in research, sys-
not express this distress to others tematic and directional error arising
(see MOURNING; DISENFRANCHISED during SAMPLING, data collection,
GRIEF), —bereaved adj. data analysis, or data interpretation.
Bernoulli t r i a l see BINOMIAL DIS- 4. in statistics, the difference be-
TRIBUTION. [Jacques Bernoulli tween the expected value of a
(1654-1705), Swiss mathematician statistic and the actual value that is
and scientist] obtained, —biased adj.
b e t a (symbol: (3) n. the probability Big Five personality model a
Of a TYPE II ERROR. model of the primary dimensions of
individual differences in personality.
b e t a m o v e m e n t see APPARENT The dimensions are usually labeled
b e t a wave in electroencephalogra- ableness (denoting the tendency to
phy, the type of BRAIN WAVE act in a cooperative, unselfish man-
(frequency 13-30 Hz) assodated ner), conscientiousness (denoting
with alert wakefulness and intense the tendency to be responsible and
mental activity. Also called b e t a hardworking), and openness to ex-
rhythm. perience (denoting a willingness to
participate in new aesthetic, cul-
b e t a w e i g h t (symbol: P) in tural, or intellectual experiences),
REGRESSION ANALYSIS, the multi- though the labels vary somewhat
plicative constant that reflects a among researchers. See also FIVE-
variable's contribution to the predic- FACTOR PERSONALITY MODEL.
tion of a criterion, given the other
variables in the prediction equation b i g r a m n. any two-letter combina-
(e.g., b in y = a + bx). Also called tion. In PSYCHOLINGUISTICS
b e t a coefficient. research, the term typically refers to
a within-word consecutive character
between-groups variance the sequence (e.g., "paper" contains the
variation in experimental scores that bigrams pa, ap, pe, and er), whereas


in learning and memory research it ences, and interaural phase differ-

generally refers to a freestanding ences.
nonword (e.g., TL, KE).
b i n d i n g p r o b l e m the difficulty of
b i l a t e r a l adj. denoting or relating perceiving and representing differ-
to both sides of the body or an ent features, or conjunctions of
organ. For example, bilateral properties, as one object or event.
symmetry is the symmetrical ar- This problem arises because different
rangement of an organism's body attributes of a stimulus (e.g., hue,
such that the right and left halves form, spatial location, motion) are
are approximately mirror images of analyzed by different areas of the ce-
one another; bilateral transfer is the rebral cortex; it is relevant in all
TRANSFER OF TRAINING or patterns of areas of knowledge representation,
performance for a skill from one side including such complex cognitive
of the body, where the skill (e.g., representations as THEORY OF MIND.
handwriting) was originally learned
and primarily used, to the other side binge-eating disorder a disorder
of the body, —bilaterally adv. marked by recurring episodes of
binge eating (i.e., discrete periods
bilingual education instmction of uncontrolled consumption of ab-
in two languages, typically in one's normally large quantities of food)
native language and in the domi- and distress associated with this
nant language of the country in behavior. There is an absence of in-
which one is educated. In the 1970s, appropriate compensatory behaviors
the United States adopted a bilin- (e.g., vomiting, laxative misuse, ex-
gual education program to help cessive exercise, fasting).
immigrant children learn English.
By providing the ability to perform b i n o c u l a r cue any cue to the per-
equivalent academic work in two ception of distance or depth that
languages, this kind of education requires the use of both eyes, such
enables children to do regular as BINOCULAR DISPARITY and CON-
schoolwork with their English- VERGENCE. Compare MONOCULAR
speaking classmates, thus receiving CUE.
an equal educational opportunity. b i n o c u l a r disparity the slight dif-
bilingualism n. the regular use of ference between the right and left
two or more languages by a person retinal images. When both eyes
focus on an object, the different po-
or within a group of people, —bi- sition of the eyes produces a
l i n g u a l adj. disparity of visual angle, and a
b i m o d a l d i s t r i b u t i o n a set of slightly different image is received
scores that has two modes (repre- by each retina. The two images are
sented by two peaks in their automatically compared and fused,
graphical distribution), reflecting a providing an important cue to
tendency for scores to cluster depth perception. Also called reti-
around two separate values. See also n a l disparity.
b i n o c u l a r rivalry the failure of
b i n a u r a l cue any difference in the the eyes to fuse stimuli. For exam-
sound arriving at the two ears from ple, if horizontal bars are viewed
a given sound source (interaural dif- through the left eye and vertical
ference) that acts as a cue to permit bars through the right eye, the per-
AUDITORY LOCALIZATION. The com- ception is a patchy and fluctuating
mon cues are interaural level alternation of the two patterns,
differences, interaural time differ- rather than a superimposition of the

biological r h y t h m

patterns to form a stable checker- RHYTHMS, even in the absence of

board. Also called r e t i n a l rivalry. any external cues. A biological clock
in mammals is located in the
b i n o m i a l d i s t r i b u t i o n the dis- SUPRACHIASMATIC NUCLEUS of the
tribution of the outcomes in a hypothalamus.
sequence of Bernoulli trials, ex-
periments of chance that are biological d e t e r m i n i s m the con-
independent of one another and cept that psychological and
each have one of two possible out- behavioral characteristics are en-
comes (0 or 1; success or failure), tirely the result of constitutional
with a fixed probability of each and biological factors. Environmen-
outcome on each trial. tal conditions serve only as
bioecological model a paradigm occasions for the manifestation of
that treats human development as a such characteristics. Compare ENVI-
process that continues both through
the life span and across successive biological m a r k e r a variation in
generations, thus according impor- the physiological processes of an or-
tance to historical continuity and ganism that accompanies a disorder,
change as forces indirectly affecting irrespective of whether it directly
human development through their causes the disorder. Also called
impact on proximal processes. biomarker.
biofeedback n. the use of an exter- biological perspective an ap-
nal monitoring device to provide an proach to abnormal psychology that
individual with information regard- emphasizes physiologically based
ing his or her physiological state. causative factors, such as the SENILE
When used to help a person obtain PLAQUES in Alzheimer's disease, and
voluntary control over autonomic consequently tends to focus primar-
body functions, such as heart rate or ily upon BIOLOGICAL THERAPIES.
blood pressure, the technique is
called biofeedback training. It may biological psychology the sci-
be applied therapeutically to treat ence that deals with the area of
various conditions, including overlap between psychology and bi-
chronic pain and hypertension. ology and with the reciprocal
relations between biological and
biogenic adj. 1. produced by living psychological processes. It includes
organisms or biological processes. such fields as BEHAVIORAL NEURO-
2. necessary for the maintenance of SCIENCE, COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE,
biogenic a m i n e any of a group of PSYCHONEUROIMMUNOLOGY. Also
amines (chemical compounds that called biopsychology.
contain one or more amino groups
[-NH2]) that affect bodily processes biological r h y t h m any periodic
and nervous system functioning. variation in a living organism's
Biogenic amines are divided into physiological or psychological func-
subgroups (e.g., CATECHOLAMINES, tion, such as energy level, sexual
INDOLEAMINES) and include the
desire, or menstruation. Such
neurotransmitters dopamine, rhythms are usually linked to cycli-
epinephrine, histamine, norepi- cal changes in environmental cues,
nephrine, and serotonin. such as daylength or passing of the
seasons, and tend to be daily (circa-
biological clock the mechanism dian rhythm) or annual (circannual
within an organism that controls rhythm). See also INFRADIAN

biological t h e r a p y

biological t h e r a p y any form of manic-depressive illness, is still in

treatment for mental disorders that frequent use.
attempts to alter physiological func-
tioning, including various drug b i p o l a r n e u r o n a neuron with
therapies, ELECTROCONVULSIVE only two processes—an AXON and a
THERAPY, and PSYCHOSURGERY. Also DENDRITE—that extend from oppo-
called biomedical therapy. site sides of the CELL BODY. Also
called b i p o l a r cell. Compare MUL-
biopsychosocial adj. denoting a
systematic integration of biological, b i r t h o r d e r the ordinal position of
psychological, and social approaches a child in the family (firstborn, sec-
to the study of mental health and ond-born, youngest, etc.). There has
specific mental disorders. been much psychological research
into how birth order affects personal
b i o r h y t h m n. 1. a synonym of adjustment and family status, but
BIOLOGICAL RHYTHM. 2. according the notion that it has strong and
to pseudoscientific belief, any one of consistent effects on psychological
three basic cycles (physical, emo- outcomes is not supported. Current
tional, and intellectual) with which family-structure research sees birth
every individual is programmed at order not so much as a causal factor
birth. It is maintained that these but rather as an indirect variable
rhythms continue unaltered until that follows more process-oriented
death and that good and bad days variables (e.g., parental discipline,
for various activities can be calcu- sibling interaction, and genetic and
lated accordingly. hormonal makeup) in importance.
biosocial adj. pertaining to the in- b i r t h t r a u m a the psychological
terplay or mingling of biological and shock of being born, due to the sud-
social factors, as with human behav- den change from the security of the
ior that is influenced simultaneously womb to being bombarded with
by complex neurophysiological pro- stimuli from the external world.
cesses and social interactions. Though first proposed by Austrian
b i p o l a r adj. denoting something psychoanalyst Otto Rank (1884-
with two opposites or extremities, 1939), the concept of the birth
such as a BIPOLAR NEURON or the BI- trauma incorporates many of the
POLAR DISORDERS. — b i p o l a r i t y n. ideas of Austrian psychiatrist
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), who
b i p o l a r disorder any of a group of viewed birth as the child's first anxi-
MOOD DISORDERS in which symp- ety experience and the prototype of
toms of mania and depression separation anxiety.
alternate. A distinction is made be-
tween bipolar 1 disorder, involving bisection n. the act of splitting
one or more MANIC EPISODES and something into two equal parts. In
one or more MAJOR DEPRESSIVE psychophysics it refers to a scaling
EPISODES, and bipolar II disorder, method in which a participant ad-
characterized by one or more major justs a stimulus until it is perceived
depressive episodes and at least one as halfway between two other stim-
HYPOMANIC EPISODE. In certain uli with respect to a particular
diagnostic classifications CYCLO- dimension.
THYMIC DISORDER is also categorized
as a bipolar disorder. The former of- biserial c o r r e l a t i o n a measure of
ficial name for bipolar disorders, the association between a CONTINU-


ous VARIABLE and a DICHOTOMOUS b l a m i n g t h e victim a sodal psy-

VARIABLE. chological phenomenon in which
individuals or groups attempt to
bisexuality n. 1. sexual attraction cope with the bad things that have
to or sexual behavior with both men
happened to others by holding the
and women. 2. the existence of both
victim responsible for the trauma or
male and female genitals in the tragedy.
same organism. Such anatomical
(stmctural) bisexuality is more prop- blastocyst n. the mammalian EM-
erly termed HERMAPHRODITISM. BRYO at a very early stage of
—bisexual adj., n. development. It consists of a tiny
b i t n. in information theory, the hollow sphere containing an inner
quantity of information that de- cell mass, enclosed in a thin layer of
creases uncertainty or the germane cells that help implant the
alternatives of a problem by one blastocyst in the uterine lining.
half. For example, if a dollar bill has blended family see STEPFAMILY.
been placed in one of 16 identical
books standing side by side on a b l i n d adj. 1. denoting a lack of
shelf, and one were to ask if the sight. See BLINDNESS. 2. denoting a
book is to the right (or to the left) of lack of awareness. In research, a
center, the answer would provide blind procedure may be employed
one bit of information, [bi(nary) + deliberately to enhance experimen-
(digi)t] tal control: A single blind is a
procedure in which participants
bivariate adj. characterized by two are unaware of the experimental
variables or attributes. See also conditions under which they are
MULTIVARIATE; UNIVARIATE. operating; a double blind is a proce-
black box a model for a device, dure in which both the participants
system, or other complex e n t i t y - and the experimenters interacting
humans and nonhuman animals in- with them are unaware of the partic-
cluded—whose internal properties ular experimental conditions; and a
and processes must be hypothesized triple blind is a procedure in which
on the basis of observed empirical the participants, experimenters, and
relationships between external fac- data analysts are all unaware of the
tors (input) and the resulting effects particular experimental conditions.
(output). blindness n. profound, near-total,
b l a c k o u t n. 1. total but temporary or total impairment of the ability to
loss of consciousness. 2. amnesia perceive visual stimuli, defined in
produced by alcoholic intoxication. the United States as ACUITY of
20/200 or worse in the better eye
b l a c k sheep effect the tendency with best correction or a VISUAL
of an individual to evaluate a poorly FIELD of 20° or less in the widest me-
performing or deviant INGROUP ridian of the better eye. Major causes
member less positively than an include CATARACT, GLAUCOMA, age-
equally poorly performing or devi- related MACULAR DEGENERATION,
ant OUTGROUP member. Although and diabetes, —blind adj.
an apparent contradiction of
INGROUP BIAS, the black sheep effect b l i n d s i g h t « . the capacity of some
is explained by SOCIAL IDENTITY individuals with blindness in parts
THEORY as an individual protection or all of the visual field to detect
strategy: people favor their ingroup and localize visual stimuli presented
because of the importance of group within the blind field region. Dis-
membership for SELF-IDENTITY. crimination of movement, flicker,

b l i n d spot

wavelength, and orientation may many dmgs, passing from the blood
also be present. However, these vi- to the fluid surrounding brain cells
sual capacities are not accompanied and to the cerebrospinal fluid, and
by awareness: They have been dem- thus protects the brain from poten-
onstrated only in experimental tially harmful substances. Ions and
conditions, when participants are small molecules, such as water, oxy-
forced to guess. gen, carbon dioxide, and alcohol,
can cross relatively freely.
b l i n d spot the area of the monocu-
lar visual field in which stimulation blood p h o b i a a persistent and irra-
cannot be perceived because the tional fear of blood, specifically of
image falls on the site of the OPTIC seeing blood. An individual con-
DISK in the eye. fronting blood experiences a
subjective feeling of disgust and
fears the consequences of the situa-
tion, such as fainting. In certain
block design an experimental de- diagnostic classifications, such as
sign that divides participants into DSM-IV-TR, the broader term blood-
relatively homogeneous subsets or injection-injury phobia is used in-
blocks. The greater the homogeneity stead.
of each of the blocks, the greater the
statistical power of the analysis. See blood pressure the pressure ex-
also RANDOMIZED BLOCK DESIGN. erted by the blood against the walls
of the blood vessels, especially the
b l o c k i n g n . i . a process in which arteries. It varies with the strength
one's flow of thought or speech is of the heartbeat, the elasticity of the
suddenly intermpted. The individ- artery walls and resistance of the ar-
ual is suddenly aware of not being terioles, and the person's health,
able to perform a particular mental age, and state of activity. See also
act, such as finding the words to ex- HYPERTENSION.
press something he or she wishes to
say. Also called t h o u g h t depriva- BMI abbreviation for BODY MASS
tion; t h o u g h t obstruction. 2. a INDEX.
phenomenon of STIMULUS CONTROL
bodily-kinesthetic intelligence
in which previous learning restricts in the MULTIPLE-INTELLIGENCES
or prevents conditioning of a re- THEORY, the skills involved in form-
sponse to a new stimulus. For ing and coordinating bodily
example, a light paired with an un- movements, such as dancing, play-
conditioned stimulus for several ing a violin, or playing basketball.
trials results in some conditioning
for the light. Adding a tone at this b o d y n. 1. the entire physical stmc-
point would result in the tone being ture of an organism, such as the
less effective as an elicitor than it human body. See also MIND-BODY
would if it had been present from PROBLEM. 2. the main part of a
the beginning. Also called block- stmcture or organ, such as the body
i n g effect; Kamin effect. of the penis. 3. a discrete anatomical
or cytological stmcture, such as the
blood-brain barrier a MAMMILLARY BODY.
semipermeable barrier formed by
cells lining the blood capillaries that body dysmorphic disorder a
supply the brain and that helps SOMATOFORM DISORDER character-
maintain a constant environment in ized by excessive preoccupation
which the brain can function. It pre- with an imagined defect in physical
vents large molecules, including appearance or markedly excessive

b o r d e r l i n e personality disorder

concern with a slight physical duces attitude change in the direc-

anomaly. tion opposite to that intended.
Boomerang effects occur when re-
body image the mental picture cipients generate counterarguments
one forms of one's body as a whole, substantially stronger than the argu-
including both its physical and ments contained in the original
functional characteristics (body per- message.
cept) and one's attitudes toward
these characteristics (body concept). b o o t s t r a p p i n g n. any process or
b o d y language the expression of operation in which a system uses its
feelings and thoughts, which may or initial resources to develop more
may not be verbalized, through pos- powerful and complex processing
routines, which are then used in the
ture, gesture, facial expression, or
same fashion, and so on cumula-
other movements. Although body tively. In LANGUAGE ACQUISITION,
language is often called NONVERBAL the term is used of children's ability
COMMUNICATION, such movements to learn complex linguistic rules,
may be unintentional, and many in- which can be endlessly reapplied,
vestigators therefore believe the from extremely limited data. In sta-
term "communication" is often in- tistics, it denotes a method for
appropriate in this context. estimating the variability of a pa-
b o d y mass i n d e x (BMI) a widely rameter associated with a batch of
used measure of adiposity or obesity data, such as the standard error. A
based on the following formula: number of samples of equal size are
weight (kg) divided by height obtained from the original data by
squared (m2). sampling with replacement, the pa-
rameter is calculated for each, and
b o n d i n g n. the process in which the individual parameters are com-
ATTACHMENTS or other close rela- bined to provide an estimate of the
tionships are formed between overall parameter for the entire sam-
individuals, especially between ple, —bootstrap vb.
mother and infant. An early, posi-
tive relationship between a mother b o r d e r l i n e 1. adj. pertaining to
and a newborn child is considered any phenomenon difficult to ca-
to be essential in establishing un- tegorize because it straddles two
conditional love on the part of the distinct classes, showing character-
parent, as well as security and trust istics of both. Thus, borderline
on the part of the child. In subse- intelligence is supposed to show
quent development, bonding characteristics of both the average
establishes friendship and trust. and subaverage categories. 2. n. an
Bonferroni correction a proce- inappropriate designation for some-
dure for adjusting the p-value (see one With BORDERLINE PERSONALITY
SIGNIFICANCE LEVEL) of individual DISORDER or its symptoms.
related T TESTS. It involves dividing
the usual significance level value by b o r d e r l i n e personality disorder
the number of comparisons being a personality disorder characterized
made, so as to avoid the increased by a long-standing pattern of insta-
risk of TYPE I ERROR that comes with bility in mood, interpersonal
multiple comparisons. Also called relationships, and self-image that is
Bonferroni adjustment; Bon- severe enough to cause extreme dis-
ferroni test. tress or interfere with social and
occupational functioning. Symp-
b o o m e r a n g effect a situation in toms include impulsive behavior in
which a persuasive message pro- such areas as gambling, sex, spend-

b o t t o m - u p processing

ing, overeating, and substance use; manifested by impairment of cogni-

intense but unstable relationships; tive, motor, or sensory skills
uncontrollable temper outbursts; mediated by the brain.
self-injurious behavior, such as
fights, suicidal gestures, or self- b r a i n localization t h e o r y any of
mutilation; and chronic feelings of various theories that different areas
emptiness. of the brain serve different func-
tions. Since the early 19th century,
b o t t o m - u p processing informa- opinion has varied between notions
tion processing that proceeds from of highly precise localization and a
the data in the stimulus input to belief that the brain, or large por-
higher level processes, such as tions of it, functions as a whole. For
recognition, interpretation, and many investigators, however, the
categorization. Typically, percep- concept of extreme parcellation of
tual or cognitive mechanisms use functions has given way to concepts
bottom-up processing when informa- of distributed control by collective
tion is unfamiliar or highly complex. activity of different regions.
b r a i n s t e m n. the part of the brain
that connects the cerebrum with
box-and-whisker p l o t a graphical the spinal cord. It includes the
display of a batch of data involving MIDBRAIN, PONS, and MEDULLA
rectangular boxes with lines or OBLONGATA and is involved in the
"whiskers" extending outwards from autonomic control of visceral activ-
them. The ends of the box indicate ity, such as salivation, respiration,
the upper and lower HINGES, a di- heartbeat, and digestion.
viding line within the box indicates
the MEDIAN, and the whiskers ex- b r a i n s t i m u l a t i o n stimulation of
tending from both ends indicate the specific areas of the brain, for exam-
smallest and largest scores. Also ple by ELECTRICAL STIMULATION Or
TION, as a means of determining
b r a d y c a r d i a n. see ARRHYTHMIA. their functions and their effects on
b r a d y k i n e s i a n. abnormal slow- behavior and as a therapeutic tech-
ness in the execution of voluntary nique.
movements. Also called brady- b r a i n s t o r m i n g n. a problem-
kinesis. Compare HYPOKINESIS. solving strategy in which ideas are
—bradykinetic adj. generated spontaneously and unin-
hibitedly, usually in a group setting,
b r a i n n. the enlarged, anterior part without any immediate critical judg-
ment about their potential value.
within the skull. The brain develops —brainstorm vb.
by differentiation of the embryonic
NEURAL TUBE along an anterior- b r a i n w a s h i n g n. a broad class of
posterior axis to form three main re- intense and often coercive tactics
gions—the FOREBRAIN, MIDBRAIN, intended to produce profound
and HINDBRAIN—that can be further changes in attitudes, beliefs, and
subdivided on the basis of anatomi- emotions.
cal and functional criteria. The
cortical tissue is concentrated in the b r a i n waves spontaneous, rhyth-
forebrain, and the midbrain and mic electrical impulses emanating
hindbrain stmctures are often con- from different areas of the brain. Ac-
sidered together as the BRAINSTEM. cording to their frequencies, brain
waves are classified as ALPHA WAVES
b r a i n d a m a g e injury to the brain, (8-12 Hz), BETA WAVES (13-30 Hz),

Broca's area

DELTA WAVES (1-3 Hz), GAMMA individual or group level and are
WAVES (31-80 Hz), or THETA WAVES used in the treatment of a variety of
(4-7 Hz). behavioral and emotional problems.
There are numerous different types,
b r e a k t h r o u g h «. a significant, such as brief COGNITIVE BEHAVIOR
sometimes sudden, forward step in THERAPY, brief PLAY THERAPY, BRIEF
therapy, especially after an unpro- PSYCHODYNAMIC PSYCHOTHERAPY,
ductive plateau. FOCAL PSYCHOTHERAPY, and INTER-
Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale a PERSONAL PSYCHOTHERAPY. Also
system of evaluating the presence called short-term psychotherapy.
and severity of clinical psychiatric
signs on the basis of 24 factors, brief psychotic disorder a distur-
such as bizarre behavior, hostility, bance involving the sudden onset of
emotional withdrawal, and dis- incoherence or loosening of associa-
orientation. Each factor is rated on tions, delusions, hallucinations, or
a 7-point scale ranging from "not grossly disorganized or catatonic be-
present" to "extremely severe," havior. The condition lasts no
based on the judgments of trained longer than 1 month, with complete
observers. remission of all symptoms and a full
return to previous levels of function-
brief psychodynamic psycho- ing.
t h e r a p y a collection of time-
limited PSYCHODYNAMIC PSYCHO- brightness n. the perceptual cor-
THERAPY approaches intended to relate of light intensity. The
enhance dient self-awareness and brightness of a stimulus depends
understanding of the influence of on its amplitude (energy), wave-
the past on present behavior. One length, the ADAPTATION state of the
particularly important issue is iden- observer, and the nature of any sur-
tified as the central focus for the rounding or intervening stimuli.
treatment, thus creating a structure brightness constancy the ten-
and establishing a goal for the ses- dency to perceive a familiar object
sions. Rather than allowing the as having the same brightness under
client to associate freely and discuss different conditions of illumination.
unconnected issues, as occurs in Brightness constancy is one of the
more traditional psychoanalytic
practice, the brief psychodynamic
therapist is expected to be fairly ac- called lightness constancy.
tive in keeping the session focused Broca's a p h a s i a one of eight clas-
on the main issue. The number of sically identified APHASIAS,
sessions varies from one approach to characterized by nonfluent conver-
another, but brief psychodynamic sational speech and slow, halting
therapy is typically considered to be speech production. Auditory com-
no more than 20-25 sessions. Also prehension is relatively good for
called short-term psycho- everyday conversation, but there is
d y n a m i c psychotherapy. considerable difficulty with complex
syntax or multistep commands. It is
brief psychotherapy any form associated with injury to BROCA'S
of psychotherapy intended to AREA of the brain. [Pierre Paul Broca
achieve change during a short (1824-1880), French physician]
period (generally 10-20 sessions).
Brief psychotherapies rely on active Broca's a r e a a region of the poste-
techniques of inquiry, focus, and rior portion of the inferior frontal
goal setting and tend to be symptom convolution of the left CEREBRAL
specific. They may be applied on an HEMISPHERE that is associated with

Brodmann's area

the motor control of speech, [dis- other situation of relative dis-

covered in 1861 by Pierre Paul advantage.
b u m o u t n. physical, emotional, or
mental exhaustion, especially in
B r o d m a n n ' s a r e a any of more
one's job or career, accompanied by
than 200 distinctive areas of cerebral
cortex characterized by variation in decreased motivation, lowered per-
the occurrence and arrangement of formance, and negative attitudes
cells (see CYTOARCHITECTURE) from towards oneself and others. It results
that of neighboring areas. These from performing at a high level
areas are identified by numbers and until stress and tension, especially
in many cases have been associated from extreme and prolonged physi-
with specific brain functions, such cal or mental exertion or an
as area 17 (STRIATE CORTEX, or pri- overburdening workload, take their
mary visual cortex), areas 18 and 19 toll. Burnout is most often observed
(PRESTRIATE CORTEX), area 4 (motor in professionals who work closely
area, or primary MOTOR CORTEX), with people (e.g., social workers,
and area 6 (PREMOTOR AREA). [Kor- teachers, correctional officers) in
binian Brodmann (1868-1918), service-oriented vocations and ex-
German neurologist] perience chronic high levels of
b r o o d p a r a s i t i s m a practice in
which female birds of some species b u s p i r o n e n. an anxiolytic that
lay their eggs in the nest of another produces relief of subjective symp-
species, leaving the other parents to toms of anxiety without the
rear the chicks. sedation, behavioral disinhibition,
and risk of dependence associated
BuChE abbreviation for butyryl- with the benzodiazepines. Its use
cholinesterase. See CHOLINESTERASE. has been limited due to its relative
lack of efficacy compared with
buffering n. the protection against benzodiazepines. U.S. trade name:
stressful experiences that is afforded BuSpar.
by an individual's social support.
—buffer vb. b u t y r o p h e n o n e rt. any of a class
of ANTIPSYCHOTICS used primarily
b u l i m i a n. insatiable hunger for in the treatment of schizophrenia,
food. It may have physiological mania, and severe agitation. They
causes or be primarily a psychologi- are associated with TARDIVE
cal disorder, —bulimic adj., n. DYSKINESIA and numerous
b u l i m i a n e r v o s a an EATING DIS-
ORDER involving recurrent episodes butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE)
of binge eating (i.e., discrete periods n. see CHOLINESTERASE.
of uncontrolled consumption of ab-
normally large quantities of food) b y s t a n d e r effect the tendency for
followed by inappropriate compen- people not to offer help when they
satory behaviors (e.g., self-induced know that others are present and ca-
vomiting, misuse of laxatives, fast- pable of helping. Research suggests
ing, excessive exerdse). that a number of cognitive and so-
cial processes contribute to the
bullying n. persistent threatening effect, including misinterpreting
and aggressive physical behavior or other people's lack of response as an
verbal abuse directed toward other indication that help is not needed,
people, especially those who are CONFUSION OF RESPONSIBILITY,
younger, smaller, weaker, or in some and DIFFUSION OF RESPONSIBILITY.

CA abbreviation for CHRONOLOGI- developmental mechanism that
CAL AGE. maintains a constant PHENOTYPE
over a range of different environ-
caffeine n. a central nervous sys-
tem STIMULANT found in coffee, tea, ments in which the organism might
cola, cocoa, chocolate, and certain normally occur. 2. the hypothetical
prescribed and over-the-counter process by which repeated use of a
medications. Its effects indude rapid neural pathway leads to greater ease
breathing, increased pulse rate and of transmission of impulses and
blood pressure, and diminished fa- hence its establishment as perma-
tigue. Precise effeds vary with the nent.
amount ingested and the tolerance cancer n. any one of a group of
of the individual. Moderate doses diseases characterized by the unreg-
produce an improved flow of ulated, abnormal growth of cells to
thought and clearness of ideas, to- form malignant tumors (see NEO-
gether with increased respiratory PLASM), which invade neighboring
and vasomotor activity; large doses tissues. Causes of cancer are numer-
may make concentration or contin- ous but commonly include vimses,
ued attention difficult and cause environmental toxins, diet, and in-
insomnia, headaches, and confusion herited genetic variations. Cancers
in some individuals. are generally classified as carcinomas
CAI abbreviation for COMPUTER- if they involve the epithelium (e.g.,
cancers of the lungs, stomach, or
skin) and sarcomas if the affected
calcium-channel blocker any of tissues are connective (e.g., bone,
a class of dmgs used in the treat- muscle, or fat). —cancerous adj.
ment of hypertension and abnormal
heart rhythms (arrhythmias). Cal- c a n n a b i n o i d n. any of a class of
cium-channel blockers inhibit the about 60 substances in the CANNA-
flow of calcium ions into the BIS plant that includes those
smooth-muscle cells of blood vessels responsible for the psychoactive
and the cells of heart muscle, which properties of the plant. The most
need calcium to contract, thus in- important cannabinoid is TETRA-
ducing prolonged relaxation of the HYDROCANNABINOL.
cannabis n. any of three related
CAM abbreviation for COMPLEMEN- plant species (Cannabis sativa, C. in-
TARY AND ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE. dica, or C. ruderalis) whose dried
flowering or fruiting tops or leaves
cAMP abbreviation for CYCLIC AMP. are widely used as a recreational
canalization n. 1. the contain- dmg, known as marijuana. When
ment of variation of certain smoked, the principal psychoactive
characters within narrow bounds so agent in these plants, delta-9-
that expression of underlying ge- TETRAHYDROCANNABINOL (THC), is
netic variation is repressed. It is a rapidly absorbed into the blood and

Cannon-Bard theory

almost immediately distributed to rangement permits ACTION POTEN-

the brain, causing the rapid onset TIALS to spread rapidly from cell to
of subjective effects that last 2-3 cell, allowing large groups of cells to
hours. These effects include a sense contract in unison.
of euphoria or well-being, percep-
tual distortions, and impairment of cardiovascular adj. relating to the
concentration and short-term mem- heart and blood vessels or to blood
ory. Tolerance to the effects of THC circulation. For example, cardiovas-
develops with repeated use, but re- cular reactivity is the degree of
ports of cannabis DEPENDENCE are change in blood pressure, heart rate,
rare. and related responses to a psycho-
logical or physical challenge or
C a n n o n - B a r d t h e o r y the theory stressor.
that emotional states result from the
influence of lower brain centers (the cardiovascular disease any dis-
hypothalamus and thalamus) on ease, congenital or acquired, that
higher ones (the cortex), rather than affects the heart and blood vessels.
from sensory feedback to the brain Cardiovascular diseases include HY-
produced by peripheral intemal or- PERTENSION, ARTERIOSCLEROSIS,
gans and voluntary musculature. and CORONARY HEART DISEASE.
According to this theory, the caregiver n. a person who attends
thalamus controls the experience of to the needs of and provides assis-
emotion, and the hypothalamus tance to someone else who is not
controls the expression of emotion, fully independent, such as an infant
[proposed in the 1920s and early or an ill adult, .—caregiving adj.
1930s by Walter B. Cannon (1871-
1945) and Philip Bard (1898-1977), caregiver b u r d e n the stress and
U.S. psychologists] other psychological symptoms expe-
rienced by family members and
canonical analysis a class of sta- other nonprofessional caregivers in
tistical analyses that assess the response to looking after individuals
degree of relationship between two with mental or physical disabilities,
or more sets of measurements. Ex- disorders, or diseases.
and MULTIPLE REGRESSION analysis, carrier n. an individual who has a
among others. mutation in a gene that conveys ei-
ther increased susceptibility to a
capacity n. the maximum ability disease or other condition or the
of an individual to receive or retain certainty that the condition will de-
information and hence his or her velop.
potential for intellectual or creative
development or accomplishment. carryover effect the effect on the
current performance of a research
carcinogen n. any substance that participant of the experimental con-
initiates the development of CANCER ditions that preceded the current
(carcinogenesis) when exposed to conditions.
living tissue. Tobacco smoke, which
induces lung cancer, is an example. Cartesian dualism the position
—carcinogenic adj. taken by French philosopher, math-
ematician, and scientist Rene
cardiac muscle the specialized Descartes (1596-1650) that the
muscle tissue of the heart. It con- world comprises two distinct and in-
sists of striated fibers that branch compatible dasses of substance: res
and interlock and are in electrical extensa, or extended substance,
continuity with each other. This ar- which extends through space; and

catastrophe theory

res cogitans, or thinking substance, that girls have no penis and is

which has no extension in space. closely tied to the OEDIPUS COM-
The body (including the brain) is PLEX.
composed of extended and divisible
substance, whereas the mind is not. CAT acronym for computerized
Descartes accepted that there is in- axial tomography (see COMPUTED
teraction between mind and body, TOMOGRAPHY).
holding that in some activities the c a t a b o l i s m n. see METABOLISM.
mind operates independently of —catabolic adj.
bodily influences, whereas in others
the body exerts an influence. Simi- catalepsy n. a state of sustained
larly, in some bodily activities there unresponsiveness in which a fixed
is influence from the mind, while in body posture or physical attitude is
others there is not. However, to the maintained over a long period of
question of how such incompatible time. It is seen in cases of CATA-
substances can interact at all, Des- TONIC SCHIZOPHRENIA, EPILEPSY,
cartes had no answer. See DUALISM; and other disorders. —cataleptic
case history a record of infor- cataplexy n. a sudden loss of mus-
mation relating to a person's cle tone that may be localized,
psychological or medical condition causing (for example) loss of grasp
used as an aid to diagnosis and treat- or head nodding, or generalized, re-
ment. It usually contains test results, sulting in collapse of the entire
interviews, professional evaluations, body. It is a temporary condition
and sociological, occupational, and usually precipitated by an extreme
educational data. emotional stimulus. —cataplectic
case study an in-depth investiga- adj.
tion of a single individual, family, or c a t a r a c t n. a progressive clouding
other social unit. Multiple types of (opacification) of the lens of the eye
data (psychological, physiological, that eventually results in severe vi-
biographical, environmental) are as- sual impairment if untreated.
sembled in order to understand the Central vision in particular is im-
subject's background, relationships, paired, with symptoms including
and behavior. dim or fuzzy vision, sensitivity to
c a s t r a t i o n anxiety fear of injury glare, and difficulty seeing at night.
to or loss of the genitals. As posited Cataract is frequently associated
by psychoanalytic theory, the vari- with the degenerative processes of
ous losses and deprivations ex- aging, but it may also be congenital
perienced by the infant boy may or due to disease or injury.
give rise to the fear that he will also
lose his penis. See also CASTRATION c a t a s t r o p h e t h e o r y a mathemati-
cal theory regarding discontinuous
changes in one variable as a func-
c a s t r a t i o n complex in psy- tion of continuous change in some
choanalytic theory, the whole other variable or variables. It pro-
combination of the child's un- poses that a small change in one
conscious feelings and fantasies factor may cause an abmpt and large
associated with being deprived of change in another, for example, the
the PHALLUS, which in boys means dramatic change in the physical
the loss of the penis and in girls the properties of water as the tempera-
belief that it has already been re- ture reaches 0 0C or 100 °C (32 or
moved. It derives from the discovery 212 °F).


c a t a t o n i a n. a state of muscular ri- categorical variable a variable

gidity or other disturbance of motor defined by membership in a group,
behavior, such as CATALEPSY. class, or category, rather than by
—catatonic adj. rank or by scores on more continu-
ous scales of measurement.
c a t a t o n i c schizophrenia a rela-
tively rare subtype of schizophrenia categorization n. the process by
characterized by abnormal motor ac- which objects, events, people, or ex-
tivity, specifically long periods of periences are grouped into classes
motor immobility (posturing) inter- on the basis of (a) characteristics
spersed with excessive motor shared by members of the same class
activity. Other common features in- and (b) features distinguishing the
clude extreme NEGATIVISM members of one class from those of
(apparently motiveless resistance to another. Theories of categorization
all instmctions) or MUTISM and are numerous and include the proto-
ECHOLALIA or ECHOPRAXIA. type model, proposing that people
form an average of the members of a
c a t e c h o l a m i n e n. any of a class of category and then use the average as
BIOGENIC AMINES formed by a a prototype for making judgments
catechol molecule and an amine about category membership, and in-
group. Derived from tyrosine, cate- stance theory, hypothesizing that
cholamines include dopamine, categorization depends on specific
epinephrine and norepinephrine, remembered instances of the cate-
which are the predominant gory. Also called classification.
neurotransmitters in the SYMPA- —categorize vb.
catharsis n. in psychoanalytic the-
categorical d a t a numerical values ory, the discharge of affects
that indicate counts or observations connected to traumatic events that
in specific categories, for example, had previously been repressed by
the number of people in a particular bringing these events back into con-
town who are male and the number sciousness and reexperiencing them.
who are female. Categorical data are See also ABREACTION. [from Greek,
similar to NOMINAL DATA, and the literally: "purgation, purification"]
two terms are often used inter- —cathartic adj.
cathexis n. in psychoanalytic the-
categorical p e r c e p t i o n in speech ory, the investment of PSYCHIC
perception, the phenomenon in ENERGY in an OBJECT of any kind,
which a continuous acoustic dimen- such as a wish, fantasy, person, goal,
sion, such as VOICE-ONSET TIME, is idea, social group, or the self. Such
perceived as having distinct catego- objects are said to be cathected
ries with sharp discontinuities at when an individual attaches emo-
certain points. Whereas discrimina- tional significance (positive or
tion is much more accurate between negative affect) to them.
categories, individuals tested are
often unable to discriminate be- c a u d a l adj. 1. pertaining to a tail.
tween acoustically different stimuli 2. situated at or toward the tail end
that fall within the same categorical of an organism. Compare ROSTRAL.
boundaries. Categorical perception c a u d a t e nucleus one of the BASAL
is crucial in the identification of GANGLIA, so named because it has a
PHONEMES. long extension, or tail.
categorical scale see NOMINAL causal a t t r i b u t i o n see ATTRIBU-


causality n. in philosophy, the po- highest possible score of 100.

sition that all events have causes, Compare FLOOR EFFECT.
that is, that they are consequences cell n. 1. the basic unit of organized
of antecedent events. Traditionally, tissue, consisting of an outer plasma
causality has been seen as an essen- membrane, the NUCLEUS, and vari-
tial assumption of NATURALISM and ous organelles (specialized,
all scientific explanation, although membrane-bound stmctures) in a
some have questioned whether cau- watery fluid together comprising the
sality is a necessary assumption of cytoplasm. 2. the space formed at
science. See also CAUSATION; DETER- the intersection of a row and a col-
MINISM, —causal adj. umn in a table. For example, a
causation n. the empirical relation tabular display of a study of handed-
between two events, states, or vari- ness in men and women would
ables such that one (the cause) is consist of four cells: left-handed fe-
held or known to bring about the males, left-handed males, right-
other (the effect). See also CAUSAL- handed females, and right-handed
ITY. —causal adj. males.

c a u t i o u s shift a CHOICE SHIFT in cell assembly a group of neurons

which an individual making a deci- that are repeatedly active at the
sion as part of a group adopts a same time and develop as a single
more cautious approach than the functional unit, which may become
same individual would have active when any of its constituent
adopted had he or she made the de- neurons is stimulated. This enables,
cision alone. Studies suggest that for example, a person to form a
such shifts are rarer than the oppo- complete mental image of an objed
site risky shift. See also GROUP when only a portion is visible or to
POLARIZATION. recall a memory from a partial cue.
Cell assembly is influential in bio-
CBT abbreviation for COGNITIVE BE- logical theories of memory.
cell body the part of a NEURON
ceiling age the lowest chronologi- (nerve cell) that contains the nu-
cal age at which all items on a given cleus and most organelles. Also
standardized test are consistently called soma.
answered incorrectly. This concept
is less widely used than in the past cell d e a t h see PROGRAMMED CELL
because it assumes the use of MEN- DEATH.
TAL AGES, which are declining in
popularity. Compare BASAL AGE. censor n. in psychoanalytic theory,
the mental agency, located in the
ceiling effect a situation in which PRECONSCIOUS, that is responsible
a large proportion of participants for REPRESSION. The censor is pos-
perform as well as, or nearly as well ited to determine which of one's
as, possible on a task or other wishes, thoughts, and ideas may
evaluative measure, thus skewing enter consciousness and which must
the distribution of scores and mak- be kept unconscious because they
ing it impossible to discriminate violate one's conscience or society's
differences among the many indi- standards. The idea was introduced
viduals at that high level. For in the early writings of Austrian psy-
example, a test whose items are too chiatrist Sigmund Freud (1856-
easy for those taking it would show 1939), who later developed it into
a ceiling effect because most people the concept of the SUPEREGO.
would obtain or be close to the —censorship n.

c e n t e r - s u r r o u n d receptive field

c e n t e r - s u r r o u n d receptive field motor messages. Compare

in the visual and somatosensory sys-
tems, that exhibits center-surround c e n t r a l p a t t e r n g e n e r a t o r any
antagonism, a characteristic in of the sets of neurons in the spinal
which stimulation in the center cord capable of producing oscilla-
evokes opposite responses to stimu- tory behavior and thought to be
lation in the periphery. Most center- involved in the control of locomo-
surround receptive fields consist of a tion and other tasks.
circular center area and an annular c e n t r a l r o u t e t o persuasion the
surrounding area. process by which attitudes are
centile n. another name for PER- formed or changed as a result of
CENTILE, often used in statistics. carefully scrutinizing and thinking
about the central merits of attitude-
c e n t r a l canal the channel in the relevant information. See also ELAB-
c e n t r a l dyslexia any form of ac- ROUTE TO PERSUASION.
quired dyslexia characterized by c e n t r a l sulcus a major cleft (see
difficulties with the pronunciation SULCUS) that passes roughly verti-
and comprehension of written cally along the lateral surface of
the visual analysis system is intact, point beginning near the top of the
and the damage is to other, higher cerebrum. It marks the border be-
level pathways and systems involved tween the FRONTAL LOBE and the
in reading (e.g., the semantic sys- PARIETAL LOBE. Also called c e n t r a l
tem). fissure.
c e n t r a l executive see WORKING c e n t r a l tendency the middle or
center point of a DISTRIBUTION, esti-
c e n t r a l fissure see CENTRAL mated by a number of different
SULCUS. statistics (e.g., MEAN and MEDIAN).
c e n t r a l g r a y see PERIAQUEDUCTAL c e n t r a t i o n n. in PIAGETIAN THE-
GRAY. ORY, the tendency of children in the
c e n t r a l l i m i t t h e o r e m the sta- PREOPERATIONAL STAGE to attend tO
tistical principle that a linear com- one aspect of a problem, object, or
bination of values (including the situation at a time, to the exclusion
mean of those values) tends to be of others. Compare DECENTRATION.
normally distributed over repeated cephalocaudal adj. from head to
samples as the sample sizes increase, tail, as in the long axis of the body.
whether or not the population from The term typically refers to the mat-
which the observations are drawn is uration of an embryo or infant,
normal in distribution. where the greatest development
c e n t r a l nervous system (CNS) takes place at the top of the body
the entire complex of NEURONS, (i.e., the head) before the lower parts
AXONS, and supporting tissue that (i.e., the arms, tmnk, legs, etc.).
constitute the brain and spinal cord. Compare PROXIMODISTAL.
The CNS is primarily involved in cerebellar a t a x i a see ATAXIA.
mental activities and in coordinat-
ing and integrating incoming cerebellar c o r t e x the GRAY MAT-
sensory messages and outgoing TER, or unmyelinated nerve cells,


covering the surface of the CEREBEL- ther side of the body. See also HEMI-

cerebellum n. (pl. cerebella) a cerebral lateralization see HEMI-

the rest of the brainstem, to which cerebral palsy (CP) a set of
it is connected by the cerebellar nonprogressive movement disorders
peduncles. The cerebellum modu- that results from trauma to the brain
lates muscular contractions to occurring prenatally or during the
produce smooth, accurately timed birth process. Symptoms include
BALLISTIC movements and it helps SPASTICITY, paralysis, unsteady gait,
maintain equilibrium by predicting and speech abnormalities.
body positions ahead of actual body
movements. cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) the
fluid within the CENTRAL CANAL of
cerebral a q u e d u c t a passage con- the spinal cord, the four VENTRICLES
taining CEREBROSPINAL FLUID that of the brain, and the subarachnoid
extends through the MIDBRAIN to space beneath the middle of the
link the third and fourth cerebral three MENINGES of the brain. It
VENTRICLES of the brain. serves as a watery cushion to protect
vital tissues of the central nervous
cerebral cortex the layer of GRAY system from damage by shock pres-
MATTER that covers the outside of sure, and it mediates between blood
the CEREBRAL HEMISPHERES in the vessels and brain tissue in exchange
brain and is associated with higher of materials, including nutrients.
cognitive functions, such as lan-
guage, learning, perception, and cerebrovascular accident (CVA)
planning. It consists mostly of NEO- a disorder of the brain arising from
CORTEX, which has six main layers CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASE, such as
of cells; regions of cerebral cortex cerebral HEMORRHAGE, EMBOLISM,
that do not have six layers are or THROMBOSIS, resulting in tempo-
known as ALLOCORTEX. Differences rary or permanent alterations in
in the CYTOARCHITECTURE of the cognition, motor and sensory skills,
layers led to the recognition of dis- or levels of consciousness. This term
tinct areas, called BRODMANN'S is often used interchangeably with
AREAS, many of which are known to STROKE.
serve different functions. cerebrovascular disease a patho-
logical condition of the blood
cerebral d o m i n a n c e the control- vessels of the brain. It may manifest
ling or disproportionate influence itself as symptoms of STROKE or a
on certain aspects of behavior by TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK.
language is typically left-lateralized c e r e b r u m n. the largest part of the
in right-handed people). See DOMI- brain, forming most of the FORE-
NANCE. BRAIN and lying in front of and
above the cerebellum. It consists of
cerebral h e m i s p h e r e either half two CEREBRAL HEMISPHERES bridged
(left or right) of the cerebrum. The by the CORPUS CALLOSUM. Each
hemispheres are separated by a deep hemisphere is divided into four
LONGITUDINAL FISSURE but they are main lobes: the FRONTAL LOBE, OC-
connected by commissural, projec- CIPITAL LOBE, PARIETAL LOBE, and
tion, and association fibers so that TEMPORAL LOBE. The outer layer of
each side of the brain normally is the cerebmm—the CEREBRAL COR-
linked to functions of tissues on ei- TEX—IS intricately folded and

cesarean section

composed of GRAY MATTER. Also gap (SYNAPTIC CLEFT) separating

called telencephalon. them through the release and diffu-
cesarean section (caesarean Though slower than ELECTRICAL
section; C-section) a surgical pro- SYNAPSES, chemical synapses are
cedure in which incisions are made more flexible and comprise the ma-
through a woman's abdominal and jority of neuronal junctions within
uterine walls to deliver a baby under the body. Because of this prevalence,
circumstances in which vaginal de- the qualifier generally is omitted
livery is inadvisable. and SYNAPSE used alone to denote a
CFF abbreviation for CRITICAL chemical junction.
chemoaffinity hypothesis the
CFS abbreviation for CHRONIC FA- notion that each neuron has a
TIGUE SYNDROME. chemical identity that directs it to
cGMP abbreviation for CYCLIC GMP. synapse on the proper target cell
during development.
c h a n g e a g e n t a specific causative
factor or element or an entire pro- chemoreceptor n. a sensory nerve
cess that results in change, particu- ending, such as any of those in the
larly in the sense of improvement. TASTE BUDS Or OLFACTORY EPITHE-
In psychotherapy research, a change LIUM, that is capable of reacting to
agent may be a component or pro- certain chemical stimuli. In hu-
cess in therapy that results in mans, there are hundreds of
improvement in the behavior or different taste receptor proteins and
psychological adaptation of a pa- a total of about 300,000 TASTE
tient or client. CELLS. Humans also have about
1,000 types of OLFACTORY RECEP-
c h a n g e blindness an inability to TORS and about 1,000 receptors of
notice changes in the visual array each type, giving a total of one mil-
between one scene and another. lion olfactory receptors; other
For example, when a picture of an mammals (e.g., dogs) may have ten
airplane is shown, followed by a times that number.
blank screen, participants have sur-
prising difficulty detecting a missing c h e m o t h e r a p y n. the use of
engine in a second picture of the air- chemical agents to treat diseases,
plane. particularly cancer. —chemothera-
peutic adj. —chemotherapist n.
c h a r i s m a n. the special quality of
personality that enables an individ- child abuse harm to a child caused
ual to gain the confidence of large by a parent or other caregiver. The
numbers of people. It is exemplified harm may be physical (violence),
in outstanding political, social, and sexual (violation or exploitation),
religious leaders, —charismatic psychological (causing emotional
adj. distress), or neglect (failure to pro-
vide needed care). See also
child advocacy any organized and
chemical a n t a g o n i s m see ANTAG- stmctured interventions on behalf
ONIST. of children by professionals or insti-
chemical synapse a type of spe- tutions, often in relation to such
cialized junction through which a issues as special parenting needs,
signal is transmitted from one neu- child abuse, and adoption or foster
ron to another across the narrow care.

choice shift

child development the sequential sum of a set of independent squared

changes in the behavior, cognition, normal random deviates. If p inde-
and physiology of children as they pendent variables are involved, the
grow and mature from birth to ado- distribution is said to have p DE-
child-directed speech the special- chi-square test a measure of how
ized REGISTER of speech that adults well a theoretical probability distri-
and older children use when talking bution fits a set of data. If values Xy
to young children. It is simplified X2,... xv are observed o v o2, ... op
and often more grammatically cor- times and are expected by theory to
rect than adult-directed speech. See occur e v e^ ... ep times, then chi-
also INFANT-DIRECTED SPEECH. square is calculated as (0! - etfle^ +
(o2 - e2)2/e2 + ... Tables of chi-square
childhood n. the period between for different DEGREES OF FREEDOM
the end of infancy (about 2 years of can be used to indicate the probabil-
age) and the onset of puberty, mark- ity that the theory is correct. Also
ing the beginning of ADOLESCENCE called chi-square procedure.
(10-12 years of age). This period is
sometimes divided into (a) early c h l o r p r o m a z i n e n. the first syn-
childhood, from 2 years through the thesized ANTIPSYCHOTIC agent,
preschool age of 5 or 6 years; (b) effective in managing the acute
middle childhood, from 6 to 8-10 symptoms of schizophrenia, acute
years of age; and (c) late childhood mania, and other psychoses. Associ-
or preadolescence, which is identi- ated with a number of unwanted
fied as the 2-year period before the adverse effects, including TARDIVE
onset of puberty. DYSKINESIA, chlorpromazine has
been largely supplanted by newer
childhood amnesia the inability antipsychotic agents but is still used
to recall events from the first years as a referent for dose equivalency of
of life (from infancy through about other antipsychotics. U.S. trade
5 years of age). Childhood amnesia name: Thorazine.
has been attributed to the facts that
(a) cognitive abilities necessary for choice reaction t i m e the total
encoding events for the long term time that elapses between the pre-
have not yet been fully developed sentation of a stimulus and the
and (b) parts of the brain responsi- occurrence of a response in a task
ble for remembering personal events that requires a participant to make
have not yet matured. Also called one of several different responses de-
infantile amnesia. pending on which one of several
different stimuli is presented. In
childhood disintegrative disor- other words, the participant must
make a conscious dedsion before re-
DISORDER characterized by a signifi- sponding. Also called complex
cant loss of previously acquired reaction time; c o m p o u n d reac-
language skills, social skills or adap- t i o n time. Compare SIMPLE
tive behavior, bowel or bladder
control, play, or motor skills. This REACTION TIME.
regression in functioning follows a choice shift any shift in an indi-
period of normal development and vidual's choices or decisions that
occurs between the ages of 2 and 10. occurs as a result of group discus-
sion, as measured by comparing his
child neglect see CHILD ABUSE.
or her prediscussion and post-
chi-square d i s t r i b u t i o n (x2 dis- discussion responses. In many cases
t r i b u t i o n ) the distribution of the the result of such shifts is a choice-


shift effect within the group as a an estimated 20,000-25,000 genes.

whole. See also CAUTIOUS SHIFT. Each parent contributes one chro-
mosome to each pair, so a child
c h o l e c y s t o k i n i n n. a PEPTIDE receives half its chromosomes from
HORMONE that is released from the its mother and half from its father.
duodenum and may be involved in —chromosomal adj.
the satiation of hunger. It also serves
as a NEUROTRANSMITTER at some lo- c h r o n i c adj. denoting conditions or
cations in the nervous system. symptoms that persist or progress
over a long period of time and are
cholinergic adj. responding to, re- resistant to cure. Compare ACUTE.
leasing, or otherwise involving
ACETYLCHOLINE. For example, a c h r o n i c fatigue s y n d r o m e (CFS)
cholinergic neuron is one that em- an illness characterized by often dis-
ploys acetylcholine as a neuro- abling fatigue, decrease in physical
transmitter. activity, and flulike symptoms, such
as muscle weakness, swelling of the
cholinesterase (ChE) n. an en- lymph nodes, headache, sore throat,
zyme that splits ACETYLCHOLINE and sometimes depression. The con-
into choline and acetic acid, thus in- dition is typically not diagnosed
activating the neurotransmitter after until symptoms have been ongoing
its release at a synaptic junction. for several months and it can last for
Cholinesterase occurs in two forms: years. The cause is unknown, al-
acetylcholinesterase (AChE), found though certain viral infections can
in nerve tissue and red blood cells; set off the illness.
and butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE),
found in blood plasma and other chronobiology n. the branch of
tissues. Dmgs that block the ability biology concerned with BIOLOGICAL
of this enzyme to degrade acetyl- RHYTHMS, such as the sleep-wake
choline are called cholinesterase cycle.
inhibitors (ChEls, or acetylcholin- chronological age (CA) the
esterase inhibitors [AChEls], or amount of time elapsed since an in-
anticholinesterases). dividual's birth, typically expressed
chorea n. irregular and involuntary in terms of months and years.
jerky movements of the limbs and c h u n k i n g n. the process by which
fadal muscles. Chorea is assodated the mind sorts information into
with various disorders, including small, easily digestible units
HUNTINGTON'S DISEASE. —choreal (chunks) that can be retained in
adj. —choreic adj. SHORT-TERM MEMORY. As a result of
c h r o m a t i c adj. in vision, relating this receding, one item in memory
to the attribute of color. (e.g., a keyword or key idea) can
stand for multiple other items (e.g.,
c h r o m a t i c a b e r r a t i o n see ABER- a short list of associated points). The
RATION. capacity of short-term memory is
believed to be constant for the num-
chromosome n. a strand or fila- ber of individual units it can store
ment in the cell nucleus composed (seven plus or minus two), but the
of nucleic acid (mainly DNA in hu- units themselves can range from
mans) and proteins that carries the simple chunks (e.g., individual let-
genetic, or hereditary, traits of an ters or numbers) to complex chunks
individual. The normal human com- (e.g., words or phrases).
plement of chromosomes totals 46,
or 23 pairs (44 AUTOSOMES and 2 ciliary muscle smooth muscle be-
SEX CHROMOSOMES), which contain hind the iris of the eye that changes

class inclusion

the shape of the lens to bring ob- ogy, the alleged ability to "see"
jects into focus on the retina. The things beyond the normal range of
ciliary muscle regulates the tension sight, such as distant or hidden ob-
of the zonules, delicate elastic fibers jects or events in the past or future.
that are connected to the lens and See also EXTRASENSORY PERCEPTION.
cause it to flatten (which lessens the —clairvoyant«., adj.
power of the lens and allows focus
of distant objects) or become more classical c o n d i t i o n i n g see PAV-
curved (which increases the power LOVIAN CONDITIONING.
of the lens and allows focus of near classical psychoanalysis 1. psy-
objects). The action of the ciliary choanalytic theory in which major
muscle is a large component of AC- emphasis is placed on the LIBIDO,
OPMENT, and the ID instincts or
cingulate gyrus a long strip of CE- drives. The prototypical theory of
REBRAL CORTEX on the medial
this kind is that of Austrian psychia-
surface of each cerebral hemisphere. trist Sigmund Freud (1856-1939).
The cingulate gyms arches over and 2. psychoanalytic treatment that
generally outlines the location of adheres to Sigmund Freud's basic
the CORPUS CALLOSUM, from which
procedures, using dream interpreta-
it is separated by a groove called the tion, free association, and analysis
callosal sulcus. It is a component of of RESISTANCE, and to his basic aim
of developing insight into the pa-
circadian r h y t h m see BIOLOGI- tient's unconscious life as a way to
CAL RHYTHM. restmcture personality.
c i r c a n n u a l r h y t h m see BIOLOGI- classical test t h e o r y (CTT) a
CAL RHYTHM. body of psychometric theory of
circular r e a c t i o n in PIAGETIAN measurement that partitions
THEORY, repetitive behavior ob- observed scores into two com-
served in children during the ponents—tme scores and error
scores—and estimates error variance
by calculating INTERNAL CONSIS-
as primary, secondary, or tertiary cir-
TENCY reliability, RETEST RELIA-
cular readions. The primary phase
involves ineffective repetitive behav-
iors; the secondary phase involves RELIABILITY. The principal frame-
repetition of actions that are fol- work for test development prior to
lowed by reinforcement, typically the 1970s, CTT is applicable to a
without understanding causation; broad range of measurement sit-
and the tertiary phase involves re- uations but has several major
petitive object manipulation, limitations, notably that examinee
typically with slight variations characteristics cannot be separated
among subsequent behaviors. from test characteristics and that the
measurement statistics derived from
civil c o m m i t m e n t a legal proce- it are fundamentally concerned with
dure that permits a person who is how people perform on a given test
not charged with criminal conduct as opposed to any single item on
to be certified as mentally ill and to that test.
be institutionalized involuntarily.
classification n. see CATEGORIZA-
CJD abbreviation for CREUTZFELDT- TION, —classify vb.
class inclusion the concept that a
clairvoyance n. in parapsychol- subordinate class (e.g., dogs) must

class i n t e r v a l

always be smaller than the of psychotherapy developed by U.S.

superordinate class in which it is psychologist Carl Rogers (1902-
contained (e.g., animals). According 1987) in which client self-discovery
to PIAGETIAN THEORY, understand- and actualization occurs in response
ing the concept of class inclusion to the therapist's consistent em-
represents an important develop- pathic understanding of, acceptance
mental step. of, and respect for the client's FRAME
OF REFERENCE. The therapist reflects
class interval the range of scores and clarifies the ideas of the client,
or numerical values that constitute who is able to see himself or herself
one segment or class in a frequency more clearly, learn how to interpret
distribution; for example, weights his or her thoughts and feelings, re-
might be grouped in class intervals organize values and approaches to
of 5 kg each. Also called class size. life, and resolve problems or change
c l a u s t r o p h o b i a n. a persistent and behavior. It was originally known as
irrational fear of enclosed places nondirective therapy, although this
(e.g., elevators, closets, tunnels) or term is now used more broadly to
of being confined (e.g., in an air- denote any approach to psycho-
plane or the backseat of a car). The therapy in which the therapist
focus of fear is typically on panic establishes an encouraging atmo-
symptoms triggered in these situa- sphere but avoids giving advice,
tions, such as feelings of being offering interpretations, or engaging
unable to breathe, choking, sweat- in other actions to actively direct
ing, and fears of losing control or the therapeutic process. Also called
going crazy. —claustrophobic adj. person-centered t h e r a p y .
c l a u s t r u m n. (pl. claustra) a thin
climacteric n. the biological stage
layer of gray matter in the brain that of life in which reproductive capac-
separates the white matter of the ity declines and finally ceases. In
lenticular nucleus from the INSULA
women this period, which results
(from Latin: "barrier"). The
from changes in the levels of
claustrum forms part of the BASAL
estrogens and progesterone and is
GANGLIA and its function is un-
known as menopause, occurs be-
known. —claustral adj. tween 45 and 55 years of age.
Clever Hans the "thinking horse," During this time, menstmal flow
reputed to be able to solve mathe- gradually decreases and finally
matical problems, spell words, ceases altogether, and various physi-
distinguish colors, and identify cal and potentially psychological
coins, that became famous in Berlin changes occur, typically manifest as
around 1900. It signaled its answers hot flashes, night sweats, and emo-
by tapping its foot. However, Ger- tional lability. Men undergo a
man psychologist Oskar Pfungst similar period of hormonal change
(1874-1932), using experimental (male climacteric), manifest as re-
methods, demonstrated that the duced energy, sexual drive, and
horse was responding to minimal fertility.
cues in the form of involuntary
movements on the part of its owner. clinical adj. of or relating to the
diagnosis and treatment of psycho-
client n. a person receiving treat- logical, medical, or other disorders.
ment or services, especially in the Originally involving only direct
context of counseling or social work. observation of patients, clinical
methods have now broadened to
client-centered t h e r a p y a form take into account biological and sta-

cluster analysis

tistical factors in treating patients They also serve as consultants to

and diagnosing disorders. other professionals in the medical,
legal, social-work, and community-
clinical interview a type of di- relations fields.
rected conversation initially used
with children but now applied in a clique n. a status- or friendship-
variety of contexts, including based subgroup within a larger
HUMAN FACTORS research and diag- group or organization. Cliques are
nostic evaluation and treatment particularly common during adoles-
planning of patients by mental cence, when they are often used to
health professionals. In a clinical in- raise social standing, strengthen
terview, the investigator may utilize friendship ties, and reduce feelings
certain standard material but essen- of isolation and exclusion.
tially determines which questions to
ask based on the responses given by clone n. an organism that is geneti-
the participant to previous ones. cally identical to another. This may
This technique is largely spontane- be because both organisms originate
ous and enables the interviewer to naturally from a single common
adapt questions to the patient's un- parent as a result of asexual repro-
derstanding and ask additional dudion or because one is derived
questions to clarify ambiguities and from genetic material taken from
enhance understanding. the other, —clonal adj.
clinical m e t h o d the process by clonic adj. of, relating to, or charac-
which a clinical psychologist, psy- terized by clonus, a type of
chiatrist, or other mental health or involuntary movement caused by a
medical professional arrives at a rapid succession of alternate muscu-
conclusion, judgment, or diagnosis lar contractions and relaxations.
about a client or patient. Although some forms of clonus,
such as hiccups, are considered nor-
clinical neuropsychology an mal, most such movements are
applied specialty in NEURO- abnormal; for example, clonus oc-
PSYCHOLOGY that comprises curs as part of a TONIC-CLONIC
neuropsychological assessment and SEIZURE.
rehabilitation, which are critical in
cases of neuropsychological injury closure n. 1. the act, achievement,
that results in a range of impair- or sense of completing or resolving
ments that dismpt an individual's something. In psychotherapy, for
ability to function. example, a client achieves closure
with the recognition that he or she
clinical psychology the branch of has reached a resolution to a par-
psychology that specializes in the re- ticular psychological issue or rela-
search, assessment, diagnosis, tionship problem. 2. one of the
evaluation, prevention, and treat- GESTALT PRINCIPLES OF ORGANIZA-
ment of emotional and behavioral TION. It states that people tend to
disorders. The clinical psychologist is perceive incomplete forms (e.g.,
a doctorate-level professional who images, sounds) as complete, syn-
has received training in research thesizing the missing units so as to
methods and techniques for the di- perceive the image or sound as a
agnosis and treatment of various whole. Also called l a w of closure;
psychological disorders (see also principle of closure.
PSYCHOLOGIST). Clinical psycholo-
gists work primarily in health and cluster analysis a method of data
mental health clinics, in research, or analysis in which individuals (cases)
in group and independent practices. are grouped together into clusters


based on their strong similarity with creasing well-being. These are fol-
regard to specific attributes. lowed by a period of depression as
the initial effects diminish. The drug
clustering n. the tendency for
acts by blocking the reuptake of the
items to be consistently grouped to- neurotransmitters DOPAMINE, SERO-
gether in the course of recall. This TONIN, and NOREPINEPHRINE.
grouping typically occurs for related
items. It is readily apparent in mem- cochlea n. the bony fluid-filled part
ory tasks in which items from the of the inner ear that is concerned
same category, such as animals, are with hearing. Shaped like a snail
recalled together, —cluster «., vb. shell, it forms part of the bony LABY-
cluster suicides a statistically high RINTH. Along its length mn three
occurrence of suicides within a cir- canals: the SCALA VESTIBULI, SCALA
cumscribed geographic area, social TYMPANI, and SCALA MEDIA, or co-
group, or time period. Such clusters chlear duct. The floor of the scala
typically occur among adolescents media is formed by the BASILAR
who imitate the suicide of a high- MEMBRANE; the ORGAN OF CORTI,
status peer or among dispersed indi- which rests on the basilar mem-
viduals who imitate the suicide of a brane, contains the HAIR CELLS that
widely admired role model. act as auditory receptor organs.
—cochlear adj.
CNS abbreviation for CENTRAL NER-
VOUS SYSTEM. cochlear i m p l a n t an electronic
coacting g r o u p a group consisting device designed to enable individu-
of two or more individuals working als with complete deafness to hear
in one another's presence on tasks and interpret some sounds, particu-
and activities that require little or larly those associated with speech. It
no interaction or communication consists of a microphone to detect
(coaction tasks), such as clerical staff sound, a headpiece to transmit
working at individual desks in an sound, a processor to digitize sound,
open-design office. Researchers and a receiver to signal electrodes
often create coacting groups in labo- that are surgically implanted in the
ratory studies to determine the cochlea to stimulate the auditory
impact of the mere presence of oth- nerve.
ers on performance. cochlear nucleus a mass of cell
c o a r t i c u l a t i o n n. a phenomenon bodies of second-order auditory neu-
in which the performance of one or rons in the brainstem. The principal
more actions in a sequence of ac- subdivisions are the ventral, dorsal,
tions varies according to the other and anterior cochlear nuclei.
actions in the sequence. This is par-
ticularly important in speech, where cocktail-party effect the ability
the formation of certain PHONEMES to attend to one of several speech
varies according to the speech streams while ignoring others, as
sounds that immediately precede or when one is at a cocktail party. Re-
follow: So, for example, the aspi- search in this area in the early 1950s
rated [p] sound in pin differs slightly suggested that the unattended mes-
from the unaspirated [p] in sp/n. sages are not processed, but later
findings indicated that meaning is
cocaine n. a drug, obtained from identified in at least some cases. For
leaves of the coca shmb (Erythro- example, the mention of one's
xylum coca), that stimulates the name is processed even if it occurs
central nervous system, with the in an unattended speech stream. See
effects of reducing fatigue and in- also ATTENUATION THEORY.

cognitive developmental t h e o r y

codeine n. an OPIATE derived from and every emotion. This concept is

morphine, with which it shares more appropriately expressed in the
many properties—it is a potent anal- cognitive-motivational-relational
gesic (used alone or in combination theory, as the latter recognizes that
with other analgesics, e.g., aspirin) cognition is only one of three simul-
and it induces euphoria. taneously operating processes that
contribute to the generation of any
code of ethics a set of standards emotion.
and principles of professional con-
duct, such as the Ethical Principles of cognitive behavior t h e r a p y
Psychologists and Code of Conduct of (CBT) a form of psychotherapy that
the American Psychological Associa- integrates theories of cognition and
tion. See ETHICS. learning with treatment techniques
derived from BEHAVIOR THERAPY.
coefficient n. 1. a number that CBT assumes that cognitive, emo-
functions as a measure of some tional, and behavioral variables are
property. For example, the CORRE- functionally interrelated. Treatment
LATION COEFFICIENT is a measure of is aimed at identifying and modify-
the degree of linear relatedness. ing the client's maladaptive thought
2. in algebra, a scalar that multiplies processes and problematic behaviors
a variable in an equation. For exam- through COGNITIVE RESTRUCTURING
ple, in the equation y = bx, the scalar and behavioral techniques to
quantity b is said to be a coefficient. achieve change.
coefficient of d e t e r m i n a t i o n cognitive coping strategy any
(symbol: i2) a numerical index that COPING STRATEGY in which mental
reflects the degree to which varia- activity is used to counter the prob-
tion in the DEPENDENT VARIABLE is lem or situation. Examples include
accounted for by one INDEPENDENT thinking out the cause of the prob-
VARIABLE. lem, working out how others might
coefficient of m u l t i p l e deter- handle it, diverting one's attention
m i n a t i o n (symbol: R2) a numerical to something less stressful or anxi-
index that reflects the degree to ety-provoking (e.g., remembering
which variation in the DEPENDENT happy times, solving mathematical
VARIABLE is accounted for by two or problems), and meditation or
coevolution n. the concurrent evo- cognitive development the
lution of two or more species that growth and maturation of thinking
mutually affect each other's evolu- processes of all kinds, including per-
tion. ceiving, remembering, concept
formation, problem solving, imagin-
cognition n. all forms of knowing ing, and reasoning.
and awareness, such as perceiving,
conceiving, remembering, reason- cognitive developmental the-
ing, judging, imagining, and ory any theory that attempts to
problem solving. Along with affect explain the mechanisms underlying
and conation, it is one of the three the growth and maturation of think-
traditionally identified components ing processes. Explanations may be
of mind. —cognitional adj. —cog- in terms of stages of development in
nitive adj. which the changes in thinking are
relatively abmpt and discontinuous,
cognitive appraisal t h e o r y the or the changes may be viewed as oc-
theory that cognitive evaluation is curring gradually and continuously
involved in the generation of each over time.

cognitive disorder

cognitive disorder any disorder servation. Human beings and other

that involves impairment of the EX- animals have well-developed cogni-
ECUTIVE FUNCTIONS, affecting tive maps that contain spatial
performance in many areas, includ- information enabling them to orient
ing reasoning, planning, judgment, themselves and find their way in the
decision making, emotional engage- real world.
ment, perseveration, awareness,
attention, language, learning, mem- cognitive m o d e l a theoretical
ory, and timing. view of thought and mental opera-
tions, which provides explanations
cognitive dissonance an unpleas- for observed phenomena and makes
ant psychological state resulting predictions about an unknown fu-
from inconsistency between two or ture. People are continually creating
more elements in a cognitive sys- and accessing internal representa-
tem. It is presumed to involve a tions (models) of what they are
state of heightened arousal and to experiencing in the world for the
have characteristics similar to physi- purposes of perception, comprehen-
ological drives (e.g., hunger). sion, and behavior selection
cognitive dissonance t h e o r y a
theory proposing that people have a cognitive neuropsychology the
fundamental motivation to main- study of the structure and function
tain consistency among elements in of the brain as it relates to percep-
their cognitive systems. When in- tion, reasoning, remembering, and
consistency occurs, people all other forms of knowing and
experience an unpleasant psycho- awareness. Cognitive neuro-
logical state that motivates them to psychology focuses on examining
reduce the dissonance in a variety of the effects of brain damage on
ways. thought processes—typically
through the use of in-depth SINGLE-
cognitive ergonomics a specialty CASE DESIGNS—so as to constmct
area of ERGONOMICS that seeks to models of normal cognitive func-
understand the cognitive processes tioning.
and representations involved in
human performance. Cognitive er- cognitive neuroscience a branch
gonomics studies the combined Of NEUROSCIENCE and BIOLOGICAL
effect of information-processing PSYCHOLOGY that focuses on the
characteristics, task constraints, and neural mechanisms of cognition. Al-
task environment on human perfor- though overlapping with the study
mance and applies the results of of the mind in COGNITIVE PSYCHOL-
such studies to the design and evalu- OGY, cognitive neurosdence, with
ation of work systems. its grounding in such areas as exper-
imental psychology, neurobiology,
cognitive l e a r n i n g t h e o r y any physics, and mathematics, specifi-
theory postulating that learning re- cally examines how mental
quires central constmcts and new processes occur in the brain.
ways of perceiving events. Cognitive
theory is usually contrasted with be- cognitive overload the situation
havioral learning theories, which in which the demands placed on a
suggest that behaviors or responses person by mental work (the cogni-
are acquired through experience. tive load) are greater than the
person's mental abilities can cope
cognitive m a p a mental under- with.
standing of an environment, formed
through trial and error as well as ob- cognitive process any of the

cognitive t h e r a p y

mental functions assumed to be in- plinary approach to understanding

volved in the acquisition, storage, the mind and mental processes that
interpretation, manipulation, trans- combines aspects of cognitive psy-
formation, and use of knowledge. chology, the philosophy of mind,
These processes encompass such epistemology, neuroscience, anthro-
areas as attention, perception, learn- pology, psycholinguistics, and
ing, and problem solving and are computer sdence.
commonly understood through sev-
eral basic theories, including the cognitive style a person's char-
SERIAL PROCESSING approach, the acteristic mode of perceiving, think-
PARALLEL PROCESSING approach, ing, remembering, and problem
and a combination theory, which solving. Cognitive styles might dif-
assumes that cognitive processes are fer in preferred elements or
both serial and parallel, depending activities, such as visual versus ver-
on the demands of the task. bal ENCODING, and along various
dimensions, such as FIELD DEPEND-
cognitive psychology the branch ENCE/field independence. Many use
of psychology that explores the op- the term learning style interchange-
eration of mental processes related ably with cognitive style, whereas
to perceiving, attending, thinking, others use the former more spe-
language, and memory, mainly cifically to mean a person's
through inferences from behavior. characteristic cognitive, affective,
The cognitive approach, which de- and psychological behaviors that
veloped in the 1940s and 1950s, influence his or her preferred
diverged sharply from contemporary instructional methods and inter-
BEHAVIORISM in (a) emphasizing un- actions with the learning environ-
seen knowledge processes instead of ment.
directly observable behaviors and (b)
arguing that the relationship be- cognitive t h e o r y any theory of
tween stimulus and response was mind that focuses on mental activi-
complex and mediated rather than ties, such as perceiving, attending,
simple and direct. Its concentration thinking, remembering, evaluating,
on the higher mental processes also planning, language, and creativity,
contrasted with the focus on the in- especially one that suggests a model
stincts and other unconscious forces for the various processes involved.
typical of psychoanalysis. More re- cognitive t h e r a p y (CT) a form of
cently, cognitive psychology has psychotherapy based on the concept
been influenced by approaches to that emotional and behavioral prob-
lems in an individual are, at least in
part, the result of maladaptive or
computer science and ARTIFICIAL IN- faulty ways of thinking and dis-
torted attitudes toward oneself and
others. The objective of the therapy
is to identify these faulty cognitions
cognitive r e s t r u c t u r i n g a tech- and replace them with more adap-
tive ones, a process known as
to help the client identify his or her therapist takes the role of an active
self-defeating beliefs or cognitive guide who attempts to make the
distortions, refute them, and then client aware of these distorted
modify them so that they are adap- thinking patterns and who helps
tive and reasonable. the client correct and revise his or
cognitive science an interdisci- her perceptions and attitudes by cit-

cognitive t r i a d

ing evidence to the contrary or by sidered essential to effective GROUP

eliciting it from the client. See also THERAPY. —cohesive adj.
cohesiveness n. a tendency of acts,
cognitive t r i a d a set of three be- either successive or simultaneous, to
liefs thought to characterize MAJOR become connected or affiliated so as
DEPRESSIVE EPISODES. These are neg- to form a unified whole.
ative beliefs about the self, the c o h o r t n. a group of people who
world, and the future. have experienced a significant life
event (e.g., marriage) during the
cognitive unconscious unreport- same period of time. The term usu-
able mental processes, collectively. ally refers to a birth cohort, or
There are many sources of evidence generation.
for a cognitive unconscious, includ-
ing regularities of behavior due to c o h o r t effect any outcome associ-
habit or AUTOMATICITY, inferred ated with being a member of a
grammatical mles, the details of group born at a particular time and
sensorimotor control, and implicit therefore influenced by the events
knowledge after brain damage. It is and practices at that time. Cohort
often contrasted with the psychoan- effects may be difficult to separate
alytically derived notion of the from AGE EFFECTS and PERIOD EF-
dynamic UNCONSCIOUS, which in- FECTS in research.
volves material that is kept out of
consciousness to avoid anxiety, collective m o n o l o g u e a form of
shame, or guilt. speech in which 2- or 3-year-old
children talk among themselves
c o h a b i t a t i o n n. the state or condi- without apparently communicating
with each other in a meaningful
tion of living together as sexual and way, such that the statements of one
domestic partners without being child seem unrelated to the state-
married. —cohabit vb. —cohab- ments of the others.
itee n.
collective unconscious the part
Cohen's k a p p a (symbol: K) a nu- of the UNCONSCIOUS that, according
merical index that reflects the to Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung
degree of agreement between two (1875-1961), is common to all hu-
raters or rating systems classifying mankind and contains the inherited
data into mutually exclusive catego- accumulation of primitive human
ries, corrected for the level of experiences in the form of ideas and
agreement expeded by chance images called ARCHETYPES. It is the
alone. [Jacob Cohen (1923-1998), deepest and least accessible part of
U.S. psychologist and statistician] the unconscious mind. See also PER-
cohesion n. the unity or solidarity
of a group, as indicated by the collectivism n. a social or cultural
strength of the bonds that link tradition, ideology, or personal out-
group members to the group as a look that emphasizes the unity of
whole, the sense of belongingness the group or community rather than
and community within the group, each person's individuality. Collec-
the feelings of attraction for specific tivist societies tend to stress
group members and the group itself cooperation, communalism, con-
experienced by individuals, and the stmctive interdependence, and
degree to which members coordi- conformity to cultural roles and
nate their efforts to achieve goals. mores. Compare INDIVIDUALISM.
Group cohesion is frequently con- —collectivist adj.


colliculus n. (pl. colliculi) a small guish visual stimuli on the basis of

elevation. Two pairs of colliculi are the wavelengths of light they emit
found on the dorsal surface of the or reflect.
MIDBRAIN. The rostral pair, the su- c o l u m n n. in anatomy, a stmcture
perior colliculi, receive and process that resembles an architectural pil-
visual information and help control lar. An example is the SPINAL
eye movements. The caudal pair, the COLUMN. — c o l u m n a r adj.
inferior colliculi, receive and process
auditory information. coma n. a profound state of uncon-
sciousness resulting from disease,
color n. the subjective quality of injury, or poisoning and character-
light that corresponds to wave- ized by little or no response to
length as perceived by retinal stimuli, absence of reflexes, and sus-
receptors. Color can be character- pension of voluntary activity.
ized by its HUE, SATURATION, and
BRIGHTNESS. c o m b i n a t i o n n. in statistics, the
selection of r objects from among n
color blindness the inability to objects without regard to the order
discriminate between colors and to in which the objects are selected.
perceive color hues. Color blindness The number of combinations of n
may be caused by disease, dmgs, or objects taken r at a time is often de-
brain injury (acquired color blind- noted as n C r . A combination is
ness), but most often is an inherited similar to a PERMUTATION but dis-
trait (congenital color blindness) tinguished by its irrelevance of
that affects about 10% of men (it is order.
rare in women). The most common
form of the disorder involves the commissure n. a structure that
green or red receptors of the cone forms a bridge or junction between
cells in the retina, causing a r e d - two anatomical areas, particularly
green confusion. Total color blind- the two cerebral hemispheres or the
ness is called ACHROMATISM and is halves of the spinal cord. Examples
rare. See also DICHROMATISM; include the two key landmarks in
MONOCHROMATISM; TRICHROMA- brain mapping: the anterior
TISM. commissure, a bundle of myelinated
fibers that joins the TEMPORAL
color constancy the tendency to LOBES; and the posterior com-
perceive a familiar objed as having missure, a bundle of myelinated
the same color under different con- fibers that connects regions in the
ditions of illumination. Color midbrain and DIENCEPHALON. See
constancy is an example of PERCEP- also CORPUS CALLOSUM. —com-
TUAL CONSTANCY. missural adj.
color c o n t r a s t the effect of one commissurotomy n. surgical
color upon another when they are transection or severing of a
viewed in close proximity. In simul- COMMISSURE, especially surgical sep-
taneous contrast, complementary aration of the cerebral hemispheres
colors, such as yellow and blue, are of the brain by severing the CORPUS
enhanced by each other: The yellow CALLOSUM and often the anterior
appears yellower, and the blue ap- commissure. This procedure is used
pears bluer. In successive contrast, clinically to treat severe epilepsy and
the complement of a color is seen has been used experimentally in ani-
after shifting focus to a neutral sur- mals to study the functions of each
face. hemisphere. See also SPLIT BRAIN.
color vision the ability to distin- c o m m i t m e n t n. confinement to a

c o m m o n fate

mental institution by court order vide a continuous, comprehensive

following certification by appropri- system of services designed to meet
ate psychiatric or other mental all mental health-related needs in
health authorities. The process may the community.
be voluntary but is generally invol-
untary. c o m m u n i t y m e n t a l h e a l t h cen-
t e r a community-based facility
c o m m o n fate one of the GESTALT providing a full range of prevention,
PRINCIPLES OF ORGANIZATION, stat- treatment, and rehabilitation ser-
ing that objects functioning or vices, including full diagnostic
moving in the same direction ap- evaluation, outpatient individual
pear to belong together, that is, they and group therapy, emergency inpa-
are perceived as a single unit (e.g., a tient treatment, substance abuse
flock of birds). Also called l a w of treatment, and vocational, educa-
c o m m o n fate; principle of com- tional, and social rehabilitation
m o n fate. programs.
c o m m u n a l r e l a t i o n s h i p a rela- c o m m u n i t y psychology the
tionship in which interaction is branch of psychology that focuses
governed primarily by consideration on social issues, sodal institutions,
of the other's needs and wishes. This and other settings that influence in-
contrasts with an exchange relation- dividuals, groups, and organizations.
ship, in which the people involved Community researchers examine
are concerned mainly with receiving the ways that individuals interact
as much as they give. with each other, social groups (e.g.,
clubs, churches, schools, families),
c o m m u n i c a t i o n n. the transmis- and the larger culture and environ-
sion of information, which may be ment.
by verbal (oral or written) or non-
verbal means (see NONVERBAL c o m o r b i d i t y n. the simultaneous
COMMUNICATION). Humans com- presence in an individual of two or
municate to relate and exchange more mental or physical illnesses,
ideas, knowledge, feelings, and ex- diseases, or disorders. —comorbid
periences and for many other adj.
interpersonal and social purposes.
Nonhuman animals likewise com- c o m p a n i o n a t e love a type of love
municate vocally or nonvocally for a characterized by strong feelings of
variety of purposes. Communication intimacy and affection for another
disorders are treated by mental and person but not accompanied by
behavioral health therapists and by strong passion or emotional arousal
speech and language therapists. in the other's presence. In these re-
spects, companionate love is
c o m m u n i t y m e n t a l h e a l t h ac- distinguished from PASSIONATE
tivities undertaken in the LOVE. See also TRIANGULAR THEORY
community, rather than in institu- OF LOVE.
tional settings, to promote mental
health. The community approach c o m p a r a b l e forms see ALTER-
focuses primarily on the total popu- NATE-FORMS RELIABILITY.
lation of a single catchment area c o m p a r a t i v e psychology the
and involves overall planning and study of animal behavior with the
demographic analyses. It emphasizes dual objective of understanding the
preventive services as distinguished behavior of nonhuman animals for
from therapeutic services (e.g., by its own sake as well as furthering the
identifying sources of stress within understanding of human behavior.
the community) and seeks to pro- Comparative psychology usually in-

c o m p l e m e n t a r y a n d a l t e m a t i v e medicine

volves laboratory studies (compare Compare ADDITIVE TASK; CON-

any study involving nonhuman spe-
cies, whether or not the comparative competence n. 1. the ability to
exert control over one's life, to cope
method is used. with specific problems effectively,
comparison level in SOCIAL EX- and to make changes to one's be-
CHANGE THEORY, the standard by
havior and one's environment.
which an individual evaluates the Affirming, strengthening, or achiev-
quality of any social relationship in ing a client's competence is often a
which he or she is currently en- basic goal in psychotherapy.
gaged. The comparison level derives 2. one's developed repertoire of
from the average of all outcomes ex- skills, especially as applied to a par-
perienced by the individual in ticular task. 3. in linguistics, the
previous similar relationships or ob- unconscious knowledge of the un-
served by the individual in similar derlying mles of a language that
relationships of others. enables individuals to speak and
understand it. In this sense, com-
petence is distinct from the actual
compensation n. 1. substitution or linguistic performance of any
development of strength or capabil- particular speaker, which may be
ity in one area to offset real or constrained by such nonlinguistic
imagined lack or deficiency in an- factors as memory, attention, or
other. This may be referred to as fatigue. 4. in law, the capacity to
overcompensation when the substi- comprehend the nature of a trans-
tute behavior exceeds what might action and to assume legal responsi-
actually be necessary in terms of bility for one's actions. See also
level of compensation for the lack or INCOMPETENCE. Also called compe-
deficiency. In his classical psychoan- tency. —competent adj.
alytic theory, Austrian psychiatrist
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) de- c o m p e t i t i o n n. any performance
scribed compensation as a DEFENSE situation stmctured in such a way
MECHANISM that protects the indi- that success depends on performing
vidual against the conscious better than others. Interpersonal
realization of such lacks or deficien- competition involves individuals
cies. The idea of compensation also striving to outperform each other;
is central to the personality theory intergroup competition involves
of Austrian psychiatrist Alfred Adler groups competing against other
(1870-1937), which sees all human groups; intragroup competition in-
striving as a response to feelings of volves individuals within a group
inferiority (see also INFERIORITY trying to best each other. Compare
COMPLEX). —compensate vb.
COOPERATION, —compete vb.
—compensatory adj. —competitive adj.
compensatory task a task or pro- complementary a n d altema-
ject that a group can complete by tive medicine (CAM) a group of
averaging together individual mem- therapies and health care systems
bers' solutions or recommendations. that fall outside the realm of con-
Groups outperform individuals on ventional Western medical practice.
such tasks when the members are Examples include ACUPUNCTURE,
equally proficient at the task and do MEDITATION, and the use of certain
not share common biases that pro- dietary supplements. Complemen-
duce systematic tendencies toward tary medicine is used as an adjunct
overestimation or underestimation. to conventional treatment; alterna-

completion test

tive medicine stands alone and engaged in to reduce anxiety or dis-

replaces conventional treatment. tress. Typically the individual feels
completion test a type of test in driven or compelled to perform the
which the participant is required to compulsion to reduce the distress as-
supply a missing item, such as a sociated with an OBSESSION or to
word, number, or symbol. prevent a dreaded event or situation.
Compulsions may also take the form
complex n. a group or system of re- of rigid or stereotyped acts based on
lated ideas or impulses that have a idiosyncratic mles that do not have
common emotional tone and exert a a rational basis (e.g., having to per-
strong but usually unconscious in- form a task in a certain way).
fluence on the individual's attitudes Compulsions do not provide plea-
and behavior. The term, introduced sure or gratification and are
by Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Jung disproportionate or irrelevant to
(1875-1961) to denote the contents the feared situation they are used
of the PERSONAL UNCONSCIOUS, has to neutralize. See OBSESSIVE-
taken on an almost purely patholog- COMPULSIVE DISORDER. —compul-
ical connotation in popular usage, sive adj.
which does not necessarily reflect
usage in psychology. compulsive personality disor-
complex cell a neuron in the cere- PERSONALITY DISORDER.
bral cortex that responds to visual
stimulation of appropriate contrast, c o m p u t a t i o n a l model any
orientation, and direction anywhere account of cognitive or psycho-
in the receptive field. Compare SIM- biological processes that assumes
PLE CELL. that the human mind functions like
a digital computer, specifically in its
complex r e a c t i o n t i m e see ability to form representations of
CHOICE REACTION TIME. events and objects and to carry out
compliance n. submission to the complex sequences of operations on
desires of others, often involving a these representations.
change in a person's behavior in re- c o m p u t e d t o m o g r a p h y (CT) a
sponse to a direct request. A variety radiographic technique for quickly
of techniques have been developed producing detailed, three-
to enhance compliance with re- dimensional images of the brain or
quests. Although some techniques other soft tissues. An X-ray beam is
may enhance compliance by pro- passed through the tissue from
ducing attitude change, behavioral many different locations, and the
change is the primary goal of these different patterns of radiation
techniques, —compliant adj. absorption are analyzed and
—comply vb. synthesized by a computer. Also
c o m p o u n d reaction t i m e see called computerized axial to-
CHOICE REACTION TIME. m o g r a p h y (CAT); c o m p u t e r i z e d
t o m o g r a p h y . See also MAGNETIC
comprehension n. the act or capa- RESONANCE IMAGING.
bility of understanding something,
especially the meaning of a commu- c o m p u t e r a d d i c t i o n see IN-
—comprehend vb.
computer-assisted i n s t r u c t i o n
compulsion n. a type of behavior (CAI) a sophisticated offshoot of
(e.g., hand washing, checking) or a programmed learning, in which a
mental act (e.g., counting, praying) computer is used to provide drill

conditional positive r e g a r d

and practice, problem solving, simu- DISORDERS would place that term
lation, and gaming forms of on top, with PHOBIAS lower, and
instmction. It is also useful for rela- specific types of phobia (e.g., CLAUS-
tively individualized tutorial TROPHOBIA) on the bottom.
instmction. Also called computer- conceptual replication see REPLI-
assisted learning. CATION.
computerized assessment the c o n c o r d a n c e n. in TWIN STUDIES,
process of using a computer to ob- the probability that a given trait or
tain and evaluate psychological disorder in one twin will appear in
information about a person. The the other. Evidence for genetic fac-
computer presents questions or tasks tors in the production of the trait or
and then makes diagnoses and prog- disorder comes from the comparison
noses based on a comparison of the of concordance rates between identi-
participant's responses or perfor- cal and fraternal twins. Compare
mance to databases of previously DISCORDANCE.
acquired information on many
other individuals. concrete o p e r a t i o n a l stage in
PIAGETIAN THEORY, the third major
c o n a t i o n n. the proactive (as stage of cognitive development, oc-
opposed to habitual) part of curring approximately from 7 to 12
motivation that connects knowl- years of age, in which children can
edge, affect, drives, desires, and decenter their perception (see
instincts to behavior. Along with DECENTRATION), are less egocentric,
cognition and affect, conation is and can think logically about physi-
one of the three traditionally identi- cal objects and about specific
fied components of mind. situations or experiences involving
c o n c e n t r a t i o n n. the act of bring- those objects.
ing together or focusing, as, for c o n c u r r e n t validity the extent of
example, bringing one's thought correspondence between two mea-
processes to bear on a central prob-
lem or subject (see ATTENTION).
surements at about the same point
—concentrate vb. in time: specifically, the assessment
of one test's validity by comparison
concept n. an idea that represents a of its results with a separate but re-
class of objects or events or their lated measurement, such as a
properties, such as "cats," "walking," standardized test, at the same point
"honesty," "blue," or "fast." —con- in time.
ceptual adj.
concussion n. mild injury to the
concept f o r m a t i o n the process by brain due to trauma or jarring that
which a person abstracts a common temporarily dismpts function and
idea or concept from particular ex- usually involves at least brief uncon-
amples, such as learning what dogs sciousness.
are by experience of various differ-
ent dogs. conditional positive r e g a r d an
attitude of acceptance and esteem
concept h i e r a r c h y a collection of expressed by others that depends on
objects, events, or other items with the acceptability of the individual's
common properties arranged in a behavior and the other's personal
multilevel structure. Concepts on standards. Conditional regard works
the higher levels have broad mean- against sound psychological devel-
ings, while those at lower levels are opment and adjustment in the
more specific. For example, a con- recipient. Compare UNCONDITIONAL
cept hierarchy of ANXIETY POSITIVE REGARD.

conditional probability

conditional p r o b a b i l i t y the meeting the approval of others. This

probability that an event will occur belief derives from the child's sense
given that another event is known of being worthy of love on the basis
to have occurred. of parental approval: As the individ-
c o n d i t i o n e d reinforcement see ual matures, he or she may continue
to feel worthy of affection and re-
spect only when expressing
c o n d i t i o n e d response (CR) in desirable behaviors.
learned or acquired response to a c o n d u c t disorder a persistent pat-
conditioned stimulus. tern of behavior that involves
violating the basic rights of others
c o n d i t i o n e d s t i m u l u s (CS) a neu- and ignoring age-appropriate social
tral stimulus that is repeatedly standards. Specific behaviors include
presented with an UNCONDITIONED lying, theft, arson, mnning away
STIMULUS until it acquires the abil- from home, aggression, truancy,
ity to elicit a response that it burglary, cruelty to animals, and
previously did not. In many (but fighting. This disorder is distin-
not all) cases, the response elicited guished from OPPOSITIONAL
by the conditioned stimulus is simi- DEFIANT DISORDER by the increased
lar to that elicited by the uncon- severity of the behaviors and their
ditioned stimulus. A light, for exam- occurrence independently of an
ple, by being repeatedly paired with event occasioning opposition.
food (the unconditioned stimulus),
eventually comes to elicit the same c o n d u c t i o n a p h a s i a a form of
response as food (i.e., salivation) APHASIA characterized by difficulty
when presented alone. in differentiating speech sounds and
repeating them accurately, even
c o n d i t i o n e d taste aversion the though spontaneous articulation
association of the taste of a food or may be intact. It is associated with
fluid with an aversive stimulus (usu- lesions in the ARCUATE FASCICULUS,
ally gastrointestinal discomfort or the tract linking the areas of the
illness) and subsequent avoidance of brain involved in the interpretation
that particular taste. Conditioned and control of speech.
taste aversion challenges traditional
c o n d u c t i o n deafness see DEAF-
theories of associative learning,
since very few pairings between the NESS.
food and illness are needed to pro- c o n e n. see RETINAL CONE.
duce the effect (often one pairing
will suffice), the delay between ex- c o n f a b u l a t i o n n. the falsification
periencing the taste and then feeling of memory in which gaps in recall
ill can be relatively long, and the are filled by fabrications that the in-
aversion is highly resistant to EX- dividual accepts as fact. It is not
TINCTION. typically considered to be a con-
scious attempt to deceive others.
c o n d i t i o n i n g n. the process by Confabulation occurs most fre-
which certain kinds of experience quently in KORSAKOFF'S SYNDROME
make particular actions more or less and to a lesser extent in other condi-
likely. See INSTRUMENTAL CONDI- tions associated with organically
TIONING; OPERANT CONDITIONING; derived amnesia. —confabulate
conditions of w o r t h the state in confederate n. in an experimental
which an individual considers love situation, an aide of the experi-
and respect to be conditional on menter who poses as a participant


but whose behavior is rehearsed data entmsted to professionals dur-

prior to the experiment. The real ing assessment, diagnosis, and
participants are sometimes referred treatment. Similar protedion is
to as NAIVE PARTICIPANTS. given to research participants and
survey respondents against unau-
confidence i n t e r v a l a range of thorized access to information they
values (an interval) used for estimat- reveal in confidence. —confiden-
ing the value of a population t i a l adj.
parameter from data obtained in a
SAMPLE, with a preset, fixed proba- configural l e a r n i n g learning to
bility that the interval will include respond to a combination of two or
the tme value of the population pa- more stimuli paired with an out-
rameter being estimated. Most come when none of the stimuli
research is done on samples, but it is presented alone is paired with that
done in order to draw inferences outcome. For example, if neither a
about the entire relevant popula- tone nor a light presented separately
tion. is followed by food, but a tone-light
combination is followed by food,
confidence level the probability configural learning has occurred
that a CONFIDENCE INTERVAL when a conditioned response is elic-
contains the tme value of an ited by the tone-light combination.
experimental variable under in-
vestigation. It is expressed as a c o n f i r m a t i o n bias the tendency
percentage that indicates the sta- to gather evidence that confirms
tistical likelihood that the value of preexisting expectations, typically
the variable obtained using a SAM- by emphasizing or pursuing sup-
PLE is an accurate reflection of the porting evidence while dismissing or
actual value in the entire POPULA- failing to seek contradictory evi-
TION. For example, a survey of 100 dence.
individuals in a small town of 1,000 c o n f i r m a t o r y factor analysis
people might indicate that 20% of one of a set of procedures used in
respondents intend to enroll in a FACTOR ANALYSIS to demonstrate
distance learning class within the that a group of variables possess a
next month. If the confidence level theoretically expected factor stmc-
for this research is 95%, this indi- ture. In other words, confirmatory
cates that if the entire town were factor analysis provides formal sta-
surveyed then the results obtained tistical tests of a priori hypotheses
would be within 5% of the value about the specific underlying (la-
obtained with the sample (i.e., tent) variables thought to explain
anywhere between 16 and 24% of the data obtained on a set of ob-
respondents would enroll in a class). served (manifest) variables. Unlike
In other words, the researcher is EXPLORATORY FACTOR ANALYSIS, in
95% certain that his or her results which all measured variables relate
for the sample are accurate for the to all latent factors, confirmatory
entire population and thus would be factor analysis imposes explicit re-
obtained were the research to be re- strictions so that the measured
peated with additional samples. variables relate with some (or usu-
ally just one) latent factors but do
confidentiality «. a principle of not relate with others.
professional ETHICS requiring pro-
viders of mental health care or conflict n. the occurrence of mu-
medical care to limit the disclosure tually antagonistic or opposing
of a patient's identity, his or her forces, including events, behaviors,
condition or treatment, and any desires, attitudes, and emotions.


This general term has more specific congenital adj. denoting a condi-
meanings within different areas of tion or disorder that is present at
psychology. For example, in psycho- birth.
analytic theory it refers to the
opposition between incompatible congenital a d r e n a l hyperplasia
instinctual impulses or between in- an inherited disorder caused by mu-
compatible aspeds of the mental tations that encode for enzymes
stmcture (i.e., the ID, EGO, and SU- involved in one of the various steps
PEREGO) that may be a source of of steroid hormone synthesis in the
NEUROSIS if it results in the use of adrenal gland. These defects result
defense mechanisms other than in the absence or decreased synthe-
SUBLIMATION. In interpersonal
sis of CORTISOL from its cholesterol
precursor and a concomitant abnor-
relations conflict denotes the dis-
mal increase in the production of
agreement, discord, and friction androgens.
that occur when the actions or
beliefs of one or more individuals congenital defect any abnormal-
are unacceptable to and resisted by ity present at birth, regardless of the
others. cause. It may be caused by faulty
fetal development (e.g., spina bifida,
c o n f o r m i t y «. the adjustment of cleft palate), hereditary factors (e.g.,
one's opinions, judgments, or ac- Huntington's disease), chromo-
tions so that they match either (a) somal aberration (e.g., Down
the opinions, judgments, or actions syndrome), maternal conditions
of other people or (b) the normative affecting the developing fetus (e.g.,
standards of a social group or situa- fetal alcohol syndrome), metabolic
tion. Conformity includes the defects (e.g., phenylketonuria), or
temporary COMPLIANCE of individu- injury to the brain before or during
als, who agree publicly with the birth (e.g., some cases of cerebral
group but do not accept its position palsy).
as their own, as well as the CONVER-
SION of individuals, who fully adopt congruence n. in phenomeno-
the group position. logical personality theory, (a) the
need for a therapist to act in accor-
c o n f o u n d n. in an experiment dance with his or her tme feelings
using a FACTORIAL DESIGN, a vari-
rather than with a stylized image of
able that is conceptually distinct but a therapist or (b) the conscious inte-
empirically inseparable from one or gration of an experience into the
more other variables. Confounding self. —congruent adj.
makes it impossible to differentiate
that variable's effects in isolation conjunctive t a s k a group task or
from its effects in conjunction with project that cannot be completed
other variables. These indistinguish- successfully until all members of the
able effects are themselves called group have completed their portion
aliases. of the job (e.g., a factory assembly
line). This means that the speed and
confusion of responsibility the quality of the work are determined
tendency for bystanders to refrain by the least skilled member. Com-
from helping in both emergencies pare ADDITIVE TASK; COMPENSATORY
and nonemergencies in order to TASK; DISJUNCTIVE TASK.
avoid being blamed by others for
causing the problem. This is a con- connectionism n. 1. an approach
tributing factor in the BYSTANDER that views human cognitive pro-
EFFECT. See also DIFFUSION OF RE- cesses in terms of massively parallel
SPONSIBILITY. cooperative and competitive interac-


tions among large numbers of role of conscience in the formation

simple neuronlike computational of groups and societies.
units. Although each unit exhibits
conscious 1. (Cs) n. in the classical
nonlinear spatial and temporal sum-
psychoanalytic theory of Austrian
mation, units and connections are psychiatrist Sigmund Freud (1856-
not generally to be taken as corre-
1939), the region of the psyche that
sponding directly to individual contains thoughts, feelings, percep-
neurons and synapses. 2. as used
tions, and other aspects of mental
by U.S. psychologist Edward L.
life currently present in awareness.
Thorndike (1874-1949), the concept The content of the conscious is
that learning involves the acquisi-
thus inherently transitory and con-
tion of neural links, or connections, tinuously changing. Compare
between stimulus and response.
—connectionist adj.
2. adj. relating to or marked by
connectionist model any of a awareness or consciousness.
class of theories hypothesizing that
consciousness n. any of various
knowledge is encoded by the con- subjective states of awareness in
nections among representations which mental contents and ac-
stored in the brain rather than in
tivities can be reported. The
the representations themselves.
phenomena that humans report
Connectionist models suggest that
experiencing range from sensory
knowledge is distributed rather than and somatic perception to images,
being localized and that it is re- ideas, inner speech, intentions to
trieved through SPREADING
act, recalled memories, semantics,
ACTIVATION among connections.
dreams, hallucinations, emotional
The connectionist model concept
feelings, "fringe" feelings (e.g., a
has been extended to artificial intel- sense of knowing), and aspects of
ligence, particularly to its NEURAL
cognitive and motor control. Con-
NETWORK models of problem solv-
sciousness most often refers to the
ordinary waking state, but it may
c o n n e c t o r n e u r o n see INTER- also refer to the state of sleeping or
c o n n o t a t i v e m e a n i n g see DENO-
TATIVE MEANING. consensual v a l i d a t i o n the pro-
cess by which a therapist helps a
c o n s a n g u i n i t y n. see AFFINITY.
client check the accuracy of his or
conscience n. an individual's sense her perception or the results of his
of right and wrong or of transgres- or her experience by comparing it
sion against moral values. In with those of others, often in the
psychoanalysis, conscience is the context of GROUP THERAPY.
SUPEREGO, or ethical component of
personality, which acts as judge and consensus n. general agreement
critic of one's actions and attitudes. among the members of a group, es-
More recent biopsychological ap- pecially when making an appraisal
proaches suggest that the capacity of or decision.
conscience may be genetically deter- consent n. voluntary assent or ap-
mined, and research on brain proval given by an individual:
damage connects behavioral inhibi- specifically, permission granted by
tions to specific brain regions (e.g., an individual for medical or psycho-
the PREFRONTAL CORTEX). Psycho- logical treatment, participation in
social approaches emphasize the research, or both. Individuals should


be fully informed about the treat- c o n s t a n c y n. see PERCEPTUAL CON-

ment or study and its risks and STANCY.
potential benefits (see INFORMED
CONSENT). c o n s t a n t 1. n. a mathematically
fixed value: a quantity that is un-
conservation n. the awareness that changeable under specified
physical quantities do not change in conditions. 2. adj. unvarying or con-
amount when they are altered in ap- tinual.
pearance, such as when water is c o n s t i t u t i o n n. the basic psycho-
poured from a wide, short beaker logical and physical makeup of an
into a thin, tall one. According to individual, due partly to heredity
PIAGETIAN THEORY, children become
and partly to life experience and
capable of this mental operation in environmental factors. —consti-
t u t i o n a l adj.
c o n s t r u a l n. a person's perception
conservation psychology a rela- and interpretation of attributes and
tively new subfield of psychology behavior of the self or others. See
that seeks to understand the atti- also INDEPENDENT SELF-CONSTRUAL;
tudes and behavior of individuals INTERDEPENDENT SELF-CONSTRUAL.
and groups toward the natural en-
vironment so as to promote their c o n s t r u c t n. an explanatory model
use of environmentally sustainable based on empirically verifiable and
practices. Because of the highly measurable events or processes—an
diverse categories of behavior empirical constmct—or on processes
being studied, conservation psy- inferred from data of this kind but
chologists generally focus on spe- not themselves directly observable—
cific actions, such as paper recycling, a hypothetical constmct. Many of
rather than general tendencies. Al- the models used in psychology are
though related to ENVIRONMENTAL hypothetical constmcts.
PSYCHOLOGY, conservation psychol- c o n s t r u c t i o n i s m n. see CON-
ogy is distinct in its orientation STRUCTIVISM.
toward protecting ecosystems and
preserving resources while ensuring constructive m e m o r y a form of
quality of life for humans and other remembering marked by the use of
species. general knowledge stored in one's
memory to construct a more com-
consistency m o t i v e the desire to plete and detailed account of an
get feedback that confirms what one event or experience.
already believes about one's self.
This contributes to maintaining a constructive play a form of play
stable, unchanging SELF-CONCEPT, in which children manipulate mate-
whether positive or negative. Com- rials in order to create or build
pare APPRAISAL MOTIVE; SELF- objeds, for example, making a sand
ENHANCEMENT MOTIVE. castle or using blocks to build a
consolidation n. the biological
processes by which a permanent constructivism n. the theoretical
memory is formed following a learn- perspective that people actively
ing experience. See PERSEVERATION- build their perception of the world
and interpret objeds and events
that surround them in terms of
conspecific 1. adj. belonging to what they already know. Thus, their
the same species. 2. n. a member of current state of knowledge guides
the same species. processing, substantially influencing

content word

how (and what) new information competition with each other, and
is acquired. Also called con- do not readily categorize the others
structionism. See also SOCIAL as very different from themselves.
contagion n. in social theory, the
construct validity the degree to spread of behaviors, attitudes, and
which a test or instrument is capable affect through crowds and other
of measuring a theoretical constmct, types of social aggregation from
trait, or ability (e.g., intelligence). one member to another. Early ana-
lyses of contagion suggested that
c o n s u l t a n t n. a mental health care it resulted from the heightened
or medical specialist called upon suggestibility of members, but sub-
to provide professional advice or sequent studies have argued that
services in terms of diagnosis, treat- contagion is sustained by relatively
ment, or rehabilitation. mundane interpersonal processes,
such as comparison, imitation, SO-
consumer psychology the branch
of psychology that specializes in the and UNIVERSALITY.
behavior of individuals as consum-
ers and in the techniques of c o n t a m i n a t i o n n. in testing and
communicating information to in- experimentation, the process of per-
fluence consumer decisions to
mitting knowledge, expectations, or
purchase a manufacturer's product.
Consumer psychologists investigate other factors about the variable
the reasons and psychological pro- under study to influence the collec-
cesses underlying behavior in for- tion and interpretation of data
profit as well as not-for-profit mar- about that variable.
keting. c o n t e n t analysis a systematic,
quantitative procedure for coding
c o n t a c t comfort the positive ef- the themes in qualitative material,
fects experienced by infants or such as projective-test responses,
young animals when in dose con- propaganda, or fiction. For example,
tact with soft materials. The term content analysis of verbally commu-
originates from experiments in nicated material (e.g., articles,
which young rhesus monkeys ex- speeches, films) is done by deter-
posed both to an artificial cloth mining the frequency of specific
mother without a bottle for feeding ideas, concepts, or terms.
and to an artificial wire mother with
a bottle for feeding spent more time c o n t e n t validity the extent to
on the cloth mother and, when which a test measures a representa-
frightened, were more readily tive sample of the subject matter or
soothed by the presence of the cloth behavior under investigation. For
mother than the wire mother. example, if a test is designed to sur-
vey arithmetic skills at a third-grade
c o n t a c t hypothesis the theory level, content validity will indicate
that people belonging to one group how well it represents the range of
can become less prejudiced against
arithmetic operations possible at
(and perhaps more favorably dis-
posed toward) members of other that level.
groups merely through increased c o n t e n t w o r d in linguistics, a
contact with them. It is now word with an independent lexical
thought that greater contad is un- meaning, that is, one that can be de-
likely to reduce intergroup prejudice fined with reference to the physical
unless the people from the different world or abstract concepts and with-
groups are of equal status, are not in out reference to any sentence in


which the word may appear. Nouns, dimensional table in which the
verbs, adjectives, and many adverbs number of cases that are simulta-
are considered to be content words. neously in a given spot in a given
Compare FUNCTION WORD. row and column of the table are
specified. For example, the ages and
context n. the conditions or cir- geographical locations of a sample
cumstances in which a particular of individuals applying for a particu-
phenomenon occurs, especially as lar job may be displayed in a
this influences memory, learning, contingency table, such that there
judgment, or other cognitive pro- are X number of individuals under
cesses. —contextual adj. 25 from New York City, Y number
c o n t i g u i t y n. the co-occurrence of of individuals under 25 from Los
stimuli in time or space. Learning an Angeles, Z number of individuals be-
association between two stimuli is tween the ages of 25 and 35 from
generally thought to depend at least New York City, and so on.
partly on the contiguity of those
stimuli. —contiguous adj. c o n t i n u i t y n. the quality or state
of being unending or connected
contingencies of self-worth par- into a continuous whole. For exam-
ticular areas of life in which people ple, the traditional concept of
invest their SELF-ESTEEM, such that continuity of care implies the provi-
feedback regarding their standing or sion of a full range of uninterrupted
abilities in these domains has a cru- medical and mental health care ser-
cial impact on their SELF-CONCEPT. vices to a person throughout his or
Research indicates that people her lifespan, from birth to death, as
choose to stake their self-esteem in needed.
different domains, so that for some
people material or professional suc- c o n t i n u i t y hypothesis the
cess is vital to their sense of self- assumption that successful DIS-
worth, whereas for others this is CRIMINATION learning or problem
much less important than being solving results from a progressive,
well liked or sexually attractive. incremental, continuous process of
trial and error. Responses that prove
contingency n. a conditional, unproductive are extinguished,
probabilistic relation between two whereas every reinforced response
events. When the probability of results in an increase in associative
Event B given Event A is 1.0, a per- strength, thus producing the gradual
fect positive contingency is said to rise of the learning curve. Problem
exist. When Event A predicts with solving is conceived as a step-by-
certainty the absence of Event B, a step learning process in which the
perfect negative contingency is said correct response is discovered, prac-
to exist. Contingencies may be ar- ticed, and reinforced. Compare
ranged via dependencies or they DISCONTINUITY HYPOTHESIS.
may emerge by accident. See also
REINFORCEMENT CONTINGENCY. c o n t i n u i t y t h e o r y see DISEN-
contingency m a n a g e m e n t in BE-
HAVIOR THERAPY, a technique in c o n t i n u o u s reinforcement in
which a reinforcement, or reward, is operant and instmmental condi-
given each time the desired behavior tioning, the REINFORCEMENT of
is performed. This technique is par- every correct (desired) response.
ticularly common in substance c o n t i n u o u s variable a RANDOM
abuse treatment. VARIABLE that can take on an infi-
contingency t a b l e a two- nite number of values; that is, a

conventional level

variable measured on a continuous of all extraneous conditions and

scale, as opposed to a CATEGORICAL variables in an experiment so that
VARIABLE. any change in the DEPENDENT VARI-
ABLE can be attributed solely to
c o n t r a c t i o n n. a shortening or manipulation of the INDEPENDENT
tensing of a group of MUSCLE FIBERS.
VARIABLE. In other words, the re-
c o n t r a l a t e r a l adj. situated on or sults obtained will be due solely to
affecting the opposite side of the the experimental condition or con-
body. For example, motor paralysis ditions and not to any other factors.
occurs on the side of the body
contralateral to the side on which a control g r o u p a group of partici-
brain lesion is found. Compare pants in an experiment that are
IPSILATERAL. —contralateral!)' exposed to the control conditions,
adv. that is, the conditions of the experi-
ment not involving a treatment or
c o n t r a s t n. 1. that state in which exposure to the INDEPENDENT VARI-
the differences between one thing, ABLE. Compare EXPERIMENTAL
event, or idea and another are em- GROUP.
phasized by a comparison of their
qualities. This may occur when the control processes those processes
stimuli are juxtaposed (simultaneous that organize the flow of information
contrast) or when one immediately in an INFORMATION-PROCESSING sys-
follows the other (successive con- tem.
trast). 2. in the ANALYSIS OF control t h e o r y the idea that be-
VARIANCE, a comparison among havior is caused by what a person
group means using one DEGREE OF wants and that each person takes
FREEDOM. actions to achieve those wants, inde-
pendent of the influence of outside
contrast sensitivity a measure of stimuli. This implies responsibility
spatial RESOLUTION based on an in- toward and direct determination of
dividual's ability to detect subtle one's behavior.
differences in light and dark color-
ing or shading in an object of a control variable a variable that is
fixed size. Detection is affected by purposely not changed during an
the size of contrasting elements and experiment in order to minimize its
is usually tested using a grating of effects on the outcome. Because
alternating light and dark bars, control variables are outside factors
being defined by the minimum con- related in some way to the other
trast required to distinguish that variables under investigation, their
there is a bar pattern rather than a influence may potentially distort re-
uniform screen. search results.
c o n t r i b u t i n g cause a cause that is conventional antipsychotic see
not sufficient to bring about an end ANTIPSYCHOTIC.
or event but that helps in some way
to bring about that end or event. A conventional level in
contributing cause may be a neces-
sary condition or it may influence VELOPMENT, the intermediate level
events more indirectly by affecting of moral reasoning, characterized by
other conditions that make the an individual's identification with
event more likely. and conformity to the expectations
and mles of family and society: The
control n. 1. authority, power, or individual evaluates actions and de-
influence over events, behaviors, sit- termines right and wrong in terms
uations, or people. 2. the regulation of other people's opinions. This


level is divided into two stages: the one or more symptoms or deficits
earlier interpersonal concordance affecting voluntary motor and sen-
orientation, in which moral behav- sory functioning that suggest a
ior is that which obtains approval physical disorder but for which
and pleases others; and the later there is instead evidence of psycho-
law-and-order orientation, in which logical involvement. These
moral behavior is that which re- conversion symptoms are not inten-
spects authority, allows the person tionally produced or feigned and are
to do his or her duty, and maintains not under voluntary control. They
the existing social order. Also called include paralysis, loss of voice,
conventional morality. See also blindness, seizures, disturbance in
PRECONVENTIONAL LEVEL; POST- coordination and balance, and loss
CONVENTIONAL LEVEL. of pain and touch sensations.
convergence n. the rotation of the convolution «. a folding or twist-
two eyes inward toward a light ing, especially of the surface of the
source so that the image falls on cor- brain.
responding points on the foveas.
Convergence enables the slightly convulsion n. an involuntary,
different images of an object seen by generalized, violent muscular con-
each eye to come together and form traction, in some cases tonic
a single image. (contractions without relaxation), in
others clonic (alternating contrac-
convergent t h i n k i n g critical tions and relaxations of skeletal
thinking in which an individual muscles).
uses linear, logical steps to analyze a
number of already formulated solu- Cook's D an index used in REGRES-
SION ANALYSIS to show the influence
tions to a problem to determine the
correct one or the one that is most of a particular case on the complete
likely to be successful. Compare DI- set of fitted values. [R. Denis Cook
(1944- ), U.S. statistician]

conversation analysis in linguis- Coolidge effect increased sexual

vigor when an animal or human
being mates with multiple partners.
conversion n. 1. an unconscious The phenomenon is named for U.S.
process in which anxiety generated President Calvin Coolidge, alluding
by psychological conflicts is trans- to a visit that he and his wife made
formed into physical symptoms. to a farm where Mrs. Coolidge ob-
2. actual change in an individual's served a rooster mating frequently.
beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors that
occurs as a result of SOCIAL INFLU- cooperation n. the process of
ENCE. Unlike COMPLIANCE, which is working together toward the attain-
outward and temporary, conversion ment of a goal. This contrasts with
occurs when the targeted individual COMPETITION, in which an individ-
is personally convinced by a persua- ual's actions in working toward a
sive message or internalizes and goal lessen the likelihood of others
accepts as his or her own the beliefs achieving the same goal. Studies of
expressed by other group members. animals often suggest cooperation,
Also called p r i v a t e acceptance. but whether nonhuman animals
See also CONFORMITY. —convert understand that individuals must
vb. act together to reach a common
solution or whether they a d ran-
conversion disorder a SOMATO- domly and occasionally appear to
FORM DISORDER characterized by cooperate by chance is still unclear.

correlation m a t r i x

—cooperate vb. —cooperative ATHEROSCLEROSIS of the coronary

adj. arteries and often leads to fatal myo-
cardial infarction (i.e., death of a
coping n. the use of cognitive and section of heart muscle). Also called
behavioral strategies to manage the coronary a r t e r y disease.
demands of a situation when these
are appraised as taxing or exceeding corpus callosum a large tract of
one's resources or to reduce the neg- nerve fibers mnning across the LON-
ative emotions and conflict caused GITUDINAL FISSURE of the brain and
by stress. See also COPING STRATEGY. connecting the cerebral hemi-
—cope vb. spheres: It is the principal
connection between the two sides of
coping strategy an action, a series the brain and the largest of the
of actions, or a thought process used interhemispheric COMMISSURES.
in meeting a stressful or unpleasant
situation or in modifying one's reac- corpus s t r i a t u m see BASAL GAN-
tion to such a situation. Coping GLIA.
strategies typically involve a con- correlation n. the degree of a rela-
scious and direct approach to tionship (usually linear) between
problems, in contrast to DEFENSE two attributes. See NEGATIVE CORRE-
FOCUSED COPING. correlational design a research
method that attempts to identify
coping style the characteristic and describe the relationship be-
manner in which an individual con- tween two variables without directly
fronts and deals with stress, anxiety- manipulating them. Correlational
provoking situations, or emergen- designs are often used in clinical
cies. and other applied areas of psychol-
coprolalia n. spontaneous, unpro- ogy and do not allow for inferences
voked, and uncontrollable use of regarding cause and effect; that is, a
obscene or profane words and ex- change in one particular variable
pressions. It is a symptom that may employed in the research cannot be
be observed in individuals with a va- said with any certainty to result in a
riety of neurological disorders, change in the other.
particularly TOURETTE'S DISORDER. correlation coefficient (symbol:
cornea n. the transparent part of r) a numerical index reflecting the
the outer covering of the eye, degree of relationship (usually lin-
through which light first passes. It is ear) between two attributes scaled so
continuous laterally with the that the value of +1 indicates a per-
SCLERA. The cornea provides the pri- fect positive relationship, -1 a
perfect negative relationship, and 0
mary refractive power of the eye.
no relationship. The most com-
—corneal adj. monly used type of correlation
coronal p l a n e the plane that di- coefficient is the PRODUCT-MOMENT
vides the front (anterior) half of the CORRELATION.
body or brain from the back (poste-
rior) half. correlation m a t r i x a square
symmetric ARRAY in which the cor-
coronary h e a r t disease a cardio- relation coefficient between the ith
vascular disorder characterized by and /th variables in a set of variables
restricted flow of blood through the is displayed in the intersection of
coronary arteries supplying the the ith row and the /'th column of
heart muscle. The cause is usually the matrix.

correspondence bias

c o r r e s p o n d e n c e bias see FUNDA- CORTICOIDS (e.g., ALDOSTERONE),

MENTAL ATTRIBUTION ERROR. which have a role in electrolyte bal-
correspondent inference the- ance and sodium retention.
ory a model describing how people corticotropin n. a hormone se-
form inferences about other people's creted by the anterior pituitary
stable personality characteristics gland, particularly when a person
from observing their behaviors. Cor- experiences stress. It stimulates the
respondence between behaviors and release of various other hormones
traits is more likely to be inferred if (primarily CORTICOSTEROIDS) from
the actor is judged to have acted (a) the adrenal cortex, the outer layer of
freely, (b) intentionally, (c) in a way the adrenal gland. Also called
that is unusual for someone in the adrenocorticotropic h o r m o n e
situation, and (d) in a way that does (ACTH); adrenocorticotropin.
not usually bring rewards or social Cortisol n. a major GLUCO-
approval. See also ATTRIBUTION THE-
CORTICOID hormone whose activity
ORY. increases blood sugar levels. Blood
cortex n. (pl. cortices) the outer or levels of Cortisol in humans vary ac-
superficial layer or layers of a struc- cording to sleep-wake cycles (being
ture, as distinguished from the highest around 9:00 a.m. and lowest
central core. In mammals, the cortex at midnight) and other factors; for
of a stmcture is identified with the example, they increase with stress
name of the gland or organ, for ex- and during pregnancy but decrease
ample, the CEREBELLAR CORTEX or during diseases of the liver and kid-
CEREBRAL CORTEX. Compare ME- neys.
DULLA. —cortical adj.
counseling n. professional assis-
cortical blindness blindness with tance in coping with personal
normal pupillary responses due to problems, including emotional, be-
complete destruction of the OPTIC havioral, vocational, marital,
RADIATIONS or the STRIATE CORTEX. educational, rehabilitation, and life-
Typically caused by a stroke affect- stage (e.g., retirement) problems.
ing the occipital lobe of the brain, The counselor makes use of such
cortical blindness can also result techniques as ACTIVE LISTENING,
from traumatic injury or HYPOXIA. guidance, advice, discussion, clarifi-
cation, and the administration of
cortical deafness deafness that is tests.
caused by damage to auditory cen-
ters in the cerebral cortex of the counseling psychology the
brain. The peripheral auditory branch of psychology that special-
system (which includes the retro- izes in facilitating personal and
cochlear neural pathways termin- interpersonal functioning across the
ating in the brainstem) can be life span to improve well-being. The
intact in this condition. counseling psychologist has received
professional education and training
corticospinal t r a c t see in one or more areas, such as educa-
VENTROMEDIAL PATHWAY. tional, vocational, employee, aging,
corticosteroid n. any of the ste- personal, marriage, or rehabilitation
roid hormones produced by the counseling. In contrast to a clinical
adrenal cortex, the outer layer of the psychologist (see CLINICAL PSYCHOL-
ADRENAL GLAND. They include the OGY), who usually emphasizes
GLUCOCORTICOIDS (e.g., CORTISOL), origins of maladaptations, a coun-
which are involved in carbohydrate seling psychologist emphasizes
metabolism; and the MINERALO- adaptation, adjustment, and more


efficient use of the individual's feelings are based on the therapist's

available resources. own psychological needs and con-
flicts and may be either unexpressed
c o u n t e r b a l a n c i n g n. the process or revealed through conscious re-
of arranging a series of experimental sponses to patient behavior. The
conditions or treatments in such a term was originally used to describe
way as to minimize the influence of this process in psychoanalysis but
other factors, such as practice or fa- has since become part of the com-
tigue, on experimental effects. A mon lexicon in other forms of
simple form of counterbalancing
psychodynamic psychotherapy and
would be to administer experimen-
in other therapies. In CLASSICAL PSY-
tal conditions in the order AB to
CHOANALYSIS, countertransference
half the participants and in the
order BA to the other half. is viewed as a hindrance to the ana-
lyst's understanding of the patient,
c o u n t e r c o n d i t i o n i n g n. an exper- but to some modern analysts and
imental procedure in which an therapists it may serve as a source of
animal, already conditioned to re- insight into the patient's impact on
spond to a stimulus in a particular other people.
way, is trained to produce a different couples t h e r a p y therapy in which
response to the same stimulus that both partners in a committed rela-
is incompatible with the original tionship are treated at the same time
response. This same principle under- by the same therapist or therapists.
lies many of the techniques used in Couples therapy is concemed with
BEHAVIOR THERAPY to eliminate un-
problems within and between the
wanted behavior. individuals that affect the relation-
c o u n t e r c u l t u r e n. a social move- ship. For example, one partner may
ment that maintains its own have an undiagnosed, physiologi-
alternative mores and values in op- cally based depression that is
position to prevailing cultural affecting the relationship, and both
norms. The term is historically asso- partners may have trouble commu-
dated with the hippie movement nicating effectively with one
and attendant dmg culture of the another. Couples therapy for mar-
late 1960s and early 1970s, which ried couples is known as marital
rejected such societal norms as the therapy.
work ethic and the traditional fam- covariance n. a scale-dependent
ily unit. See also SUBCULTURE. measure of the relationship between
—countercultural adj. two variables.
counterfactual t h i n k i n g imag- covariate n. a correlated variable
ining ways in which events in that is often controlled or held con-
one's life might have turned out stant through the ANALYSIS OF
differently. This often involves feel- COVARIANCE.
ings of regret or disappointment
(e.g., If only I hadn't been so hasty) covariation n. a relationship be-
but may also involve a sense of re- tween two phenomena (objects or
lief, as at a narrow escape (e.g., If I events) such that there is a system-
had been standing three feet to the left atic correlation between variation of
...). the one and variation of the other.
Unlike mere co-occurrence,
countertransference n. the thera- covariation carries a strong pre-
pist's unconscious reactions to the sumption that there is a causal link
patient and to the patient's TRANS- between the covarying phenomena.
FERENCE. These thoughts and —covary vb.


covert adj. 1. denoting anything creativity n. the ability to produce

that is not directly observable, open or develop original work, theories,
to view, or publicly known, either techniques, or thoughts. A crea-
by happenstance or by deliberate de- tive individual typically displays
sign. 2. hidden. Compare OVERT. originality, imagination, and ex-
covert sensitization a BEHAVIOR pressiveness, but analyses have
THERAPY technique for reducing an failed to ascertain why one individ-
undesired behavior in which the ual is more creative than another.
client imagines performing the un- See also DIVERGENT THINKING.
desired behavior (e.g., overeating) —creative adj.
and then imagines an unpleasant Creole n. a language that has
consequence (e.g., vomiting). evolved from profound and pro-
CP abbreviation for CEREBRAL longed contact between two or more
PALSY. languages and both shares features
of the parent languages and evolves
CR abbreviation for CONDITIONED altogether novel features. Although
RESPONSE. typically developing from a PIDGIN,
Cramer's V coefficient (symbol: a creole becomes stable over time
V) a correlation-like index that re- and will usually have a fully devel-
flects the ASSOCIATION between two oped grammatical system.
CATEGORICAL VARIABLES. [Carl Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD)
Harald Cramer (1893-1985), Swed- a rapidly progressive neurological
ish statistician] disease caused by abnormal prion
c r a n i a l nerve any of the 12 pairs proteins and characterized by
of nerves that arise directly from the DEMENTIA, involuntary muscle
brain and are distributed mainly to movements, muscular incoordi-
structures in the head and neck. nation (ataxia), visual disturbances,
Some of the cranial nerves are sen- and seizures. Vacuoles form in the
sory, some are motor, and some are gray matter of the brain and spinal
mixed (i.e., both sensory and cord, giving it a spongy appearance;
motor). Cranial nerves are desig- the prion is thought to cause
nated by Roman numerals, as misfolding of other proteins, leading
follows: I, OLFACTORY NERVE; II, to the cellular pathology. Classical
OPTIC NERVE; III, OCULOMOTOR CJD occurs sporadically worldwide
NERVE; IV, TROCHLEAR NERVE; V, and typically affects individuals who
TRIGEMINAL NERVE; VI, ABDUCENS are middle-aged or older. Variant
NERVE; VII, FACIAL NERVE; VIII, CJD (vCJD) typically affects younger
VESTIBULOCOCHLEAR NERVE; IX, people, who are believed to have ac-
GLOSSOPHARYNGEAL NERVE; X, quired the disease by eating meat or
VAGUS NERVE; XI, ACCESSORY meat produds from cattle infected
NERVE; XII, HYPOGLOSSAL NERVE. with bovine spongiform encepha-
lopathy. [Hans Gerhard Creutzfeldt
creative intelligence in the (1885-1964) and Alfons Jakob
TRIARCHIC THEORY OF INTELLI- (1884-1931), German neuro-
GENCE, the set of skills used to cre- pathologists]
ate, invent, discover, explore,
imagine, and suppose. This set of c r i m i n a l responsibility a defen-
skills is alleged to be relatively (al- dant's ability to formulate a criminal
though not wholly) distinctive with intent at the time of the crime with
respect to analytical and practical which he or she is charged, which
skills. Compare ANALYTICAL INTELLI- must be proved in court before the
GENCE; PRACTICAL INTELLIGENCE. person can be convicted. Criminal

critical t h i n k i n g

responsibility may be excluded for is not influenced by the perfor-

reason of INSANITY or mitigated for mance of others. See NORM-
a number of other reasons. REFERENCED TESTING.

crisis n. (pl. crises) 1. a situation criterion validity an index of

(e.g., a traumatic change) that pro- how well a test correlates with a cri-
duces significant cognitive or terion, that is, an established
emotional stress in those involved standard of comparison. Criterion
in it. 2. a turning point for better or validity is divided into two types:
worse in the course of an illness. CONCURRENT VALIDITY a n d PREDIC-
crisis i n t e r v e n t i o n 1. the brief
ameliorative, rather than specifically criterion variable in statistical
curative, use of psychotherapy or analysis, a variable to be predicted;
counseling to aid individuals, that is, a DEPENDENT VARIABLE.
families, and groups who have critical flicker frequency (CFF)
undergone a highly dismptive ex- the rate at which a periodic change,
perience, such as an unexpected or flicker, in an intense visual stimu-
bereavement or a disaster. 2. psy- lus fuses into a smooth, continuous
chological intervention provided on stimulus. A similar phenomenon
a short-term, emergency basis for in- can occur with rapidly changing au-
dividuals experiencing mental ditory stimuli. Also called flicker
health crises, such as attempted sui- fusion frequency.
critical period 1. an early stage in
crista (crysta) n. the stmcture life when an organism is especially
within the ampulla at the end of open to specific learning, emotional,
each SEMICIRCULAR CANAL that con- or socializing experiences that occur
tains hair cells sensitive to the as part of normal development and
direction and rate of movements of will not recur at a later stage. For ex-
the head. ample, the first 3 days of life are
criterion n. (pl. criteria) a stan- thought to constitute a critical pe-
dard against which a judgment, riod for IMPRINTING in ducks, and
evaluation, or comparisons can be there may be a critical period for
made. An example is a test score or language acquisition in human in-
item against which other tests or fants. 2. in vision, the period of
items can be validated. time after birth, varying from weeks
(in cats) to months (in humans), in
criterion g r o u p a group tested for which full, binocular visual stimula-
traits its members are already known tion is necessary for the structural
to possess, usually for the purpose of and functional maturation of the VI-
validating a test. For example, a SUAL SYSTEM.
group of children with diagnosed vi-
sual disabilities may be given a critical region in SIGNIFICANCE
visual test to assess its VALIDITY as a TESTING, the range of values for a
means of evaluating the presence of test statistic that leads to rejection of
visual disabilities. the null hypothesis in favor of the
alternative hypothesis. Compare AC-
criterion-referenced testing an CEPTANCE REGION.
approach to testing based on the
comparison of a person's perfor- critical t h i n k i n g a form of di-
mance with an established standard rected, problem-focused thinking
or criterion. The criterion is fixed, in which the individual tests ideas
that is, each person's score is mea- or possible solutions for errors or
sured against the same criterion and drawbacks. It is essential to such ac-

critical value

tivities as examining the validity of may suggest a preponderance of

a hypothesis or interpreting the causal influence of A over B or of B
meaning of research results. over A.
critical value the value of either cross-modal m a t c h i n g see
that is, either of the values of the
test statistic above and below which cross-modal perception see
jected. cross-modal transfer recognition
Cronbach's a l p h a an index of of an object through a sense that
differs from the sense through
that is, the degree to which a set which it was originally encountered.
of items that comprise a measure- cross-sectional design an experi-
ment instrument tap a single, mental design in which individuals
unidimensional constmct. Also of different ages or developmental
called a l p h a coefficient. [Lee J. levels are directly compared, for ex-
Cronbach (1916-2001), U.S. psy- ample, in a cross-sectional study
chologist] comparing 5-year-olds with 10-year-
olds. Compare LONGITUDINAL DE-
cross-adaptation n. the change in SIGN.
sensitivity to one stimulus caused by
adaptation to another. cross-sequential design an exper-
cross-correlation n. a statistical imental design in which two or
measure of the association between more groups of individuals of differ-
corresponding values from a series ent ages are directly compared over
of values for two or more variables. a period of time. It is thus a combi-
A cross-correlation analysis generally nation of a CROSS-SECTIONAL
is applied to TIME SERIES informa-
tion and indicates how similar the SIGN. For example, a cross-
data sets are to one another. sequential study of children's math-
ematical skills initially might
cross-cultural psychology a compare a group of 5-year-olds to a
branch of psychology that studies group of 10-year-olds, and then sub-
similarities and variances in human sequently reassess the same children
behavior across different cultures every 6 months for the next 5 years.
and identifies the different psycho-
cross-tolerance n. the potential for
logical constructs and explanatory a dmg to produce the diminished ef-
models used by these cultures. It fects of another drug of the same
may be contrasted with CULTURAL type when tissue tolerance for the
PSYCHOLOGY, which tends to adopt effects of the latter substance has
a systemic, within-culture approach. developed. Thus, a person with alco-
crossing over in genetics, see RE- hol dependence can substitute a
COMBINATION. barbiturate or another sedative to
prevent withdrawal symptoms, and
cross-lagged p a n e l design a lon- vice versa. Similarly, cross-tolerance
gitudinal experimental design used exists among most of the hallucino-
to increase the plausibility of causal gens, except marijuana.
inference in which two variables,
A and B, are measured at time 1 cross-validation n. a model-
(Aj, BO and at time 2 (A2, B2). Com- evaluation approach in which the
parison of cross-lagged panel VALIDITY of a model is assessed by
correlations between AlB2 and B ^ applying it to new data (i.e., data

c u l t u r a l psychology

that were not used in developing THERAPY. 2. abbreviation for

the model). For example, a test's COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY.
validity may be confirmed by ad- CTT abbreviation for CLASSICAL
ministering the same test to a new
sample in order to check the correct- TEST THEORY.
ness of the initial validation. Cross- cue n. a stimulus that serves to
validation is necessary because guide behavior, such as a RETRIEVAL
chance and other factors may have CUE.
inflated or biased the original vali-
dation. cue-dependent forgetting forget-
ting caused by the absence at testing
c r o w d i n g n. psychological tension of a stimulus (or cue) that was pres-
produced in environments of high ent when the learning occurred. See
population density, especially when also MOOD-DEPENDENT MEMORY;
individuals feel that the amount of STATE-DEPENDENT LEARNING.
space available to them is insuffi- c u l t u r a l bias the tendency to in-
cient for their needs. Crowding may terpret and judge phenomena in
have a damaging effect on mental terms of the distinctive values, be-
health and may result in poor per- liefs, and other characteristics of the
formance of complex tasks, stressor society or community to which one
aftereffects, and increased physio- belongs. This sometimes leads peo-
logical stress. Two key mechanisms ple to form opinions and make
underlying crowding are lack of con- decisions about others in advance of
trol over social interaction (i.e., any actual experience with those
privacy) and the deterioration of so- others (see PREJUDICE). Cultural bias
cially supportive relationships. has become a significant concern in
many areas, including PSYCHO-
c r o w d psychology 1. the mental METRICS, ERGONOMICS, and
and emotional states and processes CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY. See also
unique to individuals when they are CULTURE-FAIR TEST; CULTURE-FREE
members of street crowds, mobs,
and other such collectives. 2. the TEST.
scientific study of these phenomena. c u l t u r a l d e t e r m i n i s m the theory
or premise that individual and
crystallized intelligence the group character patterns are pro-
form of intelligence that comprises duced largely by a given society's
those abilities, such as vocabulary economic, social, political, and reli-
and cultural knowledge, that are a gious organization. See also
function of learning and experience DETERMINISM; SOCIAL DETERMIN-
in a specific culture. Crystallized in- ISM.
telligence is believed to depend on
physiological condition somewhat c u l t u r a l psychology an interdis-
less than does FLUID INTELLIGENCE ciplinary extension of general
and thus may be better sustained in psychology concerned with those
old age. psychological processes that are in-
herently organized by culture. It is a
Cs abbreviation for CONSCIOUS. heterogeneous class of perspectives
that focus on explaining how
CS abbreviation for CONDITIONED human psychological functions are
STIMULUS. culturally constituted through vari-
ous forms of relations between
CSF abbreviation for CEREBRO-
people and their social contexts. It
may be contrasted with CROSS-
CT 1. abbreviation for COGNITIVE CULTURAL PSYCHOLOGY, which

c u l t u r a l relativism

tends to examine multiple cultures different cultures. Nonverbal,

in order to identify the similarities nonacademic items are used, such as
and variances among them. matching identical forms, selecting
a design that completes a given se-
c u l t u r a l relativism the view that ries, or drawing human figures.
attitudes, behaviors, values, con- Studies have shown, however, that
cepts, and achievements must be any test reflects certain cultural
understood in the light of their norms in some degree, and hence
own cultural milieu and not judged may tend to favor members of cer-
according to the standards of a dif- tain cultures over members of
ferent culture. In psychology, the others.
relativist position questions the uni-
versal application of psychological culture-free test an intelligence
theory, research, therapeutic tech- test designed to eliminate cultural
niques, and clinical approaches, bias completely by constmcting
since those used or developed in one questions that contain either no
culture may not be appropriate or environmental influences or no en-
applicable to another. See also RELA- vironmental influences that reflect
TIVISM. Compare CULTURAL any specific culture. However, the
UN1VERSAL1SM. creation of such a test is probably
impossible, and psychometri-
c u l t u r a l universalism the view cians instead generally seek to de-
that the values, concepts, and be- velop CULTURE-FAIR TESTS.
haviors characteristic of diverse
cultures can be viewed, understood, c u l t u r e of h o n o r a cultural NORM
and judged according to universal in a region, nation, or ethnic group
standards. Such a view involves the prescribing violence as the preferred
rejection, at least in part, of CUL- reaction to an insult or other threat
TURAL RELATIVISM. Also called to a person's honor. It has been held
c u l t u r a l absolutism. to account for regional and national
differences in violent crime rates. A
c u l t u r e n. the distinctive customs, related concept is subculture of vio-
values, beliefs, language, and other lence, used to explain the relatively
characteristics of a society or a com- high rates of violent crime in certain
munity. See also COUNTERCULTURE; minority populations in poverty-
SUBCULTURE. —cultural adj. stricken urban areas.
c u l t u r e - b o u n d syndrome a pat- c u m u l a t i v e record a continuous
tern of mental illness and abnormal record to which new datd are added.
behavior that is unique to a small In CONDITIONING, for example, a
ethnic or cultural population and cumulative record is a graph show-
does not conform to Western classi- ing the number of responses over a
fications of psychiatric disorders. continuous period of time. It is
Culture-bound syndromes include, often used in such contexts to dis-
among others, AMOK, IMU, KORO, play freely occurring behavior under
PIBLOKTO, SUSTO, VOODOO DEATH, provides a direct and continuous in-
and WINDIGO. Also called culture- dicator of the rate of response.
specific syndrome.
curvilinear correlation a func-
culture-fair test an intelligence tional relationship between variables
test based on common human expe- that is not of a straight-line form
rience designed to apply across when depicted graphically.
social lines and to permit fair com-
parisons among people from c u t a n e o u s adj. relating to or affect-


ing the skin. For example, a cuta- TEX. The different types of cortical
neous receptor, such as PACINIAN cells are organized in layers and
CORPUSCLE, is a specialized cell in zones; the number of layers varies
the skin that detects and responds in different brain areas, but a typi-
to specific external stimuli. cal section of neocortex shows six
distinct layers. Differences in
CVA abbreviation for cytoarchitecture have been used to
CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT. divide the neocortex into 50 or
cybernetics n. the scientific study more regions, many of which differ
of communication and control as in function. The scientific study of
applied to machines and living or- the cytoarchitecture of an organ is
ganisms. It indudes the study of called cytoarchitectonics. See also
self-regulation mechanisms, as in BRODMANN'S AREA. —cytoarchi-
thermostats or feedback circuits in t e c t u r a l adj.
the nervous system, as well as trans-
mission and self-correction of cytochrome oxidase b l o b a small
information in both computers and patch of neurons in the STRIATE
human communications. Cybernet- CORTEX with greater than back-
ics was formerly used to describe ground levels of activity of
research in ARTIFICIAL INTELLI- cytochrome oxidase, an enzyme in
GENCE. —cybernetic adj. the inner membrane of MITOCHON-
DRIA that is important in aerobic
cyclic AMP (cAMP; cyclic respiration. Neurons in cytochrome
adenosine monophosphate) a oxidase blobs are sensitive to the
SECOND MESSENGER that is involved wavelength of a visual stimulus.
in the activities of DOPAMINE, Also called blob.
transmitting signals at nerve synap- cytokine n. any of a variety of
ses. small proteins or peptides that are
released by cells as signals to those
cyclic GMP (cGMP; cyclic or other cells. Each type stimulates a
guanosine monophosphate) a target cell that has a specific recep-
SECOND MESSENGER that is common tor for that cytokine. Cytokines
in neurons receiving signals at syn- mediate many responses of the
apses. IMMUNE SYSTEM, including pro-
cyclothymic disorder a MOOD liferation and differentiation of
DISORDER characterized by periods lymphocytes, inflammation, aller-
of hypomanic symptoms and peri- gies, and fever.
ods of depressive symptoms that cytoplasm n. see CELL. —cyto-
occur over the course of at least 2 plasmic adj.
years. The number, duration, and se-
verity of these symptoms do not cytoskeleton n. an internal frame-
meet the full criteria for a MAJOR DE- work or "scaffolding" present in all
CELLS. Composed of a network of
EPISODE. It often is considered to be filaments and MICROTUBULES, it
maintains the cell shape and plays
called cyclothymia. an important role in cell movement,
growth, division, and differentia-
cytoarchitecture n. the arrange- tion, as well as in intracellular
ment of cells in organs and tissues, transport (e.g., the movement of
particularly those in the NEOCOR- VESICLES).

d' symbol for D PRIME. nique within commercial and scien-
tific research. For example, retailers
DA abbreviation for DOPAMINE. often use data mining to predict the
DALYs acronym for DISABILITY AD- future buying trends of customers
JUSTED LIFE YEARS. or design targeted marketing stra-
tegies, while clinicians may use it
d a r k a d a p t a t i o n the ability of the to determine variables predicting
eye to adjust to conditions of low hospitalization in psychological dis-
ilumination by means of an in- orders. Data mining incorporates
creased sensitivity to light. The bulk methods from statistics, logic, and
of the process takes 30 min and in- ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE.
volves expansion of the pupils and
retinal alterations, spedfically the d a t a set a colledion of individual
regeneration of RHODOPSIN and but related observations or measure-
IODOPSIN. Compare LIGHT ADAPTA- ments considered as a single entity.
TION. For example, the entire range of
scores obtained from a class of stu-
d a t a pl. n. (sing, d a t u m ) observa- dents taking a particular test would
tions or measurements, usually constitute a data set.
quantified and obtained in the
course of research. d a y d r e a m n. a waking fantasy or
reverie, in which wishes, expecta-
d a t a analysis the process of ap- tions, and other potentialities are
plying graphical, statistical, or played out in imagination. Part of
quantitative techniques to a set of the stream of thoughts and images
data (observations or measurements) that occupy most of a person's wak-
in order to summarize it or to find ing hours, daydreams may be
general patterns. unbidden and apparently purpose-
d a t a collection a systematic gath- less or simply fanciful thoughts,
ering of information for research or whether spontaneous or intentional.
practical purposes. Examples include Researchers have identified at least
mail surveys, interviews, laboratory three ways in which individuals'
experiments, and psychological test- daydreaming styles differ: positive-
ing. constructive daydreaming, guilty
and fearful daydreaming, and poor
d a t a m i n i n g the automated (com- attentional control. These styles are
puterized) examination of a large set posited to reflect the daydreamer's
of observations or measurements, overall tendencies toward positive
particularly as collected in a com- emotion, negative emotion, and
plex database, in order to discover other personality traits.
patterns, correlations, and other reg-
ularities that can be used for day hospital a nonresidential facil-
predictive purposes. Although a rela- ity where individuals with mental
tively new disdpline, data mining disorders receive a full range of
has become a widely utilized tech- treatment and support services dur-


ing the day and return to their stinct theory of Austrian psychiatrist
homes at night. Specific service of- Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), the
ferings vary across facilities but death instind, or THANATOS, stands
generally include psychological eval- opposed to the LIFE INSTINCT, or
uation, individual and group EROS, and is believed to underlie
psychotherapy, social and occupa- such behaviors as aggressiveness, sa-
tional rehabilitation, and SOMATIC dism, and masochism.
THERAPY. Staff members are
multidisciplinary, comprising psy- debriefing n. the process of giving
chiatrists, psychologists, social participants in a completed research
workers, vocational counselors, and project a fuller explanation of the
others. study in which they participated
than was possible before or during
dB symbol for DECIBEL. the research.
deafferentation n. the cutting or decay t h e o r y a theory of FORGET-
removal of sensory neurons or TING stating that learned material
axons that convey information to- leaves in the brain a trace or impres-
ward a particular nervous system sion that autonomously recedes and
structure (e.g., the olfactory bulb). disappears unless the material is
practiced and used.
deafness n. the partial or complete
loss of the sense of hearing. The deceleration n. a decrease in speed
condition may be hereditary or ac- of movement or rate of change.
quired by injury or disease. The Compare ACCELERATION.
major kinds are conduction deaf-
ness, due to a disruption in sound d e c e n t r a t i o n n. in PIAGETIAN
vibrations before they reach the THEORY, the gradual progression of
nerve endings of the inner ear; and a child away from egocentrism to-
sensorineural deafness, caused by a ward a reality shared with others.
failure of the nerves or brain centers Decentration includes understand-
associated with the sense of hearing ing how others perceive the world,
to transmit or interpret properly the knowing in what ways one's own
impulses from the inner ear. —deaf perceptions differ, and recognizing
adj. that people have motivations and
feelings different from one's own. It
d e a t h education learning activi- can also be extended to the ability
ties or programs designed to educate to consider many aspects of a situa-
people about death, dying, coping tion, problem, or object, as reflected,
with grief, and the various emo- for example, in the child's grasp of
tional effects of bereavement. Death the concept of CONSERVATION. Also
education is typically provided by called decentering. Compare
certified thanatologists from a wide CENTRATION. —decenter vb.
array of mental and medical health
personnel, educators, clergy, and deception n. any distortion of fact
volunteers. or withholding of fact with the pur-
pose of misleading others. For
d e a t h i n s t i n c t in psychoanalytic example, a researcher who has not
theory, a drive whose aim is the re- disclosed the tme purpose of an ex-
duction of psychical tension to the periment to a participant has
lowest possible point, that is, death. engaged in deception, as has an ani-
It is first directed inward as a self- mal that has given a false alarm call
destructive tendency and is later that disperses competitors and thus
turned outward in the form of the allows him or her to gain more food.
aggressive instinct. In the dual in- —deceive vb. —deceptive adj.


decibel (symbol: dB) n. a logarith- decompensation n. a breakdown

mic unit used to express the ratio of in an individual's DEFENSE MECHA-
acoustic or electric power (inten- NISMS, resulting in progressive loss
sity). An increase of 1 bel is a 10-fold of normal functioning or worsening
increase in intensity; a decibel is one of psychiatric symptoms.
tenth of a bel and is the more com-
y— monly used unit, partly because a 1- d e c o n d i t i o n i n g n. a technique in
dB change in intensity is just detect- BEHAVIOR THERAPY in which
able (approximately and under learned responses, such as phobias,
laboratory conditions). are "unlearned" (deconditioned).
For example, a person with a phobic
decision m a k i n g the cognitive reaction to flying might be decondi-
process of choosing between two or tioned initially by practicing going
more alternatives. Psychologists to the airport when not actually tak-
have adopted two converging strate- ing a flight and using breathing
gies to understand decision making: techniques to control anxiety. See
(a) statistical analysis of multiple de- also DESENSITIZATION.
cisions involving complex tasks and decortication n. surgical removal
(b) experimental manipulation of of the outer layer (cortex) of an ana-
simple decisions, looking at ele- tomical structure, especially the
ments that recur within these outer layer of the CEREBRUM of the
decisions. brain (i.e., the CEREBRAL CORTEX).
decision r u l e in hypothesis test- d e c u l t u r a t i o n n. the processes,
ing, the formal statement of the set intentional or unintentional, by
of values of the test statistic that will which traditional cultural beliefs or
lead to rejection of the NULL HY- practices are suppressed or otherwise
POTHESIS. eliminated as a result of contact
decision t h e o r y a broad class of with a different, dominant culture.
theories in the quantitative, social, Compare ACCULTURATION.
and behavioral sciences that aim to —deculturate vb.
explain the decision-making process d e d u c t i o n n. 1. a conclusion de-
and identify optimal ways of arriv- rived from formal premises by a
ing at decisions (e.g., under valid process of DEDUCTIVE REASON-
conditions of uncertainty) in such a ING. 2. the process of deductive
way that prespecified criteria are reasoning itself. Compare INDUC-
met. TION. —deductive adj.
declarative m e m o r y memory deductive reasoning the form of
that can be consciously recalled in logical reasoning in which a conclu-
response to a request to remember. sion is shown to follow necessarily
In some theories, declarative mem- from a sequence of premises, the
ory includes EPISODIC MEMORY and first of which stands for a self-
SEMANTIC MEMORY. See also EX- evident truth or agreed-upon data.
PLICIT MEMORY. Compare In the empirical sciences, dedudive
PROCEDURAL MEMORY. reasoning underlies the process of
deriving predictions from general
decoding n. in information theory, laws or theories. Compare INDUC-
the process in which a receiver (e.g., TIVE REASONING. See also LOGIC.
the brain or a device, such as a cell
phone) translates signals (sounds, deep dyslexia a form of acquired
writing, gestures, electrical impulses) dyslexia characterized by semantic
into meaningful messages. Compare errors (e.g., reading parrot as canary),
ENCODING, —decode vb. difficulties in reading abstract words

degrees of freedom

(e.g., idea, usual) and function words one, or the use of immature de-
(e.g., the, and), and an inability to fenses (e.g., DISPLACEMENT Or
read pronounceable nonwords. REPRESSION), is still considered
pathological. See also AVOIDANCE;
deep processing cognitive process- DENIAL; PROJECTION; REGRESSION;
ing of a stimulus that focuses on its SUBLIMATION; SUBSTITUTION.
meaningful properties rather than
its perceptual characteristics. It is defensive a t t r i b u t i o n a bias or
considered that processing at this se- error in attributing cause for some
mantic level, which usually involves event such that a perceived threat to
a degree of ELABORATION, produces oneself is minimized. For example,
stronger, longer-lasting memories people might blame an automobile
than SHALLOW PROCESSING. accident on the driver's mistake
rather than on a chance occurrence
deep s t r u c t u r e in TRANSFORMA- because this attribution lessens their
perception that they themselves
abstract base form of a sentence in could be victimized by chance.
which the logical and grammatical
relations between the constituents deferred i m i t a t i o n imitation of
are made explicit. The deep struc- an act minutes, hours, or days after
ture generates the SURFACE viewing the behavior. Recent re-
STRUCTURE of a sentence through search indicates that deferred
transformations, such as changes in imitation of simple tasks can be ob-
word order or addition or deletion served in infants late in their 1st
of elements. year.
Deese p a r a d i g m a laboratory deficiency m o t i v a t i o n in the HU-
memory task used to study false re- MANISTIC PSYCHOLOGY of U.S.
call. It is based on the report in 1959 psychologist Abraham Maslow
that, after presentation of a list of re- (1908-1970), the type of motivation
lated words (e.g., snore, rest, dream, operating on the lower four levels of
awake), participants mistakenly re- his hierarchy of needs (see
called an unpresented but strongly MASLOW'S MOTIVATIONAL HIERAR-
associated item (e.g., sleep). Follow- CHY). Deficiency motivation is
ing renewed research into the characterized by the striving to
technique, it is now generally re- correct a deficit that may be physio-
ferred to as the Deese-Roediger- logical or psychological in nature.
McDermott paradigm. [James Deese Compare METAMOTIVATION.
(1921-1999), U.S. psychologist;
Henry L. Roediger III (1947- ) and degeneration n. deterioration or
Kathleen B. McDermott (1968- ), decline of organs or tissues, espe-
U.S. cognitive psychologists] cially of neural tissue, to a less
functional form. —degenerate vb.
defense m e c h a n i s m in classical
psychoanalytic theory, an uncon- d e g r a d a t i o n n. in neuro-
scious reaction pattern employed by physiology, the process by which
the EGO to protect itself from the neurotransmitter molecules are bro-
anxiety that arises from psychic con- ken down into inactive metabolites.
flict. Such mechanisms range from degrees of freedom (symbol: df,
mature to immature, depending on v) the number of elements that are
how much they distort reality. In free to vary in a statistical calcula-
more recent psychological theories, tion, or the number of scores minus
defense mechanisms are seen as nor- the number of mathematical re-
mal means of coping with everyday strictions. For example, if four
problems, but excessive use of any individuals have a mean IQ of 100,


then there are three degrees of free- the test phase that matches the sam-
dom, because knowing three of the ple presented in the study phase. In
IQs determines the fourth IQ. delayed nonmatching to sample,
d e h u m a n i z a t i o n n. any process or the participant must choose the
practice that is thought to reduce stimulus that was not presented in
human beings to the level of non- the study phase.
human animals or mechanisms, delayed response a response
especially by denying them auton- that occurs some time after its
omy, individuality, and a sense of DISCRIMINATIVE STIMULUS has been
dignity. —dehumanize vb. removed. The most common de-
d e i n d i v i d u a t i o n n. an experien- layed response task for nonhuman
tial state characterized by loss of animals is one in which the animal
self-awareness, altered perceptions, is required to recall the location of a
and a reduction of inner restraints reward after a delay period has
that results in the performance of elapsed.
unusual, atypical behavior. It can be
caused by a number of factors, such delinquency n. behavior violating
as a sense of anonymity or of sub- social mles or conventions. The
mersion in a group. term is often used to denote the
misbehavior of children or adoles-
d e i n s t i t u t i o n a l i z a t i o n n. the cents. —delinquent adj., n.
joint process of moving people
with developmental or psychiatric delirium n. a state of disturbed
disabilities from structured insti- consciousness in which attention
tutional facilities to their home cannot be sustained, the environ-
communities and developing com- ment is misperceived, and the
prehensive community-based stream of thought is disordered. The
residential, day, vocational, clinical, individual may experience such
and supportive services to address symptoms as disorientation, mem-
their needs. —deinstitutionalize ory impairment, disturbance in
vb. language, hallucinations, illusions,
and misinterpretation of sounds or
deja vu the feeling that a new sights. Delirium may be caused by a
event has already been experienced variety of conditions, including in-
or that the same scene has been wit- fections, cerebral tumors, substance
nessed before. [French: "already intoxication and withdrawal, head
seen"] trauma, and seizures.
delay c o n d i t i o n i n g in PAVLOVIAN
CONDITIONING, a procedure in d e l i r i u m t r e m e n s (DTs) a poten-
which the CONDITIONED STIMULUS tially fatal alcohol withdrawal
is presented, and remains present, syndrome involving extreme agita-
for a fixed period (the delay) before tion and anxiety, fearfulness,
paranoia, visual and tactile halluci-
troduced. Compare SIMULTANEOUS nations, tremors, sweating, and
increased heart rate, body tempera-
ture, and blood pressure.
delayed m a t c h i n g t o sample a
procedure in which the participant delta wave the lowest frequency
is shown initially one stimulus as a BRAIN WAVE recorded in electroen-
sample (the study phase) and subse- cephalography. Delta waves are
quently, after a variable interval, a large, regular-shaped waves that
pair of stimuli (the test phase), the have a frequency of 1-3 Hz. They
task being to choose the stimulus in are associated with deep, often


dreamless, sleep (delta-wave sleep). intellectual abilities is severe enough

Also called delta r h y t h m . to interfere with an individual's
daily functioning and social and oc-
delusion n. an improbable, often cupational activity. When occurring
highly personal, idea or belief sys- after the age of 65 it is termed senile
tem, not endorsed by one's culture dementia and when appearing be-
or subculture, that is maintained fore 65 it is called presenile
with conviction in spite of irratio- dementia. However, dementia
nality or evidence to the contrary. should not be confused with age-
Common types include DELUSIONS associated memory impairment,
OF GRANDEUR, DELUSIONS OF PERSE- which has a much less deleterious
CUTION, and DELUSIONS OF impact on day-to-day functioning.
d e m e n t i a of t h e Alzheimer's
delusional disorder any one of a type another name for ALZHEIMER'S
group of psychotic disorders with DISEASE.
the essential feature of one or more
delusions regarding situations that d e m e n t i a praecox the original,
could conceivably occur in real life now obsolete, name for SCHIZO-
(e.g., being followed, poisoned, PHRENIA, first used in 1896 by
infected, deceived by one's gov- German psychiatrist Emil Kraepelin
ernment, etc.). (1856-1926) and reflecting the belief
that the symptoms of the disorder
delusion of g r a n d e u r the false at- arose in adolescence or before and
tribution to the self of great ability, involved incurable degeneration.
knowledge, importance or worth, Swiss psychiatrist Eugen Bleuler
identity, prestige, power, accom- (1857-1939) questioned both of
plishment, or the like. these views and in 1911 renamed
delusion of persecution the false the disorder schizophrenia.
conviction that others are threaten- d e m o g r a p h y n. the statistical
ing or conspiring against one. study of human populations in
delusion of reference the false regard to various factors and
conviction of a person that the ac- characteristics, including geo-
tions of others and events occurring graphical distribution, sex and
in the external world have some age distribution, size, structure,
spedal meaning or significance (typ- and growth trends. —demogra-
ically negative) to him or her. p h e r n. —demographic adj.
d e m a n d characteristics in an ex- d e n d r i t e n. a branching, threadlike
periment or research project, cues extension of the CELL BODY that in-
that may influence or bias partici- creases the receptive surface of a
pants' behavior, for example, by neuron. —dendritic adj.
suggesting the outcome or response dendritic spine a mushroom-
that the experimenter expects or de- shaped outgrowth along the DEN-
sires. DRITE of a neuron, which forms a
SYNAPSE with the axon terminals of
d e m e n t i a n. a generalized, perva-
sive deterioration of cognitive neighboring neurons.
functions, such as memory, lan- d e n i a l n. a DEFENSE MECHANISM in
guage, and EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS, which unpleasant thoughts, feel-
due to any of various causes but ings, wishes, or events are ignored
commonly including Alzheimer's or excluded from conscious aware-
disease, Pick's disease, and ness. It may take such forms as
cerebrovascular disease. The loss of refusal to acknowledge the reality of

denotative m e a n i n g

a terminal illness, a financial prob- of a population that is not working

lem, an addiction, or a partner's for pay: a measure of the portion of
infidelity. Denial is an unconscious a population that is composed of
process that functions to resolve people who are too young to work
emotional conflict or reduce anxi- or who have retired. The depend-
ety. —deny vb. ency ratio is often defined as the
number of individuals aged below
denotative m e a n i n g the objec- 15 or above 64 divided by the num-
tive or literal meaning of a word or ber of individuals aged 15 to 64.
phrase as opposed to its connotative
meaning, which indudes the vari- d e p e n d e n t personality disorder
ous ideas and emotions that it a personality disorder manifested in
suggests within a particular culture. a long-term pattern of passively al-
So, for example, the word father de- lowing others to take responsibility
notes "male parent" but may for major areas of life and of subor-
connote a range of ideas involving dinating personal needs to the needs
protection, authority, and love. of others.
density n. a measure of the amount d e p e n d e n t variable (DV) the
of physical space per individual. "outcome" variable in an experi-
High density can produce crowding, ment that is observed to occur or
a psychological state of needing change after the occurrence or varia-
more space. Interior indices of den- tion of the INDEPENDENT VARIABLE.
sity (e.g., people per room) are
consistently related to negative psy- depersonalization n. a state of
chological consequences, whereas mind in which the self appears un-
external indices (e.g., people per real. Individuals feel estranged from
square mile) are not. —dense adj. themselves and usually from the ex-
ternal world, and thoughts and
d e n t a t e gyrus a strip of gray mat- experiences have a distant, dream-
ter that connects the HIPPOCAMPUS like character.
depersonalization disorder a
deoxyribonucleic acid see DNA. DISSOCIATIVE DISORDER character-
dependence n. 1. a state in which ized by one or more episodes of
assistance from others is intuitively DEPERSONALIZATION severe enough
expected or actively sought for to impair social and occupational
emotional or financial support, functioning. Onset of depersonaliza-
protection, security, or daily care. tion is rapid and accompanied by a
The dependent person leans on oth- feeling that one's extremities are
ers for guidance, decision making, changed in size and, in some cases, a
and nurturance. Whereas some de- feeling that the external world is un-
gree of dependence is natural in real (DEREALIZATION).
interpersonal relations, excessive,
inappropriate, or misdirected reli- depolarization n. a reduction in
ance on others is often a focus of the electric potential across the
psychological treatment. 2. see plasma membrane of a cell, espe-
SUBSTANCE DEPENDENCE. 3. in OP- cially a neuron, such that the inner
ERANT CONDITIONING, a causal surface of the membrane becomes
relation between a response and less negative in relation to the outer
a consequence, which results in a surface. Depolarization occurs when
CONTINGENCY. Also called depend- the membrane is stimulated and so-
ency. —dependent adj. dium ions (Na+) flow into the cell. If
the stimulus intensity exceeds the
dependency r a t i o the percentage excitatory threshold of the neuron


an ACTION POTENTIAL is created and conducted, for example, in counsel-

a nerve impulse propagated. Com- ing and as part of qualitative market
pare HYPERPOLARIZATION. research. They tend to be relatively
lengthy, unstructured, one-on-one
depressant n. any agent that di- conversations.
minishes or retards any function or
activity of a body system or organ, depth-of-processing hypothesis
especially a CENTRAL NERVOUS SYS- the theory that the strength of
TEM depressant. memory is dependent on the degree
of cognitive processing the material
depression n. 1. a fluctuation in receives. Depth has been defined
normal mood ranging from unhap- variously as ELABORATION, amount
piness and discontent to an extreme of cognitive effort expended, and
feeling of sadness, pessimism, and the distinctiveness of the MEMORY
despondency. 2. in psychiatry, any TRACE formed. This theory is an ex-
of the DEPRESSIVE DISORDERS, —de- panded empirical investigation of
depressive disorder any of the OF MEMORY.
MOOD DISORDERS that typically
d e p t h perception awareness of
have sadness as one of their symp- three-dimensionality, solidity, and
toms, such as DYSTHYMIC DISORDER the distance between the observer
and MAJOR DEPRESSIVE DISORDER. and the object. Depth perception is
depressive personality disorder achieved through such cues as visual
a recently classified and still con- ACCOMMODATION, BINOCULAR DIS-
troversial personality disorder PARITY, and CONVERGENCE. See also
characterized by glumness, pessi- VISUAL CLIFF.
mism, a lack of joy, the inability to
experience pleasure, and a low sense d e p t h psychology a general
of self-worth and self-esteem. approach to psychology and
psychotherapy that focuses on un-
deprivation n. the removal, de- conscious mental processes as the
nial, or unavailability of something source of emotional disturbance and
needed or desired. In CONDITION- symptoms, as well as personality, at-
ING, for example, deprivation refers titudes, creativity, and lifestyle. A
to a reduction of access to or intake typical example is CLASSICAL PSY-
of a REINFORCER. —deprive vb. CHOANALYSIS, but others include
d e p t h cue any of a variety of psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Carl
means used to inform the visual sys- Jung (1875-1961) and the INDIVID-
tem about the depth of a target or UAL PSYCHOLOGY of Austrian
its distance from the observer, MON- psychiatrist Alfred Adler (1870-
OCULAR CUES require only one eye 1937).
whereas BINOCULAR CUES require in-
tegration of information from the d e p t h t h e r a p y any form of psy-
two eyes. chotherapy, brief or extended, that
involves identifying and working
d e p t h interview an interview de- through unconscious conflicts and
signed to reveal deep-seated feelings, experiences that underlie and inter-
attitudes, opinions, and motives by fere with behavior and adjustment.
encouraging the individual to ex- Compare SURFACE THERAPY.
press himself or herself freely
without fear of disapproval or con- derealization n. a state character-
cern about the interviewer's ized by a sense of unreality; that is,
reactions. Such interviews may be an alteration in the perception of


external reality so that it seems between these antecedents and the

strange or unreal ("This can't be behaviors they produce can be de-
happening"), often due to trauma or scribed by generalizations much like
stress. It may also occur as a feature the laws that describe regularities in
of SCHIZOPHRENIA or of certain nature. Determinism contrasts with
DISSOCIATIVE DISORDERS. See also belief in FREE WILL, which implies
DEPERSONALIZATION. that individuals can choose to act in
some ways independent of anteced-
d e r m a t o m e n. an area of skin that ent events and conditions. Those
is innervated primarily by fibers who advocate free-will positions
from the dorsal root of a particular often adopt a position of SOFT DE-
TERMINISM, which holds that free
descriptive n o r m see SOCIAL will and responsibility are compati-
NORM. ble with determinism. Others hold
that free will is illusory, a position
descriptive statistic a numerical known as HARD DETERMINISM. Of
index used to describe (summarize) contemporary psychological theo-
a particular feature of the data, such ries, BEHAVIORISM takes most clearly
as a MEAN or STANDARD DEVIATION. a hard determinist position. Com-
descriptive study a research pare INDETERMINISM. See also
method in which the primary goal is CAUSALITY, —determinist adj., n.
to reveal patterns and illustrate con- —deterministic adj.
nections in the phenomena under
investigation, without manipulating detoxification n. a therapeutic
variables or seeking to establish procedure, popularly known as
cause and effect. For example, a sur- detox, that reduces or eliminates
vey undertaken to ascertain the toxic substances in the body, partic-
political party preferences of a group ularly as related to intoxication by
of voters would be a descriptive or withdrawal from dmgs or alco-
study because it is intended simply hol.
to identify attitudes rather than sys- development n. the progressive
tematically analyze influencing series of changes in structure, func-
factors. tion, and behavior patterns that
desensitization n. a reduction in occur over the life span of a human
emotional or physical reactivity to being or other organism. —devel-
stimuli that is achieved by such o p m e n t a l adj.
means as gaining insight into its na- developmental c o o r d i n a t i o n
ture or origin or the use of disorder a motor skills disorder
DECONDITIONING techniques. characterized by performance in
activities that require motor co-
d e t e r m i n i s m n. the philosophical ordination substantially below
position that all events, physical or that expected given the child's
mental, are the necessary results of chronological age and measured
antecedent causes or other entities intelligence. Significant impairment
or forces. Determinism, which re- of academic performance or daily
quires that both the past and the living activities is also observed.
future are fixed, manifests itself in However, the difficulties are not due
psychology as the position that all to mental retardation or a physical
human behaviors result from spe- deficit.
dfic efficient causal antecedents,
such as biological stmctures or pro- developmental disability a de-
cesses, environmental conditions, or velopmental level or status that is
past experience. The relationships attributable to a cognitive or physi-


cal impairment, or both, originating ERIKSON'S EIGHT STAGES OF DEVEL-

before the age of 22. Such an im- OPMENT, learning theories that
pairment is likely to continue stress early conditioning, and role
indefinitely and results in sub- theories that focus on the gradual
stantial functional or adaptive acquisition of different roles in life.
limitations. Examples of develop-
mental disabilities include mental deviation n. a significant departure
retardation, autistic disorder, and or difference. This conceptually
learning disorders. Also called de- broad term has a variety of applica-
velopmental disorder. tions in psychology and related
fields but most commonly refers to
developmental n o r m the typical behavior that is significantly differ-
skills and expected level of achieve- ent from the accepted standard or
ment associated with a particular norm, or to the arithmetical differ-
stage of development. ence between one of a set of values
and some fixed amount, generally
developmental psychology the the mean of the set (see STANDARD
branch of psychology that studies DEVIATION) or the value predicted
the changes—physical, mental, and by a model.
behavioral—that occur from concep-
tion to old age. deviation IQ see IQ.
developmental psycho- deviation score a RAW SCORE sub-
p a t h o l o g y the scientific study of tracted from the mean, indicating
the origins and progression of psy- the value of the score relative to the
chological disorders as related to the
typical processes of human growth
df symbol for DEGREES OF FREEDOM.
and maturation. Central to this field
is the belief that studying departures diagnosis (Dx) n. (pl. diagnoses)
from developmental NORMS will en- 1. the process of identifying and de-
hance understanding of those termining the nature of a disease or
norms, which will in turn enhance disorder by its signs and symptoms,
the conceptualization and treatment through the use of assessment tech-
of mental illness. niques (e.g., tests and examinations)
and other available evidence. 2. the
developmental systems ap- classification of individuals on the
p r o a c h the view that development basis of a disease, disorder, abnor-
is the result of bidirectional interac-
mality, or set of characteristics.
tion between all levels of biological
Psychological diagnoses have been
and experiential variables, from the
codified for professional use, nota-
genetic through the cultural. bly in the DSM-IV-TR. —diagnostic
developmental t a s k any of the adj.
fundamental physical, social, intel-
Diagnostic a n d Statistical Man-
lectual, and emotional achievements
u a l of Mental Disorders see
and abilities that must be acquired
at each stage of life for normal and
healthy development. diagnostic test any examination
or assessment measure that may
developmental t h e o r y any the- help reveal the nature and source of
ory based on the continuity of an individual's physical, mental, or
human development and the impor- behavioral problems or anomalies.
tance of early experiences in
shaping the personality. Examples dialect n. a variety of a language
are the psychoanalytic theory of that is associated with a particular
PSYCHOSEXUAL DEVELOPMENT, geographical region, social class, or

dialectical behavior t h e r a p y

ethnic group and has its own char- times thought to be a risk factor for
acteristic words, grammatical forms, MAJOR DEPRESSIVE DISORDER.
and pronunciation. Dialects of a lan-
guage are generally mutually dichotomous variable a variable
intelligible. Compare ACCENT; REG- that can have only two values to
ISTER, —dialectal adj. designate membership in one of two
possible categories, for example, fe-
dialectical behavior t h e r a p y a male versus male.
flexible, stage-based therapy that
combines principles of BEHAVIOR d i c h r o m a t i s m n. partial color
blindness in which the eye con-
tains only two types of cone
tical behavior therapy concurrently PHOTOPIGMENT instead of the typi-
promotes acceptance and change, cal three: Lack of the third pigment
especially with difficult-to-treat pa- leads to confusion between certain
tients. colors. Red-green color blindness is
the most common, whereas the
d i a r y m e t h o d a technique for blue-green variety is relatively rare.
compiling detailed data about an in- Another type, yellow-blue, has been
dividual who is being observed or proposed but its existence has yet to
studied by having the individual re- be firmly established. See also
cord his or her daily behavior and ACHROMATISM; MONOCHROMATISM;
activities. TRICHROMATISM. — d i c h r o m a t i c
diaschisis n. a loss or deficiency of
function in brain regions surround- diencephalon n. the posterior part
ing or connected to an area of of the FOREBRAIN that includes the
localized damage. THALAMUS, EPITHALAMUS, and HY-
POTHALAMUS. —diencephalic adj.
diathesis «. a susceptibility to ac-
quiring (not inheriting) certain difference score an index of dis-
diseases or disorders. similarity or change over time,
reflecting the degree of discrepancy
diathesis-stress model the theory in the measurement of a constmct
that mental and physical disorders or attribute on two separate occa-
develop from a predisposition for sions.
that illness (diathesis) combined
with stressful conditions that play a difference t h r e s h o l d the smallest
precipitating or facilitating role. difference between two stimuli that
can be consistently and accurately
dichotic listening the process of detected on 50% of trials. Also called
receiving different auditory mes- difference limen (DL); just no-
sages presented simultaneously to
each ear. Listeners experience two ticeable difference (JND; jnd).
See also WEBER'S LAW.
streams of sound, each localized at
the ear to which it is presented, and differential diagnosis 1. the
are able to focus on the message process of determining which of
from one ear while ignoring the two or more diseases or disorders
message from the other ear. with overlapping symptoms a
particular patient has. 2. the dis-
d i c h o t o m o u s t h i n k i n g the ten- tinction between two or more simi-
dency to think in terms of bipolar lar conditions by identifying critical
opposites, that is, in terms of the symptoms present in one but not
best and worst, without accepting the other.
the possibilities that lie between
these two extremes. This is some- differential psychology the

disability adjusted life years

branch of psychology that studies the normal number of chromo-

the nature, magnitude, causes, and somes, which in humans is 46: 22
consequences of psychological dif- HOMOLOGOUS pairs of AUTOSOMES
ferences between individuals and plus the male or female set of XY or
groups, as well as the methods for XX SEX CHROMOSOMES. Compare
assessing these differences. HAPLOID.
differentiation n. 1. sensory dis- directional hypothesis a predic-
crimination of differences among tion regarding the direction in
stimuli. For example, wines that at which one experimental group will
first taste identical may, with experi- differ from another.
ence, be readily distinguished. 2. a directional test see ONE-TAILED
conditioning process in which a lim-
ited range of behavior types is
achieved through selective REIN- directive t h e r a p y an approach to
FORCEMENT of only some forms of psychotherapy in which the thera-
behavior. 3. in embryology, the pro- peutic process is directed along lines
cess whereby cells of a developing considered relevant by the therapist.
embryo undergo the changes neces- Directive therapy is based on the as-
sary to become specialized in sumption that the professional
structure and function. training and experience of the thera-
pist equip him or her to manage the
diffusion of responsibility the therapeutic process and to guide the
lessening of responsibility often ex- client's behavior. Therapy is consid-
perienced by individuals in groups ered to progress along primarily
and social collectives. This has been intellectual lines in contrast to the
proposed as one reason for the BY- approaches of PSYCHODYNAMIC PSY-
STANDER EFFECT; in groups the CHOTHERAPY, which emphasizes
obligation to intervene is shared by unconscious motivation and affec-
all onlookers rather than focused on tive dynamics.
any specific individual. See also
digit span the number of random
digits from a series that a person can disability «. a lasting physical or
recall following a single auditory mental impairment that signifi-
presentation. A span of 5-9 digits is cantly interferes with an individual's
considered typical for an adult. ability to function in one or more
central life activities, such as self-
diglossia n. the situation in which care, ambulation, communication,
two varieties of a language coexist social interaction, sexual expression,
and have distinct social functions or employment. For example, an in-
within a community; these are usu- dividual who cannot see has visual
ally characterized by high (H) and disability. See also HANDICAP. —dis-
low (L) uses, H being associated with abled adj.
formality and literacy, and L with
everyday colloquial usage. disability adjusted life years
(DALYs) a measure of the impact of
d i m o r p h i s m n. the existence disease or injury on the length and
among members of the same species quality of a person's life. It takes
of two distinct forms that differ in into account the potential loss of
one or more characteristics, such as years due to premature mortality
size, shape, or color. —dimorphic and the value of years lived with dis-
adj. ability. One DALY represents one
diploid adj. denoting or possessing lost year of "healthy" life.

discontinuity effect

d i s c o n t i n u i t y effect the mark- discrete variable a variable that

edly greater competitiveness of takes on only a relatively small
intergroup interactions relative to number of distinct values. Compare
the competitiveness of interactions CONTINUOUS VARIABLE.
involving individuals.
d i s c r i m i n a n t analysis a
discontinuity hypothesis the MULTIVARIATE statistical method
viewpoint that emphasizes the role that combines information from a
of sudden insight and perceptual set of predictor variables in order to
reorganization in successful DIS- allow maximal discrimination
CRIMINATION learning and problem among a set of predefined groups.
solving. According to this view, a
correct answer is only recognized d i s c r i m i n a n t function any of a
when its relation to the issue as a range of statistical techniques to sit-
uate an item that could belong to
whole is discovered. Compare CON- any of two or more variables in the
correct set, with minimal probability
d i s c o r d a n c e n. in TWIN STUDIES, of error.
dissimilarity between a pair of twins
with respect to a particular trait or d i s c r i m i n a t i o n n. 1. the ability to
disease. Compare CONCORDANCE. distinguish between stimuli or ob-
—discordant adj. jects that differ quantitatively or
qualitatively from one another. In
discourse n. the areas of written, conditioning, this meaning is ex-
spoken, and signed communication, tended to include as well the ability
whether formal (debate) or informal to respond in different ways in the
(conversation). The term is most presence of such different stimuli.
often used in LINGUISTICS, where 2. differential treatment of the
discourse analysts focus on both the members of different ethnic, reli-
study of LANGUAGE (sentences, gious, national, or other groups.
speech ads, and lexicons) as well as Discrimination is usually the behav-
the rhetoric, meanings, and strate- ioral manifestation of PREJUDICE
gies that underlie social interactions. and therefore involves negative,
hostile, and injurious treatment of
discourse analysis the study of the members of rejected groups.
linguistic structures that extend be- —discriminate vb.
yond the single sentence, such as
conversations, narratives, or written d i s c r i m i n a t i o n t r a i n i n g a proce-
arguments. Discourse analysis is par- dure in which an OPERANT
ticularly concerned with the ways in RESPONSE is reinforced in the pres-
which a sequence of two or more ence of a particular stimulus but not
sentences can produce meanings in the absence of that stimulus. For
that are different from or additional example, a rat's lever-press response
to any found in the sentences con- might be reinforced when a stimulus
sidered separately. The norms and light is on but not when the light is
expectations that govern conver- off. This rat will eventually learn to
sation are a major concern of dis- press the lever only when the light
course analysis, as is the structure of is on.
conversational language generally.
discriminative stimulus (sym-
discovery l e a r n i n g learning that bol: SD) in OPERANT CONDITIONING,
occurs through solving problems, by a stimulus that increases the proba-
formulating and testing hypotheses, bility of a response because of a
and in actual experience and manip- previous history of differential REIN-
ulation in attempting solutions. FORCEMENT in the presence of that

disorder of w r i t t e n expression

stimulus. For example, if a pigeon's morally repugnant, —disgusting

key pecks are reinforced when the adj.
key is illuminated red, but not when d i s h a b i t u a t i o n n. the reappear-
the key is green, the red stimulus ance or enhancement of a
will come to serve as an SD and the habituated response (i.e., one that
pigeon will learn to peck only when has been weakened following re-
the key is red. peated exposure to the evoking
disease model any of several theo- stimulus) due to the presentation of
ries concerning the causes and a new stimulus. It is a useful method
course of a pathological condition for investigating perception in non-
or process. verbal individuals or animals.
disenfranchised grief grief that disinhibition n. diminution or
sodety limits, does not expect, or loss of the normal control exerted
may not allow a person to express. by the cerebral cortex, resulting in
Examples indude the grief of par- poorly controlled or poorly re-
ents for stillborn babies and of strained emotions or actions.
teachers for the death of students.
Disenfranchised grief may isolate disintegration n. a breakup or se-
the bereaved individual from others vere disorganization of some
and thus impede recovery. See also structure or system of functioning.
disjunctive t a s k a group task or
MOURNING. project, such as solving a complex
problem, that is completed when a
disengagement n. the act of with- single solution, decision, or group
drawing from an attachment or
relationship or, more generally, member's recommendation is
from an unpleasant situation, —dis- adopted by the group. This means
engaged adj. that the group's performance tends
to be determined by the most skilled
disengagement t h e o r y a theory member. Compare ADDITIVE TASK;
proposing that old age involves a COMPENSATORY TASK; CONJUNCTIVE
gradual withdrawal of the individual TASK.
from society and of society from the dismissive a t t a c h m e n t an adult
individual. According to this theory, attachment style that combines a
those happiest in old age have positive INTERNAL WORKING MODEL
turned their attention inward to- OF ATTACHMENT of oneself, charac-
ward the self and away from terized by a view of oneself as
involvement in the outside world. competent and worthy of love, and
Empirical research has shown, how- a negative internal working model
ever, that this mutual withdrawal is of attachment of others, character-
not an inevitable component of old ized by one's view that others are
age and that a continuity theory of untrustworthy or undependable.
aging is most likely, in which older Individuals with dismissive attach-
people are happiest when they are ment are presumed to discount the
able to maintain their preferred level importance of close relationships
of social involvement. Compare AC- and to maintain rigid self-
TIVITY THEORY. sufficiency. Compare FEARFUL
disgust n. a strong aversion, for ex- TACHMENT; SECURE ATTACHMENT.
ample, to the taste, smell, or touch
of something deemed revolting, or disorder of w r i t t e n expression
toward a person or behavior deemed a LEARNING DISORDER in which


writing skills are substantially below attacking the father; a frustrated em-
those expected, given the person's ployee might criticize his or her
chronological age, formal education spouse instead of the boss; or a per-
experience, and measured intelli- son who fears his or her own hostile
gence. The writing difficulties impulses might transfer that fear to
significantly interfere with academic knives, guns, or other objects that
achievement and activities of daily might be used as a weapon. —dis-
living that require writing skills. place vb.
disorganization n. loss or disrup- display n. more or less stereotyped
tion of orderly or systematic actions (i.e., actions repeated with
structure or functioning. little variation) that bring about a
response in another individual: an
disorganized a t t a c h m e n t a form integral part of animal communica-
tion. Display behavior may be verbal
infants show no coherent or consis- or nonverbal, usually involving
tent behavior during separation stimulation of the visual or auditory
from and reunion with their parent. senses. It may include body lan-
disorganized schizophrenia a guage that would convey a message
subtype of schizophrenia character- of courtship to a member of the op-
ized primarily by random and posite sex (e.g., a show of plumage
fragmented speech and behavior or color) or a suggestion that would
and by flat or inappropriate affect. be interpreted by an opponent as
Also called h e b e p h r e n i a . threatening (e.g., bared teeth or hiss-
ing noises).
disorientation n. a state of im-
paired ability to identify oneself or display r u l e a socially learned
to locate oneself in relation to time, standard that regulates the expres-
place, or other aspects of one's sur- sion of emotion. Display rules vary
roundings. Long-term disorientation from culture to culture; for example,
can be characteristic of disorders; the expression of anger may be con-
temporary disorientation can be sidered appropriate in some cultures
caused by alcohol or drugs or can but not in others.
occur in situations of acute stress.
—disoriented adj. disposition n. a recurrent behav-
ioral or affective tendency that
dispersion n. the degree to which a distinguishes an individual from
batch of scores deviate from the others.
mean. Also called spread.
dispositional a t t r i b u t i o n the as-
displaced aggression see AGGRES- cription of one's own or another's
SION. actions, an event, or an outcome to
internal or psychological causes spe-
displacement n. the transfer of cific to the person concerned, such
feelings or behavior from their origi- as moods, attitudes, decisions and
nal object to another person or judgments, abilities, or effort. Also
thing. In psychoanalytic theory, dis- called i n t e r n a l a t t r i b u t i o n . Com-
placement is considered to be a pare SITUATIONAL ATTRIBUTION.
individual discharges tensions asso- dissociation n. an unconscious
dated with, for example, hostility DEFENSE MECHANISM in which con-
and fear by taking them out on a flicting impulses are kept apart or
neutral, nonthreatening or less threatening ideas and feelings are
threatening target. Thus, an angry separated from the rest of the psy-
child might hurt a sibling instead of che.

d i s t r i b u t e d practice

dissociative amnesia a d i s s o n a n c e n. see COGNITIVE DIS-

ized by failure to recall important distal adj. 1. situated or directed to-
information about one's personal ward the periphery of the body or
experiences, usually of a traumatic toward the end of a limb. 2. remote
or stressful nature, that is too exten- from or mostly distantly related to
sive to be explained by normal the point of reference or origin.
forgetfulness. Recovery of memory Compare PROXIMAL.
often occurs spontaneously within a
few hours and is usually connected distal stimulus in perception, the
with removal from the traumatic cir- actual object in the environment
cumstances with which the amnesia that stimulates or acts on a sense
was associated. organ. Compare PROXIMAL STIMU-
dissociative disorder any of a
group of disorders characterized by distance cue any of the auditory
a sudden, gradual, transient, or or visual cues that enable an indi-
chronic dismption in the normal in- vidual to judge the distance of the
tegrative functions of consciousness, source of a stimulus. Auditory dis-
memory, or perception of the envi- tance cues include intensity of
ronment. Such disruption may last familiar sounds (e.g., voices), inten-
for minutes or years, depending on sity differences between the ears,
the type of disorder. Included in this and changes in spectral content. In
category are DISSOCIATIVE AMNESIA, vision, distance cues include the size
of familiar objects and ACCOMMO-
ALIZATION DISORDER. distress n. the negative stress re-
dissociative fugue a DISSOCIATIVE sponse, involving excessive levels of
DISORDER in which the individual stimulation: a type of stress that re-
suddenly and unexpectedly travels sults from being overwhelmed by
away from home or a customary demands, losses, or perceived
place of daily activities and is unable threats. It has a detrimental effect by
to recall some or all of his or her generating physical and psychologi-
past. Symptoms also include either cal maladaptation and posing
confusion about personal identity or serious health risks for individuals.
assumption of a new identity. The This generally is the intended mean-
fugue state can last from hours to ing of the word STRESS. Compare
months, and there may be no mem- EUSTRESS. —distressing adj.
ory of travel once the individual is d i s t r i b u t e d cognition a model
brought back to the prefugue state. for intelligent problem solving in
which either the input information
dissociative i d e n t i t y disorder a comes from separated and inde-
pendent sources or the processing of
ized by the presence in one this input information takes place
individual of two or more distinct across autonomous computational
identities or personality states that devices.
each recurrently take control of the
individual's behavior. It is typically d i s t r i b u t e d practice a learning
associated with severe physical and procedure in which practice periods
sexual abuse, especially during for a particular activity or to im-
childhood. Research suggests that prove recall of specific material are
there may be a hereditary com- separated by regular, lengthy rest pe-
ponent. riods or periods of practicing


different activities or studying other ation from a nearby target object to

material. In many learning situa- one that is far away. —divergent
tions, distributed practice is found adj.
to be more effective than MASSED
PRACTICE. divergent t h i n k i n g creative
thinking in which an individual
d i s t r i b u t i o n n. the relation be- solves a problem or reaches a deci-
tween the values that a variable may sion using strategies that deviate
take and the relative number of from commonly used or previously
cases taking on each value. A distri- taught strategies. This term is often
bution may be simply an empirical used synonymously with LATERAL
description of that relationship or a THINKING. Compare CONVERGENT
mathematical (probabilistic) spedfi- THINKING.
cation of the relationship.
diversity n. the wide range of vari-
distribution-free test a test of ation of living organisms in an
statistical significance that makes ecosystem. When describing people
relatively few, if any, assumptions and population groups, diversity can
about the underlying distribution of include such factors as age, gender,
scores. See NONPARAMETRIC STATIS- sexual orientation, race, ethnicity,
TICS. and religion, as well as education,
distributive justice the belief that livelihood, and marital status. Many
mles can be changed and punish- organizations have diversity training
ments and rewards distributed programs to help employees appreci-
according to relative standards, spe- ate and deal effectively with cultural
cifically according to equality and and other differences among people.
equity. Distributive justice makes divided a t t e n t i o n attention to
allowances for subjective consider- two or more channels of informa-
ations, personal circumstances, and tion at the same time, so that two or
motive. Compare IMMANENT JUS- more tasks may be performed con-
TICE. currently. Divided attention can
disulfiram n. a dmg used as an occur through just one sense (e.g.,
aversive agent in managing alcohol hearing), or two or more senses (e.g.,
abuse or dependence. Disulfiram in- hearing and vision) may be engaged
hibits the activity of acetaldehyde in the process.
dehydrogenase, an enzyme responsi- dizygotic t w i n s (DZ twins)
ble for the metabolism of alcohol twins, of the same or different sexes,
(ethanol) in the liver. Consumption that have developed from two sepa-
of alcohol following administration rate ova fertilized by two separate
of disulfiram results in accumulation sperm. DZ twins are genetically as
of acetaldehyde, a toxic metabolic much alike as ordinary full siblings
product of ethanol, with such un- born separately. On average, DZ
pleasant effects as nausea, vomiting, twins are approximately half as ge-
sweating, headache, a fast heart rate, netically similar to one another as
and palpitations. U.S. trade name: MONOZYGOTIC TWINS. Also called
Antabuse. fraternal twins.
d i u r n a l adj. 1. daily; that is, recur- DNA deoxyribonucleic acid: one of
ring every 24 hours. 2. occurring or the two types of nucleic acid found
active during daylight hours. Com- in living organisms, which is the
pare NOCTURNAL. —diurnality n. principal carrier of genetic informa-
divergence n. the rotation of the tion in chromosomes. Certain
two eyes outward when shifting fix- segments of the DNA molecules


constitute the organism's genes, gether. 2. the tendency for one

with each gene specifying the man- hemisphere of the brain to exert
ufacture of a particular protein or greater influence than the other
ribosome. Structurally, DNA consists over certain functions, such as lan-
of two intertwined, helically coiled guage or handedness. The two
strands of nucleotides—the double hemispheres contribute differently
helix. The nucleotides each contain to many functions; researchers
one of four bases: adenine, guanine, therefore use the term HEMISPHERIC
cytosine, or thymine. Each base LATERALIZATION in preference to
forms hydrogen bonds with the ad- dominance. 3. in genetics, the abil-
jacent base on the other, sister ity of one allele to determine the
strand, producing consecutive base PHENOTYPE of a HETEROZYGOUS in-
pairs arranged rather like the dividual. See DOMINANT ALLELE.
"rungs" on a helical ladder. Because —dominant adj.
of DNA's ability to conserve its base
sequence when replicating, the ge- d o m i n a n c e h i e r a r c h y 1. in social
netic instmctions it carries are also psychology, a system of stable linear
conserved. See also RNA. variations in prestige, status, and au-
thority among group members. It
DNR abbreviation for do not resus- defines who gives orders and who
citate. See INFORMED CONSENT. carries them out. 2. any ordering of
motives, needs, or other psychologi-
d o g m a t i s m n. a personality trait cal or physical responses based on
characterized by the tendency to act priority or importance. An example
in a blindly certain, assertive, and is MASLOW'S MOTIVATIONAL HIERAR-
authoritative manner in accord with CHY.
a strongly held set of beliefs that are
presumed to be resistant to change. d o m i n a n t allele the version of a
These belief systems contain ele- gene (see ALLELE) whose effects are
ments that are isolated from one manifest in preference to another
another and thus may contradict version of the same gene (the RECES-
one another. Dogmatic people tend SIVE ALLELE) when both are present
to be intolerant of those who hold in the same cell. Hence, the trait de-
different beliefs, —dogmatic adj. termined by a dominant allele (the
domestic violence any action by a dominant trait) is apparent even
person that causes physical harm to when the allele is canied on only
one or more members of his or her one of a pair of HOMOLOGOUS chro-
family unit. For example, it can in- mosomes.
volve battering of one partner by door-in-the-face t e c h n i q u e a
another, violence against children two-step procedure for enhancing
by a parent, or violence against el- COMPLIANCE in which an extreme
ders by younger family members. initial request is presented immedi-
ately before the more moderate
d o m i n a n c e n. 1. the exercise of target request. Rejection of the ini-
major influence or control over tial request makes people more
others. In nonhuman animals, likely to accept the target request
dominance ranks are often thought than would have been the case if the
to be linear, with a clear ordering latter had been presented on its
from most to least dominant, but own. See also FOOT-IN-THE-DOOR
may also be dependent (i.e., based TECHNIQUE; LOW-BALL TECHNIQUE;
on kin or age relationships) or gov- THAT'S-NOT-ALL TECHNIQUE.
erned by coalitions in which some
subordinate individuals can outrank d o p a (DOPA) n. 3,4-dihydroxy-
more dominant ones by acting to- phenylalanine: an amino acid that is


a precursor to DOPAMINE and other positive and negative symptoms

catecholamines. of schizophrenia; the nigrostriatal
trad, which is involved in motor
d o p a m i n e (DA) n. a CATECHOL- functions and Parkinson's disease;
AMINE neurotransmitter that has an and the tuberoinfundibular path-
important role in motor behavior way, a local circuit in the hypo-
and is implicated in numerous thalamus that is involved in the
mental conditions. For example, regulation of the pituitary hormone
destmction of the DOPAMINERGIC prolactin.
neurons in the SUBSTANTIA NIGRA
is responsible for the symptoms of Doppler effect the apparent in-
Parkinson's disease (e.g., rigidity, crease or decrease in wavelength or
tremor), and blockade of the actions frequency observed when a source
of dopamine in other brain regions of electromagnetic radiation or
accounts for the therapeutic activi- sound approaches or recedes from
ties of antischizophrenic dmgs. the observer or listener, producing a
Dopamine is synthesized from the change in hue or pitch. The total
dietary amino acid tyrosine and Doppler effect may result from mo-
may be further metabolized to form tion of both the observer or listener
norepinephrine and epinephrine, and the source. [Christian Andreas
respectively. Doppler (1803-1853), Austrian
d o p a m i n e hypothesis the influ-
ential theory that schizophrenia is dorsal adj. denoting the hind re-
caused by an excess of dopamine gion or the back surface of the body.
in the brain, due either to an over- In reference to the latter, this term
production of dopamine or a defi- sometimes is used interchangeably
ciency of the enzyme needed to with POSTERIOR. Compare VENTRAL.
convert dopamine to norepineph- —dorsally adv.
rine (adrenaline). There is some dorsal c o l u m n any of various
supporting pharmacological and tracts of sensory nerve fibers that
biochemical evidence for this run through the white matter of the
hypothesis, and it is still widely SPINAL CORD on its dorsal (back)
discussed and promoted, parti- side.
cularly in a revised form that
postulates the involvement in dorsal h o r n either of the upper re-
schizophrenia of both an increased gions of the H-shaped pattern
mesolimbic and a decreased pre- formed by the GRAY MATTER in the
frontal dopaminergic activity. See central portion of the spinal cord.
also GLUTAMATE HYPOTHESIS. The dorsal horns extend toward the
dorsal roots and mainly serve sen-
d o p a m i n e r g i c adj. responding to, sory mechanisms. Compare
releasing, or otherwise involving VENTRAL HORN.
dopamine. For example, a
dopaminergic neuron is any neuron dorsal r o o t any of the SPINAL
in the brain or other parts of the ROOTS that convey sensory nerve fi-
central nervous system for which bers and enter the spinal cord on
dopamine serves as the principal the back surface of each side. Com-
neurotransmitter. Three major trads pare VENTRAL ROOT.
of dopamine-containing neurons dorsal s t r e a m a series of special-
are classically described: the ized visual regions in the cerebral
mesolimbic-mesocortical tract, in cortex of the brain that originate in
which excess dopamine activity is the STRIATE CORTEX (primary visual
hypothesized to be assodated with cortex) of the occipital lobe and pro-

d prime

ject forward and upward into the communication was once consid-
parietal lobe. Known informally as ered a causative factor in
the "where" or "how" pathway, it is schizophrenia.
involved in processing object mo-
tion and location in space. Compare double blind see BLIND.
VENTRAL STREAM. double dissociation a research
process for demonstrating the action
dorsolateral adj. located both dor- of two separable psychological or
sally (toward the back) and laterally biological systems, such as differen-
(toward the side). —dorsolaterally tiating between types of memory or
adv. the function of brain areas. One ex-
dorsolateral p r e f r o n t a l cortex perimental variable is found to
a region of the PREFRONTAL CORTEX affect one of the systems, whereas a
involved in WORKING MEMORY and second variable affects the other.
attentional control. Damage to this The differentiating variables may be
region in humans results in an in- task-related, pharmacological, neu-
ability to select task-relevant rological, or individual differences.
information and to shift attention
based on external cues. double s t a n d a r d the hypocritical
belief that a code of behavior is per-
dorsoventral adj. oriented or di- missible for one group or individual
rected from the back (dorsal) region but not for another.
of the body to the front (ventral) re-
gion. Compare VENTRODORSAL. Down syndrome a disorder char-
—dorsoventrally adv. acterized by an extra chromosome
21 and by particular facial features
dose-response relationship a and below-average brain size and
principle relating the potency of a weight. Affected individuals usually
dmg to the efficacy of that dmg in have mild to severe mental retarda-
affecting a target symptom or organ tion, and muscular movements tend
system. Potency refers to the to be slow, clumsy, and uncoordi-
amount of a drug necessary to pro- nated. Lifespan is reduced compared
duce the desired effect; efficacy to the general population, and af-
refers to the dmg's ability to act at a fected individuals typically show
target receptor or organ to produce early onset of ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE.
the desired effect. Dose-response Down syndrome is one of the most
curves may be graded, suggesting a common organic causes of mental
continuous relationship between retardation, [described in 1866 by
dose and effect, or quantal, where John Langdon Haydon Down
the desired effect is an either-or (1828-1896), British physician]
phenomenon, such as prevention of
arrhythmias. d p r i m e (symbol: d') a measure of
an individual's ability to detect sig-
double b i n d a situation in which nals; more specifically, a measure of
an individual receives contradictory sensitivity or discriminability de-
messages from another person or rived from SIGNAL DETECTION
from two different people. For ex- THEORY that is unaffected by re-
ample, a parent may respond sponse biases. It is the difference (in
negatively when his or her child ap- standard deviation units) between
proaches or attempts to engage in the means of the NOISE and sig-
affectionate behavior, but then, nal+noise distributions. A value of d'
when the child turns away or tries = 3 is dose to perfect performance; a
to leave, reaches out to encourage value of d' = 0 is chance ("guessing")
the child to return. Double-binding performance.


d r e a m n. a mental state that occurs LATENT CONTENT of a dream into

in sleep and is characterized by a the MANIFEST CONTENT experienced
rich array of sensory, motor, emo- by the dreamer. This transformation
tional, and cognitive experiences. is effected by such processes as SYM-
Dreams occur most often, but not BOLISM and DISPLACEMENT.
exclusively, during periods of REM
SLEEP. They are characterized by drive n. 1. a generalized state of
(a) vivid imagery, especially visual readiness precipitating or motivat-
imagery, and a strong sense of ing an activity or course of action.
movement; (b) intense emotion, Drive is hypothetical in nature, usu-
especially fear, elation, or anger; ally created by deprivation of a
needed substance (e.g., food), the
(c) delusional acceptance of the presence of negative stimuli (e.g.,
dream as a waking reality; and pain, cold), or the occurrence of
(d) discontinuity in time and space negative events. 2. in the psychoan-
and incongmity of character and alytic theory of Austrian psychiatrist
plot. Despite the vivid intensity Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), a
of dreams, it can be difficult to re- concept used to understand the
member them to any extent unless relationship between the psyche and
promptly awakened from REM sleep, the soma (mind and body); drive is
but even then much content cannot conceived as having a somatic
be accurately retrieved. Diverse the- source but creating a psychic effect.
ories about the significance of Freud identified two separate drives
dreams and the process of dream as emerging from somatic sources:
production have arisen from varied LIBIDO and AGGRESSION. See also
sources throughout history. These MOTIVATION.
range from the suggestion of Greek
physician Hippocrates (c. 460-c. 377 drive-reduction t h e o r y a theory
BCE) that dreams provide early of learning in which the goal of mo-
evidence of disease, to the interpre- tivated behavior is a reduction of a
tation by Austrian psychiatrist drive state. It is assumed that all mo-
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) of tivated behavior arises from drives,
dreams as a stmggle in which the stemming from a disruption in ho-
part of the mind representing social meostasis, and that responses that
strictures (the SUPEREGO) plays out lead to reduction of those drives
a conflict with the sexual impulses tend to be reinforced or strength-
(the LIBIDO) while the rational part ened.
of the mind (the EGO) is at rest, and
scientific study of dreaming as a d r u g n. any substance, other than
neurocognitive process, a recent food, that influences motor, sen-
product of which is the ACTIVA- sory, cognitive, or other bodily
TION-SYNTHESIS HYPOTHESIS. processes. Dmgs generally are
—dreamlike adj. —dreamy adj. administered for experimental,
diagnostic, or treatment purposes
d r e a m analysis a technique in but also tend to be used recrea-
which the content of dreams is in- tionally to achieve particular
terpreted to reveal underlying effects.
motivations or symbolic meanings d r u g abuse see SUBSTANCE ABUSE.
and representations (i.e., LATENT
CONTENT). Also called d r e a m in- d r a g a d d i c t i o n see SUBSTANCE DE-
terpretation. PENDENCE.

d r e a m - w o r k n. in psychoanalytic d r u g dependence see SUBSTANCE

theory, the transformation of the DEPENDENCE.


d r u g t h e r a p y see PHARMA- d u a l process t h e o r y of color vi-

d r u g tolerance see TOLERANCE.
dual-store model of m e m o r y
d r u g w i t h d r a w a l see SUBSTANCE the concept that memory is a two-
WITHDRAWAL. stage process, comprising SHORT-
DSM-IV-TR the text revision of the TERM MEMORY, in which informa-
fourth edition of the Diagnostic and tion is retained for a few seconds,
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, and LONG-TERM MEMORY, which
prepared by the American Psychiat- permits the retention of information
ric Association and published in for hours to many years. Also called
2000. The classification presents de- d u a l m e m o r y theory.
scriptions of diagnostic categories dual t r a c e hypothesis a restate-
without favoring any particular the- ment Of the PERSEVERATION-
ory of etiology. It is largely modeled CONSOLIDATION HYPOTHESIS of
memory formation specifying that
TION OF DISEASES (9th edition,
short-term memory is represented
1978), developed by the World neurally by activity in reverberating
Health Organization, but contains circuits and that stabilization of
greater detail and recent changes, as these circuits leads to permanent
well as a method of coding on dif- synaptic change, reflecting the for-
ferent AXES. mation of long-term memory. See
DTs abbreviation for DELIRIUM
TREMENS. d u m m y variable coding a
d u a l coding t h e o r y the theory method of assigning numerical
that linguistic input can be repre- values (often 0 and 1) to a CA-
sented in memory in both verbal TEGORICAL VARIABLE in such a
and visual formats. Concrete words way that the variable reflects class
that readily call to mind a picture, membership.
such as table or horse, are remem- D u n n e t t ' s m u l t i p l e comparison
bered better than abstract words, test a method for comparing all
such as honesty or conscience, which groups with a single control group
do not readily call to mind a picture, mean in such a way that the SIG-
because the concrete words are NIFICANCE LEVEL for the set of
stored in two codes rather than one. comparisons is controlled at a
d u a l i s m n. the position that reality (the criterion value). [Charles W.
consists of two separate substances, Dunnett (1921- ), Canadian statis-
defined by French philosopher Rene tician]
Descartes (1596-1650) as thinking Dunn's m u l t i p l e comparison
substance (mind) and extended sub- test a method for comparing the
stance (matter). In the context of means of samples from k popula-
the MIND-BODY PROBLEM, dualism tions that is based on the
is the position that the mind and BONFERRONI CORRECTION.
the body constitute two separate
realms or substances. Dualistic posi- d u r a b l e p o w e r of a t t o r n e y see
tions raise the question of how ADVANCE DIRECTIVE.
mind and body interact in thought
and behavior. Compare MONISM. d u r a m a t e r see MENINGES.
See also CARTESIAN DUALISM. DV abbreviation for DEPENDENT
—dualist adj., n. —dualistic adj. VARIABLE.


dwarfism n. a condition of under- muscular impairment originating in

developed body structure due to a the central or peripheral nervous
developmental defect, hormonal or system. Respiration, articulation,
nutritional deficiencies, or diseases. phonation, resonance, and prosody
Some forms of dwarfism, such as may be affected. There are four main
that due to thyroid-hormone defi- types: dyskinetic, spastic, peripheral,
ciency, are associated with mental and mixed. —dysarthric adj.
dyscalculia n. an impaired ability
Dx abbreviation for DIAGNOSIS. to perform simple arithmetic opera-
tions that results from a congenital
dyad (diad) n. a pair of individuals
defidt. It is a developmental condi-
in an interpersonal situation. tion, whereas ACALCULIA is
—dyadic adj.
d y n a m i c f o r m u l a t i o n the ongo-
dysexecutive syndrome a collec-
ing attempt to organize the clinical
tion of symptoms that involve
material elicited about a client's
impaired executive control of ac-
behavior, traits, attitudes, and symp-
tions, caused by damage to the
toms into a structure that helps the
frontal lobes of the brain. Individ-
therapist understand the client and
uals have difficulty in initiating and
plan his or her treatment more ef-
switching actions and organizing be-
d y n a m i c psychology a theory of dysfunction n. any impairment,
psychology emphasizing causation disturbance, or deficiency in behav-
and motivation in relation to be- ior or operation, —dysfunctional
havior, specifically the stimulus- adj.
organism-response chain in which
the stimulus-response relationship d y s g r a p h i a n. see AGRAPHIA.
is regarded as the mechanism of —-dysgraphic adj.
behavior and the drives of the or- dyslexia n. a neurologically based
ganism are the mediating variable. disorder manifested as severe diffi-
d y n a m i c psychotherapy see culties in reading, resulting from
PSYCHODYNAMIC PSYCHOTHERAPY. impairment in the ability to make
connections between written letters
d y n a m i c systems t h e o r y a the- and their sounds. It can be either ac-
ory that attempts to explain quired (in which case it often is
behavior and personality in terms of referred to as ALEXIA) or develop-
constantly changing, self-organizing mental, is independent of
interactions among multiple organ- intellectual ability, and is unrelated
ismic and environmental factors to disorders of speech and vision
that operate on multiple timescales that may also be present. Investiga-
and multiple levels of analysis. tors have proposed various subtypes
d y n a m o m e t r y n. the measure- of dyslexia but there is no univer-
ment of force expended or power, sally accepted system of
especially muscular effort or classification. —dyslexic adj.
strength of humans or animals. A dyslogia n. see ALOGIA.
dynamometer usually consists of a
spring that can be compressed by d y s m e n o r r h e a n. difficult or pain-
the force applied. —dynamo- ful menstmation. —dysmen-
m e t r i c adj. orrheic adj.
d y s a r t h r i a n. any of a group of d y s p a r e u n i a n. painful sexual in-
motor speech disorders caused by tercourse.

DZ t w i n s

dysphoria n. a mood characterized that is mild or moderate in severity,

by generalized discontent and agita- —dysthymic adj.
tion. —dysphoric adj. dysthymic disorder a DEPRESSIVE
d y s r h y t h m i a it. any rhythmic ab- DISORDER characterized by a de-
normality, as might be detected in pressed mood for most of the day,
speech or in brain waves. occurring more days than not, that
persists for at least 2 years. It is dis-
dyssomnia n. any of various sleep tinguished from MAJOR DEPRESSIVE
disorders marked by abnormalities DISORDER in that the symptoms are
in the amount, quality, or timing of less severe but more enduring.
s eep
' DZ t w i n s abbreviation for DI-
dysthymia n. any depressed mood ZYGOTIC TWINS.

ear n. the organ of hearing and cording to early-selection theory,
balance. In humans and other unattended stimuli receive only a
mammals the ear is divided into ex- slight degree of processing that does
ternal, middle, and inner sections. not encompass meaning, whereas
The PINNA of the EXTERNAL EAR col- attended stimuli proceed through a
leds sounds that are then tunneled significant degree of deep, meaning-
through the EXTERNAL AUDITORY ful analysis. Compare LATE-
BRANE. The sounds are vibrations of
air molecules that cause the tym- e a t i n g disorder any disorder char-
panic membrane to vibrate, which acterized primarily by a pathological
in turn vibrates the OSSICLES, three disturbance of attitudes and behav-
tiny bones in the MIDDLE EAR. The iors related to food, such as
motion of the last of these bones ANOREXIA NERVOSA, BULIMIA
produces pressure waves in the fluid- NERVOSA, and BINGE-EATING DISOR-
filled COCHLEA of the INNER EAR. DER.
The motion of the fluid in the co- EBP abbreviation for EVIDENCE-
chlea is converted by specialized BASED PRACTICE.
receptors called HAIR CELLS into
neural signals that are sent to the ECG abbreviation for ELECTROCAR-

e a r d r u m n. see TYMPANIC MEM-

echoic m e m o r y the retention of
auditory information for a brief pe-
riod (2-3 s) after the end of the
early i n t e r v e n t i o n a collection of stimulus.
specialized services provided to chil- echolalia n. mechanical repetition
dren from birth to 3 years of age of words and phrases uttered by
with identified conditions placing another individual. It is often a
them at risk of developmental dis- symptom of a neurological or de-
ability or with evident signs of velopmental disorder, particular
developmental delay. Services are catatonic schizophrenia or autism.
designed to minimize the impact of
the infant's or toddler's condition, echolocation n. the ability to
and in addition to stimulatory, so- judge the direction and distance of
dal, therapeutic, and treatment objects from reflected echoes made
programs may include family train- by acoustic signals. For example,
ing, screening, assessment, or health both bats and marine mammals
care. (e.g., dolphins) can locate objects by
emitting high-pitched sounds that
early-selection t h e o r y any theory are reflected from features of the
of attention proposing that selection physical environment and prey ob-
of stimuli for in-depth analysis oc- jects.
curs early in the processing stream,
prior to stimulus identification. Ac- echopraxia n. mechanical repeti-

effort justification

tion of another person's movements Ecstasy n. the popular name for

or gestures. It is often a symptom of MDMA.
a neurological disorder, particularly
ECT abbreviation for ELECTRO-
catatonic schizophrenia.
eclecticism n. a theoretical or prac- edema n. an excess accumulation of
tical approach that blends, or fluid in body cells, organs, or cavi-
attempts to blend, diverse concep- ties. —edematous adj.
tual formulations or techniques into
an integrated approach. —eclectic educational psychology a
adj. branch of psychology dealing with
the application of psychological
ecological niche the function or principles and theories to a broad
position of an organism or a popula- spectrum of teaching, training, and
tion within a physical and biological learning issues in educational set-
environment. tings.
ecological perception an organ- EE abbreviation for EXPRESSED EMO-
ism's detection of the AFFORDANCES TION.
and INVARIANCES within its natural,
real-world environment, as medi- EEG abbreviation for ELECTRO-
ated and guided by the organism's ENCEPHALOGRAPHY or electro-
immersion in and movement encephalogram.
through that environment. effective stimulus see FUNC-
ecological systems theory an
evolving body of theory and re- effect size the magnitude of an
search concerned with the processes effect (influence of independent
and conditions that govern the variables) in a study. It is often an
course of human development in indicator of the strength of a rela-
the actual environments in which tionship, the magnitude of mean
human beings live. Generally, differences among several groups,
ecological systems theory accords or the like.
equal importance to the concept
of environment as a context for efferent adj. conducting or convey-
development and to the role of ing away from a central point. For
biopsychological characteristics of example, efferent nerve fibers con-
the individual person. The current duct impulses away from the brain
paradigm is now referred to as the or spinal cord. Compare AFFERENT.
BIOECOLOGICAL MODEL. efficacy n. in pharmacology, see
ecological validity the degree to
which research results are represen- effortful processing mental ac-
tative of conditions in the wider tivity that requires deliberation and
world. For example, psychological control and involves a sense of ef-
research carried out exclusively fort, or overcoming resistance.
among university students might Compare AUTOMATICITY.
have a low ecological validity when
applied to the population as a effort justification a phenome-
whole. non whereby people come to
evaluate a particular task or activity
ecology n. the study of relation- more favorably when it involves
ships between organisms and their something that is difficult or un-
physical and sodal environments. pleasant. Because expending effort
—ecological adj. —ecologist n. to perform a useless or unenjoyable


task, or experiencing unpleasant ego defense in psychoanalytic

consequences in doing this, is theory, protection of the EGO from
cognitively inconsistent (see COGNI- anxiety arising from threatening
TIVE DISSONANCE), people are impulses and conflicts as well as
assumed to shift their evaluations of external threats through the use of
the task in a positive direction to re- DEFENSE MECHANISMS.
store consistency.
ego-ideal n. in psychoanalytic the-
ego n. 1. the SELF, particularly the ory, the part of the EGO that is the
conscious sense of self (Latin, "I"). repository of positive identifications
In its popular and quasi-technical with parental goals and values that
sense, ego refers to all the psycho- the individual genuinely admires
logical phenomena and processes and wishes to emulate, such as in-
that are related to the self and that tegrity and loyalty, and which acts
comprise the individual's attitudes, as a model of how he or she wishes
values, and concerns. 2. in psycho- to be. In his later theorizing, Aus-
analytic theory, the component of trian psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud
the personality that deals with the (1856-1939) incorporated the ego-
external world and its practical de- ideal into the concept of the SUPER-
mands. More specifically, the ego EGO.
enables the individual to perceive,
reason, solve problems, test reality, egoism n. a personality characteris-
and adjust the instinctual impulses tic marked by selfishness and
of the ID to the behests of the SU- behavior based on self-interest with
PEREGO. disregard for the needs of others. See
also EGOTISM. —egoistic adj.
ego analysis psychoanalytic tech- egoistic suicide a type of suicide
niques directed toward discovering associated with an extreme sense of
the strengths and weaknesses of the alienation. Lacking significant at-
EGO and uncovering its defenses tachments to family members and
against unacceptable impulses. Ego others, the person withdraws from
analysis is a short form of psycho- society and comes to feel his or her
analysis: It does not attempt to life is meaningless.
penetrate to the ultimate origin of
impulses and repressions. See also ego psychology in psychoanalysis,
EGO STRENGTH; EGO WEAKNESS. an approach that emphasizes the
functions of the EGO in controlling
egocentric speech speech in impulses and dealing with the exter-
which there is no attempt to ex- nal environment. This is in contrast
change thoughts or take into to ID PSYCHOLOGY, which focuses
account another person's point of on the primitive instincts of sex and
view. hostility.
egocentrism n. 1. the tendency to ego s t r e n g t h in psychoanalytic
emphasize one's personal needs and theory, the ability of the EGO to
focus on one's individual concerns. maintain an effective balance be-
Also called egocentricity. See also tween the inner impulses of the ID,
IDIOCENTRIC. Compare SOCIO- the SUPEREGO, and outer reality. An
CENTRISM. 2. in PIAGETIAN THEORY, individual with a strong ego is thus
the tendency to perceive the situa- one who is able to tolerate frus-
tion from one's own perspective, tration and stress, postpone gratifi-
believing that others see things cation, modify selfish desires when
from the same point of view as one- necessary, and resolve internal con-
self. —egocentric adj. flicts and emotional problems before

elaboration-likelihood model

they lead to NEUROSIS. Compare problem solvable by a simpler

EGO WEAKNESS. method. The contemporary term for
this concept is MENTAL SET. [Ger-
egotism n. excessive conceit or ex- man: "attitude"]
cessive preoccupation with one's
own importance. See also EGOISM. ejaculation n. see ORGASM. —ejac-
—egotistic adj. u l a t o r y adj.
ego weakness in psychoanalytic EKG abbreviation for ELECTROCAR-
theory, the inability of the EGO to DIOGRAM.
control impulses and tolerate frus-
elaborated code a linguistic REG-
tration, disappointment, or stress.
ISTER typically used in formal
The individual with a weak ego is
situations (e.g., academic discourse),
thus one who suffers from anxiety
characterized by a wide vocabulary,
and conflicts, makes excessive use of
complex constmctions, and unpre-
dictable collocations of word and
ture defense mechanisms, and is
idea. This contrasts with the re-
likely to develop neurotic symp-
stricted code used in much informal
toms. Compare EGO STRENGTH.
conversation, which is characterized
eidetic image a clear, specific, by a narrow vocabulary, simple con-
high-quality mental image of a vi- stmctions, and predictable ritualized
sual scene that is retained for a forms, with much reliance on con-
period (seconds to minutes) after the text and nonverbal communication
event. As with a real-time image, an to convey meaning.
eidetic image can be reviewed to re-
port on its details and their relation elaboration n. 1. the process
to one another. Essentially, people of interpreting or embellishing in-
with eidetic imagery continue to see formation to be remembered or of
the stimulus even though they relating it to other material already
know it is no longer there. This type known and in memory. The LEVELS-
of imagery is more common in chil- OF-PROCESSING MODEL OF MEMORY
dren than in adults. holds that the level of elaboration
applied to information as it is pro-
eigenvalue (symbol: X) n. a numer- cessed affects both the length of
ical index, commonly used in time that it can be retained in mem-
FACTOR ANALYSIS and PRINCIPAL ory and the ease with which it can
COMPONENT ANALYSIS, that indi- be retrieved. See also DEEP PROCESS-
cates the portion of the total ING. 2. the process of scmtinizing
variance among several correlated and thinking about the central mer-
variables that is accounted for by a its of attitude-relevant information.
more basic, underlying variable. This process includes generating in-
Eigenvalues are of central impor- ferences about the information,
tance in linear algebra (i.e., matrix assessing its validity, and consider-
algebra). ing the implications of evaluative
responses to the information.
Einstellung n. an expectation or —elaborate vb.
readiness assodated with particular
stimuli. It may foster a degree of elaboration-likelihood model
mental inflexibility by instilling a (ELM) a theory of persuasion postu-
tendency to respond to a situation lating that attitude change occurs
in a certain way. For example, a per- on a continuum of elaboration and
son who successfully solves a series thus, under certain conditions, may
of problems using one formula may be a result of relatively extensive
apply that same formula to a new (see CENTRAL ROUTE TO PERSUASION)

elaborative rehearsal

or relatively little (see PERIPHERAL nection in which neurons are not

ROUTE TO PERSUASION) scmtiny of separated by a cleft but instead are
attitude-relevant information. The joined by a GAP JUNCTION so that
theory postulates that the strength the nerve impulse is transmitted
of an attitude depends on the across without first being translated
amount of elaboration on which the into a chemical message.
attitude is based.
electrocardiogram (ECG; EKG)
elaborative rehearsal an ENCOD- IJ. a wavelike tracing, either printed
ING strategy to facilitate the or displayed on a monitor, that rep-
formation of memory by repeatedly resents the electrical impulses of the
reviewing new information and conduction system of the heart mus-
linking it to what one already cle as it passes through a typical
knows. See DEPTH-OF-PROCESSING cycle of contraction and relaxation.
HYPOTHESIS. The electrical currents are detected
by electrodes attached to specific
elder abuse harm to an older adult sites on the patient's chest, legs, and
caused by another individual. The arms and recorded by an instm-
harm can be physical (violence), ment, the electrocardiograph. In
sexual (nonconsensual sex), psycho- the procedure, which is called elec-
logical (causing emotional distress), trocardiography, the wave patterns
material (improper use of belong- of the electrocardiogram reveal the
ings or finances), or neglect (failure condition of the heart chambers and
to provide needed care). valves to provide an indication of
elderspeak n. adjustments to cardiac problems.
speech patterns, such as speaking electroconvulsive t h e r a p y (ECT)
more slowly, shortening sentences, a controversial treatment in which a
or using limited or less complex vo- seizure is induced by passing a con-
cabulary, that are sometimes made trolled, low-dose electric current (an
by younger people when communi- electroconvulsive shock; ECS)
cating with older adults. through one or both temples. The
Electra complex in the writings of patient is prepared by administra-
Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Jung tion of an anesthetic and injection
(1875-1961), the female counterpart of a muscle relaxant. Now a some-
of Sigmund Freud's OEDIPUS COM- what rare procedure, it is sometimes
PLEX, involving the daughter's love used with patients with severe en-
for her father, jealousy toward the dogenous depression who fail to
mother, and blame of the mother respond to antidepressant drugs.
for depriving her of a penis. Al- Benefits are temporary, and the
though Freud rejected the phrase, mechanisms of therapeutic action
using the term Oedipus complex to are unknown. Also called
refer to both boys and girls, many electroconvulsive shock ther-
modern textbooks of psychology apy (EST); electroshock t h e r a p y
propagate the mistaken belief that (EST).
Electra complex is a Freudian term. electrode n. an instmment with a
electrical potential see POTENTIAL. positive-pole cathode and a nega-
tive-pole anode used to electrically
electrical s t i m u l a t i o n the stimu- stimulate biological tissues or record
lation of brain cells or sensory or electrical activity in these tissues.
motor neurons by electrical or elec- See also MICROELECTRODE.
tronic devices.
electroencephalography (EEG)
electrical synapse a type of con- n. a method of studying BRAIN

emerging a d u l t h o o d

WAVES using an instmment (electro- sel by an embolus, material formed

encephalograph) that amplifies and elsewhere and carried by the blood-
records the electrical activity of the stream to become lodged at the site
brain through electrodes placed at of obstmction. The embolus may be
various points on the scalp. The re- a blood clot, air bubble, fat globule,
sulting record (electroencephalo- or other substance.
gram [EEC]) of the brain-wave pat-
terns is primarily used in diagnosing embryo n. an animal in the stages
epilepsy and other neurological dis- of development between cleavage of
orders. the fertilized egg and birth or hatch-
ing. In human prenatal develop-
electromyography (EMG) n. the ment, the embryo comprises the
recording (via an instrument called products of conception during the
an electromyograph) of the electri- first 8 weeks of pregnancy; thereaf-
cal activity of muscles through ter it is called a FETUS. —embry-
electrodes placed in or on different onic adj.
muscle groups. This procedure is
used in the diagnosis of neuromus- EMDR abbreviation for EYE-
cular diseases, such as myasthenia MOVEMENT DESENSITIZATION AND
gravis or amyotrophic lateral sclero-
sis. A record of the electric
potentials is called an electromyo-
gram (EMG). e m e r g e n t p r o p e r t y a characteris-
tic of a complex system that is not
electroshock t h e r a p y (EST) see implicit in or predictable from an
ELECTROCONVULSIVE THERAPY. analysis of the components or ele-
ments that make it up and that,
ELM abbreviation for ELABORATION- thus, often arises unexpectedly. For
LIKELIHOOD MODEL. example, it has been said that con-
e m b a r r a s s m e n t n. a SELF-
scious experience is not predictable
by analysis of the neurophysio-
person feels awkward or flustered in logical and biochemical complexity
other people's company or because of the brain.
of the attention of others, as, for ex-
ample, when being observed emerging a d u l t h o o d a develop-
engaging in actions that are subject mental stage that is neither
to mild disapproval from others. adolescence nor young adulthood
—embarrassed adj. but is theoretically and empirically
distinct from them both, spanning
embedded figure a type of AMBIG- the late teens through the twenties,
UOUS FIGURE in which one or more with a focus on ages 18-25.
images blend into a larger pattern Emerging adulthood is distinguished
and so are not immediately obvious. by relative independence from social
roles and from normative expecta-
emblem n. a bodily GESTURE that tions. Having left the dependency of
substitutes for a spoken word or childhood and adolescence, and
phrase and that can be readily com- having not yet entered the enduring
prehended by most individuals in a responsibilities that are normative
culture. Examples are shaking the in adulthood, emerging adults en-
head back and forth to signify no gage in identity exploration, a
and nodding the head up and down process of trying out various life
to indicate yes. —emblematic adj. possibilities (e.g., in love, work, and
embolism n. the intermption of worldviews) and gradually moving
blood flow due to blockage of a ves- toward making enduring decisions.


EMG abbreviation for ELECTRO- control. Also called psychological

emic adj. denoting an approach to e m o t i o n a l disorder 1. any psy-
the study of human cultures that in- chological disorder characterized
terprets behaviors and practices in primarily by maladjustive emotional
terms of the system of meanings cre- reactions that are inappropriate or
ated by and operative within a disproportionate to reality.
particular cultural context. Such an 2. loosely, any mental disorder.
approach would generally be of the e m o t i o n a l intelligence the abil-
kind associated with ETHNOGRAPHY ity to process emotional information
rather than ETHNOLOGY. Compare and use it in reasoning and other
cognitive activities. It comprises four
abilities: to perceive and appraise
e m i t t e d behavior a natural re- emotions accurately; to access and
sponse that is not influenced by, or evoke emotions when they facilitate
dependent on, any external stimuli. cognition; to comprehend emo-
Compare RESPONDENT BEHAVIOR. tional language and make use of
e m o t i o n n. a complex reaction pat- emotional information; and to regu-
tern, involving experiential, late one's own and others' emotions
behavioral, and physiological ele- to promote growth and well-being.
ments, by which the individual emotional r e g u l a t i o n the ability
attempts to deal with a personally of an individual to modulate an
significant matter or event. The spe- emotion or set of emotions. Tech-
cific quality of the emotion (e.g., niques of conscious emotional
FEAR, SHAME) is determined by the regulation can include learning to
specific significance of the event. constme situations differently in
For example, if the significance in- order to manage them better and
volves threat, fear is likely to be recognizing how different behaviors
generated; if the significance in- can be used in the service of a given
volves disapproval from another, emotional state.
shame is likely to be generated.
Emotion typically involves FEELING emotion-focused coping a type
but differs from feeling in having an of COPING STRATEGY that focuses on
overt or implicit engagement with regulating negative emotional reac-
the world. —emotional adj. tions to a stressor, as opposed to
taking actions to change the
e m o t i o n a l abuse nonphysical stressor. Emotion-focused coping
abuse: a pattern of behavior in may include social withdrawal, dis-
which one person deliberately and engagement, and acceptance of the
repeatedly subjects another to acts situation. Compare PROBLEM-
that are detrimental to behavioral FOCUSED COPING.
and affective functioning and over-
all mental well-being. Researchers emotive adj. related to or arousing
have yet to formulate a universally emotion.
agreed upon definition of the con- e m p a t h y n. understanding a per-
cept, but have identified a variety of son from his or her frame of
forms emotional abuse may take, in- reference rather than one's own, so
cluding verbal abuse, intimidation that one vicariously experiences the
and terrorization, humiliation and person's feelings, perceptions, and
degradation, exploitation, harass- thoughts. In psychotherapy, thera-
ment, rejection and withholding of pist empathy for the client can be
affection, isolation, and excessive a path to comprehension of the

encounter group

client's cognitions, affects, or behav- e m p t y nest the family home after

iors. —empathic or —empathetic the children have reached maturity
adj. —empathize vb. and left, often creating an emotional
void (empty nest syndrome) in the
empirical adj. derived from or de- lives of the parents (empty nesters).
noting experimentation or
systematic observation. encapsulation n. 1. the process of
separating or keeping separate, par-
empirically derived test a test ticularly the ability of some people
developed using content, criterion, experiencing delusions to maintain
or constmct validation procedures high levels of functioning and pre-
or a combination of these. vent their delusions from pervading
everyday behavior and cognitive
empiricism n. 1. an approach to states. 2. enclosure, as in a sheath or
EPISTEMOLOGY holding that all other covering.
knowledge of matters of fact either
arises from experience or requires encephalitis n. inflammation of
experience for its validation. In par- the brain, typically caused by viral
ticular, empiricism denies the infection. The symptoms, which
possibility of ideas present in the may be potentially fatal, include
mind prior to any experience, argu- fever, vomiting, confusion or disori-
ing that the mind at birth is like a entation, drowsiness, seizures, and
blank sheet of paper. Although there loss of consdousness or coma.
is a strong emphasis on empiricism —encephalitic adj.
in psychology, this can take differ- encoding n. the conversion of a
ent forms. Some approaches to sensory input into a form capable of
psychology hold that sensory expe- being processed and deposited in
rience is the origin of all knowledge memory. Encoding is the first stage
and thus, ultimately, of personality, of memory processing, followed by
character, beliefs, emotions, and be- RETENTION and then RETRIEVAL.
havior, BEHAVIORISM is the purest
example of empiricism in this sense. encoding specificity the principle
Advocates of other theoretical ap- that RETRIEVAL of memory is opti-
proaches to psychology, such as mal when the retrieval conditions
PHENOMENOLOGY, argue that the (such as context or cues present at
definition of experience as only sen- the time of retrieval) duplicate the
sory experience is too narrow. 2. the conditions that were present when
view that experimentation is the the memory was formed.
most important, if not the only,
foundation of scientific knowledge encopresis n. repeated defecation
and the means by which individuals in inappropriate places (clothing,
evaluate truth claims or the ade- floor, etc.) that occurs after the age
quacy of theories and models. of 4 and is not due to a substance
—empiricist adj., n. (e.g., a laxative) or to a general med-
ical condition. Encopresis may or
e m p o w e r m e n t « . the promotion may not be accompanied by consti-
of the skills, knowledge, and confi- pation and is often assodated with
dence necessary to take greater poor toilet training and stressful sit-
control of one's life, as in certain ed- uations.
ucational or social schemes. In e n c o u n t e r g r o u p a group of indi-
psychotherapy, the process involves viduals in which constmctive
helping clients become more active insight, sensitivity to others, and
in meeting their needs and fulfilling personal growth are promoted
their desires. —empower vb. through direct interactions on an


emotional and social level. The MEDIA, SEMICIRCULAR CANALS,

leader functions as a catalyst and fa- SACCULE, and UTRICLE.
cilitator rather than as a therapist —endolymphatic adj.
and focuses on here-and-now feel-
ings and interaction, rather than on e n d o p h e n o t y p e n. a type of BIO-
theory or individual motivation. LOGICAL MARKER that is simpler to
detect than genetic sequences and
e n c u l t u r a t i o n n. the processes, be- that may be useful in researching
ginning in early childhood, by vulnerability to a wide range of psy-
which particular cultural values, chological and neurological
ideas, beliefs, and behavioral pat- disorders. Endophenotypes may be a
terns are instilled in the members of useful link between genetic se-
a society. Compare ACCULTURA- quences and their external
TION. — e n c u l t u r a t e vb. emotional, cognitive, or behavioral
endocrine g l a n d any ductless
gland that secretes hormones di- endoplasmic r e t i c u l u m a net-
rectly into the bloodstream to act on work of membranous tubules and
distant targets. Such glands include sacs extending from the nucleus to
the PITUITARY GLAND, ADRENAL the outer membrane of a typical ani-
GLAND, THYROID GLAND, gonads mal or plant cell. It is responsible for
(TESTIS and OVARY), and ISLETS OF the processing and modification of
LANGERHANS. Compare EXOCRINE proteins and lipids, both for distri-
GLAND. bution within the cell and for
endocrine system the set of EN-
DOCRINE GLANDS, which synthesize e n d o r p h i n n. any oi a class of
and secrete HORMONES into the NEUROPEPTIDES, found mainly in
bloodstream. the pituitary gland, that function as
e n d o g a m y n. the custom or prac- endogenous OPIOIDS. The best
tice of marrying within one's known is beta-endorphin; the others
KINSHIP NETWORK, caste, or other re-
are alpha-endorphin and gamma-
ligious or sodal group. Compare endorphin. The production of
EXOGAMY. —endogamous adj.
endorphins during intense physical
activity is one explanation for the
endogenous adj. originating runner's high or exercise high.
within the body as a result of nor-
mal biochemical or physiological e n d o w m e n t effect the tendency
processes (e.g., endogenous of people to place a higher value on
OPIOIDS) or of predisposing biologi- items once they own them or once
cal or genetic influences (e.g., these have been assodated with the
self in some other way. The endow-
pare EXOGENOUS. —endogenously ment effect is characterized by
adv. increased positive emotions toward
the objed.
endogenous depression depres-
sion that occurs in the absence of an e n d p l a t e a specialized region of a
obvious psychological stressor and muscle-cell membrane that faces the
in which a biological or genetic terminus of a motor neuron within
cause is implied. Compare REACTIVE a neuromuscular junction. The depo-
larization that is induced in this
muscular region when stimulated by
e n d o l y m p h n. the fluid contained neurotransmitter released from the
in the membranous labyrinth of the adjacent motor neuron terminus is
inner ear, that is, within the SCALA called the end-plate potential.


engineering psychology see a mere aggregation. Also called

e n g r a m n. the hypothetical MEM- e n t i t y t h e o r y the belief that psy-
ORY TRACE that is stored in the chological attributes, such as level of
brain. The nature of the engram, in intelligence, are fixed, essential
terms of the exact physiological qualities rather than attributes that
changes that occur to encode a develop gradually.
memory, is as yet unknown.
e n t o r h i n a l cortex a region of ce-
e n m e s h m e n t n. a condition in rebral cortex in the ventromedial
which two or more people, typically portion of the temporal lobe. It has
family members, are involved in reciprocal connections with various
each other's activities and personal other cortical and subcortical stmc-
relationships to an excessive degree, tures and is an integral component
thus limiting or precluding healthy of the medial temporal lobe mem-
interaction and compromising indi- ory system.
e n t r a i n m e n t n. in CHRONO-
e n r i c h m e n t n. 1. enhancement or BIOLOGY, the process of activating
improvement by the addition or or providing a timing cue for a BIO-
augmentation of some desirable LOGICAL RHYTHM. For example, the
property, quality, or component. For production of gonadal hormones in
example, job enrichment policies seasonally breeding animals can be a
are designed to enhance quality of result of entrainment to increasing
worklife and thus employees' inter- day length.
est in and attitude toward work
tasks; marriage-enrichment groups e n t r a p m e n t n . l . a process in
are intended to enhance the inter- which one makes increasing com-
personal relationships of married mitments to a failing course of
couples. 2. the provision of oppor- action or an unattainable goal in
tunities to increase levels of behav- order to justify the amount of time
ioral or intellectual activity in an and effort already invested, feeling
otherwise unstimulating (i.e., im- helpless to do otherwise. An exam-
poverished) environment. For ple is provided by a company that
example, the provision of play ma- proceeds with the design and con-
terials and opportunities for sodal struction of a new building for its
contacts has been shown to enhance employees after economic and other
the development of young children. changes significantly reduce profits,
In laboratory studies of animal be- halt business growth, and result in
havior, the addition of physical staff layoffs that make the new space
features or task requirements to an not only financially burdensome
environment elicits a more natural but no longer necessary. 2. a patho-
behavioral repertoire from the ani- logical condition in which swelling
mals. of surrounding tissue places exces-
sive pressure on a nerve. Fibers
e n t i t a t i v i t y n. the extent to which located on the surface of the nerve
a group or collective is considered usually bear the brunt of the com-
by others to be a real entity rather pression, while interior fibers tend
than a set of independent individu- to be less affected. Repeated or long-
als. In general, groups whose term entrapment can cause nerve
members share a common fate, are damage and muscle weakness.
similar to one another, and are lo-
cated close together are more likely enuresis n. repeated involuntary
to be considered a group rather than urination in inappropriate places


(clothing, floor, etc.) that occurs e n v i r o n m e n t a l press-compe-

after the chronological age when tence model a model of stress and
continence is expected (generally 5 adaptation in which adaptive func-
years old) and is not due to a sub- tioning in the environment depends
stance (e.g., a diuretic) or to a on the interaction between stimuli
general medical condition. Enuresis in a person's physical and sodal en-
is frequently associated with delayed vironment that interact with needs
bladder development, poor toilet and place demands on that individ-
training, and stressful situations. ual (environmental press) and the
individual's competence in meeting
envelope n. in acoustics, a slowly these demands, which is shaped by
varying or "smoothed" change in such personal characteristics as
amplitude. Usually it refers to tem- physical health and cognitive and
poral changes, such as those perceptual abilities.
produced by amplitude MODULA-
TION, but it can also refer to the e n v i r o n m e n t a l psychology a
shape of a spectrum or to spatial multidisciplinary field that empha-
changes. Temporal and spectral en- sizes the reciprocal effects of the
velopes are important in auditory physical environment on human be-
perception. havior and welfare. Influences may
include environmental stressors
e n v i r o n m e n t n. the aggregate of (e.g., noise, crowding, air pollution,
external agents or conditions—phys- temperature), design variables
ical, biological, social, and cultural— (e.g., lighting and illumination),
that influence the functions of an the design of technology (see ERGO-
organism. See also ECOLOGY. —en- NOMICS), and larger, more ambient
v i r o n m e n t a l adj. qualities of the physical environ-
ment, such as floorplan layouts,
environmental determinism symbolic elements, the size and lo-
the view that psychological and be- cation of buildings, and proximity
havioral characteristics are largely or to nature.
completely the result of environ-
mental conditions. Biological factors e n v i r o n m e n t a l sounds agnosia
are considered to be of minor im- see AUDITORY AGNOSIA.
portance, exerting little if any e n v i r o n m e n t a l stress t h e o r y the
influence. Compare BIOLOGICAL DE- concept that autonomic and cogni-
tive factors combine to form an
e n v i r o n m e n t a l i s m n. 1. the con- individual's appraisal of stressors in
cept that the environment and the environment as threatening or
learning are the chief determinants nonthreatening.
of behavior. They are, therefore, the enzyme n. a protein that acts as a
major cause of interpersonal varia- biological catalyst, accelerating the
tions in ability and adjustment; rate of a biochemical reaction with-
accordingly, behavior is largely out itself becoming permanently
modifiable. Compare HEREDITAR- altered. Many enzymes require other
IANISM. See also NATURE-NURTURE. organic molecules (coenzymes) or
2. a social movement and position inorganic ions (cofactors) to func-
that emphasizes the ecological rela- tion normally.
tionship between humans and the
natural environment and strives EP abbreviation for EVOKED POTEN-
to protect the environment as an TIAL.
essential resource. —environmen- e p e n d y m a n. the membrane lining
talist n. the brain VENTRICLES and the CEN-


TRAL CANAL of the spinal cord. mone that is the end product of the
—ependymal adj. metabolism of the dietary amino
acid tyrosine. It is synthesized pri-
EPI abbreviation for EYSENCK PER- marily in the adrenal medulla by
SONALITY INVENTORY. methylation of norepinephrine,
epidemiology n. the study of the which itself is formed from dopa-
incidence and distribution of spe- mine. As a hormone, it is secreted
cific diseases and disorders. The in large amounts when an indi-
epidemiologist also seeks to estab- vidual is stimulated by fear, anxiety,
lish relationships to such factors as or a similar stressful situation. As a
heredity, environment, nutrition, or neurotransmitter, it increases the
age at onset. Results of epidemiolog- heart rate and force of heart con-
ical studies are intended to find tractions, relaxes bronchial and
clues and associations rather than intestinal smooth muscle, and pro-
necessarily to show causal relation- duces varying effects on blood
ships. See also INCIDENCE; pressure as it acts both as a vaso-
PREVALENCE. —epidemiologic or dilator and vasoconstrictor. Also
epidemiological adj. called adrenaline.

epigenesis n. 1. the theory that e p i p h e n o m e n o n n. (pl.

characteristics of an organism, both epiphenomena) a mere by-
physical and behavioral, arise from product of a process that has no ef-
an interaction between genetic and fect on the process itself. The term is
environmental influences rather used most frequently to refer to
than from one or the other. See also mental events considered as prod-
NATURE-NURTURE. 2. in genetics, ucts of brain processes. Thus, while
the occurrence of a heritable change mental events are real in some
in gene function that is not the re- sense, they are not real in the same
sult of a change in the base way that biological states and events
sequence of the organism's DNA. are real, and not necessary to the
—epigenetic adj. explanation of mental events
themselves. Epiphenomena are
epilepsy n. a common neurological conceived of as having no causal
disorder associated with distur- power. —epiphenomenal adj.
bances in the electrical discharges
of brain cells and characterized by episodic m e m o r y memory for
recurrent seizures that may be specific, personally experienced
manifested as alterations in sen- events that happened at a particular
sation, motor functions, and time or place. Episodic memory sup-
consciousness. Many forms of plements SEMANTIC MEMORY and
epilepsy have been linked to viral, may decline with normal aging. See
fungal, or parasitic infections of also DECLARATIVE MEMORY.
the central nervous system; known
metabolic disturbances; the inges- epistemology u. the branch of phi-
tion of toxic agents; brain lesions; losophy concemed with the nature,
tumors or congenital defects; or ce- origin, and limitations of knowl-
rebral trauma. Types of seizure vary edge. It is also concerned with the
depending on the nature of the ab- justification of tmth claims. In psy-
normal electrical discharge and the chology, interest in epistemology
area of the brain affected. —epilep- arises from two principal sources.
tic adj. First, as the study of the behavior of
human beings, psychology has long
e p i n e p h r i n e n. a CATECHOLAMINE had interest in the processes of
neurotransmitter and adrenal hor- knowledge acquisition and learning


of all sorts. Second, as a sdence, psy- difference (electric charge) across the
chology has an interest in the membrane.
justification of its knowledge claims.
In connection with this concern, e q u i p o t e n t i a l i t y n. the generaliza-
most work on epistemology in psy- tion by U.S. psychologist Karl S.
chology has concentrated on Lashley (1890-1958) that large areas
scientific method and on the justifi- of cerebral cortex have equal poten-
cation of scientifically derived tial to perform particular functions,
knowledge claims. In general, the being equally involved in learning
guiding epistemology of psychology and certain other complex pro-
has been EMPIRICISM, although cesses, such that intact cortical areas
some approaches to the subject, can assume to some extent the func-
such as PSYCHOANALYSIS, the devel- tions of damaged or destroyed areas.
opmental psychology of Swiss Proposed in 1929 following experi-
epistemologist and psychologist mental observations of the effects of
Jean Piaget (1896-1980), and the different brain lesions on rats' abil-
ity to learn a complex maze, the
HUMANISTIC PSYCHOLOGY o f U.S. concept has been challenged by sub-
psychologist Carl Rogers (1902- sequent research showing that areas
1987), are heavily influenced by RA- of cortex have relatively specific
TIONALISM. —epistemological adj. functions. See also MASS ACTION.
e p i t h a l a m u s n. a portion of the equity t h e o r y a theory of justice
DIENCEPHALON that is immediately regarding what individuals are likely
above and behind the THALAMUS. It to view as a fair return from activi-
includes the PINEAL GLAND and the
ties involving themselves and a
posterior COMMISSURE. number of other people. The theory
EPS abbreviation for EXTRA- posits that people compare the ratio
PYRAMIDAL SYMPTOMS. of the outcome of the activity (i.e.,
the benefits they receive from it) to
EPSP abbreviation for EXCITATORY their input with the outcome-to-
POSTSYNAPTIC POTENTIAL. input ratios of those engaged in a
comparable activity.
equal-interval scale see INTERVAL
SCALE. equivalent forms see ALTERNATE-
e q u i l i b r a t i o n n. in PIAGETIAN
THEORY, the process by which an in- ER abbreviation for evoked response
dividual uses assimilation and (see EVOKED POTENTIAL).
accommodation to restore or main- erectile dysfunction see IMPO-
tain a psychological equilibrium, TENCE.
that is, a cognitive state devoid of
conflicting SCHEMAS. ergonomics n. the discipline that
applies a knowledge of human abili-
e q u i l i b r i u m n. balance, particu- ties and limitations drawn from
larly in reference to posture (see physiology, biomechanics,
VESTIBULAR SENSE) or physiological anthropometry, and other areas to
processes (see HOMEOSTASIS). the design of systems, equipment,
and processes for safe and efficient
e q u i l i b r i u m p o t e n t i a l the state performance. —ergonomic adj.
in which the tendency of ions (elec-
trically charged particles) to flow Erikson's eight stages of devel-
across a cell membrane from regions o p m e n t the theory of psychosocial
of high concentration is exactly bal- development proposed by German-
anced by the opposing potential born U.S psychologist Erik Erikson

esteem need

(1902-1994), in which ego identity assessed for error occurs, or from the
(a sense of continuity, worth, and score predicted by a model.
integration) is gradually achieved by
facing positive goals and negative e r r o r t e r m the element of a statis-
risks during eight stages of develop- tical equation that indicates what is
unexplained by the INDEPENDENT
ment across the lifespan. The stages
MISTRUST; (b) toddler: AUTONOMY e r r o r variance unexplained vari-
VERSUS SHAME AND DOUBT; (c) pre- ability in a score that is produced by
school age: INITIATIVE VERSUS extraneous factors, such as measure-
GUILT; (d) school age: INDUSTRY ment imprecision, and is not
VERSUS INFERIORITY; (e) adoles- attributable to the INDEPENDENT
cence: IDENTITY VERSUS IDENTITY VARIABLE or other controlled experi-
CONFUSION; (f) young adulthood: mental manipulations.
middle age: GENERATIVITY VERSUS escape c o n d i t i o n i n g the process
STAGNATION; and (h) older adult- in which a subject acquires a
hood: INTEGRITY VERSUS DESPAIR. response that results in the ter-
mination of an aversive stimulus.
erogenous zone an area or part of For example, if a monkey learns
the body sensitive to stimulation that pulling a string frequently re-
that is a source of erotic or sexual sults in the elimination of a loud
feeling or pleasure. Among the pri- noise, escape conditioning has oc-
mary zones are the genitals, curred. Also called escape
buttocks and anus, the breasts (espe- learning; escape t r a i n i n g . See
cially the nipples), and the mouth. also AVOIDANCE CONDITIONING.

Eros n. the god of love in Greek my- ESP abbreviation for EXTRASENSORY
thology (equivalent to the Roman PERCEPTION.
Cupid), whose name was chosen by essentialism n. in philosophy,
Austrian psychoanalyst Sigmund the position that things (or some
Freud (1856-1939) to designate a things) have "essences"; that is,
theoretical set of strivings oriented they have certain necessary proper-
toward sexuality, development, and ties without which they could
increased life activity (see LIFE IN- not be the things they are. In
STINCT). In Freud's dual instinct Marxism, POSTMODERNISM, POST-
theory, Eros is seen as involved in a STRUCTURALISM, and certain
dialectic process with THANATOS, feminist perspectives, essentialism
the striving toward reduced psychi- is the rejected position that human
cal tension and life activity (see beings have an essential nature that
DEATH INSTINCT). See also LIBIDO. transcends such factors as sodal
class, gender, and ethnicity. See also
ERP abbreviation for EVENT-
EST abbreviation for electroshock
e r r o r n. 1. in experimentation, any therapy or electroconvulsive shock
not attributable to the manipulation
statistics, a deviation of an observed esteem need any desire for
score from a tme score, where tme achievement, reputation, or prestige
score is often defined by the mean that is necessary for a sense of per-
(average) of the particular group or sonal value and the development of
condition in which the score being SELF-ESTEEM. Comprising the fourth


level of MASLOW'S MOTIVATIONAL e t h a n o l n. a substance formed by

HIERARCHY, esteem needs thus are the fermentation of glucose and
dependent upon the admiration and found in beverages such as beers,
approval of others. wines, and distilled liquors. It is the
esthesiometry (aesthesiometry) most frequently used and abused
n. the measurement of sensitivity to DEPRESSANT in many cultures.
touch. Classically, two different ver- When consumed its primary effects
are on the central nervous system,
sions of an instmment called an
mood, and cognitive functions. In
esthesiometer have been used. One small doses, it can produce feelings
consists of bristles of different of warmth, well-being, and confi-
lengths and thicknesses that are ap- dence. As more is consumed, there is
plied to determine the minimum a gradual loss of self-control, and
pressure intensity required to pro- speech and control of limbs become
duce a sensation. The other is a difficult; at high consumption lev-
compasslike device to determine the els, nausea and vomiting, loss of
smallest separation distance at consciousness, and even fatal respi-
which two points of stimulation on ratory arrest may occur. Ethanol has
the skin are perceived as one. More been mistakenly identified as a stim-
sophisticated techniques have now ulant, since its stimulating effect
been developed, such as those in- derives from an associated loss of
volving electrodes. cortical inhibition. Also called alco-
e s t i m a t o r n. a quantity calculated hol; ethyl alcohol.
from the values in a sample accord-
ing to some mle and used to give an e t h i c a l code see CODE OF ETHICS.
estimate of the value in a popula- ethics n. 1. the branch of philoso-
tion. For example, the sample mean phy that investigates both the
is an estimator for the population content of moral judgments (i.e.,
mean; the value of the sample mean what is right and what is wrong)
is the estimate. and their nature (i.e., whether such
estrogen n. any of a class of STE- judgments should be considered ob-
ROID HORMONES that are produced jective or subjective). 2. the
mainly by the ovaries and act as the principles of morally right conduct
principal female SEX HORMONES, in- accepted by a person or a group or
ducing estms in female mammals considered appropriate to a specific
and secondary female sexual charac- field (e.g., medical ethics, ethics of
teristics in humans. The estrogens animal research). —ethical adj.
occurring naturally in humans are e t h n i c adj. denoting or referring to
estradiol (the most potent), estrone, a group of people having a shared
and estriol, secreted by the ovarian social, cultural, linguistic, religious,
follicle, corpus luteum, placenta, tes- and usually racial background.
tes, and adrenal cortex. —estro-
genic adj. e t h n i c g r o u p any major social
group that possesses a common eth-
estrous cycle the cyclical sequence nic identity based on history,
of reproductive activity shown by culture, language, and, often, reli-
most female mammals (except hu- gion. Members are likely to be
mans and other primates; see biologically related, but an ethnic
MENSTRUAL CYCLE). Animals that group is not equivalent to a RACE.
experience one estrous cycle per
year are called monestrous; those e t h n i c i d e n t i t y an individual's
that have multiple estrous cycles an- sense of being a person who is de-
nually are polyestrous. fined, in part, by membership in a


specific ethnic group. This sense is field and in captivity. Ethology is

usually considered to be a complex often associated with connotations
construct involving shared social, of innate or species-specific behavior
cultural, linguistic, religious, and patterns, in contrast with COMPARA-
often racial factors but identical TIVE PSYCHOLOGY, —ethological
with none of them. adj. —ethologist n.
e t h n o c e n t r i s m n. the tendency to etic adj. denoting an approach to
reject and malign other ethnic the study of human cultures based
groups and their members while glo- on concepts or constmcts that are
rifying one's own group and its held to be universal and applicable
members. Just as EGOCENTRISM is cross-culturally. Such an approach
the tendency to judge oneself as su- would generally be of the kind asso-
perior to others, so ethnocentrism is ciated with ETHNOLOGY rather than
the parallel tendency to judge one's ETHNOGRAPHY. Compare EMIC.
group as superior to other groups.
Also called ethnocentricity. etiology n. 1. the causes and prog-
—ethnocentric adj. ress of a disease or disorder. 2. the
branch of medical and psychological
e t h n o g r a p h y n. the descriptive science concerned with the system-
study of cultures or societies based atic study of the causes of physical
on direct observation and (ideally) and mental disorders. —etiological
some degree of participation. Com- adj.
pare ETHNOLOGY. See also EMIC.
—ethnographer n. ethno- eugenics n. a social and political
g r a p h i c adj. philosophy that seeks to eradicate
genetic defeds and improve the
ethnology n. the comparative, ana- genetic makeup of populations
lytical, or historical study of human through selective human breeding.
cultures or societies. Compare ETH- The eugenic position is groundless
NOGRAPHY. See also ETIC. —ethno- and scientifically naive, in that
logical adj. —ethnologist n. many conditions associated with
disability or disorder are inherited
e t h n o m e t h o d o l o g y n. the analy- recessively and occur unpredictably.
sis of the underlying conventions
and systems of meaning that people e u p h o r i a n. an elevated mood of
use to make sense of commonplace well-being and happiness. An exag-
social interactions and experiences. gerated degree of euphoria that does
—ethnomethodological adj. not reflect the reality of one's situa-
—ethnomethodologist n. tion is a frequent symptom of
e t h o g r a m n. a detailed listing and EPISODES, —euphoric adj.
description of the behavior patterns
of an animal in its natural habitat. eustachian t u b e a slender tube ex-
The description is objective rather tending from the middle ear to the
than interpretative. For example, a pharynx (connecting the mouth and
vocalization given in response to a nostrils to the esophagus), with the
predator would be described in primary function of equalizing air
terms of its acoustic properties pressure on both sides of the tym-
rather than its apparent function of janic membrane (eardrum).
alarm call. Bartolommeo Eustachio (1524-
ethology n. the comparative study 1574), Italian anatomist]
of the behavior of animals, typically eustress n. the positive stress re-
in their natural habitat but also in- sponse, involving optimal levels of
volving experiments both in the stimulation: a type of stress that re-


suits from challenging but attainable provide specific information about

and enjoyable or worthwhile tasks the precise timing and (given appro-
(e.g., participating in an athletic priate caveats) location of mental
event, giving a speech). It has a ben- events, they serve as an important
eficial effect by generating a sense of bridge between psychological func-
fulfillment or achievement and facil- tion and neural stmctures. Although
itating growth, development, the terms are sometimes used syn-
mastery, and high levels of perfor- onymously, ERPs are distinct from
mance. Compare DISTRESS. EVOKED POTENTIALS, which are asso-
ciated with more elementary
e u t h a n a s i a n. the act or process of sensory stimulation.
terminating a life to prevent further
suffering. Euthanasia is distin- event s a m p l i n g a strategy com-
guished from the much more widely monly used in direct observation
accepted practice of forgoing inva- that involves noting and recording
sive treatments, as permitted under the occurrence of a carefully speci-
natural-death laws throughout the fied behavior whenever it is seen.
United States. Traditionally, a dis- For example, a researcher may re-
tinction between PASSIVE cord each episode of apnea that
EUTHANASIA (withholding treat- occurs within a 9-hour period over-
ment) and ACTIVE EUTHANASIA night while a person sleeps.
(taking directly lethal action) has
been made. In current practice, evidence-based practice (EBP)
however, the term euthanasia typi- the integration of the best available
cally is used to mean active scientific research from laboratory
euthanasia only. See also ASSISTED and field settings with clinical ex-
DEATH. pertise so as to provide effective
psychological services that are re-
e v a l u a t i o n n. a careful examina- sponsive to a patient's culture,
tion or overall appraisal of some- preferences, and characteristics (e.g.,
thing, particularly to determine its functional status, level of social sup-
worth, value, or desirability. For ex- port, strengths). In uniting
ample, the evaluation of a particular researchers and practitioners, EBP
therapeutic technique refers to a ensures that the research on psycho-
determination of its success in logical assessment, case formulation,
achieving defined goals. intervention strategies, therapeutic
evaluation a p p r e h e n s i o n uneasi- relationships and outcomes, and
ness or worry about being judged by specific problems and patient popu-
others, especially feelings of worry lations is both clinically relevant
experienced by participants in an and internally valid. Clinical
experiment as a result of their desire decisions should be made in col-
to be evaluated favorably by the ex- laboration with the patient, based
perimenter. on relevant data, and with consid-
eration for the probable costs,
event-related p o t e n t i a l (ERP) a benefits, and available resources
specific pattern of electrical activity and options. The ultimate goal of
produced in the brain when a per- EBP is to promote empirically sup-
son is engaged in a cognitive act, ported principles that can be used
such as discriminating one stimulus to enhance public health.
from another. There are a number of
different ERP components, and dif- evoked p o t e n t i a l (EP) a specific
ferent cognitive operations have pattern of eledrical activity pro-
been associated with the amplitude duced in a particular part of the
and latency of each. Because ERPs nervous system, especially the brain,

executive functions

in response to external stimulation, theory that emotional responses can

such as a flash of light or a brief be intensified by AROUSAL from
tone. Different modalities and types other stimuli not directly related to
of stimuli produce different types of the stimulus that originally pro-
sensory potentials, and these are la- voked the response. According to
beled according to their electrical this theory, when a person becomes
polarity (positive- or negative-going) aroused physiologically, there is a
and timing (by serial order or in mil- subsequent period of time when the
liseconds). Although the terms are person will experience a state of re-
sometimes used synonymously, EPs sidual arousal yet be unaware of it. If
are distinct from EVENT-RELATED PO- additional arousing stimuli are pre-
TENTIALS, which are associated with sented during this time, the
higher level cognitive processes. individual will experience more
Also called evoked response (ER). arousal, and thus greater response,
to those succeeding stimuli than if
evolution n. the process of gradual there had been no residual arousal.
change in the appearance of popula-
tions of organisms that has taken excitatory postsynaptic poten-
place over generations. Such tial (EPSP) a brief decrease in the
changes are widely held to account difference in electrical charge across
for the present diversity of living or- the membrane of a neuron that is
ganisms originating from relatively caused by the transmission of a sig-
few ancestors since the emergence nal from a neighboring neuron
of life on Earth. —evolutionary across the synapse (specialized junc-
adj. tion) separating them. EPSPs
increase the probability that the
evolutionary psychology an ap- postsynaptic neuron will initiate an
proach to psychological inquiry that ACTION POTENTIAL and hence fire a
views human cognition and behav- nerve impulse. Compare INHIBITORY
ior in a broadly Darwinian context POSTSYNAPTIC POTENTIAL.
of adaptation to evolving physical
and social environments and new excitatory synapse a specialized
intellectual challenges. It differs type of junction at which activity
from SOCIOBIOLOGY mainly in its from one neuron (in the form of an
emphasis on the effects of NATURAL ACTION POTENTIAL) facilitates activ-
SELECTION on INFORMATION PRO- ity in an adjacent neuron by
CESSING and the stmcture of the initiating an EXCITATORY POST-
human mind. SYNAPTIC POTENTIAL. Compare
exacerbation n. an increase in the
severity of a disease or disorder or of executive functions higher level
its symptoms. cognitive processes that organize
exchange r e l a t i o n s h i p see COM- and order behavior, such as judg-
ment, abstraction and concept
formation, logic and reasoning,
exchange t h e o r y see SOCIAL EX- problem solving, planning, and se-
CHANGE THEORY. quencing of actions. Deficits in
executive functioning are seen in
excitation n. the electrical activity various disorders, including Alzhei-
elicited in a neuron or muscle cell in mer's disease and schizophrenia. In
response to an external stimulus, the latter, for example, major defi-
specifically the propagation of an cits in such cognitive abilities as
ACTION POTENTIAL. selecting goals or task-relevant infor-
excitation-transfer t h e o r y the mation and eliminating extraneous

exercise psychology

information are apparent and are a toward an emphasis on the concrete

focus of neurorehabilitative treat- existence of a human being
ment. "thrown" into a world that is merely
"given" and contingent. Such a
exercise psychology see SPORT being encounters the world as a sub-
jective consciousness, "condemned"
exhaustion stage see GENERAL AD- to create its own meanings and val-
APTATION SYNDROME. ues in an "absurd" and purposeless
universe. The human being must
e x h i b i t i o n i s m n. a PARAPHILIA in
perform this task in the absence of
which a person repeatedly exposes any possibility of rational certainty.
his or her genitals to unsuspecting Various forms of EXISTENTIAL PSY-
strangers as a means of achieving CHOLOGY have taken up the task of
sexual satisfaction. —exhibitionist providing explanations, understand-
n. ings of human behavior, and
existential a n x i e t y a general therapies based on existentialist as-
sense of anguish or despair associ- sumptions about human existence.
ated with an individual's recog- —existential adj. —existentialist
nition of the inevitability of n., adj.
death and associated search for
purpose and meaning in life, in existential neurosis a pathologi-
light of the finitude of past choices cal condition characterized by
and the unknowns inherent to fu- feelings of despair and anxiety that
ture choices. arise from living inauthentically,
that is, from failing to take responsi-
existential-humanistic therapy bility for one's own life and to make
a form of psychotherapy that fo- choices and find meaning in living.
cuses on the entire person, rather
than just behavior, cognition, or un- existential psychology a general
derlying motivations. Emphasis is approach to psychological theory
placed on the client's subjective and practice that derives from EXIS-
experiences, free will, and ability TENTIALISM. It emphasizes the
to decide the course of his or her subjective meaning of human expe-
own life. Also called h u m a n i s t i c - rience, the uniqueness of the
existential therapy. individual, and personal responsibil-
ity reflected in choice.
existentialism n. a philosophical
and literary movement that emerged existential psychotherapy a
in Europe in the period between the form of psychotherapy that deals
two World Wars and became the with the here and now of the cli-
dominant trend in Continental ent's total situation rather than
thought during the 1940s and with the client's past or underlying
1950s. In the immediate postwar dynamics. It emphasizes the explo-
years French philosopher and au- ration and development of meaning
thor Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980), in life, focuses on emotional experi-
who is usually seen as the existen- ences and decision making, and
tialist thinker par excellence, stresses a person's responsibility for
popularized both the term "existen- his or her own existence.
tialism" and most of the ideas now
associated with it. Existentialism exocrine g l a n d any gland that
represents a turning away from sys- secretes a product onto the outer
tematic philosophy, with its body surface or into body cavities
emphasis on metaphysical absolutes through a duct, for example, the
and principles of rational certainty, tear-producing lacrimal gland or the

e x p e r i m e n t a l neurosis

salivary gland. Compare ENDOCRINE are formed and maintained when an

GLAND. organism has species-typical experi-
ences. As a result, such functions as
exogamy n. the custom or practice vision will develop for all members
of marrying outside one's KINSHIP of a species, given species-typical en-
NETWORK (such as a clan) or other vironmental stimulation (e.g., light).
religious or social group. Compare
ENDOGAMY. —exogamous adj. e x p e r i m e n t n. a series of observa-
tions conducted under controlled
exogenous adj. originating outside
conditions to study a relationship
the body: referring, for example, to
with the purpose of drawing causal
drugs (exogenous chemicals) or to inferences about that relationship.
phenomena, conditions, or disor- Experiments involve the manipula-
ders resulting from the influence of
external factors (e.g., exogenous
the measurement of a DEPENDENT
stress). Compare ENDOGENOUS.
VARIABLE, and the exposure of vari-
—exogenously adv. ous participants to one or more of
exogenous depression see REAC- the conditions being studied. —ex-
TIVE DEPRESSION. p e r i m e n t a l adj.
exosystem n. in ECOLOGICAL e x p e r i m e n t a l control see CON-
SYSTEMS THEORY, those societal TROL.
structures that function largely in-
dependently of the individual but experimental design an outline
which nevertheless affect the im- or plan of the procedures to be fol-
mediate context within which he lowed in scientific experimentation
or she develops. They include the in order to reach valid conclusions,
government, the legal system, and with consideration of such factors as
the media. Compare MACROSYSTEM; participant selection, variable ma-
MESOSYSTEM. nipulation, data collection and
analysis, and minimization of exter-
expectancy effect the effect of nal influences.
one person's expedation about the
behavior of another person on the experimental g r o u p a group of
actual behavior of that other person participants in an experiment who
(interpersonal expectancy effect) or are exposed to a particular manipu-
the effect of a person's expectation lation Of the INDEPENDENT VARIABLE
about his or her own behavior on (i.e., a particular treatment). Com-
that person's actual subsequent be- pare CONTROL GROUP.
havior (intrapersonal expectancy e x p e r i m e n t a l hypothesis a
effect). premise that describes what a re-
expectancy-value model the searcher in a scientific study hopes
concept that motivation for an out- to demonstrate if certain experimen-
come depends on the significance of tal conditions are met.
that outcome and the probability of
achieving it. e x p e r i m e n t a l m e t h o d a system
of sdentific investigation, usually
experience-dependent based on a design to be carried out
synaptogenesis a process whereby under controlled conditions, that is
SYNAPSES are formed and main- intended to test a hypothesis and es-
tained as a result of the unique tablish a causal relationship between
experiences of an individual. independent and dependent vari-
experience-expectant synapto-
genesis a process whereby SYNAPSES e x p e r i m e n t a l neurosis a patho-

e x p e r i m e n t a l philosophy

logical condition induced in an controlled conditions and the syn-

animal during conditioning experi- thesis of adequate theoretical
ments requiring discriminations accounts from the results of these
between nearly indistinguishable observations.
stimuli or involving punishment
for necessary activities (e.g., eating). e x p e r i m e n t a l realism the extent
Experimental neurosis may be to which an experimental situation
characterized by any of a range of is meaningful and engaging to par-
behavioral abnormalities, including ticipants, eliciting responses that are
agitation, irritability, aggression, re- spontaneous and natural. See also
gressive behavior, escape and MUNDANE REALISM.
avoidance, and disturbances in e x p e r i m e n t a l research research
physiological activity, such as pulse, utilizing randomized assignment of
heart, and respiration rates. participants to conditions and sys-
tematic manipulation of variables
e x p e r i m e n t a l philosophy 1. in with the objective of drawing causal
the late 17th and 18th centuries, a inference. It is generally conducted
name for the new discipline of ex- within a laboratory or other con-
perimental science then emerging. trolled environment, which in
Use of the term often went with an reducing the potential influence of
optimism about the ability of exper- extraneous factors increases INTER-
imental science to answer the NAL VALIDITY but decreases
questions that had been posed but EXTERNAL VALIDITY.
unsolved by "natural philosophy."
The systematic work of British phys- e x p e r i m e n t a l t r e a t m e n t an in-
icist Isaac Newton (1642-1727) is tervention or regimen that has
often given as a defining example of shown some promise as a cure or
the experimental philosophy. 2. a ameliorative for a disease or condi-
late 20th-century movement hold- tion but is still being evaluated for
ing that modern experimental efficacy, safety, and acceptability.
science, particularly neuroscience, e x p e r i m e n t a l variable an INDE-
will ultimately uncover the biologi- PENDENT VARIABLE: a variable under
cal foundations of thought and investigation that is manipulated by
thereby provide a material answer the experimenter to determine its
to the questions of EPISTEMOLOGY. relationship to or influence upon
In other words, experimental phi- some DEPENDENT VARIABLE.
losophy holds that answers to
philosophical questions regarding e x p e r i m e n t e r bias any unin-
the mind and its activities can, and tended errors in the experimental
likely will, be reduced to questions process or the interpretation of its
of how the brain functions. See results that are attributable to an ex-
perimenter's preconceived beliefs
about results.
e x p e r i m e n t a l psychology the e x p e r i m e n t e r effect any influ-
scientific study of behavior, motives, ence an experimenter may have on
or cognition in a laboratory or other the results of his or her research,
experimental setting in order to pre- derived from either interaction
dict, explain, or control behavior or with participants or unintentional
other psychological phenomena. errors of observation, measurement,
Experimental psychology aims at analysis, or interpretation. In the
establishing quantified relationships former, the experimenter's personal
and explanatory theory through the characteristics (e.g., age, sex, race),
analysis of responses under various attitudes, and expectations directly


affect the behavior of participants. treating anxiety disorders. Exposure

In the latter, the experimenter's pro- therapy involves systematic con-
cedural errors (arising from his or frontation with a feared stimulus,
her predictions about results) have either in vivo (live) or in the imagi-
no effect on participant responses nation, and may encompass any of a
but indirectly distort the experimen- number of behavioral interventions,
tal findings. including DESENSITIZATION, FLOOD-
e x p l a n a t i o n n. an account that extinction-based techniques. It
provides a meaning for some phe- works by (a) HABITUATION, in which
nomenon or event in terms of repeated exposure reduces anxiety
causal conditions, a set of beliefs or over time by a process of EXTINC-
assumptions, or a metaphor that re- TION; (b) disconfirming fearful
lates it to something already predictions; (c) deeper processing of
understood. —explanatory adj. the feared stimulus; and (d) increas-
ing feelings of SELF-EFFICACY and
explicit a t t i t u d e a relatively en- mastery.
during and general evaluative
response of which a person is con-
sciously aware. Compare IMPLICIT expressed e m o t i o n (EE) negative
attitudes, in the form of criticism,
hostility, and emotional
explicit m e m o r y long-term mem- overinvolvement, demonstrated by
ory that can be consciously recalled: family members toward a person
general knowledge or information with a mental disorder. High levels
about personal experiences that an of expressed emotion have been
individual retrieves in response to a shown to be associated with poorer
specific need or request to do so. outcomes in mood, anxiety, and
This term is used interchangeably schizophrenic disorders and in-
with DECLARATIVE MEMORY but typ- creased likelihood of relapse.
ically with a performance-based
orientation—that is, a person is expressive language disorder a
aware that he or she possesses cer- developmental disorder character-
tain knowledge and specifically ized by impairment in acquiring the
retrieves it to complete successfully ability to use language effectively for
a task overtly eliciting that knowl- communicating with others despite
edge (e.g., a multiple-choice exam). normal language comprehension.
Compare IMPLICIT MEMORY. Manifestations include below-
average vocabulary skills, difficulty
exploratory factor analysis one producing complete sentences, and
of a set of techniques used in FAC- problems recalling words.
TOR ANALYSIS when strong theory is
lacking and the observed data are extended family 1. a family unit
freely explored in search of mean- consisting of parents and children
ingful patterns among the observa- living in one household with certain
tions. That is, the data are examined other individuals united by kinship
in order to discover the underlying (e.g., grandparents, cousins). 2. in
(latent) variables that explain the in- modern Western societies, the NU-
terrelationships among a larger set CLEAR FAMILY together with various
of observable (manifest) variables. other relatives who live nearby and
Compare CONFIRMATORY FACTOR keep in regular touch.
extension n. the straightening of a
exposure t h e r a p y a form of BE- joint in a limb (e.g., the elbow joint)
HAVIOR THERAPY that is effective in so that two parts of the limb (e.g.,


the forearm and upper arm) are exteroceptors to objects and occur-
drawn away from each other. rences in the external environment.
Exteroception includes the five
extensor a muscle whose contrac- senses of sight, smell, hearing,
tion extends a part of the body; for touch, and taste, and exteroceptors
example, the triceps muscle group thus take a variety of forms (e.g.,
extends, or straightens, the arm. photoreceptors—retinal rods
Compare FLEXOR. and cones—for sight; cutaneous
e x t e r n a l a t t r i b u t i o n see SITUA- receptors—Pacinian corpuscles,
TIONAL ATTRIBUTION. Meissner's corpuscles, Merkel's tac-
tile disks—for touch). Compare
e x t e r n a l a u d i t o r y m e a t u s the INTEROCEPTION.
canal that conducts sound through
the external ear, from the pinna to e x t i n c t i o n n. 1. in PAVLOVIAN
the tympanic membrane (eardmm). CONDITIONING: (a) a procedure in
Also called a u d i t o r y canal. which pairing of stimulus events is
e x t e r n a l capsule a thin layer of discontinued, either by presenting
myelinated nerve fibers separating
or by presenting the conditioned
stimulus and the UNCONDITIONED
STIMULUS independently of one an-
e x t e r n a l e a r the part of the ear other; or (b) the result of this
consisting of the PINNA, the EXTER- procedure, which is a gradual de-
NAL AUDITORY MEATUS, and the cline in the probability and
outer surface of the eardmm (see magnitude of the CONDITIONED
o u t e r ear. TIONING: (a) a procedure in which
reinforcement is discontinued, that
e x t e r n a l i z a t i o n n. 1. a DEFENSE is, the reinforcing stimulus is no
MECHANISM in which one's longer presented; or (b) the result of
thoughts, feelings, or perceptions this procedure, which is a decline in
are attributed to the external world the rate of the formerly reinforced
and perceived as independent of response. —extinguish vb.
oneself or one's own experiences. A
common expression of this is PRO- e x t i r p a t i o n n. see ABLATION.
JECTION. 2. the process of learning
to distinguish between the self and e x t r a n e o u s variable a variable
the environment during childhood. that is not under investigation in an
experiment but may potentially af-
e x t e r n a l locus of control see fect the DEPENDENT VARIABLE and
thus influence results.
e x t e r n a l validity the extent to
which the results of research or test- extrapsychic adj. pertaining to
ing can be generalized beyond the that which originates outside the
sample that generated the results to mind or that which occurs between
other individuals or situations. The the mind and the environment.
more specialized the sample, the less Compare INTRAPSYCHIC.
likely it will be that the results are
e x t r a p u n i t i v e adj. referring to the
highly generalizable.
punishment of others: tending to di-
exteroception n. sensitivity to rect anger, blame, or hostility away
stimuli that are outside the body, re- from the self toward the external
sulting from the response of factors, such as situations and other
specialized sensory cells called people, perceived to be the source of

eye-movement desensitization a n d reprocessing

one's frustrations. Compare INTRO- tivity, especially motivation arising

PUNITIVE. from the expectation of punishment
or reward (e.g., studying to avoid
e x t r a p y r a m i d a l symptoms failing an examination). Compare
(EPS) a group of adverse drug reac- INTRINSIC MOTIVATION.
tions attributable to dysfunction of
the extrapyramidal tract of the cen- eye n. the organ of sight. The
tral nervous system, which regulates human eye has three layers: (a) the
muscle tone and body posture and outer corneoscleral coat, which in-
coordinates opposing sets of skeletal cludes the transparent CORNEA and
muscles and movement of their as- the fibrous SCLERA; (b) the middle
sociated skeletal parts. Manifes- layer, called the uveal tract, which
tations include rigidity of the limbs, includes the IRIS, the ciliary body,
tremor, and other Parkinson-like and the choroid layer; and (c) the
signs; dystonia (abnormal facial and innermost layer, the RETINA, which
body movements); and akathisia is sensitive to light, RETINAL GAN-
(restlessness). Extrapyramidal symp- GLION CELLS within the retina
toms are among the most common communicate with the central ner-
side effects of the high-potency vous system through the OPTIC
ANTIPSYCHOTICS. NERVE, which leaves the retina at
the OPTIC DISK. The eye also has
extrasensory perception (ESP) three chambers. The anterior cham-
alleged awareness of external events ber, between the cornea and the iris,
by other means than the known and the posterior chamber, between
sensory channels. It includes TELEP- the ciliary body, LENS, and posterior
ATHY, CLAIRVOYANCE, PRECOG- aspect of the iris, are filled with a
NITION, and, more loosely, PSYCHO- clear, watery fluid, the aqueous
KINESIS. Despite considerable humor, and connected by the PUPIL.
research, the existence of any of The third chamber, the vitreous
these modalities remains highly body, is the large cavity between the
controversial. See PARAPSYCHOL- lens and the retina filled with thick,
OGY. transparent fluid called vitreous
e x t r a s t r i a t e cortex see PRE-
eye contact a direct look ex-
extraversion (extroversion) n. changed between two people who
one of the elements of the BIG FIVE are interacting. Social-psychological
PERSONALITY MODEL and the FIVE- studies of eye contact generally find
FACTOR PERSONALITY MODEL, char- that people typically look more at
acterized by an orientation of one's the other person when listening to
interests and energies toward the that person than when they them-
outer world of people and things selves are talking, that they tend to
rather than the inner world of sub- avoid eye contact when they are em-
jective experience. Extraversion is a barrassed, that women are apt to
broad personality trait and, like IN- maintain more eye contact than are
TROVERSION, exists on a continuum men, and that the more intimate
of attitudes and behaviors. Extro- the relationship, the greater is the
verts are relatively more outgoing, eye contact.
gregarious, sociable, and openly ex-
pressive. —extraversive adj. eye-movement desensitization
—extraverted adj. —extravert n. a n d reprocessing (EMDR) a treat-
ment methodology used to reduce
extrinsic m o t i v a t i o n an external the emotional impact of trauma-
incentive to engage in a specific ac- based symptomatology associated

eye m o v e m e n t s

with anxiety, nightmares, flashbacks, that he or she personally saw or

or intmsive thought processes. The experienced. The reliability of eye-
therapy incorporates simultaneous witness testimony is a major issue
visualization of the traumatic event in FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGY.
while concentrating on the rapid
lateral movements of a therapist's Eysenck Personality I n v e n t o r y
finger. (EPI) a self-report test comprising
57 yes-no questions designed to
eye m o v e m e n t s movements of the measure two major personality di-
eyes within the eye socket caused by mensions: introversion-extraversion
contraction of the extrinsic eye mus- and neuroticism. The EPI has been
cles. These include movements that revised and expanded since its ini-
allow or maintain the visual FIXA- tial publication in 1963 to become
TION of stationary targets; SMOOTH-
the Eysenck Personality Question-
naire (EPQ), the most recent version
movements; and reflexive move- of which (the EPQ-R) includes 90
ments of the eyes, such as the questions and measures the addi-
tional personality dimension of
psychoticism. [Hans Eysenck (1916-
eyewitness m e m o r y an individ- 1997), German-born British psychol-
ual's recollection of an event, often ogist; Sybil B. G. Eysenck, British
a crime or accident of some kind, psychologist]

fabulation n. random speech that facial expression a form of
includes the recounting of imagi- nonverbal signaling using the move-
nary incidents by a person who ment of facial muscles. As well as
being an integral part of communi-
believes these incidents are real. See
also DELUSION. cation, facial expression also reflects
an individual's emotional state.
face validity apparent validity: the Cross-cultural research and studies
extent to which the items or con- of blind children indicate that
tent of a test or other assessment certain facial expressions are spon-
instmment appear to be appropriate taneous and universally correlated
for measuring something, regardless with such primary emotions as sur-
of whether they really are. prise, fear, anger, sadness, and
happiness; DISPLAY RULES, however,
facework n. in social interactions, can modify or even inhibit these ex-
a set of strategic behaviors by which pressions.
people maintain both their own dig-
nity ("face") and that of the people facial feedback hypothesis the
with whom they are dealing. hypothesis that sensory information
Facework strategies include polite- provided to the brain from facial
ness, deference, tact, avoidance of muscle movements is a major deter-
difficult subjects, and the use of minant of intrapsychic feeling
half-tmths and "white lies." The states, such as fear, anger, joy, con-
conventions governing facework dif- tempt, and so on.
fer widely between cultures. facial nerve the seventh CRANIAL
facial affect p r o g r a m a hypo- NERVE, which innervates facial mus-
thetical set of central nervous culature and some sensory receptors,
system stmctures that accounts for induding those of the external ear
the patterning of universal, basic fa- and the tongue.
cial expressions of emotion in facilitation n. in neuroscience, the
humans. Such a program could pro- phenomenon in which the thresh-
vide the link between a specific old for propagation of the action
emotion and a given pattern of fa- potential of a neuron is lowered due
cial muscular activity. to repeated signals at a SYNAPSE or
the SUMMATION of subthreshold im-
facial electromyography a tech-
pulses, —facilitate vb.
nique for measuring the endogenous
electrical activity of any muscle or facilitator IJ. a professionally
muscle group in the face by the ap- trained or lay member of a group
propriate placement of electrodes who fulfills some or all of the func-
(see ELECTROMYOGRAPHY). This pro- tions of a group leader. The
cedure is usually carried out to facilitator encourages discussion
detect implicit, invisible facial among all group members, without
movements related to emotion or necessarily entering into the discus-

factitious disorder

factitious disorder any of a group SIS, the repositioning of factors

of disorders in which the patient in- (latent variables) to a new, more in-
tentionally produces or feigns terpretable configuration by a set of
symptoms solely so that he or she mathematically specifiable TRANS-
may assume the SICK ROLE. It is dis- FORMATIONS. Rotations can be
tinct from MALINGERING, which orthogonal (e.g., varimax,
involves a specific external factor as quartimax), in which the rotated
motivation. See also MUNCHAUSEN factors are uncorrelated, or oblique,
SYNDROME. in which the rotated factors are cor-
factitious disorder by proxy see
MUNCHAUSEN SYNDROME BY PROXY. fading n. in conditioning, the grad-
ual changing of one stimulus to
factor «. 1. anything that contrib- another, which is often used to
utes to a result or has a causal transfer STIMULUS CONTROL. Stimuli
relationship to a phenomenon, can be faded out (gradually re-
event, or action. In ANALYSIS OF moved) or faded in (gradually
VARIANCE, for example, a factor is introduced).
an independent variable, whereas in
FACTOR ANALYSIS it is an underly- failure t o t h r i v e (FTT) signifi-
ing, unobservable LATENT VARIABLE cantly inadequate gain in weight
thought (together with other fac- and height by an infant. It reflects a
tors) to be responsible for the degree of growth failure due to inad-
interrelations among a set of vari- equate release of growth hormone
ables. and, despite an initial focus on pa-
rental neglect and emotional
factor analysis a broad family of deprivation, is currently believed to
mathematical procedures for reduc- have multifactorial etiology, includ-
ing a set of intercorrelations among ing biological, nutritional, and
MANIFEST VARIABLES to a smaller set environmental contributors. The
of unobserved LATENT VARIABLES condition is associated with poor
(factors). For example, a number of long-term developmental, growth,
tests of mechanical ability might be health, and socioemotional out-
intercorrelated to enable factor anal- comes.
ysis to reduce them to a few factors,
such as fine motor coordination, f a i t h healing 1. the treatment of
speed, and attention. This technique physical or psychological illness by
is often used to examine the com- means of religious practices, such
mon influences believed to give rise as prayer or "laying on of hands."
to a set of observed measures (mea- 2. any form of unorthodox medical
surement structure) or to reduce a treatment whose efficacy is said to
larger set of measures to a smaller depend upon the patient's faith in
set of linear composites for use in the healer or the healing process
subsequent analysis (data reduc- (see PLACEBO EFFECT). In such cases
tion). any beneficial effects may be attrib-
uted to a psychosomatic process
factorial design an experimental rather than a paranormal or super-
design in which two or more inde- natural one.
pendent variables are simulta-
neously manipulated or observed f a k i n g n. the practice of some
in order to study their joint and participants in an evaluation or
separate influences on a dependent psychological test who either "fake
variable. good" by choosing answers that cre-
ate a favorable impression or "fake
f a c t o r r o t a t i o n in FACTOR ANALY- bad" by choosing answers that make


them appear disturbed or incompe- to which others possess the same be-
tent, —fake vb. liefs and attributes as oneself or
engage in the same behaviors, par-
fallopian t u b e either of the slen- ticularly when these characteristics
der fleshy tubes in mammals that or behaviors are positive or socially
convey ova (egg cells) from each desirable. It is often attributed to a
ovary to the uterus and where fer- desire to view one's thoughts and
tilization may occur. [Gabriele actions as unusual, arising from per-
Fallopius (1523-1562), Italian ana- sonal, internal causes. Compare
false-consensus effect the ten-
falsifiability u. the condition of
dency to assume that one's own admitting falsification: the logical
opinions, beliefs, attributes, or be- possibility that an assertion, hypoth-
haviors are more widely shared than
esis, or theory can be shown to be
is actually the case. A robustly dem-
false. The most important properties
onstrated phenomenon, the false-
that make a statement falsifiable in
consensus effect is often attributed this way are (a) that it makes a pre-
to a desire to view one's thoughts diction about an outcome or a
and actions as appropriate, normal,
universal claim of the type "All Xs
and correct. Compare FALSE-
have property Y" and (b) that what
is predicted or claimed is observable.
false m e m o r y a distorted recollec- Austrian-born British philosopher
tion of an event or, most severely, Karl Popper (1902-1994) argued that
recollection of an event that never falsifiability is an essential character-
happened at all. False memories are istic of any genuinely scientific
errors of commission, because de- hypothesis, —falsifiable adj.
tails, facts, or events come to mind,
often vividly, b u t t h e remembrances familial study a study in which
fail to correspond to prior events. some measure or measures of an at-
Even when people are highly confi- tribute or condition (e.g., a disorder,
dent that they are remembering intelligence, suicidal behavior)
"the tmth" of the original situation, among people of a known genetic
experimental evidence shows that relationship are correlated. The ex-
they can be wrong. The phenome- tent to which performance on a
non is of particular interest in legal given measure varies as a function of
cases, specifically those involving genetic similarity is used as an indi-
eyewitness memories and false cation of the HERITABILITY of that
memory syndrome (FMS), in which measure.
adults seem to recover memories of familiarity n. a form of remember-
having been physically or sexually ing in which a situation, event,
abused as children, with such recov- place, person, or the like provokes a
eries often occurring during therapy. subjective feeling of recognition and
The label is controversial, as is the is therefore believed to be in mem-
evidence for and against recovery of ory, although it is not spedfically
abuse memories; false memory syn- recalled.
drome is not an accepted diagnostic
term, and some have suggested familism IJ. a cultural value com-
using the more neutral phrase RE- mon in collectivist or traditional
COVERED MEMORY. Also called societies that emphasizes strong in-
paramnesia. terpersonal relationships within the
EXTENDED FAMILY together with in-
false-uniqueness effect the ten- terdependence, collaboration, and
dency to underestimate the extent the placing of group interests ahead

family systems t h e o r y

of individual interests. —familistic scious or unconscious wishes and

adj. impulses are fulfilled (see WISH-
FULFILLMENT), —fantasize vb.
family systems t h e o r y a broad
conceptual model that focuses on TAP abbreviation for FIXED ACTION
the relationships between and PATTERN.
among interacting individuals in the farsightedness IJ. see HYPEROPIA.
family. Combining core concepts
from such areas as GENERAL SYSTEMS FAS abbreviation for FETAL ALCO-
fast m a p p i n g the ability of young
ily systems theory stresses that children to learn new words quickly
therapists cannot work only with in- on the basis of only one or two ex-
dividual family members to create posures to these words.
constmctive family changes but
must see the whole family to effect f a t h e r s u r r o g a t e a substitute for a
systemic and lasting changes. person's biological father, who per-
forms typical paternal functions and
family t h e r a p y a form of PSYCHO- serves as an object of identification
THERAPY that focuses on the and attachment. Father surrogates
improvement of interfamilial rela- may include such individuals as
tionships and behavioral patterns of adoptive fathers, stepfathers, older
the family unit as a whole, as well as brothers, teachers, and others. Also
among individual members and called f a t h e r figure; surrogate
groupings, or subsystems, within the father.
family. Family therapy includes a
large number of treatment forms fatigue effect a decline in perfor-
with diverse conceptual principles, mance on a prolonged or physically
processes and stmctures, and clinical demanding research task that is gen-
foci. Some family therapy ap- erally attributed to the participant
proaches (e.g., that based on OBJECT becoming tired or bored with the
RELATIONS THEORY) reflect exten- task.
sions of models of psychotherapy F d i s t r i b u t i o n a theoretical PROB-
with individuals in the interpersonal ABILITY DISTRIBUTION widely used
realm, whereas others (e.g., STRUC- in the ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE and
TURAL FAMILY THERAPY) evolved in other statistical tests of hypotheses
less traditional contexts. about population variances. It is the
ratio of the variances of two inde-
fantasy IJ. 1. any of a range of pendent random variables each
mental experiences and processes divided by its DEGREES OF FREEDOM.
marked by vivid imagery, intensity
of emotion, and relaxation or ab- fear IJ. an intense emotion aroused
sence of logic. Fantasizing is normal by the detection of imminent
and common and often serves threat, involving an immediate
a healthy purpose of releasing alarm reaction that mobilizes the
tension, giving pleasure and amuse- organism by triggering a set of phys-
ment, or stimulating creativity. It iological changes. These include
can also be indicative of pathology, rapid heartbeat, redirection of blood
as in delusional thinking or signifi- flow away from the periphery to-
cant disconnection from reality. ward the gut, tensing of the
2. in psychoanalytic theories, a muscles, and a general mobilization
figment of the imagination: a of the organism to take action (see
mental image, night DREAM, or FIGHT-OR-FLIGHT RESPONSE). Ac-
DAYDREAM in which a person's con- cording to some theorists, fear

feedback loop

differs from ANXIETY in that it has such as faces. Feature detectors are
an objed (e.g., a predator, financial also thought to play an important
min) and is a proportionate re- role in speech perception, where
sponse to the objective threat, their function would be to detect
whereas anxiety typically lacks an those features that distinguish one
object or is a more intense response PHONEME from another.
than is warranted by the perceived feature-integration t h e o r y a
threat. two-stage theory of visual ATTEN-
fearful a t t a c h m e n t an adult at- TION. In the first (preattentive)
tachment style characterized by a stage, basic features (e.g., color,
negative INTERNAL WORKING MODEL shape) are processed automatically,
OF ATTACHMENT of oneself and of independently, and in parallel. In
others. Individuals with fearful at- the second (attentive) stage, other
tachment doubt both their own and properties, induding relations be-
others' competence and efficacy and tween features of an object, are
are presumed not to seek help from processed in series, one objed (or
others when distressed. Compare group) at a time, and "bound" to-
DISMISSIVE ATTACHMENT; PREOCCU- gether to create a single object that
Fechner's l a w a mathematical for-
fear of failure persistent and irra- mula relating subjective experience
tional anxiety about failing to to changes in physical stimulus in-
measure up to the standards and tensity: specifically, the sensation
goals set by oneself or others. Fear of experienced is proportional to the
failure may be associated with per- logarithm of the stimulus magni-
fectionism and is implicated in a tude. It is derived from WEBER'S LAW
number of psychological disorders, and expressed as W = k logS, where 4*
induding some ANXIETY DISORDERS is the sensation, k is a constant, and
and EATING DISORDERS. S is the physical intensity of the
stimulus. See also STEVENS LAW.
fear of success a fear of accom- [Gustav Theodor Fechner (1801-
plishing one's goals or succeeding in 1887), German physician and phi-
society, or a tendency to avoid losopher]
doing so. Fear of success was origi-
nally thought to be experienced feedback n. information about a
primarily by women, because striv- process or interaction provided to
ing for success was held to place a the governing system or agent and
woman in conflict between a gen- used to make adjustments that
eral need for achievement and social eliminate problems or otherwise
values that tell her not to achieve optimize functioning. It may be
"too much." It is now thought that stabilizing NEGATIVE FEEDBACK or
men and women are equally likely amplifying POSITIVE FEEDBACK.
to experience fear of success. The term's origins in engineering
and cybernetics lend it a distinct
feature detector any of various connotation of input-output models
hypothetical or actual mechanisms that is not as strictly applicable to
within the human information- the wide variety of usages found in
processing system that respond se- psychology, such as BIOFEEDBACK,
lectively to specific distinguishing information feedback, and social
features. For example, the visual sys- feedback.
tem has feature detectors for lines
and angles of different orientations feedback loop in cybernetic the-
or even for more complex stimuli, ory, a self-regulatory model that


determines whether the current op- lubrication and swelling during sex-
eration of a system is acceptable ual excitement, causing marked
and, if not, attempts to make the distress or interpersonal difficulty. It
necessary changes. Its operation is is a prevalent sexual problem for
summarized by the acronym TOTE women and has a complex etiology
(test, operate, test, exit). The two test involving a variety of physiological
phases compare the current reality and psychological factors.
against the goal or standard. Oper-
feminism n. any of a number of
ate refers to any processes or
perspectives that take as their sub-
interventions designed to resolve ject matter the problems and
unacceptable discrepancies between perspectives of women, or the na-
the reality and the standard. Exit re- ture of biological and social
fers to the closing down of the phenomena related to GENDER. Al-
supervisory feedback loop because though some feminist perspectives
the circumstances have been focus on issues of fairness and equal
brought into agreement with the rights, other approaches emphasize
standard. Also called TOTE model. what are taken to be inherent and
feeling n. 1. a self-contained phe- systematic gender inequities in
nomenal experience. Feelings are Western society (see PATRIARCHY).
subjective, evaluative, and inde- In psychology, feminism has fo-
pendent of the sensory modality of cused attention on the nature and
the sensations, thoughts, or images origin of gender differences in psy-
evoking them. They are inevitably chological processes. —feminist
evaluated as pleasant or unpleasant adj., n.
but they can have more specific fertilization «. the fusion of a
intrapsychic qualities as well. The sperm and an egg cell to produce a
core characteristic that differentiates ZYGOTE. In humans, fertilization oc-
feelings from cognitive, sensory, or curs in a FALLOPIAN TUBE.
perceptual intrapsychic experiences
is the link of AFFECT to APPRAISAL. fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) a
Feelings differ from EMOTIONS in group of adverse fetal and infant
being purely mental, whereas emo- health effects associated with heavy
tions are designed to engage with maternal alcohol intake during preg-
the world. 2. any experienced sen- nancy. It is characterized by low
sation, particularly a tactile or birth weight and retarded growth,
temperature sensation (e.g., pain craniofacial anomalies (e.g.,
or coldness). microcephaly), neurobehavioral
problems (e.g., hyperactivity), and
female orgasmic disorder a cognitive abnormalities (e.g., lan-
condition in which a woman recur- guage acquisition deficits); mental
rently or persistently has difficulty retardation may be present.
obtaining orgasm or is unable to Children showing some (but not all)
reach orgasm at all following sexual features of this syndrome are de-
stimulation and excitement, causing scribed as having fetal alcohol
marked distress or interpersonal dif- effects (FAE).
ficulty. Female orgasmic disorder is
the second most frequently reported fetishism u. a type of PARAPHILIA
women's sexual problem. in which inanimate objects—com-
monly undergarments, stockings,
female sexual arousal disorder mbber items, shoes, or boots—are
a condition in which a woman re- repeatedly or exclusively used in
currently or persistently is unable to achieving sexual excitement. Fetish-
attain or maintain adequate vaginal ism occurs primarily among males

fine m o t o r

and may compete or interfere with terns of dynamic interrelationships

sexual contact with a partner. —fe- between individuals and the psycho-
tishistic adj. logical, social, and physical situation
in which they exist. This situation is
fetus n. an animal EMBRYO in the known as the field space or LIFE
later stages of development. In hu- SPACE, and the dynamic interactions
mans, the fetal period is from the are conceived as forces with positive
end of the eighth week after fertil- or negative valences (subjective val-
ization until birth, —fetal adj. ues).
field n. 1. a defined area or region field w o r k a less common name
of space, such as the VISUAL FIELD.
2. a complex of personal, physical, for FIELD RESEARCH.
and social factors within which a fight-or-flight response a pat-
psychological event takes place. See tern of physiological changes
FIELD THEORY. 3. somewhere other elicited by activity of the SYMPA-
than a laboratory, library, or aca- THETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM in response
demic setting in which experimental to threatening or otherwise stressful
work is carried out or data collected. situations that leads to mobilization
See FIELD EXPERIMENT. of energy for physical activity (e.g.,
attacking or avoiding the offending
field dependence a COGNITIVE stimulus), either directly or by in-
STYLE in which the individual con- hibiting physiological activity that
sistently relies more on external does not contribute to energy mobi-
referents (environmental cues) than lization. Specific sympathetic
on internal referents (bodily sensa- responses involved in the reaction
tion cues). The opposite tendency, include increased heart rate, respira-
relying more on internal than tory rate, and sweat gland activity;
external referents, is called field elevated blood pressure; decreased
independence. Both were discovered digestive activity; pupil dilation; and
during experiments conducted in a routing of blood flow to skeletal
the 1950s to understand the factors muscles.
that determine perception of the up-
right in space. figure-ground adj. relating to the
field e x p e r i m e n t an experiment principle that perceptions have two
that is conducted outside the labora- parts: a figure that stands out in
tory in a "real-world" setting. good contour and an indistinct, ho-
Participants are exposed to one of mogeneous background.
two or more levels of an independ- file-drawer p r o b l e m the fact that
ent variable and observed for their a large proportion of all studies actu-
reactions; they are likely to be un- ally conducted are not available for
aware of the experiment. review because they remain unpub-
lished in "file drawers," having
field research research conducted failed to obtain positive results.
outside the laboratory, in a natural,
real-world setting. Field research has filter t h e o r y an early theory of at-
the advantages of ECOLOGICAL VA- tention proposing that unattended
LIDITY and the opportunity to channels of information are filtered
understand how and why behavior prior to identification. This theory
occurs in a natural social environ- continues to be influential in the
ment. Compare LABORATORY form of its successor, the ATTENUA-
field t h e o r y a systematic approach fine m o t o r describing activities or
describing behavior in terms of pat- skills that require coordination of

first-generation antipsychotic

small muscles to control small, pre- intellectual experiences)—are

cise movements, particularly in the viewed as core personality stmc-
hands and face. Examples of fine tures. Unlike the BIG FIVE
motor skills include handwriting, PERSONALITY MODEL, which Views
drawing, cutting, and manipulating the five personality dimensions as
small objects. Compare GROSS descriptions of behavior and treats
MOTOR. the five-dimensional stmcture as a
first-generation antipsychotic taxonomy of individual differences,
the five-factor personality model
also views the factors as psychologi-
first-impression b i a s see PRI- cal entities with causal force. The
MACY EFFECT. two models are frequently and in-
correctly conflated in the scientific
Fisher's r t o Z t r a n s f o r m a t i o n a literature, without regard for their
mathematical transformation of the distinctly different emphases.
coefficient (r) to a new statistic (Z) fixation n. 1. an obsessive preoccu-
whose sampling distribution is the pation: excessive interest in or focus
normal distribution. It is used for upon something, such as a particu-
testing hypotheses about correla- lar idea or approach to solving a
tions and constmcting CONFIDENCE problem. 2. in psychoanalytic
INTERVALS on correlations. [Sir Ron- theory, either the persistence of an
ald Aylmer Fisher (1890-1962), early stage of PSYCHOSEXUAL DE-
British statistician and geneticist] VELOPMENT or an inappropriate
fissure IJ. a cleft, groove, or inden- attachment to an early OBJECT (es-
tation in a surface, especially any of pecially the mother or father). 3. the
the deep grooves in the cerebral cor- orientation of the eyes so that the
tex. See also SULCUS. image of a viewed object falls on the
FOVEA CENTRALIS, in the central part
fitness tt. 1. a set of attributes that of the retina. —fixate vb.
people have or are able to achieve
relating to their ability to perform fixed action p a t t e r n (FAP) in
physical work and to carry out daily classical ethology, a stereotyped, ge-
tasks with vigor and alertness, with- netically preprogrammed, species-
out undue fatigue, and with ample specific behavioral sequence that is
energy to enjoy leisure pursuits. evoked by a RELEASER stimulus and
2. in biology, the extent to which is carried out without sensory feed-
an organism or population is able to back. In contemporary ethology the
produce viable offspring in a given term MODAL ACTION PATTERN is
environment, which is a measure of more often used.
that organism's or population's ad-
aptation to that environment. See fixed-interval schedule (FI
also INCLUSIVE FITNESS, —fit adj. schedule) in conditioning, an ar-
rangement in which the first
five-factor personality model response after a set interval has
a model of personality in which elapsed is reinforced. "FI 3 min"
five dimensions of individual means that reinforcement is given
difference—EXTRAVERSION, NEU- to the first response occurring at
ROTICISM, conscientiousness (being least 3 min after a previous rein-
responsible and hardworking), forcement. Often, experience with FI
agreeableness (acting in a coopera- schedules results in a temporal pat-
tive, unselfish manner), and tern of responding, characterized by
openness to experience (participat- little or no responding at the begin-
ing in new aesthetic, cultural, or ning of the interval, followed by an


increased rate later on as reinforce- arm and upper arm) are brought to-
ment becomes more imminent. This ward each other.
pattern is often referred to as the
flexor n. a muscle whose contrac-
fixed-interval scallop. tion bends a part of the body, such
fixed-ratio schedule (FR as the biceps muscle of the upper
schedule) in conditioning, an arm. Compare EXTENSOR.
arrangement in which reinforce-
ment is given after a specified flicker fusion frequency see
number of responses. "FR 1" means
that reinforcement is given after flight i n t o h e a l t h in psychother-
each response; "FR 50" means that apy, an abmpt "recuperation" by a
reinforcement is given after 50 re- prospective client after or during in-
sponses. take interviews and before entry
into therapy proper or, more com-
flashback n. 1. the reliving of a
traumatic event after the initial ad- monly, by a client in ongoing
justment to the trauma appears to therapy. Psychoanalytic theory in-
have been made. Flashbacks are part terprets the flight into health as an
DER: Forgotten memories are re- flight i n t o illness in psychother-
awakened by words, sounds, smells, apy, the sudden development of
or scenes that are reminiscent of the physical or other symptoms by a
original trauma (e.g., when a back- client or prospective client. Psycho-
firing car elicits the kind of anxiety analytic theory interprets this as an
that a combat veteran experienced unconscious DEFENSE MECHANISM
when he or she was the target of that is used to avoid examination of
enemy fire). 2. the spontaneous a deeper underlying conflict.
recurrence of the perceptual distor-
tions and disorientation to time and flooding IJ. a technique in BE-
place experienced during a previous HAVIOR THERAPY in which the
period of hallucinogen intoxication. individual is exposed directly to
Flashbacks may occur months or a maximum-intensity anxiety-
even years after the last use of the producing situation or stimulus, ei-
drug and are associated particularly ther in the imagination but most
with LSD. often in reality, without any attempt
made to lessen or avoid anxiety or
flashbulb m e m o r y a vivid, en- fear during the exposure. For an in-
during memory associated with a dividual with claustrophobia, for
personally significant and emotional example, this would entail spending
event. Such memories have the qual- extended periods of time in a small
ity of a photograph taken the mo- room. Flooding techniques aim to
ment the individual experienced the diminish or extinguish the un-
emotion, including such details as desired behavior and are used
where the individual was or what he primarily in the treatment of indi-
or she was doing. viduals with phobias and similar
disorders. It is distinct from SYSTEM-
flat affect total or near absence of ATIC DESENSITIZATION, which
appropriate emotional responses to involves a gradual, step-by-step ap-
situations and events. See also SHAL- proach to encountering the feared
LOW AFFECT. situation or stimulus while attempt-
flexion n. the bending of a joint in ing throughout to maintain a
a limb (e.g., the elbow joint) so that nonanxious state. See also IMPLO-
two parts of the limb (e.g., the fore- SIVE THERAPY.

floor effect

floor effect a situation in which Flynn effect the gradual cross-

a large proportion of participants cultural rise in raw scores obtained
perform as poorly as, or nearly as on measures of general intelligence.
poorly as, possible on a task or other These increases have been roughly 9
evaluative measure, thus skewing points per generation (i.e., 30 years).
the distribution of scores and mak- [James Flynn (1934- ), New Zea-
ing it impossible to discriminate land philosopher who first
differences among the many indi- documented its occurrence]
viduals at that low level. For
example, a test whose items are too fMRI abbreviation for FUNCTIONAL
difficult for those taking it would MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING.
show a floor effect because most
people would obtain or be close to focal p s y c h o t h e r a p y a form of
the lowest possible score of 0. Com- BRIEF PSYCHOTHERAPY in which a
pare CEILING EFFECT. single problematic area (e.g., exces-
sive anxiety) is made the target of
flow n. a state of optimal ex- the entire course of treatment. The
perience arising from intense in- therapist continually redirects the
volvement in an activity that is process so as to avoid deviations
enjoyable, such as playing a sport, from this specifically identified aim,
performing a musical passage, or for example, by preventing discus-
writing a creative piece. Flow arises sion of material he or she deems
when one's skills are fully utilized irrelevant to the intended therapeu-
yet equal to the demands of the tic goal.
task, intrinsic motivation is at a
focal seizure see PARTIAL SEIZURE.
peak, one loses self-consciousness
and temporal awareness, and one focus g r o u p a small group of
has a sense of total control, effort- people who share common charac-
lessness, and complete concentra- teristics and are selected to discuss a
tion on the immediate situation topic of which they have personal
(the here and now). experience. Originally used in mar-
keting to determine consumer
fluent a p h a s i a see APHASIA. response to particular products,
fluid intelligence the form of focus groups are now used for
intelligence that comprises those determining typical reactions,
abilities, such as memory span adaptations, and solutions to any
and mental quickness, that are number of issues, events, or topics.
functionally related to physiological folie a d e u x see SHARED PSY-
condition and maturation. Fluid in- CHOTIC DISORDER. [French, "double
telligence appears to increase during insanity"]
childhood and to deteriorate, to
some extent, in old age. Compare follicle u. a cluster of cells enclos-
CRYSTALLIZED INTELLIGENCE. ing, protecting, and nourishing a
cell or structure within. —follicu-
fluoxetine u. an antidepressant l a r adj.
that is the prototype of the SSRIS
(selective serotonin reuptake inhibi- follicle-stimulating h o r m o n e
tors). Fluoxetine differs from other (FSH) a GONADOTROPIN released by
SSRIs in that it and its biologically the anterior pituitary gland that, in
active metabolic product, nor- females, stimulates the development
fluoxetine, have a prolonged HALF- in the ovary of graafian follicles (see
LIFE of 5-7 days after a single dose. MENSTRUAL CYCLE). The same hor-
U.S. trade name: Prozac. mone in males stimulates Sertoli

formal o p e r a t i o n a l stage

cells in the testis to produce sperma- DALA, HIPPOCAMPUS); the latter

tozoa. Also called follitropin. comprises the THALAMUS and HYPO-
THALAMUS. Also called
follow-up study a long-term study prosencephalon.
designed to examine the degree to
which effects seen shortly after the foreclosure n. in development, see
imposition of a therapeutic inter- IDENTITY FORECLOSURE.
vention persist over time.
forensic psychology the applica-
foot-in-the-door t e c h n i q u e a tion of psychological principles and
two-step procedure for enhancing techniques to situations involving
compliance in which a minor initial the civil and criminal legal systems.
request is presented immediately be- Its functions include assessment and
fore the more substantial target treatment services, provision of ad-
request. Agreement to the initial re- vocacy and expert testimony, and
quest makes people more likely to research and policy analysis.
agree to the target request than
would have been the case if the lat- forgetting n. the failure to remem-
ter had been presented on its own. ber material previously learned.
See also DOOR-IN-THE-FACE TECH- Numerous processes and theories
NIQUE; LOW-BALL TECHNIQUE; have been proposed throughout its
THAT'S-NOT-ALL TECHNIQUE. long history of study to account for
forgetting, including DECAY THEORY
forced-choice adj. describing any and INTERFERENCE THEORY. For-
procedural format or assessment in- getting typically is a normal
stmment in which participants are phenomenon that plays an impor-
provided with a predetermined set tant adaptive role in restricting
of alternatives from which they access to information that is likely
must choose a response. For exam- to be needed in current interactions
ple, a forced-choice test in signal with the environment, but may also
detection tasks is a test in which two be pathological, as, for example, in
or more intervals are presented, one amnesia.
of which contains the signal. The
observer must choose the interval in forgiveness u. willfully putting
which the signal was presented. aside feelings of resentment toward
Compare FREE-RESPONSE. an individual who has committed a
wrong, been unfair or hurtful, or
forced compliance effect the otherwise harmed one in some
tendency of a person who has be- way. Forgiveness is not equated
haved in a way that contradicts his with reconciliation or excusing
or her attitude to subsequently alter another, and it is not merely ac-
the attitude to be consistent with cepting what happened or ceasing
the behavior. It is one way of reduc- to be angry. Rather, it involves a
ing COGNITIVE DISSONANCE. Also voluntary transformation of one's
called induced compliance ef- feelings, attitudes, and behavior
fect. toward the individual, so that one
is no longer dominated by resent-
forebrain u. the part of the brain ment and can express compassion,
that develops from the anterior sec- generosity, or the like toward the
tion of the NEURAL TUBE in the individual. Forgiveness is often con-
embryo, containing the TELEN- sidered an important process in
CEPHALON and the DIENCEPHALON. psychotherapy or counseling.
The former comprises the cerebral
hemispheres with their various formal o p e r a t i o n a l stage the
regions (e.g., BASAL GANGLIA, AMYG- fourth and final stage in the

f o r m a l t h o u g h t disorder

PIAGETIAN THEORY of cognitive de- keep children whose parents are un-
velopment, beginning around age available or incapable of proper care
12, during which complex intellec- safe from harm, with the ultimate
tual functions, such as abstract goal being to find a secure and per-
thinking, logical processes, concep- manent home. Typically, a child is
tualization, and judgment, develop. placed with a family approved for
foster care and paid a fee for such
formal t h o u g h t disorder dismp- by a public child welfare agency.
tions in the form or structure of Although these foster home ar-
thinking. Examples include derail- rangements are most common,
ment, frequent intermptions and children may also be placed in
jumps from one idea to another, group homes or other institutions.
and tangentiality, constant digres-
sions to irrelevant topics. It is four-card p r o b l e m see WASON SE-
in which the disturbance relates to
thought content. Fourier analysis the mathematical
analysis of complex waveforms
f o r m a n t s pl. n. the frequency using the fact that they can be ex-
bands of sounds produced by the pressed as an infinite sum of sine
vocal cords and other physical fea- and cosine functions (a Fourier se-
tures of the head and throat in ries). It is accomplished via a Fourier
speaking. A simple sound, such as transform, a mathematical opera-
the vowel lal, may span several kilo- tion that analyzes any waveform
hertz of frequencies. into a set of simple waveforms with
different frequencies and ampli-
fornix n. (pl. fornices) any arch- tudes. Fourier analysis is particularly
shaped stmcture, especially the long important in the study of sound and
tract of white matter in the brain the theoretical understanding of vi-
arching between the HIPPOCAMPUS sual analysis. [Jean Baptiste Joseph
and the HYPOTHALAMUS. Fourier (1768-1830), French mathe-
f o r w a r d c o n d i t i o n i n g in PAV- matician and physicist]
f o u r t h ventricle see VENTRICLE.
of two stimuli such that the condi-
tioned stimulus is presented before fovea centralis a small depression
the unconditioned stimulus. Also in the central portion of the retina
called f o r w a r d pairing. Compare in which RETINAL CONE cells are
BACKWARD CONDITIONING. most concentrated and an image is
focused most clearly. Also called
f o r w a r d selection a technique fovea. —foveal adj.
used in creating MULTIPLE REGRES-
SION models in which independent f r a c t i o n a t i o n n. a psychophysical
variables are added to the REGRES- procedure to scale the magnitude of
SION EQUATION in the order of their sensations in which an observer ad-
predictive power until a preset crite- justs a variable stimulus to be half
rion is reached. Also called that of a standard stimulus.
f o r w a r d stepwise regression. fragile X syndrome a genetic
foster care temporary care pro- condition that differentially affects
vided to children in settings outside males and causes a range of develop-
their family of origin and by indi- mental problems including learning
viduals other than their natural or disabilities and mental retardation.
adoptive parents, under the supervi- The disorder is so named because of
sion of a public child welfare alterations in the FMRI gene, on the
agency. Foster care is intended to arm of the X chromosome, that ab-

free w i l l

normally expand and destabilize it. free-floating anxiety a diffuse,

Males with fragile X syndrome have chronic sense of uneasiness and ap-
characteristic physical features that prehension not directed toward any
become more apparent with age, specific situation or objed. It may
such as large ears, prominent jaw be a characteristic of a number of
and forehead, a long and narrow anxiety disorders, in particular GEN-
face, and enlarged testicles. Both ERALIZED ANXIETY DISORDER.
males and females with fragile X
may exhibit hyperactivity and atten- free nerve e n d i n g a highly
tion deficits, while some males also branched terminal portion of a sen-
show autistic behavior. sory neuron. Found particularly in
the different layers of skin, free
frame of reference in social psy- nerve endings are the most common
chology, the set of assumptions or type of nerve ending and act as pain
criteria by which a person judges and temperature receptors.
ideas, actions, and experiences. A free radical an atom or molecule
frame of reference can often limit or that has at least one "unpaired"
distort perception, as in the case of electron in its outer shell. This
prejudice and stereotypes. makes it highly readive and able to
f r a m i n g n. the process of defining engage in rapid chain reactions that
the context or issues surrounding a destabilize the molecules around it,
question, problem, or event in a way thus causing the formation of more
that serves to influence how the free radicals. Free radicals can dam-
context or issues are perceived and age cells and have been implicated
evaluated. See also REFRAMING. in aging, inflammation, and the
progression of various pathological
f r a t e r n a l t w i n s see DIZYGOTIC conditions, including cancer.
F r a t i o (symbol: F) in an ANALYSIS free recall a type of memory task
in which a list of items is presented
one at a time and participants at-
explained to unexplained variance; tempt to remember them in any
that is, the ratio of BETWEEN- order.
GROUPS VARIANCE to WITHIN-GROUP free-response adj. describing any
VARIANCE. procedural format or assessment in-
free association a basic process in stmment in which participants
PSYCHOANALYSIS and other forms of construct their own responses to
items rather than choosing from a
list of alternatives as in FORCED-
in which the patient is encouraged
CHOICE techniques. An essay test is
to verbalize without censorship or
an example of a free-response
selection whatever thoughts come
to mind, no matter how embarrass-
ing, illogical, or irrelevant. The free-running r h y t h m a cycle of
object is to allow unconscious ma- behavior or physiological activity
terial, such as traumatic experiences that occurs if external stimuli do not
or threatening impulses, and other- provide ENTRAINMENT.
wise inhibited thoughts and
emotions to come to the surface free will the power or capacity of a
where they can be interpreted. human being for self-direction. The
concept of free will thus suggests
freedom t o w i t h d r a w the right that inclinations, dispositions,
of a research participant to drop out thoughts, and actions are not deter-
of an experiment at any time. mined entirely by forces over which



people have no independent direct- However, frequency theory cannot

ing influence. Free will is generally explain the perception of sounds
seen as necessary for moral action above 500 Hz because the REFRAC-
and responsibility and is implied by TORY PERIOD of a neuron renders it
much of our everyday experience, in incapable of firing at a rate greater
which we are conscious of having than 500 impulses per second. This
the power to do or forbear. How- discrepancy was accounted for by
ever, it has often been dismissed as the later VOLLEY THEORY.
illusory by advocates of DETERMIN-
ISM, who hold that all occurrences, Freudian slip in the popular un-
including human actions, are prede- derstanding of psychoanalytic
termined. theory, an unconscious error or
oversight in writing, speech, or ac-
frequency n. the number of occur- tion that is held to be caused by
rences of a particular phenomenon unacceptable impulses breaking
in a given period. More specifically, through the EGO'S defenses and ex-
frequency is the number of repeti- posing the individual's tme wishes
tions of a periodic waveform in a or feelings. See PARAPRAXIS; SLIP OF
given unit of time. The standard THE TONGUE. [Sigmund Freud
measure of frequency is the hertz (1856-1939), Austrian psychiatrist]
(Hz); this replaces, and is equivalent Friedman test a nonparametric
to, cydes per second (cps). test of the equality of medians in
frequency d i s t r i b u t i o n a plot of / repeated measures of a matched
the frequency of occurrence of group. [Herbert Friedman (1933-
scores of various sizes, arranged 1996), U.S. psychologist and statisti-
from lowest to highest score. cian]
frequency polygon a graph de- friendship n. a voluntary relation-
picting a statistical distribution, ship between two or more people
made up of lines connecting the that is relatively long-lasting and in
peaks of adjacent intervals. which those involved tend to be
concerned with meeting the others'
frequency selectivity the prop- needs and interests as well as satisfy-
erty of a system that enables it to be ing their own desires.
"tuned" to respond better to certain
frequencies than to others. The fre- frontal c o r t e x the CEREBRAL COR-
quency selectivity of the auditory TEX of the frontal lobe. See also
system is a fundamental aspect of PREFRONTAL CORTEX.
hearing and has been a major re- frontal lobe one of the four main
search theme for many decades. lobes of each cerebral hemisphere of
the brain, lying in front of the CEN-
frequency t h e o r y a late 19th- TRAL SULCUS. It is concerned with
century theory specifying that pitch motor and higher order EXECUTIVE
is coded by the rate at which AC- FUNCTIONS. See also PREFRONTAL
TION POTENTIALS are generated by
auditory neurons within the BASI-
LAR MEMBRANE of the ear. Accord- frontal lobe syndrome deterio-
ing to this theory, the wavelength ration in personality and behavior
(frequency) of a tone is precisely resulting from lesions in the frontal
replicated in the electrical impulses lobe. Typical symptoms include loss
transmitted through the AUDITORY of initiative, inability to plan activi-
NERVE. For example, a 100 Hz tone ties, difficulty with abstract thinking,
would be signaled by 100 impulses perseveration, impairments in social
per second in the auditory nerve. judgment and impulse control, and

functional analysis

mood disturbances such as apathy FTT abbreviation for FAILURE TO

or mania. THRIVE.

frotteurism n. a PARAPHILIA in fugue n. see DISSOCIATIVE FUGUE.

which an individual deliberately fully f u n c t i o n i n g person in
and persistently seeks sexual excite- CLIENT-CENTERED THERAPY, a per-
ment by rubbing against other son with a healthy personality, who
people. This may occur as appar- experiences freedom of choice and
ently accidental contact in crowded action, is creative, and is able to live
public settings, such as elevators or fully in the present and respond
lines. freely and flexibly to new experi-
frustration n. 1. the thwarting of ence without fear.
impulses or actions that prevents in- function u. I . in biology, an activ-
dividuals from obtaining something ity of an organ or an organism that
they have been led to expect based contributes to the organism's FIT-
on past experience, as when a hun- NESS, such as the secretion of a sex
gry animal is prevented from hormone by a gonad to prepare for
obtaining food that it can see or reproduction or the defensive be-
smell or when a child is prevented havior of a female with young
from playing with a visible toy. toward an intruder. 2. (symbol: f) a
2. the emotional state an individual mathematical procedure that relates
experiences when such thwarting one number, quantity, or entity to
occurs, —frustrate vb. another according to a defined rule.
For example, if y = 2x + 1, y is said to
frustration-aggression h y p o t h - be a function of x. This is often writ-
esis the theory that (a) frustration ten y = f(x).
always produces an aggressive urge
and (b) aggression is always the re- functional adj. 1. denoting or re-
sult of prior fmstrations. ferring to a disorder for which there
is no known organic or stmctural
frustration tolerance the ability basis. In psychology and psychiatry,
of an individual to delay gratifica- functional disorders are improperly
tion or to preserve relative considered equivalent to PSYCHO-
equanimity on encountering obsta- GENIC disorders. 2. based on or
cles. The growth of adequate relating to use rather than stmcture.
frustration tolerance generally oc-
curs as part of a child's cognitive functional age an individual's age
and affective development but may as determined by measures of func-
also be strengthened to more adap- tional capability indexed by age-
tive levels later in life through normed standards. Functional age is
therapeutic intervention. distinct from CHRONOLOGICAL AGE
and represents a combination of
FSH abbreviation for FOLLICLE- physiological, psychological, and
STIMULATING HORMONE. social age. In adults it is calculated
by measuring a range of variables,
F test any of a class of statistical such as eyesight, hearing, mobility,
tests, notably including the widely cardiopulmonary function, concen-
used ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE, that tration, and memory. The func-
rely on the assumption that the test tional age of a child is measured in
statistic—the F RATIO—follows the F terms of the developmental level he
DISTRIBUTION when the null hy- or she has reached.
pothesis is true. F tests are tests of
hypotheses about population vari- functional analysis the detailed
ances. analysis of a behavior to identity

functional a u t o n o m y

contingencies that sustain the be- a form of MAGNETIC RESONANCE IM-

havior. AGING that detects changes in blood
functional a u t o n o m y the ability flow and therefore identifies regions
of a person to perform independ- of the brain that are particularly ac-
ently the various tasks required in tive during a given task.
daily life, a core concept in such functional stimulus in stimulus-
areas as rehabilitation and success- response experiments, the character-
ful aging. For example, decline in istic of the stimulus that actually
functional autonomy is a major produces a particular effect on the
component of symptoms in severe organism and governs its behavior.
dementia. Very few INSTRUMENTAL This may be different from the NOM-
and there is a gradual loss of self- experimenter. For example, if an ex-
care, or basic ACTIVITIES OF DAILY perimenter presents a blue square to
LIVING. a pigeon as a nominal stimulus, the
functional stimulus may simply be
functional fixedness the ten- the color blue. Also called effective
dency to perceive an object only in stimulus.
terms of its most common use. For
example, people generally perceive function w o r d in linguistics, a
cardboard boxes as containers, thus word that has little or no meaning
hindering them from potentially of its own but plays an important
flipping the boxes over for use as grammatical role: Examples include
platforms upon which to place ob- the articles (a, the, etc.), prepositions
jects (e.g., books). (in, of, etc.), and conjunctions (and,
but, etc.). The distinction between
functionalism n. a general psy- function words and CONTENT
chological approach that views WORDS is of great interest to the
mental life and behavior in terms of study of language disorders, LAN-
active adaptation to environmental GUAGE ACQUISITION, and
challenges and opportunities. Func- psycholinguistic processing.
tionalism was developed at the
beginning of the 20th century as a fundamental attribution error
revolt against the atomistic point of in ATTRIBUTION THEORY, the ten-
view of STRUCTURALISM, which lim- dency to overestimate the degree to
ited psychology to the dissection of which an individual's behavior is
states of consciousness and the determined by his or her abiding
study of mental content rather than personal characteristics, attitudes, or
mental activities. Functionalism beliefs and, correspondingly, to
emphasizes the causes and conse- minimize the influence of the sur-
quences of human behavior; the rounding situation on that behavior
union of the physiological with the (e.g., financial or social pressures).
psychological; the need for objective Also called correspondence bias.
testing of theories; and the applica-
tions of psychological knowledge to fusiform gyrus a spindle-shaped
the solution of practical problems, ridge on the inferior (lower) surface
the evolutionary continuity between of each TEMPORAL LOBE in the brain.
animals and humans, and the im- It lies between the inferior temporal
provement of human life. gyms and the PARAHIPPOCAMPAL
GYRUS and is involved in high-level
functional m a g n e t i c resonance visual processing, including color
i m a g i n g (fMRI; functional MRI) perception and face recognition.

g symbol for GENERAL FACTOR.
ognize the independence of chance
events, leading to the mistaken
GABA abbreviation for GAMMA- belief that one can predict the out-
AMINOBUTYRIC ACID. come of a chance event on the basis
of the outcomes of past chance
GABAA receptor one of the two events.
main types of receptor protein that
bind the neurotransmitter GAMMA- g a m b l i n g n. see PATHOLOGICAL
other being the GABAB RECEPTOR. It
game n. a social interaction, trans-
is located at most synapses of most
action, or other organized activity
neurons that use GABA as a neuro- with formal mles. In psychotherapy,
transmitter. The predominant for example, a game is a situation in
inhibitory receptor in the central
which members of a group take part
nervous system (CNS), it functions
in some activity designed to elicit
as a chloride channel (see ION CHAN-
emotions, increase self-awareness, or
stimulate revealing interactions and
GABAB receptor one of the two interrelationships. In PLAY THERAPY
main types of receptor protein that games are often used as a projective
bind the neurotransmitter GAMMA- or observational technique. See also
other being the GABAA RECEPTOR.
g a m e t e u. either of the female or
GABAB receptors, which are G PRO- male reproductive cells that take
TEiN-coupled receptors, are less
plentiful in the brain than GABAA part in fertilization to produce a
receptors and their activation results zygote. In humans and other ani-
in relatively long-lasting neuronal mals, the female gamete is the
inhibition. OVUM and the male gamete is the
SPERMATOZOON. Gametes contain
GAD abbreviation for GENERALIZED the HAPLOID number of chromo-
ANXIETY DISORDER. somes rather than the DIPLOID
number found in body (somatic)
galvanic skin response (GSR) a cells. See also GERM CELL.
change in the electrical properties
(conductance or resistance) of the g a m e t h e o r y a branch of mathe-
skin in reaction to stimuli, owing to matics concerned with the analysis
the activity of sweat glands located of the behavior of decision makers
in the fingers and palms. Though (called players) whose choices affect
strictly an indication of physiologi- one another. Game theory is often
cal arousal, the galvanic skin used in both theoretical modeling
response is widely considered a re- and empirical studies of conflict, co-
flection of emotional arousal and operation, and competition, and has
stress as well. helped to stmcture interactive deci-
sion-making situations in numerous
gambler's fallacy a failure to rec- disciplines, including economics,

g a m m a - a m i n o b u t y r i c acid

political science, social psychology, impinging on pain receptors have to

and ethics. pass through these spinal gates to
the brain in order to emerge as pain
g a m m a - a m i n o b u t y r i c acid perceptions. The status of the gates,
(GABA) a major inhibitory NEURO- however, is subject to a variety of
TRANSMITTER in the mammalian influences (e.g., drugs, injury, emo-
nervous system that is synthesized tions, possibly even instmctions
from the amino acid glutamic acid. coming down from the brain itself),
g a m m a m o t o r n e u r o n see which can operate to shut them,
MOTOR NEURON. thus inhibiting pain transmission,
or cause them to be fully open, thus
g a m m a m o v e m e n t see APPARENT facilitating transmission.
gatekeeper n. a health care profes-
g a m m a wave in electroencepha- sional, usually a PRIMARY CARE
lography, a type of low-amplitude provider assodated with a MANAGED
BRAIN WAVE ranging from 31 to 80 CARE organization, who determines
Hz (with power peaking near 40 Hz) a patient's access to health care ser-
and associated with higher-level vices and whose approval is required
cognitive activities, such as memory for referrals to specialists.
storage. Also called g a m m a
rhythm. g a t e w a y d r u g any chemical sub-
stance whose chronic use leads to
ganglion u. (pl. ganglia) a collec- the subsequent use of more harmful
tion of CELL BODIES of neurons that substances that have significant po-
lies outside the central nervous sys- tential for abuse and dependence.
tem (the BASAL GANGLIA, however, For example, alcohol, tobacco, and
are an exception). Many inverte- MARIJUANA are often considered a
brates have only distributed ganglia gateway to such dmgs as HEROIN,
and no centralized nervous system. COCAINE, LSD, and PCP. Introduced
Compare NUCLEUS, —ganglionic in the 1950s, the concept has be-
adj. come the most popular framework
g a n g l i o n cell see RETINAL GAN- for understanding dmg use among
GLION CELL. adolescent populations, guiding pre-
vention efforts and even shaping
gap j u n c t i o n a type of inter- governmental policy.
cellular junction consisting of a
gap of about 2-4 nm between the g a t i n g n. the inhibition or exclu-
plasma membranes of two cells, sion from attention of certain
spanned by protein channels that sensory stimuli when attention is
allow passage of electrical signals. focused on other stimuli. That is,
See ELECTRICAL SYNAPSE. while attending to specific informa-
tion in the environment, other
GAS abbreviation for GENERAL AD- information does not reach aware-
gate-control t h e o r y the hypothe- Gaussian d i s t r i b u t i o n see NOR-
sis that the subjective experience of MAL DISTRIBUTION. [Karl Friedrich
pain is modulated by large nerve fi- Gauss (1777-1855), German mathe-
bers in the spinal cord that act as matician]
gates, such that pain is not the prod-
uct of a simple transmission of gender n. the condition of being
stimulation from the skin or some male, female, or neuter. In a human
internal organ to the brain. Rather, context, the distinction between
sensations from noxious stimulation gender and sex reflects usage of

gender stereotype

these terms: Sex usually refers to the viduals, the importance of societal
biological aspects of maleness or fe- stmctures, cultural expectations,
maleness, whereas gender implies and personal interactions in its de-
the psychological, behavioral, social, velopment is now recognized as
and cultural aspects of being male or well. Indeed, significant evidence
female (i.e., masculinity or feminin- now exists to support the conceptu-
ity). alization of gender identity as
influenced by both environmental
gender bias any one of a variety of and biological factors. See GENDER
stereotypical beliefs about individu- CONSTANCY. See also GENDER ROLE.
als on the basis of their sex,
particularly as related to the differ- gender i d e n t i t y disorder a disor-
ential treatment of females and der characterized by clinically
males. These biases often are ex- significant distress or impairment of
pressed linguistically, as in use of functioning due to cross-gender
the phrase physicians and their wives identification (i.e., a desire to be or
(instead of physicians and their actual insistence that one is of the
spouses, which avoids the implica- opposite sex) and persistent discom-
tion that physicians must be male) fort arising from the belief that
or of the term he when people of one's sex or gender is inappropriate
both sexes are under discussion. to one's true self. The disorder is
gender consistency the under- distinguished from simple dissatis-
standing that one's own and other faction or nonconformity with
people's sex is fixed across situa- gender roles.
tions, regardless of superficial
changes in appearance or activities. gender role the pattern of behav-
See GENDER CONSTANCY. ior, personality traits, and attitudes
that define masculinity or femin-
gender constancy a child's emerg- inity in a particular culture. It fre-
ing sense of the permanence of quently is considered the external
being a boy or a girl, an understand- manifestation of the internalized
ing that occurs in a series of stages: GENDER IDENTITY, although the tWO
GENDER IDENTITY, GENDER STABIL- are not necessarily consistent with
ITY, and GENDER CONSISTENCY. one another.
gender differences typical differ- gender schema the organized set
ences between men and women that of beliefs and expectations that
are specific to a particular culture guides one's understanding of male-
and influenced by its attitudes and ness and femaleness.
practices. Gender differences emerge
in a variety of domains, such as gender stability the understand-
careers, communication, and inter- ing that one's own or other people's
personal relationships. sex does not change over time. See
gender dysphoria discontent with GENDER CONSTANCY.
the physical or social aspects of
g e n d e r stereotype a relatively
one's own sex. See also DYSPHORIA.
fixed, overly simplified concept of
gender i d e n t i t y a recognition that the attitudes and behaviors consid-
one is male or female and the inter- ered normal and appropriate for
nalization of this knowledge into a person in a particular culture,
one's self-concept. Although the based on his or her biological sex.
dominant approach in psychology Research indicates that these STE-
for many years had been to regard REOTYPES are prescriptive as well as
gender identity as residing in indi- descriptive. Gender stereotypes

gender t y p i n g

often support the social condition- the sympathetic nervous system is

ing of gender roles. aroused and there is an increase in
adrenocortical hormones, triggering
gender t y p i n g expectations about
a defensive reaction, such as the
people's behavior that are based on FIGHT-OR-FLIGHT RESPONSE. The
their biological sex or the process resistance stage consists of stabiliza-
through which children acquire and
tion at the increased physiological
internalize such expectations.
levels. Resources may be depleted,
gene u. the basic unit of heredity, and permanent organ changes pro-
responsible for storing genetic infor- duced. The exhaustion stage is
mation and transmitting it to characterized by breakdown of ac-
subsequent generations. The observ- quired adaptations to a prolonged
able characteristics of an organism stressful situation; it is evidenced by
(i.e., its PHENOTYPE) are determined such signs as sleep disturbances, irri-
by numerous genes, which contain tability, severe loss of concentration,
the instructions necessary for the restlessness, trembling that disturbs
functioning of the organism's con- motor coordination, fatigue, and de-
stituent cells. Each gene consists of a pressed mood.
section of DNA, a large and complex
molecule that, in higher organisms, general factor (symbol: g) a basic
is arranged to form the CHRO- ability that underlies the perfor-
MOSOMES of the cell nucleus. mance of different varieties of
Instmctions are embodied in the intellectual tasks, in contrast to SPE-
chemical composition of the DNA, CIFIC FACTORS, which are alleged
according to the GENETIC CODE. In each to be unique to a single task.
classical genetics, a gene is described The general factor represents indi-
in terms of the trait that it deter- viduals' abilities to perceive
mines and is investigated largely by relationships and to derive conclu-
virtue of the variations brought sions from them.
about by its different forms, or AL-
LELES. At the molecular level, most general intelligence intelligence
genes encode proteins, which carry that is applicable to a very wide vari-
ety of tasks. See GENERAL FACTOR.
out the functions of the cell or act
to regulate the expression of other generalizability n. the accuracy
genes. with which results or findings can
be transferred to situations or people
gene m a p p i n g the creation of a other than those originally studied.
schematic representation of the
arrangement of genes, genetic generalization n. 1. the process
markers, or both as they occur in of deriving a concept, judgment,
the genetic material of an organism. principle, or theory from a limited
number of specific cases and apply-
general a d a p t a t i o n s y n d r o m e ing it more widely, often to an
(GAS) the physiological conse- entire class of objects, events, or
quences of severe stress. The people. 2. in conditioning, see STIM-
syndrome has three stages: alarm, ULUS GENERALIZATION, —general-
resistance, and exhaustion. The first ize vb.
stage, the alarm reaction (or alarm
stage), comprises two substages: the generalized a n x i e t y disorder
shock phase, marked by a decrease (GAD) excessive anxiety and worry
in body temperature, blood pressure, about a range of events and activi-
and muscle tone and loss of fluid ties (e.g., finances, health, work)
from body tissues; and the accompanied by such symptoms as
countershock phase, during which restlessness, fatigue, impaired con-

generativity versus s t a g n a t i o n

centration, irritability, muscle ferent classes of phenomena studied.

tension, and disturbed sleep. Also called systems theory.
generalized o t h e r in SYMBOLIC g e n e r a t i o n g a p the differences
INTERACTIONISM, the aggregation of in values, morals, attitudes, and be-
other people's viewpoints. It is dis- havior apparent between younger
tinguished from specific other and older people in a society. The
people and their individual views. term was first used with reference
to the burgeoning youth culture of
generalized seizure a seizure in the late 1960s. See also COHORT EF-
which abnormal electrical activity FECT.
involves the entire brain rather than
a specific focal area. The two most generative g r a m m a r an ap-
common forms are ABSENCE SEI- proach to linguistics whose goal is
ZURES and some TONIC-CLONIC to account for the infinite set of pos-
SEIZURES. sible grammatical sentences in a
language using a finite set of genera-
general l i n e a r model a large class tive rules. Unlike earlier inductive
of statistical techniques, including approaches that set out to describe
REGRESSION ANALYSIS, ANALYSIS OF and draw inferences about grammar
VARIANCE, and correlational analy- on the basis of a corpus of natural
sis, that describe the relationship language, the theories of generative
between a DEPENDENT VARIABLE and grammar developed by U.S. linguist
one or more INDEPENDENT VARI- Noam Chomsky (1928- ) in the
ABLES. Most statistical techniques 1950s and 1960s took for their basic
employed in the behavioral sciences data the intuitions of native speak-
can be subsumed under the general ers about what is and is not
linear model. grammatical. In taking this ap-
General Problem Solver a com- proach, Chomsky revolutionized the
puter program so named because its whole field of linguistics, effectively
approach to problem solving using redefining it as a branch of COGNI-
TIVE PSYCHOLOGY. Much research
to address many different problems in PSYCHOLINGUISTICS has since
and problem types. focused on whether the various
models suggested by generative
general systems t h e o r y an inter- grammar have psychological reality
disciplinary conceptual framework in the production and reception
that views an entity or phenomenon of language. See also PHRASE-
holistically as a set of elements in- STRUCTURE GRAMMAR; TRANSFOR-
teracting with one another (i.e., as a MATIONAL GENERATIVE GRAMMAR.
system), with the ultimate goal
being to identify and understand generativity versus s t a g n a t i o n
the principles applicable to all sys- the seventh stage of ERIKSON'S
tems. The impact of each element EIGHT STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT.
in a system depends on the role Generativity is the positive goal of
played by other elements in the middle adulthood, interpreted in
system and order arises from terms not only of procreation but
interaction among these elements. also of creativity and fulfilling one's
General systems theory was de- full parental and social responsibili-
signed to move beyond the ties toward the next generation, in
reductionistic and mechanistic contrast to a narrow interest in the
tradition in science (see RE- self, or self-absorption. Also called
DUCTIONISM) and integrate the generativity versus self-
fragmented approaches and dif- absorption.


gene t h e r a p y

gene t h e r a p y the insertion of seg- reproductive risks, and options for

ments of healthy DNA into human surveillance and screening related to
body cells to correct defective seg- diseases with potentially inherited
ments responsible for disease causes.
development. A carrier molecule genetic d e t e r m i n i s m the doc-
called a vector is used to deliver the trine that human and nonhuman
therapeutic gene to the patient's animal behavior and mental activity
target cells, restoring them to a nor- are largely (or completely) con-
mal state of producing properly trolled by the genetic constitution
functioning proteins. Though ex- of the individual and that responses
perimental, current gene therapy to environmental influences are for
holds significant promise as an ef- the most part innately determined.
fective treatment for a variety of See BIOLOGICAL DETERMINISM.
pathological conditions, including
neurodegenerative disorders. It is, genetic engineering techniques
however, not without its share of by which the genetic contents of
problems: (a) difficulties integrating living cells or vimses can be deliber-
therapeutic DNA into the genome ately altered, either by modifying
and the rapidly dividing nature of the existing genes or by introducing
many cells have prevented any long- novel material (e.g., a gene from
term benefits; (b) avoiding the stim- another species). This is under-
ulation of the immune system taken for many different reasons;
response to foreign objects; and for example, there have been at-
(c) conditions that arise from muta- tempts to modify defective human
tions in a single gene are the best body cells in the hope of treating
candidates for gene therapy, yet certain genetic diseases. However,
some the most commonly occurring considerable public concern focuses
disorders (e.g., heart disease, high on the effects and limits of genetic
blood pressure, Alzheimer's disease, engineering.
arthritis, diabetes) are caused by the
combined effects of variations in genetic epistemology a term used
many genes. Additionally, there are by Swiss child psychologist Jean
ethical, legal, and social concerns as- Piaget (1896-1980) to denote his
sociated with the practice. See also theoretical approach to and experi-
mental study of the development of
genetic code the instmctions in genetic psychology the study
genes that "tell" the cell how to of the development of mental
make specific proteins. The code re- functions in children and their
sides in the sequence of bases transformation across the life span.
occurring as constituents of DNA or In the 19th and early 20th centuries,
RNA. These bases are represented by the term was preferred over the
the letters A, T, G, and C (which synonymous DEVELOPMENTAL PSY-
stand for adenine, thymine, gua- CHOLOGY, although currently the
nine, and cytosine, respectively). In reverse is tme.
messenger RNA, uracil (U) replaces
genetics n. the branch of biology
thymine. Each unit of the code con-
that is concerned with the mecha-
sists of three consecutive bases. nisms and phenomena of heredity.
genetic counseling an interactive genitalia pl. n. the reproductive or-
method of educating a prospective gans of the male or female. The
parent about genetic risks, benefits male genitalia include the penis, tes-
and limitations of genetic testing, tes and related structures, prostate


gland, seminal vesicles, and g e n o t y p e - e n v i r o n m e n t effects

bulbourethral glands. The female the proposal that an individual's
genitalia consist of the vagina, GENOTYPE influences which envi-
uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, and ronments he or she encounters and
related structures. The external geni- the type of experiences he or she
talia comprise the vulva in females has.
and the penis and testicles in males.
Also called genitals. geometric illusion any misinter-
pretation by the visual system of a
g e n i t a l stage in psychoanalytic figure made of straight or curved
theory, the final stage of PSYCHO- lines. Examples of such illusions are
reached in puberty, when the ZOLLNER ILLUSION.
OEDIPUS COMPLEX has been fully g e o n II. see RECOGNITION BY COM-
resolved and erotic interest and ac- PONENTS THEORY.
tivity are focused on intercourse
with a sexual partner. Also called geriatrics n. the branch of medi-
genital phase. cine that deals with the diagnosis
and treatment of disorders in older
genius n. an extreme degree of in- adults, —geriatric adj.
tellectual or creative ability, or any
person who possesses such ability. g e r m cell any of the cells in the go-
Genius may be demonstrated by nads that give rise to the GAMETES
exceptional achievement, particu- by a process involving growth and
larly the creation of literary, artistic, MEIOSIS. See OOGENESIS;
or scientific masterpieces of extraor- SPERMATOGENESIS.
dinary power or inventiveness, or gerontology n. the scientific inter-
the production of insights or ideas disciplinary study of old age and the
of great originality. Although a aging process. —gerontological
fmstratingly vague definition, it adj. —gerontologist n.
is virtually impossible to provide a
more precise one, or even a defini- Gerstmann's syndrome a set
tive list of attributes, given that the of four symptoms associated with
term essentially is an acknowledg- lesions of a specific area of the
ment of what a person has done (usually left) PARIETAL LOBE. They
rather than a description of what a are inability to recognize one's
person is like. Additionally, genius is individual fingers, inability to dis-
seen to emerge as a joint product of tinguish between the right and left
heredity and environment and to re- sides of one's body, inability to per-
quire a great deal of very hard and form mathematical calculations,
dedicated work to achieve. and inability to write. The existence
of Gerstmann's syndrome as a true
genome n. all of the genetic mate- independent entity is subject to de-
rial contained in an organism or bate. [Josef G. Gerstmann (1887-
cell. Mapping of the estimated 1969), Austrian neurologist]
20,000-25,000 genes in human DNA
was one of several goals of the gestalt u. an entire perceptual con-
HUMAN GENOME PROJECT. figuration (from German: "shape,"
"form"), made up of elements that
genotype n. the genetic composi- are integrated and interactive in
tion of an individual organism as a such a way as to confer properties
whole or at one or more specific po- on the whole configuration that are
sitions on a chromosome. Compare not possessed by the individual ele-
PHENOTYPE. —genotypic adj. ments.

gestalt principles of o r g a n i z a t i o n

gestalt principles of organiza- gestation n. the development of

t i o n principles of perception, the embryo and fetus in the utems
derived by the Gestalt psychologists, until birth, —gestational adj.
that describe the tendency to
perceive and interpret certain con- gesture 11.1. a movement, such as
figurations at the level of the whole, the waving of a hand, that commu-
rather than in terms of their compo- nicates a particular meaning or
nent features. Examples include indicates the individual's emotional
state or attitude. 2. a statement or
and PRAGNANZ. Also called gestalt act, usually symbolic, that is in-
laws of organization. tended to influence the attitudes of
others (as in a gesture ofgoodwill).
—gestural adj.
Gestalt psychology a psychologi-
cal approach that focuses on the g h r e l i n n. a peptide secreted by en-
dynamic organization of experience docrine cells in the stomach that
into patterns or configurations. This binds to growth hormone receptors
view was espoused in the early in the hypothalamus and anterior
20th century as a revolt against pituitary, stimulating appetite and
STRUCTURALISM, which analyzed the release of growth hormone.
experience into static, atomistic sen-
sations, and also against the equally giftedness n. the state of possess-
atomistic approach of BEHAVIORISM, ing a great amount of natural
which attempted to dissect complex ability, talent, or intelligence, which
behavior into elementary condi- usually becomes evident at a very
tioned reflexes. Gestalt psychology young age. Giftedness in intelli-
holds, instead, that experience is an gence is often categorized as an IQ of
organized whole of which the pieces two standard deviations above the
are an integral part. Later experi- mean or higher (130 for most IQ
mentation in this approach gave tests). Many schools and service or-
rise to principles of perceptual ganizations now use a combination
organization (including CLOSURE, of attributes as the basis for assess-
PRAGNANZ, and PROXIMITY), which ing giftedness, including one or
were then applied to the study of more of the following: high intel-
learning, insight, memory, sodal lectual capacity, academic achieve-
psychology, and art. ment, demonstrable real-world
achievement, creativity, task com-
gestalt t h e r a p y a form of PSYCHO- mitment, proven talent, leadership
THERAPY in which the central focus skills, and physical or athletic prow-
is on the totality of the client's func- ess, —gifted adj.
tioning and relationships in the here g l a n d w. an organ that secretes a
and now, rather than on investiga-
tion of past experiences and develop- substance for use by or discharge
mental history. One of the themes is from the body, EXOCRINE GLANDS
release their products through a
that growth occurs by assimilation duct onto internal or external bodily
of what is needed from the environ- surfaces, whereas ENDOCRINE
ment and that psychopathology
arises as a disturbance of contad with GLANDS are ductless and secrete
the environment. Gestalt techniques, their products directly into the
which can be applied in either a
group or an individual setting, are glass ceiling an unofficial, intangi-
designed to bring out spontaneous ble barrier that prevents able and
feelings and self-awareness and pro- ambitious individuals, particularly
mote personality growth. women and members of minority

glucostatic t h e o r y

groups, from rising to positions of and occasionally in schizophrenia.

authority in many organizations. See also NEOLOGISM.
glaucoma u. a common eye disease glossopharyngeal nerve the
marked by raised pressure inside ninth CRANIAL NERVE, which sup-
one or both eyes, causing progres- plies the pharynx, soft palate, and
sive peripheral visual field loss. If posterior third of the tongue, in-
untreated, glaucoma results in se- cluding the taste buds of that
vere visual impairment and portion. It contains both motor and
ultimately blindness. sensory fibers and is involved in
swallowing and conveying taste in-
glia u. nonneuronal tissue in the formation.
nervous system that provides struc-
tural, nutritional, and other kinds of glucagon n. a polypeptide hor-
support to neurons. It may consist mone, secreted by the A cells of the
of very small cells (MICROGLIA) or ISLETS OF LANGERHANS, that in-
relatively large ones (MACROGLIA). creases the concentration of glucose
The latter include ASTROCYTES, in the blood. It opposes the effects
cells of the EPENDYMA, and the two of INSULIN by promoting the break-
types of cells that form the MYELIN down of glycogen and fat reserves to
SHEATH around axons: OLIGO- yield glucose.
DENDROCYTES in the central
nervous system and SCHWANN glucocorticoid u. any CORTI-
CELLS in the peripheral nervous COSTEROID hormone that acts
system. Also called neuroglia, chiefly on carbohydrate metabolism.
—glial adj. An example is CORTISOL.

glioma u. a form of brain tumor glucoreceptor n. any of certain

that develops from support cells cells in the HYPOTHALAMUS that
(GLIA) of the central nervous system. bind glucose. Glucoreceptors are a
There are three main types, grouped putative mechanism for detecting
according to the form of support levels of circulating glucose and
cell involved: astrocytoma (from conveying this information to brain
ASTROCYTES), ependymoma (from areas.
EPENDYMA), and oligodendroglioma
glucose u. a soluble sugar, abun-
dant in nature, that is a major
is the most common type of brain
source of energy for body tissues.
cancer and accounts for about a
The brain relies almost exclusively
quarter of spinal cord tumors. Also on glucose for its energy needs. Glu-
called neuroglioma. cose is derived from the breakdown
globus pallidus one of the BASAL of carbohydrates, proteins, and—to
GANGLIA. It is the main output re- a much lesser extent—fats. Its con-
gion of the basal ganglia: Its output centration in the bloodstream is
neurons terminate on thalamic neu- tightly controlled by the opposing
rons, which in turn project to the actions of the hormones INSULIN
cerebral cortex. and GLUCAGON.

glossolalia n. unintelligible utter- glucostatic t h e o r y the theory

ances that simulate coherent speech, that short-term regulation of food
which may have meaning to the intake is governed by the rate of glu-
utterer but do not to the listener. cose metabolism (i.e., utilization),
Glossolalia is found in religious ec- rather than by overall blood levels
stasy ("speaking in tongues"), of glucose. See also LIPOSTATIC HY-
hypnotic or mediumistic trances, POTHESIS.


g l u t a m a t e n. a salt or ester of the the spinal cord), the other being

amino acid glutamic acid that serves GAMMA-AMINOBUTYRIC ACID
as the predominant excitatory NEU- (GABA).
ROTRANSMITTER in the brain.
Glutamate exerts its effects by bind- GnRH abbreviation for GONADO-
neurons and plays a critical role in goal s e t t i n g a process that estab-
cognitive, motor, and sensory func- lishes spedfic, time-based behavior
tions. targets that are measurable, achiev-
able, and realistic. In work-related
g l u t a m a t e hypothesis the theory settings, for example, this practice
that decreased activity of the excit- usually provides employees with
atory neurotransmitter glutamate
both (a) a basis for motivation, in
is responsible for the clinical
terms of effort expended, and (b)
expression of schizophrenia. The
guidelines or cues to behavior that
hypothesis developed from observa- will be required if the goal is to be
tions that administration of NMDA met.
receptor antagonists, such as PCP
(phencyclidine), produce psychotic Golgi a p p a r a t u s an irregular net-
symptoms in humans and is sup- work of membranes and vesicles
ported by a number of recent within a cell that is responsible for
studies. See also DOPAMINE HYPOTH- modifying, sorting, and packaging
ESIS. proteins produced within the cell.
[Camillo Golgi (1843-1926), Italian
g l u t a m a t e receptor any of vari-
ous receptors that bind and respond
to the excitatory neurotransmitter Golgi t e n d o n o r g a n a receptor in
glutamate. There are two main divi- muscle tendons that sends impulses
sions of glutamate receptors: the to the central nervous system when
IONOTROPIC RECEPTORS and the a muscle contracts. [Camillo Golgi]
Ionotropic glutamate receptors are g o n a d n. either of the primary male
further divided into three classes: and female sex organs, that is, the
TESTIS or the OVARY, —gonadal
NMDA receptors (binding NMDA as
well as glutamate), AMPA receptors adj.
(binding AMPA as well as gluta- g o n a d o t r o p i n n. any of several
mate), and kainate receptors hormones produced primarily by
(binding kainic add as well as gluta- the anterior pituitary gland that
mate). Metabotropic glutamate stimulate functions of the gonads,
receptors (mGlu or mGluR) are sub- particularly FOLLICLE-STIMULATING
divided into several classes denoted HORMONE and LUTEINIZING HOR-
by subscript numbers (i.e., mGlUj, MONE, —gonadotropic adj.
mGlu2, etc.).
gonadotropin-releasing hor-
g l u t a m a t e r g i c adj. responding to, m o n e (GnRH) a hormone secreted
releasing, or otherwise involving by neurons of the hypothalamus
GLUTAMATE. For example, a that controls the release of
glutamatergic neuron is one that LUTEINIZING HORMONE and
uses glutamate as a neurotransmit- FOLLICLE-STIMULATING HORMONE
ter. Also called glutaminergic. from the anterior pituitary gland.
glycine n. an AMINO ACID that good c o n t i n u a t i o n one of the
serves as one of the two major in-
hibitory neurotransmitters in the
central nervous system (particularly TION. It states that people tend to
perceive objects in alignment as

forming smooth, unbroken con- tition. GRIT is usually recommended

tours. For example, when two lines when disputants have a prolonged
meet in a figure the preferred inter- histoiy of conflict, misunderstand-
pretation is of two continuous lines: ing, misperception, and hostility.
a cross is interpreted as a vertical
line and a horizontal line, rather g r a m m a r n. in linguistics, an ab-
than two right angles meeting at stract system of rules that describes
their vertices. Also called l a w of how a language works. Although it
continuity; l a w of good contin- is traditionally held to consist of
uation; principle of continuity; SYNTAX (mles for arranging words in
principle of good c o n t i n u a t i o n . sentences) and MORPHOLOGY (mles
affecting the form taken by individ-
goodness of fit any index that re- ual words), PHONOLOGY and
flects the degree to which values SEMANTICS are also included in
predicted by a model agree with em- some modern systems of grammar.
pirically observed values. —grammatical adj.

G p r o t e i n any of a dass of proteins g r a n d m a l see TONIC-CLONIC SEI-

that are coupled to the intracellular ZURE.
portion of a type of membrane g r a n d m e a n a mean (numerical
RECEPTOR (C-protein-coupled re- average) of a group of means.
ceptors) and are activated when
the receptor binds an appropriate g r a n d m o t h e r cell any hypotheti-
ligand (e.g., a neurotransmitter) on cal neuron in the visual system that
the extracellular surface. G proteins is stimulated only by a single highly
thus have a role in signal trans- complex and meaningful stimulus,
duction, serving to transmit the such as a particular individual (e.g.,
signal from the receptor to other cell one's grandmother) or a particular
components (e.g., ion channels) in well-known object (e.g., the Sydney
various ways, for example by con- Opera House). It is an extension of
trolling the synthesis of SECOND the FEATURE DETECTOR concept to a
MESSENGERS within the cell. degree that has been dismissed by
many as overly simplistic and un-
g r a d e d p o t e n t i a l any change in tenable, although recent research
electric potential of a neuron that is has provided support for the con-
not propagated along the cell (as is cept by revealing a much higher
an ACTION POTENTIAL) but declines degree of neuronal specificity than
with distance from the source, RE- previously believed.
CEPTOR POTENTIALS are an example.
g r a n u l e cell a type of small,
g r a d i e n t n. 1. the slope of a line or grainlike neuron found in certain
surface. 2. a measure of the change layers of the cerebral cortex and cer-
of a physical quantity (e.g., tem- ebellar cortex.
perature) or other property (e.g.,
strength ofa DRIVE). g r a n u l o c y t e see LEUKOCYTE.

g r a d u a t e d a n d reciprocated g r a p h n. a visual representation of

initiatives i n tension r e d u c t i o n the relationship between numbers
(GRIT) an approach to intergroup or quantities, which are plotted on a
conflict reduction that encourages drawing with reference to axes at
the parties to communicate coopera- right angles (the horizontal ^-axis
tive intentions, engage in behaviors and the vertical y-axis) and linked
that are consistent with these inten- by lines, dots, or the like.
tions, and initiate cooperative g r a p h e m e n. a minimal meaning-
responses even in the face of compe- ful unit in the writing system of a


particular language. It is usually a GRIEF). Grief often includes physio-

letter or fixed combination of letters logical distress, anxiety about being
corresponding to a PHONEME in that separated from the person, confu-
language, —graphemic adj. sion, yearning, obsessive dwelling
on the past, and apprehension
graphology n. the study of the about the future.
physical characteristics of handwrit-
ing, particularly as a means of grief counseling the provision of
inferring the writer's psychological advice, information, and psycholog-
state or personality characteristics. ical support to help individuals
For example, it is sometimes used in whose ability to function has been
personnel selection as a predictor of impaired by someone's death, par-
job performance. Graphology is ticularly that of a loved one or
based on the premise that writing is friend. It includes counseling for the
a form of expressive behavior, al- grieving process and practical advice
though there is little empirical concerning arrangements for the fu-
evidence for its validity. Also called neral and burial of the loved one.
h a n d w r i t i n g analysis. —gra- Grief counseling is sometimes of-
phological adj. —graphologist n. fered by staff in specialized agencies
(e.g., hospices) or it may be carried
g r a s p reflex an involuntary grasp- out in the context of other counsel-
ing by an individual of anything ing.
that touches the palm. This reflex is
typical of infants but in older indi- griefwork n. the theoretical pro-
viduals it may be a sign of FRONTAL cess through which bereaved people
LOBE damage. gradually reduce or transform their
emotional connection to the person
gray m a t t e r any area of neural tis- who has died and thereby refocus
sue that is dominated by CELL appropriately on their own ongoing
BODIES and is devoid of myelin, lives. It is not necessary to sever all
such as the CEREBRAL CORTEX. Com- emotional connections with the
pare WHITE MATTER. dead person. Instead, adaptive
g r e a t m a n t h e o r y a view of politi- griefwork will help transform the re-
cal leadership and historical lationship symbolically, as a
causation that assumes that history continuing bond that provides a
is driven by a small number of ex- sense of meaning and value condu-
ceptional individuals with certain cive to forming new relationships.
innate characteristics that predis- GRIT acronym for GRADUATED AND
(spirit of the times) view of history, SION REDUCTION.
in contrast, supposes that history is
largely determined by economics, gross m o t o r describing activities
technological development, and a or skills that use large muscles to
broad spectmm of social influences. move the tmnk or limbs and control
posture to maintain balance. Exam-
grief «. the anguish experienced ples of gross motor skills include
after significant loss, usually the waving an arm, walking, hopping,
death of a beloved person. Grief is and mnning. Compare FINE MOTOR.
distinguished from, but a common
component of, the process of BE- g r o u n d n. the relatively homoge-
neous and indistinct background of
bereavements result in a strong grief FIGURE-GROUND perceptions.
response; nor is all grief given public g r o u n d e d theory a set of proce-
expression (see DISENFRANCHISED dures for the systematic analysis of

group therapy

unstructured qualitative data so as in a collective, such as a nation or

to derive by INDUCTION a theory race. This controversial idea assumes
that explains the observed phenom- that the group mind is greater than
ena. the sum of the psychological experi-
ences of the individuals and that it
g r o u p IJ. any collection or assem- can become so powerful that it can
blage, particularly of items or overwhelm the will of the individ-
individuals. For example, in social ual.
psychology the term refers to two or
more interdependent individuals g r o u p n o r m see SOCIAL NORM.
who influence one another through
social interactions that commonly g r o u p polarization the tendency
include stmctures involving roles for members of a group discussing
and norms, a degree of cohesive- an issue to move toward a more ex-
ness, and shared goals; in animal treme version of the positions they
behavior it refers to an organized held before the discussion began. As
collection of individuals that moves a result, the group as a whole tends
together or otherwise acts to achieve to respond in more extreme ways
some common goal (e.g., protection than one would expect given the
against predators) that would be less sentiments of the individual mem-
effectively achieved by individual bers prior to deliberation.
action; and in research it denotes a g r o u p process the interpersonal
collection of participants who all ex- component of a group session, in
perience the same experimental contrast to the content (such as de-
conditions and whose responses are cisions or information) generated
to be compared to the responses of during the session.
one or more other collections of re-
search participants. group-serving bias any one of a
number of cognitive tendencies that
g r o u p dynamics 1. the dynamic contribute to an overvaluing of
rather than static processes, opera- one's group, particularly the ten-
tions, and changes that occur within dency to credit the group for its
social groups, which affect patterns successes but to blame external fac-
of affiliation, communication, con- tors for its failures (the ultimate
flict, conformity, decision making, attribution error). Compare SELF-
influence, leadership, norm forma- SERVING BIAS.
tion, and power. 2. the field of
psychology devoted to the study of g r o u p socialization t h e o r y a
groups and group processes. theory of personality development
proposing that children are primar-
g r o u p i n g n. in statistics, the pro- ily socialized by their peers and that
cess of arranging scores in cat- the influences of parents and teach-
egories, intervals, classes, or ranks. ers are filtered through children's
peer groups. According to this the-
g r o u p interview a conference or ory, children seek to be like their
meeting in which one or more ques-
tioners elicit information from two peers rather than like their parents.
or more respondents. This method g r o u p test a test designed to be ad-
encourages the interviewees to inter- ministered to several individuals
act with one other in responding to simultaneously. Compare INDIVID-
the interviewer. UAL TEST.
g r o u p m i n d a hypothetical, tran- g r o u p t h e r a p y treatment of psy-
scendent consciousness created by chological problems in which two or
the fusion of the individual minds more participants interact with each


other on both an emotional and a g u i d i n g fiction a personal princi-

cognitive level, in the presence of ple that serves as a guideline by
one or more psychotherapists who which an individual can understand
serve as catalysts, facilitators, or in- and evaluate his or her experiences
terpreters. The approaches of groups and determine his or her lifestyle. In
vary, but in general they aim to pro- individuals considered to be in good
vide an environment in which or reasonable mental health, the
problems and concerns can be guiding fiction is assumed to ap-
shared in an atmosphere of mutual proach reality and be adaptive. In
respect and understanding. Group those who are not, it is assumed to
therapy seeks to enhance self- be largely unconscious, unrealistic,
respect, deepen self-understanding, and nonadaptive.
and improve interpersonal relation-
ships. Also called g r o u p psycho- guilt n. a SELF-CONSCIOUS EMOTION
therapy. Compare INDIVIDUAL characterized by a painful sense of
THERAPY. having done (or thought) something
that is wrong and often by a readi-
g r o u p t h i n k n. a strong concur- ness to take action designed to undo
rence-seeking tendency that or mitigate this wrong. —guilty adj.
interferes with effective group deci- guilty b u t m e n t a l l y ill a court
sion making. Symptoms include judgment that may be made in
apparent unanimity, illusions of some states when defendants plead
invulnerability and moral correct- INSANITY. Defendants found guilty
ness, biased perceptions of the but mentally ill are treated in a
OUTGROUP, interpersonal pressure, mental hospital until their mental
self-censorship, and defective deci- health is restored; they then serve
sion-making strategies. the remainder of their sentence in
g r o w t h s p u r t any period of accel- the appropriate correctional facility.
erated physical development, g u s t a t i o n n. the sense of taste.
especially the pubescent growth —gustatory adj.
g u s t a t o r y system the primary
GSR abbreviation for GALVANIC structures and processes involved in
SKIN RESPONSE. an organism's detection of and re-
guided p a r t i c i p a t i o n a process in sponses to taste stimuli. The
which the influences of social part- gustatory system includes lingual
ners and sociocultural practices PAPILLAE, TASTE BUDS and TASTE
combine in various ways to provide CELLS, taste TRANSDUCTION, neural
children and other learners with di- impulses and pathways, and associ-
rection and support, while the ated brain areas and their functions
learners themselves also shape their (see PRIMARY TASTE CORTEX; SEC-
learning engagements. It occurs not ONDARY TASTE CORTEX; SOLITARY
only during explicit instmction but NUCLEUS).
also during routine activities and gyrus n. (pl. gyri) a ridged or raised
communication of everyday life. See portion of the cerebral cortex,
SOCIOCULTURAL PERSPECTIVE. bounded on either side by a SULCUS.

H,, symbol for NULL HYPOTHESIS. stmcture to the cochlear hair cells.
They are located in the inner ear
H! symbol for ALTERNATIVE HY- within the ampullae of the SEMICIR-
POTHESIS. CULAR CANALS (forming part of the
h a b i l i t a t i o n n. the process of en- CRISTA) and within the SACCULE
hancing the independence, well- and UTRICLE (forming part of the
being, and level of functioning of an MACULA).
individual with a disability or disorder half-life (symbol: ty) n. in
by providing appropriate resources, pharmacokinetics, the time neces-
such as treatment or training, to en- sary for the concentration in the
able that person to develop skills blood of an administered dmg to fall
and abilities he or she had not had by 50%. Clinically, half-life varies
the opportunity to acquire previ- among individuals as a result of age,
ously. Compare REHABILITATION. disease states, or concurrent admin-
h a b i t n. a well-learned behavior istration of other dmgs.
that is relatively situation-specific halfway house a transitional liv-
and over time has become motor- ing arrangement for people, such as
ically reflexive and independent of individuals recovering from alcohol
motivational or cognitive influence, or substance abuse, who have com-
that is, it is performed with little or pleted treatment at a hospital or
no conscious intent, —habitual adj. rehabilitation center but still require
h a b i t u a t i o n n. 1. the weakening support to assist them in restmctur-
of a response to a stimulus, or the ing their lives.
diminished effectiveness of a stimu- h a l l u c i n a t i o n n. a false sensory
lus, following repeated exposure to perception that has a compelling
the stimulus. Compare DISHABITU- sense of reality despite the absence
ATION. 2. the process of becoming of an extemal stimulus. It may affect
psychologically dependent on the any of the senses, but AUDITORY
use of a particular dmg, such as HALLUCINATIONS and VISUAL HAL-
cocaine, but without the increas- LUCINATIONS are most common.
ing tolerance and physiological Hallucination is typically a symp-
dependence that are characteristic tom of a PSYCHOTIC DISORDER,
of addiction. particularly schizophrenia, but also
may result from substance use, neu-
h a i r cell 1. any of the sensory re- rological abnormalities, and other
ceptors for hearing, located in the conditions. It is important to dis-
ORGAN OF CORTI within the cochlea tinguish hallucinations from
of the inner ear. They respond to vi- ILLUSIONS, which are misinterpre-
brations of the BASILAR MEMBRANE
tations of real sensory stimuli.
via movement of fine hairlike pro-
cesses (stereocilia) that protrude hallucinogen n. a substance capa-
from the cells. 2. any of the sensory ble of producing a sensory effect
receptors for balance, similar in (visual, auditory, olfactory, gusta-


tory, or tactile) in the absence of an fusion of the haploid sex cells fol-
actual stimulus. Because they pro- lowing fertilization restores the
duce alterations in perception, normal DIPLOID condition of body
cognition, and mood, hallucinogens cells, in which the chromosomes
are also called psychedelic drugs occur in pairs. Hence for humans,
(from the Greek, meaning "mind- the haploid number is 23 chromo-
manifesting"), —hallucinogenic somes, that is, half the full
adj. complement of 46 chromosomes.
hallucinosis n. a pathological con- happiness n. an emotion of joy,
dition characterized by prominent gladness, satisfaction, and well-
and persistent hallucinations with- being, —happy adj.
out alterations of consciousness,
h a p t i c adj. relating to the sense of
particularly when due to the direct
touch or contact and the cutaneous
physiological effects of a substance sensory system in general. It typi-
or associated with neurological fac- cally refers to active touch, in which
tors. the individual intentionally seeks
h a l o effect the tendency for a gen- sensory stimulation, moving the
eral evaluation of a person, or an limbs to gain information about an
evaluation of a person on a specific object or surface.
dimension, to be used as a basis for
judgments of that person on other h a r d d e t e r m i n i s m the doctrine
specific dimensions. For example, a that human actions and choices are
person who is generally liked might causally determined by forces and
be judged as more intelligent, com- influences over which a person exer-
petent, and honest than a person cises no meaningful influence. The
who is generally disliked. term can also be applied to nonhu-
man events, implying that all things
handedness n. the consistent use must be as they are and could not
of one hand rather than the other in possibly be otherwise. Compare
performing certain tasks. SOFT DETERMINISM. See DETERMIN-
h a n d i c a p u. any disadvantage or
characteristic that limits or prevents hardiness n. an ability to adapt
a person from performing various easily to unexpected changes com-
physical, cognitive, or social tasks or bined with a sense of purpose in
from fulfilling particular roles daily life and of personal control
within society. For example, a over what occurs in one's life. Hardi-
nonaccessible building entry or exit ness dampens the effects of a
for a person in a wheelchair would stressful situation through informa-
be considered a handicap, as would tion gathering, decisive actions, and
the person's inability to walk. The learning from the experience.
term generally is considered pejora- —hardy adj.
tive nowadays and its use has fallen
into disfavor. See also DISABILITY. h a r m o n i c m e a n a measure of
—handicapped adj. CENTRAL TENDENCY. It is computed
for 11 scores as tt/X(l/x1), that is, u di-
h a n d w r i t i n g analysis see GRA- vided by l/x 1 + 1/A!2 + ...l/x n .
h a r m r e d u c t i o n a theoretical ap-
h a p l o i d adj. describing a nucleus, proach in programs designed to
cell, or organism that possesses only reduce the adverse effects of risky
one representative of each chromo- behaviors (e.g., alcohol use, dmg
some, as in a sperm or egg cell. In use, indiscriminate sexual activity),
most organisms, including humans, rather than to eliminate the behav-


iors altogether. Programs focused tween behavioral, cognitive, psy-

on alcohol use, for example, do not chophysiological, and social and
advocate abstinence but attempt in- environmental factors and the es-
stead to teach people to anticipate tablishment, maintenance, and
the hazards of heavy drinking and detriment of health; (b) the integra-
learn to drink safely. tion of psychological and biological
research findings in the design of
hashish n. the most potent CANNA- empirically based interventions for
BIS preparation. It contains the the prevention and treatment of ill-
highest concentration of delta-9- ness; and (c) the evaluation of
TETRAHYDROCANNABINOL (THC) be- physical and psychological status
cause it consists largely of pure resin before, during, and after medical
from one of the spedes of the Can- and psychological treatment.
nabis plant from which it is derived.
h e a r i n g loss the inability to hear a
H a w t h o r n e effect the effect on normal range of tone frequencies, a
the behavior of individuals of know-
ing that they are being observed or normally perceived level of sound
are taking part in research. The intensity, or both.
Hawthorne effect is typically posi- Hebbian synapse a junction be-
tive and is named after the Western tween neurons that is strengthened
Electric Company's Hawthorne when activity in the axon of the
Works plant in Cicero, Illinois, presynaptic (transmitting) neuron
where the phenomenon was first results in simultaneous adivity in
observed during a series of studies the postsynaptic (receiving) neuron.
on worker productivity conducted See DUAL TRACE HYPOTHESIS. [Don-
from 1924 to 1932. These Haw- ald O. Hebb (1904-1985), Canadian
thorne Studies began as an psychologist]
investigation of the effects of illumi-
nation conditions, monetary h e b e p h r e n i a n. see DISORGANIZED
incentives, and rest breaks on pro- SCHIZOPHRENIA.
ductivity, but evolved into a much hedonics n. the branch of psychol-
wider consideration of the role of ogy concerned with the study of
worker attitudes, supervisory style, pleasant and unpleasant sensations
and GROUP DYNAMICS. and thoughts, especially in terms of
their role in human motivation.
HD abbreviation for HUNTINGTON'S
DISEASE. h e d o n i s m n. 1. in philosophy, the
doctrine that pleasure is an intrinsic
health-belief model a model good and the proper goal of all
that identifies the relationships of human action. One of the funda-
the following to the likelihood of mental questions of ethics has been
taking preventive health action: whether pleasure can or should be
(a) individual perceptions about equated with the good in this way.
susceptibility to and seriousness of 2. in psychology, any theory that
a disease, (b) sociodemographic suggests that pleasure and the avoid-
variables, (c) environmental cues, ance of pain are the only or the
and (d) perceptions of the benefits major motivating forces in human
and costs. behavior. Hedonism is a founda-
h e a l t h m a i n t e n a n c e organiza- tional principle in psychoanalysis,
tion see HMO. in behaviorism, and even in theories
that stress self-actualization and
h e a l t h psychology the subfield of need-fulfillment, —hedonistic adj.
psychology that focuses on (a) the
examination of the relations be- h e l p i n g a type of PROSOCIAL be-

helplessness t h e o r y

havior that involves one or more unique fashion and, in some cases,
individuals acting to improve the being stmcturally asymmetrical. Re-
status or well-being of another or searchers now prefer to speak of
others. Although typically in re- hemispheric lateralization or hemi-
sponse to a small request that spheric specialization for particular
involves little individual risk, all functions, rather than hemispheric
helping incurs some cost to the indi- or lateral DOMINANCE.
vidual providing it.
h e m o r r h a g e n. bleeding; any loss
helplessness t h e o r y the theory of blood from an artery or vein. A
that LEARNED HELPLESSNESS explains hemorrhage may be external, inter-
the development of or vulnerability nal, or within a tissue, such as the
to depression. According to this the- skin, —hemorrhagic adj.
ory, people repeatedly exposed to h e r e d i t a r i a n i s m u. the view that
stressful situations beyond their genetic inheritance is the major in-
control develop an inability to make fluence on behavior. Opposed to
decisions or engage effectively in this view is the belief that environ-
purposeful behavior. ment and learning account for the
h e m i a n o p i a n. loss of vision in major differences between people.
half of the visual field. Also called The question of heredity versus en-
hemianopsia. —hemianopic adj. vironment or "nature versus
—hemianoptic adj. nurture" continues to be contro-
versial, especially as it applies to
hemiplegia n. complete paralysis human intelligence. See GENETIC
that affects one side of the body. DETERMINISM; NATURE-NURTURE.
—hemiplegic adj. —hereditarian adj.
h e m i s p h e r e n. either of the sym- h e r e d i t y n. the transmission of
metrical halves of the cerebrum (see traits from parents to their offspring.
CEREBRAL HEMISPHERE) or the CE- Study of the mechanisms and laws
REBELLUM, —hemispheric or of heredity is the basis of the science
hemispherical adj. of GENETICS. Heredity depends upon
hemispherectomy n. surgical re- the character of the genes contained
moval of either one of the cerebral in the parents' CHROMOSOMES,
hemispheres of the brain. which in turn depends on the par-
ticular GENETIC CODE carried by the
hemispheric a s y m m e t r y the idea DNA of which the chromosomes are
that the two cerebral hemispheres of composed.
the brain are not identical but differ
in size, shape, and function. The B e r i n g t h e o r y of color vision a
functions that display the most pro- theory of color vision postulating
nounced asymmetry are language that there are three sets of receptors,
one of which is sensitive to white
processing in the left hemisphere
and black, another to red and green,
and visuospatial processing in the and the third to yellow and blue.
right hemisphere. The breaking down (catabolism) of
hemispheric lateralization the these substances is supposed to yield
processes whereby some functions, one member of these pairs (white,
such as HANDEDNESS or language, red, or yellow), while the building
are controlled or influenced more by up (anabolism) of the same sub-
one cerebral hemisphere than the stances yields the other (black,
other and each hemisphere is spe- green, or blue). See OPPONENT PRO-
cialized for particular ways of CESS THEORY OF COLOR VISION,
working, managing information in a [proposed in 1875 by German physi-

h e t e r o n o m o u s stage

ologist and psychologist Ewald pression is the subject of interpreta-

Hering (1834-1918)] tion. In the second, more radical,
strain of hermeneutics, the project
h e r i t a b i l i t y u. an estimate of the of interpretation was expanded to
contribution of inheritance to a include the human being itself. This
given trait or fundion. Heritabilities suggests that all human behavior
can range from 0, indicating no con-
can be understood as meaningful
tribution of heritable factors, to 1,
indicating total contribution of heri- expression, much as one would
table factors. The heritability of understand a written text. This
intelligence is believed to be roughly move has given rise to a broad
.5, for example. Heritability is not movement within philosophy, psy-
the same as genetic contribution, chology, and literary criticism in
because heritability is sensitive only which richness of interpretation is
to sources of individual differences. considered more valuable than con-
Moreover, a trait can be heritable sistent methodology or arriving
and yet modifiable. at the "correct" interpretation.
This type of hermeneutics has
heritage n. any traditions or other informed other contemporary
immaterial attributes passed from movements, notably EXISTENTIAL-
preceding to successive generations. ISM, POSTMODERNISM, and
Heritage may be cultural, encom- POSTSTRUCTURALISM. —herme-
passing the customs, language, n e u t i c adj.
values, and skills that help to main-
tain a particular group's sense of h e r o i n n. a highly addictive OPIOID
identity, or social, encompassing that is a synthetic analog of MOR-
learned interpersonal behaviors PHINE and three times more potent.
(e.g., shaking hands when greeting Its rapid onset of action leads to an
others, giving gifts on particular oc- intense initial high, followed by a
casions). period of euphoria and a sense of
h e r m a p h r o d i t i s m n. the condi-
tion of possessing both male and h e r t z (symbol: Hz) n. the unit of
female sex organs (in humans, for FREQUENCY equal to one cycle per
example, possessing both ovarian second. [Heinrich Rudolf Hertz
and testicular tissue). Hermaph- (1857-1894), German physicist]
roditism is very rare and should not Heschl's gyrus one of several
be confused with the more common transverse ridges on the upper side
pseudohermaphroditism, in which of the TEMPORAL LOBE of the brain
the gonads are of one sex but the ex- that are associated with the sense of
ternal genitalia are either ambiguous hearing. [Richard Heschl (1824-
or of the opposite sex. See also 1881), Austrian pathologist who first
INTERSEXUALITY. — h e r m a p h r o - traced the auditory pathways of hu-
dite n. mans to this convolution]
hermeneutics n. the theory heterogeneity of variance the
or science of interpretation. Her- situation in which populations or
meneutics is concerned with the CELLS in a experimental design have
ways in which humans derive mean- unequal variances. Compare HOMO-
ing from language or other symbolic GENEITY OF VARIANCE.
expression. Two main strains of her-
meneutic thought have developed. heterogeneous adj. composed of
In the first, a key concept is the diverse elements. Compare HOMO-
need to gain insight into the mind GENEOUS.
of the person or people whose ex- h e t e r o n o m o u s stage in the the-


ory of moral development ex- merits of attitude-relevant infor-

pounded by Swiss psychologist Jean mation in the message. Heuristic
Piaget (1896-1980), the stage at processing involves the use of a
which the child, approximately 6 to subset of infoimation in the mes-
10 years of age, equates morality sage as a basis for implementing a
with the mles and principles of his simple decision rule to determine
or her parents and other authority if the message should be accepted
figures. That is, the child evaluates (e.g., judging a message to be valid
the Tightness or wrongness of an because its source is highly cred-
act only in terms of adult sanctions ible).
for or against it and of the conse-
quences or possible punishment it h i d d e n observer the phenome-
may bring. Also called heterono- non whereby highly hypnotizable
m o u s morality. See also IMMA- people (see HYPNOTIC SUSCEPTIBIL-
NENT JUSTICE; MORAL ABSOLUTISM; ITY) who are asked to block certain
MORAL REALISM. Compare AUTONO- stimuli (e.g., pain) can sometimes
MOUS STAGE; PREMORAL STAGE. register the blocked pain or other
sensation via hand signals, as if a
h e t e r o p h i l y n. any tendency for dissociated observer is simulta-
individuals who differ from one an- neously taking part in events that
other in some way to make sodal are disavowed by the dominant ob-
connections. It is less common than server. Such individuals can later
HOMOPHILY. recall auditory, visual, or tactile
stimuli to which they appeared
heteroscedasticity n. the situa- oblivious at the time.
tion in which Var(Y\X) is not the
same for all values of X, that is, the h i e r a r c h y n. a clear ordering of
variance in Y is a function of the phenomena on some dimension,
variable X. Compare HOMOSCEDAS- such as a DOMINANCE HIERARCHY.
TICITY. —heteroscedastic adj.
h i e r a r c h y of motives (hierar-
heterosexuality n. sexual attrac- chy of needs) see MASLOW'S
tion to or activity between members MOTIVATIONAL HIERARCHY.
of the opposite sex. Compare HO- h i g h e r m e n t a l process any of the
MOSEXUALITY, —heterosexual adj.
more complex types of cognition,
heterozygous adj. see ALLELE. such as thinking, judgment, imagi-
—heterozygote n. nation, memory, and language.
heuristic u. a strategy for solving a h i g h e r o r d e r c o n d i t i o n i n g in
problem or making a decision that PAVLOVIAN CONDITIONING, a proce-
provides an efficient means of find- dure in which the CONDITIONED
ing an answer but cannot guarantee STIMULUS of one experiment acts as
a correct outcome. By contrast, an the UNCONDITIONED STIMULUS of
ALGORITHM guarantees a solution to another, for the purpose of condi-
a problem (if there is one) but may tioning a NEUTRAL STIMULUS. For
be much less efficient. See also example, after pairing a tone with
AVAILABILITY HEURISTIC; REPRESEN- food, and establishing the tone as a
TATIVENESS HEURISTIC. conditioned stimulus that elicits sal-
ivation, a light could be paired with
heuristic-systematic m o d e l a the tone. If the light alone comes to
theory of persuasion postulating elicit salivation, then higher order
that the validity of a persuasive conditioning has occurred.
message can be assessed in two dif-
ferent ways. Systematic processing h i g h e r o r d e r i n t e r a c t i o n in the
involves the careful scmtiny of the ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE, the joint ef-


feet of three or more independent would represent the dollar amount

variables on the dependent variable. of debt.
h i g h risk significantly heightened histology n. the scientific study of
vulnerability to a disorder or disease. the structure and function of tissues.
An individual's risk status is influ- —histological adj. —histologist
enced by genetic, physical, and n.
behavioral factors or conditions. For histrionic personality disorder
example, children of a parent with a personality disorder characterized
bipolar disorder have a much greater by a pattern of long-term (rather
risk of developing the disorder than than episodic) self-dramatization in
other children, and individuals who which individuals draw attention to
engage in unprotected sex are at themselves, crave activity and ex-
high risk of contracting HIV and
citement, overreact to minor events,
other sexually transmitted diseases.
experience angry outbursts, and are
h i n d b r a i n n. the posterior of three prone to manipulative suicide
bulges that appear in the embryonic threats and gestures.
brain as it develops from the NEU- HIV human immunodeficiency
RAL TUBE. The bulge eventually vims: a parasitic agent in blood,
becomes the MEDULLA OBLONGATA, semen, and vaginal fluid that de-
PONS, and CEREBELLUM. Also called stroys a class of lymphocytes with a
rhombencephalon. crucial role in the immune response.
HIV infection can occur by various
h i n d s i g h t bias the tendency, after routes—unprotected sexual in-
an event has occurred, to overesti- tercourse, administration of
mate the extent to which the contaminated blood products, shar-
outcome could have been foreseen. ing of contaminated needles and
h i n g e n. either of the scores in a syringes by intravenous dmg users,
batch of data that divide the lower or transmission from an infected
25% of cases (the lower hinge) and mother to her child in utero or
the upper 25% of cases (the upper through breast feeding—and is char-
hinge) from the remainder of the acterized by a gradual deterioration
cases. of immune function that can prog-
ress to AIDS.
h i p p o c a m p u s n. (pl. hippo-
campi) a seahorse-shaped part of HIV d e m e n t i a see AIDS DEMENTIA
the forebrain, in the basal medial re- COMPLEX.
gion of the TEMPORAL LOBE, that is HMO health maintenance
important for DECLARATIVE MEM- organization: a health plan that of-
ORY and learning. —hippocampal fers a range of services through a
adj. specified network of health profes-
sionals and facilities to subscribing
h i s t o g r a m n. a graphical depiction members for a fixed fee. Members
of continuous data using bars of select a PRIMARY CARE provider who
varying height, similar to a BAR coordinates all care and is required
GRAPH but with blocks on the x-axis to use approved providers for all
adjoining one another so as to de- services. The HMO is reimbursed
note their continuous nature. For through fixed, periodic prepayments
example, to show the average credit (capitated rates) by, or on behalf of,
card debt of individuals by age, bars each member for a specified period
along the x-axis would represent age of time.
and would be connected to one an-
other, while the heights of the bars holism n. any approach or theory



holding that a system or organism is greatest activity occurs is known as

a coherent, unified whole that can- the core area.
not be fully explained in terms of
h o m i n g n. the ability of organisms
individual parts or characteristics.
to return to an original home after
The system or organism may have traveling or being transported to a
properties, as a complete entity or point that is a considerable distance
phenomenon, in addition to those from the home and that lacks most
of its parts. Thus, an analysis or un- visual clues as to its location.
derstanding of the parts does not
provide an understanding of the homogeneity of variance the
whole, —holistic adj. condition in which multiple popula-
tions, or CELLS in an experimental
holophrase n. one of the single- design, have the same variance: a
word utterances characteristic of basic assumption of many statistical
children in the early stages of LAN- procedures. Compare HETEROGENE-
yes. These are considered to involve
a SPEECH ACT going beyond the lit- homogeneous adj. having the
eral meaning of the single word so same, or relatively similar, composi-
that, for example, biscuit means / tion throughout. Compare
want a biscuit now. —holophrastic HETEROGENEOUS.
adj. homologous adj. exhibiting resem-
blance in terms of structure,
h o l o p h r a s t i c stage see ONE-WORD location, or origin. For example,
STAGE. DIPLOID organisms, such as hu-
homeostasis n. the regulation by mans, possess homologous pairs of
an organism of all aspects of its in- chromosomes in the nuclei of their
ternal environment, including body body cells.
temperature, salt-water balance, h o m o p h i l y n. the tendency for in-
acid-base balance, and blood sugar dividuals who are socially connected
level. This involves monitoring in some way to display certain
changes in the external and internal affinities, such as similarities in
environments by means of RECEP- demographic background, attitudes,
TORS and adjusting bodily processes values, and so on. Compare
accordingly, —homeostatic adj. HETEROPHILY.

homeostatic model in social psy- h o m o p h o b i a n. dread or fear of

chology, a model that assumes that gay men and lesbians.
all people are motivated by the homoscedasticity n. the situation
homeostatic principle, that is, the in which Var(yiX) = Var(Y), that is,
need to maintain or restore their the variance of variable Y is unre-
optimal level of environmental, lated to the value of another
interpersonal, and psychological variable X. Homoscedasticity is a
stimulation. According to this basic assumption in some forms of
theory, insufficient or excessive REGRESSION ANALYSIS. Compare
stimulation causes tension and often HETEROSCEDASTICITY. —homo-
prompts the behavior required to scedastic adj.
achieve optimal stimulation levels.
homosexuality n. sexual attrac-
h o m e r a n g e the entire space tion or activity between members of
through which an animal moves the same sex. Although the term can
during its normal activities. The part refer to such sexual orientation in
of the home range in which the both men and women, current prac-


tice distinguishes between gay men h o r i z o n t a l cell see RETINAL HORI-

and lesbians, and homosexuality it- ZONTAL CELL.
self is now commonly referred to as
h o r i z o n t a l decalage in PIAGETIAN
same-sex sexual orientation or activ-
THEORY, the invariant order in
which accomplishments occur
—homosexual adj., n.
within a particular stage of de-
homozygous adj. see ALLELE. velopment. For example, an
—homozygote n. understanding of CONSERVATION
h o m u n c u l u s u. (pl. homunculi) of quantity is always achieved
1. a putative process or entity in the before understanding conservation
mind or the nervous system whose of weight. Compare VERTICAL
operations are invoked to explain DECALAGE.
some aspect of human behavior or h o r i z o n t a l p l a n e an imaginary
experience. The problem with such flat surface that divides the body or
theories is that the behavior or expe- brain into upper and lower parts.
rience of the homunculus usually
requires explanation in exactly the horizontal-vertical illusion the
same way as that of the person as a misperception that vertical lines are
whole. As a result, homunculus the- longer than horizontal lines when
ories tend to end in circular both are actually the same length.
reasoning or to involve an infinite The vertical element of an upper
regression of homunculi. For exam- case letter T, for example, looks lon-
ple, to explain its theory that certain ger than the cross bar, even when
ideas are kept from conscious aware- the lengths are identical.
ness because they are threatening to
the person, psychoanalysis must h o r m o n e n. a substance secreted
posit some specialized part of the into the bloodstream by an ENDO-
person that is aware of the ideas, CRINE GLAND or other tissue or
and knows that they are threaten- organ to regulate processes in dis-
ing. 2. in neuroanatomy, a tant target organs and tissues.
figurative representation, in dis- —hormonal adj.
torted human form, of the relative h o r m o n e replacement t h e r a p y
sizes of motor and sensory areas in (HRT) the administration of female
the brain that correspond to particu- sex hormones, typically estrogen
lar parts of the body. For example, and progesterone, to postmeno-
the brain area devoted to the tongue pausal women to relieve meno-
is much larger than the area for the pausal symptoms. Long-term use,
forearm, so the homunculus has a however, may increase the risk of
correspondingly larger tongue. breast cancer, cardiovascular disease,
— h o m u n c u l a r adj. stroke, and other conditions associ-
ated with the aging process.
honestly significant difference
(HSD) see TUKEY'S HONESTLY SIG- h o r o p t e r n. the location in space
NIFICANT DIFFERENCE TEST. occupied by points that fall on cor-
responding locations on the two
hopelessness n. the feeling that retinas.
one will not experience positive
emotions or an improvement in hospice n. a place or form of care
one's condition. Hopelessness is for terminally ill individuals, often
common in DEPRESSIVE DISORDERS those with life expectancies of less
and is often implicated in attempted than a year as determined by medi-
and completed suicides. —hopeless cal personnel. Instead of curing
adj. disease and prolonging life, the em-

hostile aggression

phases of the hospice concept are H u m a n Genome Project an in-

patient comfort, psychological well- ternational project to map each
being, and pain management. human gene and determine the
complete sequence of base pairs in
hostile aggression see AGGRES- human DNA. The project began in
1990 and was completed in 2003. It
hostility n. the overt expression of has yielded vast amounts of valuable
intense animosity or antagonism in information about the genes respon-
action, feeling, or attitude, —hos- sible for various diseases.
tile adj. h u m a n immunodeficiency
HPA system abbreviation for virus see HIV.
HYPOTHALAMIC-PITUITARY- h u m a n i s m n. a perspective that be-
ADRENOCORTICAL SYSTEM. gins with a presumption of the
HRT abbreviation for HORMONE RE- inherent dignity and worth of hu-
mankind and focuses attention on
the study and representation of
HSD abbreviation for honestly sig- human beings and human experi-
nificant difference. See TUKEY'S ences. This position is in opposition
HONESTLY SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCE to religious belief or other forms of
TEST. supematuralism. Within psychol-
ogy, the term humanism is often
5-HT abbreviation for 5-hydroxy- applied to any perspective that seeks
tryptamine. See SEROTONIN. to uphold human values and to re-
h u e n. the subjective quality of sist the reduction of human beings
color, which is determined primarily and behaviors to merely natural ob-
by wavelength and secondarily by jects and events. In this spirit,
ularly those in the tradition of U.S.
h u m a n engineering the design of psychologists Carl Rogers (1902-
environments and equipment that 1987) and Abraham Maslow (1908-
promote optimum use of human ca- 1970), have resisted not only natural
pabilities and optimum safety, scientific psychology, but also theo-
efficiency, and comfort. ries that emphasize the negative and
pathological aspects of human na-
h u m a n factors 1. in ERGONOM- ture. —humanist adj., n.
ICS, the impact of human beings, —humanistic adj.
with their characteristic needs, abili-
ties, and limitations, on system humanistic-existential therapy
function and the considerations to see EXISTENTIAL-HUMANISTIC THER-
be made when designing, evaluat- APY.
ing, or optimizing systems for
human use, especially with regard to h u m a n i s t i c perspective the as-
sumption in psychology that people
safety, efficiency, and comfort.
are essentially good and constmc-
2. the field of ERGONOMICS itself. tive, that the tendency toward SELF-
h u m a n factors psychology a ACTUALIZATION is inherent, and
branch of psychology that studies that, given the proper environment,
the role of HUMAN FACTORS in oper- human beings will develop to their
ating systems, with the aim of maximum potential. The humanis-
redesigning environments, equip- tic perspective arose from the
ment, and processes to fit human contributions of U.S. psychologists
abilities and characteristics. Also Gordon Allport(1897-1967), Abra-
called engineering psychology. ham Maslow (1908-1970), and Carl


Rogers (1902-1987), who advocated at jokes or anecdotes. For example,

a personality theory based on the some have claimed that individuals
study of healthy individuals as op- laugh at people and situations that
posed to people with mental make them feel superior, some have
disorders. emphasized surprise and anticlimax,
and still others have seen humor as
h u m a n i s t i c psychology an "playful pain," a way of taking seri-
approach to psychology that ous things lightly and thereby
flourished particularly in academia triumphing over them. 2. the semi-
between the 1940s and the early fluid substance that occupies the
1970s and that is most visible today spaces in the eyeball. 3. anciently,
as a family of widely used ap- one of four bodily fluids (blood,
proaches to psychotherapy and black bile, yellow bile, and phlegm)
counseling. It derives largely from that were thought to be responsible
ideas associated with EXISTENTIAL- for a person's physical and psycho-
ISM and PHENOMENOLOGY and logical characteristics, —humoral
focuses on individuals' capacity to adj. —humorous adj.
make their own choices, create their
own style of life, and actualize H u n t i n g t o n ' s disease (HD) a pro-
themselves in their own way. Its ap- gressive hereditary disease associated
proach is holistic, and its emphasis with degeneration of nerve cells in
is on the development of human the BASAL GANGLIA and CEREBRAL
potential through experiential CORTEX. It is characterized by ab-
means rather than analysis of the normalities of gait and posture,
unconscious or behavior modifica- motor incoordination, and involun-
tion. Leading figures associated with tary jerking motions (CHOREA) as
this approach include U.S. psycholo- well as DEMENTIA, mood distur-
gists Abraham Maslow (1908-1970), bances, and personality and
Carl Rogers (1902-1987), and Rollo behavioral changes. The age of onset
May (1909-1994). is usually between 30 and 50, but
h u m a n i s t i c t h e r a p y any of a there is a juvenile form of the dis-
ease in which symptoms first appear
variety of psychotherapeutic
before the age of 20. Also called
approaches that seek to foster per-
H u n t i n g t o n ' s chorea. [George
sonal growth through direct Huntington (1850-1916), U.S. physi-
experience and focus on the devel- cian]
opment of human potential, the
here and now, concrete personality hydrocephalus n. a condition
change, responsibility for oneself, caused by excessive accumulation of
and tmst in natural processes and cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles
spontaneous feeling. Some examples of the brain, resulting in raised pres-
of humanistic therapy are CLIENT- sure within the skull, with such
CENTERED THERAPY, GESTALT THER- symptoms as headache, vomiting,
APY, and EXISTENTIAL poor coordination, lethargy, drowsi-
PSYCHOTHERAPY. ness, or irritability or other changes
h u m i l i a t i o n n. a feeling of shame in personality or cognition, —hy-
due to being disgraced or depre- drocephalic adj.
h y d r o p h o b i a n. a persistent and ir-
h u m o r n. 1. the capacity to per- rational fear of water, resulting in
ceive or express the amusing aspects avoidance of activities involving
of a situation. There is little agree- water, such as swimming, drinking,
ment about the essence of humor or washing one's hands, —hydro-
and the reasons one laughs or smiles phobic adj.


h y d r o t h e r a p y n. the therapeutic the image of close objects is blurred

use of water to promote recovery because the focal point of one or
from disease or injury. Hydro- both eyes lies behind, rather than
therapy includes such treatments as on, the retina. Compare MYOPIA.
baths, streams of water (douches),
and aquatic sports or exerdse. h y p e r p h a g i a n. pathological over-
eating, particularly when due to a
5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) n. metabolic disorder or to a brain le-
see SEROTONIN. sion. Compare APHAGIA;
HYPOPHAGIA. —hyperphagic adj.
hygiene factors in the TWO-
FACTOR THEORY OF WORK MOTIVA- h y p e r p o l a r i z a t i o n 11. an increase
TION, certain aspects of the working in the electric potential across the
situation that can produce discon- plasma membrane of a cell, espe-
tent if they are poor or lacking but cially a neuron, such that the inner
that cannot by themselves motivate surface of the membrane becomes
employees to improve their job more negative in relation to the
performance. These include pay, outer surface. It occurs during the
relations with peers and supervisors, final portion of an ACTION POTEN-
working conditions, and benefits. TIAL or in response to inhibitory
Compare MOTIVATORS. neural messages. Compare DEPOLAR-
hyperactivity n. spontaneous, ex-
cessive motor or other activity. h y p e r s o m n i a n. excessive sleepi-
—hyperactive adj. ness during daytime hours or
abnormally prolonged episodes of
hyperalgesia n. an abnormal sensi- nighttime sleep. This can be a fea-
tivity to pain. ture of certain disorders, or it can be
hypercomplex cell a neuron in associated with neurological dys-
the visual cortex for which the opti- function or damage, with a general
mal stimulus is a moving line of medical condition, or with sub-
specific length or a moving corner. stance use. Compare HYPOSOMNIA.
hyperkinesis n. 1. excessive invol- hypertension n. high blood
untary movement. 2. restlessness pressure: a circulatory disorder
or HYPERACTIVITY. Also called characterized by persistent arterial
blood pressure that exceeds readings
hyperkinesia, —hyperkinetic
higher than an arbitrary standard,
adj. which usually is 140/90. Compare
hyperlexia n. the development of HYPOTENSION. —hypertensive adj.
extremely good reading skills at a
very early age, well ahead of word h y p e r t h y r o i d i s m n. overactivity
comprehension or cognitive ability. of the thyroid gland, resulting in
Children with hyperlexia often start excessive production of thyroid-
to recognize words without instmc- hormones and a consequent
tion and before any expressive increase in metabolic rate. Manifes-
language develops. —hyperlexic tations indude nervousness,
adj. excessive activity, and weight loss
and other physical problems. Com-
h y p e r m n e s i a n. an extreme degree pare HYPOTHYROIDISM.
of retentiveness and recall, with un-
h y p e r v e n t i l a t i o n n. abnormally
usual clarity of memory images.
rapid and deep breathing, usually
h y p e r o p i a n. farsightedness. Hy- due to anxiety or emotional stress.
peropia is a refractive error due to an This lowers the carbon dioxide level
abnormally short eyeball, in which of the blood and produces such


symptoms as light-headedness and h y p n o t i c 1. n. a drug that helps in-

numbness and tingling in the ex- duce and sustain sleep by increasing
tremities. drowsiness and reducing motor ac-
tivity. In general, hypnotics differ
hypesthesia n. severely diminished from SEDATIVES only in terms of the
sensitivity in any of the senses, espe- dose administered, with higher
cially the touch sense. Also called doses used to produce sleep or anes-
hypoesthesia. thesia and lower doses to produce
hypnagogic adj. describing or re- sedation or relieve anxiety. 2. adj.
lating to a state of drowsiness or pertaining to hypnosis or sleep.
light sleep that occurs just before h y p n o t i c susceptibility the de-
falling fully asleep. gree to which an individual is able
hypnogenic adj. 1. sleep- to enter into hypnosis. Although
producing. 2. hypnosis-inducing. many individuals can enter at least a
light trance, people vary greatly in
hypnosis n. (pl. hypnoses) the their ability to achieve a moderate
procedure, or the state induced by or deep trance. Also called
that procedure, whereby a hypnotist hypnotizability.
suggests that a subject experience
various changes in sensation, per- hypoactive sexual desire disor-
ception, cognition, emotion, or der persistent and distressing
control over motor behavior. Sub- deficiency or absence of sexual in-
jects appear to be receptive, to terest and desire to engage in sexual
varying degrees, to suggestions to activity. This may be global, involv-
act, feel, and behave differently ing all forms of sexual activity, or
than in a normal waking state. As a situational, limited to one partner or
specifically psychotherapeutic inter- one type of sexual activity.
vention, hypnosis is referred to as hypoactivity n. abnormally
HYPNOTHERAPY. slowed or deficient motor or other
h y p n o t h e r a p y n. the use of hyp- activity.
nosis in psychological treatment, h y p o c h o n d r i a s i s n. a SOMATO-
either for alleviation of symptoms FORM DISORDER characterized by
and modification of behavior pat- a preoccupation with the fear or
terns or for more long-term belief that one has a serious physi-
personality adaptation or change. cal disease based on the incorrect
Hypnotherapy may use one or a and unrealistic interpretation of
combination of techniques, typi- bodily symptoms. This fear or belief
cally involving the administration persists for at least 6 months and in-
by a properly trained professional of terferes with social and occupational
therapeutic suggestions to patients functioning in spite of medical reas-
or clients. Although discussions of surance that no physical disorder
its clinical applications engender exists.
controversy, there has been scien-
tific evidence that hypnotherapy hypoglossal nerve the 12th CRA-
can be applied with some success to NIAL NERVE, a motor nerve that
a wide range of clinical problems innervates the muscles of the
(e.g., hypertension, asthma, insom- tongue.
nia); chronic and acute pain hypokinesis n. abnormal slowness
management; habit modification in the initiation of voluntary move-
(e.g., smoking); mood and anxiety ment. Compare BRADYKINESIA. Also
disorders (e.g., some phobias); and called hypokinesia, —hypoki-
personality disorders. netic adj.

h y p o m a n i c episode

h y p o m a n i c episode a period of el- responses to internal and external

evated, expansive, or irritable mood stimuli. —hypothalamic adj.
lasting at least 4 days and accom-
panied by at least three of the hypothesis n. (pl. hypotheses) an
following (four if the mood is irrita- empirically testable proposition
ble): inflated self-esteem, a decreased about some fact, behavior, relation-
need for sleep, increased speech, rac- ship, or the like, usually based on
ing thoughts, distractibility, increase theory, that states an expected out-
in activity or PSYCHOMOTOR AGITA-
come resulting from specific
TION, and increased involvement in conditions or assumptions.
risky activities (e.g., foolish invest- hypothesis t e s t i n g the process of
ments, sexual indiscretions), all of using any of a collection of statisti-
which affect functioning and are no- cal tests to assess the likelihood that
ticeable by others but do not cause an experimental result might have
marked impairment. Also called been the result of a chance or ran-
hypomania. dom process.
h y p o p h a g i a it. pathologically re- hypothetico-deductive m e t h o d
duced food intake. Compare a method of examining the accuracy
HYPERPHAGIA. of predictions made on the basis of
some theory, in which the theory
h y p o s o m n i a n. a reduction in a gains credibility as more predictions
person's sleep time, often as a result are found to be accurate.
of INSOMNIA or some other sleep
disturbance. Compare HYPER- hypothetico-deductive reason-
SOMNIA. i n g the abstract logical reasoning
that, according to the PIAGETIAN
hypotension n. abnormally low THEORY of cognitive development,
blood pressure, causing dizziness emerges in early adolescence and
and fainting. Compare HYPERTEN- marks the FORMAL OPERATIONAL
SION, —hypotensive adj. STAGE. Hypothetico-deductive rea-
hypothalamic-pituitary- soning is distinguished by the
adrenocortical system (HPA capacity for abstract thinking and
system) a neuroendocrine system hypothesis testing.
that is involved in the physiological h y p o t h y r o i d i s m n. underactivity
response to stress. Outputs from the of the thyroid gland, resulting in
amygdala to the hypothalamus stim- underproduction of thyroid hor-
ulate the release of corticotropin- mones and a consequent decrease in
releasing factor (CRF). CRF elicits
the release from the anterior pitu- metabolic rate. Manifestations in-
itary of CORTICOTROPIN, which in clude fatigue, weakness, and weight
turn regulates the production and gain and other physical problems.
release of stress hormones (e.g., Compare HYPERTHYROIDISM.
Cortisol) from the adrenal cortex hypovolemic t h i r s t thirst caused
into the bloodstream. by blood loss and other conditions
(e.g., severe vomiting) that result
h y p o t h a l a m u s n. (pl. hypothal- in depletion of the volume of
ami) part of the DIENCEPHALON of extracellular fluid. Also called
the brain, lying ventral to the volumetric thirst. Compare
THALAMUS, that contains nuclei OSMOMETRIC THIRST.
with primary control of the auto-
nomic (involuntary) functions of hypoxia n. reduced oxygen in the
the body. It also helps integrate au- body tissues, including the brain.
tonomic activity into appropriate This can result in widespread brain


injury depending on the degree of disorder characterized by such

oxygen deficiency and its duration. symptoms as paralysis, blindness,
Signs and symptoms of hypoxia loss of sensation, and hallucinations
vary according to its cause, but gen- and often accompanied by suggest-
erally include shortness of breath, ibility, emotional outbursts, and
rapid pulse, fainting, and mental histrionic behavior. Austrian psychi-
disturbances (e.g., delirium, eupho- atrist Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)
ria). See also ANOXIA, —hypoxic interpreted hysterical symptoms as
adj. defenses against guilty sexual im-
pulses (e.g., a paralyzed hand cannot
hysterectomy n. the surgical re- masturbate), but other conflicts are
moval of the utems. now recognized. Freud also included
dissociative conditions in his
hysteria n. the historical name for concept of hysteria, but these are
the condition now classified as now regarded as separate disorders.
SOMATIZATION DISORDER. Although —hysterical adj.
technically outdated, it is often used
as a lay term for any psychogenic Hz symbol for HERTZ.

lADLs abbreviation for INSTRUMEN- mental image or cognition that is ul-
TAL ACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVING. timately derived from experience
but that may occur without direct
iatrogenic adj. denoting or relating reference to perception or sensory
to a pathological condition that is processes.
caused inadvertently by treatment,
particularly the actions of a health idealism n. in philosophy, the po-
care professional. For example, an sition that reality, including the
iatrogenic addiction is a dependence natural world, is not independent of
on a substance, most often a pain- mind. Positions range from strong
killer, originally prescribed by a forms, holding that mind constitutes
physician to treat a physical or psy- the things of reality, to weaker forms
chological disorder. holding that reality is correlated with
the workings of the mind. There is
ICD abbreviation for INTERNA- also a range of positions as t o t h e
TIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF DISEASES. nature of mind, from those holding
iconic m e m o r y the brief retention that mind must be conceived of as
of an image of a visual stimulus be- absolute, universal, and apart from
yond cessation of the stimulus. This nature itself to those holding that
iconic image usually lasts less than a mind may be conceived of as indi-
second. In a MULTISTORE MODEL OF vidual minds. See also MIND-BODY
MEMORY, iconic memory precedes PROBLEM. Compare MATERIALISM.
SHORT-TERM MEMORY. —idealist n. —idealistic adj.

id n. in psychoanalytic theory, the ideal self in models of self-concept,

component of the personality that a mental representation of an exem-
contains the instinctual, biological plary set of psychological attributes
drives that supply the psyche with that one strives or wishes to possess.
its basic energy or LIBIDO. Austrian idee fixe a firmly held, irrational
psychiatrist Sigmund Freud (1856- idea or belief that is maintained de-
1939) conceived of the id as the spite evidence to the contrary. It
most primitive component of the
personality, located in the deepest may take the form of a delusion and
level of the unconscious; it has no become an obsession.
inner organization and operates in identical t w i n s see MONOZYGOTIC
obedience to the PLEASURE PRINCI- TWINS.
PLE. Thus the infant's life is
dominated by the desire for immedi- identification n. 1. the process of
ate gratification of instincts, such as associating the self closely with other
hunger and sex, until the EGO be- individuals and their characteristics
gins to develop and operate in or views. Identification operates
accordance with reality. See also PRI- largely on an unconscious or semi-
MARY PROCESS; STRUCTURAL MODEL. conscious level. 2. in psychoanalytic
idea it. in cognitive psychology, a which the individual incorporates


aspects of his or her OBJECTS inside or sense of self. Differences in style

the EGO in order to alleviate the reflect differences in the social-
anxiety associated with OBJECT LOSS cognitive processes that individuals
or to reduce hostility between him- use to construct a sense of identity.
self or herself and the object. Three basic identity styles are recog-
nized: informational, normative,
i d e n t i t y n. 1. an individual's sense and diffuse-avoidant. Information-
of self defined by (a) a set of physi- oriented individuals actively seek
cal and psychological characteristics out, evaluate, and use self-relevant
that is not wholly shared with any information. They are skeptical about
other person and (b) a range of so- their self-constmctions and willing
cial and interpersonal affiliations to test and revise aspects of their
(e.g., ethnicity) and social roles.
Identity involves a sense of continu- self-identity when confronted with
ity: the feeling that one is the same discrepant feedback. Normative indi-
person today that one was yesterday viduals deal with identity questions
or last year (despite physical or other and decisional situations by con-
changes). Also called personal forming to the prescriptions and
identity. 2. in cognitive develop- expectations of significant others.
ment, awareness that an object Diffuse-avoidant-oriented individu-
remains the same even though it als are reluctant to face up to and
may undergo many transformations. confront personal problems and de-
For example, a piece of clay may be cisions.
made to assume various forms but is i d e n t i t y versus i d e n t i t y confu-
still the same piece of clay. sion the fifth of ERIKSON'S EIGHT
i d e n t i t y crisis a phase of life during adolescence, in which the in-
marked by role experimentation,
dividual experiences a psychosocial
changing, conflicting, or newly
MORATORIUM, a period of time that
emerging values, and a lack of un-
permits experimentation with social
derstanding of oneself or one's roles roles. The individual may "try on"
in sodety. different roles and identify with dif-
i d e n t i t y diffusion in the EGO PSY- ferent groups before forming a
CHOLOGY of German-born U.S. cohesive, positive identity that al-
psychologist Erik Erikson (1902- lows him or her to contribute to
1994), a possible outcome of the society; alternatively, the individual
IDENTITY VERSUS IDENTITY CONFU- may remain confused about his or
SION stage in which the individual her sense of identity, a state Erikson
emerges with an uncertain sense of calls IDENTITY DIFFUSION.
identity and confusion about his or
her wishes, attitudes, and goals. ideology n. a systematic ordering of
ideas with associated doctrines, atti-
i d e n t i t y foreclosure premature tudes, beliefs, and symbols that
commitment to an identity: the un- together form a more or less coher-
questioning acceptance by individu- ent philosophy for a person, group,
als (usually adolescents) of the role, or sociopolitical movement, —ideo-
values, and goals that others (e.g., logical adj.
parents, close friends, teachers, ath-
letic coaches) have chosen for them. idiocentric adj. denoting
internality to the self, particularly
i d e n t i t y style an adolescent's an orientation toward or focus on
characteristic mode of approaching personal needs and interests. See
problems and decisions that are rele- also EGOCENTRISM. Compare
vant to his or her personal identity ALLOCENTRIC. —idiocentrism n.


idiographic adj. relating to the de- IEP abbreviation for INDIVIDUAL-

scription and understanding of an IZED EDUCATION PROGRAM.
individual case, as opposed to the
formulation of NOMOTHETIC general illusion n. a false perception.
laws describing the average case. An Illusions result from the misinter-
idiographic approach involves the pretation of sensory stimuli and are
thorough, intensive study of a single normal occurrences. Visual (or opti-
person or case in order to obtain an cal) illusions are particularly
in-depth understanding of that per- common and include the well-
son or case, as contrasted with a known MULLER-LYER ILLUSION.
study of the universal aspects of —illusory adj.
groups of people or cases.
illusory conjunction the attribu-
tion of a characteristic of one
idiolect n. a DIALECT spoken at the stimulus to another stimulus when
level of an individual. The term is the stimuli are presented only
typically reserved for the most idio- briefly. Illusory conjunctions are
syncratic forms of personal language most common with visual stimuli
use, especially those involving ec- when, for example, the color of one
centricities of constmction or form can be attributed to a different
vocabulary. —idiolectal adj. form.
idiosyncrasy n. a peculiarity of an illusory correlation the appear-
individual, such as a habit or abnor- ance of a relationship that in reality
mal susceptibility to something does not exist or an overestimation
(e.g., a dmg). —idiosyncratic adj. of the degree of relationship (i.e.,
idiosyncrasy-credit model an ex- correlation) between two variables.
planation of the leniency that i m a g e n. 1. a likeness or cognitive
groups sometimes display when representation of an earlier sensory
high-status members violate group experience recalled without external
norms. This model assumes that stimulation. For example, remem-
such individuals, by contributing to bering the shape of a horse or the
the group in significant ways and sound of a jet airplane brings to
expressing loyalty to it, build up id- mind an image derived from earlier
iosyncrasy credits, which they experiences with these stimuli. 2. a
"spend" whenever they make errors representation of an object pro-
or deviate from the group's norms. duced by an optical system. See also
idiot savant (pl. idiots savants
or, less often, idiot savants) see imagery n. 1. the generation of
SAVANT. [French, "learned idiot"] mental images. 2. such images con-
sidered collectively.
i d psychology in psychoanalysis,
an approach that focuses on the un- i m a g i n a l exposure a type of
organized, instinctual impulses EXPOSURE THERAPY used for
contained in the ID that seek imme- treating individuals with anxiety
diate pleasurable gratification of disorders (e.g., PHOBIAS, OBSESSIVE-
primitive needs. The id is believed to COMPULSIVE DISORDER) or post-
dominate the lives of infants and is traumatic stress disorder. Vivid
frequently described as blind and ir- imagery evoked through speech
rational until it is disciplined by the is used by the therapist to expose
other two major components of the the client mentally to an anxiety-
personality: the EGO and the SUPER- evoking stimulus. Compare IN VIVO

i m m u n e system

i m a g i n a r y audience the belief of not necessarily replicate the specific

an adolescent that others are con- actions of the model) and MIMICRY.
stantly focusing attention on him or —imitate vb.
her, scmtinizing behaviors, appear- i m m a n e n t justice the belief that
ance, and the like. The adolescent mles are fixed and immutable and
feels as though he or she is continu-
ally the central topic of interest to a that punishment automatically
group of spectators (i.e., an audi- follows misdeeds regardless of
ence) when in fact this is not the extenuating circumstances. Chil-
case (i.e., an imaginary audience). dren up to the age of 8 equate the
It is reflective of acute self- morality of an act only with its con-
consciousness and is considered an sequences; not until later do they
expression of adolescent develop the capacity to judge mo-
EGOCENTRISM. tive and subjective considerations.
i m a g i n g n. 1. the process of scan- ALISM. Compare DISTRIBUTIVE
ning the brain or other organs or JUSTICE.
tissues to obtain an optical image. i m m a t e r i a l i s m n. the philoso-
Techniques used include COMPUTED phical position that denies the
TOMOGRAPHY, POSITRON EMISSION independent existence of matter
TOMOGRAPHY (PET), anatomical as a substance in which qualities
MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING might inhere. Sensible objects are
(aMRI), and FUNCTIONAL MAGNETIC held to exist as the sum of the quali-
RESONANCE IMAGING (fMRI). 2. in ties they produce in the perceiving
therapy, the use of suggested mental mind, with no material substratum.
images to control body function, in- It is difficult to distinguish such a
cluding the easing of pain. position from IDEALISM, which
imago n. an unconscious mental holds that mind is essential to all
image of another person, especially reality and that things and qualities
the mother or father, that influences exist only as perceived. Compare
the way in which an individual MATERIALISM.
relates to others. The imago is i m m a t u r i t y n. a state of incom-
typically formed in infancy and plete growth or development (e.g.,
childhood and is generally an ideal- neural immaturity). The term, how-
ized or otherwise not completely ever, is often used to describe
accurate representation. The term childish, maladaptive, or otherwise
was originally used by Austrian psy- inappropriate behaviors, particularly
chiatrist Sigmund Freud (1856- when indicative of a lack of age-
1939) and the early psychoanalysts, relevant skills.
and its meaning has carried over
into other schools of psychology i m m e d i a t e m e m o r y another
and psychotherapy. name for SHORT-TERM MEMORY.

i m i t a t i o n n. the process of copying i m m u n e system a complex system

the behavior of another person, in vertebrates that helps protect the
group, or object, intentionally or body against pathological effects of
unintentionally. Some theorists pro- foreign substances (ANTIGENS), such
pose that tme imitation requires as vimses and bacteria. The organs
that an observer be able to take the involved include the bone marrow
perspective of the model. This con- and thymus, in which LYMPHO-
trasts with other forms of SOCIAL CYTES—the principal agents
LEARNING, such as emulation (en- responsible for specific immune re-
gaging in similar behavior that does sponses—are produced, together


with the spleen, lymph nodes, and tered. This term is used interchange-
other lymphoid tissues and various ably With NONDECLARATIVE
chemicals (e.g., CYTOKINES) that me- MEMORY. Compare EXPLICIT MEM-
diate the immune response. ORY.
i m p a i r m e n t n. any departure from implicit personality t h e o r y any
the body's typical physiological or set of tacit assumptions about the
psychological functioning. interrelations of personality traits,
used in everyday life when people
implicit association test an IM-
PLICIT ATTITUDE measure in which
infer the presence of one trait on the
participants perform a series of cate- basis of observing another.
gorization tasks on computer for a implosive t h e r a p y a technique in
set of words representing an attitude BEHAVIOR THERAPY that is similar to
object (e.g., words such as ant, fly, FLOODING but distinct in generally
and grasshopper representing the atti- involving imagined stimuli and in
tude object of insects) and for a attempting to enhance anxiety
second set of intermixed words, se- arousal by adding imaginary expo-
lected to be highly evaluative in sure cues believed by the therapist
nature. If attitudes are positive, to be relevant to the client's fear.
judging the target words should be Also called implosion t h e r a p y .
faster when the same response key is
used for category membership and i m p o t e n c e n. the inability of a
positive words than when the same man to complete the sex act due to
response key is used for category partial or complete failure to achieve
membership and negative words. or maintain erection. This condition
Negative attitudes produce the op- is called male erectile disorder in
posite pattern. DSM-IV-TR and erectile dysfunction
in clinical contexts. —impotent
implicit a t t i t u d e a relatively adj.
enduring and general evaluative re-
sponse of which a person has little impression f o r m a t i o n the pro-
or no conscious awareness. Compare cess in which an individual develops
EXPLICIT ATTITUDE. a perceptual SCHEMA of some object,
person, or group. Early research on
implicit l e a r n i n g learning of a impression formation demonstrated
cognitive or behavioral task that oc- that the accuracy of impressions was
curs without intention to learn or frequently poor; more recent studies
awareness of what has been learned. have focused on the roles played in
Implicit learning is evidenced by im- the process by such factors as the
proved task performance rather than perceiver's cognitive processes (e.g.,
as a response to an explicit request how readily some types of ideas
to remember. come to mind) and feelings (e.g.,
anger can predispose the perceiver
implicit m e m o r y memory for a to stereotype an individual).
previous event or experience that is
produced indirectly, without an ex- impression m a n a g e m e n t behav-
plicit request to recall the event and iors that are designed to control
without awareness that memory is how others perceive one's self, espe-
involved. For instance, after seeing cially by guiding them to attribute
the word store in one context, a per- desirable traits to the self. Impres-
son would complete the word sion management has been offered
fragment st_r_ as store rather than as an alternative explanation for
stare, even without remembering some phenomena that have tradi-
that store had been recently encoun- tionally been interpreted in terms of

inclusive fitness

COGNITIVE DISSONANCE theory. that enhances or serves as a motive

Some psychologists distinguish im- for behavior.
pression management from SELF- incentive t h e o r y the theory that
PRESENTATION by proposing that motivation arousal depends on the
impression management involves interaction between environmental
only deliberate, conscious strategies. incentives (i.e., stimulus objects)—
i m p r i n t i n g n. a simple yet pro- both positive and negative—and an
found and highly effective learning organism's psychological and physi-
process that occurs during a CRITI- ological states (e.g., drive states).
CAL PERIOD in the life of some incest u. sexual activity between
animals. A well-known example is people of close blood relationship
that of newly hatched chicks follow-
ing the first moving object, human (e.g., brother and sister) that is pro-
or animal, they see. Some investiga- hibited by law or custom. Incest
tors believe that such processes are taboos of some kind are found in
instinctual; others regard them as a practically every society, —incestu-
form of PREPARED LEARNING. ous adj.
incidence n. the rate of occurrence
impulsive adj. describing or dis- of new cases of a given event or con-
playing behavior characterized by dition, such as a disorder, disease,
little or no forethought, reflection, symptom, or injury, in a particular
or consideration of the conse- population in a given period. An in-
quences. Compare REFLECTIVE. cidence rate is normally expressed
—impulsiveness or impulsivity as the number of cases per some
n. standard proportion (1,000 or
i m u n. a CULTURE-BOUND SYN- 100,000 are commonly used) of the
DROME resembling LATAH, observed entire population at risk per year.
among the Ainu and Sakhalin See also PREVALENCE.
women of Japan. It is characterized incidental l e a r n i n g learning that
by an extreme STARTLE RESPONSE in-
is not premeditated, deliberate, or
volving automatic movements, intentional and that is acquired as a
imitative behavior, infantile reac- result of some other, possibly unre-
tions, and obedience to command. lated, mental activity. Some
theorists believe that much learning
i n a p p r o p r i a t e affect emotional takes place without any intention to
responses that are not in keeping learn, occurring incidentally to
with the situation or are incompati- other cognitive processing of infor-
ble with expressed thoughts or mation. See also LATENT LEARNING.
wishes, for example, smiling when
told about the death of a friend. inclusion n. the practice of teach-
ing students with disabilities in the
i n a t t e n t i o n a l blindness failure same classroom as other students to
to notice and remember otherwise the fullest extent possible, via the
perceptible stimuli in the visual provision of appropriate supportive
background while the focus of atten- services.
tion is elsewhere. Research into
inattentional blindness has led some inclusive fitness the REPRODUC-
to conclude that there is no con- TIVE SUCCESS not only of an
scious perception of the world individual but of all that individ-
without attention. ual's relatives in proportion to their
coefficient of relatedness (mean
incentive n. an external stimulus, number of genes shared). In calcu-
such as a condition or an object, lating estimates of reproductive


success, it is assumed that parents, and be full, productive members of

offspring, and siblings have an society with access to the same so-
average of 50% of their genes in cial and political freedoms and
common, grandparents and grand- opportunities as individuals without
offspring, and uncles and nieces, disabilities.
share 25% of genes, and so forth.
i n d e p e n d e n t self-construal a
incompetence n. 1. the inability view of the self that emphasizes
to carry out a required task or activ- one's unique traits and accom-
ity adequately. 2. in law, the plishments and downplays one's
inability to make sound judgments embeddedness in a network of social
regarding one's transactions or per- relationships. Compare INTERDEPEN-
sonal affairs. With regard to the DENT SELF-CONSTRUAL.
criminal justice system, incompe-
tence is the inability of a defendant i n d e p e n d e n t variable (IV) the
to participate meaningfully in variable in an experiment that is
criminal proceedings. See also COM- specifically manipulated. Independ-
PETENCE. — i n c o m p e t e n t adj. ent variables may or may not be
causally related to the DEPENDENT
incongruence n. lack of consis- VARIABLE. In statistical analysis, an
tency or appropriateness, as in independent variable is likely to be
INAPPROPRIATE AFFECT or as when referred to as a predictor variable.
one's subjective evaluation of a situ-
ation is at odds with reality. i n d e t e r m i n i s m n. the philosophi-
—incongruent adj. cal position that events do not have
necessary and sufficient causes.
i n c r e m e n t a l l e a r n i n g see ALL- Indeterminism manifests itself in
OR-NONE LEARNING. psychology as the doctrine that hu-
mans have FREE WILL and are able to
i n c u s K. see OSSICLES.
act independently of antecedent or
independence n. 1. freedom from current situations, as in making
the influence or control of other in- choices. Compare DETERMINISM.
dividuals or groups. 2. complete lack —indeterminist adj.
of relationship between two or more i n d e x case see PROBAND.
events, sampling units, or variables
such that none is influenced by any individual differences traits or
other and that changes in any one other characteristics by which indi-
have no implication for changes in viduals may be distinguished from
any other, —independent adj., n. one another. This is the focus of DIF-
independent-groups design see the term individual differences psy-
chology increasingly is used.
i n d e p e n d e n t living 1. the ability individualism n. a social or cul-
of an individual to perform—with- tural tradition, ideology, or personal
out assistance from others—all or outlook that emphasizes the indi-
most of the daily functions typically vidual and his or her rights and
required to be self-sufficient, includ- independence. Compare COLLEC-
ing those tasks essential to personal TIVISM, —individualist n.
—individualistic adj.
ING) and to maintaining a home
and job. 2. a philosophy and civil individualized e d u c a t i o n pro-
reform movement promoting the g r a m (IEP) a plan for providing
rights of people with disabilities to specialized educational services and
determine the course of their lives procedures that meet the unique

i n d u s t r i a l a n d o r g a n i z a t i o n a l psychology

needs of a child with a disability. indole molecule, which is produced

Each IEP must be documented in as a breakdown metabolite of
writing, tailored to a particular tryptophan, and an amine group.
child, and implemented in accor- Indoleamines include the neuro-
dance with the requirements of U.S. transmitter serotonin and the
federal law. hormone melatonin.
individual psychology the psy- induced a b o r t i o n see ABORTION.
chological theory of Austrian
psychologist Alfred Adler (1870- induced compliance effect see
1937), which is based on the idea
that throughout life individuals i n d u c t i o n n. 1. a general conclu-
strive for a sense of mastery, com- sion, principle, or explanation
pleteness, and belonging and are derived by reasoning from particular
governed by a conscious drive to instances or observations. See IN-
overcome their sense of inferiority DUCTIVE REASONING. Compare
by developing to their fullest poten- DEDUCTION. 2. the process of in-
tial, obtaining their life goals, and ductive reasoning itself. 3. in
creating their own styles of life. conditioning, the phenomenon in
which REINFORCEMENT of some
individual test a test designed to forms of behavior results in an in-
be administered to a single creased probability not only of
examinee at a time. Compare these forms but also of similar but
GROUP TEST. nonreinforced forms. For example, if
individual t h e r a p y treatment of lever presses with forces between 0.2
psychological problems that is con- and 0.3 N are reinforced, presses
ducted on a one-to-one basis. One with forces less than 0.2 N or greater
therapist sees one client at a time, than 0.3 N will increase in fre-
tailoring the process to his or her quency although they are never
unique needs in the exploration of explicitly reinforced. Also called re-
contributory factors and alleviation sponse generalization. —in-
of symptoms. Also called individ- ductive adj.
u a l psychotherapy. Compare
inductive reasoning the form of
reasoning in which inferences and
i n d i v i d u a t i o n n. 1. the physiolog- general prindples are drawn from
ical, psychological, and sociocultural specific observations and cases. In-
processes by which a person attains ductive reasoning is a cornerstone of
status as an individual human being the scientific method in that it un-
and exerts himself or herself as such derlies the process of developing
in the world. 2. in the psychoana- hypotheses from particular facts and
lytic theory of Swiss psychiatrist observations. Compare DEDUCTIVE
Carl Jung (1875-1961), the gradual REASONING.
development of a unified, integrated
personality that incorporates greater i n d u s t r i a l a n d o r g a n i z a t i o n a l
and greater amounts of the UN- psychology (I/O psychology) the
CONSCIOUS, both personal and branch of psychology that studies
collective, and resolves any conflicts human behavior in the work envi-
that exist, such as those between in- ronment and applies general
troverted and extraverted psychological prindples to work-
tendencies. related issues and problems, notably
in such areas as personnel selection
i n d o l e a m i n e n. any of a class of and training, employee evaluation,
BIOGENIC AMINES formed by an working conditions, accident pre-

i n d u s t r y versus inferiority

vention, job analysis, job satisfac- characteristics, or mental function-

tion, leadership, team effectiveness, ing in older children or adults that is
organizational effectiveness, work characteristic of that of infants or
motivation, and the welfare of em- young children. See REGRESSION.
ployees. Also called occupational
psychology; w o r k psychology. inferential statistics a broad
class of statistical techniques that al-
i n d u s t r y versus inferiority the lows inferences about characteristics
fourth of ERIKSON'S EIGHT STAGES OF of a population to be drawn from a
DEVELOPMENT, occurring from ages sample of data from that population
6 to 11 years, during which the while controlling (at least partially)
child leams to be productive and to the extent to which errors of in-
accept evaluation of his or her ef- ference may be made. These
forts or becomes discouraged and techniques include approaches
feels inferior or incompetent. for testing hypotheses and estimat-
ing the value of parameters.
infancy u. the earliest period of
postnatal life, in humans generally inferior adj. in anatomy, lower,
denoting the time from birth below, or toward the feet. Compare
through the first year, —infant n. SUPERIOR.
infant-directed speech the spe- inferior colliculus see COLLI-
cialized style of speech that adults CULUS.
and older children use when talking
specifically to infants, which usually inferiority complex a basic feel-
includes much inflection and repeti- ing of inadequacy and insecurity,
tion. See also CHILD-DIRECTED deriving from actual or imagined
SPEECH. physical or psychological deficiency,
that may result in behavioral expres-
infantile amnesia see CHILD- sion ranging from the "withdrawal"
HOOD AMNESIA. of immobilizing timidity to the
infantile sexuality in psychoana- overcompensation of excessive com-
lytic theory, the concept that petition and aggression. See also
trated in various organs of the body i n f e r o t e m p o r a l cortex a region
throughout infancy gives rise to of the brain on the inferior (lower)
erotic pleasure. This is manifested in portion of the outer layer (cortex) of
sucking the mother's breast during the temporal lobe that is particularly
the ORAL STAGE of development, in
involved in the perception of form.
defecating during the ANAL STAGE,
and in self-stimulating activities dur- infertility n. inability to produce
ing the early GENITAL STAGE. The offspring, —infertile adj.
term and concept, first enunciated
by Austrian psychiatrist Sigmund i n f o r m a t i o n a l influence see SO-
Freud (1856-1939), proved highly CIAL PRESSURE.
controversial from the start, and it is i n f o r m a t i o n overload the state
more in line with subsequent that occurs when the amount or in-
thought to emphasize the sensual tensity of environmental stimuli
nature of breast feeding, defecation, exceeds the individual's processing
and discovery of the body in child- capacity, thus leading to an uncon-
hood and the role of the pleasurable scious or subliminal disregard for
feelings so obtained in the origin some environmental information.
and development of sexual feelings.
i n f o r m a t i o n processing in cog-
infantilism n. behavior, physical nitive psychology, theflowof

i n h i b i t i o n of r e t u r n

knowledge through the human i n g r a t i a t i o n «. efforts to win the

nervous system, involving the liking and approval of other people,
operation of perceptual systems, especially by deliberate IMPRESSION
memory stores, dedsion processes, MANAGEMENT. Ingratiation is usu-
and response mechanisms. Infor- ally regarded as consisting of illicit
mation processing psychology is or objectionable strategies, espe-
the approach that concentrates on cially for manipulative purposes,
understanding these operations. which distinguishes it from sincere
efforts to be likable, —ingratiate
i n f o r m a t i o n t h e o r y the princi- vb.
ples relating to the communication
or transmission of information, i n g r o u p n. any group to which one
which is defined as any message belongs or with which one identi-
that reduces uncertainty. These fies, but particularly a group judged
principles deal with such areas as to be different from, and often supe-
the encoding and decoding of rior to, other groups (OUTGROUPS).
messages, types of channels of
communication and their capacity i n g r o u p bias the tendency to
to throughput information, the ap- favor one's own group, its members,
plication of mathematical methods its characteristics, and its products,
to the process, the problem of noise particularly in reference to other
(distortion), and the relative effec- groups. The favoring of the ingroup
tiveness of various kinds of tends to be more pronounced than
the rejection of the OUTGROUP, but
FEEDBACK. both tendencies become more
informed consent voluntary pronounced during periods of inter-
agreement to participate in a re- group contact. At the regional,
search or therapeutic procedure on cultural, or national level, this bias
the basis of the participant's or pa- is often termed ETHNOCENTRISM.
tient's understanding of its nature, i n h a l a n t n. any of a variety of vol-
its potential benefits and possible atile substances that can be inhaled
risks, and available alternatives. to produce intoxicating effects.
i n f r a d i a n r h y t h m any periodic Anesthetic gases (e.g., ether, chloro-
variation in physiological or psycho- form, nitrous oxide), industrial
logical function recurring in a cycle solvents (e.g., toluene, gasoline, tri-
of less than 24 hours. Compare chloroethylene, various aerosol
ULTRADIAN RHYTHM. propellants), and organic nitrites
(e.g., amyl nitrite) are common in-
i n f r a s o u n d n. sound whose fre- halants.
quency is too low to be detected i n h i b i t i o n n. the process of re-
by human hearing, generally en- straining or prohibiting, particularly
compassing the range of 20 Hz to one's impulses or behavior. The
.001 Hz. The scientific study of term is applied to a variety of con-
infrasound is known as infrasonics. texts and occurrences, but is
Able to cover long distances and cir- associated especially with psycho-
cumvent or penetrate obstacles analysis, referring to an unconscious
without dispersing, infrasonic waves mechanism in which the SUPEREGO
are used by many animals to com- controls instinctive impulses that
municate and have a variety of would threaten the EGO if allowed
applications in geological monitor- conscious expression, —inhibit vb.
ing (e.g., prediction of volcanic —inhibited adj.
eruptions, detection of earthquakes).
Compare ULTRASOUND. i n h i b i t i o n of r e t u m difficulty in

i n h i b i t o r y postsynaptic p o t e n t i a l

returning attention to a previously those that develop later under

attended location. When attention maturational control or through ex-
has been directed to a location for a perience.
period of time, it is more difficult to
redirect attention to that location i n n a t e releasing m e c h a n i s m
than to direct it to another location. (IRM) in ethology, the hypothe-
sized neurological means by which
i n h i b i t o r y postsynaptic poten- organisms exhibit a FIXED ACTION
tial (IPSP) a brief increase in the PATTERN given a particular RE-
difference in electrical charge across LEASER, suggesting that there is a di-
the membrane of a neuron that is rect correspondence between a
caused by the transmission of a sig- specific elicitor and a specific behav-
nal from a neighboring neuron ioral event.
across the synapse (specialized junc-
tion) separating them. IPSPs i n n e r e a r the part of the ear that
decrease the probability that the comprises the bony and membra-
postsynaptic neuron will initiate an nous LABYRINTHS and contains the
ACTION POTENTIAL and hence fire a sense organs responsible for hearing
nerve impulse. Compare EXCIT- and balance. For hearing the major
sense of balance, the major stmc-
i n h i b i t o r y synapse a specialized tures are the SEMICIRCULAR CANALS,
type of junction at which activity SACCULE, and UTRICLE.
from one neuron (in the form of an
ACTION POTENTIAL) reduces the i n n e r n u c l e a r layer the layer of
probability of activity in an adjacent retinal cell bodies interposed be-
neuron by initiating an INHIBITORY tween the photoreceptors and the
EXCITATORY SYNAPSE. nuclear layer contains AMACRINE
initiative versus g u i l t the third RETINAL BIPOLAR CELLS, and MULLER
VELOPMENT, which occurs during
the child's 3rd through 5th years. In i n n e r plexiform layer the synap-
planning, launching, and initiating tic layer in the retina in which
all forms of fantasy, play, and other contacts are made between the den-
activity, the child learns to believe drites Of RETINAL GANGLION CELLS,
in his or her ability to successfully BIPOLAR NEURONS, and AMACRINE
pursue goals. However, should these CELLS.
pursuits often fail or be criticized, i n n e r v a t i o n n. the supply of
the child may develop instead a feel- nerves to an organ (e.g., muscle or
ing of self-doubt and guilt.
gland) or a body region, —inner-
injunctive n o r m see SOCIAL vate vb.
NORM. i n p a t i e n t n. a person who has
i n k b l o t t e s t see RORSCHACH INK- been formally admitted to a hospital
BLOT TEST. for a period of at least 24 hours for
observation, care, diagnosis, or treat-
i n n a t e adj. inborn, native, or natu- ment, as distinguished from an
ral: denoting a capability or OUTPATIENT or an emergency-room
characteristic existing in an organ- patient.
ism from birth, that is, belonging to
the original or essential constitution i n s a n i t y n. in law, a condition of
of the body or mind. Innate pro- the mind that renders a person inca-
cesses should be distinguished from pable of being responsible for his or

institutionalized racism

her criminal acts. Whether a person self-understanding and thus becom-

is insane, in this legal sense, is deter- ing aware of their origins. This
mined by judges and juries, not approach (characteristic, for exam-
psychologists or psychiatrists, —in- ple, of PSYCHOANALYSIS and
contrasts with therapies directed to-
insecure a t t a c h m e n t in the ward removal of symptoms or
STRANGE SITUATION, one of several behavior modification.
patterns of generally negative par-
ent-child relationship in which the i n s o m n i a n. difficulty in initiating
child fails to display confidence or maintaining a restorative sleep
when the parent is present, some- that results in fatigue, the severity
times shows distress when the or persistence of which causes
parent leaves, and reacts to the re- clinically significant distress or
turning parent by not seeking close impairment in functioning, —in-
contact (avoidant attachment) or by somniac n.
simultaneously seeking and avoid-
ing dose contact (ambivalent i n s t i n c t n. 1. an innate, species-
attachment). See also DISORGANIZED specific biological force that impels
ATTACHMENT. an organism to do something, par-
ticularly to perform a certain act or
i n s i g h t n. 1. the clear and often respond in a certain manner to spe-
sudden discernment of a solution to cific stimuli. 2. in psychoanalytic
a problem by means that are not ob- theory, a basic biological drive (e.g.,
vious and may never become so, hunger, thirst, sex, or aggression)
even after one has tried hard to that must be fulfilled in order to
work out how one has arrived at the maintain physical and psychological
solution. There are many different equilibrium. Austrian psychiatrist
theories of how insights are formed Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) classi-
and of the kinds of insights that fied instincts into two types: those
exist. 2. in psychotherapy, an aware- derived from the LIFE INSTINCT and
ness of underlying sources of those derived from the DEATH IN-
emotional, cognitive, or behavioral STINCT. 3. in popular usage, any
difficulty in oneself or another per- inherent or unlearned predisposi-
son. tion (behavioral or otherwise) or
motivational force, —instinctive
insight l e a r n i n g a form of or i n s t i n c t u a l adj.
learning involving the mental re-
arrangement or restructuring of i n s t i t u t i o n a l i z a t i o n n. 1. place-
the elements in a problem to ment of an individual in an
achieve a sudden understanding of institution for therapeutic or correc-
the problem and arrive at a solution. tional purposes. 2. an individual's
Originally described around 1917 by gradual adaptation to institutional
German experimental psychologist life over a long period, especially
Wolfgang Kohler (1887-1967), when this is seen as rendering him
based on observations of apes stack- or her passive, dependent, and gen-
ing boxes or using sticks to retrieve erally unsuited to life outside the
food, insight learning was offered as institution. —institutionalize vb.
an alternative to TRIAL-AND-ERROR
LEARNING. institutionalized racism differ-
ential treatment of individuals on
insight t h e r a p y any form of psy- the basis of their racial group by so-
chotherapy based on the theory that cial institutions, including religious
a client's problems cannot be re- organizations, governments, busi-
solved without his or her gaining nesses, the media, and educational

i n s t i t u t i o n a l review b o a r d

institutions. Examples include DIS- as an instmment that allows ob-

CRIMINATION in hiring, promotion, servations of the world to be
and advancement at work, restric- meaningfully ordered. This view is
tive housing regulations that related to PRAGMATISM, —instru-
promote segregation, unfair por- m e n t a l i s t adj., n.
trayal of minority members in
newspapers and magazines, and insula n. (pl. insulae) a region of
legal statutes that restrict the civil the cerebral cortex of primate brains
liberties of the members of specific that is buried in a cleft near the
racial categories. A parallel phenom- lower end of the LATERAL SULCUS.
enon exists for SEXISM. insulin n. a hormone, secreted
i n s t i t u t i o n a l review b o a r d by the B cells of the ISLETS OF
(IRB) a committee named by an LANGERHANS in the pancreas, that
agency or institution to review re- facilitates the transfer of glucose
search proposals originating within molecules through cell membranes.
that agencyforethical acceptability. Together with GLUCAGON, it plays a
key role in regulating blood sugar
i n s t r u m e n t a l activities of daily and carbohydrate metabolism.
living (lADLs) activities essential
to an individual's ability to function i n t a k e interview 1. the initial in-
autonomously, including cooking, terview with a client by a therapist
doing laundry, using the telephone, or counselor to obtain both infor-
managing money, shopping, getting mation regarding the issues or
to places beyond walking distance, problems that have brought the cli-
and the like. See also ACTIVITIES OF ent into therapy or counseling and
preliminary information regarding
personal and family history. 2. the
i n s t r u m e n t a l aggression see AG- initial interview with a patient who
GRESSION. is being admitted into a psychiatric
hospital, day treatment, or inpatient
i n s t r u m e n t a l c o n d i t i o n i n g any substance abuse facility to deter-
form of CONDITIONING in which mine the best course of treatment
the correct response is essential for and the appropriate therapist to pro-
REINFORCEMENT. Instmmental con- vide it.
ditioning is similar to OPERANT
CONDITIONING and usually involves i n t e g r a t i o n n. the coordination or
complex activities in order to reach unification of parts into a totality.
a goal, such as when a rat is trained This general meaning has been in-
to navigate a maze to obtain food. It corporated into a wide variety of
contrasts with PAVLOVIAN CONDI- psychological contexts and topics.
TIONING, in which reinforcement is For example, the integration of per-
given regardless of the response. sonality denotes the gradual
bringing together of constituent
i n s t r u m e n t a l i s m n. a theory of traits, behavioral patterns, motives,
knowledge that emphasizes the and so forth to form an organized
pragmatic value, rather than the whole that functions effectively and
tmth value, of ideas. In this view, with minimal effort or without con-
the value of an idea, concept, or flict.
judgment lies in its ability to ex-
plain, predict, and control one's i n t e g r a t i v e behavioral couples
concrete functional interactions t h e r a p y couples therapy that uses
with the experienced world. For ex- techniques of BEHAVIORAL COUPLES
ample, a theory should not be THERAPY but also focuses on each
considered as either tme or false but person's emotional acceptance of his


or her partner's genuine incompati- concepts, reason, acquire detail, and

bilities, which may or may not be perform other intellectual tasks. It
amenable to change. It is based on comprises mental, verbal, and per-
the conviction that focusing on formance tasks of graded difficulty
changing incompatibilities leads to a that have been standardized by use
resistance to change when change is on a representative sample of the
possible or that this focus results in population.
unnecessary frustration for both
intensity ti. the strength or quanti-
partners when change is not possi-
tative value of a stimulus (e.g.,
intensity of a sound) or sensation
integrative p s y c h o t h e r a p y psy- (e.g., intensity of an emotion), —in-
chotherapy that selects models or tense adj.
techniques from various therapeutic
schools to suit the client's particular i n t e n t i o n n. a conscious decision
problems. For example, PSYCHO- to perform a behavior. In experi-
DYNAMIC PSYCHOTHERAPY and ments, intention is often equated
GESTALT THERAPY may be combined with the goals defined by the task
through the practice of INTERPRETA- instructions, —intentional adj.
TION of material in the here and i n t e r a c t i o n n. a relationship be-
now. There is growing interest in tween two or more systems, people,
and use of such combined therapeu- or groups that results in mutual or
tic techniques. reciprocal influence. See also SOCIAL
INTERACTION, —interact vb.
i n t e g r i t y versus despair the
eighth and final stage of ERIKSON'S i n t e r a c t i o n effect the joint effect
EIGHT STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT, of two or more independent vari-
which occurs during old age. In this ables on a dependent variable above
stage the individual reflects on the and beyond the sum of their indi-
life he or she has lived and may de- vidual effects: The independent
velop either integrity—a sense of variables combine to have a differ-
satisfaction in having lived a good ent (and multiplicative) effect, such
life and the ability to approach that the value of one is contingent
death with equanimity—or de- upon the value of another. This in-
spair—a feeling of bitterness about dicates that the relationship
opportunities missed and time between the independent variables
wasted, and a dread of approaching changes as their values change. In-
death. teraction effects contrast with—and
may obscure—MAIN EFFECTS. Com-
intelligence n. the ability to derive pare ADDITIVE EFFECT.
information, learn from experience,
adapt to the environment, under- i n t e r a c t i o n i s m n. 1. the position
stand, and correctly utilize thought that mind and body are distinct,
and reason. There are many differ- incompatible substances that never-
ent definitions of intelligence, and theless interact, so that each has a
there is currently much debate, as causal influence on the other. This
there has been in the past, over the position is particularly associated
exact nature of intelligence, —intel- with French philosopher Rene Des-
ligent adj. cartes (1596-1650). See MIND-BODY
PROBLEM. 2. a set of approaches,
intelligence q u o t i e n t see IQ. particularly in personality psychol-
intelligence test an individually ogy, in which behavior is explained
administered test measuring a per- not in terms of personality attributes
son's ability to solve problems, form or situational influences but by ref-

interaction-process analysis

erences to interactions that typify interference), and presentation of

the behavior of a certain type of other material. 2. the mutual effect
person in a certain type of setting. on meeting of two or more light,
—interactionist adj. sound, or any other waves, the over-
lap of which produces a new pattern
interaction-process analysis a
of waves.
technique used to study the emo-
tional, intellectual, and behavioral interference t h e o r y the hypothe-
interactions among members of a sis that forgetting is due to competi-
group, for example, during GROUP tion from other learning or other
THERAPY. It requires observers to memories.
classify every behavior displayed by
i n t e rjudge reliability see
a member of a group into one of 12
mutually exclusive categories, such
as "asks for information" or "shows i n t e r m i t t e n t explosive disorder
tension." an impulse-control disorder consist-
ing of multiple episodes in which
i n t e r c o r r e l a t i o n n. the correlation the individual commits assaultive
between each variable and every acts or destroys property. These ag-
other variable in a group of vari-
gressive acts are significantly out of
proportion to any precipitating fac-
i n t e r d e p e n d e n c e n. a state in tors, are not caused by any other
which factors rely on or react with mental disorder or a general medical
one another such that one cannot condition, and are not substance-
change without affecting the other. induced. Compare ISOLATED EXPLO-
—interdependent adj., n. SIVE DISORDER.

i n t e r d e p e n d e n t self-construal a i n t e r m i t t e n t reinforcement in
view of the self that emphasizes operant or instmmental condition-
one's embeddedness in a network of ing, any pattern of REINFORCEMENT
social relationships and downplays in which only some responses are
one's unique traits or accomplish- reinforced. Also called p a r t i a l re-
ments. Compare INDEPENDENT SELF- inforcement.
i n t e r m o d a l m a t c h i n g the ability
interdisciplinary a p p r o a c h a to recognize an object initially in-
manner of dealing with psychologi- spected with one modality (e.g.,
cal, medical, or other scientific touch) via another modality (e.g.,
questions in which individuals from vision). Also called cross-modal
different disciplines or professions matching.
collaborate to obtain a more thor- i n t e r m o d a l perception the
ough, detailed understanding of
coordination or integration of in-
the nature of the questions and formation from two or more senses,
consequently develop more com-
such as touch and vision.
prehensive answers. Also called
m u l t i d i s c i p l i n a r y approach. i n t e r n a l a t t r i b u t i o n see
interference n. 1. the blocking of
learning or recall by the learning or i n t e r n a l capsule a large band of
remembering of other, conflicting nerve fibers in the corpus striatum
material. Interference has many (see BASAL GANGLIA) that extends
sources, including prior learning between the CAUDATE NUCLEUS on
(proactive interference), subsequent its medial side and the GLOBUS
learning (retroactive interference), PALLIDUS and PUTAMEN on its lat-
competition during recall (output eral side. It contains afferent and

interpersonal attraction

efferent fibers from all parts of the Diseases and Related Health Problems,
cerebral cortex as they converge uses a four-character alphanumeric
near the brainstem. See also EXTER- coding system to classify diseases
NAL CAPSULE. and disorders and their subtypes.
See also DSM-IV-TR.
i n t e r n a l consistency the degree
to which all the items on a test mea- I n t e r n e t addiction a behavioral
sure the same thing. pattern characterized by excessive or
obsessive online and offline com-
i n t e r n a l i z a t i o n u. 1. the uncon-
puter use that leads to distress and
scious mental process by which the impairment. The condition, though
characteristics, beliefs, feelings, or
controversial, has attracted increas-
attitudes of other individuals or ing attention in the popular media
groups are assimilated into the self
and among healthcare professionals;
and adopted as one's own. 2. in psy-
it has been proposed for inclusion in
choanalytic theory, the process of the next edition of the Diagnostic
incorporating an OBJECT relation-
and Statistical Manual of Mental Dis-
ship inside the psyche, which orders (see DSM-IV-TR). Expanding
reproduces the external relationship
research has identified various sub-
as an intrapsychic phenomenon. For
types, including those involving
example, through internalization excessive gaming, sexual preoc-
the relationship between father and
cupations, and e-mail and text
child is reproduced in the relation- messaging.
ship between SUPEREGO and EGO.
Internalization is often mistakenly i n t e m e u r o n u. any neuron that is
used as a synonym for INTRO- neither sensory nor motor but con-
JECTION. —internalize vb. nects other neurons within the
central nervous system.
i n t e r n a l locus of control see
LOCUS OF CONTROL. interobserver reliability see
i n t e r n a l validity the degree to
which a study or experiment is free interoception w. sensitivity to
from flaws in its internal structure stimuli that are inside the body, re-
and its results can therefore be taken sulting from the response of
to represent the tme nature of the specialized sensory cells called
phenomenon. interoceptors to occurrences within
the body (e.g., from the viscera).
i n t e r n a l w o r k i n g model of at- Compare EXTEROCEPTION.
t a c h m e n t a cognitive constmction
or set of assumptions about the interpersonal adj. pertaining to
workings of relationships, such as actions, events, and feelings be-
expectations of support or affection. tween two or more individuals. For
The earliest relationships may form example, interpersonal skill is an ap-
the template for this internal model, titude enabling a person to carry on
which may be positive or negative. effective relationships with others,
such as an ability to communicate
I n t e r n a t i o n a l Classification of
Diseases (ICD) a system of catego- thought and feeling or to assume
ries of disease conditions compiled appropriate sodal responsibilities.
by the World Health Organization interpersonal a t t r a c t i o n the in-
(WHO) in conjunction with 10 terest in and liking of one individual
WHO collaborating centers world- by another, or the mutual interest
wide. The ICD-10 (10th revision), and liking between two or more in-
published in 1992 as the Intema- dividuals. Interpersonal attraction
tional Statistical Classification of may be based on shared experiences,

i n t e r p e r s o n a l influence

physical appearances, internal moti- exists to some extent in almost any

vation (e.g., loneliness), or some form of therapy, it is a critical proce-
combination of these. dural step in psychoanalysis and in
i n t e r p e r s o n a l influence see SO- other forms of PSYCHODYNAMIC
interpersonal psychotherapy a i n t e r p r e t i v i s m u. in EPISTEMOL-
time-limited form of psychotherapy OGY, the assertion that knowledge
in which the central feature is the is deeply tied to the a d of inter-
clarification of the client's interper- pretation; there are multiple
sonal interactions with significant apprehendable and equally valid
others. The therapist helps the client realities as opposed to a single
explore current and past experiences objective reality. Interpretivism
in detail, relating not only to inter- thus represents a form of RELATIV-
personal reaction but also to ISM. See also CONSTRUCTIVISM.
environmental influences generally i n t e r q u a r t i l e r a n g e an index of
on personal adaptive and mal- the dispersion within a batch of
adaptive thinking and behavior. scores: the difference between the
75th and 25th percentile scores
i n t e r p e r s o n a l t h e o r y the theory
within a distribution.
of personality developed by U.S.
psychoanalyst Harry Stack Sullivan i n t e r r a t e r reliability the consis-
(1892-1949), which is based on the tency with which different examiners
belief that people's interactions with produce similar ratings in judging
other people, especially SIGNIFICANT the same abilities or characteristics
OTHERS, determine their sense of se- in the same target person or object.
curity, sense of self, and the It usually refers to continuous mea-
dynamisms that motivate their be- surement assignments. Also called
havior. interjudge reliability; inter-
i n t e r p e r s o n a l t r u s t the confi- observer reliability.
dence a person has in the honesty interrupted-time-series design
and reliability of others. an experimental design in which the
effects of an intervention are evalu-
interposition n. a monocular
ated by comparing outcome
DEPTH CUE occurring when two ob- measures obtained at several time
jects are in the same line of vision intervals before, and several time in-
and the closer object, which is fully tervals after, the intervention was
in view, partly conceals the farther introduced.
intersensory p e r c e p t i o n the co-
i n t e r p r e t a t i o n n. in psychother- ordination of information presented
apy, explanation by the therapist in through separate modalities into an
terms that are meaningful to the cli-
integrated experience. Information
ent of the client's issues, behaviors,
from one sensory source is transmit-
or feelings. Interpretation typically
is made along the lines of the partic- where it can be integrated with in-
ular conceptual framework or formation from another sensory
dynamic model of the form of ther-
apy. In psychoanalysis, for example, source. Also called cross-modal
the analyst uses the constmcts of
psychoanalytic theory to interpret intersexuality n. a modern term
the patient's early experiences, for HERMAPHRODITISM and
dreams, character defenses, and re- pseudohermaphroditism: the con-
sistance. Although interpretation dition of possessing the sexual char-

interviewer effects

acteristics of both sexes, —inter- an INDEPENDENT VARIABLE and that

sexual adj. in turn influences a DEPENDENT
VARIABLE. 2. more specifically, an
intersubjectivity n. the property unseen process or event, inferred to
of being accessible in some way to occur within the organism between
more than one mind, implying a a stimulus event and the time of re-
communication and understanding sponse, that affects the relationship
among different minds and the pos-
sibility of converting subjective, between the stimulus and response.
private experiences into objective, i n t e r v e n t i o n n. 1. action on the
public ones. —intersubjective adj. part of a therapist to deal with the
i n t e r v a l d a t a numerical values issues and problems of a dient. The
that indicate magnitude but lack a selection of the intervention is
"natural," meaningful zero point. guided by the nature of the prob-
Interval data represent exact quan- lem, the orientation of the therapist,
tities of the variables under the setting, and the willingness and
consideration, and when arranged ability of the client to proceed with
consecutively have equal differences the treatment. 2. a technique in ad-
among adjacent values (regardless of dictions counseling in which
the specific values selected) that cor- significant individuals in a client's
respond to genuine differences life meet with him or her, in the
between the physical quantities presence of a trained counselor, to
being measured. Temperature is an express their observations and feel-
example of interval data: the differ- ings about the client's addiction and
ence between 50 "F and 49 °F is the related problems. The session, typi-
same as the difference between 40 °F cally a surprise to the client, may
and 39 0F, but a temperature of 0 °F last several hours, after which the
does not indicate that there is no client has a choice of seeking a rec-
temperature. See also RATIO DATA.
ommended treatment immediately
(e.g., as an inpatient) or ignoring the
interval estimate an estimated intervention. If the client chooses
range of likely values for a given not to seek treatment, participants
population parameter. Compare state the interpersonal conse-
interval reinforcement the REIN- interview n. a directed conversa-
FORCEMENT of the first response to a tion intended to elicit specific
stimulus after a predetermined inter- information from an individual for
val has lapsed. Reinforcement may purposes of research, diagnosis,
be given at uniform or variable in- treatment, or employment. Inter-
tervals; the number of responses views may be either highly
during the interval is irrelevant. stmctured, including set questions,
Compare RATIO REINFORCEMENT. or unstmctured, varying with mate-
interval scale a scale marked in rial introduced by the interviewee.
equal intervals so that the difference
between any two consecutive values interviewer effects the influence
on the scale is equivalent regardless of an interviewer's attributes and
of the two values selected. Interval behaviors on a respondent's an-
scales lack a true, meaningful zero swers. The interviewer's appearance,
point, which is what distinguishes demeanor, training, age, sex, and
them from RATIO SCALES.
ethnicity may all produce effects
of this kind. The term interviewer
i n t e r v e n i n g variable 1. a hypo- bias refers more specifically to an
thetical entity that is influenced by interviewer's expectations, beliefs,


and prejudices as they influence the tained (e.g., course credits). Com-
interview process and the interpreta- pare EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION.
tion of the data it provides.
introjection 11. 1. a process in
i n t i m a c y n. an interpersonal state which an individual unconsciously
of extreme emotional closeness that incorporates aspects of the external
usually characterizes affectionate or environment into the self, particu-
loving personal relationships and re- larly the attitudes, values, and
quires the parties to have a detailed qualities of another person.
knowledge or deep understanding of Introjection may occur, for example,
each other, —intimate adj. in the mourning process for a loved
one. 2. in psychoanalytic theory,
i n t i m a c y versus isolation the the process of internalizing the qual-
ities of an external OBJECT into the
DEVELOPMENT, which extends from psyche in the form of an internal
late adolescence through courtship object or mental REPRESENTATION,
and early family life to early middle which then has an influence on be-
age. During this period, individuals havior. This process is posited to be
must learn to share and care without a normal part of development, as
losing themselves; if they fail, they when introjection of parental values
will feel alone and isolated. The de- and attitudes forms the SUPEREGO,
velopment of a cohesive identity in but may also be used as a DEFENSE
the previous stage provides the op- MECHANISM in situations that
portunity to achieve tme intimacy. arouse anxiety. —introject vb.
i n t o x i c a t i o n n. see SUBSTANCE IN- —introjective adj.
introjective depression self-
intraclass correlation 1. an critical depression: intense sadness
index of the homogeneity of mem- and DYSPHORIA stemming from pu-
bers (people, items, etc.) within a nitive, relentless feelings of self-
group. 2. the average intercor- doubt, self-criticism, and self-
relation among randomly formed loathing that often are related to the
pairs of cases within a group. internalization of the attitudes and
i n t r a p e r s o n a l adj. describing fac- values of harsh and critical parental
tors operating or constmcts figures. The individual with
occurring within the person, such as introjective depression becomes in-
attitudes, decisions, self-concept, volved in numerous activities in an
attempt to compensate for his or her
self-esteem, or self-regulation.
excessively high standards, constant
i n t r a p s y c h i c adj. pertaining to drive to perform and achieve, and
phenomena that arise or occur feelings of guilt and shame over not
within the psyche or mind. An having lived up to expectations.
intrapsychic (or inner) conflict, for Compare ANACLITIC DEPRESSION.
example, is the clash of opposing
forces within the psyche, such as intromission n. the act of sending
conflicting drives, wishes, or agen- or putting in something, especially
cies. Compare EXTRAPSYCHIC. the insertion of the penis into the
vagina. —intromissive adj.
i n t r i n s i c m o t i v a t i o n an incen-
tive to engage in a specific activity i n t r o p u n i t i v e adj. referring to the
that derives from the adivity itself punishment of oneself: tending to
(e.g., a genuine interest in a subject turn anger, blame, or hostility inter-
studied), rather than because of any nally, against the self, in response to
external benefits that might be ob- fmstration. Compare

in vitro fertilization

EXTRAPUNITIVE. —intropunitive- or incision of the skin or insertion

nessn. of an instmment or foreign material
into the body. 2. able to spread from
introspection n. the process of at- one tissue to another, or having the
tempting to access directly one's capacity to spread, as in the case of
own internal psychological pro- an infection or a malignant tumor.
cesses, judgments, perceptions, or Compare NONINVASIVE.
states, —introspective adj.
inverse agonist see AGONIST.
introspectionism n. the doctrine
that the basic method of psychologi- inverted-U hypothesis a pro-
cal investigation is or should be posed correlation between
INTROSPECTION. Historically, such motivation (or AROUSAL) and perfor-
an approach is associated with mance such that performance is
the school of psychological poorest when motivation or arousal
STRUCTURALISM. —introspec- is at very low or very high states.
tionist adj. This function is typically referred to
introversion n. orientation toward tional intensity (motivation)
the internal private world of one's increases from a zero point to an
self and one's inner thoughts and optimal point, increasing the quality
feelings, rather than toward the of performance; increase in intensity
outer world of people and things. after this optimal point leads to
Introversion is a broad personality performance deterioration and dis-
trait and, like EXTRAVERSION, exists organization, forming an inverted
on a continuum of attitudes and be- U-shaped curve. The optimal point
haviors. Introverts are relatively is reached sooner (i.e., at lower in-
more withdrawn, retiring, reserved, tensities) the less well learned or
quiet, and deliberate; they may tend more complex the performance.
to mute or guard expression of posi-
tive affect, adopt more skeptical investment model a theory
views or positions, and prefer to explaining commitment to a
work independently. —introver- relationship in terms of one's sat-
sive adj. —introvert n. —intro- isfaction with, alternatives to, and
verted adj. investments in the relationship.
According to the model, commit-
i n t r u s i o n error in a memory test, ment is a function not only of a
the recall of an item that was not comparison of the relationship to
among the material presented for re- the individual's expectations, but
membering. Intmsion errors can be also the quality of the best available
informative about the nature of for- alternative and the magnitude of
getting, for instance, if the intmsion the individual's investment in the
is a synonym, rhyme, or associate of relationship; the investment of
a correct item. resources serves to increase commit-
i n v a r i a n c e n. 1. in the theory of ment by increasing the costs of
ECOLOGICAL PERCEPTION, any prop- leaving the relationship. Although
erty of an object that remains originally developed in the context
constant although the point of ob- of romantic associations and friend-
servation or surrounding conditions ships, the investment model has
may change. 2. in statistics, the since been extended to a variety of
property of being unchanged by a other areas, including employment
TRANSFORMATION, — i n v a r i a n t adj. and education.
invasive adj. 1. denoting proce- in vitro fertilization (IVF) a pro-
dures or tests that require puncture cedure in which an ovum (egg) is

in vivo desensitization

removed from a woman's body, fer- or others, may fail to recognize the
tilized extemally with sperm, and severity of their illness and the need
then retumed to the uterus. It is for treatment, or may be unable to
used to treat the most difficult cases have their daily living and treat-
of INFERTILITY, but success rates for ment needs otherwise met in the
the procedure are not high. community or survive without med-
ical attention.
i n vivo desensitization a tech-
nique used in BEHAVIOR THERAPY, i n v o l u t i o n a l adj. describing the
usually to reduce or eliminate pho- decline of the body or any of its
bias, in which the client is exposed parts from an optimal level of func-
to the stimuli that induce anxiety. tioning as a result of increasing age.
The therapist, in discussion with the —involution n.
client, produces a hierarchy of anxi-
ety-invoking events or items relating iodopsin n. see PHOTOPIGMENT.
to the anxiety-producing stimulus or i o n n. an atom or molecule that has
phobia. The client is then exposed acquired an electrical charge by
to the actual stimuli in the hierar- gaining or losing one or more elec-
chy, rather than being asked to trons. —ionic adj.
imagine them. Success depends on
the client overcoming anxiety as the ion c h a n n e l a group of proteins
events or items are encountered. See forming a channel that spans a cell
also SYSTEMATIC DESENSITIZATION. membrane, allowing the passage of
ions between the extracellular envi-
in vivo exposure a type of EXPO- ronment and the cytoplasm of the
SURE THERAPY, generally used for cell. Ion channels are selective;
treating individuals with PHOBIAS, allow passage of ions of a particular
OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE DISORDER, chemical nature, size, or electro-
and other anxiety disorders, in static charge; and may be ungated
which the client directly experiences (i.e., always open) or gated, opening
anxiety-provoking situations or and closing in response to chemical,
stimuli in real-world conditions. For electrical, or mechanical signals. Ion
example, a client who fears flying channels are important in the trans-
could be accompanied by a therapist mission of neural signals between
to the airport to simulate boarding a neurons at a SYNAPSE.
plane while practicing anxiety-
decreasing techniques, such as deep i o n o t r o p i c receptor a RECEPTOR
breathing. Compare IMAGINAL EX- protein that includes an ION CHAN-
POSURE. NEL that is opened when the
receptor is activated. Compare
i n v o l u n t a r y adj. describing activ- METABOTROPIC RECEPTOR.
ity, movement, behavior, or other I/O psychology abbreviation for
processes that occur without choice INDUSTRIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL
or intention (i.e., they are not under PSYCHOLOGY.
the control of the will). See also
AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM. ipsative adj. referring back to the
Compare VOLUNTARY. self. For example, ipsative analyses
of personal characteristics involve
i n v o l u n t a r y hospitalization the assessing multiple psychological at-
confinement of a person with a seri- tributes and conducting within-
ous mental disorder or illness to a person analyses of the degree to
mental hospital by medical authori- which an individual possesses one
zation and legal direction. attribute versus another.
Individuals so hospitalized may be
considered dangerous to themselves ipsilateral adj. situated on or af-

i t e m analysis

fecting the same side of the body. IRM abbreviation for INNATE RE-
—ipsilaterally adv.
i r r a t i o n a l adj. lacking in reason or
IPSP abbreviation for INHIBITORY sound judgment: illogical or unrea-
IRT abbreviation for ITEM RESPONSE
IQ intelligence quotient: a standard
measure of an individual's intelli- THEORY.
gence level based on psychological ischemia n. deficiency of blood in
tests. In the early years of intelli- an organ or tissue, due to functional
gence testing, IQ was calculated by constriction or actual obstmction of
dividing the MENTAL AGE by the a blood vessel, —ischemic adj.
ing by 100 to produce a ratio IQ. islets of Langerhans small clus-
This concept has now mostly been ters of cells that function as an
replaced by the deviation IQ, ENDOCRINE GLAND within the pan-
computed as a function of the dis- creas, an abdominal organ near the
crepancy of an individual score from stomach. The A (or alpha) cells se-
the mean (or average) score. The crete GLUCAGON, the B (or beta)
mean IQ is customarily 100, with cells secrete INSULIN, and the D (or
slightly more than two thirds of all delta) cells secrete SOMATOSTATIN.
scores falling within plus or minus Together these hormones play a key
15 points of the mean (usually one role in regulating blood sugar and
standard deviation). Some tests yield carbohydrate metabolism. [Paul
more spedfic IQ scores, such as a Langerhans (1847-1888), German
verbal IQ and performance IQ. Dis- anatomist]
crepancies between the two can be
used diagnostically to detect learn- isolated explosive disorder an
ing disabilities or specific cognitive impulse-control disorder character-
deficiencies. There are critics who ized by a single, discrete episode in
consider the concept of IQ (and which the individual commits a
other intelligence scales) to be violent, catastrophic ad, such as
flawed. They point out that the IQ shooting a group of strangers. The
test is more a measure of previously episode is out of all proportion to
learned skills and knowledge and any precipitating stress, is not due
also refer to cases of misrepresenta- to any other mental disorder or to
tion of facts in the history of IQ a general medical condition, and
research. is not substance-induced. Compare
IRB abbreviation for INSTITUTIONAL isolation n. 1. the condition of
REVIEW BOARD. being separated from other indi-
viduals. See LONELINESS. 2. in
iris n. a muscular disk that sur- psychoanalytic theory, a DEFENSE
rounds the pupil of the eye and MECHANISM that relies on keeping
controls the amount of light enter- unwelcome thoughts and feelings
ing the eye by contraction or from forming associative links with
relaxation. The stroma of the iris, other thoughts and feelings, with
which faces the cornea, contains a the result that the unwelcome
pigment that gives the eye its color- thought is rarely activated, —iso-
ation; the back of the iris is lined late vb.
with a dark pigment that restricts
light entry to the pupil, regardless of i t e m analysis a set of procedures
the apparent color of the iris. used to evaluate the statistical merits

i t e m response t h e o r y

of individual items comprising a terms of the number of parameters

psychological measure or test. These contained in the model (as in the
procedures may be used to select RASCH MODEL).
items for a test from a larger pool of
initial items or to evaluate items on i t e r a t i o n n. the repetition of a cer-
an established test. tain computational step until
further repetition no longer changes
i t e m response t h e o r y (IRT) a the outcome or until the repetition
psychometric theory of measure- meets some other predefined crite-
ment based on the concept that the rion.
probability that an item will be cor-
redly answered is a function of an FV abbreviation for INDEPENDENT
underlying (latent) trait or ability
that is not directly observable. Item IVF abbreviation for IN VITRO FER-
response theory models differ in TILIZATION.

James-Lange t h e o r y the theory work, eating, body temperature, and
that different feeling states stem adrenocortical-secretion cycles may
from the feedback from the viscera require several days to adjust to
and voluntary musculature to the local time.
brain: that is, the physiological re-
sponse precedes rather than follows jigsaw classroom a team-leaming
the feeling. [William James (1842- technique used to foster a coopera-
1910), U.S. psychologist and philos- tive learning environment that
opher; Carl Georg Lange (1834- reduces prejudice and social isola-
tion and improves academic
1900), Danish physiologist] achievement. Students work in
jargon n. the specialized words and groups on a content unit. The
forms of language used within a par- teacher assigns specific topics in the
ticular profession or field of activity. unit to each group member and al-
Although jargon is often unavoid- lows students with the same topics
able in dealing with technical or to leave their group to study the
specialist subjects, inappropriate or topic with others who have that
unnecessary use can alienate outsid- same assignment. The students then
ers, who find it unintelligible. return to their original groups and
teach their topics to the other mem-
jealousy n. a negative EMOTION in bers.
which an individual resents a third
party for appearing to take away the JND (jnd) abbreviation for just no-
affections of a loved one. Jealousy ticeable difference (see DIFFERENCE
requires a triangle of social relation- THRESHOLD).
ships between three individuals: the
one who is jealous, the partner with job analysis the collection and
whom the jealous individual has or study of information about the be-
desires a relationship, and the rival haviors, tools, working conditions,
who represents a preemptive threat skills, and other characteristics of a
to that relationship. Romantic rela- specific job. Job analysis is the first
tionships are the prototypic source step in developing effective person-
of jealousy, but any significant rela- nel selection, employee evaluation,
tionship (with parents, friends, and job evaluation, and personnel train-
so on) is capable of producing it. It ing programs.
differs from envy in that three peo- job satisfaction the attitude of a
ple are always involved, —jealous worker toward his or her job, often
adj. expressed as a hedonic response of
liking or disliking the work itself,
jet lag a maladjustment of circa- the rewards (pay, promotions, recog-
dian rhythms (see BIOLOGICAL nition), or the context (working
RHYTHM) that results from traveling conditions, colleagues).
through several global time zones
within a short span of time. Rest, joint a t t e n t i o n attention overtly


focused by two or more people on just-world hypothesis the need

the same object, person, or action at to believe that the environment is a
the same time, with each being just and orderly place where what
aware of the other's interest. Joint happens to people generally is what
attention is an important develop- they deserve. This belief in a just
mental tool; by focusing attention world enables an individual to con-
on an object as well as on the adult's front his or her physical and social
reaction to it, children can learn environment as though they were
about the world. This technique is stable and orderly but may, for ex-
also used in primate studies. ample, result in the belief that the
innocent victim of an accident must
joy u. a feeling of extreme gladness, somehow be responsible for, or de-
delight, or exultation of the spirit serve, it. Also called just-world
arising from a sense of well-being or bias; just-world p h e n o m e n o n .
satisfadion. Joy promotes confi-
dence and an increase in energy, juvenile delinquency illegal be-
which in turn tend to promote posi- havior by a minor (usually identified
tive feelings about the self. as a person under age 18) that would
be considered criminal in an adult.
just noticeable difference (JND; Examples are vandalism, theft, rape,
jnd) see DIFFERENCE THRESHOLD. arson, and aggravated assault.

k a i n a t e receptor see GLUTAMATE own ability to reproduce or survive
RECEPTOR. but helps its parents or more than
two siblings to survive or reproduce,
k a p p a n. an index of the degree to
the sacrificing individual will benefit
which a group of judges, tests, or in-
indirectly by gaining INCLUSIVE FIT-
stmments rate an attribute in the
same way, corrected for chance asso-
ciation. See COHEN'S KAPPA. k i n s h i p n e t w o r k the system of
formal and informal relationships
K complex a characteristic brief,
high-amplitude pattern of electrical that make up an EXTENDED FAMILY
in a given culture or sodety, typi-
activity recorded from the brain dur- cally based on blood ties, marriage,
ing the early stages of sleep. or adoption. The analysis of kinship
kindness n. benevolent and helpful networks in preindustrial societies
action intentionally directed toward has been a major concern of cultural
another person. Kindness is moti- anthropology. Also called k i n s h i p
vated by the desire to help another, system.
not to gain explicit reward or to
avoid explicit punishment. See AL- k l e p t o m a n i a n. an impulse-
TRUISM, —kind adj. control disorder characterized by re-
peated stealing of objects that have
kinesics n. the study of the part no immediate use or intrinsic value
played by body movements, such as to the individual, accompanied by
hand gestures, eye movements, and feelings of increased tension before
so on, in communicating meaning. committing the theft and either
See BODY LANGUAGE. pleasure or relief during the act.
kinesthesis n. the sense that pro- —kleptomaniac n.
vides information about the Klinefelter's s y n d r o m e a disor-
position, movement, tension, and so der in which males are born with an
forth of body parts via specialized extra X chromosome, resulting in
kinesthetic receptors in the muscles, small testes, absence of sperm, en-
tendons, and joints. This informa- larged breasts, mental retardation,
tion, called kinesthetic feedback, and abnormal behavior. Also called
enables humans and other animals XXY syndrome. [Harry F.
to control and coordinate their Klinefelter (1912- ), U.S. physi-
movements. Also called kinesthe- cian]
—kinesthetic adj. Kliiver-Bucy syndrome a condi-
tion resulting from damage to both
k i n selection a variation of natural medial temporal lobes and marked
selection that favors behavior by by hypersexuality, a tendency to ex-
an individual that increases the amine all objects by placing them in
chances of its relatives surviving the mouth, visual AGNOSIA, and de-
and reproducing successfully (see creased emotional responsivity
ALTRUISM). If an individual risks its (including loss of normal fear and

k n o w l e d g e base

anger responses). [Heinrich Kliiver male suddenly fears that his penis is
(1897-1975), German-born U.S. shrinking and will disappear into his
neurologist; Paul Bucy (1904-1992), abdomen, bringing death. In fe-
U.S. neurosurgeon] males, the fear is focused on the
vulva and nipples.
k n o w l e d g e base an individual's
general background knowledge, Korsakoff's s y n d r o m e amnesia
which influences his or her perfor- caused by thiamine (vitamin Bj) de-
mance on most cognitive tasks. ficiency. Individuals have a severe,
enduring difficulty in learning new
k n o w l e d g e function of a n atti- information and often cannot recall
t u d e the role an attitude can play memories of events from recent
in helping to interpret ambiguous years, although general intellectual
information or to organize in- functioning and SEMANTIC MEMORY
formation. For example, a positive are unimpaired. Korsakoff's syn-
attitude toward a friend may assist drome frequently is associated with
in attributing that person's negative alcoholism and often follows an
behavior to situational fadors rather episode of WERNICKE'S ENCEPHALOP-
than personal characteristics. ATHY, [first described in 1887 by
Sergei Korsakoff (1853-1900), Rus-
Kohlberg's t h e o r y of m o r a l de- sian neurologist]
velopment as proposed by U.S.
psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg Kruskal-Wallis test a
(1927-1987), the theory that the nonparametric method for deter-
cognitive processes associated with mining statistical significance of the
moral judgment develop through a equality of centrality with ranked
number of universal, invariant data. It is analogous to ONE-WAY
stages. According to the theory, ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE. [William
there are three main levels: the Kruskal and Wilson Allen Wallis
PRECONVENTIONAL LEVEL, t h e (1912-1998), U.S. statisticians]
CONVENTIONAL LEVEL, and the k u r t o s i s n. the fourth central MO-
POSTCONVENTIONAL LEVEL. MENT of a probability distribution.
It is a statistical description of the
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test a degree of peakedness of that distri-
nonparametric test of the distribu- bution.
tional equivalence of two samples or
of the fit of a sample to a theoretical k w a s h i o r k o r n. a form of malnu-
distribution. [Andrei Nikolaevich trition caused by inadequate intake
Kolmogorov and Nikolai Vasilevich of protein, usually observed in chil-
Smirnov, 20th-century Soviet math- dren in impoverished countries.
ematicians] The symptoms include impaired
growth, distention of the abdomen,
k o r o n. a CULTURE-BOUND SYN- and pigment changes in the skin
DROME observed primarily in males and hair. Normal cerebral develop-
in China and southeast Asia. It is an ment also may be impaired. See also
acute anxiety reaction in which the MARASMUS.

labeled-line t h e o r y of t a s t e cod- can manipulate variables. Compare
i n g a theory postulating that each FIELD RESEARCH.
gustatory neuron type comprises a l a b y r i n t h n. in anatomy, the com-
private circuit (labeled line) through plex system of cavities, ducts, and
which is signaled the presence of its canals within the temporal bone of
associated primary taste quality. The the skull that comprises the inner
taste is perceived exclusively as a ear. The bony (or osseous) labyrinth
product of activity in that labeled is a system of bony cavities that
line; activity in neurons outside the houses the membranous labyrinth, a
labeled line contributes only noise. membrane-lined system of ducts
containing the receptors for hearing
and balance.
labeling «. in psychological assess- laceration n. a jagged tear or cut: a
ment, classifying a patient according wound with rough, irregular edges.
to a certain diagnostic category. Pa-
tient labeling may be incomplete or l a d d e r i n g n. a knowledge elicita-
misleading, because not all cases tion technique that is used in
conform to the sharply defined interviewing to impose a systematic
characteristics of the standard diag- framework upon questioning so as
nostic categories. to reveal complex themes across an-
swers. In laddering, a respondent
labeling t h e o r y the sociological replies to a series of "why?" probes,
hypothesis that describing an indi- thus requiring him or her to expose
vidual in terms of particular and explain choices or preferences
behavioral characteristics (i.e., label- and justify behavior in terms of
ing) may have a significant effect on goals, values, and PERSONAL CON-
his or her behavior, as a form of STRUCTS. Laddering is concerned
SELF-FULFILLING PROPHECY. with linkages between concepts elic-
la belle indifference inappropri- ited from the participant (e.g.,
ate lack of concern about the attitudes and beliefs associated with
seriousness or implications of one's a particular consumer produd), and
physical symptoms, often seen in provides greater scope for probing
CONVERSION DISORDER. salient issues while optimizing the
often limited time available with re-
labile adj. liable to change or dis- spondents.
mption. Labile affect, for example,
is highly variable, suddenly shifting Lamarckism n. the theory that
emotional expression, —lability n. changes acquired by an organism
during its lifetime, for example,
l a b o r a t o r y research scientific through use or disuse of particular
study conducted in a laboratory or parts, can be inherited by its
other such workplace, where the in- offspring. Evidence for such inheri-
vestigator has some degree of direct tance of acquired charaderistics,
control over the environment and however, is lacking. [Jean-Baptiste


Lamarck (1744-1829), French natu- LANGUAGE ACQUISITION DEVICE of

ral historian] —Lamarckian adj. the younger child.
l a n g u a g e n. 1. a system for ex- l a n g u a g e disorder see SPEECH
pressing or communicating AND LANGUAGE DISORDER.
thoughts and feelings through
speech sounds or written symbols, l a n g u a g e t h e r a p y see SPEECH AND
comprising a distinctive vocabulary, LANGUAGE THERAPY.
grammar, and phonology. 2. any l a t a h (lattah) n. a CULTURE-
comparable nonverbal means of BOUND SYNDROME in Malaysia and
communication, such as SIGN LAN- Indonesia characterized by an exag-
GUAGE or the languages used in gerated startle reaction, imitative
computer programming. behavior in speech (see ECHOLA-
l a n g u a g e acquisition the process LIA) and body movements (see
by which children learn language. ECHOPRAXIA), a compulsion to utter
Although often used interchange- profanities and obscenities (see
ably with language development, COPROLALIA), command obedience,
this term is preferred by those who and disorganization. See also IMU;
emphasize the active role of the
child as a learner with considerable latency stage in psychoanalytic
innate linguistic knowledge. theory, the stage of PSYCHOSEXUAL
l a n g u a g e acquisition device a DEVELOPMENT in which overt sexual
hypothetical faculty used to explain interest is sublimated and the child's
a child's ability to acquire language. attention is focused on skills and
In the early model proposed by U.S. peer activities with members of his
linguist Benjamin Lee Whorf (1897- or her own sex. This stage is posited
1941), it is an inherited mechanism to last from about the resolution of
that enables children to develop a the OEDIPUS COMPLEX, at about age
language structure from linguistic 6, to the onset of puberty during the
data supplied by parents and others. 11th or 12th year. Also called la-
As reinterpreted by U.S. linguist tency phase.
Noam Chomsky (1928- ), how- l a t e n t c o n t e n t in psychoanalytic
ever, the language acquisition device theory, the unconscious wishes
contains significant innate knowl- seeking expression in dreams or fan-
edge that actively interprets the tasies. This unconscious material is
input: Only this can explain how a posited to encounter censorship and
highly abstract COMPETENCE in lan- to be distorted by the DREAM-WORK
guage results from a relatively
deprived input. into symbolic representations in
order to protect the EGO. Through
l a n g u a g e acquisition s u p p o r t DREAM ANALYSIS, the latent content
system the adults and older chil- may be uncovered.
dren who help a young child to
acquire language. Children learn l a t e n t l e a r n i n g learning that is
language in and from conversation: not manifested as a change in per-
Family members talk to them, tailor- formance until a specific needforit
ing their language to the children's arises. For example, a rat allowed to
level of comprehension and often explore a maze without reward will
using higher pitch and exaggerated later learn to find the goal more
intonation. The language ac- rapidly than a rat without prior ex-
quisition support system is concep- posure to the maze. See also
tualized as essential to language
learning and may interact with the l a t e n t variable a hypothetical,

Latin square

unobservable characteristic that is laterality n. the preferential use of

thought to underlie and explain ob- one side of the body for certain
served, manifest attributes that are functions, such as eating, writing,
directly measurable. The values of and kicking. See also HANDEDNESS.
latent variables are inferred from
l a t e r a l i z a t i o n n. see HEMISPHERIC
patterns of interrelationships among
l a t e r a l lemniscus a bundle of
l a t e r a l adj. toward the side of the
nerve fibers mnning from the audi-
body or of an organ. Compare ME-
DIAL, —laterally adv.
tory nuclei in the brainstem (i.e.,
l a t e r a l geniculate nucleus either through the PONS and terminating
of two small oval clusters of nerve in the inferior COLLICULUS and in
cell bodies on the underside of the the THALAMUS. It is primarily con-
THALAMUS in the brain that relay in- cerned with hearing.
formation from cone-rich areas of
the retina to the VISUAL CORTEX via
l a t e r a l sulcus a prominent groove
that mns along the lateral surface of
l a t e r a l h y p o t h a l a m i c syn- rating the TEMPORAL LOBE from the
d r o m e a four-stage pattem of FRONTAL LOBE a n d PARIETAL LOBE.
recovery from lesions of the LAT- Also called l a t e r a l fissure;
ERAL HYPOTHALAMUS induced in Sylvian fissure.
nonhuman animals. The stages are
marked by: (a) an initial inability to l a t e r a l t h i n k i n g creative thinking
eat and drink (aphagia and adipsia); that deliberately attempts to reex-
(b) continued inability to drink and amine basic assumptions and
poor appetite for food (adipsia- change perspective or direction in
anorexia); (c) improving appetite order to provide a fresh approach to
but continued avoidance of water; solving a problem. This term is often
and (d) the establishment of new, al- used synonymously with DIVER-
tered feeding and drinking habits
and a stable, albeit lower, body lateral ventricle see VENTRICLE.
weight. Compare VENTROMEDIAL
late-selection t h e o r y any theory
of attention proposing that selection
lateral h y p o t h a l a m u s the region occurs after stimulus identification.
of the HYPOTHALAMUS that may be According to late-selection theory,
involved in the regulation of eating. within sensory limits, all stimuli—
Lesions of the lateral hypothalamus both attended and unattended—are
in animals result in fasting and processed to the same deep level of
weight loss. Stimulation of that part analysis until stimulus identification
of the brain increases food intake. occurs; subsequently, only the most
important stimuli are selected for
l a t e r a l i n h i b i t i o n in perception, further processing. Compare EARLY-
a mechanism for detecting contrast SELECTION THEORY.
in which a sensory neuron is excited
by one particular receptor but inhib- Latin square an experimental de-
ited by neighboring (lateral) receptors. sign in which treatments, denoted
In vision, for example, lateral inhibi- by Latin letters, are administered in
tion is seen in neurons that respond sequences that are systematically
to light at one position but are in- varied such that each treatment oc-
hibited by light at surrounding curs equally often in each position
positions. of the sequence (e.g., first, second,

l a w of closure

third, etc.). The number of treat- association stating that like pro-
ments administered must be the duces like: Encountering or thinking
same as the number of groups or in- about something (e.g., one's birth-
dividual participants receiving day month) tends to bring to mind
them. For example, one group other similar things (e.g., other peo-
might receive treatments A, then B, ple one knows with the same
and then C, while a second group birthday month). 2. see SIMILARITY.
receives them in sequence B, C, A,
and a third group in sequence C, A, lay analysis psychoanalytic ther-
B. apy performed by a person who
has been trained in psychoanalytic
l a w of closure see CLOSURE. theory and practice but is not a
physidan (i.e., a layperson). This is
l a w of c o m m o n fate see COM- to be distinguished from psycho-
M O N FATE. analysis performed by a fully
l a w of c o n t i n u i t y see GOOD CON- accredited psychiatrist.
lazy eye see AMBLYOPIA.
l a w of effect broadly, the princi- LD 1. abbreviation for LEARNING
ple that consequences of behavior DISABILITY. 2. abbreviation for
act to modify the future probability LEARNING DISORDER.
of occurrence of that behavior. As
originally postulated by U.S. psy- leadership n. the processes in-
chologist Edward L. Thorndike volved in leading others, including
(1874-1949), the law of effect stated organizing, directing, coordinating,
that responses followed by a satisfy- and motivating their efforts toward
ing state of affairs are strengthened achievement of certain group or or-
and responses followed by an un- ganizational goals.
pleasant or annoying state of affairs leadership style the stable behav-
are weakened. Thorndike later re- ioral tendencies and methods
vised the law to include only the displayed by a particular leader
response-strengthening effect of re- when guiding a group. Some com-
inforcement. mon leadership styles are autocratic,
l a w of good c o n t i n u a t i o n see in which the leader exercises unre-
GOOD CONTINUATION. stricted authority; bureaucratic, in
which the leader rigidly adheres to
l a w of p a r s i m o n y the principle prescribed routine; charismatic, in
that the simplest explanation of an which the leader articulates distal
event or observation is the preferred goals and visions; democratic, in
explanation. Simplicity is under- which the leader establishes and
stood in various ways, including the maintains an egalitarian group cli-
requirement that an explanation mate; and laissez-faire, in which the
should (a) make the smallest num- leader provides little guidance.
ber of unsupported assumptions, (b)
postulate the existence of the fewest learned helplessness a phenom-
entities, and (c) invoke the fewest enon in which repeated exposure
unobservable constructs. Also called to uncontrollable stressors results
principle of parsimony. See in individuals failing to use any
control options that may later
become available. Essentially, indi-
l a w of P r a g n a n z see PRAGNANZ. viduals learn that they lack
behavioral control over environ-
l a w of p r o x i m i t y see PROXIMITY.
mental events, which, in turn,
l a w of similarity 1. a principle of undermines the motivation to make

learning theory

changes or attempt to alter situa- plotted along the vertical axis; the
tions. Learned helplessness was first horizontal axis plots trials or time.
described in 1967 by U.S. psycholo-
gists J. Bmce Overmier (1938- ) l e a r n i n g disability (LD) any of
and Martin E. P. Seligman (1942- ) various conditions with a neuro-
following experiments in which logical basis that are marked by
animals exposed to a series of un- substantial defidts in acquiring cer-
avoidable electric shocks later failed tain scholastic or academic skills,
to learn to escape these shocks when particularly those associated with
tested in a different apparatus, written or expressive language.
whereas animals exposed to shocks Learning disabilities include learn-
that could be terminated by a re- ing problems that result from
sponse did not show interference perceptual disabilities, brain injury,
with escape learning in another ap- and MINIMAL BRAIN DYSFUNCTION
paratus. In the 1970s, Seligman but exclude those that result from
extended the concept from non- visual impairment or hearing loss,
human animal research to clinical mental retardation, emotional dis-
depression in humans. Subsequent turbance, or environmental,
researchers have noted a robust fit cultural, or economic factors.
between the concept and POST-
l e a r n i n g disorder (LD) any neu-
rologically based information-
processing disorder characterized by
learned o p t i m i s m an acquired ex- achievement that is substantially
planatory style that attributes causes below that expeded for the age, ed-
for negative events to factors that ucation, and intelligence of the
are more external, unstable, and spe- individual, as measured by standard-
cific: that is, problems are believed ized tests in reading, mathematics,
to be caused by other people or situ- and written material. Major types of
ational factors, the causes are seen as learning disorders are DISORDER OF
fleeting in nature, and are localized
to one or a few situations in one's WRITTEN EXPRESSION, MATHEMATICS
LESSNESS theory, the manner in
which individuals routinely explain This term essentially is synonymous
the events in their lives can drain or With LEARNING DISABILITY.
enhance motivation, reduce or in- l e a r n i n g set a phenomenon ob-
crease persistence, and enhance served when a participant is given a
vulnerability to depression or pro- succession of discriminations to
tect against it, making learned learn, such as learning that one ob-
optimism a putative mechanism by jed contains a food reward and a
which therapy ameliorates depres- different object does not. After a
sion. large number of such problems the
participant acquires a mle or MEN-
l e a r n i n g n. the process of acquir- TAL SET for solving them, and
ing new and relatively enduring successive discriminations are
information, behavior patterns, or learned faster.
abilities, characterized by modifica-
tion of behavior as a result of l e a r n i n g style see COGNITIVE
practice, study, or experience. STYLE.
l e a r n i n g curve a graphic represen- l e a r n i n g t h e o r y a body of con-
tation of the course of learning of an cepts and principles that seeks to
individual or a group. A measure of explain the learning process.
performance (e.g., gains, errors) is Learning theory encompasses a

least restrictive e n v i r o n m e n t

number of specific theories whose l e n t i c u l a r n u c l e u s see BASAL GAN-

common interest is the description GLIA.
of the basic laws of learning, state-
ments describing the circumstances l e p t i n n. a protein, manufactured
under which learning is generally and secreted by fat cells, that may
known to occur (i.e., the LAW OF EF- communicate to the brain the
FECT. amount of body fat stored and may
help to regulate food intake. Leptin
least restrictive e n v i r o n m e n t in receptors have been found in the
the United States, an educational hypothalamus, and when they are
setting that gives a student with dis- stimulated food intake is reduced.
abilities the opportunity to receive l e p t o k u r t i c adj. describmg a fre-
instmction within a classroom that quency distribution that is more
meets his or her learning needs and peaked than the normal distribu-
physical requirements. See also tion, that is, having more scores in
MAINSTREAMING. the center and fewer at the extremes
than in a normal distribution. See
least significant difference a l s o PLATYKURTIC; MESOKURTIC.
(LSD) a value representing the point
at which a difference between the lesbianism n. female-female sexual
means of experimental groups being orientation or behavior. See also HO-
compared can be considered not to MOSEXUALITY, —lesbian adj., n.
have been caused by chance. It is a
method of controlling for TYPE I lesion n. any disruption of or dam-
ERROR and must be calculated for age to the normal stmcture or
each experiment according to spe- function of a tissue or organ.
cific criteria. less-is-more hypothesis the prop-
osition that the cognitive limita-
left h e m i s p h e r e the left half of tions of infants and young children
the cerebmm, the part of the brain may serve to simplify the body of
concerned with sensation and per- language they process, thus making
ception, motor control, and higher it easier for them to learn the com-
level cognitive processes. The two plicated syntactical system of any
CEREBRAL HEMISPHERES differ some- human language.
what in function; for example, in
most people the left hemisphere has l e t h a l i t y scale a set of criteria used
greater responsibility for speech. to predict the probability of a sui-
Some have proposed that, given this cide or attempted suicide occurring.
involvement in speech, the left A variety of such scales exist, most
hemisphere is the seat of conscious- including gender, prior suicide at-
ness, an idea known as left- tempts, and psychiatric diagnosis
hemisphere consciousness. See and history.
Compare RIGHT HEMISPHERE. leukocyte (leucocyte) n. a type of
blood cell that plays a key role in
the body's defense against infection.
lens n. in vision, a transparent, Leukocytes indude granulocytes,
biconvex stmcture in the anterior which ingest foreign particles; and
portion of the eyeball (just behind LYMPHOCYTES, which are involved
the IRIS) that provides the fine, ad- in the produdion of antibodies and
justable focus of the optical system. other specific immune responses.
It is composed of tiny hexagonal
prism-shaped cells, called lens fibers, l e u k o t o m y (leucotomy) n. see
fitted together in concentric layers. LOBOTOMY.

life i n s t i n c t

level n. in experimental design, the ergy as narrowly sexual, but

quantity, magnitude, or category of subsequently he broadened the con-
the independent variable (or vari- cept to include all expressions of
ables). love, pleasure, and self-preservation.
See also EROS. —libidinal adj.
level-of-aspiration t h e o r y a —libidinize vb. —libidinous adj.
conceptual approach to group and
individual performance that as- lie d e t e c t o r see POLYGRAPH.
sumes that the emotional, motiva- lie scale a group of items on a test
tional, and behavioral consequences (e.g., the MINNESOTA MULTIPHASIC
of any particular performance will
be determined not only by the abso-
lute degree of success attained but help evaluate the general truthful-
also by the ideal outcome or goal ness of a person's responses on the
envisioned prior to undertaking the test.
task. life crisis a period of distress and
major adjustment associated with a
level of significance see SIGNIFI- significant life experience, such as
CANCE LEVEL. divorce or death of a family mem-
levels-of-processing model of ber.
m e m o r y the theory that ENCODING life cycle the sequence of develop-
into memory, and therefore subse- mental stages through which an
quent retention, depends on the organism passes between a spedfied
depth of cognitive ELABORATION stage of one generation (e.g., fertil-
that the information receives and ization, birth) and the same stage in
that deeper encoding improves the next generation.
lexical access in psycholinguistics, life events important occasions
the process by which an individual throughout the life span that are ei-
produces a specific word from his or ther age-related and thus expected
her MENTAL LEXICON or recognizes
(e.g., marriage, retirement) or unre-
it when used by others. lated to age and unexpected (e.g.,
accidents, relocation).
lexical decision a task in which life expectancy the number of
the participant is presented with years that a person can, on average,
strings of letters, such as HOUSE or expect to live. Life expectancy is
HOUPE, and is required to deter- based on statistical probabilities and
mine whether each string spells a increases with improvements in
word. medical care and hygiene.
lexicon n. the vocabulary of a lan- life-history m e t h o d a STRUC-
guage and, in psychology, the
TURED INTERVIEW that attempts to
lexical knowledge of an individual.
summarize historical data about
events that are relevant to evaluat-
LH abbreviation for LUTEINIZING ing the person's current
HORMONE. functioning.
libido n. in psychoanalytic theory, life i n s t i n c t in psychoanalytic
either the PSYCHIC ENERGY of the theory, the drive comprising the in-
LIFE INSTINCT in general, or the en- stinct of self-preservation, which is
ergy of the SEXUAL INSTINCT in aimed at individual survival, and
particular. In his first formulation, the SEXUAL INSTINCT, which is
Austrian psychiatrist Sigmund Freud aimed at the survival of the species.
(1856-1939) conceived of this en- In the dual instinct theory of Aus-

life review

trian psychiatrist Sigmund Freud context of influencing events. It also

(1856-1939), the life instinct, or assumes that there is no end state of
EROS, stands opposed to the DEATH maturity, that no specific period of
INSTINCT, or THANATOS. the life course is more important or
influential than another in subse-
life review the tendency of indi- quent development, and that not all
viduals, especially older adults, to developmental change is related to
reflect upon and analyze past life ex- chronological age.
periences. Life review is often made
use of in counseling older adults lifestyle n. the typical way of life or
showing symptoms of mild depres- manner of living that is characteris-
sion or people with terminal illness, tic of an individual or group, as
sometimes as an adjunct to psycho- expressed by behaviors, attitudes, in-
therapy. terests, and other factors.
life satisfaction the extent to light a d a p t a t i o n the process by
which a person finds life rich, mean- which the eye adjusts to conditions
ingful, full, or of high quality. of high illumination, such as occurs
Improved life satisfaction is often a when exiting a dark theater into a
goal of treatment, especially with sunny parking lot. It takes less than
older people. See also QUALITY OF 10 min and involves constriction of
LIFE. the pupil and a shift in the sensitiv-
ity of the retina so that the RETINAL
life space in the FIELD THEORY of CONES become active in place of the
German-born U.S. psychologist Kurt RETINAL RODS. Compare DARK ADAP-
Lewin (1890-1947), the "totality of TATION.
possible events" for one person at a
particular time, that is, a person's l i g h t n e s s c o n s t a n c y see BRIGHT-
possible options together with the NESS CONSTANCY.
environment that contains them.
l i g h t t h e r a p y see PHOTOTHERAPY.
The life space is a representation of
the environmental, biological, so- likelihood r a t i o the ratio of two
cial, and psychological influences probabilities, alb, where a is the
that define one person's unique real- probability of obtaining the data ob-
ity at a given moment in time. served if a particular research
Contained within the life space are hypothesis (A) is tme and b is the
positive and negative valences, that probability of obtaining the data ob-
is, forces or pressures on the individ- served when a different hypothesis
ual to approach a goal or move away (B) is tme.
from a perceived danger.
Likert scale a type of direct atti-
life s p a n 1. the maximum age that tude measure that consists of
can be obtained by any given indi- statements reflecting strong positive
vidual within a particular species. or negative evaluations of an atti-
2 the precise length of an indivi- tude object. Respondents indicate
dual's life. their reaction to each statement on
a response scale ranging from
life-span developmental psy- "strongly agree" to "strongly dis-
chology the study of psychological agree," and these ratings are
and behavioral change across and summed to provide a total attitude
within individuals from birth score. [Rensis Likert (1903-1981),
through death. Such an approach U.S. psychologist]
assumes that human developmental
processes are complex, interactive, limbic lobe a fifth subdivision of
and fully understood only in the each cerebral hemisphere that is

linguistic relativity

often distinguished in addition to linear functions of the independent

the four main lobes (see CEREBRUM). variables. Most commonly used sta-
It comprises the CINGULATE GYRUS, tistical techniques (analysis of
PARAHIPPOCAMPAL GYRUS, a n d HIP- variance, regression analysis, etc.)
POCAMPUS. can be represented as linear models.
limbic system a loosely defined, linear perspective one of the
widespread group of brain nuclei monocular DEPTH CUES, arising
that innervate each other to form a from the principle that the size of
network that is involved in auto- an object's visual image is a function
nomic and visceral processes and of its distance from the eye. Thus,
mechanisms of emotion, memory, two objects appear closer together as
and learning. It includes portions of the distance from them increases, as
the cerebral cortex, THALAMUS, and seen in the tracks of a railroad that
certain subcortical structures, such appear to converge on the horizon.
linear regression a REGRESSION
ANALYSIS that assumes that the pre-
l i m e n n. see THRESHOLD. dictor (independent) variable is
related to the criterion (dependent)
limited-capacity system a con- variable through a linear function.
ceptualization of WORKING MEMORY
in which resource constraints re- linear t r a n s f o r m a t i o n a transfor-
strict the processing of sensory mation of X to Y by means of the
information to only what is directly equation Y = a + bX, where a and b
relevant. When pertinent new infor- are numerical constants.
mation is encountered, older, less
relevant information is either rele- linguistic d e t e r m i n i s m the hy-
gated to long-term memory or pothesis that the semantic structure
eliminated, providing the resources of a particular language determines
to retain the newer data. For exam- the stmcture of mental categories
ple, a person drafting a sentence in among its speakers. Because lan-
an e-mail who is asked a question guages differ in how they refer to
may ignore the question and finish basic categories and dimensions,
typing or may answer the question such as time, space, and duration,
and subsequently be unable to re- native speakers of these languages
member what he or she intended to are assumed to show corresponding
write, ATTENTION and CONSCIOUS- differences in their ways of think-
NESS are often similarly conceived of ing. Also called Sapir-Whorf
as limited-capacity systems. See also hypothesis. Compare LINGUISTIC

l i n e a r adj. describing any relation- linguistic relativity the observa-

ship between two variables (X and tion that languages differ in the
F) that can be expressed in the form ways in which semantic space is
Y=a + bX, where a and b are nu- identified and categorized. For ex-
merical constants. No COEFFICIENT ample, the Native American
can be raised to a power greater than language Hopi uses a completely dif-
1 or be the denominator of a frac- ferent word for water in a natural
tion. When depicted graphically, setting and water in a vessel but has
the relationship is a straight line. only one word for flying objects,
which is applied to birds, insects,
linear model any model for empir- airplanes, and the like. Linguistic
ical data that attempts to relate the relativity is not to be equated with
values of the dependent variable to LINGUISTIC DETERMINISM, which is a


theoretical commitment to the idea TION ANXIETY stemming from mas-

that these differences have cognitive turbation, to repressed death wishes
consequences. See ANTHROPOLOGI- toward the father, and to fear of re-
CAL LINGUISTICS. taliation owing to rivalry with the
mother, with DISPLACEMENT of
linguistics n. the scientific study of these emotions onto horses.
the physical, structural, functional,
psychological, and social character- living w i l l see ADVANCE DIREC-
istics of human language. See also TIVE.
PSYCHOLINGUISTICS; SOCIOLIN- Lloyd Morgan's c a n o n the princi-
GUISTICS. ple that the behavior of an animal
l i n k analysis in ergonomics, the should not be interpreted in com-
analysis of operational sequences plex psychological terms if it can
and the movements of workers or instead be interpreted with simpler
objects that these entail in order to concepts. Some recent authors have
determine the design of tools, argued that its application oversim-
equipment, jobs, and facilities that plifies the abilities of animals.
will best serve worker efficiency and [Conway Lloyd Morgan (1852-
safety. 1936), British comparative psycholo-
lipostatic hypothesis a hypothe-
sis stating that the long-term lobe II. a subdivision of an organ,
regulation of food intake is gov- such as the brain or the lungs,
erned by the concentration in the particularly when rounded and
blood of free fatty acids, which re- surrounded by distinct structural
sult from the metabolism of fat. See boundaries, such as fissures.
also GLUCOSTATIC THEORY. —lobar adj. —lobate adj.
literacy u. the ability to read and lobotomy n. incision into various
write in a language. —literate adj. nerve tracts in the FRONTAL LOBE of
the brain. The original surgical pro-
l i t h i u m n. an element of the alkali cedure, called prefrontal (or frontal)
metal group whose salts are used in lobotomy, was introduced in 1936.
psychopharmacotherapy as MOOD Connections between the frontal
STABILIZERS, particularly in manag- lobe and other brain structures—no-
ing acute manic phases of bipolar tably the thalamus—were severed by
disorder. Its mechanism of action re- manipulating a narrow blade known
mains unclear and it has a narrow as a leukotome inserted into brain
therapeutic margin of safety, mak- tissue through several small holes
ing close monitoring of blood levels drilled in the skull. A second proce-
necessary. U.S. trade names (among dure, called transorbital lobotomy,
others): Lithobid. was devised in 1945 and involved
the manipulation of a pointed in-
Little Albert the name of a boy strument resembling an ice pick
used by U.S. psychologist John B. driven with a mallet through the
Watson (1878-1958) and his gradu- thin bony wall of the eye socket and
ate student Rosalie Rayner (1899- into the prefrontal brain. Both pro-
1935) to demonstrate Pavlovian fear cedures were widely used to relieve
conditioning in humans. the symptoms of severe mental dis-
Little Hans a landmark case of order (including depression and
Austrian psychiatrist Sigmund Freud schizophrenia) until the advent of
(1856-1939), illustrating the ANTIPSYCHOTIC dmgs in the 1950s.
OEDIPUS COMPLEX. Freud traced a These operations have been replaced
child's phobia for horses to CASTRA- by more sophisticated, stereotactic


forms of neurosurgery that are less as arising from factors out of their
invasive and whose effects are more control. People with an internal
certain and less damaging. Also locus of control tend to behave in
called leukotomy. response to internal states and in-
tentions and to perceive their life
LOC abbreviation for LOSS OF CON-
outcomes as arising from the exer-
cise of their own agency and
localization n. the ability to deter- abilities.
mine the physical position or spatial
location of a stimulus in any sensory logic n. 1. the branch of EPISTE-
modality. MOLOGY that is concerned with the
forms of argument by which a valid
localization of function the con- conclusion may be drawn from ac-
cept that specific parts of the cepted premises. As such it is also
cerebral cortex are relatively special- concerned with distinguishing cor-
ized for particular types of cognitive rect from fallacious reasoning. 2. a
and behavioral processes. particular rule-governed form of
location constancy the tendency symbolic expression used to analyze
for a resting object and its setting to the relations between propositions.
appear to have the same position —logical adj.
even if the relationship between set- logistic regression a statistical
ting and observer is altered as the technique for the prediction of a bi-
observer shifts position. See also OB- nary DEPENDENT VARIABLEfromone
JECT CONSTANCY. or more continuous variables.
locomotor play play that involves log-linear model a class of statis-
exaggerated, repetitious movement tical techniques used to study the
and is physically vigorous, such as relationship among several CATE-
chasing, climbing, and wrestling. GORICAL VARIABLES. As compared
Locomotor play is one of three tradi- with CHI-SQUARE TESTS, log-linear
tionally identified basic types of models use odds, rather than pro-
play, the others being OBJECT PLAY portions, and they can be used to
and SOCIAL PLAY. examine the relationship among
locus n. (pl. loci) 1. the place or several nominal variables in the
position of an anatomical entity. manner of ANALYSES OF CO-
2. the position of a gene on a chro- VARIANCE.
mosome. iogogen n. a theoretical memory
locus ceruleus (locus coeruleus; unit corresponding to a word, letter,
locus caeruleus) a small bluish- or digit, which when excited results
tinted NUCLEUS in the brainstem in the output (recognition) of the
whose neurons produce NOREPINE- unit and recall of characteristics and
PHRINE and modulate large areas of information associated with that
the forebrain. unit. For example, the logogen for
table is activated by hearing the
locus of control a constmct that is component sounds or seeing the ty-
used to categorize people's basic pographical features of the word,
motivational orientations and per- bringing to mind such knowledge as
ceptions of how much control they the typical strudure and shape of a
have over the conditions of their table and its general fundion.
lives. People with an external locus
of control tend to behave in re- loneliness n. affective and cogni-
sponse to external circumstances tive discomfort or uneasiness from
and to perceive their life outcomes being or perceiving oneself to be


alone or otherwise solitary. Psycho- divided into several categories, in-

logical theory and research offer cluding DECLARATIVE MEMORY and
multiple perspectives: For example, PROCEDURAL MEMORY.
social psychology emphasizes the
emotional distress that results when long-term p o t e n t i a t i o n (LTP) a
inherent needs for intimacy and long-lasting enhancement of synap-
companionship are not met, while tic efficiency caused by repeated
cognitive psychology emphasizes brief stimulations of one nerve cell
the unpleasant and unsettling expe- that trigger stimulation of a suc-
rience that results from a perceived ceeding cell. The capacity for
discrepancy between an individual's potentiation has been best shown in
desired and adual sodal relation- hippocampal tissue. LTP is studied
ships. as a model of the neural changes
that underlie memory formation
longevity n. 1. long life. 2. the ac- and it may be a mechanism in-
tual length of an individual's life. volved in some kinds of learning.
l o n g i t u d i n a l design the study of
a variable or group of variables in looking-glass self a SELF-CONCEPT
the same cases or participants over a formed by learning how other peo-
period of time, sometimes of several ple perceive and evaluate one. The
years. Compare CROSS-SECTIONAL term suggests a self that is a reflec-
DESIGN. tion of other people's impressions,
reactions, and opinions. See SYM-
l o n g i t u d i n a l fissure a deep BOLIC INTERACTIONISM.
groove that marks the division be-
tween the left and right cerebral loss of consciousness (LOC) a
hemispheres of the brain. At the state in which an organism capable
bottom of the groove the hemi- of consciousness can no longer ex-
spheres are connected by the perience events or exert voluntary
CORPUS CALLOSUM. control. Examples of conditions as-
sociated with loss of consciousness
long-term depression (LTD) a include fainting (syncope), deep
long-lasting decrease in the ampli- sleep, coma, general anesthesia,
tude of neuronal response due to narcolepsy, and epileptic absence.
persistent weak synaptic stimulation
(in the case of the hippocampus) or loudness n. the subjective magni-
strong synaptic stimulation (in the tude of sound. It is determined
case of the cerebellum). Compare primarily by intensity but is also
LONG-TERM POTENTIATION. affected by other physical proper-
ties, such as frequency, spectral
long-term m e m o r y (LTM) a rela- configuration, and duration. The
tively permanent information unit of loudness is the sone: One
storage system, enabling one to sone is the loudness of a 1-kHz tone
retain, retrieve, and make use of presented at 40 dB SPL (sound-
skills and knowledge hours, weeks, pressure level).
or even years after they were origi-
nally learned. Various theories love n. a complex emotion involv-
have been proposed to explain the ing strong feelings of affection and
biological processes by which this tenderness for a person, pleasurable
occurs (e.g., the PERSEVERATION- sensations in his or her presence, de-
CONSOLIDATION HYPOTHESIS) a n d votion to his or her well-being, and
a major distinction is made be- sensitivity to his or her reactions to
tween LTM and SHORT-TERM oneself. Although love takes many
MEMORY. Additionally, LTM is forms, the TRIANGULAR THEORY OF

lysergic acid d i e t h y l a m i d e

LOVE proposes three essential com- tive. 2. abbreviation for LEAST

ponents: passion, intimacy, and SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCE.
commitment. Social psychological LTD abbreviation for LONG-TERM
research in this area has focused DEPRESSION.
largely on PASSIONATE LOVE, in
which passion (sexual desire and LTM abbreviation for LONG-TERM
excitement) is predominant, and MEMORY.
LTP abbreviation for LONG-TERM
passion is relatively weak and com- POTENTIATION.
mitment is strong.
lucid d r e a m a dream in which the
love n e e d in MASLOW'S MOTIVA- sleeper is aware that he or she is
TIONAL HIERARCHY, the third level dreaming.
of the hierarchy of needs, character-
ized by the striving for affiliation lunacy n. 1. an obsolete name for
and acceptance. Also called social any mental illness. 2. in legal use,
need. an obsolete name for mental in-
competence or legal INSANITY.
low-ball t e c h n i q u e a procedure —lunatic adj., n.
for enhancing compliance by first luteinizing h o r m o n e (LH) a GO-
obtaining agreement to a request NADOTROPIN secreted by the
and then revealing the hidden costs anterior pituitary gland that, in fe-
of this request. Compliance to the males, stimulates the rapid growth
target request is greater than would of a graafian follicle (small,
have been the case if these costs had pouchlike cavity) in the ovary until
been made clear at the time of the it mptures and releases an ovum (see
initial request. See also DOOR-IN- MENSTRUAL CYCLE). In males it stim-
ulates the interstitial cells of the
TESTIS to secrete androgens.
lymphocyte n. a type of blood cell
lower m o t o r n e u r o n see MOTOR (see LEUKOCYTE) that plays a key
NEURON. role in spedfic immune responses.
LSD 1. lysergic acid diethylamide: a B lymphocytes (or B cells), which
highly potent HALLUCINOGEN that develop and mature in the bone
stmcturally resembles the neuro- marrow, are responsible for humoral
transmitter SEROTONIN and is
immunity: They produce circulating
capable of producing visual distor- antibodies when they bind to an
tions or frank hallucinations, appropriate antigen and are
together with feelings of euphoria costimulated by certain T cells. T
or arousal; it became a widely used lymphocytes (or T cells), which ma-
and controversial recreational dmg ture in the thymus, are responsible
during the mid-1960s and early for cell-mediated immunity: They
1970s. The effects of LSD were the are characterized by the presence of
subject of research during the 1950s particular cell-surface molecules and
as a possible model for psychosis, are capable of antigen recognition.
and various attempts were made to —lymphocytic adj.
use LSD as an aid to psychotherapy lysergic acid diethylamide see
although they did not prove effec- LSD.

MA abbreviation for MENTAL AGE. retina that is in direct alignment
with the optics of the eye. It con-
mAChR abbreviation for MUSCAR- tains a yellow pigment and a central
depression, the FOVEA CENTRALIS.
macrocephaly n. a condition in
which the head is abnormally large m a c u l a r d e g e n e r a t i o n dystrophy
of the MACULA LUTEA, which affects
in relation to the rest of the body.
Compare MICROCEPHALY, —macro- both eyes and causes progressive loss
cephalic adj. of central vision.
macroglia n. a relatively large type madness u. an obsolete name for
of nonneuronal central nervous mental illness or for legal INSANITY.
system cell (GLIA), including magical t h i n k i n g the belief that
events or the behavior of others can
be influenced by one's thoughts,
glia! adj. wishes, or rituals. Magical thinking
m a c r o s y s t e m n. in ECOLOGICAL is typical of children up to 4 or 5
SYSTEMS THEORY, the level of envi- years of age, after which reality
ronmental influence that is most thinking begins to predominate.
distal to the developing individual
and that affects all other systems. It m a g n e t i c resonance i m a g i n g
includes the values, traditions, and (MRI) a noninvasive diagnostic
sociocultural characteristics of the technique that uses the responses of
larger society. See also EXOSYSTEM; hydrogen in tissue molecules to
strong magnetic impulses to form a
three-dimensional picture of body
m a c u l a n. (pl. maculae) in hear- organs and tissues, particularly the
ing, a patch of sensory tissue in the brain, with more accuracy than
ear that provides information about FUNCTIONAL MAGNETIC RESONANCE
the position of the body in relation IMAGING.
to gravity. The macula contains sen-
sory HAIR CELLS whose processes magnetoencephalography
(stereocilia) are embedded in a gelat- (MEG) n. the measurement of the
inous matrix (cupula) containing magnetic fields arising from the
calcareous particles (OTOLITHS). electrical activity of the brain, using
When the orientation of the head a device called a magnetoencep-
changes, the relatively dense oto- halograph (MEG).
liths respond to gravity, causing the
gelatinous mass to shift and the magnitude estimation a
stereocilia to flex, which triggers psychophysical procedure in which
nerve impulses in the hair-cell fi- the participant makes subjective
bers. judgments of the magnitude of stim-
uli by assigning them numerical
m a c u l a l u t e a a small spot in the values along a scale.

m a l de pelea

m a g n i t u d e of effect see EFFECT has never experienced a MANIC

MANIC EPISODE. Also called major
magnocellular system the part of depression.
the visual system that projects to or
originates from large neurons in major depressive episode an epi-
the two most ventral layers (the sode of a MOOD DISORDER in which,
magnocellular layers) of the LAT- for at least 2 weeks, the individual
ERAL GENICULATE NUCLEUS. It allows has either persistent depressed mood
the rapid perception of movement, or ANHEDONIA as well as at least
form, and changes in brightness but four other symptoms. These other
is relatively insensitive to stimulus symptoms include: poor or in-
location and color. See also M-CELL. creased appetite with significant
Compare PARVOCELLULAR SYSTEM. weight loss or gain; insomnia or ex-
cessive sleep; PSYCHOMOTOR
m a i n effect the consistent total ef- AGITATION or PSYCHOMOTOR RETAR-
fect of a particular independent DATION; loss of energy with fatigue;
variable on a dependent variable feelings of worthlessness or inappro-
over all other independent variables priate guilt; reduced ability to
in an experimental design. It is sepa- concentrate or make decisions; and
rate from, but may be obscured by, recurrent thoughts of death, SUI-
suicide. All of these symptoms cause
m a i n s t r e a m i n g n. the placement significant distress or impair normal
of children with disabilities into reg-
functioning (sodal, occupational,
ular classroom environments on a
part-time basis, such that they at-
tend only some regular education
classes during the school day and major t r a n q u i l i z e r see ANTI-
spend the remaining time in special
education classes. The aim is to offer m a l a d a p t a t i o n n. a condition in
each child the opportunity to learn which biological traits or behavior
in an environment that has the patterns are detrimental, counter-
highest probability of facilitating re- productive, or otherwise interfere
habilitation efforts and supporting with optimal functioning in various
academic growth. See also LEAST RE- domains, such as successful interac-
STRICTIVE ENVIRONMENT. tion with the environment and
m a i n t e n a n c e rehearsal repeating effectual coping with the challenges
items over and over to maintain and stresses of daily life. Compare
them in SHORT-TERM MEMORY, as in
ADAPTATION, —maladaptive ad;.
repeating a telephone number until m a l a d j u s t m e n t n. inability to
it has been dialed (see REHEARSAL). maintain effective relationships,
According to the LEVELS-OF- function successfully in various do-
mains, or cope with difficulties and
maintenance rehearsal does not ef-
stresses, —maladjusted adj.
fectively promote long-term
retention because it involves little m a l a p r o p i s m n. a linguistic error
ELABORATION of the information to in which one word is mistakenly
be remembered. used for another having a similar
sound, often to ludicrous effect, as
major depressive disorder a DE- in She was wearing a cream casserole
PRESSIVE DISORDER in which the (for camisole).
individual has experienced at least

m a l e erectile disorder

SYNDROME found in Puerto Rico (MALIGNANT). The x-ray negative

that is similar to AMOK. produced is called a mammogram.
m a l e erectile disorder see IMPO- m a n a g e d care any system of
TENCE. health care delivery that regulates
m a l e orgasmic disorder persis- the use of member benefits to con-
tent or recurrent delay in, or tain expenses. The term is also used
absence of, male orgasm during sex- to denote the organization of health
ual stimulation that produces care services and facilities into
arousal. groups to increase cost-effectiveness.
Managed care organizations
m a l i g n a n t ad;', describing a condi- (MCOs) include HMOs (health
tion that gets progressively worse or maintenance organizations), PPOs
is resistant to treatment, particularly (preferred provider organizations),
a tumor that spreads to other sites point of service plans (POSs), exclu-
by invading and destroying neigh- sive provider organizations (EPOs),
boring tissues. Compare BENIGN. physician-hospital organizations
(PHOs), integrated delivery systems
m a l i n g e r i n g n. the deliberate (IDSs), and independent practice as-
feigning of an illness or disability to sociations (IPAs).
achieve a particular desired out-
come. For example, it may take the m a n d n. in linguistics, a category of
form of faking mental illness as a de- UTTERANCES in which the speaker
fense in a trial or faking physical makes demands on the hearer, as in
illness to win compensation. Malin- Listen to me or Pass the salt, please.
gering is distinguished from According to the behaviorist analy-
sis of language, this form of verbal
volves a spedfic external factor as behavior is reinforced by the com-
the motivating force, —malin- pliance of the listener. See
m a l l e u s n. see OSSICLES. m a n i a n. excitement, overactivity,
m a l t r e a t m e n t n. ABUSE or NE- a n d PSYCHOMOTOR AGITATION,
GLECT of another person, which often accompanied by impaired
may involve emotional, sexual, or judgment.
physical action or inaction, the se-
verity or chronicity of which can m a n i c adj. relating to MANIA.
result in significant harm or injury. manic-depressive illness see BI-
Maltreatment also includes such ac- POLAR DISORDER.
tions as exploitation and denial of
basic needs (e.g., food, shelter, medi- m a n i c episode a period lasting at
cal attention). least 1 week characterized by ele-
vated, expansive, or irritable mood
m a m m i l l a r y body either of a pair with three or more of the following
of small, spherical NUCLEI at the symptoms: an increase in activity or
base of the brain, slightly posterior PSYCHOMOTOR AGITATION; talk-
to the infundibulum (pituitary ativeness; racing thoughts; inflated
stalk), that are components of the self-esteem or grandiosity; a de-
LIMBIC SYSTEM. creased need for sleep; extreme
m a m m o g r a p h y n. a diagnostic distractibility; and involvement in
procedure that uses low-dose x-ray pleasurable activities that are likely
photography to detect breast tumors to have unfortunate consequences,
or other abnormalities, either non- such as buying sprees or sexual in-
cancerous (BENIGN) or cancerous discretions. All of these symptoms


impair normal functioning and rela- tently across settings, therapists, and
tionships with others. clients.
manifest c o n t e n t in psychoana- MAOI (MAO inhibitor) abbrevia-
lytic theory, the images and events tion for MONOAMINE OXIDASE
of a DREAM or FANTASY as experi- INHIBITOR.
enced and recalled by the dreamer MAP abbreviation for MODAL AC-
or fantasist, as opposed to the LA- TION PATTERN.
TENT CONTENT, which is posited to
contain the hidden meaning. See marasmus n. a condition of extreme
also DREAM ANALYSIS; DREAM-WORK. emaciation in infancy, resulting
from severe protein-energy mal-
manifest variable a variable that nutrition and leading to delayed
is diredly observed or measured, as physical and cognitive development
opposed to one whose value is in- and potentially death. Marasmus
ferred (see LATENT VARIABLE). tends to occur mostly in developing
m a n i p u l a t i o n n. conscious behav- countries, often as a result of fam-
ior designed to exploit, control, or ine. See also KWASHIORKOR.
otherwise influence others to one's m a r g i n a l i z a t i o n n. a reciprocal
advantage. process through which an indi-
m a n i p u l a t i o n check any means vidual or group with relatively
by which an experimenter evaluates distindive qualities, such as idio-
the efficacy of the experimental ma- syncratic values or customs, be-
nipulation, that is, verifies that the comes identified as one that is not
manipulation affected the partici- accepted fully into the larger group.
pants as intended. —marginalize vb.

M a n n - W h i t n e y U test a m a r g i n of e r r o r a statistic ex-

nonparametric statistical test of cen- pressing the CONFIDENCE INTERVAL
trality for ranked data that contrasts associated with a given measure-
scores from two independent sam- ment; it is an allowance for a slight
ples in terms of the probabilities of miscalculation or an acceptable de-
obtaining the ranking distributions. viation. The larger the margin of
[Henry Berthold Mann (1905-2000), error for the sample data, the less
Austrian-born U.S. mathematician; confidence one has that the results
Donald Ransom Whitney (1915- obtained are accurate for the entire
2001), U.S. statistician] population of interest.

MANOVA acronym for MULTI- m a r i j u a n a (marihuana) n. see


m a n t r a n. any verbal formula used m a r i t a l t h e r a p y see COUPLES

for spiritual, religious, or meditative THERAPY.
purposes to help block out extrane- m a r k e t research research under-
ous thoughts and induce a state of taken to understand the competitive
relaxation that enables the individ- challenges in a particular market by
ual to reach a deeper level of assessing the relative positions of
consciousness. various suppliers in the minds of
m a n u a l i z e d t h e r a p y interven-
tions that are performed according m a s k i n g n. in perception, the par-
to specific guidelines for administra- tial or complete obscuring of one
tion, maximizing the probability of stimulus (the target) by another (the
therapy being conducted consis- masker). The stimuli may be sounds

Maslow's m o t i v a t i o n a l h i e r a r c h y

(AUDITORY MASKING), visual images that large areas of the cortex func-
(visual masking), tastes, odorants, or tion together in learning and other
tactile stimuli. Forward masking oc- complex processes. See also EQUIPO-
curs when the masker is presented a TENTIALITY.
short time before the target stimu-
lus, backward masking occurs when massed practice a learning proce-
it is presented shortly afterward, and dure in which material is studied
simultaneous masking occurs when either in a single lengthy session or
the two stimuli are presented at the in sessions separated by short inter-
same instant, —mask vb. vals. Massed practice is often found
to be less effective than DISTRIB-
Maslow's m o t i v a t i o n a l hierar- UTED PRACTICE.
chy the hierarchy of human
mastery o r i e n t a t i o n an adaptive
motives, or needs, as described by pattern of achievement behavior in
U.S. psychologist Abraham Maslow which individuals enjoy and seek
challenge, persist in the face of ob-
(air, water, food, sleep, sex, etc.) are stacles, and tend to view their
at the base; followed by safety and failings as due to lack of effort or
security (the SAFETY NEEDS); then
poor use of strategy rather than to
love, affection, and gregariousness lack of ability.
(the LOVE NEEDS); then prestige,
competence, and power (the ESTEEM m a s t u r b a t i o n n. manipulation of
NEEDS); and, at the highest level, one's own genital organs for pur-
aesthetic needs, the need for know- poses of sexual gratification.
ing, and SELF-ACTUALIZATION (the —masturbate vb.
m a t c h e d - g r o u p design an
masochism n. the derivation of experimental design in which
pleasure from experiencing pain and experimental and control groups
humiliation. The term generally de- are matched on one or more back-
notes SEXUAL MASOCHISM but is also ground variables before being
applied to other experiences not in- exposed to the experimental or
volving sex, such as martyrdom, control conditions. Compare RAN-
religious flagellation, or asceticism. DOMIZED-GROUP DESIGN.
In psychoanalytic theory, masoch-
ism is interpreted as resulting from m a t c h i n g n. a research technique
the DEATH INSTINCT or from aggres-
for ensuring comparability of partic-
sion turned inward because of ipants by making sure that they all
excessive guilt feelings. [Leopold have similar background variables.
Sacher Masoch (1835-1895), Aus- The individuals in a CONTROL
trian writer] —masochist u. GROUP and in an EXPERIMENTAL
—masochistic adj. GROUP might be matched, for exam-
ple, on years of education, income,
mass action the generalization of and marital status.
U.S. psychologist Karl S. Lashley m a t c h i n g hypothesis the propo-
(1890-1958) that the size of a corti- sition that people tend to form
cal lesion, rather than its specific relationships with individuals who
location, determines the extent of have a similar level of physical at-
any resulting performance decre- tractiveness to their own. Research
ment. Proposed in 1929 following indicates that this similarity tends to
experimental observations of the ef- be greater for couples having a ro-
fects of different brain lesions on mantic relationship than for friends.
rats' ability to learn a complex maze,
the concept reflects Lashley's belief m a t e r i a l i s m n. the philosophical

m e a n l e n g t h of u t t e r a n c e

position that everything, including MBTI abbreviation for MYERS-

mental events, is composed of phys- BRIGGS TYPE INDICATOR.
ical matter and is thus subject to the M-cell n. any of various large neu-
laws of physics. From this perspec- rons in the two most ventral layers
tive, the mind is considered to exist of the LATERAL GENICULATE NU-
solely as a set of brain processes (see CLEUS. M-cells are the origin of the
rialist adj., n. —materialistic adj. vide input to the M-cells of the
lateral geniculate nucleus are called
m a t e r n a l d e p r i v a t i o n lack of ad- M-ganglion cells. See also P-CELL.
equate nurturing for a young animal
or child due to the absence or pre- MDMA n. 3,4-ttiethyl-
mature loss of, or neglect by, its enedioxymethamphetamine: a
mother or primary caregiver, postu- catecholamine-like HALLUCINOGEN
lated to negatively impact a child's with amphetamine-like stimulant
emotional development by dismpt- properties that is among the most
ing ATTACHMENT formation. commonly used illicit dmgs, gener-
ally sold under the name Ecstasy.
m a t h e m a t i c s disorder a Taken orally, onset of effects is
LEARNING DISORDER in which math- rapid; the high lasts several hours,
ematical ability is substantially and residual effects can be experi-
below what is expected given the enced for several days. Intoxication
person's chronological age, formal is characterized by euphoria, feelings
education experience, and measured of closeness and spirituality, and di-
intelligence. It may involve difficul- verse symptoms of autonomic
ties, for example, in counting, arousal.
learning multiplication tables, or
performing mathematical opera- m e a n (symbol: X; M) n. the numer-
tions. ical average of a batch of scores (X,):
the most widely used statistic for de-
m a t r i a r c h y n. 1. a society in scribing CENTRAL TENDENCY. It is
which descent and inheritance is computed as:
matrilineal, that is, traced through X=(LX}/n,
the female only. 2. more loosely, a
family, group, or sodety in which where n is the number of scores;
women are dominant. Compare PA- that is, the scores are added up, and
TRIARCHY, — m a t r i a r c h a l ad;'.
the total is divided by the number of
scores. Also called a r i t h m e t i c
m a t u r a t i o n n. the biological pro- mean.
cesses involved in an organism's m e a n deviation for a set of num-
becoming functional or fully devel- bers, a measure of dispersion or
oped. spread equal to the average of the
differences between each number
m a t u r i t y n. a state of completed and the mean value. It is given by
growth or development, as in adult- (Xlx, - nl)/n, where ^i is the mean
hood. value and n the number of values.
maze n. a complex system of inter- m e a n l e n g t h of u t t e r a n c e a
secting paths and blind alleys that measure of language development
must be navigated from an entrance in young children based on the
to an exit. Various types of mazes mean length of UTTERANCES in their
are used in learning experiments for spontaneous speech. It is usually cal-
animals and humans. culated by counting MORPHEMES

means-ends analysis

rather than words, and is based on m e a s u r e m e n t scale any of four

at least 100 successive utterances. methods for quantifying attributes
of variables during the course of re-
m e a n s - e n d s analysis a technique search, listed in order of increasing
to solve problems that sets up power and complexity: NOMINAL
subgoals as means to achieve the SCALE, ORDINAL SCALE, INTERVAL
goals (ends) and compares subgoals
and goals using a recursive goal-
reduction search procedure. Means- m e c h a n i s t i c t h e o r y the assump-
ends analysis originated in artificial tion that psychological processes
intelligence and expanded into and behaviors can ultimately be un-
human cognition as a general prob- derstood in the same way that
lem-solving strategy. mechanical or physiological
processes are understood. Its expla-
m e a n s q u a r e a SUM OF SQUARES nations of human behavior are
divided by its DEGREES OF FREEDOM. based on the model or metaphor of
The mean square is a variance ESTI- a machine, reducing complex psy-
MATOR. chological phenomena to simpler
physical phenomena. See REDUC-
m e a s u r e m e n t n. the act of apprais-
ing the extent of some amount,
dimension, or criterion—or the re- m e c h a n o r e c e p t o r n. a receptor
sultant descriptive or quantified that is sensitive to mechanical forms
appraisal itself—often, but not al- of stimuli. Examples of mechano-
ways, expressed as a numerical receptors are the receptors in the ear
value. that translate sound waves into
m e a s u r e m e n t e r r o r a difference nerve impulses, the touch receptors
between an observed measurement in the skin, and the receptors in the
and the tme value of the parameter joints and muscles.
being measured that is attributable medial adj. toward or at the middle
to flaws or biases in the measure- of the body or of an organ. Compare
ment process. LATERAL, —medially adv.
m e a s u r e m e n t level the degree of medial forebrain b u n d l e a col-
specificity, accuracy, and precision lection of nerve fibers passing
reflected in a particular set of obser- through the midline of the forebrain
vations or measurements. Examples to the hypothalamus. It provides the
of common levels of measurement chief pathway for reciprocal connec-
include NOMINAL SCALES, ORDINAL tions between the hypothalamus
SCALES. the brainstem.
m e a s u r e m e n t model a statistical medial geniculate nucleus ei-
modeling technique that quantifies ther of two small oval clusters of
the association between observa- nerve cell bodies in the THALAMUS,
tions obtained during research just medial to the LATERAL GE-
(observed indicators) and theoretical NICULATE NUCLEUS, that receive
underlying constmcts. In contrast information from the inferior
with a structural equation model COLLICULUS and relay it to the AU-
ING), a measurement model specifies
the relationships between observed medial lemniscus either of a pair
indicators and the LATENT VARI- of somatosensory tracts in the
ABLES that support or affect them. midbrain carrying fibers from the


spinal cord that communicate with higher brain centers, as well as auto-
the thalamus. nomic nuclei involved in the
control of breathing, heartbeat, and
m e d i a n n. the score that divides a blood pressure.
DISTRIBUTION into two equal-sized
halves. MEG abbreviation for MAGNETO-
m e d i a n test a nonparametric sta- ENCEPHALOGRAPHY or
tistical procedure that tests the magnetoencephalograph.
equality of the medians in two or m e g a l o m a n i a n. a highly inflated
more samples. conception of one's importance,
m e d i a t i o n n. in dispute resolution, power, or capabilities.
use of a neutral outside person—the meiosis n. a special type of division
mediator—to help the contending of the cell nucleus that occurs dur-
parties communicate and reach a ing the formation of the sex cells-
compromise. The process of media- ova and spermatozoa. During meio-
tion has gained popularity, for sis, a parental cell in the gonad
example for couples involved in sep- produces four daughter cells that are
aration or divorce proceedings. all HAPLOID, that is, they possess
m e d i a t i o n a l deficiency in prob- only one of each chromosome, in-
lem solving, inability to make use of stead of the normal DIPLOID
a particular strategy to benefit task complement of homologous pairs of
performance even if it is taught to a chromosomes. During the process of
person. Compare PRODUCTION DEFI- fertilization, the ova and spermato-
CIENCY; UTILIZATION DEFICIENCY. zoa undergo fusion, which restores
the double set of chromosomes
medical model the concept that within the nucleus of the zygote
mental and emotional problems are thus formed.
analogous to biological problems,
that is, they have detectable, spe- melancholia n. an archaic name
cific, physiological causes (e.g., an for depression. —melancholic ad;'.
abnormal gene or damaged cell) and
are amenable to cure or improve- m e l a t o n i n n. a hormone, produced
ment by specific treatment. mainly by the PINEAL GLAND as a
metabolic product of the neuro-
m e d i t a t i o n n. profound and ex- transmitter SEROTONIN, that helps
tended contemplation or reflection, to regulate seasonal changes in
sometimes in order to attain an AL- physiology and may also influence
TERED STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS. puberty. It is implicated in the initi-
Traditionally associated with spiri- ation of sleep and in the regulation
tual and religious exercises, it is now of the sleep-wake cycle.
increasingly also used to provide re-
laxation and relief from stress. See m e m b r a n e n. a thin layer of tissue
also TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION. that covers a surface, lines a cavity,
or connects or divides anatomical
m e d u l l a n. the central or inner- spaces or organs. One of the funda-
most region of an organ, such as the mental functions of a membrane is
adrenal medulla. Compare CORTEX. to contain the components within
—medullary ad;'. it. In cells, the membrane surrounds
m e d u l l a o b l o n g a t a the most infe- the cytoplasm and is composed of
rior (lowest), or caudal (tailward), proteins and lipids. It is semiper-
part of the HINDBRAIN. It contains meable, and acts to control the
many nerve tracts that conduct im- passage of substances in and out of
pulses between the spinal cord and the cell (e.g., see ION CHANNEL).

membrane potential

m e m b r a n e p o t e n t i a l a difference inheritance that conforms to the

in electric potential across a mem- basic principles developed around
brane, especially the plasma 1865 by Austrian monk Gregor
membrane of a cell. See also REST- Mendel (1822-1884), regarded as
ING POTENTIAL. the founder of genetics. Mendelian
inheritance is essentially determined
m e m e n. a unit of practice or belief by genes located on chromosomes,
through which a society or culture which are transmitted from both
evolves and that passes from one parents to their offspring. It includes
generation to the next. In this sense autosomal dominant (see DOMI-
the term (derived from the Greek NANT ALLELE), autosomal recessive
word for "imitation") is a kind of (see RECESSIVE ALLELE), and SEX-
metaphorical parallel to the term LINKED inheritance.
meninges pl. n. (sing, meninx) the
m e m o r y n. 1. the ability to retain three membranous layers that pro-
information or a representation vide a protective cover for the brain
of past experience, based on the and spinal cord. They consist of a
mental processes of learning or tough outer dura mater, a middle
ENCODING, RETENTION across some arachnoid mater, and a thin, trans-
interval of time, and RETRIEVAL or parent pia mater, which fits over the
reactivation of the memory. 2. spe- various contours and fissures of the
cific information or a spedfic past cerebral cortex.
experience that is recalled. 3. the
hypothesized part of the brain m e n i n g i o m a n. a benign brain
where traces of information and tumor that develops in the
past experiences are stored. arachnoid layer of the MENINGES.
Meningiomas are typically slow
m e m o r y consolidation see CON- growing and cause damage mainly
SOLIDATION. by pressure against the brain.
m e m o r y s p a n the number of items m e n o p a u s e u. see CLIMACTERIC.
that can be recalled immediately —menopausal ad;'.
after one presentation. Usually, the
items consist of letters, words, num- m e n s t r u a l cycle a modified
bers, or syllables that the participant ESTROUS CYCLE that occurs in most
must reproduce in order. A distinc- primates, including humans (in
tion may be drawn between visual which it averages about 28 days).
memory span and auditory memory The events of the cycle are depend-
span, depending on the nature of ent on cyclical changes in the
the presentation. concentrations of GONADOTROPINS
secreted by the anterior pituitary
m e m o r y t r a c e a hypothetical gland, under the control of GONAD-
modification of the nervous system OTROPIN-RELEASING HORMONE, and
that encodes a representation of in- can be divided into two phases. In
formation or experience. See the follicular phase, FOLLICLE-
m e n a r c h e n. the first incidence of late development of an ovum and
MENSTRUATION in a female, marking secretion of estrogen within the
the onset of puberty. The age at ovary, culminating in OVULATION.
which menarche occurs varies The estrogen stimulates thickening
among individuals and cultures. of the endometrium (lining) of the
—menarcheal adj. uterus in preparation to receive a
Mendelian i n h e r i t a n c e a type of fertilized ovum. The luteal phase be-


gins immediately after ovulation physiological, genetic, chemical, so-

and is characterized by the forma- cial, and other fadors. Specific
tion of the corpus luteum, a classifications of mental disorders
yellowish glandular mass that inhib- are elaborated in the American Psy-
its further secretion of releasing chiatric Association's Diagnostic and
hormone (and hence of FSH and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
LH). If fertilization does not occur, (see DSM-IV-TR) and the World
this phase ends with menstruation Health Organization's INTERNA-
and a repeat of the follicular phase. TIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF DISEASES.
Also called m e n t a l illness.
m e n s t r u a t i o n n. a periodic dis-
charge of blood and endometrial m e n t a l h a n d i c a p the condition
tissue from the utems through the of being unable to function inde-
vagina that occurs in fertile women pendently in the community
as part of the MENSTRUAL CYCLE. because of arrested or delayed cogni-
tive development. Its use is
m e n t a l adj. 1. of or referring to the generally discouraged nowadays in
MIND or to processes of the mind, preference to MENTAL RETARDATION
such as thinking, feeling, sensing, and other terms considered more
and the like. 2. phenomenal or con- objective and less offensive.
sciously experienced. In contrast to
physiological or physical, which m e n t a l h e a l t h a state character-
refer to objective events or pro- ized by emotional well-being, good
cesses, mental denotes events behavioral adjustment, and a capac-
known only privately and subjec- ity to establish constmctive
tively; it may refer to the COGNITIVE relationships and cope with the or-
PROCESSES involved in these events, dinary demands and stresses of life.
to differentiate them from physio-
logical processes. m e n t a l hospital see PSYCHIATRIC
m e n t a l a b e r r a t i o n a pathological
m e n t a l hygiene a general ap-
deviation from normal thinking,
proach aimed at maintaining
particularly as a symptom of a men-
mental health and preventing men-
tal or emotional disorder. tal disorder through such means as
m e n t a l age (MA) a numerical scale educational programs, promotion of
unit derived by dividing an individ- a stable emotional and family life,
ual's results in an intelligence test by prophylactic and early treatment
the average score for other people of services (see PRIMARY PREVENTION),
the same age. Thus, a 4-year-old and public health measures. The
child who scored 150 on an IQ test term itself is now less widely used
would have a mental age of 6 (the than formerly.
age-appropriate average score is 100;
therefore, MA = (150/100) x 4 = 6). m e n t a l illness see MENTAL DISOR-
The MA measure of performance is DER.
not effective beyond the age of 14. m e n t a l imagery see IMAGERY.
m e n t a l disorder any condition m e n t a l i s m n. a position that in-
characterized by cognitive and emo- sists on the reality of explicitly
tional disturbances, abnormal mental phenomena, such as think-
behaviors, impaired functioning, or ing and feeling. It holds that mental
any combination of these. Such dis- phenomena cannot be reduced to
orders cannot be accounted for physical or physiological phenom-
solely by environmental circum- ena (see REDUCTIONISM). The term
stances and may involve is often used as a synonymforIDE-

m e n t a l lexicon

ALISM, although some forms of roles in society—including main-

mentalism may hold that mental taining independence and meeting
events, while not reducible to physi- cultural expectations of personal
cal substances, are nonetheless and social responsibility—is im-
grounded in physical processes. paired, and in whom the condition
Most modern cognitive theories are is manifested during the develop-
examples of this latter type of mental period, defined variously as
mentalism. —mentalist ad;'. below the ages of 18 or 22. Mental
retardation may be the result of
m e n t a l lexicon the set of words brain injury, disease, or genetic
that a person uses regularly (produc- causes.
tive vocabulary) or recognizes when
used by others (receptive vocabu- m e n t a l set a temporary readiness
lary). Psycholinguistics has proposed to perform certain psychological
various models for such a lexicon, in functions that influences response
which words are mentally organized to a situation or stimulus, such as
with respect to such features as the tendency to apply a previously
meaning, lexical category (e.g., successful technique in solving a
noun, verb, etc.), frequency, length, new problem. It is often determined
and sound. by instmdions but need not be.
m e n t a l m o d e l any intemal repre- m e n t o r i n g n. the provision of in-
sentation of the relations between a struction, encouragement, and other
set of elements, as, for example, be- support to an individual (e.g., a stu-
tween workers in an office or the dent, youth, or colleague) to aid his
configuration of objects in a space. or her overall growth and develop-
Such models may contain percep- ment or the pursuit of greater
tual qualities and may be abstract in learning skills, a career, or other ed-
nature. They can be manipulated to ucational or work-related goals.
provide dynamic simulations of pos- Numerous mentoring programs
sible scenarios and are thought to be exist today within occupational, ed-
key components in decision mak- ucational, and other settings; they
ing. use frequent communication and
contact between mentors and their
m e n t a l r e p r e s e n t a t i o n a hypo- respective proteges as well as a vari-
thetical entity that is presumed to ety of other techniques and
stand for a perception, thought, procedures to develop positive pro-
memory, or the like in the mind dudive relationships.
during cognitive operations. For
example, when doing mental arith- mere-exposure effect the finding
metic, one presumably operates on that individuals show an increased
mental representations that corre- preference (or liking) for a stimulus
spond to the digits and numerical (e.g., a name, sound, or picture) as a
operators; when one imagines look- consequence of repeated exposure to
ing at the reverse side of an object, that stimulus. Research indicates
one presumably operates on a men- that this effect is most likely to
tal representation of that object. occur when there is no preexisting
negative attitude toward the stimu-
m e n t a l r e t a r d a t i o n a disorder lus object, and that it tends to be
characterized by intellectual func- strongest when the person is not
tion that is significantly below consciously aware of the stimulus
average: specifically that of an indi- presentations.
vidual with a measured IQ of 70 or
below, whose level of performance mescaline n. a HALLUCINOGEN de-
of tasks required to fulfill typical rived from the peyote cactus. Its


effects often include nausea and chemical processes within a living

vomiting as well as visual hallucina- cell or organism that are necessary
tions involving lights and colors; to maintain life. It includes catabo-
they have a slower onset than those lism, the breaking down of complex
of LSD and usually last 1-2 hours. molecules into simpler ones, often
with the release of energy; and
m e s e n c e p h a l o n n. see MIDBRAIN. anabolism, the synthesis of complex
—mesencephalic adj. molecules from simple ones, —met-
mesmerism n. an old name, used abolic adj.
in the mid-18th through the mid-
19th centuries, for HYPNOSIS. [Franz m e t a b o t r o p i c receptor a neuro-
Anton Mesmer (1733-1815), Aus- transmitter RECEPTOR that does not
trian physician and an early itself contain an ION CHANNEL but
proponent of hypnosis] —mesmer- may use a G PROTEIN to open a
ist n. —mesmeric ad;. nearby ion channel. Compare
m e s o k u r t i c ad;', describing a statis-
tical distribution that is neither m e t a c o g n i t i o n n. awareness of
flatter nor more peaked than a one's own cognitive processes, often
comparison, such as the normal involving a conscious attempt to
distribution. See also PLATYKURTIC; control them. The so-called TIP-OF-
which one stmggles to "know"
mesosystem n. in ECOLOGICAL SYS- something that one knows one
TEMS THEORY, the groups and knows, provides an interesting ex-
institutions outside the home (e.g., ample of metacognition.
day care, school, or a child's peer —metacognitional adj.
group) that influence the child's de-
velopment and interact with aspects metalinguistic awareness a con-
of the microsystem (e.g., relations inscious awareness of the formal
the home). See also EXOSYSTEM; properties of language as well as its
MACROSYSTEM. functional and semantic properties.
messenger RNA (mRNA) atypeof It is associated with a mature stage
in language and metacognitive de-
RNA that carries instructions from a velopment (see METACOGNITION)
cell's genetic material (usually DNA)
to the protein-manufacturing appa- and does not usually develop until
ratus elsewhere in the cell and around age 8.
directs the assembly of protein com- m e t a m e m o r y n. awareness of
ponents in precise accord with those one's own memory processes, often
instructions. The instmdions are involving a conscious attempt to di-
embodied in the sequence of bases rect or control them. It is an aspect
in the mRNA, according to the GE- of METACOGNITION.

meta-analysis n. a quantitative m e t a m o t i v a t i o n u. in the HU-

technique for synthesizing the
results of multiple studies of a phe- psychologist Abraham Maslow
nomenon into a single result by (1908-1970), those motives that
combining the EFFECT SIZE estimates
impel an individual toward SELF-
ACTUALIZATION and transcendence.
from each study into a single esti-
mate of the combined effect size or Metamotivation is distinct from the
into a distribution of effect sizes. motivation operating in the lower
level needs, which he calls DEFI-
metabolism n. the physical and CIENCY MOTIVATION, and it emerges


after the lower needs are satisfied. opioid drugs. A controversial treat-
See METANEED. ment, it is nonetheless widely
considered the most effective ap-
m e t a n e e d n. in the HUMANISTIC
proach to heroin addiction.
PSYCHOLOGY of U.S. psychologist
Abraham Maslow (1908-1970), any m e t h a m p h e t a m i n e n. a STIMU-
need for knowledge, beauty, and LANT whose chemical stmcture is
creativity. Metaneeds, which are in- similar to that of amphetamine but
volved in SELF-ACTUALIZATION, that has a more pronounced effect
comprise the highest level of needs on the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. It
and come into play primarily after is used for treating attention-
the lower level needs have been defidt/hyperactivity disorder in chil-
met. See METAMOTIVATION. dren and as a short-term aid to
obesity treatment in adults. Like all
metapsychology n. the study of, AMPHETAMINES, methamphetamine
or a concern for, the fundamental is prone to abuse and dependence.
underlying principles of any psy-
chology. The term was used by m e t h o d u. the procedures and sys-
Austrian psychiatrist Sigmund Freud tem of analysis used in sdentific
(1856-1939) to denote his own psy- investigation in general or in a par-
chological theory, emphasizing its ticular research project.
ability to offer comprehensive
explanations of psychological phe- m e t h o d of a d j u s t m e n t a psy-
nomena on a fundamental level. chophysical technique in which the
—metapsychological ad;'. participant adjusts a variable stimu-
lus to match a constant or standard.
m e t a t h e o r y n. a higher order the- For example, the observer is shown
ory about theories, allowing one to a standard visual stimulus of a spe-
analyze, compare, and evaluate cific intensity and is asked to adjust
competing theories. The concept of a comparison stimulus to match the
a metatheory suggests that theories brightness of the standard.
derive from other theories such that
there are always prior theoretical m e t h o d of c o n s t a n t s t i m u l i a
assumptions and commitments be- psychophysical procedure for deter-
hind any theoretical formulation. mining the sensory threshold by
These prior assumptions and com- randomly presenting several stimuli
mitments are worthy of study in known to be close to the threshold.
their own right, and an understand- The threshold is the stimulus value
ing of them is essential to a full that was detected 50% of the time.
understanding of derivative theo- m e t h o d of limits a psycho-
ries. —metatheoretical ad;'. physical procedure for deter-
mining the sensory threshold by
m e t h a d o n e it. a synthetic OPIOID
gradually increasing or decreasing
analgesic that is used for pain relief
the magnitude of the stimulus pre-
and as a substitute for heroin in
sented in discrete steps. That is, a
stimulus of a given intensity is
APY. It is quite effective when orally presented to a participant; if it is
ingested and has a long duration of
perceived, a stimulus of lower in-
tensity is presented on the next
m e t h a d o n e m a i n t e n a n c e ther- trial, until the stimulus can no lon-
a p y a dmg-rehabilitation therapy in ger be detected. If it is not perceived,
which those with heroin DEPEND- a stimulus of higher intensity is
ENCE are prescribed a daily oral dose presented, until the stimulus is de-
of METHADONE to blunt craving for tected.


m e t h o d of loci a MNEMONIC in less than 1 |im, that can be inserted

which the items to be remembered into a single cell. In the micro-
are converted into mental images electrode technique, used in studies
and associated with specific posi- of neurophysiology and disorders of
tions or locations. For instance, to the nervous system, intracellular
remember a shopping list, each microelectrodes with tips less than
product could be imagined at a dif- 1 nm in diameter are able to stimu-
ferent location along a familiar late and record activity within a
street. single neuron (single-cell or single-
unit recording).
methodological behaviorism a
form of BEHAVIORISM that concedes microgenetic m e t h o d a research
the existence and reality of con- methodology that looks at develop-
scious events but contends that the mental change within a single set of
only suitable means of studying individuals over relatively brief peri-
them scientifically is via their ex- ods of time, usually days or weeks.
pression in behavior. Compare
microglia n. an extremely small
type of nonneuronal central nervous
system cell (GLIA) that removes cel-
methodology n. 1. the sdence of lular debris from injured or dead
method or orderly arrangement; cells, —microglial ad;'.
specifically, the branch of logic con- m i c r o g r a p h i a n. a disorder charac-
cerned with the application of the
terized by very small, often
principles of reasoning to scientific
and philosophical inquiry. 2. the unreadable writing and associated
system of methods, principles, and most often with PARKINSON'S DIS-
rules of procedure used within a par-
ticular discipline. microsleep n. a brief interval of
dozing or loss of awareness that oc-
m e t h y l p h e n i d a t e u. a stimulant curs during periods when a person is
related to the AMPHETAMINES and
fatigued and trying to stay awake
with a similar mechanism of action. while doing monotonous tasks, such
It blocks the reuptake of catechol- as driving a car, looking at a com-
amines from the synaptic cleft and puter screen, or monitoring
stimulates presynaptic release of controls. Such periods of "nodding
catecholamines. Methylphenidate is off" typically last for 2-30 s and are
used for the treatment of attention- more likely to occur in the predawn
defidt/hyperactivity disorder and mid-afternoon hours.
(ADHD) and narcolepsy and as an
adjunct to antidepressant therapy microsystem n. see MESOSYSTEM.
and to increase concentration and
alertness in patients with brain inju- m i c r o t u b u l e n. a small, hollow,
ries, brain cancer, or dementia. U.S. cylindrical stmcture (typically 20-26
trade name (among others): Ritalin. nm in diameter), numbers of which
occur in various types of cell.
microcephaly u. a condition in Microtubules are part of the cell's in-
which the head is abnormally small ternal scaffolding (cytoskeleton) and
in relation to the rest of the body. form the spindle during cell divi-
Compare MACROCEPHALY. sion. In neurons, microtubules are
—microcephalic adj. involved in AXONAL TRANSPORT.

microelectrode n. an electrode m i d b r a i n n. a relatively small re-

with a tip no larger than a few mi- gion of the upper brainstem that
crometers in diameter, sometimes connects the FOREBRAIN and

middle ear

HINDBRAIN. It contains the TECTUM a breeding area to an overwintering

(and associated inferior and superior area; in others, particularly the
COLLICULI), TEGMENTUM, and SUB- salmon, it is observed only once in
STANTIA NIGRA. Also called the lifetime of an individual. 2. in
mesencephalon. the development of the nervous sys-
tem, the movement of nerve cells
m i d d l e e a r a membrane-lined cav- from their origin in the ventricular
ity in the temporal bone of the zone to establish distinctive cell
skull. It is filled with air and com- populations, such as brain nuclei
municates with the nasopharynx and layers of the cerebral cortex.
through the EUSTACHIAN TUBE. It
contains the OSSICLES, which trans- milieu n. (pl. milieux) the envi-
mit sound vibrations from the outer ronment in general or, more
ear and the tympanic membrane typically, the social environment.
(eardmm) to the OVAL WINDOW of
the inner ear. milieu t h e r a p y psychotherapeutic
treatment based on modification or
midlife crisis a period of psycho- manipulation of the client's life
logical distress occurring in some circumstances or immediate envi-
individuals during the middle years ronment. Milieu therapy attempts to
of adulthood, roughly from ages 35 organize the social and physical set-
to 65. Causes may include signifi- ting in which the client lives or is
cant life events and health or being treated in such a way as to
occupational problems and con- promote healthier, more adaptive
cerns. cognitions, emotions, and behavior.
m i d l i n e u. a bisecting or median
line, especially in reference to an m i m i c r y «. 1. the presence of
imaginary median line or plane physical or behavioral traits in one
through the body or a part of the species that so closely resemble
body. those of another species that they
confuse observers. This serves either
m i d p o i n t n. the point or value to evade predators or to attract prey.
halfway between the highest and 2. a form of SOCIAL LEARNING that
lowest values in a FREQUENCY DIS-
involves duplication of a behavior
without any understanding of the
m i g r a i n e n. a headache that is re- goal of that behavior.
current, usually severe, usually m i n d n. 1. most broadly, all intel-
limited to one side of the head, and lectual and psychological
likely to be accompanied by nausea, phenomena of an organism, encom-
vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to passing motivational, affective,
light (photophobia). Migraine head- behavioral, perceptual, and cogni-
aches may be preceded by a tive systems; in other words, the
subjective sensation offlickeringor organized totality of the MENTAL
flashing light, blacking out of part and PSYCHIC processes of an organ-
of the visual field, or illusions of col- ism and the stmctural and
ors or patterns. functional cognitive components on
m i g r a t i o n n. 1. in animal behav- which they depend. The term, how-
ior, travel over relatively long ever, is often used more narrowly to
distances to or from breeding areas. denote only cognitive activities and
Migration is observed in birds, fish, functions, such as perceiving, at-
and some mammals and insects tending, thinking, problem solving,
(among others). In some species it is language, learning, and memory.
seasonal, involving movement from The nature of the relationship be-

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality I n v e n t o r y

tween the mind and the body, BEHAVIOR THERAPY, mindfulness-

including the brain and its mecha- based stress reduction, mindfulness
nisms or activities, has been, and for addictions, and mindfulness
continues to be, the subject of much MEDITATION—to help people avoid
debate. See MIND-BODY PROBLEM. destructive or automatic habits and
2. a set of EMERGENT PROPERTIES au- responses by learning to observe
tomatically derived from a brain their thoughts, emotions, and other
that has achieved sufficient biologi- present-moment experiences with-
cal sophistication. In this sense, the out judging or reacting to them.
mind is considered more the prov- —mindful adj.
ince of humans and of human
consciousness than of organisms in mineralocorticoid n. any
general. 3. human consciousness re- CORTICOSTEROID hormone that af-
garded as an immaterial entity fects ion concentrations in body
distinct from the brain. 4. the brain tissues and helps to regulate the ex-
itself and its activities: in this view, cretion of salt and water. In humans
the mind essentially is both the ana- the prindpai mineralocorticoid is
tomical organ and what it does. ALDOSTERONE.
m i n i m a l b r a i n dysfunction a
m i n d - b o d y p r o b l e m the problem relatively mild impairment of brain
of accounting for and describing the function that is presumed to ac-
relationship between mental and count for a variety of subtle and
physical processes (psyche and nonspecific clinical, behavioral, or
soma). Solutions to this problem fall neurological disturbances seen in
into six broad categories: (a) certain learning or behavioral dis-
INTERACTIONISM, in which mind abilities. These disturbances include
and body are separate processes that hyperactivity, impulsivity, emo-
nevertheless exert mutual influence; tional lability, and distractibility.
(b) parallelism, in which mind and
body are separate processes with a m i n i m a l g r o u p a temporary
point-to-point correspondence but group of anonymous people lacking
no causal connection; (c) IDEALISM, interdependence, COHESION, stmc-
in which only mind exists and the ture, and other characteristics
soma is a function of the psyche; (d) typically found in social groups. An
double-aspect theory, in which body example is a group of people disem-
and mind are both functions of a barking from a bus. Minimal groups
common entity; (e) epipheno- are an essential component of a par-
menalism, in which mind is a by- ticular research procedure, used
product of bodily processes; and (f) mainly in studies of intergroup con-
MATERIALISM, in which body is the flict, called the minimal intergroup
only reality and the psyche is non- situation or the minimal group para-
existent. Categories (a) and (b) are digm. It has been found that
varieties of DUALISM; the remainder individuals in such groups respond
are varieties of MONISM. Also called in biased ways when allocating re-
sources to INGROUP and OUTGROUP
b o d y - m i n d problem.
members, even though the groups
are not psychologically or interper-
mindfulness n. full awareness sonally meaningful.
of one's internal states and sur-
roundings: the opposite of absent- Minnesota Multiphasic Person-
mindedness. The concept has been ality I n v e n t o r y (MMPI) a
applied to various therapeutic PERSONALITY INVENTORY first pub-
interventions—for example, lished in 1940 and now one of the
mindfulness-based COGNITIVE most widely used SELF-REPORT

m i n o r i t y influence

methods for assessing personality mation that an experimenter has

and psychological maladjustment provided, instead of accurately re-
across a range of mental health, calling the correct information that
medical, substance abuse, forensic, had been presented earlier. The mis-
and personnel screening settings. It information effect is studied in the
features 567 true-false questions context of EYEWITNESS MEMORY.
that assess symptoms, attitudes, and
beliefs that relate to emotional and misogyny n. hatred or contempt
behavioral problems. for women. Compare MISANDRY.
—misogynist n. —misogynistic
m i n o r i t y influence social pres- adj.
sure exerted on the majority faction
m i t o c h o n d r i o n n. (pl. mitochon-
of a group by a smaller faction of
dria) a specialized, membrane-
the group. Studies suggest that mi- bound stmcture (organelle) that is
norities who argue consistently for the main site of energy production
change prompt the group to recon- in cells. Mitochondria are most nu-
sider even long-held or previously merous in cells with a high level of
unquestioned assumptions and pro- metabolism. They also have their
cedures. own DNA (mitochondrial DNA).
m i n o r t r a n q u i l i z e r see ANXIO- —mitochondrial adj.
mitosis n. (pl. mitoses) the type of
m i r r o r n e u r o n a type of cell in division of a cell nucleus that pro-
the brains of primates that responds duces two identical daughter nuclei,
in the same way to a given action each possessing the same number
(e.g., reaching out to grasp an ob- and type of chromosomes as the
ject) whether it is performed by the parent nucleus. It is usually accom-
primate itself or whether the pri- panied by division of the cytoplasm,
mate has merely observed another leading to the formation of two
primate perform the same action. identical daughter cells. Compare
MEIOSIS. —mitotic adj.
m i s a n d r y n. hatred or contempt
for men. Compare MISOGYNY. mixed design an experimental de-
—misandrist n., ad;'. sign that combines features of both
m i s a n t h r o p y n. a hatred, aversion, WITHIN-SUBJECTS DESIGN. For exam-
or distrust of human beings and ple, a researcher studying the
human nature. —misanthrope n. influence of different types of music
—misanthropic adj. on relaxation might use a mixed de-
m i s a t t r i b u t i o n n. an incorrect sign. He or she divides participants
inference as to the cause of an indi- into a CONTROL GROUP (listening to
vidual's or group's behavior or of an no music) and two EXPERIMENTAL
interpersonal event. For example, GROUPS (one listening to classical
misattribution of arousal is an effect music and one listening to rock
in which the physiological stimula- music). The researcher then gives
tion generated by one stimulus is participants in all groups a PRETEST
mistakenly ascribed to another to determine the baseline level of
source. See also ATTRIBUTION THE- physiological arousal prior to hear-
ORY. ing any music, introduces the
music, and then gives a POSTTEST to
m i s c a r r i a g e n. see ABORTION. determine what specific reduction in
m i s i n f o r m a t i o n effect a phe- arousal may have occurred. In this
nomenon in which a person situation, music type is a between-
mistakenly recalls misleading infor- subjects factor (each participant


hears only a single genre of music) RELEASER. In classical ethology the

and physiological arousal is a term FIXED ACTION PATTERN was
within-subjects factor (each partici- used to describe behavioral re-
pant is evaluated on this variable on sponses, but this term obscures the
multiple occasions and the different variation in behavior typically seen
assessments compared). within and between individuals.
mixed episode an episode of a m o d a l i t y u. 1. a particular thera-
MOOD DISORDER lasting at least 1 peutic technique or process. 2. a
week in which symptoms meeting medium of sensation, such as vision
criteria for both a MAJOR DEPRESSIVE or hearing. See SENSE.
m o d e n. the most frequently occur-
prominent over the course of the ring score in a batch of data, which
disturbance. is sometimes used as a measure of
mixed receptive-expressive lan- CENTRAL TENDENCY.
guage disorder a communication model n. a graphic, theoretical, or
disorder characterized by levels of other type of representation of a
language comprehension and pro- concept (e.g., a disorder) or of basic
duction substantially below those behavioral or bodily processes that
expected for intellectual ability and can be used for various investigative
developmental level. and demonstrative purposes, such as
MMPI abbreviation for MINNESOTA enhancing understanding of the
concept, proposing hypotheses,
showing relationships, or identify-
ing epidemiological patterns.
m n e m o n i c n. any device or tech-
nique used to assist memory, usually m o d e l i n g n. 1. a technique used in
by forging a link or assodation be- COGNITIVE BEHAVIOR THERAPY a n d
tween the new information to be BEHAVIOR THERAPY in which learn-
remembered and information previ- ing occurs through observation and
ously encoded. For instance, one imitation alone, without comment
might remember the numbers in a or reinforcement by the therapist.
password by associating them with 2 . i n DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY,
familiar birth dates, addresses, or the process in which one or more
room numbers. See also METHOD OF individuals or other entities serve as
LOCI. examples (models) that a child will
emulate. Models are often parents,
m o b psychology CROWD PSY- other adults, or other children, but
CHOLOGY, as applied to disorderly, may also be symbolic, for example, a
unmly, and emotionally charged book or television character. See also
gatherings of people. SOCIAL LEARNING THEORY.
m o d a l n. pertaining to a particular m o d e r a t o r variable in statistics, a
MODE, model, technique, or process. variable that alters the relationship
In LINGUISTICS, modal refers to the between other variables. In REGRES-
mood of a verb; that is, for example, SION ANALYSIS, for example, it is a
whether it is indicative (states a fact), variable that is unrelated to a crite-
imperative (expresses an order or rion variable but is retained in the
command), or subjunctive (express- REGRESSION EQUATION because of its
ing a wish or a state of possibility). significant relationship to other pre-
dictor variables.
m o d a l action p a t t e r n (MAP) the
typical or most common behavioral m o d e r n i s m u. a philosophical po-
pattern expressed in response to a sition whose defining characteristics

m o d e r n racism

include a sense that religious dogma of the carrier wave is varied in accor-
and classical metaphysics can no dance with the amplitude of the
longer provide a sure foundation in signal variations.
intellectual matters and a quest for
certain knowledge from other m o l a r ad;', characterized by or per-
sources. Traditional psychology can taining to units, masses, and
be seen to be the produd of mod- systems in their entirety. Molar
ernism to the extent that it is analysis in psychology is a way of
characterized by faith in scientific examining behavioral processes as
method, pursuit of control and pre- holistic units, extended through
diction of behavior, explanation in time. This approach stresses com-
terms of laws and prindples, and prehensive concepts or overall
the assumption that human behav- frameworks or structures. Compare
ior is ultimately rational as opposed MOLECULAR.
to irrational. See also POSTMOD-
molecular ad;', characterized by or
ERNISM, —modernist adj., n.
pertaining to the component parts
of a phenomenon, process, or
m o d e r n racism a contemporary
system. Molecular analysis in psy-
form of PREJUDICE against members
chology is a way of examining
of other racial groups that is ex-
behavioral processes in terms of ele-
pressed indirectly and covertly, mental units, sometimes analyzing
typically by condemning the cul- them in a moment-by-moment or
tural values of the OUTGROUP or by
phase-by-phase manner. Compare
experiencing aversive emotions
when interacting with its members
but not ading on those negative molecular genetics the branch of
emotions (see AVERSIVE RACISM). biology that is concerned with the
structure and processes of genetic
m o d u l a r i t y n. a theory of the material at the molecular level.
human mind in which the various
components of cognition are charac- m o m e n t n. the power to which the
terized as independent modules, expected value of a RANDOM VARI-
hypothetical centers of information ABLE is raised. Thus, E(xk) is the kth
processing each with its own specific moment of x. Moments are used for
domain and particular properties. computing distribution measures,
More recently, evolutionary psy- such as the MEAN, VARIANCE, SKEW-
chologists have shown interest in NESS, and KURTOSIS.
the idea that the various modules
may be adaptive specializations. m o n i s m n. the position that reality
consists of a single substance,
m o d u l a t i o n n. changes in some whether this is identified as mind,
parameter of a waveform so that the matter, or God. In the context of the
information contained by the varia- MIND-BODY PROBLEM, monism is
tions of this parameter can be any position that avoids DUALISM.
transmitted by the wave, which is —monist adj., n. —monistic adj.
known as the carrier wave. Ampli-
tude modulation (AM) refers to m o n i t o r i n g n. the process of
changes in amplitude that are rela- watching or overseeing individuals
tively slow compared to the usually and their behavior, often for the
sinusoidal variations in the carrier. purpose of collecting information
In frequency modulation (FM) the (e.g., as in a study) or influencing
frequency of the carrier is varied but function (e.g., as in a therapeutic in-
its amplitude remains constant. In tervention).
phase modulation the relative phase m o n o a m i n e n. a chemical com-

mood congruent

pound that contains only one amine EAR PERSPECTIVE, relative position,
group, -NH 2 . Monoamines include relative movement, and ACCOMMO-
neurotransmitters, such as the CATE- DATION. Compare BINOCULAR CUE.
CHOLAMINES norepinephrine and
m o n o g a m y n. 1. an animal mating
dopamine and the INDOLEAMINE se-
system in which two individuals
mate exclusively with each other.
m o n o a m i n e hypothesis the the- Many species display serial monog-
ory that depression is caused by a amy, in which there is an exclusive
deficit in the production or uptake social bond with each of a series of
of monoamines (serotonin, sexual partners at different times
norepinephrine, and dopamine). during the individual's life. Com-
This theory has been used to explain pare POLYANDRY; POLYGYNANDRY;
the effects of MONOAMINE OXIDASE POLYGYNY. 2. traditionally, marriage
INHIBITORS, but is now regarded as to only one spouse at a time. Com-
too simplistic. pare POLYGAMY, —monogamous
m o n o a m i n e oxidase i n h i b i t o r ad;.
(MAOI; MAO inhibitor) any of a m o n o t o n i c ad;', denoting a variable
group of antidepressant dmgs that that progressively either increases or
function by inhibiting the activity decreases as a second variable in-
of the enzyme monoamine oxidase creases or decreases but that does
in presynaptic neurons, thereby not change its direction. For exam-
increasing the amounts of ple, a monotonically increasing
monoamine neurotransmitters (se- variable is one that rises as a second
rotonin, norepinephrine, and variable increases.
dopamine) available for release at
the presynaptic terminal. There are monozygotic t w i n s (MZ twins)
two categories of MAOIs: irreversible twins, always of the same sex, that
and reversible inhibitors. Irreversible develop from a single fertilized
MAOIs bind tightly to the enzyme ovum (zygote) that splits in the
and permanently inhibit its ability early stages of MITOSIS to produce
to metabolize any monoamine. This two individuals who carry exactly
may lead to dangerous interactions the same complement of genes; that
with foods and beverages containing is, they are clones, with identical
the amino acid tryptophan or the DNA. Also called identical t w i n s .
amine tyramine. Reversible inhibi- Compare DIZYGOTIC TWINS.
tors of monoamine oxidase do not
bind irreversibly to the enzyme, m o o d n. a disposition to respond
thereby freeing it to take part in the emotionally in a particular way that
metabolism of amino acids and may last for hours, days, or even
other amines. weeks, perhaps at a low level and
without the person knowing what
m o n o c h r o m a t i s m n. a partial prompted the state. Moods differ
color blindness in which the eye from EMOTIONS in lacking an object;
contains only one type of cone for example, the emotion of anger
PHOTOPIGMENT instead of the typi- can be aroused by an insult, but an
cal three: Everything appears in angry mood may arise when one
various shades of a single color. See does not know what one is angry
also ACHROMATISM; DICHRO- about or what elicited the anger.
MATISM; TRICHROMATISM. Disturbances in mood are character-
m o n o c u l a r cue a cue to the per-
ception of distance or depth that m o o d c o n g r u e n t relating to a
involves only one eye, such as LIN- consistency or agreement between a


(SMfi*«*»»^t*^!S*»*^, --

mood-dependent m e m o r y

particular expressed feeling and the fixed standards of right and wrong.
general emotional context within According to Swiss psychologist Jean
which it occurs. Thus, crying at a Piaget (1896-1980), moral absolut-
time of sadness or personal distress ism is characteristic of young
is viewed as mood congment. Simi- children in the HETERONOMOUS
larly, in psychiatric diagnosis, the STAGE of moral development, who
term relates to a consistency be- interpret laws and mles as absolute.
tween the expression of a particular See MORAL REALISM. Compare
symptom or behavior with those MORAL RELATIVISM.
characteristics or pattems of
ideation or action used to classify a m o r a l development the gradual
formation of an individual's
particular mental disorder. In both
concepts of right and wrong, con-
instances, inconsistencies are de- science, ethical and religious values,
scribed as mood incongruent. social attitudes, and behavior. Some
mood-dependent m e m o r y a con- of the major theorists in the area of
dition in which memory for some moral development are Austrian
event can be recalled more readily psychiatrist Sigmund Freud (1856-
when one is in the same emotional 1939), Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget
mood (e.g., happy or sad) as when (1896-1980), German-born U.S. psy-
the memory was initially formed. chologist Erik Erikson (1902-1994),
See also STATE-DEPENDENT MEMORY. and U.S. psychologist Lawrence
Kohlberg (1927-1987).
m o o d disorder a psychiatric disor-
der in which the principal feature is m o r a l i t y n. a system of beliefs or
a prolonged, pervasive mood distur- set of values relating to right con-
bance, such as a DEPRESSIVE duct, against which behavior is
DISORDER (e.g., MAJOR DEPRESSIVE judged to be acceptable or unaccept-
BIPOLAR DISORDER. A mood disorder m o r a l realism the type of think-
is less commonly called an affective ing characteristic of younger
disorder. children, who equate good behavior
m o o d i n c o n g r u e n t see MOOD with obedience just as they equate
CONGRUENT. the morality of an act only with its
consequences. For example, 15 cups
m o o d stabilizer any of various broken accidentally would be judged
dmgs used in the treatment of cyclic to be a far worse transgression than
mood disorders (BIPOLAR DISORDERS 1 cup broken mischievously, be-
and CYCLOTHYMIC DISORDER). Be- cause more cups are broken. Moral
cause they reduce the symptoms of realism shapes the child's thinking
mania or manic episodes, mood sta- until the age of about 8, when the
bilizers are sometimes known as concepts of intention, motive, and
antimanics. extenuating circumstances begin to
modify the child's early MORAL AB-
m o o n illusion see SIZE-DISTANCE SOLUTISM. Compare MORAL
m o r a l adj. relating to the distinc-
m o r a l relativism the belief that
tion between right and wrong or to
the morality or immorality of an ac-
behavior that is considered ethical tion is determined by social custom
or proper. rather than by universal or fixed
m o r a l absolutism the belief that standards of right and wrong. Ac-
the morality or immorality of an ac- cording to Swiss psychologist Jean
tion can be judged according to Piaget (1896-1980), moral relativism

Morris w a t e r maze

is characteristic of children in the young people try out alternative

AUTONOMOUS STAGE of moral devel- roles before making permanent
opment, who consider the intention commitments to an IDENTITY. See
behind an act along with possible IDENTITY VERSUS IDENTITY CONFU-
extenuating circumstances when SION.
judging its Tightness or wrongness.
m o r b i d adj. unhealthy, diseased, or
otherwise abnormal.
m o r b i d i t y n. a pathological (dis-
m o r a l t h e r a p y a form of psycho- eased) condition or state, either
therapy from the 19th century based organic or functional.
on the belief that a person with a
mental disorder could be helped by Moro reflex a reflex in which a
being treated with compassion, newborn infant, when startled,
kindness, and dignity in a clean, throws out the arms, extends the
comfortable environment that pro- fingers, and quickly brings the arms
vided freedom of movement, back together as if clutching or em-
opportunities for occupational and bracing. In normal, healthy babies,
social activity, and reassuring talks the Moro reflex disappears during
with physicians and attendants. This the 1st year. See also STARTLE RE-
approach advocating humane and SPONSE. [Ernst Moro (1874-1951),
ethical treatment was a radical de- German physician]
parture from the prevailing practice
at that time of viewing the "insane" m o r p h e m e n. in linguistic analysis,
with suspicion and hostility, confin- a unit of meaning that cannot be
ing them in unsanitary conditions, analyzed into smaller such units. For
and routinely abusing them through example, the word books is com-
the use of such practices as mechan- posed of two morphemes, book and
ical restraint, physical punishment, the suffix -s signifying a plural
and bloodletting. Moral therapy noun, —morphemic ad;'.
originated in the family-care pro- m o r p h i n e n. the primary active in-
gram established in the Gheel gredient in OPIUM, first synthesized
colony, Belgium, during the 13th in 1806 and widely used as an anal-
century, but came to fmition in the gesic and sedative. Prolonged
19th century through the efforts of administration or abuse can lead to
Philippe Pinel and Jean Esquirol dependence and to withdrawal
(1772-1840) in France, William symptoms on cessation.
Tuke (1732-1822) in England, and
Benjamin Rush (1745-1813), Isaac morphology n. 1. the branch of bi-
Ray (1807-1881), and Thomas ology concerned with the forms and
Kirkbride (1809-1883) in the United stmctures of organisms. 2. the
States. The THERAPEUTIC COMMU- branch of linguistics that investi-
NITY of today has its roots in this gates the form and stmcture of
movement. Also called m o r a l words. It is particularly concerned
treatment. with the regular patterns of word
formation in a language. With SYN-
TAX, morphology is one of the two
m o r a t o r i u m n. in ERIKSON'S EIGHT
traditional subdivisions of GRAM-
imental period of adolescence in MAR. —morphological adj.
which, during the task of discover- Morris w a t e r maze a device used
ing who one is as an individual to test animal spatial learning, con-
separate from family of origin and as sisting of a water-filled tank with a
part of the broader social context, platform hidden underwater. An an-


imal is placed in the water and can layed memories of childhood

escape only by finding and climbing trauma.
on the hidden platform. Typically a
m o t i v a t i o n n. the impetus that
variety of external cues are provided gives purpose or direction to human
for spatial reference, [devised in or animal behavior and operates at a
1981 by Richard G. M. Morris, Brit- conscious or unconscious level. Mo-
ish neuroscientist] tives are frequently divided into (a)
m o r t a l i t y n. the death rate in a physiological, primary, or organic
population. motives, such as hunger, thirst, and
need for sleep, and (b) personal, so-
motherese n. the distinctive form cial, or secondary motives, such as
of speech used by parents and other affiliation, competition, and indi-
caregivers when speaking to infants vidual interests and goals. An
and young children. It is character- important distinction must also be
ized by grammatically simple and drawn between internal motivating
phonologically clear utterances, forces and external factors, such as
often delivered in a high-pitched rewards or punishments, that can
sing-song intonation. encourage or discourage certain be-
m o t h e r s u r r o g a t e a substitute for haviors. See EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION;
an individual's biological mother INTRINSIC MOTIVATION, —moti-
(e.g., a sister, grandmother, step- vate vb. —motivated ad;'.
mother, or adoptive mother), who —motivational ad;'.
assumes the responsibilities of that
person and may function as a role m o t i v a t o r s pl. n. in the TWO-
model and significant attachment FACTOR THEORY OF WORK MOTIVA-
figure. Also called m o t h e r figure;TION, those aspects of the working
surrogate mother. situation that can increase satisfac-
tion and motivation. Motivators
m o t i o n aftereffect the perception involve the work itself rather than
that a stationary object or scene the work context and are increased
moves following prolonged fixation by means of job ENRICHMENT and
of a moving stimulus. The illusory expansion of responsibilities. Com-
movement is in the opposite direc- pare HYGIENE FACTORS.
tion to the movement of the
stimulus that induced the effect. m o t i v e u. 1. a specific physiological
The best known example is the or psychological state of arousal that
waterfall illusion, produced by directs an organism's energies to-
watching a waterfall for a period ward a goal. See MOTIVATION. 2. a
and then shifting one's gaze to the reason offered as an explanation for
stationary surrounding scenery; the or cause of an individual's behavior.
stationary objects appear to move m o t o r adj. involving, producing, or
upward. referring to muscular movements.
m o t i o n p a r a l l a x the interrelated m o t o r a p h a s i a another name for
movements of elements in a scene BROCA'S APHASIA.
that can occur when the observer m o t o r cortex the region of the
moves relative to the scene. Motion frontal lobe of the brain responsible
parallax is a DEPTH CUE. for the control of voluntary move-
m o t i v a t e d f o r g e t t i n g a memory ment. It is divided into two parts.
lapse motivated by a desire to avoid The primary motor cortex, or motor
a disagreeable recollection. It is one area, is the main source of neurons
of the cognitive mechanisms that in the corticospinal tract (see
has been suggested as a cause of de- VENTROMEDIAL PATHWAY). The SCC-

Miillerian d u c t

ondary (or nonprimary) motor involves feelings of apathy and de-

cortex, made up of the PREMOTOR jection, loss of interest in the
AREA and the SUPPLEMENTARY outside world, and diminution in
MOTOR AREA, is specialized for plan- activity and initiative. These reac-
ning upcoming movements and tions are similar to depression, but
learning new movements. Also are less persistent and are not con-
called m o t o r strip. sidered pathological. See also
m o t o r development the changes
in motor skills that occur over an Mozart effect a temporary in-
entire life span, which reflect the de- crease in the performance of
velopment of muscular coordination research participants on tasks in-
and control and are also affected by volving SPATIAL-TEMPORAL
personal characteristics, the envi- REASONING after listening to the
ronment, and interactions of these music of Austrian composer
two factors. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-
1791). More generally, the term re-
m o t o r n e u r o n a neuron whose fers to the possibility that listening
axon connects diredly to muscle fi- to music enhances inherent cogni-
bers. There are two types: lower tive functioning. Apart from the
motor neurons (or alpha motor neu- neurological research on this effect,
rons), which are responsible for some experts propose an AROUSAL
muscle contraction; and upper THEORY perspective, such that
motor neurons (or gamma motor listening to music heightens emo-
neurons), which modulate the sensi- tional levels that correspond to
tivity of MUSCLE SPINDLES, thus higher performance on intelligence
influencing activity of the lower tests. The notion of the Mozart ef-
motor neurons. Also called moto- fect has entered into popular culture
neuron. to carry the as-yet-unsupported sug-
gestion that early childhood
m o t o r p r o g r a m a stored represen- exposure to certain types of music
tation, resulting from motor has a beneficial effect on mental de-
planning and refined through prac- velopment.
tice, that is used to produce a
coordinated movement. Motor pro- MRI abbreviation for MAGNETIC
grams store the accumulated RESONANCE IMAGING.
experience underlying skill at a task.
mRNA abbreviation for MESSENGER
m o t o r s t r i p see MOTOR CORTEX. RNA.
m o t o r system the complex of skel- MS abbreviation for MULTIPLE SCLE-
etal muscles, neural connections ROSIS.
with muscle tissues, and structures
of the central nervous system assod- Muller cell an elongated non-
ated with motor functions. neuronal central nervous system cell
(GLIA) that traverses and supports all
m o t o r u n i t a group of muscle fi- the layers of the retina, collecting
bers that respond collectively and light and directing it toward the
simultaneously because they are PHOTORECEPTORS. A component of
connected by nerve endings to a sin- the INNER NUCLEAR LAYER, these
gle motor neuron. cells were originally called Muller fi-
bers because of their thin, stretched
m o u r n i n g n. the process of feeling shape. [Heinrich Muller (1820-
or expressing grief following the 1864), German anatomist]
death of a loved one, or the period
during which this occurs. It typically Miillerian d u c t either of a pair of

Miiller-Lyer illusion

ducts that occur in a mammalian m u l t i d i m e n s i o n a l scaling a

embryo and develop into female re- scaling method that represents per-
produdive stmctures (fallopian ceived similarities among stimuli by
tubes, utems, and upper vagina) if arranging similar stimuli in spatial
testes are not present in the em- proximity to one another, while
bryo. Compare WOLFFIAN DUCT. disparate stimuli are represented
[Johannes Muller (1801-1858), Ger- far apart from one another. Multi-
man anatomist] dimensional scaling is an alternative
to FACTOR ANALYSIS for dealing with
Miiller-Lyer illusion a GEOMET- large multidimensional matrices of
RIC ILLUSION in which a difference data or stimuli.
is perceived in the length of a line
depending upon whether arrow- m u l t i d i s c i p l i n a r y a p p r o a c h see
heads at either end are pointing INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACH.
toward each other or away from m u l t i f a c t o r i a l ad;', consisting or
each other, [first described in 1889 arising out of several factors, vari-
by Franz Miiller-Lyer (1857-1916), ables, or causes.
German psychiatrist]
m u l t i f a c t o r i a l i n h e r i t a n c e in-
m u l t i c o l l i n e a r i t y n. in MULTIPLE heritance of a trait, such as height or
REGRESSION, a state that occurs predisposition to a certain disease,
when the INDEPENDENT (PREDIC- that is determined not by a single
TOR) VARIABLES are extremely gene but by many different genes
highly interrelated, making it diffi- acting cumulatively. Such traits
cult to determine separate effects on show continuous, rather than dis-
the DEPENDENT VARIABLE. crete, variation among the members
of a given population and are often
m u l t i c u l t u r a l t h e r a p y any form significantly influenced by environ-
of psychotherapy that takes into ac- mental factors, such as nutritional
count not only the increasing racial status. Also called polygenic in-
and ethnic diversity of clients in heritance.
many countries but also diversity in
spirituality, sexual orientation, abil- multi-infarct d e m e n t i a see VAS-
ity and disability, and social class CULAR DEMENTIA.
and economics; the potential cul- m u l t i n o m i a l d i s t r i b u t i o n a the-
tural bias (e.g., racism, sexism) of oretical probability distribution that
the practitioner; the history of op- describes the distribution of n ob-
pressed and marginalized groups; jects sampled at random from a
diversity within diversity; accultura- population of k kinds of things with
tion and issues involving living in regard to the number of each of the
two worlds; and the politics of kinds that appears in the sample.
power as they affect clients. 2. any
form of therapy that assesses, under- m u l t i p l e baseline design an ex-
stands, and evaluates a client's perimental design in which two or
behavior in the multiplicity of cul- more behaviors are assessed to deter-
tural contexts (e.g., ethnic, national, mine their naturally occurring
demographic, social, and economic) expression (baseline) and then an
in which that behavior was learned intervention or manipulation is ap-
and is displayed. plied to one of the behaviors while
the others are unaffected. After a
m u l t i d i m e n s i o n a l ad;', having a period, the manipulation is then ap-
number of different dimensions or plied to the next behavior while the
composed of many aspects: com- remaining behaviors are unaltered,
plex. Compare UNIDIMENSIONAL. and so forth until the experimental

Munchausen syndrome by proxy

manipulation has been applied in Compare BIPOLAR NEURON;

sequential fashion to all of the be- UNIPOLAR NEURON.
haviors in the design. m u l t i s t o r e model of m e m o r y
m u l t i p l e correlation coeffi- any theory hypothesizing that infor-
cient (symbol: R) a numerical index mation can move through and be
of the degree of relationship be- retained in any of several memory
tween a particular variable (e.g., a storage systems, usually of a short-
dependent variable) and two or term and a long-term variety.
more other variables (e.g., independ-
ent variables). m u l t i v a r i a t e ad;', consisting of
or otherwise involving two or more
multiple-intelligences t h e o r y variables. For example, a multi-
the idea that intelligence is made up variate analysis is any statistical
of eight distinct categories: linguis- technique that simultaneously as-
tic, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, sesses multiple dependent variables;
logical-mathematical, spatial, natu- examples include the MULTIVARIATE
ralist, intrapersonal, and ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE and FACTOR
interpersonal. ANALYSIS. Compare UNIVARIATE. See
m u l t i p l e personality disorder a also BIVARIATE.
former name for DISSOCIATIVE IDEN- m u l t i v a r i a t e analysis any of sev-
TITY DISORDER. eral types of statistical analysis that
m u l t i p l e regression a statistical simultaneously model multiple DE-
technique for examining the linear
relationship between a continuous m u l t i v a r i a t e analysis of vari-
DEPENDENT VARIABLE and a Set of ance (MANOVA) an extension of
ABLES. It is often used to predict the model that identifies the simulta-
score of individuals on a criterion neous effects of the independent
variable from multiple predictor variables upon a set of dependent
variables. variables.
m u l t i p l e sclerosis (MS) a chronic Munchausen syndrome a severe
disease of the central nervous sys- and chronic form of FACTITIOUS DIS-
tem characterized by inflammation ORDER characterized by repeated
and multifocal scarring of the pro- and elaborate fabrication of clini-
tective MYELIN SHEATH of nerves, cally convincing physical symptoms
which damages and destroys the and a false medical and social his-
sheath and the underlying nerve, tory. Other features are recurrent
dismpting neural transmission. hospitalization and widespread or
Symptoms include visual distur- excessive traveling from place to
bances, fatigue, weakness, numb- place (peregrination), and there may
ness, tremors, difficulties with be multiple scars from previous (un-
coordination and balance, and dif- necessary) investigative surgery.
ficulties with speaking. The cause [Baron Karl Friedrich Hieronymus
of MS is unknown, but the destruc- von Munchhausen (1720-1797),
tion of myelin may be due to an German soldier-adventurer famous
autoimmune response (see AUTO- for his tall tales]
Munchausen syndrome by
m u l t i p o l a r n e u r o n a neuron that proxy a psychological disorder in
has many dendrites and a single which caregivers fabricate or inten-
axon extending from the CELL tionally cause symptoms in those
BODY. Also called m u l t i p o l a r cell. they are caring for in order to seek

m u n d a n e realism

and obtain medical investigation or their psychological, physical,

treatment. Typically, the caregiver is cognitive, or social functioning.
a parent, who behaves as if dis-
tressed about the child's illness and m u t a t i o n n. a permanent change
denies knowing what caused it. Also in the genetic material of an organ-
called factitious disorder b y ism. It may consist of an alteration
proxy. to the number or arrangement of
chromosomes (a chromosomal
m u n d a n e realism the extent to mutation) or a change in the com-
which an experimental situation re- position of DNA, generally affecting
sembles a real-life situation or event. only one or a few bases in a particu-
This is related to EXPERIMENTAL lar gene (a point mutation). A
REALISM, the degree to which exper- mutation occurring in a body cell
imental procedures elicit valid (i.e., a somatic mutation) cannot be
responses even if the events of the inherited, whereas a mutation in a
experiment do not resemble ordi- reproductive cell producing ova or
nary occurrences. spermatozoa (i.e., a germ-line muta-
tion) can be transmitted to that
muscarinic receptor (mAChR) a individual's offspring.
that responds to the alkaloid m u t i s m n. lack or absence of speak-
muscarine as well as to acetylcho- ing. The condition may result from
line. Muscarinic receptors are found neurological damage or disorder, a
in smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, structural defect in the organs neces-
endocrine glands, and the central sary for speech, congenital or early
nervous system and mediate chiefly deafness in which an individual's
the inhibitory activities of acetyl- failure to hear spoken words inhibits
choline. Compare NICOTINIC the development of speech, psycho-
RECEPTOR. logical disorders (e.g., CONVERSION
muscle fiber a microscopic strand PHRENIA), or severe emotional dis-
of muscle tissue that functions as a turbance (e.g., extreme anger). The
molecular machine converting condition may also be voluntary, as
chemical energy into force. Thou- in monastic vows of silence.
sands of muscle fibers are linked by
connective tissue into a muscle. m u t u a l i s m n. an interaction in
Each fiber is, in turn, composed of which two species live together in
millions of longitudinally aligned close association, to the mutual ben-
protein filaments. It is the interac- efit of both species. See also
tion of actin and myosin protein SYMBIOSIS.
molecules (sometimes together re- m y a s t h e n i a gravis an autoim-
ferred to as actomyosin) in these mune disorder (see AUTOIMMUNITY)
filaments that creates muscle CON- in which the body produces anti-
RECEPTORS, causing faulty trans-
muscle spindle a receptor that lies mission of nerve impulses at
within skeletal muscle, parallel to neuromuscular junctions. Affected
the main contractile MUSCLE FIBERS, muscles—initially those of the face
and sends impulses to the central and neck—are easily fatigued and
nervous system when the muscle is may become paralyzed temporarily
stretched. (e.g., muscles involved in eating
music t h e r a p y the use of music as may fail to function normally to-
an adjunct to the treatment or reha- ward the end of a meal, or speech
bilitation of individuals to enhance may become slurred after a period of

MZ t w i n s

talking). The disease is progressive, pattern of choices made. The test

eventually affecting muscles has little credibility among research
throughout the body. psychologists but is widely used in
educational counseling and human
myelin n. the substance that forms resource management to help
the insulating MYELIN SHEATH
improve work and personal relation-
around the axons of many neurons. ships, increase productivity, and
It consists mainly of phospholipids, identify interpersonal communica-
with additional myelin proteins, and tion preferences and skills. [Isabel
accounts for the whitish color of Briggs Myers (1897-1980), U.S.
WHITE MATTER. Myelinated fibers
personologist, and her mother Kath-
conduct nerve impulses much faster arine Cook Briggs (1875-1968)]
than nonmyelinated fibers (see SAL-
TATION). myopia n. nearsightedness, a re-
myelin s h e a t h the insulating layer fradive error due to an abnormally
around many axons that increases long eye: The retinal image of dis-
the speed of conduction of nerve tant objects is blurred because the
impulses. It consists of MYELIN and focal point of one or both eyes lies
is laid down by GLIA, which wrap in front of, rather than on, the ret-
themselves around adjacent axons ina. Compare HYPEROPIA.
in a process called myelination. The myosin n. see MUSCLE FIBER.
myelin sheath is intermpted by
small gaps, called NODES OF m y o t o n i a n. increased tone and
RANVIER, which are spaced about contractility of a muscle, with slow
every millimeter along the axon. or delayed relaxation. —myotonic
Myers-Briggs Type I n d i c a t o r
(MBTI) a personality test designed m y r i a c h i t n. a CULTURE-BOUND
to classify individuals according to SYNDROME found in Siberian popu-
their expressed choices between lations. Similar to LATAH, it is
contrasting alternatives in certain characterized by indiscriminate, ap-
categories of traits. The categories parently uncontrolled imitations of
are (a) Extraversion-Introversion, (b) the actions of other people encoun-
Sensing-Intuition, (c) Thinking- tered by the individual. See also
Feeling, and (d) Judging-Perceiving. IMU.
The participant is assigned a type MZ t w i n s abbreviation for
(e.g., INTJ or ESFP) according to the MONOZYGOTIC TWINS.

n-Ach abbreviation for NEED FOR der a personality disorder with the
ACHIEVEMENT. following characteristics: (a) a long-
standing pattern of grandiose self-
nAchR abbreviation for NICOTINIC importance and exaggerated sense
RECEPTOR. of talent and achievements; (b) fan-
n-Aff abbreviation for NEED FOR AF- tasies of unlimited sex, power,
brilliance, or beauty; (c) an
exhibitionistic need for attention
naive p a r t i c i p a n t a participant and admiration; (d) either cool in-
who has not previously participated difference or feelings of rage,
in a particular research study and humiliation, or emptiness as a re-
has not been made aware of the ex- sponse to criticism, indifference, or
perimenter's hypothesis. Compare defeat; and (e) various interpersonal
CONFEDERATE. disturbances, such as feeling entitled
to special favors, taking advantage
n a l o x o n e n. a morphine-derived of others, and inability to empathize
opioid ANTAGONIST that prevents with the feelings of others.
the binding of opioids to OPIOID
RECEPTORS. Like other opioid antag- narcolepsy n. a disorder consisting
onists, it can quickly reverse the of excessive daytime sleepiness ac-
effects of opioid overdose and is use- companied by brief "attacks" of
ful in emergency settings to reverse sleep during waking hours. These
respiratory depression. U.S. trade sleep attacks may occur at any time
name: Narcan. or during any activity, including in
n a l t r e x o n e n. an opioid ANTAGO- potentially dangerous situations,
NIST that, like the shorter acting such as driving an automobile. The
naloxone, prevents the binding of attacks are marked by immediate
opioid agonists to OPIOID RECEP- entry into REM SLEEP without going
TORS. If naltrexone is taken prior to through the usual initial stages of
use of opiate drugs, it will prevent sleep, —narcoleptic ad;'.
their reinforcing effects, and can
therefore be used for the manage- n a r c o t i c 1. n. originally, any drug
ment of opioid dependence in that induces a state of stupor or in-
individuals desiring abstinence. sensibility (narcosis). More recently,
Naltrexone is also appropriate as an the term referred to strong OPIOIDS
adjunctive treatment in the manage- used clinically for pain relief but this
ment of alcoholism. U.S. trade usage is now considered imprecise
name: ReVia. and pejorative; the term is still
sometimes used in legal contexts to
narcissism n. excessive self-love or refer to a wide variety of abused sub-
egocentrism. See NARCISSISTIC PER- stances. 2. ad;', of or relating to
SONALITY DISORDER, —narcissist n. narcotics or narcosis.
—narcissistic ad;'. n a r r a t i v e t h e r a p y treatment for
narcissistic personality disor- individuals, couples, or families that

n a t u r a l selection

helps clients reinterpret and rewrite type of NONEXPERIMENTAL

their life events into tme but more RESEARCH.
life-enhancing narratives or stories. n a t u r a l i s m n. in philosophy, the
Narrative therapy posits that indi- doctrine that reality consists solely
viduals are primarily meaning-
of natural objects and that therefore
making beings who are the linguis-
tic authors of their lives and who the methods of natural science offer
can reauthor these stories by learn- the only reliable means to knowl-
ing to deconstmct them, by seeing edge and understanding of reality.
pattems in their ways of interpret- Naturalism is closely related to MA-
ing life events or problems, and by TERIALISM and explicitly opposes
reconstming problems or events in a any form of supematuralism posit-
more helpful light. See also ing the existence of realities beyond
CONSTRUCTIVISM. the natural and material world. See
also POSITIVISM, —naturalistic
nativism it. 1. the doctrine that the ad;'.
mind has certain innate structures n a t u r a l i s t i c observation data
and that experience plays a limited collection in a field setting, usually
role in the creation of knowledge. without laboratory controls or ma-
Compare CONSTRUCTIVISM; EMPIRI- nipulation of variables. These
CISM. 2. the doctrine that mental procedures are usually carried out by
and behavioral traits are largely de- a trained observer, who watches and
termined by hereditary, rather than records the everyday behavior of
environmental, fadors. See NATURE- participants in their natural envi-
NURTURE. —nativist ad;'., n. ronments. Examples of naturalistic
—nativistic adj. observation include an ethologist's
study of the behavior of chimpan-
n a t u r a l category see BASIC-LEVEL zees and an anthropologist's
CATEGORY. observation of playing children. See
n a t u r a l c h i l d b i r t h a method of OBSERVATIONAL STUDY.
labor and child delivery that does n a t u r a l killer cell a type of LYM-
not include (or is designed to PHOCYTE that destroys infected or
eliminate) the need for medical cancerous cells. Unlike the B lym-
interventions, such as anesthetics. phocytes and T lymphocytes,
The mother receives preparatory ed- natural killer cells do not require the
ucation in such areas as breathing target cells to display on their sur-
and relaxation coordination, exer- face foreign ANTIGENS combined
cise of the muscles involved in labor with host histocompatibility pro-
and delivery, and postural positions teins.
that make labor more comfortable
and allow for conscious participa- n a t u r a l selection the process by
tion in delivery. which such forces as competition,
disease, and climate tend to elimi-
n a t u r a l e x p e r i m e n t a natural nate individuals who are less well
event, often a natural disaster (e.g., adapted to a particular environment
a flood, tornado, or volcanic and favor the survival and reproduc-
emption), that is treated as an tion of better adapted individuals.
experimental condition to be com- Hence, over successive generations,
pared to some control condition. the nature of the population
However, since natural events can- changes. This is the fundamental
not be manipulated or prearranged, mechanism driving the evolution of
natural experiments are in fact not living organisms and the emergence
true experiments at all but rather a of new species, as originally pro-


posed independently by British NE abbreviation for NOREPINE-

naturalists Charles Darwin (1809- PHRINE.
1882) and Alfred Russel Wallace
(1823-1913). See EVOLUTION. Com- n e a r - d e a t h experience (NDE) an
pare ARTIFICIAL SELECTION. image, perception, event, interac-
tion, or feeling (or a combination of
n a t u r e n. 1. the phenomena of the any of these) reported by some peo-
natural world, including plants, ani- ple after a life-threatening episode.
mals, and physical features, as Typical features include a sense of
opposed to human beings and their separation from the body, often ac-
creations. 2. the innate, presumably companied by the ability to look
genetically determined, characteris- down on the situation; a peaceful
tics and behaviors of an individual. and pleasant state of mind; and an
In psychology, those characteristics entering into the light, sometimes
most often and traditionally associ- following an interaction with a spir-
ated with nature are temperament, itual being. There is continuing
body type, and personality. Com- controversy regarding the existence,
pare NURTURE. —natural ad;'. cause, and nature of NDEs.

n a t u r e - n u r t u r e the dispute over n e a r s i g h t e d n e s s n. see MYOPIA.

the relative contributions of heredi- Necker c u b e a line drawing of a
tary and constitutional factors cube in which all angles and sides
(NATURE) and environmental factors can be seen, as if it were transparent.
(NURTURE) to the development of It is an AMBIGUOUS FIGURE whose
the individual. Nativists emphasize three-dimensionality fluctuates
the role of heredity, whereas when viewed for a prolonged period
environmentalists emphasize of time. [Louis Albert Necker (1730-
sociocultural and ecological factors, 1804), Swiss crystallographer]
including family attitudes, child-
rearing practices, and economic sta- need n. a condition of tension in an
tus. Most scientists now accept that organism resulting from deprivation
there is a close interaction between of something required for survival,
hereditary and environmental fac- well-being, or personal fulfillment.
tors in the ontogeny of behavior need for achievement (n-Ach) a
(see EPIGENESIS). strong desire to accomplish goals
n a v i g a t i o n n. the mechanisms and attain a high standard of perfor-
used by an organism to find its way mance and personal fulfillment.
through the environment, for exam- People with a high need for achieve-
ple, to a MIGRATION site or to its ment often undertake tasks in which
home site. A variety of cues have there is a reasonable probability of
been documented in nonhuman an- success and avoid tasks that are ei-
imals, including using the sun or ther too easy (because of lack of
stars as a compass, magnetic lines, challenge) or too difficult (because
olfactory cues, visual cues (e.g., of fear of failure).
rivers or coastlines), and wind-sheer need for affiliation (n-Aff) a
effects from air masses crossing strong desire to socialize and be part
mountain ranges. See also HOMING. of a group. People with a high need
for affiliation often seek the ap-
nay-saying u. answering questions proval and acceptance of others.
negatively regardless of their con-
tent, which can distort the results of need for cognition a personality
surveys, questionnaires, and similar trait reflecting a person's tendency
instmments. Compare YEA-SAYING. to enjoy engaging in extensive cog-

negative s y m p t o m

nitive activity. This trait primarily of the second stimulus or the time
reflects a person's motivation to en- taken to make a response to the sec-
gage in cognitive activity rather ond stimulus. The most striking
than his or her actual ability to do examples occur when the partici-
so. Individuals high in need for cog- pant is instmcted to ignore a feature
nition tend to develop attitudes or of the first stimulus (e.g., its color)
take action based on thoughtful and then to attend to that same fea-
evaluation of information. ture in the second stimulus.
PRIMING effects are usually
need t o belong the motivation to facilitative.
be a part of relationships, belong to
groups, and to be viewed positively negative p u n i s h m e n t punish-
by others. ment that results because some
stimulus or circumstance is removed
negative affect the internal feel- as a consequence of a response. For
ing state (AFFECT) that occurs when example, if a response results in a
one has failed to achieve a goal or to subtraction of money from an accu-
avoid a threat or when one is not mulating account, and the response
satisfied with the current state of af- becomes less likely as a result of this
fairs. The tendency to experience experience, then negative punish-
such states is known as negative ment has occurred. Compare
negative correlation a relation- negative reinforcement the
ship between two variables in which removal, prevention, or postpone-
the value of one variable increases ment of an aversive stimulus as a
while the value of the other variable consequence of a response, which,
decreases. For example, in a study in turn, increases the probability of
about babies crying and being held, that response. Compare POSITIVE RE-
the discovery that those who are INFORCEMENT.
held more tend to cry less is a
negative correlation. See also CORRE- negative schizophrenia a form
LATION COEFFICIENT. of schizophrenia characterized by a
predomination of NEGATIVE SYMP-
negative feedback 1. an arrange- TOMS, suggesting deficiency or
ment whereby some of the output of absence of behavior normally pres-
a system, whether mechanical or bi- ent in a person's repertoire, as
ological, is fed back to reduce the shown in apathy, blunted affect,
effect of input signals. Such systems, emotional withdrawal, poor rapport,
which measure the deviation from a and lack of spontaneity. Compare
desired state and apply a correction, POSITIVE SCHIZOPHRENIA.
are important in achieving HOMEO-
STASIS, whereas systems employing negative skew see SKEWNESS.
POSITIVE FEEDBACK tend to amplify negative-state-relief model the
small deviations and become highly hypothesis that helping behavior is
unstable. 2. in sodal psychology, used by some people in stressful sit-
nonconstmctive criticism, dis- uations and periods of boredom and
approval, and other negative infor- inactivity to avoid or escape nega-
mation received by a person in tive moods.
response to his or her performance.
negative s y m p t o m a deficit in the
negative p r i m i n g the ability of a ability to perform the normal func-
preceding stimulus to inhibit the re- tions of living—logical thinking,
sponse to a subsequent stimulus. self-care, social interaction, plan-
This is measured by the detectability ning, initiating, and carrying

negative t r a n s f e r

through constmctive actions, and so belonging to oneself or ignoring the

forth—as shown in apathy, blunted existence of one side of the body or
affect, emotional withdrawal, poor one side of the visual field. Neglect
rapport, and lack of spontaneity. In has also been found in auditory, tac-
schizophrenia, a predominance of tile, and proprioceptive tasks.
negative symptoms is often associ-
ated with a poor prognosis. n e g o t i a t i o n n. a reciprocal com-
Compare POSITIVE SYMPTOM. See munication process in which two or
more parties to a dispute examine
specific issues, explain their posi-
negative transfer a process in tions, and exchange offers and
which previous learning obstmcts or counteroffers in an attempt to iden-
interferes with present learning. For tify a solution or outcome that is
instance, tennis players who learn acceptable to all parties, —negoti-
racquetball must often unlearn their a t e vb.
tendency to take huge, muscular
swings with the shoulder and upper neobehaviorism n. an approach
arm. See also TRANSFER OF TRAINING. to psychology that emphasized the
Compare POSITIVE TRANSFER. development of comprehensive the-
ories and frameworks of behavior,
negative t r i a d see COGNITIVE such as those of U.S. psychologists
TRIAD. Clark L. Hull (1884-1952) and Ed-
negativism n. an attitude charac- ward C. Tolman (1886-1959),
terized by persistent resistance to through empirical observation of be-
the suggestions of others (passive havior and the use of consciousness
negativism) or the tendency to act and mental events as explanatory
in ways that are contrary to the ex- devices. It thus contrasts with classi-
pectations, requests, or commands cal BEHAVIORISM, which was
of others (active negativism), typi- concerned with freeing psychology
cally without any identifiable reason of mentalistic concepts and ex-
for opposition. In young children planations. See also RADICAL BEHAV-
and adolescents, such reactions may IORISM. —neobehaviorist ad;'., n.
be considered a healthy expression neocortex n. regions of the CERE-
of self-assertion. Negativism may BRAL CORTEX that are the most
also be associated with a number of recently evolved and contain six
disorders (extreme negativism is main layers of cells. Neocortex,
a feature of CATATONIC SCHIZO- which comprises the majority of
PHRENIA). See also OPPOSITIONAL human cerebral cortex, includes the
DEFIANT DISORDER; PASSIVE- primary sensory and motor cortex
AGGRESSIVE PERSONALITY DISORDER. and association cortex. Compare
—negativistic ad;'. ALLOCORTEX. —neocortical ad;'.
neglect n. 1. failure to provide for neodissociative t h e o r y a theory
the basic needs of a person in one's that explains the paradoxical phe-
care. The neglect may be emotional nomena of hypnosis as a result of
(e.g., rejection or apathy), material divided consciousness. For example,
(e.g., withholding food or clothing), hypnotic analgesia can produce sub-
or service-oriented (e.g., depriving of jectively reported relief from pain
education or medical attention). See while physiological measures in-
also MALTREATMENT. 2. a syndrome dicate that pain is still being regis-
characterized by lack of awareness of tered.
a specific area or side of the body
caused by a brain injury. It may in- neo-Freudian 1. ad;', denoting an
volve failure to recognize the area as approach that derives from the

nervous system

CLASSICAL PSYCHOANALYSIS of Aus- predisposed to process certain types

trian psychiatrist Sigmund Freud of information. —neonativist adj.,
(1856-1939), but with modifications
and revisions that typically empha-
size social and interpersonal neoplasm u. a new, abnormal
elements over biological instincts. growth, that is, a benign or malig-
The term is not usually applied to nant tumor. The term is generally
the approaches of Freud's con- used to specify a malignant tumor
temporaries, such as Austrian psy- (see CANCER). A neoplasm usually
chiatrist Alfred Adler (1870-1937) grows rapidly by cellular prolifera-
and Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung tion but generally lacks stmctural
(1875-1961), who broke away from organization, —neoplastic adj.
his school quite early. German-born
U.S. psychologist Erik Erikson nerve u. a bundle of AXONS outside
(1902-1994), German-bom U.S. psy- the central nervous system (CNS),
choanalyst Erich Fromm (1900- enclosed in a sheath of connective
1980), German-born U.S. psychoan- tissue to form a cordlike stmcture.
alyst Karen Horney (1885-1952), Nerves serve to connect the CNS
and U.S. psychiatrist Harry Stack with the tissues and organs of the
Sullivan (1892-1949) are considered body. They may be motor, sensory,
to be among the most influential or mixed (containing axons of both
neo-Freudian theorists and practitio- motor and sensory neurons). See
ners. 2. n. an analyst or theoretician CRANIAL NERVE; SPINAL NERVE.
who adopts such an approach. Compare TRACT.

neologism n. a recently coined nerve cell see NEURON.

word or expression. In a psycho- nerve g r o w t h factor (NGF) an
pathological context neologisms, endogenous polypeptide that stimu-
whose origins and meanings are lates the growth and development
usually nonsensical and unrecog- of neurons in the DORSAL ROOT of
nizable (e.g., "klipno" for watch), each SPINAL NERVE and in the gan-
are typically associated with APHA- glia of the SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS
gistic ad;'.
nervous b r e a k d o w n a lay term
n e o n a t e n. a newborn human or for an emotional illness or other
nonhuman animal. Human infants mental disorder that has a sudden
born after the normal gestational onset, produces acute distress, and
period of 36 weeks are known as significantly interferes with one's
full-term neonates; infants born pre- functioning.
maturely before the end of this
period are known as preterm neo- nervous system the system of
nates (or, colloquially, as NEURONS, NERVES, TRACTS, and as-
"preemies"). sociated tissues that, together with
the endocrine system, coordinates
neonativism n. the belief that activities of the organism in re-
much cognitive knowledge, such as sponse to signals received from the
OBJECT PERMANENCE and certain internal and external environments.
aspects of language, is innate, re- The nervous system of higher verte-
quiring little in the way of specific brates is often considered in terms
experiences to be expressed. Neo- of its divisions, principally the
nativists hold that cognitive devel- CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM, the
opment is influenced by biological PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM, and
constraints and that individuals are the AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM.


n e s t i n g n. in an experimental de- of a number of interconnected pro-

sign, the appearance of the levels of cessing elements (nodes), each with
one factor (the nested factor) only a finite number of inputs and out-
within a single level of another fac- puts. The elements in the network
tor. For example, classrooms are can have a "weight" determining
nested within a school because each how they process data, which can be
specific classroom is found only adjusted according to experience. In
within a single school; similarly, this way, the network can be
schools are nested within school dis- "trained" to recognize patterns in
tricts. input data by optimizing the output
of the network. The analogy is with
n e u r a l correlate an association the supposed action of neurons in
between a physical occurrence in the brain.
the nervous system and a mental
state or event. In the cerebellum, for n e u r a l p a t h w a y any route fol-
example, the neural correlate of fear lowed by a nerve impulse through
memory is provided by a LONG- central or peripheral nerve fibers of
TERM POTENTIATION of the exdtatory the nervous system. A neural path-
synapses between the PARALLEL FI- way may consist of a simple REFLEX
BERS and the PURKINJE CELLS. The ARC or a complex but spedfic rout-
existence of neural correlates sug- ing, such as that followed by
gests potential biological bases for a impulses transmitting a spedfic
variety of complex cognitive, emo- wavelength of sound from the CO-
tional, and behavioral phenomena, CHLEA to the auditory cortex.
including consciousness (aware-
ness), perception, learning and n e u r a l plasticity the ability of
memory, judgments and decisions, the nervous system to change in
attitudes, and motivation. response to experience or environ-
mental stimulation. For example,
n e u r a l D a r w i n i s m a biological following an injury remaining neu-
theory of mind that attempts to ex- rons may adopt certain functions
plain specific cognitive functions, previously performed by those that
such as learning or memory, in were damaged, or a change in reac-
terms of the selection of particular tivity of the nervous system and its
groups of neuronal stmctures inside components may result from con-
individual brains. This selection of stant, successive activations. Also
the best adapted structures is placed called neuroplasticity.
within the general framework of the
Darwinian theory of NATURAL SE- n e u r a l q u a n t u m t h e o r y a theory
LECTION. Critics of the theory argue to explain linear psychophysical
that natural selection cannot apply functions, which are sometimes ob-
without reproduction. tained instead of the ogival (S-
shaped) form, whereby changes in
n e u r a l n e t w o r k 1. a technique sensation are assumed to occur in
for modeling the neural changes in discrete steps and not along a con-
the brain that underlie cognition tinuum, based on the all-or-none
and perception in which a large law of neural activity. In this
number of simple hypothetical neu- context, quantum refers to a func-
ral units are connected to one tionally distind unit in the neural
another. 2. a form of ARTIFICIAL IN- mechanisms that mediate sensory
TELLIGENCE system used for learning experience—that is, a perceptual
and classifying data. Neural net- rather than a physical unit. Also
works are usually abstract stmctures called q u a n t a l hypothesis;
modeled on a computer and consist q u a n t a l theory.

neurological evaluation

n e u r a l synchrony the simulta- sis a prominent theory stating

neous firing or activation of neurons schizophrenia results from an early
in multiple areas of the brain, partic- brain LESION, either fetal or neo-
ularly in response to the same natal, that dismpts normal neuro-
stimulus. Many motor and higher logical development and leads to
level cognitive processes (see EXECU- abnormalities and later psychotic
TIVE FUNCTIONS) appear to be based symptoms. Consequences of this
on the coordinated interactions of early disruption appear in childhood
large numbers of neurons that are and adolescence, prior to the actual
distributed within and across differ- onset of schizophrenic symptoms, as
ent specialized brain areas. subtle differences in motor coordi-
Additionally, recent research sug- nation, cognitive and social
gests dysfunctions in neural functioning, and temperament.
synchrony may be assodated with Much evidence supports this hy-
several psychological disorders, in- pothesis and risk factors operating
cluding AUTISTIC SPECTRUM in early life (e.g., obstetric complica-
DISORDERS. tions) have been shown to be
associated with the later develop-
n e u r a l t u b e a stmcture formed ment of schizophrenia.
during early development of an em-
bryo, when folds of the neural plate neurofibrillary tangles twisted
curl over and fuse. Cells of the neu- strands of abnormal filaments
ral tube differentiate along its length within neurons that are associated
on the anterior-posterior axis to with Alzheimer's disease. The fila-
form swellings that correspond to ments form microscopically visible
the future FOREBRAIN, MIDBRAIN, knots or tangles consisting of tau
and HINDBRAIN; the posterior part of protein, which normally is associ-
the tube develops into the spinal ated with MICROTUBULES. If the
cord. See also NEURULATION. stmcture of tau is rendered abnor-
mal, the microtubule stmcture
n e u r i t e n. a projection from the collapses, and the tau protein col-
neuronal cell body: an AXON or a lects in neurofibrillary tangles.
DENDRITE. This general term is used
especially in relation to developing neurogenesis n. the division of
neurons whose axons and dendrites nonneuronal cells to produce neu-
often are difficult to distinguish rons.
from one another.
neuroglia n. see GLIA. —neuro-
neuritic p l a q u e see SENILE PLAQUE. glial adj.
n e u r o a n a t o m y n. the study of the n e u r o g l i o m a n. see GLIOMA.
structures and relationships among
the various parts of the nervous sys- n e u r o h o r m o n e n. a hormone pro-
tem. —neuroanatomist n. duced by neural tissue and released
into the general circulation
n e u r o b l a s t n. an undifferentiated
cell that is capable of developing n e u r o l e p t i c n. see ANTIPSYCHOTIC.
into a neuron. neurological evaluation analysis
n e u r o c h e m i s t r y n. the branch of of the data gathered by an examin-
NEUROSCIENCE that deals with the ing physician of an individual's
roles of atoms, molecules, and ions mental status and sensory and
in the functioning of nervous sys- motor functioning. The examina-
tems. tion typically includes assessment of
cognition, speech and behavior, ori-
n e u r o d e v e l o p m e n t a l hypothe- entation and level of alertness,


muscular strength and tone, muscle the peripheral nervous system (e.g.,
coordination and movement, ten- endorphin, SUBSTANCE P, hypotha-
don reflexes, cranial nerves, pain lamic RELEASING HORMONES).
and temperamre sensitivity, and
discriminative senses. n e u r o p h a r m a c o l o g y w. the scien-
tific study of the effects of dmgs on
neurology n. a branch of medicine the nervous system. —neuro-
that studies the nervous system in pharmacological ad;. —neuro-
both healthy and diseased states. p h a r m a c o l o g i s t n.
—neurological ad;'.
neurophysiology n. a branch of
n e u r o m o d u l a t o r n. a substance NEUROSCIENCE that is concerned
that modulates the effectiveness of with the normal and abnormal
neurotransmitters by influencing functioning of the nervous system,
the release of the transmitters or the including the chemical and electri-
RECEPTOR response to the transmitter. cal activities of individual neurons.
—neurophysiological adj.
n e u r o m u s c u l a r j u n c t i o n the —neurophysiologist n.
junction between a motor neuron
and the muscle fiber it innervates. neuropsychological assessment
In skeletal muscle, the muscle-cell an evaluation of the presence, na-
plasma membrane (sarcolemma) is ture, and extent of brain damage or
greatly folded in the region opposite dysfunction derived from the results
the terminus of a motor axon, form- of various NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL
ing a motor END PLATE. TESTS.

n e u r o n (neurone) n. the basic cel- neuropsychological test any of

lular unit of the nervous system. various clinical instruments for as-
Each neuron is composed of a CELL sessing cognitive impairment,
BODY; fine, branching extensions including those measuring memory,
(DENDRITES) that receive incoming language, learning, attention, and
nerve signals; and a single, long ex- visuospatial and visuoconstmctive
tension (AXON) that conducts nerve functioning.
impulses to its branching terminal.
The axon terminal transmits im- neuropsychology n. the branch of
pulses to other neurons, or to science that studies the physiologi-
effector organs (e.g., muscles and cal processes of the nervous system
glands), via junctions called SYNAP- and relates them to behavior and
SES or neuromuscular junctions. cognition. See also CLINICAL
Neurons can be classified according
to their function as MOTOR NEU-
chological adj. —neuropsy-
chologist n.
INTERNEURONS. There are various neuroscience n. the scientific
stmctural types, including UNIPOLAR study of the nervous system,
vertebrate neurons are often sur- NEUROPHYSIOLOGY, and NEURO-
rounded by a MYELIN SHEATH. Also PHARMACOLOGY, and its
called nerve cell, —neuronal ad;'. applications in psychology and psy-
chiatry. See also BEHAVIORAL
n e u r o p e p t i d e n. any of several NEUROSCIENCE; COGNITIVE NEURO-
short chains of AMINO ACIDS (pep- SCIENCE.
tides) that are released by neurons as
NEUROTRANSMITTERS or NEURO- neurosis n. any one of a variety of
HORMONES in both the brain and mental disorders characterized by


significant anxiety or other distress- affection and approval, for a partner

ing emotional symptoms, such as to take over one's life, for restriction
persistent and irrational fears, obses- of one's life, for power, for exploita-
sive thoughts, compulsive acts, tion of others, for prestige, for
dissociative states, and somatic and admiration, for achievement, for
depressive reactions. The symptoms self-sufficiency and independence,
do not involve gross personality dis- and for perfection.
organization, total lack of insight, or
loss of contact with reality (compare n e u r o t r a n s m i s s i o n n. the process
PSYCHOSIS). In psychoanalysis, neu- by which a signal or other activity
roses are generally viewed as in a neuron is transferred to an adja-
exaggerated, unconscious methods cent neuron or other cell (e.g., a
of coping with internal conflicts and skeletal muscle cell). Synaptic trans-
the anxiety they produce. In DSM- mission, which occurs between two
IV-TR, most of what used to be called neurons via a SYNAPSE, is largely
neuroses are now classified as ANXI- chemical, by the release and binding
ETY DISORDERS, —neurotic adj., n.
also be electrical (see ELECTRICAL
neurosurgery n. surgical proce- SYNAPSE).
dures performed on the brain, spinal n e u r o t r a n s m i t t e r n. any of a
cord, or peripheral nerves for the large number of chemicals that can
purpose of restoring functioning or be released by neurons to mediate
preventing further impairment. See transmission or inhibition of nerve
also PSYCHOSURGERY, —neurosur- signals across the junctions (SYNAP-
geon n. —neurosurgical adj. SES) between neurons. When
n e u r o t i c anxiety in psychoana- triggered by a nerve impulse, the
lytic theory, anxiety that originates neurotransmitter is released from
in unconscious conflict and is the terminal button of the AXON,
maladaptive in namre: It has a dis- travels across the SYNAPTIC CLEFT,
turbing effect on emotion and and binds to and reads with RECEP-
behavior and also intensifies resis- TOR molecules in the postsynaptic
tance to treatment. Neurotic anxiety membrane. Neurotransmitters
contrasts with realistic anxiety, include amines, such as ACETYLCHO-
about an external danger or threat, LINE, NOREPINEPHRINE, DOPAMINE,
and with moral anxiety, which is and SEROTONIN; and amino acids,
guilt posited to originate in the su- such as GAMMA-AMINOBUTYRIC

neuroticism n. one of the di- n e u r o t r o p h i n n. any of various

mensions of the FIVE-FACTOR PER- proteins that promote the develop-
SONALITY MODEL and the BIG FIVE ment and survival of specific
PERSONALITY MODEL, characterized populations of neurons.
by a chronic level of emotional in- Neurotrophins include NERVE
stability and proneness to GROWTH FACTOR, deficits in the
psychological distress. AXONAL TRANSPORT of which have
been linked to Alzheimer's disease,
n e u r o t i c need in psychoanalytic and brain-derived neurotrophic fac-
theory, an excessive drive or de- tor, which plays a cmcial role in
mand that may arise out of the cognition, learning, and memory
strategies individuals use to defend formation by modulating synaptic
themselves against BASIC ANXIETY. PLASTICITY. Also called neuro-
German-born U.S. psychoanalyst t r o p h i c factor.
Karen D. Horney (1885-1952) enu-
merated ten neurotic needs: for n e u r u l a t i o n n. the process of de-

n e u t r a l stimulus

velopment of the rudimentary the emotional content. Nightmares

nervous system in early embryonic contain visual imagery and some de-
life, including formation of the NEU- gree of narrative structure and
RAL TUBE from the neural plate. typically occur during REM SLEEP.
The dreamer tends to waken sud-
n e u t r a l stimulus in PAVLOVIAN denly from a nightmare and is
CONDITIONING, a stimulus that does immediately alert and aware of his
not elicit a response of the sort to be or her surroundings. The occurrence
measured as an index of condition- of frequent nightmares is classified
ing. For example, the sound of a bell as nightmare disorder. Nightmares
has no effect on salivation, therefore are also a symptom of POSTTRAU-
it is a neutral stimulus with respect MATIC STRESS DISORDER. —night-
to salivation and a good candidate m a r i s h adj.
for conditioning of that response.
Newman-Keuls test a testing pro- n i g h t t e r r o r see SLEEP TERROR DIS-
cedure used for making post hoc
pairwise comparisons among a set of n i t r i c oxide a compound present
means. in numerous body tissues, where it
NGF abbreviation for NERVE has a variety of functions: In the
brain and other parts of the central
nervous system it functions as a
nicotine n. an alkaloid obtained neurotransmitter or an agent that
primarily from the tobacco plant influences neurotransmitters. In pe-
(Nicotiana tabacum). One of the ripheral tissues it is involved in the
most widely used psychoactive relaxation of smooth muscle, and
dmgs, nicotine produces multiple thus acts as a vasodilator, a broncho-
pharmacological effects on the cen- dilator, and as a relaxant of smooth
tral nervous system by activating muscle in the penis and clitoris,
NICOTINIC RECEPTORS, facilitating being involved in erection and other
the release of several neurotrans- components of the sexual response.
mitters, particularly dopamine.
—nicotinic adj. NMDA receptor see GLUTAMATE
nicotinic receptor (nAchR) a
type of ACETYLCHOLINE RECEPTOR nociceptor n. a sensory RECEPTOR
that responds to NICOTINE as well as that responds to stimuli that are
to acetylcholine. Nicotinic receptors generally painful or detrimental to
mediate chiefly the excitatory activi- the organism.
ties of acetylcholine, including n o c t u r n a l ad;', active or occurring
those at neuromuscular junctions. during the dark period of the daily
cycle. Compare DIURNAL.
n i g h t blindness a visual impair-
ment marked by partial or complete n o d e n. 1. a point in a graph, tree
inability to see objects in a dimly diagram, or the like at which lines
lighted environment. Night blind- intersect or branch. 2. a single point
ness can be inherited or due to or unit in an associative model of
defective DARK ADAPTATION or di-
memory. Nodes typically represent a
etary deficiency of vitamin A. single concept or feature, are con-
nected to other nodes (usually
n i g h t m a r e n. a frightening or oth- representing semantically related
erwise disturbing dream, in which concepts and features) by links in an
fear, sadness, despair, disgust, or associative network, and may be ac-
some combination of these forms tivated or inhibited to varying

noncentrality parameter

degrees, depending on the condi- menter. This may be different from

tions, —nodal ad;. the FUNCTIONAL STIMULUS experi-
enced by the organism.
n o d e of Ranvier any of successive
regularly spaced gaps in the MYELIN n o m o t h e t i c adj. relating to the for-
SHEATH surrounding an axon. The mulation of general laws as opposed
gaps permit the exchange of ions to the study of the individual case. A
across the plasma membrane at nomothetic approach involves the
those points, allowing the nerve im- study of groups of people or cases
pulse to leap from one node to the for the purpose of discovering those
next in so-called SALTATION along general and universally valid laws or
the axon. [Louis A. Ranvier (1835- principles that characterize the aver-
1922), French pathologist] age person or case. Compare
noise n. any unwanted sound or,
more generally, any unwanted dis- n o n a d h e r e n c e n. failure of an in-
turbance (e.g., electrical noise), dividual to follow a prescribed
particularly as it interferes with, therapeutic regimen. Although
obscures, reduces, or otherwise ad- nonadherence has traditionally been
versely affects the clarity or ascribed to oppositional behavior, it
precision of an ongoing process, is more likely due to inadequate
such as the communication of a communication between the practi-
message or signal. tioner and the individual, physical
or cognitive limitations that prevent
n o m e n c l a t u r e n. a systematic clas- the patient from following therapeu-
sification of technical terms used in tic recommendations (e.g., language
an art or science. differences between patient and
n o m i n a l d a t a numerical values practitioner, physical disabilities), or
that represent membership in spe- adverse effects that are not being ad-
cific categories. For example, the equately addressed. A primary aspect
category male could be labeled 0 of health psychology involves meth-
and the category female labeled 1, ods of reducing nonadherence and
and each person within the popula- increasing adherence. Also called
tion of interest (e.g., a particular noncompliance.
town) assigned the number corre- nonassociative l e a r n i n g a pro-
sponding to their sex. Nominal data cess in which an organism's
are similar to CATEGORICAL DATA,
behavior toward a specific stimulus
and the two terms are often used in- changes over time in the absence of
terchangeably. any evident link (association) to any
n o m i n a l scale a sequence of num- consequences that would induce
bers that do not indicate order, such change. Nonassociative learn-
magnitude, or a tme zero point but ing is thus based on FREQUENCY,
rather identify items as belonging to while ASSOCIATIVE LEARNING is
mutually exclusive categories. For based on REINFORCEMENT. There are
example, a nominal scale for the two major forms of nonassociative
performance of a specific group of learning: HABITUATION and SENSITI-
people on a particular test might use ZATION.
the number 1 to denote pass and
the number 2 to denote fail. Also n o n c e n t r a l i t y p a r a m e t e r a pa-
called categorical scale. rameter in many probability
distributions used in hypothesis
n o m i n a l s t i m u l u s in stimulus-re- testing that has a value different
sponse experiments, the stimulus as from zero when a sample is obtained
defined and presented by the experi- from a population whose parameters


have values different from those conditions, cannot control or ma-

specified by the NULL HYPOTHESIS nipulate the independent variable,
under test. This parameter is impor- and cannot limit the influence of
tant in determining the POWER of a extraneous variables. Examples of
statistical procedure. nonexperimental research are stud-
ies that deal with the responses of
nonconscious ad;', describing any- large groups to natural disasters or
thing that is not available to widespread changes in social policy.
conscious report. See UNCONSCIOUS.
n o n c o n t i n g e n t reinforcement n o n f l u e n t a p h a s i a see APHASIA.
the process or circumstances in which noninvasive ad;'. 1. denoting pro-
a stimulus known to be effedive as a cedures or tests that do not require
REINFORCER is presented independ- puncture or incision of the skin or
ently of any particular behavior. insertion of an instmment or device
into the body for diagnosis or treat-
n o n d e c l a r a t i v e m e m o r y a collec-
tion of various forms of memory ment. 2. not capable of spreading
that operate automatically and accu- from one tissue to another, as in the
mulate information that is not case of a benign tumor. Compare IN-
accessible to conscious recollection. VASIVE.
For instance, one can do something n o n l i n e a r adj. describing any rela-
faster if one has done it before, even tionship between two variables (X
if one cannot recall the earlier per- and Y) that cannot be expressed in
formance. Compare DECLARATIVE the form Y = a + bX, where a and b
MEMORY. are numerical constants. The rela-
n o n d i r e c t i o n a l hypothesis a tionship therefore does not appear
prediction that one experimental to be a straight line when depicted
group will differ from another with- graphically.
out specification of the expected n o n n o r m a t i v e adj. not conform-
form of the effect or relationship. ing to or following the NORM:
For example, a researcher might hy- deviating from a specific standard of
pothesize that college students will comparison for a person or group of
perform differently from elementary people, particularly one determined
school students on a memory task. by cultural ideals of how things
If he or she were to predict which ought to be. This general term is
group of students will perform used in a variety of contexts, refer-
better, the statement would be a DI- ring for example to such things as
socially deviant or otherwise distinct
n o n d i r e c t i o n a l test see TWO- behavior, ordinary life events hap-
TAILED TEST. pening at unusual times (e.g., a 78-
year-old man earning his bachelor's
n o n d i r e c t i v e t h e r a p y see CLIENT- degree), or statistical results that do
CENTERED THERAPY. not refled the standard of a mea-
nonequivalent-groups design a sured group (i.e., values well above
NONRANDOMIZED DESIGN in which or below the mean or some other
the responses of a treatment group
and a control group are compared n o n p a r a m e t r i c statistics sta-
on measures collected at the begin- tistical tests that do not make as-
ning and end of the research. sumptions about the distribution of
n o n e x p e r i m e n t a l research re- the attribute (or attributes) in the
search in which the investigator population being tested, such as
cannot randomly assign units to normality and homogeneity of vari-


ance. Compare PARAMETRIC n o n v e r b a l l e a r n i n g disorder a

terized by limited skills in critical
n o n r a n d o m i z e d design any of a thinking and deficits in processing
large number of research designs in nonverbal information. This affects
which sampling units are not as- a child's academic progress as well as
signed to experimental conditions at other areas of functioning, which
random. may include social competencies,
n o n r e g u l a t o r y drive any general- visual-spatial abilities, motor coordi-
ized state of arousal or motivation nation, and emotional functioning.
that serves functions that are unre-
lated to preserving physiological nonzero-sum g a m e in GAME THE-
HOMEOSTASIS and thus not neces- ORY, a situation in which the
sary for the physical survival of the rewards and costs experienced by all
players do not balance (i.e., they add
individual organism, for example,
up to less than or more than zero).
sex or achievement. Compare REGU- In such a situation, unlike a ZERO-
SUM GAME, one player's gain is not
non-REM sleep see NREM SLEEP. necessarily another player's loss.
nonsense syllable any three-letter n o o t r o p i c n. any of various dmgs
nonword used in learning and mem- that are used to enhance cognitive
ory research to smdy learning of function, usually in the treatment
items that do not already have of progressive dementias, such as
meaning or associations with other Alzheimer's disease, but also of
information in memory. cognitive dysfunction due to trau-
n o n s h a r e d e n v i r o n m e n t in be- matic brain injury. They do not
havioral genetics analyses, those reverse the course of the dementia,
aspeds of an environment that indi- but are reported to slow its progress
viduals living together (e.g., in a in mild to moderate forms of the
family household) do not share and disease. Many of these dmgs work
that therefore cause them to become by inhibiting the activity of
dissimilar to each other. Examples acetylcholinesterase in the central
of nonshared environmental factors nervous system, thereby counteract-
include the different friends or ing the dismption of CHOLINERGIC
teachers that siblings in the same neurotransmission.
household might have outside of n o r a d r e n e r g i c ad;, responding to,
the home. Compare SHARED ENVI- releasing, or otherwise involving
RONMENT. norepinephrine (noradrenaline). For
n o n v e r b a l c o m m u n i c a t i o n the example, a noradrenergic neuron is
act of conveying information with- one that employs norepinephrine as
out the use of words. Nonverbal a neurotransmitter.
communication occurs through fa- n o r e p i n e p h r i n e (NE) n. a
cial expressions, gestures, body
language, tone of voice, and other
physical indications of mood, atti- and hormone produced mainly by
tude, approbation, and so forth, brainstem nuclei and in the adrenal
some of which may require knowl- medulla. Also called n o r a d r e n a -
edge of the culture or subculture to line.
understand. In psychotherapy, cli- n o r m n. 1. a standard or range of
ents' nonverbal communication can values that represents the typical
be as important to note as their ver- performance of a group or of an indi-
bal communication. vidual (of a certain age, for example)



against which comparisons can be of life; (d) freedom from extreme

made. 2. a conversion of a raw score emotional distress, such as anxiety,
into a scaled score that is more eas- despondency, and persistent upset;
ily interpretable, such as percentiles and (e) the absence of clear-cut
or IQ scores, —normative adj. symptoms of mental disorder, such
n o r m a l ad;, relating to what is con- as obsessions, phobias, confusion,
sidered standard, average, typical, or and disorientation.
healthy. This general meaning is n o r m a l science a science at the
applied in a variety of different stage of development when it is
contexts, including statistics (refer- characterized by a PARADIGM con-
ring to scores that are within the sisting of universal agreement about
usual or expected range), biology the nature of the science, its prac-
(referring to the absence of malfor- tices, assumptions, and methods,
mation or other pathology), and and satisfaction with its empirical
development (referring to progres- progress.
sion and growth that is comparable
to those of similar age). The term, n o r m a t i v e ad;, relating to a NORM:
however, is most often applied to pertaining to a particular standard
behavior that conforms to a cultur- of comparison for a person or group
ally accepted norm, especially as an of people, often as determined by
indication that a person is mentally cultural ideals of how things ought
healthy and does not have a psycho- to be regarding behavior, achieve-
logical disorder. ments or abilities, and other areas.
For example, a normative life event
n o r m a l d i s t r i b u t i o n a theoretical such as marriage or the birth of a
continuous PROBABILITY DISTRIBU- child is one that is expected to occur
TION that is a function of two during a similar period within the
parameters: the expected value, |x, life spans of many individuals, and
and the VARIANCE, a . It is given by normative data reflect group aver-
W = [expH* - n)2/2a2)]/cW(27c) ages with regard to particular
The normal distribution is the type variables or factors, such as the
of distribution expected when the scores of females on a specific test or
same measurement is taken several the language skills of 10-year-olds.
times and the variation about the n o r m a t i v e influence see SOCIAL
mean value is random. It has certain PRESSURE.
convenient properties in statistics,
and unknown distributions are norm-referenced t e s t i n g an ap-
often assumed to be normal distri- proach to testing based on a
butions. Also called Gaussian comparison of one person's perfor-
distribution. mance with that of a specifically
selected norm group on the same
n o r m a l i t y n. a broad concept that test. Norm-referenced testing differ-
is roughly the equivalent of MENTAL entiates among individuals and
HEALTH. Although there are no ab- ranks them on the basis of their per-
solutes and there is considerable formance. For example, a nationally
cultural variation, some flexible psy- standardized norm-referenced test
chological and behavioral criteria will indicate how a given person
can be suggested: (a) freedom from performs compared to the perfor-
incapacitating internal conflicts; (b) mance of a national sample. See
the capacity to think and act in an CRITERION-REFERENCED TESTING.
organized and reasonably effective
manner; (c) the ability to cope with novelty n. the quality of being new
the ordinary demands and problems and unusual. It is one of the major


determining factors directing atten- forcing qualities of many activities,

tion. The attraction to novelty has including drug abuse.
been shown to begin as early as 1 nucleus basalis magno-
year of age; for example, when in- c e l l u l a r i s see BASAL FOREBRAIN.
fants are shown pictures of visual
patterns, they will stare longer at a nucleus of t h e solitary t r a c t see
new pattern than at a pattern they SOLITARY NUCLEUS.
have already seen. n u l l finding the result of an ex-
NREM sleep nonrapid-eye- periment indicating that there is no
movement sleep: periods of sleep in relationship, or no significant rela-
which dreaming, as indicated by tionship, between variables. Also
RAPID EYE MOVEMENTS (REM), usu- called n u l l result.
ally does not occur. During these n u l l hypothesis (symbol: H0) the
periods, which occur most fre- statement that an experiment will
quently in the first hours of sleep, find no difference between the ex-
the electroencephalogram shows perimental and control conditions,
only minimal activity, and there is that is, no relationship between
little or no change in pulse, respira- variables. Statistical tests are applied
tion, and blood pressure. Also called to experimental results in an at-
non-REM sleep. Compare REM tempt to disprove or reject the null
SLEEP. hypothesis at a predetermined SIG-
n u c l e a r family a family unit con- ALTERNATIVE HYPOTHESIS.
sisting of two parents and their
dependent children (whether bio- n u l l hypothesis significance
logical or adopted). With various t e s t i n g computation of a test of sig-
modifications, t h e nuclear family nificance to evaluate the tenability
has been and remains the norm in Of t h e NULL HYPOTHESIS. See SIGNIF-
developed Western societies. Com- ICANCE TESTING.
n u r s i n g n. the health care profes-
nucleus n. (pl. nuclei) 1. a large sion that focuses on the protection
membrane-bound compartment, and promotion of health through
found in the cells of nonbacterial or- the alleviation and treatment of ill-
ganisms, that contains the bulk of ness, injury, disease, and physical
the cell's genetic material in the suffering. Nurses practice in a vari-
form of chromosomes. 2. in the cen- ety of contexts, including hospitals,
tral nervous system, a mass of CELL nursing and independent-living
BODIES belonging to neurons with homes, schools, workplaces, and
the same or related functions. Exam- community centers, among others.
ples are the amygdaloid nuclei (see n u r t u r e n. the totality of environ-
AMYGDALA), the basal nuclei (see
mental factors that influence the
BASAL GANGLIA), the thalamic nuclei
development and behavior of a per-
(see THALAMUS), and the NUCLEUS
son, particularly sociocultural and
ecological factors such as family at-
nucleus accumbens a large mass tributes, child-rearing practices, and
of cell bodies in the forebrain that economic status. Compare NATURE.
receives dopaminergic innervation
from the ventral tegmental area in n y s t a g m u s «. involuntary, rapid
the midbrain and forms part of the movement of the eyeballs. The eye-
LIMBIC SYSTEM. Dopamine release in ball motion may be rotatory,
this region may mediate the rein- horizontal, vertical, or a mixture.

obedience n. behavior in compli- infant to maintain an attachment
ance with a direct command, often which is relatively independent of
one issued by a person in a position gratification or fmstration, based on
of authority. Examples include a a cognitive capacity to conceive of a
child who cleans his or her room mother who exists when she is out
when told to do so by a parent and a of sight and who has positive attrib-
soldier who follows the orders of a utes when she is unsatisfying. Thus
superior officer. Obedience has the an infant becomes attached to the
potential to be highly destmctive mother herself rather than to her
and ethically questionable, however, tension-reducing ministrations; she
as demonstrated in the BEHAVIORAL comes to exist continuously for the
STUDY OF OBEDIENCE, —obedient infant and not only during in-
adj. stances of need satisfaction. This
investment by a n infant in a specific
obesity n. the condition of having libidinal object indicates that he or
excess body fat resulting in over- she no longer finds people to be in-
weight, typically defined in terms of terchangeable. 2. see PERCEPTUAL
weight-height ratio (see BODY MASS CONSTANCY.
INDEX). Although genetic, environ-
mental, and behavioral factors all objectification n. see REIFICATION.
contribute, overeating may also objective 1. ad;', having actual exis-
have psychological or physiological tence in reality, based on observable
components as well. The conse- phenomena. 2. adj. impartial or un-
quences of obesity are a matter for influenced by personal feelings,
concern: It predisposes to heart dis- interpretations, or prejudices. Com-
ease, diabetes, and other serious pare SUBJECTIVE.
medical conditions, and obese indi-
viduals may develop emotional and objective self-awareness a reflec-
psychological problems relating to tive state of self-focused attention in
BODY IMAGE. —obese ad;'. which a person evaluates him- or
herself and attempts to attain cor-
object n. the "other," that is, any rectness and consistency in beliefs
person or symbolic representation of and behaviors. This involves the
a person that is not the self and to- viewing of oneself as a separate ob-
ward whom behavior, cognitions, or ject, acknowledging limitations and
affects are directed. The term is the existing disparity between the
sometimes used to refer to nonper- ideal self and the actual self. Objec-
sonal phenomena (e.g., an interest tive self-awareness is often a
might be considered to be an "ob- necessary part of SELF-REGULATION.
ject") but the other-person
connotation is far more typical and objective test a type of assessment
central. instmment consisting of a set of fac-
tual items that have specific correct
object c o n s t a n c y 1. in OBJECT RE- answers, such that no interpretation
LATIONS THEORY, the ability of an or personal judgment is required in

observer bias

scoring. A "tme or false" test is an object relations t h e o r y any psy-

example of an objective test. Com- choanalytically based theory that
pare SUBJECTIVE TEST. views the need to relate to OBJECTS
as more central to personality orga-
objectivity n. a quality of a nization and motivation than the
research study such that its hypoth- vicissitudes of the INSTINCTS. These
eses, choices of variables studied, theories developed from and in reac-
measurements, techniques of con- tion to classic Freudian theories of
trol, and observations are as free psychodynamics. Some theories
from bias as possible. Judgments and view the personality as organized in
interpretations are based on external terms of a complex world of internal
data rather than on personal factors, object representations and their rela-
such as feelings, beliefs, and experi- tionships with each other, for
ences. Compare SUBJECTIVITY. example, the approaches of Aus-
trian-born British psychoanalyst
object loss in psychoanalytic the- Melanie Klein (1882-1960) and Brit-
ory, the actual loss of a person who ish psychoanalyst W. Ronald D.
has served as a good OBJECT, which Fairbairn (1889-1964).
precedes INTROJECTION and is in-
volved in separation anxiety. In this o b l i q u e r o t a t i o n see FACTOR RO-
perspective adult GRIEF and MOURN- TATION.
ING are related to objed loss and
separation anxiety in infancy and observation n. the careful, close
childhood, which often intensifies examination of an object, process,
and complicates the grief reaction. or other phenomenon for the pur-
pose of collecting data about it or
object p e r m a n e n c e knowledge of drawing conclusions, —observa-
the continued existence of objects t i o n a l adj.
even when they are not directly per- observational l e a r n i n g the ac-
ceived. In cognitive development, quisition of information, skills, or
milestones that indicate the acquisi- behavior through watching the per-
tion of object permanence include formance of others.
reaching for and retrieving a cov-
ered object (about 8 months), observational m e t h o d the scien-
retrieving an object at location B tific method in which observers are
even though it was previously hid- trained to watch and record behav-
den several times at location A (the ior, events, or processes as precisely
A-not-B task, about 12 months), and and completely as possible without
removing a series of covers to re- personal bias or interpretation.
trieve an object, even though the observational study a study in
infant only witnessed the object which the experimenter passively
being hidden under the outermost observes the behavior of the partici-
cover (invisible displacement, about pants without any attempt at
18 months). intervention or manipulation of the
behaviors being observed. Such
object play play that involves the
manipulation of items in the envi- studies typically involve observation
ronment, such as banging toys of cases under naturalistic condi-
together, throwing them around, or tions rather than the random
arranging them in specific con- assignment of cases to experimental
figurations. It is one of three tradi- conditions.
tionally identified basic types of observer bias any expectations,
play (the others being LOCOMOTOR beliefs, or personal preferences of a
PLAY a n d SOCIAL PLAY). researcher that unintentionally in-


fluence his or her observations for perfection, an excessive orderli-

during an OBSERVATIONAL STUDY. ness, an inability to compromise,
See EXPERIMENTER EFFECT. and an exaggerated sense of respon-
obsession u. a persistent thought,
idea, image, or impulse that is ex- obtrusive measure any method of
perienced as intrusive and inappro- obtaining measurements or observa-
priate and results in marked anxiety, tions in which the participants are
distress, or discomfort. Common ob- aware that a measurement is being
sessions include repeated thoughts made. Compare UNOBTRUSIVE MEA-
about contamination, a need to SURE.
have things in a particular order or
sequence, repeated doubts, aggres- Occam's razor (Ockham's
sive or horrific impulses, and sexual razor) the maxim that, given a
imagery. Obsessions can be distin- choice between two hypotheses, the
guished from excessive worries one involving the fewer assump-
about everyday occurrences in that tions should be preferred. See also
they are not concerned with real-life
problems. The response to an obses- Occam or Ockham (c. 1285-1347),
sion is often an effort to ignore or English Franciscan monk and Scho-
suppress the thought or impulse or lastic philosopher]
to neutralize it by a COMPULSION. occipital lobe the most posterior
See OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE DISOR- (rearward) subdivision of each cere-
DER. —obsessional adj. —obses- bral hemisphere, roughly shaped
sive ad;'. like a pyramid and lying under the
skull's occipital bone. It is associated
obsessive-compulsive disorder with vision, containing the several
(OCD) an ANXIETY DISORDER char- VISUAL AREAS that receive and pro-
acterized by recurrent intmsive cess information regarding visual
thoughts (OBSESSIONS) that prompt stimuli, being involved in the basic
the performance of neutralizing ritu- functions (e.g., visual acuity, con-
als (COMPULSIONS). Typical trast sensitivity, and perception of
obsessions involve themes of con- color, form, and motion) as well as
tamination, dirt, or illness (fearing the higher level ones (e.g., figure-
that one will contract or transmit a ground segregation based on tex-
disease) and doubts about the per- tural cues).
formance of certain actions (e.g., an
excessive preoccupation that one occlusion n. obstruction or closure,
has neglected to turn off a home ap- for example of an artery. —occlu-
pliance). Common compulsive sive ad;'.
behaviors include repetitive clean- occupational psychology see IN-
ing or washing, checking, ordering, DUSTRIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL
repeating, and hoarding. The obses- PSYCHOLOGY.
sions and compulsions—which are
recognized by the individual as ex- occupational t h e r a p y (OT) a re-
cessive or unreasonable—are time habilitative process that uses
consuming (more than one hour per purposeful tasks and activities to im-
day), cause significant distress, or prove health; prevent injury or
interfere with the individual's func- disability; enhance quality of life;
tioning. and develop, sustain, or restore the
highest possible level of independ-
obsessive-compulsive personal- ence of individuals who have been
ity disorder a personality disorder injured or who have an illness, im-
characterized by an extreme need pairment, or other mental or

olfactory b u l b

physical disability or disorder. OT fulfillment in the feminine role.

involves assessment of an individ- Contemporary psychoanalytic
ual's ability to perform ACTIVITIES thought has decentralized the im-
OF DAILY LIVING independently, the portance of the Oedipus complex
development and implementation and has largely modified the classi-
of a customized treatment program, cal theory by emphasizing the
and recommendations for adaptive earlier, primal relationship between
modifications in home and work en- child and mother. See also CASTRA-
vironments as well as training in the TION COMPLEX.
use of appropriate assistive devices.
off-label ad;', denoting or relating
OCD abbreviation for OBSESSIVE- to the clinical use of a dmg for a
COMPULSIVE DISORDER. purpose that has not been approved
ocular d o m i n a n c e c o l u m n a ver- by the U.S. Food and Dmg Adminis-
tical slab of STRIATE CORTEX in tration.
which the neurons are preferentially off response (OFF response) the
responsive to stimulation through depolarization of a neuron in the vi-
one of the two eyes. It is important sual system that occurs in response
for binocular vision. Ocular domi- to light decrement. Neurons with off
nance columns for each eye responses in the center of their re-
alternate in a regular pattern, so that ceptive fields are often called off
an electrode inserted tangentially to cells. Compare ON RESPONSE.
the cortical surface encounters neu-
rons that are responsive to stimu- ogive u. the somewhat flattened S-
lation through first the IPSILATERAL shaped curve typically obtained by
eye, then the CONTRALATERAL eye, graphing a cumulative FREQUENCY
then back to the ipsilateral eye. DISTRIBUTION.
oldest old see ADULTHOOD.
oculomotor nerve the third CRA-
NIAL NERVE, which innervates most old-old adj. see ADULTHOOD.
of the muscles associated with olfaction n. the sense of smell.
movement and accommodation of Molecules of airborne volatile sub-
the eye and constriction of the stances called odorants are absorbed
pupil. into nasal mucus and carried to the
Oedipus complex in psychoana- the nasal passages), where they stim-
lytic theory, the erotic feelings of ulate OLFACTORY RECEPTORS. The
the son toward the mother, accom- olfactory receptors carry impulses in
panied by rivalry and hostility axonal bundles through tiny holes
toward the father, during the PHAL-
in the cribriform plate, the bony
LIC STAGE of development. The
corresponding relationship between layer separating the base of the skull
the daughter and father is referred from the nasal cavity. On the top
to as the female Oedipus complex. surface of the cribriform plate rests
Austrian psychiatrist Sigmund Freud the OLFACTORY BULB, which receives
(1856-1939) saw the Oedipus com- the impulses and sends them on to a
plex as the basis for NEUROSIS when region of the brain called the
it is not adequately resolved by the periamygdaloid cortex. —olfactory
boy's fear of castration and gradual ad;'.
IDENTIFICATION with the father. The olfactory b u l b a bulblike ending
female Oedipus complex is posited on the olfactory nerve in the ante-
to be resolved by the threat of losing rior region of each cerebral hemi-
the mother's love and by finding sphere. This first synapse in the

olfactory cortex

olfactory system picks up excitation RECEPTORS in the OLFACTORY EPI-

from the nose, specifically from the THELIUM of the nasal cavity, the
cilia in the OLFACTORY EPITHELIUM. process of olfactory TRANSDUCTION,
olfactory cortex a three-layed
area of CEREBRAL CORTEX at the base
CORTEX and associated brain areas
of the TEMPORAL LOBE that is at-
and their functions.
tached to the OLFACTORY BULB and
devoted to the sense of smell. The oligodendrocyte n. a type of
olfactory cortex receives and inter- nonneuronal central nervous system
prets information from OLFACTORY cell (GLIA) that forms MYELIN
RECEPTORS in the nasal cavity and is SHEATHS around axons. Also called
involved in the identification of oligodendroglia.
omega squared (symbol: to2) a
olfactory e p i t h e l i u m an area of measure of the STRENGTH OF ASSOCI-
OLFACTORY RECEPTORS in the lining ATION based on the proportion of
of the upper part of the nose. The variance of one measure predictable
epithelium is separated from the OL- from variance in other measures.
FACTORY BULB by a sievelike layer in
the skull called the cribriform plate, one-tailed test a statistical test of
through which the receptor cells an experimental hypothesis in
synapse with cells in the olfactory which the expected direction of an
bulb. effect or relationship is spedfied.
Also called directional test. Com-
olfactory h a l l u c i n a t i o n a false pare TWO-TAILED TEST.
perception of odors, which are usu-
ally unpleasant or repulsive, such as one-trial l e a r n i n g the mastery of
poison gas or decaying flesh. a skill or an increment of learning
on the first practice session or per-
olfactory nerve the first CRANIAL formance.
NERVE, which carries sensory fibers
concerned with the sense of smell. It one-way analysis of variance a
originates in the olfactory lobe and statistical test of the probability that
is distributed to OLFACTORY RE- the means of three or more samples
CEPTORS in the nasal mucous mem- have been drawn from the same
brane. population; that is, an ANALYSIS OF
VARIANCE with a single independent
olfactory receptor a spindle- variable.
shaped receptor cell in the OLFAC-
TORY EPITHELIUM of the nasal cavity one-word stage the developmen-
that is sensitive to airborne volatile tal period, between approximately
substances (odorants). Cilia at the 10 and 18 months, when children
base of the olfactory receptors con- use one word at a time when speak-
tain receptor sites for odorants. The ing. For example, depending on the
receptors themselves collectively context and how the word is spo-
form the OLFACTORY NERVE, which ken, milk may mean That is milk, I
synapses with cells in the OLFAC- want more milk, or / spilled the milk.
TORY BULB. Also called h o l o p h r a s t i c stage.
olfactory system the primary
structures and processes involved o n response (ON response) the
in an organism's detection of and depolarization of a neuron in the vi-
responses to airborne volatile sub- sual system that occurs in response
stances. The olfactory system in- to light increment. Neurons with on
cludes several million OLFACTORY responses in the center of their re-

o p e r a t i o n a l definition

ceptive fields are often called on of recurrence is influenced by conse-

cells. Compare OFF RESPONSE. quences. Operant behavior is nearly
synonymous with voluntary behav-
ontogeny n. the biological origin ior.
and development of an individual
organism from fertilization of the o p e r a n t c o n d i t i o n i n g the process
egg cell until death. Compare PHY- in which behavioral change (i.e.,
LOGENY. —ontogenetic ad;'. learning) occurs as a function of the
consequences of behavior. Examples
oogenesis n. the process by which are teaching a dog to do tricks and
germ cells divide and differentiate to rewarding behavioral change in a
produce female gametes (ova). In misbehaving child (see BEHAVIOR
human females, primary oocytes are THERAPY). The term is essentially
formed in the ovary during embry- equivalent to INSTRUMENTAL CONDI-
onic development and enter into TIONING.
the first division of MEIOSIS but
then remain suspended at this stage operant conditioning chamber
of cell division until puberty. There- an apparams used to study behavior.
after, roughly once a month until Generally, it provides a relatively
menopause, one primary oocyte re- small and austere environment that
sumes meiosis to produce two blocks out extraneous stimuli. In-
unequally sized daughter cells: The cluded in the environment are
larger one is the secondary oocyte, devices that can present stimuli
while the smaller is a polar body. (e.g., reinforcers) and measure re-
Following OVULATION, the second- sponses. For example, the apparatus
ary oocyte undergoes the second for a rat might consist of a 25-cm3
meiotic division to produce an space containing a food tray and a
ovum and another polar body. small lever that the rat may press to
These two polar bodies are normally release food from the feeder. The ap-
nonfunctional and degenerate. paratus, initially developed in the
1930s by U.S. psychologist B. F.
open-field test a technique for Skinner (1904-1990), later became
measuring (quantifying) behaviors known colloquially as the Skinner
and physiological reactions (e.g., box.
those indicative of anxiety) in rats
and other small animals. The animal o p e r a n t response a single in-
is placed in a space divided into stance from an OPERANT class. For
squares so that the researcher may example, if lever pressing has been
observe the number of squares the conditioned, each single lever press
animal traverses in a specified time is an operant response.
o p e r a t i o n n. in PIAGETIAN THEORY,
o p e r a n t n. a class of responses that a type of cognitive SCHEME that re-
produces a common effect on the quires symbols, derives from action,
environment. An operant is defined exists in an organized system in
by its effect rather than by the par- which it is integrated with all other
ticular type of behavior producing operations, and follows a set of logi-
that effect. For example, all forms of cal mles, most importantly that of
behavior that result in a lever being REVERSIBILITY.
moved 4 mm downward constitute
an operant. Compare RESPONDENT. o p e r a t i o n a l definition a defini-
tion of something in terms of the
o p e r a n t behavior behavior that operations (procedures, actions, or
produces a particular effect on the processes) by which it could be ob-
environment and whose likelihood served and measured. For example,


the operational definition of anxiety o p i u m n. the dried resin of the un-

could be in terms of a test score, be- ripe seed pods of the opium poppy,
havioral withdrawal, or activation of Papaver somniferum. Opium contains
the sympathetic nervous system. more than 20 alkaloids, the princi-
pal one being MORPHINE, which
o p e r a t i o n a l i s m n. the position accounts for most of its pharmaco-
that the meaning of a scientific con- logical (including addictive)
cept depends upon the procedures properties. Natural and synthetic
used to establish it, so that each derivatives (see OPIATE; OPIOID) in-
concept can be defined by a single duce analgesia and euphoria and
observable and measurable opera- produce a deep, dreamless sleep.
tion. This approach is mainly
associated with RADICAL BEHAVIOR- o p p o n e n t process t h e o r y of
ISM. Also called operationism. color vision any one of a class of
theories describing color vision on
opiate n. any of a variety of natural the basis of the activity of mecha-
and semisynthetic compounds de- nisms that respond to red-green,
rived from OPIUM. They include the blue-yellow, or black-white. The
and their derivatives (e.g., HEROIN the most highly developed oppo-
[diacetylmorphine]). Opiates, to- nent process theory, contrasted with
gether with synthetic compounds t h e YOUNG-HELMHOLTZ THEORY OF
having the pharmacological proper- COLOR VISION, which relied on re-
ties of opiates, are known as ceptors sensitive to specific regions
of the spectmm. In the 1950s it was
opioid n. any of a group of com- suggested that both theories were
pounds that include the naturally correct, the Young-Helmholtz
occurring OPIATES (e.g., morphine, model describing a first stage of pro-
codeine) and their semisynthetic cessing in the visual system, while
derivatives (e.g., heroin) as well as the outputs of that system were fed
both synthetic and ENDOGENOUS into an opponent process. This com-
compounds with morphinelike ef- bined theory is known as the dual
fects. The effects of opioids include process theory of color vision.
analgesia, drowsiness, euphoria or o p p o r t u n i s t i c s a m p l i n g the se-
other mood changes, slow and shal- lection of participants or other
low breathing, and reduced gastro- sampling units for an experiment or
intestinal motility. Opioids are survey simply because they are
used clinically as pain relievers, an- readily available.
esthetics, cough suppressants, and
antidiarrheal drugs, and many are oppositional defiant disorder a
subject to abuse and dependence. behavior disorder of childhood char-
acterized by recurrent disobedient,
opioid receptor a RECEPTOR that negativistic, or hostile behavior to-
binds OPIOIDS (including ENDOGE- ward authority figures that is more
NOUS opioids) and mediates their pronounced than usually seen in
effects via G PROTEINS. Opioid recep- children of similar age and lasts for
tors are widely distributed in the at least 6 months. It is manifest as
brain, spinal cord, and periphery. temper tantrums, active defiance of
They are categorized as mu receptors mles, dawdling, argumentativeness,
(largely responsible for the analgesic stubbornness, or being easily an-
and euphoric effects associated with noyed. The defiant behaviors
opioid use), kappa receptors, delta typically do not involve aggression,
receptors, or N/OFQ receptors. destruction, theft, or deceit, which

oral stage

distinguishes this disorder from the OPTIC CHIASM. The major targets
CONDUCT DISORDER. of the optic tract are the LATERAL
optical flow p a t t e r n the total amus and the superior COLLICULUS
field of apparent velocities of visual in the midbrain.
stimuli that impinge upon a physi-
cal or theoretical visual system o p t i m a l foraging t h e o r y a the-
when objects move relative to the ory of foraging behavior arguing
visual system or the visual system that NATURAL SELECTION has created
moves relative to the objeds. optimal strategies for food seledion
(based on nutritional value and
optic a t a x i a inability to direct the costs of locating, capturing, and pro-
hand to an objed under visual guid- cessing food) and for deciding when
ance, typically caused by damage to to depart a particular patch to seek
the cortex of the PARIETAL LOBE. It is resources elsewhere.
a feature of BALINT'S SYNDROME.
o p t i m i s m n. hopefulness: the atti-
optic chiasm the location at the tude that good things will happen
base of the brain at which the optic and that people's wishes or aims will
nerves from the two eyes meet. In ultimately be fulfilled. Optimists are
humans, the nerve fibers from the people who anticipate positive out-
nasal half of each retina cross, so comes, whether serendipitously or
that each hemisphere of the brain through perseverance and effort,
receives input from both eyes. This and who are confident of attaining
partial crossing is called a partial desired goals (compare PESSIMISM).
decussation. Most individuals lie somewhere on
optic disk the area of the retina at the spectmm between the two polar
which the axons of the RETINAL opposites of pure optimism and
GANGLION CELLS gather before leav- pure pessimism but tend to demon-
ing the retina to form the optic strate sometimes strong, relatively
nerve. Because this region contains stable or situational tendencies in
no photoreceptors, it creates a BLIND one direction or the other. —opti-
SPOT in the visual field. mistic ad;'.
optic nerve the second CRANIAL optokinetic reflex the involun-
NERVE, which carries the axons of tary compensatory eye movements
RETINAL GANGLION CELLS and ex- that allow the eyes to maintain fixa-
tends from the retina to the OPTIC tion on a visual target as it moves by
CHIASM. an observer. The optokinetic reflex
is driven by signals from neurons in
optic r a d i a t i o n s nerve fibers the retina. Compare VESTIBULO-
that project from the LATERAL OCULAR REFLEX.
CORTEX in the occipital lobe and to oral stage in psychoanalytic the-
the pretectum, a stmcture in the ory, the first stage of PSYCHOSEXUAL
midbrain important for the reflexive DEVELOPMENT, occupying the first
contraction of the pupils in the pres- year of life, in which the LIBIDO is
ence of light. concentrated on the mouth, which
is the principal erotic zone. The
optics n. the study of the physics of stage is divided into the early oral-
light, including its relations to the sucking phase, during which gratifi-
mechanisms of vision. cation is achieved by sucking the
optic t r a c t the bundle of optic nipple during feeding, and the later
nerve fibers after the partial oral-biting phase, when gratification
decussation of the optic nerves at is also achieved by biting, FIXATION


»* >.S*$<&*>^»$W**«l>'-'. . * v « j 9 -»•. »
o r b i t o f r o n t a l cortex

during the oral stage is posited to or a tme zero point but rather reflect
cause an oral personality. a rank ordering of the attribute
being measured. For example, an or-
o r b i t o f r o n t a l c o r t e x the CERE- dinal scale for the performance of a
BRAL CORTEX of the ventral part of spedfic group of people on a partic-
each FRONTAL LOBE, having strong ular test might use the number 1 to
connections to the HYPOTHALAMUS. indicate the person who obtained
Lesions of the orbitofrontal cortex the highest score, the number 2 to
can result in loss of inhibitions, for- indicate the person who obtained
getfulness, and apathy broken by the next highest score, and so on. It
bouts of euphoria. is important to note, however, that
orchidectomy 11. the surgical re- an ordinal scale does not provide
moval of a testis. An orchidectomy any information about the degree of
may be performed when a testis is difference between adjacent ranks
injured or diseased, as when the (e.g., it is not clear what the actual
point difference is between the rank
male reproductive system has been 1 and 2 scores).
affected by cancer. Also called
orchiectomy. o r d i n a t e n. the vertical coordinate
o r d e r effect in WITHIN-SUBJECTS in a graph or data plot; that is, the y-
DESIGNS, the effect of the order in axis. See also ABSCISSA.
which treatments are administered, orexin n. any of a group of pro-
that is, the effect of being the first teins, expressed in the LATERAL
administered treatment (rather than HYPOTHALAMUS, that trigger feeding
the second, third, and so forth). This and have also been implicated in
is often confused with the SE- NARCOLEPSY.
organic adj. denoting a condition
o r d i n a l d a t a numerical values that or disorder that results from struc-
represent rankings along a contin- tural alterations of an organ or
uum of lowest and highest, as in a tissue. In psychology and psychia-
judge's assignment of a 1 to denote try, the term is equivalent to
that a particular athlete's perfor- somatic or physical, as contrasted
mance was fair and a 2 to denote With FUNCTIONAL Or PSYCHOGENIC.
that a subsequent athlete's perfor-
mance was better. Ordinal data may o r g a n i s m n. an individual living
be counted (i.e., how many athletes entity, such as an animal, plant, or
obtained a 1, how many a 2, etc.) bacterium, that is capable of repro-
and arranged in descending or as- duction, growth, and maintenance.
cending sequence but may not be
manipulated; it is meaningless to o r g a n i z a t i o n n. structure. This
add, subtract, divide, or multiply basic meaning is applied to numer-
any rank by any other because the ous areas of psychology with
actual differential in performance varying degrees of specificity. For
between adjacent values is unspeci- example, in memory research orga-
fied and may vary. In other words, nization refers to the stmcture
one does not know how much discovered in or imposed upon a set
better a 2 is than a 1, and the differ- of items in order to guide memory
ence between a 1 and a 2 may not performance, whereas in GESTALT
be the same as the difference be- PSYCHOLOGY the term denotes an
tween a 2 and a 3. integrated perception composed of
various components that appear to-
o r d i n a l scale a sequence of num- gether as a single whole (e.g., a face).
bers that do not indicate magnitude rganizational adj.


o r g a n i z a t i o n a l c u l t u r e a distinc- one's self and to know the time, the

tive pattern of thought and behavior place, and other aspeds of one's sur-
shared by members of the same roundings and activities. 2. the act
business or service entity and re- of directing the body or of moving
flected in their language, values, toward an external stimulus, such as
attimdes, beliefs, and customs. This light, gravity, or some other aspect
type of culture is in many ways anal- of the environment. 3. relative posi-
ogous to the personality of an tion or alignment. For example, in
individual. vision orientation refers to the de-
gree of tilt of the long axis of a
o r g a n i z a t i o n a l effect a long- visual stimulus (e.g., a vertical bar is
term effect of hormonal action typi- oriented at 0°; a horizontal bar is
cally occurring in fetal development oriented at 90°). Many neurons in
or the early postnatal period that the visual system respond most vig-
leads to permanent changes in be- orously to a stimulus of a certain
havior and neural functioning. The orientation: They are said to be ori-
presence of testosterone in young entation selective. —orient vb.
male rats leads to long-term male-
typical behavior, and female rats can o r i e n t a t i o n c o l u m n a vertical
be masculinized by neonatal expo- slab of STRIATE CORTEX in which
sure to testosterone. Compare all the neurons are maximally re-
ACTIVATIONAL EFFECT. sponsive to stimuli of the same
ORIENTATION. Adjacent columns
o r g a n i z a t i o n a l psychology see have slightly different orientation
INDUSTRIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL preferences, so that electrode pene-
PSYCHOLOGY. tration tangential to the cortical
o r g a n of Corti a specialized stmc- surface that passes through many
ture that sits on the BASILAR columns would encounter neurons
MEMBRANE within the cochlea in with orientation preferences that
the inner ear. It contains the HAIR shift smoothly around a reference
CELLS (the sensory receptors for axis. Compare OCULAR DOMINANCE
hearing), their nerve endings, and
supporting cells (Deiters cells). See o r i e n t i n g response a behavioral
also TECTORIAL MEMBRANE. [Alfonso response to an altered, novel, or sud-
Corti (1822-1876), Italian anato- den stimulus, for example, turning
mist] one's head toward an unexpected
orgasm n. the climax of the noise. Various physiological compo-
SEXUAL-RESPONSE CYCLE, when the nents of the orienting response have
peak of pleasure is achieved, marked subsequently been identified as well,
by the release of tension and rhyth- including dilation of pupils and
mic contractions of the perineal blood vessels and changes in heart
muscles, anal sphincter, and pelvic rate and electrical resistance of the
reproductive organs. In men, or- skin.
gasm is also accompanied by the
emission of semen (ejaculation); in o r t h o g o n a l r o t a t i o n see FACTOR
women, it is accompanied by con- ROTATION.
tractions of the wall of the outer osmometric t h i r s t thirst resulting
third of the vagina. —orgasmic or from a loss of intracellular fluids and
orgastic ad;'. a relative increase in OSMOTIC PRES-
SURE. Also called osmotic t h i r s t .
o r i e n t a t i o n n. 1. awareness of the Compare HYPOVOLEMIC THIRST.
self and of the external environ-
ment, that is, the ability to identity osmoreceptor n. a hypothetical re-


ceptor in the HYPOTHALAMUS that a set of attributes that one is obli-

responds to changes in the concen- gated to possess according to social
trations of various substances in the norms or one's personal responsibil-
body's extracellular fluid and to cel- ities.
lular dehydration. It also regulates
the secretion of VASOPRESSIN and
o u t c o m e research a systematic in-
contributes to thirst. vestigation of the effectiveness of a
single type or technique of psycho-
osmosis n. the passive movement therapy, or of the comparative
of solvent molecules through a dif- effectiveness of different types or
ferentially permeable membrane techniques, when applied to one or
(e.g., a cell membrane) separating more disorders.
two solutions of different concentra- o u t e r ear see EXTERNAL EAR.
tions. The solvent tends to flow
from the weaker solution to the o u t e r nuclear layer the layer of
stronger solution. —osmotic ad;'. cell bodies of the rods and cones in
the retina.
osmotic pressure the pressure re-
quired to prevent the passage of o u t e r plexiform layer the syn-
water (or other solvent) through a aptic layer in the retina in which
semipermeable membrane (e.g., a contacts are made between PHOTO-
cell membrane) from an area of low RECEPTORS, RETINAL BIPOLAR CELLS,
concentration of solute to an area of and RETINAL HORIZONTAL CELLS.
higher concentration. o u t g r o u p n. any group to which
ossicles pl. n. any small bones, but one does not belong or with which
particularly the auditory ossicles: the one does not identify, but particu-
chain of three tiny bones in the larly a group that is judged to be
middle ear that transmit sound vi- different from, and inferior to, one's
brations from the tympanic own group (the INGROUP).
membrane (eardmm) to the OVAL o u t g r o u p homogeneity bias the
WINDOW of the inner ear. They are tendency to assume that the mem-
the malleus (or hammer), which is bers of other groups are very similar
attached to the tympanic mem- to each other, particularly in con-
brane; the incus (or anvil); and the trast to the assumed diversity of the
stapes (or stirrup), whose footplate membership of one's own groups.
nearly fills the oval window. The os-
sicles allow efficient transmission of outlier n. an extreme observation
sound from air to thefluid-filledco- or measurement, that is, one that
chlea. significantly differs from all others
obtained. Outliers can have a high
osteoporosis n. a disorder in which degree of influence on summary sta-
the bones become brittle and break tistics and estimates of parametric
easily, due to loss of calcified bone values and their precision and may
as a result of disease or aging. distort research findings if they are
the result of error.
OT abbreviation for OCCUPATIONAL
THERAPY. out-of-body experience a
dissociative experience in which the
o t o l i t h n. any of numerous tiny
individual imagines that his or her
calcium particles embedded in the
mind, soul, or spirit has left the
gelatinous matrix of the VESTIBULAR
body and is acting or perceiving in-
SACS of the inner ear. See MACULA.
dependently. Such experiences are
o u g h t self in analyses of self- sometimes reported by those who
concept, a mental representation of have recovered from the point of

over j u s t i f i c a t i o n effect

death (see NEAR-DEATH EXPERI- o v e r c o m p e n s a t i o n n. see COM-

ENCE); they have also been reported PENSATION. —overcompensate vb.
by those using hallucinogens or
overconfidence n. an unsupported
under hypnosis. Certain occult or
belief or unrealistically positive ex-
spiritualistic practices may also at-
pedation that a desired outcome
tempt to induce such experiences.
will occur. In a sports setting, for ex-
o u t p a t i e n t n. a person who ob- ample, overconfidence might
tains diagnosis, treatment, or other involve overestimating one's ability
service at a hospital, clinic, physi- to perform or underestimating the
cian's office, or other health care ability of a competitor to perform.
facility without overnight admis- —overconfident adj.
sion. Compare INPATIENT.
o v e r d e t e r m i n a t i o n n. in psycho-
o u t p u t i n t e r f e r e n c e see INTER- analytic theory, the concept that
FERENCE. several unconscious factors may
oval w i n d o w a membrane-covered combine to produce one symptom,
opening in the bony wall of the dream, disorder, or aspect of behav-
cochlea in the ear (see SCALA ior. Because drives and defenses
VESTIBULI). Vibration of the stapes operate simultaneously and derive
(see OSSICLES) is transmitted to the from different layers of the personal-
oval window and into the cochlear ity, a dream may express more than
fluids. one meaning, and a single symptom
may serve more than one purpose or
ovariectomy n. the surgical re- fulfill more than one unconscious
moval of an ovary. This procedure wish. —overdetermined ad;'.
may be performed when the ovaries
are diseased or injured or in some overextension n. the tendency of
circumstances, such as when a very young children to extend the
woman is at very high risk for use of a word beyond the scope of
ovarian cancer, as a preventive its specific meaning, for example, by
measure. referring to all animals as "doggie."
ovary n. the female reproductive
organ, which produces ova (egg overgeneralization n. the process
cells) and sex hormones (estrogens of extending something beyond the
and progesterone). In humans the circumstances to which it actually
two ovaries are almond-shaped or- applies. It is a common linguistic
gans, normally located in the lowertendency of young children, who
abdomen on either side of the uppergeneralize standard grammatical
rules to apply to irregular words, for
end of the uterus, to which they are
linked by the FALLOPIAN TUBES. See example, pluralizing foot to foots. See
—ovarian ad;'. LARIZATION.
overanxious disorder dispropor- overjustification effect a para-
tionate and persistent anxiety or doxical effect in which rewarding
worry occurring in childhood or (or offering to reward) a person for
adolescence across a variety of dif- his or her performance can lead to
ferent situations and objects. In lower, rather than higher, effort and
some current diagnostic classifica- attainment. It occurs when intro-
tions, notably the DSM-IV-TR, duction of the reward weakens the
overanxious disorder has been sub- strong INTRINSIC MOTIVATION that
sumed under GENERALIZED ANXIETY was the key to the person's original
DISORDER. high performance.


o v e r l e a m i n g n. practice that is overweight ad;', the condition of

continued beyond the point at having more body fat than is con-
which the individual knows or sidered normal or healthy for an
performs well. The benefits of individual of a particular age, body
overleaming may be seen in in- type, or build. Individuals may lie
creased persistence of the learning anywhere on a spectmm from
over time, —overleamed ad;'. mildly overweight to seriously over-
weight (see OBESITY). One of the
overload n. a psychological con- most frequently used standards for
dition in which situations and assessing the degree of body fat is
experiences are so cognitively, per- the BODY MASS INDEX.
ceptually, and emotionally stimu-
lating that they tax or even exceed ovulation n. the production of a
the individual's capacity to process mature secondary oocyte (see
incoming information. See COGNI- OOGENESIS) and its release from a
TIVE OVERLOAD; INFORMATION small pouchlike cavity (graafian fol-
OVERLOAD; SENSORY OVERLOAD; licle) at the surface of the ovary.
STIMULUS OVERLOAD. Rupture of the follicle causes the
oocyte to be discharged into a FAL-
overprotection n. the process of LOPIAN TUBE. In humans, the oocyte
sheltering a child to such an extent matures into an OVUM in the strict
that he or she fails to become inde- sense only if it is penetrated by a
pendent and may experience later sperm during its passage along the
adjustment and other difficulties, fallopian tube.
including development of a DE-
PENDENT PERSONALITY DISORDER. o v u m «. (pl. ova) an egg cell: a sin-
gle female GAMETE that develops
overregularization n. a transient from a secondary oocyte following
error in linguistic development in its release from the ovary at OVULA-
which the child attempts to make TION. See also OOGENESIS.
language more grammatically regu-
lar than it actually is, for example, oxytocin n. a hormone produced
by saying breaked instead of broken. in the hypothalamus and secreted
See also OVEREXTENSION; OVERGEN- by the posterior lobe (neuro-
ERALIZATION. hypophysis) of the PITUITARY
GLAND in response to direct neural
overt ad;'. 1. denoting anything stimulation. It stimulates smooth
that is directly observable, open to muscle, particularly in the mam-
view, or publicly known. 2. not hid- mary glands during lactation and in
den. Compare COVERT. the wall of the utems during labor.

Pacinian corpuscle a type of cu- FACTITIOUS DISORDER; MALINGER-
taneous receptor organ that is ING).
sensitive to contact and vibration. It
consists of a nerve-fiber ending sur- paired-associates l e a r n i n g a
rounded by concentric layers of technique used in studying learning
connective tissue. Pacinian corpus- in which participants learn syllables,
cles are found in the fingers, the words, or other items in pairs and
hairy skin, the tendons, and the ab- are later presented with one half of
dominal membrane. [Filippo Pacini each pair to which they must re-
(1812-1883), Italian anatomist] spond with the matching half.
p a i r i n g «. in behavioral studies,
PAG abbreviation for PERI-
the juxtaposing of two events in
time. For example, if a tone is pre-
p a i n n. an unpleasant sensation due sented immediately before a puff of
to damage to nerve tissue, stimula- air to the eye, the tone and the puff
tion of free nerve endings, or have been paired.
excessive stimulation (e.g., ex-
tremely loud sounds). It is elicited p a l e o c o r t e x n. see ALLOCORTEX.
by stimulation of pain receptors, paleopsychology u. the study of
which occur in groups throughout certain psychological processes in
the body, but also involves various contemporary humans that are be-
cognitive, affective, and behavioral lieved to have originated in earlier
factors. Pain may also be a feeling of stages of human and, perhaps, non-
severe distress and suffering result- human animal evolution. These
ing from acute anxiety, loss of a indude unconscious processes, such
loved one, or other psychological as the COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS.
factors. Psychologists have made —paleopsychological adj.
important contributions to under-
standing pain by demonstrating the palliative care terminal care that
psychosocial and behavioral factors focuses on symptom control and
in the etiology, severity, exacerba- comfort instead of aggressive, cure-
tion, maintenance, and treatment of oriented intervention. This is the
both physical and mental pain. See basis of the HOSPICE approach. Em-
also GATE-CONTROL THEORY. phasis is on careful assessment of
the patient's condition throughout
p a i n disorder a SOMATOFORM the end phase of life in order to pro-
DISORDER characterized by severe, vide the most effective medications
prolonged pain that significantly and other procedures to relieve pain.
interferes with a person's ability
to function. The pain cannot be palsy n. an obsolete name for paral-
accounted for solely by a medical ysis, still used in such compound
condition, and it is not feigned or names as CEREBRAL PALSY.
produced intentionally (compare p a n i c n. a sudden, uncontrollable


panic attack

fear reaction that may involve ter- the like. 2. a set of assumptions, atti-
ror, confusion, and irrational tudes, concepts, values, procedures,
behavior, precipitated by a perceived and techniques that constitutes
threat (e.g., earthquake, fire, or a generally accepted theoretical
being stuck in an elevator). framework within, or a general per-
spective of, a disdpline.
p a n i c a t t a c k a sudden onset of in-
tense apprehension and fearfulness, p a r a d o x i c a l sleep see REM SLEEP.
in the absence of adual danger, ac- p a r a h i p p o c a m p a l gyrus a ridge
companied by the presence of such (gyms) on the medial (inner) surface
physical symptoms as palpitations, of the TEMPORAL LOBE of cerebral
difficulty in breathing, chest pain or cortex, lying over the HIPPOCAM-
discomfort, choking or smothering PUS. It is a component of the LIMBIC
sensations, excessive perspiration, SYSTEM thought to be involved in
and dizziness. The attack occurs in a spatial or topographic memory.
discrete period of time and often in-
volves fears of going crazy, losing parakinesis «. in parapsychology,
control, or dying. the movement of objects in the ab-
sence of contact sufficient to explain
p a n i c d i s o r d e r an ANXIETY DISOR- the motion. The phenomenon is
DER characterized by recurrent, closely related to that of PSYCHOKI-
unexpected PANIC ATTACKS that are NESIS, which involves manipulation
associated with (a) persistent con- of objects by thought alone.
cern about having another attack,
(b) worry about the possible conse- p a r a l a n g u a g e n. the vocal but
quences of the attacks, or (c) nonverbal elements of communica-
significant change in behavior re- tion by speech, such as tone and
lated to the attacks (e.g., avoiding stress, volume and speed of delivery,
situations, not going out alone). voice quality, hesitations, and
nonlinguistic sounds, such as sighs
Papez circuit a circular network of or groans. These paralinguistic cues
nerve centers and fibers in the brain help shape the total meaning of an
that is associated with emotion and utterance, for example, by convey-
memory. It includes such stmctures ing the fact that a speaker is angry
as the HIPPOCAMPUS, FORNIX, ante- when this would not be apparent
rior THALAMUS, CINGULATE GYRUS, from the same words written down.
and PARAHIPPOCAMPAL GYRUS, [first In some uses, the term paralanguage
described in 1937 by James W. Papez is extended to include gestures, fa-
(1883-1958), U.S. neuroanatomist] dal expressions, and other aspects of
p a p i l l a n. (pl. papillae) any of the
four types of swellings on the p a r a l l a x u. an illusion of move-
tongue. In humans, some 200 ment of objects in the visual field
fungiform papillae are toward the when the head is moved from side
front of the tongue; 10-14 foliate to side. Objects beyond a point of
papillae are on the sides; 7-11 visual fixation appear to move in
circumvallate papillae are on the the same direction as the head
back; and filiform papillae, with no movement; those closer seem to
taste function, cover most of the move in the opposite direction. Par-
tongue's surface. allax provides a monocular cue for
p a r a d i g m n. 1. a model, pattem,
or representative example, as of the parallel d i s t r i b u t e d processing
functions and interrelationships of a (PDP) any model of cognition based
process, a behavior under study, or on the idea that the representation


of information is distributed as pat- atized and elaborate as in a

terns of activation over a richly DELUSIONAL DISORDER nor as disor-
connected set of hypothetical neural ganized and bizarre as in paranoid
units that function interactively and schizophrenia. —paranoiac «., adj.
in parallel with one another.
p a r a n o i d personality disorder
parallel fiber any of the axons of a personality disorder characterized
the small, grainlike neurons that by pervasive, unwarranted suspi-
form the outermost layer of the CER- ciousness and mistrust, specifically
EBELLAR CORTEX. expectation of trickery or harm,
guardedness and secretiveness,
parallel forms see ALTERNATE- avoidance of accepting blame,
overconcern with hidden motives
parallel play play in which a child and meanings, hypersensitivity, and
is next to others and using similar restricted affectivity.
objects but still engaged in his or
her own activity. p a r a n o i d schizophrenia a
subtype of SCHIZOPHRENIA charac-
parallel processing INFORMATION terized by prominent delusions or
PROCESSING in which two or more auditory hallucinations. Delusions
sequences of operations are carried are typically persecutory, grandiose,
out simultaneously by independent or both; hallucinations are typically
processors. A capacity for parallel related to the content of the delu-
processing in the human mind sional theme. Cognitive functioning
would account for people's apparent and mood are affected to a much
ability to carry on different cogni- lesser degree than in other types of
tive functions at the same time, as, schizophrenia.
for example, when driving a car
while also listening to music and p a r a n o r m a l adj. denoting any
having a conversation. The term is purported phenomenon involving
usually reserved for processing at a the transfer of information or en-
higher, symbolic level, as opposed ergy that cannot be explained by
to the level of individual neural existing scientific knowledge. The
units described in models of PARAL- term is particularly applied to those
Compare SERIAL PROCESSING. CEPTION that are the province of
parapsychological investigation (see
p a r a m e t e r n. 1. a numerical con- PARAPSYCHOLOGY).
stant that characterizes a population
with respect to some attribute, for p a r a p h i l i a n. a sexual disorder in
example, the location of its central which unusual or bizarre fantasies or
point. 2. an ARGUMENT of a func- behavior are necessary for sexual ex-
tion, —parametric ad;'. citement, including preference for a
nonhuman object, adivity involv-
p a r a m e t r i c statistics statistical ing real or simulated suffering or
procedures that are based on as- humiliation, or activity with
sumptions about the distribution of nonconsenting partners. Paraphilias
the attribute (or attributes) in the include such specific types as FE-
population being tested. Compare TISHISM, FROTTEURISM, PEDOPHILIA,
p a r a m n e s i a n. see FALSE MEMORY. MASOCHISM, and SEXUAL SADISM.
—paraphiliac adj.
p a r a n o i a n. a condition character-
ized by delusions of persecution or p a r a p r a x i s n. a minor cognitive or
grandiosity that are not as system- behavioral error. Examples of such


errors include slips of the pen, SLIPS gland functions), the other being
cant events, mislaying objects, and It is the system controlling rest, re-
unintentional puns. In psychoana- pair, enjoyment, eating, sleeping,
lytic theory, a parapraxis is believed sexual activity, and social domi-
to express unconscious wishes, atti- nance, among other functions. The
tudes, or impulses and is referred to parasympathetic nervous system
as a FREUDIAN SLIP. stimulates salivary secretions and di-
gestive secretions in the stomach
paraprofessional n. a trained but and produces pupillary constriction,
not professionally credentialed decreases in heart rate, and in-
worker who assists in the treatment creased blood flow to the genitalia
of patients in both hospital and during sexual excitement. Also
community settings. called p a r a s y m p a t h e t i c division.
parapsychology it. the systematic
study of alleged psychological phe- p a r a v e n t r i c u l a r nucleus a par-
nomena involving the transfer of ticular collection of neurons in the
information or energy that cannot HYPOTHALAMUS that synthesize nu-
be explained in terms of presently merous hormones, among them
known scientific data or laws. Such
study has focused largely on the var- p a r e n t a l i n v e s t m e n t t h e o r y the
ious forms of EXTRASENSORY proposition that many sex differ-
PERCEPTION, such as TELEPATHY and ences in sexually reproducing
CLAIRVOYANCE, but also encom- species (including humans) can be
passes such phenomena as alleged understood in terms of the amount
poltergeist activity and the claims of of time, energy, and risk to their
mediums. Parapsychology is re- own survival that males and females
garded with suspicion by many put into parenting versus mating.
scientists, including most psycholo-
gists, —parapsychological ad;'. p a r e n t i n g n. all actions related to
—parapsychologist n. the raising of offspring. Researchers
have described different human
p a r a s o m n i a n. a disorder charac- parenting styles—ways in which
terized by abnormal behavior or parents interact with their chil-
physiological events occurring dur- dren—with most classifications
ing sleep or the transitional state varying on the dimensions of emo-
between sleep and waking. Types in- tional warmth and control. One of
clude NIGHTMARE disorder, SLEEP the most influential of these classifi-
TERROR DISORDER, and SLEEPWALK- cations is that of U.S. developmental
ING DISORDER. The parasomnias psychologist Diana Baumrind
form one of two broad groups of pri- (1927- ), which involves four types
mary sleep disorders, the other of styles: authoritarian parenting, in
being DYSSOMNIAS. which the parent or caregiver
stresses obedience and employs
parasuicide n. a range of behaviors strong forms of punishment; au-
involving deliberate self-harm that thoritative parenting, in which the
falls short of suicide and may or parent or caregiver encourages a
may not be intended to result in child's autonomy yet still places cer-
death. tain limitations on behavior;
p a r a s y m p a t h e t i c nervous sys- permissive parenting, in which the
t e m one of two branches of the parent or caregiver makes few de-
AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM (ANS, mands and avoids exercising
control; and rejecting-neglecting
which controls smooth muscle and

p a r t i c i p a n t modeling

parenting, in which the parent or between two variables with the in-
caregiver is more attentive to his or fluence of a third variable removed
her needs than those of the child. from one (but only one) of the two
variables. Compare PARTIAL CORRE-
paresis n. partial or incomplete pa- LATION.
p a r t i a l agonist see AGONIST.
paresthesia u. an abnormal skin
sensation, such as tingling, tickling, p a r t i a l correlation the correla-
burning, itching, or pricking, in the tion between two variables with the
absence of external stimulation. influence of one or more other vari-
Paresthesia may be temporary, as in ables on their intercorrelation
the "pins and needles" feeling that statistically removed or held con-
many people experience (e.g., after stant. Compare PART CORRELATION.
having sat with legs crossed too
long), or chronic and due to such p a r t i a l reinforcement see INTER-
factors as neurological disorder or MITTENT REINFORCEMENT.
drug side effects. —paresthetic adj. p a r t i a l reinforcement effect in-
parietal lobe one of the four main creased resistance to extinction after
subdivisions of each cerebral hemi- intermittent reinforcement rather
sphere. It occupies the upper central than after continuous reinforce-
area of each hemisphere, behind the ment.
FRONTAL LOBE, ahead of the OCCIPI- p a r t i a l seizure a seizure that be-
TAL LOBE, and above the TEMPORAL gins in a localized area of the brain,
LOBE. Parts of the parietal lobe par- although it may subsequently prog-
ticipate in somatosensory activities, ress to a GENERALIZED SEIZURE.
such as discrimination of size, Simple partial seizures produce no
shape, and texture of objects; visual alteration of consdousness despite
activities, such as visually guided ac- clinical manifestations, which may
tions; and auditory activities, such include sensory, motor, or auto-
as speech perception. nomic activity. Complex partial
P a r k i n s o n ' s disease a progressive seizures may produce similar
neurodegenerative disease caused by sensory, motor, or autonomic symp-
the death of dopamine-producing toms but are also characterized by
neurons in the SUBSTANTIA NIGRA of some impairment or alteration of
the brain, which controls balance consciousness during the event. Also
and coordinates muscle movement. called focal seizure.
Symptoms typically begin late in life p a r t i c i p a n t « . a person who takes
with mild tremors, increasing rigid- part in an investigation, study, or
ity of the limbs, and slowness of experiment, for example by
voluntary movements. Later symp- performing tasks set by the experi-
toms indude postural instability, menter or by answering questions
impaired balance, and difficulty set by a researcher. The participant
walking, DEMENTIA occurs in some may be further identified as an
20-60% of patients, usually in older experimental participant (see EX-
patients in whom the disease is far PERIMENTAL GROUP) or a control
advanced, [first described in 1817 by participant (see CONTROL GROUP).
James Parkinson (1755-1824), Brit- Participants are also called SUBJECTS,
ish physician] although the former term is now
p a r s i m o n y n. see LAW OF PARSI- often preferred when referring to
MONY. humans.
p a r t correlation the correlation p a r t i c i p a n t m o d e l i n g a proce-

p a r t i c i p a n t observation

dure for changing behavior in which level of emotional arousal are

effective styles of behavior are mod- prominent features; along with
eled (i.e., demonstrated, broken COMPANIONATE LOVE, it is one of
down step by step, and analyzed) by the two main types of love identi-
a therapist for an individual. Various fied by social psychologists.
aids are introduced to help the indi- Passionate lovers typically are
vidual master the tasks, such as greatly preoccupied with the loved
viewing videotaped enadments of person, want their feelings to be re-
effective and ineffective behavioral ciprocated, and are usually greatly
responses to prototypical situations distressed when the relationship
in a variety of social contexts (e.g., seems awry. See also ROMANTIC
at school or work). LOVE; TRIANGULAR THEORY OF LOVE.

p a r t i c i p a n t observation a type passive-aggressive ad;, character-

of observational method in which a istic of behavior that is seemingly
trained observer enters the group innocuous, accidental, or neutral
under study as a member, while but that indirectly displays an un-
avoiding a conspicuous role that conscious aggressive motive. For
would alter the group processes and example, a child who appears to be
bias the data. For example, cultural compliant but is routinely late for
anthropologists become participant school, misses the bus, or forgets his
observers when they enter the life or her homework may be expressing
of a given culture to study its stmc- unconscious resentment at having
ture and processes. to attend school.
p a r t m e t h o d of l e a r n i n g a learn- passive-aggressive personality
ing technique in which the material disorder a personality disorder of
is divided into sedions, each to be long standing in which underlying
mastered separately in a successive AMBIVALENCE and NEGATIVISM to-
order. Compare WHOLE METHOD OF ward the self and others is expressed
LEARNING. by such means as procrastination,
dawdling, stubbornness, intentional
parvocellular system the part of inefficiency, "forgetting" appoint-
the visual system that projects to or ments, or misplacing important
originates from small neurons in the materials. The pattern persists even
four dorsal layers (the parvocellular where more adaptive behavior is
layers) of the LATERAL GENICULATE clearly possible; it frequently inter-
NUCLEUS. It allows the perception of feres with occupational, domestic,
fine details, colors, and large and academic success.
changes in brightness but conducts
information relatively slowly be- passive e u t h a n a s i a the inten-
cause of its small cells and slender tional withholding of treatment that
axons. Compare MAGNOCELLULAR might prolong the life of a person
SYSTEM. See also P-CELL.
who is approaching death. It is
distinguished from ACTIVE EUTHA-
passion n. an intense, driving, or NASIA, in which direct action (e.g., a
overwhelming feeling or conviction, lethal injedion) is taken to end the
particularly a strong sexual desire. life.
Passion is often contrasted with
emotion, in that passion affects a p a t c h - c l a m p t e c h n i q u e the
person unwillingly, —passionate use of very fine-bore pipette
ad;'. MICROELECTRODES, clamped by suc-
tion onto tiny patches of the plasma
passionate love a type of love in membrane of a neuron, to record
which sexual passion and a high the electrical activity of a single

p a t t e r n recognition

square micrometer of the mem- of how to identify the recipient of

brane, including single ION psychological services or interven-
CHANNELS. tion (i.e., the nomenclature used for
the recipient). Psychiatrists, many
p a t e r n a l i s m n. a policy or attitude clinical psychologists, and some
in which those having authority other mental health providers tend
over others extend this authority to follow the traditional language of
into areas usually left to individual the medical model and refer to the
choice or conscience (e.g., smoking people seeking their services as pa-
or sexual behavior), usually on the tients. Counseling psychologists,
grounds that this is necessary for the some clinical psychologists, social
welfare or protection of the individ- workers, and counselors tend to
uals concerned, —paternalist n. avoid the word "patient," which is
—paternalistic adj. associated with illness and dysfunc-
p a t h analysis a set of quantitative tion, using instead the word dient
to refer to the person seeking their
procedures used to verify the exis- services.
tence of causal relationships among
several variables, displayed in graph p a t i e n t s ' r i g h t s any statement,
form showing the various hypothe- listing, summary, or the like that ar-
sized routes of causal influence. The ticulates the rights that health care
causal relationships are theoretically providers (e.g., physicians, medical
determined, and the path analysis facilities) ethically ought to provide
determines both the accuracy and to those receiving their services in
the strength of the hypothesized re- such basic categories as (a) the pro-
lationships. vision of adequate information
p a t h o g e n n. any agent (e.g., a bac- regarding benefits, risks, costs, and
terium or vims) that contributes to alternatives; (b) fair treatment (e.g.,
disease or otherwise induces un- respect, responsiveness, timely at-
healthy structural or functional tention to health issues); (c)
changes, —pathogenicity n. autonomy over medical decisions
(e.g., obtaining full consent for
pathological g a m b l i n g an im- medical interventions); and (d)
pulse-control disorder characterized CONFIDENTIALITY.
by chronic, maladaptive wagering,
leading to significant interpersonal, p a t r i a r c h y n. 1. a society in
professional, or financial difficulties. which descent and inheritance is
patrilineal, that is, traced through
p a t h o l o g y n. I . the scientific study the male only. 2. more loosely, a
of functional and structural changes family, group, or society in which
involved in physical and mental men are dominant. Compare MATRI-
disorders and diseases. 2. more ARCHY, — p a t r i a r c h a l ad;'.
broadly, any departure from what is
considered healthy or adaptive. p a t t e r n recognition the ability to
—pathological ad;', —patholo- identity a complex whole composed
gist n. of, or embedded in, many separate
p a t i e n t n. a person receiving health elements. Pattern recognition is not
only a visual ability; in audition, it
care from a licensed health profes- refers to (a) the recognition of tem-
sional (including the services of poral patterns of sounds or (b) the
most psychologists and psychia-
trists). See INPATIENT; OUTPATIENT. recognition of patterns of excitation
of the BASILAR MEMBRANE, such as
See also PATIENT-CLIENT ISSUE. that which occurs during the per-
ception of vowels in speech.
p a t i e n t - c l i e n t issue the dilemma

p a t t e r n t h e o r y of t a s t e coding

p a t t e r n t h e o r y of taste coding pamine, norepinephrine, and sero-

a theory postulating that each taste tonin, among other activities—and
stimulus evokes a unique pattern of in high doses may induce stupor or
neural activity from the TASTE-CELL coma. Additionally, PCP can pro-
population and that this pattern duce symptoms resembling both the
serves as the neural representation positive and negative symptoms of
of the evoking stimulus. Taste qual- schizophrenia, leading some to con-
ity is coded in the shape of the sider it a useful dmg model of
evoked pattern, while intensity is schizophrenia. PCP became com-
represented by the total discharge mon as an illicit dmg in the 1970s
rate. Compare LABELED-LINE THEORY and remains so, despite speculation
OF TASTE CODING. about its potential neurotoxicity
(ability to damage nerve tissue).
Pavlovian c o n d i t i o n i n g a type of
learning in which an initially neu- Pes abbreviation for PRECONSCIOUS.
tral stimulus—the CONDITIONED PDM abbreviation for PSYCHO-
stimulus that elicits a reflex re-
sponse—the UNCONDITIONED PDP abbreviation for PARALLEL DIS-
STIMULUS (US)—results in a learned, TRIBUTED PROCESSING.
or conditioned, response (CR) when
p e a k experience in the HU-
the CS is presented. For example,
the sound of a tone may be used as a chologist Abraham Maslow (1908-
CS, and food in a dog's mouth as a 1970), a moment of awe, ecstasy, or
US. After repeated pairings, namely,
the tone followed immediately by sudden insight into life as a power-
ful unity transcending space, time,
food, the tone, which initially had
and the self that may at times be
no effect on salivation (i.e., was neu- experienced by individuals in their
tral with respect to it), will elicit pursuit of SELF-ACTUALIZATION. See
salivation even if the food is not
presented. Also called classical also TRANSPERSONAL PSYCHOLOGY.
conditioning; r e s p o n d e n t con- Pearson p r o d u c t - m o m e n t cor-
ditioning, [discovered in the early r e l a t i o n see PRODUCT-MOMENT
20th century by Ivan Pavlov (1849- CORRELATION.
1936), Russian physiologist]
p e c k i n g o r d e r regular patterns of
P-cell u. any of various small neu- dominance (pecking, threatening,
rons in the four dorsal layers of the chasing, fighting, avoiding, crouch-
ing, and vocalizing) in chickens and
other animals. This term has been
CLEUS. P-cells are the origin of the extended to denote any (usually lin-
PARVOCELLULAR SYSTEM. The RETI- ear) sequence of authority, status,
and privilege that prevails in some
input to the P-cells of the lateral organizations and social groups,
geniculate nucleus are called P- although this meaning is more
ganglion cells. See also M-CELL. properly referred to as a DOMIN-
PCP n. l-(l-phenylcyclo- ANCE HIERARCHY.
hexyl)piperidine (phencyclidine):
a hallucinogenic dmg originally p e d i a t r i c ad;', pertaining to the
developed for use in surgical anes- health and medical care of children
thesia and later found to produce or to child development.
psychedelic or dissociative effects. p e d o p h i l i a n. a PARAPHILIA in
PCP has a complex mechanism of which sexual ads or fantasies with
action—blocking the reuptake of do- prepubertal children are the persis-

perceptual constancy

tently preferred or exclusive method penis envy is not an envy of the bio-
of achieving sexual excitement. logical organ itself but represents
Pedophilia is seen almost exclusively women's envy of men's superior so-
in men. —pedophilic adj. cial status. In any sense, the concept
has been actively disputed from the
peer n. an individual who shares a beginning and is rarely considered
feature or function (e.g., age, sex, seriously in current psychology. See
occupation, social group member- also CASTRATION COMPLEX.
ship) with one or more other
individuals. In developmental psy- penology n. the scientific study of
chology, a peer is typically an age the management of correctional fa-
mate with whom a child or adoles- cilities and the rehabilitation of
cent interacts. criminals.
peer g r o u p a group of individuals p e p t i d e n. a short chain of AMINO
who share one or more characteris- ACIDS linked by peptide bonds. Pep-
tics, such as age, social status, tides are usually identified by the
economic stams, occupation, or ed- number of amino acids in the chain,
ucation. Members of a peer group for example, dipeptides have two,
typically interact with each other on tripeptides three, tetrapeptides four,
a level of equality and exert influ- and so on. See also POLYPEPTIDE;
ence on each other's attitudes, PROTEIN.
emotions, and behavior (see PEER
p e p t i d e h o r m o n e any hormone
that is classed chemically as a PEP-
peer pressure the influence ex- TIDE. Peptide hormones include
individual members to fit in with or VASOPRESSIN.
adapt to group expectations by percentile «. the location of a
thinking, feeling, and (most impor- score in a distribution coded to re-
tantly) behaving in a similar or flect the percentage of cases in the
acceptable manner (see CONFOR- batch that have scores equal to or
MITY). Peer pressure may have below the score in question. Thus, if
positive SOCIALIZATION value but a score is said to be at the 90th per-
may also have negative conse- centile, the implication is that 90%
quences for mental or physical of the scores in the batch are equal
health. to or lower than that score.
penis n. the male organ for urina- percept n. the product of PERCEP-
tion and intromission, which enters TION: the stimulus object or event as
the female's vagina to deliver
experienced by the individual.
semen. The urethra mns through
the penis, which is composed largely perception n. the process or result
of erectile tissue and has a mush- of becoming aware of objects, rela-
room-shaped cap (glans penis). tionships, and events by means of
—penile adj. the senses, which includes such ac-
tivities as recognizing, observing,
penis envy in the classic psychoan- and discriminating. These activities
alytic theory of Austrian psychiatrist enable organisms to organize and
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), the hy- interpret the stimuli received into
pothesized desire of girls and meaningful knowledge.
women to possess a male genital
organ. German-born U.S. psychoan- perceptual constancy the phe-
alyst Karen D. Horney (1885-1952), nomenon in which a perceived
among others, later argued that object or its properties (e.g., size,

p e r c e p t u a l defense

shape, color) appears to remain un- perfect correlation a relationship

changed despite variations in the between two variables in which the
stimulus itself or in the external change in value of one variable is
conditions of observation, such as proportional to the change in value
object orientation or level of illumi- of the other variable; knowing the
nation. Examples of perceptual value of one variable will exactly
constancy include BRIGHTNESS CON- predict the value of the other vari-
STANCY, COLOR CONSTANCY, SHAPE able. When plotted graphically, a
CONSTANCY, and SIZE CONSTANCY. perfect correlation forms a perfectly
straight line. If the variables change
perceptual defense in psychoana- in the same direction (i.e., they both
lytic theory, a misperception that increase or both decrease), the corre-
occurs when anxiety-arousing stim- lation is perfect positive, whereas if
uli are unconsciously distorted. If the variables change in opposite di-
taboo words are rapidly presented, rections (i.e., one increases as the
they may be misinterpreted; for ex- other decreases or vice versa), the
ample, if the stimulus word anal is correlation is perfect negative. See
presented, partidpants may report also CORRELATION COEFFICIENT.
seeing the innocuous canal.
p e r c e p t u a l filtering the process perfectionism n. the tendency to
of focusing attention on a selected demand of others or of oneself an
subset of the large number of sen- extremely high or even flawless level
sory stimuli that are present at any of performance, particularly when
one time. Perceptual filtering is nec- this is not required by the situation.
essary because the cognitive and It is thought by some to be a risk
physical capacity of an individual to factor for depression and other dis-
process and respond to multiple orders, —perfectionist ad;'., n.
sources of information is limited. p e r f o r m a n c e u. 1. any activity or
p e r c e p t u a l o r g a n i z a t i o n the collection of responses that leads to
process enabling such properties as a result or has an effect upon the en-
stmcture, pattern, and form to be vironment. 2. in linguistics, see
imposed on the senses to provide
conceptual organization. Each of p e r f o r m a n c e anxiety anxiety as-
the senses establishes (or learns) sociated with the apprehension and
such organizational schemata. Re- fear of the consequences of being
cent research has more precisely unable to perform a task or of per-
defined the properties that enable forming the task at a level that will
such organized tasks. Also called lead to expectations of higher levels
perceptualization. of performance achievement. Fear of
taking a test, public speaking, partic-
p e r c e p t u a l set 1. a temporary ipating in classes or meetings,
readiness to perceive certain objects playing a musical instrument in
or events rather than others. For ex- public, or even eating in public are
ample, a person driving a car has a common examples. If the fear asso-
perceptual set to identify anything ciated with performance anxiety is
that might impact his or her safety. focused on negative evaluation by
others, embarrassment, or humilia-
that influences the way in which a tion, the anxiety may be classified as
person perceives objects, events, or a SOCIAL PHOBIA.
people. For example, an on-duty po-
lice officer and a painter might p e r f o r m a n c e test any test of abil-
regard a crowded street scene with ity requiring primarily motor, rather
very different perceptual sets. than verbal, responses, such as a test


requiring manipulation of a variety and thinking about the central mer-

of different kinds of objects. its of attitude-relevant information.
p e r i a q u e d u c t a l gray (PAG) a re- TION-LIKELIHOOD MODEL. Compare
gion of the brainstem, rich in nerve CENTRAL ROUTE TO PERSUASION.
cell bodies (i.e., gray matter), that
surrounds the CEREBRAL AQUEDUCT. p e r i r h i n a l cortex a stmcture in
A component of the LIMBIC SYSTEM, the medial TEMPORAL LOBE adjacent
it plays an important role in orga- to the hippocampus that plays an
nizing defensive behaviors (e.g., important role as an interface be-
freezing). Also called c e n t r a l gray. tween visual perception and
p e r i l y m p h n. the fluid that fills the memory.
space between the membranous p e r m a s t o r e n. very long-term or
LABYRINTH and the walls of the permanent memory that develops
bony labyrinth in the inner ear. after extensive learning, training, or
—perilymphatic ad;'. experience. Details of foreign lan-
period effect any outcome associ- guages or algebra learned years ago
ated with living during a particular in school, and even the names of
time period or era, regardless of how classmates, are said to be stored in
old one was at the time. Period ef- permastore.
fects may be difficult to distinguish permissiveness n. an interpersonal
from AGE EFFECTS and COHORT EF- style or approach that involves giv-
FECTS in research. ing a wide range of freedom and
p e r i p h e r a l dyslexia a form autonomy to those with whom one
of acquired DYSLEXIA that is charac- has dealings or over whom one has
terized by difficulties in processing authority. For example, regarding
the visual aspects of words (e.g., dif- child rearing it refers to a particular
ficulties identifying letter forms) and PARENTING style in which the child
results from damage to the visual is given wide latitude in expressing
analysis system. Compare CENTRAL his or her feelings and opinions and
DYSLEXIA. in which artificial restrictions and
punishment are avoided as much as
p e r i p h e r a l nervous system possible, —permissive ad;'.
(PNS) the portion of the nervous
system that lies outside the brain permissive p a r e n t i n g see
and spinal cord, that is, all parts out- PARENTING.
side the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. p e r m u t a t i o n IJ. an ordered se-
Afferent fibers of the PNS bring mes- quence of elements from a set. A
sages from the sense organs to the permutation is similar to a COMBI-
central nervous system; efferent fi- NATION but distinguished by its
bers transmit messages from the emphasis on order.
central nervous system to the mus-
cles and glands. It includes the perseverance effect the phenom-
CRANIAL NERVES, SPINAL NERVES, enon in which people's beliefs about
and parts of the AUTONOMIC NER- themselves and others persist de-
VOUS SYSTEM. spite a lack of supporting evidence
or even a contradiction of support-
p e r i p h e r a l r o u t e t o persuasion ing evidence.
the process by which attitudes are
formed or changed as a result of perseveration n. 1. an inability to
using peripheral cues (factors exter- interrupt a task or to shift from one
nal to the merits of the argument) strategy or procedure to another.
rather than carefully scrutinizing Perseveration may be observed, for

perseveration-consolidation hypothesis

example, in workers under extreme no communication, and no

task demands or environmental voluntary response to stimuli.
conditions (mainly heat stress); in
the abnormal or inappropriate repe- persona n. in the approach of Swiss
tition of a sound, word, or phrase, as psychoanalyst Carl Jung (1875-
occurs in stuttering; or in the inap- 1961), the public face an individual
propriate repetition of behavior in presents to the outside world, in
individuals with damage to the contrast to more deeply rooted and
FRONTAL LOBE. 2. according to the authentic personality characteristics.
PERSEVERATION-CONSOLIDATION This sense has now passed into pop-
HYPOTHESIS, the repetition, after a ular usage.
learning experience, of neural pro- personal a t t r i b u t i o n see
cesses that are responsible for DISPOSITIONAL ATTRIBUTION.
memory formation, which is neces-
sary for the consolidation of LONG- personal construct one of the
TERM MEMORY, —perseverate vb. concepts by which an individual
perceives, understands, predicts, and
perseveration-consolidation attempts to control the world. Un-
hypothesis the hypothesis that in- derstanding a client's personal
formation passes through two stages constmcts is a central way of begin-
in memory formation. During the ning to help that person change
first stage the memory is held by rigid or negative beliefs. See REPER-
perseveration (repetition) of neural TORY GRID.
activity and is easily disrupted. Dur- personal disposition in the per-
ing the second stage the memory sonality theory of U.S. psychologist
becomes fixed, or consolidated, and Gordon W. Allport (1897-1967), any
is no longer easily dismpted. The of a number of enduring characteris-
perseveration-consolidation hy- tics that describe or determine an
pothesis guides much contemporary individual's behavior across a variety
research on the biological basis of of situations and that are peculiar to
long-term learning and memory. and uniquely expressed by that indi-
Also called consolidation hy- vidual. Personal dispositions are
pothesis; consolidation- divided into three categories: cardi-
perseveration hypothesis. See nal dispositions are the most
also DUAL TRACE HYPOTHESIS. pervasive and influence virtually
every behavior of that person; cen-
persistence n. 1. continuance or tral dispositions are less pervasive
repetition of a particular behavior, but nonetheless generally influen-
process, or activity despite cessation tial; and secondary dispositions are
of the initiating stimulus. 2. the much more narrowly expressed and
quality or state of maintaining a situation specific.
course of action or keeping at a task
and finishing it despite the obstacles personal fable a belief in one's
(such as opposition or discourage- uniqueness and invulnerability,
ment) or the effort involved. which is an expression of adolescent
—persistent adj. EGOCENTRISM and may extend fur-
ther into the lifespan.
persistent vegetative state p e r s o n a l i d e n t i t y see IDENTITY.
(PVS) a prolonged biomedical con-
dition in which rudimentary brain personalism n. 1. the philosophi-
function and, usually, spontaneous cal position that human personality
respiration continue but there is no is the sole means through which
awareness of self or environment, reality can be understood or inter-

personality profile

preted. At the core of this approach use behavior sampling, interviews,

is the concept of the person as a and rating scales; (b) personality in-
unique living whole irreducible in ventories, such as the MINNESOTA
value or worth, who is striving to- MULTIPHASIC PERSONALITY INVEN-
ward goals and is simultaneously TORY; and (c) projective techniques,
self-contained yet open to the world such as the RORSCHACH INKBLOT
around him or her. Personalism thus TEST and THEMATIC APPERCEPTION
reorients the material of psychology TEST. The uses of personality assess-
around an experiencing individual ment are manifold, for example, in
as a systematic focal point. In other clinical evaluation of children and
words, the findings of psychology adults; in educational and voca-
can be organized only by reference tional counseling; in industry and
to such a unique, living individual other organizational settings; and in
as the originator, carrier, and regula- rehabilitation.
tor of all psychological states and
processes. This school of psychology personality disorder any of a
stressing individual personality is group of disorders involving perva-
more properly termed personalistic sive patterns of perceiving, relating
psychology. 2. a tendency to believe to, and thinking about the environ-
that another person's actions are di- ment and the self that interfere with
rected at oneself rather than being long-term functioning of the indi-
an expression of that individual's vidual and are not limited to
characteristics. isolated episodes. Among the spe-
cific types are paranoid, schizoid,
schizotypal, histrionic, narcissistic,
personality n. the configuration of antisocial, borderline, avoidant,
characteristics and behavior that dependent, and obsessive-
comprises an individual's unique ad- compulsive—each of which has its
justment to life, including major own entry in the dictionary.
traits, interests, drives, values, self-
concept, abilities, and emotional personality inventory a person-
patterns. Personality is generally ality assessment device that usually
viewed as a complex, dynamic inte- consists of a series of statements
gration or totality, shaped by many covering various characteristics and
forces, including: hereditary and behavioral patterns to which the
constitutional tendencies; physical participant responds by fixed an-
maturation; early training; identifi- swers, such as True, False, Always,
cation with significant individuals Often, Seldom, or Never, as applied
and groups; culturally conditioned to himself or herself. The scoring of
values and roles; and critical experi- such tests is objective, and the re-
ences and relationships. Various sults are interpreted according to
theories explain the stmcture and standardized norms. An example is
development of personality in
different ways but all agree that
personality helps determine behav-
personality profile a presentation
of the results of psychological test-
personality assessment the ing in graphic form so as to provide
evaluation of such factors as intelli- a summary of a person's TRAITS or
gence, skills, interests, aptitudes, other unique attributes and tenden-
creative abilities, attitudes, and fac- cies. Personality profiles are used to
ets of psychological development by summarize the characteristics of
a variety of techniques. These in- groups of individuals as well (e.g.,
clude (a) observational methods that people with a particular disorder,

personality psychology

people employed in a particular pro- tures, at least part of it must repre-

fession). sent a learned behavior. See
personality psychology the
systematic study of the human personal unconscious in the
personality, with the aim of syn- ANALYTIC PSYCHOLOGY of Swiss
thesizing cognitive, emotional, psychiatrist Carl Jung (1875-1961),
motivational, developmental, and the portion of each individual's
social aspects of human individual- unconscious that contains the el-
ity into integrative frameworks for ements of his or her own experience
making sense of the individual as opposed to the COLLECTIVE UN-
human life. Personality psycholo- CONSCIOUS, which contains the
gists tend to study more-or-less ARCHETYPES universal to human-
enduring and stable individual kind. The personal unconscious
differences in adults and have consists of everything subliminal,
traditionally assigned a central role forgotten, and repressed in an indi-
to human motivation and the inter- vidual's life.
nal dynamics of human behavior.
The major families of personality person-centered t h e r a p y see CLI-
theories include the psychody- ENT-CENTERED THERAPY.
namic, behavioral, and humanistic personnel psychology the branch
TIONAL PSYCHOLOGY that deals with
personality test any instrument the selection, placement, training,
used to help evaluate personality or promotion, evaluation, and counsel-
ing of employees.
sonality tests may collect self-report
data, in which participants answer person perception the processes
questions about their personality or by which people think about, ap-
select items that describe them- praise, and evaluate other people.
selves, or they may take the form of An important aspect of person per-
projective tests (see PROJECTIVE ception is the attribution of motives
TECHNIQUE), which claim to mea- for action (see ATTRIBUTION THE-
sure unconscious aspects of a ORY).
participant's personality. persuasion n. an active attempt by
personality t r a i t a relatively one person to change another per-
stable, consistent, and enduring son's attitudes, beliefs, or emotions
internal characteristic that is in- associated with some issue, person,
ferred from a pattern of behaviors, concept, or object, —persuasive
attitudes, feelings, and habits in the ad;.
individual. Personality traits can be pervasive developmental disor-
useful in summarizing, predicting, der any one of a class of disorders
and explaining an individual's con- characterized by severe and wide-
duct, and a variety of personality spread impairment in social
trait theories exist. interaction and verbal or nonverbal
personal space an area of de- communication or the presence of
fended space around an individual. stereotyped behavior, interests, and
Personal space differs from other activities. These disorders are fre-
types of defended space (e.g., terri- quently apparent from an early age;
tory) by being a surrounding they include ASPERGER'S DISORDER,
"bubble" that moves with the indi- AUTISTIC DISORDER, CHILDHOOD
vidual. Because human use of DISINTEGRATIVE DISORDER, and
personal space varies among cul- RETT SYNDROME. This term is synon-

p h e n o m e n a l self

ymous with AUTISTIC SPECTRUM DIS- impulses that are presumed to un-
ORDER. derlie all thought and feeling. The
ph spelling is used to distinguish this
pessimism n. the attitude that from the everyday form of FANTASY,
things will go wrong and that peo- which can include conscious day-
ple's wishes or aims are unlikely to dreaming.
be fulfilled. Pessimists are people
who expect unpleasant or bad p h a n t o m l i m b the feeling that an
things to happen to them and to amputated limb is still present,
others or who are otherwise doubt- often manifested as a tingling or, oc-
ful or hesitant about positive casionally, painful sensation in the
outcomes of behavior. Pessimism area of the missing limb (phantom
can be defined in terms of expec- limb pain). It is thought that the
tancy: lack of confidence of brain's representation of the limb re-
attaining desired goals (compare OP- mains intact and, in the absence of
TIMISM). Most individuals lie normal somesthetic stimulation, be-
somewhere on the spectrum be- comes active spontaneously or as a
tween the two polar opposites of result of stimulation from other
pure optimism and pure pessimism brain tissue.
but tend to demonstrate sometimes
strong, relatively stable or situa- pharmacological a n t a g o n i s m
tional tendencies in one direction or see ANTAGONIST.
the other, —pessimistic ad;.
p h a r m a c o l o g y n. the branch of
PET acronym for POSITRON EMIS- science that involves the study of
SION TOMOGRAPHY. substances that interact with living
organisms to alter some biological
p e t i t m a l see ABSENCE SEIZURE. process affecting the HOMEOSTASIS
phallic stage in the classic psy- of the organism, —pharmacologi-
choanalytic theory of Austrian cal or pharmacologic adj.
psychiatrist Sigmund Freud (1856- p h a r m a c o t h e r a p y n. the
1939), the third stage of PSYCHO- treatment of a disorder by the ad-
SEXUAL DEVELOPMENT beginning ministration of drugs, as opposed
around age 3, when the LIBIDO is fo- to such means as surgery, psycho-
cused on the genital area (penis or therapy, or complementary and
clitoris) and discovery and manipu- alternative methods. Also called
lation of the body become a major d r u g therapy. See PSYCHO-
source of pleasure. During this pe- PHARMACOTHERAPY.
riod boys are posited to experience
CASTRATION ANXIETY, girls to expe- phase locking the tendency for a
rience PENIS ENVY, and both to neural ACTION POTENTIAL to occur
experience the OEDIPUS COMPLEX. at the same point or phase of a pure-
tone (single-frequency) auditory
p h a l l u s n. (pl. phalli) the PENIS or stimulus. Phase locking underlies
an object that resembles the form of the ability to localize sounds based
the penis (the latter often referred to on interaural phase differences or
as a phallic symbol). As a symbolic interaural time differences (see BIN-
object, it often represents fertility or AURAL CUE) and has been proposed
potency. as a mechanism for the coding of
p h a n t a s y n. in the OBJECT RELA- pitch.
TIONS THEORY of Austrian-born
phencyclidine n. see PCP.
British psychoanalyst Melanie Klein
(1882-1960), one of the uncon- p h e n o m e n a l self the SELF as expe-
scious constructions, wishes, or rienced by the individual at a given


p h e n o m e n a l space

time. Only a small portion of self- transcendent realities that are

knowledge is active in working known only through reason. Ger-
memory or consciousness at any man philosopher Immanuel Kant
time, with the remainder lying dor- (1724-1804) used the term phenom-
mant or inactive. The same person ena to refer to things as they appear
might have a very different phe- to the senses and are interpreted by
nomenal self at different times, the categories of the human under-
without any change in actual self- standing. For Kant, knowledge of
knowledge, simply because different phenomena is the kind of knowl-
views are brought into awareness by edge available to human beings, as
events. knowledge of "noumena," or things
in themselves, remains beyond
p h e n o m e n a l space the environ- human experience or reason, —phe-
ment as experienced by a given n o m e n a l adj.
individual at a given time. The term
refers not to objective reality but to p h e n o t h i a z i n e n. any of a group
personal and subjective reality, in- of chemically related compounds
cluding everything within one's most of which are used as ANTI-
field of awareness. In the pheno- PSYCHOTIC dmgs, originally de-
menological personality theory of veloped as such in the 1950s. It is
U.S. psychologist Carl Rogers (1902- commonly assumed that their thera-
1987), it is also known as the peutic effects are produced by
phenomenological field. Also called blockade of a particular type of do-
p h e n o m e n a l field. pamine RECEPTOR. They also block
acetylcholine, histamine, and
p h e n o m e n o l o g y n. a movement norepinephrine receptors, actions
in modern European philosophy that are associated with many of
initiated by German philosopher their adverse effects, which include
Edmund Husserl (1859-1938). EXTRAPYRAMIDAL SYMPTOMS,
Husserl argued for a new approach TARDIVE DYSKINESIA, and sedation.
to human knowledge in which men-
tal events should be studied and p h e n o t y p e n. the observable char-
described in their own terms, rather acteristics of an individual, such as
than in terms of their relationship morphological or biochemical fea-
to events in the body or in the ex- tures and the presence or absence
ternal world. However, pheno- of a particular disease or condition.
menology should be distinguished Phenotype is determined by the
from introspection as it is concerned expression of the individual's GE-
with the relationship between acts NOTYPE coupled with the effects
of consciousness and the objects of of environmental factors (e.g., nutri-
such acts. Husserl's approach proved tional status or climate), —pheno-
widely influential in psychology— typic ad;'.
p h e n y l k e t o n u r i a u. an inherited
metabolic disease marked by a defi-
—phenomenological ad;'. ciency of an enzyme (phenylalanine
—phenomenologist n. hydroxylase) needed to utilize the
amino acid phenylalanine. Unless it
p h e n o m e n o n n. (pl. p h e n o m e n a ) is diagnosed in early infancy and
an observable event or physical oc- treated by a restricted dietary intake
currence. In Greek philosophy, most of phenylalanine, phenylketonuria
notably that of Plato (c. 427-c. 347 leads to severe mental retardation
BCE), phenomena are the sensible and other nervous-system disorders.
things that constitute the world of
experience, as contrasted with the p h e r o m o n e n. a chemical signal

phonological dyslexia

that is released outside the body by plays a meaningful role in a lan-

members of a species and that influ- guage and cannot be analyzed into
ences the behavior of other smaller meaningful sounds, conven-
members of the same species. For tionally indicated by slash symbols:
example, it may serve to attract the /b/. A speech sound is held to be
opposite sex or to a d as an alarm. meaningful in a given language if its
The existence of tme pheromones in contrast with other sounds is used
humans is controversial. Compare to mark distinctions of meaning: In
ALLOMONE. English, for example, Ipl and lbl are
phonemes because they distinguish
p h i coefficient (symbol: <(>) a between [pan] and [ban] and other
measure of association for two di- such pairs, —phonemic ad;'.
phi coefficient is the PRODUCT-MO- phonemics n. the branch of lin-
MENT CORRELATION when both guistics concerned with the
variables are coded (0,1). classification and analysis of the
PHONEMES in a language. While
philosophy n. the intellectual dis-
PHONETICS tries to characterize all
cipline that uses careful reasoned
argument to elucidate fundamental possible sounds represented in
questions, notably those concerning human language, phonemics iden-
the nature of reality (metaphysics), tifies which of the phonetic distinc-
the nature of knowledge (EPISTE- tions are considered meaningful by
MOLOGY), and the nature of moral a given language.
judgments (ETHICS). AS such, it pro- phonetics n. the branch of lin-
vides an intellectual foundation for guistics that studies the physical
many other disciplines, including properties of speech sounds and the
psychology. Psychology as a scien- physiological means by which these
tific discipline has its roots in the are produced and perceived (placing
epistemological preoccupations of the tongue or lip in contact with the
18th- and 19th-century philosophy teeth, directing the airstream against
and continues to be influenced by the hard palate, etc.).
philosophical ideas, —philosopher
n. —philosophical ad;'. phonological disorder a commu-
nication disorder characterized by
p h i p h e n o m e n o n an illusion seen failure to develop and consistently
when two lights flash on and off use speech sounds that are appropri-
about 150 m apart. The light ap- ate for the child's age. It most
pears to move from one location to commonly involves misarticulation
the other. The phi phenomenon is a of the later acquired speech sounds,
form of beta movement (see APPAR- such as [1], [r], [s], [z], [ch], [sh], or
[th], but may also include substitu-
p h o b i a n. a persistent and irratio- tion of sounds (e.g., [t] for [k]) or
nal fear of a specific situation, omission of sounds (e.g., final con-
object, or activity (e.g., heights, sonants).
dogs, water, blood, driving, flying),
which is consequently either strenu- phonological dyslexia a form of
ously avoided or endured with acquired DYSLEXIA characterized pri-
marked distress. The many types of marily by difficulties in reading
individual phobia are classified as pronounceable nonwords. Semantic
SPECIFIC PHOBIAS. See also SOCIAL errors are not seen in this type of
PHOBIA, —phobic adj. dyslexia, a feature that distinguishes
it from DEEP DYSLEXIA. See also SUR-
p h o n e m e n. a speech sound that FACE DYSLEXIA.

phonological loop

p h o n o l o g i c a l l o o p see WORKING which a system of phrase-structure

MEMORY. rules is used to describe a sentence
in terms of the grammatical stmc-
phonology u. the branch of lin- tures that generate its form and
guistics that studies the system of define it as grammatical. The
speech sounds in a language or in phrase-structure rules are usually set
language generally. The term is less out in the form X -> Y + Z, in which
specific than either PHONEMICS or the arrow is an instruction to refor-
PHONETICS, —phonological ad;'. mulate ("rewrite") X in terms of its
p h o s p h e n e it. a sensation of a light immediate constituents (Y + Z). For-
flash in the absence of actual light mal phrase-stmcture analysis of this
stimulation to the eye. It can be kind was developed by U.S. linguist
caused by mechanical stimulation of Noam Chomsky (1928- ). His
the retina, by rubbing the eyes when TRANSFORMATIONAL GENERATIVE
GRAMMAR added an important new
closed, or by direct eledrical stimu-
lation of the visual cortex. dimension by proposing that sen-
tences have a DEEP STRUCTURE as
p h o t o g r a p h i c m e m o r y excep- well as the linear SURFACE STRUC-
tionally detailed and highly accurate TURE described in phrase-structure
recollection of information or visual grammar, and that the relationship
experiences. Photographic memory between the two levels can be de-
is widely but mistakenly considered scribed through a system of
synonymous with an EIDETIC transformational mles.
phrenology n. a theory of person-
p h o t o p i g m e n t n. a substance in a ality formulated in the ISth and
RETINAL ROD or RETINAL CONE that 19th centuries by German physician
interacts with light to initiate a Franz Josef Gall (1757-1828) and
chemical cascade resulting in the Austrian philosopher and anatomist
conversion of light energy into an Johann Kaspar Spurzheim (1776-
electrical signal. All rods contain the 1832). It stated that specific abilities
photopigment rhodopsin, while or personality traits are represented
cones have one of three different by specific areas of the brain: The
photopigments (iodopsins), each size of these brain areas, and hence
with a different wavelength sensitiv- the degree of the corresponding
ity. Photopigment is located in disks skill or trait, could be indicated by
of membrane in the outer segment bumps and hollows on the skull
of a rod or cone. surface. See also PHYSIOGNOMY.
p h o t o r e c e p t o r u. a visual receptor, —phrenological ad;', —phren-
especially a RETINAL ROD or a RETI- ologist IJ.
NAL CONE. phylogeny n. 1. the evolutionary
p h o t o t h e r a p y n. therapy involv- origin and development of a particu-
ing exposure to ultraviolet or lar group (species) of organisms.
infrared light, which is used for Compare ONTOGENY. 2. a diagram
treating not only certain skin condi- that shows genetic linkages between
tions or disorders (e.g., jaundice, ancestors and descendants. Also
psoriasis) but also depression, partic- called phylogenetic tree.
ularly for patients with SEASONAL —phylogenetic adj.
AFFECTIVE DISORDER (SAD). Also physical abuse deliberately aggres-
called light therapy, sive or violent behavior by one
phrase-structure g r a m m a r a person toward another that results
in bodily injury. Physical abuse may

Piagetian t h e o r y

involve such actions as punching, physiological arousal aspects of

kicking, biting, choking, burning, AROUSAL shown by physiological re-
shaking, and beating, which may at sponses, such as increases in blood
times be severe enough to result in pressure and rate of respiration and
permanent damage (e.g., TRAU- decreased activity of the gastrointes-
MATIC BRAIN INJURY) or death. It is tinal system. Such primary arousal
most frequently observed in rela- responses are largely governed by
tionships of tmst, particularly the SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM,
between parents and children or be- but responses of the PARASYMPA-
tween intimate partners (e.g., in a THETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM may
marriage); indeed, violence against compensate or even overcompen-
women and children is recognized sate for the sympathetic activity. See
as a major public health problem. also AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM.
Individuals who experience physical
abuse often feel helpless and iso- physiological correlate an asso-
lated, and are prone to the ciation between a physiological
subsequent development of numer- measure and a behavioral measure.
ous pathological conditions, The existence of a physiological cor-
including depression, eating disor- relate may suggest a causal relation,
ders, posttraumatic stress disorder, but it does not establish a cause.
anxiety disorders, and substance use
problems. See also BATTERED-CHILD physiological need any of the re-
SYNDROME; BATTERED-WOMAN SYN- quirements for survival, such as
DROME. food, water, oxygen, and sleep.
Physiological needs make up the
lowest level of MASLOW'S MOTIVA-
physical dependence the state of TIONAL HIERARCHY. Also called
an individual who has repeatedly
basic need.
taken a dmg and will experience un-
pleasant physiological symptoms physiological psychology a term
(see SUBSTANCE WITHDRAWAL) if he used interchangeably with
or she stops taking the dmg. Com- PSYCHOPBYSIOLOGY or, less com-
physician-assisted suicide see physiology n. the science of the
ASSISTED DEATH. functions of living organisms, in-
duding the chemical and physical
physiognomy n. 1. the form of a processes involved and the activities
person's physical features, especially of the cells, tissues, and organs, as
the face. 2. the attempt to read per- opposed to static anatomical or
sonality from the facial features and stmctural factors, —physiological
expression, assuming, for example, adj. —physiologist u.
that a person with a receding chin is
weak or one with a high forehead is Piagetian t h e o r y the theory of
bright. The idea dates back to Greek cognitive development proposed by
philosopher Aristotle (383-322 BCE) Swiss child psychologist Jean Piaget
and was later developed into a (1896-1980), according to which in-
pseudoscientific system by Swiss telligence develops through four
pastor Johann Lavater (1741-1801) major stages: (a) the sensorimotor
and Italian psychiatrist Cesare stage (roughly 0-2 years), (b) the
Lombroso (1835-1909). See also preoperational stage (roughly 2-7
PHRENOLOGY. years), (c) the concrete operational
stage (roughly 7-12 years), and (d)
physiological a n t a g o n i s m see the formal operational stage
ANTAGONIST. (roughly 12 years and beyond). Ac-

pia mater

cording to this theory, each stage pie c h a r t a graphic display in

builds upon the preceding one. Pas- which a circle is cut into pielike
sage through the stages is facilitated wedges, the area of the wedge being
by a balance of two processes: proportional to the percentage of
ASSIMILATION, in which new infor- cases in the category represented by
mation is incorporated into already that wedge.
existing cognitive structures; and
ACCOMMODATION, in which new piloerection n. a temporary raising
information that does not fit into of the hairs covering the surface of
already existing cognitive stmctures the skin caused by contraction of
is used to create new cognitive struc- the piloerector muscles, which are
tures. attached to the individual FOLLI-
CLES from which each hair arises.
p i a m a t e r see MENINGES. Piloerection is involuntary, being
directed by the SYMPATHETIC NER-
p i b l o k t o n. a CULTURE-BOUND SYN- VOUS SYSTEM, and elicited by cold,
DROME observed primarily in female fear, or a startling stimulus. In mam-
Inuit and other arctic populations. mals with a thick, visible covering of
Individuals experience a sudden hair (e.g., cats), piloerection serves a
dissociative period of extreme ex- protective function: the resulting
citement in which they often tear "fluffed up" appearance makes the
off clothes, mn naked through the animal seem larger and may deter
snow, scream, throw things, and attack by others. In humans, whose
perform other wild behaviors. This skin has only a sparse covering of
typically ends with convulsive sei- hair, piloerection creates a tempo-
zures, followed by an acute coma rary roughness as the muscles
and amnesia for the event. pucker the surrounding skin, giving
rise to such colloquial names for the
Pick's disease a form of DEMENTIA effect as goose bumps, goose flesh,
characterized by progressive degen- and goose pimples. Also called
eration of the frontal and temporal p i l o m o t o r response (or effect).
areas of the brain with the presence
of particles called Pick bodies in the pilot study a small, preliminary re-
cytoplasm of the neurons. The dis- search project designed to evaluate
ease is characterized by personality procedures in preparation for a sub-
changes and deterioration of sodal sequent and more detailed research
skills and complex thinking; symp- project. Although pilot studies are
toms include problems with new conducted to reveal information
situations and abstractions, diffi- about the viability of a proposed ex-
culty in thinking or concentrating, periment and implement necessary
loss of memory, lack of spontaneity, modifications, they may also pro-
gradual emotional dullness, loss of vide useful initial data on the topic
moral judgment, and disturbances of study and suggest avenues or
of speech, [described in 1892 by Ar- offer implications for future re-
nold Pick (1851-1924), Czech search.
psychiatrist and neuroanatomist]
pineal g l a n d a small, cone-shaped
p i d g i n n. an improvised contact gland attached by a stalk to the pos-
language incorporating elements of terior wall of the third VENTRICLE of
two or more languages, often de- the brain; it is part of the EPITHALA-
vised for purposes of trading. MUS. In amphibians and reptiles,
Pidgins are characterized by simple the gland appears to function as a
mles and limited vocabulary. Com- part of the visual system. In mam-
pare CREOLE. mals it secretes the hormone

place t h e o r y

MELATONIN and is an important method of administration) to the ac-

component of the circadian system tive drug under investigation but
regulating BIOLOGICAL RHYTHMS. have no pharmacological activity, or
Also called pineal body. active placebos, which have no ther-
apeutic effect but may produce side
p i n n a n. (pl. pinnae) the funnel- effects characteristic of the drug
shaped part of the external ear that under investigation. See PLACEBO EF-
projects beyond the head. Con- FECT.
sisting of cartilage, it collects and
focuses sounds toward the EXTER- placebo control g r o u p a group of
NAL AUDITORY MEATUS (auditory participants in a study who receive
canal). an inert substance (placebo) instead
of the active dmg under investiga-
p i t c h n. the subjective attribute tion, thus functioning as a neutral
that permits sounds to be ordered condition against which to make
on a musical scale. It is determined comparisons regarding the actual
primarily by frequency but other pharmacological effects of the active
physical parameters, such as inten- drug.
sity and duration, can affect pitch.
The unit of pitch is the mei. placebo effect a clinically signifi-
cant response to a therapeutically
p i t u i t a r y g l a n d a gland, pea-sized inert substance or nonspecific treat-
in humans, that lies at the base of ment, based on the recipient's
the brain, connected by a stalk (the expectations or beliefs regarding the
infundibulum) to the HYPOTHALA- intervention. It is now recognized
MUS. The anterior lobe produces and that placebo effects accompany the
secretes seven hormones—thyroid- administration of any dmg (active
stimulating hormone, follicle- or inert) and contribute to the thera-
stimulating hormone, corticotropin, peutic effectiveness of a specific
growth hormone, luteinizing hor- treatment. See PLACEBO.
mone, prolactin, and melanocyte-
stimulating hormone—in response place cell any of various neurons
to RELEASING HORMONES from the in the HIPPOCAMPUS that fire selec-
hypothalamus. The posterior lobe tively when an animal is in a
secretes two hormones, vasopressin particular spatial location or moving
and oxytocin, which are synthesized toward that location.
in the hypothalamus and trans-
ported down axons in the infun- p l a c e n t a n. the specialized organ
dibulum. The pituitary's role of produced by the mammalian em-
secreting such tropic hormones, bryo that attaches to the wall of the
which regulate the production of utems to permit removal of waste
other hormones, has resulted in its products and to provide nutrients,
designation as the "master gland of energy, and gas exchange for the
the endocrine system." fetus via the maternal circulation.
—placental adj.
PK abbreviation for PSYCHOKINESIS.
place t h e o r y the theory that (a)
placebo n. (pl. placebos) a phar- different frequencies stimulate dif-
macologically inert substance, such ferent places along the BASILAR
as a sugar pill, that is often adminis- MEMBRANE and (b) pitch is coded by
tered as a control in testing new the place of maximal stimulation.
drugs. Placebos are generally used in The first proposition is strongly sup-
double-BLiND trials and may be ported by experimental evidence
dummies, which appear identical and stems from the fact that the
in all aspects (e.g., dosage form, mammalian auditory system shows

p l a n n e d comparison

TONOTOPIC ORGANIZATION. The bution of scores flatter than a nor-

second hypothesis remains contro- mal distribution, that is, having
versial. more scores at the extremes and
fewer in the center than in a normal
p l a n n e d comparison a compari- distribution. See also MESOKURTIC;
son among two or more means in
SION ANALYSIS that has been
specified prior to the observation of play n. activities that appear to be
the data. Also called p l a n n e d freely sought and pursued solely for
contrast. Compare POST HOC the sake of individual or group en-
joyment. Although play is typically
regarded as serving no immediate
p l a n t a r reflex the involuntary purpose beyond enjoyment, studies
flexing of the toes of a healthy in- indicate that it contributes signifi-
fant when the sole of the foot is cantly to development. Various
stroked. The plantar reflex appears types of play have been described,
around age 2 and replaces the earlier ranging from locomotor play to so-
BABINSKI REFLEX. cial play to cognitive play, and
numerous theories about play have
p l a n u m t e m p o r a l e a region of been proposed. Swiss psychologist
the superior temporal cortex of the Jean Piaget (1895-1980), for exam-
brain, adjacent to the primary AUDI- ple, regarded it as advancing
TORY CORTEX, that includes part of children's cognitive development
WERNICKE'S AREA. In most people it through mastery play, playing
is larger in the left cerebral hemi- games with defined mles (such as
sphere than in the right hemisphere. hide-and-seek), and symbolic play.
p l a q u e n. a small patch of abnor- Advocates of the practice theory of
mal tissue on or within a bodily play propose that play prepares chil-
stmcture, formed as the result of an dren for activities or roles they will
accumulation of substances or as the encounter as adults, whereas others
result of localized damage. Examples suggest that it serves a more imme-
of the former type include the SE- diate function, such as exercise,
NILE PLAQUES of Alzheimer's disease, establishing social relations among
arising from clumps of beta-amyloid peers, or using up excess energy. Al-
protein, and the atheromatous though the preponderance of
plaques of ATHEROSCLEROSIS, con- research on play focuses on the ac-
sisting of lipid deposits on the lining tivities of children, the play
of arterial walls. Examples of the lat- behavior of nonhuman animals is
ter type include the demyelination also actively studied.
plaques on the protective nerve
sheaths of individuals with MULTI- play t h e r a p y the use of play activ-
PLE SCLEROSIS. ities and materials (e.g., clay, water,
blocks, dolls, puppets, drawing, and
plasticity n. flexibility and adapt- finger paint) in child psychother-
ability. Plasticity of the nervous or apy. Play-therapy techniques are
hormonal systems makes it possible based on the theory that such activi-
to learn and register new experi- ties mirror the child's emotional life
ences. Early experiences can also and fantasies, enabling the child to
modify and shape gene expression "play out" his or her feelings and
to induce long-lasting changes in problems and to test out new ap-
neurons or endocrine organs. See proaches and understand
also NEURAL PLASTICITY. relationships in action rather than
p l a t y k u r t i c ad;, describing a distri- words.


pleasure center any of various the degree of relationship between

areas of the brain (including areas of two random variables, one continu-
the hypothalamus and limbic sys- ous and one dichotomous.
tem) that, upon intracranial self-
stimulation, have been implicated p o i n t estimate a single estimated
in producing pleasure. The existence numerical value of a given popula-
of pure pleasure centers has not tion parameter. Compare INTERVAL
been definitively established, partic- ESTIMATE.
ularly because the self-stimulation p o i n t of subjective equality the
response rate varies according to value of a comparison stimulus that,
such factors as the duration and for a given observer, is equally likely
strength of the electrical stimula- to be judged as higher or lower than
tion. that of a standard stimulus.
pleasure principle the view that polarization n. a difference in
human beings are governed by the electric potential between two sur-
desire for instinctual gratification, or faces or two sides of one surface
pleasure, and for the discharge of because of chemical activity. Polar-
tension that builds up as pain or ization occurs normally in living
"unpleasure" when gratification is cells, such as neurons and muscle
lacking. According to psychoana- cells, which maintain a positive
lytic theory, the pleasure principle is charge on one side of the plasma
the psychic force that motivates membrane and a negative charge on
people to seek immediate gratifica- the other.
tion of instinctual, or libidinal,
impulses, such as sex, hunger, thirst, p o l y a n d r y n. an animal mating
and elimination. It dominates the ID system in which a female mates
and operates most strongly during with more than one male but a male
childhood. Later, in adulthood, it is mates with only one female. Com-
of the EGO. Also called p l e a s u r e - POLYGYNY. —polyandrous ad;'.
p a i n principle.
polygamy n. marriage to more
p l e t h y s m o g r a p h y n. the process than one spouse at the same time,
of measuring and recording volume which is an accepted custom in cer-
or volume changes in organs or tain cultures. See also POLYANDRY;
body tissues, such as the blood sup- POLYGYNY. Compare MONOGAMY.
ply flowing through an organ. —polygamous ad;'. —polygamist
pluralistic ignorance the state of
affairs in which virtually every polygenic ad;', relating to two or
member of a group privately rejects more genes, as in polygenic inheri-
what are held to be the prevailing tance (see MULTIFACTORIAL
attitudes and beliefs of the group. INHERITANCE).
Each member falsely believes that
these standards are accepted by ev- polygenic i n h e r i t a n c e see
eryone else in the group. MULTIFACTORIAL INHERITANCE.
polygenic t r a i t an attribute that is
PMS abbreviation for PREMEN- determined by numerous genes
rather than only one. An example is
PNS abbreviation for PERIPHERAL a person's height. Also called poly-
p o i n t biserial correlation coef-
ficient a numerical index reflecting polygraph n. a device that mea-


sures and records several physio- touching, smelling, sucking,

logical indicators of anxiety or rocking, defecating, and urinating.
emotion, such as heart rate, blood
pressure, and SKIN CONDUCTANCE
p o l y n o m i a l regression a class of
or GALVANIC SKIN RESPONSE. The in- linear regression models (see LINEAR
stmment has been widely used in MODEL) in which one or more of the
the interrogation of criminal sus- terms is raised to a power greater
peds and in employee screening to thanl(e.g.,i' i = p0 + p l X 1 + p2X12 +
measure marked physiological re- Ps X,3 + ...)•
actions to questions about such polypeptide n. a molecule consist-
issues as theft, sexual deviation, or ing of numerous (usually more than
untruthfulness. It has been collo- 10-20) AMINO ACIDS linked by PEP-
quially referred to as a lie detector, TIDE bonds. Polypeptides are
although no one has ever docu- assembled by the cell into PROTEINS.
mented a close relation between
physiological patterns and deceptive p o l y s o m n o g r a p h y n. the record-
behavior. ing of various physiological
processes (e.g., eye movements,
p o l y g y n a n d r y n. an animal mat- brain waves, heart rate, respiration)
ing system in which females mate throughout the night, for the diag-
with multiple males and males mate nosis of sleep-related disorders.
with multiple females. Compare —polysomnograpb u.
p o n s n. a swelling on the ventral
surface of the brainstem between
polygyny n. an animal mating sys- the MIDBRAIN and the MEDULLA
tem in which a male mates with OBLONGATA. It serves primarily as a
more than one female but a female bridge, or transmission stmcture, be-
mates with only one male. Compare tween different areas of the nervous
MONOGAMY; POLYANDRY; POLYG- system. It also works with the CERE-
AMY. —polygynous ad;'. BELLUM in controlling equilibrium,
and with the CEREBRAL CORTEX in
p o l y m o r p h i s m n. 1. in biology, smoothing and coordinating volun-
the condition of having multiple be- tary movements, —pontine ad;'.
havioral or physical types within a
species or population. In some fish Ponzo illusion a visual illusion in
species, for example, there are two which the upper of two parallel hor-
distinct sizes of males. 2. in genetics, izontal lines of equal length appears
the presence in a population of two to be longer than the bottom of the
or more variants of a gene (i.e., AL- two lines when the horizontal lines
LELES) at a given genetic locus. For are flanked by oblique lines that are
example, the variety of human closer together at the top than they
blood groups is due to polymor- are at the bottom. [Mario Ponzo
phism of particular genes governing (1882-1960), Italian psychologist]
the characteristics of red blood cells. pooled variance the estimate of a
—polymorphic ad;'. single common variance achieved
by combining several independent
p o l y m o r p h o u s perversity in the estimates of that variance.
classic psychoanalytic theory of Aus-
trian psychiatrist Sigmund Freud pop-out n. in visual search tasks, a
(1856-1939), the response of the target that is different from the
human infant to many kinds of nor- distractors. One or more basic fea-
mal, daily activities posited to tures will mark the pop-out as
provide sexual excitation, such as distinct from the other stimuli,

positive r e g a r d

hence allowing the target to be eas- positive correlation a relation-

ily detected and identified regardless ship between two variables in which
of the number of distractors. as the value of one variable increases
or decreases the value of the other
p o p u l a t i o n n. in statistics, a theo-
variable does as well. For example,
retically defined, complete group of
people with more years of education
objects (people, animals, institu- tend to have higher incomes. See
tions) from which a sample is drawn
in order to obtain empirical observa-
tions and to which results can be positive feedback 1. an arrange-
generalized. ment whereby some of the output of
a system, whether mechanical or bi-
p o p u l a t i o n psychology a rela- ological, is fed back to increase the
tively new subfield of psychology effect of input signals. Positive feed-
that studies the relationships be- back is rare in biological systems.
tween the characteristics and 2. acceptance, approval, affirmation,
dynamics of human populations or praise received by a person in re-
and the attimdes and behavior of in- sponse to his or her performance.
dividuals and groups. Representing Compare NEGATIVE FEEDBACK.
an interface between psychology
and DEMOGRAPHY, population psy- positive psychology a field of
chology is particularly concerned psychological theory and research
with family planning and fertility that focuses on the psychological
regulation (i.e., reproductive behav- states (e.g., contentment, joy), indi-
ior), high population density, and vidual traits or character strengths
public policy development. Addi- (e.g., intimacy, integrity, altruism,
tional research topics include family wisdom), and social institutions that
formation and stmcture, migration, enhance SUBJECTIVE WELL-BEING
urbanization, mortality, and popu- and make life most worth living. A
lation education. Population psy- manual, Character Strengths and
chology also encompasses the Virtues: A Handbook and Classifica-
conceptualization of specific theo- tion, serves this perspective in a
retical frameworks and method- manner parallel to the DSM-IV-TR
ological approaches for the study of for the categorization of mental ill-
population. ness.
p o p u l a t i o n vector the mecha- positive p u n i s h m e n t punish-
nism used in the MOTOR CORTEX to ment that results because some
encode the direction of an intended stimulus or circumstance is pre-
movement. The activity in each sented as a consequence of a
neuron increases when the intended response. For example, if a response
movement is close to its preferred results in presentation of a loud
direction. The direction of the in- noise and the response becomes less
tended movement is derived from likely as a result of this experience,
the activity across the population of then positive punishment has oc-
neurons. curred. Compare NEGATIVE
positive affect the internal feeling
state (AFFECT) that occurs when a positive r e g a r d feelings of
goal has been attained, a source of warmth, caring, acceptance, and im-
threat has been avoided, or the indi- portance expressed by someone
vidual is satisfied with the present toward another. Positive regard is
state of affairs. The tendency to ex- considered necessary for psychologi-
perience such states is called positive cal health and the development of a
affectivity. consistent sense of self-worth and is

positive reinforcement

also a cornerstone of certain thera- ducible to sensory experience and

peutic approaches, particularly that observation, and thus that all genu-
of U.S. psychologist Carl Rogers ine knowledge is to be built on strict
(1902-1987). See also CONDITIONAL adherence to empirical methods of
POSITIVE REGARD; UNCONDITIONAL verification. Its effect is to establish
POSITIVE REGARD. science as the model for all forms of
valid inquiry and to dismiss the
positive reinforcement an in- truth claims of religion, metaphys-
crease in the probability of occur- ics, and speculative philosophy.
rence of some activity because that Positivism was extremely influential
activity results in the presentation of in the early development of psy-
a desired stimulus or of some desired chology and continues to be a major
circumstance. Compare NEGATIVE force in contemporary psychology.
—positivist ad;'.
positive schizophrenia a form of
schizophrenia in which POSITIVE p o s i t r o n emission t o m o g r a p h y
SYMPTOMS predominate, as evi- (PET) a technique used to evaluate
denced in the person's bizarre cerebral metabolism using radio-
behavior, illogical speech or writing, labeled tracers, such as 2-deoxy-
or expression of hallucinations and glucose labeled with fluorine-18,
delusions. Although more dramati- which emit positrons as they are
cally evident than NEGATIVE metabolized. This technique enables
SCHIZOPHRENIA, the positive aspect documentation of functional
is usually less challenging to treat. changes that occur during the per-
formance of mental activities.
positive skew see SKEWNESS.
possible self in models of self-
positive s y m p t o m a symptom of concept, a mental representation of
schizophrenia that represents an what one could become. Possible
excess or distortion of normal func- selves are cognitive manifestations
tion, as distinct from a deficiency in of enduring goals, aspirations, fears,
or lack of normal function (compare and threats that provide plans and
NEGATIVE SYMPTOM). Positive strategies for the future. They may
symptoms include delusions or be positive, providing an image of
hallucinations, disorganized behav- something to strive for, or negative,
ior, and manifest conceptual providing an image of something to
disorganization. Positive symptoms be avoided.
are more dramatic than negative
symptoms and are less distinctive of p o s t c e n t r a l gyrus a ridge in the
schizophrenia. See POSITIVE SCHIZO- PARIETAL LOBE of the brain, just be-
PHRENIA. hind the CENTRAL SULCUS, that is
the site of the PRIMARY SOMATO-
positive transfer the improve- SENSORY AREA.
ment or enhancement of present
learning by previous learning. For postconventional level in
instance, learning to program a digi-
tal video recorder could facilitate VELOPMENT, the third and highest
learning to program a digital tele- level of moral reasoning, character-
phone. See also TRANSFER OF ized by an individual's commitment
to moral principles sustained inde-
pendently of any identification with
family, group, or country. This level
positivism u. a family of philo- is divided into two stages: the earlier
sophical positions holding that all social contract orientation, in which
meaningful propositions must be re- moral behavior is that which bal-


ances general individual rights with ening from the hypnotic trance.
public welfare and democratically Usually, the act is carried out in re-
agreed upon societal rights; and the sponse to a prearranged cue from
later ethical principle orientation, in the hypnotist, and the participant
which moral behavior is based does not know why he or she is per-
upon self-chosen, abstract ethical forming the act.
standards. Also called postcon-
v e n t i o n a l morality. See also p o s t m o d e r n i s m u. a number of re-
conventional level; PRECON- lated philosophical tendencies that
developed in reaction to classical
MODERNISM during the late 20th
posterior ad;', in back of or toward century. They see the ideal of objec-
the back. In reference to two-legged tive tmth that has been a guiding
upright animals, this term some- principle in the sciences and most
times is used interchangeably with other disciplines since the 17th cen-
DORSAL to mean toward the back tury as basically flawed: There can
surface of the body. Compare ANTE- be no such truth, only a plurality of
RIOR. "narratives" and "perspectives."
Postmodernism emphasizes the con-
posterior commissure see struction of knowledge and tmth
COMMISSURE. through discourse and lived experi-
postformal t h o u g h t adult cogni- ence, the similar construction of the
tion that includes an understanding self, and RELATIVISM in all questions
of the relative, nonabsolute nature of value. See also POSTSTRUCTUR-
of knowledge; an acceptance of con- ALISM. —postmodern ad;.
tradiction as a basic aspect of reality;
the ability to synthesize contradic- p o s t p a r t u m depression a MAJOR
tory thoughts, feelings, and DEPRESSIVE EPISODE that affects
experiences into more coherent, all- women within 4 weeks after child-
encompassing wholes; and the abil- birth.
ity to resolve both ill- and well-
defined problems. It is an extension poststructuralism n. a broad in-
tellectual movement that developed
beyond adolescence. from French STRUCTURALISM in the
late 1960s and 1970s and is rooted
post hoc comparison a compari- in the structuralist account of lan-
son among two or more means in guage given by Swiss linguist
ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE Or MULTIPLE Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913),
REGRESSION analysis that is formu- which holds that linguistic SIGNS ac-
lated after the data have been quire meaning only through
examined. Also called post h o c stmctural relationships with other
c o n t r a s t . Compare PLANNED COM- signs in the same language system.
PARISON. Poststructuralism endorses the arbi-
trariness of the sign, but from this
p o s t h y p n o t i c amnesia an indi- basis proceeds to question the whole
vidual's incapacity to remember idea of fixed and determinate mean-
what transpired during a period of ing, and ultimately the idea of
hypnosis, typically by instruction of personal identity itself. In psychol-
the hypnotist. However, highly sus- ogy, poststructuralism is mainly
ceptible individuals may show significant because of its influence
spontaneous posthypnotic amnesia. on the radical psychoanalytical the-
posthypnotic suggestion a sug- ories of the 1960s and 1970s. For
gestion made to a person under example, Jacques Lacan (1901-
hypnosis and acted upon after awak- 1981), who trained and practiced as

postsynaptic p o t e n t i a l

a psychiatrist, rejected the idea of a others; and (c) chronic physiological

stable autonomous EGO and reinter- arousal, leading to such symptoms
preted the Freudian UNCONSCIOUS as exaggerated startle response, dis-
in terms of Saussure's stmctural lin- turbed sleep, and difficulty in
guistics. —poststructuralist adj. concentrating or remembering.
When the symptoms do not last
postsynaptic p o t e n t i a l (PSP) the
longer than 4 weeks a diagnosis of
electric potential at a dendrite or ACUTE STRESS DISORDER is given in-
other surface of a neuron after an stead.
impulse has reached it across a SYN-
APSE. Postsynaptic potentials may be p o s t u r e n. the position or bearing
either EXCITATORY POSTSYNAPTIC of the body. Movements typically
POTENTIALS or INHIBITORY involve coordinated changes in pos-
POSTSYNAPTIC POTENTIALS. ture (e.g., to maintain balance or
posttest n. 1. a test administered distribute forces), —postural ad;'.
after completion of the principal potency n. 1. the ability of a male
test or instruction program. It may to perform sexual intercourse, that
be given in conjunction with a PRE- is, to maintain an erection and
TEST to assess comprehension of the achieve ejaculation. Compare IMPO-
content and nature of the main test TENCE. 2. in pharmacology, see
as well as its effectiveness as an as- DOSE-RESPONSE RELATIONSHIP.
sessment instmment. 2. a test —potent ad;'.
administered after the application of
an intervention or control condi- p o t e n t i a l n. 1. the capacity to de-
tion. velop or come into existence.
2. electric potential, measured in
p o s t t r a u m a t i c amnesia a distur- volts: a property of an electric field
bance of memory following a a equal to the energy needed to bring
physical injury (e.g., a concussion) unit electric charge from infinity to
or a psychologically upsetting expe- a given point. The potential differ-
rience (e.g., sexual abuse). The ence between two points is the
traumatic event itself may be forgot- driving force that causes a current to
ten or events following the trauma flow. Because messages in the ner-
may be forgotten. The period of for- vous system are conveyed by
getting may be continuous, or the electrochemical potentials, many
person may experience vague, in- kinds of potential are of importance
complete recollections of the in neurosdence and biological psy-
traumatic event. chology, including the ACTION
p o s t t r a u m a t i c stress disorder
(PTSD) a disorder that results when
an individual lives through or wit-
nesses an event in which there is a
threat to life or physical integrity p o w e r «. 1. the capacity to influ-
and safety and experiences fear, ence others, even when they try to
terror, or helplessness. The symp- resist this influence. Social power
toms are characterized by (a) derives from a number of sources:
reexperiencing the trauma in pain- control over rewards and punish-
ful recollections, flashbacks, or ments; a right to require and
recurrent nightmares; (b) emotional demand obedience; others' identifi-
anesthesia or numbing, with disin- cation with, attraction to, or respect
terest in or active avoidance of for the powerholder; others' belief
activities and with feelings of de- that the powerholder possesses supe-
tachment and estrangement from rior skills and abilities; and the


powerholder's access to and use of matism emphasize only the material

informational resources. 2. in hy- consequences of an idea, more so-
pothesis testing, the probability that phisticated positions recognize
the NULL HYPOTHESIS will be re- conceptual and moral consequences.
jected when it is in fact false and the See also INSTRUMENTALISM. —prag-
ALTERNATIVE HYPOTHESIS is tme. m a t i s t ad;'., n.
p o w e r l a w see STEVENS LAW. P r a g n a n z n. one of the GESTALT
p o w e r test a type of test intended
states that people tend to perceive
to calculate the participant's level of
mastery of a particular topic under forms as the simplest and most
conditions of little or no time pres- meaningful, stable, and complete
sure. The test is designed so that stmctures that conditions permit.
items become progressively more Also called l a w of Pragnanz;
difficult. Compare SPEED TEST. principle of P r a g n a n z . [German:
practical intelligence the ability
praxis n. 1. a medical name for
to apply one's intelligence in practi- motor planning, or the brain's abil-
cal, everyday situations. In the
ity to conceive, organize, and carry
TRIARCHIC THEORY OF INTELLIGENCE out a sequence of actions. Inade-
it is the aspect of intelligence that quate praxis is APRAXIA. 2. practice,
requires adaptation to, shaping of,
and selection of new environments. as opposed to theory. The term is
sometimes used to denote knowl-
GENCE; CREATIVE INTELLIGENCE. edge derived from and expressed
chiefly in practical or productive ac-
practice effect any change or im- tivity, as opposed to theoretical or
provement that results from practice conceptual knowledge.
or repetition of task items or act-
p r e a t t e n t i v e processing uncon-
ivities. The practice effect is of par-
scious mental processing of a
ticular concern in experimentation, stimulus that occurs before atten-
as the performance of participants tion has focused on this particular
on the variable of interest may im-
stimulus from among the array of
prove simply from repeating the
those present in a given environ-
activity rather than from any ma-
ment. An example of this is the
nipulation or intervention imposed disambiguation of the meaning of a
by the researcher. particular word from among an
p r a g m a t i c s n. the analysis of lan- array of words present in a given vi-
guage in terms of its functional sual stimulus before conscious
communicative properties (rather perception of the word.
than its formal and stmctural
properties, as in PHONOLOGY, SE- p r e c e n t r a l gyrus a ridge in the
MANTICS, and GRAMMAR) and in
FRONTAL LOBE of the brain, just in
terms of the intentions and perspec- front of the CENTRAL SULCUS, that is
tives of its users. crucialformotor control, being the
site of the primary MOTOR CORTEX.
p r a g m a t i s m n. a philosophical po-
sition holding that the tmth value p r e c i p i t a t i n g cause the particular
of a proposition or a theory is to be factor, sometimes a traumatic or
found in its practical consequences: stressful experience, that is the im-
If, for example, the hypothesis of mediate cause of a mental or
God makes people virtuous and physical disorder. Compare PREDIS-
happy, then it may be considered
tme. Although some forms of prag- precision IJ. a measure of accuracy.


In statistics, an estimate with a small observation to test hypotheses is a

STANDARD ERROR is regarded as hav- cornerstone of the empirical method
ing a high degree of precision. (see FALSIFIABILITY). However, by
—precise ad;'. their very nature, the theories, con-
structs, and explanatory models
p r e c o g n i t i o n n. in parapsychol-
current in psychology are not al-
ogy, the purported ability to see or
ways open to direct validation or
experience future events through
falsification in this way. —predict
some form of EXTRASENSORY PER-
vb. —predictable adj. —predic-
CEPTION. In a test of precognition, tive ad;'.
the participant would be asked to
predict the outcome of a future set predictive validity an index of
of trials involving ZENER CARDS or how well a test correlates with a
similar stimulus materials. —pre- variable that is measured in the fu-
cognitive ad;. ture, at some point after the test has
been administered. For example, the
preconscious 1. n. (Pes) in the
predictive validity of a test designed
classical psychoanalytic theory of to predict the onset of a disease
Austrian psychiatrist Sigmund Freud would be calculated by the extent to
(1856-1939), the level of the psyche which it was successful at identify-
that contains thoughts, feelings, and ing those individuals who did, in
impulses not presently in awareness, fact, later develop that disease.
but which can be more or less
readily called into consciousness. p r e d i c t o r n. a variable or other in-
Examples are the face of a friend, a formation used to estimate future
verbal cliche, or the memory of a re- events or circumstances. In person-
cent event. Compare CONSCIOUS; nel selection, for example, obvious
UNCONSCIOUS. 2. ad;', denoting or predictors used to estimate an appli-
relating to thoughts, feelings, and cant's future job performance
impulses at this level of the psyche. include qualifications, relevant work
experience, and job-specific skills
p r e c o n v e n t i o n a l level in such as the ability to type or speak a
KOHLBERG'S THEORY OF MORAL DE- particular language.
VELOPMENT, the first level of moral
reasoning, characterized by the p r e d i c t o r variable see INDEPEND-
child's evaluation of actions in ENT VARIABLE.
terms of material consequences.
This level is divided into two stages: predisposing cause a factor that
the earlier punishment and obedi- increases the probability that a men-
ence orientation, in which moral tal or physical disorder or hereditary
behavior is that which avoids pun- characteristic will develop but is not
ishment; and the later naive the immediate cause of it. Compare
hedonism (or instmmental relativ- PRECIPITATING CAUSE.
ist) orientation, in which moral predisposition n. a susceptibility
behavior is that which obtains re- to developing a disorder or disease,
ward or serves one's needs. Also the actual development of which is
called p r e c o n v e n t i o n a l moral- initiated by the interaction of cer-
ity. See also CONVENTIONAL LEVEL; tain biological, psychological, or
POSTCONVENTIONAL LEVEL. environmental factors.
p r e d i c t i o n n. an attempt to foretell preferential l o o k i n g t e c h n i q u e
what will happen in a particular a method for assessing the percep-
case, generally on the basis of past tual capabilities of nonverbal
instances or accepted principles. In human infants and animals. Infants
science, the use of prediction and will preferentially fixate a "more in-

p r e m e n s t r u a l dysphoric disorder

teresting" stimulus when it is prelinguistic adj. denoting or re-

presented at the same time as a "less lating to the period of an infant's
interesting" stimulus, but only if the life before it has acquired the power
stimuli can be distinguished from of speech. The prelinguistic period
one another. To minimize bias, on includes the earliest infant vocaliza-
each trial the investigator is posi- tions as well as the babbling stage
tioned so that he or she can observe typical of the second half of the first
the infant and make a judgment year, HOLOPHRASES usually emerge
about which stimulus the infant fix- around the time of the child's first
ates, but the stimuli themselves are birthday.
visible only to the infant.
P r e m a c k ' s principle the view
p r e f r o n t a l cortex the most ante- that the opportunity to engage in
rior (forward) part of the cerebral behavior with a relatively high base-
cortex of each FRONTAL LOBE in the line probability will reinforce
brain. It fundions in attention, behavior of lower baseline probabil-
planning, working memory, and the ity. For example, a hungry rat may
expression of emotions and appro- have a high probability of eating but
priate social behavior and is divided a lower probability of pressing a
into a dorsolateral region and an lever. Making the opportunity to eat
orbitofrontal region (see ORBITO- depend on pressing the lever will re-
FRONTAL CORTEX). sult in reinforcement of lever
pressing. Also called Premack's
p r e f r o n t a l lobe the furthest for-
ward area of each CEREBRAL rule. [David Premack (1925- ),
HEMISPHERE of the brain, which is U.S. psychologist]
concerned with such functions as p r e m a t u r e ejaculation a sexual
memory and learning, emotion, and dysfunction in which male ORGASM
social behavior. See also FRONTAL occurs with minimal sexual stimula-
LOBE. tion, before, on, or shortly after
penetration or simply earlier than
p r e f r o n t a l lobotomy see LOBOT- desired. The diagnosis takes into ac-
count such factors as age, novelty of
prejudice u. 1. a negative attitude the sexual partner, and the fre-
toward another person or group quency and duration of intercourse.
formed in advance of any experi-
ence with that person or group. p r e m a t u r i t y n. a state of underde-
Prejudices include an affective com- velopment, particularly the birth of
ponent (emotions that range from a baby before it has completed the
mild nervousness to hatred), a cog- full gestational period of a normal
nitive component (assumptions and pregnancy.
beliefs about groups, including STE- p r e m e n s t r u a l dysphoric disor-
REOTYPES), and a behavioral d e r a MOOD DISORDER in women
component (negative behaviors, in- that begins in the week prior to the
cluding DISCRIMINATION and onset of menstmation and subsides
violence). They tend to be resistant within the first few days of menstm-
to change because they distort the ation. Women experience markedly
prejudiced individual's perception of depressed mood, anxiety, feelings
information pertaining to the group. of helplessness, and decreased in-
Prejudice based on racial grouping is terest in activities. In contrast to
RACISM; prejudice based on sex is PREMENSTRUAL SYNDROME, the
SEXISM. 2. any preconceived atti- symptoms must be severe enough to
tude or view, whether favorable or impair functioning in social activi-
unfavorable. ties, work, and relationships.

p r e m e n s t r u a l syndrome

p r e m e n s t r u a l s y n d r o m e (PMS) a occurs between conception and

collection of psychological and birth.
physical symptoms experienced by p r e o c c u p a t i o n n. a state of being
women during the week prior to the self-absorbed and "lost in thought."
onset of menstmation and subsiding
within the first few days of menstru- preoccupied a t t a c h m e n t an
ation. Symptoms can include mood adult attachment style that com-
swings, irritability, fatigue, head- bines a negative INTERNAL WORKING
ache, bloating, abdominal MODEL OF ATTACHMENT of oneself,
discomfort, and breast tenderness. characterized by doubt in one's own
In contrast to the more severe competence and efficacy, and a posi-
PREMENSTRUAL DYSPHORIC DISOR- tive internal working model of
DER, premenstrual syndrome has a attachment of others, characterized
less distinctive pattern of symptoms by one's trust in the ability and de-
and does not involve major impair- pendability of others. Compare
ment in social and occupational DISMISSIVE ATTACHMENT; FEARFUL

premise u. a proposition forming p r e o p e r a t i o n a l stage the second

part of a larger argument: a state- major period in the PIAGETIAN THE-
ment from which a further ORY of cognitive development,
statement is to be deduced, espe- approximately between the ages of 2
cially as one of a series of such steps and 7, when the child becomes able
leading to a conclusion. to record experience in a symbolic
fashion and to represent an object,
p r e m o r a l stage in the theory of event, or feeling in speech, move-
moral development proposed by ment, drawing, and the like. During
Swiss child psychologist Jean Piaget the later 2 years of the preopera-
(1896-1980), the stage at which tional stage, egocentrism diminishes
young children (under the age of 5) noticeably with the emerging ability
are unaware of rules as cooperative to adopt the point of view of others.
agreements, that is, they are unable p r e o p t i c area a region of the HY-
to distinguish right from wrong. POTHALAMUS lying above and
Compare AUTONOMOUS STAGE; slightly anterior to the OPTIC
HETERONOMOUS STAGE. CHIASM. Nuclei here are involved in
temperature regulation and in the
p r e m o r b i d ad;', characterizing an release of hypothalamic HORMONES.
individual's condition before the
onset of a disease or disorder. p r e p a r e d l e a r n i n g a species-
—premorbidity n. specific and innate tendency to
quickly learn a certain type of
p r e m o t o r a r e a an area of the knowledge. Some associations be-
MOTOR CORTEX concerned with tween stimuli, responses, and
motor planning, or the ability to reinforcers may be more easily
conceive, organize, and carry out a formed due to biological PREPARED-
sequence of actions. In contrast to NESS. For example, animals readily
the SUPPLEMENTARY MOTOR AREA, associate foods with illness, and it
input to the premotor area is pri- has been suggested that humans
marily visual, and its activity is learn certain phobias more readily
usually triggered by external events. due to preparedness.
Also called p r e m o t o r cortex.
preparedness n. a genetically in-
p r e n a t a l adj. prior to birth: per- fluenced predisposition for certain
taining to that which exists or stimuli to be more effective than

p r i m a r y ability

others in eliciting particular re- tered before the application of an in-

sponses. For example, flavors may tervention or control condition.
be more effective as stimuli in estab- prevalence n. the total number of
cases (e.g., of a disease or disorder)
AVERSION than are colore of lights. existing in a given population at a
presbycusis n. the gradual diminu- given time (point prevalence) or
tion of hearing acuity associated during a specified period (period
with aging. prevalence). See also INCIDENCE.
presbyopia n. a normal, age- p r e v e n t i o n n. behavioral, biologi-
related change in vision due to cal, or social interventions intended
decreased lens elasticity and accom- to reduce the risk of disorders, dis-
modative ability, resulting in eases, or social problems for both
reduced ability to focus vision on individuals and entire populations.
near tasks (e.g., reading). See PRIMARY PREVENTION; SECOND-
presenile d e m e n t i a see DEMEN- PREVENTION.
p r i d e n. a SELF-CONSCIOUS EMO-
p r e s e n t i n g s y m p t o m a symptom TION that occurs when a goal has
or problem (e.g., anxiety, insomnia) been attained and one's achieve-
that is offered by a client or a pa- ment has been recognized and
tient as the reason for seeking approved by others. It differs from
treatment. In psychotherapy, such JOY and HAPPINESS in that these
symptoms may become the focus of emotions do not require the ap-
treatment or may represent a differ- proval of others for their existence.
ent, underlying problem that is not Pride can become antisocial if the
recognized or regarded by the dient sense of accomplishment is not de-
as requiring help. served or the reaction is excessive.
—proud adj.
pressure n. excessive or stressful
demands made on an individual to p r i m a c y effect the tendency for
think, feel, or act in particular ways. facts, impressions, or items that are
The experience of pressure is often presented first to be better learned
the source of cognitive and affective or remembered than material pre-
discomfort or disorder, as well as of sented later in the sequence. This
maladaptive coping strategies, the can occur in both formal learning
correction of which may be a medi- situations and social contexts. For
ate or end goal in psychotherapy. example, it can result in a first-
impression bias, in which the first
p r e s t r i a t e cortex visually respon- information gained about a person
sive regions in the cerebral cortex
has an inordinate influence on later
outside the STRIATE CORTEX. On the
impressions and evaluations of that
basis of function and connectivity,
person. Compare RECENCY EFFECT.
the prestriate cortex has been di-
vided into multiple VISUAL AREAS. p r i m a l scene in psychoanalytic
Also called e x t r a s t r i a t e cortex; theory, the child's first observation
p r e s t r i a t e area. of parental intercourse.
pretest n. 1. a preliminary test or p r i m a r y ability any of the seven
trial mn to familiarize the person or unitary factors proposed in the early
group tested with the content and 20th century to be essential compo-
nature of a particular test. It may be nents of intelligence: verbal ability,
given in conjunction with a word fluency, numerical ability, spa-
POSTTEST. 2. a trial mn adminis- tial intelligence, memory, perceptual

primary aging

speed, and reasoning. Also called REACTION; TERTIARY CIRCULAR

p r i m a r y m e n t a l ability. REACTION.
p r i m a r y a g i n g changes associated p r i m a r y cortex any of the regions
with normal aging that are inevi- of the CEREBRAL CORTEX that re-
table and caused by intrinsic biolog- ceive the main input from sensory
ical or genetic factors. Examples receptors or send the main output to
include the appearance of gray hair muscles. Examples are primary
and skin wrinkles. However, some MOTOR CORTEX, primary visual cor-
age-related diseases have genetic in- tex (see STRIATE CORTEX), PRIMARY
fluences, making the distinction TASTE CORTEX, and the PRIMARY
between primary aging and SECOND- SOMATOSENSORY AREA. Most neu-
ARY AGING imprecise. rons in primary sensory regions
p r i m a r y a u d i t o r y cortex (Al) have more direct sensory input than
the first region of the cerebral cortex do neurons in adjacent sensory cor-
that receives auditory (sound) input, tical regions.
analyzing and processing informa-
tion from the MEDIAL GENICULATE p r i m a r y drive an innate DRIVE,
NUCLEUS in the thalamus. Located which may be universal or species-
on the upper side of the TEMPORAL specific, that is created by depriva-
LOBE, the primary auditory cortex is tion of a needed substance (e.g.,
equivalent to BRODMANN'S AREA 41 food) or the need to engage in a spe-
and encompasses HESCHL'S GYRUS. cific adivity (e.g., nest building in
It displays both FREQUENCY birds). Compare SECONDARY DRIVE.
NIZATION, and is critical to the p r i m a r y gain in psychoanalytic
discrimination and localization of theory, any of various basic psycho-
sounds. Neurons in the primary au- logical benefits derived from
ditory cortex predominantly project possessing neurotic symptoms, es-
sentially relief from anxiety
generated by conflicting impulses or
p r i m a r y care the basic or general threatening experiences. Compare
health care a patient receives when SECONDARY GAIN.
he or she first seeks assistance from
a health care system. General practi- p r i m a r y g r o u p any of the small,
tioners, family practitioners, long-term groups characterized by
internists, obstetricians, and pedia- face-to-face interaction and high
tricians are known as primary care levels of COHESION, solidarity, and
providers (PCPs). Compare SECOND- group IDENTIFICATION. These groups
ARY CARE; TERTIARY CARE. are primary in the sense that they
are the initial socializers of the indi-
p r i m a r y circular reaction in vidual members, providing them
PIAGETIAN THEORY, a type of repeti- with the foundation for attitudes,
tive action that represents the values, and a social orientation.
earliest nonreflexive infantile behav- Families, partnerships, and long-
ior. For example, in the first months term psychotherapy groups are ex-
of life, a hungry baby may repeat- amples of such groups. Compare
edly attempt to put a hand in the SECONDARY GROUP.
mouth. Primary circular reactions
develop in the SENSORIMOTOR p r i m a r y gustatory cortex see
STAGE, following the activation of PRIMARY TASTE CORTEX.
such reflexes as sucking, swallowing,
crying, and moving the arms and p r i m a r y m e n t a l ability see PRI-


p r i m a r y m o t o r cortex see SOMATOSENSORY AREA; PRIMARY

p r i m a r y p r e v e n t i o n research and ARY SENSORY AREA.
programs, designed for and directed p r i m a r y sex characteristic see
to nonclinical populations or popu- SEX CHARACTERISTIC.
lations at risk, that seek to promote p r i m a r y somatosensory a r e a
and lay a firm foundation for men-
(Sl) an area of the cerebral cortex,
tal, behavioral, or physical health so
located in a ridge of the anterior PA-
that psychological disorders, illness, RIETAL LOBE just posterior to the
or disease will not develop. Com- CENTRAL SULCUS, where the first
stage of cortical processing of tactile
information takes place (see
p r i m a r y process in psychoana- SOMATOSENSORY AREA). It receives
lytic theory, unconscious mental input from the ventroposterior nu-
activity in which there is free, unin- clear complex of the thalamus and
hibited flow Of PSYCHIC ENERGY projects to other areas of the parietal
from one idea to another. Such cortex. See also SECONDARY
thinking operates without regard for SOMATOSENSORY AREA.
logic or reality, is dominated by the p r i m a r y taste cortex the area of
cerebral cortex that is the first corti-
hallucinatory fulfillment of wishes.
cal relay for taste. Located along the
Examples are the dreams, fantasies,
sharp bend that includes the frontal
and magical thinking of young chil-
operculum laterally and the anterior
dren. These processes are posited to INSULA medially, it receives taste,
predominate in the ID. touch, visceral, and other sensory
p r i m a r y reinforcement 1. in inputs from the thalamus and per-
OPERANT CONDITIONING, the mits an integrated evaluation of a
process in which presentation of chemical. Its output goes to regions
a stimulus or circumstance follow- that control oral and visceral re-
ing a response increases the future flexes in response to foods. Also
probability of that response, with- called p r i m a r y g u s t a t o r y cortex.
out the need for special experience See SECONDARY TASTE CORTEX.
with the stimulus or circumstance. p r i m a r y visual cortex (VI) see
That is, the stimulus or circum- STRIATE CORTEX.
stance functions as effective REIN-
FORCEMENT without any special p r i m a t e n. a member of the Pri-
experience or training. 2. the con- mates, an order of mammals that
tingent occurrence of such a includes the lemurs, monkeys, apes,
stimulus or circumstance after a and humans. Characteristics of the
response. Also called uncondi- order include an opposable thumb
tioned reinforcement. Compare (i.e., a thumb capable of touching
SECONDARY REINFORCEMENT. other digits), a relatively large brain,
and binocular vision. The young are
p r i m a r y sensory a r e a any area
within the NEOCORTEX of the brain usually born singly and mature over
that acts to receive sensory input— an extended period.
for most senses, from the thalamus. p r i m i n g u. the effect in which re-
The primary sensory area for hearing cent experience of a stimulus
is in the temporal lobe, for vision in facilitates or inhibits later processing
the occipital lobe (see STRIATE COR- of the same or a similar stimulus. In
TEX), and for touch and taste in REPETITION PRIMING, presentation
the parietal lobe (see PRIMARY of a particular sensory stimulus

p r i n c i p a l c o m p o n e n t analysis

increases the likelihood that partici-derives from a police tactic, used

pants will identify the same or a when incriminating evidence is
similar stimulus later in the test. Inlacking, in which two suspects are
SEMANTIC PRIMING, presentation of separated and told that the one who
a word or sign influences the way in confesses will go free or receive a
which participants interpret a subse- light sentence. The prisoner's di-
quent word or sign, —prime vb. lemma has implications for SOCIAL
EXCHANGE THEORY and the study of
p r i n c i p a l c o m p o n e n t analysis a
statistical technique in which the in-
terrelationship among many privacy n. 1. the right to control
correlated variables can be com- (psychologically and physically)
pletely reproduced by a smaller others' access to one's personal
number of new variables (called world, for example by regulating
principal components) that are mu- others' input through use of physi-
tually orthogonal and ordered in cal or other barriers (e.g., doors,
terms of the percentage of the total partitions) and by regulating one's
system variance for which they ac- own output in the form of commu-
count. Often, most of the total nication with others. 2. the right of
variance can be captured in the first patients and other consumers to
few principal components. This control the amount and disposition
technique is similar in its aims to of the information they divulge
FACTOR ANALYSIS but has different about themselves. See PRIVILEGED
technical features. COMMUNICATION, —private ad;'.
p r i n c i p l e of closure see CLOSURE. p r i v a t e acceptance see CONVER-
p r i n c i p l e of c o m m o n fate see SION.
COMMON FATE. p r i v a t e speech spontaneous self-
principle of c o n t i n u i t y see directed talk in which a person
GOOD CONTINUATION. "thinks aloud," particularly as a
means of regulating cognitive pro-
principle of good c o n t i n u a t i o n cesses and guiding behavior. In the
see GOOD CONTINUATION. theorizing of Russian psychologist
principle of p a r s i m o n y see LAW Lev Semenovich Vygotsky (1896-
OF PARSIMONY. 1934), private speech is considered
equivalent to EGOCENTRIC SPEECH.
principle of P r a g n a n z see
PRAGNANZ. p r i v a t i o n n. absence of something
needed or desired, particularly some-
principle of p r o x i m i t y see PROX- thing required to satisfy essential
IMITY. physiological needs, such as those
principle of similarity see SIMI- for food and sleep. Privation is dis-
LARITY. tinct from DEPRIVATION, which
involves the initial presence and
p r i s o n e r ' s d i l e m m a in GAME THE- then removal of such requirements
ORY investigations of competition or wants.
and cooperation, a situation in
which each participant must choose privileged c o m m u n i c a t i o n con-
between a self-beneficial course of fidential information, especially as
action that could be costly for the provided by an individual to a pro-
other players and an action that fessional in the course of their
would bring a smaller individual relationship, that may not be di-
payoff but would lead to some bene- vulged to a third party without the
fits for all the players. The name knowledge and consent of that indi-


vidual. This protedion applies to an observable independent variable

communications not only between is thought to affect a latent continu-
patients and physicians, clinical psy- ous variable that determines the
chologists, psychiatrists, or other probability that a dichotomous
health care professionals, but also event will occur.
between clients and attorneys, con-
p r o b l e m checklist a type of self-
fessors and priests, and spouses. report scale listing various personal,
proactive aggression see AGGRES- social, educational, or vocational
SION. problems. The participant indicates
the items that apply to his or her sit-
proactive interference see INTER- uation.
p r o b a b i l i t y (symbol: p) n. the de- p r o b l e m d r i n k i n g see ALCOHOL
gree to which an event is likely to
occur, —probabilistic adj. problem-focused coping a type
probability d i s t r i b u t i o n a curve of COPING STRATEGY that is directed
that specifies, by the areas below it, toward decreasing or eliminating
the probability that a random vari- stressors, for example, by generating
able occurs at a particular point. The possible solutions to a problem.
best known example is the bell- Compare EMOTION-FOCUSED COP-

probability level the p-value for a p r o b l e m solving the process by

particular statistical test in SIGNIFI- which individuals attempt to over-
CANCE TESTING. It indicates the come difficulties, achieve plans that
likelihood of obtaining the observed move them from a starting situation
effect if there is indeed no real effect to a desired goal, or reach conclu-
in nature (i.e., of falsely rejecting the sions through the use of higher
NULL HYPOTHESIS and thus commit- mental functions, such as reasoning
ting a TYPE I ERROR). Small p-values and creative thinking. In laboratory
suggest that the chance of experi- studies, many animals display prob-
mental results mistakenly being lem-solving strategies, such as the
attributed to the independent vari- win-stay, lose-shift strategy, which
ables present in the smdy (instead of allows an animal to solve a new
the actual random factors responsi- problem quickly, based on whether
ble) is small. See SIGNIFICANCE the first response was successful or
LEVEL. unsuccessful.
p r o b a n d n. the family member p r o b l e m space the set of all possi-
whose possible genetic disease or ble paths to the solution of a given
disorder forms the center of the in- problem.
vestigation into the extent of the p r o c e d u r a l m e m o r y long-term
illness in the family. Also called memory for the skills involved in
i n d e x case. particular tasks. Procedural memory
p r o b e n. a follow-up question in an is demonstrated by skilled perfor-
interview, survey, or other type of mance and is often separate from
research that is designed to ascertain the ability to verbalize this knowl-
additional information or explore in edge (see DECLARATIVE MEMORY).
depth a topic previously introduced. Knowing how to type or skate, for
example, requires procedural mem-
p r o b i t analysis a form of REGRES- ory.
SION ANALYSIS for a dichotomous
dependent variable. In this model procedure n. a sequence of steps or


actions delineating the manner in graine headaches and the headache,

which a study is to be conducted or fatigue, dizziness, and insidious im-
has been conducted. pairment of ability that often
precede a stroke. —prodromic ad;'.
proceptivity n. the period during
mating behavior when females ac- —prodromal adj.
tively solicit males for copulation. p r o d u c t i o n deficiency in prob-
Proceptivity is distinguished from lem solving, failure to find the right
the more passive RECEPTIVITY to in- or best strategy for completing a task
dicate the female's active role in (even, sometimes, after successful
mating. instmdion), as opposed to failure
in implementing it. Compare
process loss in the social psychol-
ogy of groups, any action, opera- MEDIATIONAL DEFICIENCY; UTILIZA-
tion, or dynamic that prevents the TION DEFICIENCY.
group from reaching its full poten- p r o d u c t i v i t y n. the capacity to
tial, such as reduced effort (SOCIAL produce goods and services having
LOAFING), inadequate coordin- exchange value. Vocational REHA-
ation of effort, poor communica- BILITATION programs often use the
tion, or ineffective leadership. productivity of people with disabili-
process schizophrenia a form of ties as a major measure of the
schizophrenia that begins early in effectiveness of the programs.
life, develops gradually, is believed p r o d u c t - m o m e n t correlation a
to be due to endogenous (biological statistic that indexes the degree of
or physiological) rather than envi- linear relationship between two vari-
ronmental factors, and has a poor ables. Invented by British statistician
prognosis. Psychosodal develop- Karl Pearson (1857-1936), it is often
ment before the onset of the known as the Pearson product-
disorder is poor; individuals are moment correlation (Pearson's r).
withdrawn, socially inadequate, and
indulge in excessive fantasies. Com- progesterone n. a hormone that
pare REACTIVE SCHIZOPHRENIA. stimulates proliferation of the
endometrium (lining) of the utems
prodigy n. an individual, typically required for implantation of an em-
a child, who displays unusual or ex- bryo. If implantation occurs,
ceptional talent or intelligence, progesterone continues to be se-
quite often in a discrete area of ex- creted, maintaining the pregnant
pertise, such as mathematics, music, uterus and preventing further re-
or chess. Prodigies do not always de- lease of egg cells from the ovary. It
velop into accomplished adults: also stimulates development of
There appears to be an important milk-secreting cells in the breasts.
transition between the two, and
only a proportion of prodigies suc- prognosis n. a prediction of the fu-
cessfully negotiate this transition. ture course, duration, severity, and
See also GIFTEDNESS. outcome of a condition, disease, or
disorder, —prognostic ad;'.
p r o d r o m e n. an early symptom or
symptoms of a mental or physical p r o g r a m m e d cell d e a t h the or-
disorder. A prodrome frequently derly death and disposal of surplus
serves as a warning or premonitory tissue cells, which occurs as part of
sign that may, in some cases, enable tissue remodeling during develop-
preventive measures to be taken. Ex- ment, or of worn-out and infected
amples are the auras that often cells, which occurs throughout life.
precede epileptic seizures or mi- Also called apoptosis.


programmed instruction a incomplete without data from at

learning technique, used for self- least one or more of these proce-
instruction and in academic and dures to the view that such
some applied settings, in which the techniques lack reliability and valid-
material is presented in a series of ity and that interpretations of
sequential, graduated steps, or personality organization and func-
frames. The learner is required to tioning derived from them are
make a response at each step: If the hypothetical and unscientific.
response is correct, it leads to the proliferation n. rapid reproduc-
next step; if it is incorrect, it leads to tion or multiplication, particularly
further review. Also called pro- of new or diseased cells. Both be-
g r a m m e d learning. nign and malignant tumors, for
progressive r e l a x a t i o n a tech- instance, experience a high rate of
nique in which the individual is cell division and growth.
trained to relax the entire body by promiscuity n. transient, casual
becoming aware of tensions in vari- sexual relations with a variety of
ous muscle groups and then relaxing partners. In humans, this type of
one muscle group at a time. In some behavior is generally regarded un-
cases, the individual consciously favorably; however, in many other
tenses specific muscles or muscle animal species females appear to
groups and then releases tension to display promiscuity to prevent cer-
achieve relaxation throughout the tainty of paternity but often mate
body. with the most dominant or suc-
cessful male at the time when con-
projection u. the process by which ception is most likely, —promis-
one attributes one's own individual cuous adj.
positive or negative characteristics,
affects, and impulses to another p r o m p t n. see RETRIEVAL CUE.
person or group. This is often a
DEFENSE MECHANISM in which un- p r o p i n q u i t y n. the geographic
pleasant or unacceptable impulses, nearness of two or more people to
stressors, ideas, affects, or responsi- each other, an element in the for-
bilities are attributed to others. For mation of close relationships. See
example, the defense mechanism of also PROXEMICS.
projection enables a person con- p r o p o r t i o n a l i t y n. in statistics, a
flicted over expressing anger to relationship between two variables
change "I hate him" to "He hates in which one changes in constant
me." —project vb. ratio to another. Two variables are
directly proportional (written x °c y)
projective t e c h n i q u e any person- if x = ay, where a is a constant. They
ality assessment procedure that are inversely proportional (x <* 1/y)
consists of a fixed series of relatively if x = aiy.
ambiguous stimuli designed to elicit
unique, sometimes highly idiosyn- proprioception n. the sense of
cratic, responses. Examples of this body movement and position,
type of procedure are the ROR- resulting from stimulation of
SCHACH INKBLOT TEST, the specialized receptors called proprio-
THEMATIC APPERCEPTION TEST, and ceptors located in the muscles,
various sentence completion and tendons, and joints and of special-
word association tests. Projective ized vestibular receptors in the
techniques are quite controversial, labyrinth of the inner ear (see VES-
with opinions ranging from the be- TIBULAR SENSE). Proprioception
lief that personality assessment is enables the body to determine its


spatial orientation without visual For example, exercising regularly

clues and to maintain postural sta- can serve as a protective factor by
bility, —proprioceptive ad;'. decreasing the likelihood or severity
of coronary heart disease, hyperten-
p r o s e n c e p h a l o n n. see FOREBRAIN.
sion, and depression. Likewise,
prosocial ad;', denoting or exhibit- supportive social networks and posi-
ing behavior that benefits one or tive coping skills are examples of
more other people, such as provid- protective factors that help alleviate
ing assistance to an older adult depression and anxiety and enhance
crossing the street. Compare ANTI- mental health generally.
p r o t e i n n. a molecule that consists
prosody n. the pattern of stress, of a long-chain polymer of AMINO
rate, intonation, or rhythm of ACIDS. Proteins are involved in vir-
speech. See PARALANGUAGE; tually every function performed by a
SUPRASEGMENTAL. cell; they are the principal building
blocks of living organisms and, in
p r o s o p a g n o s i a n. see VISUAL
the form of ENZYMES, the basic tools
for construction, repair, and mainte-
prospective m e m o r y remember- nance. See also PEPTIDE.
ing to do something in the future,
such as taking one's medicine later. p r o t e i n h o r m o n e any of a class of
Prospective memory contrasts with substances secreted into the blood-
retrospective memory, or remem- stream that regulates processes in
bering past events. distant target organs and tissues and
that consists of a long-chain poly-
prospective research research mer of AMINO ACIDS. Examples are
that is planned before the data have growth hormone and INSULIN.
been collected; that is, research that
starts with the present and follows protocol II. the original notes of a
subjects forward in time, as in ran- study or experiment recorded during
domized experiments and in or immediately after a particular ses-
longitudinal research. Compare sion or trial, particularly as recorded
from participant's verbalizations
during the process.
prospective s a m p l i n g a method
for determining which subjects or protocol analysis a methodology
cases to include in experiments or in which people are encouraged to
other research that selects cases on think out loud as they perform some
the basis of their exposure to a risk task. Transcripts of these sessions
factor. Participants are then fol- (protocols) are then analyzed to in-
lowed in order to see if the vestigate the cognitive processes
condition of interest develops. A underlying performance of the task.
study design using this method is re- p r o t o t y p e u. in the formation of
ferred to as a prospective study. See concepts, the best or average exem-
RETROSPECTIVE SAMPLING. plar of a category. For example, the
prototypical bird is some kind of
protective factor a variable or mental average of all the different
clearly defined behavior that pro- kinds of birds of which a person has
motes relative healthiness and well- knowledge or with which a person
being because it is associated with a has had experience, —prototypal,
decreased probability that a particu- prototypical, or p r o t o t y p i c ad;'.
lar disease or disorder will develop
or because it reduces the severity of proxemics n. the study of interper-
an existing pathological condition. sonal spatial behavior. Proxemics is

psychedelic d r u g

concerned with territoriality, ter outward, as when children leam

interpersonal distance, spatial ar- to move their heads, trunks, arms,
rangements, crowding, and other and legs before learning to move
aspects of the physical environment their hands and feet. Compare
that affect behavior. CEPHALOCAUDAL.
p r o x i m a l ad;'. 1. situated near or Prozac n. a trade name for FLUO-
directed toward the trunk or center XETINE.
of an organism. 2. near, or mostly p s e u d o d e m e n t i a n. deterioration
closely related, to the point of refer- or impairment of cognitive func-
ence or origin. Compare DISTAL. tions in the absence of neurological
—proximally adv. disorder or disease (compare DEMEN-
p r o x i m a l s t i m u l u s the physical TIA). The condition may occur,
energy from a stimulus as it directly reversibly, in a MAJOR DEPRESSIVE
stimulates a sense organ or receptor, EPISODE—particularly among older
in contrast to the DISTAL STIMULUS adults—or as a psychological symp-
in the adual environment. In read- tom of FACTITIOUS DISORDER.
ing, for example, the distal stimulus
is the print on the page of a book, pseudopsychology n. an approach
whereas the proximal stimulus is the to understanding or analyzing the
light energy reflected by the print mind or behavior that utilizes unsci-
that stimulates the photoreceptors entific or fraudulent methods.
of the retina. Examples include palmistry, PHRE-
p r o x i m a t e cause the most direct also PARAPSYCHOLOGY. —pseudo-
or immediate cause of an event. In a psychological ad;'.
sequence of occurrences, it is the
one that directly produces the effect. psi n. 1. the Greek letter y, often
For example the proximate cause of used to symbolize psychology.
Smith's aggression may be an insult, 2. the phenomena or alleged
but the REMOTE CAUSE may be
phenomena studied by PARAPSY-
Smith's early childhood experiences.
p r o x i m a t e e x p l a n a t i o n an expla-PSYCHOKINESIS.
nation for behavior in terms of
physiological mechanisms or devel- psilocin «. an indolealkylamine
opmental experiences, rather than HALLUCINOGEN that is the principal
in terms of the adaptive value of the psychoactive compound in "magic
behavior (see ULTIMATE EXPLANA-
mushrooms" of the genus Psilocybe.
Psilocybin, first isolated in 1958, dif-
fers from psilocin only in having an
p r o x i m i t y n. one of the GESTALT additional phosphate group; it is
PRINCIPLES OF ORGANIZATION. It rapidly metabolized in the body and
states that people tend to organize converted to psilocin.
objects close to each other into a
perceptual group and interpret them PSP abbreviation for POSTSYNAPTIC
as a single entity. Also called l a w of
proximity; principle of prox- psyche n. in psychology, the mind
imity. in its totality, as distinguished from
p r o x i m o d i s t a l ad;', from the cen- the physical organism. The term had
tral to the peripheral. The term earlier been used to refer to the soul
typically is used in the context of or the very essence of life.
maturation to refer to the tendency psychedelic d r u g see HALLUCINO-
to acquire motor skills from the cen- GEN.

psychiatric hospital

psychiatric hospital a public or (1856-1939), that mental (psychic)

private institution providing a wide events do not occur by chance but
range of diagnostic techniques and always have an underlying cause
treatment to individuals with men- that can be uncovered by analysis.
tal disorders on an inpatient basis.
Also called m e n t a l hospital. psychic energy in psychoanalytic
theory, the dynamic force behind all
psychiatrist n. a physician who mental processes. According to Aus-
specializes in the diagnosis, treat- trian psychiatrist Sigmund Freud
ment, prevention, and study of (1856-1939), the basic sources of
mental and emotional disorders. In this energy are the INSTINCTS or
the United States, education for this drives that are located in the ID and
profession consists of 4 years of seek immediate gratification accord-
premedical training in college; a 4- ing to the PLEASURE PRINCIPLE.
year course in medical school, the Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Jung
final 2 years of which are spent in (1875-1961) also believed that there
clerkships studying with physicians is a reservoir of psychic energy, but
in at least five specialty areas; and a objected to Freud's emphasis on the
4-year residency in a hospital or pleasurable gratification of biologi-
agency approved by the American cal instincts and emphasized the
Medical Association. means by which this energy is chan-
neled into the development of the
psychiatry n. the medical specialty personality and the expression of
concerned with the study, diagnosis, cultural and spiritual values. See also
treatment, and prevention of per-
sonality, behavioral, and mental LIBIDO.
disorders, based on the premise that psychoactive d r u g any of a group
biological causes are at the root of of drugs that have significant effects
mental and emotional problems. on psychological processes, such as
Training for psychiatry includes the thinking, perception, and emotion.
study of psychopathology, bio- Psychoactive drugs include those
chemistry, psychopharmacology, taken recreationally to produce an
neurology, neuropathology, psy- altered state of consciousness (e.g.,
chology, psychoanalysis, genetics, HALLUCINOGENS) and therapeutic
social science, and community men- agents designed to ameliorate a
tal health, as well as the many mental condition (e.g., ANTIDE-
theories and approaches advanced PRESSANTS, ANTIPSYCHOTICS). Psy-
in the field itself, —psychiatric choactive dmgs are often referred to
ad;'. as psychotropic drugs (or psycho-
psychic 1. adj. denoting phenom- tropics) in clinical contexts.
ena associated with the mind. 2. adj. psychoanalysis n. an approach to
denoting a class of phenomena, the mind, psychological disorders,
and psychological treatment origi-
ANCE, that appear to defy scientific nally developed by Austrian
explanation. The term is also ap- psychiatrist Sigmund Freud (1856-
plied to any putative powers, forces, 1939) at the beginning of the 20th
or faculties associated with such century. The hallmark of psycho-
phenomena. See PSI. 3. n. a me- analysis is the assumption that
dium, sensitive, or other person much of mental activify is uncon-
with alleged paranormal abilities. scious and, consequently, that
psychic d e t e r m i n i s m the posi- understanding people requires inter-
tion, associated particularly with preting the unconscious meaning
Austrian psychiatrist Sigmund Freud underlying their overt, or manifest,

Psychodynamic Diagnostic M a n u a l

behavior. Psychoanalysis (often constructs underlying the approach

shortened to analysis) focuses pri- known as PSYCHOANALYSIS. Clas-
marily, then, on the influence of sically—and properly—the term
such unconscious forces as repressed focuses specifically on the formula-
impulses, internal conflicts, and tions of Austrian psychiatrist
childhood traumas on the mental Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), but it
life and adjustment of the individ- may also be taken to include such
ual. The foundations on which subsequent offshoots and counter-
classic psychoanalysis rests are: (a) approaches as ANALYTIC PSYCHO-
theory of INSTINCTS; (d) the PLEA- others that are based on PSYCHO-
PRINCIPLE; (e) the threefold division
of the psyche into ID, EGO, and SU- psychobiology n. 1. a school of
PEREGO; and (f) the central thought in the mental health profes-
importance of anxiety and DEFENSE sions in which the individual is
MECHANISMS in neurotic reactions. viewed as a holistic unit and both
Psychoanalysis as a form of therapy normal and abnormal behavior are
is directed primarily to psychoneu- explained in terms of the interaction
roses, which it seeks to eliminate by of biological, sociological, and psy-
bringing about basic modifications chological determinants. 2. a rare
in the personality. This is done by synonym for BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOL-
establishing a constmctive therapeu- OGY, —psychobiological ad;'.
tic relationship, or TRANSFERENCE,
with the analyst, which enables him p s y c h o d r a m a n. a technique of
or her to elicit and interpret the un- psychotherapy in which clients
conscious conflicts that have achieve new insight and alter unde-
produced the neurosis. The specific sired patterns of behavior through
methods used to achieve this goal acting out roles or incidents. The
are FREE ASSOCIATION, DREAM ANAL- process involves: (a) a protagonist,
YSIS, analysis of RESISTANCES and or client, who presents and acts out
defenses, and WORKING THROUGH his or her emotional problems and
the feelings revealed in the transfer- interpersonal relationships; (b)
ence process. —psychoanalytic trained auxiliary egos, who play sup-
ad;. portive roles representing significant
individuals in the dramatized situa-
tions; and (c) a director, or therapist,
psychoanalyst n. a therapist who who guides this process and leads an
has undergone special training in interpretive session when it is com-
psychoanalytic theory and practice pleted.
and who applies the techniques de-
veloped by Austrian psychiatrist Psychodynamic Diagnostic
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) to the M a n u a l (PDM) a handbook for the
treatment of mental disorders. This diagnosis and treatment of mental
involves a thorough study of the health disorders that attempts to
works of Freud and others in the characterize an individual's person-
field, supervised clinical training, a ality and the full range of his or her
TRAINING ANALYSIS, and a personal emotional, social, and interpersonal
program of psychoanalysis. See also functioning. Published in 2006, by a
ANALYST. task force of various major psycho-
analytical organizations, the PDM is
psychoanalytic t h e o r y the di- meant to serve as a complement to
verse complex of assumptions and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual

psychodynamic psychotherapy

of Mental Disorders (see DSM-IV-TR) psychiatry, psychogenic disorders

and the ICD (see INTERNATIONAL are improperly considered equiva-
psychodynamic p s y c h o t h e r a p y psychohistory n. the application
those forms of psychotherapy, fall- of psychoanalytic theory to the
ing within or deriving from the study of historical figures, events,
psychoanalytic tradition, that view and movements.
individuals as reacting to uncon- psychokinesis n. (PK) the alleged
scious forces (e.g., motivation, ability to control external events
drive), that focus on processes of and move or change the shape of
change and development, and objects through the power of
that place a premium on self- thought. Examples include the sup-
understanding and making meaning posed ability of certain psychics to
of what is unconscious. Most influence the roll of dice or to bend
psychodynamic approaches share a piece of metal by exerting "mind
common features, such as emphasis over matter." Also called telekine-
on dealing with the unconsdous in sis. —psychokinetic ad;'.
treatment, emphasis on the role of
analyzing TRANSFERENCE, and the psycholinguistics n. a branch of
use of dream analysis and INTERPRE- psychology that employs formal lin-
TATION. Also called d y n a m i c guistic models to investigate
psychotherapy. language use and the cognitive pro-
cesses that accompany it. In
psychodynamic t h e o r y a constel- particular, the models of GENERA-
lation of theories of human TIVE GRAMMAR proposed by U.S.
functioning that are based on the linguist Noam Chomsky (1928- )
interplay of drives and other forces and others have been used to ex-
within the person, espedally (and plain and predict LANGUAGE
originating in) the psychoanalytic ACQUISITION in children and the
theories developed by Austrian psy- production and comprehension of
chiatrist Sigmund Freud (1856- speech by adults. To this extent
1939) and his colleagues and succes- psycholinguistics is a specific disci-
sors, such as Anna Freud (1895- pline that can be distinguished from
1982), Carl Jung (1875-1961), and the more general area of psychology
Melanie Klein (1882-1960). Later of language, which encompasses
psychodynamic theories, while re- many other fields and approaches.
taining concepts of the interworking —psycholinguistic ad;'.
of drives and motives to varying
degrees, moved toward the contem- psychological abuse see EMO-
porary approach, which emphasizes TIONAL ABUSE.
the process of change and incorpo- psychological a c c u l t u r a t i o n see
rates interpersonal and transactional ACCULTURATION.
perspectives of personality develop-
ment. psychological assessment the
gathering and integration of data
psychogenic adj. resulting from in order to evaluate a person's
mental factors. The term is used par- behavior, abilities, and other
ticularly to denote or refer to a characteristics, particularly for the
disorder that cannot be accounted purposes of making a diagnosis or
for by any identifiable organic dys- treatment recommendation. Psy-
function and is believed to be due to chologists assess diverse psychiatric
psychological factors (e.g., a conver- problems (e.g., anxiety, substance
sion disorder). In psychology and abuse) and nonpsychiatric concerns


(e.g., intelligence, career interests) acteristics used to approximate and

across a range of areas, including evaluate the performance of an ac-
clinical, educational, organizational, tual individual in a complex
health, and forensic settings. Assess- situation, such as a novel aircraft
ment data may be gathered through cockpit.
various methods, such as interviews,
observation, PROJECTIVE TECH-
psychological need any need that
NIQUES, standardized tests, is essential to mental health or that
physiological or psychophysio- is otherwise not a biological neces-
logical measurement devices, or sity. It may be generated entirely
other specialized procedures and ap- internally, as in the need for plea-
paratuses. sure, or it may be generated by
interactions between the individual
psychological autopsy an analy- and the environment, as in the need
sis that is conducted following a for social approval, justice, or job
person's death in order to determine satisfaction. Psychological needs
his or her mental state prior to comprise the four higher levels of
death. Psychological autopsies are MASLOW'S MOTIVATIONAL HIERAR-
often performed when a death oc- CHY. Compare PHYSIOLOGICAL
curs in a complex or ambiguous NEED.
manner and are frequently used to
determine if a death was the result psychological test any standard-
of suicide. ized instmment, including scales
and self-report inventories, used in
psychological dependence reli- measuring behavior, emotional
ance on a psychoactive substance functioning, intelligence and
for the reinforcement it provides, cognitive abilities (reasoning, com-
such as relief from tension. It has prehension, abstract thinking, etc.),
been suggested that reinforcement is aptitudes, attitudes, values, interests,
the driving force behind dmg addic- personality characteristics, or other
tion, and that TOLERANCE and attributes of interest to psycholo-
occuring but not essential related psychological w a r f a r e a broad
phenomena. dass of activities designed to influ-
psychological d e t e r m i n i s m see ence the attimdes, beliefs, and
DETERMINISM. behavior of soldiers and civilians
with regard to military operations.
psychological disorder see MEN- Such activities indude attempts to
bolster the attitudes and morale of
psychological field in the social one's own people as well as to
psychology of German-born U.S. change or undermine the attitudes
psychologist Kurt Lewin (1890- and morale of an opposing army or
1947), the individual's LIFE SPACE or civilian population.
environment as he or she perceives
it at any given moment. See also psychologism n. any position or
theoretical perspective that holds
FIELD THEORY. one or more of the following: (a)
psychological model 1. a theory, that the mles of logic are reflective
usually induding a mechanism for of the way the mind works, so that
prediding psychological outcomes, logic is persuasive only because it
intended to explain specific psy- "fits" the working of the mind; (b)
chological processes. See also CON- that tmth is established by verifying
STRUCT. 2. a representation of the correspondence of external facts
human cognitive and response char- to ideas in the mind; (c) that


epistemological questions can be an- psychology, cross-cultural psy-

swered by an understanding of the chology). Research in psychology
laws by which the mind works; and involves observation, experimenta-
(d) that the meanings of words are tion, testing, and analysis to explore
established by the ideas correspond- the biological, cognitive, emotional,
ing to them. The term is generally personal, and social processes or
employed as a criticism of particular stimuli underlying human and ani-
approaches or theories on the mal behavior. The practice of
grounds that such positions make psychology involves the use of psy-
psychological processes that are chological knowledge for any of
accidental and contingent the foun- several purposes: to understand and
dation of knowledge. treat mental, emotional, physical,
and social dysfunction; to under-
psychologist n. an individual who stand and enhance behavior in
is professionally trained in the re- various settings of human activity
search, practice, or teaching (or all (e.g., school, workplace, courtroom,
three) of one or more branches or sports arena, battlefield, etc.); and to
subfields of PSYCHOLOGY. Training improve machine and building de-
is obtained at a university or a sign for human use. 2. the supposed
school of professional psychology, collection of behaviors, traits, atti-
leading to a doctoral degree in phi- tudes, and so forth that characterize
losophy (PhD), psychology (PsyD), an individual or a group (e.g., the
or education (EdD). Psychologists psychology of women), —psycho-
work in a variety of settings, includ- logical adj.
ing laboratories, schools, colleges,
universities, social agencies, hospi- psychometric ad;'. 1. of or relating
tals, clinics, the military, industry to PSYCHOMETRICS. 2. of or relating
and business, prisons, the govern- tO PSYCHOPHYSICS.
ment, and private practice. The psychometric function see
professional activities of psycholo- PSYCHOPHYSICAL FUNCTION.
gists are also varied but can include
psychological counseling, health psychometrics n. the psychologi-
care services, educational testing cal theory and technique (e.g., the
and assessment, research, teaching, science and process) of mental
and business and organizational measurement. Also called psy-
consulting. chometry.
psychomotor ad;', relating to
psychology n. 1. the study of the movements or motor effects that re-
mind and behavior. Historically, sult from mental activity.
psychology was an area of PHILOSO-
PHY. It is now a diverse scientific p s y c h o m o t o r a g i t a t i o n restless
discipline comprising several major physical and mental activity that is
branches of research (e.g., experi- inappropriate for its context. It in-
mental psychology, biological cludes pacing, hand wringing, and
psychology, cognitive psychology, pulling or rubbing clothing and
developmental psychology, person- other objects and is a common
ality, and social psychology), as well symptom of both MAJOR DEPRESSIVE
as several subareas of research and
applied psychology (e.g., clinical called psychomotor excitement.
psychology, industrial and organi- psychomotor retardation a
zational psychology, school and slowing down or inhibition of men-
educational psychology, human tal and physical activity, manifest
factors, health psychology, neuro- as slow speech with long pauses


before answers, slowness in think- p s y c h o p h a r m a c o t h e r a p y n. the

ing, and slow body movements. use of pharmacological agents in the
Psychomotor retardation is a com- treatment of mental disorders. For
mon symptom of MAJOR DEPRESSIVE example, acute or chronic schizo-
EPISODES. phrenia is treated by administration
of antipsychotic dmgs or other
p s y c h o n e u r o i m m u n o l o g y n. agents. Although such drugs do not
the study of how the brain and be- cure mental disorders, they may—
havior affect immune responses. when used appropriately—produce
—psychoneuroimmunological significant relief from symptoms.
psychophysical ad;', of or relating
psychonomic ad;', of or relating to to the relationship between physical
psychonomics, the science that seeks stimuli and mental events.
to identify laws governing the mind
through an emphasis on quantita- psychophysical function a rela-
tive measurement, experimental tionship between a stimulus and
control, and OPERATIONAL DEFINI- judgments about the stimulus, as ex-
TIONS. pressed in a mathematical formula.
psychopathic personality see ULI, for example, it is the proportion
ANTISOCIAL PERSONALITY DISORDER. of "yes" responses (i.e., that the
stimulus was perceived) as a func-
psychopathology n. 1. the scien- tion of physical magnitude of the
tific study of mental disorders, stimuli. Also called psychometric
including theory, etiology, progres- function.
sion, symptomatology, diagnosis,
and treatment. The term in this psychophysical m e t h o d any of
sense is sometimes used syn- the standard techniques used in
onymously with ABNORMAL PSY- investigating psychophysical prob-
CHOLOGY. 2. the behavioral or lems, such as the METHOD OF
cognitive manifestations of such dis- ADJUSTMENT and the METHOD OF
orders. The term in this sense is LIMITS.
sometimes considered synonymous psychophysical scaling any of
with MENTAL DISORDER itself.
the procedures used to construct
—psychopathological adj. scales relating physical stimulus
—psychopathologist n. properties to perceived magnitude.
psychopathy n. a former term for Methods are often classified as direct
a personality trait marked by or indirect, based on whether the
egocentricity, impulsivity, and lack observer directly judges magnitude.
of such emotions as guilt and re- psychophysics n. a branch of psy-
morse. chology that studies the relationship
psychopharmacology n. the between the objective physical char-
study of the influence of dmgs on acteristics of a stimulus (e.g., its
mental, emotional, and behavioral measured intensity) and the subjec-
processes. Psychopharmacology is tive perception of that stimulus
concerned primarily with the mode (e.g., its apparent brightness).
of action of various substances that psychopbysiology n. the study of
affect different areas of the brain the relation between the chemical
and nervous system, including drugs and physical functions of organisms
of abuse. —psychopharmacol- (physiology) and cognitive pro-
ogical adj. —psychopharma- cesses, emotions, and behavior
cologist n. (psychology). Also called physio-

psychosexual development

logical psychology, —psycho- ment as a process influenced by

physiological adj. —psycho- social and cultural factors through-
physiologist tt. out the life span. See ERIKSON'S
psychosexual development in
the classic psychoanalytic theory of 2. the development of normal social
Austrian psychiatrist Sigmund Freud behavior, both prosocial behavior
(1856-1939), the step-by-step (e.g., cooperation) and negative
growth of sexual life from infancy (e.g., aggressive) behavior.
through adulthood as it affects per- Psychosocial development involves
sonality development. Freud posited changes not only in children's overt
that the impetus for psychosexual behavior but also in their SOCIAL
development stems from a single en- COGNITION. For example, they be-
ergy source, the LIBIDO, which is come able to take the perspective of
concentrated in different organs others and to understand that other
throughout the process and pro- people's behavior is based on their
duces the various psychosexual knowledge and desires.
psychosomatic ad;', characterizing
an approach based on the belief that
GENITAL STAGE. Each stage gives rise the mind (psyche) plays a role in all
to its own characteristic erotic activ- the diseases affecting the various
ities (e.g., sucking and biting in the bodily systems (soma).
oral stage), which may persist in
characteristic tendencies if sexual psychosomatic disorder a type of
development is arrested in a FIXA- disorder in which psychological fac-
TION at one particular stage. tors are believed to play an
important role in the origin or
psychosis n. I . an abnormal men- course (or both) of the disease.
tal state involving significant
problems with REALITY TESTING and psychosurgery n. the treatment of
characterized by serious impair- a mental disorder by surgical re-
ments or disruptions in the most moval or destruction of selective
fundamental higher brain func- brain areas. The most well-known
tions—perception, cognition and example of psychosurgery is
cognitive processing, and emotions prefrontal LOBOTOMY, historically
or affect—as manifested in behav- used particularly for schizophrenia
ioral phenomena, such as delusions, but also a variety of other disorders.
hallucinations, and significantly dis- Psychosurgery was most popular
organized speech. See PSYCHOTIC from 1935 to 1960 and is among the
DISORDER. 2. historically, any severe most controversial of all psychiatric
mental disorder that significantly treatments ever introduced. Con-
interferes with functioning and abil- temporary psychosurgery
ity to perform activities essential to approaches are far more precisely
daily living. targeted and confined in extent
than the early techniques, employ-
psychosocial ad;', describing the ing high-tech imaging and a variety
intersection and interaction of social of highly controllable methods of
and cultural influences on mental producing minute lesions. Addi-
health, personality development, tionally, they are used only as a last
and behavior. resort and only for a handful of spe-
psychosocial development 1. ac- cific psychiatric disorders—MAJOR
cording to the theory of German- DEPRESSIVE DISORDER, BIPOLAR DIS-
born U.S. psychologist Erik Erikson ORDER, OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE
(1902-1994), personality develop- DISORDER, a n d GENERALIZED A N X I -

Publication M a n u a l of t h e American Psychological Association

ETY DISORDER—that have been psychotropic d r u g see PSYCHO-

resistant to other available therapies. ACTIVE DRUG.
PTSD abbreviation for POST-
psychotherapy n. any psychologi- TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER.
cal service provided by a trained
professional that primarily uses p u b e r t y n. the stage of develop-
forms of communication and inter- ment when the genital organs reach
action to assess, diagnose, and treat maturity and secondary SEX CHAR-
dsyfunctional emotional reactions, ACTERISTICS begin to appear,
ways of thinking, and behavior pat- signaling the start of ADOLESCENCE.
terns of an individual, family, or It is marked by ejaculation of sperm
group. There are many types of psy- in the male, onset of menstmation
chotherapy, but generally they and development of breasts in the
fall into four major categories: female, and, in both males and fe-
PSYCHODYNAMIC PSYCHOTHERAPY, males, growth of pubic hair and
COGNITIVE THERAPY Or BEHAVIOR increasing sexual interest, —puber-
pubescence n. the period or
The psychotherapist is an individual process of reaching puberty.
who has been professionally trained —pubescent ad;'.
and licensed (in the United States by
a state board) to treat mental, emo- Publication M a n u a l of t h e
tional, and behavioral disorders by American Psychological Associ-
psychological means, —psycho- a t i o n a large reference book that
t h e r a p e u t i c ad;'. contains hundreds of guidelines on
how to present written material in
psychotic ad;', of, relating to, or af- the behavioral and social sciences
fected by PSYCHOSIS or a PSYCHOTIC clearly and effectively. Based on the
DISORDER. special requirements of psychology
but applicable to sociology, busi-
psychotic disorder any one of a ness, economics, nursing, social
number of severe mental disorders, work, criminology, and other disci-
regardless of etiology, characterized plines as well, the Publication Manual
by gross impairment in REALITY describes the editorial style es-
TESTING. The accuracy of percep- tablished by the American Psycho-
tions and thoughts is incorrectly logical Association (APA) and used
evaluated, and incorrect inferences in all of the books and journals that
are made about external reality, it publishes (i.e., APA STYLE). In addi-
even in the face of contrary evi- tion to guidance on the content and
dence. Specific symptoms indicative organization of a manuscript, the
of psychotic disorders are delusions, Publication Manual offers direction
hallucinations, and markedly disor- in such areas as grammar and the
ganized speech, thought, or mechanics of writing, the uniform
behavior; individuals may have little use of punctuation and abbrevia-
or no insight into their symptoms. tions, the constmction of tables and
figures, the selection of headings,
psychoticism n. a dimension of the citation and formatting of refer-
personality in the TYPOLOGY devel- ences, and the presentation of
oped by German-born British statistics. The foremnner of the Pub-
psychologist Hans Eysenck (1916- lication Manual was a brief article
1997), characterized by aggression, published in the Febmary 1929 issue
impulsivity, aloofness, and antiso- of the APA journal Psychological Bul-
cial behavior. letin that discussed instructions for

punctuated equilibrium

the preparation of journal manu- DITORY AGNOSIA in which an indi-

scripts. A revised and expanded vidual is unable to understand
version of these instmctions was spoken language but can compre-
published as a first edition of the hend nonverbal sounds and read,
Publication Manual in 1952, as a sup- write, and speak in a relatively nor-
plement to an article in the mal manner. The syndrome is
Psychological Bulletin. The second considered "pure" in the sense that
edition was published in 1974, the it is relatively free of the language
third edition in 1983, and the difficulties encountered in the
fourth in 1994; APA released the APHASIAS.
current fifth edition in 2001.
p u r g i n g n. the activity of expelling
p u n c t u a t e d e q u i l i b r i u m a the- food that has just been ingested,
ory of EVOLUTION proposing that usually by vomiting or the use of
periods of rapid change, resulting in laxatives. Purging often occurs in
the development of new species, are conjunction with an eating binge in
separated by longer periods of little ANOREXIA NERVOSA Or BULIMIA
or no change. NERVOSA; its purpose is to eliminate
p u n i s h m e n t n. in OPERANT CONDI- or reduce real or imagined weight
TIONING, the process in which the gain.
relationship, or CONTINGENCY, be- Purkinje cell a type of large,
tween a response and some stimulus highly branched cell in the CEREBEL-
or circumstance results in the re- LAR CORTEX of the brain that
sponse becoming less probable. For receives incoming signals about the
example, a pigeon's pecks on a key position of the body and transmits
may at first occasionally be followed signals to spinal nerves for coordi-
by presentation of food; this will es- nated muscle actions. [Johannes
tablish some probability of pecking. Evangelista Purkinje (1787-1869),
Next, each peck produces a brief Czech physiologist and physician]
electric shock (while the other con-
ditions remain as before). If pecking p u t a m e n n. a part of the lenticular
declines as a result, then punish- nucleus in the BASAL GANGLIA of the
ment is said to have occurred, and brain. It receives input from the
the shock is called a punisher. motor cortex and is involved in con-
—punish vb. trol of movements.
p u p i l n. the aperture through p-value n. see SIGNIFICANCE LEVEL.
which light passes on entering the
eye. It is located immediately in PVS abbreviation for PERSISTENT
front of the LENS. The size of the VEGETATIVE STATE.
opening is controlled by a circle of Pygmalion effect a consequence
muscle (the IRIS) innervated by fi- or reaction in which the expecta-
bers of the autonomic nervous tions of a leader or superior lead to
system. behavior on the part of followers or
p u p i l l a r y reflex the automatic subordinates that is consistent with
change in size of the pupil in re- these expectations: a form of SELF-
sponse to light changes. The pupil FULFILLING PROPHECY or EXPEC-
constricts in response to bright light TANCY EFFECT. For example, raising
and dilates in dim light. See also AC- manager expectations regarding the
COMMODATION. performance of subordinate
employees has been found to en-
p u r e alexia see ALEXIA. hance the performance of those
p u r e w o r d deafness a type of AU- employees.


p y r a m i d a l cell a type of large neu- pyriform a r e a (piriform area) a

ron that has a roughly pyramid- pear-shaped region of the RHIN-
shaped CELL BODY and is found in ENCEPHALON, at the base of the
the cerebral cortex. medial temporal lobe of the brain,
that forms part of the OLFACTORY
p y r a m i d a l t r a c t the primary CORTEX.
pathway followed by motor neurons
that originate in the motor area of p y r o m a n i a n. an impulse-control
the cortex, the premotor area, and disorder characterized by (a) re-
the somatosensory area. Fibers of peated failure to resist impulses to
the pyramidal tract cross in the pyr- set fires and watch them burn, with-
amid of the medulla oblongata and out monetary, social, political, or
communicate with fibers supplying other motivations; (b) an extreme
the peripheral muscles. The pyrami- interest in fire and things associated
dal tract includes the corticospinal with fire; and (c) a sense of increased
tract (see VENTROMEDIAL PATHWAY), tension before starting the fire and
and the two terms are occasionally intense pleasure, gratification, or re-
used synonymously. lease while committing the act.

QALYs acronym for QUALITY AD- q u a l i t y of life the extent to which
JUSTED LIFE YEARS. a person obtains satisfaction from
life. The following are important for
Q sort a data-collection procedure, a good quality of life: emotional,
often used in personality measure- material, and physical well-being;
ment, in which a participant or engagement in interpersonal rela-
independent rater sorts a set of stim- tions; opportunities for personal
uli (short descriptive statements (e.g., skill) development; exercising
printed on cards commonly are used) rights and making self-determining
into various categories according to lifestyle choices; and participation
their relevance to or representative- in society. Enhancing quality of life
ness of the participant, under a is a particular concem for those with
restriction that a predetermined chronic disease or developmental
number of stimuli must be placed and other disabilities and for those
in each category. undergoing medical or psychologi-
q u a d r a n t a n o p i a n. loss of vision cal treatment.
in one fourth, or one quadrant, of q u a n t a l hypothesis ( q u a n t a l
the visual field. t h e o r y ) see NEURAL QUANTUM THE-
q u a l i t a t i v e research a type of re- ORY.
search methodology that produces q u a n t i f i c a t i o n n. introduction of
descriptive (non-numerical) data, the dimension of quantity (amount):
such as observations of behavior or the process of expressing a concept
personal accounts of experiences. in numerical form, which may aid
The goal of gathering this qualita- in analysis and understanding.
tive data is to examine how things
look from different vantage points. q u a n t i t a t i v e research a type of
A variety of techniques are sub- research methodology that produces
sumed under qualitative research, numerical data, such as test scores or
including interviews, PARTICIPANT measurements of reaction time. The
OBSERVATION, a n d CASE STUDIES. goal of gathering this quantitative
data is to understand the nature of a
q u a l i t y adjusted life years phenomenon, particularly through
(QALYs) a measure that combines the development of models and
the quantity of life, expressed in theories. Quantitative research tech-
terms of survival or life expectancy, niques include experiments and
with the quality of life. The value of surveys.
a year of perfect health is taken as 1;
a year of ill health is worth less than q u a r t i l e n. one of the three values
1; death is taken as 0. The measure within a statistical distribution that
provides a method to assess the ben- divide it into equal-sized fourths.
efits to be gained from medical For example, the first (or lower)
procedures and interventions. quartile of a distribution would be

quota sampling

the data value below which are the loss and which do not, he or she can
lowest 25% of scores, the second decide upon the types of memory
quartile would be the data value tasks to present and how to present
below which are 26% to 50% of them. Quasi-experimental research
scores, and the third (or upper) is similar to NONEXPERIMENTAL RE-
quartile would be the data value SEARCH but distinguished by its
below which are 51% to 75% of retention of influence over the inde-
scores (or, conversely, above which pendent variable.
are 25% of scores).
questionnaire n. a set of questions
quasi-experimental research re- asked to obtain information from a
search in which the investigator respondent about a topic of interest,
cannot assign participants to experi- such as his or her attitudes, behav-
mental or control groups at random iors, or other characteristics.
but can still manipulate the inde- q u o t a sampling a method of se-
pendent variable and limit the lecting participants for a study in
influence of extraneous variables to which a prespecified number of in-
some degree. An example of such a dividuals with specific background
study, called a quasi experiment, is characteristics, such as a particular
provided by a researcher assessing age, race, sex, or education, is se-
the memory performance of individ- lected in order to obtain a sample
uals with and without hearing loss: with the same proportional repre-
while the investigator cannot sentation of these characteristics as
choose which people have hearing the target population.

r symbol for CORRELATION COEFFI- r a d i a l glia a type of nonneuronal
CIENT. cell (GLIA) that forms early in devel-
opment, spanning the width of the
r 2 symbol for COEFFICIENT OF DE- emerging cerebral hemispheres to
guide migrating neurons.
r a d i a l maze a type of maze that
has a central starting point with sev-
R 2 symbol for COEFFICIENT OF MUL- eral arms (typically six to eight)
TIPLE DETERMINATION. extending from the center. A non-
human animal might be required
race n. a socially defined concept to learn to find food in only certain
sometimes used to designate a por- of the arms or to search systemati-
tion, or "subdivision," of the human cally through each arm without
population with common physical entering the same arm twice. Radial
characteristics, ancestry, or lan- mazes have been used extensively
guage. The term is also loosely to study spatial memory and learn-
applied to geographic, cultural, reli- ing.
gious, or national groups. The
significance often accorded to racial radical behaviorism the view
categories might suggest that such that behavior, rather than con-
groups are objedively defined and sciousness and its contents, should
homogeneous; however, there is be the proper topic for study in psy-
much heterogeneity within catego- chological science. This term is
ries, and the categories themselves often used to distinguish classical
differ across cultures. Moreover, self- BEHAVIORISM, as originally formu-
reported race frequently varies lated in 1913 by U.S. psychologist
owing to changing social contexts John B. Watson (1878-1958), from
and an individual's identification more moderate forms of NEOBEHAV-
with more than one race, —racial IORISM. However, it has evolved to
adj. denote as well the descriptive behav-
iorism later proposed by U.S.
racism n. a form of PREJUDICE psychologist B. F. Skinner (1904-
that assumes that the members of 1990), which emphasized the im-
racial categories have distinctive portance of reinforcement and its
charac-eristics and that these differ- relationship to behavior (i.e., the en-
ences result in some racial groups vironmental determinants of
being inferior to others. Racism behavior).
generally includes negative emo-
tional reactions to members of rage tt. intense, typically un-
the group, acceptance of negative controlled anger. It is usually differ-
STEREOTYPES, and DISCRIMINA- entiated from hostility in that it is
TION against individuals; in some not necessarily accompanied by de-
cases it leads to violence, —racist stmctive actions but rather by
ad;., M. excessive expressions.

r a n k correlation coefficient

r a n d o m ad;', without order or pre- r a n d o m - r a t i o schedule (RR

dictability. schedule) in conditioning, an ar-
rangement in which the number of
r a n d o m assignment see RAN-
responses required for each rein-
forcement varies randomly from
r a n d o m - i n t e r v a l schedule (RI reinforcement to reinforcement. It is
schedule) in conditioning, an ar- usually arranged by having the same
rangement in which the first probability of reinforcement for
response after an interval has each response regardless of the his-
elapsed is reinforced, the duration of tory of reinforcement for prior
the interval varies randomly from responses. For example, a random-
reinforcement to reinforcement, and ratio 100 schedule would result from
a fixed probability of reinforcement a reinforcement probability of .01
over time is used to reinforce a re- for any given response.
sponse. For example, if every second
the probability that reinforcement r a n d o m s a m p l i n g a process for
would be arranged for the next re- selecting individuals for a study
sponse was .1, then the random- from a larger potential group of in-
interval schedule value would be 10 dividuals in such a way that each is
s (i.e., RI 10 s). selected with a fixed (equal) proba-
bility of inclusion. This selected
r a n d o m i z e vb. to assign partici- group of individuals is called a ran-
pants or other sampling units to the dom sample.
conditions of an experiment at ran-
dom, that is, in such a way that r a n d o m selection the procedure
each participant or sampling unit used for random sampling.
has an equal chance of being as-
signed to any particular condition. r a n d o m variable a variable whose
—randomization n. value depends upon the outcome of
r a n d o m i z e d block design a re-
search design in which participants r a n g e n. in statistics, a measure of
are first classified into groups DISPERSION, obtained by subtrading
(blocks), on the basis of a variable the lowest score from the highest
for which the experimenter wishes score in a distribution.
to control. Individuals within each r a n k n. a particular position along
block are then randomly assigned to an ordered continuum.
one of several treatment groups.
r a n k correlation coefficient a
randomized-group design an ex- numerical index reflecting the de-
perimental design in which the gree of relationship between two
participants are assigned at random variables that have each been ar-
to either experimental or control ranged in ascending or descending
groups without matching on one or order of magnitude (i.e., ranked). It
more background variables. Com- is an assessment not of the associa-
pare MATCHED-GROUP DESIGN. tion between the actual values of
r a n d o m m a t i n g mating behavior the variables but rather of the asso-
without mate selection. Many early ciation between their rankings.
behavioral ECOLOGY theories were Among the most commonly used is
based on the idea of random mat- the Spearman rank correlation coef-
ing, but it is now recognized that ficient (Spearman's rho, symbolized
most animals select specific mates by p), appropriate when the vari-
and often show ASSORTATIVE MAT- ables being compared do not follow

r a n k order

called r a n k o r d e r correlation 1960 by Georg Rasch (1901-1980),

coefficient. Danish statistician]
r a n k o r d e r the arrangement of a r a t e 1. n. relative frequency. 2. vb.
series of items (e.g., scores or indi- to evaluate or judge subjedively, es-
viduals) in order of magnitude. pecially by assigning a numerical
value. For example, a supervisor
r a p e n. the nonconsensual oral, could assess an employee's quality
anal, or vaginal penetration of an of work by choosing a number from
individual by another person with a 1 (excellent) to 10 (poor). Any in-
part of the body or an object, using strument used in this process is
force or threats of bodily harm, or called a rating scale.
by taking advantage of someone in-
capable of giving consent. r a t e coding a type of neural plot-
ting of the frequency at which
r a p h e nucleus a group of SEROTO-
NERGIC neurons in the midline of
the brainstem that project widely to
the spinal cord, thalamus, basal gan- r a t i o n. the quotient of two num-
glia, and cerebral cortex. bers, that is, one number divided by
r a p i d cycling mood disturbance the other number.
that fluctuates over a short period, r a t i o d a t a numerical values that
most commonly between manic and indicate magnitude and have a true,
depressive symptoms. A rapid- meaningful zero point. Ratio data
cycling BIPOLAR DISORDER, for ex- represent exact quantities of the
ample, is characterized by four or variables under consideration, and
more mood episodes over a 12- when arranged consecutively have
month period. equal differences among adjacent
r a p i d eye m o v e m e n t (REM) the values (regardless of the specific val-
rapid, jerky, but coordinated move- ues selected) that correspond to
ment of the eyes behind closed lids, genuine differences between the
observed during dreaming sleep. See physical quantities being measured.
Income provides an example: the
difference between an income of
r a p p o r t n. a warm, relaxed rela- $40,000 and $50,000 is the same as
tionship of mutual understanding, the difference between $110,000
acceptance, and sympathetic com- and $120,000, and an income of $0
patibility between or among indicates a complete and genuine
individuals. The establishment of absence of earnings. Ratio data are
rapport with the client in psycho- continuous in nature (i.e., able to
therapy is frequently a significant take on any of an infinite variety of
mediate goal for the therapist in amounts) and of the highest MEA-
order to facilitate and deepen the SUREMENT LEVEL, surpassing
therapeutic experience and promote NOMINAL DATA, ORDINAL DATA, a n d
optimal progress and improvement INTERVAL DATA in precision and
in the client. complexity.
RAS abbreviation for RETICULAR AC- r a t i o IQ see IQ.
r a t i o n a l ad;', pertaining to REASON-
Rasch model the simplest model ING or, more broadly, to higher
for ITEM RESPONSE THEORY, in thought processes: influenced by
which only a single parameter, item thought rather than by emotion.
difficulty, is spedfied. [proposed in —rationally adv.

reactance t h e o r y

r a t i o n a l emotive behavior r a t i o reinforcement in OPERANT

t h e r a p y (REBT) a form of COGNI- CONDITIONING, reinforcement pre-
TIVE BEHAVIOR THERAPY based on sented after a prearranged number
the concept that an individual's irra- of responses, in contrast to rein-
tional or self-defeating beliefs and forcement delivered on the basis of
feelings influence and cause his or a time schedule only. In such sched-
her undesirable behaviors and dam- ules, the rate of reinforcement is a
aging self-concept. REBT teaches the direct function of the rate of re-
individual to modify and replace sponding. Compare INTERVAL
self-defeating thoughts to achieve REINFORCEMENT.
new and more effective ways of feel- r a t i o scale a measurement scale
ing and behaving. having a tme zero (i.e., zero on the
scale indicates an absence of the
r a t i o n a l i s m n. any philosophical
measured attribute) and a constant
position holding that (a) it is possi-
ble to obtain knowledge of reality by ratio of values. Thus, on a ratio scale
reason alone, unsupported by expe- an increase from 3 to 4 (for exam-
rience, and (b) all human knowledge ple) is the same as an increase from
can be brought within a single de- 7 to 8. The existence of a tme zero
ductive system. However, the term point is what distinguishes a ratio
"rationalist" is chiefly applied to scale from an INTERVAL SCALE.
thinkers in the Continental philo- Raven's Progressive Matrices a
sophical tradition initiated by nonverbal test of mental ability con-
French philosopher Rene Descartes sisting of abstract designs, each of
(1596-1650), most notably Dutch which is missing one part. The par-
Jewish philosopher Bamch Spinoza ticipant chooses the missing
(1632-1677) and German philoso- component from several alternatives
pher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz in order to complete the design. The
(1646-1716). Rationalism is usually test comprises 60 designs arranged
contrasted with EMPIRICISM, which in five groups of 12; the items
holds that knowledge comes from within each group become progres-
or must be validated by sensory sively more difficult. The test,
experience. In psychology, psycho- introduced in 1938, is often viewed
analytical approaches, humanistic as the prototypical measure of gen-
psychology, and some strains of cog- eral intelligence. [John C. Raven
nitive theory are heavily influenced (1902-1970), British psychologist]
by rationalism. —rationalist ad;'., u.
r a w score an original score before
r a t i o n a l i z a t i o n n. an explanation, it is converted to other units or an-
or presentation, in which apparently other form through statistical
logical reasons are given to justify analysis.
unacceptable behavior. In psychoan-
alytic theory, rationalization is RBC t h e o r y abbreviation for REC-
considered to be a DEFENSE MECHA-
NISM used to defend against feelings reactance t h e o r y a model stating
of guilt, to maintain self-respect, that in response to a perceived
and to protect from criticism. In threat to or loss of a behavioral free-
psychotherapy, rationalization is dom a person will experience
considered counterproductive to psychological reactance (or, more
deep exploration and confrontation simply, reactance), a motivational
of the client's thoughts and feelings state characterized by distress, anxi-
and of how they affect behavior. ety, resistance, and the desire to
—rationalize vb. restore that freedom. According to

reaction formation

this model, when people feel co- exogenous depression. Compare

erced or forced into a certain ENDOGENOUS DEPRESSION.
behavior, they will react against the
coercion, often by demonstrating an reactive schizophrenia an acute
increased preference for the behav- form of schizophrenia that clearly
ior that is restrained, and may develops in response to predisposing
perform the opposite behavior to or precipitating environmental
that desired. factors, such as extreme stress. The
prognosis is generally more favor-
reaction f o r m a t i o n in psychoan- able than for PROCESS SCHIZOPHRE-
alytic theory, a DEFENSE MECHANISM NIA.
in which unacceptable or threaten- r e a d i n g d i s o r d e r a LEARNING DIS-
ing unconsdous impulses are denied ORDER that is characterized by a
and are replaced in consciousness level of reading ability substantially
with their opposite. For example, to below that expected for a child of a
conceal an unconscious prejudice an given age, intellectual ability, and
individual may preach tolerance; to educational experience. The reading
deny feelings of rejection, a mother difficulty involves faulty oral read-
may be overindulgent toward her ing, slow oral and silent reading,
child. Through the symbolic rela- and often reduced comprehension.
tionship between the unconscious
wish and its opposite, the outward realism n. the philosophical doc-
behavior provides a disguised outlet trine that objects have an existence
for the tendencies it seems to op- independent of the observer. —re-
pose. alist adj., u.
r e a c t i o n t i m e (RT) the time that realistic a n x i e t y anxiety in re-
elapses between onset or presenta- sponse to an identifiable threat or
tion of a stimulus and occurrence of danger. This type of anxiety is con-
a response to that stimulus. There sidered a normal response to danger
are several specific types, including in the real world and serves to mobi-
SIMPLE REACTION TIME and CHOICE lize resources in order to protect the
REACTION TIME. individual from harm.
realistic group-conflict t h e o r y
reactive adj. associated with or a conceptual framework predicated
originating in response to a given on the assumption that intergroup
stimulus or situation. For example, a tensions will occur whenever social
psychotic episode that is secondary groups must compete for scarce re-
to a traumatic or otherwise stressful sources (e.g., food, territory, jobs,
event in the life of the individual wealth, power, and natural re-
would be considered reactive and sources) and that this competition
generally associated with a more fuels prejudice and other antagonis-
favorable prognosis than an ENDOG- tic attitudes that lead to conflicts
ENOUS episode unrelated to a such as rivalries and warfare. Also
spedfic happening. called realistic conflict theory.
reactive aggression see AGGRES- reality m o n i t o r i n g see SOURCE
reactive depression a MAJOR DE- reality principle in psychoana-
PRESSIVE EPISODE that is apparently lytic theory, the regulatory
predpitated by a distressing event or mechanism that represents the de-
stoation, such as a career or rela- mands of the external world and
tionship setback. Also called requires the individual to forgo or


modify instinctual gratification or to receiver-operating characteris-

postpone it to a more appropriate tic curve (ROC curve) in a
time. In contrast to the PLEASURE detection, discrimination, or rec-
PRINCIPLE, which is posited to dom- ognition task, the relationship be-
inate the life of the infant and child tween the hit rate (the proportion of
and govern the ID, or instinctual im- correct "yes" responses) and the
pulses, the reality principle is false-alarm rate (the proportion of
posited to govem the EGO, which incorrect "yes" responses). This is
controls impulses and enables peo- plotted as a curve to determine what
ple to deal rationally and effectively effect the observer's response crite-
with the situations of life. rion is having on the results.
reality testing any means by recency effect a memory phenom-
which an individual determines and enon in which the most recently
assesses his or her limitations in the presented facts, impressions, or
face of biological, physiological, so- items are learned or remembered
cial, or environmental actualities or better than material presented ear-
exigencies. It enables the individual lier. This can occur in both formal
to distinguish between self and non- learning simations and social con-
self and between fantasy and real texts. For example, it can result in
life. Defective reality testing is the inaccurate ratings or impressions of
major criterion of PSYCHOSIS. a person's abilities or other charac-
teristics due to the inordinate
real self the individual's tme influence of the most recent infor-
wishes and feelings and his or her mation received about that person.
potential for further growth and de- Compare PRIMACY EFFECT.
receptive fleld the spatially dis-
reasonable a c c o m m o d a t i o n s crete region and the features
adjustments made within an em- associated with it that can be stimu-
ployment or educational setting that lated to cause the maximal response
allow an individual with a physical, of a sensory cell. In vision, for exam-
cognitive, or psychiatric disability to ple, the receptive field of a retinal
perform required tasks and essential ganglion cell is the area on the ret-
functions. This might include in- ina (containing a particular number
stalling ramps in an office cafeteria of photoreceptors) that evokes a
for wheelchair accessibility, altering neural response.
the format of a test for a person with
learning disabilities, or providing a receptivity «. the period of time
sign language interpreter for a per- when a female is responsive to sex-
son with hearing loss. ual overtures from a male, typically
(but not exclusively) around the
reasoning n. thinking in which
time of ovulation. Receptivity has a
logical processes of an inductive or
connotation of passive female ac-
deductive character are used to draw
ceptance or tolerance of male sexual
conclusions from facts or premises.
overtures. In contrast, PROCEPTIVITY
—reason vb.
conveys active solicitation of males
REBT abbreviation for RATIONAL by females, —receptive ad;'.
receptor n. 1. the cell in a sensory
recall 1. vb. to transfer prior learn- system that is responsible for stimu-
ing or past experience to current lus TRANSDUCTION. Receptor cells
consciousness: that is, to retrieve are specialized to detect and respond
and reproduce information. 2. n. the to specific stimuli in the external or
process by which this occurs. internal environment. Examples in-

—4 --••

receptor p o t e n t i a l

elude the RETINAL RODS and reciprocal i n h i b i t i o n a tech-

RETINAL CONES in the eye and the nique in BEHAVIOR THERAPY that
HAIR CELLS in the cochlea of the ear. aims to replace an undesired re-
2. a molecule in a cell membrane sponse with a desired one by
that specifically binds a particular COUNTERCONDITIONING. It relies on
molecular messenger (e.g., a neuro- the gradual substitution of a re-
transmitter, hormone, or dmg) and sponse that is incompatible with the
elicits a response in the cell. original one and is potent enough to
neutralize the anxiety-evoking
receptor p o t e n t i a l the electric po- power of the stimulus. See also SYS-
tential produced by stimulation of a TEMATIC DESENSITIZATION.
receptor cell, which is roughly pro-
portional to the intensity of the reciprocity u. the quality of an act,
sensory stimulus and may be process, or relation in which one
sufficient to trigger an ACTION PO- person receives benefits from an-
TENTIAL in a neuron that is other and, in return, provides the
postsynaptic to the receptor. giver with an equivalent benefit.
—reciprocal adj.
receptor site a region of special-
ized membrane on the surface of a reciprocity n o r m the sodal stan-
cell (e.g., a neuron) that contains RE- dard (NORM) that people who help
CEPTOR molecules, which receive others will receive equivalent bene-
and react with particular messenger fits from these others in return.
molecules (e.g., neurotransmitters). Compare SOCIAL JUSTICE NORM; SO-
recessive allele the version of a CIAL RESPONSIBILITY NORM.
gene (see ALLELE) whose effects are recognition u. a sense of aware-
manifest only if it is carried on both ness and familiarity experienced
members of a HOMOLOGOUS pair of when one encounters people,
chromosomes. Hence, the trait de- events, or objects that have been en-
termined by a recessive allele (the countered before or when one
recessive trait) is apparent only in comes upon material that has been
the absence of another version of learned in the past.
that same gene (the DOMINANT AL-
recognition by c o m p o n e n t s
t h e o r y (RBC theory) the theory
recidivism u. relapse. The term that perception of objects entails
typically denotes the repetition of their decomposition into a set of
delinquent or criminal behavior. simple three-dimensional elements
—recidivist n., adj. —recidivistic called geons, together with the skel-
ad;'. etal stmcture connecting them.
reciprocal a l t r u i s m see ALTRU- recollection n. remembrance, par-
ISM. ticularly vivid and detailed memory
for past events or information per-
reciprocal d e t e r m i n i s m a con- taining to a specific time or place.
cept that opposes the radical or
exclusive emphasis on environmen- r e c o m b i n a t i o n n. the exchange of
tal determination of responses and genetic material between paired
instead maintains that the environ- chromosomes during the formation
ment influences behavior, behavior of sperm and egg cells. It involves
influences the environment, and the breaking and rejoining of
both influence the individual, who chromatids (filament-like subunits)
also influences them. This concept is of homologous chromosomes in a
associated with SOCIAL LEARNING process called crossing over.
THEORY. It results in offspring having combi-


nations of genes that are different r e d i n t e g r a t i o n n. restoration to

from those of either parent. completeness, particularly the pro-
reconstruction n. 1. in psycho- cess of recollecting memories from
analysis, the revival and analytic partial cues or reminders, as in re-
interpretation of past experiences calling an entire song when a few
that have been instmmental in notes are played. —redintegrative
producing present emotional distur- ad;'.
bance. 2. see RECONSTRUCTIVE r e d nucleus see RUBROSPINAL
MEMORY, —reconstruct vb. TRACT.
reconstructive m e m o r y a form reductionism n. the strategy of ex-
of remembering marked by the logi- plaining or accounting for some
cal recreation of an experience or phenomenon or constmct A by
event that has been only partially claiming that, when properly under-
stored in memory. It draws on gen- stood, it can be shown to be some
eral knowledge and SCHEMAS or on other phenomenon or constmct B,
memory for what typically happens where B is seen to be simpler, more
in order to reconstmct the experi- basic, or more fundamental. The
ence or event. term is mainly applied to those posi-
recovered m e m o r y the subjective tions that attempt to understand
experience of recalling details of a human culture, society, or psychol-
prior traumatic event, such as sexual ogy in terms of animal behavior or
or physical abuse, that has previ- physical laws. In psychology, a com-
ously been unavailable to conscious mon form of reductionism is that in
recollection. Before recovering the which psychological phenomena are
memory, the person may be un- reduced to biological phenomena,
aware that the traumatic event has so that mental life is shown to be
occurred. The phenomenon is con- merely a function of biological pro-
troversial: Because such recoveries cesses. See also EPIPHENOMENON;
often occur while the person is un- MATERIALISM.
dergoing therapy, there is debate
about their veracity vis-a-vis the role r e d u n d a n c y n. in linguistics and
that the therapist may have played information theory, the condition
in suggesting or otherwise arousing of those parts of a communication
them. Also called repressed mem- that could be deleted without loss of
ory. essential content. Redundancy
includes not only repetitions, tautol-
recovery n. the period during ogies, and polite formulas, but also
which an individual exhibits consis- the multiple markings of a given
tent progress in terms of measurable meaning required by conventions of
return of abilities, skills, and func- grammar and syntax. For example,
tions following illness or injury. in the sentence All three men were
recreational d r u g any substance running, the plurality of the subject
that is used in a nontherapeutic is signaled four times: by all, three,
manner for its effects on motor, sen- and the plural forms men and were.
— r e d u n d a n t adj.
sory, or cognitive activities.
r e c u r r e n t ad;', occurring repeatedly reeducation n. a form of psycho-
or reappearing after an interval of logical treatment in which the client
time or a period of remission: often learns effective ways of handling
applied to disorders marked by and coping with problems and rela-
chronicity, relapse, or repeated epi- tionships through a form of
sodes (e.g., depressive symptoms). nonreconstmctive therapy, such as

reference g r o u p

RELATIONSHIP THERAPY, BEHAVIOR reflex n. any of a number of auto-

THERAPY, o r HYPNOTHERAPY. matic, unlearned, relatively fixed
reference g r o u p a group or social responses to stimuli that do not re-
aggregate that individuals use as a quire conscious effort and that often
standard or frame of reference when involve a faster response than might
selecting and appraising their own be possible if a conscious evaluation
abilities, attitudes, or beliefs. Ac- of the input was required. Reflexes
cording to the general conceptual are innate in that they do not arise
framework known as reference- as a result of any special experience.
group theory, individuals' attitudes, An example is the PUPILLARY RE-
values, and self-appraisals are
shaped, in part, by their identifica- reflex a r c a specific arrangement
tion with, and comparison to, of neurons involved in a reflex. In
reference groups. For example, a ref- its simplest form it consists of an af-
erence-group theory of values ferent, or sensory, neuron that
suggests that individuals adopt, as conducts nerve impulses from a re-
their own, the values expressed by ceptor to the spinal cord, where
the majority of the members of their it connects directly or via an
reference group. INTERNEURON to an efferent, or
referral n. the act of directing a pa- motor, neuron that carries the im-
tient to a therapist, physician, pulses to a muscle or gland.
agency, or institution for evaluation, reflexive behavior responses to
consultation, or treatment. —refer stimuli that are involuntary or free
vb. from conscious control (e.g., the
referred sensation a sensation salivation that occurs with the pre-
that is localized (i.e., experienced) at sentation of food) and therefore
a point different from the area stim- serve as the basis for PAVLOVIAN
ulated. For example, when struck on CONDITIONING.
the elbow, the mechanical stimula- reflexivity n. the quality of a rela-
tion of the nerve may cause one to tionship among elements such that
feel tingling of the fingers. they are continuously referential to
reflection n. see MEDITATION. one another. For example, in the
—reflect vb. context of an arbitrary matching to
sample procedure, if a stimulus is
reflection of feeling a statement chosen when it also appears as the
made by a therapist or counselor sample, reflexivity has been shown.
that is intended to highlight the
feelings or attitudes implicitly ex- refraction n. in vision, the bend-
pressed in a client's communication. ing of light as it passes through the
The statement reflects and commu- cornea and lens of the eye so that it
nicates the essence of the client's is focused on the retina.
experience from the client's point of
view so that hidden or obscured refractory period a period of in-
feelings can be exposed for clarifica- activity after a neuron or muscle cell
tion. has undergone excitation. As the
cell is being repolarized, it will not
reflective ad;, describing or dis- respond to any stimulus during the
playing behavior characterized by early part of the refractory period,
significant forethought and slow, called the absolute refractory pe-
deliberate examination of available riod. In the subsequent relative re-
options. Compare IMPULSIVE, —re- fractory period, it responds only to a
flectivity n. stronger than normal stimulus.


r e f r a m i n g n. a process of DEPENDENT VARIABLES. Regression

reconceptualizing an idea for the analysis is a subset of the GENERAL
purpose of changing an attitude by LINEAR MODEL.
seeing it from a different perspec- regression e q u a t i o n the ma-
tive. In changing the conceptual or thematical expression of the rela-
emotional context of a problem, tionship between the dependent
and placing it in a different frame variable and one or more independ-
that fits the given facts equally well ent variables that results from
but changes its entire meaning, per- conducting a REGRESSION ANALYSIS.
ceptions of weakness or difficulty in It usually takes the form y = a + bx +
handling the problem may be e, in which y is the dependent vari-
changed to strength and opportu- able, x is the independent variable, a
nity. In psychotherapy, the manner is the intercept, b is the regression
in which a client frames behavior coefficient (a specific WEIGHT associ-
may be part of the problem. Part of ated with x), and e is the error term.
the therapist's response might be to
reframe thoughts or feelings so as to regression line a straight or
provide alternative ways to evaluate curved line fitting a set of data
the situation or respond to others. points, usually obtained by a least
Compare RESTATEMENT. squares method. It is a geometric
representation of the REGRESSION
register n. a form of a language EQUATION for the variables.
assodated with specific social func-
tions and simations or with regression t o w a r d t h e m e a n a
particular subject matter. Examples phenomenon in which earlier mea-
include the different types of lan- surements that were extremely
guage considered appropriate for a deviant from a sample mean will
scientific meeting, a kindergarten tend, on retesting, to result in a
class, or a barroom story. Register value closer to the sample mean
differs from DIALECT in that it varies than the original value.
with social context rather than with
the sociological characteristics of the r e g u l a t o r y drive any generalized
user. See ELABORATED CODE. state of arousal or motivation that
helps preserve physiological HOMEO-
regression n. a return to a prior, STASIS and thus is necessary for the
lower state of cognitive, emotional, survival of the individual organism,
or behavioral functioning. This term such as hunger and thirst. Compare
is associated particularly with psy- NONREGULATORY DRIVE.
choanalytic theory, denoting a
DEFENSE MECHANISM in which the r e h a b i l i t a t i o n n. the process of
individual reverts to immature be- bringing an individual to a condi-
havior or to an earlier stage of tion of health or useful and
constructive activity, restoring to
the fullest possible degree their inde-
threatened with anxiety caused by pendence, well-being, and level of
overwhelming external problems or functioning following injury, dis-
internal conflicts, —regress vb. ability, or disorder. It involves
—regressive ad;'. providing appropriate resources,
regression analysis any of several such as treatment or training, to en-
statistical techniques that are de- able such a person (e.g., one who
signed to allow the prediction of the has had a stroke) to redevelop skills
score on one variable, the DEPEND- and abilities he or she had acquired
ENT VARIABLE, from the scores on previously or to compensate for
one or more other variables, the IN- their loss. Compare HABILITATION.


rehearsal n. 1. preparation for a reinforcement schedule see

forthcoming event or confrontation SCHEDULE OF REINFORCEMENT.
that is anticipated to induce some
level of discomfort or anxiety. By reinforcer n. a stimulus or circum-
practicing what is to be said or done stance that acts effectively to
in a future encounter, the event it- produce REINFORCEMENT when it
self may be less stressful. Rehearsal occurs in a dependent relationship,
may be carried out in psychotherapy or contingency, with a response.
with the therapist coaching or role- Reissner's m e m b r a n e a thin layer
playing to help the dient practice of tissue within the auditory LABY-
the coming event. 2. the repetition RINTH that separates the SCALA
of information in an attempt to VESTIBULI from the SCALA MEDIA in-
maintain it longer in memory. Ac- side the cochlea. [Ernst Reissner
cording tO the DUAL-STORE MODEL (1824-1878), German anatomist]
OF MEMORY, rehearsal occurs in
rejecting-neglecting p a r e n t i n g
allow a stronger trace to be then
stored in LONG-TERM MEMORY. Al- rejection n. denial of love, atten-
though rehearsal implies a verbal tion, interest, or approval.
process, it is hypothesized to occur
also in other modalities. relapse n. the recurrence of symp-
toms of a disorder or disease after a
reification n. treating an abstrac- period of improvement or apparent
tion, concept, or formulation as cure.
though it were a real object or static
structure. Also called objectifica- relapse prevention procedures
tion. that are used after successful treat-
ment of a condition, disease, or
r e i n f o r c e m e n t n. in OPERANT disorder in order to reduce relapse
CONDITIONING, a process in which rates. These often include a combi-
the frequency or probability of a re- nation of cognitive and behavioral
sponse is increased by a dependent skills that are taught to clients be-
relationship, or contingency, with a fore therapy is terminated. Such
stimulus or circumstance (the REIN- procedures are often used with dis-
FORCER). orders (e.g., addictions and
depression) that have unusually
reinforcement contingency the high relapse rates. See also TERTIARY
contingency (relationship) between PREVENTION.
a response and a REINFORCER. The
contingency may be positive (if the r e l a t i o n a l aggression behavior
occurrence of the reinforcer is more that manipulates or damages rela-
probable after the response) or nega- tionships between individuals or
tive (if it is less probable given the groups, such as bullying, gossiping,
response). Reinforcement con- and humiliation.
tingencies can be arranged by estab-
lishing dependencies between a r e l a t i o n a l research research in-
particular type of response and a re- vestigating the strength of the
inforcer (as when an experimenter relationships between two or more
arranges that a rat's lever presses are variables.
followed by presentation of food), or r e l a t i o n s h i p n. a connection be-
they can occur as natural conse- tween objects, events, variables, or
quences of a response (as when a other phenomena, particularly a
door opens when pushed), or they continuing and usually binding as-
can occur by accident. sodation between two or more

releasing h o r m o n e

people, as in a family, friendship, order for the two tests to have the
marriage, partnership, or other same POWER.
interpersonal link in which the
participants have some degree of relative refractory period see
influence on each other's thoughts, REFRACTORY PERIOD.
feelings, and even actions. In psy- r e l a t i v i s m n. in EPISTEMOLOGY,
chotherapy, the therapist-patient the assertion that there exist no
relationship is thought to be an absolute grounds for tmth or
essential aspect of patient improve-
knowledge claims. Thus, what is
considered true will depend on
r e l a t i o n s h i p t h e r a p y 1. any form individual judgments and local
of psychotherapy that emphasizes conditions of culture, reflecting
the namre of the relationship be- individual and collective experience.
tween client and therapist and views Such relativism challenges the valid-
it as the primary therapeutic tool ity of sdence except as a catalog of
and agent of positive change. Rela- experience and a basis for ad hoc
tionship therapy is based on the empirical prediction, —relativist
idea of providing emotional support adj.
and creating an accepting atmo-
sphere that fosters personality r e l a x a t i o n n. 1. abatement of in-
growth and elicits attitudes and past tensity, vigor, energy, or tension,
experiences for examination and resulting in calmness of mind, body,
analysis during sessions. 2. any form or both. 2. the return of a muscle to
of psychotherapy focused on im- its resting condition after a period of
proving the RELATIONSHIP between contraction, —relax vb.
individuals, particularly those in a
r e l a x a t i o n t r a i n i n g see PROGRES-
marriage or other committed part-
nership, by helping them to resolve
interpersonal issues and modify r e l e a r n i n g m e t h o d the learning
maladaptive patterns of interactions, again of material that was once
which in tum fosters the healthy known but is now forgotten, a tech-
psychosocial growth of all parties. It nique for measuring knowledge that
is an umbrella term encompassing may be present even if unrecallable.
COUPLES THERAPY and FAMILY THER- Savings in time or trials over the
APY. original learning indicate the
amount of retention.
relative deprivation the percep-
tion by an individual that the releaser n. in ethology, a stimulus
amount of a desired resource (e.g., that, when presented under the
money, social status) he or she has is proper conditions, initiates a FIXED
less than some comparison stan- ACTION PATTERN (see also MODAL
dard. This standard can be the ACTION PATTERN). For example, a
amount that was expected or the red belly on a male stickleback fish
amount possessed by others with elicits aggressive behavior from
whom the person compares him- or other male sticklebacks but is attrac-
herself. tive to gravid female sticklebacks.
Also called sign stimulus. See also
relative efficiency for two tests (A INNATE RELEASING MECHANISM.
and B) of the same hypothesis oper-
ating at the same SIGNIFICANCE releasing h o r m o n e any of a class
LEVEL, the ratio of the number of of HORMONES secreted by the hypo-
cases needed by test A to the num- thalamus that control the release of
ber of cases needed by test B in hormones by the anterior pimitary


gland. GONADOTROPIN-RELEASING movements, following a period in

HORMONE is an example. which it was inhibited.
reliability n. the ability of a mea- REM sleep rapid-eye-movement
surement instmment (e.g., a test) to sleep: the stage of sleep in which
measure an attribute consistently, dreaming occurs and the electroen-
yielding the same results across mul- cephalogram shows activity
tiple applications to the same characteristic of wakefulness (hence
sample, —reliable ad;'. it is also known as paradoxical
sleep) except for inhibition of motor
REM abbreviation for RAPID EYE expression other than coordinated
MOVEMENT. movements of the eyes. It accounts
REM behavior disorder a sleep for one quarter to one fifth of total
disorder involving motor activity sleep time. Compare NREM SLEEP.
during REM SLEEP, which typically
repeated measures design see
includes an actual physical enact-
ment of dream sequences. Because
the dreams that are acted out are r e p e r t o r y grid a technique used
generally unpleasant or combative, to analyze an individual's PERSONAL
this behavior is usually disruptive CONSTRUCTS. A number of signifi-
and can result in violence. cant concepts are selected, each of
which is rated by the participant on
r e m e m b e r i n g n. the process of a number of dimensions using a nu-
consciously reviving or bringing to merical scale. The findings are
awareness previous events, experi- displayed in matrix form and can be
ences, or information, or the process subjected to statistical analysis to re-
of retaining such material. veal correlations.
remission n. a reduction or signifi- r e p e t i t i o n compulsion in psy-
cant abatement in symptoms of a choanalytic theory, an unconscious
disease or disorder, or the period need to reenact early traumas in the
during which this occurs. Remission attempt to overcome or master
of symptoms does not necessarily them. In repetition compulsion the
indicate that a disease or disorder is early painful experience is repeated
fully cured. See also SPONTANEOUS in a new situation symbolic of the
repressed prototype. Repetition
r e m o t e cause a cause that is re- compulsion acts as a RESISTANCE to
moved from its effect in time or therapeutic change, since the goal of
space but is nevertheless the ulti- therapy is not to repeat but to re-
mate or overriding cause. In a member the trauma and to see its
sequence of occurrences, it may be relation to present behavior.
considered to be the precipitating
event without which the chain r e p e t i t i o n p r i m i n g a change in
would not have begun (the original the processing of a stimulus (e.g.,
cause). For example, the PROXIMATE speed of response, number of errors)
CAUSE of Smith's aggression may be due to previous exposure to the
a trivial snub, but the remote cause same or a related stimulus.
may be Smith's early childhood ex- repetitive t r a n s c r a n i a l mag-
periences. netic s t i m u l a t i o n (rTMS) see
REM r e b o u n d the increased recur- TION.
rence of REM SLEEP, the stage of
sleep in which dreaming is associ- replication n. the repetition of an
ated with mild involuntary eye original experiment to bolster confi-

research design

dence in its results, based on the excluding painful experiences and

assumption that correct hypotheses unacceptable impulses from con-
and procedures consistently will be sciousness. Repression operates on
supported. In direct (exact) replica- an unconscious level as a protection
tion, procedures are identical to the against anxiety produced by objec-
original experiment or duplicated as tionable sexual wishes, feelings of
closely as possible. In conceptual hostility, and ego-threatening ex-
replication, different techniques and periences of all kinds. 2. the sup-
manipulations are introduced to pression or exclusion of individuals
gain theoretical information. or groups within the social context,
through limitations on personal
r e p r e s e n t a t i o n w. that which rights and liberties. Compare SUP-
stands for or signifies something PRESSION, —repress vb.
else. For example, in cognitive psy-
chology the term denotes a MENTAL r e p r o d u c t i o n w. 1. in biology, the
REPRESENTATION whereas in psycho- production of new individuals from
analytic theory it refers to the use of parent organisms, which perpemates
a SYMBOL to stand for a threatening the species. Sexual reproduction in-
object or a repressed impulse. —rep- volves the fusion of male and female
resent vb. —representational adj. GAMETES in the process of FERTIL-
—representative ad;'. IZATION; asexual reproduction does
not. 2. the process of replicating
representativeness heuristic a information from memory. It poten-
strategy for making categorical judg- tially is subject to numerous errors
ments about a given person or target of distortion, as demonstrated via
based on how closely the exemplar SERIAL REPRODUCTION and other
matches the typical or average mem- techniques.
ber of the category. For example,
given a choice of the two categories reproductive success the degree
"poet" and "accountant," judges are to which an individual is successful
likely to assign a person in uncon- in producing progeny that in turn
ventional clothes reading a poetry are able to produce progeny of their
book to the former category; how- own. Individuals vary in their
ever, the much greater frequency of success in finding mates and repro-
accountants in the population ducing successfully, NATURAL
means that such a person is more SELECTION is based on this differen-
likely to be an accountant. The rep- tial reproductive success. The
resentativeness heuristic is thus a genetic and behavioral traits that
form of the BASE-RATE FALLACY. lead to greatest reproductive success
Compare AVAILABILITY HEURISTIC. survive in a population over genera-
tions, while traits producing low
representative s a m p l i n g the se- reproductive success eventually be-
lection of individuals for a study come extinct within a population.
from a larger group (population) in See also INCLUSIVE FITNESS.
such a way that the sample obtained
accurately reflects the total popula- research n. the systematic effort to
tion. discover or confirm facts or to inves-
tigate a problem or topic, most often
repressed m e m o r y see RECOV- by scientific methods of observation
ERED MEMORY. and experiment.
repression «. 1. in classic psycho- research design an outline or plan
analytic theory and other forms of of the procedures to be followed
DEPTH PSYCHOLOGY, the basic DE- during a study in order to reach
FENSE MECHANISM that consists of valid conclusions, with particular

research m e t h o d

consideration given to data collec- to adversities, predominant among

tion and analysis. Research designs them (a) the ways in which individ-
may take a variety of forms, indud- uals view and engage with the
ing not only experiments but also world, (b) the availability and qual-
quasi-experiments (see QUASI- ity of social resources, and (c)
TIONAL STUDIES, surveys, focus ient ad;'.
groups, and other nonexperimental
methods. resistance n. in psychotherapy and
analysis, unconscious obstruction,
research m e t h o d a system for the through the client's words or behav-
formulation and evaluation of hy- ior, of the therapist's or analyst's
potheses that is intended to reveal methods of elidting or interpreting
relationships between variables and psychic material brought forth in
provide an understanding of the therapy, —resist vb. —resistant
phenomenon under investigation. ad;'.
Generally in psychology this in-
volves empirical testing and takes resistance stage see GENERAL AD-

reserve capacity the difference resistance t o e x t i n c t i o n the

between performance on a psycho- endurance or persistence of a condi-
logical task and the individual's tioned response in the absence of
maximum capability to perform that reinforcement.
task. Training, intervention, and resistant a t t a c h m e n t another
practice can be used to minimize re- name for ambivalent attachment
serve capacity on a given task. (see INSECURE ATTACHMENT).
residual n. in statistics, the differ- resolution n. in optics, a measure
ence between the value of an of the ability of the eye to detect
empirical observation and the value two distind objeds when these are
of that observation predicted by a close together.
respect ti. an attitude of, or behav-
residual schizophrenia a subtype ior demonstrating, esteem, honor,
of schizophrenia diagnosed when regard, concern, or other such posi-
there has been at least one schizo- tive qualities on the part of one
phrenic episode but positive individual or entity for another indi-
symptoms (e.g., delusions, halluci- vidual or entity. Respect can serve
nations, disorganized speech or an important purpose in interper-
behavior) are no longer present and sonal and intergroup relations by
only negative symptoms (e.g., flat aiding in communication, for exam-
affect, poverty of speech, or ple. It is considered to play a cmcial
avolition) or mild behavioral and role as a bidirectional process in psy-
cognitive disturbances (e.g., eccen- chotherapy according to many
tricities, odd beliefs) occur. theorists and practitioners.
resilience n. the process and out- respiration n. 1. the series of
come of successfully adapting to chemical reactions that enables or-
difficult or challenging life experi- ganisms to convert the chemical
ences, especially through mental, energy stored in food into energy
emotional, and behavioral flexibility that can be used by cells. 2. the pro-
and adjustment to external and in- cess by which an animal takes up
ternal demands. A number of factors oxygen from its environment and
contribute to how well people adapt discharges carbon dioxide into it.

restriction of r a n g e

respite care assistance, supervi- response selection an intermedi-

sion, and recreational or social ate stage of human information
activities provided for a person who processing in which a response to an
is unable to care for him- or herself identified stimulus is chosen. Re-
(e.g., because of a disability or sponse selection is typically studied
chronic illness) for a limited period by varying relationships between
in order to temporarily relieve fam- the stimuli and their assigned re-
ily members from caregiving sponses.
responsibilities or enable them to
conduct necessary personal or response set a tendency to answer
household affairs. These services questions in a systematic manner
may be provided either in the home that is unrelated to their content.
or at another location. Examples include the ACQUIESCENT
r e s p o n d e n t u. any REFLEX that can ITY RESPONSE SET.
be conditioned by PAVLOVIAN CON- response variable the DEPENDENT
DITIONING procedures. Compare VARIABLE in a smdy.
r e s t a t e m e n t n. in psychotherapy
r e s p o n d e n t behavior behavior and counseling, the verbatim repeti-
that is evoked by a specific stimulus tion or rephrasing by the therapist
and will consistently and predict- or counselor of a client's statement.
ably occur if the stimulus is The purpose is not only to confirm
presented. Compare EMITTED BE- that the client's remarks have been
HAVIOR. understood, but also to provide a
r e s p o n d e n t c o n d i t i o n i n g see "mirror" in which the client can see
his or her feelings and ideas more
clearly. Compare REFRAMING.
response tt. any glandular, muscu- resting p o t e n t i a l the electric po-
lar, neural, or other reaction to a tential across the plasma membrane
stimulus. A response is a clearly de- of a neuron when it is in the
fined, measurable unit of behavior nonexcited, or resting, state. It is
discussed in terms of its result (e.g., usually in the range -50 to -100 mV
pressing a lever) or its physical char- for vertebrate neurons, representing
acteristics (e.g., raising an arm). an excess of negatively charged ions
response acquiescence see YEA- on the inside of the membrane. See

response bias a tendency to give restricted code see ELABORATED

one response more than others, re- CODE.
gardless of the stimulus condition. restriction of r a n g e the limita-
In SIGNAL DETECTION THEORY, for tion by a researcher—via sampling,
example, response bias is the overall measurement procedures, or other
willingness to say "yes" (signal pres- aspects of experimental design—of
ent) or "no" (signal not present), the full range of total possible scores
regardless of the actual presence or that may be obtained to only a nar-
absence of the signal. row, limited portion of that total.
For example, in a study of the grade-
response generalization see IN- point averages of university stu-
dents, restriction of range would
response r a t e the number of re- occur if only students from the
sponses that occur within a specified dean's list were included. Range re-
time interval. striction on a particular variable


may lead to a failure to observe, or tional neurons that process the sig-
the improper characterization of, a nals of the photoreceptors and
relationship between the variables of convey an output signal to the brain
interest. by way of the OPTIC NERVE.

r e t a r d a t i o n n. a slowing down of r e t i n a l b i p o l a r cell any of various

or delay in an activity or process, as neurons in the INNER NUCLEAR
in PSYCHOMOTOR RETARDATION or LAYER of the retina that receive
MENTAL RETARDATION. input from the photoreceptors (RET-
r e t e n t i o n n. the storage and main-
transmit signals to RETINAL GAN-
tenance of a memory. Retention is
the second stage of memory, after Rods and cones are served by differ-
ent populations of retinal bipolar
—retentive ad;'. cells, called rod bipolars and cone
retest reliability an estimate of bipolars, respectively.
the ability of an assessment instm-
ment (e.g., a test) to measure an r e t i n a l cone any of various
attribute consistently: It is obtained photoreceptors in the retina that re-
as the correlation between scores on quire moderate to bright light for
two administrations of the test to activation, as opposed to RETINAL
the same individual. Also called RODS, which require very little light
test-retest reliability. for activation. In primates retinal
cones are concentrated in the FOVEA
reticular activating system CENTRALIS of the retina, where their
(RAS) a part of the RETICULAR FOR- high spatial density and the pattern
MATION thought to be particularly of connections within the cone
involved in the regulation of pathway are critical for high-acuity
arousal, alertness, and sleep-wake vision. The cone pathways also pro-
cycles. vide information about the color of
reticular f o r m a t i o n an extensive stimuli. This is achieved by the pres-
network of nerve cell bodies and ence of three different populations
fibers within the brainstem, extend- of cones, each having their maxi-
ing from the medulla oblongata to mum sensitivity to light in the
the upper part of the midbrain, that short, middle, or long wavelengths
is widely connected to the spinal of the spectrum, respectively. Other
cord, cerebellum, thalamus, and ce- animals may have additional popu-
rebral cortex. It is most prominently lations of cones; for example, some
involved in arousal, alertness, and fish have cones that are sensitive to
sleep-wake cycles, but also functions ultraviolet wavelengths. See also
to control some aspects of action
and posture.
r e t i n a l disparity see BINOCULAR
reticulospinal t r a c t see DISPARITY.
r e t i n a l ganglion cell the only
r e t i n a n. the innermost, light- type of neuron in the retina that
sensitive layer of the eye. A layer of sends signals to the brain resulting
neurons lines the inner surface of from visual stimulation. Retinal
the back of the eye and provides the ganglion cells receive input from
sensory signals required for vision. RETINAL BIPOLAR CELLS and
The retina contains the photo- AMACRINE CELLS, the axons of reti-
receptors, that is, the RETINAL RODS nal ganglion cells forming the OPTIC
and RETINAL CONES, as well as addi- NERVE.

retrospective s a m p l i n g

r e t i n a l h o r i z o n t a l cell any of r e t r o g r a d e m e m o r y the ability to

various neurons in the retina that recall events that occurred or infor-
make lateral connections between mation that was acquired prior to a
photoreceptors, RETINAL BIPOLAR particular point in time, often the
CELLS, and one another. Their cell onset of illness or physical damage
bodies are located in the INNER NU- such as brain injury. For example,
CLEAR LAYER of the retina. an individual with deficits of retro-
grade memory (retrograde AMNESIA)
r e t i n a l i m a g e the inverted picture
might not remember the name of a
of an external object formed on the
close childhood friend but would re-
retina of the eye.
member the name of a new person
r e t i n a l rivalry see BINOCULAR RI- just introduced to him or her. Com-
r e t i n a l r o d any of various retrospection n. the process of re-
photoreceptors in the retina that re- viewing or reflecting upon an
spond to low light levels, as opposed experience from the past, either di-
to RETINAL CONES, which require rected (as in learning and memory
moderate to bright light for activa- research) or spontaneous (as in eval-
tion. In primates, which have both uating one's behavior in a given
rods and cones, the rods are ex- situation).
cluded from the center of the retina,
the FOVEA CENTRALIS. All rods con- retrospective m e m o r y see PRO-
rhodopsin; therefore the rod
pathways do not provide color in- retrospective research observa-
formation to the visual system. The tional, nonexperimental research
connections of the rod pathway en- that tries to explain the present in
hance retinal sensitivity to light, terms of past events; that is, research
while acuity is relatively poor. that starts with the present and fol-
lows subjects backward in time. For
retinex t h e o r y a theory suggesting example, a retrospective study may
that various wavelengths register on be undertaken in which individuals
the color-sensitive components of are selected on the basis of whether
the retina as a large number of they exhibit a particular problematic
color-separated "photos." The visual symptom and are then studied to
mechanisms in the brain then aver- determine if they had been exposed
age together and compare long-wave to a risk factor of interest. Compare
photos with the average of the PROSPECTIVE RESEARCH.
shorter-wave photos, assigning dif-
ferent colors to them according to retrospective sampling a tech-
the ratios between them. nique for determining which
subjects or cases to include in exper-
retrieval n. the process of recover- iments or other research that selects
ing or locating information stored cases on the basis of their previous
in memory. Retrieval is the final exposure to a risk factor or the com-
stage of memory, after ENCODING pletion of some particular process.
and RETENTION. Participants are then examined in
retrieval cue a prompt or stimulus the present to see if a particular
used to guide memory recall. condition or state exists, often in
comparison to others who were not
retroactive interference see IN- exposed to the risk or did not com-
TERFERENCE. plete the particular process. See also
r e t r o g r a d e amnesia see AMNESIA. PROSPECTIVE SAMPLING.

Rett s y n d r o m e

Rett s y n d r o m e a PERVASIVE DE- green light is on result in food pre-

VELOPMENTAL DISORDER that occurs sentation. If the monkey's behavior
almost exclusively in female chil- adapts to the new contingencies
dren who develop normally early in (i.e., it presses the lever only when
life but then, between 6 and 18 the green light is present), reversal
months, undergo rapid regression in learning has occurred.
motor, cognitive, and social skills;
these skills subsequently stabilize at r e v e r s i b i l i t y n. in PIAGETIAN THE-
a level that leaves the child with ORY, a mental operation that
mental retardation. Symptoms gen- reverses a sequence of events or re-
erally include loss of language skills, stores a changed state of affairs to
hand motion abnormalities (e.g., the original condition. It is exempli-
hand wringing and other repetitive, fied by the ability to realize that a
purposeless movements), learning glass of milk poured into a bottle
difficulties, gait disturbances, can be poured back into the glass
breathing problems, seizures, and and remain unchanged. See also
pronounced deceleration of head CONSERVATION.
growth, [first described in 1966 by
Andreas Rett (1924-1997), Austrian reversible figure an AMBIGUOUS
pediatrician] FIGURE in which the perspective eas-
ily shifts between FIGURE-GROUND,
r e u p t a k e n. the process by which such that at certain times spedfic el-
neurotransmitter molecules that ements appear to comprise a distinct
have been released at a SYNAPSE are figure while at others those same el-
taken up by the presynaptic neuron ements appear as an indistinct
that released them. Reuptake is per- background. Examples include the
the presynaptic membrane. ReVia n. a trade name for
reversal design an experimental NALTREXONE.
design that attempts to counteract
the confounding effects (see CON- revolving-door p h e n o m e n o n
FOUND) of sequence, order, and the repeated readmission of patients
treatment in LATIN SQUARES by al-
to hospitals or other institutions,
ternating baseline conditions (A) often because they were discharged
with treatment conditions (B), for before they had adequately recov-
example by employing two sets of ered.
three observations (A then B then A; r e w a r d n. a lay word that is nearly
B then A then B) to yield counter- synonymous with REINFORCEMENT.
balanced estimates of A versus B. Sometimes it is used to describe the
reversal l e a r n i n g in DISCRIMINA- intent of someone providing conse-
TIONS involving two alternatives, quences for behavior, rather than
the effects of reversing the contin- the effectiveness of a consequence
gencies associated with the two (as is required in the definition of re-
alternatives. For example, a monkey inforcement) in influencing the
could be trained under conditions in frequency or probability of occur-
which lever presses when a red light rence of a particular behavior.
is present result in food presentation R h i n e c a r d s see ZENER CARDS. [Jo-
and lever presses when a green light seph B. Rhine (1895-1980), U.S.
is on are without effect. The contin- psychologist]
gencies are then reversed, so that
presses when the red light is on are r h i n e n c e p h a l o n n. the portion of
ineffective and presses when the the brain that includes the limbic

risk assessment

system; olfactory nerves, bulbs, and usually persistent or chronic in na-

tracts; and related stmctures. ture, have the right to receive care
and treatment suited to their needs.
r h o d o p s i n n. see PHOTOPIGMENT. Such stamtory rights may apply na-
r h o m b e n c e p h a l o n n. see tionally or to certain state or
HINDBRAIN. provincial areas, or they may be lim-
ited to certain conditions and
ribonucleic acid see RNA. disabilities.
ribosome n. a specialized, mem- r i g h t t o w i t h d r a w the right of
brane-bound strucmre (organelle), participants in research to remove
consisting of RNA and proteins, themselves from the study or pro-
found in large numbers in all cells cedure at any point. Ethically speak-
and responsible for the translation ing, this prerogative would follow
of genetic information (in the form naturally from voluntary participa-
of messenger RNA) and the assembly tion and from the guarantee that
of proteins. —ribosomal adj. refusal to continue will not result in
r i g h t h e m i s p h e r e the right half of penalty or loss of any benefits that a
the CEREBRUM, the part of the brain participant might have independent
concerned with sensation and per- of the smdy. See also INFORMED
ception, motor control, and higher
level cognitive processes. The two rigidity n. stiffness or inflexibility.
The term typically denotes muscular
what in function; for example, in
most people the right hemisphere rigidity or a personality trait charac-
has greater responsibility for spatial terized by strong resistance to
attention. Some have proposed the changing one's behavior, opinions,
hypothesis of right-hemisphere con- or attitudes. —rigid adj.
sciousness, specifying that the right risk n. 1. the probability or likeli-
hemisphere is conscious, like the hood that an event will occur, such
LEFT HEMISPHERE, even though it as the risk that a disease or disorder
has no control of spoken com- will develop. 2. the probability of
munication. See HEMISPHERIC experiencing loss or harm that is as-
LATERALIZATION. sodated with an action or behavior.
r i g h t t o refuse t r e a t m e n t the —risky ad;'.
right of patients with mental illness
to refuse treatment that may be po- risk-as-feelings t h e o r y a model
tentially hazardous or intmsive (e.g., stating that decision making in situ-
ELECTROCONVULSIVE THERAPY Or ations involving a degree of risk is
PSYCHOACTIVE DRUGS), particularly often driven by emotional reactions,
when such treatment does not ap- such as worry, fear, or anxiety,
pear to be in the best interests of the rather than by a rational assessment
patient. In the United States, various of (a) the desirability and (b) the
state laws and court rulings support likelihood of the various possible
the rights of patients to receive or outcomes.
reject certain treatments, but there is
a lack of uniformity in such regula- risk assessment the process of de-
tions. termining the threat an individual
would be likely to pose if released
r i g h t t o t r e a t m e n t a statutory from the confinement in which he
right, established at varying govern- or she is held as a result of mental
mental levels, stipulating that illness or criminal acts. It may be a
people with disabilities or disorders, clinician-based prediction of danger-

risk aversion

ous or violent behavior (clinical risk cusing on fostering comraderie with

assessment) or it may be based on a others.
specific formula or weighting system
using empirically derived predictors r i s k y shift see CAUTIOUS SHIFT.
(actuarial risk assessment). Ritalin n. a trade name for
risk aversion the tendency, when
choosing between alternatives, to r i t e of passage a ritual that marks
avoid options that entail a risk of a specific life transition, such as
loss, even if that risk is relatively birth, marriage, or death, or a devel-
small. opmental milestone, such as a bar
mitzvah, graduation, or puberty rite.
risk factor a clearly defined behav- In many societies such rites are con-
ior or constitutional (e.g., genetic), sidered essential if the individual is
environmental, or other characteris- to make a successful transition from
tic that is assodated with an one status to another.
increased possibility or likelihood
that a disease or disorder will subse- r i t u a l n. a ceremonial act or rite,
quently develop in an individual. usually involving a fixed order of ac-
tions or gestures and the saying of
risk t a k i n g a pattern of engaging certain prescribed words. Anthropol-
in activities or behaviors that are ogists distinguish between several
highly subject to chance, particu- major categories of ritual: magic rit-
larly those that are physically uals, which involve an attempt
dangerous (e.g., river rafting, driving to manipulate natural forces;
while intoxicated) or that simulta- calendrical rituals, which mark the
neously involve potential for failure passing of time; liturgical rituals,
as well as for accomplishment or which involve the reenactment of a
personal benefit (e.g., starting a sacred story or myth; RITES OF PAS-
business, gambling). In the work- SAGE; and formal procedures that
place or in educational settings, risk have the effect of emphasizing both
taking tends to be assodated with a the importance and the impersonal
degree of creativity necessary for quality of certain social behaviors, as
success and thus viewed positively, in a court of law. —ritualism n.
whereas in other contexts it is often —ritualistic ad;.
seen as unnecessary or the result of
poor decision making and thus eval- r i t u a l i z a t i o n u. the process by
uated negatively. Historically, risk which a normal behavioral or
taking has been considered a per- physiological action becomes a
sonality trait, more common in men communication signal representing
than women, but recent research the behavior or its physiological
suggests biological, cognitive, and consequence. For example, the
social factors are involved in this flushed face assodated with anger
pattern of behavior as well. For ex- and the pale face associated with
ample, current theories include fear initially derive from actions of
those proposing an evolutionary the sympathetic nervous system
advantage conveyed by successful related to vasodilation and
risk taking; those proposing a phy- vasoconstriction, respectively.
siological propensity for arousal as RNA ribonucleic acid: a nucleic acid
governed by levels of the neuro- that directs the synthesis of protein
transmitters dopamine, serotonin, molecules in living cells. There are
and norepinephrine; those focusing three main types of RNA. MESSEN-
on obtaining a sense of personal GER RNA carries the GENETIC CODE
control over events; and those fo- from the cell nucleus to the cyto-

Rorschach I n k b l o t Test

plasm. Ribosomal RNA is found in family psychotherapy, and rehears-

ribosomes, small particles where ing different ways of coping with
proteins are assembled from amino stresses and conflicts.
acids. Transfer RNA carries specific
amino acids for protein synthesis. role t a k i n g awareness or adoption
RNA is similar to DNA in structure of the viewpoint of another person,
except that it consists of a single typically for the purpose of under-
strand of nucleotides (compared standing his or her thoughts and
with the double strands of DNA), actions.
the base uracil occurs instead of thy- r o m a n t i c love a type of love in
mine, and the sugar unit is ribose, which intimacy and passion are
rather than deoxyribose. prominent features. In some taxono-
robustness n. the ability of a hy- mies of love, romantic love is
pothesis-testing or estimation identified with PASSIONATE LOVE
procedure to produce valid results in and distinguished from COM-
spite of violations of the assump- PANIONATE LOVE; in others, it is seen
tions upon which the methodology as involving elements of both. See
is based.
ROC curve abbreviation for RE- r o o t i n g reflex an automatic, un-
CEIVER-OPERATING CHARACTERISTIC learned response of a newborn to a
CURVE. gentle stimulus (e.g., the touch of a
finger) applied to the corner of the
r o d n. see RETINAL ROD. mouth or to the cheek, in which the
role n. a coherent set of behaviors infant turns his or her head and
expected of an individual in a spe- makes sucking motions.
cific position within a group or root-mean-square the square root
social setting. Since the term is de- of the sum of the squares of a set of
rived from the dramaturgical values divided by the number of val-
concept of role (the dialogue and ac- ues. For a set of values x 1, x 2, ... xn
tions assigned to each performer in the root-mean-square value is V[(x j 2
a play), there is a suggestion that in- + x 2 2 + ... xn 2)/n]. In the physical
dividuals' actions are regulated by sciences the term is used as a syn-
the part they play in the social set- onym for STANDARD DEVIATION
ting rather than by their personal under certain circumstances.
predilections or inclinations. See
also SOCIAL ROLE. Rorschach I n k b l o t Test a projec-
tive test in which the participant is
role confusion a state of uncer- presented with ten unstructured ink-
tainty about a given social or group blots and is asked "What might this
role. be?" or "What do you see in this?"
role play a technique used in The examiner classifies the re-
human relations training and psy- sponses according to various
chotherapy in which participants stmctural and thematic (content)
act out various social roles in dra- factors and attempts to interpret the
matic situations. Originally participant's personality stmcture in
developed in PSYCHODRAMA, role terms of such factors as emotional-
play is now widely used in indus- ity, cognitive style, creativity,
trial, educational, and clinical impulse control, and various defen-
settings for such purposes as train- sive patterns. Perhaps the best
ing employees to handle sales known, and certainly one of the
problems, testing out different atti- most controversial, assessment in-
tudes and relationships in group and struments in all of psychology—it is

Rosenthal effect

almost considered "representative" or the logical implications of the re-

by the general public—the Ror- sponse.
schach is widely used and has been
extensively researched, with results r o u n d w i n d o w a membrane-
ranging from those that claim covered opening in the cochlea
strong support for its clinical utility where it borders the middle ear (see
(e.g., for selecting treatment modali- SCALA TYMPANI). Pressure changes
ties or monitoring patient change or in the cochlea produced by vibra-
improvement over time) to those tion of the OVAL WINDOW are
that demonstrate little evidence of ultimately transmitted to the round
robust or consistent validity and window. This permits displacement
that criticize the instrument as in- of the BASILAR MEMBRANE and stim-
valid and useless. [Hermann ulation of the sensory receptors.
Rorschach (1884-1922), Swiss psy- RT abbreviation for REACTION TIME.
rTMS abbreviation for repetitive
Rosenthal effect an effect in TRANSCRANIAL MAGNETIC STIMULA-
which the expectancy an experi- TION.
menter has about the outcome of an
experiment unwittingly affects the Rubin's figure an ambiguous fig-
outcome of the experiment in the ure that may be perceived either as
direction of the expectancy. [Robert one goblet or as two facing profiles.
Rosenthal (1933- ), U.S. psycholo- [Edgar Rubin (1886-1951), Danish
gist] philosopher]
rostral adj. 1. pertaining to a beak r u b r o s p i n a l t r a c t a motor path-
or snout. 2. situated or occurring to- way that arises from the red nucleus
ward the nose, or beak, of an (a colledion of cell bodies that re-
organism. Compare CAUDAL. ceives input from the cerebellum) in
—rostrally adv. the brainstem and descends laterally
in the spinal cord, where it stimu-
r o t e l e a r n i n g the type of learning lates flexor motor neurons and
in which acquisition occurs through inhibits extensor motor neurons.
drill and repetition, sometimes in
the absence of comprehension. Rote r u m i n a t i o n n. excessive, repetitive
learning may lead to the production thoughts or themes that interfere
of correct answers, but without with other forms of mental activity.
awareness of the reasoning behind —ruminate vb.

SA abbreviation for SOCIAL AGE. between consenting partners in
saccade n. a rapid movement of the which one partner enjoys inflicting
pain (see SEXUAL SADISM) and the
eyes that allows visual fixation to
jump from one location to another other enjoys experiencing pain (see
in the visual field. Once initiated, a
saccade cannot change course. Com- ochist n. —sadomasochistic adj.
pare SMOOTH-PURSUIT MOVEMENT. safety need a desire for freedom
—saccadic ad;'. from illness or danger and for
a secure, familiar, predictable en-
saccule n. the smaller of the two
VESTIBULAR SACS of the inner ear,
vironment. Safety needs comprise
the second level of MASLOW'S MOTI-
the other being the UTRICLE. Like
the utricle, it contains a sensory VATIONAL HIERARCHY, after basic
stmcture called a MACULA. Move-
ments of the head relative to gravity sagittal adj. describing or relating
exert a momentum pressure on hair to a plane that divides the body or
cells within the macula, which then an organ into left and right por-
fire impulses indicating a change in tions. A midsagittal plane divides
body position in space. —saccular the body centrally into halves,
adj. whereas a parasagittal plane lies par-
allel but to one side of the center.
SAD abbreviation for SEASONAL AF-
—sagittally adv.
sadism n. the derivation of pleasure salient adj. distinctive or promi-
through cruelty and inflicting pain, nent. A salient stimulus in a
humiliation, and other forms of suf- multielement array will tend to be
fering on individuals. The term easily detected and identified. See
generally denotes SEXUAL SADISM. POP-OUT. —salience n.
[Donatien Alphonse Francois, saltation n. a type of conduction
Comte (Marquis) de Sade (1740- of nerve impulses that occurs in
1814), French soldier and writer] myelinated fibers (see MYELIN), in
—sadist n. —sadistic ad;'. which the impulses skip from one
sadness n. an emotional state of NODE OF RANVIER to the next. This
unhappiness, ranging in intensity permits much faster conduction
from mild to extreme and usually velocities compared with un-
aroused by the loss of something myelinated fibers. Also called
that is highly valued, for example, s a l t a t o r y conduction.
by the rupture or loss of a relation-
sample «. a subset of a POPULATION
ship. Persistent sadness is one of the
of interest that is seleded for study.
two defining symptoms of a MAJOR It is important to ensure that a
DEPRESSIVE EPISODE, the other being sample is representative of the
ANHEDONIA. —sad ad;'. population as a whole.
sadomasochism n. sexual adivity s a m p l i n g n. the process of select-

s a m p l i n g bias

ing a limited number of subjects or such as hunger or thirst. 2. the tem-

cases for participation in experi- porary loss of effectiveness of a
ments, surveys, or other research. REINFORCER due to its repeated pre-
There are a number of different sentation, —satiate vb.
types (e.g., SIMPLE RANDOM SAM-
PLING, STRATIFIED SAMPLING, s a t u r a t i o n n. the purity of a color
OPPORTUNISTIC SAMPLING, QUOTA and the degree to which it departs
SAMPLING), each having a different from white. Highly saturated colors
potential of obtaining a sample ap- are intense and brilliant, whereas
propriately representative of the colors of low saturation are diluted
POPULATION under smdy. and dull.
savant n. a person with mental re-
s a m p l i n g bias any flaw in SAM-
tardation or an AUTISTIC SPECTRUM
PLING processes that makes the
resulting sample unrepresentative of DISORDER (autistic savant) who
the population, hence possibly dis- demonstrates exceptional, usually
torting research results. isolated, cognitive abilities, such as
rapid calculation, identifying the
s a m p l i n g e r r o r the predictable day of the week for any given date,
margin of error that occurs in stud- or musical talent. The term idiot sa-
ies employing sampling, as reflected vant initially was used to denote
in the variation in the estimate of a such a person but has been dis-
parameter from its tme value in the carded because of its colloquial,
population. pejorative connotation.
sampling f r a m e a complete list- SB abbreviation for STANFORD-
ing of all of the elements in a BINET INTELLIGENCE SCALE.
POPULATION from which a sample is scaffolding n. a teaching style that
to be drawn. supports and facilitates the student
s a m p l i n g w i t h replacement a as he or she learns a new skill or
SAMPLING technique in which a se- concept, with the ultimate goal of
lected unit is returned to the pool the student becoming self-reliant.
and may subsequently be redrawn Derived from the theories of Russian
in another sample. In sampling psychologist Lev Vygotsky (1896-
without replacement the sampling 1934), in practice it involves teach-
unit is not returned to the pool. ing material just beyond the level at
which the student could learn
sanction n. a punishment or other alone.
coercive measure, usually adminis-
tered by a recognized authority, that scala m e d i a one of the three ca-
is used to penalize and deter inap- nals that run the length of the
propriate or unauthorized actions. COCHLEA in the inner ear. Located
between the scala vestibuli and scala
Sapir-Whorf hypothesis see LIN- tympani, it is filled with fluid
GUISTIC DETERMINISM. [Edward (ENDOLYMPH) and is delimited by
Sapir (1884-1939) and Benjamin Lee REISSNER'S MEMBRANE, the highly
Whorf (1897-1941), U.S. linguists] vascular stria vascularis, and the
BASILAR MEMBRANE, which supports
SAS abbreviation for SUPERVISORY
scala t y m p a n i one of the three ca-
SAT acronym for SCHOLASTIC AS-
nals within the COCHLEA in the
inner ear. It is located below the
s a t i a t i o n n. 1. the full and com- scala media, from which it is sepa-
plete satisfaction of a desire or need, rated by the BASILAR MEMBRANE,


and contains PERILYMPH. At its basal Also called two-factor t h e o r y of

end is the ROUND WINDOW. emotion. [Stanley Schachter
(1922-1997) and Jerome E. Singer
scala vestibuli one of the three (1924- ), U.S. psychologists]
canals within the COCHLEA in the
inner ear. It is located above the schedule of reinforcement in
scala media, from which it is sepa- conditioning, a mle that determines
rated by REISSNER'S MEMBRANE, and which instances of a response will
contains PERILYMPH. At its basal end be reinforced. There are numerous
is the OVAL WINDOW. types of schedules of reinforcement,
scale n. a system for arranging SCHEDULES, FIXED-RATIO SCHED-
items in a progressive series, for ex- ULES, VARIABLE-INTERVAL SCHED-
ample, according to their magnitude ULES, and VARIABLE-RATIO
or value. The characteristic of an SCHEDULES. Also called reinforce-
item that allows it to fit into such a
progression is called scalability. m e n t schedule.

scaling n. the process of construct- Scheffe test a post hoc statistical

ing a SCALE to measure or assess test that allows for the testing of all
some quantity or characteristic (e.g., possible contrasts (weighted com-
height, weight, happiness, empa- parisons of any number of means)
thy). while controlling the probability of
a TYPE i ERROR for the set of con-
scapegoating n. blaming: the trasts at a prespecified level. [Henry
process of directing one's anger, Scheffe (1907-1977), U.S. mathema-
frustration, and aggression onto tician]
other, usually less powerful, groups
or individuals and targeting them as schema n. (pl. schemata) 1. a col-
the source of one's problems and lection of basic knowledge about a
misfortunes. —scapegoat n., vb. concept or entity that serves as a
guide to perception, interpretation,
scapegoat t h e o r y an analysis of imagination, or problem solving.
PREJUDICE that assumes that inter- For example, the schema "dorm
group conflict is caused, in part, by room" suggests that a bed and a
the tendency of individuals to desk are probably part of the scene,
blame their negative experiences on that a microwave oven might be,
other groups. and that expensive Persian mgs
probably will not be. 2. an outlook
s c a t t e r p l o t « . a graphical represen- or assumption that an individual
tation of the relationship between has of the self, others, or the world
two variables, in which the X-AXIS that endures despite objective real-
represents one variable and the ity. For example, "I am a damaged
Y-AXIS the other. A dot or other person" and "Anyone I tmst will
symbol is placed at each point eventually hurt me" are negative
where the values of the variables schemas that may result from nega-
intersect, and the overall pattern of tive experiences in early childhood.
symbols provides an indication of A goal of treatment, particularly
the CORRELATION between the two
stressed in COGNITIVE THERAPY, is to
variables. Also called s c a t t e r g r a m . help the client to develop more real-
Schachter-Singer t h e o r y the istic, presentToriented schemas to
theory that experiencing emotional replace those developed during
states is a function not only of phys- childhood or through traumatic ex-
iological AROUSAL but also cognitive periences. See also SELF-IMAGE.
interpretations of the physical state. —schematic ad;'.


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scheme n. a cognitive stmcture that PARANOID SCHIZOPHRENIA, RESID-

contains an organized plan for an UAL SCHIZOPHRENIA, and
activity, thus representing general- UNDIFFERENTIATED SCHIZOPHRENIA.
ized knowledge about an entity and —schizophrenic ad;'.
serving to guide behavior. For exam-
ple, there is a simple sucking scheme schizophreniform disorder a
of infancy, applied first to a nipple disorder whose essential features are
or teat and later to a thumb, soft identical to those of SCHIZOPHRENIA
toy, and so forth. This term is often except that the total duration is be-
used as a synonym of SCHEMA. tween 1 and 6 months and social or
occupational functioning need not
schizoaffective disorder an un- be impaired.
interrupted illness featuring at some
time a MAJOR DEPRESSIVE EPISODE, schizophrenogenic ad;, denoting
MANIC EPISODE, Or MIXED EPISODE a factor or influence viewed as caus-
concurrently with characteristic ing or contributing to the onset or
symptoms of schizophrenia (e.g., de- development of schizophrenia. For
lusions, hallucinations, disorganized example, schizophrenogenic par-
speech, catatonic behavior). ents are those whose harmful
influences are presumed to cause
schizoid ad;', denoting characteris- schizophrenia in their offspring; this
tics resembling SCHIZOPHRENIA but concept—the subject of much de-
in a milder form: characterized by bate in the 1940s espedally—is now
lack of affect, social passivity, and considered an oversimplification.
minimal introspection.
schizotypal personality dis-
schizoid personality disorder a order a personality disorder char-
personality disorder characterized by acterized by various oddities of
long-term emotional coldness, indif- thought, perception, speech, and be-
ference to praise or criticism and to havior that are not severe enough to
the feelings of others, and inability warrant a diagnosis of schizophre-
to form close friendships with oth- nia. Symptoms may include
ers. The eccentricities of speech, perceptual distortions, MAGICAL
behavior, or thought that are THINKING, social isolation, vague
characteristic of SCHIZOTYPAL PER- speech without incoherence, and in-
SONALITY DISORDER are absent in adequate rapport with others due to
those with schizoid personality dis- aloofness or lack of feeling.
Scholastic Assessment Test
schizophrenia n. a psychotic dis- (SAT) a test used in selecting candi-
order characterized by disturbances dates for college admission, formerly
in thinking (cognition), emotional called the Scholastic Aptitude Test.
responsiveness, and behavior. Ori- It tests ability to understand and an-
ginally named DEMENTIA PRAECOX, alyze what is read and to recognize
schizophrenia includes POSITIVE relationships between parts of a sen-
SYMPTOMS, such as delusions, hallu- tence; ability to solve problems
cinations, and disorganized speech, involving arithmetic, algebra, and
and NEGATIVE SYMPTOMS, such as geometry; and ability to organize
lack of emotional responsiveness thoughts, develop and express ideas,
and extreme apathy. These signs use language, and adhere to gram-
and symptoms are associated with matical mles.
marked social or occupational dys-
function. There are five distinct school refusal persistent reluc-
subtypes: CATATONIC SCHIZOPHRE- tance to go to school, which is often
NIA, DISORGANIZED SCHIZOPHRENIA, a symptom of an educational, social,

secondary circular reaction

or emotional problem. School proach, or referral to a treatment fa-

refusal may be a feature of SEPARA- cility would constitute a screening.
be triggered by a stressor (e.g., loss script n. a cognitive schematic
of a pet or loved one, a change of stmcture—a mental road map—con-
school). School refusal is often asso- taining the basic actions (and their
ciated with physical symptoms (e.g., temporal and causal relations) that
nausea, dizziness, headache) and comprise a complex action. For ex-
anxiety at the start of the day along ample, the script for cooking pasta
with complaints that the child is too might be: Open pan cupboard,
sick to go to school. Also called choose pan, fill pan with water, put
school phobia. pan on stove, get out pasta, weigh
correct amount of pasta, add pasta
S c h w a n n cell a type of non- to boiling water, decide when
neuronal peripheral nervous system cooked, remove from heat, strain,
cell (GLIA) that forms the MYELIN place in bowl.
SHEATH around axons. [Theodor
Schwann (1810-1882), German his- SD abbreviation for STANDARD DEVI-
tologist] ATION.

scientific m e t h o d a group of pro- SDT abbreviation for SIGNAL DETEC-

cedures, guidelines, assumptions, TION THEORY.
and attitudes required for the orga- seasonal affective disorder
nized and systematic collection, (SAD) a MOOD DISORDER in which
interpretation, and verification of there is a predictable occurrence of
data and the discovery of reproduc- MAJOR DEPRESSIVE EPISODES during
ible evidence, enabling laws and the fall or winter months.
principles to be stated or modified.
secondary a g i n g changes due to
sclera n. the tough, white outer biological AGING, but accelerated by
coat of the eyeball, which is contin- disabilities resulting from disease or
uous with the cornea at the front produced by extrinsic factors, such
and the sheath of the optic nerve at as stress, trauma, lifestyle, and envi-
the back of the eyeball. ronment. Secondary aging is often
score n. a quantitative value as- distinguished from PRIMARY AGING,
signed to test results or other which is governed by inborn and
measurable responses. age-related processes, but the dis-
tinction is not a precise one.
scotoma u. an area of partial or
complete loss of vision either in the secondary care health care ser-
central visual field (central scotoma) vices provided by medical specialists
or in the periphery (paracentral (e.g., cardiologists, urologists, der-
scotoma). matologists), to whom, typically,
patients are referred by the PRIMARY
screening n. 1. a procedure or pro- CARE provider. Compare TERTIARY
gram to detect early signs of a CARE.
disease in an individual or popula-
tion. 2. the process of determining, secondary circular reaction in
through a preliminary test, whether PIAGETIAN THEORY, a repetitive ac-
an individual is suitableforsome tion emerging at around 4 to 5
purpose or task. For example, the months, such as rattling the crib,
initial evaluation of a patient to de- that has yielded results in the past
termine his or her suitability for but that the infant does not modify
medical or psychological treatment to meet the requirements of a new
generally, a specific treatment ap- situation. See also PRIMARY CIRCU-

secondary drive

LAR REACTION; TERTIARY CIRCULAR secondary process in psychoana-

REACTION. lytic theory, conscious, rational
mental activities under the control
secondary drive an acquired of the EGO and the REALITY PRINCI-
drive; that is, a drive that is devel- PLE. These thought processes, which
oped through association with or include problem-solving, judgment,
generalization from a PRIMARY and systematic thinking, enable in-
DRIVE. For example, in an AVOID-
dividuals to meet both the external
ANCE CONDITIONING experiment in demands of the environment and
which a rat must go from one com- the internal demands of their in-
partment into another to escape stincts in rational, effective ways.
from an electric shock, the second- Compare PRIMARY PROCESS.
ary drive is fear of the shock and the
primary drive with which it is asso- secondary reinforcement 1. in
ciated is avoidance of pain. OPERANT CONDITIONING, the pro-
cess in which a neutral stimulus
secondary g a i n in psychoanalytic acquires the ability to influence the
theory, any advantage derived from future probability of a particular re-
a NEUROSIS in addition to the PRI- sponse by virtue of being paired
MARY GAINS of relief from anxiety or with another stimulus that naturally
internal conflict. Examples are extra enhances such probability. That is,
attention, sympathy, avoidance of the initially neutral stimulus or cir-
work, and domination of others. cumstance functions as effective
Such gains are secondary in that REINFORCEMENT only after special
they are derived from others' reac- experience or training. For example,
tions to the illness instead of causal a person teaching a dog to under-
factors. stand the command "sit" might
provide a treat and a simultaneous
secondary g r o u p one of the popping noise from a clicker tool
larger, less intimate, more goal- each time the dog successfully per-
focused groups typical of more com- forms the behavior. Eventually, the
plex societies, such as work groups, clicker noise itself can be used alone
clubs, congregations, associations, to maintain the desired behavior,
and so on. These social groups influ- with no treat reward being neces-
ence members' attitudes, beliefs, and sary. 2. the contingent occurrence
actions, but as a supplement to the of such a stimulus or circumstance
influence of small, more interper- after a response. Also called condi-
sonally intensive PRIMARY GROUPS. t i o n e d reinforcement. Compare
secondary g u s t a t o r y c o r t e x see PRIMARY REINFORCEMENT.
SECONDARY TASTE CORTEX. secondary sensory a r e a any of
secondary m o t o r cortex see the regions of the cerebral cortex
MOTOR CORTEX. that receive direct projections from
secondary p r e v e n t i o n interven- given sense modality. An example is
tion for individuals or groups that the SECONDARY SOMATOSENSORY
demonstrate early psychological or AREA.
physical symptoms, difficulties, or secondary sex characteristic see
conditions (i.e., subclinical-level
problems), which is intended to pre- SEX CHARACTERISTIC.
vent the development of more secondary somatosensory a r e a
serious dysfunction or illness. Com- (S2) an area of the cerebral cortex,
pare PRIMARY PREVENTION; located in the PARIETAL LOBE on the


that receives direct projections from tioned stimulus. See HIGHER ORDER
and other regions of the anterior pa- second-order schedule a SCHED-
rietal cortex and has outputs to ULE OF REINFORCEMENT in which
other parts of the lateral parietal cor-the units counted are not single re-
tex and to motor and premotor
sponses but completions of a
particular reinforcement schedule.
secondary t a s t e cortex the area For example, in a second-order
of cerebral cortex, located in the fixed-ratio 5 of fixed-interval 30-s
ORBITOFRONTAL CORTEX, that is the schedule [FR 5 (FI 30 s)], reinforce-
second cortical relay for taste (see ment is delivered only after five
also PRIMARY TASTE CORTEX). It successive FI 30-s schedules have
identifies gustatory stimuli as either been completed. Often, a brief stim-
pleasant and rewarding or unpleas- ulus of some sort is presented on
ant and undesirable. This informa- completion of each unit schedule.
tion from the secondary taste cortex secular t r e n d the main trend or
interacts with analyses from visual, long-term direction of a TIME SERIES,
touch, and olfadory cells to permit as distinguished from temporary
an integrated appreciation of flavor. variations.
Also called secondary g u s t a t o r y
cortex. secure a t t a c h m e n t 1. in the
secondary visual cortex (V2) the parent-child relationship, in which
area immediately surrounding the the child displays confidence when
primary visual cortex (see STRIATE the parent is present, shows mild
CORTEX) in the OCCIPITAL LOBES, re- distress when the parent leaves, and
ceiving signals from it secondarily quickly reestablishes contact when
for analysis and further discrimina- the parent returns. 2. an adult AT-
tion of visual input in terms of TACHMENT STYLE that combines a
motion, shape (particularly complex positive view of oneself as worthy of
shapes), and position. love, and a positive view that others
are generally accepting and res-
second-generation a n t i - ponsive. Compare DISMISSIVE
second messenger an ion or
molecule inside a cell whose con- secure base p h e n o m e n o n the ob-
centration increases or decreases in servation that infants use a place of
response to stimulation of a cell RE- safety, represented by an attach-
CEPTOR by a neurotransmitter, ment figure (e.g., a parent), as a base
hormone, or dmg. The second mes- from which to explore a novel envi-
senger acts to relay and amplify the ronment. The infant often returns
signal from the receptor (the "first or looks back to the parent before
messenger") by triggering a range of continuing to explore.
cellular activities.
sedative n. a dmg that has a calm-
second-order c o n d i t i o n i n g in ing effect, and therefore relieves
PAVLOVIAN CONDITIONING, the es- anxiety, agitation, or behavioral ex-
tablishment of a conditioned citement, by depressing the central
response as a result of pairing a neu- nervous system. The degree of seda-
tral stimulus with a conditioned tion depends on the agent and the
stimulus that gained its effectiveness size of the dose: A dmg that sedates
by being paired with an uncondi- in small doses may induce sleep in


larger doses and may be used as a selective m u t i s m a rare disorder,

HYPNOTIC; such dmgs are com- most commonly but not exclusively
monly known as sedative- found in young children, character-
hypnotics. ized by a persistent failure to speak
segregation n. the separation or in certain social situations (e.g., at
isolation of people (e.g., ethnic school) despite the ability to speak
groups) or other entities (e.g., men- and to understand spoken language.
tal processes) so that there is a Currently, selective mutism is
minimum of interaction between thought to be related to severe anxi-
them. ety and SOCIAL PHOBIA, but the
exact cause is unknown.
seizure n. a discrete episode of un-
controlled, excessive electrical selective o p t i m i z a t i o n w i t h
discharge of neurons in the brain. c o m p e n s a t i o n a process used to
The resulting clinical symptoms adapt to biological and psychologi-
vary based on the type and location cal defidts assodated with aging.
of the seizure. See EPILEPSY. The process involves emphasizing
and enhancing those capacities af-
selection n. in animal behavior, fected only minimally by aging
the differential survival of some (optimization) and developing new
individuals and their offspring com- means of maintaining functioning
pared with others, causing certain in those areas that are significantly
physical oi behavioral traits to be affected (compensation).
favored in subsequent generations.
The general process is known as selective serotonin r e u p t a k e in-
NATURAL SELECTION. h i b i t o r see SSRI.
selection bias a systematic and di- self n. the totality of the individual,
rectional error in the choosing of consisting of all characteristic attrib-
partidpants or other units for re- utes, conscious and unconscious,
search, such as selecting specially mental and physical. Apart from its
motivated participants. Selection basic reference to personal identity,
bias is associated with nonrandom being, and experience, the term's
sampling and with nonrandom as- use in psychology is extremely wide-
signment to conditions. ranging and lacks uniformity, in-
selective a d a p t a t i o n the observa- cluding, for example, the following
tion that perceptual adaptation can perspectives: the person as the target
occur in response to certain stimulus of self-appraisal or as having the
qualities while being unaffected by power and capability to produce an
others. For example, color adapta- effect or exert influence; the person
tion can take place independently of as he or she gradually develops by a
motion adaptation. process of INDIVIDUATION; the indi-
vidual identified with a LIFESTYLE;
selective a t t e n t i o n concentration and the essence of the individual,
on certain stimuli in the environ- consisting of a gradually developing
ment and not others, enabling body sense, IDENTITY, self-estimate,
important stimuli to be distin- and set of personal values, attitudes,
guished from peripheral or and intentions.
incidental ones. Selective attention
is typically measured by instructing self-acceptance n. a relatively ob-
participants to attend to some jective sense or recognition of one's
sources of information while ignor- abilities and achievements, together
ing others and then determining with acknowledgment and accep-
their effectiveness in doing this. tance of one's limitations. Self-


acceptance is often viewed as a Distinctions are sometimes made be-

major component of mental health. tween subjective self-awareness,
arising diredly from the observation
self-actualization n. the complete and experience of oneself as the
realization of that of which one is source of perception and behavior,
capable, involving maximum de- and objective self-awareness, arising
velopment of abilities and full in- from comparison between the self
volvement in and appreciation for and (a) the behaviors, attitudes, and
life, particularly as manifest in PEAK traits of others or (b) some perceived
EXPERIENCES. The term is associated standard for social correctness in
particularly with the HUMANISTIC any one of these areas.
PSYCHOLOGY of U.S. psychologist
Abraham Maslow (1908-1970), who self-complexity it. the degree to
viewed the process of striving to- which different aspects of the SELF-
ward full potential as fundamental CONCEPT are disconnected from
yet obtainable only after the basic one another. Low self-complexity
needs of physical survival, safety, entails considerable integration;
love and belongingness, and esteem high self-complexity results from
are fulfilled. compartmentalization, so that what
affects one part of the self may not
self-affirmation n. any behavior affect other parts.
by which a person expresses a posi-
tive attitude toward his or her self, self-concept n. one's description
often by a positive assertion of his and evaluation of oneself, including
or her values, attributes, or group psychological and physical charac-
memberships. Self-affirmation the- teristics, qualities, and skills. A self-
ory assumes that the desire for self- concept contributes to the individ-
affirmation is basic and pervasive ual's sense of identity over time and
and that many different behaviors is dependent in part on unconscious
reflect this motive. According to the schematization of the self (see
theory, people are motivated to SCHEMA).
maintain views of themselves as
well-adapted, moral, and compe- self-conscious e m o t i o n an emo-
tent. When some aspect of this self- tion that celebrates or condemns the
view is challenged, people experi- self and its actions, generated when
ence psychological discomfort the self is known to be the object of
which they attempt to reduce by di- another person's evaluation. Self-
rectly resolving the inconsistency or conscious emotions include SHAME,
by affirming some other aspect of
the self. Recently, the term other-conscious
emotions has been suggested as a
self-awareness n. self-focused at- better name for these emotions, to
tention or knowledge. There has emphasize the importance of the ap-
been a continuing controversy over praisal of other human beings in
whether nonhuman animals have generating them.
self-awareness. Evidence of this in
animals most often is determined by self-consciousness n. 1. a person-
whether an individual can use a mir- ality trait associated with the
ror to groom an otherwise unseen tendency to reflect on or think
spot on its own forehead. about oneself. Some researchers
have distinguished between two va-
self-awareness t h e o r y any hypo- rieties of self-consciousness: (a)
thetical constmct that attempts to private self-consciousness, or the de-
describe how self-focused attention gree to which people think about
occurs and what purpose it serves. private, internal aspects of them-


selves (e.g., their own thoughts, self-management, self-instmction,

motives, and feelings) that are not and self-advocacy.
directly open to observation by oth-
ers; and (b) public self-consciousness, self-disclosure n. the act of reveal-
ing highly private information
or the degree to which people think
about one's self to other people. In
about public, external aspects of psychotherapy, the revelation and
themselves (e.g., their physical ap- expression by the client of personal,
pearance, mannerisms, and overt innermost feelings, fantasies, experi-
behavior) that can be observed by ences, and aspirations is believed by
others. 2. extreme sensitivity about many to be a requisite for therapeu-
one's own behavior, appearance, or tic change and personal growth.
other attributes and excessive con-
cem about the impression one self-discrepancy n. an incongru-
makes on others, which leads to ence between different aspects of
embarrassment or awkwardness one's self-concept, particularly be-
in the presence of others. —self- tween one's actual self and either
conscious ad;. the IDEAL SELF or the OUGHT SELF.

self-criticism n. the examination self-efficacy u. an individual's ca-

and evaluation of one's behavior, pacity to act effectively to bring
with recognition of one's weak- about desired results, especially as
nesses, errors, and shortcomings. perceived by the individual.
Self-criticism can have both positive self-enhancement n. any strategic
and negative effects; for example, a behavior designed to increase es-
tendency toward harsh self-criticism teem, either SELF-ESTEEM or the
is thought by some to be a risk fac- esteem of others. Self-enhancement
tor for depression, —self-critical can take the form of pursuing suc-
ad;'. cess or merely distorting events to
make them seem to reflect better on
self-deception n. the process or the self. Compare SELF-PROTECTION.
result of convincing oneself of the
tmth of something that is false or self-enhancement motive the
invalid, particularly the overestima- desire to think well of oneself and
tion of one's abilities and concur- to be well regarded by others. This
rent failure to recognize one's own motive causes people to prefer favor-
limitations. able, flattering feedback rather than
accurate but possibly unfavorable
self-defeating behavior actions information. Compare APPRAISAL
by an individual that invite failure MOTIVE; CONSISTENCY MOTIVE.
or misfortune and thus prevent him
or her from attaining goals or fulfill- self-esteem n. the degree to which
ing desires. An example is a college the qualities and characteristics con-
student procrastinating about study- tained in one's SELF-CONCEPT are
ing and subsequently getting a poor perceived to be positive. It reflects a
grade on an important exam. person's physical self-image, view of
his or her accomplishments and ca-
self-determination n. the process pabilities, and values and perceived
or result of engaging in behaviors success in living up to them, as well
without interference or undue influ- as the ways in which others view
ence from other people or external and respond to that person. The
demands. Self-determination refers more positive the cumulative per-
particularly to behaviors that im- ception of these qualities and
prove one's circumstances, including characteristics, the higher one's self-
choice making, problem solving, esteem. A high or reasonable degree


of self-esteem is considered an im- identity, meaningful roles, and a

portant ingredient of mental health, sense of belonging. Examples of self-
whereas low self-esteem and feelings help groups are Alcoholics Anony-
of worthlessness are common de- mous, Compassionate Friends, and
pressive symptoms. Recovery, Inc.
self-evaluation m a i n t e n a n c e self-hypnosis n. the process of
model a conceptual analysis of putting oneself into a trance or
group affiliations that assumes that trancelike state, sometimes sponta-
an individual maintains and en- neously but typically through
hances self-esteem by (a) associating AUTOSUGGESTION. Also called
with high-achieving individuals autohypnosis.
who excel in areas with low rele-
vance to his or her sense of self- self-identity n. see IDENTITY.
worth and (b) avoiding association self-image n. one's own view or
with high-achieving individuals concept of oneself. Self-image is a
who excel in areas that are person- cmcial aspect of an individual's per-
ally important to him or her. sonality that can determine the
self-fulfilling prophecy a belief success of relationships and a sense
or expectation that helps to bring of general well-being. A negative
about its own fulfillment, as, for self-image is often a cause of
example, when a person expects dysfunctions and of self-abusive,
nervousness to impair his or her self-defeating, or destmctive behav-
performance in a job interview or ior. See also SCHEMA.
when a teacher's preconceptions self-instructional t r a i n i n g a
about a student's ability influence form of COGNITIVE BEHAVIOR
the child's achievement. See THERAPY that aims to modify
PYGMALION EFFECT. maladaptive beliefs and cognitions
self-handicapping n. a strategy of and develop new skills in an indi-
creating obstacles to one's perfor- vidual. In therapy, the therapist
mance, so that future anticipated identifies the client's maladaptive
failure can be blamed on the obsta- thoughts (e.g., "Everybody hates
cle rather than on one's own lack of me") and models appropriate behav-
ability. If one succeeds despite the ior while giving spoken constructive
handicap, it brings extra credit or self-instructions (or self-statements).
glory to the self. The theory origi- The client then copies the behavior
nally was proposed to explain while repeating these instmctions
alcohol and drug abuse among aloud.
seemingly successful individuals.
—self-handicap vb. self-management n. an individ-
ual's control of his or her own
self-help g r o u p a group composed behavior, particularly regarding the
of individuals who meet on a regu- pursuit of a spedfic objective (e.g.,
lar basis to help one another cope weight loss). Self-management is
with a common life problem. Unlike usually considered a desirable aspect
therapy groups, self-help groups are for the individual personally and
not led by professionals, do not within the social setting, but some
charge a fee for service, and do not forms of self-management may be
place a limit on the number of mem- detrimental to mental and physical
bers. They provide many benefits health. Psychotherapy and counsel-
that professionals cannot provide, ing often seek to provide methods of
including friendship, emotional identifying the latter and modifying
support, experiential knowledge, them into the former.


self-monitoring n. 1. a method self-reference effect the wide-

used in behavioral management in spread tendency for individuals to
which individuals keep a record of have a superior or enhanced mem-
their behavior (e.g., time spent, ory for stimuli that relate to the SELF
place of occurrence, form of the or SELF-CONCEPT.
behavior, feelings during perfor-
self-regulation n. the control of
mance), espedally in connection one's own behavior through the
with efforts to change or regulate
use of self-monitoring (keeping a
the self (see SELF-REGULATION). 2. a
record of behavior), self-evaluation
personality trait reflecting an ability (assessing the information obtained
to modify one's behavior in re-
during self-monitoring), and self-
sponse to situational pressures, reinforcement (rewarding oneself for
opportunities, and norms. High self-
appropriate behavior or for attaining
monitors are typically more in tune
a goal). Self-regulatory processes are
with the demands of the situation, stressed in BEHAVIOR THERAPY.
whereas low self-monitors tend to
be more in tune with their internal self-reinforcement n. the reward-
feelings. ing of oneself for appropriate
behavior or the achievement of a de-
self-perception t h e o r y a theory sired goal. The self-reward may be,
postulating that people often have for example, buying a treat after
only limited access to their atti- studying for an exam.
tudes, beliefs, traits, or psychological
states. In such cases, people must at- self-report n. a statement or series
tempt to infer the nature of these of answers to questions provided by
internal cues in a manner similar to an individual as to his or her state,
the inference processes they use feelings, beliefs, and so forth. Self-
when making judgments about report methods rely on the honesty
other people (i.e., by considering and self-awareness of the participant
past behaviors). and are used especially to measure
behaviors or traits that cannot easily
self-presentation n. any behaviors be directly observed.
designed to convey a particular
image of, or particular information self-schema n. a cognitive frame-
about, the self to other people. work comprising organized
Some common strategies of self- information and beliefs about the
presentation include exemplifica- self that guides a person's percep-
tion (inducing others to regard one tion of the world, influencing what
as a highly moral, virtuous person), information draws the individual's
self-promotion (highlighting or ex- attention as well as how that infor-
aggerating one's competence and mation is evaluated and retained.
abilities), and supplication (depict- self-serving bias the tendency to
ing oneself as weak, needy, or interpret events in a way that as-
dependent). See also IMPRESSION signs credit to the self for any
MANAGEMENT. —self-presenta- success but denies the self's respon-
t i o n a l adj. sibility for any failure, which is
blamed on external fadors. The self-
self-protection n. any strategic be- serving bias is regarded as a form of
havior that is designed to avoid self-deception designed to maintain
losing esteem, either SELF-ESTEEM or high SELF-ESTEEM. Compare GROUP-
the esteem of others. Self-protedion SERVING BIAS.
fosters a risk-avoidant orientation
and is often contrasted with SELF- self-understanding n. the attain-
ENHANCEMENT. ment of knowledge about and

semicircular canals

insight into one's charaderistics, symbolically, thereby endowing it

induding attitudes, motives, behav- with the capacity to communicate
ioral tendencies, strengths, and meaning.
weaknesses. The achievement of
semantic m e m o r y memory for
self-understanding is one of the general knowledge or meanings,
major goals of certain forms of psy- of the kind that allows people to
chotherapy. name and categorize the things
self-worth n. an individual's evalu- they see. According to some theo-
ation of himself or herself as a ries, semantic memory is a form of
valuable, capable human being de- DECLARATIVE MEMORY, that is, in-
serving of respect and consideration. formation that can be consciously
Positive feelings of self-worth tend recalled and related.
to be associated with a high degree
semantic n e t w o r k a data stmc-
ture used to capture conceptual
relationships. Created by the
SEM abbreviation for STRUCTURAL artificial intelligence research com-
EQUATION MODELING. munity, this system has been used
semantic d e m e n t i a a selective, in an attempt to model human in-
progressive impairment in SEMAN- formation storage (particularly the
TIC MEMORY, leading to difficulties means by which words are con-
in naming, comprehension of words nected to meanings and associations
and their appropriate use in conver- in long-term memory), with laten-
sation, and appreciation and use of cies in retrieval times supposedly
objects. The syndrome results from reflecting the length of the path of
focal degeneration of spedfic re- the network searched for the re-
gions of the temporal lobes. quired response.
semantic differential a tech- semantic p r i m i n g an effect in
nique used to explore the connota- which the processing of a stimulus is
tive meaning that certain words or found to be more efficient after the
concepts have for the individuals earlier processing of a meaningfully
being questioned. Participants are related stimulus, as opposed to an
asked to rate the word or concept on unrelated or perceptually related
a seven-point scale with reference to stimulus. For example, responses to
pairs of opposites, such as good-bad, the word nurse would be faster fol-
beautiful-ugly, hot-cold, big-small, lowing doctor than following purse.
and so on. Responses are then aver- semantics n. 1. the smdy of mean-
aged or summed to arrive at a final ing in language, as opposed to the
index of attitudes. This procedure is
study of formal relationships
one of the most widely used meth-
(GRAMMAR) or sound systems (PHO-
ods of assessing attitudes.
NOLOGY). 2. aspects of language
semantic encoding cognitive EN- that have to do with meaning, as
CODING of new information that distinguished from SYNTACTICS.
focuses on the meaningful aspects of See also SEMIOTICS.
the materia] as opposed to its per-
ceptual characteristics. This will semicircular canals a set of three
usually involve some form of ELABO- looped tubular channels in the
inner ear that detect movements of
the head and provide the sense of
semanticity n. the property of lan- dynamic equilibrium that is essen-
guage that allows it to represent tial for maintaining balance. They
events, ideas, actions, and objects form part of the vestibular apparams

semi-interquartile r a n g e

(see VESTIBULAR SACS). The channels cerebral cortex of the brain is corre-
are filled with fluid (endolymph) lated with the severity of dementia.
and are oriented roughly at right an- Also called amyloid plaque; neu-
gles to each other. Hence they can ritic plaque.
monitor movements in each of
sensate focus an approach to
three different planes. Each canal
problems of sexual dysfunction in
has an enlarged portion, the which people are trained to focus at-
ampulla, inside which is a sensory tention on their own natural,
stmcture called a CRISTA. This con- biological sensual cues and gradu-
sists of HAIR CELLS whose processes ally achieve the freedom to enjoy
are embedded in a gelatinous cap sensory stimuli. The procedures in-
(the cupula). When the head moves volve prescribed body-massage
in a certain plane, endolymph flows exercises designed to give and re-
through the corresponding canal, ceive pleasure, first not involving
displadng the cupula and causing breasts and genitals, and then mov-
the hairs to bend. This triggers the ing to these areas. This eliminates
hair cells to fire nerve impulses, thus performance anxiety about arousal
sending messages to the brain about and allows the clients to relax and
the direction and rate of movement. enjoy the sensual experience of
semi-interquartile r a n g e the body caressing without the need to
INTERQUARTILE RANGE divided b y 2. achieve erection or orgasm.
semiotics n. the study of verbal sensation n. an irreducible unit of
and nonverbal SIGNS and of the experience produced by stimulation
ways in which they communicate of a sensory RECEPTOR and the re-
meaning within particular sign sys- sultant activation of a specific brain
tems. Unlike SEMANTICS, which center, producing basic awareness of
restricts itself to the meanings ex- a sound, odor, color, shape, or taste
pressed in language, semiotics is or of temperature, pressure, pain,
concerned with human symbolic ac- muscular tension, position of the
tivity generally and premised on the body, or change in the internal or-
view that signs can only generate gans associated with such processes
meanings within a pattern of rela- as hunger, thirst, nausea, and sexual
tionships to other signs. Also called excitement, —sensational adj.
sensation seeking the tendency
senescence n. the biological pro- to search out and engage in thrilling
cess of growing old, or the period activities as a method of increasing
during which this process occurs. stimulation and arousal. Limited to
—senescent adj. human populations, it typically
takes the form of engaging in highly
senile ad;, associated with advanced stimulating activities accompanied
age, particularly referring to demen- by a perception of danger, such as
tia or any other cognitive or behav- skydiving or race-car driving.
ioral deterioration relating to old
age. sense n. any of the media through
which one gathers information
senile d e m e n t i a see DEMENTIA.
about the external environment
senile p l a q u e a clump of beta- or about the state of one's body
amyloid protein surrounded by in relation to this. They include
degenerated dendrites that is partic- the five primary senses—vision,
ularly associated with symptoms of hearing, taste, touch, and s m e l l -
Alzheimer's disease. Increased con- as well as the senses of pressure,
centration of senile plaques in the pain, temperature, kinesthesis,

sensory i n t e r a c t i o n

and equilibrium. Each sense has water is dripped incessantly onto a

its own receptors, responds to char- person's forehead, is a good example.
acteristic stimuli, and has its own sensorimotor stage in PIAGETIAN
pathways to a specific part of the THEORY, the first major stage of cog-
brain. nitive development, extending from
sensitive period a stage in devel- birth through the first 2 years of life.
opment when an organism can The sensorimotor stage is character-
most advantageously acquire neces- ized by the development of sensory
sary skills or characteristics. For and motor processes and by the in-
example, in humans the 1st year of fant's first knowledge of the world
life is considered significant for the acquired by interacting with the en-
development of a secure attachment vironment.
bond. It is important to note, how-
ever, that lack of appropriate sensorineural deafness see DEAF-
growth-dependent experiences dur- NESS.
ing a sensitive period does not sensory ad;', relating to the SENSES,
permanently and irreversibly impact to SENSATION, or to a part or all of
development, as it would during a the neural apparatus and its sup-
CRITICAL PERIOD, but rather makes porting stmctures that are involved
the acquisition process outside the in any of these.
period more difficult.
sensory a d a p t a t i o n see ADAPTA-
sensitivity n. 1. the capacity to TION.
detect and discriminate. More spe- sensory a r e a any area of the cere-
cifically, the ability of a cell, tissue, bral cortex that receives input from
or organism to respond to changes sensory neurons, usually via the
in its external or internal environ- thalamus. There are specific sensory
ment: a fundamental property of all areas for the different senses, and
living organisms. 2. the probability they are functionally differentiated
that a test gives a positive diagnosis into PRIMARY SENSORY AREAS and
given that the individual actually
has the condition for which he or
she is being tested. Compare SPECI- called sensory cortex.
FICITY. sensory a t a x i a see ATAXIA.
sensitivity t r a i n i n g a group pro- sensory deprivation the reduc-
cess employed in human relations tion of sensory stimulation to a
training that is focused on the de- minimum in the absence of normal
velopment of self-awareness, contad with the environment.
productive interpersonal relations, Sensory deprivation may be experi-
and sensitivity to the feelings, atti- mentally induced (e.g., via the use
tudes, and needs of others. The of a sensory deprivation chamber)
primary method used in sensitivity for research purposes or it may
training is free, unstmctured discus- occur in a real-life situation (e.g.,
sion with a leader functioning as an in deep-sea diving). Although short
observer and facilitator, although periods of sensory deprivation can
other techniques, such as ROLE be beneficial, extended sensory de-
PLAY, may be used. See also T- privation has detrimental effects,
GROUP. causing (among other things) hal-
lucinations, delusions, hyper-
sensitization n. the increased ef- suggestibility, or panic.
fectiveness of an eliciting stimulus
as a function of its repeated presen- sensory i n t e r a c t i o n the integra-
tation. Water torture, in which tion of sensory processes in

sensory m e m o r y

performing a task, as in maintaining which he or she may respond in any

balance using sensory input from way. An example might be "Today I
both vision and PROPRIOCEPTION. am in a _ mood."
s e p a r a t i o n a n x i e t y disorder
sensory m e m o r y brief storage of an anxiety disorder occurring in
information from each of the senses childhood or adolescence that is
in a relatively unprocessed form be- characterized by developmentally
yond the duration of a stimulus, for inappropriate, persistent, and exces-
receding into another memory sive anxiety about separation from
(such as SHORT-TERM MEMORY) or the home or from major attachment
for comprehension. For instance, figures. Other features may include
sensory memory for visual stimuli, worry about harm coming to attach-
called ICONIC MEMORY, holds a vi- ment figures, SCHOOL REFUSAL,
sual image for less than a second, fear of being alone, nightmares,
whereas that for auditory stimuli, and repeated complaints of physi-
called ECHOIC MEMORY, retains cal symptoms (e.g., headaches,
sounds for a little longer. Also called stomachaches) assodated with
sensory-information store (SIS). anticipated separation.

sensory n e u r o n a neuron that s e p a r a t i o n - i n d i v i d u a t i o n n. the

receives information from the envi- developmental phase in which the
ronment, via specialized RECEPTOR infant gradually differentiates him-
cells, and transmits this—in the self or herself from the mother,
form of nerve impulses—through develops awareness of his or her sep-
SYNAPSES with other neurons to the arate identity, and attains relatively
central nervous system. autonomous status.
sensory overload a state in which sequela n. (pl. sequelae) a residual
the senses are overwhelmed with effect of an illness or injury, or of an
stimuli, to the point that the person unhealthy or unstable mental condi-
is unable to process or respond to all tion, often (but not necessarily) in
of them. the form of persistent or permanent
impairment. For example, flashbacks
sensory system the total stmcture may be the sequelae of traumatic
involved in SENSATION, including stress.
the sense organs and their RECEP-
TORS, afferent sensory neurons, and sequence effect in WITHIN-
SENSORY AREAS in the cerebral cor- SUBJECTS DESIGNS, the effect of the
tex at which these tracts terminate.treatments being administered in a
There are separate systems for each particular sequence (e.g., the se-
of the senses. See AUDITORY SYSTEM;
quence ABC versus ACB, versus
BCA, and so forth). This is often
confused with the ORDER EFFECT.
VISUAL SYSTEM; VESTIBULAR SYSTEM. sequential analysis a class of sta-
sentence-completion test a lan- tistical procedures in which a
guage ability test in which the decision as to whether to continue
participant must complete an unfin- collecting data is made as the experi-
ished sentence by filling in the ment progresses. This approach is
specific missing word or phrase. contrasted with studies in which the
However, the test is used more often sample size is determined in ad-
to evaluate personality, in which vance and data are not analyzed
case the participant is presented until the entire sample is collected.
with an introductory phrase to sequential design any QUASI-

serotonin r e u p t a k e i n h i b i t o r

EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH in which called sequential processing.

participants of different ages are Compare PARALLEL PROCESSING.
compared repeatedly over time to
elucidate or untangle causes of de- serial r e p r o d u c t i o n a memory re-
velopmental change. Sequential search technique in which one
designs thus combine aspects of person reads a set of information be-
fore reproducing it for another
person, who then reproduces it for a
TUDINAL DESIGNS, and potentially
third person, who does the same for
TIME-LAG DESIGNS into 3 Single a fourth, and so on. Serial reproduc-
study so as to maximize the benefits
tion is widely regarded as a model
of each approach while minimizing
the weaknesses. A CROSS-SEQUENTIAL
for the social communication of re-
DESIGN provides an example of this tained information, and as such is
type of research scheme. an important experimental tool in
the analysis of rumor and gossip
sequential processing see SERIAL transmission, stereotype formation,
PROCESSING. and similar phenomena.
serial l e a r n i n g the learning of a seriation n. the process of arrang-
sequence of items or responses in ing a collection of items into a
the precise order of their presenta- spedfic order (series) on the basis of
tion. For example, actors must learn a particular dimension (e.g., size).
their lines in sequence. According to PIAGETIAN THEORY,
this ability is necessary for under-
serial position curve a graphic standing the concepts of number,
representation of the number of time, and measurement and is ac-
items that can be remembered as a quired by children during the
function of the order in which they CONCRETE OPERATIONAL STAGE.
were presented. Items at the begin-
ning and end of the list are usually serotonergic adj. responding to,
remembered best, thus producing a releasing, or otherwise involving se-
U-shaped memory curve. rotonin. For example, a serotonergic
neuron is one that employs seroto-
serial position effect the effect of nin as a neurotransmitter.
an item's position in a list of items
to be learned on how well it is re- serotonin n. a common mono-
membered. The classic serial amine neurotransmitter in the brain
position effect shows best recall of and other parts of the central ner-
the first items from a list (see PRI- vous system, also found in the
MACY EFFECT) and good recall of the gastrointestinal tract, in smooth
last items (see RECENCY EFFECT), muscles of the cardiovascular and
while the middle items are less well bronchial systems, and in blood
recalled. platelets. It is synthesized from the
dietary amino add L-tryptophan,
serial processing INFORMATION and in the pineal gland it is con-
PROCESSING in which only one se- verted to MELATONIN. Serotonin
quence of processing operations is has roles in numerous bioregulatory
carried on at a time. Those who processes, including mood, appetite,
hold that the human information- pain, and sleep, and is implicated in
processing system operates in this many psychopathological conditions.
way argue that the mind's apparent Also called 5-hydroxytryptamine
ability to carry on different cogni- (5-HT).
tive functions simultaneously is
explained by rapid shifts between serotonin r e u p t a k e i n h i b i t o r
different information sources. Also (SRI) see SSRI.


SES abbreviation for SOCIOECO- for certain sexual traits and occurs
NOMIC STATUS. in both females and males; and the
smaller Y CHROMOSOME, which is
set n. a temporary readiness to re- normally found only in males. Dis-
spond in a certain way to a specific ease genes that are carried only on a
situation or stimulus. For example, a sex chromosome (usually the X
sprinter gets set to run when the chromosome) are responsible for
starting gun fires (a motor set); a SEX-LINKED inherited conditions.
parent is set to hear his or her baby
cry from the next room (a PERCEP- sex differences the differences in
TUAL SET); a poker player is set to physical features between males and
use a tactic that has been successful females. These include differences in
in other games (a MENTAL SET). brain structures as well as differences
in primary and secondary SEX CHAR-
set p o i n t as applied to physiologi- ACTERISTICS. The term is also used
cal and behavioral systems, the to denote what are more properly
preferred level of functioning of an called GENDER DIFFERENCES, the dif-
organism or of a system within an ferences between males and females
organism. When a set point is ex- in the way they behave and think.
ceeded (i.e., when physiological
responses become higher than the sex h o r m o n e any of the hormones
set point), compensatory events take that stimulate various reproductive
place to reduce functioning; when a functions. Primary sources of sex
set point is not reached, compensa- hormones are the male and female
tory processes take place to help the gonads (i.e., testis and ovary), which
organism or system reach the set are stimulated to produce sex hor-
point. mones by the pituitary hormones
sex n. 1. the traits that distinguish and LUTEINIZING HORMONE. The
between males and females. Sex re- principal male sex hormones (AN-
fers espedally to physical and DROGENS) include testosterone;
biological traits, whereas GENDER re- female sex hormones include the
fers especially to social or cultural ESTROGENS and PROGESTERONE.
traits, although the distinction be-
tween the two terms is not regularly sexism n. discriminatory and preju-
observed. 2. the physiological and dicial beliefs and practices directed
psychological processes related to against one of the two sexes, usually
procreation and erotic pleasure. women. Sexism is assodated with
acceptance of sex-role STEREOTYPES
sex characteristic any of the and can occur at multiple levels:
traits associated with sex identity. individual, organizational, institu-
Primary sex characteristics (e.g., tes- tional, and cultural. It may be overt,
tes in males, ovaries in females) are involving the open endorsement of
directly involved in reproduction of sexist beliefs or attitudes; covert, in-
the species. Secondary sex charac- volving the tendency to hide sexist
teristics are features not directly beliefs or attitudes and reveal them
concerned with reproduction, such only when it is believed that one
as voice quality, facial hair, and will not suffer publicly for them; or
breast size. subtle, involving unequal treatment
that may not be noticed because it
sex chromosome a chromosome is part of everyday behavior or per-
that determines the sex of an indi- ceived to be of low importance. See
vidual. Humans and other mammals also PREJUDICE, —sexist adj.
have two sex chromosomes: the x
CHROMOSOME, which carries genes sex-linked ad;', describing a gene

sexually d i m o r p h i c nucleus

that is located on one of the SEX dysfunctions include HYPOACTIVE

determined by such a gene. Sex- AROUSAL DISORDER, male erectile
linked diseases, such as hemophilia, disorder (see IMPOTENCE), PREMA-
generally affect only males, because TURE EJACULATION, MALE ORGASMIC
the defective gene is usually a RE- DISORDER, FEMALE ORGASMIC DIS-
have two X chromosomes, it would VAGINISMUS.
be masked by the normal, dominant
allele on the other X chromosome. sexual h a r a s s m e n t conduct of a
In males, with just a single X chro- sexual namre that is unwelcome or
mosome, any sex-linked defective considered offensive, particularly in
allele is expressed. the workplace. According to the U.S.
Equal Employment Opportunity
sex role the behavior and attitudi- Commission (EEOC), there are two
nal patterns characteristically forms of sexual harassment: quid
assodated with being male or female pro quo, compliance with sexual
as defined in a given sodety. Sex demands in return for positive em-
roles thus reflect the interaction be- ployment consequences, and
tween biological heritage and the behavior that makes for a hostile
pressures of socialization, and indi- work environment.
viduals differ greatly in the extent to
which they manifest typical sex-role sexual i d e n t i t y the individual's
behavior. internal identification with hetero-
sexual, homosexual, or bisexual
sexual abuse violation or exploita- preference, that is, with his or her
tion by sexual means. Although the SEXUAL ORIENTATION.
term typically is used with reference
to any sexual contact between sexual instinct in psychoanalytic
adults and children, sexual abuse theory, the instinct comprising all
can also occur in other relationships the erotic drives and sublimations of
of tmst. such drives. It includes not only
genital sex, but also anal and oral
sexual aversion disorder nega- manifestations and the channeling
tive emotional reactions (e.g., of erotic energy into artistic, scien-
anxiety, fear, or disgust) to sexual tific, and other pursuits. In his later
activity, leading to active avoidance formulations, Austrian psychiatrist
of it and causing distress in the indi- Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) saw the
vidual or his or her partner. sexual instinct as part of a wider LIFE
sexual d i m o r p h i s m the existence INSTINCT that also included the self-
within a spedes of males and fe- preservative impulses of hunger,
males that differ distinctly from thirst, and elimination. See also LI-
each other in form. See SEX CHARAC- BIDO.
sexuality n. 1. all aspects of sexual
sexual disorder any impairment behavior, including gender identity,
of sexual function or behavior. Sex- orientation, attitudes, and activity as
ual disorders include SEXUAL well as interest in and the capacity
DYSFUNCTION and PARAPHILIAS. to derive pleasure from such behav-
ior. 2. in psychoanalytic theory, see
sexual dysfunction a category of INFANTILE SEXUALITY.
sexual disorders characterized by
problems in one or more phases of sexually d i m o r p h i c nucleus a
the SEXUAL-RESPONSE CYCLE. Sexual nucleus (mass of cell bodies) of the

sexually t r a n s m i t t e d disease

central nervous system that differs mechanism for the evolution of ana-
in size between males and females. tomical and behavioral differences
In humans, for example, a nucleus between males and females, based
in the medial PREOPTIC AREA of the on the selection of mates.
hypothalamus that synthesizes GO- s h a d o w i n g n. in cognitive testing,
a task in which a participant repeats
tends to be larger and more active in
aloud a message word for word at
males than in females because go- the same time that the message is
nadotropin release is continuous (it
being presented, often with other
is cyclical in females). stimuli being presented in the back-
sexually t r a n s m i t t e d disease ground. It is mainly used in studies
(STD) an infection transmitted by of ATTENTION.
sexual activity. Numerous STDs have
s h a k e n b a b y syndrome the neu-
been identified, including those rological consequences of a form of
caused by vimses (e.g., hepatitis B, child abuse in which a small child
herpes, and HIV) and those caused or infant is repeatedly shaken. The
by bacteria (e.g., chlamydia, gonor- shaking causes diffuse, widespread
rhea, and syphilis). damage to the brain; in severe cases
sexual masochism a PARAPHILIA it may cause death.
in which sexual interest and arousal
is repeatedly or exclusively achieved shallow affect significant reduc-
through being humiliated, bound, tion in appropriate emotional
beaten, or otherwise made to suffer responses to situations and events.
physical harm or threat to life.
shallow processing cognitive pro-
sexual o r i e n t a t i o n one's endur- cessing of a stimulus that focuses on
ing sexual attraction to male its superficial, perceptual character-
partners, female partners, or both. istics rather than its meaning. It is
Sexual orientation may be hetero- considered that processing at this
sexual, same-sex (gay or lesbian), or shallow level produces weaker,
bisexual. shorter-lasting memories than DEEP
sexual-response cycle a four-stage PROCESSING. See also BOTTOM-UP
cycle of sexual response that is ex- PROCESSING.
hibited by both men and women, s h a m e n. a highly unpleasant SELF-
differing only in aspects determined CONSCIOUS EMOTION arising from
by male or female anatomy. The the sense of there being something
stages include the arousal (or excite- dishonorable, ridiculous, immodest,
ment) phase; the plateau phase, or indecorous in one's conduct or
marked by penile erection in men circumstances. It is typically charac-
and vaginal lubrication in women; terized by withdrawal from social
the orgasmic phase, marked by EJAC- intercourse but may also motivate
ULATION in men and ORGASM in defensive, retaliative anger. Psycho-
women; and the resolution phase. logical research consistently reports
sexual sadism a PARAPHILIA in a relationship between proneness to
which sexual excitement is achieved shame and a whole host of psycho-
by intentional infliction of physical logical symptoms, including
or psychological suffering on an- depression, anxiety, eating disor-
other person. When practiced with ders, subclinical sociopathy, and low
nonconsenting partners, the severity self-esteem, —shameful adj.
of the acts often increases over time. s h a m rage sudden aggressive be-
sexual selection a theoretical havior and motor activity occurring

short-term psychotherapy

disproportionally in response to a household) share and that therefore

weak or relatively innocuous stimu- cause them to become more similar
lus. Sham rage initially was observed to each other than would be ex-
by researchers in the 1920s: follow- pected on the basis of genetic
ing surgical DECORTICATION, cats influences alone. Examples of
responded to the touch of a hand by shared environmental factors in-
growling, spitting, lashing the tail, clude parental child-rearing style,
arching the back, protracting the divorce, or family income and
claws, erecting the hairs, jerking the related variables. Compare NON-
limbs, rapidly moving the head SHARED ENVIRONMENT.
from side to side, and attempting to
bite. It subsequently has been dem- shared psychotic disorder a rare
onstrated to occur with direct disorder in which the essential fea-
electrical stimulation of the LIMBIC ture is an identical or similar
SYSTEM as well. Additionally, sham delusion that develops in an indi-
rage has been seen in some patho- vidual who is involved with another
logical human conditions involving individual who already has a psy-
similar damage to the cerebral cor- chotic disorder with prominent
tex that removes its inhibitory delusions. Shared psychotic disorder
influence over the activities of the can involve many people (e.g., an
HYPOTHALAMUS and other deeper, entire family), but is most com-
more primitive stmctures. monly seen in relationships of only
two, in which case it is known as
s h a m surgery in experiments folie a deux.
using surgical interventions, surgery
sheltered w o r k s h o p a work-
that functions as a CONTROL be-
oriented rehabilitation facility for
cause it mimics the features of the
individuals with disabilities that
experimental surgery but does not
provides a controlled, noncom-
result in the alteration or removal of
petitive, supportive working
any bodily stmctures, that is, it does
environment and individually de-
not have the systemic effects of the
signed work settings, using work
experimental procedure. Also called
experience and related services to
s h a m operation.
assist individuals with disabilities to
shape constancy a type of PERCEP- achieve specific vocational goals.
TUAL CONSTANCY in which an
shock t h e r a p y see ELECTRO-
object is perceived as having the
same shape when viewed at differ-
ent angles. For example, a plate is short-term m e m o r y (STM) a
still perceived as circular despite temporary information storage sys-
changes in its appearance when tem, enabling one to retain,
viewed from above, below, the side, reproduce, recognize, or recall a lim-
and so forth. ited amount of material after a
period of about 10-30 s. STM is
s h a p i n g n. the production of new often theorized to be separate from
forms of OPERANT BEHAVIOR by LONG-TERM MEMORY, and the two
reinforcement of successive ap- are the components of the DUAL-
proximations to the behavior. Also STORE MODEL OF MEMORY.
called behavior shaping.
shared e n v i r o n m e n t in behav- short-term psychodynamic
p s y c h o t h e r a p y see BRIEF PSYCHO-
ioral genetics analyses, those aspects
of an environment that individuals
living together (e.g., biologically short-term psychotherapy see
related individuals in a family BRIEF PSYCHOTHERAPY.

sibling rivalry

sibling rivalry competition STRUCTURALISM in the social

among two or more children in a sciences.
family for the attention, approval,
or affection of one or both parents signal detection t h e o r y (SDT) a
or for other recognition or rewards, body of concepts and techniques
for example, in sports or school from communication theory, electri-
grades. cal engineering, and decision theory
that were applied to auditory and
sick role the behavior expected visual psychophysics in the late
of a person who is physically ill, 1950s and are now widely used in
mentally ill, or injured. Such expec- many areas of psychology. SDT has
tations can be the individual's own provided a valuable theoretical
or those of the family, the commu- framework for describing perceptual
nity, or society in general. They and other aspeds of cognition and
influence both how the person be- for quantitatively relating psycho-
haves and how others will react to physical phenomena to findings
him or her. For instance, people from sensory physiology. A key
with a sick role are expected to co- notion of SDT is that human perfor-
mance in many tasks is limited by
operate with caregivers and to want
variability in the internal represen-
to get well but are also provided tation of stimuli due to internal
with an exemption from normal or external NOISE. See D PRIME;
side effect any reaction secondary
to the intended therapeutic effect signal-to-noise r a t i o the ratio of
that may occur following adminis- signal power (intensity) to noise
tration of a dmg or other treatment. power, usually expressed in DECI-
Often these are undesirable but tol- BELS. When the signal is speech, it is
erable (e.g., headache or fatigue), called the speech-to-noise ratio.
although more serious effects (e.g., significance n. the degree or
liver failure, seizures) may also extent to which something is
occur. meaningful or of consequence. In
mathematics and related fields, the
sign n. 1. an objective, observable significance level in null hypoth-
indication of a disorder or disease. esis SIGNIFICANCE TESTING, the
2. in linguistics and SEMIOTICS, any- probability of rejecting the null hy-
thing that conveys meaning; a sign pothesis when it is in fact true (i.e.,
may be either verbal (e.g., a spoken of making a Type I error). It is set at
or written word) or nonverbal (e.g., some criterion, a, usually .01 or .05,
a hairstyle). The term is now mainly and the actual value for a particular
associated with approaches deriving test is denoted p. Thus when the p-
from the theory of Swiss linguist value is less than a, the null hypoth-
Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913), esis is rejected. Also called a l p h a
who emphasized the arbitrary na- level.
ture of linguistic signs (i.e., the lack
of any necessary relationship be- significance t e s t i n g a set of pro-
tween the material signifier and the cedures that are used to differentiate
idea signified). The application of between two models. In the most
this idea to nonlinguistic sign sys- common form of significance
tems provided the basic method of testing, one model (the NULL HY-


POTHESIS) specifies a condition in simple cell a neuron in the STRI-

which the treatment being studied ATE CORTEX that has a receptive
has no effect and the other model field consisting of an elongated cen-
(the ALTERNATIVE HYPOTHESIS) spec- ter region and two elongated
ifies that the treatment has some flanking regions. The response of a
effect. simple cell to stimulation in the
center of the receptive field is the
significant difference the situa- opposite of its response to stimula-
tion in which a SIGNIFICANCE tion in the flanking zones. This
TESTING procedure indicates that means that a simple cell responds
the two models being compared are best to an edge or a bar of a particu-
legitimately different and do not re- lar width and with a particular
flect chance variation. direction and location in the visual
field. Compare COMPLEX CELL.
significant o t h e r any individual
who has a profound influence on a simple effect in an experimental
person, particularly his or her self- design involving multiple independ-
image and SOCIALIZATION. Al- ent variables, the consistent total
though the term most often denotes effect on a dependent variable of
a spouse or other person with whom a particular level (quantity, mag-
one has a committed sexual rela- nitude, or category) of one inde-
tionship, it is also used to refer to pendent variable at a particular level
parents, peers, and others. of another independent variable.
sign language any system of com- simple p h o b i a see SPECIFIC PHO-
munication in which signs formed BIA.
by hand configuration and move-
ment are used instead of spoken simple r a n d o m s a m p l i n g the
language. The term refers particu- most basic form of RANDOM SAM-
larly to the system used by people PLING, in which the partidpants are
who are deaf or have severe hearing selected individually by the use of a
loss, which has its own syntax and table of random digits or a random
methods of conveying nuances of number generator.
feeling and emotion and is now simple reaction t i m e the total
accepted by most linguists as time that elapses between the pre-
exhibiting the full set of defining sentation of a stimulus and the
characteristics of human oral-aural occurrence of a response in a task
language. that requires a participant to make
sign stimulus see RELEASER. an elementary response (e.g., press-
ing a key) whenever a stimulus
sign test a nonparametric test of a (such as a light or tone) is presented.
hypothesis conceming the median The individual makes just a single
of a distribution. It is commonly response whenever the only possible
used to test the hypothesis that the stimulus is presented. Compare
median difference in matched pairs CHOICE REACTION TIME.
is zero.
s i m u l a t i o n n. 1. an experimental
s i m i l a r i t y n. one of the GESTALT method used to investigate the be-
PRINCIPLES OF ORGANIZATION. It havior and psychological processes
states that people tend to organize and functioning of individuals in so-
objects with similar qualities into a cial and other environments, often
perceptual group and interpret them those to which investigators cannot
as a whole. Also called l a w of simi- easily gain access, by reproducing
larity; principle of similarity. those environments in a realistic


way. 2. the artificial creation of ex- the individual's reactions to what is

periment-like data through the use believed to be a stressful experience.
of a mathematical or computer
model of behavior or data. 3 . resem- size constancy the ability to per-
blance or imitation, particularly the ceive an object as being the same
mimicking of symptoms of one dis- size despite the fact that the size of
order by another or the faking of an its retinal image changes depending
illness. on its distance from the observer. It
s i m u l t a n a g n o s i a n. see VISUAL
AGNOSIA. size-distance p a r a d o x an illusion
that an objed is bigger or smaller
simultaneous c o n d i t i o n i n g a than is actually the case caused by a
PAVLOVIAN CONDITIONING tech- false perception of its distance from
nique in which the conditioned the viewer. For example, in the so-
stimulus and the unconditioned called moon illusion the moon ap-
stimulus are presented at the same pears to be larger on the horizon,
time. Compare DELAY CONDITION- where DEPTH CUES make it appear to
ING. be farther away, than at its zenith,
single b l i n d see BLIND. where there are no depth cues.

single-case design an experimen- skeletal muscle a muscle that pro-

tal design involving only a single vides the force to move a part of the
participant or other sampling unit. skeleton, typically under voluntary
The individual serves as his or her control of the central nervous sys-
own CONTROL, and typically a num- tem. Skeletal muscles are attached to
ber of observations are obtained at the bones by tendons and usually
different times over the course of span a joint, so that one end of the
treatment. muscle is attached via a tendon to
one bone and the other end is at-
s i t u a t i o n a l a t t r i b u t i o n the as- tached to another bone. Skeletal
cription of one's own or another's muscle is composed of numerous
behavior, an event, or an outcome slender, tapering MUSCLE FIBERS,
to causes outside the person con- within which are longitudinal con-
cerned, such as luck, pressure from tractile fibrils (myofibrils), organized
other people, or external circum- into arrays (sarcomeres) that give a
stances. Also called external striped appearance when viewed mi-
a t t r i b u t i o n . Compare DISPO- croscopically. Also called s t r i a t e d
s i t u a t i o n i s m n. the view that an CLE; SMOOTH MUSCLE.
organism's interaction with the en-
vironment and situational factors, skewness n. a measure of the de-
rather than personal characteristics gree or extent to which a batch of
and other internal factors, are the scores lack symmetry in their distri-
primary determinants of behavior. bution around their measure of
Also called situationalism. CENTRAL TENDENCY. Positive skew
occurs when the MEAN is greater
s i t u a t i o n test a test that places an than the MEDIAN; that is, when
individual in a natural setting, or in there are more right tail (higher val-
an experimental setting that approx- ues) in the distribution. Negative
imates a natural one, to assess either skew occurs when the MEDIAN is
the individual's ability to solve a greater than the MEAN; that is, when
problem that requires adaptive be- there are more left tail (lower values)
havior under stressful conditions or in the distribution.

sleep spindles

skill n. an ability or proficiency characteristics also help distinguish

acquired through training and prac- normal sleep from a loss of con-
tice. For example, motor skills are sciousness due to injury, disease, or
characterized by the ability to per- dmgs. See also NREM SLEEP; REM
form a complex movement or SLEEP.
sequence of behaviors quickly,
smoothly, and precisely, whereas sleep a p n e a the temporary cessa-
SOCIAL SKILLS enable a person to tion of breathing while asleep,
interact competently and appropri- which occurs when the upper air-
ately in a given social context. way briefly becomes blocked
(obstmctive sleep apnea) or when
skin n. the external covering of the the respiratory centers in the brain
body, consisting of an outer layer fail to stimulate respiration (central
(epidermis) and a deeper layer sleep apnea).
(dermis) resting on a layer of fatty
subcutaneous tissue. The skin pre- sleep cycle a recurring pattern of
vents injury to underlying tissues, SLEEP STAGES in which a period of
prevents the entry of foreign sub- SLOW-WAVE SLEEP is followed by a
stances and pathogens, reduces period of REM SLEEP. In humans, a
water loss from the body, and forms sleep cycle lasts approximately 90
part of the body's temperature- min.
regulation mechanism through the
evaporation of sweat secreted from sleep d e p r i v a t i o n deliberate pre-
sweat glands. Various types of sen- vention of sleep, particularly for
sory nerve ending provide touch experimental purposes. Studies show
and pressure sensitivity, as well as that the loss of one night's sleep has
sensations of pain and temperature. a substantial effect on physical or
mental fundioning; participants
skin conductance the degree of score significantly lower on tests of
resistance of the skin to the passage judgment and SIMPLE REACTION
of a small electric current between TIME and show impairments in day-
two electrodes, changes in which time alertness and memory. Sleep
are typically used to measure a per- loss also may be detrimental to the
son's level of AROUSAL or energy immune and endocrine systems.
mobilization (see GALVANIC SKIN
RESPONSE). sleeper effect the finding that the
impact of a persuasive message in-
S k i n n e r b o x see OPERANT CONDI- creases over time.
Frederic Skinner (1904-1990), U.S. sleep paralysis brief inability to
psychologist] move or speak just before falling
asleep or on awakening, often
sleep n. a state of the brain charac- accompanied by terrifying halluci-
terized by partial or total suspension nations.
of consciousness, muscular relax-
ation and inactivity, reduced sleep spindles characteristic spin-
metabolism, and relative insensitiv- dle-shaped patterns recorded on an
ity to stimulation. Other mental and electroencephalogram (EEG) during
physical characteristics that distin- stage 2 sleep. They are short bursts
guish sleep from wakefulness of waves with a frequency of about
include amnesia for events occur- 15 Hz that progressively increase
ring during the loss of consciousness then decrease in amplitude and they
and unique sleep-related electroen- indicate a state of light sleep. Sleep
cephalogram and brain-imaging spindles are often accompanied by K
patterns (see SLEEP STAGES). These COMPLEXES.

sleep stages

sleep stages the four-cycle progres- slips, referring to them as FREUDIAN

sion in electrical activity of the SLIPS and believing them to reveal
brain during a normal night's sleep, unconscious associations, motiva-
as recorded on an electroencephalo- tions, or wishes.
gram (EEG). The regular pattern of
ALPHA WAVES characteristic of the slope n. in mathematics and statis-
relaxed state of the individual just tics, the change in vertical distance
before sleep becomes intermittent on a graph divided by the horizontal
and attenuated in stage 1 sleep, distance. It is represented by the
which is marked by drowsiness with slant of a line. See also ACCELERA-
rolling eyeball movements. This pro- TION.
gresses to stage 2 sleep (light sleep), slow-wave sleep deep sleep that is
which is characterized by SLEEP characterized by DELTA WAVES on
SPINDLES and K COMPLEXES. In the electroencephalogram, corre-
stage 3 and stage 4 sleep (deep sponding to stages 3 and 4 of sleep.
sleep), DELTA WAVES predominate See also SLEEP STAGES.
(see SLOW-WAVE SLEEP). These stages
comprise NREM SLEEP and are inter- s m o o t h i n g u. a collection of
spersed with periods of dreaming techniques used to reduce the ir-
associated with REM SLEEP. regularities in a batch of data or in a
plot (curve) of that data, particularly
sleep t e r r o r disorder a in TIME SERIES analyses.
PARASOMNIA characterized by re-
peated episodes of abrupt awakening s m o o t h muscle any muscle that is
from NREM SLEEP accompanied by
not striated and is under the control
disorientation and extreme panic.
More intense than NIGHTMARES and (i.e., it is not under voluntary con-
occurring during the first few hours trol). Smooth muscles are able to
of sleep, these episodes involve remain in a contracted state for long
screaming and symptoms of auto- periods of time or maintain a pat-
nomic arousal, such as profuse tern of rhythmic contractions
perspiration, rapid breathing, and a indefinitely without fatigue. Smooth
rapid heart rate. muscle is found, for example, in the
digestive organs and blood vessels.
sleepwalking disorder a Compare CARDIAC MUSCLE; SKELE-
PARASOMNIA characterized by persis- TAL MUSCLE.
tent incidents of complex motor smooth-pursuit m o v e m e n t a
adivity during slow-wave NREM
SLEEP. These episodes typically occur slow, steady eye movement that is
during the first hours of sleep and responsive to feedback provided by
involve getting out of bed and walk- brain regions involved in processing
ing or performing more complicated visual information, thus enabling
tasks. While in this state, the indi- continuous fixation on an object as
vidual stares blankly, is essentially it moves. Compare SACCADE.
unresponsive, and can be awakened sociability n. the tendency to seek
only with great difficulty; he or she out companionship, engage in inter-
does not remember the episode personal relations, and participate in
upon waking. Also called social activities. —sociable ad;.
social adj. 1. relating to human so-
slip of t h e t o n g u e a minor error ciety. 2. relating to the interactions
in speech, such as a SPOONERISM. of individuals, particularly as mem-
Psychoanalysts have long been in- bers of a group or a community. In
terested in the significance of such this sense, the term is not restricted

social constructivism

to people but rather applies to all own social behaviors and those of
animals. others. The study of social cognition
involves aspects of both cognitive
social a d a p t a t i o n see ADAPTA- psychology and social psychology.
TION. Major areas of interest include
social age (SA) a numerical scale ATTRIBUTION THEORY, PERSON PER-
unit expressing how mature a per- CEPTION, SOCIAL INFLUENCE, a n d
son is in terms of his or her the cognitive processes involved in
interpersonal skills and ability to moral judgments.
fulfill the norms and expectations social-cognitive t h e o r y a theo-
associated with particular SOCIAL retical framework in which the func-
ROLES, as compared to others of the
tioning of personality is explained
in terms of cognitive contents and
similar to MENTAL AGE and is de-
processes acquired through inter-
rived from ratings gathered from the
individual or, in the case of young action with the sociocultural envi-
children, from parents or caregivers ronment.
using instruments such as the social comparison t h e o r y the
Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales. proposition that people evaluate
their abilities and attitudes in rela-
social anxiety fear of social situa- tion to those of others (i.e., through
tions (e.g., making conversation, a process of comparison) when ob-
meeting strangers) in which embar- jedive standards for the assessment
rassment may occur or there is a risk of these abilities and attitudes are
of being negatively evaluated by lacking. Some also hold that those
others. When the anxiety causes an chosen as the comparison group are
individual significant distress or im- generally those whose abilities or at-
pairment in functioning, a diagnosis titudes are relatively similar to the
of SOCIAL PHOBIA may be warranted. person's own abilities or views.
social anxiety disorder see SO- social competence effectiveness
CIAL PHOBIA. or skill in interpersonal relations
social class a major group or divi- and social situations, increasingly
sion of society having a common considered an important compo-
level of power and prestige on the nent of mental health. Social
basis of a common SOCIOECONOMIC competence involves the ability to
STATUS. Often the members of a par- evaluate social simations and deter-
ticular social class share values and mine what is expected or required;
have similar religious and social pat- to recognize the feelings and inten-
terns. A popularly used classification tions of others; and to select social
divides individuals into an upper behaviors that are most appropriate
class, middle class, and working for that given context. It is impor-
class. tant to note, however, that what is
required and appropriate for effec-
social clock in a given culture, the tive social functioning is likely to
set of norms governing the ages at vary across settings.
which particular life events, such as
beginning school, leaving home, social constructivism the school
getting married, having children, of thought that recognizes knowl-
and retiring, are expected to occur. edge as embedded in social context
and sees human thoughts, feelings,
social cognition the ways in language, and behavior as the result
which people perceive, think about, of interchanges with the external
interpret, categorize, and judge their world. Social constructivism argues

social-decision scheme

that there is no separation between social d e t e r m i n i s m the theory or

subjectivity and objectivity and that doctrine that individual behaviors
the dichotomy between the person are determined by societal events
and the situation is false: the person and other interpersonal experiences.
is intimately and intricately bound See also CULTURAL DETERMINISM;
within social, cultural, and historical DETERMINISM.
forces and cannot be understood
fully without consideration of these social development the gradual
social forces. According to social acquisition of certain skills (e.g.,
constructivism, not only knowledge language, interpersonal skills), atti-
but reality itself is created in an in- tudes, relationships, and behavior
teradive process and thus people are that enable the individual to inter-
solely what their society shapes act with others and to function as a
them to be. member of society.
social-decision scheme a strategy social d i l e m m a an interpersonal
or mle used in a group to select a situation that tempts individuals to
single alternative from among the seek personal, selfish gain by put-
various alternatives proposed and ting at risk the interests of the larger
discussed during the group's deliber- collective to which they belong.
ations. These schemes or mles are Such mixed-motive situations have
sometimes explicitly acknowledged reward structures that favor individ-
by the group, as when a formal tally uals who act selfishly rather than in
of those favoring the alternative is ways that benefit the larger social
taken and the proposal is accepted collective; however, if a substantial
only when a certain proportion of number of individuals seek maxi-
those present favor it, but are some- mum personal gain, their outcomes
times implidt and informal, as will be lower than if they had
when a group accepts the alternative sought collective outcomes. See' also
that its most powerful members SOCIAL TRAP.
seem to favor. social distance the degree to
social d e p r i v a t i o n 1. limited ac- which, psychologically speaking, a
cess to society's resources due to person or group wants to remain
poverty, discrimination, or other separate from members of different
disadvantage. 2. lack of adequate social groups. This reflects the ex-
opportunity for sodal experience. tent to which individuals or groups
accept others of a different ethnic,
social desirability the extent to racial, national, or other social back-
which someone or something is ad- ground.
mired or considered valuable within
a social group, particularly when social distance scale a measure
this prompts individuals to present of intergroup attitudes that asks
themselves in ways that are likely to respondents to indicate their will-
be seen as positive by the majority ingness to accept members of other
of other people. ethnic, national, or social groups in
situations that range from relatively
social desirability response set distant ("would allow to live in my
the tendency of a respondent or par- country") to relatively close ("would
ticipant to give answers that elicit a admit to dose kinship by mar-
favorable evaluation rather than an- riage").
swers that genuinely represent their
views. This often reduces the valid- social exchange t h e o r y a theory
ity of interviews, questionnaires, envisioning social interactions as an
and other self-reports. exchange in which the participants

social justice n o r m

seek to maximize their benefits the target); (b) the immediacy of

within the limits of what is regarded the source to the target (e.g., the
as fair or just. Intrinsic to this hy- physical or psychological distance
pothesis is the RECIPROCITY NORM: between them); and (c) the number
People are expected to reciprocate of sources and targets (e.g., several
for the benefits they have received. sources influencing a single target).
Social exchange theory is similar to
EQUITY THEORY, which also main- social influence any change in an
individual's thoughts, feelings, or
tains that people seek fairness in
behaviors caused by other people.
social relationships. See SOCIAL PRESSURE.
social facilitation the improve-
ment in an individual's performance social i n h i b i t i o n the restraint
of a task that often occurs when placed on an individual's expression
others are present. This effect tends of her or his feelings, attitudes, mo-
to occur with tasks that are uncom- tives, and so forth by the belief that
plicated or have been previously others could learn of this behavior
mastered through practice. There is and disapprove of it.
some disagreement as to whether social intelligence the ability to
the improvement is due to a height- understand people and effectively
ened state of arousal, a greater self- relate to them.
awareness, or a reduced attention to
unimportant and distracting periph- social i n t e r a c t i o n any process
eral stimuli. See also AUDIENCE that involves reciprocal stimulation
EFFECT. or response between two or more in-
dividuals. Sodal interaction includes
social i d e n t i t y the personal quali- the development of cooperation and
ties that one claims and displays to competition, the influence of status
others so consistently that they are and social roles, and the dynamics
considered to be part of one's essen- of group behavior, leadership, and
tial, stable self. This public persona conformity. Persistent sodal interac-
may be an accurate indicator of the tion between specific individuals
private, personal self, but it may also leads to the formation of social RE-
be a deliberately contrived image. LATIONSHIPS.
social i d e n t i t y theory a concep- sociality n. the tendency to live as
tual perspective on group processes part of a group with clear organiza-
and intergroup relations that as- tion of social interactions and the
sumes that groups influence their ability to cooperate with and adapt
members' self-concepts and self- to the demands of the group.
esteem, particularly when individu-
als categorize themselves as group socialization n. the process by
members and identify strongly with which individuals acquire social
the group. According to this theory, skills, beliefs, values, and behaviors
people tend to favor their INGROUP necessary to function effectively in
over an OUTGROUP because the for- society or in a particular group. It
mer is part of their self-identity. involves becoming aware of the so-
cial or group value-system behavior
social i m p a c t t h e o r y a theory of pattern and what is considered nor-
social influence postulating that the mal or desirable for the social
amount of influence exerted by a environment in which they will be
source on a target depends on (a) members. —socialize vb.
the strength of the source compared
to that of the target (e.g., the social social justice n o r m the sodal
status of the source versus that of standard (NORM) stating that people

social l e a r n i n g

should be helped by others only if both types include an evaluative

they deserve to be helped. Compare quality such that those who do not
RECIPROCITY NORM; SOCIAL RESPON- comply and cannot provide an ac-
SIBILITY NORM. ceptable explanation for their
violation are evaluated negatively.
social l e a r n i n g learning that is fa-
Social norms apply across groups
cilitated through social interactions and sodal settings, whereas group
with other individuals. Several norms are specific to a particular
forms of sodal learning have been
identified, including SOCIAL FACILI-
TATION and IMITATION. social p e n e t r a t i o n t h e o r y a
social l e a r n i n g t h e o r y the gen- model stating that close relation-
eral view that learning is largely or ships grow closer with increasingly
wholly due to imitation, modeling, intimate SELF-DISCLOSURES.
and other sodal interactions. Behav- social perception the processes by
ior is assumed to be developed and which a person uses the behavior of
regulated (a) by external stimulus others to form opinions or make in-
events, such as the influence of ferences about those individuals,
other individuals; (b) by external re- particularly as regards their motives,
inforcement, such as praise, blame, attitudes, or values.
and reward; and (c) by the effects of
cognitive processes, such as thinking social p h o b i a an anxiety disorder
and judgment, on the individual's that is characterized by extreme and
behavior and on the environment persistent SOCIAL ANXIETY or PER-
that influences him or her. FORMANCE ANXIETY that causes
significant distress or prevents par-
social loafing the redurtion of in- ticipation in everyday activities. The
dividual effort that occurs when feared situation is most often
people work in groups compared to avoided altogether or else it is en-
when they work alone. dured with marked discomfort. Also
social n e e d see LOVE NEED.
called social a n x i e t y disorder.
social neuroscience an emerging social play play that involves in-
discipline that aims to integrate the teracting with others for fun or
social and biological approaches to sport. It is one of three basic types of
human behavior that have often play traditionally identified, the
others being OBJECT PLAY and LOCO-
been seen as mutually exclusive. So-
dal neuroscientists use a range of
methodologies to elucidate the re- social pressure the exertion of in-
ciprocal interactions of the brain's fluence on a person or group by
biological mechanisms (especially another person or group. Social pres-
the nervous, immune, and endo- sure includes rational argument and
crine systems) with the social and persuasion (informational influ-
cultural contexts in which human ence), calls for conformity (norma-
beings operate. tive influence), and direct forms of
influence, such as demands, threats,
social n o r m any of the socially de- or personal attacks on the one hand
termined consensual standards that and promises of rewards or sodal
indicate (a) what behaviors are con- approval on the other (interpersonal
sidered typical in a given context influence). See also SOCIAL INFLU-
(descriptive norms) and (b) what be- ENCE.
haviors are considered proper in the
context (injunctive norms). Unlike social psychology the study of
statistical norms, social norms of how an individual's thoughts, feel-

social skills

ings, and actions are affected by the each category are termed role
actual, imagined, or symbolically expectations.
represented presence of other peo-
ple. Psychological sodal psychology social role t h e o r y a model con-
differs from sociological social psy- tending that behavioral differences
chology in that the former tends to between men and women can be at-
give greater emphasis to internal tributed to cultural standards and
psychological processes, whereas the expectations about GENDER, rather
latter focuses on factors that affect than to biological factors.
social life, such as status, role, and social schema a cognitive stmc-
class. ture of organized information, or
representations, about social norms
social reality the consensus of at- and collective patterns of behavior
titudes, opinions, and beliefs held within society. Whereas a SELF-
by members of a group or society. SCHEMA involves a person's concep-
tion of herself or himself as an
social referencing evaluating
one's own modes of thinking, ex- individual and in terms of a particu-
pression, or behavior by comparing lar personal role (or roles) in life,
them with those of other people so social schemata often underlie be-
as to understand how to react in a havior of the person acting within
particular situation and to adapt group—particularly large group, or
ones actions and reactions in some societal—contexts.
manner and to some degree that are social science any of a number
perceived to be appropriate. This of disciplines concerned with the
ability has been demonstrated to social interactions of individuals,
emerge at a very early age: young in- studied from a scientific and re-
fants use caregivers' emotional search perspective. These disciplines
expressions to guide their behavior traditionally have included anthro-
in novel, ambiguous situations. pology, economics, geography,
history, linguistics, political science,
social r e p r e s e n t a t i o n a system, psychiatry, psychology, and sociol-
model, or code for unambiguously ogy, as well as associated areas of
naming and organizing values, mathematics and biology. The focus
ideas, and conduct, which enables of analysis ranges from the individ-
communication and social exchange ual to institutions and entire social
(i.e., at the levels of language and systems. The general goal is to un-
behavior) among members of a par- derstand social interactions and to
ticular group or community. propose solutions to social prob-
social responsibility n o r m the
social standard or NORM that, when social self the aspects of the SELF
possible, one should assist those in that are important to or influenced
need. Compare RECIPROCITY NORM; by social relations. See also SOCIAL

social role the fundional role social skills a set of learned abili-
played by an individual who holds a ties that enable an individual to
formal position in a sodal group, interact competently and appropri-
such as the role of squadron leader, ately in a given social context. The
teacher, or vice president of an orga- most commonly identified social
nization. Positions of this kind are skills include assertiveness, coping,
termed role categories, and the atti- communication and friendship-
tudes and behavior associated with making skills, interpersonal problem

social skills t r a i n i n g

solving, and the ability to regulate seeking personal goals rather than
one's cognitions, feelings, and be- collective goals, but if too many
havior. See also SOCIAL COMPE- individuals act selfishly, all mem-
TENCE. bers of the collective will experience
substantial long-term losses. The
social skills t r a i n i n g a form of "tragedy of the commons" is an
individual or group therapy for example: A grazing area will be de-
those who need to overcome social stroyed if too many of the farmers
inhibition or ineffectiveness. It uses who share it increase the size of
many techniques for teaching effec- their herds.
tive social interaction in specific
situations (e.g., job interviews, dat- social w o r k a profession devoted
ing), including ASSERTIVENESS to helping individuals, families, and
TRAINING and behavioral and cogni- other groups deal with personal and
tive REHEARSAL. practical problems within the larger
community context of which they
social s t a t u s the relative prestige, are a part. Social workers address a
authority, and privilege of an indi- variety of problems, including those
vidual or group. Social status can be related to mental or physical disor-
determined by any number of fac- der, poverty, living arrangements,
tors—including occupation, level of child care, occupational stress, and
education, ethnicity, religion, age, unemployment, especially through
rank, achievements, wealth, reputa- involvement in the provision of ser-
tion, authority, and ancestry—with vices through various government
different groups and societies stress- and nongovernment agencies and
ing some qualities more than others organizations.
when allocating status to members.
society n. 1. an enduring sodal
social stratification the existence group living in a particular place
or emergence of separate socioeco- whose members are mutually inter-
nomic levels in a society. See SOCIAL dependent and share political and
CLASS; SOCIOECONOMIC STATUS. other institutions, laws and mores,
social s u p p o r t the provision of and a common culture. 2. any well-
assistance or comfort to others, established group of individuals
typically in order to help them cope (human or animal) that typically ob-
with a variety of biological, psycho- tains new members at least in part
logical, and social stressors. Support through sexual reproduction and
may arise from any interpersonal re- has relatively self-sufficient systems
lationship in an individual's social of action. —societal ad;.
network, involving family members, sociobiology n. the systematic
friends, neighbors, religious institu- study of the biological basis for so-
tions, colleagues, caregivers, or cial behavior, particularly in the
support groups. It may take the form context of the Darwinian principle
of practical help with chores or Of NATURAL SELECTION. —SOCio-
money, informational assistance biological ad;'.
(e.g., advice or guidance), and, at
the most basic level, emotional sup- sociocentrism n. 1. the tendency
port that allows the individual to to put the needs, concerns, and per-
feel valued, accepted, and under- spective of the sodal unit or group
stood. before one's individual, egocentric
concerns. See also ALLOCENTRIC.
social t r a p a SOCIAL DILEMMA over 2. the tendency to judge one's own
a public good in which individuals group as superior to other groups
can maximize their resources by across a variety of domains. Whereas



ETHNOCENTRISM refers to the selec- tion, forms, and functioning of

tive favoring of one's ethnic, human society, including the analy-
religious, racial, or national groups, sis of the relationships between
sociocentrism usually means the individuals and groups, institutions,
favoring of smaller groups charac- and sodety itself, —sociological
terized by face-to-face interaction ad;', —sociologist n.
among members. Compare EGO- sociometry «. a field of research
CENTRISM. —sociocentric adj. in which various techniques are
sociocultural perspective any used to analyze the patterns of
viewpoint or approach to health, intermember relations within
mental health, history, politics, eco- groups and to summarize these find-
nomics, or any other area of human ings in mathematical and graphic
experience that emphasizes the en- form. In most cases the group mem-
vironmental factors of society, bers' responses to questions about
culture, and sodal interadion. In their fellow members are displayed
developmental psychology, for ex- in a sociogram, which places those
ample, the term refers to the view individuals who are most frequently
that cognitive development is chosen in the center of the diagram
guided by adults interacting with and others about the periphery.
children, with the cultural context —sociometric adj.
determining to a large extent how,
where, and when these interactions sociopathic personality see ANTI-
PATION. sociopathy n. a former name for
socioeconomic s t a t u s (SES) the
position of an individual or group sodium p u m p a membrane pro-
on the socioeconomic scale, which tein that uses energy to actively
is determined by a combination or transport sodium ions out of a cell
interaction of social and economic against their concentration gradient.
factors, such as income, amount and The main sodium pump responsible
kind of education, type and prestige for maintaining the RESTING POTEN-
of occupation, place of residence, TIAL of animal cells, and hence the
and (in some societies or parts of so-excitability of neurons and muscle
ciety) ethnic origin or religious cells, is called an Na7K+ ATPase. In
background. See SOCIAL CLASS. each cycle, this moves three sodium
ions out of the cell, across the
sociogenic ad;', resulting from plasma membrane, in exchange for
social factors. For example, a two potassium ions entering the
sociogenic hypothesis of schizophre- cell, using energy derived from ATP.
nia posits that social conditions,
such as living in impoverished cir- soft d e t e r m i n i s m the position
cumstances, are major contributors that all events, including human ac-
to and causal agents of the disorder. tions and choices, have causes, but
that free will and responsibility are
sociolinguistics n. the study of compatible with such DETERMINISM.
the relationship between language Compare HARD DETERMINISM.
and society and of the social circum-
stances of language usage, espedally solipsism ti. the philosophical posi-
as related to such characteristics as tion that one can be sure of the
gender, social class, and ethnicity. existence of nothing outside the
self, as other people and things may
sociology n. the scientific study of be mere figments of one's own con-
the origin, development, organiza- sciousness. The question posed by

solitary nucleus

solipsism has been put in various such as the administration of dmgs

ways, but all arise from the fact that (PHARMACOTHERAPY) or the appli-
one's experience of one's own con- cation of a controlled, low-dose elec-
sciousness and identity is direct and tric current (ELECTROCONVULSIVE
unique, such that one is cut off from THERAPY). Also called somato-
the same kind of experience of other therapy.
minds and the things of the world.
—solipsist M. —solipsistic adj. s o m a t i z a t i o n n. the expression of
psychological disturbance in physi-
solitary n u c l e u s a collection of cal (bodily) symptoms.
neural cell bodies in the medulla
oblongata of the brainstem that s o m a t i z a t i o n disorder a
relays information from the in- SOMATOFORM DISORDER involving a
termediate nerve (the sensory history of multiple physical symp-
component of the FACIAL NERVE), toms of several years' duration, for
GLOSSOPHARYNGEAL NERVE, and which medical attention has been
VAGUS NERVE. Gustatory neurons sought but which are apparently not
project from the solitary nucleus to due to any physical disorder or in-
jury. The complaints often involve
control reflexes of acceptance or re- abdominal and other pain, nausea,
jection, to anticipate digestive diarrhea, sexual indifference and
processes, and to activate higher lev- other difficulties, shortness of
els of the taste system. Also called breath, palpitations, and apparent
nucleus of t h e solitary t r a c t neurological symptoms (such as
(NST). blurred vision).
s o m a u. see CELL BODY.
somatoform disorder any of a
somatic ad;'. 1. describing, relating group of disorders marked by physi-
to, or arising in the body as dis- cal symptoms suggesting a specific
tinguished from the mind. For medical condition for which there is
example, a somatic disorder is one no demonstrable organic evidence
involving a demonstrable abnormal- and for which there is positive evi-
ity in the stmcture or biochemistry dence or a strong probability that
of body tissues or organs. 2. describ- they are linked to psychological fac-
ing, relating to, or arising in cells of tors. The symptoms must cause
the body other than the sex cells or marked distress or significantly im-
their precursors (i.e., germ-line pair normal social or occupational
cells). Hence, a somatic mutation functioning. Somatoform disorders
cannot be transmitted to the off- include BODY DYSMORPHIC DISOR-
spring of the affected individual. DER, CONVERSION DISORDER,
somatic h a l l u c i n a t i o n the false HYPOCHONDRIASIS, PAIN DISORDER,
perception of a physical occurrence and SOMATIZATION DISORDER.
within the body, such as feeling somatosense n. any of the senses
electric currents. related to touch and position, in-
somatic nervous system the part cluding KINESTHESIS, the visceral
of the nervous system comprising sense (see VISCERA), and the CUTA-
the sensory and motor neurons that NEOUS senses. Also called somatic
innervate the sense organs and the sense.
skeletal muscles, as opposed to the somatosensory a r e a either of two
main areas of the CEREBRAL CORTEX
somatic t h e r a p y the treatment of that respond to stimulation assod-
mental disorders by physical meth- ated with touch, vibration, pain,
ods that directly influence the body, temperature, and position (see

source m o n i t o r i n g

SOMATOSENSE). The PRIMARY organism-response psychology: an

SOMATOSENSORY AREA is located extension of the S-R PSYCHOLOGY of
in the POSTCENTRAL GYRUS of the behaviorists incorporating the no-
anterior parietal lobe, and the SEC- tion that biological or psychological
ONDARY SOMATOSENSORY AREA is factors within the organism help de-
on the lateral surface of the parietal termine what stimuli the organism
lobe just dorsal to the LATERAL is sensitive to and which responses
SULCUS. Also called somato- may occur.
sensory cortex.
sound n. variations in pressure that
somatosensory system the parts occur over time in an elastic me-
of the nervous system that serve per- dium, such as air or water. Sound
ception of touch, vibration, pain, does not necessarily elicit an audi-
temperamre, and position (see tory sensation—infrasound and
SOMATOSENSE). Nerve fibers from re- ultrasound are respectively below
ceptors for these senses enter the and above the audible range of hu-
dorsal roots of the spinal cord and mans—but in psychology sound
ascend to the thalamus, from which usually denotes a stimulus capable
they are relayed (directly or indi- of being heard by an organism.
rectly) to the SOMATOSENSORY
AREAS of the parietal cortex. sound localization see AUDITORY
s o m a t o s t a t i n «. a hormone that is
secreted by the hypothalamus and source amnesia impaired memory
inhibits the release of the growth for how, when, or where informa-
hormone (somatotropin) by the an- tion was learned despite good
terior pituitary gland. It is also memory for the information itself.
secreted by cells in the ISLETS OF Source amnesia is often linked to
LANGERHANS in the pancreas, where frontal lobe pathology.
it inhibits the secretion of insulin
and glucagon. source m e m o r y remembering the
somatotopic o r g a n i z a t i o n the origin of a memory or of knowledge,
topographic distribution of areas of that is, memory of where or how
the MOTOR CORTEX relating to spe- one came to know what one now re-
cific adivities of skeletal muscles, as members. More recently, this
mapped by electrically stimulating a construct has been expanded to en-
point in the cortex and observing compass any aspects of context
associated movement of a skeletal associated with an event, including
muscle in the face, the trunk, or a spatial-temporal, perceptual, or af-
limb. fective attributes. Although the
PREFRONTAL CORTEX is known to be
somatotype «. the body build or involved in source memory, its
physique of a person, particularly as exact contribution remains uncer-
it relates to his or her temperament tain. Additionally, evidence suggests
or behavioral characteristics. Numer- that processes used by young and
ous categories of somatotypes have older adults may differ.
been proposed by various investiga-
tors since ancient times. The source m o n i t o r i n g determining
classification of individuals in this the origins of one's memories,
way is called somatotypology. knowledge, or beliefs, for example,
whether an event was personally ex-
s o m n a m b u l i s m w. see SLEEPWALK-
perienced, witnessed on television,
or overheard. Also called reality
S-O-R psychology stimulus- monitoring.

spaced practice

spaced practice see DISTRIBUTED charge of a single synapse would not

PRACTICE. be sufficient to activate the neuron.
spasm n. a sudden, involuntary
muscle contraction. It may be con- spatial-temporal reasoning the
tinuous or sustained (TONIC) or it ability to conceptualize the three-
may alternate between contraction dimensional relationships of objects
and relaxation (CLONIC). A spasm in space and to mentally manipulate
may be restricted to a particular them as a succession of transforma-
body part; for example, a vasospasm tions over a period of time. Spatial-
involves a blood vessel, and a bron- temporal reasoning is a cognitive
chial spasm involves the bronchi. ability that plays an important role
—spasmodic ad;'. in such fields as architecture, engi-
neering, and mathematics, among
spastic adj. 1. relating to SPASM. others, and in such basic tasks as ev-
2. relating to increased muscle ten- eryday movement of the body
sion (see SPASTICITY).
through space.
spasticity n. a state of increased s p e a k i n g i n tongues see GLOSSO-
tension of resting muscles resulting LALIA.
in resistance to passive stretching. It
is caused by damage to upper S p e a r m a n r a n k c o r r e l a t i o n co-
MOTOR NEURONS and is marked by efficient (symbol: p) see RANK
muscular stiffness or inflexibility. CORRELATION COEFFICIENT. [Charles
Edward Spearman (1863-1945),
spatial a t t e n t i o n the manner in British psychologist and psychome-
which an individual distributes at- trician)
tention over the visual scene. Spatial
attention is usually directed at the special needs the requirements of
part of the scene on which a person individuals with physical, mental, or
fixates. emotional disabilities or financial,
community-related, or resource dis-
spatial m e m o r y the capacity to advantages. Special needs may
remember the position and location include spedal education, training,
of objects or places, which may in- or therapy.
clude orientation, direction, and
distance. Spatial memory is essential speciesism n. discriminatory, prej-
for route learning and navigation. udicial, or exploitative practices
against nonhuman animals, often
spatial neglect a disorder in on the basis of an assumption of
which individuals are unaware of a human superiority. —speciesist n.,
portion of their surrounding physi- ad;'.
cal, personal, or extrapersonal space,
usually on the left side. For example, species-specific behavior sponta-
if approached on the left side, an in- neously developed behavior that is
dividual with spatial neglect may common to nearly all members of a
not notice the approaching person particular spedes and expressed in
but would respond normally when essentially the same way. Human
approached on the right side. language is a prominent example.
spatial s u m m a t i o n a neural specific factor (symbol: s) a spe-
mechanism in which an impulse cialized ability that is postulated to
is propagated by two or more POST- come into play in particular kinds of
SYNAPTIC POTENTIALS occurring cognitive tasks. Specific factors, such
simultaneously at different synapses as mathematical ability, are con-
on the same neuron, when the dis- trasted with the GENERAL FACTOR

speech a r e a

(g), which underlies every cognitive movement resulting in articulation

performance. Also called special of language expression: the utter-
factor. ance of sounds and words.
specificity n. 1. the quality of speech a c t an instance of the use
being unique, of a particular kind, of speech considered as an action,
or limited to a single phenomenon. especially with regard to the
For example, a stimulus that elicits a speaker's intentions and the effect
particular response or a symptom lo- on a listener. A single utterance usu-
calized in a particular organ (e.g., ally involves several simultaneous
the stomach) is said to have specific- speech acts. The study of speech acts
ity. 2. the probability that a test is part of the general field of
yields a negative diagnosis given PRAGMATICS.
that the individual does not have
the condition for which he or she is speech a n d l a n g u a g e disorder
being tested. Compare SENSITIVITY. any disorder that affects verbal or
written communication. A speech
specific l e a r n i n g disability a disorder is one that affects the pro-
substantial deficit in scholastic or duction of speech, potentially
academic skills that does not per- including such problems as poor au-
vade all areas of learning but rather dibility or intelligibility; unpleasant
is limited to a particular aspect, for tonal quality; unusual, distorted, or
example, reading or arithmetic diffi- abnormally effortful sound produc-
culty. tion; lack of conventional rhythm
and stress; and inappropriateness in
specific p h o b i a an ANXIETY DIS- terms of age or physical or mental
ORDER, formerly called simple development. A language disorder
phobia, characterized by a marked is one that affects the expression or
and persistent fear of a specific ob- reception (comprehension) of ideas
ject, activity, or situation (e.g., dogs, and feelings, potentially including
blood, flying, heights). The fear is such problems as reduced vocabu-
excessive or unreasonable and is in- lary, omissions of articles and
variably triggered by the presence or modifiers, understanding of nouns
anticipation of the feared objed or but not verbs, difficulties following
situation; consequently, this is ei- oral instmctions, and syntactical er-
ther avoided or endured with rors. While speech disorders and
marked anxiety or distress. language disorders are two distinct
spectrogram n. a quasi-three- entities, they often occur together
dimensional representation of and thus generally are referred to to-
sound produced by analyzing a gether.
sound source (typically human
speech) in terms of its variations in speech a n d l a n g u a g e t h e r a p y
frequency and intensity over time. the application of remedies, treat-
ment, and counseling for the
s p e c t r u m n. (pl. spectra) a distri- improvement of verbal or written
bution of electromagnetic energy communication.
displayed by decreasing wavelength.
In the case of the visible spectrum, it speech a r e a any of the areas of the
is the series of visible colors (with cerebral cortex that are associated
wavelengths in the range 400-700 with verbal (oral, rather than writ-
nm) produced when white light is ten) communication. The speech
refracted through a prism, —spec- areas are located in the left hemi-
t r a l ad;'. sphere in most individuals; they
include BROCA'S AREA in the third
speech n. the product of oral-motor convolution of the frontal lobe and

speech perception

WERNICKE'S AREA in the temporal time points to be constant for all

lobe. time points. See WITHIN-SUBJECTS
speech perception the process in
which a listener decodes, combines, spinal c o l u m n the backbone,
and converts into a meaningful consisting of a series of bones
sequence and phonological repre- (vertebrae) connected by disks of
sentation an incoming stream of cartilage (intervertebral disks) and
otherwise meaningless sound. held together by muscles and ten-
dons. It extends from the cranium
speed test a type of test intended to the coccyx, encloses the spinal
to calculate the number of problems cord, and forms the main axis of
or tasks the participant can solve or the body. Also called spine.
perform in a predesignated block of
time. The participant is often, but spinal cord the part of the CEN-
not always, made aware of the time TRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM that extends
limit. Compare POWER TEST. from the lower end of the MEDULLA
OBLONGATA, at the base of the
spelling dyslexia see WORD-FORM brain, through a canal in the center
DYSLEXIA. of the spine as far as the lumbar re-
spermatogenesis n. the process of gion. In transverse section, the cord
production of spermatozoa in the consists of an H-shaped core of gray
seminiferous tubules of the TESTIS. matter surrounded by white matter
Male germ cells (spermatogonia) lin- consisting of tracts of long ascend-
ing the seminiferous tubules mature ing and descending nerve fibers on
into primary spermatocytes, which either side of the cord that are
undergo MEIOSIS. In the first meiotic linked by a bundle of myelinated fi-
division, each primary spermatocyte bers called the white commissure.
gives rise to two HAPLOID secondary The spinal cord is enveloped by the
spermatocytes, each of which then MENINGES and is the origin of the 31
undergoes a further division to form pairs of SPINAL NERVES. See also SPI-
two spermatids. The latter, attached NAL ROOT.
to protective, nourishing Sertoli spinal nerve any of the 31 pairs of
cells, mature into spermatozoa. nerves that originate in the gray
—spermatogenetic adj. matter of the SPINAL CORD and
spermatozoon n. (pl. spermato- emerge through openings between
zoa) a single male GAMETE that the vertebrae of the spine to extend
into the body's dermatomes (skin
develops from a secondary sper- areas) and skeletal muscles. The spi-
matocyte following its development nal nerves comprise 8 cervical
from spermatogonia of the seminif- nerves, 12 thoracic nerves, 5 lumbar
erous tubules. A spermatozoon fuses nerves, 5 sacral nerves, and 1 coccy-
with a female gamete (see OVUM) in geal nerve. Each attaches to the
the process of fertilization. Also spinal cord via two short branches, a
called sperm. See also SPERMATO- DORSAL ROOT and a VENTRAL ROOT.
spherical a b e r r a t i o n see ABERRA- spinal r o o t the junction of a SPI-
sphericity n. an assumption en- Near the cord, each spinal nerve di-
countered in the analysis of data vides into a DORSAL ROOT, carrying
obtained when individuals are mea- sensory fibers, and a VENTRAL ROOT,
sured on two or more occasions that carrying motor fibers, as stated by
requires the correlation among the t h e BELL-MAGENDIE LAW.

spreading activation

spiral ganglion the mass of cell perimentally extinguished (see EX-

bodies on the inner wall of the CO- TINCTION).
CHLEA, near the organ of Corti, spontaneous remission a reduc-
whose axons form the AUDITORY tion or disappearance of symptoms
NERVE. without any therapeutic interven-
splanchnic nerve any of certain tion, which may be temporary or
nerves that serve the abdominal VIS- permanent. It most commonly
CERA. They originate in the ganglia refers to medical, rather than psy-
Of t h e SYMPATHETIC CHAIN. chological, conditions.
s p o o n e r i s m n. a SLIP OF THE
split b r a i n a brain in which the
cerebral hemispheres have been sep- TONGUE in which two sound ele-
arated by severence of the corpus ments (usually initial consonants)
callosum (see COMMISSUROTOMY). are unintentionally transposed, re-
Surgical transection of the corpus sulting in an utterance with a
callosum is used to create split-brain different and often amusing sense,
animals for experimental purposes for example, sons of toil fortonsof
and is also occasionally performed soil. [W. A. Spooner (1844-1930),
on humans to alleviate some forms British academic noted for slips of
of severe epilepsy. this kind]

split-half reliability a measure of sport a n d exercise psychology

the ability of a test to measure an at- the application and development of
tribute consistently, obtained by psychological theory for the under-
correlating scores on one half of the standing and modification or
test with scores on the other half. enhancement of human behavior in
the sport and physical exercise envi-
split personality a lay term for an ronment. This discipline evolved
individual with DISSOCIATIVE IDEN- from an exclusive focus on sport
TITY DISORDER. It is sometimes performance and historically has
confused with SCHIZOPHRENIA, been called sport psychology. How-
which means literally "splitting of ever, health and well-being through
the mind" but does not involve the regular participation in vigorous
formation of a second personality. physical activity programs have be-
come of increasing interest to
split-span test a test in which consumers, researchers, and practi-
brief auditory messages in the form tioners to such an extent that the
of two different lists of digits or field is progressively becoming two
words are presented rapidly and si- separate disciplines as exercise psy-
multaneously, one list to each ear. chology merges with HEALTH
Partidpants are required to report as PSYCHOLOGY.
many digits or words as possible in
any order. Typically, participants re- s p r e a d n. see DISPERSION.
port first the stimuli presented to
one ear, then those presented to the spreading activation 1. in neuro-
other. science, a hypothetical process in
which the activation of one neuron
s p o n t a n e o u s a b o r t i o n see ABOR- is presumed to spread to connected
neurons, making it more likely that
they will fire. 2. in cognitive psy-
spontaneous recovery the reap- chology, an analogous model for the
pearance of a conditioned response, association of ideas, memories, and
after either operant or Pavlovian the like, based on the notion that
conditioning, after it has been ex- activation of one item stored in


memory travels through associated sual system are sensitive to change

links to activate another item. rather than to maintained stimula-
Spreading activation is a feature of tion. Even during visual FIXATION
Some CONNECTIONIST MODELS of images are normally not truly stabi-
memory. lized, because very small eye
movements (microsaccades) contin-
SQ3R one of a variety of study ually refresh the stimulation of the
methods developed on the basis of retina by moving the eyes relative to
research in cognitive psychology. a target.
The formula represents a method for
enhanced learning of reading mate- stage n. a relatively discrete period
rial. It consists of five steps: survey, of time in which functioning is
question, read, recite, and review. qualitatively different from func-
SRI abbreviation for serotonin tioning at other periods.
reuptake inhibitor. See SSRI. stages of grief a hypothetical
S-R psychology an approach to model depicting psychological
psychology that conceptualizes be- states, moods, or coping strategies
havior in terms of stimulus and that occur during the dying process
response. The fundamental goal is or during periods of BEREAVEMENT,
therefore describing functional rela- great loss, or TRAUMA. These begin
tionships between stimulus and with the denial stage, followed by
response, that is, manipulating a the anger stage, bargaining stage,
stimulus and observing the re- depression stage, and acceptance
sponse. S-R theories are sometimes stage. The stages do not necessarily
contrasted with cognitive theories of occur for a set period of time; more-
learning. over, they can recur and overlap
before some degree of psychological
SSRI selective serotonin reuptake and emotional resolution occurs.
inhibitor: any of a class of antide-
pressants that act by blocking the stage t h e o r y any hypothetical
reuptake of serotonin into seroto- construct that attempts to describe
nin-containing presynaptic neurons phases, or steps, in a process that
in the central nervous system. SSRIs occurs over time. Examples in psy-
have less adverse side effects than chology abound, including Sigmund
and the MONOAMINE OXIDASE IN- VELOPMENT and Jean Piaget's stages
HIBITORS; common side effects of cognitive development (see
include nausea, headache, anxiety, PIAGETIAN THEORY). See also STAGES
and tremor. SSRIs include FLU- OF GRIEF.
OXETINE, paroxetine, sertraline,
citalopram, and fluvoxamine. Also staircase m e t h o d a variation of
the METHOD OF LIMITS in which
called SRI (serotonin r e u p t a k e
inhibitor). stimuli are presented in ascending
and descending order. When the
stability n. the absence of varia- observer's response changes, the di-
tion, as applied, for example, to rection of the stimulus sequence is
personality (few emotional or mood reversed. This method is efficient be-
changes) or testing (invariance of cause it does not present stimuli
measurements). that are well above or below thresh-
stabilized i m a g e an image on the
retina that does not move when the s t a l k i n g n. a repeated pattern of
eye is moved. A stabilized image will following or observing a person in
fade rapidly since neurons in the vi- an obsessional, intmsive, or harass-

Stanford prison e x p e r i m e n t

ing manner. Often assodated with a s t a n d a r d i z e d test a test whose

failed relationship with the one pur- VALIDITY and RELIABILITY have been
sued, stalking may involve direct established by thorough empirical
threats, the intent to cause distress investigation and analysis and
or bodily harm, and interpersonal which has clearly defined norms.
violence. s t a n d a r d score a score obtained
s t a n d a r d w. any positive idea about from an original score by subtract-
how things might be, such as an ing the mean value of all scores in
ideal, norm, value, expectation, or the batch and dividing by the stan-
previous performance, that is used dard deviation of the batch. This
to measure and judge the way conversion from raw scores to stan-
things are. Evaluation of the self is dard scores allows comparisons to be
often based on comparing the cur- made between measurements on dif-
rent reality (or perceptions of the ferent scales. A standard score is
current reality) against one or more often given the symbol z and is
standards. sometimes referred to as a z score.
s t a n d a r d deviation (symbol: SD) s t a n d a r d stimulus a stimulus
a measure of the dispersion of a set used as the basis of comparison for
of scores, indicating how narrowly other stimuli in an experiment, for
or broadly they are distributed example, in comparing loud sounds
around the MEAN. It is equal to the to a sound of a given intensity.
square root of the VARIANCE. Stanford-Binet Intelligence
Scale (SB) a standardized assess-
s t a n d a r d e r r o r a measure of the ment of intelligence and cognitive
potential for error inherent to calcu- abilities, particularly fluid reasoning,
lating a particular value using a knowledge, quantitative reasoning,
subset of a population. It is equal to visual-spatial processing, and work-
the standard deviation of the distri- ing memory. The Stanford-Binet test
bution of values within the sample was so named because it was
divided by the size of a sample. For brought to the United States by U.S.
example, the standard error of the psychologist Lewis M. Terman
mean is equal to o/Vn, where a is (1877-1956), a professor at Stanford
the standard deviation from the University, in 1916, as a revision
mean for the values within the sam- and extension of the original Bi net-
ple and n is the sample size. Simon Scale (the first modern intel-
s t a n d a r d e r r o r of estimate a ligence test) developed in 1905 by
measure of the degree to which a RE- French psychologist Alfred Binet
GRESSION LINE fits a set of data. If y' (1857-1911) and French physician
is an estimated value from a regres- Theodore Simon (1873-1961) to as-
sion line and y is the actual value, sess the intellectual ability of French
then the standard error of estimate children.
is V[Z(y - y'fln], where n is the num- Stanford prison e x p e r i m e n t a
ber of points. highly controversial 1971 study of
s t a n d a r d error of m e a s u r e m e n t the psychological effects of becom-
(symbol: SEM) in measurement the- ing a prisoner or a prison guard,
ory, the error in estimating tme conducted by a research team under
scores from observed scores. the direction of U.S. psychologist
Philip G. Zimbardo (1933- ). The
s t a n d a r d i z a t i o n n. the process of paid-volunteer participants—both
establishing NORMS or uniform pro- "prisoners" and "guards"—were 24
cedures for a test. mostly white male and middle-class


>-t*iTOei*iiBSS"»»^ w * i-s sr •

undergraduate students. Prisoners biological or psychological state and

were "arrested" and "incarcerated" is better recalled when the individ-
in a simulated jail in the basement ual is subsequently in the same
of the building housing the psychol- state. For example, an animal
ogy department at Stanford trained to mn a maze while under
University. A variety of methods the influence of a psychoactive dmg
and situations were used to deper- (e.g., pentobarbital) may not mn it
sonalize participants, diminish their successfully without the dmg.
sense of identity, and increase a
sense of power on the one hand state-dependent m e m o r y a con-
(guards) and powerlessness on the dition in which memory for a past
other (prisoners). The experiment event is improved when the person
was terminated after only 6 days of is in the same biological or psycho-
the originally scheduled 14, because logical state as when the memory
of Zimbardo's realization that it had was initially formed. Thus, alcohol
far exceeded the extent of behavior may improve recall of events experi-
that was predicted and had led to enced when previously under the
emotionally and psychologically influence of alcohol. See also MOOD-
damaging outcomes; several of the DEPENDENT MEMORY.
guards were seen to exhibit sadistic
tendencies in their treatment of pris- statistic n. any function of the ob-
oners, and several of the prisoners servations in a set of data. Statistics
showed physical manifestations of may be used to describe a batch of
stress and psychological trauma. data, to estimate parameters in opti-
Apart from ethical considerations, mal ways, or to test hypotheses.
the study was criticized as method-
ologically flawed and invalid from statistical analysis examination
multiple perspectives, including the of data through the use of probabil-
small size of the sample, lack of istic models in order to make
ECOLOGICAL VALIDITY, and lack of inferences and draw conclusions.
sufficient controls. Nonetheless, the statistical significance the de-
Stanford prison experiment is often gree to which a result cannot
cited as a demonstration of the way reasonably be attributed to the oper-
in which sodal contexts can influ- ation of chance or random factors
ence, alter, shape, and transform alone.
human behavior.
statistical test a spedfic mathe-
stapes n. (pl. stapedes) see OSSI- matical technique used to test the
CLES. correctness of an empirical hypothe-
s t a r t l e response an unlearned, in- sis. See HYPOTHESIS TESTING.
voluntary response to unexpected, statistics n. the branch of mathe-
intense stimuli (loud noises, flashing matics that uses data descriptively or
lights, etc.). This response indudes inferentially to find or support an-
behaviors that serve a protective swers for sdentific and other
function, such as dosing the eyes, quantifiable questions. —statisti-
lowering the head, and hunching cal ad;'. —statistician n.
the shoulders.
s t a t u s n. 1. the standing or position
state n. the condition or status of of an individual or group relative to
an entity or person at a particular others, for example, an individual's
time. SOCIAL STATUS. 2. a persistent con-
state-dependent l e a r n i n g learn- dition, as in status epilepticus, a
ing that occurs in a particular continuous series of seizures.

stereotype t h r e a t

STD abbreviation for SEXUALLY stereocilia pf. n. see HAIR CELL.

stereogram w. a picture perceived
steady state a condition of stabil- to have depth because it is produced
ity or equilibrium. For example, in by the binocular summation of two
behavioral studies it is a state in separate images of the same scene,
which behavior is practically the each image slightly offset from the
same over repeated observations in a other in the horizontal plane. Al-
particular context. In pharmacology, though a stereoscope is commonly
it refers to a state in the body in used to view the images, some ob-
which the amount of a drug admin- servers can fuse the two images by
istered is equal to that excreted. simply crossing or uncrossing their
stem-and-leaf plot a graphical eyes.
method for the display of data that stereopsis n. DEPTH PERCEPTION
resembles a HISTOGRAM but carries provided by means of the BINOCU-
more detailed information about the LAR DISPARITY of the images in the
values of the data points. two eyes.
stem cell a cell that is itself un- stereotaxy n. determination of the
differentiated but can divide to exact location of a specific stmcture
produce one or more types of spe- within the brain by means of three-
cialized tissue cells (e.g., blood cells, dimensional measurements.
nerve cells). Stem cells are found in Stereotaxy is used for positioning
embryos (embryonic stem cells) but MICROELECTRODES, cannulas (small
also occur in adults as tissue stem tubes), or other devices in the brain
cells. Adult and embryonic stem cell for diagnostic, experimental, or
research have the potential for therapeutic purposes and for locat-
changing treatment of disease ing an area of the brain prior to
through use of the cells to repair surgery. —^stereotactic or
specific tissues; however, the ethics stereotaxic adj.
of the latter are the subject of in-
tense debate. stereotype u. a set of cognitive
generalizations (e.g., beliefs, expec-
stenosis n. the abnormal narrowing tations) about the qualities and
of a body conduit or passage. For ex- characteristics of the members of a
ample, carotid stenosis is narrowing particular group or social category.
of a carotid artery (e.g., by athero- Stereotypes simplify and expedite
sclerosis) in the neck, which limits perceptions and judgments, but
blood flow to the brain. —stenotic they are often exaggerated, negative
ad;'. rather than positive, and resistant to
stepfamily n. a family unit formed revision even when perceivers en-
by the union of parents one or both counter individuals with qualities
of whom brings a child or children that are not congment with the ste-
from a previous union (or unions) reotype (see PREJUDICE).
into the new household. Also called —stereotypic ad;'.
blended family.
stereotype t h r e a t an individual's
stepwise regression a group of expectation that negative stereo-
regression techniques that enter types about his or her member
predictor (independent) variables group will adversely influence
into (or delete them from) the RE- others' judgments of his or her
GRESSION EQUATION one variable (or performance. This expectation may
block of variables) at a time accord- in turn undermine the individual's
ing to some predefined criterion. actual ability to perform well.


stereotypy n. persistent repetition a response from) a sensory receptor,

of the same words, movements, or neuron, or other bodily tissue.
other behavior, particularly as a stimulus n. (pl. stimuli) 1. any
symptom of disorder (e.g., autism, agent, event, or situation—internal
obsessive-compulsive disorder,
or external—that elicits a response
from an organism. See CONDI-
steroid h o r m o n e any of a class of TIONED STIMULUS; UNCONDITIONED
hormones whose molecular stmc- STIMULUS. 2. any change in physical
ture is based on the steroid nucleus energy that activates a sensory RE-
of four interconnected rings of car- CEPTOR. See DISTAL STIMULUS;
bon atoms. Examples mclude the PROXIMAL STIMULUS.
SEX HORMONES and CORTICO- stimulus c o n t r o l the extent to
STEROIDS. which behavior is influenced by dif-
ferent stimulus conditions. It can
Stevens l a w a psychophysical refer to different responses occurring
relationship stating that the in the presence of different stimuli
psychological magnitude of a sen- or to differences in the rate, tempo-
sation is proportional to a power ral organization, or physical
of the stimulus producing it. This characteristics of a single response in
can be expressed as y = ks", where the presence of different stimuli.
\|i is the sensation, k is a constant of
proportionality, s is the stimulus stimulus d i s c r i m i n a t i o n the
magnitude, and n is a function of ability to distinguish among differ-
the particular stimulus. Also called ent stimuli (e.g., to distinguish a
Stevens p o w e r law. See also circle from an ellipse) and to re-
FECHNER'S LAW; WEBER'S LAW. [Stan- spond differently in the presence of
ley Smith Stevens (1906-1973), U.S. such.
stimulus generalization the
stigma n. the negative social atti- spread of effects of conditioning (ei-
tude attached to a characteristic of ther operant or Pavlovian) to stimuli
an individual that may be regarded that differ in certain aspects from
as a mental, physical, or social defi- the stimulus present during original
ciency. A stigma implies social conditioning. For example, a dog
disapproval and can lead unfairly to conditioned to bark when a particu-
discrimination against and exclu- lar bell sounds tends to bark to bells
sion of the individual. of any pitch.
stimulus onset a s y n c h r o n y the
s t i m u l a n t n. any of various agents time between the onset of one stim-
that excite functional activity in an ulus and the onset of the following
organism or in a part of an organ- stimulus. The term is used mainly in
ism. Stimulants are usually classified experiments with MASKING.
according to the body system or
function excited (e.g., cardiac stimu- s t i m u l u s overload the condition
lants, respiratory stimulants). In in which the environment presents
psychology, the term usually refers too many stimuli to be comfortably
to the central nervous system stimu- processed, resulting in stress and
lants (or psychostimulants). behavior designed to restore equilib-
s t i m u l a t i o n n. the act or process of
STM abbreviation for SHORT-TERM
increasing the level of activity of an
organism, particularly that of evok-
ing heightened activity in (eliciting stop-signal t a s k a procedure used


in choice-reaction tasks in which a Strange Situation an experimen-

signal instmcting the participant to tal technique used to assess quality
withhold the response is presented of ATTACHMENT in infants and
on some trials at varying intervals young children (up to the age of 2).
after presentation of the stimulus. The procedure subjects the child to
This is done to determine at what increasing amounts of stress induced
point in processing a response can by a strange setting, the entrance of
no longer be inhibited. an unfamiliar person, and two brief
separations from the parent. The re-
storage n. the state of an item that action of the child to each of these
is retained in memory, after ENCOD- situations is used to evaluate the se-
ING and before RETRIEVAL. See also curity or insecurity of his or her
RETENTION. attachment to the parent.
storytelling u. 1. the recounting stratification n. arrangement into
by a client of the events, concerns, a layered configuration, as for exam-
and problems that led him or her to ple in SOCIAL STRATIFICATION.
seek treatment. Therapists can leam —stratify vb.
much about the motives and origins
of conflicts by attending carefully stratified sampling a technique
(see ACTIVE LISTENING) to the stories in which a population is divided
that clients bring to the session. into subdivisions (strata) and indi-
2. the use of symbolic talk and alle- viduals or cases are selected for
gorical stories by the therapist to aid study from each strata. The sample
the client's understanding of issues. obtained (called a stratified sample)
Also called t h e r a p e u t i c storytell- thus includes a number of individu-
ing. als representing each stratum (e.g.,
young and old or men and women),
strabismus n. any chronic abnor- the goal being to reproduce as accu-
mal alignment of the eyes. Because rately as possible their proportional
strabismic eyes look in different representation in the population of
directions, they give the brain con- interest. Typically, RANDOM SAM-
flicting messages, which may result PLING is used to select the cases
in double vision or the suppression from each stratum, in which case
by the brain of one eye's view alto- the technique is referred to as strati-
gether. The most common form fied random sampling.
of strabismus occurs horizontally:
One or both eyes deviate inward s t r e a m of consciousness the
(convergent strabismus) or outward concept of consciousness as a con-
(divergent strabismus), —strabis- tinuous, dynamic flow of ideas and
mic ad;'. images rather than a static series of
discrete components. It emphasizes
s t r a n g e r anxiety the distress and the subjective quality of conscious
apprehension experienced by young experience as a never-ending and
children when they are around indi- never-repeating stream.
viduals who are unfamiliar to them.
Stranger anxiety is a normal part of s t r e n g t h of association in statis-
cognitive development: Babies dif- tics, the degree of relationship
ferentiate caregivers from other between two or more variables.
people and display a strong prefer- Common measures are OMEGA
ence for familiar faces. Stranger
anxiety usually begins around 8 or 9 EFFICIENT.
months of age and typically lasts stress n. a state of physiological or
into the 2nd year. psychological response to intemal

stress-inoculation t r a i n i n g

or external forces or events, involv- that muscle. Stretch reflexes support

ing changes affecting nearly every the body against the pull of gravity.
system of the body. For example, it
may be manifested by palpitations, s t r i a t e cortex (VI) the first region
sweating, dry mouth, shortness of of the cerebral cortex that receives
breath, fidgeting, faster speech, aug- visual input from the thalamus,
particularly from the LATERAL
mentation of negative emotions (if
already being experienced), and lon-
ger duration of fatigue. Severe stress cortex is located in the occipital lobe
is manifested by the GENERAL ADAP-
and contains a dense band of
TATION SYNDROME. By causing these
myelinated fibers that appears as a
mind-body changes, stress contrib- white stripe (stripe of Gennari).
utes directly to psychological and Neurons in the striate cortex project
to visual areas in the PRESTRIATE
physiological disorder and disease
CORTEX and to subcortical visual
and affects mental and physical
health, redudng the quality of life. nuclei. Also called p r i m a r y visual
stress-inoculation t r a i n i n g a
s t r i a t e d m u s c l e see SKELETAL MUS-
four-phase training program for
stress management often used in
Phase 1 entails the identification of
reactions to stress and their effects stroboscopic illusion 1. the ap-
on functioning and psychological parent motion of a series of separate
well-being; phase 2 involves learn- stimuli occurring in close consecu-
ing relaxation and self-regulation tive order, as in motion pictures.
techniques; phase 3 consists of 2. the apparent lack of motion or
learning coping self-statements; reverse motion of a moving object,
phase 4 involves assisted progression such as a rotating fan, produced by
through a series of increasingly illuminating it with a series of inter-
stressful situations using imagery, mittent light flashes. Also called
video, role playing, and real-life situ- stroboscopic effect.
ations until the individual is stroke «. dismption of blood flow
eventually able to cope with the to the brain, which deprives the tis-
original stress-inducing situation or sue of oxygen and nutrients, causing
event. tissue damage and loss of normal
function and, potentially, tissue
stress m a n a g e m e n t the use of death. A stroke may result from mas-
specific techniques, strategies, or sive bleeding into brain tissue
programs—such as relaxation train- (hemorrhagic stroke); an embolism
ing, anticipation of stress reactions, (obstmcting material) or thrombus
and breathing techniques—for deal- (blood clot) blocking an artery in
ing with stress-inducing situations the brain (embolic stroke or throm-
and the state of being stressed. botic stroke); or multiple small areas
stressor n. any event, force, or con- of brain tissue death from occlusion
dition that results in physical or of small branches of the cerebral ar-
emotional stress. Stressors may be teries (lacunar stroke). This term is
internal or external forces that re- often used interchangeably with
fected individual. Stroop Color-Word Interfer-
stretch reflex the contraction of a ence Test a three-part test in which
muscle in response to stretching of (a) color names are read as fast as


possible; (b) the colors of bars or propriately induced to do so families

other shapes are rapidly named; will discover their own altematives
and, most importantly, (c) color to their ineffective patterns of relat-
hues are named quickly when used ing to one another and that this
to print the names of other colors process of discovery cannot proceed
(such as the word green printed in in a specific predetermined form but
the color red). The degree to which instead can only be directed toward
the participants are subject to inter- a fairly well-defined area of func-
ference by the printed words is a tioning. For example, a structural
measure of their cognitive flexibility family therapist working with a fam-
and selective attention. Also called ily whose daughter is anorexic
Stroop test. [John Ridley Stroop would examine such family issues as
(1897-1973), U.S. psychologist] the framework of authority, the
rules that govern the assumption of
Stroop effect the finding that the roles, the various functions mem-
time it takes a participant to name bers perform, and the coalitions
the color of ink in which a word is created by the bonding of certain
printed is longer for words that de- family members, and then encour-
note incongment color names than age the mother, daughter, and
for neutral words or for words that father to use this information to
denote a congment color. For exam- develop more productive patterns
ple, if the word blue is written in red
ink (incongment), participants take of functioning.
longer to say "red" than if the word s t r u c t u r a l i s m n. 1. a movement
glue is written in red ink (neutral) or considered to be the first school
if the word red is written in red ink of psychology as a science, inde-
(congment). See STROOP COLOR-
pendent of philosophy. Usually
WORD INTERFERENCE TEST. [John attributed to German psychologist
Stroop] and physiologist Wilhelm Wundt
structural equation modeling (1832-1920), but probably more di-
rectly influenced by British-born
(SEM) a statistical modeling tech- U.S. psychologist Edward Bradford
nique that includes LATENT Titchener (1867-1927), structur-
VARIABLES as causal elements. SEM
alism defined psychology as the
is an advanced statistical method for
study of mental experience and
testing causal models involving con-
sought to investigate the stmcture of
struds that cannot be directly such experience through a system-
measured but are, rather, approxi- atic program of experiments based
mated through several measures
on trained INTROSPECTION. 2. a
presumed to assess part of the given
movement in various disciplines
that study human behavior and cul-
s t r u c t u r a l family t h e r a p y a ture that took its impetus from the
type of FAMILY THERAPY that as- radically new approach to linguistic
sesses the subsystems, boundaries, analysis pioneered by Swiss linguist
hierarchies, and coalitions within a Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913).
family (its stmcture) and focuses He maintained that linguistic SIGNS
upon direct interactions between acquire meaning not through their
the family members (enactment) as relationships to external referents
the primary method of inducing but through their stmctural relation-
positive change. Stmctural family ships to other signs in the same
therapy assumes the competence system. The structuralist model of
and uniqueness of families with language was extended to cover
problems, stressing that when ap- essentially all social and cultural

s t r u c t u r a l model

phenomena, including human of speech. It is characterized by fre-

thought and action, in the work of quent repetition or prolongation of
French anthropologist Claude Levi- sounds, syllables, or words, with
Strauss (1908- ). Structuralist ex- hesitations and pauses that dismpt
planations play down individual speech, particularly in situations
autonomy and agency, positivistic where communication is important
science, and linear-time causation in or stressful, —stutter vb., n.
favor of explanations in terms of
stmctural and systemic influences style u. a typically stable character-
istic mode or manner of expressing
operating in the present to produce oneself or acting. Various psycho-
rule-governed behavior, the tme na- logical researchers have examined
ture of which can be revealed as the particular areas of human activity to
underlying structures are revealed. identify and classify modal differ-
See also POSTSTRUCTURALISM. ences, as for example in COGNITIVE
s t r u c t u r a l model see STRUCTURAL STYLE and LEADERSHIP STYLE.
EQUATION MODELING. subconscious 1. adj. denoting
s t r u c t u r e d i n t e r v i e w an inter- mental processes that occur outside
view consisting of a predetermined consciousness but can easily be
set of questions or topics. Structured brought into awareness. 2. n. in the
interviews are popular in marketing conceptualization of Austrian psy-
research, personnel selection, and chiatrist Sigmund Freud (1856-
other fields. Compare UNSTRUC- 1939), the concept of the mind be-
TURED INTERVIEW. neath the level of consciousness,
comprising the PRECONSCIOUS.
s t r u c t u r e d observation any of
various methods for measuring subcortical ad;', relating to stmc-
overt behaviors and interpersonal tures or processes in the brain that
processes that require that each ob- are located or take place beneath the
served unit of action be classified CEREBRAL CORTEX. For example, a
into an objectively defined category. subcortical center is any region of
INTERACTION-PROCESS ANALYSIS is the brain at a level below the cere-
an example. bral cortex that has a particular
function or functions (e.g., the
Student's t d i s t r i b u t i o n see T THALAMUS, HYPOTHALAMUS, and
onym of William S. Gosset (1876-
1937), British statistician] s u b c u l t u r e n. a group that main-
tains a characteristic set of customs,
study n. 1. any research investi- interests, or beliefs that serve to dis-
gation, but particularly a project, tinguish it from the larger culture in
such as a survey or systematic ob- which the members live. See also
servation, that is less rigorously COUNTERCULTURE. —subcultural
controlled than a tme EXPERIMENT. ad;'.
2. any attempt to acquire and re-
member information. subfornical o r g a n a structure in
the brain that is responsive to AN-
s t u p o r n. a state of lethargy and GIOTENSIN II and contributes to
impaired consciousness, in which thirst and drinking behavior. It is lo-
an individual is unresponsive and cated below the FORNIX.
immobile and experiences DISORI-
subitize vb. to perceive at a glance
how many objects are presented,
s t u t t e r i n g n. a disturbance in the without counting, [from Latin
normal fluency and time patterning subito, "at once"]


subject u. the individual human or INDEPENDENT VARIABLE might be,

nonhuman animal that takes part in nor is it usually changed in the
an experiment or research study and course of the experiment, as a DE-
whose responses or performance are PENDENT VARIABLE might be.
reported or evaluated, PARTICIPANT
is now often the preferred term for s u b l i m a t i o n n. in psychoanalytic
human subjeds, because the word theory, a DEFENSE MECHANISM in
"subject" is depersonalizing and im- which unacceptable sexual or ag-
plies passivity and submissiveness gressive drives are unconsciously
on the part of the experimentee. channeled into socially acceptable
modes of expression. For example,
subjective ad;'. 1. taking place or an exhibitionistic impulse may gain
existing only within the mind and a new outlet in choreography. As
thus intrinsically inaccessible to the well as allowing for substitute satis-
experience or observation of others. factions, such outlets are posited to
2. based on or influenced by per- protect individuals from the anxiety
sonal feelings, interpretations, or induced by the original drive.
prejudices. Compare OBJECTIVE. —sublimate vb.
subjective c o n t o u r an edge or subliminal ad;', denoting or relat-
border perceived in an image as a re- ing to stimuli that are below the
sult of the inference of the observer. threshold of awareness. —sublimi-
A common example is the Kanizsa nally adv.
triangle, which is induced by three
black circles—each with a 60° wedge subliminal perception the regis-
removed—placed as the apexes of a tration of stimuli below the level of
triangle. awareness, particularly stimuli that
are too weak (or too rapid) to affect
subjective test an assessment tool the individual on a conscious level.
that is scored according to personal It is questionable whether responses
judgment or to standards that are to subliminal stimuli actually occur
less systematic than those used in and whether it is possible for sub-
OBJECTIVE TESTS, as in an essay ex- liminal commands or advertising
amination. messages to influence behavior.
subjective well-being a judgment subscale u. a SCALE that taps some
that people make about the overall specific constituent or otherwise dif-
quality of their lives by summing ferentiated category of information
emotional ups and downs to deter- as part of a larger, overall scheme.
mine how well their acmal life For example, the WECHSLER ADULT
circumstances match their wishes or INTELLIGENCE SCALE consists of 14
expectations concerning how they subscales (or subtests) assessing
should or might feel. various verbal and performance di-
subjectivity n. in empirical re- mensions, which in combination
search, the failure to attain proper yield a verbal IQ score, a perfor-
standards of OBJECTIVITY, such that mance IQ score, and an overall IQ
data are interpreted or judgments score.
are made in the light of personal substance n . i . in psychopath-
feelings, beliefs, or experiences. ology, a dmg or a toxin that is
subject variable a variable of indi- capable of producing intoxicating
vidual differences in a study (e.g., or harmful effects when ingested or
the participant's sex or occupation). otherwise taken into the body. 2. in
A variable of this type is neither ma- philosophy, that which has an inde-
nipulated by the experimenter, as an pendent, self-sufficient existence

substance abuse

and remains unalterably itself even symptoms vary by substance there

though its attributes or properties are some common manifestations,
may change. Philosophers have dif- for example, perceptual distur-
fered over what qualifies as a bances; mood changes; impairments
substance and whether reality con- of judgment, attention and mem-
sists of a single substance (see ory; alterations of heartbeat and
MONISM) or more (see DUALISM). vision; and speech and coordination
substance abuse a pattern of com-
pulsive substance use manifested by s u b s t a n c e P a NEUROPEPTIDE
recurrent significant social, occupa- found in the DORSAL HORN of the
tional, legal, or interpersonal spinal cord, where it plays a role in
adverse consequences, such as re- the modulation of pain, and in pe-
peated absences from work or ripheral nervous system tissues,
school, arrests, and marital difficul- where it acts as a vasodilator. Sub-
ties, DSM-IV-TR identifies nine dmg stance P also has a role in sexual
classes associated with abuse: alco- behavior and has been implicated in
hol, amphetamines, cannabis, the regulation of mood.
cocaine, hallucinogens, inhalants,
opioids, phencyclidines, and seda- substance-related disorder any
tives, hypnotics, or anxiolytics. This of various disorders caused by the ef-
diagnosis is preempted by the diag- fects of a dmg or a toxin. This DSM-
nosis of SUBSTANCE DEPENDENCE: If IV-TR category encompasses the sub-
the criteria for substance abuse and stance use disorders (substance
substance dependence are both met, abuse and substance dependence)
only the latter diagnosis is given. and the substance-induced disorders
(e.g., intoxication).
substance dependence a cluster substance w i t h d r a w a l a syn-
of cognitive, behavioral, and physio- drome that develops after cessation
logical symptoms indicating of prolonged, heavy consumption of
continued use of a substance despite a substance. Symptoms vary by sub-
significant substance-related prob- stance but generally include
lems. There is a pattern of repeated physiological, behavioral, and cog-
substance ingestion resulting in tol- nitive manifestations, such as
erance, withdrawal symptoms if use nausea and vomiting, insomnia,
is suspended, and an uncontrollable mood alterations, and anxiety, DSM-
drive to continue use. DSM-IV-TR IV-TR identifies six dmg classes asso-
identifies 10 dmg classes associated dated with withdrawal: alcohol,
with dependence: alcohol, am- amphetamines, cocaine, nicotine,
phetamines, cannabis, cocaine, opioids, and sedatives, hypnotics, or
hallucinogens, inhalants, nicotine, anxiolytics.
opioids, phencyclidines, and seda-
tives, hypnotics, or anxiolytics. This s u b s t a n t i a gelatinosa a gelati-
term currently is preferred over the nous-appearing mass of extensively
equivalent ADDICTION. See also SUB- interconnected small neurons at
STANCE ABUSE. the tip of the DORSAL HORN of
the spinal cord. Some cells in the
substance i n t o x i c a t i o n a revers- substantia gelatinosa contain
ible syndrome due to the recent ENDORPHINS and are involved in
ingestion of a specific substance, regulation of pain.
including clinically significant be-
havioral or psychological changes, s u b s t a n t i a n i g r a a region of gray
as well as one or more signs of phys- matter in the midbrain, named for
iological involvement. Although its dark pigmentation, that sends


DOPAMINERGIC neurons to the suggestibility n. a state in which

BASAL GANGLIA. Depletion of the ideas, beliefs, attitudes, or ac-
dopaminergic neurons in this region tions of others are readily and
is implicated in PARKINSON'S DIS- uncritically adopted.
suicidal ideation suicidal
s u b s t i t u t i o n n. in psychoanalytic thoughts or a preoccupation with
theory, the replacement of unac- suicide, often as a symptom of a
ceptable emotions or unattainable MAJOR DEPRESSIVE EPISODE.
goals with alternative satisfactions suicide n. the act of killing oneself.
or feelings. Substitution may be Frequently, suicide occurs in the
viewed as a positive adaptation or context of a MAJOR DEPRESSIVE EPI-
solution (e.g., adoption when one SODE, but it may also occur as a
cannot have a child of one's own) or result of a substance-use or other
as a negative, maladaptive response disorder. It sometimes occurs in the
(e.g., emotional eating after a frus- absence of any psychiatric disorder,
trating day at the office). See also especially in untenable situations,
such as bereavement or declining
s u b t h a l a m i c nucleus a part of health, —suicidal adj.
the subthalamus that receives fibers suicidology n. a multiprofessional
from the GLOBUS PALLIDUS as a part discipline devoted to the smdy of
of the descending pathway from the suicidal phenomena and their pre-
s u b t h a l a m u s n. a part of the sulcus n. (pl. sulci) a groove, espe-
DIENCEPHALON of the brain, wedged cially one on the surface of the
between the THALAMUS and the HY- cerebral cortex. The term is often
POTHALAMUS. It contains the used synonymously with FISSURE.
subthalamic nucleus and functions —sulcal adj.
in the regulation of movements con-
trolled by skeletal muscles, together s u m m a t i o n n. 1. the process in
with the BASAL GANGLIA and the which a neural impulse is propa-
SUBSTANTIA NIGRA, — s u b t h a l a m i c gated by the cumulative effects of
adj. two or more stimuli that alone
would not be sufficient to activate
successive a p p r o x i m a t i o n s see the neuron. See SPATIAL SUMMA-
s u d d e n i n f a n t d e a t h syndrome 2. (symbol: I) a mathematical oper-
ation involving the addition of
(SIDS) the sudden and unexpected
numbers, quantities, or the like.
death of a seemingly healthy infant
during sleep for no apparent reason. sum of squares the total obtained
The risk of SIDS is greatest between by adding together the squares of
2 and 6 months of age and is a com- each deviation score in a sample
mon cause of death in babies less (i.e., each score minus the sample
than 1 year old. mean squared, and then added to-
suffering n. the experience of pain
or acute distress, either psychologi- superego u. in psychoanalytic the-
cal or physical, in response to a ory, the moral component of the
significant event, particularly one personality that represents society's
that is threatening or involves loss standards and determines personal
(e.g., the death of a loved one) or a standards of right and wrong, or
physical trauma. conscience, as well as aims and aspi-


rations (see EGO-IDEAL). In the lems that could only be resolved

classic Freudian tripartite stmcture through the joint efforts of both
of the psyche, the EGO, which con- groups.
trols personal impulses and directs
supervision «. oversight: critical
actions, operates by the mles and evaluation and guidance provided
principles of the superego, which by a qualified and experienced per-
basically stem from parental de- son—the supervisor—to another
mands and prohibitions. The individual—the trainee—during
formation of the superego occurs on the learning of a task or process.
an unconscious level, beginning in In psychotherapy and counseling,
the first 5 years of life and continu- supervision by a senior therapist or
ing throughout childhood and counselor is required while the
adolescence and into adulthood, trainee learns therapeutic tech-
largely through identification with niques. A prescribed number of
the parents and later with admired hours of supervision is required by
models of behavior. state licensing boards as part of the
superior ad;', in anatomy, higher, requirements for obtaining a license
above, or toward the head. Compare in a mental health field.
INFERIOR. supervisory a t t e n t i o n a l system
superior colliculus see COLLICU- (SAS) a theoretical higher level
LUS. cognitive mechanism active in
nonroutine or novel simations, re-
superiority complex in the INDI- sponsible for troubleshooting and
VIDUAL PSYCHOLOGY of Austrian decision making when habitual re-
psychiatrist Alfred Adler (1870- sponses or automatic processes are
1937), an exaggerated opinion of ineffective or otherwise unsatisfac-
one's abilities and accomplishments tory. Thought to be involved in
that derives from an overcompensa- carrying out a variety of other EXEC-
tion (see COMPENSATION) for UTIVE FUNCTIONS as well, it is
feelings of inferiority. See also INFE- considered a network for the coordi-
RIORITY COMPLEX. nation and control of cognitive
superior olivary complex a col- activity and intentional behavior.
lection of brain nuclei located in the s u p p l e m e n t a r y m o t o r a r e a an
PONS. The cells receive excitatory area of the MOTOR CORTEX with
input from the contralateral CO- SOMATOTOPIC ORGANIZATION in-
CHLEAR NUCLEI in the brainstem volved in planning and learning
and inhibitory input from the new movements that have coordi-
ipsilateral cochlear nuclei. The nated sequences. In contrast to the
contralateral input comes through PREMOTOR AREA, neuronal input to
the trapezoid body, a concentration the supplementary motor area is
of transverse nerve fibers in the triggered more by internal represen-
pons. Also called superior olive. tations than by external events.
s u p e r o r d i n a t e goal a goal that suppression n. a conscious effort
can be attained only if the members to put disturbing thoughts and ex-
of two or more groups work together periences out of mind, or to control
by pooling their skills, efforts, and and inhibit the expression of unac-
resources. For example, in the Rob- ceptable impulses and feelings. It is
bers' Cave experiment studying distinct from the unconscious DE-
intergroup conflict reduction, FENSE MECHANISM of REPRESSION in
superordinate goals were introduced psychoanalytic theory, —suppress
by creating emergencies and prob- vb.

survival value

s u p r a c h i a s m a t i c nucleus a small guists have investigated whether

region of the HYPOTHALAMUS in the and to what extent this may serve as
brain, above the OPTIC CHIASM, that a model for the cognitive processes
is the location of the circadian oscil- involved in forming and interpret-
lator, which controls daily BIO- ing sentences.
LOGICAL RHYTHMS (i.e., circadian
surface t h e r a p y psychotherapy
rhythms). It receives direct input
from the retina. See also BIOLOGICAL directed toward relieving the client's
symptoms and emotional stress
through such measures as reassur-
s u p r a l i m i n a l ad;, describing stim- ance, suggestion, and direct
ulation that is above the threshold attempts to modify attitudes and be-
of awareness. havior patterns, rather than through
exploration and analysis of uncon-
supraoptic nucleus a particular sdous motivation and underlying
colledion of neurons in the HYPO- dynamics. Compare DEPTH THER-
THALAMUS that lies above the OPTIC APY.
CHIASM. Neurons in this nucleus
project to the posterior lobe of the s u r r o g a t e n. a person or object that
PITUITARY GLAND and secrete the substitutes for the role of an individ-
hormones OXYTOCIN and ual who has a significant position in
VASOPRESSIN. a family or group. For example,
young children may use stuffed toys
suprasegmental adj. in linguis- as surrogate companions.
tics, denoting those phonological
features of speech that extend over survey n. a study in which a group
a series of consonantal or vowel of participants is selected from a
phonemes (segments) rather than population and some selected char-
forming individual phonemes. acteristics or opinions of those
In English the principal supra- partidpants are collected, measured,
segmental features are TONE (pitch) and analyzed. See also SURVEY RE-
and STRESS. See also PARA- SEARCH.
survey research a research
surface dyslexia a form of ac- method in which the investigator
quired dyslexia in which a person is attempts to determine the current
overly reliant on spelling-to-sound state of a population with regard to
correspondence and therefore has one or more attributes. Survey re-
difficulty reading irregularly spelled search does not involve any
words. intervention imposed by the investi-
surface s t r u c t u r e in the gator.
TRANSFORMATIONAL GENERATIVE survival analysis a set of statisti-
GRAMMAR of U.S. linguist Noam cal procedures used to build models
Chomsky (1928- ), the stmcture of calculating the time until some
a grammatical sentence as it actually event occurs (e.g., the death of a pa-
occurs in speech or writing, as op- tient, the failure of a piece of
posed to its underlying DEEP equipment).
STRUCTURE or abstract logical form.
In Chomsky's theory, the surface survival value the degree to
stmcture of a sentence is generated which a behavioral, physiological,
from the deep stmcture by a series or physical trait will contribute to
of transformational rules involving reproductive success. A trait that can
the addition, deletion, or reordering be shown to increase the probability
of sentence elements. Psycholin- of reproductive success in a given

survivor guilt

environment has high survival sentation of a repressed idea, im-

value. pulse, or wish. See SYMBOLISM.
—symbolic adj.
survivor guilt remorse or guilt for
having survived a catastrophic situa- symbolic function in PIAGETIAN
tion when others did not. It is a THEORY, the cognitive ability to
common reaction stemming in part mentally represent objects that are
from a feeling of having failed to do not in sight. For example, a child
enough to prevent the tragedy or to playing with a toy can mentally pic-
save those who did not survive. ture and experience the toy even
susceptibility «. vulnerability: after it has been taken away and
readily affected by or at increased he or she can no longer see it. Sym-
risk of acquiring a particular condi- bolic fundion emerges early in the
tion, such as an infection, injury, or
expressed through DEFERRED IMITA-
TION, language, play, and mental
sustained a t t e n t i o n attentional IMAGERY.
focus on a task for an extended
length of time. symbolic i n t e r a c t i o n i s m a socio-
logical theory that assumes that self-
s u s t o «. a CULTURE-BOUND SYN- concept is created through interpre-
DROME occurring among Latinos in tation of symbolic gestures, words,
the United States and populations in actions, and appearances exhibited
Mexico, Central America, and South by others during sodal interaction.
America. After experiencing a fright- In contrast to Freudian and other
ening event, individuals fear that approaches that postulate extensive
their soul has left their body. Symp- inner dispositions and regard social
toms indude troubled sleep, lack of interaction as resulting from them,
motivation, and low self-esteem. symbolic interactionists believe that
inner structures result from social
Sylvian fissure see LATERAL interactions. See GENERALIZED
symbiosis n. 1. any relationship in symbolism n. in psychoanalytic
which two species live together in theory, the substitution of a SYMBOL
close association, especially one in for a repressed impulse or threaten-
which both species benefit. For ex- ing object in order to avoid
ample, in tropical Amazonia, a censorship by the superego (e.g.,
species of ant lives on a particular dreaming of a steeple or other phal-
tree species that it uses for food and lic symbol instead of a penis).
shelter, at the same time removing
lichen and other parasites that s y m m e t r y n . i . one of the GESTALT
might harm the tree. 2. by exten- PRINCIPLES OF ORGANIZATION. It
sion, any mutually reinforcing, states that people tend to perceive
interdependent relationship be- objects as coherent wholes orga-
tween individuals (e.g., between nized around a center point; this is
a mother and infant), but particu- particularly evident when the ob-
larly one in which one person is jects involve unconnected regions
overdependent on another to satisfy bounded by borders. Also called l a w
needs, —symbiotic ad;'. of symmetry; principle of sym-
metry. 2. in mathematics and
symbol u. any objed, figure, or statistics, equality relative to some
image that represents something axis. —symmetrical adj.
else. For example, in psychoanalytic
theory, a symbol is a disguised repre- s y m p a t h e t i c c h a i n either of two


beadlike chains of GANGLIA of the for the original symptom are not
chain lying on each side of the spi- synapse w. the specialized junction
nal column. through which neural signals are
s y m p a t h e t i c nervous system transmitted from one neuron (the
one of the two divisions of the AU- presynaptic neuron) to another (the
TONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM (ANS, postsynaptic neuron). In most syn-
which controls smooth muscle and apses the knoblike ending (terminal
gland functions), the other being button) of the axon of a presynaptic
the PARASYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYS- neuron faces the dendrite or cell
TEM. It innervates organs ranging body of the postsynaptic neuron
from the eye to the reproductive or- across a narrow gap, the synaptic
gans and acts as an integrated whole cleft. The arrival of a neural signal
in affecting a large number of triggers the release of NEUROTRANS-
smooth muscle systems simulta- MITTER from SYNAPTIC VESICLES in
neously, usually in the service of the terminal button into the synap-
enhancing "fight or flight" (see tic cleft. Here the molecules of
FIGHT-OR-FLIGHT RESPONSE). Typical neurotransmitter activate receptors
sympathetic changes include dila- in the postsynaptic membrane and
tion of the pupils to facilitate vision, cause the opening of ION CHANNELS
constriction of the peripheral arter- in the postsynaptic cell. This may
ies to supply more blood to the lead to excitation or inhibition of
muscles and the brain, secretion of the postsynaptic cell, depending on
epinephrine to raise the blood-sugar which ion channels are affeded. See
level and increase metabolism, and
reduction of stomach and intestinal tic ad;'.
adivities so that energy can be di-
rected elsewhere. Also called synaptic cleft the gap within a
s y m p a t h e t i c division. synapse between the knoblike end-
ing of the axon of one neuron and
s y m p a t h y n. 1. feelings of concem the dendrite or cell body of a neigh-
or compassion resulting from an boring neuron. The synaptic cleft is
awareness of the suffering or sorrow typically 20-30 nm wide.
of another. 2. more generally, a ca-
pacity to share in and respond to synaptic transmission see
the concerns or feelings of others.
—sympathetic adj. —sympathize synaptic vesicle any of numerous
vb. small spherical sacs in the cytoplasm
of the knoblike ending of the axon
s y m p t o m u. any deviation from
of a presynaptic neuron that contain
normal functioning that is consid- molecules of NEUROTRANSMITTER.
ered indicative of physical or mental The transmitter is released into the
disorder. A recognized pattern of SYNAPTIC CLEFT when a nerve im-
symptoms constitutes a SYNDROME. pulse arrives at the axon ending.
—symptomatic ad;'.
s y m p t o m s u b s t i t u t i o n in the synaptogenesis n. the formation
of synapses between neurons as
classic psychoanalytic theory of Aus- axons and dendrites grow. See also
trian psychiatrist Sigmund Freud
(1856-1939), the development of a
symptom to replace one that has
cleared up as a result of treatment. It
is said to occur if the unconsdous s y n c h r o n i c i t y u. in the ANALYTIC
impulses and conflicts responsible PSYCHOLOGY of Swiss psychiatrist


Carl Jung (1875-1961), the simulta- gether of disparate parts or ele-

neous occurrence of events that ments—whether they be physical or
appear to have a meaningful con- conceptual—into a whole. For ex-
nection when there is no explicable ample, biosynthesis is the process by
causal relationship between these which chemical or biochemical
events, as in extraordinary coind- compounds are formed from their
dences or purported examples of constituents, and mental synthesis
telepathy. Jung suggested that some involves combining ideas and im-
simultaneous occurrences possess ages into meaningful objects of
significance through their very coin- thought. 2. in philosophy, the final
cidence in time. stage of a dialedical process: a third
syncope n. fainting: a transient loss proposition that resolves the op-
of consciousness resulting from sud- position between THESIS and
den reduction in the blood supply ANTITHESIS. The synthesis then
to the brain, —syncopal adj. serves as the thesis in the next phase
of the ongoing dialectic, —syn-
s y n d r o m e n. a set of symptoms t h e t i c ad;'.
and signs that are usually due to a
single cause (or set of related causes) system u. 1. any collective entity
and together indicate a particular consisting of a set of interrelated or
physical or mental disease or disor- interacting elements that have been
der. organized together to perform a
function. For example, a living or-
synergism it. the joint action of ganism or one of its major bodily
different elements such that their stmctures constitutes a system. 2. a
combined effect is greater than the structured set of facts, concepts, and
sum of their individual effects, as in hypotheses that provide a frame-
dmg synergism, —synergistic ad;'. work of thought or belief, as in a
synesthesia n. a condition in philosophical system, —systematic
which stimulation of one sensory ad;.
system arouses sensations in an-
other. For example, sounds may be systematic desensitization a
experienced as colors while they are form of BEHAVIOR THERAPY in
being heard, and specific sounds which COUNTERCONDITIONING is
(e.g., different musical notes) may used to reduce anxiety associated
yield specific colors. Research sug- with a particular stimulus. It in-
gests that about one in 2,000 people volves the following stages: (a) The
regularly experience synesthesia. client is trained in deep-muscle re-
laxation; (b) various anxiety-
syntactics n. the stmctural and provoking situations related to a
grammatical aspects of language, as particular problem, such as fear of
distinguished from SEMANTICS. death or a spedfic phobia, are listed
in order from weakest to strongest;
syntax n. the set of mles that de- and (c) each of these situations is
scribes how words and phrases in a presented in imagination or in real-
language are arranged into gram- ity, beginning with the weakest,
matical sentences, or the branch of while the client practices muscle
linguistics that studies such mles. relaxation. Since the muscle relax-
With MORPHOLOGY, syntax is one ation is incompatible with the
of the two traditional subdivisions anxiety, the client gradually re-
of grammar, —syntactic or syn- sponds less to the anxiety-provoking
tactical adj. situations. See also IN vivo DESENSI-
synthesis u. 1. the bringing to- TIZATION; RECIPROCAL INHIBITION.

systems t h e o r y

systematic e r r o r an error in data systematic sampling a type of

or in a conclusion drawn from the SAMPLING in which all the members
data that is regular and repeatable asof a population are listed and then
a result of improper collection some objective, orderly procedure is
methods or statistical treatment of applied to select specific cases. For
the data. example, the population might be
listed alphabetically and every sev-
systematic observation an objec- enth case selected.
tive, well-ordered method for close systems analysis the process—and
examination of some phenomenon the specialty area itself—of studying
or aspect of behavior so as to obtain any SYSTEM (e.g., the circulatory sys-
reliable data unbiased by observer tem, an organization, a family) so as
interpretation. Systematic observa- to comprehend or clarify its internal
tion typically involves specification
workings and its purposes, often
of the exact actions, attributes, or
other variables that are to be re- with a view to improving interrela-
corded and precisely how they are to tions among constituent elements
be recorded. or to achieving a desired end more
effectively, —systems analyst it.
systematic processing see HEU- systems t h e o r y see GENERAL SYS-

TA abbreviation for TRANSACTIONAL ognition of such object qualities as
ANALYSIS. weight and texture; and finger
agnosia, impaired recognition of
t a b l e n. a presentation of data in one's own or another person's fin-
the form of an ordered arrangement gers.
of overlaid vertical columns and
horizontal rows. As with a GRAPH, tactile h a l l u c i n a t i o n a false per-
the purpose of a table is to commu- ception involving the sense of
nicate information (either in words touch. These sensations occur in the
or numerical values) in a concise, absence of any external stimulus
space-efficient manner that can be and may include itching, feeling
assessed at a glance and interpreted electric shocks, and feeling insects
easily. The columns have headings biting or crawling under the skin.
(the leftmost column is referred to
as the stub column). The intersec- tactile perception the ability to
tion of a column and row is called a perceive objects or judge sensations
CELL. Tables are often accompanied through the sense of touch. The
by explanatory notes, —tabular term often refers to judgments of
ad;. spatial stimulation of the skin and
patterns imposed on the skin. Tac-
t a b o o (tabu) n. a religious, moral, tile perception may also involve
or social convention prohibiting a judging sensory events involving
particular behavior, object, or per- stimulation of the skin, for example,
son. the thermal properties of a liquid.
t a c h y c a r d i a n. see ARRHYTHMIA. t a l e n t n. an innate skill or ability,
or an aptitude to excel in one or
t a c i t k n o w l e d g e knowledge that more spedfic activities or subject
is informally acquired rather than areas, that cannot be accounted for
explicitly taught (e.g., knowledge by normal development patterns.
of social mles) and allows a person —talented ad;.
to succeed in certain environments
and pursuits. It is stored without t a p e r i n g «. a gradual reduction in
self-reflective awareness and there- the dose of a dmg in order to avoid
fore not easily articulated, PRACTI- undesirable effects that may occur
CAL INTELLIGENCE requires a facility with rapid cessation. Such effects
for acquiring tacit knowledge. may be extreme (e.g., convulsions)
or relatively mild (e.g., head pain,
tactile agnosia loss or impairment mild gastrointestinal distress). Dmgs
of the ability to recognize and un- that produce physiological depend-
derstand the nature of objects ence (e.g., opiates, benzodiazepines)
through touch. Several distinct must be tapered to prevent a with-
subtypes have been identified, in- drawal syndrome.
cluding amorphagnosia, impaired
recognition of the size and shape of Tarasoff decision the 1976 Cali-
objects; ahylognosia, impaired rec- fornia Supreme Court decision in

Tay-Sachs disease

Tarasoff v. Regents ofthe University of taste-aversion l e a r n i n g see CON-

Califomia, which placed limits on a DITIONED TASTE AVERSION.
client's right to confidentiality by
mling that mental health practitio- t a s t e b u d a goblet-shaped stmc-
ners who know or reasonably ture, 30 x 50 nm, about 6,000 of
believe that a client poses a threat to which occur in the human mouth.
another person are obligated to pro- Each bud is a collection of about 50
tect the potential vidim from TASTE CELLS arranged like sections of
danger. Depending on the circum- an orange. At its apex is a taste pore
stances, that protection may involve through which each taste cell sends
such actions as warning the poten- a slender, hairlike extention
tial victim, notifying the police of (microvillus) studded with receptor
the potential threat posed by the cli- proteins to sample the environment.
ent, or both.
taste cell a receptor cell for gusta-
t a r d i v e dyskinesia a movement tory stimuli. Each has a slender,
disorder associated with the use of hairlike extension (microvillus) that
ANTIPSYCHOTICS, particularly con- protmdes from the opening in the
ventional antipsychotics that act TASTE BUD. Humans have about
primarily as dopamine-receptor AN- 300,000 taste cells, though the num-
TAGONISTS. Symptoms include ber can vary across individuals, and
tremor and spasticity of muscle there are about 50 cells per taste
groups, especially those of the face. bud. Taste cells can be divided into
Onset is insidious and may be four anatomical types: Type I cells
masked by continued use of the comprise 60% of the total, Type II
antipsychotic, only appearing when cells 20%, Type III cells 15%, and
the dmg is discontinued or the dose Type IV cells 5%. All but Type IV
lowered. It is more common with cells may be involved in taste
prolonged use and no effective treat-
ment is known.
TAT abbreviation for THEMATIC
t a s k analysis the breakdown of a
complex task into component tasks t a x o n o m y n. the science of classifi-
to identify the different skills cation—for example the biological
needed to correctly complete the taxonomy that groups organisms
task. For example, in organizational into a hierarchical system of ranks
settings, a job may be broken down (in ascending order: spedes, genus,
into the skills, knowledge, and spe- family, order, class, phylum, and
cific operations required. kingdom)—or any scheme of classi-
fication itself. —taxonomic adj.
t a s t e n. the sense devoted to the de- —taxonomist n.
tection of molecules dissolved in
liquids (also called gustation), or Tay-Sachs disease (TSD) a disor-
the sensory experience resulting der due to a deficiency of the
from perception of gustatory quali- enzyme hexosaminidase A, result-
ties (e.g., sweetness, saltiness, ing in the accumulation of GM2
sourness, bitterness). Dissolved mol- gangliosides in all tissues. This pro-
ecules are delivered to the taste cess gradually destroys the brain and
receptors—TASTE CELLS—on the nerve cells by altering the shape of
tongue, soft palate, larynx, and neurons. Development is normal
pharynx. Taste combines with smell, until the 6th month of infancy, after
texture, and appearance to generate which there is a deterioration of
a sense of flavor. motor, visual, and cognitive abili-


ties. Death usually occurs between 3 cally featured, while adjectives, ad-
and 5 years of age. verbs, articles, and connective parts
of speech are omitted. It is typical of
TBI abbreviation for TRAUMATIC
children roughly between the ages
of 18 and 30 months, usually in the
TCA abbreviation for TRICYCLIC AN- form of two-word expressions up to
TIDEPRESSANT. the age of about 24 months (see
TWO-WORD STAGE) and short but
T cell see LYMPHOCYTE. multiword expressions (e.g., do^ eat
t d i s t r i b u t i o n a theoretical PROBA- bone) thereafter.
BILITY DISTRIBUTION that plays a telekinesis u. see PSYCHOKINESIS.
central role in testing hypotheses
about population means among telemetry n. the process of measur-
other parameters. It is the sampling ing and transmitting quantitative
distribution of the statistic (M - information to a remote location,
H0)/s, where Ho is the population where it can be recorded and inter-
mean of the population from which preted. For example, a small radio
the sample is drawn, M is the data transmitter may be implanted inside
estimate of the mean of the popula- an animal to measure general adiv-
tion, and s is the standard deviation ity level as well as a variety of
of the batch of scores. Also called physiological variables, including
Student's t distribution. body temperature, heart rate, and
blood pressure. This transmitter
tectorial m e m b r a n e part of the sends signals to a receiver located
ORGAN OF CORTI in the cochlea. It outside the animal. —telemetric
consists of a semigelatinous mem- ad;'.
brane in which the stereocilia of the
outer HAIR CELLS are embedded. t e l e n c e p h a l o n n. see CEREBRUM.

tectospinal t r a c t see VENTRO- teleology n. the position that cer-

MEDIAL PATHWAY. tain phenomena are best understood
and explained in terms of their pur-
t e c t u m tt. (pl. tecta) the roof of the poses rather than their causes. In
MIDBRAIN, dorsal to the CEREBRAL psychology, its proponents hold
AQUEDUCT. The tectum contains the that mental processes are purposive,
superior COLLICULI, which act as that is, directed toward a goal. The
relay and reflex centers for the vi- view that behavior is to be ex-
sual system, and the inferior plained in terms of ends and
colliculi, which are sensory centers purposes is frequently contrasted
for the auditory system. —tectal with explanations in terms of
ad;'. causes, such as INSTINCTS and CON-
t e g m e n t u m n. (pl. t e g m e n t a ) the or teleological ad;'.
central core of the MIDBRAIN and
PONS. It contains sensory and motor t e l e p a t h y n. the alleged direct
tracts passing through the midbrain, communication of information
the SUBTHALAMIC NUCLEUS, and from one mind to another, in the
several other nuclei, —tegmental absence of any known sensory
ad;'. means of transmission. It is a form
telegraphic speech condensed or —telepath n. —telepathic ad;.
abbreviated speech in which only
the most central words, carrying the t e m p e r a m e n t n. the basic founda-
highest level of information, are tion of personality, usually assumed
spoken. Nouns and verbs are typi- to be biologically determined and

terminal drop

present early in life, including such additive effect of the second PSP, to
characteristics as energy level, emo- produce an above-threshold depo-
tional responsiveness, demeanor, larization sufficient to elicit an
mood, response tempo, and willing- ACTION POTENTIAL. Compare SPA-
ness to explore. TIAL SUMMATION.

t e m p o r a l ad;'. 1. of or pertaining to tend-and-befriend response a

time or its role in some process. proposed physiological and behav-
2. relating or proximal to the tem- ioral stress regulatory system in
ple, as in TEMPORAL LOBE, —tem- females, in which tending involves
porally adv. nurturant activities designed to pro-
tect the self and offspring, to
t e m p o r a l coding a type of neural promote a sense of safety, and to re-
plotting of the precise timing of the
duce distress, and befriending is
points of maximum intensity expressed in the creation and main-
("spikes") between ACTION POTEN-
tenance of sodal networks that aid
TIALS. It can provide valuable
in this process. This model has been
additional detail to information ob- characterized as a human stress re-
tained through simple RATE
sponse in females that is secondary
to the classic FIGHT-OR-FLIGHT RE-
t e m p o r a l c o n d i t i o n i n g a proce- SPONSE. Neuroendocrinal evidence
dure in PAVLOVIAN CONDITIONING from animal and human research
in which the unconditioned stimu- suggests an underlying physiological
lus is presented at regular intervals mechanism mediated by OXYTOCIN
but in the absence of an accompa- and moderated by female sex hor-
nying conditioned stimulus. mones and opioid peptide
Compare TRACE CONDITIONING. mechanisms.
temporal lobe one of the four main tender-mindedness n. a per-
lobes of each CEREBRAL HEMISPHERE sonality trait characterized by
in the brain, lying immediately intellectualism, idealism, optimism,
below the LATERAL SULCUS on the dogmatism, religiousness, and
lower lateral surface of each hemi- monism. Compare TOUGH-
sphere. It contains the auditory MINDEDNESS. —tender-minded
projection and auditory association ad;'.
areas and also areas for higher order
visual processing and for memory tension n. 1. a feeling of physical
formation. and psychological strain accompa-
nied by discomfort, uneasiness, and
t e m p o r a l lobe amnesia a mem- pressure to seek relief through talk
ory disorder, secondary to injury or action. 2. the force resulting from
of the temporal lobe (particularly contraction or stretching of a mus-
medial stmctures, such as the cle or tendon.
hippocampus), that prevents the
formation of new memories. t e r a t o g e n n. an agent that induces
developmental abnormalities in a
t e m p o r a l s u m m a t i o n a neural fetus. The process that results in
mechanism in which an impulse is such abnormal developments is
propagated by two successive called teratogenesis; a teratomorph
POSTSYNAPTIC POTENTIALS (PSPs), is a fetus or offspring with develop-
neither of which alone is of suffi- mental abnormalities.
cient intensity to cause a response.
The partial DEPOLARIZATION caused t e r m i n a l b u t t o n see AXON.
by the first PSP continues for a few t e r m i n a l d r o p a rapid decline in
milliseconds and is able, with the cognitive abilities immediately be-


fore death. The cognitive abilities velopment, an infant's action that

that appear to be most prone to ter- creatively alters former SCHEMES to
minal drop are those least affected fit the requirements of new situa-
by normal aging. tions. Tertiary circular reactions
emerge toward the end of the
t e r r i t o r i a l i t y n. the defense by SENSORIMOTOR STAGE, at about the
an animal of a specific geographic beginning of the 2nd year; they dif-
area (its territory) against intmsion fer from earlier behaviors in that the
from other members of the same child can, for the first time, develop
spedes. Territoriality is observed in new schemes to achieve a desired
a wide range of animals and is goal. See also PRIMARY CIRCULAR RE-
found most often where there are ACTION; SECONDARY CIRCULAR
specific defensible resources, such as REACTION.
a concentration of food or shelter.
Territoriality is also extended to hu- t e r t i a r y p r e v e n t i o n intervention
mans, denoting behavior associated and treatment for individuals or
with the need or ability to control groups with already established psy-
and regulate access to a space, which chological or physical conditions,
reflects feelings of identity derived disorders, or diseases. Tertiary inter-
from use of and attachment to a fa- ventions include attempts to
miliar place. minimize negative effects, prevent
further disease or disorder related to
t e r r o r i s m n. systematic intimida- complications, prevent relapse, and
tion or coercion to attain political or restore the highest physical or psy-
religious objectives using unlawful chological functioning possible.
and unpredictable force or violence Compare PRIMARY PREVENTION;
against property, persons, or govern- SECONDARY PREVENTION.
ments. —^terrorist adj., n.
test «. 1. a standardized set of ques-
terror management theory a tions or other items designed to
theory proposing that control of assess knowledge, skills, interests, or
death-related anxiety is the primary other characteristics of an examinee.
function of society and the main See PSYCHOLOGICAL TEST. 2. a set of
motivation in human behavior. In- operations, usually statistical in na-
dividual SELF-ESTEEM and a sense of ture, designed to determine the
being integrated into a powerful VALIDITY of a hypothesis.
human culture are regarded as the
most effective ways for human be- testability n. the degree to which a
ings to defend themselves against hypothesis or theory is capable of
the frightening recognition of their being evaluated empirically.
own mortality. test b a t t e r y a group or series of re-
t e r t i a r y care highly specialized lated tests administered at one time
care given to patients who are in to obtain a comprehensive assess-
danger of disability or death. ment of a particular factor or
Tertiary care often requires sophis- phenomenon (e.g., intelligence, lan-
ticated technologies provided by guage skill). Scores may be recorded
highly specialized practitioners and separately or combined to yield a
facilities, for example, neurologists, single score.
neurosurgeons, thoracic surgeons, testicular feminization syn-
and intensive care units. Compare d r o m e see ANDROGEN-
t e r t i a r y circular r e a c t i o n in the t e s t i n g effect in studies of recog-
PIAGETIAN THEORY of cognitive de- nition memory, the phenomenon

that's-not-all t e c h n i q u e

whereby taking an initial test im- "basic skills," such as effective lead-
proves subsequent memory ership and communication, and
performance in a later recall test. attitude change. Although the term
is sometimes used synonymously
testis K. (pl. testes) the principal re- with ENCOUNTER GROUP, in a T-
productive organ in males, a pair of group less emphasis is placed on
which is normally located in the personal growth and more on SENSI-
scrotum. The testes produce sperm TIVITY TRAINING and practical
in the seminiferous tubules (see interpersonal skills.
hormones (ANDROGENS) in intersti- t h a l a m u s n. (pl. t h a l a m i ) a mass
tial cells. of gray matter, forming part of the
DIENCEPHALON of the brain, whose
testosterone n. a male sex hor- two lobes form the walls of the third
mone and the most potent of the VENTRICLE. It consists of a collection
ANDROGENS produced by the testes. of sensory, motor, autonomic, and
It stimulates the development of associational nuclei, serving as a
male reproductive organs, including relay for nerve impulses traveling
the prostate gland, and secondary between the spinal cord and
brainstem and the cerebral cortex.
beard, bone, and muscle growth. —thalamic adj.
Women normally secrete small
amounts of testosterone from the t h a n a t o l o g y n. the study of death
adrenal cortex and ovary. and death-related behaviors,
thoughts, feelings, and phenomena.
test-retest reliability see RETEST Death was mostly the province of
RELIABILITY. theology until the 1960s, when
test statistic the numerical result existential thinkers and a broad
of a STATISTICAL TEST, which is used spectmm of care providers, educa-
to evaluate the viability of a hypoth- tors, and social and behavioral
esis. Common examples are the scientists became interested in
value of t in the T TEST and the death-related issues. —thanatolo-
value of z in the z TEST. gistn.
test-wise ad;', describing individuals T h a n a t o s n. the personification of
who have taken a number of tests death and the brother of Hypnos
and are therefore more adept at tak- (sleep) in Greek mythology, whose
ing them than those who are name was chosen by Austrian psy-
relatively new to the testing process. chiatrist Sigmund Freud (1856-
1939) to designate a theoretical set
t e t r a h y d r o c a n n a b i n o l (THC) n. of strivings oriented toward the re-
one of a number of CANNABINOIDS duction of tension and life activity
occurring in the CANNABIS plant (see DEATH INSTINCT). In Freud's
that is the agent principally respon- dual instinct theory, Thanatos is
sible for the psychoactive properties seen as involved in a dialectic pro-
of cannabis. cess with EROS (love), the striving
t e x t u r e g r a d i e n t the progressively toward sexuality, continued devel-
finer appearance of textures and sur- opment, and heightened experience
face grains of objects as the viewer (see LIFE INSTINCT).
moves away from them.
that's-not-all t e c h n i q u e a two-
T-group n. fraining group: a type of step procedure for enhancing com-
experiential group, usually of up to pliance that consists of presenting
a dozen or so people, concerned an initial, large request and then,
with fostering the development of before the person can respond, im-


mediately reducing it to a more know? What actions is that individ-

modest target request that is made ual likely to take? Theory of mind is
more attractive by offering some ad- an essential component of attribut-
ditional benefit. Compliance with ing beliefs, intentions, and desires to
the target request is greater follow- others, specifically in order to pre-
ing the initial request than would dict their behavior.
have been the case if the target re-
quest had been presented on its t h e o r y of p l a n n e d b e h a v i o r a
own. See also DOOR-IN-THE-FACE theory that resembles the THEORY
OF REASONED ACTION but also incor-
porates the constmct of perceived
behavioral control. That is, the
THC abbreviation for TETRAHYDRO- extent to which a person believes
CANNABINOL. behavior is under his or her active
control is added to attitude toward
T h e m a t i c Apperception Test behavior and subjective norms
(TAT) a projective test in which par- (perceived expectations) as the
ticipants are held to reveal their antecedents influencing both the
attitudes, feelings, conflicts, and per- intention to perform a behavior and
sonality characteristics in the oral or the performance of the behavior it-
written stories they make up about a self.
series of relatively ambiguous black-
and-white pictures. Systematic cod- t h e o r y of reasoned action the
ing schemes have been developed to theory that attitudes toward a be-
assess different aspects of personal- havior and subjective norms
ity functioning derived from TAT (perceived expectations) regarding a
stories, including motivation for behavior determine a person's inten-
achievement, power, affiliation, and tion to perform that behavior.
intimacy; gender identity; DEFENSE Intentions are in turn assumed to
MECHANISMS; and mental processes cause the actual behavior. See also
influencing interpersonal relations. THEORY OF PLANNED BEHAVIOR.
The TAT is one of the most fre-
quently used and researched tests in t h e o r y t h e o r y any model of cogni-
psychology, particularly in clinical tive development that combines
settings for diagnosis, personality NEONATIVISM a n d CONSTRUCTIVISM,
description, and assessment of proposing that cognitive develop-
strengths and weakness in personal- ment progresses by children
ity functioning. generating, testing, and changing
theories about the physical and so-
t h e o r y u. 1. a principle or body cial world.
of interrelated principles that
purports to explain or predict a t h e r a p e u t i c ad;'. 1. pertaining to
number of interrelated phenomena. therapeutics, the branch of medical
See CONSTRUCT; MODEL. 2. in the science concerned with the treat-
philosophy of science, a set of logi- ment of diseases and disorders and
cally related explanatory hypotheses the discovery and application of re-
that are consistent with a body of medial agents or methods. 2. having
empirical facts and that may sug- beneficial or curative effects.
gest more empirical relationships.
—theoretical adj. t h e r a p e u t i c alliance a coopera-
tive working relationship between
t h e o r y of m i n d the ability to client and therapist, considered by
imagine or make deductions about many to be an essential aspect of
the mental states of other individu- successful therapy. Derived from the
als: What does the other individual concept of the psychoanalytic work-

third-variable p r o b l e m

ing alliance, the therapeutic alliance imals, stage 2 sleep in humans, and
comprises bonds, goals, and tasks. in the drowsiness state of newborn
Bonds are constituted by the core infants, adolescents, and young
conditions of therapy, the client's adults. Theta waves are also re-
attitude toward the therapist, and corded in TRANCES, HYPNOSIS, and
the therapist's style of relating to the deep DAYDREAMS. Also called t h e t a
client; goals are the mutually negoti- rhythm.
ated, understood, agreed upon, and
regularly reviewed aims of the ther- t h i n k i n g «. cognitive behavior in
apy; and tasks are the activities which ideas, images, MENTAL REPRE-
carried out by both client and thera- SENTATIONS, or other hypothetical
pist. elements of thought are experienced
or manipulated. In this sense
t h e r a p e u t i c c o m m u n i t y a set- thinking includes imagining, re-
ting for individuals requiring membering, problem solving,
therapy for a range of psychosocial daydreaming, FREE ASSOCIATION,
problems and disorders that is based concept formation, and many other
on an interpersonal, socially interac- processes. Thinking may be said to
tive approach to treatment, both have two defining characteristics: (a)
among residents and among resi- It is covert, that is, it is not directly
dents and staff (i.e., "community as observable but must be inferred
method or therapy"). The term cov- from behavior or self-reports; and
ers a variety of short- and long-term (b) it is symbolic, that is, it seems to
residential programs as well as day involve operations on mental sym-
treatment and ambulatory pro- bols or representations, the nature
grams. See MILIEU THERAPY. of which remains obscure and con-
t h e r a p i s t n. an individual who has troversial.
been trained in and practices one or third-person effect a tendency
more types of therapy to treat men- for a person to expect that others are
tal or physical disorders or diseases: more strongly influenced by (i.e., re-
often used synonymously with psy- spond to and take action as a result
chotherapist (see PSYCHOTHERAPY). of) a persuasive communication in
t h e r a p y ix. remediation of physical, the mass media than himself or her-
mental, or behavioral disorders or self. The third-person effect has
disease. See also PSYCHOTHERAPY. been studied extensively and is of
particular interest in politics, social
t h e r m o r e c e p t o r n. a receptor or policy, and health psychology. It
sense organ that is activated by tem- generally is explained in terms of a
perature stimuli (e.g., cold or warm desire for self-enhancement: people
stimuli). are motivated to reinforce their
thesis n. (pl. theses) in philosophy, positive self-images and thus are
the first stage of a dialectical pro- unrealistically optimistic in compar-
cess: a proposition that is opposed ing themselves to others. Negative
by an ANTITHESIS, thereby generat- attimdes toward the media generally
ing a new proposition referred to as may also play a role. Also called
a SYNTHESIS. The synthesis serves as third-person perception.
thesis for the next phase of the on-
third-variable p r o b l e m the fact
going process.
that an observed correlation be-
t h e t a wave in electroencephalog- tween two variables may be due to
raphy, a type of BRAIN WAVE with a the common correlation between
frequency of 4-7 Hz. Theta waves each of the variables and a third
are observed in the REM SLEEP of an- variable rather than because the two

t h i r d ventricle

variables have any underlying rela- reanalysis of several hundred data

tionship (in a causal sense) with sets available in the literature. The
each other. three strata correspond to (a) minor
t h i r d ventricle see VENTRICLE. group fadors at the first (lowest)
level, (b) major group fadors at the
Thorazine n. a trade name for second level (fluid intelligence,
CHLORPROMAZINE. crystallized intelligence, general
t h o u g h t disorder a disturbance in memory and learning, broad visual
the cognitive processes that affects perception, broad auditory percep-
communication, language, or tion, broad retrieval ability, broad
thought content. A thought disorder cognitive speediness, and processing
is considered by some to be the speed), and (c) the general factor at
most important mark of schizophre- the third (highest) level.
nia, but thought disorders are also t h r e s h o l d tt. 1. in psychophysics,
associated with mood disorders, de- the magnitude of a stimulus that
mentia, mania, and neurological will lead to its detection 50% of the
diseases (among others). time. 2. the minimum intensity of a
t h o u g h t s t o p p i n g the skill of stimulus that is necessary to evoke a
using a physical or cognitive cue to response. For example, an auditory
stop negative thoughts and redirect threshold is the slightest perceptible
them to a neutral or positive orien- sound and an excitatory threshold is
tation. This skill is taught in some the minimum stimulus that triggers
an ACTION POTENTIAL in a neuron.
behavior therapies, when the thera-
pist shouts "Stop!" to intermpt a Also called limen. See also ABSO-
trend toward undesirable thoughts
and trains clients to apply this tech-
nique to themselves. t h r o m b o s i s n. the presence or for-
t h o u g h t suppression the attempt mation of a blood clot (thrombus)
to control the content of one's men- in a blood vessel. Thrombosis is
tal processes and specifically to rid likely to develop where blood flow is
oneself of undesired thoughts or im- impeded by disease, injury, or a for-
ages. eign substance, —thrombotic adj.
t h r e a t n. a condition that is ap- t h y r o i d g l a n d an endocrine gland
praised as a danger to one's self forming a shieldlike stmcture on the
or well-being or to a group. front and sides of the throat, just
—threaten vb. — t h r e a t e n i n g ad;'. below the thyroid cartilage. It pro-
duces the iodine-containing thyroid
t h r e a t display any of various ritu- HORMONES (thyroxine and
alized animal communication triiodothyronine) in response to
signals used to indicate that attack thyroid-stimulating hormone from
or aggression might follow. Exam- the anterior pituitary gland. C cells
ples are fluffed-out fur or feathers, (parafollicular cells) in the thyroid
certain facial expressions or body produce the hormone calcitonin,
postures, and low-frequency vocal- which controls levels of calcium and
izations (e.g., growls). The use of phosphate in the blood.
ritualized threat displays can mini-
mize direct physical aggression to TIA abbreviation for TRANSIENT
the benefit of both individuals. ISCHEMIC ATTACK.

t h r e e - s t r a t u m m o d e l of intelli- tic n. a sudden, involuntary con-

gence a psychometric model of traction of a small group of muscles
intelligence based on a factorial (motor tic) or vocalization (vocal tic)

tip-of-the-tongue p h e n o m e n o n

that is recurrent, nonrhythmic, and removed from an area when misbe-

stereotyped. Tics may be psycho- having. The technique is used in
genic in origin; alternatively, they schools and by parents to decrease
may occur as an adverse effect of a the undesirable behavior by isolat-
medication or other substance or re- ing the misbehaver for a period.
sult from a head injury, neurological
disorder, or general medical condi- t i m e s a m p l i n g a strategy com-
tion. monly used in direct observation
that involves noting and recording
t i m b r e n. the perceptual attribute the occurrence of a target behavior
relating to the quality of a sound. whenever it is seen during a stated
Two perceptually different sounds time interval. The process may in-
with the same pitch and loudness volve fixed time periods (e.g., every
differ in their timbre. Timbre is de- 5 min) or random time intervals. For
termined primarily by the sound example, a researcher may observe a
SPECTRUM but also is affected by group of children for 10 s every 5
temporal and intensive characteris- min for a specific 30 min period
tics. —timbral ad;'. each day, noting the occurrence or
nonoccurrence of particular behav-
t i m e a n d m o t i o n study an analy-
sis of industrial operations or other iors. Observations taken during
complex tasks into their component these periods are known as time
steps, observing the time required samples.
for each. Such studies may serve a t i m e series a set of measures on a
number of different purposes, single attribute measured repeatedly
enabling an employer to set perfor- over time.
mance targets, increase productivity,
rationalize pay rates and pricing pol- time-series design an experi-
icy, reduce employee fatigue, and mental design that involves the
prevent accidents. observation of units (e.g., people
or countries) over a defined time
time-lag design a type of QUASI- period.
timing-of-events model a theo-
participants of the same age are retical paradigm that describes adult
compared at different time periods. psychosocial development as occur-
For example, a time-lag study of in- ring relatively flexibly (often
telligence might compare a group of unexpectedly) in response to partic-
people who were 20 years old in ular life events. A MIDLIFE CRISIS, for
2005 with groups who were 20 years example, might be triggered at any
old in 2006, 2007, and 2008. Used time within a broad age-spectrum
in examining human developmental between 35 and 65 years as a re-
processes, time-lag designs have the sponse to a particular event in a
benefit of controllingfortime of person's life (e.g., the death of a par-
testing effects but the drawbacks of ent or spouse; a forced retirement)
low INTERNAL VALIDITY and the dif-
rather than occur invariably during
ficulty in separating COHORT a more specified period (e.g., 40-45
t i m e o u t a technique, originating
in BEHAVIOR THERAPY, in which un-
t i n n i t u s n. noises in one or both
desirable behavior is weakened and ears, including ringing, buzzing, or
its occurrence decreased by moving clicking sounds.
the individual away from the area tip-of-the-tongue p h e n o m e n o n
that is reinforcing the behavior. For (TOT p h e n o m e n o n ) the experi-
example, a child may be temporarily ence of attempting to retrieve from


memory a specific name or word but ality, and so on differ from one's
not being able to do so: The fact is own. —tolerant ad;'.
ordinarily accessible and seems to
hover tantalizlngly on the rim of t o m o g r a p h y n. a technique for re-
consciousness. vealing the detailed stmcture of a
tissue or organ through a particular
t i t r a t i o n n. a technique used in plane that involves the compilation
determining the optimum dose of of a series of images taken from mul-
a dmg needed to produce a desired tiple perspectives. Examples include
effect in a particular individual. The COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY and POSI-
dosage may be either gradually TRON EMISSION TOMOGRAPHY.
increased until a noticeable im- —tomographic adj.
provement is observed in the
patient or adjusted downward t o n e u. in linguistics, a phonetic
from a level that is obviously ex variable along the dimension of
cessive because of unwanted adverse pitch. In a tonal language, such as
effects. Mandarin or Thai, differences in
tone are sufficient to mark a distinc-
T maze a maze shaped like the let- tion between words that are
ter T and consisting of a start box otherwise pronounced identically.
and stem leading to a choice be- In English, different patterns of in-
tween left and right arms, one being tonation distinguish between
incorrect while the other leads to different types of utterance, such as
the goal box. More complicated statements and questions. —tonal
mazes can be formed by joining sev- ad;'.
eral T mazes in sequence.
t o n i c ad;', of or relating to muscle
TMS abbreviation for TRANS- tone, espedally a state of continu-
CRANIAL MAGNETIC STIMULATION. ous muscle tension or contraction,
t o k e n economy in BEHAVIOR which may be normal (tonus) or ab-
THERAPY, a program, sometimes normal. For example, a tonic phase
conducted in an institutional set- of facial muscles prevents the lower
ting (e.g., a hospital or classroom), jaw from falling open, a normal
in which desired behavior is rein- function. Abnormally, in the tonic
forced by offering tokens that can phase of a TONIC-CLONIC SEIZURE,
be exchanged for special foods, the muscles controlling respiration
television time, passes, or other re- may undergo tonic SPASM, resulting
wards. in a temporary suspension of breath-
tolerance n. 1. a condition, result-
ing from persistent use of a dmg, tonic-clonic seizure a seizure
characterized by a markedly dimin- characterized by both TONIC and
ished effect with regular use of the CLONIC motor movements (it was
same dose of the dmg or by a need formerly known as a grand mal
to increase the dose markedly over seizure). In the tonic phase the
time to achieve the same desired ef- muscles go into spasm and the
fect. Tolerance is one of the two individual falls to the ground un-
prime indications of physical de- conscious; breathing may be
pendence on a drug, the other being suspended. This is followed by the
a characteristic withdrawal syn- clonic phase, marked by rapidly al-
drome. See SUBSTANCE DEPENDENCE. ternating contraction and relaxation
2. acceptance of others whose ac- of the muscles, resulting in jaw
tions, beliefs, physical capabilities, movements (the tongue may be bit-
religion, customs, ethnicity, nation- ten) and urinary incontinence.

t r a i n i n g analysis

t o n o t o p i c o r g a n i z a t i o n the fun- and one or more vocal tics, such as

damental principle that different gmnts, yelps, barks, sniffs, and in a
frequencies stimulate different few cases an irresistible urge to utter
places within stmctures of the mam- obscenities (see COPROLALIA). The
malian auditory system. This tics occur many times a day for
organization begins in the COCHLEA, more than a year, and the age of
where different frequencies tend to onset for the disorder is before 18
cause maximal vibration at different years.
places along the BASILAR MEMBRANE
and thus stimulate different HAIR toxicity n. the capacity of a sub-
CELLS. The hair cells are discretely stance to produce toxic (poisonous)
innervated, and thus different audi- effects in an organism. Toxicity gen-
tory nerve fibers respond to a erally is related to the size of the
relatively limited range of frequen- dose per body weight of the individ-
cies. This frequency-to-place ual, expressed in terms of milligrams
mapping is preserved in the AUDI- of chemical per kilogram of body
TORY CORTEX. weight. It also may be expressed in
terms of the median lethal dose
top-down processing informa- (LD50).
tion processing that proceeds from a t r a c e c o n d i t i o n i n g a procedure in
hypothesis about what a stimulus PAVLOVIAN CONDITIONING in which
might be: a person's higher level a conditioned stimulus and an un-
knowledge, concepts, or expecta- conditioned stimulus are separated
tions influence the processing of by a constant interval, with the con-
lower level information. Typically, ditioned stimulus presented first.
perceptual or cognitive mechanisms Compare TEMPORAL CONDITIONING.
use top-down processing when in-
formation is familiar and not trace-decay t h e o r y see DECAY
especially complex. Compare BOT- THEORY.
t r a c k i n g n. the process of follow-
ing a moving object with the eyes or
t o t e m n. a revered animal, plant, using eye movements to follow a
namral force, or inanimate object path of some kind. —track vb.
that is conceived as the ancestor, t r a c t IJ. 1. a bundle or group of
symbol, protector, or tutelary spirit nerve fibers within the central ner-
of a people, clan, or community. It vous system. The name of a tract
is usually made the focus of certain typically indicates its site of origin
ritual activities and TABOOS, typi- followed by its site of termination;
cally against killing or eating it. for example, the reticulospinal tract
—totemic adj. —totemism n. mns from the reticular formation of
TOTE m o d e l see FEEDBACK LOOP. the brainstem to the spinal cord.
Compare NERVE. 2. a series of or-
TOT p h e n o m e n o n abbreviation gans that as a whole accomplishes a
for TIP-OF-THE-TONGUE PHENOME- specific function (e.g., the digestive
NON. tract).
tough-mindedness n. a personal- t r a i n i n g analysis PSYCHOANALY-
ity trait characterized by empiricism, SIS of a trainee analyst. Its purpose is
materialism, skepticism, and fatal- not only to provide training in the
concepts and techniques of psycho-
—tough-minded ad;'. analysis, but also to increase insight
Tourette's disorder a disorder into personal sensitivities or other
characterized by many motor tics emotional reactions that might in-


terfere with the process of analyzing ent's transactions; and (c) analysis of
patients in the form of a COUNTER- the total SCRIPT, or unconsdous
TRANSFERENCE. plan, of the client's life, in order to
uncover the sources of his or her
t r a i t n. 1. an enduring personality
emotional problems.
characteristic that describes or deter-
mines an individual's behavior t r a n s a c t i o n a l i s m n. an approach
across a range of situations. 2. in ge- to perception that emphasizes the
netics, an attribute resulting from a interaction of people and their envi-
hereditary predisposition (e.g., hair ronment. Rather than being mere
color or facial features). passive observers, people draw on
t r a i t t h e o r y approaches that ex- past experiences in order to form
plain personality in terms of TRAITS, perceptions of present situations
that is, internal characteristics that and even of novel stimuli.
are presumed to determine behav- —transactionalist ad;'., n.
ior. An example is the FIVE-FACTOR t r a n s a c t i o n a l leadership a style
PERSONALITY MODEL. of leadership in which the emphasis
t r a n c e n. an ALTERED STATE OF is on ensuring followers accomplish
CONSCIOUSNESS involving markedly tasks. Transactional leaders influ-
reduced awareness of and respon- ence others through exchange
siveness to stimuli. It may be relationships in which benefits are
induced by HYPNOSIS or AUTOSUG- promised in return for compliance.
GESTION and characterized by Compare TRANSFORMATIONAL LEAD-
openness to suggestion. ERSHIP.

t r a n q u i l i z e r u. a dmg that is used transactive m e m o r y system a

to reduce physiological and subjec- system in which information to be
tive symptoms of anxiety. In the remembered is distributed among
past, distinctions were made be- various members of a group, who
tween so-called major tranquilizers can then each be relied on to pro-
(ANTIPSYCHOTICS) and minor vide that information when it is
tranquilizers (ANXIOLYTICS, e.g., needed.
benzodiazepines). transcendental meditation a
technique of concentrative MEDITA-
t r a n s a c t i o n u. any interaction be-
tween the individual and the social TION for achieving a transcendental
or physical environment, espedally state of consciousness involving ul-
during encounters between two or timate self-awareness and restful
more people. alertness. It consists of six steps that
culminate in sitting with one's eyes
t r a n s a c t i o n a l analysis (TA) a dosed, while repeating a mantra, for
theory of personality and a form two 20-minute periods a day. Repeti-
of dynamic group or individual tion of the mantra serves to block
psychotherapy focusing on charac- distracting thoughts and to induce a
teristic interactions that reveal state of relaxation and tranquillity
internal "ego states" and the games in which images and ideas can arise
people play in social situations. from deeper levels of the mind and
Specifically, the approach involves: from the cosmic source of all
(a) a study of three primary ego states thought and being.
(parent, child, adult) and determina-
tion of which one is dominant in the t r a n s c r a n i a l m a g n e t i c stimula-
transaction in question; (b) identifi- t i o n (TMS) localized electrical
cation of the tricks and expedients, stimulation of the brain through the
or games, habitually used in the cli- skull caused by changes in the mag-

transfer of t r a i n i n g

netic field in coils of wire placed transfer-appropriate process-

around the head. The technique was i n g a concept of mental processing
originally devised and is primarily based on the idea that memory per-
used as an investigatory tool to formance is better when a person
assess the effects of electrical stimu- processes material during smdy in
lation of the motor cortex. It is also the same way as the material will be
being investigated as a possible ther- processed during testing. For exam-
apy for some types of movement ple, test performance should be
disorders and psychological condi- relatively good if both study and test
tions, such as depression, obsessive- conditions emphasize either seman-
compulsive disorder, and Tourette's tic processing on the one hand or
disorder. Repetitive transcranial perceptual processing on the other;
magnetic stimulation (rTMS) con- but test performance will not be as
sists of a series of TMS pulses. good if study conditions emphasize
one (e.g., semantic) and test condi-
t r a n s c r i p t i o n n. in genetics, the tions emphasize another (e.g.,
process whereby the genetic infor- perceptual).
mation contained in DNA is trans-
ferred to a molecule of MESSENGER transference «. in psychoanalysis,
RNA (mRNA), which subsequently the DISPLACEMENT or PROJECTION
directs protein synthesis. The base onto the analyst of unconsdous
sequence of the mRNA is comple- feelings and wishes originally di-
mentary to that of the coding DNA rected toward important individuals,
strand and faithfully represents the such as parents, in the patient's
instmctions for assembling the com- childhood. This process, which is at
ponent amino acids of the protein the core of the psychoanalytic
encoded by the gene (see GENETIC method, brings repressed material
CODE). to the surface where it can be
reexperienced, studied, and worked
t r a n s c u l t u r a l psychotherapy through. In the course of this pro-
any form of PSYCHODYNAMIC PSY- cess, it is posited that the sources of
CHOTHERAPY that emphasizes neurotic difficulties are frequently
cultural sensitivity and awareness, discovered and their harmfiil effects
including culturally defined con- alleviated. Although quite specific to
cepts of emotion, psychodynamics, psychoanalysis, the term's meaning
and behavior. In the psychiatric has had an impact far beyond its
community the term is used some- narrow confines, and transference—
what more often in a sense similar as unconsdous repetition of earlier
to MULTICULTURAL THERAPY in clin- behaviors and projection onto new
ical psychology. subjects—is acknowledged as ubiqui-
t r a n s d u c e r n. a device or system tous in human interactions. The role
of transference in counseling and
that converts energy from one form short-term dynamic psychotherapy
to another. Sensory RECEPTOR cells is well recognized, and ongoing at-
are an example. tempts to study its role in a range of
t r a n s d u c t i o n «. the process by therapeutic encounters promise to
which one form of energy is con- expand and elucidate its meanings.
verted into another, espedally See also COUNTERTRANSFERENCE.
sensory transduction: the transfor-
mation of the energy of a stimulus transfer of t r a i n i n g the influ-
into a change in the electric poten- ence of prior learning on new
tial across the membrane of a learning, either to enhance it (see
RECEPTOR cell. POSITIVE TRANSFER) or to hamper it


(see NEGATIVE TRANSFER). The gen- states include transsexualism and

eral principles of mathematics, for intersexuality. —transgenderism
example, transfer to computer pro- K.
gramming, but a knowledge of
Spanish may have both positive and t r a n s i e n c e w. impermanence that
negative effects in learning Italian. implies ending and may invoke
anticipation of loss. In classical psy-
t r a n s f o r m a t i o n it. any change in choanalytic theory, the idea that
appearance, form, function, or stmc- everything is transient may interfere
ture. In mathematics, for example, it with enjoyment and preclude the
is the conversion of data to a differ- establishment of deep or lasting re-
ent form through a rule-based lationships, —transient ad;'.
process, whereas in psychoanalytic
theory it is the process by which un- t r a n s i e n t ischemic a t t a c k (TIA)
conscious wishes or impulses are an episode during which an area of
disguised in order that they can gain the brain is suddenly deprived of
admittance to CONSCIOUSNESS. oxygen because its blood supply is
—transform vb. —transforma- temporarily intermpted, for example
t i o n a l adj. by thrombosis, embolism, or vascu-
lar spasm. Symptoms are the same
t r a n s f o r m a t i o n a l generative as those of STROKE but disappear
g r a m m a r in linguistics, a type of completely, typically within 24
GENERATIVE GRAMMAR based on the hours.
idea that sentences have an underly-
ing DEEP STRUCTURE as well as the
t r a n s i t i v i t y n. the quality of a rela-
tionship among elements such that
speech or writing, and that the for- the relationship transfers across ele-
mer gives rise to the latter through ments. For example, a transitive
the operation of a small number of relationship would be: Given that
transformational rules involving the a > b, and b > c, it must be the case
movement, addition, and deletion that a > c. —transitive adj.
of constituents. This approach to t r a n s l a t i o n a n d back-
syntactic stmctures was pioneered t r a n s l a t i o n a method of ensuring
by U.S. linguist Noam Chomsky that the translation of an assessment
(1928- ) in the late 1950s as a instmment into another language is
means of supplementing the more adequate, used primarily in cross-
limited analysis made possible by cultural research. A bilingual person
PHRASE-STRUCTURE GRAMMAR. Also translates items from the source lan-
called t r a n s f o r m a t i o n a l gram- guage to the target language, and a
mar. different bilingual person then inde-
pendently translates the items back
t r a n s f o r m a t i o n a l leadership a into the source language. The re-
charismatic, inspiring style of lead- searcher can then compare the
ing others that usually involves original with the back-translated
heightening followers' motivation, version to see if anything important
confidence, and satisfaction, uniting was changed in the translation.
them in the pursuit of shared, chal-
lenging goals, and changing their t r a n s o r b i t a l l o b o t o m y see LO-
beliefs, values, and needs. Compare BOTOMY.
t r a n s p e r s o n a l psychology an
t r a n s g e n d e r ad;', having or relating area in HUMANISTIC PSYCHOLOGY
to gender identities that differ from concerned with the exploration of
culturally determined gender roles the nature, varieties, causes, and
and biological sex. Transgender effects of "higher" states of con-

t r e a t m e n t level

sciousness and other experiences transvestism n. the process or

that transcend personal identity and habit of wearing the clothes of the
individual, immediate desires. See opposite sex. Transvestism, or
also PEAK EXPERIENCE. cross-dressing, is distinct from
t r a n s p o r t e r n. a protein complex vestic ad;'. —transvestite n.
that spans a cell membrane and
conveys ions, neurotransmitters, or t r a u m a n. 1. any disturbing experi-
other substances between the exte- ence that results in significant fear,
rior and interior of the cell. For helplessness, DISSOCIATION, confu-
example, at SYNAPSES between neu- sion, or other dismptive feelings
rons, transporters in the presynaptic intense enough to have a long-
membrane recognize and bind to lasting negative impact on a per-
neurotransmitter molecules and re- son's attitudes, behavior, and other
turn them to the presynaptic aspects of functioning. Traumatic
neuronforreuse (see REUPTAKE). events include those caused by
human behavior (e.g., rape, toxic ac-
t r a n s s e x u a l i s m n. a GENDER IDEN-
cidents) as well as by nature (e.g.,
TITY DISORDER consisting of a
earthquakes) and often challenge an
persistent sense of discomfort and individual's view of the world as a
inappropriateness relating to one's just, safe, and predictable place.
anatomical sex, with a persistent 2. any serious physical injury, such
wish to beridof one's genitals and as a widespread burn or a blow to
to live as a member of the other sex. the head, — t r a u m a t i c ad;'.
Many transsexuals feel that they be-
long to the opposite sex and are t r a u m a t i c b r a i n injury (TBI)
somehow trapped in the wrong damage to brain tissue caused by
body. They therefore seek to change external mechanical forces, as evi-
their sex through surgical and hor- denced by objective neurological
monal means, —transsexual ad;'., findings, posttraumatic amnesia,
n. skull fracture, or loss of conscious-
t r a n s t h e o r e t i c a l model a theory ness.
to explain changes in people's t r e a t m e n t n. 1. the administration
health behavior in terms of five of appropriate measures (e.g., dmgs,
stages: precontemplation, contem- surgery, therapy) that are designed
plation, preparation, adion, and to relieve a pathological condition.
maintenance. It suggests that 2. the level of an INDEPENDENT
change takes time, that different in- VARIABLE in an experiment, or the
terventions are effective at different independent variable itself. See
stages, and that there are multiple TREATMENT LEVEL.
outcomes occurring across the stages
(e.g., belief stmcture, self-efficacy). t r e a t m e n t effect the magnitude
of the effect of a treatment (i.e., the
transvestic fetishism a PARA- INDEPENDENT VARIABLE) upon the
PHILIA consisting of the persistent
response variable (i.e., the DEPEND-
wearing by a heterosexual male of
ENT VARIABLE) in a study. It is
female clothes with the purpose of
achieving sexual excitement and usually measured as the difference
arousal. It typically begins in child- between the level of response under
hood or adolescence and should not a control condition and the level of
be confused with transvestism, the response under the treatment condi-
nonpathological cross-dressing by tion in standardized units.
men or women of any sexual prefer- t r e a t m e n t level the specific condi-
ence. tion to which a group or participant


is exposed in a smdy or experiment. compare a new treatment or dmg

For example, in a design employing with an existing standard of care.
four groups, each of which is ex-
posed to a different dosage of a trial-and-error l e a r n i n g a type
particular dmg, each dosage amount of learning in which the organism
represents a level of the treatment successively tries various responses
factor. in a situation, seemingly at random,
until one is successful in producing
t r e m o r n. any involuntary trem- the goal. In successive trials, the suc-
bling of the body or a part of the cessful response appears earlier and
body (e.g., the hands) due to neuro- earlier. Maze learning, with its even-
logical or psychological causes. A tual elimination of blind-alley
coarse tremor involves a large mus- entrances, is an example of trial-
cle group in slow movements, and-error learning.
whereas a fine tremor is caused by a t r i a n g u l a r t h e o r y of love the
small bundle of muscle fibers that proposition that the various kinds of
move rapidly. Some tremors occur love can be characterized in terms of
only during voluntary movements the degree to which they possess the
(action tremor); others occur in the three basic components of love rela-
absence of voluntary movement tionships: passion, intimacy, and
(resting tremor). commitment. See COMPANIONATE
t r e n d analysis any of several ana- LOVE.
lytic techniques designed to uncover
systematic changes (trends) in a set t r i a n g u l a t i o n n. 1. the process of
of variables, such as linear growth confirming a hypothesis by collect-
over time or quadratic increases in ing evidence from multiple sources
response with increased dosage lev- or experiments or using multiple
els. procedures. The data from each
source, experiment, or procedure
t r e p h i n a t i o n n. a surgical proce- support the hypothesis from a
dure in which a disk of bone is somewhat different perspective.
removed from the skull with a circu- 2. in FAMILY THERAPY, a situation in
lar instrument (a trephine) having a which two members of a family in
sawlike edge. On the basis of evi- conflict each attempt to draw an-
dence found in skulls of Neolithic other member onto their side.
humans, trephining is believed to be Triangulation can occur, for exam-
one of the oldest types of surgery. ple, when two parents are in conflict
Among the numerous conjectural and their child is caught in the mid-
reasons given for the practice is the dle, —triangulate vb.
possibility that it was a treatment
for headaches, infections, skull frac- t r i a r c h i c t h e o r y of intelligence
tures, convulsions, mental disorders, a theory of intelligence proposing
or supposed demonic possession. three key abilities—analytical, cre-
Also called t r e p a n a t i o n , —tre- ative, and practical—which are
p h i n e vb. viewed as largely although not en-
tirely distinct. According to the
t r i a l n. 1. in testing, conditioning, theory, intelligence comprises a
or other experimentation, one per- number of information-processing
formance of a given task (e.g., one components, which are applied to
mn through a maze) or one presen- experience (especially novel experi-
tation of a stimulus (e.g., an ordered ences) in order to adapt to, shape,
list of three-letter words). 2. a clini- and select environments. The theory
cal trial: a research smdy design to contains three subtheories: one


specifying the components of intel- confusion, anxiety, nausea, weight

ligence (componential subtheory), gain, and impotence. They can also
another specifying the kinds of ex- cause cardiovascular complications
perience to which the components (particularly disturbances in heart
are applied (experiential subtheory), rhythm). Although they are effective
and a third specifying how the com- as antidepressants, their adverse side
ponents are applied to experience to effects and their lethality in over-
be used in various kinds of environ- dose have led to a profound decline
mental contexts (contextual in their use.
t r i g e m i n a l nerve the fifth and
t r i c h r o m a t i c t h e o r y one of sev- largest CRANIAL NERVE, which car-
eral concepts of the physiological ries both sensory and motor fibers.
basis of color vision based on a mix- The motor fibers are primarily in-
ture of three primary colors. The volved with the muscles used in
YOUNG-HELMHOLTZ THEORY OF chewing, tongue movements, and
COLOR VISION is the best known swallowing. The sensory fibers
trichromatic theory. Subsequent innervate the same areas, including
studies determined that there are the teeth and most of the tongue in
three different retinal cone PHOTO- addition to the jaws. Some fibers of
PIGMENTS with peak sensitivities the trigeminal nerve innervate the
roughly corresponding to the three cornea, face, scalp, and the dura
primary colors of trichromatic the- mater membrane of the brain.
ory: blue, green, and red. See also
t r i g r a m n. any three-letter combi-
nation, particularly a NONSENSE
t r i c h r o m a t i s m n. normal color vi- t r i m m i n g n. the exclusion of a
sion: the capacity to distinguish the fixed percentage of cases at each end
three primary color systems of light- of a distribution before calculating a
dark, red-green, and blue-yellow, at- statistic on the batch of data. This is
tributable to the presence of all done to eliminate the influence of
three types of PHOTOPIGMENT. See extreme scores on the estimate.
TISM; MONOCHROMATISM. t r i p l e b l i n d see BLIND.
tricyclic a n t i d e p r e s s a n t (TCA) t r o c h l e a r nerve the fourth CRA-
any of a group of dmgs, developed NIAL NERVE, which contains motor
in the 1950s, that were the original fibers supplying the superior oblique
first-line medications for depression muscle of the eyeball.
and represented the mainstay of
antidepressant treatment until t r u n c a t e d d i s t r i b u t i o n a set of
fluoxetine (Prozac)—the first SSRI— scores lacking values beyond a spe-
was introduced in 1987. They are cific maximum point, below a
presumed to act by blocking the specific minimum point, or both.
REUPTAKE of monoamine neuro- t r u s t n. reliance on or confidence
transmitters (serotonin, dopamine, in the worth, tmth, or value of
and norepinephrine), thereby in- someone or something. Tmst is con-
creasing the amount of neurotrans- sidered by most psychological
mitter available. Side effects of TCAs researchers to be a primary compo-
include significant anticholinergic nent in mature relationships with
effects (e.g., dry mouth, blurred others, whether intimate, social, or
vision, constipation, urinary reten- therapeutic. See also BASIC TRUST
tion), drowsiness or insomnia, VERSUS MISTRUST.

t r u s t versus m i s t r u s t

t r u s t versus m i s t r u s t see BASIC or she cannot control his or her

TRUST VERSUS MISTRUST. drinking; (b) recognize a supreme
T score any of a set of scores scaled spiritual power, which can give
so that they have a MEAN equal to the member strength; (c) examine
past errors, a process that is carried
to 10. out with another member who
serves as sponsor; (d) make amends
TSD abbreviation for TAY-SACHS for these errors; (e) develop a new
DISEASE. code and style of life; and (f) help
other alcoholics who are in need of
t test any of a class of statistical support.
tests based on the fact that the test
statistic follows the T DISTRIBUTION t w i n s pl. u. see DIZYGOTIC TWINS;
when the null hypothesis is tme. MONOZYGOTIC TWINS.
Most t tests deal with hypotheses
about the mean of a population or t w i n study any research design
about differences between means of utilizing twins. The purpose of such
different populations. research is usually to assess the rela-
tive contributions of heredity and
Tukey's Honestly Significant environment to some attribute (e.g.,
Difference Test (Tukey's HSD intelligence). Specifically, twin stud-
Test) a post hoc testing procedure ies often involve comparing the
that allows for the comparison of all characteristics of identical and fra-
pairs of groups while maintaining ternal twins and comparing twins
the overall SIGNIFICANCE LEVEL of of both types who have been reared
the set of tests at a prescribed level. together or reared apart. The as-
[John Wilder Tukey (1915-2000), sumptions made in these studies are,
U.S. statistician] however, never completely fulfilled,
T u r n e r ' s syndrome a chromo- making the estimations of heritabil-
somal disorder, specific to women, ity of any attribute open to some
marked by the absence of all or a doubts.
part of one of the two X (female) two-by-two factorial design an
chromosomes. The effects include experimental design in which there
underdevelopment or absence of are two INDEPENDENT VARIABLES
primary and secondary SEX CHAR- each having two levels. When this
ACTERISTICS, infertility, and various design is depicted as a matrix, two
physical abnormalities (e.g., short rows represent one of the independ-
stature, lack of menstmation). ent variables and two columns
[reported in 1938 by Henry H. represent the other independent
Turner (1892-1970), U.S. endocri- variable. See FACTORIAL DESIGN.
two-factor t h e o r y of e m o t i o n
twelve-step p r o g r a m a distinct- See SCHACHTER-SINGER THEORY.
ive approach to overcoming addic-
tive, compulsive, or behavioral two-factor t h e o r y of w o r k
problems that was developed ini- m o t i v a t i o n a theory holding that
tially in Alcoholics Anonymous the factors causing worker satisfac-
(AA) to guide recovery from tion (those addressing higher-order
alcoholism and is now used, often psychological needs such as achieve-
in an adapted form, by a number ment, recognition, and advancement-
of other SELF-HELP GROUPS. In the see MOTIVATORS) and the factors
context of alcoholism, for instance, causing worker dissatisfaction (those
the twelve-step program in AA asks addressing basic needs and interper-
each member to (a) admit that he sonal processes, including salary,

Type III e r r o r

work conditions, and supervision; them to coronary heart disease.

see HYGIENE FACTORS) are not oppo- Compare TYPE B PERSONALITY.
sites of one another but are, in Type B personality a personality
fad, independent factors. Thus, to pattern characterized by low levels
improve job attitudes and produc- of competitiveness and fmstration
tivity—that is, work motivation- and a relaxed, easy-going approach.
employers and administrators must Type B individuals typically do not
evaluate and address both sets of feel the need to prove their superior-
factors separately. ity or abilities. Compare TYPE A
two-point t h r e s h o l d the point of PERSONALITY.
stimulus separation, that is, the type D personality a "distressed"
smallest distance between two personality pattern, characterized by
points of stimulation on the skin at a high degree of negative affectivity
which the two stimuli are perceived (i.e., a tendency to experience nega-
as two stimuli rather than as a single tive emotions) in combination with
stimulus. a conscious tendency to suppress
two-tailed test a statistical test of self-expression in social interaction
an experimental hypothesis that (see SOCIAL INHIBITION). Accumu-
does not specify the expected direc- lating evidence suggests that type D
tion of an effect or a relationship. individuals are at increased risk of
Also called n o n d i r e c t i o n a l test.
EASE and other chronic medical
two-way analysis of variance a
statistical test analyzing the joint Type I e r r o r the error of rejecting
and separate influences of two the NULL HYPOTHESIS when it is in
INDEPENDENT VARIABLES on a DE- fact tme. Investigators make this
PENDENT VARIABLE. error when they believe they have
detected an effed or a relationship
t w o - w o r d stage the developmen- that does not actually exist.
tal period, between approximately
18 and 24 months of age, when chil- Type II error the error of failing
dren use two words at a time when to reject the NULL HYPOTHESIS
speaking (e.g., do^ bone, mama cup). when it is in fact not tme. Investi-
See TELEGRAPHIC SPEECH. gators make this error if they con-
clude that a particular effect or
t y m p a n i c m e m b r a n e a conically relationship does not exist when
shaped membrane that separates in fact it does.
the external ear from the middle
ear and serves to transform the Type III e r r o r an error in direction
pressure waves of sounds into (positive/negative, higher/lower)
mechanical vibration of the OSSI- when two groups are shown empiri-
CLES. The first ossicle (malleus) is cally to be different. Researchers
attached to the inner surface of the frequently investigate the direction
tympanic membrane. Also called rather than the size of a relationship
eardrum. (e.g., investigating "Which is
more?" or "Which is better?"), and
Type A personality a personality they make a Type III error when
pattern characterized by chronic they use a nondirectional TWO-
competitiveness, high levels of TAILED TEST to make a directional
ACHIEVEMENT MOTIVATION, and decision: After conducting the test
hostility. The lifestyles of Type A in- and finding STATISTICAL SIGNIFI-
dividuals are said to predispose CANCE, the researcher inspects data

type theory

visually to decide (incorrectly) upon divided individuals into types

the direction of the observed rela- according to (a) attitudes of INTRO-
tionship. VERSION and EXTRAVERSION and
type theory any hypothetical (b) the dominant functions of the
proposition or principle for the psyche.
grouping of people by kind of typology n. any analysis of a par-
personality or by personality charac- ticular category of phenomena (e.g.,
teristics. An example of such a individuals, things) into classes
theoretical system of personality based on common characteristics,
classification is that of Swiss psycho- for example, a typology of personal-
analyst Carl Jung (1875-1961), who ity, —typological ad;'.

UCR abbreviation for UNCONDI- u n b i a s e d e s t i m a t o r a statistic
TIONED RESPONSE. whose expected value is the value of
the parameter being estimated. Thus
Ues abbreviation for UNCONSCIOUS.
if G is used to estimate the parame-
UCS abbreviation for UNCONDI- ter 0, G is said to be unbiased if and
TIONED STIMULUS. onIyif£(G) = e .
u l t i m a t e a t t r i b u t i o n e r r o r see
u n c e r t a i n t y n. 1. the state or con-
GROUP-SERVING BIAS. dition in which something (e.g., the
u l t i m a t e cause see REMOTE CAUSE. probability of a particular outcome)
is not accurately or precisely known.
u l t i m a t e e x p l a n a t i o n an account 2. lack of confidence or clarity in
or explanation for a particular be- one's ideas, decisions, or intentions.
havior in terms of its adaptive value. —uncertain adj.
u n c o n d i t i o n a l positive r e g a r d
u l t r a d i a n r h y t h m any periodic an attitude of caring, acceptance,
variation in physiological or psycho- and prizing expressed by others irre-
logical function recurring in a cycle spective of an individual's behavior
of more than 24 hours, such as the and without regard to the other's
human menstmal cycle. Compare personal standards, which is consid-
ered conducive to self-awareness,
u l t r a s o u n d n. sound whose fre- self-worth, and personality growth.
quency exceeds the human Posited by U.S. psychologist Carl
audibility range, often used to mea- Rogers (1902-1987) to be a universal
sure and record stmctures and human need essential to healthy de-
stmctural change within the body in velopment, unconditional positive
the imaging technique called regard is the centerpiece of his CLI-
ultrasonography. Echoes from ultra- ENT-CENTERED THERAPY and is also
sound waves reflected from tissue emphasized in many other thera-
surfaces are recorded to form stmc- peutic approaches. Compare
tural images for diagnostic purposes, CONDITIONAL POSITIVE REGARD.
for example, to examine a growing
fetus during pregnancy or to exam- u n c o n d i t i o n e d reinforcement
ine internal organs, such as the see PRIMARY REINFORCEMENT.
heart, liver, kidneys, and gallblad-
der,forsigns of health or disease. u n c o n d i t i o n e d response (UCR;
Compare INFRASOUND. UR) the unlearned response to a
stimulus: any original response that
u n b i a s e d ad;', impartial or without occurs naturally and in the absence
net error. For example, in unbiased of conditioning (e.g., salivation in
procedures, studies, and the like any response to the presentation of
errors that do occur are random and food). The unconditioned response
therefore self-cancelling in the long is a REFLEX that serves as the basis
run. for establishment of the CONDI-

u n c o n d i t i o n e d stimulus

TIONED RESPONSE in PAVLOVIAN client's behavior and such things as

CONDITIONING. his or her environment, experiences,
and feelings is considered essential
u n c o n d i t i o n e d stimulus (UCS; to success, —understand vb.
US) a stimulus that elicits an UN-
CONDITIONED RESPONSE, as in u n d i f f e r e n t i a t e d schizophrenia
withdrawal from a hot radiator, con- a subtype of SCHIZOPHRENIA in which
traction of the pupil on exposure to the individual exhibits prominent
light, or salivation when food is in psychotic features, such as delu-
the mouth. Compare CONDITIONED sions, hallucinations, disorganized
STIMULUS. thinking, or grossly disorganized
behavior, but does not meet the cri-
unconscious 1. (Ues) n. in the teria for any of the other subtypes of
classical psychoanalytic theory of the disorder.
Austrian psychiatrist Sigmund Freud
(1856-1939), the region of the psy- u n i d i m e n s i o n a l ad;, having a sin-
che that contains memories, gle dimension or composed of a
emotional conflicts, wishes, and re- single or a pure factor. Compare
pressed impulses that are not MULTIDIMENSIONAL.
directly accessible to awareness but
that have dynamic effects on u n i l a t e r a l adj. denoting or relating
thought and behavior. Compare to one side of the body or an organ
CONSCIOUS; PRECONSCIOUS. See also or to one of two or more parties. For
COGNITIVE UNCONSCIOUS; COLLEC- example, a unilateral cerebral lesion
TIVE UNCONSCIOUS; PERSONAL involves one cerebral hemisphere,
UNCONSCIOUS. 2. ad;', relating to or left or right, and unilateral couple
marked by absence of awareness or counseling is the counseling of one
lack of consciousness. partner on his or her relationship
with the other. —unilaterally adv.
unconscious m o t i v a t i o n in psy-
choanalytic theory, wishes, impulses, u n i m o d a l d i s t r i b u t i o n a set of
aims, and drives of which the self is scores that has one mode (repre-
not aware. Examples of behavior sented by one peak in their
produced by unconscious motiva- graphical distribution), reflecting a
tion are purposive accidents, slips of tendency for scores to cluster
the tongue, and dreams that express around a specific value. See also BI-
unfulfilled wishes. See also PARA- MODAL DISTRIBUTION.
u n i p o l a r depression any DEPRES-
u n d e r e x t e n s i o n n. the incorrect SIVE DISORDER, that is, any mood
restriction of the use of a word, disorder marked by one or more
which is a mistake commonly made MAJOR DEPRESSIVE EPISODES Or a
by young children acquiring lan- prolonged period of depressive
guage. For example, a child may symptoms with no history of manic
believe that the label do^ applies or hypomanic symptoms or MIXED
only to Fido, the family pet. Com- EPISODES.
u n i p o l a r disorder persistent or
u n d e r s t a n d i n g n. the process of pervasive DEPRESSION that does
gaining insight about oneself or oth- not involve a MANIC EPISODE, a
ers or of comprehending the meaning HYPOMANIC EPISODE, or a MIXED EP-
or significance of something. In ISODE. As such, it contrasts with
many forms of counseling and psy- BIPOLAR DISORDER. The term is
chotherapy understanding the sometimes used synonymously with
network of relationships between a MAJOR DEPRESSIVE DISORDER.

u t i l i z a t i o n deficiency

u n i p o l a r n e u r o n a neuron that perienced by many of the group

has only a single extension of the members.
CELL BODY. This extension divides u n o b t r u s i v e m e a s u r e a measure
into two branches, oriented in op- obtained without disturbing the par-
posite directions and representing ticipant or alerting him or her that a
the axon. One end is the receptive measurement is being made. The
pole, and the other is the output behavior or responses of such par-
zone. Compare BIPOLAR NEURON;
ticipants are thus assumed to be
MULTIPOLAR NEURON. unaffected by the investigative
u n i q u e n e s s n. in FACTOR ANALYSIS, process or the surrounding environ-
the part of the variance of a variable ment. Compare OBTRUSIVE MEASURE.
that it does not share with any other u n s t r u c t u r e d interview an inter-
variable in the system. view that imposes minimal stmcture
u n i t of analysis in experimental by asking open-ended (rather than
design and research, the group of set) questions and allowing the in-
people, things, or entities that are terviewee to steer the discussion
being investigated or studied. into areas of his or her choosing.
Unstructured interviews are used in
u n i v a r i a t e ad;', characterized by a variety of contexts but are particu-
a single variable. Compare MULTI- larly popular in personnel selection,
VARIATE. See also BIVARIATE. where the idea is that such an ap-
universal g r a m m a r a theoretical proach will reveal more of the
linguistic constmct positing the applicant's traits, interests, priori-
existence of a set of mles or gram- ties, and interpersonal and verbal
matical principles that are innate in skills than a STRUCTURED INTER-
human beings and underlie most VIEW.
namral languages. The concept is
of considerable interest to psycho- u p p e r m o t o r n e u r o n see MOTOR
linguists Who smdy LANGUAGE
ACQUISITION and the formation of UR abbreviation for UNCONDI-
valid sentences. TIONED RESPONSE.
universalism n. the position that US abbreviation for UNCONDI-
certain aspects of the human mind, TIONED STIMULUS.
human behavior, and human moral-
U t e s t see MANN-WHITNEY U TEST.
ity are universal and essential and
are therefore to be found in all cul- u t i l i t a r i a n i s m n. an ethical theory
tures and historical periods. based on the premise that the good
Universalism is thus a form of is to be defined as that which brings
ESSENTIALISM and is opposed to REL- the greatest amount or degree of
ATIVISM. —universalist ad;'. happiness; thus, an act is considered
moral if, compared to possible alter-
universality n. 1. the tendency to natives, it provides the greatest good
assume that one's personal qualities for the greatest number of people.
and characteristics, including atti- The doctrine is often reduced to the
mdes and values, are common in single maxim: The greatest good for
the general social group or culture. the greatest number, —utilitarian
2. in self-help and psychotherapy
groups, a curative factor fostered by u t i l i z a t i o n deficiency the inabil-
members' recognition that their ity of individuals to improve task
problems and difficulties are not performance by using strategies that
unique to them, but instead are ex- they have already acquired and


demonstrated the ability to use be- the position of the head with re-
cause they are not spurred to do so spect to gravity but also acceleration
by memory. Although historically and deceleration. This is achieved by
most frequently studied in children, a special patch of epithelium—the
cunent research suggests that such MACULA—inside both the utricle
deficiencies are not developmental and saccule, —utricular ad;'.
per se but may occur at any age as a
by-product of diminished WORKING u t t e r a n c e u. a unit of spoken lan-
MEMORY capacity. Compare guage, which may be of any length
but can usually be identified by con-
versational turn taking or by clear
breaks in the stream of speech.
u t r i c l e n. the larger of the two VES- MEAN LENGTH OF UTTERANCE is con-
TIBULAR SACS in the inner ear, the sidered an important index of
other being the SACCULE. Like the language development in young
saccule, the utricle senses not only children.

vagina «. a tubelike stmcture in fe- as a guide to what is good, desirable,
male mammals that leads from the or important. 3. the worth, useful-
cervix (neck) of the utems to the ex- ness, or importance attached to
terior. The muscular walls of the something.
vagina are lined with mucous mem-
brane, and two pairs of vestibular value j u d g m e n t an assessment of
glands around the vaginal opening individuals, objects, or events in
secrete a fluid that facilitates pene- terms of the values held by the ob-
tration by the penis during coitus. server rather than in terms of their
—vaginal ad;'. intrinsic characteristics objectively
considered. In some areas, such as
vaginismus ti. a sexual dysfunction aesthetics or morality, value judg-
in which spasmic contractions of ments are common, but in hard and
the muscles around the vagina occur social sdences they are frequently
during or immediately preceding considered undesirable.
sexual intercourse, causing the latter
to be painful or impossible. variability n. in statistics and ex-
Vaginismus is not diagnosed if the perimental design, the degree to
dysfunction is due solely to the ef- which members of a group or popu-
fects of a medical condition. lation differ from each other.
vagus nerve the tenth CRANIAL variable n. a quantity in an experi-
NERVE, a mixed nerve with both ment or test that varies, that is,
sensory and motor fibers that serves takes on different values (such as
many functions. The sensory fibers test scores, ratings assigned by
innervate the external ear, vocal or- judges, and other personal, social, or
gans, and thoracic and abdominal physiological indicators) that can be
VISCERA. The motor nerves quantified (measured).
innervate the tongue, vocal organs, variable-interval schedule (VI
and—through many ganglia of the schedule) in free-operant con-
ditioning, a type of INTERVAL
TEM—the thoracic and abdominal REINFORCEMENT in which the rein-
viscera. forcement or reward is presented for
validity n. the degree to which a the first response after a variable pe-
test or measurement accurately mea- riod has elapsed since the previous
sures or reflects what it purports to reinforcement. Reinforcement does
measure. There are various types of not depend on the number of re-
validity, including CONCURRENT VA- sponses during the intervals. The
LIDITY, CONSTRUCT VALIDITY, and value of the schedule is given by the
ECOLOGICAL VALIDITY, —valid ad;'. average interval length; for example,
"VI 3" indicates that the average
value «. 1. the mathematical mag- length of the intervals between po-
nitude or quantity of a variable. 2. a tential reinforcements is 3 min.
moral, social, or aesthetic principle
accepted by an individual or society variable-ratio schedule (VR


schedule) in free-operant condi- teries, by causing contraction or re-

tioning, a type of INTERMITTENT laxation of the smooth muscle of
REINFORCEMENT in which a re- their walls. Fibers of the sympathetic
sponse is reinforced after a variable and parasympathetic divisions of
number of responses. The value of the AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM
the schedule is given by the average have a vasomotor effect.
number of responses per reinforcer;
for example, "VR 10" indicates that vasopressin n. a peptide hormone
the average number of responses be- synthesized in the hypothalamus
fore reinforcement is 10. and released by the posterior pitu-
itary gland. It plays an important
variance (symbol: o2) n. a measure role in the retention of water in the
of the spread, or DISPERSION, of body (by signaling the kidneys to re-
scores within a sample, whereby a absorb water instead of excreting it
small variance indicates highly simi- in urine) and in regulation of blood
lar scores, all dose to the sample pressure (by constriding small blood
mean, and a large variance indicates vessels, which raises blood pressure).
more scores at a greater distance Vasopressin secretion may also acti-
from the mean and possibly spread vate the HYPOTHALAMIC-PITUITARY-
over a larger range. ADRENOCORTICAL SYSTEM and may
be associated with mechanisms of
v a r i a t i o n u. the existence of quali- learning and memory. Also called
tative differences in form, stmcture, a n t i d i u r e t i c h o r m o n e (ADH).
behavior, and physiology among
the individuals of a population,
whether due to heredity or to vegetative adj. 1. pertaining to
environment. Both ARTIFICIAL SE- basic physiological functions, such
LECTION and NATURAL SELECTION as those involved in growth, respira-
operate on variations among organ- tion, sleep, digestion, excretion, and
isms, but only genetic variation is homeostasis, which are governed
primarily by the AUTONOMIC NER-
transmitted to the offspring.
VOUS SYSTEM. 2. living without
vascular d e m e n t i a severe loss of apparent cognitive neurological
cognitive functioning as a result of function or responsiveness, as in
cerebrovascular disease. It is often PERSISTENT VEGETATIVE STATE.
due to repeated strokes. Also called
multi-infarct dementia. v e n t r a l ad;, denoting the abdomen
or the front surface of the body. In
vasoconstriction n. narrowing of reference to the latter, this term
blood vessels, which is controlled by sometimes is used interchangeably
VASOMOTOR nerves of the sympa- with ANTERIOR. Compare DORSAL.
thetic nervous system or by such —ventrally adv.
agents as VASOPRESSIN or dmgs. It
has the effect of increasing blood v e n t r a l h o r n either of the bottom
pressure. regions of the H-shaped pattern
vasodilation IJ. widening of blood formed by the GRAY MATTER in the
vessels, as by the action of a VASO- central portion of the spinal cord.
MOTOR nerve or a dmg, which has The ventral horns contain large
the effect of lowering blood pres- motor neurons whose axons form
the ventral roots. Compare DORSAL
v a s o m o t o r ad;', describing or relat-
ing to nerve fibers, dmgs, or other v e n t r a l r o o t any of the SPINAL
agents that can affect the diameter ROOTS that carry motor nerve fibers
of blood vessels, especially small ar- and arise from the spinal cord on

verbal test

the front surface of each side. Com- gain, resulting in obesity. The sec-
pare DORSAL ROOT. ond includes stabilization of body
weight and willingness to eat only
v e n t r a l s t r e a m a series of special- easily obtainable and palatable
ized visual regions in the cerebral foods. Compare LATERAL HYPOTHA-
cortex of the brain that originate in LAMIC SYNDROME.
the STRIATE CORTEX (primary visual
cortex) of the occipital lobe and pro- v e n t r o m e d i a l nucleus an area of
ject forward and downward into the the hypothalamus in the brain that
lower temporal lobe. It is known in- receives input from the AMYGDALA
formally as the "what" pathway of and is associated particularly with
perception. Compare DORSAL eating and sexual behavior. The
STREAM. ventromedial nucleus traditionally
has been referred to as the satiety
ventricle «. an anatomical cavity center because of its presumed
in the body, such as any of the ven- dominance over the cessation of
tricles of the heart but particularly eating, but it is now known that
any of the four interconnected cavi- other neural areas are involved in
ties inside the brain, which serve as this function as well. See also
Each of the two lateral ventricles SYNDROME.
communicates with the third ventri-
cle via an opening called the v e n t r o m e d i a l p a t h w a y any of
interventricular foramen; the third four major descending groups of
and fourth ventricles communicate nerve fibers within the MOTOR SYS-
with each other, via the CEREBRAL TEM, conveying information from
AQUEDUCT, and with the central diffuse areas of the cerebral cortex,
canal of the spinal cord, —ventric- midbrain, and cerebellum. These
u l a r adj. pathways include the anterior
corticospinal tract, which descends
ventriloquism effect the ten- directly from motor cortex to the
dency for sounds to appear to anterior horn of the spinal cord; the
emanate from plausible visual ob- vestibulospinal tract, which carries
jects, regardless of the actual source information from the VESTIBULAR
of the sound. For example, the NUCLEI for control of equilibratory
voices of actors in a movie are local- responses; the tectospinal tract, for
ized to the images on the screen, control of head and eye movements;
rather than to the speakers that pro- and the reticulospinal tract, for
duce the sound. The ventriloquism maintaining posture.
effect stems from VISUAL CAPTURE.
verbal c o m m u n i c a t i o n see COM-
ventrodorsal ad;', oriented or di- MUNICATION.
reded from the front (ventral)
region of the body to the back verbal l e a r n i n g the process of
(dorsal) region. Compare DORSO- learning about verbal stimuli and re-
VENTRAL. —ventrodorsally adv. sponses, such as letters, digits,
nonsense syllables, or words.
ventromedial h y p o t h a l a m i c
syndrome a set of symptoms verbal m e m o r y the capacity to re-
caused by experimental lesions in member something written or
spoken (e.g., a poem).
hypothalamus in the brain. The syn- verbal test any test or scale in
drome consists of two stages. The which performance depends upon
first is characterized by HYPERPHAGIA one's ability to comprehend, use, or
(overeating) and subsequent weight otherwise manipulate words.


vergence u. a turning movement of ting, standing, walking, or otherwise

the eyes. If they m m inward, the maneuvering the body. A subset of
movement is CONVERGENCE; if out- PROPRIOCEPTION, it is in part con-
ward, it is DIVERGENCE. trolled by the VESTIBULAR SYSTEM in
the INNER EAR, which contains spe-
vertical decalage in PIAGETIAN cialized vestibular receptors that
THEORY, the invariable sequence in detect motions of the head.
which the different stages of develop-
ment (sensorimotor, preoperational, vestibular system a system in the
concrete operational, formal opera- body that is responsible for main-
tional) are attained. Compare taining balance, posture, and the
HORIZONTAL DECALAGE. body's orientation in space and
plays an important role in regu-
v e r t i c a l - h o r i z o n t a l illusion see lating locomotion and other
HORIZONTAL-VERTICAL ILLUSION. movements. It consists of the
vertigo ti. an unpleasant, illusory VESTIBULAR SACS and the SEMI-
sensation of movement or spinning CIRCULAR CANALS in the inner ear,
of oneself or one's surroundings due the vestibular nerve (a division of
to neurological disorders, psycholog- the VESTIBULOCOCHLEAR NERVE),
ical stress (e.g., anxiety), or activities and the various cortical regions asso-
that dismrb the labyrinth (which ciated with the processing of
contains the organs of balance) in vestibular (balance) information.
the inner ear (as in a roller-coaster
ride). vestibulocochlear nerve the
eighth CRANIAL NERVE: a sensory
vesicle n. a fluid-filled saclike stmc- nerve containing tracts that
ture, such as any of the SYNAPTIC innervate both the sense of balance
VESICLES in axon terminals that and the sense of hearing. It has two
contain neurotransmitter molecules. divisions: the vestibular nerve, origi-
—vesicular ad;'. nating in the VESTIBULAR SACS and
the semicircular canals, and the AU-
vestibular nucleus any of four DITORY NERVE, originating in the
masses of CELL BODIES in the cochlea. The vestibulocochlear
dorsolateral part of the PONS and nerve transmits impulses from the
the MEDULLA OBLONGATA in the inner ear to the medulla oblongata
brain that receives input from the and pons and has fibers that con-
VESTIBULAR SYSTEM in the inner ear tinue into the cerebrum and
and serves the sense of balance and cerebellum.
orientation in space. It sends fibers
to the cerebellum, reticular formation, vestibulo-ocular reflex the invol-
thalamus, and the vestibulospinal untary compensatory movement of
tract (see VENTROMEDIAL PATHWAY). the eyes that occurs to maintain fix-
ation on a visual target during small,
vestibular sacs two sacs in the brief head movements. It is triggered
inner ear—the UTRICLE and by vestibular signals. Compare
SACCULE—that, together with the OPTOKINETIC REFLEX.
vestibular apparatus. The vestibular vestibulospinal t r a c t see VENTRO-
sacs respond to gravity and encode MEDIAL PATHWAY.
information about the head's orien-
tation. vicarious reinforcement second-
ary or indirect REINFORCEMENT: the
vestibular sense the sense of equi- process whereby a person becomes
librium: the sense that enables the more likely to engage in a particular
maintenance of balance while sit- behavior (response) by observing the

visual a r e a

consequences of that behavior for virilism n. the presence in a female

another individual. An important of secondary sexual characteristics
concept in SOCIAL LEARNING THE- that are peculiar to men, such as
ORY, vicarious reinforcement is muscle bulk and hirsutism. The con-
often indicated by imitation: for ex- dition is due to overactivity of the
ample, a student who hears the adrenal cortex, with excessive secre-
teacher praise a classmate for neat tion of androgen.
penmanship on an assignment and
who then carefully handwrites his v i r t u a l reality t h e r a p y a form of
or her own assignment is considered IN vivo EXPOSURE in which clients
to have received vicarious reinforce- are active participants immersed in
ment. See also OBSERVATIONAL a three-dimensional computer-
generated interactive environment
that allows them a sense of acmal
vicarious t r a u m a t i z a t i o n the presence in scenarios related to their
impact on a therapist of repeated presenting problems. This treatment
emotionally intimate contact with is cunently used primarily for anxi-
trauma survivors. More than ety-related disorders, such as fear of
traumatization affects the therapist viscera pl. n. (sing, viscus) the or-
across clients and situations. It re- gans in any major body cavity,
sults in a change in the therapist's especially the abdominal organs
own worldview and sense of the (stomach, intestines, kidneys, etc.).
justness and safety of the world. —visceral ad;'.
vigilance «. a state of extreme visible s p e c t r u m see SPECTRUM.
awareness and watchfulness directed vision u. the sense of sight, in
by one or more members of a group which the eye is the receptor and
toward the environment, often
the stimulus is radiant energy in the
toward potential threats (e.g.,
visible SPECTRUM. See also VISUAL
predators, intmders, enemy forces
SYSTEM, —visual adj.
in combat). It demands maximum
physiological and psychological at- visual agnosia loss or impairment
tention and an ability to attend and of the ability to recognize and un-
respond to stimulus changes for un- derstand the nature of visual
interrupted periods of time, which stimuli. Various subtypes exist,
can produce significant cognitive based on the type of visual stimulus
stress and occasional physiological the person has difficulty recogniz-
stress reactions, —vigilant adj. ing, such as objects (visual object
agnosia or visual form agnosia),
violation-of-expectation multiple objeds or pictures (simul-
m e t h o d a technique, based on ha- tanagnosia), or faces (prosopagnosia).
bituation and dishabituation
procedures, in which increases in an visual a r e a any of many regions of
infant's looking time are interpreted the cerebral cortex in which the
as evidence that the outcome ex- neurons are primarily sensitive to
pected by the infant has not visual stimulation. Together, all the
occurred. visual areas comprise the VISUAL
CORTEX. Most visual areas can be
violence n. the expression of hostil- distinguished from one another on
ity and rage with the intent to the basis of their anatomical connec-
injure or damage people or property tions (i.e., their CYTOARCHITECTURE)
through physical force. See also DO- and their specific visual sensitivities.
MESTIC VIOLENCE, —violent ad;'. Individual areas are designated by

visual c a p t u r e

"V" and a number (e.g., VI, V2...V5), orly, and 70° inferiorly. The extent
which indicates roughly how distant varies with age: Very young children
the area is from STRIATE CORTEX. and older people have a smaller vi-
visual c a p t u r e the tendency for sual field.
vision to override the other senses. visual form agnosia see VISUAL
It is responsible for the VENTRILO- AGNOSIA.
visual h a l l u c i n a t i o n visual per-
visual cliff an apparatus to investi- ception in the absence of any
gate the development of DEPTH extemal stimulus. Visual hallucina-
PERCEPTION in nonverbal human tions may be unformed (e.g., shapes,
infants and animals, in particular, colors) or complex (e.g., figures,
whether depth perception is an in- faces, scenes). They may be assod-
nate ability or learned through ated with psychotic disorders or
visuomotor experience. The appara- with pathological states of the visual
ms consists of a table with a system.
checkerboard pattern, dropping
steeply down a "cliff" to a surface visual illusion a misperception of
with the same pattern some distance external visual stimuli that occurs as
below the tabletop. The apparatus is a result of a misinterpretation of the
covered with a transparent surface, stimuli, such as a GEOMETRIC ILLU-
and the participant is positioned on SION. Visual illusions are among the
this at the border between the table- most common type of illusion.
top and the cliff. Reluctance to crawl
onto the surface covering the cliff visual imagery mental imagery
is taken as an indication that the that involves the sense of having
participant can discriminate the ap- "pictures" in the mind. Such images
parent difference in depth between may be memories of earlier visual
the two sides of the apparatus. Most experiences or syntheses produced
infants as young as 6 months of age by the imagination (as, for example,
will not cross over to the side over in visualizing a pink kangaroo). Vi-
the cliff. sual imagery can be used for such
purposes as dealing with traumatic
visual cortex the cerebral cortex of events, establishing DESENSITIZA-
the occipital lobe, spedfically the TION hierarchies, or improving
STRIATE CORTEX (primary visual cor- physical performance.
tex). In humans this occupies a
small region on the lateral surface of visual m a s k i n g see MASKING.
the occipital pole of the brain, but visual object agnosia see VISUAL
most is buried in the banks of the AGNOSIA.
calcarine fissure on the medial sur-
face of the brain. The visual cortex visual p e r c e p t i o n the awareness
receives input directly from the LAT- of visual sensations that arises from
ERAL GENICULATE NUCLEUS via the the interplay between the physiol-
OPTIC TRACT and sends output to ogy of the VISUAL SYSTEM and the
the multiple visual areas that make internal and external environments
up the visual ASSOCIATION CORTEX. of the observer.
visual field the extent of visual visual search the process of detect-
space over which vision is possible ing a target visual stimulus among
with the eyes held in a fixed posi- distractor stimuli. In experimental
tion. The outer limit of vision for studies, the charaderistics of the tar-
each eye extends approximately 60° get and distractors are manipulated
nasally, 90° temporally, 50° superi- to explore the mental operations

voodoo d e a t h

that underlie visual attention. See individual fibers in an auditory

also FEATURE-INTEGRATION THEORY. nerve respond to one or another
stimulus in a rapid succession of
visual system the components of rhythmic sound stimuli, whereas
the nervous system and the non- other fibers in the nerve respond to
neural apparatus of the eye that the second, third, or nth stimulus.
contribute to the perception of vi- The result is that successive volleys
sual stimulation. The anterior of impulses are fired to match the
structures of the eye, such as the inputs of stimuli, yet no single fiber
CORNEA and LENS, focus light on is required to respond to every stim-
the RETINA, which transduces pho- ulus. Thus a nerve can refled a more
tons into neural signals. These are rapid frequency of stimulation (e.g.,
transmitted via the OPTIC NERVE 1000 Hz) than any individual fiber
and OPTIC TRACT to nuclei in the
could follow.
thalamus and brainstem. These in
turn transmit the signals either to
volumetric t h i r s t see HYPO-
the VISUAL AREAS of the cerebral cor-
tex for conscious analysis or directly
to motor centers in the brainstem v o l u n t a r y ad;', describing activity,
and spinal cord to produce eye movement, behavior, or other pro-
movements. cesses produced by choice or
intention and under cortical con-
visuospatial s c r a t c h p a d see trol, in contrast to automatic
WORKING MEMORY. movements (e.g., reflexes) or action
vital capacity the capacity of the that is not intended (ideomotor ac-
lungs to hold air, measured as the tivity). Compare INVOLUNTARY.
maximum volume of air that can be
exhaled after maximum inspiration. volunteer bias any systematic dif-
ference between participants who
vitality u. physical or intellectual volunteer to be in a study versus
vigor or energy: the state of being those who do not.
full of zest and enthusiastic about
ongoing activities. See also FITNESS. vomeronasal system a set of
vitreous h u m o r see EYE. specialized receptor cells that in
nonhuman mammals is sensitive
vocalization n. the production of to PHEROMONES and thus plays
sounds by means of vibrations of an important role in the sexual
the vocal cords, as in speaking, bab- behavior and reproductive physiol-
bling, singing, screaming, and so ogy of these animals. In humans
forth, —vocalize vb. this system responds physiologically
voice-onset t i m e in phonetics, the to chemical stimulation and, in
brief instant that elapses between turn, excites brain centers, but its
the initial movement of the speech role in human olfaction is not
organs as one begins to articulate a known.
speech sound and the vibration of
the vocal cords. Voice-onset time voodoo d e a t h a CULTURE-BOUND
has been the subject of intense re- SYNDROME observed in Haiti, Africa,
search in adult and infant speech Australia, and islands of the Pacific
perception because of evidence that and the Caribbean. An individual
this continuous acoustic dimension who has disobeyed a ritual or taboo
is perceived categorically (see CATE- is hexed or cursed by a medicine
man or sorcerer and dies within a
few days. The individual's strong be-
volley t h e o r y the principle that lief in the curse is posited to be the


cause of physiological reactions in orgasm is usually produced through

the body resulting in death. masturbation during the act of
voyeurism n. a PARAPHILIA in "peeping" or later, while visuahzing
which preferred or exclusive sexual and remembering the event, -voy-
interest and arousal is focused on euristic ad;,
observing unsuspecting people who vulnerability n. susceptibility to
are nude or in the act of undressing developing a condition, disorder, or
or engaging in sexual activity. Al- disease when exposed to specific
though the voyeur seeks no sexual agents or conditions, —vulnerable
activity with the person observed, ad;'.

W a d a test a presurgical and diag- motion of a given FREQUENCY, such
nostic technique for determining as a sound wave or a wave of elertro-
hemispheric functions, typically magnetic radiation. The wavelength
memory and language, by injecting is equal to the speed of propagation
a small dose of a barbiturate into an of the wave motion divided by its
internal carotid artery. While each frequency.
hemisphere is separately anesthe-
tized, various cognitive tasks are WCST abbreviation for WISCONSIN
administered; impairments on these
tasks suggest that these functions weapons effect increased hostility
are represented in the anesthetized or a heightened inclination to ag-
hemisphere. [Juhn Atsushi Wada gression produced by the mere sight
(1924- ), Japanese-born Canadian of a weapon. If provoked, individu-
neurosurgeon] als who have previously been
exposed to the sight of a weapon
WAIS abbreviation for WECHSLER will behave more aggressively than
ADULT INTELLIGENCE SCALE. those who have not. Subsequent
waiting-list control g r o u p a research has shown that this ag-
group of research participants that gressive behavior is primed by the
will receive the same intervention sight of weapons (see PRIMING) and
that any other object associated
but at a later time, thus functioning with aggression can have the same
as a CONTROL GROUP in the interim.
Wason selection t a s k a reasoning wear-and-tear t h e o r y of a g i n g a
task involving four cards, each with theory of biological aging suggesting
a letter on one side and a number that aging results from an accumula-
on the other, and a rule that is sup- tion of damage to cells, tissues, and
posed to govern their correlation organs in the body caused by toxins
(e.g., if the letter is a vowel, then the in our diet and by environmental
number should be even). One side agents. This leads to the weakening
of each card is shown (e.g., the cards and eventual death of the cells, tis-
might show E D 3 8), and the solver sues, and organs.
is asked which cards must be turned Weber's l a w a mathematical
over to determine if the mle has model of the DIFFERENCE THRESH-
been followed. Also called four- OLD, stating that the magnitude
card problem, [developed in 1966 needed to detect physical change in
by Peter Cathcart Wason (1924- a stimulus is proportional to the ab-
2003), British psychologist] solute magnitude of that stimulus.
Thus the more intense the stimulus,
waterfall illusion see MOTION AF-
the greater the change that must be
made in it to be noticed. This can be
w a v e l e n g t h n. the distance be- expressed as Af/J = k, where AI is the
tween successive peaks in a wave difference threshold, J is the original

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale

stimulus magnitude, and k is a con- Picture Naming) and seven perfor-

stant called Weber's fraction. See mance subtests (Picture Completion,
also FECHNER'S LAW. [proposed in Picture Concepts, Block Design,
1834 by Ernst Weber (1795-1878), Object Assembly, Matrix Reason-
German physiologist and psycho- ing, Symbol Search, Coding). The
physicist WPPSI was originally published
in 1967; the most recent version is
Wechsler Adult Intelligence the WPPSI-III, published in 2002.
Scale (WAIS) an intelligence test [David Wechsler]
originally published in 1955. A
modification and replacement of the w e i g h t n. a coefficient or multiplier
Wechsler-Bellevue Intelligence used in an equation or statistical
Scale, the WAIS currently includes investigation and applied to a
seven verbal subtests (Information, particular variable to reflect the con-
Comprehension, Arithmetic, Simi- tribution to the data. The process of
larities, Digit Span, Vocabulary, doing this is called weighting.
Letter-Number Sequencing) and
seven performance subtests (Digit well-being n. a state of happiness,
Symbol, Picture Completion, Block contentment, low levels of distress,
Design, Picture Arrangement, Ob- overall good physical and mental
ject Assembly, Matrix Reasoning, health and outlook, or good quality
Symbol Search). The most recent of life.
version is the WAIS-III, published wellness u. a dynamic state of
in 1997. [David Wechsler (1896- physical, mental, and social WELL-
1981), Romanian-born U.S. psy- BEING. Some researchers and clini-
chologist] cians have viewed wellness as the
result of four key fadors over which
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for an individual has some control: bi-
Children (WISC) a children's intel- ology (i.e., body condition and
ligence test developed initially in fitness), environment, lifestyle, and
1949. It currently includes 10 core health care management. The
subtests (Similarities, Vocabulary, wellness concept is the notion that
Comprehension, Block Design, Pic- individual health care and health
ture Concepts, Matrix Reasoning, care programs should actively in-
Digit Span, Letter-Number Se- volve the promotion of good mental
quencing, Coding, Symbol Search) and physical health rather than
and 5 supplemental subtests (Word merely being concerned with the
Reasoning, Information, Picture prevention and treatment of illness
Completion, Arithmetic, Cancella- and disease.
tion) that measure verbal compre-
hension, perceptual reasoning, Wernicke's a p h a s i a a loss of the
processing speed, and working ability to comprehend sounds or
memory capabilities. The most speech (auditory amnesia), and in
recent version of the test is the particular to understand or repeat
WISC-IV, published in 2003. [David spoken language and to name ob-
Wechsler] jects or qualities (anomia). The
condition is a result of brain damage
Wechsler Preschool a n d Primary and may be associated with other
Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI) an disorders of communication, in-
intelligence test for young children cluding ALEXIA, ACALCULIA, or
that currently includes seven verbal AGRAPHIA. [Karl Wernicke (1848-
subtests (Information, Vocabulary, 1904), German neurologist]
Receptive Vocabulary, Word Rea-
soning, Similarities, Comprehension, Wernicke's a r e a a region in the

Wisconsin Card Sorting Test

posterior temporal gyms of the left Wilcoxon test a nonparametric

hemisphere of the cerebmm in the test of the difference in distribution
brain, containing nerve tissue asso- for matched sets of research partici-
ciated with the interpretation of pants or for repeatedly observed
sounds. See also SPEECH AREA. [Karl participants. [Frank Wilcoxon (1892-
Wernicke, who reported, in 1874, a 1965), Irish mathematician and stat-
lack of comprehension of speech in istician]
patients who had suffered a brain le-
sion in that area] Williams syndrome (Williams-
B a r r a t t syndrome; W i l l i a m s -
Wernicke's e n c e p h a l o p a t h y a Beuren syndrome) a rare disorder
neurological disorder caused by a caused by deletion of a segment of
deficiency of vitamin B! (thiamine). chromosome 7. In addition to men-
The principal symptoms are confu- tal retardation, it is characterized by
sion, oculomotor abnormalities, and FAILURE TO THRIVE, high concentra-
ATAXIA. The disorder is most fre- tions of calcium in the blood,
quently associated with chronic narrowing of blood vessels (particu-
alcoholism and is likely to resolve larly the aorta, which restricts blood
with thiamine treatment, although flow from the heart), and unusual
most individuals then develop se- facial features (e.g., short nose with
vere retrograde and anterograde a broad tip, wide mouth, small
amnesia as well as impairment in chin). Additionally, individuals
other areas of cognitive functioning, with Williams syndrome are highly
including executive functions (see sociable and have superior verbal
KORSAKOFF'S SYNDROME), [first de- (compared to nonverbal) skills, [de-
scribed in 1881 by Karl Wernicke] scribed in the 1960s by J. C. P.
Williams, 20th-century New Zealand
w h a t p a t h w a y see VENTRAL cardiologist; Brian Gerald Barratt-
STREAM. Boyes (1924- ), British cardiologist;
and Alois J. Beuren (1919-1984),
w h e r e p a t h w a y see DORSAL German cardiologist]
w i n d i g o u. a severe CULTURE-
w h i t e m a t t e r parts of the nervous BOUND SYNDROME occurring among
system composed of nerve fibers northern Algonquin Indians living
that are enclosed in a MYELIN in Canada and the northeastern
SHEATH, which gives a white color- United States. The syndrome is char-
ation to otherwise grayish neural acterized by delusions of becoming
stmctures. The sheaths cover only possessed by a flesh-eating monster
the fibers, so regions containing (the windigo) and is manifested in
mainly CELL BODIES are gray. Com- symptoms including depression, vi-
pare GRAY MATTER. olence, a compulsive desire for
whole-language a p p r o a c h a top- human flesh, and sometimes actual
down approach to teaching reading cannibalism.
that emphasizes the reader's active WISC abbreviation for WECHSLER
constmction of meaning and often INTELLIGENCE SCALE FOR CHILDREN.
excludes the use of phonics.
Wisconsin Card Sorting Test
whole m e t h o d of l e a r n i n g a (WCST) a test that requires partici-
learning technique in which the en- pants to deduce from feedback
tire block of material is memorized, (right vs. wrong) how to sort a series
as opposed to learning the material of cards depicting different geomet-
in parts. Compare PART METHOD OF ric shapes in various colors and
LEARNING. quantities. Once the participant has


identified the underlying sorting into stmctures of the male reproduc-

principle (e.g., by color) and cor- tive system (the epididymis, vas
rectly sorts 10 consecutive cards, the deferens, and seminal vesicles). In
principle is changed without notifi- the female, the Wolffian duct does
cation. Although the task involves not develop. Compare MULLERIAN
many aspects of brain function, it is DUCT. [Kaspar F. Wolff (1734-1794),
primarily considered a test of EXEC- German embryologist]
word-association test a projec-
wisdom n. the ability of an individ- tive test in which the participant
ual to make sound decisions, to find responds to a stimulus word with
the right—or at least good—answers the first word that comes to mind.
to difficult and important life ques-
tions, and to give advice about the word-form dyslexia a type of ac-
complex problems of everyday life quired DYSLEXIA characterized by
and interpersonal relationships. The the inability to recognize and read
role of knowledge and life experi- whole words, which can be read
ence and the importance of only by spelling them out letter by
applying knowledge toward a com- letter. Also called spelling dys-
mon good through balancing of lexia.
one's own, others', and instimtional w o r d salad an extreme form of
interests are two perspectives that thought disorder, manifest in se-
have received significant psycholog- verely disorganized and virtually
ical study. incomprehensible speech or writing;
the person's associations appear to
wish-fulfillment«. in psycho- have little or no logical connection.
analytic theory, the gratification, It is strongly suggestive of schizo-
in fantasy or in a dream, of a wish phrenia.
associated with a biological IN-
STINCT. word-superiority effect the find-
ing that, when presented briefly,
w i t h d r a w a l « . see SUBSTANCE
individual letters are more easily
identified in the context of a word
w i t h i n - g r o u p variance variation than when presented alone. A simi-
in experimental scores among iden- lar but weaker effect is obtained
tically treated individuals within the when letters are presented as part of
same group who experienced the a pronounceable but meaningless
same experimental conditions. It is vowel-consonant combination, such
determined through an ANALYSIS OF as deet or pling.
VARIANCE and compared with BE-
w o r k i n g m e m o r y a multi-
component model of SHORT-TERM
MEMORY that has a phonological (or
within-subjects design an experi- articulatory) loop to retain verbal in-
mental design in which the effects formation, a visuospatial scratchpad
of treatments are seen through the to retain visual information, and a
comparison of scores of the same central executive to deploy atten-
participant observed under all the tion between them.
treatment conditions. Also called
w o r k i n g t h r o u g h 1. in psycho-
repeated measures design. therapy, the process by which
clients identify, explore, and deal
with psychological issues, on both
Wolffian d u c t a rudimentary duct an intellectual and emotional level,
system in the embryo that develops through the presentation of such


material to, and in discussion with, intemal conflicts at the root of their
the therapist. 2. in psychoanalysis, difficulties.
the process by which patients gradu- k o s v c h o , 0 1 I V s e e INDU STRIAL

terial and are repeatedly brought WPPSI abbreviation for WECHSLER

face to face with the repressed feel- PRESCHOOL AND PRIMARY SCALE OF
ings, threatening impulses, and INTELLIGENCE.

x abbreviation for MEAN. as hostile attitudes or aggressive be-
x-axis n. the horizontal axis on a havior toward people of other
graph. See ABSCISSA.
nationalities, ethnic groups, or even
different regions or neighborhoods.
X c h r o m o s o m e the SEX CHROMO- —xenophobic ad;'.
SOME that is responsible for
determining femaleness in humans X-linked adj. see SEX-LINKED.
and other mammals. The body cells
of normal females possess two X
chromosomes (XX), whereas males XXY s y n d r o m e see KLINEFELTER'S
have one X chromosome and one v SYNDROME.
CHROMOSOME (XY). In humans, var-
ious authorities estimate that the X XY see Y CHROMOSOME.
chromosome carries between 1,000
and about 2,000 genes, including XYY s y n d r o m e a chromosomal
many responsible for hereditary dis- anomaly discovered in 1961 and as-
eases (see SEX-LINKED). Abnormal sociated with males who were
numbers of X chromosomes lead to aggressive or violent in instimtions
genetic imbalance and a range of for criminals. It was originally as-
disorders and syndromes. sumed that the extra Y chromosome
predisposes males to such behavior,
x e n o p h o b i a it. a strong and irratio- but the theory was modified when
nal, sometimes pathological, fear of XYY anomalies were later found
strangers. Xenophobia may manifest among normal males.

y-axis n. the vertical axis on a pared—with that of a control sub-
graph. See ORDINATE. ject. The subject and the control
receive reinforcers or punishers on
Y c h r o m o s o m e the SEX CHRO- the same schedule, but the subject's
MOSOME that is responsible for receipt is dependent on behavior,
determining maleness in humans whereas the control's is independent
and other mammals. The body cells of behavior. For example, in one
of normal males possess one Y chro- condition a nonhuman animal
mosome and one x CHROMOSOME might press a lever so as to avoid
(XY). The Y chromosome is much electric shocks. In a yoked-control
smaller than the X chromosome and condition, the same temporal pat-
is thought to carry just a handful of tern of shocks received in the first
functioning genes. Hence, males are case would be presented to the con-
far more susceptible to SEX-LINKED trol animal independently of its
diseases than females, because the Y behavior.
chromosome cannot counteract any
defective genes carried on the X Young-Helmholtz t h e o r y of
chromosome. color vision a theory to explain
color vision in terms of components
yea-saying n. answering questions or processes sensitive to three dif-
positively regardless of their con- ferent parts of the spedmm corre-
tent, which can distort the results of sponding to the colors red, green,
surveys, questionnaires, and similar and blue. According to this theory,
instmments. Also called response other colors are perceived by stimu-
acquiescence. Compare NAY- lation of two of the three processes,
SAYING. while light that stimulates all three
processes equally is perceived as
Yerkes-Dodson l a w a law stating white. The components are now
that the relation between motiva- thought to be RETINAL CONES, al-
tion (AROUSAL) and performance though the original theory was not
can be represented by an inverted U- tied to a particular (or indeed to
curve (see INVERTED-U HYPOTHESIS). any) cell type. See TRICHROMATIC
[Robert M. Yerkes (1876-1956) and THEORY. Compare HERING THEORY
John Dillingham Dodson (1879- OF COLOR VISION; OPPONENT PRO-
1955), U.S. psychologists] CESS THEORY OF COLOR VISION.
[Thomas Young (1773-1829), British
yoked control a procedure to en- physician and physicist; Hermann
sure experimental control (e.g., Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz
baseline measures) in OPERANT CON- (1821-1894), German physiologist
DITIONING in which the rate of and physicist]
responding of an experimental
subject is yoked—and, thus, com- young-old ad;, see ADULTHOOD.

Zeigaraik effect the tendency for the sender. Also called Rhine
intermpted, uncompleted tasks to cards, [named in honor of Karl E.
be better remembered than com- Zener (1903-1964), U.S. perceptual
pleted tasks. Some theorists relate psychologist who designed the
this phenomenon to certain GES- symbols, by his colleague U.S. psy-
TALT PRINCIPLES OF ORGANIZATION chologist Joseph B. Rhine (1895-
but at the level of higher mental 1980), who devised the deck]
processing (e.g., memory), rather zero-sum g a m e in GAME THEORY,
than at the level of pure perception, a type of game in which the players'
[described in 1927 by Bluma gains and losses add up to zero. The
Zeigarnik (1900-1988), Russian psy- total amount of resources available
chologist] to the participants is fixed, and
Zeitgeber n. a cue, such as day therefore one player's gain necessar-
length, used to activate or time a BIO- ily entails the others' loss. The term
LOGICAL RHYTHM. See ENTRAINMENT. is used particularly in analyses of
[German, "time giver"] bargaining and economic behavior
but is sometimes also used in other
Zeitgeist n. the spirit of the times sociocultural contexts (e.g., politics).
(German, "time spirit"). The term
was used by German philosopher Zollner illusion a visual illusion
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel in which parallel lines appear to di-
(1770-1831) to refer to a type of verge when one of the lines is
supraindividual mind at work in the intersected by short diagonal lines
world and manifest in the cultural slanting in one direction, and the
worldview that pervades the ideas, other by lines slanting in the other
attimdes, and feelings of a particular direction. [Johann Karl Friedrich
society in a specific historical pe- Zollner (1834-1882), German astro-
riod. physicist]
zone of p r o x i m a l development
Zener cards a standardized set of
stimulus materials, similar to a deck in the sociocultural theory of Rus-
of playing cards, designed for use in sian psychologist Lev Vygotsky
experiments on EXTRASENSORY PER-
(1896-1934), the difference between
CEPTION and other parapsycho- a child's actual level of ability and
logical phenomena. The set consists the level of ability that he or she can
of 25 cards, each of which bears one achieve when working under the
of five printed symbols (star, wavy guidance of an instmctor. See
lines, cross, circle, or square). In a
typical test of TELEPATHY, the cards z o o m o r p h i s m n. 1. the attribution
are shuffled and a designated of animal traits to human beings,
"sender" turns the cards over one at deities, or inanimate objects. 2. the
a time to inspect the symbol, while use of animal psychology or physiol-
a "receiver" attempts to guess the ogy to explain human behavior.
symbol by reading the thoughts of Compare ANTHROPOMORPHISM.


zoophilia n. a PARAPHILIA in population but may also involve

which animals are repeatedly pre- comparing the means of two differ-
ferred or exclusively used to achieve ent populations. The z test is based
sexual excitement and gratification. on the NORMAL DISTRIBUTION and is
The animal, which is usually a used when the STANDARD DEVIA-
household pet or farm animal, is ei- TION is known or the sample is large
ther used as the object of intercourse (greater than 30). The equivalent T
or is trained to lick or mb the TEST is used with unknown standard
human partner, referred to as a deviations or smaller samples.
Z t r a n s f o r m a t i o n see FISHER'S
z test a type of statistical test that zygote n. a fertilized egg, or ovum,
compares the MEANS of two differ- with a DIPLOID set of chromosomes,
ent groups to determine whether half contributed by the mother and
there is a SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCE half by the father. The zygote di-
between them (i.e., one not likely to vides to become an EMBRYO, which
have occurred by chance). Gen- continues to divide as it develops
erally, this involves comparing the and differentiates—in humans even-
mean from a SAMPLE of a POPULA- tually forming a FETUS, —zygotic
TION to the mean for the whole ad;'.

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Significant Historical Figures
in Psychology

Adler, Alfred (1870-1937) Austrian psychiatrist: the first disciple of

Sigmund Freud to break away to found his own school, INDIVIDUAL
PSYCHOLOGY, which evolved such concepts as the INFERIORITY COMPLEX
Ainsworth, Mary Dinsmore Salter (1913-1999) U.S. developmental
psychologist: assisted John Bowlby in formulating the highly influential
Allport, Floyd Henry (1890-1971) U.S. psychologist: a founder of
experimental social psychology; his approach emphasized individuals over
the group, established a behaviorist framework, and advanced experimental
methodology; brother of Gordon W. Allport.
Allport, Gordon Willard (1897-1967) U.S. psychologist: a major figure
in social psychology; originator of Allport's personality trait theory and
coauthor of two personality inventories—the Allport-Vernon-Lindzey
Study of Values and the Allport AS Reaction Study; brother of Floyd H.
Anastasi, Anne (1908-2001) U.S. psychologist: an important contributor
to the discussion of the NATURE-NURTURE controversy and, espedally, to
psychological testing.
Angell, J a m e s R o w l a n d (1869-1949) U.S. psychologist: a major
spokesperson for the development of psychology as a science in the United
States and a leading exponent of FUNCTIONALISM.
Asch, Solomon E. (1907-1996) Polish-born U.S. psychologist: best known
for his contributions to sodal psychology, especially in showing how social
context influences fundamental processes, such as perception (his studies
of CONFORMITY influenced the research of Stanley Milgram).
Baldwin, James M a r k (1861-1934) U.S. psychologist: an influential
figure in the early development of experimental and professional
psychology in the United States; a proponent of FUNCTIONALISM and early
contributor in developmental psychology.
B a n d u r a , Albert (1925- ) Canadian-born U.S. psychologist: best known
for his work on SOCIAL LEARNING THEORY; especially influential were his
THEORY, of self-regulatory processes and their role in motivation and
Baltes, Paul (1939-2006) German developmental psychologist: helped to
define the perspective upon which LIFE-SPAN DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY
is based; with his wife, psychologist Margaret Baltes, described SELECTIVE
OPTIMIZATION WITH COMPENSATION and introduced a method to study
adult age differences in cognition that makes use of the concept of RESERVE
Bayley, Nancy (1899-1994) U.S. developmental psychologist: best known

Beach, F r a n k A.


Beach, F r a n k A. (1911-1988) U.S. psychologist: a founder of BEHAVIORAL
ENDOCRINOLOGY and an important comparative psychologist, known
especially for research on patterns of sexual behavior.
Beers, Clifford (1876-1943) U.S. philanthropist: founder of the MENTAL
HYGIENE movement, which helped establish psychology as a discipline in
the United States through encouraging the use of mental tests and
contributing to the rise of clinical and industrial and organizational
Bekesy, Georg v o n (1899-1972) Hungarian-born U.S. physicist:
groundbreaking researcher in auditory science, especially his studies of
mammalian hearing and on the pattern of movement in the BASILAR
MEMBRANE of the inner ear known as the traveling wave.
Bekhterev, Vladimir Mikhailovich (1857-1927) Russian
neuropathologist: founder of Russia's first psychophysiological laboratory
and first institute for brain research on mental diseases; now credited with
playing a greater role than Ivan Pavlov in the introduction of
CONDITIONING to psychology.
Benussi, Vittorio (1878-1927) Italian psychologist: His research on
optical illusions and time perception contributed to GESTALT PSYCHOLOGY;
later research on posthypnotic states (e.g., POSTHYPNOTIC SUGGESTION)
sought to provide evidence for Freud's concept of REPRESSION.
Binet, Alfred (1857-1911) French psychologist: often considered the
initiator of the modern approach to intelligence testing, especially as the
developer of the Binet-Simon Scale (see STANFORD-BINET INTELLIGENCE
Bingham, W a l t e r Van Dyke (1880-1952) U.S. psychologist: the founder
of industrial and organizational psychology and a key figure in the
development of the U.S. Army mental testing program in World War I.
Bleuler, Eugen (1857-1939) Swiss psychiatrist: best known for naming
SCHIZOPHRENIA and for his theory of its basic underlying symptomatology;
advocated psychosocial treatments for people with severe mental illness
Boring, E d w i n Garrigues (1886-1968) U.S. psychologist: perhaps the
most influential definer of the field of experimental psychology from the
1930s through the 1960s.
Bowlby, E d w a r d J o h n Mostyn (1907-1990) British psychiatrist and
psychoanalyst: best known as the developer of ATTACHMENT THEORY; his
most important early work centered on the deleterious effects of maternal
B r e n t a n o , Franz (1838-1917) German philosopher and psychologist: His
research on the intentionality of mental acts later developed into the field
of act psychology and contributed to the debate in artificial intelligence
about whether mechanical processes can assume the intentionality of
genuine mental acts.
Breuer, Josef (1842-1925) Austrian physician and physiologist: called by
Freud the "father of psychoanalysis," best remembered for his treatment of
Austrian social worker and feminist Bertha Pappenheim (known as "Anna

Chomsky, N o a m

O."), whom he identified as having HYSTERIA; Freud's technique of FREE

ASSOCIATION evolved from the concepts behind Breuer's methods.
Broadbent, Donald E. (1926-1993) British psychologist: best known for
his application of communications engineering and mathematical
DECISION THEORY to psychology.
Broca, Paul (1824-1880) French physician and anthropologist: proved
that motor aphasia (later known as BROCA'S APHASIA) was associated with
the third frontal convolution of the cerebral cortex (now called BROCA'S
AREA) and that fluent speech depends on this area; among the first to
recognize the phenomenon of CEREBRAL DOMINANCE.
Bronfenbrenner, Urie (1917-2005) Russian-born developmental
psychologist: originator of the watershed ECOLOGICAL SYSTEMS THEORY;
later developed this approach into the BIOECOLOGICAL MODEL.
Brown, Roger (1925-1997) U.S. social psychologist: a classic contributor
in the field of PSYCHOLINGUISTICS (particularly to the first stages of
Brunswik, Egon (1903-1955) Austrian-born U.S. psychologist:
recognized for his research on visual DISCRIMINATION and categorization
and for the Brunswik ratio, a mathematical expression of PERCEPTUAL
Calkins, Mary W h i t o n (1863-1930) U.S. psychologist: her best known
empirical contribution was the development of the technique of PAIRED-
ASSOCIATES LEARNING for studying memory; the first woman president of
the American Psychological Association.
Campbell, Donald Thomas (1916-1996) U.S. social psychologist:
known for developing methods for determining the CONSTRUCT VALIDITY
of psychological measures and contributions to the philosophy of science.
Cannon, W a l t e r Bradford (1871-1945) U.S. physician and physiologist:
known particularly for his investigations of emotion, in which he identified
the biological mechanisms associated with the FIGHT-OR-FLIGHT RESPONSE
and proposed the CANNON-BARD THEORY.
Carr, Harvey A. (1873-1954) U.S. psychologist: His contributions focused
on adaptive human behavior as a manifestation of mental processes, on
MAZE learning in rats, and on visual and spatial perception.
Cattell, James McKeen (1860-1944) U.S. psychologist: a founder of
psychology in the United States and an influential journal editor; devised
the first battery of psychological tests of special abilities; cofounded the
Psychological Corporation.
Cattell, R a y m o n d B e r n a r d (1905-1998) British psychologist:
developed, with colleagues, the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire,
one of the most frequently used self-report personality inventories.
Charcot, Jean-Martin (1825-1893) French neurologist: sometimes called
the "father of neurology" for his pioneering research on such disorders as
locomotor ataxia, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson's disease; his research
on hysteria had great influence on the early careers of his students Sigmund
Freud and Alfred Binet.
Chomsky, Noam (1928- ) U.S. linguist: known for his revolutionary
controversial influence in the field of PSYCHOLINGUISTICS.

Claparede, Edouard

Claparede, Edouard (1873-1940) Swiss psychologist: a key figure in the

child study and progressive education movements; demonstrated the
importance of intelligence testing in the educational context; also
contributed significant research on the biology of sleep.
Clark, Kenneth Bancroft (1914-2005) U.S. psychologist: the first
African American president of the American Psychological Association; his
work was influential in the U.S. Supreme Court's 1954 ruling Brown v. the
Board of Education, which banned racial segregation in U.S. public schools.
Cronbach, Lee J. (1916-2001) U.S. psychologist: an influential
contributor to the topic of test VALIDITY and the developer of CRONBACH'S
Darwin, Charles R. (1809-1882) British naturalist: His theory of
NATURAL SELECTION has had significant and ongoing influence in various
approaches to psychology, including EVOLUTIONARY PSYCHOLOGY and
Dewey, J o h n (1859-1952) U.S. philosopher, educator, and psychologist: a
founder of FUNCTIONALISM, who strongly influenced the field of education.
Doll, Edgar Arnold (1889-1968) U.S. psychologist: best known for the
development of the Vineland Social Maturity Scale, the antecedent of the
now widely used Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales for assessing a person's
communication, daily living, socialization, and motor skills.
Dollard, J o h n (1900-1980) U.S. sodal scientist: developer of the
FRUSTRATION-AGGRESSION HYPOTHESIS; also known for his work (with Neal
E. Miller) on the importance of IMITATION in social behavior and learning.
D u r k h e i m , Emile (1858-1917) French sociologist: known espedally for
his theories of suicide and schematic categorization encompassing four
types—egoistic (resulting from abject loneliness), altruistic (self-sacrifice to
save others), anomic (resulting from social adversity), and fatalistic
(resulting from excessive social regulation).
Ebbinghaus, H e r m a n n (1850-1909) German psychologist: a pioneer in
the application of quantitative methods of psychophysics to the study of
higher mental processes and in establishing experimental psychology as a
scientific discipline.
Erickson, Milton Hyland (1901-1980) U.S. psychiatrist: developed the
hypnosis- and metaphor-based system known as Ericksonian
psychotherapy; devised a "strategic therapy," in which the therapist
directly influences clients by initiating what happens during sessions.
Erikson, Erik H. (1902-1994) German-born U.S. psychologist:
preeminent personality theorist and contributor to the field of EGO
PSYCHOLOGY; known for his theory of life stages—ERIKSON'S EIGHT STAGES
OF DEVELOPMENT—and as coiner of the term IDENTITY CRISIS.
Estes, William Kaye (1919- ) U.S. psychologist: a founding figure of
mathematical psychology and a pioneer (with B. F. Skinner) in the use of
CONDITIONED RESPONSES involving negative emotions (e.g., fear or
Eysenck, Hans J u r g e n (1916-1997) German-born British psychologist:
founder of the Institute of Psychiatry at the Maudsley Hospital at the
University of London; popularized the terms "introvert" and "extravert"

Gibson, James J e r o m e

Fechner, Gustav Theodor (1801-1887) German physician and

philosopher: developer of still-used methods to study sensations, including
developed the mathematical formula called FECHNER'S LAW.
Ferenczi, Sandor (1873-1933) Hungarian psychoanalyst: an early
associate of Sigmund Freud who articulated an "active" therapy as an
alternative to Freud's psychoanalytic approach; later (with Otto Rank)
Festinger, Leon (1919-1989) U.S. social psychologist: best known for his
theory of COGNITIVE DISSONANCE and for his investigations into such
Frankel, Viktor Emil (1905-1997) Austrian psychiatrist: a chief
exponent of EXISTENTIAL PSYCHOLOGY; his approach, logotherapy, focuses
on crises of meaning and is often referred to as the "third Viennese school
of psychotherapy" (after Freud's psychoanalysis and Adler's individual
Freud, Anna (1895-1982) Austrian-born British psychoanalyst: Her
studies on DEFENSE MECHANISMS and pioneering work in child analysis
were original contributions to theory and practice in psychoanalysis;
youngest daughter of Sigmund Freud.
Freud, Sigmund (1856-1939) Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist:
inventor of the technique of PSYCHOANALYSIS and developer of many of its
central theoretical concepts (e.g., DEFENSE MECHANISMS, PSYCHOSEXUAL
DEVELOPMENT, TRANSFERENCE, etc.) and methods of practice, such as FREE
Fromm, Erich (1900-1980) German-born U.S. psychoanalyst: developer
of a broad cultural, yet personal, approach in analysis that focused on the
search for meaning and the development of socially productive
relationships, individuality, and the need to belong.
Gallon, Francis (1822-1911) British scientist: developed theories about
the HERITABILITY and selective breeding of human intelligence, from which
emerged the idea of intelligence tests and the movement he later called
EUGENICS; also introduced techniques of statistical CORRELATION; cousin of
Charles Darwin.
Gemelli, Agostino (1878-1959) Italian psychologist: promoter of
practical, applied psychology; cofounded an influential European academic
journal on psychology, neurology, and psychiatry.
Gesell, Arnold L. (1880-1961) U.S. psychologist and physician: the first
school psychologist in the United States; established special education
classrooms, pioneered the co-twin technique to study the impact of
learning and heredity, and advanced the concept of school readiness
programs to prepare children for formal classroom instruction.
Gibson, Eleanor Jack (1910-2002) U.S. experimental psychologist: best
known for her research on perceptual learning, especially on the VISUAL
CLIFF; married to James J. Gibson.
Gibson, James J e r o m e (1904-1979) U.S. experimental psychologist: a
highly influential researcher in the area of visual (and other sense)
perception, known especially for developing the theory of ECOLOGICAL
PERCEPTION; married to Eleanor J. Gibson.

G i l b r e t h , Lillian

Gilbreth, Lillian (1878-1972) U.S. psychologist: best known, with her

husband Frank (an engineer), for developing TIME AND MOTION STUDIES.
Goddard, Henry Herbert (1866-1957) U.S. psychologist: a founder of
intelligence testing in the United States; produced influential research in
the fields of special education, mental retardation, and army testing.
Goldstein, Kurt (1875-1965) German neurologist: his investigations of
neurological impairments resulted in an influential proposal that
manifestations of brain damage (e.g., regression to concrete thinking) are
often an individual's adaptive response to an impaired ability to form a
whole perception of the outside world.
Goodenough, Florence (1886-1959) U.S. psychologist: developer of
widely used tests of intelligence and verbal intelligence in children and
adapter of the Stanford-Binet scale for use with preschoolers (called the
Minnesota Preschool Scale); formulated the method now known as TIME
Griffith, Coleman Roberts (1893-1960) U.S. psychologist: known as the
"father of sport psychology"; established the first laboratory in the United
States to investigate psychological and physiological problems associated
with sports and athletic performance.
Guilford, J o y Paul (1897-1987) U.S. psychologist: best known for his
contributions to psychometrics and his use of FACTOR ANALYSIS in
personality and intelligence research.
Gulliksen, Harold (1903-1996) U.S. psychologist: a founder of the
Psychometric Society; known for his applications of mathematical methods
to PSYCHOPHYSICS, LEARNING THEORY, and attitude measurement, which
contributed advancements in paired comparison scaling and
Guthrie, Edwin Ray (1886-1959) U.S. psychologist: best known for
developing a variation in behaviorist theory termed contiguity learning
theory and for pioneering use of teaching evaluations for college faculties.
Hall, Granville Stanley (1844-1924) U.S. psychologist: chief founder
and organizer of psychology in the United States and first president of the
American Psychological Association.
Harlow, H a r r y Frederick (1905-1981) U.S. psychologist: best known for
investigations on LEARNING SETS and on mothering that disproved the idea
that nonhuman animals were incapable of higher levels of information
processing or METACOGNITION; also known for studying social
development in rhesus monkeys.
H a t h a w a y , Starke Rosencrans (1903-1984) U.S. psychologist:
developer, in collaboration with psychiatrist John C. McKinley, of the
Head, Henry (1861-1940) British neurologist: remembered chiefly for his
taxonomy of APHASIA and for his theory characterizing all types of aphasia
as cognitive disturbances of symbolic formation and expression; coined the
term "semantic aphasia."
Hebb, Donald Olding (1904-1985) Canadian psychobiologist: an
important contributor to the understanding of the brain-behavior
relationship; his proposal of CELL ASSEMBLIES remains influential in
biological theories of memory.

H u n t , Joseph McVicker

Heider, Fritz (1896-1988) Austrian-born U.S. psychologist: a preeminent

theorist on interpersonal relations; established the conceptual foundations
for much of social psychology research (e.g., ATTRIBUTION THEORY,
Helmholtz, H e r m a n v o n (1821-1894) German physiologist and
physicist: a founder of psychosensory physiology, whose research laid the
foundations of modern visual and auditory science (see YOUNG-
Helson, Harold (1898-1977) U.S. psychologist: developed ADAPTATION-
LEVEL theory to describe the effects of context on subjective judgment.
Hering, Evald (1834-1918) German physiologist: His sensory perception
research (see HERING THEORY OF COLOR VISION) influenced the
development of German psychology and the school of PHENOMENOLOGY.
Hilgard, Ernest R. (1904-2001) U.S. psychologist: an influential
researcher and synthesizer in the fields of CONDITIONING, LEARNING
Hollingworth, H a r r y L. (1880-1956) U.S. psychologist: a pioneer in
applied psychology and coauthor of the first textbook in that field;
particularly known for his work in advertising psychology; married to Leta
S. Hollingworth.
Hollingworth, Leta Stetter (1886-1939) U.S. psychologist: a major
contributor in educational psychology, clinical psychology, and the
psychology of women; her work in education focused on both children
with mental retardation and gifted children; married to Harry L.
Hooker, Evelyn (1907-1996) U.S. psychologist: performed the first major
controlled study in which groups of gay and heterosexual men were
compared on psychological measures of adjustment; her findings
influenced the American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality
from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
H o m e y , Karen D. (1885-1952) German-born U.S. psychoanalyst: the first
great psychoanalytic feminist and a member of the NEO-FREUDIAN school;
stressed culture and dismrbed interpersonal relationships as the causes of
neuroses and emphasized the importance of current defenses and inner
conflicts over early experience; recognized as one of the founders of
Hovland, Carl Ivor (1912-1961) U.S. psychologist: contributor to the
development of NEOBEHAVIORISM—through his research on the
generalization of conditioning—and a pioneer in computer studies
simulating human concept formation and thinking; studied the processes
by which persuasive messages change attitudes.
Hull, Clark Leonard (1884-1952) U.S. psychologist: originator of the
influential DRIVE-REDUCTION THEORY and one of the founders of
H u n t , Joseph McVicker (1906-1991) U.S. psychologist: known for his
"feeding fmstration" studies on rats, demonstrating a link between early
food deprivation and adult hoarding behavior, and for his A/S ratio (the
ratio of assodation to sensory areas in the brain), highlighting the
importance of INTRINSIC MOTIVATION; laid the conceptual foundations for

H u n t e r , W a l t e r S.

programs (e.g., Project Head Start) emphasizing the value of early

childhood education in cognitive development.
H u n t e r , W a l t e r S. (1889-1954) U.S. psychologist: known especially for
his studies of animal cognition, particularly the DELAYED-RESPONSE
phenomenon; later contributed to the study of MAZE learning in animals.
James, William (1842-1910) U.S. psychologist and philosopher: one of
the principal founders of psychology in the United States and, arguably, the
most influential of the first generation of American psychologists; his
promotion of FUNCTIONALISM in psychology and his pioneering
contributions to the psychology of religion had enduring effects.
J a n e t , Pierre (1859-1947) French psychologist and neurologist: His
analysis emphasizing observable behavior and the continuity of
subconscious and conscious events, largely dismissed by psychoanalysts of
his day, has since been seen as a forerunner in the study of traumatic stress
Janis, I r v i n g Lester (1918-1990) U.S. social and health psychologist:
noted for introducing the concept of GROUPTHINK; researched stress and
decision making, especially in the contexts of individual personal health
and group dynamics.
J a s t r o w , Joseph (1863-1944). U.S. psychologist: early U.S. contributor in
psychophysics, particularly on how subliminal factors influence
psychophysical judgments; influential in introducing the new scientific
psychology to the American public.
Jones, Mary Cover (1896-1987) U.S. developmental psychologist: best
known for her observational study of the development of infant behavior
patterns, such as smiling, eye coordination, visual pursuit, and reaching.
J u n g , Carl Gustav (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst:
originator of ANALYTIC PSYCHOLOGY, which laid emphasis on personality
dynamics, such as conscious versus unconscious, introversive versus
extroversive tendencies, and rational versus irrational processes; originated
such theoretical constructs as ARCHETYPES, the COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS,
Kelley, Harold H a r d i n g (1921-2003) U.S. social psychologist: known for
his formulation of ATTRIBUTION THEORY; conducted pioneering research on
communication, persuasion, the sodal psychology of groups, and
interpersonal relations.
Kinsey, Alfred (1894-1956) U.S. zoologist and sex researcher: an
influential researcher on human sexual behavior; presented the first
statistical data on a large range of sexual behaviors in both sexes; his Kinsey
(Six) Scale offered an index on a continuum from pure homosexual to pure
heterosexual orientation.
Klein, Melanie (1882-1960) Austrian-born British psychoanalyst: a
pioneer in child analysis and the first to use PLAY THERAPY as an analytic
and treatment tool; her approach emphasized primal conflicts and the
primary object relationship with the mother (see OBJECT RELATIONS
Klineberg, Otto (1899-1992) Canadian-born U.S. social psychologist: a
seminal figure through his research on race, which challenged racial
superiority theories and contributed to the U.S. Supreme Court's 1954

May, Rollo

mling in Brown v. Board of Education; focused on cross-cultural studies and

international affairs.
Koch, Sigmund (1917-1996) U.S. psychologist: author of a six-volume
comprehensive survey outlining the parameters of psychology in the mid-
20th century; promoted empirically grounded, rationally defensible
investigation in a field he claimed could never become a single, coherent
Koffka, Kurt (1886-1941) German experimental psychologist: one of the
founders of and chief spokesperson for GESTALT PSYCHOLOGY; contributed
significantly to the study of visual perception (e.g., the study of APPARENT
Kohlberg, Lawrence (1927-1987) U.S. psychologist: originator ofthe
INTERVIEW format was also influential.
Kohler, Wolfgang (1887-1967) German experimental psychologist: one
of the founders of GESTALT PSYCHOLOGY; his contributions in primate
learning (see INSIGHT LEARNING) and to the concept of goodness of
configuration (the significance of simplicity, regularity, or symmetry in a
shape or form) remain influential.
Kraepelin, Emil (1856-1926) German psychiatrist: a founding father of
modern psychiatry and pioneer theorist and researcher on serious mental
disease; his development of the concept of DEMENTIA PRAECOX was the
forerunner of the modern concept of schizophrenia.
Krech, David (1909-1977) Belarus-born U.S. psychologist: a major
contributor in physiological psychology (e.g., on the brain-behavior
relationship) and social psychology (e.g., on racial prejudice, international
Ladd-Franklin, Christine (1847-1930) U.S. psychologist and
mathematician: an early authority on vision and color theory.
Lashley, Karl Spencer (1890-1958) U.S. psychologist: an influential
contributor in animal learning, comparative psychology, and
neurophysiology; asserted that the brain could recover some dismpted
functions in specific damaged areas (see EQUIPOTENTIALITY; MASS ACTION).
Lewin, Kurt (1890-1947) German-born U.S. social psychologist:
developer of FIELD THEORY; particularly known for experiments on styles of
LEADERSHIP, group COHESION, and GROUP DYNAMICS (a term he coined);
Lorenz, Konrad (1903-1989) Austrian zoologist: Nobel Prize-winning
cofounder of ETHOLOGY; discovered several major concepts still useful for
behavior study, including the FIXED ACTION PATTERN, the RELEASER, and
Luria, Alexander R. (1902-1977) Russian neuropsychologist: a major
contributor to research on brain function and brain trauma; collaborated
early in his career with Lev Vygotsky on a sociocultural theory of language.
Maslow, A b r a h a m Harold (1908-1970) U.S. psychologist: a founder of
May, Rollo (1909-1994) U.S. psychologist and psychoanalyst: a central
proponent and spokesperson for HUMANISTIC PSYCHOLOGY and


McClelland, David

EXISTENTIAL PSYCHOLOGY; emphasized the adaptive and curative qualities

of positive human values, such as love, free will, and self-awareness.
McClelland, David (1917-1998) U.S. psychologist: best known for
theoretical and empirical contributions to the study of personality and
motivation; developed the highly popular THEMATIC APPERCEPTION TEST to
Meehl, Paul Everett (1920-2003) U.S. psychologist: a significant
contributor to research in clinical psychology and clinicometrics (the use of
mathematical statistics to analyze dient historical data); his work on
diagnosis and classification of mental disorders was revolutionary in its
development of computerized scoring of psychology tests.
Michotte, Albert E d o u a r d (1881-1965) Belgian psychologist:
remembered for experimental-phenomenological studies of mechanical
causality (see MECHANISTIC THEORY) that clarify commonly experienced
adaptive situations.
Milgram, Stanley (1933-1984) U.S. sodal psychologist: best known for
his BEHAVIORAL STUDY OF OBEDIENCE; pioneered the field of urban
psychology, working on STIMULUS OVERLOAD and INFORMATION
Miller, Neal Elgar (1909-2002) U.S. psychologist: considered the founder
of BEHAVIORAL MEDICINE; his work significantly affected the fields of
learning, motivation, and clinical psychology.
Montessori, Maria (1870-1952) Italian educator: one of the first women
to attend medical school in Italy; developed a psychologically based
educational system called the Montessori method.
Mowrer, O. H o b a r t (1907-1982) U.S. psychologist: best known for his
contributions to the fields of learning and LANGUAGE ACQUISITION, which
he explained using elementary prindples of conditioning.
Miinsterberg, Hugo (1863-1916) German-born U.S. psychologist: a
founder in the field of industrial and organizational psychology; made early
contributions in the fields of educational, abnormal, and FORENSIC
PSYCHOLOGY (e.g., his studies of eyewitness testimony and lie detection).
Murphy, G a r d n e r (1895-1979) U.S. psychologist: encouraged
psychological research on and the use of biofeedback; greatly influenced
the field through his texts, particularly that on experimental sodal
psychology; recognized for his guidance of U.S. psychologist Rensis Likert
(1903-1981) in the development of the LIKERT SCALE.
Murray, Henry Alexander (1893-1988) U.S. psychologist: His work
ushered in a new era of personality psychology in the United States;
noteworthy for establishing numerous professional opportunities for
women in psychology and for collaborating in the creation of the
Neugarten, Bemice Levin (1916-2001) U.S. developmental
psychologist: known for significantly advancing the study of adult
development and aging; saw later adulthood as a period of increased
activity and self-enhancement and proposed the distinctions of young-old
and old-old (see ADULTHOOD).
Newcomb, Theodore Mead (1903-1984) U.S. social psychologist: a
major contributor in the field, emphasizing its interdisciplinary nature
(e.g., the integration of behavioral concepts from psychology,

Sanford, E d m u n d Clark

anthropology, and sociology); his attitudes and value research focused on

real-setting social relations and placed attitude change in the context of
norms, group membership, leadership, and friendship.
Nissen, Henry Wieghorst (1901-1958) U.S. comparative psychologist: a
leading expert on the biology and behavior of chimpanzees (e.g., in the
acquisition of resources, emotional expression, and social interaction);
viewed behavioral sequences as clusters of independent acts, each with its
own motivation.
O m e , M a r t i n Theodore (1927-2000) Austrian-born U.S. psychiatrist:
originator of the concept of trance logic, the presumed tendency of
hypnotized individuals to engage simultaneously in contradidory trains of
thought; applied the notion of DEMAND CHARACTERISTICS in his hypnosis
Osgood, Charles Egerton (1916-1991) U.S. psychologist: a significant
theorist and researcher in PSYCHOLINGUISTICS and CROSS-CULTURAL
PSYCHOLOGY; developed the SEMANTIC DIFFERENTIAL model of determining
word meanings.
Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich (1849-1936) Russian physiologist: best known
for experimentation on the physiology of the digestive system and its
control by the nervous system, which yielded the concepts of the
of stimuli, and EXTINCTION of response.
Payton, Carolyn R. (1925-2001) U.S. psychologist: a powerful advocate
of the mental health needs of African Americans; her highly successful
Counseling Services program at Howard University was one of the few
programs at any African American institution to offer accredited training
for Black therapists and counselors.
Piaget, J e a n (1896-1980) Swiss child psychologist and epistemologist: His
theoretical and research work on the stages of cognitive development in
children was enormously influential (see PIAGETIAN THEORY); a central
proponent of the theoretical perspective known as CONSTRUCTIVISM.
Rhine, Joseph Banks (1895-1980) U.S. parapsychologist: coiner ofthe
term EXTRASENSORY PERCEPTION and the first researcher to investigate a
psychical topic scientifically—using ZENER CARDS (also called Rhine
Ribot, Theodule A r m a n d (1839-1916) French philosopher and
psychologist: a founder of experimental psychology in France; proposed
what is now called Ribot's law, the principle that the most recently
acquired memories are the most vulnerable to dismption from brain
Rogers, Carl (1902-1987) U.S. psychologist: originator of CLIENT-
REGARD and uncriticalness (a nonjudgmental attitude) on the part of the
therapist as central to the psychotherapeutic endeavor.
Rorschach, H e r m a n n (1884-1922) Swiss psychiatrist: originator of the
RORSCHACH INKBLOT TEST of personality, which, although still widely used,
has not demonstrated robust or consistent validify.
Sanford, E d m u n d Clark (1859-1924) U.S. experimental psychologist:
author of the first English-language laboratory manual in experimental

Schachter, Stanley

psychology; the first psychologist to promote the subsequently common

study of MAZE learning in rats.
Schachter, Stanley (1922-1997) U.S. psychologist: an influential theorist
and researcher in social and health psychology, focusing on such issues as
Schneirla, Theodore Christian (1902-1968) U.S. comparative
psychologist: one of the foremost 20th-century animal psychologists;
elaborated the APPROACH-AVOIDANCE CONFLICT into biphasic A-W theory,
which viewed approach and withdrawal as essential in all behavior—
mainly governed by stimulus intensity yet subject to the organism's
internal conditions as well as to environmental conditions.
Scott, W a l t e r Dill (1869-1955) U.S. psychologist: a key figure in the
development of applied psychology and, especially, advertising psychology
and personnel selection.
Scripture, E d w a r d Wheeler (1864-1945) U.S. psychologist and speech
therapist: known for his research on localization of sound and other
perceptual phenomena; studied speech and language pathology and
conducted innovative speech therapy, combining psychoanalytic
techniques (to address underlying emotional origins) with exercises (to
correct faulty speech patterns).
Sears, Pauline K i r k p a t r i c k (1908-1993) U.S. psychologist: known for
rigorous and creative use of quantitative research methods, such as
systematic TIME SAMPLING, to study socialization, family processes, and
child rearing; her research focused on schoolchildren and the psychological
factors affecting academic achievement and performance; married to Robert
R. Sears.
Sears, Robert Richardson (1908-1989) U.S. psychologist: best known
for research on the influence of parental discipline and other child-rearing
practices on children's behavior, especially their levels of aggression and
dependency; widely recognized for research on empirical evidence for
psychoanalytic theory; married to Pauline K. Sears.
Seashore, Carl Emil (1866-1949) Swedish-born U.S. psychologist: a
prolific designer and builder of research equipment, including the Seashore
audiometer (which generated standardized stimulus tones to measure
threshold sound intensity) and the Seashore Measures of Musical Talent
(phonographically recorded tests of tonal memory, of time, rhythm, and
timbre awareness, and of pitch and loudness discrimination).
Sechenov, Ivan Mikhailovich (1829-1905) Russian physiologist: He saw
psychology as the physiological study of brain reflexes; described reflexes as
tripartite units consisting of a sensory nerve, a central connection, and a
motor nerve and proposed that they are modifiable by association from
Shakow, David (1901-1981) U.S. psychologist: best known for helping
the American Psychological Association professionalize the field of clinical
psychology and for helping develop the scientist-practitioner model for
training clinical psychologists both to provide services and to conduct
research on mental health problems.
Sherif, Muzafer (1906-1988) Turkish social psychologist: known
particularly for his work on group norms (see SOCIAL NORM); articulated the

Stumpf, Carl

notion that perception and behavior are determined in bipolar fashion by

external and internal factors, the combined totality of which he termed
FRAME OF REFERENCE; this view inspired the development of such novel
Sherrington, Charles Scott (1857-1952) British physiologist: His
research on the mechanics of muscular activation revolutionized
neurophysiology; introduced many basic terms and concepts in
Simon, Herbert Alexander (1916-2001) U.S. economist, political
scientist, and psychologist: generally regarded as the founder of artificial
intelligence and cognitive science; one of the first to use computers to
model human decision making and problem solving.
Skinner, B u r r h u s Frederic (1904-1990) U.S. psychologist: originator of
the field of applied behavioral analysis by extending the principles of
operant conditioning to practical settings.
Spearman, Charles E d w a r d (1863-1945) British psychologist and
psychometrician: formulator of the two-factor theory of intelligence
proposing an underlying GENERAL FACTOR and multiple SPECIFIC FACTORS;
renowned for his mathematical work, including the development of the
Spence, Kenneth W a r t e n b e e (1907-1967) U.S. experimental
psychologist: developer, with Clark L. Hull, of an influential version of
NEOBEHAVIORISM—the Hull-Spence model—which offered a theoretical
system to explain animal learning and motivation on the basis of Pavlovian
Sperry, Roger Wolcott (1913-1994) U.S. psychologist: best known for
his nerve-regeneration theory and his research into the functions of the
two hemispheres of the brain using the split-brain technique (see
Stern, Louis William (1871-1938) German psychologist: best known for
developing the concept of the intelligence quotient (see IQ); also a pioneer
in developmental psychology, applied psychology, and DIFFERENTIAL
Stone, Calvin Perry (1892-1954) U.S. psychologist: the first comparative
psychologist in the United States to focus on the scientific investigation of
sexual behavior; particularly studied neural and hormonal influences and
discovered evidence for the importance of SUBCORTICAL brain regions.
Strong, E d w a r d Kellogg, Jr. (1884-1963) U.S. psychologist: a founder
of applied psychology—especially in the areas of personnel selection and
occupational analysis—and best known as a co-creator of the Strong
Interest Inventory, a widely used assessment of an individual's suitability
for different types of work.
Stumpf, Carl (1848-1936) German experimental psychologist: best
known for investigating the psychological factors involved in acoustic
perception; his institute produced many famous psychologists, including
Koffka, Kohler, Lewin, and Wertheimer; his pioneering research on

Sullivan, Harry Stack

emotions proposed a cognitively based theory in which judgments are

Sullivan, H a r r y Stack (1892-1949) U.S. psychiatrist: a major contributor
to personality theory through his INTERPERSONAL THEORY, which
eventually gave rise to INTERPERSONAL PSYCHOTHERAPY; his approach
derived from Freud's psychoanalysis but emphasized sodal elements over
biological instincts and focused on how key relationships develop and
change over time.
Sumner, Francis Cecil (1895-1954) U.S. psychologist: the first African
American to receive a doctorate in psychology in the United States; became
head of the psychology department at Howard University and had great
influence in creating programs to train Black psychologists in the era of
desegregation; his own department trained more Black psychologists than
all other U.S. colleges and universities at this time.
T e r m a n , Lewis Madison (1877-1956) U.S. psychologist: responsible for
the validation of the Binet scales (see STANFORD-BINET INTELLIGENCE
SCALE) and for the constmction of the Army intelligence tests of World
War I; also known for initiating (in the 1920s) a longitudinal study of some
1,500 gifted children.
T h i b a u t , J o h n W. (1917-1986) U.S. social psychologist: developer of
SOCIAL EXCHANGE THEORY; proposed that the benefits derived from taking
account of the broader context of behavior underlie the existence of such
values as altmism, competitiveness, and fairness.
T h o r n d i k e , E d w a r d Lee (1874-1949) U.S. psychologist: an important
early contributor to the field of animal intelligence; developed the concept
T h u r s t o n e , Louis Leon (1887-1955) U.S. psychologist: a pioneer in
psychometrics; developed and maintained the examination that was the
foremnner of the SCHOLASTIC ASSESSMENT TEST; further developed the
statistical technique of FACTOR ANALYSIS to tease out PRIMARY ABILITIES.
Tinbergen, Nikolaas (1907-1988) Dutch-born British behavioral
biologist: Nobel Prize-winning cofounder of ETHOLOGY; advanced the
practice of FIELD RESEARCH in the study of nonhuman animals.
Titchener, E d w a r d Bradford (1867-1927) British-born U.S.
psychologist: a chief exponent of STRUCTURALISM, which emphasized the
use of systematic introspection in laboratory settings to uncover the
elements of experience (sensations, images, and feelings).
Tolman, E d w a r d Chace (1886-1959) U.S. psychologist: a founder of
NEOBEHAVIORISM and proposer of the theory of purposive behaviorism
postulating that behavioral acts have a goal that selects and guides the
behavioral sequence; emphasized such mentalist concepts as purpose and
Troland, Leonard T. (1889-1932) U.S. scientist and psychologist: a
significant contributor to visual science; the troland (a unit of retinal
illumination) was named in his honor; his promotion of a comprehensive
motivational psychology that accommodated feelings as a causal element
in behavior anticipated later emphases on the cognitive-emotional factors
in behavior regulation.
Tryon, Robert Choate (1901-1967) U.S. psychologist: widely known for
his investigations of INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES in learning; his breeding of

Witmer, Lightner

generations of rats based on performance in a standardized MAZE problem

demonstrated the genetic substrate of learning ability; also developed
computerized CLUSTER ANALYSIS.
Tversky, Amos (1937-1996) Israeli-born U.S. psychologist: known for his
studies with Israeli-born U.S. psychologist Daniel Kahneman of similarity,
judgment under uncertainty, and decision making.
Tyler, Leona Elizabeth (1906-1993) U.S. counseling psychologist:
author of one of the first and seminally influential textbooks on
INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES and of the leading textbook in the mid-20th
century on counseling psychology.
Underwood, Benton J. (1915-1994) U.S. psychologist and
methodologist: author of the textbook that played the leading role in
defining experimental psychology throughout the mid-20th century.
Upham, T h o m a s Cogswell (1799-1872) U.S. mental philosopher: author
of the first U.S. textbook in psychology, which appeared in 1827 and
remained in use through much of the 19th century.
Vygotsky, Lev Semenovich (or Vigotsky; 1896-1934) Russian
psychologist: known for his sociocultural theory of cognitive development
emphasizing the interaction of children's namral abilities with the cultural
mediators of written and oral language; held that developmental stages
were partially driven by education and that education should take place in
W a s h b u r n , Margaret H o y (1871-1939) U.S. psychologist: author of the
first U.S. textbook of comparative psychology; served as the second woman
president of the American Psychological Association and only the second
woman scientist to be elected to the National Academy of Sciences.
Watson, J o h n Broadus (1878-1958) U.S. psychologist: an important
figure in the early history of comparative psychology, best known as the
founder of BEHAVIORISM; introduced PAVLOVIAN CONDITIONING in the
United States.
Weber, Ernst Heinrich (1795-1878) German physiologist: a founder of
psychophysics and formulator of WEBER'S LAW; also known for his work on
two-point DISCRIMINATION, which led to the formulation of the concept of
Wechsler, David (1896-1981) Romanian-born U.S. psychologist:
developer of the Wechsler-Bellevue Intelligence Scale, which eventually
was standardized as the WECHSLER ADULT INTELLIGENCE SCALE; this latter
dominant psychological tests for measuring cognitive abilities.
Wertheimer, Max (1880-1943) German-born U.S. psychologist: a
founder of GESTALT PSYCHOLOGY, whose research added greatly to theories
of perception (see PHI PHENOMENON); also known for his GESTALT
White, Robert W. (1904-2001) U.S. psychologist: best known for his
holistic approach to the study of personality; argued the case of INTRINSIC
MOTIVATION at a time dominated by DRIVE-REDUCTION THEORY; also
advocated the CASE STUDY method rather than the statistical method of
analyzing aggregated data.
Witmer, Lightner (1867-1956) U.S. psychologist: founder of clinical
psychology in the United States; also considered a primary pioneer of

Wolpe, Joseph

school psychology and a major figure in the development of special

Wolpe, Joseph (1915-1997) South African-born U.S. psychiatrist: father of
BEHAVIOR THERAPY, best known for his development of SYSTEMATIC
W o o d w o r t h , Robert Sessions (1869-1962) U.S. psychologist: best
known for textbooks that shaped the field of experimental psychology; also
known for his research on motivation, which led to his most important
conceptual contribution, S-O-R PSYCHOLOGY.
Woolley, Helen Bradford T h o m p s o n (1874-1947) U.S. psychologist: a
powerful advocate of child welfare, whose studies of young employed
children were instrumental in reforming child labor and compulsory
education laws in the United States; among the first to study psychological
likenesses and differences of the sexes.
W u n d t , Wilhelm Maximilian (1832-1920) German psychologist and
physiologist: the founder of experimental psychology, establishing the first
official psychology laboratory in 1879; his application of introspective and
psychophysical methods to such subjects as reaction time, attention,
judgment, and emotions had international influence.
Yerkes, Robert Mearns (1876-1956) U.S. psychobiologist: recognized as
a preeminent comparative psychologist of his time through his research in
animal behavior; also instrumental in the development of Army
intelligence tests during World War I.


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