Informative Speech

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COM 226
My passion?
oh! I love baking! It's such a fun and delicious
hobby. When it comes to baking, there are so
many different recipes and techniques to
explore. From cakes and cookies to breads
and pastries, the possibilities are endless.
Baking is not only a great way to satisfy your
sweet tooth, but it can also be a creative
outlet. You can experiment with different
flavors, decorations, and even try your hand
at making your own recipes. Plus, the aroma
of freshly baked goods filling your home is
simply irresistible.
Analyzing target
Target audience
My target audience are
Individuals who have a
I considered the
passion for baking and
interest and familiarity
are curious about the
of individuals in baking
possibilities of turning
and entrepreneurship.
it into a business. It
By understanding the
could also appeal to
interests and
aspiring entrepreneurs
aspirations of our
who are looking for
audience, I determined
real-life examples and
that this topic would
insights into starting
resonate with those
their own ventures.
who are passionate
about baking and are
interested in the
entrepreneurial aspect
of it.
baking is a timeless and universal activity that brings
people together. It's a skill that can be enjoyed by people
of all ages and backgrounds. Second, with the rise of social
media and food blogging, baking has become a popular
hobby and a way for individuals to express their creativity.
Lastly, baking has therapeutic benefits, as it can reduce
stress and promote mindfulness. So, whether you're looking
to learn a new skill, explore your creativity, or find a way to
relax, baking is a fantastic topic that resonates with many

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