Executive Director 90-Day Plan - Orlando Sonza

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90-Day Plan for the Veterans Service Commission of Hamilton County

By Orlando Sonza, Executive Director

Phase 1: Assessment and Planning (Days 1-30)

Objective: Establish a baseline understanding of the current operations, identify key areas for
improvement, and begin laying the groundwork for changes (if any).

1. Initial Assessment (Days 1-10)

- Meet with current staff to understand their roles, concerns, and suggestions.
- Review existing office systems, technology, and infrastructure.
- Analyze current policies and procedures for gaps and inefficiencies.
- Assess current community outreach efforts and service offerings.
- Evaluate current social media presence and online engagement.

2. Stakeholder Engagement (Days 11-20)

- Meet with key stakeholders, including Veterans, community leaders, and partner
- Visit other VSC offices in Ohio to learn best practices and innovative approaches (i.e. Butler
County, Montgomery County, Clermont County, and Stark County)
- Attend events/meetings with Hamilton County Veterans to gather direct feedback.

3. Strategic Planning (Days 21-30)

- Develop a strategic plan outlining key objectives, timelines, and responsible parties.
- Create a budget for proposed changes and improvements.
- Identify necessary training and development for staff.
- Prioritize key areas for immediate attention: social media presence, office system
modernization, and community outreach.

4. Establishing Social Media Presence (Days 1-30)

- Create official social media accounts on platforms like Facebook and Twitter.
- Develop a content calendar to regularly post updates, events, and resources.
- Launch a social media campaign to raise awareness of VSC services.

Phase 2: Implementation and Execution (Days 31-60)

Objective: Begin executing the strategic plan, with a focus on quick wins to build momentum
and demonstrate progress.

5. Modernizing Office Systems (Days 31-45)

- Implement new office management software to streamline operations.
- Upgrade hardware and ensure all staff have access to modern tools.
- Train staff on new systems to ensure smooth transition.
6. Improving Staff Morale (Days 41-50)
- Conduct team-building activities and workshops.
- Establish a recognition program to celebrate staff achievements and contributions.
- Provide professional development opportunities to support career growth.

7. Community Outreach Enhancement (Days 51-60)

- Partner with local organizations to co-host events and workshops.
- Develop and distribute informational materials about VSC services.
- Organize regular community engagement events.

Phase 3: Expansion and Continuous Improvement (Days 61-90)

Objective: Expand services and ensure continuous improvement through feedback and

8. Expanding Services (Days 61-75)

- Establish partnerships with local transportation providers to offer better transportation
options for Veterans.
- Collaborate with dental care providers to arrange discounted or free dental services.
- Launch financial literacy programs, partnering with local financial institutions and experts.

9. Creating Policies and Procedures Manual (Days 61-80)

- Draft comprehensive policies and procedures for all aspects of VSC operations.
- Review and revise the draft with input from staff and stakeholders.
- Distribute the finalized manual and conduct training sessions for staff.

10. Continuous Feedback and Improvement (Days 81-90)

- Implement a feedback system to gather input from Veterans and staff regularly.
- Conduct a mid-point review meeting to assess progress and adjust plans as needed.
- Prepare a report summarizing the changes made, successes achieved, and areas for future

11. Long-Term Planning (Days 81-90)

- Develop a long-term strategic plan to sustain improvements and continue expanding
- Establish metrics and KPIs to track ongoing performance and impact.


This 90-day plan aims to revamp the VSC through a structured approach, focusing on
assessment, implementation, and continuous improvement. Key goals include modernizing
office systems, enhancing community outreach, improving staff morale, expanding services, and
establishing a robust social media presence. Through these efforts, the VSC will be better
positioned to serve Hamilton County Veterans and their families effectively.

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