The Cross-Linking Approaches For Block Copolymer Nanoassemblies Via RAFT-mediated Polymerization-Induced Selfassembly

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DOI: 10.1039/D0PY00627K


The Cross-linking Approaches for Block Copolymer Nano-

assemblies via RAFT-mediated Polymerization-induced Self-

Polymer Chemistry Accepted Manuscript

Received 00th January 20xx,
Accepted 00th January 20xx
Shenzhen Lia, Guang Hanb and Wangqing Zhang*a,c
DOI: 10.1039/x0xx00000x
Published on 09 June 2020. Downloaded by Uppsala University on 6/16/2020 4:13:45 PM.

Covalent cross-linking is a simple and robust way to stabilize block copolymer nano-assemblies prepared by reversible
addition-fragmentation chain transfer polymerization mediated polymerization-induced self-assembly (RAFT-mediated
PISA). To date, various multi-functional compounds with different reactive moieties have been explored for cross-linking of
block copolymer nano-assemblies, and these cross-linking approaches can be classified into in situ cross-linking and post-
polymerization cross-linking. Owing to the efficient and diverse operations of these cross-linking approaches, various cross-
linked block copolymer nano-assemblies with complex morphologies have been constructed, exhibiting superior structural
stability against solvent switching or external stimulus. The aim of this review is to summarize the current cross-linking
approaches to stabilize block copolymer nano-assemblies obtained via RAFT-mediated PISA process as well as their potential

multistep synthesis, long equilibration time and the extremely dilute

1 Introduction condition.45-47 By tuning the chain length of polymer blocks, different
morphologies of block copolymer nano-assemblies can be
Now polymer nano-objects with well-defined shapes can be
achieved under mild reaction conditions.48-52
reliably synthesized by using many different techniques.1-4 The
However, amphiphilic block copolymer nano-assemblies
large specific surface area and diverse functional moieties of these
generated via PISA can undergo a structural transition from nano-
nano-objects make them applicable in wide fields, including drug
assemblies to unimers in the presence of surfactants or block
delivery, catalysis, nano-reactors and emulsification.5-9 To meet
selective solvents for core-forming blocks.53-54 Solvent pH or
these practical requirements, preparation of nano-objects with
temperature can also affect their stability of block copolymer nano-
stable size and morphology becomes necessary.10-20
assemblies.55-57 Obviously, this structural instability of block
Polymerization-induced self-assembly (PISA) as an efficient
copolymer nano-assemblies is detrimental to the morphology-
synthetic method for block copolymer nano-assemblies has
dependent performance and inevitably narrows down the scope of
recently attracted much attention.21,22 Block copolymer nano-
their practical applications. As a feasible method for maintaining
assemblies with different morphologies such as spheres, worms,
block copolymer nano-assemblies, the chemical cross-linking of
fibers, vesicles and rods, could be obtained via PISA either in
block copolymer nano-assemblies has received considerable
emulsion or dispersion condition at relatively high polymer
interest recently.58-60 The formation of covalent linkage by using
concentrations (10-50 wt%).23-25 Several living polymerization
certain chemistry leads to the intertwinement of the block
techniques have been utilized to conduct the PISA process.26-41
copolymer chains in the core or shell of block copolymer nano-
Among these, the reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer
assemblies, thus effectively stabilizing nano-assemblies.
(RAFT) polymerization is definitely the most used method for
Depending on the sequence relationship between cross-linking
synthesis of block copolymer nano-assemblies.42-44 In RAFT
process and PISA process, these cross-linking strategies can be
mediated polymerization-induced self-assembly (RAFT-mediated
classified into the in situ cross-linking approaches and the post-
PISA), amphiphilic block copolymer nano-assemblies can be
polymerization cross-linking approaches.1,61-63 In the in situ cross-
synthesized by using a solvophilic macromolecular chain transfer
linking approaches, chemical compounds with bifunctional vinyl
agent (macro-CTA). Due to the insolubility of the growing second
moieties as cross-linker are directly copolymerized with the
block in dispersed media, self-assembly of block copolymers is
monomers to form stabilized block copolymer nano-assemblies
simultaneously conducted to form block copolymer nano-
under PISA formulation and cross-linkages are expected to evenly
assemblies during the RAFT polymerization, which avoids
distribute in the block copolymer chains.64 Particularly, the employ
of asymmetric cross-linker with different vinyl moieties is expected
a. Key Laboratory of Functional Polymer Materials of the Ministry of Education,
to delay cross-linking process to high monomer conversion and
Institute of Polymer Chemistry, College of Chemistry, Nankai University, Tianjin weaken the hindering effect of cross-linking on the morphological
300071, China. E-mail: transition of nano-assemblies during PISA process.65 In the post-
b. State Key Laboratory of Special Functional Waterproof Materials, Beijing Oriental
polymerization cross-linking approaches, complementary
Yuhong Waterproof Technology Co., Ltd. Beijing 100123, China.
c. Collaborative Innovation Center of Chemical Science and Engineering (Tianjin), multifunctional compounds are added to stabilize block copolymer
Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China. nano-assemblies after completion of morphological transition in

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PISA process.56,66-68 A number of cross-linkers with different together introduced into the polymerization system before theOnline
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chemical structures have been explored in the cross-linking of the polymerization. Under the PISA formulation, the
DOI: 10.1039/D0PY00627K
process, part of which are shown in Fig. 1. Especially, the copolymerization, self-assembly and cross-linking steps are
incorporation of reactive or reversible covalent bonds in the cross- simultaneously carried out after the addition of cross-linkers, thus
linkers can bring with stimulus-responsibilities, and thus the the cross-linked block copolymer nanoparticles could be prepared
prepared block copolymer nano-assemblies can undergo cross- in one-step operation under relatively mild conditions.60
linking or a reverse process under a certain external stimulus, e.g.,
light and redox stimuli, while preserving their structural integrity.63,69 2.1 Using symmetric cross-linkers
Notably, these symmetrical divinyl cross-linkers were also
employed in the “arm-first” synthesis of star block copolymers,70,71 By the in situ cross-linking approaches, the cross-linked
which appears similar in architecture with core cross-linked nanoparticles with low cross-linking density generally possess the

Polymer Chemistry Accepted Manuscript

nanoparticles. However, self-assembly of the pre-synthesized star similar particle size to that obtained without cross-linker, and the
block copolymers in selective solvent is not involved in the typical superior structural stability of the cross-linked nanoparticles was
synthesis of core-cross-linked star (CCS) polymers,72-74 so their exhibited against solvent switching or in biologically relevant
corresponding research progresses will not be discussed here. solutions as reported by An and co-workers.58 These properties of
the cross-linked block copolymer nanoparticles would lay the
Published on 09 June 2020. Downloaded by Uppsala University on 6/16/2020 4:13:45 PM.

Besides, the noncovalent cross-linking proposed by Cai and

coworkers is also proved to be valid in stabilization of block foundation for the potential applications as functional materials. For
copolymer nano-assemblies,75 which is also beyond the present example, Armes and coworkers demonstrated the excellent
discussion. In this review, we aim to highlight the recent progress boundary lubrication performance of the cross-linked block
in the cross-linking approaches of block copolymer nano- copolymer nanoparticles synthesized directly in an industrial
assemblies generated by RAFT-mediated PISA process. We mineral oil, which provided new opportunities for the formulation of
attempt to provide an overview to researchers in this field and to next generation ultralow-viscosity automotive engine oils.77 Poli
stimulate potential applications of the cross-linked block copolymer and coworkers utilized the core-cross-linked micelles as catalytic
nano-assemblies. nanoreactors for biphasic hydroformylation.78 By copolymerization
of styrene and 4-[bis(p-methoxyphenyl)phosphino]styrene
(BMOPPS) through a three-step one-pot RAFT polymerization in
emulsion, cross-linked micelles with a bis(p-methoxyphenyl)
phenylphosphine (BMOPPP) ligand functionalized core were
synthesized. It was demonstrated that the cross-linked micelles
showed an excellent reactivity and moderate catalyst leaching in
the aqueous biphasic hydroformylation of 1-octene.
In addition, by using functional monomers with certain
structures, cross-linked block copolymer nano-assemblies can be
designed to respond to a wide variety of stimuli, such as
temperature, pH and redox stimuli.79,80 This stimulus-
responsibilities make the cross-linked nano-assemblies as
excellent materials with the potential applications in drug delivery,
sensing and catalysis. To date, several research groups have
prepared various stable thermo-responsive block copolymer nano-
assemblies with different constituents, by the combination of in situ
cross-linking strategy and PISA process.64,81-83
As well-known, PNIPAM typically exhibits a volume phase
transition around a lower critical solution temperature (LCST) of 32
°C.81 An et al. synthesized the thermos-responsive block copolymer
nanoparticles of poly(N,N-dimethylacrylamide)-b-poly(N-
isopropylacrylamide) (PDMA-b-PNIPAM) and investigated the
cross-linking effect of MBA on the morphological stability.58 After
cooling to room temperature, the PNIPAM block became soluble.
Therefore, the cross-linked PDMA-b-PNIPAM nanoparticles were
Fig. 1 The chemical structures of typical cross-linkers used for in situ cross-linking in the swollen state below LCST, while the integrity of the
(a) and post-polymerization cross-linking (b).
nanoparticles maintained. In contrast, uncross-linked nanoparticles
synthesized under similar conditions but without MBA
disassembled into unimers. Recently, the doubly thermo-
2 In situ cross-linking approaches
responsive block copolymer nanoparticles with multi-domain were
The in situ cross-linking approaches are plausibly the simplest prepared in water-ethanol mixtures by RAFT mediated dispersion
and most straightforward routes to stabilize block copolymer nano- polymerization by An and co-workers.64 These block copolymer
assemblies prepared via PISA, in which the bifunctional vinyl nanoparticles consisted of a MBA-cross-linked thermo-responsive
compounds of symmetrical or asymmetrical chemical structures, PNIPAM core with a higher thermal transition temperature, a
such as N,N’-methylene bisacrylamide (MBA) and allyl acrylamide hydrophilic PDMA midblock, and a thermo-responsive
(ALAM), are widely used as cross-linker.76 Typically, monomers poly(diethylene glycol ethyl acrylate) (PDEGA) outer block with a
and bifunctional cross-linkers in a certain proportion (1-3 mol%) are lower thermal transition temperature. The unique location of these

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two thermo-responsive blocks with different phase transition View Article Online
temperatures in the PDEGA-b-PDMA-b-P(NIPAM-co-MBA) DOI: 10.1039/D0PY00627K
nanoparticles was expected to facilitate thermo-induced gelation
and provided mechanical enhancement. By a simple inverted vial
test, the thermo-induced solution/gelation transition was visually
determined. As shown in Fig. 2, when temperature increased up to
the thermal transition temperature of the outer thermos-responsive
PDEGA, the hydrophobic association of PDEGA block would lead
to physically cross-link of nanogels and thus thermally induced Fig. 3 The synthesis of UCST-type zwitterionic nanogels and their reversible
gelation, while the hydrophilic PDMA mid-block acted as the swelling and shrinking behavior. Reproduced from ref. 83 with permission from
American Chemical Society, copyright 2017.
interconnected bridge. The gelation ability, sensitivity, and

Polymer Chemistry Accepted Manuscript

mechanical properties could be tuned by changing the
polymerization parameters, such as the block ratios and the cross- Besides the thermo-responsive cross-linked polymeric
linking density. nanoparticles, the use of cross-linkers containing weak covalent
bonds, e.g., disulfide bond, endows the synthesized nanoparticles
redox-responsive profile and unique intracellular degradability.69,84
Published on 09 June 2020. Downloaded by Uppsala University on 6/16/2020 4:13:45 PM.

N,N’-bis(acryloyl)cystamine (BAC) was widely used in this type of

degradable cross-linkers due to the reductively cleavable nature of
disulfide bond.69 By well-established process in the presence of
dimethylphenyl phosphine (DMPP), tris(n-butyl phosphine) or 1,4-
dithiothreitol (DTT), the BAC cross-linked core could be cleaved at
ambient temperature. The typical GPC curves after degradation
showed that the original distribution of cross-linked nanoparticles
disappeared and a new distribution appeared at high retention time
corresponding to the population of arm polymers.69 In 2018, Zhao
and co-workers systemically investigated the bioreducible cross-
linked nanoparticles with BAC as a cross-linker.69 By using poly(2-
dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate) (PDMAEMA) as the core block,
several core-shell block copolymer nanoparticles were prepared
with different hydrophilic arm blocks such as poly(poly(ethylene
Fig. 2 (a) Schematic representation of thermally induced gelation, (b) sol-gel glycol) methyl ether methacrylate) (PPEGMA), PDMA and
transition diagram, and (c) the appearance of colloidal solution of PDEGA-PDMA- PDMAEMA, respectively, via dispersion RAFT polymerization. Due
P(NIPAM-co-MBA) nanoparticles. Reproduced from ref. 64 with permission from to the thiol-disulfide exchange reaction with small redox molecules,
American Chemical Society, copyright 2016.
e.g., DTT and glutathione, the reductively cleavable disulfide bond
of BAC as a cross-linkage could be reduced upon exposure in a
Qiao and co-workers utilized difunctional MBA as cross-linker
reductive environment, and thus the cross-linked nanoparticles
and poly(poly (ethylene glycol) methyl ether methacrylate)
were fully degradable. This study provided a facile method to
(PPEGA) as macro-CTA to synthesize LCST-type thermosensitive
prepare reduction-degradable nanoparticles which inhibited
PPEGA-b-P(NIPAM-co-MBA) block copolymer nanogels, based on
potential application for redox-triggered drug release rapidly in
the first sono-chemically induced RAFT polymerization by the PISA
response to the intracellular reductive environment.
process (Sono-RAFT-PISA).82 Because of the reversible collapse
of the cross-linked core block upon heating, these PPEGA-b-
P(NIPAM-co-MBA) nanogels exhibited reproducible successive
shrink/swell behavior. At 45 oC the decreased hydrodynamic size
and the opalescence of the nanogels were observed. After cooling
to 25 oC, the nanogels regained the original size.
Zhao and coworkers reported the use of in-situ cross-linking
strategy for synthesis of upper critical solution temperature (UCST)-
type zwitterionic block copolymer nanogels by RAFT-mediated
PISA process in water-organic mixture.83 These hairy nanogels
were composed of a poly(poly(ethylene glycol) methyl ether
methacrylate)) (PPEGMMA) corona and a thermo-responsive
propanesulfonate)) (PDMAPS) core cross-linked by N,N’-
methylenebis-(acrylamide) (MBAA). Under heating/cooling cycles, Fig. 4 The synthetic route of cross-linked PNIPAM-b-PS nanoparticles. Reproduced
the electrostatic interaction of PDMAPS blocks caused these from ref. 60 with permission from The Royal Society of Chemistry, copyright 2020.
nanogels to exhibit reversible swelling and shrinking (Fig. 3). The
authors demonstrated that the amount of cross-linker MBAA had However, the simultaneous addition of cross-linkers and
an important influence on their thermo-responsive behavior. monomers into the PISA system usually disrupts the polymerization
through gelation and impedes morphology evolution, and almost
only spherical nanoparticles can be obtained. To keep a good

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control on the cross-linking/PISA process, the amount of cross- View Article Online
linkers are limited (< 1%), and thus the stability of the resulting DOI: 10.1039/D0PY00627K
cross-linked block copolymer nanoparticles is not ideal. To solve
this problem, Armes and coworkers delayed the addition of
symmetric ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EGDMA) after the PISA
process, and successfully synthesized the cross-linked block
copolymer vesicles with a higher cross-linking density.59 Using a
similar synthetic protocol, Howdle and coworkers reported the
preparation of highly cross-linked poly(methyl methacrylate)-b-
poly(4-vinyl pyridine) (PMMA-b-P4VP) particles via dispersion
RAFT polymerization in supercritical CO2.62 Through the delayed

Polymer Chemistry Accepted Manuscript

addition of the cross-linker divinylbenzene (DVB) and a portion of
the core-forming monomer 4-vinyl pyridine (4VP), the precursor
PMMA-b-P4VP particles were crosslinked, and up to 8 wt% of DVB
(relative to the total 4VP) could be added. Recently, Zhang and
Published on 09 June 2020. Downloaded by Uppsala University on 6/16/2020 4:13:45 PM.

coworkers reported the efficient preparation of cross-linked poly(N-

isopropylacrylamide)-b-polystyrene (PNIPAM-b-PS) nanoparticles
by delaying the addition of the cross-linker DVB as shown in Fig. Fig. 5 DLS size distributions for linear PDMA-b-PDAAM vesicles (A) and cross-linked
vesicles (C) in water, DMF, and redispersion from DMF to water via dialysis. TEM
4.60 After the chain extension of PNIPAM macro-CTA by the second micrographs for linear vesicles (B) and cross-linked vesicles (D) after redispersion
monomer styrene, linear diblock copolymer PNIPAM-b-PS were from DMF to water. Reproduced from ref. 65 with permission from American
synthesized in the absence of DVB, and aggregated to form a Chemical Society, copyright 2016.
spherical morphology under the PISA formulation in 80/20
ethanol/water mixture. The following addition of DVB with the In 2016, An and co-workers reported the successful synthesis
remaining styrene resulted in the efficient cross-linking of the of colloidally stable block copolymer vesicles by using the in situ
obtained PNIPAM-b-PS nanoparticles. The solution properties, cross-linking approach.65 The aqueous dispersion polymerization of
thermo-responsibility and interfacial properties of cross-linked diacetone acrylamide (DAAM) could process smoothly with 2-5
PNIPAM-b-PS nanoparticles were found to be significantly different mol% ALAM utilizing PDMA macro-CTA. By varying the targeting
from those of linear counterpart. The DLS analysis demonstrated chain length of the poly(diacetone acrylamide) (PDAAM) block, the
that the cross-linked PNIPAM-b-PS nanoparticles exhibited a solid content and the amount of ALAM, a series of cross-linked
stable particle size in both common solvents and block-selective poly(N,N-dimethylacrylamide)-block-poly(diacetone acrylamide-
solvents. The cross-linked block copolymer nanoparticles exhibited co-allylacrylamide) (PDMA-b-PDAAM) vesicles were obtained (Fig.
a high efficiency in interfacial tension reduction, which promoted 5). Compared to the linear vesicles, the cross-linked vesicles
their application as a promising material in various fields. Beside of displayed excellent performance of resisting DMF dissolution and
dispersion RAFT polymerization, RAFT-mediated emulsion could maintain their colloidal stability when the solvent switching
polymerization is also utilized to prepare crosslinked block from DMF to water. The cross-linked PDMA-b-PDAAM vesicles
copolymer nano-assemblies with higher-order morphologies, e.g., could swell in DMF, therefore the particle diameter became bigger.
vesicles, in the presence of high content of cross-linker EGDMA.85 After redispersion from DMF to water, vesicles almost restored the
original size and the vesicular morphology was kept. Then the
2.2 Using asymmetric cross-linkers same authors used the in situ cross-linked vesicles as a robust
platform to construct triblock copolymer nano-assemblies with
Unlike the symmetric cross-linker MBA, ALAM is a typical
charged or neutral surface.61 Because the precursor vesicles of
asymmetric cross-linker with a pair of C=C double bonds showing
PDMA-b-PDAAM were already cross-linked and the vesicular
different reactivities.65 The cross-linking process could be delayed
morphology was fixed, the growing of the third hydrophilic block of
to the late stage of polymerization in PISA by using ALAM.65 The
either neutral PDMA, anionic poly(2-acrylamido-2-methyl-1-
acrylamide C=C double bond of ALAM has a similar polymerization
propanesulfonic acid sodium salt) or cationic poly(3-
reactivity to that of the general acrylamide monomer, so ALAM
acrylamidopropyl trimethylammonium chloride) would not induce
could be more uniformly distributed in the polymer chain. After the
morphological transition of vesicles. Therefore, this versatile
completion of the morphology transition, the less reactive vinyl C=C
method can be used to introduce a third hydrophilic block with
double-bond of ALAM would mainly participate in radical reactions
various compositions and an arbitrary length from the vesicle
leading to cross-linking of the nano-assemblies. Due to the two-
surface, thus providing a robust synthetic technique to triblock
stage of the ALAM-involved cross-linking process, the cross-linked
copolymer vesicles with diverse surface chemistry and enhanced
nano-assemblies possess controlled morphologies which are
structural stability.
similar to those synthesized without cross-linkers.65 Compared with
The application of symmetric bisfunctional cross-linkers to
a symmetric cross-linker, a higher amount of asymmetric cross-
achieve higher-order block copolymer morphologies, e.g., worms,
linker ALAM can be introduced into the in situ cross-linking system,
lamellae and vesicles, potentially faces great challenges, due to the
which consequently leads to a higher cross-linking density in the
hindering effect of the in situ cross-linking process on
final block copolymer nano-assemblies. For the polymerization of
morphological transition.87 However, the use of asymmetric cross-
acrylate monomers, diverse asymmetric cross-linkers such as vinyl
linkers was expected to alleviate this problem. An and coworkers
methacrylate (VMA), allyl methacrylate (AMA), and 4-
utilized the asymmetric cross-linker ALAM to synthesize the cross-
allyloxybenzyl methacrylate (ABMA) could be examined.86
linked block copolymer lamellae via PISA.87 Using PDMA as macro-
CTA, thermo-responsive PDMA-b-PDAAM lamellae were prepared

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under RAFT aqueous dispersion condition. The morphology phase hydrodynamic diameter of block copolymer vesicles View Articlecould
diagram showed that the lamellae existed over an unprecedented alternately increase and decrease. The excellent reversibility of
DOI: 10.1039/D0PY00627K
wide phase space. After cooling of the PDMA-b-PDAAM these vesicles demonstrated their potential as smart nano-
dispersions, reversible temperature-induced morphological capsules for the CO2-responsive release of cargoes.
transitions from lamellae to worms/spheres were observed as
confirmed by rheology experiments, and the kinetics of 3 Post-polymerization cross-linking approaches
morphological transitions was found to be determined by cross-
linking density. An and co-workers synthesized the cross-linked Because a small perturbation in the block copolymer
block copolymer worms by using in situ cross-linking strategy.86 To composition may lead to the mixed morphologies, the cross-linking
investigating the structure effect of cross-linkers on synthesis of process of high-order block copolymer nano-assemblies is
cross-linked worms, they explored three different asymmetric somewhat problematic, and in most cases only spherical micelles

Polymer Chemistry Accepted Manuscript

cross-linkers, including VMA, AMA and ABMA, in the synthesis of could be obtained by the in situ cross-linking approach.58,83
poly[2-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate)-block-poly(benzyl Therefore, preparation of cross-linked block copolymer nano-
methacrylate)] (PDMAEMA-b-PBnMA) block copolymer nano- assemblies with higher order morphologies and uniform particle
assemblies. In this research, due to the structural similarity size distribution under PISA formulation has remained a challenge.
The post-polymerization cross-linking is a reliable stabilization
Published on 09 June 2020. Downloaded by Uppsala University on 6/16/2020 4:13:45 PM.

between ABMA cross-linker and benzyl methacrylate (BnMA)

monomer, the cross-linking with ABMA was proved to be most approach to solve this problem.63,89 By this post-polymerization
robust as confirmed by DMF resistance, and the cross-linked cross-linking approach, monomers containing reactive
worms had a similar particle size to those obtained without cross- functionalities were polymerized to form nanoparticles with
linker. In contrast, the cross-linked worms suffered morphology particular morphology, and then cross-linkers were added to induce
degradation in a good solution for both blocks. Recently, Tan and the cross-linking of the obtained nanoparticles. Up to now, much
co-workers applied the cross-linking strategy to synthesis of patchy effort has been made to achieve cross-linking of block copolymer
cylindrical micelles.88 Cylindrical poly(poly(ethylene glycol) methyl nano-assemblies, especially those involving stimulus-responsive
ether methacrylate)-b-poly(N-(2-hydroxypropyl) methacrylamide) bonds.90,91 For example, the thermo-induced Diels-Alder reaction
(PPEGMA-PHPMA) micelles cross-linked with ALAM were initially between bismaleimide cross-linker and the furfuryl units of the
synthesized and then used as seeds for the seeded photo-PISA of hydrophobic block was employed by Schacher and coworkers to
glycidyl methacrylate (GlyMA). Due to the immiscibility within the form cross-linked diblock copolymer micelles.92 Zhang and
core-forming blocks of and PGlyMA and PHPMA, nanoscale phase coworkers exploited the isocyanate-amine chemistry of
separation took place and formation of a patchy structure with a hydrolysable hindered urea to synthesize a new type of cross-
uniform cross-link density was observed. linked and pH-responsive block copolymer vesicles in the presence
of water.93 Besides, the chemical reactions of amino-containing
compounds have attracted the continuous and widespread
attention in the post-polymerization cross-linking because of
abundant reactions and high reaction rate.63 Recently, photo-
chemistry has emerged as a powerful tool to realize cross-linking
PISA-formed nanoparticles under mild conditions.90,91 Compared
with other cross-linking strategies, photo-cross-linking have some
outstanding features, e.g., the real-time and the extent of cross-
linking could be readily achieved by photo-regulation, and no extra-
additives is required.94 Several photo-induced reactions, such as
UV-induced disulfide exchange90 and [2 + 2] cycloaddition,90,95,96
have been applied to stabilize block copolymer nano-assemblies.

Fig. 6 Schematic illustration of enzyme-assisted photo-PISA for preparing cross- 3.1 Condensation, esterification or alkylation
linked CO2-responsive vesicles. Reproduced from ref. 80 with permission from The
Royal Society of Chemistry, copyright 2019.
involving the amino groups
The outstanding nucleophilicity of amine compounds to
In addition to achieving stable high-order morphologies, in situ electrophilic reagents, e.g., acetone, aldehyde and carboxylic acid,
cross-linking strategy employing asymmetric cross-linker was also leads to rapid chemical reaction with a high yield under mild
used to reduce the impact of external stimuli on particle structure of condition.97 The amino-involved reactions are usually abundant,
block copolymer nano-assemblies.80 For example, Tan and co- such as alkylation with halo-alkanes,98 dehydration condensation
workers added an asymmetric cross-linker of allyl methacrylate with aldehyde or ketone83, and transesterification with ester99.
(AMA) to the photo-PISA of HPMA and DMAEMA for preparing Therefore, benefiting from the highly efficient chemical reaction,
reusable CO2-responsive vesicles by using poly(glycerol diamines have come into wide use in the covalent cross-linking of
monomethacrylate) (PGMA) as the macro-CTA (Fig. 6).80 Because polymer nanoparticles.
of the neutralization between CO2 and tertiary amine groups of An and coworkers applied the condensation reaction between
PDMAEMA, the hydrophilicity of the core-forming P(HPMA-co- β-ketoester and alkoxylamine to decorating and cross-linking block
DMAEMA-co-AMA) block in the PGMA-b-P(HPMA-co-DMAEMA- copolymer nanoparticles.67 Using PPEGMMA macro-CTA, the
co-AMA) block copolymer could be regulated by treating with CO2, multi-functional monomer 2-(acetoacetoxy)ethyl methacrylate
which then resulted in volume expansion of the cross-linked block (AEMA) was polymerized in ethanol to afford PPEGMMA-b-
copolymer vesicles. By alternating treatment with CO2 and N2, the PAEMA block copolymer nano-assemblies via PISA. By tuning the

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solids, nanospheres and vesicles bearing reactive β-ketoester View Article Online
groups in the core PAEMA block were produced. Subsequently, DOI: 10.1039/D0PY00627K
these nanospheres and vesicles were cross-linked employing O,O′-
1,3-propanediylbisoxylamine (PBOA) which reacted with β-
ketoester groups to form oxime. These cross-linked block
copolymer nano-assemblies maintained their original morphologies
in DMF as a good solvent, while the particle size distribution was
slight broader as confirmed by the TEM and DLS analysis. Armes
and coworkers exploited the ketone moiety in the PDAAM block for
cross-linking of poly(N,N-dimethylacrylamide)-block-
poly(diacetone acrylamide) (PDMAC-b-PDAAM) block copolymer

Polymer Chemistry Accepted Manuscript

nanoparticles (Fig. 7).89 The PISA processes was conducted at pH
2.5 to form well-defined PDMAC-b-PDAAM nanospheres,
anisotropic worms or polydisperse vesicles. To achieve the
covalent stabilization of these nano-assemblies, water-soluble
Published on 09 June 2020. Downloaded by Uppsala University on 6/16/2020 4:13:45 PM.

adipic acid dihydrazide (ADH) was then added to the aqueous

Fig. 8 Synthesis of AIE-featured and cross-linked stable PHPMA-b-PFHMA block
dispersion of PDMAC-b-PDAAM nano-assemblies. The hydrazide copolymer nanoparticles. Reproduced from ref. 100 with permission from The
groups of ADH underwent nucleophilic substitution with the Royal Society of Chemistry, copyright 2016.
pendent ketone to form hydrazone linkages, resulting in the post-
polymerization cross-linking of these block copolymer nano- Sumerlin and coworkers demonstrated the successful
assemblies. By varying the ADH concentration, the extent of cross- application of amidation between acid and diamine to achieve the
linking could be specifically regulated. Under exposure to the good cross-linked block copolymer nanoparticles via PISA.66 Their
solvent of methanol, the morphologies of the cross-linked PDMAC- research was focused on the polymerization induced thermal self-
b-PDAAM nano-assemblies remained intact, while a substantial assembly (PITSA) of LCST-type thermo-responsive polymers,
swelling was observed for the slightly cross-linked vesicles. such as PNIPAM. After the chain extension above LCST, block
copolymer nanoparticles with certain morphologies are formed in
dispersion polymerization. However, the uncross-linked
nanoparticles were susceptible to dissociation in water at ambient
temperatures. To facilitate the characterization of the block
copolymer nanoparticles, Sumerlin and coworkers added a small
fraction of acrylic acid (AA) to copolymerize with DMA.
Subsequently, the pendant acid groups of AA units in the
nanoparticles were cross-linked by addition of ethylenediamine in
the presence of carbodiimide.
O’Reilly and coworkers utilized a disulfide-containing
cystamine as cross-linker to synthesize redox-responsive block
Fig. 7 The preparation of cross-linked PDMAC-b-PDAAM nanoparticles via PISA. copolymer nanoparticles which could undergo glutathione triggered
Reproduced from ref. 89 with permission from American Chemical Society, disassembly.101 Using poly(ethyleneglycol) macro-CTA, photo-
copyright 2017.
induced RAFT polymerization of an activated ester monomer of
pentafluorophenyl methacrylate (PFMA) were carried out in
Lu and coworkers synthesized the salicylaldehyde
anhydrous DMSO, resulting in formation of block copolymer
functionalized block copolymer nano-assemblies by RAFT
nanoparticles via PISA. Subsequently, O’Reilly and coworkers
dispersion polymerization under PISA formulation.100 As shown in
used the amide-forming reaction between cystamine and the
Fig. 8, by tuning the degree of polymerization of the core-forming
activated ester to cross-link these block copolymer nanoparticles.
block of poly(3-formyl-4-hydroxybenzyl methacrylate) (PFHMA),
The FT-IR spectroscopic analysis indicated the cross-linking
various morphologies could be accessed using the PHPMA macro-
efficiency of cystamine reached 88%. To assess the glutathione-
CTA as the stabilizing block. Based on the condensation reaction
responsiveness of the nanoparticles, the cross-linked nanoparticles
between the aldehyde groups in PFHMA and hydrazine, stabilized
were treated with PBS buffer of glutathione and then disassembled
PISA-formed block copolymer nano-assemblies were obtained via
into their constituent polymers.
post-polymerization cross-linking. Moreover, the newly formed
In addition to condensation reaction and amidation reaction,
salicylaldazines moieties also endowed the nano-assemblies with
epoxy-opening reaction and quaternization reaction have also been
a strong luminescent feature even in the solid state. Pan and
applied to the cross-linking of PISA-formed block copolymer
coworkers conducted the cross-linking of benzaldehyde-containing
nanoparticles.102,103 Tan and coworkers prepared the epoxy-
block copolymer nanoparticles by using 1,4-butanediamine (BDA)
functionalized block copolymer nanoparticles using GlyMA as the
to form imine bonds at room temperature.63 Due to the acidic
core-forming monomer under a photo-PISA formulation at room
hydrolysis of the imine linkages, the cross-linked block copolymer
temperature.102 These block copolymer nanoparticles were then
nanoparticles exhibited pH responsibility. In weakly acidic solutions
treated with a bifunctional primary amine reagent ethylenediamine
the cross-linked nanoparticles could dissociate, but were stable at
(EDA) in ethanol/water mixture to achieve further cross-linking. To
pH-neutral condition.
demonstrate the cross-linking efficiencies, the nanoparticles after
the reaction with EDA were dispersed in a good solvent THF, and
TEM confirmed the maintained morphologies of worms and

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vesicles. Recently, Armes and coworkers evaluated 1,2-bis(2- performed on the hydrolysis and condensation process ofOnline
View Article the
iodoethoxy)ethane (BIEE) as cross-linker to stabilize alkoxysilane moieties in the PMPS block. DOI:With regard to the
poly(dimethylsiloxane)-b-poly(2-(dimethylamino)ethyl catalyst type and concentration, the relatively high efficiency of
methacrylate) (PDMS-b-PDMA) block copolymer nano- cross-linking was achieved by using moderate water-soluble
assemblies.103 This bifunctional cross-linker could quaternize the triethylamine (TEA) as catalyst. The catalytic hydrolysis and
tertiary amine moieties in the core-forming block of PDMA via subsequent condensation of the alkoxysilane groups in the middle
Menshutkin reaction at ambient temperature. However, the PMPS block led to the controlled growth of silica domains, and
sufficient cross-linking of block copolymer nano-assemblies ultimately created capsules and nanoparticles with a cross-linked
required a relatively long time, which may restrict the practical interface.
3.3 UV-induced disulfide exchange
3.2 Hydrolysis-condensation of siloxane

Polymer Chemistry Accepted Manuscript

As reported previously,101 disulfide bonds in the degradable
Alkoxysilanes can undergo irreversible hydrolysis and BAC-cross-linked block copolymer nanoparticles could undergo
condensation in the aqueous phase to form dense cross-linked reversible cleavage via thiol-disulfide exchange. Furthermore,
network,104 therefore they are always used as the valuable disulfides can also participate in the UV-induced exchange by
Published on 09 June 2020. Downloaded by Uppsala University on 6/16/2020 4:13:45 PM.

industrial materials in adhesive, sealant and cable industries. The disulfide homolysis and recombination.107,108 Recently, Cai and
hydrolysis and condensation are dependent on the chemical coworkers utilized this to the photo-cross-linking of stabilized
structure of alkoxysilanes, the reaction temperature and the polyion complex (PIC) vesicles obtained by visible light-initiated
solution pH.105 In addition, alkoxysilanes with multi-functionalities polymerization-induced electrostatic self-assembly (PIESA).90 The
recently served as cross-linkers for the preparation of the cross- trithiocarbonate (TTC) radicals under UV-light irradiation could
linked block copolymer nano-assemblies via PISA.104,106 Since the decompose to thiyl radicals which could then trigger the disulfide
functional alkoxysilane bonds could connect more than two exchange. As shown in Fig. 10, UV-light irradiation promoted the
polymer chains at the same time, the introduction of alkoxysilanes exchange of locally confined/enriched disulfide groups in the PIC
into the polymer chains results in the high-density cross-linked vesicles. With UV irradiation time prolonging, continuous thiol-
polymer network, which provides the enhanced stability against the disulfide exchange caused crosslinking of the polymer backbones.
solvents. The cross-linked PIC spheres, micrometer-sized lamellae and
vesicles could be successively achieved in 4 min and exhibited the
outstanding shape/size stability against the solvent exchange by
adding ethanol into aqueous dispersion and subsequent dialysis.

Fig. 9 Reaction scheme illustrating worm core cross-linking chemistry. Reproduced

from ref. 104 with permission from American Chemical Society, copyright 2016.

Armes and coworkers described the synthesis of cross-linked

copolymer worms via RAFT aqueous dispersion polymerization,
based on the hydrolysis-condensation of the siloxane moieties
within the core-forming block.104 A series of poly(glycerol
monomethacrylate)-poly(2-hydroxypropyl methacrylate-stat- Fig. 10 Schematic illustration of the synthesis and photo-cross-linking of disulfide-
containing PIC vesicles. Reproduced from ref. 90 with permission from American
glycidyl methacrylate) (PGMA-P(HPMA-stat-GlyMA)) block
Chemical Society, copyright 2019.
copolymer nano-assemblies were prepared by PISA. Subsequently,
3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES) was utilized to modify the
glycidyl-functional core of PGMA-P(HPMA-stat-GlyMA). As shown 3.4 UV-light induced [2 + 2] cycloaddition
in Fig. 9, the pendent epoxide groups within the core-forming block
were ring-opened via nucleophilic attack by the primary amine Under UV-light irradiation, some chromophore moieties, e.g.,
group in APTES, and then the hydrolysis-condensation between anthracene, coumarin, cinnamate, thymine, and stilbene, can
the newly-formed siloxane moieties and the hydroxyl groups in the dimerize by [2 + 2] cycloaddition,109,110 thus they are utilized in some
PHPMA segment induced the intermolecular cross-linking of block photo-responsive applications such as self-healing materials. The
copolymer worms. The 1H NMR analysis indicated epoxy ring- incorporation of these moieties into polymers allows the fabrication
opening and the cross-linking almost occurring simultaneity. of photo-cross-linked polymer nanoparticles. Recently, several
Using reactive alkoxysilane moieties in the middle block, research groups have applied the reversible dimerization to the
Thickett and coworkers synthesized interfacially cross-linked synthesis of photo-cross-linkable block copolymer nanoparticles
triblock copolymer nanoparticles via RAFT-mediated PISA.106 The via PISA.91
triblock copolymers were featured with an ABC-type composition, In 2017, Pan and coworkers demonstrated the 365 nm UV-
consisting of a hydrophilic poly(ethylene glycol) ethyl ether light triggered [2+2] cycloaddition of the coumarin moieties for the
methacrylate (PEGMA) block, a short poly(3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl membrane cross-linking of block copolymer vesicles (Fig. 11).91
methacrylate) (PMPS) block and a hydrophobic poly(benzyl Using PHPMA as macro-CTA, two functional monomers of 2-
methacrylate) (BzMA) block. A series of optimizations were (diisopropylamino)ethyl methacrylate (DIPEMA) and 7-(2-
methacryloyloxy-ethoxy)-4-methylcoumarin (CMA) were

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copolymerized via RAFT dispersion formulation, while the Moreover, by using the cross-linkers containing reactive moieties,
View Article Online
coumarin moieties were anchored in the membrane. Under UV- such as cinnamate or disulfide, block copolymer nano-assemblies
DOI: 10.1039/D0PY00627K
light irradiation, dimerization of the coumarin groups led to cross- can undergo cross-linking or its reverse process under a certain
linking vesicular membrane. The extent of membrane cross-linking external stimulus such as light and redox stimuli while preserving
can be conveniently regulated by changing UV-light irradiation time. the structural integrity. Although considerable progresses have
Upon switching pH values, the cross-linked vesicles underwent been made, researchers still face with some significant problems
through a swelling/shrinking change and maintained the vesicular and the further efforts are required to promote the practical
morphology, which indicated the superior structural stability of the applications of the cross-linked block copolymer nano-assemblies.
cross-linked vesicles. The appropriate amount of cross-linkers usually needs to be
determined through tedious comparison experiment. With
excessive cross-linkers, unwanted cross-linking between the

Polymer Chemistry Accepted Manuscript

copolymer nano-assemblies can occur sometimes at a high solid
and thus cause gelation. In contrast, with a low concentration of
cross-linkers, the cross-linking will be inefficient, inevitably
remaining a lot of uncross-linked linear polymers. In addition, it is
Published on 09 June 2020. Downloaded by Uppsala University on 6/16/2020 4:13:45 PM.

still a great challenge to achieve a high cross-lining density of block

copolymer nano-assemblies without an obvious impact on their
morphology transition by in situ cross-linking approaches. The high
cross-linking density will be necessary to improve the anti-swelling
properties of block copolymer nano-assemblies to external stimulus
or in good solvents, which are important to guarantee intended
performance in some applications. For example, as the drug
Fig. 11 Fabrication of vesicles with pH-regulated permeability by polymerization- carriers, block copolymer nano-assemblies with a low cross-linking
induced self-assembly and reorganization (PISR) and UV light irradiation induced
membrane crosslinking of the vesicles. Reproduced from ref. 91 with permission density would possibly become swollen and porous in the blood,
from American Chemical Society, copyright 2017. resulting in the premature release of the loaded medicine before
reaching the target. In post-polymerization cross-linking
In the same year, Lu and coworkers reported the synthesis of approaches, the delayed introduction of cross-linkers may induce a
homogeneously photo-crosslinked block copolymer nanoparticles heterogeneous distribution of cross-linkage in the obtained nano-
using [2 + 2] cycloaddition chemistry.95 By using poly(2- assemblies, which will reduce their morphological stability.
hydroxypropyl methacrylate) (PHPMA) as macro-CTA, they Therefore, the mild and efficient reactions for cross-linking of block
conducted RAFT dispersion polymerization of 2-((3-(4- copolymer nano-assemblies are still highly desirable. Smart cross-
(diethylamino)phenyl) acryloyl)oxy)ethyl methacrylate (DEMA) at a linkers with reversible chemical bonds can be designed to stabilize
high solid concentration. By varying the chain length of the PDEMA block copolymer nano-assemblies under certain external stimulus,
core-forming block, various block copolymer nano-assemblies, i.e., which potentially provides the possibility of cross-linked nano-
spheres, worms and vesicles, were obtained. Under UV-light assemblies as degradable nano-materials.
irradiation, the cinnamate moieties within the core of the nano-
assemblies could easily dimerize through [2 + 2] cycloaddition, thus Conflicts of interest
the as-prepared block copolymer nano-assemblies were stabilized
by photo-crosslinking. Lu and coworkers also inhibited the potential
There are no conflicts to declare.
application of the multifunctional nanoparticles generated via PISA
as templates for in situ formation of Au/polymer hybrids. Boyer and Acknowledgements
coworkers utilized the 7-[4-(trifluoromethyl)coumarin]
The financial support by the National Science Foundation of
methacrylamide (TCMAm) as a co-monomer to realize the photo-
China (No. 21525419 and 21931003) and the Ministry of Science
cross-linking of block copolymer nanoparticles generated via
and Technology of the People's Republic of China
photoinduced PISA.96 Due to the wavelength orthogonality of the
(2016YFA0202503) is gratefully acknowledged.
red-light-induced RAFT polymerization and UV-induced [2 + 2]
coumarin cycloaddition, the PISA and cross-linking process could
be successively conducted in a one-pot approach, allowing for Notes and references
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The Table of Contents Entry DOI: 10.1039/D0PY00627K

The Cross-linking Approaches for Block Copolymer Nano-assemblies via RAFT-mediated

Polymerization-induced Self-assembly

Shenzhen Li, Guang Han and Wangqing Zhang*

Polymer Chemistry Accepted Manuscript

Published on 09 June 2020. Downloaded by Uppsala University on 6/16/2020 4:13:45 PM.

This minireview summarizes the current cross-linking approaches to stabilize block copolymer
nano-assemblies obtained via RAFT-mediated PISA process.

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