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Workshop on software development methodologies


Yimy Fernando Pérez Medina


Ricardo Alfonso González Vargas


Tourism and Commerce Center

SENA Regional Quindío
Technologist Software Development and Analysis
File 2675861

Software development methodologies are a set of techniques and organizational

methods that are applied to design computer software solutions. The objective of
the different methodologies is to try to organize work teams so that they develop
the functions of a program in the best possible way.
Software Development Methodologies

It is that tool that allows me to find the best way to organize a project and thus
achieve the proposed objectives.
Working with a software development methodology allows us to reduce the level of
difficulty, organize tasks, streamline the process and improve the final result of the
applications to be developed.

Fundamental Characteristics of an Agile Framework and Framework


• Agile software development methodologies

Without a doubt one of its fundamental characteristics is its high flexibility and
agility. Work teams that use them are much more productive and efficient, since
they know what they have to do at all times. In addition, the methodology allows the
software to be adapted to the needs that arise along the way, which makes it easier
to build more functional applications.

• Traditional software development methodologies

Among its characteristics we have that traditional methodologies are linear, that is,
the stages follow one after another and the next cannot be started without finishing
the previous one. You also cannot go back once you have changed stages.
Traditional software development methodologies are characterized by fully and
rigidly defining requirements at the beginning of software engineering projects.
Development cycles are not very flexible and do not allow changes to be made,
unlike agile methodologies; which has led to the increase in the use of the latter.
Software Development Methodologies

Waterfall Kanban
Prototyping Scrum
Spiral Lean
Incremental Extreme Programming (XP)
Rapid Application Design (RAD) Crystal




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