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Article 3: Bioluminescent Bays of Puerto Rico

Introduction Puerto Rico is home to some of the world's most stunning bioluminescent bays,
where the water glows with a magical blue-green light. This natural phenomenon is caused by
microscopic organisms called dinoflagellates.

How It Works When disturbed, these tiny organisms emit light through a chemical reaction. The
effect is most pronounced at night, creating a breathtaking display of glowing water. The bays of
Mosquito Bay, Laguna Grande, and La Parguera are famous for this spectacle.

Ecological Importance Bioluminescent bays are not only beautiful but also vital ecosystems.
The health of these waters depends on delicate environmental conditions, including minimal
light pollution and clean water, making them sensitive indicators of ecological balance.

Tourism and Conservation While these bays attract tourists worldwide, conservation efforts are
crucial to preserve their unique beauty. Local initiatives focus on protecting the bays from
pollution and overuse, ensuring that this natural wonder remains for future generations.

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