Pre Cleanse Guide 2024

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Alkaline Cleanse Workshop


Congratulations once again! You’ve registered for the Alkaline Cleanse Workshop,
which is SO exciting.

In this workshop I will be teaching you what the Alkaline Cleanse is, and how to get

IMPORTANT: we will not actually be doing the Cleanse during the workshop – this
is a teaching series where you learn HOW. The DOING the Cleanse is after!

But when you DO the Cleanse – oh my!

My alkaline cleanse (The Alkaline Reset Cleanse) will make a huge difference to
your health and energy in just seven days.

It is a nourishing, plant-based, enjoyable, evidence-based, whole-body cleanse,

using real foods, delicious recipes and it’s so much fun!

This isn’t your typical ‘cleanse’ or ‘detox’ where you’re starving yourself and focus-
ing on all the stuff you have to give up or ‘purge’…

This cleanse focuses on nourishment, flooding your body with goodness, to give
your body all the tools it needs to rebuild, regenerate and thrive.

You never go hungry (if you’re hungry you’re doing it wrong!), and the recipes are

And the impact?

You’ll see some case studies from my students in my Alkaline Reset Cleanse Coach-
ing Program throughout this guide, but many of my students have reported results
• Significant weight lost, and kept off (23lb in 21 days…100+lbs in 9 months)
• Relief from pain
• Digestive healing
• Reversal of autoimmune conditions
• No more reflux
• Stronger immunity
• Liver conditions reversing
• Type 2 diabetes disappearing
• Osteoporosis reversing
• Arthritis disappearing
• Chronic fatigue disappearing

Of course, no result can ever be guaranteed, and it’s important to say – these re-
sults were not all achieved in just the seven days…that’s not possible (although
many, like reflux, digestive pain, fatigue etc. can disappear in seven days of the

Because the Alkaline Reset Cleanse isn’t just about those seven days of doing the
Cleanse. It’s all about what you do the seven days BEFORE the Cleanse, and what
you do AFTER too…

And these are all the things we’ll be covering in the Workshop.

So real quick, let’s get into how the Workshop is going to work and what you can
here’s how the workshop works:
The Alkaline Cleanse Workshop is a free online series teaching you HOW to do
the Alkaline Cleanse.

Over the course of the workshop there will be 3 episodes to tune in to. They
are all available on-demand until 1st May, and will be available on:

• Lesson One: 21st April

• Lesson Two: 23rd April
• Lesson Three: 25th April

Each episode includes a downloadable worksheet to help you put the lesson into
practice, and make it happen (because that’s what it’s all about!).

REMEMBER: the episodes are all available ON-DEMAND for you to watch when
the time works for you, up until Midnight on 1st May.

And again, we are not doing a Cleanse over these dates – this is a teaching expe-
rience to show you how, so you can plan in your Cleanse for when it will work for
you in your life.

Samantha Smallwood
“I am SHOCKED...and in a GOOD WAY! After
just two weeks of following Ross’ Alkaline Reset
Cleanse the arthritic pain in my right foot, and the
inflammation and pain in my left knee are GONE

Blown away and grateful for Ross!”

What is the Alkaline Diet?
The alkaline diet is an approach to health that focuses the majority of your
foods and drinks on those that will have an alkaline-forming effect on your body,
while limiting those that will have an acid-forming effect on the body (note the
word-forming, important and we’ll get onto why in a minute).

It is as simple as that – eat mostly alkaline-forming foods, don’t eat too many ac-
id-forming foods. Don’t get bogged down in the detail, don’t strive too much for
perfection, go easy on yourself, and take it one step, and one day at a time – it’s
actually less of a diet and more of a lifestyle, the Alkaline Lifestyle if you will.

Why an Alkaline Lifestyle?

To keep this simple and not too science-y (references are all below if you want to
explore the science too): the body HAS to maintain the pH of the blood and other
extracellular fluids at a slightly alkaline pH of 7.365. Nobody disagrees with this, it’s
an accepted truth in the scientific community.

However, the damage caused by the body doing this is where there are some mis-
understandings and disagreements…

You see, your body will do whatever it takes to maintain this balance.

If your blood pH drops below this level your kidneys shut down and you die, pret-
ty quickly. It’s kind of important that your body keeps that pH within a very tight
range, and so your body will sacrifice your long-term overall health to keep you
alive in the short term – it will do things to maintain this pH balance even if, long-
term they will slowly damage your body. Again, if your pH goes out of that tight
range, things go very badly, very quickly.

And here’s where the problem of an acidic diet comes in (or the benefits of an alka-
line one) – your body having to correct this pH and neutralize the acidity is hugely
stressful. It puts your body in a state of emergency.
But the body will always choose to do whatever it takes to keep your pH from fall-
ing too far, no matter what the long-term damage of this will be.

And this balancing act leads to your body stressing your kidneys, liver, thyroid,
adrenals, digestive system (especially the stomach and pancreas), and more – call-
ing these organs into action to help balance the blood pH back to slightly alkaline.

The damage caused by being chronically in this state of emergency (i.e. by con-
stantly eating and drinking acid-forming foods and drinks), forcing your body to
raise your pH back up from acidic to mildly alkaline, is huge, far-reaching and
touches practically every organ, gland, and cell in your body – from your brain to
your bones, and from your lymph to your lungs – they are all at risk of damage
when we are in a chronically acidic state.

The medical research community refers to this as ‘diet-induced acidosis‘ or ‘diet

net acid load‘, where we eat a diet that is loaded towards acid-forming rather than
alkaline-forming foods.

And here is the CORE TRUTH:

The goal of is NOT to make your body ‘more alkaline’. The goal is to give your body
all of the tools it needs to it can effortlessly MAINTAIN your pH at 7.365.

Read that again – it’s essential you fully understand this – we are not aiming, with
the alkaline diet, to make your body ‘more alkaline’, we are just aiming to eat more
of the foods and drinks that enable the body to stress-free, effortlessly maintain
this critical pH balance – and LESS of the foods that are acid-forming and that cause
it stress.

Make sense? You with me so far?

What Are the Alkaline Forming Foods vs. Acid
Forming Foods
This is REALLY intuitive, all except for a few random foods (I’ll cover them for you

In fact, if I held a banana to your head pretending it was a gun and asked you to
separate a list of common foods into alkaline and acidic, I bet you’d be able to
guess about 90% of them correctly.

With following the alkaline diet, I don’t think confusion about what is alkaline and
what is acidic is the reason people don’t stick with it. I think it’s a matter of know-
ing HOW to make it easy and delicious which you are learning today.
BUT it’s still important to get the basics covered…
So, here’s a list of the most common alkaline-forming, and acid-forming foods:

Quick Reference List: Alkaline-Forming Foods

Lettuce (all varieties)
Spring Onions (Scallions/Salad Onions)
Kale (all varieties)
Siverbeet (Chard)
Green Beans
Chickpeas (Garbanzo)
Rocket (Arugula)
Sweet Potato
Capsicum (Bell Pepper)
Chia Seeds
Coconut Oil
Olive Oil
Flaxseed Oil
(and heaps more, the list could go on…)

Quick Reference List: Acidic-Forming Foods

All sugar (inc. syrups)
Gluten-containing grains (wheat, rye, barley etc.)
Deep Fried Foods
Fast Food
Processed Foods
Processed Meats (esp. bacon)
Excessive Animal Protein
Baked Goods (muffins etc)
Essentially the most acid-forming foods are those that contain sugar, gluten and
chemicals/additives – so avoiding processed foods gets you a long way there!

So WHY Cleanse, and Why Does the Alkaline Re-

set Cleanse WORKS SO WELL?
The Alkaline Reset Cleanse works so fantastically well, and so predictably and con-
sistently because it is giving the body exactly what it needs.

While many ‘detox’ programs focus on eliminating everything and starving the
body in the hope that it will purge, the Cleanse does the exact opposite. It gives
the body an abundance of the nutrients and nourishment it needs (it’s tools), in
the easiest-to-digest way possible, and non of those foods or drinks that will slow it

It gives your body seven days of pure goodness, so it can repair and rebuild.

The logic of giving the body LESS and expecting it to be able to work harder, does
not make sense.

The Alkaline Reset Cleanse is a healing process. Your mood will elevate because it
re-connects you to your body. It’s a wonderful experience.

And it is all evidence-based. All of the foods, every step, every nutrient is backed
by research and studies that prove it’s efficacy. Nothing is guesswork or based on a

And it has worked for tens of thousands of my students for over a decade.

Why Do We Need to Cleanse?

The Alkaline Reset Cleanse gives your body that break, and the chance to re-
set, reboot. It allows you to clear out deep-rooted toxins and restore balance
to deep-rooted imbalances. With our modern diet and lifestyle, sometimes just
switching to a healthier diet is not enough (sometimes it can be, but still takes a
heck of a lot longer).

With symptoms like adrenal fatigue, thyroid imbalance, digestive imbalance and
disorders, hormone-based excess weight, autoimmune…to name a few…(!) it can
take years upon years to chip away at these with simply ‘healthy eating’.

You need to get deep and allow your body to really get to the root cause, and the
Alkaline Reset Cleanse does this.

Again, I am not promising a complete recovery in seven days. That’s not logical.

But it can move you forwards years towards your health goal in this short space of

And it’s not just diet that has contributed to these deep-rooted health challenges.
Stress, environmental toxins, chemicals and more are constantly disrupting the bal-
ance in our body. Chronic stress, alone, can be more than enough to cause adrenal
fatigue – which then knocks-on to excess weight, fatigue, hypothyroidism, insulin
resistance…and the excess of cortisol produced when the adrenals are out of bal-
ance is one of the most significant pre-cursors to many cancers.

It’s essential that we allow our body to reset, and rebalance. The Alkaline Reset
Cleanse does this.

Not to mention, of course, that it will also leave you feeling light, positive, ener-
gized, and any weight you do want to lose will rapidly start to disappear.

And that brings me to a final, quick important point…

This is NOT a weight loss diet.

If you need to lose weight, you definitely will. If you do NOT need to lose weight,
you will not.
Excess weight is a symptom of your body being out of balance in one or more ways
– it could be imbalance with your endocrine function (insulin regulation, thyroid
imbalance, adrenal fatigue etc.), your digestive function, excess inflammation…it
could be a result of any number of imbalances in your body.

By nourishing, and restoring balance to your body, you will lose the weight.

If you are not overweight, you do not have this imbalance, so weight will not be
lost. If you are thinking about it in a caloric sense – you are getting plenty of calo-
ries on the Cleanse, believe me!

What’s more being UNDER-weight is also a symptom of imbalance in the body, so

when you do the Cleanse and restore balance, you will find you gain healthy weight
to reach your ideal.

And this is a great summary of the overall goal of the Alkaline Reset Cleasne. The
entire goal is to restore balance to your body, so it can thrive.

Juanita Butler
Juanita started on the Alkaline Reset Cleanse with me
after receiving a lupus diagnosis. She was in constant
pain, every day & requiring daily steroids to help con-
trol it. She had gained weight, became fatigued and
struggled with inflammation.

By following the simple steps of my alkaline cleanse

she is now pain free and thriving. The inflammation
has gone too and she’s lost 20lbs.
Where to Start NOW to Get Prepared (and Get
Results Now Too!)
To get the ball rolling, prepare you for the workshop, and then YOUR Cleanse - and
to get you results right away - here are four simple things you can begin working on

You don’t have to do them all at once! You can start with 1-2 and then once you
are confident with those you can add more. Simple day at a time.

IDEA ONE: Start winding back on sugar and gluten

These are the two most acidic, inflammatory foods on Earth. They are just terrible.
They cause imbalance everywhere, and in an ideal world they would not exist.

Now, it’s a whole coaching program in itself to get you completely off these foods
(and when I say ‘completely’ I don’t mean never, ever, anything again – perfection
is never the goal, there is always time for a treat).

So for now, I just want to try and get you thinking about how you can reduce the
consumption of these foods.

As I teach in my “Quit Sugar Success Coaching Program” most people’s sugar and
gluten consumption is coming from just a small handful of foods or eating occa-

It’s usually 70-80% or more that is coming from just a handful of meals, snacks or
foods – and they are usually things that we can easily swap or live without.

Just doing this will make a massive difference.

If you can think of those few times/places that sugar and gluten appear in your diet
regularly, and find an easy swap, you’ll see a big difference, without really any hard
(Note: all of my coaching comes from this core principle – making the biggest dif-
ference to your life with the least hard work possible – sounds good, huh?)

Simple ideas include:

• Swapping regular pasta for gluten-free pasta

• Swapping soft drinks for chilled herbal tea
• Going for salads instead of sandwiches (or rather than the bread, get rice paper
rolls, sushi, or lettuce wraps/tacos)
• Tapering off the sugar you put in tea/coffee
• Take nuts/seeds instead of snack bars for on-the-go snacks
• Making my ‘Keto Avo Mousse’ or ‘Chia Pots’ for dessert instead of, well, dessert
• Instead of cous cous, use rice or ‘cauliflower rice’
• At breakfast, have oats, or quinoa porridge instead of gluten/sugar-containing

If you do just one or two of these – wow – what a step in the right direction!
You’re smashing it!

Linda Quinton
“You have been a godsend! Thank you thank you
thank you! I lost weight immediately, it just fell away
immediately from my tummy and even my face.
Clothes don’t fit any more which feels great!

You have given me so many exciting ideas on what to

do with food and I feel so relieved now, I feel like I can
do this long-term.

I needed this and am so glad you’ve created it.

Adding More Greens!
The old advice from most Governments is ‘5-a-Day’ of fruits and vegetables. It’s
crazy, because in their list of ‘five a day’ they include potatoes, cans of baked
beans, pagaged fruit juice (sugar-crazy), dried fruit (also sugar-hit), and more weird
and wonderful goods that contribute nothing to your health, except a ridiculously
high-carb and high-sugar diet. Brilliant.

Now, the next problem here is barely anyone even hits five-a-day even with these
foods included!

My proposal for you, is that you ditch the old guidelines and instead aim for at
least five serves a day of GREENS.

Just doing this will change your life.

Think leafy greens, plus broccoli, basically. And try to find ways to sneak as many
serves in as you can. Again, you don’t have to be perfect, and you don’t need to
go from zero yesterday to five plus today (ideally it’s seven serves, that’s my fave
sweet spot).

Start small – between now and the Workshop, try to get 1-2 more per day as a
minimum, and build up from there. Anything else is a bonus.

For ideas:

• Juices and smoothies – this is without question the best and easiest way. You
can easily get 2-3 serves of greens in a single glass.
• Serving a side-salad with each meal you have. Easily another 1-2 serves per day
• Wilting spinach into sauces, whether it’s pasta, curry, soups, stews…
• Shaving broccoli into salads, soups, stews
• Finely chopping broccoli stalks and enjoying with veggie pastas
• Making green dips and salad dressing (think coriander, parsley, spinach, kale)
There are tons of ideas, and we’ll cover this more in the Workshop.

Build up hydration
This one is so important, and so few people are doing it. You HAVE to be prop-
erly hydrated if you want good health. If you have a health challenge right now
– whether it’s excess weight, a skin condition, pain, fatigue – no matter what it is,
and you are dehydrated…wow, you’re missing a trick.

Most people can get significant results from JUST fixing their hydration.

We will cover this in depth in the Workshop – but for now, look to increase your hy-
dration by an extra 20-30oz per day.

The ideal goal is 100-130oz. Don’t stress about it, again, we’ll cover it more in the

Anti-inflammatory foods
Inflammation, along with acidity and oxidative-stress, is at the root cause of practi-
cally every health challenge.

No matter the challenge you have – inflammation is there.

So building into the Cleanse, it’s great to start soothing and removing some of this
inflammation. As mentioned, getting the sugar and gluten down will stop the in-
flammation coming IN to a degree, but you also need to work towards getting the
existing inflammation out too.

We’ll cover this in a lot more depth in the Workshop, but for now, just start adding
a glass of one of my turmeric teas in the morning.

There are two options – a creamy-latte one, and a tea-style one:

Version One: Refreshing Turmeric Tea:

This tea is very simple but incredibly delicious. All you need is water, a cooker,
some fresh ginger, and some fresh turmeric and about 10 minutes!

Preparation Time: 5 minutes

Serves: 2


600ml of filtered, preferably alkaline water

1 inch of fresh root ginger
1 inch of fresh turmeric root
Optional: a pinch of black pepper (reported to help absorption and bioavailability
of the curcumin in turmeric – I think this has been blown way out of proportion,
but feel free to add it if you like – won’t do any harm)

• Peel the ginger and turmeric and chop into small pieces (the smaller the better,
but if you’re in a hurry you can be quite rough)
• Put into a pot, on the stove with the water and bring to a boil
• Once boiling, bring to a simmer for 10 minutes (roughly) and then serve!

Version Two: Creamy Coconut Turmeric & Ginger Warmer

This one takes a minute longer, but it’s worth it!

Warming, soothing, comforting – it’s my #1 winter favorite (aka hug-in-a-mug).

Preparation Time: 15 minutes

Serves: 2


1 inch of fresh turmeric root

1.5 inches of fresh ginger root
2 tsp of coconut oil
250ml of full-fat coconut milk (don’t worry coconut milk fat doesn’t make you fat)
250ml of coconut water (or filtered water)
1 tsp of cloves
Optional: 1 vanilla pod
Optional: a pinch of black pepper (see above)


• Peel the ginger and turmeric and grate into a mortar

• Add the coconut oil and using the pestle, turn it into a beautiful orange-yellow
• Pour the coconut cream, water into a pan and spoon in the paste, and add the
• Bring to a simmer and simmer it all together for 4-5 minutes
• Serve warm, straining if you wish
• YUM!

By having one of these each morning, you’ll notice a big difference and it’s the PER-
FECT Cleanse preparation.
So that’s a wrap for now!
I hope from this guide you have learned a lot, and also now have a few simple (yet
powerful) action steps to get working on as we move towards the Cleanse Work-

Don’t forget to tune in for Episode One on 21st April! I’ll be emailing you all the
important info including the links to each part of the series.

Remember, it’s all available on-demand to watch when it suits you and your time-

Until then, let’s do this!


Loes Van Enoo

“I just to share this with you. In September last year
my LDL (bad cholesterol) was rocket high.

It was measured twice within a month, both very high.

The PD wanted me on medication immediately, which
I declined. I did your Alkaline Reset Cleanse.

Did a blood test last week and was able to reduce my

LDL by 50%!!!!

Even the PD asked my what I had done. IT WORKS !!!

Thanks a million ROSS!”

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