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Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Ministry of Popular Power for University Education, Science and Technology

University Institute of Technology
“Mario Briceño Iragorry”
Valera, Edo. - Trujillo


Student :
Alex Mendoza CIV- 27,677,816
Information systems
Section: I2TC

Valera – June 2019



What is a computer system?

Characteristics of a computer system

> History
> Structure
> Classification
> Purpose
> Multiplicity of uses


Point of sale system

> Point of sale system software

> Hardware of a point of sale system: components
> Structure of a point of sale system
> Benefits of a point of sale system


Bibliographic references

Human life in society has given rise to the need to transmit and process
information in a continuous manner. To this end, different techniques and means
have been perfected over time. The great technological advance in the last two
decades of the 20th century and the first of the 21st century has developed
increasingly complex tools capable of meeting this need with great precision and

The computer is the tool that currently allows us to automatically process

information, greatly facilitating its organization, processing, transmission and

The term computer science has evolved over time, but currently it is
considered the science that studies the automatic processing of information. It
comes from the fusion of two words: information and automatic.

Its development has been spectacular in the last two decades of the 20th
century, being an essential tool in communications, telephony, medicine,
aeronautics, surveillance, traffic control, etc.

Computer system (IS) means an

automated data storage, processing and
retrieval system, which takes advantage of
computing and electronic tools to carry out
its complex series of processes and
operations. In other words, a computer
system is a computer of some kind.

Computer systems are types of information systems, that is, systems that
are organized around the management of data of a diverse nature, although not all
information systems are computer-based. That is, not all of them are digital, nor
automated, nor electronic.

In the contemporary world, computer systems occupy a key place for the
human organization of its productive and other processes. It is a powerful tool for
exchanging information and building computer networks that overcome the difficulty
of distances.

1. History

Computer systems are heirs of various previous technologies.

Each of these technologies revolutionized the way in which human beings

understand, store or share information.

They begin with the remote invention of

writing, and include the invention of the printing
press in the mid-15th century and Blaise
Pascal's first mechanical calculator in the 17th

The first large-scale computer system was Herman Hollerith's tabulating

machine, created in 1890. It used a series of electrical punch cards, based on
Boolean logic.

This device was able to tabulate the national census of the United States of that
year. Its success inspired the advent of new and better computers, such as the
Eniac (1946) or UNIVAC I (1951), developed in that same country for war and
accounting purposes respectively.

From then on, the discovery of new electrical and electronic materials allowed
the appearance of integrated circuits. With them, new possibilities arose for
computing devices, which then began their miniaturization.
2. Structure

Every computer system is made up of three integrated instances, also called


• Hardware . The “hard” part of the system,

which covers its physical components,
materials, such as boards, circuits,
connectors, screens, keys, screws, etc.
Without it the system could not simply turn

• Software . The “soft” part of the system refers to the information and
programmed, digital, virtual systems, which are
intangible but essential for the system to have a
purpose beyond turning on.

• Humanware . This name is often used to refer to the factor

human in the equation: the users of various kinds who intervene in a
computer network, who use a computer or who program it.
3. Classification

Computer systems are usually classified based on four different criteria:

• According to their use : we can speak of systems for specific use, which
deal with specific tasks; or general-use systems, which offer extensive
information management.

• According to their processing volume : we can talk about workstations (

workstations ) of limited capacity, macrocomputers (with large capacity),
microcomputers (like small servers with low capacity) and supercomputers
(with enormous processing capacity).

• According to the computer architecture of your network : If the

computer system is part of a network, it may have a client-server relationship
with the server, of two, three or four layers, depending on the quantity and
quality of the information transmitted.

• According to its purpose : we can talk about basic information processing

systems, decision-making support, knowledge management, systems based
on Web techniques or artificial intelligence.
4. Purpose

The purpose of all IS is to optimally manage information. It allows you to save it,
recover it, change its medium (for example, print it or share it).

In addition, it allows numerous performances, ranging from making work easier

for human beings, offering them entertainment or information, communicating with
other humans at a distance, etc.

5. Multiplicity of uses

Computer systems are used today in an enormous multiplicity of areas. For

example, in business work, they have accounting and administrative functions.
They are also allies of scientific research, to process large amounts of data.

In all areas it is used to safeguard confidential or personal information. On the

other hand, they can also distribute the information across numerous requesters
and send it through communication systems over long distances.
Point of sale system
A point of sale system is a
combination of software and hardware
tools that allows business managers to
carry out transactions. daily easily
preserving key information of the day-to-
day operation.

> Point of sale system software

Every day the tools are more complete and new functionalities appear, but
the most common software implementation models for a point of sale are:

• Local installation : this corresponds to a traditional software model, which

implies acquiring the necessary number of licenses which must be installed
on each of the computers that will use the tool.

• Cloud-based : this modality is known as SaaS (Solutions as a Service). It

works 100% on the Internet, and for this reason, many people have doubts
regarding stability, because they wonder what happens if the connection
goes down. No need to worry, most point of sale systems are programmed
to sync again once the connection returns.
> Hardware of a point of sale system: components

Regardless of which software deployment model is chosen, most of the time the
hardware is the same. The fundamental hardware components for a point of sale
system are the following:

Registration screen: the database of all products is

shown here, it also has other functions such as:
employee clock and viewing sales reports.

• Barcode scanner: a great tool because it allows you

to automate the payment process. Scan the barcode
of each product and add it to the total to pay. One of
the advantages of this scanning system is that they
can be integrated with the inventory system to
automatically have a
stock control.

• Receipt printer: as its name indicates, it allows you to

print the total sales of each employee, the hours
worked and other relevant information.
• Wallet drawer: Although “plastic” money is becoming
more common, cash is still king and you will always
need a safe place to store the proceeds of all your

> Structure of a point of sale system

• Friendly control panel
• Purchasing management
• Contact management
• Point of sale panel
• Reports and statistical data
• Users Management

> Benefits of a point of sale system

It is proven that a point of sale system simplifies key business operations and
significantly benefits it in the following aspects:

• Modern point of sale systems offer much more than just

fact of facilitating daily transactions.
They help streamline the business
process by automating manual tasks.
They allow you to prepare sales
reports. Have stock control thanks to
the inventory module.

• Customer management to stay in

touch and implement actions

Computing is present in practically all human activity, directly or indirectly.

For this reason, it has acquired such relevance that the preparation of young
people is essential, not only in the use of the computer and in the development of
certain practical skills in this field, but in the understanding of its operation and in
the assessment of its potential. , as well as the knowledge of its limitations and the
risks that accompany it.

The world of high technology would never have existed if it were not for the
development of the computer. The entire society uses these tools, in different types
and sizes, for the storage and manipulation of data. Computer equipment has
opened a new era in manufacturing thanks to automation techniques, and has
allowed modern communication systems to improve. They are essential tools in
practically all fields of research and applied technology.

> Julia Máxima Uriarte. (December 16, 2018) To: . Available

> Technological Area. (sf). Computer system. Available at:

> task2baci. (03, February 2011). 3 examples of computer systems. Available at :

> Alvarez, Juan. (02, April 2017). Point of sale system. TAO App. Available at:

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