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Descriptive Writing Activity: The Guelaguetza Festival in Mexico


1. Introduction to Sensory Writing:

- Sensory writing helps us describe an event or place by using adjectives and describing words to
explain what we see, hear, taste, smell, and feel.

- Our goal is to make the reader imagine that they are at the event or place we are describing.

2. Read the Model Text:

- Read the model text below about the Guelaguetza Festival in Oaxaca, Mexico.

- Work in pairs to identify and underline the words that describe what people see, hear, taste,
smell, and feel.

Model Text: Guelaguetza

Every July, the city of Oaxaca in Mexico comes alive with the vibrant celebration of the
Guelaguetza. During this festival, the streets are filled with the bright colors of traditional
clothing, such as the beautiful embroidered huipiles and skirts worn by the dancers. The
rhythmic sounds of marimbas and other traditional instruments echo through the city,
inviting everyone to join the festivities. The delicious aroma of local foods, like mole and
tlayudas, fills the air, making everyone hungry. The taste of these dishes is rich and flavorful,
a true representation of Oaxacan cuisine. People can feel the excitement and joy in the
atmosphere as they watch the energetic dances and listen to the captivating stories shared
by the performers. I love the sense of community and tradition that the Guelaguetza brings
every year.

Activity Steps:

1. Analyze the Model:

- Work in pairs to read the model text.

- Underline words that describe what people see, hear, taste, smell, and feel.

2. Choose a Topic:

- Think about a festival or place you know well.

- Write down the name of the festival or place.

3. Brainstorming:

- Make a list of words that describe what you see, hear, taste, smell, and feel at the festival or
place you chose.

- Use adjectives and sensory words (bright, rhythmic, delicious, aromatic, exciting).

4. Write Your Paragraph:

- Use your list of descriptive words to write a paragraph about your chosen festival or place.

- Make sure to include descriptions for what you see, hear, taste, smell, and feel.

5. Peer Review:

- Work with a partner to review each other’s paragraphs.

- Look for ways to improve the sensory descriptions and make suggestions.

6. Share with the Class:

- Read your paragraph aloud to the class.

- Discuss how the descriptions help create vivid images of the festival or place.

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