Computer Monograph

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The set of technologies that are concentrated around personal computers , information and

communication technologies, is undoubtedly the innovation that has most influenced the development of

social life.

In the latter it has been extraordinarily good in technical and scientific advances.

The development of technologies is having a great influence in the educational field, since they constitute

a new work tool that gives access to a large amount of information and that brings closer and speeds up

the work of people and institutions.

When talking about the use of computers in education, it is argued and it is inevitable to discuss their

advantages, disadvantages and appropriate uses. These are technical and pedagogical discussions. That

is why we will try through this work to capture a comprehensive analysis of a particular topic: THE


for which we will have to rely on our own research and conjectures, trying to maintain a vision of reality as

a whole. To do this, we have structured our research into three chapters:

- First Chapter: "The Computer and Society" .

- Second Chapter: "The Computer as an Educational Medium."

- Third Chapter: "Dangers of the Computer for the Training of Learners."


• Identify the educational, cultural and labor effects of the computer within society.

• Analyze the use of the computer as a teaching medium in the school environment and the use of new
methodology for the teaching-learning process .

• Recognize the dangers of computer use for the student's education and health.

• Determine the advantages and disadvantages of the computer as a teaching medium in the teaching



A computer u computer it's a electronic device basically composed of

a processor, memory and input/output devices.

By other side it is said that a computer or computer is a digital system

with microelectronic technology capable of processing information from a group of instructions called a

program. The basic structure of a computer includes a microprocessor (CPU) , memory and input/output

devices , along with the buses that allow communication between them.


A computer is any device used to process information according to a well-defined procedure .

Initially, the word was used to describe people who did arithmetic calculations, with or without mechanical

assistance, but it later moved to the machines themselves.

If we think about modern computers, the most important feature that distinguishes them from

earlier devices is that they have proper programming .

With any computer you can emulate the operation of another (only limited by the data storage

capacity and the different speeds) and, in fact, it is believed that with the current ones you can emulate

any computer that is invented in the future (although be much slower).

These types of computers found inside other general-purpose computers are known as

microcontrollers or embedded computers. Therefore, many people have restricted the definition of a

computer to those machines whose primary purpose is information processing and that can adapt to a

wide variety of tasks, without any physical modification, excluding those devices that are part of a larger

system. large like telephones, microwaves or airplanes.


In the mid-1970s, computers were used by few people, but today they have had a greater impact

on society than any other invention. This reception is due to its characteristics.
• In commerce, the computer helps in the design and manufacturing of products, in shaping marketing
campaigns, and in tracking and processing inventories, accounts receivable and payable, and payroll.

• The receptionist uses the computer to record messages, locate employees, and for administrative

• The sales department checks product availability and customer credit . Recommends materials to
complement the ordered product.

• In shipping and receiving, they use the computer to enter transactions, keeping inventory and sales
records, etc., updated.

In education, the computer is a means that strengthens the teaching-learning process. Application

programs are being used, such as: word processors (to create documents, newspapers), spreadsheets

(note recording , statistics) and databases (student records).

• Also, the use of the Internet has become popular. The use of multimedia, simulations and email have
been integrated into the design of the CAI ("Computer Assisted Instruction"). Another component that
is becoming very popular is distance education.

• In hospitals, they use computers to collect patient data and monitor vital signs . Computerized axial

tomography (CAT or "CT scan" ) is used to detect cancer in the brain, other parts of the body, and

whether it has recurred after surgery or chemotherapy. Another similar method is magnetic

resonance imaging ("MRI scanning"), which uses radio waves to obtain an image that shows the

internal organs of the body, and study each organ in detail.

In government the computer is used at all levels. They use it for a more efficient, effective and

democratic operation. It is used in the departments of Defense, Energy, Justice, Treasury, Education,

Health and Social Services .

In our culture , computers have affected almost all aspects of our contemporary culture:

In art they have provided the artist with fewer tools to create traditional art than new ways of creating

art. Example: fractals and mathematically defined images (X formulas).

In photography, the use of digital cameras and their programs have allowed the photographer to

digitize, store and present photos on a computer. Example: Photoshop, which allows you to
manipulate the elements of the photo.

In music, digital recording has replaced analog tape recording. Synthesizers are being used that can

reproduce the complex tones of any musical instrument.

In dance, programs like "Life Forms" have helped choreographers create 3D dance steps, and then

save them for the future. It also allows you to design, assemble, edit and manipulate sequences of

body movements on the monitor.

In the theater, computers play an important role in stage design, control of

lights and special effects.




Computer science cannot be just another subject, but rather the tool that can be useful to all

subjects, to all teachers and to the school itself, as an institution that needs an organization and to be able

to communicate with the community in which it is located.

The information revolution that began fifty years ago and intensified in the last decade through the

incessant progress of new multimedia technologies and data networks in the different environments in

which human activities take place, together with the growing globalization of the economy and the

knowledge, lead to profound structural changes in all nations, from which the Argentine Republic cannot

remain unaware and consequently to an urgent modernization of the means and tools with which the

different activities are planned, developed and evaluated, among others, that are carried out in the

country's educational institutes.

Computer science as a teaching topic at all levels of the educational system, due to its importance

in current culture; It is also called "Computer Education".

- Computing as a means of administrative support in the educational field, which is why it is called

" Management Computing" .

The computer favors the flexibility of students' thinking, because it stimulates the search for

different solutions for the same problem, allowing a greater deployment of the students' cognitive

resources. The use of the computer in the classroom implies a greater degree of abstraction of actions, an

awareness and anticipation of what we often do "automatically", stimulating the transition from

sensorimotor behaviors to operational behaviors, generalizing reversibility to all planes of thought. From

the emotional and social levels, the use of the computer allows for teamwork, thus appearing cooperation

between its members and the possibility of exchanging points of view, which also favors their learning

processes. Using a computer allows students to improve their self-esteem, feeling capable of "achieving

things", carrying out projects, growing, among others.

The constructive importance of error also appears, allowing us to review our own mistakes in
order to learn from them. Thus, the student is an active subject and participant in his or her own learning

who can develop uses and applications of the technique through the insertion of new technologies. The

computer reasoning method is specifically the method of top-down design of algorithms that is positively

enriching as a systematic and rigorous method of problem solving and reasoning. In such a way that the

teacher must master a methodical way of working, which teaches thinking and allows learning by

discovery, intelligent development and the solid acquisition of knowledge patterns.


In this work, the expressions educational software, educational programs and teaching programs

will be used as synonyms to generically designate computer programs created with the specific purpose of

being used as a teaching medium, that is, to facilitate the teaching and learning processes.

2.2.1 How does learning happen with the PC?

It is reciprocal, since the PC process helps the cognitive process and the latter helps the operation

of the PC, thus obtaining a double and complex learning; It is double due to the interaction between peers,

the novice or advanced novice learns: first, from the interpsychological process that is offered in the

interaction with the expert or more capable; second, when the learner internalizes that learning and the

intrapsychological process occurs, he learns again about himself what he observed and internalized

through the ZPD with the expert; There is also another learning, when the PC operates on its own and

reaffirms the internalization process, which had previously been obtained, because the PC itself "teaches"

and "corrects" what the student wants to learn, with the appropriate use of the tools and the feedback

messages that appear on the computer screen, when a process does not work on the PC, due to the error

of the user.

2.2.2 Trends can be grouped into three groups or classifications:

Study object Work tool Teaching Medium
The computer tutor.
The computer tool. Applications pedagogical of
The computer the
Learning about of
programmable. computer.
Utilization of the computer in the Learning through the computer. Learning
investigation. about thinking with computer.
Utilization pedagogical of
Management computerized of Catalyst of the learning.
packages basics.
establishments schoolchildren. Assistant pedagogical.
Home to computing.
Management pedagogical. Learning with the computer.
Learning with the computer. Tool of teaching.
Teaching medium

to. The computer as an object of study:

The student assimilates the fundamental computer concepts and procedures and develops skills

for the application of specific systems or packages in the contents of the specialty. b. The computer as a

work tool:

The student solves problems in the productive or service branch, using the systems or packages


c. The computer as a teaching medium :

The different disciplines, using different software, simulate processes or phenomena, review,

evaluate, train, etc., to support the content taught in their class.


Currently, education is much more than listening to audio-cassettes or reading books that arrive

by mail. Like the classic example of English courses that mostly end up annoying the student, who

abandons us due to lack of motivation.

Education has gone through several stages, ranging from correspondence teaching ; the based

in the communication of masses (cinema, radio and television) until

Open Interactive Learning systems , which include the intensive use of computing and telematics to create

virtual learning environments.

"The educational resource that will have the greatest relevance in the initial years of the 21st

century is the computer," said Fabio Chacón in Historical Approach to Distance Education Technologies .

Currently, new technologies have changed the way knowledge is disseminated. If before the
distance student felt abandoned to his fate with correspondence courses, now with just typing on a

computer, he can contact his teacher, advisor or tutor in seconds, even if he is in another country, and

receive a response. immediate.

Although we will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the computer, it is worth

mentioning that we cannot downplay the importance of any of the media, since they are all part of the

teaching-learning process , each of them fulfills a specific function that would be impossible to minimize.

The decision to use one medium and not another depends on the objectives to be achieved.

2.3.1 . Advantages of computers.

Computers offer, among others, the following advantages for education to

They facilitate personalized learning: The student can develop their learning at their own pace, in

the time available, while providing feedback and help.

They are multimedia tools : Computers with the ability to integrate graphics, prints, audio, voice,

video, and animations can be effective supports for education, allowing the teacher and student to use

various technologies together.

They are interactive: The new microprocessors are extremely flexible and powerful, allowing the

development of educational programs that make it easier for the student to maintain control of the

destination of their query and the form and order in which they perform it. They also allow adequate and

relevant responses, advice and feedback for students to be included within the educational programs,

which reinforce their learning.

They have rapid technological advancement: Technological innovations are constantly emerging

in the world of computer and telecommunications technology , breaking down barriers and capacity


They constantly reduce their prices : The permanent development of new technologies makes it

possible for existing technologies to drop in price in a short time and be available to a greater number of


There is great competition: Both in the production of computers, and in the development of the

programs they use, there is great global competition that favors the user since producers must make more

efforts and offer greater and better advantages for the user, to be able to survive. It also guarantees the
existence of applications for almost all educational needs thanks to the fact that manufacturers are

constantly looking for new market options.

They increase remote access: The notable advance in communication technology and the

capacity of computers has made it possible to establish communication through global networks that is

constantly growing, allowing access to countless sources of information that were previously inaccessible.

2.3.2 Disadvantages of computers.

On the other hand, computers present, among others, the following disadvantages for education:

The development of computer networks is expensive: Although the cost of individual computers is

relatively affordable and the software markets are very competitive, the installation, development and

maintenance of communication networks is still expensive.

Technology changes rapidly: Changes in technology have a very short cycle, so there is a risk of

focusing attention only on having the most advanced technology, instead of seeking to satisfy the real

needs of institutions, and constantly trying to have the most advanced technology instead of keeping the

technology that is effectively solving the needs of the institution functioning efficiently.

There is a lack of knowledge about computers: Although personal computers have been widely

used since the 1960s, there are still many adults who have had little or no contact with them and who do

not know how to use them.



a) Choosing the correct chair.

It is very important to take into account what type of furniture should be used, all to ensure well-

being and greater comfort for the user, in addition to avoiding fatigue and tension.

b) Prevention of repetitive strain injuries .

There is a group of conditions caused by the continuous use of the body in a way of working for

which it is not designed and they are called "repetitive stress injuries" and they began to appear among

people who spent the most time typing data into computers. One of the injuries that can be mentioned is

"carpal tunnel syndrome, a wrist or hand injury caused by typing for prolonged periods.

In carpal syndrome, the tunnel becomes deformed because the user has spent too much time with

stiff or tense fingers and as a result can squeeze the nerves that pass through it, causing numbness, pain
or inability to use the hands, Therefore, according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration

(OSHA), in 1993 American companies paid 20 billion in lawsuits as compensation to workers due to

repetitive strain injuries.

The most suitable solution to avoid these evils is a continuous rest during an extended period of

working at the computer, in addition to getting up, walking and changing positions frequently, at least 5


c) Eye protection.

One of the most common problems is related to vision, due to staring at the screen for very long

periods. To avoid these problems, here are some recommendations: -Avoid staring at the screen for long


-Remember to blink.

-Place your monitor between 60 and 75 cm. away from your eyes.

-Try to position your monitor so that no bright light reflects on it.

-Look for a monitor that keeps the image stable without flickering or vibrating.

Another related problem is that of Electromagnetic fields which are said to be related to cancer

problems although at present there is no convincing evidence linking electromagnetic fields with cancer.


The topic of the possible replacement of the teacher by the computer has been the subject of

discussions for years and has aroused very intense emotional reactions. The majority of teachers or

professors in the educational field have used all kinds of reasoning to defend their role as educators when

participating in this great controversy.

However, the issue thus raised is correctly raised. First of all, it is necessary to differentiate purely

instructive tasks from training and educational tasks.

In purely instructional tasks, the computer has and will have an important role. To study you need

materials, not just people to help, guide or transmit information. Computer programs are becoming more

and more interesting in this area.

The use of computer networks, for example, facilitates non-face-to-face teaching, but talking about

the replacement of teachers with computers or communication networks would imply an organizational or
structural change that would lead to the disappearance of the school, a situation that It won't happen.

The disappearance of an institution that at this time fulfills not only an instructional, but also a

training function, seems difficult due to the simple fact that educational computer programs exist.

For this reason, although the reaction of distrust of teachers towards machines is understandable,

it must be relativized, that is, although the computer can replace the figure of the teacher when it comes to

the student carrying out purely instructional tasks, this impersonation It is not possible with regard to the

training, mediation function, which can only be carried out by the teacher or professor, his presence in this

case being essential, in addition to taking into account that the entire teaching-learning process constitutes

a directed process. .

Another aspect worth mentioning is that this type of reaction is often accompanied by criteria that

purport to be humanistic. These criteria contrast the use of computers with personalized and cooperative

teaching, with socialization. The fact of using computers implies, according to this perspective, isolation,

lack of solidarity, lack of emotion and, ultimately, it seems that with their use people enter a process of

dehumanization. Let us remember all the reactions of primary school teachers with the appearance and

proliferation of calculators.

Viewing objects such as books, calculators, audiovisual material or computers as enemies is

simply transferring responsibility to inanimate objects that, obviously, cannot bear it. It is clear that the key

to success is not the technologies themselves, but their proper use, that is, knowing how to properly

integrate them into the education of the new generations in accordance with the new changes and the

times in which we live. José Martí, our National hero, already spoke about it:

"To educate is to deposit in each man all the human work that has preceded him: it is to make

each man a summary of the living world, until the day he lives; it is to put him at the level of his time, so

that he floats above it, and not leave it alone. "under his time, which will not allow him to stay afloat; it is

preparing man for life."


There is no doubt that technology and its achievements have greatly facilitated and improved the

quality of the educational and work environment. However, in the case of the computer, emphasis has

been placed more than once on the risks for students due to vision and the need to use special glasses.
Later it was discovered that in those students who work many hours a day with the PC, a syndrome called

"carpal tunnel" usually manifests itself, which produces pain in the wrist and hardening of the fingers.

Now, Dr. Miguel Ángel Santos-Gastón, president of the Foundation for the Study and Prevention

of Vein Diseases (Spain) , has announced new ailments that can be generated due to this activity and that

deserve to be taken into account to prevent them. .

In his research, this doctor has verified that, within what has been called "computer syndrome",

there is also an increased risk of suffering from thrombosis.

One of the triggering factors would be the stagnation of return circulation, something that is

accentuated by the habit of having the legs bent when sitting for a long time.

In particular, there is a greater risk for those who are obese, those who have varicose veins or

swollen legs, and those who suffer from genetic disorders or anemia.

To avoid this risk, Dr. Santos-Gastón recommends getting up every hour, interrupting your

computer work for a few minutes and walking. Also, try to keep your legs straight and not pulled back.

Computers have created a climate of concern among individuals in society and, particularly among

professionals concerned with the evolution of technological advances.

The training resource will allow the computer to become a support tool in the development of any activity

which will allow it to perform its function more easily and quickly.

The computer used correctly is a tool or an auxiliary means for solving problems in various disciplines that

the student poses.

Computing can be an object of study when it is considered as an autonomous discipline , that is, providing

instruction on fundamental aspects that allow the acquisition of knowledge and skills in the use of different

systems and in turn becoming a very useful teaching medium, when put depending on the needs of each

specialty, while it can be used as a powerful teaching medium in different disciplines or professions.

The use of the computer has academic benefits that we can mention: saving time when completing tasks;

By using computers they can give different forms to their work and therefore a greater presentation; They

can also perform various types of tasks from documents, investigations, tables, etc.

The use of the computer has become essential for all young students, including almost all people who

study, work, even children who seek entertainment and research different topics.

Another conclusion that we were able to reach is that people who use computers still do not know what

consequences the use of computers can bring, perhaps they have an idea but in reality they do not know

what should be done to avoid having a serious consequence. of the use of these.

The computer provides benefits depending on its use and the provisions made to counteract its dangers.


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BALLESTA, PJ- Teacher training in new technologies applied to education, in Communication Networks,
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MARTINEZ, F. (1999): Where are the media going? In Cabero, J. (Coord): Audiovisual media and new

technologies for the 21st century. Diego Marín Ed. Murcia.

PAPERT, Seymour. The children's machine, rethinking education in the computer age. Paidós Editorial,

(First edition) . Barcelona, Spain, 1995.

RIVERO ERRICO, Alfonso, "The computer as a means of Teaching", Thesis in option for the degree of

Master of Science, Higher Pedagogical Institute "Enrique José Varona", City of Havana, Cuba, 1997.

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