Indicators For The Area of Relationship With The Environment

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Indicators for the Communication and Representation Area

Indicators for the Communication and Representation Area

Indicators of the Communication and Representation Area

- Understand the explanations given in class.
- Ask questions often about topics of interest to you.
- Is able to re-explain parts of a story (various facts in the same order - only
explains accessory details - the main fact - the names of the protagonists,...)
- Participate in conversations with the entire group.
- Only speak in the game, simulating verbal interaction situations.
- Easily incorporate and remember new words.
- Has a fluent language.
- Invent and explain stories combining fantasy and reality.
- Often talks to other children while playing or working.
- Distinguish between writing and drawings.
- Interprets the written text relating it to what accompanies it (product, photography,
situation, etc.).
- Includes narratives read by the teacher.
- Reproduces the directionality (from left to right) of writing.
- Recognizes his written name. - Knows how to reproduce his name without a model - with a
- Recognize and write some letters (which ones?).
- He likes plastic activities.
- Try to make your representations faithful to reality.
- Draw a person schematically - with details.
- Draw a house schematically - with details.
- Use few - all colors.
- He makes very stereotyped drawings.
- Occupies all the graphic space - only a small part.
- He likes to imitate animal sounds.
- Knows how to imitate and recognize familiar noises and sounds.
- He remembers the songs and the fragments of music worked on.
- Knows how to imitate movements and movements through space without difficulty.
- Actively participates in discovery and experimentation activities through one's own body.
Indicators for the Area of Relationship with the Environment

Indicators of the Area of Relationship with the Environment

- Knows where the usual class objects can be located.
- Places objects and locates them in the dimensions front-behind, inside-outside, up-down,
- Know the succession of school activities.

- Distinguish between day-night, today-tomorrow, now-later.

- Knows how to differentiate and describe consequences of common atmospheric
- Can classify objects by characteristics or use in everyday life.
- Knows how to describe physical characteristics of objects (size, color, shape).
-Know the name of some characteristics of the animals in your environment or those that have
been worked with.
- Recognizes and distinguishes land, water or air animals. - Is interested in seeing and getting to
know animals (nature photographs, zoo,...).
- Know the usefulness of some animals (cow: milk, chickens: eggs,...) and plants for our diet.
- Has interest in exploring, comparing and relating objects and their qualities.
- You can list properties and characteristics of objects or collections based on: color, shape,
size, texture, length, etc.
- Makes short series with varied materials with two, three, four or more elements.
- Qualitatively compare some dimensions: large-small, high-low, all-nothing, long-short, many-
- Recognizes some geometric figures: circle, triangle, square.
- Compare quantities between sets: "There is less", "There is more", "There is the same

Indicators for the Personal and Social Training Area

Some Indicators for the Area of Personal and Social Training

Personal and Social Training Area

- Correctly points out the main parts of his body.

- Names the parts of the body about himself and other people.

- Identify different tactile sensations.

- Identify different olfactory sensations.

- Identify different taste sensations.

- Expresses feelings of pleasure or discomfort in certain situations.

- Expresses and identifies emotions and feelings in other people.

- Recognizes and accepts signs of affection from known adults and children.

- Shows satisfaction with their actions or productions (which ones?).

- Imitate your classmates.

- He likes to do assignments and have responsibilities.

- Know and respect the basic rules of the school.

- Participate in collective activities.

- Know the different rooms used in the school.

- Sometimes he uses expressions and customs of relationship and coexistence (greeting,

thanking, helping, among others.)

- Constantly tries to get the attention of his classmates.

- Share your materials or objects with your colleagues.

- Is able to listen to another child.

- Is able to ask for help when needed.

- Washes hands often.

- Eats alone without getting dirty.

- He is organized with his things.

- Actively collaborate to organize classes.

- He knows all the names of his close family (parents, siblings, grandparents,...) and the degree
of relationship (he is my brother,...).
- Get to know the usual people in your social environment

- Remember their names.

- Distinguishes between school rules and family rules and adapts their behavior based on

- Get to know the people at school with whom you interact.

- Participate and recognize some popular festivals.

- Learn facts, customs, and objects related to some of these festivals.

Children's Songs

Children's Songs
The dairy cow

I have a milk cow,

It's not just any cow,
He gives me meringue milk,
Oh! what a salty cow,
tolón, tolón, tolón, tolón.
I bought him a cowbell.
And my cow liked it
He walks through the meadow
Kills flies with its tail
Tolón, tolón Tolón, tolón
How happy we will live
when you come back to my side
With its cheeses,
with your kisses
The three together
How exciting!

The little fingers of the hand,
everyone will be together;
If you count them one by one,
There are five and nothing more. The little fingers of the hands,
stretched you will see them;
If you count both hands,
five and five, what will they be?
This is my head,
this is my body,
these are my hands
and these are my feet.
These are my eyes,
This is my nose,
this is my mouth,
that sings plim, plim.
These little ears are used to hear,
and these two little hands to applaud.

Mr. Gato

Mr. Don Gato was there

sitting on your roof
meow, meow, meow,
sitting on his roof.

You have received a letter

in case you want to be married,
meow, meow, meow, meow,
in case you want to be married.

With a white kitten

niece of a brown cat,
meow, meow, meow, meow,
niece of a brown cat.

The cat for going to see her

has fallen from the roof,
meow, meow, meow, meow,
has fallen from the roof.

He has broken six ribs

the backbone and the tail,
meow, meow, meow, meow,
the backbone and the tail.

They are already taking him to bury

along the fish street,
meow, meow, meow, meow,
along fish street.

To the smell of sardines

the cat has risen,
meow, meow, meow, meow,
the cat has risen.

That's why people say

a cat has seven lives,
meow, meow, meow, meow,
A cat has seven lives.

The yard of my house

The yard of my house

It is particular.
When it rains it gets wet
like the rest.
Get down,
and bend down again,
that the crouchers
They don't know how to dance.

Hache, I jota, ka
ele, elle, eme, a,
that if you don't love me
another lover will love me.

Hache, I jota, ka
ele, elle, eme, o,
that if you don't love me
I will have another lover.

If you come to this circle

learn to sing.
You will run if I run,
like the rest.

Get up
and get up again,
that they get up
if they know how to dance

Once upon a time there was a circus Once upon a time there was
a circus
that always gladdened the heart
full of color a world of illusion
full of joy and emotion
Once upon a time there was a circus
that always gladdened the heart
without ever fearing the cold or the heat
The circus always gave its performance.

Always travel always change

come see the circus
another country another city
come see the circus
It is sensational masterful
come see the circus
we are happy to get
make a child laugh

Once upon a time there was a circus

that always gladdened the heart
Once upon a time there was a circus
that always gladdened the heart.

A scared little dog

A scared little dog hid. He wanted to be very brave but he never

managed it. The bugle and its motor scared him of the cars and
the motorcycles scared him and he trembled with terror but one
day on the road a girl appeared, with her hand she gently caressed
his head. The little dog, very happyconfidence regained and with a
soft and slow step Sammy the ice cream man accompanied the girl
Sammy the ice cream man
He is a happy and chubby penguin
lives in his homeland of ice
selling ice cream and pushing his cart

The ice cream that Sammy sells is made with water and laughter.
Sometimes he puts milk, ground nuts
and a little pinch

Sammy one day left for Africa

pushing your cart
wild animals ate ice cream
and they were cool

For the lemon ice lion

for the ferocious tiger iced with rice
for the elephant a giant ice cream
vanilla ice cream for the whole family
Sammy the ice cream man wanted to come back
to his homeland of ice
the wild animals of Africa
they took him prisoner

Sammy in his dungeon cried and screamed

and he kicked and I threw the ice creams at him
ground cloves and wet pepper

But they finally let him go

because they got tired of hearing their screams
and Sammy the ice cream man returned to his homeland
pushing your cart

For the lemon ice lion

for the fierce tiger iced with rice
for the elephant a giant ice cream
Vanilla ice cream for the whole family.

Activities of the Human Body

The human body

Number Activities

the numbers
Activities with easy-to-achieve material
Activities with easy-to-achieve material

Activities to do with easily available material

1. Numbers book With this folded book, made with very simple materials, boys and girls will
learn and reinforce their knowledge about numbers. The most important thing in preparing
the number book is the integration of parents and children in its preparation. Steps to make
the number book: - Cut three strips of cardboard measuring 12 x 60 cm and 12 x 20
centimeters. Mark the strips every 10 cm and fold them back and forth. - Join the already
folded strips with adhesive tapes from the back. It should have a format of 12 x 10 cm. Stretch
the accordion obtained and cover with glossy paper of various colors. - Write the number 1 on
a bond paper; do it also in letters. Trim them with zigzag scissors. Copy the drawings according
to the quantity they represent in numbers and paste them on the following pages. - Write the
numbers and copy the models of the objects as many times as each number indicates on bond
paper and repeat the previous operation in each case, up to 10. - Punch the front and back
covers in half, with a single hole. Write the word NUMBERS and the numbers themselves, cut
out with zigzag scissors and paste on the cover.
- Divide the satin ribbon into two 20 cm strips and pass each one through the holes on the
front and back cover, so that they can be tied later.
1. Original Magnets
Steps to make the original magnets: - Prepare the dough by mixing the flour with the salt and
a little water in the container. Measure the water until you reach the appropriate texture,
neither too loose nor too thick. - Prepare the tempera mixtures with the colors you will use on
the fruits: red, dark green and light green, brown, yellow, orange and black. - Separate the
dough into seven groups appropriate for the amount of each color you will need. Mix each
piece of dough with the tempera, dosing it little by little. - Model the fruits taking into account
the models that appear here and using the rolling pin and a knife. Remember that it must be
flattened. - Let the fruits dry overnight. Add details with tempera. You can add volume with
darker shades of each edge color. - Cut the magnet strip into pieces 2.5 centimeters long and
stick them behind each fruit using the glue gun. Let it dry and they will be ready.
1. Marine magazine rack
With a mixture of recycled materials, the marine magazine rack is made that can also serve as
a paper organizer, ideal for preschool classrooms. - Trace on a shoe box the shape you want to
make the magazine rack. The forward stroke should be made 10 cm from the base to give it a
curved shape. - Cut the different parts of the shoe box, then glue them together and reinforce
them with adhesive tape, so that the base of the magazine rack is assembled. - Apply glue to
the base of the magazine rack with a brush and line with two layers of absorbent paper. Let it
dry between coats and avoid air pockets. - Mix the brown and blue temperas with white to
obtain the appropriate tones, and paint the base of the magazine rack inside and out. Tint with
dark tones. - Prepare two or more dividers for the magazine rack by lining pieces of another
box with absorbent paper. Cut them to different heights and give them curved shapes.
- On a new piece lined with absorbent paper, paste the iron with marine designs or take a
wrapping paper with figures alluding to the sea and paste with white glue to make the
decorations on the front of the magazine rack.
- Assemble the magazine rack by placing the already painted dividers. Then cut the strips of
newspaper approximately 7 cm wide and twist them to form a kind of rope or braid, then paint
them brown. - To improve the finish of the magazine rack, stick the newspaper rope around
the entire contour of the base. Make it with silicone so that it is well fixed. 1. Personal album
This album is made with the help of the boys and girls and allows them to select the photos
that the album will contain. It can also be used to place cutouts and figures that are
meaningful to the little ones. - Place glue on one of the pieces of cardboard using a paintbrush
and cover with absorbent paper. Replace the glue and add three more layers of absorbent
paper. - Once the cardboard is dry, paint it with tempera on both sides. Prepare two pieces of
cardboard in this same way to make the cover and back cover of the album. - Gather the
sheets of old newspaper, roll them to the thickness of a finger and stick them with adhesive
tape. Assemble several cylinders in the same way. - Place glue on the cylinders and line them
with two layers of absorbent paper. Paint them with tempera and glue them to decorate the
album cover. Punch the cover and the back cover.- To decorate the sheets of bond paper that
will go inside the album, cut out 4cm squares of crepe paper - Place glue on the edges of the
sheets of bond paper and place them on Arrange the crepe paper squares that have been
previously made. - Wait a few minutes and remove them. - Punch the pages that will go inside
once decorated and proceed to assemble the album by placing a ribbon through the holes,
choosing a photo or image for the cover.
1. Giant Vegetable Mobile
This mobile will allow boys and girls to recognize vegetables and their characteristics through
the transformation of materials. Use to decorate preschool classrooms and thus encourage the
consumption of these foods, essential for good health. - Draw the vegetables and fruits with
cardboard, approximately 10 cm high. Cut out two silhouettes for each vegetable. - Paint each
vegetable with tempera in the corresponding colors for each one. To make them look better,
trace the contours and some interior details with an indelible marker. - Tear newspaper into
small pieces and crumple them so that they can later be used to fill the vegetables to give
them volume. - Put the two sides of all the vegetables together and make a single hole that
goes through both sides at the top of them. The rope that will support it will pass through
there. different colors.- Place silicone on the inside edge of each vegetable (just a thin thread)
without covering the perforated side so that they can later be filled there. - Fill the vegetables
with newspaper, being careful not to let them come off. Close the upper part where the
perforation is located. - Line the hook with ribbons and tie the macatillos there, one in the
center and two on the sides. Then pass the other end of the strips through the perforation of
each vegetable.
1. Box of a thousand faces
With this box, boys and girls will be able to form fun and witty faces. When you finish the
games, they will be used to store the parts of the faces. Allow the boy and girl to use their
imagination and encourage them to create. - With a brush, apply glue to a cereal box, side by
side, and cover it with bond paper, leaving the top part free, that is, the opening part. - Wait
for it to dry well, place a new layer of glue on the bond paper and cover it with felt. - Make
sure the fabric is taut and smooth. - Wait again for it to dry and trace, with the black indelible
marker, a large oval in a vertical position on one of the wide sides of the box. - Draw the parts
of the face on the cardboard, considering different moods (smiles, sadness, anger, joy,
amazement among others) and glue them on a sheet to make it rigid. Cut them out.
- Cut pieces of Velcro approximately 2 cm long each, and glue them with silicone to the back
of each part of the face. - Allow the boys and girls to assemble the first funny face and help
them store the rest of the face inside the box at the top, which is left open at the end of the

What is education?

Education is the process by which human beings learn various subjects inherent to them.
Through education, we know how to act and behave in society. It is a process of socialization
of man, to be able to insert himself effectively into it. Education is the stage of training of
individuals in which thinking skills and basic competencies are developed to promote
systematic and continuous learning, as well as the dispositions and attitudes that will govern
their lives. Ensuring that all children and adolescents in the country have the same
opportunities to attend and successfully complete basic education and to achieve the learning
established for each grade and level are fundamental factors to sustain the development of
the nation. a good quality basic education, the development of basic competencies and the
achievement of student learning are the central purposes, they are the goals to which
teachers, the school and the system direct their efforts. They allow the personal processes of
individual construction of knowledge so, from this perspective, learning based on the
superficial processing of information and those aimed at retrieving information in the short
term are of little importance. One of the most interesting definitions is proposed by one of the
greatest thinkers, Aristotle: "Education consists of directing the feelings of pleasure and pain
towards the ethical order." The result of this process is also called education, which is
materialized in the series of skills, knowledge, attitudes and values acquired, producing
changes of a social, intellectual, emotional nature, etc. in the person who, depending on the
degree of awareness, will be for their entire life or for a specific period, becoming part of the
memory in the latter case.


 Encourage the process of structuring thought, creative imagination, forms of personal

expression and verbal and graphic communication.

 Promote the maturation process of children in the sensory-motor sphere, playful and
aesthetic manifestation, sports and artistic initiation, socio-affective growth, and
ethical values.

 Stimulate habits of social integration, group coexistence, solidarity and cooperation

and environmental conservation.

 Develop individual creativity .

 Strengthen the link between the educational institution and the family.

 Prevent and address physical, mental and social inequalities caused by biological,
nutritional, family and environmental differences through special programs and
actions coordinated with other community institutions.

Education History
The history of education is limited to the division of the ages of man. At the beginning of the
Ancient Age we must locate the educational conceptions and practices of the Indian, Chinese,
Egyptian and Hebrew cultures. During the first millennium BC The different Greek paideias
(archaic, Spartan, Athenian and Hellenistic) are developed. The Roman world assimilated
Hellenism also in the educational field, especially thanks to Cicero who was the main promoter
of the so-called Roman humanitas . The end of the Western Roman Empire (476) marks the
end of the ancient world and the beginning of the long Middle Ages (until 1453 , fall of
Constantinople to Turkish troops, until 1492 , discovery of America ). Christianity , born and
spread by the Roman Empire , assumes the task of maintaining the classical legacy, sifted,
filtered by Christian doctrine. From the full recovery of the knowledge of Greece and Rome
that occurred during the Renaissance , the new educational concept of Humanism throughout
the 16th century, continued during the Baroque by pedagogical disciplinarism and with the
enlightened culmination of the 18th century. In Contemporary education (19th-21st centuries)
the current educational systems, organized and controlled by the State, will be born.

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