Application To Request Travel Expenses To Eps.

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Valledupar, May 9, 2019

The city

Subject: Right to Petition. - Request for travel expenses and accommodation to

carry out the exams (tilt table test and integrated cardio-pulmonary exercise test)

ROSALBA TORRES MANCERA, identified with citizenship card No. 36,623,400 issued
in Bosconia-Cesar, of legal age, resident and domiciled in this city, by means of this
document, invoking the Right to Petition enshrined in Article 23 of the Political
Charter and the regulatory provisions contained in Law 1437 of 2011 and Law 1755
of 2015, I respectfully request, as mother and/or unofficial agent of the minor,
JUAN DAVID NIETO TORRES, identified with identity card No. 1,066,269,301 I am
recognized for the transportation expenses (travel) and accommodation (if
applicable) that are necessary to carry out the authorized exams 1 In the cities of
Santa Marta and Barranquilla, the previous request is necessary by virtue of the

1. The minor JUAN DAVID NIETO TORRES presents a clinical picture without
diagnosis to date, presenting as symptoms when doing physical activity
weakness, dizziness, headache, decompensation and weakness, these symptoms
also occur when he is in places where a large number of people converge. .

2. As a result of the general medicine consultations, the treating doctor has

ordered specialized tests aimed at determining the correct diagnosis for the
proper treatment of his pathologies.

3. Among the authorized exams are two specialized exams to be carried out, one
in the city of Santa Marta and the other in the city of Barranquilla. The
aforementioned exams to be performed, along with those already performed,
will be analyzed together and are of utmost importance for the subsequent
medical diagnosis.2 .
4. I declare under the seriousness of oath that I do not have the resources to
guarantee travel to the cities where the exams will be performed on my son,
Tilt table test and integrated cardio-pulmonary exercise test (ERGOSPYROMETRY)
The right to diagnosis implies, in short, the determination with precision and sufficiency of the patient's health status and
medical conditions, which constitutes a necessary budget to be able to provide comprehensive care (medical, surgical,
hospital and therapeutic) that responds in the best way to the ailment that afflicts him.
which is why this request originates, aimed at obtaining travel expenses for the
minor JUAN DAVID NIETO TORRES and a companion and accommodation as

5. It is important to note that the scheduling of the appointments has not yet
been made, this is due to the speed with which they are being scheduled -
around a week - so it is necessary to have certainty and security about the
recognition of this document. application. Once there is a positive response, the
respective appointments will be scheduled, the latter with the aim of not losing
those already mentioned, due to the long distances between the city of
residence and the cities where the exams will be performed.

6. It should be noted that the health promotion entity (SaludTotal) has the
obligation to cover the transportation and accommodation expenses resulting
from the authorization of procedures and examinations in areas other than the
patient's home, where such services are not provided. It would generate an
obstacle that endangers the life, physical integrity and state of health of the
patient, in the same way, violating the fundamental rights to health, free access
to the provision of medical services and life in decent conditions.

7. It is important to state that, just as you have duties as a user of the Social
Security Health System, I also know the rights that my son has as a user and/or
patient. Additionally, I indicate that in the case stated, the rules established by
the Constitutional Court in ruling T-309 of 2018 apply, which regarding
“transportation and travel expenses for the patient and his companion.” It already
has a solid line of jurisprudence.

8. The above is supported by law 100 of 1993 Social Security System in Colombia,
law 1122 of 2007 - articles 16 and article 23; law 1438 of 2011 – articles 53 and
121; article 10 decree 1757 of August 3, 1994; and decree 1616 of 1995, among


Due to the above, I request that the request stated above be processed, that is, the
recognition of the expenses derived from transportation, this is due to the travel
expenses for the minor JUAN DAVID NIETO TORRES and for whoever must assume
his assistance during the respective trips ( companion) since it is a minor.


For notification purposes I reside at Calle 32 No. 18E-31, Primero de Mayo

neighborhood, Telephone: 317 246 2460- 321 727 9686.
I thank you in advance for your attention, waiting for a positive response.



DC 36,623,400 issued in Bosconia-Cesar

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