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如果遇到那些 34-40 岁的现在只做这个工作 1-3 年。可以问你喜欢你现在的工作吗? 你之前做什么工作?等回

中国的教师工资很低一个月也许只有 600 美元,在你们国家待遇如何?你有计划未来成立属于自己的学校吗?

IT 网络行业

我有一个朋友也是从事网络开发的,他开发一些游戏,一个月能赚 3-4 万欧元(美元)你呢?你一个月能得到更多


你会做什么多少个国家的美食? 工作环境照片(看看高不高级)你在这个酒店工作多久
主厨 副主厨 主管厨师 助理厨师 根据等级判断。(网上可以查看它的职位)



以上一些职业仅供参考 每个职业都可以按照一些侧面的思维去了解对方、


1.我来这里 X 年了,我发现这里的人都不喜欢存钱,这个是不是真的
4.我每个月都会给 XXX 钱父母,你呢?你平时会给一些钱你的父母生活吗?
5.房子租的还是买的 ,你自己住多大的房子? 如果是租的,你有计划什么时候自己买一套属于自己的房子吗?
月交房租这也是一种压力。比如客户说,我计划下年买一套房子。 我们就可以问,你现在自己有足够的钱买吗?
6,客户有车子,去想办法套客户的牌子,车龄,如果用了很久 我们可以说,你的车子用了这么久,你不计划买
8.在你们国家结婚昂贵吗?在中国结婚可能需要 2 万美元 ,你有足够的钱结婚吗?
10.遇到有野心的,我想未来创造我自己的公司,或者其他的事业事物, 你现在有足够的钱完成你的计划吗?
11.我每个月租房需要 XXX 欧元 。 你的房租这么贵,你自己有足够的钱生活吗?
12.观察一下对方的爱好 生活品质 购物情况


talk about money

Every industry needs to know how long people have worked
If you meet those 34-40 years old, you will only do this job for 1-3 years now. May
I ask do you like your current job? What was your previous job? after reply
Were you unhappy at your previous job? so you changed jobs

(Try to have some hot chat first and then ask this question)
The salary of teachers in China is very low, maybe only 600 US dollars a month,
how is the salary in your country? Do you plan to set up your own school in the

IT network industry

Now the network has an important position in the world, and its future prospects
are well developed.
I have a friend who is also engaged in web development. He develops some games and
earns 30,000-40,000 Euros (USD) a month. What about you? Can you get more a month?
(Try to have some hot chat first and then ask this question)


How many national cuisines can you cook? Photos of the working environment (see
whether it is high or not) How long have you worked in this hotel
Chef Sous Chef Head Chef Assistant Chef Judging by rank. (You can view its position


It needs to look at the type of doctor the other party is, the size of the
hospital, and what department is mainly in charge of

Some of the above occupations are for reference only. Each occupation can
understand each other according to some lateral thinking.

Sometimes there are some managers but they still have a meager salary. Not all
managers are rich.

1. I have been here for X years, and I found that people here do not like to save
money. Is this true?
2. What about you? How do you manage your wealth?
3. When talking about family, ask about the relationship between the other party
and their parents
4. I give XXX money to my parents every month, what about you? Do you usually give
some money to your parents to live on?
5. Is the house rented or bought? How big a house do you live in? If it is rented,
do you have plans to buy a house of your own when you own it? i think each
Monthly rent payment is also a kind of pressure. For example, a client said, I plan
to buy a house next year. We can ask, do you have enough money to buy yourself now?
6. If the customer has a car, try to find a way to set the brand and age of the
car. If it has been used for a long time, we can say that your car has been used
for so long. Don’t you plan to buy a new one?
In this way, we can also see if the customer has said when he intends to buy.
7. See what countries the other party has traveled to. Do you travel once a year?
The other party has been to many countries
Look at which country do you think is very expensive to go there, and ask, this
country is very expensive, how much did you spend there before?
8. Is it expensive to get married in your country? It may cost 20,000 US dollars to
get married in China, do you have enough money to get married?
9. Do you have plans to own your business in the future?
10. When I meet someone who is ambitious, I want to create my own company or other
business in the future. Do you have enough money to complete your plan now?
11. I need XXX euros every month to rent a house. Your rent is so expensive, do you
have enough money to live on your own?
12. Observe the other person's hobbies, quality of life, and shopping situation
13. For example, if you know that the goal is to buy a house, you can ask the other
party whether your goal has been completed now? If you haven't finished, ask the
other party how far away from the goal? Only in this way can we conclude how much
money the other party has
14. Dreams, goals, monthly consumption, contacts around you, whether you have
bought insurance
15. Have you bought your own apartment, I also want to buy an apartment here, but I
don't know the price, it would be better if you can be a neighbor. What is your
ideal price, maybe you can give me a suggestion.

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