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Caracas, February 26, 2010

The Superior Council of the Federation of Bar Associations of the Bolivarian Republic of
Venezuela, in use of the power conferred on it by articles 1, 8 and 50 in accordance with
ordinals 1, 8 and 12 of article 42 and ordinal 5 of the article 46 of the Lawyers Law and 40 of the
Code of Professional Ethics of the Venezuelan Lawyer:




ARTICLE 1: This Regulation will be mandatory for lawyers throughout the territory of the
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

ARTICLE 2: The fees to be received by virtue of the provision of professional services

may in no case be less than those established in this Regulation.

ARTICLE 3: To estimate fees higher than those established in this Regulation, lawyers
must take into consideration:

a) The importance of the matter(s) and/or the services provided.

b) The amount of the matter.
c) The novelty or difficulty of the legal problems discussed.
d) Your experience or reputation.
e) The socioeconomic situation of the client.
f) The possibility that the lawyer may be prevented from sponsoring other matters.
g) Whether the services are temporary, fixed or permanent.
h) The responsibility that the matter entrusted to the lawyer derives from it.
i) The time required.
j) The degree of participation in the study, approach and development of the matter.
k) If the lawyer has acted as an advisor, consultant or attorney-in-fact.
l) The place of provision of the services, depending on whether it is the lawyer's domicile or
outside it.
m) The inflation index according to the indications of the Central Bank of Venezuela.


ARTICLE 4: The drafting of purchase-sale contracts, exchanges, leases, assignments of

credit and shares, purchase-sale options, dations in payment, loans with or without mortgage,
pledge or fiduciary guarantee, limited real rights, marriage agreements, transactions out of
court, construction contracts and others of a similar nature, supplementary titles and in general
documents related to contracts and acts in which a sum of money, effects or equivalent goods is
promised, received, paid or declared, will incur fees minimums on the value of their respective
operations, in accordance with the following cumulative rate:

a) Up to Bs. 1,000.00…………………………………….. 4 UT
b) From Bs. 1,001.00 up to Bs. 5,000.00……………….… 2.5%
c) From Bs. 5,001.00 up to Bs. 50,000.00………………. 2.0%
d) From Bs. 50,001.00 up to Bs. 250,000.00……………. 1.5%
e) From Bs. 250,001.00 onwards………………………… 1.0%
FIRST PARAGRAPH: The sales documents in which an option contract has been
previously concluded must pay the total amount of the minimum fees without deductions for
what is caused by the amount of the option, even when they are drafted by the same lawyer.
For documents that contain several legal transactions, the fees will be calculated taking
into consideration the operation of the largest and 2% of each of the remaining ones.

SECOND PARAGRAPH: The drafting of real estate purchase and sale documents,
classified by the National, State or Municipal Power, as of social interest and drafted by lawyers
at the service of any Public Administration body, will not incur fees.

PARAGRAPH THREE: In lease contracts for a specific period, the amount of the fees will
be calculated based on what must be paid during the term of the contract.

FOURTH PARAGRAPH: In cases of leasing for an indefinite period, the calculation will
be made on the rental fees for three (03) years.

FIFTH PARAGRAPH: The drafting of obligations cancellation documents will incur as

minimum fees fifty percent (50%) of what is established in the first part of this article, and in no
case should the fees be less than 4 UT

SIXTH PARAGRAPH: In surety transactions, constituted in documents separate from the

content of the guaranteed obligation, the fees will be calculated on the value of the respective
obligation. In cases of bonds provided by companies or insurance companies, the fees will be
estimated based on the amount of the corresponding premium, and these companies may make
special agreements with the Bar associations.

SEVENTH PARAGRAPH: When drafting the constitution document for condominiums

and subdivisions, minimum fees will be charged on the value attributed to the properties in
question, calculated at 2.5% and if they are of social interest at 1%. When these documents do
not express amounts, the fees may not be less than 25 UT

EIGHTH PARAGRAPH: In all those documents containing legal transactions or

operations not estimable in money, where the amount of the operation has not been expressly
stated, including certificates, authorizations, justifications, clarifications and similar, the minimum
fees may not, in any case , be less than 4 UT

PARAGRAPH NINTH: Documents drafted by lawyers at the service of natural or legal

persons, with fixed monthly remuneration and their power to authentically demonstrate, will
incur fees that may not be less than fifty percent (50%) of the contemplated in this article as
long as the beneficiary of said documents is the natural or legal person who remunerates the
drafting lawyer.

TENTH PARAGRAPH: The application for registration of Iron and Signs to mark animals
will cause minimum fees equivalent to the sum of 10 UT

ARTICLE 5: If these are printed documents that deal with sales with reservation of
ownership, and are authorized with their signature by lawyers with permanent power of attorney
of the legal entity selling, the professional will receive, in addition to the fixed remuneration as
attorney, minimum fees in accordance to the amount of the operation according to the following
cumulative rate:

a) Up to Bs. 1,000, 00…………………………………. 4 UT

b) From Bs. 1,001.00 onwards…………………………….. 0.75%

SOLE PARAGRAPH: When said documents refer to transfers or sales of vehicles

authorized and/or endorsed by Lawyers with permanent and/or free exercise power, the
following cumulative rate will apply:

a) Up to Bs. 1,000, 00…………………………………. 4 UT

b) From Bs. 1,001.00 up to Bs. 3,000, 00………………... 1.00%
c) From Bs. 3,001.00 up to Bs. 6,000, 00………………... 0.75%
d) From Bs. 6,001.00 onwards………………………….. 0.50%

ARTICLE 6: The drafting of the articles of incorporation and statutes of civil and
commercial companies, whether they are anonymous, limited liability, limited by shares or
commercial consortiums, as well as their merger or transformation, liquidation and partition, will
cause minimum fees on the capital. subscribed, according to the following cumulative rate:

a) Up to Bs. 5,000, 00……………………………………. 10 UT

b) From Bs. 5001.00 up to Bs. 20,000, 00………………. 2.50%
c) From Bs. 20,001, 00 onwards…………………………. 1.50%

SINGLE PARAGRAPH: The drafting of amendments to constitutive or statutory acts,

merger or transformation of companies, registration of branches or agencies of already existing
companies, or other acts of a similar nature, will cause minimum fees of fifty percent (50%) of
the fees. provided for in the rates established in articles 6, 7 and 8 of this Regulation.
The minutes of assemblies related to the appointment of Boards of Directors,
commissioners, approval or disapproval of exercise, modifications of statutes and any other
actions not estimable in money, will incur minimum fees of 5 UT

ARTICLE 7: The drafting of contracts for limited partnerships, in collective name, de facto
partnerships and joint accounts, will incur minimum fees of 10 UT

SINGLE PARAGRAPH: If the document refers to foundations or non-profit civil

associations, of a cultural, scientific or sports nature, it will cause a minimum fee of 5 UT

ARTICLE 8: The drafting of documents related to the registration of personal signatures

in the Commercial Registry will incur minimum fees according to the following cumulative rate:

a) Up to Bs. 5,000.00 …………………………………. 6 UT

b) From Bs. 5,001.00 up to Bs. 20,000.00………………. 2.5%
c) From Bs. 20,001.00 onwards ……………………… 1.5%

ARTICLE 9: The drafting of mandates will cause minimum fees according to the following

a) Powers for judicial, administration and disposal matters…. 10 UT

b) Constitution of commercial factors…………………….……. 20 UT

FIRST PARAGRAPH: When granted by for-profit legal entities, the previous rate will be
increased by 2.5 UT in each case.

SECOND PARAGRAPH: The wording of the revocation of a mandate will cause

minimum fees corresponding to fifty percent (50%) of this rate.



a) The consultation within those hours that the lawyer has set for office will cause fixed
minimum fees of 5 UT per hour or fraction.
b) Consultation outside the hours that the lawyer has set for office will incur a minimum fee of 7
UT per hour or fraction.
c) Consultation outside the office premises will cause a minimum fee of 10 UT per hour or


a) The writing of letters, notes, collections and others of a similar nature will incur a minimum
fee of 5 UT
b) All procedures in courts and public and private offices, in order to obtain data and
information, will incur a minimum fee of 10 UT

FIRST PARAGRAPH: If the procedures are carried out outside the place of residence of
the lawyer, the fees will be increased by 10 UT and the client will pay the travel expenses.
Transportation, accommodation and food will be chosen by the Attorney.

SECOND PARAGRAPH: If payment of the amount owed is obtained, through the

established procedures, without the need for other procedures, twenty percent (20%) will also
be charged on the amount whose cancellation is achieved.


a) Each written report to occasional clients will cause minimum fees in the amount of 10
b) Each opinion with a presentation of background and legal studies of the problem
raised, given consideration of the matter, will cause minimum fees in the amount of
20 UT

ARTICLE 13: The declaration to the National Treasury of the assets of an estate will cause
minimum fees in accordance with the following:

Hereditary Liquid: Percentage:

From 20.01 UT to 50 UT 6%
From 50.01 UT up to 200 UT 4%
From 200.01 UT up to 500 UT 3%
From 500.01 UT 2%


The non-litigious division of the assets of an inheritance or a community, including all
procedures, will incur minimum fees of five percent (5%) on the value of the asset.


The drafting of wills without the expression of amounts of money will cause minimum fees
of 25 UT
When the value of the testated assets is stipulated in money, 5% will be charged on the
amount of the hereditary asset.


ARTICLE 16: The drafting and processing of requests for judicial authorizations related to
property of incapable persons will incur minimum fees in accordance with the following
cumulative rate:

a) Up to Bs. 5,000.00………………………………….. 10 UT
b) From Bs. 5,001.00 up to Bs. 10,000.00……………… 2%
c) From Bs. 10,001.00 onwards………………………… 1%

ARTICLE 17: The drafting and processing of adoptions, disqualifications of adults and
interdictions, recognitions, guardianships and curatorships, will incur minimum fees of 35 UT

ARTICLE 18: Solemn judicial inventories will cause minimum fees on the value of the
asset, in accordance with the following cumulative rate:

a) Up to Bs. 5,000, 00 …………………………………. 10 UT

b) From Bs. 5,001.00 onwards will be calculated…………… 3%
ARTICLE 19: The actions carried out by lawyers in the cases expressed below will cause
minimum fees according to the following rate:

a) Drafting a request for protests of exchange titles, it will be charged based on the amount
contained in said titles cumulatively, according to the following rate:
1) Up to Bs. 5,000.00 ……………………………………………… 10 UT
2) From Bs. 5,001.00 onwards will be charged ………………………… 2%
b) The material delivery of goods according to their value:
1) Up to Bs. 5,000.00 ……………………………………………… 10 UT
2) From Bs. 5,001.00 onwards, will be calculated on the surplus….. 3%
c) Notifications…………………………………………………… 10 UT
d) Authorizations for adolescents to practice commerce………… 15 UT
e) Drafting of documents and processing of separation of body by mutual consent
………………………………………………….. 35 UT
If there is also separation of assets, an additional charge will be made on the value of the
assets in accordance with the provisions of article 14.
f) Assistance in the processing of the conversion of separation of bodies into
divorces………………………………………………………….. 15 UT
g) Legalization of signatures to take effect abroad………… 25 UT
h) Processing of exequatur for foreign acts and sentences…… 60 UT
i) Assistance and processing of naturalizations…………………. 50 UT
j) Processing of expressions of will…………………... 20 UT
k) Request for inspections and expertise………………………….. 20 UT
l) Attendance at the practice of Inspection and Expertise per hour or
fraction…………………………………………………………… 10 UT

ARTICLE 20: Lawyers with permanent powers of consultation for commercial and civil
companies and personal firms will receive a minimum monthly remuneration of 40 UT

FIRST PARAGRAPH: In the case of non-profit legal entities, the lawyer will earn, in
addition to the minimum fees for his or her professional work, a minimum monthly remuneration
equivalent to two (2) minimum salaries.

SECOND PARAGRAPH: If they are legal entities without share capital, belonging to the
Public Administration, centralized, decentralized, national, regional or municipal, the minimum
monthly allocation will be the equivalent of three (3) minimum salaries.

ARTICLE 21: Lawyers serving Private Companies and/or the National, State or Municipal
Public Administration, centralized or decentralized, will earn a minimum monthly remuneration
according to the following rate:

a) Full-time five (5) minimum salaries.

b) Part-time three (3) minimum salaries.

FIRST PARAGRAPH: The Federation of Bar Associations of the Bolivarian Republic of

Venezuela and the Bar Associations are empowered to represent their members in labor
matters and to sign collective agreements on behalf of lawyers, for the establishment of
minimum conditions. of work and fundamentally the fees, salaries and minimum wages, being
able to propose, discuss and sign agreements with the State, with public or private

SECOND PARAGRAPH: The Bar Associations are empowered to enter into agreements
with lawyers, for the provision of professional services in the Free Legal Assistance Program.

ARTICLE 22: The study of the case, drafting of the libel and processing of the divorce
and separation trial by ordinary means, until the final ruling will cause minimum fees of 80 UT
In the case of exercising resources in another instance and appeal in cassation, the fees
will be agreed between the lawyer and his or her client.

FIRST PARAGRAPH: For the case provided for in Article 185-A of the Civil Code 60 UT

SECOND PARAGRAPH: If the separation includes assets of the conjugal community, 5%

of the value of the asset will be charged in addition to the previous sum.

Rectification and insertion of Civil Status records
a) In summary procedure……………………………. 30 UT
b) In contentious proceedings………………………….. 40 UT
c) Insertion of civil status records……………………. 30 UT

ARTICLE 24: Upon request for authorization from one of the spouses to separate from
the common home 50 UT


1) Counterclaim in divorce matters: study, analysis and challenges of the divorce application, or
study and analysis of the written counterclaim, until a final ruling
…………………………………………. 80 UT
2) Drafting of a request requesting certified copies from the competent public authority, or
certification of photostats upon presentation of the
original……………………………………………………………………. 15 UT
3) Request for certification of liens………………………… 15 UT


1) Request to enable books on commercial matters………………. 15 UT
2) Authorization of foreigners to carry out trade………… 25 UT


ARTICLE 27: Request for the delivery of a motor vehicle that is detained at the order of
the prosecutor's office, criminal courts or inspectorate, due to a traffic accident and other causes
60 UT


ARTICLE 28: Requests addressed to the Court for the Protection of Children and
Adolescents, to request judicial authorization to alienate and encumber assets of children and
adolescents, will apply the same rate as in Article 16.

SINGLE PARAGRAPH: Requests directed to the Court for the Protection of Children and
Adolescents will incur minimum fees, as follows:

1) Application for adoption……………………………………………….. 60 UT

2) Annulment of adoption……………………………………………… 60 UT
3) Affiliation………………………………………………………….. 60 UT
4) Save ……………………………………………………………. 60 UT
5) Removal of guardians, curators, pro-tutors and members of the guardianship council
…………………………………………………………………… 80 UT
6) Divorce or annulment of marriage when one or both spouses are teenagers
………………………………………………………. 80 UT
7) Maintenance obligation……………………………………… 80 UT
8) Deprivation, extinction or restitution of parental authority……….. 100 UT
9) Guardianship procedure ………………………………………….. 70 UT
10) Authorizations required to celebrate marriage…………………………. 40 UT
11) Family coexistence regime ………………………………… 60 UT
12) Authorizations required for parents, guardians and curators…. 40 UT
13) Insertion, rectification or deletion of items related to the civil status of children and
adolescents …………………………………… 50 UT
14) Action to protect against facts, acts or omissions that threaten to violate collective or diffuse
rights of children and adolescents… 100 UT
15) Authorizations to travel……………………………………………… 40 UT


ARTICLE 29: The Bar Associations or the natural or legal persons, duly authorized by
them, are the only ones authorized to collect within their respective jurisdictions the minimum
fees indicated in this regulation, for this purpose, special settlement forms will be printed, in the
that at least the following mentions will be noted:

a) Names and surnames, number of the lawyer's Inpre-lawyer and identification of the client.
b) The nature of the act.
c) The amount of the operation, if it is estimable in money.
d) The amount of fees to be paid.
e) Place and date of the expedition.
f) The percentage corresponding to the school and,
g) Signature of the collector and seal of the collection office.

A copy of these forms will be attached to the document for proper presentation and
acceptance by the corresponding authorities; another copy will be for the lawyer who drafted the
instrument, through which he will pay his fees; A third copy will remain in the possession of the
collection office and a fourth copy in the possession of the client.
Each document must bear, in addition to the lawyer's visa, the seal of the Collection
Office, which will indicate:

a) Collection office.
b) Total amount collected.
c) Signature of the collector.
d) Any other indication or reference that the Bar Association considers necessary.

FIRST PARAGRAPH: Fees for drafting documents will be paid in the College in whose
jurisdiction they must have their legal effects. The Treasury of each College will pay the lawyers,
in the periods agreed upon by its Board of Directors, what corresponds to their fees paid, after
deduction of ten percent (10%), in accordance with the previous articles. However, when the
fees are settled in full in a different jurisdiction where the document will take effect, only the
percentage corresponding to the College will be required.
The Collection offices will receive in full the entire established fees, and in no case may
they accept only the payment of said percentage.

SECOND PARAGRAPH: The Bar Association of the territorial jurisdiction in which the
action that causes minimum fees in favor of a lawyer who does not belong to it must take effect
will immediately send the proceeds to the Bar in which said professional is registered. , and for
this purpose it will be indicated in the respective form of the collected amount, the receiving
College will only be able to deduct the percentage established in the First Paragraph of this
article and the remission expenses, accompanied by the corresponding receipts.

THREE PARAGRAPH: Citizens, Judges, Registrars, Notaries and other public officials
will not process the documents presented to them without filling out the details contained in this
regulation. Violation of the provisions of this paragraph will be considered a serious breach of
professional ethics.

ARTICLE 30: The Bar Associations will allocate two percent (2%) of the gross amount
received as minimum fees to cover the Free Legal Assistance program of the people who are
eligible for this benefit.

ARTICLE 31: The Bar Associations will allocate one percent (1%) of the gross received
as minimum fees for the Federation of Bar Associations of the Bolivarian Republic of
Venezuela, as a contribution in accordance with the provisions of Article 52 of the Lawyers Law,
to whom it will pay quarterly in arrears, within the first five (5) days, the associations and
delegations that appear mentioned in Article 42 of the Lawyers Law, will obligatorily provide the
Federation with the Report and Account or Balance at the end of the fiscal year, which was
presented to inform the Assembly by the Board of Directors in the immediately preceding year.
The Federation will determine its fees quarterly with a view to said report, dividing the fee
corresponding to each College into four (4) quarters.
When the Federation is unable to obtain from the Colleges the necessary information on
the gross income obtained through minimum fee percentages, it will proceed to determine the
estimated amount.

SINGLE PARAGRAPH: The Federation of Bar Associations of the Bolivarian Republic of

Venezuela will allocate twenty-five percent (25%) of the contribution received from the Bar
Associations, as minimum fees in accordance with this regulation, to cover the coordination
National legal aid program.

ARTICLE 32: The following are exempt from payment of the fees established by these

1) The lawyers and their spouse in their corresponding share.

2) The ascendants, descendants and siblings of the lawyer or drafting lawyer, in their
corresponding share.
3) People who are covered by the free legal assistance program of the Federation of Bar

Once the request is approved, the Board of Directors will stamp a seal on the margin of
the document with the expression “EXONERATED”, below which the Treasurer or the person
authorized by the Board of Directors will sign.

ARTICLE 33: The Bar Associations will appoint the fee prosecutors that are necessary to
monitor strict compliance with this regulation, without interfering with collection functions.

ARTICLE 34: Lawyers who have permanent representation of their client must inform the
Board of Directors of the respective Bar Association in writing, accompanied by a copy of the
power of attorney.

ARTICLE 35: Lawyers who fail to comply with the provisions of this regulation are
considered violators of the rules of discipline and professional ethics and consequently the
sanctions that may apply will be applied, including the officials indicated in the Third Paragraph
of the Article. 29 of this Regulation.

ARTICLE 36: In the lawyers' offices, in the court hearing rooms, in the public offices
before which documents and acts included in these regulations must be processed, a visible
copy of the same will be placed.

ARTICLE 37: The Board of Directors of the Bar Associations are responsible for strict
compliance with the provisions of this regulation and are authorized to resolve any doubt that its
application may raise. Likewise, they are obliged to distribute the national internal regulations on
minimum fees among lawyers free of charge, for the purpose of their application.
ARTICLE 38: The agreements and agreements entered into, duly authorized by the
Federation of Bar Associations of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, with commercial,
industrial organizations and banking associations, prior to the validity of this regulation, will
maintain their absolute validity.

ARTICLE 39: The only body empowered to draft, reform and promulgate the internal
regulations of minimum fees is the Superior Council of the Federation of Bar Associations of the
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Said body may, at the request of at least five (5) solvent Bar
Associations, request that the Board of Directors of the Federation proceed with the adjustment
and reform in each quarter of the year of the amounts established in this regulation, in
accordance with previous studies and based on the inflation rate set by the Central Bank of

ARTICLE 40: The National Internal Regulation of Minimum Fees, approved in the
Superior Council of the Federation of Bar Associations of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela,
in Caracas on the twenty-sixth (26th) day of February 2010, is thus partially reformed.

ARTICLE 41: This reform of the National Internal Regulation of Minimum Fees will come
into force as of April 1, 2010.


Reviewing the internet, this good fee model appeared:

Citizen XX carried out a purchase and sale transaction of a property with a value
of 80,000,000, oo Bs. The calculation is as follows, it is of course carried out with
the cumulative table that you transcribed

a) up to Bs. 500.000,00…………. 3.5 UT. (Bs. 37,632.,00) or Bs. 131,712.oo

b) of Bs. 500,001.00 to 2,000,000.00…. 2.5% Bs. 37,500
c) of Bs. 2,00,0001.00 to 5,000,000.00 … 2% Bs. 60,000
d) of Bs. 5,000,001.00 onwards…… 1.5% Bs. 1,125,000
Bs. 1,354,212

For the first 500,000 thousand bs. You will receive the amount of 131,712 bs.
Corresponding to 3.5 UT and the rest will do it cumulatively, reaching the
account of 1,500,000 bs. For 2.5% it is 37,500 bs. These amounts give 2,000,000
bs. Which are those expressed in literal B, until now you are charging only for
that amount. For literal C you take out the remainder which will be the amount
of 3,000,000 bs times 2% is 60,000 bs. These 3 amounts are a constant in the case
of documents that exceed 5 million bolivars. Now we go with literal C as the
operation is 80,000,000 bs. And you already collected the previous 5,000,000, you
get 75,000,000 bs. 1.5% is 1,125,000. bs.
Note: The value of the tax unit must be taken into account for the date the rate
is applied.

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