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Operating Procedures Manual

Crane handling procedure


CSMS .004

Effective since: / /
Operating Procedures Manual
Crane handling procedure
Prepared reviewed Approved Version 1
Validity: / /
CSMS Coordinator and CSMS CSMS CSMS General
Code: CSMS 004
Field Supervision Manager Coordinator Manager manager


This instruction applies to the operation of Amazonic C&C and should be used by mobile
crane operators.


Correctly and accurately operate the crane to carry out your work at maximum productivity while
maintaining high levels of safety.




1. RESPONSIBLE ............................................................................................................. 3

2. DEFINITION ................................................................................................................... 3

3. REFERENCES ............................................................................................................... 3

4. GENERALITIES.............................................................................................................. 3

5. DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROCEDURE......................................................................5

6. VALIDITY ................................................................................................................... 25

7. ANNEXES ................................................................................................................... 25

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Operating Procedures Manual
Crane handling procedure
Prepared reviewed Approved Version 1
Validity: / /
CSMS Coordinator and CSMS CSMS CSMS General
Code: CSMS 004
Field Supervision Manager Coordinator Manager manager


Establish the safe procedure, in the maneuvers of the heavy machinery operator, to control the
risks that are present in the activity, protecting the physical integrity of people and also
protecting the good condition of the equipment and materials that are used.


 The team's Operations Supervisor is responsible for the review, application, compliance
and updating of these instructions.
 Crane operators are responsible for their operation and compliance with the safety and
productivity standards established by the
management operations.


 None.


 None


The mobile crane is a machine that involves high demands due to the diversity of movements
that must be combined and controlled at the same time. Safe and proper handling requires
responsibility and skill from the operator.

The crane has been designed exclusively to be used to lift loads vertically, pulling or dragging
diagonally is not permitted. From the hook. The use of only equipment authorized by the crane
manufacturer is permitted in order to guarantee its safety.

Currently the company has five cranes which are detailed below:

Equipment : Crane
Brand : DEMAG
Series : 01829
Ability : 70 TN
Model : TC 180
Color : White
Feather : Lattice

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Operating Procedures Manual
Crane handling procedure
Prepared reviewed Approved Version 1
Validity: / /
CSMS Coordinator and CSMS CSMS CSMS General
Code: CSMS 004
Field Supervision Manager Coordinator Manager manager

Equipment : Crane
Brand : P&H
Series : 01829
Ability : 60 TN with patece
Model :Omega
Color : Yellow
Feather : Telescopic

Equipment : Crane
Series : 872054/1
Ability : 20 TN
Model : TMK 45 -22
Color : Yellow
Feather : Telescopic

Equipment : Crane
Brand : GROVE
Series : 40234
Ability : 20 TN
Model : RT-620S
Color : Cream
Feather : Telescopic Hydraulic

Equipment : Crane
Series : 127120
Ability : 30 TN
Model : 30 – B HD
Color : White
Feather : Lattice

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Operating Procedures Manual
Crane handling procedure
Prepared reviewed Approved Version 1
Validity: / /
CSMS Coordinator and CSMS CSMS CSMS General
Code: CSMS 004
Field Supervision Manager Coordinator Manager manager


5.1 Pre-start procedure

At the start of the shift

 Participation of operators in the safety talk given by SUCO supervisors, in which they
will be informed of the existence and content of the CSMS Operating Procedures and
the Contingency Plan, in the same way they are informed about the specific dangers of
the operation and the means to minimize risk.

 Planning of the work to be done during the day, in which the AST must be recorded with
the details of the work to be done on the day that will be signed by the head of the base
before the work, the delivery of an authentic copy to the main database of the company
and a simple copy to the Operation Supervisor of the equipment in the field.

 Before operating the equipment, the operator is required to complete the Check List that
will report all unsafe conditions or equipment failures. This Check List is available on the
same computer.

5.1.1 Movement

The maneuver of moving the crane on its tires is known as TRAVEL. This movement is only
possible if the superstructure and chassis are locked. Whether the boom is in the correct
position or radius and whether the support system is fully raised.

 Confirm the exact location where you should go with the company's operations
coordinator or base manager and with the SUCO supervisor.

 When moving the crane, brake very slowly to avoid bumps.

 When moving the crane to distant radiuses, be aware of overhead obstacles, signs,
lighting towers, etc.

 Check that the travel area is free of obstacles

 The crane is only allowed to move with the help of 2 supports on the ground. The
people authorized to support the movement of the crane can be: Two available
operators, One operator and Industrial Safety Inspector or Assistant, Yard Technician
and Supervisor, Industrial Safety and Technician, Yard Supervisor and Port
Coordinator. One should go forward and the other behind or on different sides.

 Request the support of the 2 guides and contact them via radio, verifying that they are
on the same channel, after testing communication.

 Make sure the boom is horizontal.

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Operating Procedures Manual
Crane handling procedure
Prepared reviewed Approved Version 1
Validity: / /
CSMS Coordinator and CSMS CSMS CSMS General
Code: CSMS 004
Field Supervision Manager Coordinator Manager manager

 The leg must be secured with chains to the structure of the Crane to avoid swings of the

 Place the superstructure and chassis in a longitudinal position.

 Check and confirm that the superstructure and chassis are locked (caked).

 Pick up the stabilizers.

 Verify that the support cylinders are fully retracted.

 Perform loudspeaker and whistle test.

 Select travel service mode, move the lever to the zero (neutral) point. This lever has 3
forward and one reverse gear positions, so that when travelling, the speed increases
from 1 to 1 until reaching third. All this according to the need for movement that the
terrain demands.

 If terrain conditions require it, install four-wheel drive.

 Wait a moment (30 sec.), until you feel a small traction push. Pull the ring forward or
backward again. Slowly loosen the brake lever. When the crane starts moving, it is
possible to connect the next stages of travel for higher speeds, using the travel lever.
Speeds range from 1 to 3 and increase as the terrain becomes favorable for movement.

 Pay attention to the guides' instructions and demand that they inform you of any
instructions in advance.

 If audible or visual contact with the person or movement guide is interrupted,

immediately stop moving.

 Pay special attention when passing through narrow places.

 Move very slowly.

 The oblique inclination during walking should be a maximum of 2.5%. Ascents and
slopes maximum 6%.

 Displacement service is permitted only up to thrust grade 9. In case of even stronger

wind thrust, it is necessary to park and support the crane.

 Moving with load is prohibited.

 It is not allowed to leave the crane in travel service.

 Carry out accelerations and decelerations one by one and slowly, taking into account
the maneuvering area, avoiding sudden braking that could cause bumps.

 Verify that the terrain of travel is compact and supports the weight of the crane and its
load together. If necessary, level and compact the ground.
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Operating Procedures Manual
Crane handling procedure
Prepared reviewed Approved Version 1
Validity: / /
CSMS Coordinator and CSMS CSMS CSMS General
Code: CSMS 004
Field Supervision Manager Coordinator Manager manager

 When moving with the supports extended, consider the momentary width of the crane.

 When making turns or curves, keep in mind that when cornering to the right, the front of
the crane turns to the right, but the rear moves to the left.

 Always remember to apply the handbrake when parking the machine.

5.1.2. Location of cranes on docks

 Mobile cranes must be moved to the docks before or after the vessel docks. It should
never be mobilized in the middle of a docking maneuver.

 Before starting to move the crane, check that the path is clear and free of obstacles.

 To locate the crane on the docks, the area determined for placing the crane must be
verified, taking into account the measurements (length and width) of the crane,
considering the supports or jacks.

 The soil compaction conditions that support the weight of the crane plus the estimated
operating weights.

 Verify the correct location of the sheets where the supports or jacks will be positioned
on the dock floor.

 When entering the Dock, do so slowly without forcing the crane.

 When the crane arrives at the work site, four sheets mentioned above must be located,
two on each stabilizer on the internal side of the dock (land side) longitudinally.

 Verify and confirm with the personnel in charge of positioning maneuvers whether the
sheets are in the correct position.

 If you confirm yes, proceed to stabilize the crane manually, verifying that there are no
obstacles in the surroundings.

 Upon receiving the crane stabilized light signal, check the support level and make the
necessary correction.

 Never move the crane over terrain that is not capable of supporting the weight of the

Location of the figure in a Bay different from the current one

The mobile crane must be moved from one bay to another on a vessel, during an operation, for
which the following procedure must be taken into account.
 Establish permanent contact via radio with the person responsible for the transfer to
move the crane.

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Operating Procedures Manual
Crane handling procedure
Prepared reviewed Approved Version 1
Validity: / /
CSMS Coordinator and CSMS CSMS CSMS General
Code: CSMS 004
Field Supervision Manager Coordinator Manager manager

 Upon receiving the instruction to change bay. Check the area where you will locate the
boom. You must take into account the area that the crane would occupy on the boat
and that there are no obstacles in the path.

 Position the boom longitudinally towards the side to be moved. Lock the superstructure
with the chassis.

 Untip the tow truck. If the movement is short, perform the tipping movement semi-
automatically, verifying that there are no obstacles in the crane's path. You can also do
it manually.

 Mobilize the crane to the requested bay, taking into account the procedures established
for this purpose. The following risk situations may arise during this trip. Below we cite its
due procedure.

 FROM THE RAMP : Verify that the ramp towards the boat is safe and supports the weight
of the crane.

 OF THE BOAT : Verify that the deck of the boat can withstand the weight of the crane and
has no cracks and require that wooden slats be placed on the deck of the boat where the
crane will circulate; you must also ensure that the boat is in operation. and making force
towards the bay.

 FROM HELP : Secure the crane with a cable to a front loader which will provide support at
a minimum distance of 20 meters.

 FROM THE POSITION OF THE CRANE: Check the available space in the boat and
accordingly, if necessary, place the boom in the opposite direction to the direction of travel
and move in reverse. Inform the front loader operator and the person responsible for
moving the crane via radio, notify each situation and confirm with them that they are aware.
If required.

 Use the same procedure to unload from the crane to the new Bay.


 Before starting operations, check the surroundings and evaluate possible risks.

 The crane operator must not allow the presence of people around the operational
maneuvering area for any reason.

 There should be no personnel sleeping in the operating radius of the crane during night

 The signalman must warn the operator of the possible risks when going to work.

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Crane handling procedure
Prepared reviewed Approved Version 1
Validity: / /
CSMS Coordinator and CSMS CSMS CSMS General
Code: CSMS 004
Field Supervision Manager Coordinator Manager manager

 If a failure occurs during operation, immediately suspend and report to the technical
staff. If this failure is repetitive and the crane does not offer guarantees, immediately
notify the Equipment Operation Supervisor, who will indicate the measure to be taken.

 All movement of special cargo must be supervised by responsible personnel, both on

land and on board.

 A maneuver with a load with poor stowage must be aborted if it does not allow balance.

 The crane operator must notify the technician in charge of any anomaly detected in the
operation of the crane.

 The operator must have the greatest possible coverage of the work area; if he does not
have it, he must rely on the signalmen.

 The location of the trucks must be in such a way that the operator does not lose sight of
at least 2 sides or edges of the truck.

 When making horizontal movements without direct vision of the load, ask the signalman
to be aware of the situation and take extreme safety measures.

 The signalman is obliged to evaluate possible operational risks, and to promptly warn
the operator and other people involved in an operation.

 If the maneuver to be carried out is very risky, stop the operation and call the maneuver
planner and the equipment operation supervisor in the field.

 Do not allow personnel to be under the load.

 Do not carry out unauthorized maneuvers.

 During the operation, do not take risks, always call the Equipment Operation Supervisor
in the field and the company's base manager.

 When operating the crane and working with other cranes next to it, maintain a safe
working distance.

 Request information about the load: Weight, measurements, lifting points, center of
gravity, each lifting point has its load contributing point, separation of the lifting points
(not less than five meters), diameter of the lifting eyes and width of the lifting point
(sheet), these measurements must be in a plane of the piece with side, front and top

 Confirm the maximum and minimum distance that the piece can be removed from the
gunnel of the docking side (port starboard) to the center of gravity of the piece.

 Confirm if the discharge is going to a low bed, that it has the capacity to support the
weight. Define the exact place on the low bed where you will place the piece. Exact
location of the low bed according to weight.

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Operating Procedures Manual
Crane handling procedure
Prepared reviewed Approved Version 1
Validity: / /
CSMS Coordinator and CSMS CSMS CSMS General
Code: CSMS 004
Field Supervision Manager Coordinator Manager manager

 If it is direct to the dock, check the supports and distribution of the load contributing to
the dock to confirm the capacity of the dock. If it is to a barge, confirm the exact place
where the piece will be and that it is free of obstacles.

 Carry out tests with each of the cranes.

 Perform simulation with a separator that has a distance similar to the distance between
the lifting points of the respective load, taken at each end of each of the cranes.

 The simulation must be carried out with the operators and signalmen who are going to
carry out the maneuver.

 Verify separation of the cranes according to the dock, establish the minimum distance
that must exist between the crane stabilizers, always leaving two meters as a margin of
maneuver between the stabilizers.

 Check if any special equipment is required and if it is available, if not, calculate time to
obtain it in advance.

 Make a list of each of the required accessories and that they are duly certified, visually
and physically verified (inspection, measurements and conditions).

 Instructions for lifting, turning, and lowering the load must be made clear.

 Check the presence of electrical cables and respect the minimum distance to keep
these cables according to their voltage.

 Check space between any obstacle and the turret counterweight when the turntable
rotates. There must be a span of no less than 2 feet or 60 cm.

5.2 Starting procedure

The start-up procedure is done by the operator at the beginning of each shift after completing
the pre-start procedure.
 Ask the technician on duty or maintenance personnel the operational status of the
crane and if you can proceed to start.

 If they confirm that you can proceed, do so as follows:

 Start the engine: Turn the central computer key located next to the right rear tire,
then open the ignition with the key located on the right side of the control panel.

 Press the start button until the engine is fully on.

 If it does not start immediately, the button must be left pressed for up to 20 seconds.
If 20 seconds pass and you cannot start, you must wait a three-minute interval to
repeat the process. If the engine does not start on the second attempt, immediately
inform the maintenance personnel (technician on duty).

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Operating Procedures Manual
Crane handling procedure
Prepared reviewed Approved Version 1
Validity: / /
CSMS Coordinator and CSMS CSMS CSMS General
Code: CSMS 004
Field Supervision Manager Coordinator Manager manager

 Check that the correct voltage is registered on the meters.

 Activate the main switches.

 Verify that the air pressure reaches the necessary level (120PCI).

 Activate the work lights power switch (I) if it is night operation.

5.3 Funcionality test

Before putting the equipment into operational service, functional tests must be carried out on all
systems and their correct functioning must be verified.


They are located on the main board.


Be sure to remove the turntable lock, it locks and unlocks the superstructure.

5.3.3 Slewing (Rotation)

 Before starting the turn, verify that there are no obstacles or people in the radius of
action of the superstructure.

 The turning movement (slewing) is carried out simultaneously and corresponding to

the movement of the lever. This means that if the lever is pulled upwards, the
superstructure must rotate to the right. If the lever is pressed downwards, the
superstructure must rotate to the left.

 Check and verify the proper functioning of the turntable brake pedal (second pedal
from the left).

5.3.4 luffing

 The luffing movement works in accordance with and simultaneously with the movement
of the joystick, this means that if the lever is moved forward, the boom moves forward
(down), if the lever is moved backwards the boom will move. moves backwards (up).

5.3.5 Boom

 Check the correct operation of the boom. Climb up to maximum height. Go down to the
minimum level.
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Crane handling procedure
Prepared reviewed Approved Version 1
Validity: / /
CSMS Coordinator and CSMS CSMS CSMS General
Code: CSMS 004
Field Supervision Manager Coordinator Manager manager

 Check boom up and down speeds and full height alert operation.
 Verify proper operation of the boom angle meter.
 The boom consists of four bodies, making it easier to move the crane as well as operate
in confined spaces or with aerial obstacles.

5.3.6 patize

 The maneuvers of raising and lowering the boat are carried out using the lever located
in the cockpit (second lever on the right side of the rudder).

5.3.7 Ball

The maneuvers of raising and lowering the ball are carried out using the lever located in the
cockpit (first lever on the right side of the rudder)

5.3.8 Work lights

 They are the main lights of the crane which are used for night work.

 To start these lights, the button identified with the drawing of a light bulb is selected
on the right dashboard. When you start them, an LED lights up indicating that the
lights have been started.

 Towards the left on the same board is the button to turn off the lights, identified with
the letter O. Simply press it to make the LED light up indicating that the lights have
been turned off.

5.4 Operational Procedure

It is the execution of the work itself and the different means and ways of doing it. The different
procedures are listed below

5.4.1 Speed change procedure

The cranes have two operational speeds, which are used according to the need for the work to
be done.

Hare or fast speed

 The hare or fast speed is the one achieved using the ball that is used for light loads which is
used according to the company's standards up to loads of 4 Ton. which is commanded by
the first lever on the right side of the rudder.
 When hare is selected, the lifting and lowering movements of the loads are rapid.

normal speed

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Crane handling procedure
Prepared reviewed Approved Version 1
Validity: / /
CSMS Coordinator and CSMS CSMS CSMS General
Code: CSMS 004
Field Supervision Manager Coordinator Manager manager

 This speed is used for maneuvers with heavy loads, and with reduced maneuvering space
or for very delicate loads that are handled with slings. This speed is used under hook or

 At this speed it is manipulated from the second lever located on the right side of the rudder.

5.5 Procedure for loading containers

When loading containers, a series of conditions must be taken into account that determine the
performance of the operation, the difficulties and the precautions that must be taken.

 Initially, planning must evaluate which side is most convenient for docking the vessel,
and in this way facilitate the operator's work.

 A loading operation begins when a container is taken from the land side and taken to
the ship, leaving it correctly located in a designated space.

 Establish communication with the skipper or maritime supervisor.

 Ask and identify loading or unloading priorities.

 Verify that there are no obstacles when performing each maneuver.

 You must have full knowledge of the loading plans, that is, how many containers are
going to be loaded or unloaded. This information must be provided by the employer or

 Carry out loading from the outside to the inside in order to have a complete view of the
container, greater safety and efficiency.

 When the truck or loader with the container is located near the crane, bring the boom
closer to the container, combining the rotation movements and controlling the pendulum

 Lower the pressure slowly until you get the ok signal. of the signalman.

 Lift the load only when you receive the order from the manager or signalman that the
load is correctly secured.

 If it is too unbalanced, you must lower it to the ground or on the truck itself and
compensate for it, moving the hook towards the heavier side of the container.

 Combine rotation movements, according to the position in which the container should
be located.

 Raise the container to a height where it cannot hit any obstacles in its path, bringing it to
a central position with respect to the crane.

 If the container to be located is the first in the load, bring the container closer to a height
of 10 cm from the place.
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Crane handling procedure
Prepared reviewed Approved Version 1
Validity: / /
CSMS Coordinator and CSMS CSMS CSMS General
Code: CSMS 004
Field Supervision Manager Coordinator Manager manager

 When you are sure that the container is completely at rest and exactly on the indicated
place, lower it slowly until you get a sign of agreement from the signalmen.

 Confirm with the skipper or signalman if it is perfectly located in its 4 lower buttplates
and the position is as planned.

 If they confirm that it is wrongly located.

 Lift gently and correct for signs. and lower it very slowly until you get an OK signal.

 Wait for the signalman to confirm if the container is correctly located.

 Combine the rotation movements according to the need and move the pate towards the
next container to be loaded.

 To load the following containers that are attached, bring the container you are carrying
closer to the container that is already located on the boat.

 Gently lower yourself to about 20 cm. of the slats where the container will be located.

 Luffing outward until containers lightly touch

 Align the ends by giving them a little rotation according to the need, and the signaller's

 Once you are sure that the container is at rest and well aligned, lower it gently following
the signalman's instructions, until you receive the ok signal.

 Wait for the signalman to confirm that the container is perfectly located.

Load with zero line of sight

When loading with little or no visibility, that is, the operator does not have direct vision of the
place where the container will be located, all slow and precise movements must be made
following the signalman's instructions, always look at the signalman remembering that he is the
one He has direct vision and is close to the objective.

 Initially consult with the shipping planner if it is possible to move containers that prevent
the crane operator's visibility.

 Carry out the load using direct support from the signalman's instructions.

 Do not underestimate the signalman's instructions.

 Do not make any movement if you lose communication with the signalman.

 If you have doubts about the signalman's instructions, stop the movement and make the
respective observation. If you are a repeat offender, request the change.

 Maintain permanent communication with the signalman and demand responsibility.

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Operating Procedures Manual
Crane handling procedure
Prepared reviewed Approved Version 1
Validity: / /
CSMS Coordinator and CSMS CSMS CSMS General
Code: CSMS 004
Field Supervision Manager Coordinator Manager manager

 Make all movements slow and precise.

 For added concentration, keep a single radio on and tuned to the crane's operating

5.5.1 Download from containers

For the container unloading operation, the location of the containers must be taken into account,
whether it is covered or visible. You must also evaluate the condition of the boat (listing or aft).

Unload containers from deck

 For the unloading operation on deck, all the conditions of the operation are evaluated in
search of optimal performance, taking safety into account.
 An unloading operation begins when a container (cargo) is taken from the vessel and
taken to the land side (approach), placing it on the truck or on the ground.
 Check the best location of the vessel from which the containers will be unloaded in
order to have the best vision and make the most of the crane's lifting capacity.
 Confirm with the signalman and/or the unloading supervisor that the trucks are
positioned next to the crane in such a way that the doors of the container to be
unloaded are at the back of the trailer without having to constantly use the rotating
 Containers must be unloaded from the inside out (land side to river side), in layers, if
the unloading plane allows it.
 Determine the necessary working radius according to the weight of the containers to be
 Move the pallet towards the container to be unloaded, combining rotation movements
according to its need and location.
 Lower the pedal until you get the ok signal. of the signalman, verifying that the four
strobes are in place.
 Check and confirm with the signalman if the container is completely unlatched.
 If it is completely unstrapped, lift gently and verify that it is not unbalanced or that it is
still secured in some of its points; otherwise, lower yourself slowly and ask the
signalman to order compensation.
 It is advisable to give it a little rotation towards the side that was compensated, so that
when lifting the container it does not move towards the side that was compensated and
in this way avoid possible accidents.
 Lift the container vertically until it is clear of obstacles, then lift it up with the foot.
 Combine the rotation movements, describing a straight path during the boat's journey
towards the approach.
 Once you have left the boat work area, you need to go down looking for the location of
the truck.
 Check the location of the truck, if it is within reach of the tow truck, otherwise notify the
driver or supervisor to relocate it.
 Verify and confirm that the truck is completely stopped (still), in stand bay, ready to go
forward. The cab of the truck should be facing the outside.

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Crane handling procedure
Prepared reviewed Approved Version 1
Validity: / /
CSMS Coordinator and CSMS CSMS CSMS General
Code: CSMS 004
Field Supervision Manager Coordinator Manager manager

 If the container to be unloaded is 20 feet, the platform is long enough so that it can be
maneuvered and positioned correctly. The 20-foot container always fits in the back of
the truck.
 If the container is 40 feet, it is advisable to tilt it a little towards the side of the truck
cabin to avoid tripping over the truck cabin.
 If the platform is ready, lower the container by gently approaching it until you get an ok
 Raise the foot and continue the unloading operation.
 If, when unloading the container onto the truck, the driver starts without you having
unsecured it, immediately raise and lock the winch to try to counteract the sudden
movement. Use the whistle and loudspeaker to warn dockers and drivers.

Download with zero line of sight

When unloading but with zero visibility, that is, the operator does not have direct vision of the
place where the container to be unloaded is, all slow and precise movements must be carried
out following the instructions of the signalman. Remember that the signalman is the one who
has direct vision and is close to the objective.

 Initially consult with the unloading planner if it is possible to move containers that
prevent the crane operator's visibility.
 Download using the signalman's instructions directly.
 Do not underestimate the signalman's instructions.
 Do not make any movement if you lose communication with the signalman.
 If you have doubts about the signalman's instructions, stop the movement and
make the respective observation.
 Maintain permanent communication with the signalman and demand responsibility.
 Make all movements slow and precise.
 For added concentration, keep a single radio on and tuned to the crane's operating

5.5.2 Large cargo movements

Cargo movements are delicate operations due to their large size, therefore they require slow
and precise movements.

 Confirm with the signalman that all load securing devices have been removed.
 Verify that the load to be taken is not stepped on with another load, container or
several. Ask and confirm with the signalman which is the first load you should take
 Verify that the route and the place where the load will be located is completely free
of any obstacles, people or vehicles.
 Order the load to be secured with winds from each end to control the position of the
load when it is in the air and thus guide its location when unloading to the ground.
 Check and confirm that there are no moving obstacles or people on or around the
load. Wait for the signalman to tell you the respective indication.
 Gently lift to verify that the load is completely free.

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Field Supervision Manager Coordinator Manager manager

 Upon confirming that the load is completely free, continue to climb slowly vertically
if there are no obstacles. If you have obstacles, make the necessary movements
slowly, until you overcome the highest level of containers.
 Make the turn (rotation) to the side with fewer obstacles.
 Carry the load gently to the place where it will be located.
 Verify that the people who own the windages are giving the correct location to the
load to lower it.
 Slowly lower the load to 20 cm from the ground and ask the signalman if the load is
in the correct position to lower it to the ground.

5.6 Special loading operation

 With the mobile crane, oversized non-containerized loads (loose cargo) can be moved.
 To carry out any loading, unloading, loose or oversized load movement, the lifting
capacity of the equipment must be taken into account. For this consideration, verify the
following aspects:
 Weight of the load.
 Load volume
 Type of load and center of gravity
 Radius (distance from crane to load).
 Accessories to use for taking the load.
 Crane speed.
 Type of accessory according to the load to be moved and the mooring points.

5.7 Hook operation

Direct operation with the hook and slings (guayas, chains, etc.) is carried out when the load to
be moved is very heavy, delicate or the mooring points are very close to each other.

 Identify the type of load, weight, volume, mooring points, center of gravity, exact
location, crane capacity.
 Identify the person responsible for the maneuver (supervisor, planner and Field
Equipment Operation Supervisor)
 If the unloading is done from a motor vessel, follow the following procedure:
 Place the crane in front of the bay where the load to be moved is located.
 Verify and confirm load weight with signalman and shift supervisor.
 If the load weighs more than 30 tons and/or there is confusion in the maneuver due to
there being no established mooring points, the defined center of gravity must be carried
out in the presence of the Equipment Operation Supervisor in the field.
 According to the weight, calculate the maximum distance that must exist between the
crane and the load.
 Always allow an approximate 10% excess lift capacity tolerance for the load.
 If the crane has a lifting capacity equal to the weight of the load, make slow movements
so that there is no alarm for overweight. If there is an alarm for overweight, do not
continue the maneuver and reconsider the situation.
 Verify and confirm with the person responsible for the maneuver that the ropes, chains,
accessories (separators, shackles, hooks, etc.) are adequate, that they have the
capacity to lift the load and are in good condition.

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 Lower the hook to floor level for the stevedores to attach the slings.
 Verify that the eyes of the guides or rings are well located on the hook. Do not allow
them to be placed on the hook tips.
 Do not allow them to place the guides in a “U” shape or with the hook and eyes facing
down. If you do not have visibility, confirm with the signalman that this situation does not
 Confirming that everything is okay, raise the hook until the lower end of the ropes or
chains clears the obstacles.
 Confirm with the signalman the exact position of the load.
 Move the hook by combining rotation to the point where the load is, after inspecting the
displacement area.
 Slowly lower yourself to the top of the load and follow the signalman's instructions.
 Confirm with the signalman that the stevedores hold the ropes and distribute them to
the tie-down points in order to avoid damage to the cargo
 Go down slowly according to the signalman's instructions.
 Confirm with the signalman that there are no loads adjacent to the one to be moved. If
they exist, take the necessary measures in common agreement with the signalman or
supervisor in charge of the maneuver. Otherwise, do not make any movement. They
must mobilize and clear the area.
 If you have doubts about the center of gravity of the load, all obstacles that are less
than two meters away from the piece must be removed.
 Do not make any movement without confirmation from the signalman.
 If the cargo has attached containers, you must mobilize them before proceeding to
unload the cargo.
 Only when you receive the order to raise, lift gently without the load leaving the floor
 Check if you have visibility and confirm with the signalman that the guides are well
located when tensioning and that they are straight.
 Only vertical upward movement is allowed, never pulling or dragging the load
 Confirm with the signalman that all personnel have removed themselves from the cargo
and its surroundings.
 If the load is very heavy (30 / 40 tons), make sure that the piece has a retained line
(guys) in its corners and the respective stevedores.
 When taking off from the ground, lift it up to about 30 cm from the ground. Wait for the
load to stabilize and pay attention to the signalman's instructions.
 If you can continue, lift the load until you overcome the obstacles by combining slewing,
luffing and moving to the approach or low bed.
 Be very careful with retained lines or winds, as they can become snagged; they should
only be released when passing from the boat to the dock or picked up if you have to lift
the piece and pass it over the containers.
 Go down slowly when they confirm that you are in the right place.
 Lower slowly until the guayas relax little by little.
 Wait for the stevedores to remove the ropes from the mooring points.
 Lift gently, verifying that the ropes or shackles, as the case may be, do not get caught in
the same load.
 Confirm with the signalman that the 4 tips are joined together (to avoid whipping of one
of the tips) to finally lift completely.
 Lower the hook to ground level so the stevedores can remove the rigging (chain
guides). In case you don't have to download more parts.

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Field Supervision Manager Coordinator Manager manager

Extensions (guayas, chains, stalks) are also used for handling oversized loads that are
containerized or loose cargo of large volume and weight.

5.8 Tandem operation procedure

This is a special operation that requires the use of two cranes, due to the dimensions of the load
or because it exceeds the loading capacity of a single crane. For this purpose, the following
steps must be followed: Before the arrival of the motor ship, pre-operational meeting and
readiness, during the operation and after the operation.

This is an operation that must be carried out in daylight and stable environmental conditions (no
rain and wind speed less than 10 mt/sec).

5.9 Maneuver

 The operation chapter for special cargo contemplated in these instructions applies.
 Suspend operations on the vessel (cranes and/or ramps.)
 Verify that the personnel participating in the operation are in their maneuvering
 Remove personnel not involved in the maneuver.
 Locate the boom of the first crane at the assigned lifting point, confirming the verticality
of the guides.
 Locate the boom of the second crane at the assigned lifting point, confirming the
verticality of the guides.
 According to the instructions of the person in charge of the maneuver, go down until the
stevedores secure (hook) the piece to the guides.
 Verify and confirm with the person in charge of the maneuver that the shackles are well
secured (screwed up to the stop) or the ropes are well hooked.
 Proceed to tension the slings on each crane.
 Verify that personnel are removed and located at the points of wind tension if they have
 Visually verify that there are no deformations of the rigging. Continue the lifting
maneuver by slowly raising the 02 cranes simultaneously until the piece is lifted. Keep
in mind that when lifting the piece completely from the surface you must immediately
control any strange movements of the piece caused by the center of gravity and
unbalance of the boat.
 Suspend the piece for five minutes in the air at a height of 20 cm, check the rigging and
mooring points.
 The stability of the piece is sought in such a way that one side is not higher than the
 This reference must be kept by each operator to carry out the next lifting step. The
operator must maintain the horizontality of the piece, always following the instructions of
the person in charge of the maneuver.
 If for any reason the communication is interrupted or there is interference or too much
noise, the maneuver must be suspended and corrective measures must be taken.
 Only the movements indicated by the person in charge of the maneuver should be
carried out.

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Field Supervision Manager Coordinator Manager manager

 If you have any suggestions or comments, please inform the maneuver manager before
proceeding on your own.
 Once the piece has been stabilized, it is lifted one meter above the surface, according
to the instructions of the person in charge of the maneuver, always maintaining
 Verify that there are no obstacles in the surrounding area to make the corresponding
turns of the cranes. If they exist, you must proceed to raise it one meter above the
 Before making the turns, verify again that the piece is stable, the guy lines or guide lines
are secured and grabbed by the stevedores.
 To remove the part from the motor ship and move it towards the dock, a single crane
initiates the turn and the other must follow the corresponding instructions.
 The order of whoever initiates the turning movement must be given by the person in
charge of the maneuver and give the necessary instructions to the person in charge of
the second crane to keep the piece stable and the cranes with the necessary load
capacity, avoiding sudden movements.
 This selection of starting the swing movement is based on the length, volume, position
of the part and the cranes.
 Crane operators must only follow the instructions of the person in charge of the
 When making the corresponding turns of the cranes and moving it towards the dock,
the piece must be lowered to a height of one meter above the surface where it is to be
unloaded and placed in the unloading position.
 Due to the delicate and heavy nature of the piece, the piece should not be moved from
one side to the other looking for unloading objectives.
 If the unloading is towards a low bed, it must move in reverse towards where the stable
piece is and be located under it.
 According to the instructions, lower the piece and place it on the marks on the low bed
or in the place marked for unloading.
 The descent should not be sudden or rapid. It must be gradually decreasing the tension
in the guides of each crane and at the same time without one supporting more weight
than the other.
 Only when you are authorized to release tension is when the piece is completely
located on site and the guides must be loosened so that the stevedores can disengage
the shackles or hooks or guides from the lifting points.
 Check that all lifting points are free and lift gently, avoiding the guides from getting
caught on the same piece.
 Once the ropes are released, they are taken to the floor so that the stevedores can
remove them from the hook and finish the maneuver.


1. The mooring points of each of the cranes cannot have a distance greater than four meters
from the ship's side.
2. The loading tackle for each crane must be designed to be attached directly to the crane
hook and must not be longer than 10 meters between the tie-down point and the hook.
3. The minimum distance between the mooring points of the piece must be five meters.
4. The load around it must not have any other type of load or obstacle to operation at least two
meters away.
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5. Download directly to the platform.

Note: Depending on the limitations of the cargo, it must be located on the deck longitudinally
(parallel to the gunwale) and not exceed four meters from the gunwale.

5.10 Preparation and Location of the cranes

 Confirm the hauling team that will receive the piece is in the area with the driver, his
assistants, wood, accessories, measuring tape, manila, etc.

 Confirm that it is on the bed and lower the marks where the piece should be.

 According to the location of the load on the motor ship, the cranes must be located,
separating them according to previous calculations.

 The sequence of movements of each crane must be supervised and executed by a

single person in charge of the maneuver, who must be identified by all the people

 Verification of communications, testing of radios, frequencies, spare batteries on hand.

 Verify and confirm that the piece is unlocked (there are no welded elements between
the boat and the piece).

 Verify that the lifting points do not visually present cracks.

 Confirm separation measurements of the lifting points.

 Preparation of equipment according to the requisition list: forklifts, baskets, ladders,

safety belts, ropes, etc.

5.9 Procedure to terminate operations (parking)

At the end of the mobile crane's work day, you must follow the following procedure:

 Check with the operations center if the crane has any pending operations, if so, proceed
to move to the indicated place according to the procedure.
 In the event that the crane does not have a pending operation, move it to the parking
space, (DEFINE PARKING SITE) after consulting with the equipment operations
supervisor in the field to define under what conditions the crane needs, for example,
stabilizers at the level of the floor, boom to ground, etc.
 When you arrive at the parking space, check that there are no people or obstacles in
the surrounding area.
 Verify that the crane has been properly tipped using the drop level.
 If you have to level, do it manually, making sure the tires are clear of the ground.
 Raise the spreader or hook to its maximum height (until the swich limit is activated).

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Code: CSMS 004
Field Supervision Manager Coordinator Manager manager

 Turn off base radio

 Turn off work lights if in night operation (O)
 Turn off the cable reel switch (O).
 Turn off the spreader switch (O).
 Turn off the hydraulic pump switch (O).
 Turn off the main switch.
 Turn off the main engine (diesel) by turning the key to the off position.
 Go to the machine room and place the battery selector (Q80) in the off position.
 Inform the technician on duty that the tow truck is in the parking space.

5.11 Safety rules

Before leaving the crane unattended, the operator must:

 Lower any load, basket, lifting magnet, or other device to the ground.
 Disengage the master clutch.
 Secure travel, swing or swing devices, boom brakes, or others.
 Place the controls in the off or neutral position.
 Apply the corresponding brakes to avoid any accidental movement or start.
 Before closing the switch or starting the engine, the operator must ensure that all controls
are in the off or neutral position and that all personnel are clear of the scene.
 If there is a power failure during operations, the operator must:
- If practical, place the load suspended on the ground.
- Secure all brakes and locking devices.
- Move all clutches or other power controls to the off or neutral position.

 The operator must know the equipment and how to properly care for it. If adjustments or
repairs are necessary, the operator must promptly notify the designated person, and
must also notify the next operator.

 All controls must be tested by the operator at the start of a new shift. If any of the
controls do not function properly, they must be adjusted or repaired before beginning

 Each stabilizer must be visible to the operator or signalman during its extension or

 Every crane must have a 6 kg ABC type fire extinguisher; the operator must ensure that
it has the correct charge and the safety pin.

5.12 Lifting and handling of load:

 No crane shall be loaded with more weight than specified in the table of rated load
capacities, except for testing purposes.
 Only loads should be handled according to the equipment capacity table.
 When lifting, the surface on which the crane is operated must be stable and firm. The
crane should not have more than 1 degree of inclination.
 Before performing a critical lift, the operator will be responsible for planning the
procedures to be followed and documenting them in a lifting plan format.
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Field Supervision Manager Coordinator Manager manager

 The operator will not abandon the controls while the load is suspended.
 If the load must remain suspended for a considerable period of time, the operator must
prevent the drum from rotating in the direction of descent by activating the brake. The
boom lifting brakes will be set, and the dog will be applied, if applicable.
 The operator will test the brakes each time a critical load is handled by raising it a few
inches and applying the brakes.
 The cables must be in good condition. When dealing with multiple lines, the lines should
not be wrapped around each other.
 Never allow a person to stand or walk under hooks.
 No load should be handled in the crane cabin, except when specified by the crane
 The hook must be placed over the center of gravity of the load, in order to prevent it
from swinging when lifting.
 Under no circumstances should cranes be used to drag or release (unclog) loads.
 Under no circumstances should the drum have less than three turns of cable.

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 Use the horn to warn others of your presence, especially when driving with a load.
 When two or more cranes are used to lift a load, a designated person will be
responsible for the operation. This person must analyze the operation and give
instructions to all personnel participating in the operation.
 The unladen crane must travel with the boom at a low height and aligned with the
direction of movement.
 When a crane is moving with a load, a person must be assigned to direct the position of
the load and boom; the route; speed and movements. To control the movement of the
load, a safety line must be used, except when its use constitutes a danger.


 Never operate the crane while intoxicated, under the influence of drugs or
medications that cause drowsiness.
 Only attend to the requirements of the operation.
 Never leave the crane when it is energized.
 Don't take risks. Support yourself with the supervision of equipment operation in the
 Require compliance with safety standards from all personnel involved in the
 Demand that all your equipment be inspected before operating it, be cautious.
 If you observe any type of anomaly during the operation, report it and have it
 The operator must not engage in any practice that distracts his attention while
operating the crane.
 The operator will refrain from using the cell phone during the operation of the
equipment. This includes stopping an operation to answer the cell phone.
 The crane operator must use personal protective equipment corresponding to the
 The speed limits established for the area must be observed.
 An operator who is physically or mentally incapacitated must not operate the
 The operator must respond to signals made by the person directing the lifting
operation, or by the person designated to make the signals. When a signalman, or a
person following the crane, is not needed as part of the operation, the operator will
then be responsible for the lifts. However, the operator must obey signals to stop the
operation at all times, no matter who gives them.

5.13 Equipment out of service

To operate a Mobile Crane safely, it is necessary that it meets a series of conditions inherent to
the machine that allow reliable, efficient operation with maximum safety. The following
conditions render the equipment out of service.

 Low engine power

 Main motor over speed
 Main motor overheating
 Low oil pressure, audible alarms
 Excessive oil and coolant leakage
 Very low fuel level
 Low battery charge (engine does not start)
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 Engine belts that are too loose, missing or worn

 Diesel engine is constantly secured
 Main switch is constantly secured
 Hydraulic pump is constantly ensured
 Cable reel is constantly secured
 Cable reel loses automatic tension.
 Excessive hydraulic leak.
 Cable with excessive wear.
 On speed in operational movements: slewing, hoist, luffing and travel
 Travel address does not respond
 Uncalibrated brake system. They do not open or close (travel, luffing, hoist, slewing)
 Excessive hydraulic leakage in general (travel, proping)
 High temperature of the hydraulic system.
 Strange knocks or noises during operation.
 Work lights out of service (night work).
 Counterweight derailed.
 Support system without function.
 Constant audible alarms.
 Operator's chair in poor condition and does not allow safe operation.
 Base radio out of service. If you don't have a manual radio.
 Water leakage in the operator's cabin that affects electronic equipment.
 Crane with less than 70% of lights in night operation.


This document will come into force from the day following its publication date.

Change Report
See. 0

Edition history*:
See. prepared Revised approved Vig. Date

*Only the last 3 modifications are shown.

 None

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