Business Model Canvas

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Business Model Canvas

▸ What is BMC ?
Is a business tool used to visualize all the building
blocks when you want to start a business, including
customers, route to market, value proposition and
1. Value proposition
• Newness
• Performance
• Customization
• Getting the job done
• Design
• Brand /status
• Price
• Cost reduction
• Risk reduction
• Accessibility
• Convenience/ Usability
2. Customer segment
• Mass Market

• Niche Market

• Segmented
3. Channel Phases
• Awareness
• Evaluation
• Purchase
• Delivery
• After Sales

4.Customer Relationship
• Personal assistance
• Dedicated personal assistance
• Self-service
• Automated services
• Communities
• Co-creation
5.Revenue Streams

• Asset sales.
• Usage fees.
• Subscription fees.
6.Cost Structure
This is essentially all the most important costs
for operating your business model.

• Cost driven.

• Value driven.
Types of costs

Fixed Variable
costs costs

7. Key activities
The key things that you need to do in order to deliver
your value propositions to customers.

Categories for key activities

1. Production.

2. Platform/ network.
8. Key resources

o Physical resources.

o Intellectual resources.

o Human resources.

o Financial resources
9. Key Partners
Important steps to keep in mind:

• Right Partnership Agreements.

• Defining Expectations.
• Win-Win situation.
Types of Partners

• Strategic alliances.
• Joint-Ventures.
• Buyer-Supplier Relationships.

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